HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-07, Page 844•••••••••444•444.144A ;q:‘,;-•;;;ade, 4 110\V, :Old. We 11;1\ ;2' i varlet:v. Tllt. early „ hul...-cr will have Tilt'? hest $ 1-1. • ti t t1 I II1onov till \\',.• ;tiro' Cipz.;e prices. 4 TfiF ZI.TR Ir171 T EFAL.D • ••. • Tire, , 41441P44.+KA 1p a1t Nw *4•4•••••44-...-ieed T . 11.. if •••••• :•; .. f. r: .,..‘, . .t, , t.. k. tt. 4 • (IRFAT 334001) PUREE SYSTIi'M liCt ULATOR Will cure the most aggra- vated form of Dyspepsi4 and Indigestion. Tt will eon rect. -That Full Feelinij g' After Voting," Nervous 1-letultiolle. Sour, Stomach and Phattlenee. Why suffer when a cure if; gliarfUlte('-d? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT 01.00. nvorwovd, ays: "1 WEIS unable to get any relief from Asthma ana Stomach Trouble until using Our Native lierbs,,' JOH EUMART, AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS Cot ..d '-d• Sole Proprietors, 1, '.` MONTREAL, CAN. 4 t • -P . ArAVNI ,I, A,', si. .4,4. A I. -.,, •• •,. , .,,,,, , , „.., ...,:A! ‘vork last week. ?..,on.st.itu, son of Regis it pr -..'11r ViSiTillg his relatives fhb: Ltighbt whooCi. Mr. Ily. 'falhot had a Tory sae. .-I3y -,1V5•;,, it Way VI (*lit a al. A 11.0%11,01' (i. fritIllik tU4Sts.111141-ql al tlw ID.Itto of Mr. E. Snowdon ;1.11(.11 a -IN. I e'l•Il)1`11 71.11.01. TA F,?! 0 itroinireil. whiell eon ret•itat 1,0,gt;,,, • %Viir,a,1117unto.e Ilud. a•t-t,r•-. 'ALIN.' ging! • 101 ( .4'tX111.)`1.t"fL I. I 7.tt. t i.1! 1: ,ok a • k••,L • ••••tIO last r ..; '...irott.• Mi.,. 01,• vttt ;4.4 a IP° 1 1.Vitli ;:t 'kir'. NI. II. r Co. ,t1, 1/.. N.71 t..1131*.r, PO* %.!" %IV. AI ; rtt; ...At to, riq, it 7:41' Nt.,01, - • ••• •••••••,..,* ••••••••••• • • ••••• •••••A • • • &11.JC1)11 it; A tite,t UT; af:11 9 ode Pq•Dramild Cut.ter ‘," 1" t. 0 V. Kcii; „.„ JAI 0.--) eLreifir;'•-t ;a -ad/ • 171,; • . IT: • A fft`•-. • Aid - Chopping done evevy Titesdalf Fieiday. SATISFT iARMITED Mill -3 14th 11'01... :C. Kalbfieisch Zurich P. O. j • •• . • , MV..*:c4114114,,- .••4"- • •: .,ttr 72.Cittoto • . n.ditata . •••4".:- !7,d :41,10/tall t• t- Agl.." nroo, eg •• .0•4416). • 11. HILL SGREEN .• Vtigg tt?,g'..)1•• C.-(1 ' •71 g - • :.172 .11.1 t • • • 11;1 '• • • "• t T:4°. C • -1 • - ^ ' 4 ‘dirV4?...5 41" 04) • ' ' bC:21 Vii6MrOatta • • ' • Cat- : '7 ':.•,• C, .7 a:2 72-dotkkr,.:--s,i;J'2!„,.;o1A i. 1 t..ett - •, • . Cat,,,Iti,at•st • Unt. •' • it7 .•-.. - • Cr;PVS1).411..,E • .t. ..,i,da, . c -A 7 . riC't t-.. Tt.v.1,4 th,r, r. :etir-rtit 'C1- , . ,'te 1.2. •- Tr.trrner Z:z fl'dy .Y. ft a voltting 1%).r• T1: v • •-.r.trzit wri-telt;',1 at ott ly 111'4 *.•A 47:4; Art 1r L.Sro.--nn %vas fri.• gale! day •tJrik)t t tt-ity village r in business tine 1" s. ▪ VI na Dc,n,,iny. who is epag- r3 ?driP -Of the 7,:larvellodbd ttie.s7 4t- Dv. lat2Sc.f.% ,1t, • 1:7 "A!! •C : 7 : , 7. ...L. F. A. EDWARDS' E3!G A N A.RY S A L F.7 ISNOWON 41•,••••••••••••••••,AnkrIA414.4oc• it is impo:*.i.hlo to here mention but v. fow (F( the ninny exceptiona1 values being given. You need to come to SC flu., goods and jirlees. $1.00 Beaver.; in Blaolr. and Navy for „ :wets Cloak tugs -wero anti f or Bt'tt'Vrri4 7,\.; ow's your oppovtunity to proenre goods for tt Nutt ut ridiculously low prieos. F. A. E DW A Fe Ds BA YFiELD ElEMAITMEffisIdleKMENERIMINMEMF.. FmE,,mr1 was 1i9tening to -what was trans- piring below. when the young; man bad Relished his szT.,' and 'performed ,• his part of the program, thy girl . Hirer% iter arms artranti his noek • and witli u kis titld him, •• y4 ,n'i.t. the light of iuy lifo. .A .-- sed•outi thyry was hoard Prune our t ho light tind Emanuol anioliert is .41 flit. tko iis.t hut Al` 1.0.