HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-07, Page 7nvapw..1,0•114*, .az Z4dc, .161,/,- 6-n4e, 3.ceice,22L 4.1•Malootlaysammaarmittnawleadnemnamso 4. 41.Th Co fill f411) et, A Pretty Irish Romance. 144 -11. -1.41.4,41 -4-•41-44.414444144.4.4-1•++.1•444.1. 1-11• 4 4* . "On the contrary," Lady Darner you confided to me. And-/ want to says, vivaciously, "I believe she Ilea I know what parted him and Gillian." softened his heart to much an ex- Damer says, her tent -he was pleased at Your atten- ! steel -bright eyes burning like fires in I her haggard white face. -Clan to her, it was very good of you, really, Bingham -that I believe you I "Yes, I no," Lacy says, doggedly, with hi3 hands thrust in his pockets there in the corner without speak - ,can get. him to promise yon a.ny- ' ' thing, if you. only go the right witY and his eyes downcast. "They were Lng or moving, tetaring out through to work! He promised to awfully ,spoony-in love, I mea.n- the window into the, darkness' with a ' hid cigar, tad raised his hat an inch or two. .011 ! Hew d'yet do !' he said, with the coldest indifference ht his tone teat ita °oak! well Lawim, lookiog aeide even while he spoke to lier ; and at that moment a 1111111 11101 hint, call- ing out : 'George, its that you ? I've been looking fur you everywhere !' Alba sait17`I was twice at your of- fice this afternoon, Dalru:y-,' and inoved a1(1B 111 earnest conver- out tea with this ot her person without to emelt as another glance al Gillian. '1 never saw a man be- have in each a manner to a evontata before," Laey says, indigneeitly--"to a girl he knew wall had loved him so dearly. I used to like George Ar- cher very well -I must say I could have knocked him down with pleasure and kicked him afterward." "Always supposing you NVer0 able," Lady Darner sneers again. "Well, what happened next ?" "Sho turned around slowly like one stunned," Bingham Lacy says in a low tone, more as if be talks to him- self than from any hope of interest- ing his auditor, "and as she StINV me she caught me by the arm. 'Cap- tain La,eye she said, 'take. me away. Take me away -somewhere.' "A train came up beside us at the same instant, and 1 hurried her and myself into an empty carriage and the train went 0I1 and we saw no more. of Geroge Archer. "But -the *poor child poor little Gillian, I declare I think she went mad for the. time. being. She eat and hrotymrly to her ; to pity her, and relieve her from her promise .of marriage ; and I premised her faidh- fully 1 woul I be just what She -wish- ed um to be, and nothlrig more, promised her -on my honor." "Certainly," Lady Deaner assents,. co(dly. "Bo whatever She ages you to be until she return to her tienSe.S. 'You haven't, taken leave of yours, I suppose ? I wish. - that per- son had stayed wherever he went, If IL _were at the bottom of the At- lantic! In any case, I trust Miss DeftWI. has (I(?P.oney enough to not make very many confidants respect- ing this insane passion of. hers for a man who dues not reciprOca.te it In the least I I shall be Utterly' dis- graced if this story etimit to her father's ears, to say arything of that shrewd American woman I" "It will not come to her father's ears" Lacy says, quietly, "and, Aunt Jeannette, I hope I can. trust you to remember I have epoken to you in confidence. You will