HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-07, Page 5� I � 1� I . . .1 I ­­ . . . , . I . . I J I . � . ,T,1 -1E ZURICH 7- HERALD . . I . I � I . . I � , . �, a . ,. � . . I .___­__­­__._ --.-- __ - .. _­­ .1-11 .... - .. � .. .... ­ - � � - - � ... I- . - .11 - .... ­ ­ - I . .. - I. - - ­ ­ I.." ... -1 . - I - - -7-----__-__ - ­­ ­ _______,.'.._____,_ I— . - I - -1- ­ -1. - � I -__-..1.1-___ �. .. I . ... ­­­ � ... ­.- . �. I I ­ . I I i I I . A Quick Witted Doctor. . ­­! The Gernitin llolloe. I �. ! "I , ,., .'r�,*W,,. ; I Mid by All Newsdealers i I . � THE REPUBLIC. i . :, :.:­': I I I A Certain French surgeon of whom , A stranger Ili Germany soon makes ­_­ I 11 �­ 1, -4., . , � . , �;-, ftila . ", , , I . . � , , " __ . ";,�,,, ' I � !�'l I � .. ,-:,.W�l _��;�IWR`q t - � 'o-"d.w. Plli)PPER i t' � .. , 1. ,� " , I "i i I - - I I � . ­ . . I ; �,', -­ -, �� , as lie lility Llosire "t. Tou have Irojill In , . 1 "' ANY The Young Ladies' Journal �Ils, had so tile acquallitance tit tile poilo" 11tile � 111ou, ton, sail on, 0 ship Of Statol . I - I ,�- , .. . . ,�,­,�,i,, "." , . Sail (in, 0 Union, strong slid greittl A, ", H �­ much more thought for his patJent than � ' iiiiiiianity witli ail its fears, , . , , U I A UM , , I .1 ; �".%��,41;�,�,- ,� ,�g 'p � al 0 # !�� I ,�J . , : � , . '. , ­, N �­Ir. ; , . . � �, �'�,�p for Ills own safety on one occasion that � Q(irnaany a Avvok. inore or lv.,s, wirm I 1 1, . , , . � f" �� , � ivitil :It tile llopes at future years, . I "� - P'. 'M 1 M14 � s , � I ,T1 I - -on is iian6mg tireatikiess on thy fat6l I .1 � , � I . I � ,_� J ....... pq'gp , lie resorted to am expediell . the policeman vallm. At fil.,;t i (,:in- ! i ^ V, - , . �. �_ - '_ - i 'Ve that lie Is roally lifter voll 1 %'t. bli'm �%,llaj Master laid Lily keel, � I ". I . : , � '' - '..'si'i / though efficacious, might hiv)e)"re`s"u`Ite1d 1 not he'W I I y U W 1. .1 I .11 I .�� � , I 'X'11.11��'."V 1,'.,/� HEAD * 'i , 11", 'y 1"'i TX -V " , , 1, : and then your mirl(i rutis Jgici� g-lifItilv %%'hat ivorkruen wrought tily ribs at steel, I I I . A, - I � . f% N72 If", ', , I �, 1� , "" " . � . . � ­-�',­ ,I - 11 . " Ili his own death. I . Mllo allide, vaell rilast and sell and rope, I I I u. - , , , " , , . I , . � , " �"-' -,�" I Z � . , I I I . I . � I : 1,1,F�; 'i . I � , . the grand Beignior and either through 1 Dook 0 , 0 1 , .. _��,�, - 07 . � '' " I "'..", -.;. - He had been commissiout I . ��. V,t%j , ;, , - - . � �, .�- lr�, , , Ile lak(is out lill, lit I le ! - : . - ul to bleed 1 ovov Your Pzl"'t- v'lint ativils rilog, wliat baminers boat, I 0 rM P : �� " �-:. . . I .0 4 . , . -one of a sinall library or 111HO ' in Min a forge and what a heat .. � & A 9 �,, N010" a ! � . . . . . . . I t1InidltX or nervousness had met with i bookK which lie caviles in Ills I)IMISO..- j %vero biialwd tile arseliors of thy bopel ! 114' nishes onthly - .. 