-.111? It/ wt 1`,,11:1t1,.... -**..)j. 1I prityl...a..edi Va irt t;.n-t ,n MY, ,• tong boil) 1,..8tod row. 1.••••• d tit. Ity•st Itt Hi::: tr'-n..-hip. l'eitkty to Iasi a tot n. I t 4C, TraCAT2:,* tialt.on.yd at tia• 49fNIP., :and StR•it•I: *.v*, t! sport itt anti t•.'hen 111.1,1441,q1. • 1.1411....11L With I !at.. tit:. titattLint.t. sinti %rd.. St.! • tor *t,1 W. 4.4, 99 CANA AP„: II EU/ -S. • t. of W..shers and Wringers 1•114.4nnura,4.4•4•141:11.1444444. • of the very best makes,at the Big Hardware, which will be sold cheep. It will pay you to call and see them before buying else- where. W7heu you call, don't forget to have a- look at the Stove Pipe RadZator it leads all other Stove Drums .444.4•1241r=1.1•9•3•44 All kinds of Hardware, •Tit. ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Glass, Granite and Silver- ware, will bc sold cheap at THE BIG HARDWA E sun Main Street... .5.11MLU9 Zurich, Ontario.. dir ; Ai:- • .41,•f, +la •• ' "•''` The Kir You Wai Bill )eads Sale Bills Note Heads Envelopes Circulars Etc. Etc. .DER YOUR PRINTINI ,744114AWat .4r,,) • :Elmo:1\z HERALD Zu lch E'- . ' • '1111'f;r.,•••' ,• • g r •. • • "•!4•ACi, ▪ t' , t n'A•, ' • ' ' 212, 11 • • : • • •-t! ". Bilt rtill.r.rir„ •-2,•',", Ir;:ig?" 11', •A 741-% I ig'Tir"7,," `g‘ 21.1`,Uv null 1 r,,gn itt,; a "..."..•tv. Le a'ir oe, i!na4 ti:o !nu F-tfto.;;;.- vr,. 4-t.2 t7.1 ...zrit • tr:: 074 • Ae."2.7:!••!'"^4 t :O.,' • 747 ..1117-1Ci 3.;11:ci i1fth- 't.A t,7'. . -.?';;1 1.2 4 P' • tilt III. .i:- t-' 1 if 7:11",, C-',1\11.,•41` awl +1.aiit-ny su•-•-dins 0711,,a,T.7..d,,ae. the tnini 13-n.24yr,, !J I1 IV' Nerrt.-e Watt )el --y hti, thd, f.111C1 Ay, Ettilels, tap thItt hp...teak al/12 lilreArealh pdPOlysis prohllet.tilf -40..."•.•••14- - -44o4.4. sni-t.etsistt,-.7.... Put . 7/07.rniine* 'i -ay yd:ai abra.37 I saw yt-41 !a.4. itt34-titainty.•%-ttr “Nrs Po. Ihnr tell ycya, 11II wife: Ztt It. i3d103,.; (d Nzativr- Diattsza1 (It ;Anil fitet tv,z141 prr-rt nsr, tlitry s:--..tmr9 1. thin). and Iota.; IA 11 1eittl:.ti t bank. Larrn and trtsirirts itoolt that ba1 fa:4A%. ont of ltiP month. whin 1 1.-hlame. Its gtf.•ftt shi-niT let 1,11e tell ye. DePre-' AJ n% 17700P1lkS1111002tes TILP Great Ehglish 744S'Sfy, Sold and recorem e:attc.3&V alt druggists in Canada. Only refl. 't-sediame discovered. ,Sil gaaranteal to euro 64ting oz sexual weakness-, all offsets of abuse ad' esreessi Mental worry. E2eessive use of To- bacco. Opinntor Stimulants. Mailed:on receipt of price.arte pctekage sib Sir, VI *lie vitt please, Care. Pamphlets free to sty nadre4e. The. Wood Company,. 11,/mdsors Ont. WOOtrS PhOSI)110dille Wild. in Dr. (..1's ?''-rt' rt .!.‘"11.6,1r. 1.136 rvt3-f-stOrf-ztiVo anti 1,10o,1 lirtsfs of r-af*--5.1 Lt llflphrz;.: tms 1-1,511:4111'.61g. (4reeltztri71.• ln,1 • thoreughl ib111, tt:-. anti overecoori,fr CV- cents a boa. all eittaltit:g. . era ▪ Trir_,Lia, • '`..* .P alt Zurich. IT Dr. Buchanan. DrIrTost sten .::efl! ••••••-• ••••- •IA -'r'-'-'. •4 • •42•44/4.44 At, • a* el. •-•-••• 4:4,-.4a.,•••••••••••••••••••••••••-• AnotA444 Ross.cur SAWS AXES HORSE SLANKETS BELLS AND FUR ROSES A 1 %-ortiat ;.11,,A olitypti'brrILA!' LIM' t"$1.11P,41. .41444.4414-114044••=4".e414{14,=.41•144•1114081•44.104•10.4 '\ kilk; of Tinsmithing yiwct irtlet:.e Harness We give Value For Little Money Cmy_ Haraiwar- and ritarcies Emporium. ZURi0H, OiVr. t1-1. At_ During the month of February we shall endeavor to clear out as umeh Winter 134,odsas possible: so in order to do so., w, win give Special va/uPs in all lines, WOOA/ ISLIVA K= TS TWEE DS DERWEAR DRESS GOOD MZN1SHEAVV OAPS ETC. Call and 4VE1 these (4-oods as it will be profit for you to (i() so. Remember The Old Stand tet --....44•••••+44 ath zu