understand, however, that I cannot discuss any marriage settlements or arrange- ments with Gillian's fathitr, at present." (To be Contimrede Speaks of a Trouble that Af- A MOTHER'S WARNING. hots Many Young Girls goin- s cpt ib,,,L3 Four Good More Common Than Short, Stories. the L . Country Kind .v=0. !Icon the shoe businiess and whose (mine Ls assoehtted watn it hap- pened to be one of it little supper BUT THEY DON'T SQUEAL . . pozty after the theatre on. Saturday . (Chicago Chronicle.) • nig,ht. Ciao of the other !guests Was. • . a young woman who is described by • A saloon -keeper who imcently was her friends as "iiiirloy" , and witose swindled out or a stnall sum of inoney .sootal ambitions are such that by means of an ancient deviee felt H4143 r6kielltijd' t" eh" ina'n's llre" nut011 more keenly the disgrace than sence; thettga his wealth is large Dad Las rnanareis good. She directed sev. he did the loss. In lila embarrassment oral shafts at hint durtag vim even - he explabied to the 'pollee officer to lug, which he • apparontly overlooked have been here forty years, and to ate amid; . gleans. This tinuloyed her and finally 1111401 to the amusement of the other whom lie confided Ills troubles, "1, think that this should happen tu "I frequently wear your shoes." ine.--Ine u mark, me a etickr.' "Yes,' he Sald, iive-cominittally. Indignation was increased to a large that .1 thimilt of it; 1 wish you would have a pals" of the ILIA I uotally get "On, Yee,' she cootItaued, "and now 1.1; Ls' elear that the. salloonkeeper's extent by his vanity. iie had tient to, .nly house to -morrow.' in a great city a lifetime, and it, was "CertalltlY,' said tto bikoo moa• cillfiLiult fur him 1.0 realize that. Cale know just what you wear, and to make sure remembering, I will tft) hi:mated could be a useker and a just note it down : So-andeSo, intcrk. Yet is the 'Irian were knywu one pnir of walking tinoes, size six, aud aeltheowledged would 1.14 fuuou extra. wide.' that talent are us many marks anti The young woman drew her feet, suckers .tne green. cities as there which were large, well under her tire in Inc comi.ry, and pruipau* skirts and left the shoe man alone for the. rest ef the evealeg. --- A. certain member of Parliament has expressed a pronounce& disbe- lief in must of the wonderful tales told of tu..* pricovity of cloillren. Ile contends. that 1.111) stories are usu- ally manufactured by older persons, with ties etdo ooktat of making amus - lug readlinr. Wee ACNVI..th,", however, his theory receives a teeth:we; vomething 111 Lie own F'S.tAtal-it, 111111 he von- lesses that he lute cume. across Fame genuate 'tumor 1.1.1 sumo uxieonscious witticisms. Only sueli was brought to his notice, reeently. titztiday sel,,o0,01 exam:nation was totispit-ituLtr,iyisi4:1,n :and the examiner put wit!.10. eves. with. Jethro?' r, piped up from the baelr. of the. 1,;101:Iioeveleg a long sikiad. a little "Teta del Moves tio fin* a living • " P...i 1,0 :tiara, 1.1,11.e Or Jetter.' ° inure. The unsophisticated countryman is a, vety shrewd. Witiivi..ual 111 uunipari. • 50111 with away ut ti,.. iiaiith.o.intfri 01 :settle ten thousand of Gillian's slut was, at all events, poor little white, wild: face, until we came to : the cities. 