1. ... . � , ­� I - 0 F � . rt-ar out, eaell sudden sound and shock; _ o al loverii of sang ! � ;­ , , " .��2i!.,�7: - Tile point of � and inquires your 111-v, your 11"Itlonallty ; I Copyright ComPositions lo� - - , fin awkward aecIdent. : ,,ris or tile %yrive riod not the rock; and music a vamt Volume of flow, choice I the lancet broke off in the vein, and the and how joug, you Intl, (1 to Any, I Msbut the flapping of tile Ball ., tile Must Poll i . k 1, "". %�.­ J,,_� i, ", ) ��,,'%) �,',,Jr ; You learn sul) half Vocal, halt Instrumental-. I a Music, .J , .: t" R R D HEARINC ! ular "uthOrli, 64 Pagell; of Pla � A � , ,; I A P , �y that a record : And riot u sent made by the iratill ' D E ` 9-2"L`m'!"L`�t;7� ,1,E`)-,;'�1, blood woul(I not flow. � i I Complete /�. f,_:�­'­_ ", ,. ". ."�., �A f.1 I - i of evoli vervoll in 1110 oulpil'o is vare- 1 In spitt, nf rork anti tempest's roar, PlOces for Piano -Once a Mosith for .2.c; ,.��, L;_ �` - I ;"t�, I That point imust be got 0 Cents. Yearly Bilbscription,$2.00. IfYOU - I-— ":". --v , V N " 1 '.11 ill someho.w. I full Ill Rpite of false lights Oil tile share, 1 . (", U_1 y 1;(,I)t, IvItIl fr.11 (ION1118 11.1; to Ills i i will send us the name and address of Fivn , �.,: I , '.' . . '"'Ithout stopping to considilt, the con- : � Sail ,in riot, fear to breast tile seat , fj� lj�'.' - _ I I ��': I 4,,­7:� - . I � are incurable, I sequences to himself, the surgeon. gave ! occupation, niatorial Nvealth and soctal : our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee; 1 performers on the Piano or Oman, -we will send . .. � 1� �:Ifxi�� fi()r!l QC91 i you. a copy 0 q VE P � �,;", ­ I " ;If . � �� = %# . f the Magazine Free. -- , 1� - - - I'', - ._Ff-_i 0", 7� - Ca Ff- I . our Ifearts, our hopes, our prayers, our team, _8 � P t�� .L( - W � I - P ! I A ,.,7a ii- F Dj 0 �% " �: ! �,-..,.� ": ;J� :1 1:; �!W��rj i 11 Our faith triorripliant o'er our rears, .1 -� ,-,'.1, � -,.- ,,i '' V= -IATEL 111 his highness a violent slap in the face. 1 standing. If you Illove into .1 new , J. W. PE?PER, Publisher, � , MMED T � . This produced the desired effect, for : house, you niust notify tile police., 12 i i sirLhth a Locust Stu.. Philadelvir.7a. Fa. 4 , , Are all with thee, are all with tbeel. � �:. �-_ " ­'­%'., �. '. �` � IZ � F ?.ALTINPORE, SAYS I surprise and Indignation . you move out, voll 11111st notify the po- ': -I,ongfellow. , I ". ­ " n�: ,r:nonn md.. 'alarch ,-,O, 1"K. on the part . ___ . ?',*,, �:.% ;­ " .. , , . .� I � , , I . � . ': 1. of his august patient put the blood Into lice; If you hire a sorvant girl, Ton � ZURICH P. 0. a f tit! `I. t., . , I . . �`�:%`. ,.�.::- '11'. tiVatil out, 1will now give your violent Circulation. The vein bled free- miust purchase a yollow lilarik find re- I I �,�_ ! 11 1.4 ! I , '. I I . 11. . I I . . I � .... I EXPRESSIVE PHRASES, - . .. i:: !%�` �: .