110 s0m4Aiusis 10 lis into gooney specially on you, because you soul, and it has nearly broken her Victoria, and then she leaped up sud- 1 1 Headaches, Dizziness, lieart Palpi- temptation, and 1101. illirttlil...11,1,y -paid 'Mintie'-such a 00.1ue I - some heart, Aunt jeanuette.a5 (hotly, is stparatx.1 .r.21.1 11 u11141 41 S0111 oi me out I Let me ou compliments and made her latogli I" "Has the young lady, who is your '"Let t I' she , cation, FlekleAppetite and Vallor sn.id, and she tugg-il at the door the Early teyeepttotts of nicilivY, hat Z16 U. rule 1.1; lue-ses are handle. 'Let ma out,' she kept 011 re - promised wife, -confided to youthat her love affair with Mr. Archer has 'nearly bi•oken lier heart?' " asks Lady Damer, with scornful incredul- ity. "I Should knotty it if she never confided a word to me!" Lacy bays, steadily. "1 always knew she was deeply in love- with hint though I never know before this evening hots. Lady Dallier says, laughing to her- self. "Yon heard him yourself about the. diamonds, and the saddle -horses, and yacht, and the place at Cowes, that is pretty well for a. beginning, and we will take care to keep him up to his promises," her ladyship says, laughing again quite gayly, "but more remains behind. 1)eQuy. mating in a, loud, wilt' way t 'Pli throw myself out if you don't I (Irvin). the San, Orangeville, Ont.) I'll kill myself if you. don't I Let me „ ...,, ,_.___,.,, ..,. o„,o. „ ___,.,,,,, with out I.' until I wag afrahl of 0, scene, ,:''''''' I .5..'"""' "4 t4.11.4". "U.1"" ' and, helped her out. and then she be- toe Lich or 4.4.t . tention which every out relining up and down -up and e. Yoe.; girl nterging into womanhood cum:lied to IL ft ur games w excite remark chiefly oueanse tato- are so transparent toad. folly be- comes laugeault: evea 11;a1.4,seli Ntici141 I. 11 he etAzuvrelleUti." 111. it is printable. that the very Isim. oi these tietlees is what mitae0„ 4-1"w11-1°1.1king ey'I'vYwh(TI.9 far •hunt 1",10.• 0/nd have, le resew:Islip:le not only I teem veArte,oeee the the heartless brat BY : until she had. to eonetreonan "You will have eighteen hundred far it bad gone. And 1 wish!. from ith hpk.r exturastion. and then. the many pale- faeas, and at tell- Uf juNiai .UtAal pounde alloweel % • In until 1111114" In- MY soul, aunt, tlett, int-le:v.1 of trott- P4.' 1.4 and b'etged me t look, for lilted forms met 4.4. (4. eueh lateen- I 14 U1.• 4+;; Lib ir it:p trent r. w herits lier monex -it 410e.8 COMP. to Iler i tiling any more taunt her-usely•ssly t'.1.1t• frequency, but is re eponeible " 1"*.'" 444104).'t "n''' 1"6 eity raged. 11 - mere .neloted for lcm her itutrriago hot there 15 some troubling -for I would not marry " Dinghttim14 , ,..11f tor ham and r int v 4. 61.4.1 '1.1P alto? r. nu • .s. about over the money Gillian. mew, any more than I wouid hint mo 1,1 oi„. said, with leer "a' or 11-.4 h 4.41. I tree there is. an t.44;- pensity, t -,o - wat.'d 1 'atli 114.11 te•fore tthe Y-tMe. 884 he glimi 41, b4.r or p, v/84811 wts4a27,04 1 1114 tt'arq St re:MI- 4. do""s not Yon to 15, ineouvenl- 11 would play t100. si0nifli for Hite down, her fece., 1 toll yoe it Wat41/. 4. Alai lteadvalovi aut. a etilloit-ticco/ 44.-Stq *meet' or to IllAttY Yodr marriage on . two -that poor 'tittle glri 811,1 ale tho 011"•441 It W010 141,i CV of hisidioss 1 • . P .-'11430111. .11.1,.nt, trout -,t liiitia c.....g..;"., if i Lo.,':,i.raiS: ii*".".. 4.4 ti, ..- eins.....ttotti the „ an:, ni•eonrit ! llo will give her t follow she loves -adores madly -an ' W8(* ever in of them . kind V" Itingha..-.,- '.,- *.111 1. 1,0* -Ctini*1!"-ne An," 14.1-#'14'0,11 t*11.01-jv**100e...t•ot. 1.1-4f...* god. tato 2•00?p ...-00. tw0nity thousand 6mo 11*; is' : my" word elt.• does. Aunt J1. 4.4114.6 i 1nt8r4.1"ilit''.4* e‘'C14.(1'1114.1". ,t i''6,0 011 1L4.1g17.4.-'61.4111* iS113011.0, 'A tiet.c. .. tO, ii3 ii, :30 ',...,4 titG le' of which arry to 11' settled on ;4' 001 ; 11 rat never forget this evening." '11101418,10. for the, love or um-a,ven. • ,,,,-. ,, u .r,,,, „ 1334.16 1110,:e2t Elk: 42 C. 0:104.tra-it,. 11 ',16"" 0;.4.6 WL",,/ '', r'"'11:"."',.."' are 4.'00 with that leas tit.. temeessioa 11 '4'44.419' X4410 1 -Tao 1114.4.tin:z 1),,t,wipit tat.. Font; : a.404.: fer am, an E find him 1001' me. l." • . •.• ,,,..1,si 111 :.r.111,1 414:1',0 ('11U1si .4.14.- i 'CA*11.46 14:1".1,4„; .8 1,0 4,,,400,i;14.11 tks 4 %- Mad.. 'Mint 14#' lentelt. A t hie .1 path , 1eY4Y and ties teuviyeturtoeleup 1.44.e 1 a4te., 10-30t tat t;;a,Ziat,g. And 1 1-.1.1 Ito -1.;, . :,,,,tz 4. .4.414 Li: pert :anat. Bole(o.. ., • rel --.Y Lei' lee.e.•.:iees 'ail it:.* 44 4.6 Ilillian is t.4) 1100 4 0 tW000tEV :MVP; 0410.1 ", sellers to have ef1o.i.t66, 1 you eertain. 1 a.aaa'a 1;1 7.1 11111' and 11014.110 a 114 131.'4 114 0 0. 1* 04. 11 nti*-_.riatili . d4 tuitos. a t 11* 1". 11.0". T.0,10.0t* * 010."1"*0 4.1 -.." 1441* taw' forty if Ste. he tete ,.., It ,044) v iv i1) :.4, 1y ,„,,111114, „1 511,„h. brain. 1 ,4.,,,,h6 1 t vita eve* eorri:.t...;.. eitrefully. 41 WI :14,- .,t 1e.opolot-14.00014.;., :lit. tV,Ail'''' 4,;011',',;4'. 0 4.4•04A4..•1%," 10,4+4 'r, •,-..'" 0"" "-*" "0,4 '''1' a ii- 4.41:0 4.''.9 (+M. ,44'44 .iohl114.6",rmr.h. of 51\txfiv , iPiga," 10%14Prdeep• tre,etle-itg , v*14°" 1 i!"3°I'11;°4."rt 1 'II t r til rt: ' ''' ';'..1 "11".."4w84'. 40.'."0IL 'f4.' i4r1 t1-• tt• *14' '.A' :.' ,,--r: 112--• .,' a'1"."t tham413.0Iuro4anx01000,104.,40Liiolioturrtot,h4,1,,,10,r:4.1,1.-. 14s,.1t 4,4., 14. 4.44'1'4'. awl ,,..daik.sti t**•,i*00/ A 14Y- 4131 t... ;4,Ai -,1.-:',t, iatoi 44.', hirty of t,+,x,lt;I,fi',v,.i0.., 4. 1r4,v„,r „ 0.-•,1r413/401to pn,a,i1ilt,'!. at..r4'''i,ot.o,,,.,.,•',•. ',.,' UP,, -1 1. 4.1 f 1 ' V: .4 44.4. UA'11' ' • 1 ,141t-94.144•4p)'thalyg: •-,, .• .:.:,i- ' •1, 4'1 4• ...4. .`• 1 ., 1ty0N14;1la41111t11,1w1- 14' e 0iihta,t," 4t"4 t3:"." .s 11 4 1 4.- 6 , :0 .,4 ..i 3 and etpitalti M alowetteee144.4.1 "14. di') effeet In .. ‘1141 iii":Yalafit 14 t,0 011^ t4tot 44 4..344.) 1.46aid it L.. .141 4.4 14 0 t00'; rel:10 V:1"443 1 31441. LkCilLk"401 ',::'•:;1; ,4 e1$.1e1• 41 -,', Pif, 90.Ig.011101„ 0 140`, r1440044 4441•144 0444614.041 40a tok,tuA el inf4 4. * .• .., 018 •401 '0' 440'4 01046 1ICI, - to 14 71 ir ', ti4.1ti "ht4.".". " ,1.1*,':4e111"A• it 4. , 04 , , 0, tit 11411,l-, 1 4.10 sk4„, tat e no;n • b4 4- 8-„•i;', i,ote414.6I4Orat0LW. .i!by lee(1.ia toadire„t...15.3,i1,"'Pl°.r"111;441"4g,,"To"4"11"mg", iIV,%•iN L41i 1 4444 4.4.0 4. 4.414. ohi88100001rilmit1a°1I14.44. f. lo1041 414 ,4 411 14 4.• prooalisItil)ict4,(1,,1it not INIto?Iwtt r 616•• - 1 ;t ,t, 1 21,,t„34v,uk,...,01,14z1,. irtt I°I▪ ith.4.:tif44t•tt 41, 6 ,14?3" ht ti St' 011 44'164 NV" net, :, ‘ ; -Da t0rion441to1.%,1,.01'1041' , 11..F' ".:141 1.1 114•1 ""141`- 4 0'- 4 Vs 1.114••0`1r'e? P11 '4° 1 "01i gP1 toti„4„ 1 n p 1*; 1' y •" a. ' .4t0 4 4 11111. 11 3L '1i1' .,i • 7 • '4tl- 444.• I ;0I1-,d1:1Y 1114 4.,-114 1""41111 , 6C1 43 t a VW *.4f41.t 01 14.1t; 1VI1%/t„ „ , ef1 6. ,t31t ' (1• 14. 111 . e e,4 1t4iAUno• -.11 n. 4.' 44 t' '41'1 -stuated . • eeith:6e,anr' •t4 1. .,0?*„? ' r ,11,..•I• . . on. f 1 e1f-a1rgW1100hg1a148 t10- n1. 4.4244.64400 4.',4.(11 to witst 01 24.d 16 f.4. days:qr) 14.pwas Pru:gat ('14 r4.4. 4.11414 thtorte. Le 1 41°, w-01-1.1,11, strapping 64 14.4.1 4.'14. 4. vont•ly anold 01- 4.444 110 ,,1,11'.&4.1', after 0I- 4.11 - t30.'14.44.1 4.11- t30.'14.44.1 1 1 ° 1 11 3 ? t C d if " 14.0.11 4.1 44,4. 1 4.', .4.4.44) th41be leet oivtv c 408 t4 0, fr•,,its'511F 4.' 4.4.1 4. "4, 1,01. "%Ibytene a, * e4*1 ' • -0t,-06'.21,833.1441 6 4: le1t4 I . :l,211.,.„•/61.°1.o* 4,1;4',•t3 ""T y y0 v"'*4,l" '"t"1t' ''* . 1k , '1, L„ C",.Er' -.L.ra4i , o.04"014 - ,2 t* oa. • „1,,' ,--. * ,„ „s•,ty.„' ,4,. 1 . ti Yt , L, , t•te• et,, u,t, 4,.0" ' t 1•4,"0, 1"T f113114 1,14 1.00300- 301134 144.01 tr• V4.110P14" 3""-11 441 Ivi*aL..a • 0'" L. ;„4 1 4.11-1'4. tasto 44 4. 04.4,4. *" 11 4 4 Y Pg, a1loyv▪ '1a". 1I1* ty41- ;„1 et, 4 ,timeazeole4.e Ileele4.1.111 • 44.4.4 h'"31' (4.'0:otw1V' )• 4 3L 4 „ 4. 4rt.:*"d 1.0111i1010id("111' 11 ▪ 4. 4"* ' t 49 4.it„ 44V4t4Inft(0 3e4.444.1t 4.%',1 1""" 1 t10(4 7 11(4. '5 Lii I t NT 11!11v1V14°4"11it 14utu1• r.‘ elie; • 4.'WO-4kANtd Pnt1alto 1 83 1114 40.t P 14 ""-1141" PIr.;7t4. 0""747 e 4 et r 10 .tn.! 1 6.° *0 •4* 0 {V 1 4 t '4.11 11 11&4 f.ri%I 1141.1 t?0t14. 11 64 44 4.4414. 44 4. = ..tTn1" - .t. :-V •te !11: . , . 0 " * V . o-. • . .. 1 ..4o-"14 e l 1r• •.aer 0 - y 461 ta ./4 . .tS" t.?,v.v; catCt 661• .0'6!.10't"'4:1:-1i4.11- t30.'14.44.1g 3t8 .u, 1 n 1 .1 •'•.• "- frLa."I.4. 4. 1 L "• 40E111 i 4, t16t€f0i!:r:1,1i4it4V;-4Et41t:3•:04tI4l3 1t.lt14 . h •I 0' , 4110:110 os.ii0rt1 .t1I0g, 10.1,/ 042•13e 46114 11111 e6;0:6:t4.4.0.14-0-4. 4.'i,4.'14.4)1 eat 11210 1; Ito 40/4 534" 414* 116166 4'414ttNgs.ati 4.4.4411,14 -.a 11; ti " arr510c11 ru,a1 cal 114iti.4. if •-11E CRgi C , - ; 510 4,,,-;"2 f t•:.a "hat • t,,- •: .",f. • .1„,. •;," ff< s_aa• ' . "14%.,edlil, t• . 6.40,76: 140 . and ,L. cza.-Atia4 . r:o••• 1%.,''.u•S' cl..3.3e. tt12-.1a:a • S.11 =11". ,,?Lore 59.702-1.12.- ti/e ctrity 111 t te. t' ta9-,;tiktiat."1,11 1! tierie ,e..e.,e,retete ;rove: teleetet.Iee 10..c..e..31 ,itictitfing !IS ,*5,e4,161,367.3:11' a,4 4-4 ,t4,14 t44.,) tit'4111.0* 1 ifteatatig terant Aatt,:-e. tar; to the Vest • Zti;, • 214.14 , 4 3 _t S U :6"' •: e I -•a`ui j 1 ""4' ell11 lli'o"V .t'41• ' 4''11 1?tP',4tt.i- " ai.1t i ,..t6u. 4• r y - „ ' ,'0 . 61 : a , ,,,t, , 1, ,, :..„.. lotto.4 11144 ?ta."05"a a •,mtaNto01. Et 4 1 , .," .- • 414.44)VP51'41,1461441"," tf 11" a*"04' 1 , . r 161 .10 ''-' . ,.,.,,,,i„i4 4.40,4.4. 1tt4.i6,3414. att1444.4.44.1"4 14 4. 4.48 E 144 a** 44.4.4.*D119114!"95-0 ern2001 ti 4.3 t 1 4 • ,4 16 1 -0918l14Ala1V0 • 4.MS144444 'l14. ,1,0 *l.l:e* 6a 61:10-• it i1 1i: '50 1t.9' - , - 4 1"14,1 yC3 7 'r. Ao.t.;i 4 '; u ' ., . .-,.,- ,...S0 . 0,1,3E, alEslytc,a.-uu ,•;.q*.•1 `,',ral.f.--11. *tang...01 ,i ta-llai .044-4t.,411-." Vt'-11'-," h4 1111" v''''31;."tt !iill.,!' Du."14'.- 4 Olt' ir- i" -t -ll .!.•-'''''-1 4-°-'''.";'-. **:--?. t' (:.'-,t',.._.6.1':. 4,-.:..i.:.1.1'.:.4. UP al' ,:. ..,. i11 ..IL ter. 6 C'etn ,t1.0.0:1 40...1.`..19" 4. 1441 110ait00.1" 0...t10.p. l r'"-''''' ''t - ' "°' I"'3L '-''' '166116 !"3',,,•44r4,-,•.--lia!ln 6.616 t':r.341. :1" ' S.1.t.311' ii: -..1.10-3,...t ..-, 4'.• t6 , . 61:1,0:6- '6, Intaiw0. 1051111'1 It, .0200.", 2ift00r 0.r" 0 1;1.0 0.•-- . 0 0., , - .1 K,-, is .',' •,,,, • .....1,1, . " IV.P01021111Nrr ls, r .at',,.li Dint2i0,,,',1Eg: litcr Bin, ., Cfil.",4 .iatiLiu t,41,1,....13•_.r,d.... 110"•1'*11, It t.Cia',' troi.• 0,-... a...41" • - 11., • .'%, '&1;:,.11,,..t.'1, il...:.,•.,1-':::' 1 4!'::::....:7.u...:i'''.:-.:::,. '':. tIr014"tlIS.4 WItIti a '-',471. 44 42,4000 4I4't.TaIr 'r.I.' 11,0',3.7•1.01..ie„ 'ii;tr','2''''' 4.4:144 flf.'''''4''''''''i-i134, '"il"'",W,,'1,'''''? 466101 r•-**-- it.. -.1 .t_ 5 "..-- - t...,...L.,,, ,,..., t.„ .. c, , . ... . .... ,...t,.. taltillets50..ss.. th** 50*;0rl. th...01 Gnaw-- u. tr4L- P".; '11')L1'"I'''' F'‘',1 12ii-''''.."*, h. ff- t -"‘Ii. ,, IP,:isaauu•a° sa,rys'•,. u-.',:01)',_ 7' '.: ' '•.• -r, ii. ,,,,;a13,-,,,, „.,,,.,, , t,„ ralluatiVy. i.., y. ll'ilatz'y.so,)1 114' IN' 't''' '''''.'.•'14-''''' L'• ' '26" I.' 1.14 1•1';',,c• 101 `"1,4'•6t 6.4' ,,.:3,'„' -• 11.,;,'„,"". 1,:',",--,:,-,.,,,,,,z,„...L. .6,;,,,,,,,,,,„„ji it,„ 1▪ 2,3 Loq,,„ 4. tyytrit,1' ry0, 11-,11,174.:4 '41 4.4.04)- 0 - -94° I*" - 'LI- 9" -1' 1-'10 4 Po." g'..'1'190•Jg r -10i11:1 Itt ''''1 ri:' .' ' ' n'.- t ''' 1'. 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Vt74V1',.1-" tt11IJET4. 5'. 04.9I14„11311 ua0!0" of I -t5 I 1" 4.11 44. ,, T aI 44 4. t -;, 7 ,: now 14.4. 4. 1 4.4r7 14Vt0. '4 I 0 34 DI, 4311:IL1,-, 4. • : ,, taJ‘•,:iXte. IL.,Er ita, layal`Jif -.4 tvqval'pli DP. ''',.'. l'4•4• II1L t' ADO, ot so dr-V,ra.zro.. - • • - _4 4-13,' 4 6,-36 4.44 :".• 1. t, , r.16-. ' - y , •.1 ,--„,,, t4„-1 Liamairy..6:44.,,,, 4.i14,,,..4 ...tv.,„,,.,.,2O.,,-,•r a,:.i,,t,,1,0,.,.......,0.01.1..,,, i1i,t„t,ralt,..„ ,,,,"•,.,,i„2,.,.-.LE,..14 ..1..•r'-' ';u,.a„t1-...,-•r.E 1..ca,it)- 1 ' 13,r 0A1 7,:0•...-.,!. .,•-,0t0.-2g.1.,'.sh 0.4...7.,04-4rf..,:.,:s11I14..',0:Y;-., ', . :•: i .- .2,' - -. 7....v:-.:. 1-...0. , ! Z4 671',2* 1 ` .:a,', r",' :';t,":'s1-,'---'7-' . ;,-- .;:.a.::•:•'5: ,."1^- -:.",,;- 5," t ,,:". .'• ''- "'''r1flt*s1biy-'.0.-.,.L4t. : /o.. ,,':." ., , .,,/ '"...„,..-‘.':_..-e,i'C,-t;,1n',4''k'3,,"1'.....;1.:_i.,:'., :1•:. .:! 2 ,4r::Z,,,,'-.‘.1':', ,'. -tl.1'-'..!t •1.^. 1. ,::, " r 1 ,. _.0.' .1 -•,7 '.,.,.- . f ' Z:' 7 1 ; :'. 37 '', '..:•.f7'L",-....,6-..,'a.•'.' :- I ':-;• ,t^:1ii:.!' '•l 1,,.'.. ' ,-_,:,-'--. .1 ." , ',1 LrQyl1I04. t94EuwItn.z.,i•,,07.,•,•• „ 1...:1 7' I' I 4.."-1t L : '21`,14" fn 0u "-- t, 444.30..-: 02z•4).:•4: - ' ' "..4.4. ..1 11113".' T -T c 7 l . , y t Ir1-.-, .„, t- 14. . : -130 ,- • 4 .0...":.'4.rit -. ., .,r, ',.,, .1,'•. i a ,;- T 1,.,1,1:.- :.1i lea510214 tgt f2-tfa10..nt,,„0'11e4114,.V18ftWtoa Z7fn,a01::17112:4::4:7-141. ., , ..„ " •:." 4. ]74111 84.5 4,,., , tnn,1.10,20ie.. ttu, ,I03,2z2„.41.4 0oq,1' 4 44444.4 4' iilf:i't:....„...617:-5::7,1:,.In3;c€40'14tr2:ar"":1111APTEilXIE01anan aarq'e"t 1 a4.4 1 1 ,tcs1.r06; r:0 :-f-, l::sts: 74o11'3108iiit07tev: .e./70lyi?11.0. .0": . -1,. '' . t -. `'', :41/.1e-!-00- 41114:4.-' "' - ,0000,••'4*:f:. L . .- - t 0 .s..; `,° ,Z, - . a 4. t •1 1ta4n 5 ,. _ss44. 44) st44 '.141 t 44 41 1 6 on 4. '4 . I 1: 1 -- nrx 1 t Archer 1,024 00./J0100• 0k E.14111 1. 74 WrI!-"4't ,h-C 1t1 . 2 0 t r Gce 0 t 1015 6 ti"".'4 C ; E And site .t1 1 6 , :x ::" L fe ly ,. n- 9.•z s. 1: - .zg.•i in 1,,Y 1:+', - • - t " 144114.414.01 3. 44. 4.4. ii.,i;be- tte*st44 -;" ,4. 4c• "11-31ee144" 40.4"eit04y . S•••;, , 4„. '8 444 ••,o o timer 1a ti,atanVe were Park. Sta- fr-a 0111rg1WE00 - -r t„ - C• 7Ltyrernteg ti n.vnceetg o'6sg ihn i urYg s1,111. . . a r , e e n ,i terpa.t4 e . ted -out toTe; 1444.4 n'Tincs60811 4,,, ,.-*....,.',1144.,»' " 3 -; raftor at her ln 4.4.4)4.4.04' surprie. feeeera bones,nowitis glutsdzwhit-dad- md',(j/ihmwa,.thci,/, r s i"s 4 1.641114. 414.34.0o 111411 rapttin Lacy sas. after a rainea- . Lad the 44.4.4.lier rim:is alwayspale kcsittio.wo te.88togo3ilor ;livr, ,as. aitat111P.11fekftimtwewerenoarelsstationose; roh sth-aO-""icae,t ag ' e t e , 1 0 caiaw .1. ,k ,., ..5 . : id n,t ,,• h a .t.a.-1o"m,- a r.- lc"rwho1dhot io,-. bor. i.le white, and thEouge shows up onsow, for the run orii, 1 thetglat 4.4.40 OngIf to IC t naturalgy. instead01aenga 039N11tieth8rteIch:i,114. Tes, she fmthim. I an/ sou,.o v01114goby,rahto4,x2tro...,,IwrLet104143:4;?,iiira yBingm 10:1e4. answemt:gtaantiag he% nozeti have 44(4. 11 3*sterl.aot: 1a8ree- Nat:wallysheyv. 4411 a itlust sg‚.4.4) 4141 P i10- ?11 osor er ip engtic riugin her weak, uneady feem-riget before 448-86 tal. Lig fit et 0.1020t-rhad grst :n.i‘e,a trying to moisten her dry lips. roulf1ed up in An tater, was , for her wa srtI knelt - th..e e is Fo r 1 - „ t0w t f l s nrpy.1.o n u . l .. . .1s i ,o , b„lieve1zIpart16 11r44," toopew lttl 44:11 Levy3S%W."4 o lgar4 in a rat ciihta Lacy,a,..s.,a„4i„8.4.e a shug 'o44' his shouMers-"It11s-pptel suddenly vid stared ciftcr Ari,ur,,;018,10rf,, 34.'4' 14 i son - been a 4.4)4)4 41 busnss „toge„ne•.b-miatil!1,'t.i t IIhaFtzcllaer14;171.1i?:Z(r Aunt Jeannette, N,11 yous te tiny lyextr.:nieltt.;.•fcr:1 had i:2:u-att,,a;,,:::.‘,ii GeorgeArcher leftDarraghint " re - t 11 aawhhy e, hNltte,'veaeek;;, .;,.,,yee•oeu 10cted my tie.11211te; or Won4.t-, d 14.:'. matter as manner he id?" wieet I tete best de she snatched hr 1ke,bltute her as too like. 1 Um tc1- swenButletusrlis (aoe." l,alr Dlauclr ha,! ,away efrom, my arm, brrito a.f.-' l rsieiro mv osn gw hiat I ibeli eve is tiou• edrear- l retorts. br1,-f1Y- You askel me that ter him, axil cam upLes.dhim, laokirit,/1ebls°ig:itre!l4)t1- I question before, an 1 I gave you that at hint with sane a wild. dreadltdrn‘.O14:orI,efee-iael '111s:1- answer before. Ile went because he piteous look -on bly honor, I 3144) 44.4) able Orly.' she (131",4. it. I knw 1 choose to go."isaw the Iike " e. hreake off, unstea•!- mist1E41you to mkyou "NowAunt Jenette, that ily. "Thepeor child eoked aif she stand hnmatters now stand -so 1 answer at all." Lacy says. determn- Juld not bedewher °eases that he raileti!moals° with a reserva ediy. " You know the reason that 4.4)1(0 there, waik:ngon e0 aly Withei 1 c:o;1iglniadcitnreser;ationin GeOrgO Arclor ov.ty. I wsh con yrdof hr, pretendng not to see i iprwiaheasitnr,be_ odtellmerndtrustme. I wod 4.he• de.Toberindher to be kind "'Mr. Archr she said, MO he cer- t ainly could not pretend he bad not TharToeWgO isCiURE A COLD INnONEDAY heard eer; the 11004' child uttered it eLaxativeSQuinie Tablets. A T 'Make no bail use of any knowleoge Stops thCough and 'Works 011 the Cold. Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tablets tore a cold in oneday. o 1e Pa. Pice •25 cents. nostla ri sbarl cry, and Oeorge gtrefundthemoray ifit WM It(um Archer lust' glancedi at her, took out E. '. Grove's 8144.4884144.0 is on eacc bol. ;he. ..tw a . p1a11r . ...t.s. 1 . .' •„rLa"- - 01ti', ti.' 4 S 1, Otis 11111 6:1Y47 r, 1,,rerunte- frara • 41r.2 4)84)1411.4. for tto. 05"0.4.66 , 83three08,41") r.trse8.4.131 asLat- lisitel ereeh' 4411 * n 8144.41? 611e124 18 cre.liz;traa • rttet.o 114.44, 146147 ten nr T6,- T6'- 4.184)017a1:ree' s ttl.-ea.vtort ry intent oNlt11114. 41 1e.1.1-11D4e1n16v.1 vat any way tee E04 e1 6374.g611.1011 07 'he 4)4.4.4)0.4.4.tz is a 441:1:404'411" tag that is attache t„) 11,4.4.437 at/a 0. contetirparr 11* rnotia p1e11 wil appy to eltil."ren unler five 74)4.14)44. o424e. A nurseryr, with games istallel for th34444.04?Iables, will he a 1 correspondentCincinati .,1F! ..s;/ .,•" .2. -.t .17"J,S.,1;" 44 1tt,04 e4...1t11.; 't71.1ht7e1:.•. • 2.4 '.... .111%b:r0-141 o1 Aitl lo;44, 4'KVe w'.".1 11E" 0110' 4. eets..era00r 4.4)4.0.. 4.'634.'2 tam 4 14111t'1:01 r1141:'444'. laCtint11.1.Wet:the14)1114.1144.41 4)811118', rlsoatetwbtgani'peilseo,rvor owouhhb t r •22 C,tlr4411113.11 44I14. 761tV"1Y 41,' 4);4.41344' reg./21a? anste the 14.114. 414":101144143 he fails oe--0:s8 top•010 rezlit. ihaIs in; 8200100. say 1/.. :1:1012-4 46 :01114Y 231hyrat! think th 100 2/"2s0-3L74is see nab"sgvtTablets.e-ys- . ntts 2nts,"1* sackr---------- - eaase 108 titit„hs 41.0 sees 02:1 orant1. 44.4)4.44444.84)4. 10* or to oyticsr 04,1.4.4r 0.4).1101 0, .; 1) y 40.1114.4.144. 14',"014 !e- Iecemee 4.18 4)84.44) 617: I 707:4 44 147 17,41t.Crb 4Le":31S-4 ‚4414)4. 31' 7111':eiby an, ts20 in 1114"frapresice 1,211:02. nt,..Enes 11111t411: Own T/11-ts is the i4: 00.4.0? .1111 ityILe.t0f n l 44.0 1:e. . 51 -.0.0, A A „a i.e.:, eitre or 1.1-4 614•461 peeper:3 to poor ar 4444.5 27.1.: the mine? 81.130,3310c,d,,, I true vaine. In wIzatov.0-2- gr/f.s.8 *.r..•!.T.1 as s8./.1? stit-reecit. -00..ra3)..4.? may- at -p, ‹4.ty 7.888 : clarrbeea,„ , tea 1104. 11.0"4n?.4" 114 4.21-11.11 . bre /Ta 04414 es*".. -16, prevent, troup s1 •naliy 111 8.11 o4.-3c04.t2t-n an .01'» is pre- and allay the irritation atectimattr. t-aat 10,41 a n_vv- w. rk ovortime ine: the entting teeth. itrIt4e 115( I nt bus:rie.ss. 1 cents 8. Fox et all drdeeeleie. or seett , 5a1o4.0-he04.)4'6' et: -.o was SP 115-1 14:4 mail nost stall 11.4- aeldressirar," 1116 - t. lie " 11? W.1712-0ms' .1.0..,•licirse Cot I1roek- Mast Have :Wet Tai..01 • 1‘4.-e-...ao a sucker ani a merle' Agile, ,Out. by the 41Iscotere, ta, "What are yon dr.ing these flays eat. it. A. irdelter is barn every rain- "rra. investigating snails," said uttn '111,-' e.E1-0r 'Wilt OS la elf' 04 Uri.' rt.,t tak, en so entragrouslyli a_sked the friend.4. the amatenr naturalist. tre. Lvitterely he tvas tereorda.theo to ' lee the role "Snails? I thought ornithology P -Was your hcbby ?" 4. "Well, it -use] to ItiN but I found I 'We are toll that wealth doesn't that birds were a little too-er- ' bring contentnint -and many people swift for rae."-Chicago Tribune. are sure that poverty doesn't. 11, 014* PlepaVtIT't‘. 4T01.74,,V1:1-Atha 4:10 -cox mean by 1 saying Mrs. Wayover -18o'ked all neck and sitoidders 1int Ilrowns9 1418.11 last 'night t .Thompson -170`0....11, she na0.1 the ap- pearanee of heieer,n'ae: where -ghee left o12. -Town Too:oe,