� I I .i� . . I I I . . i, ' *vl�torl getting-,vorse, until Ilast . . . I ! � .. �int. t !: � ; I. .: port tile rfl(l.t, Illo girl also Inalzing a 1 1 l:!!.. �: , - , . . I . � . ly, and the lancet point came out. : __:_ , Is open daily except. Sundays fr cir i. : -1y `- I - .1 .1. I � I I . , 11� ,,�,­ ,i i�%mq ,,rlv,-it6ceQs, con.50ted. a nura- , .. - t , � - , . . - The bystanders Were about to lay ; report. IN'lion ,4w lvaves� yon riltl,.t � Those Which Foreigners' Coming to 18 -until 9 p. In., The inails tire � io.r : 'I ' "' ` "" � i � ��, , ,. - �,,­i��;��, ,,f zhis cltv. ,�vho told :lie that. . , a - ni., ­: .,!�.,,. �-!: -, ­. .: . I . I . send in a g-reen blank statine why she Amerlott Learn to Use First. I i ,,.'!.'.' 'I. . I ��!, :"., : . .1 I ".i,. � , i distributed as follaws ,. . . . !, . I . .1.11 ­,�:i ,hat tli�� head noises would hands on the surgeon when be said, I . � � . . r;.. , . : ii:iell - L �. , '. , '. I . . I . I - ! - ---r. disin'tsssed, wlivre she is .-oing and � Mint are tile most expressive phrases ; .! ,:'",,:, . �1� .. � , ,.' 7*,. : -1 I %vf1r. and ordered yortr treat - "First let me finish the operation and 15 1 ;MAIL FOR HENSALI,, close at (1) -.55 a.211 � ! ,,�,,' , , I I . - ., . .: , - so on. � !it" colloquial E ,uMisfi? Of the dozens I - -.11--it. _ .. . -ed. and . . . ; t ­ - 1, �� - t, tlwl�. thte 21'Ases ceal, . . , i banda-,e the wound.11 This done, be i . that slip off E glish speaking tongues I l. 4, t4 61 2 :53 pill v, .;:,.� '... " . . 11 - . . I . I ­ I ;� t-litir,"'y re�L.rtu. I thank you tbrew6lilmself at the feet of the sultan, If you fall In any of ill(,,,e illultitu- ,n 't ST.JOSIEPH, IL J I :](),,I 131 : 11-_Iir.!� �,.� � . ­ ." I it . I I . . and e%plalued Ills action. dinous reqn1ronionM of the govern. ' in tile course of a day some must be I I � ::­,,.­, -.% :� !,xv.,thyny, naltimare,'Md. ment-and I have lmj�litjolivtj only a ! better suited for their purpose and I 11 11 L. H. & B., , , 0 :55 alil : I 01 e� ) , f � - ;­ - - - - '' I ., . 1'�, :�:�Iop Itsual trecupittlo'n'. t .9 1, � - I The sultan not only pardoned him, L. H. & B., I 1 2 : -55 t t. 7 i i � " , I I - " '�; :it a norinlinall, feiv of theni-tht-re I., a. fine to pay, alore charricterlstIc of the race that ! I . % %..;: - ." , . I . I I I . I : - P� -T ' orl-Iiiated them than When i . . : , � ... I .L I . � . C -.1 '. i 'D Pf each 11no graduattit.1 it) the enomilly � others. I � � . I but gave him .11 handsome reward for ; 11 FROM 1IFNSAl.L. arr. I 1:00 ani � i'�t, M 1E (10ST. . . � � 1. I I 11-11, � I I M�. keeping his wits about him In. a critical 7:30 lall, . , - ,� �.i� 6.,3.L1.A, t : y I 4L 1� 4t ,; 1.**,_1 � ". , .1 '-, I .. . moment. of Via ofrouNe. There are ofi-ellses , foreigners conie to this country, the: 1 , . . ­ 11 . - - ., -1 . , CHICAGO, ILL.� : graded as lowas 1-1 cent.-�.- catch . Certain expressions almost imme- : C. ,9 STJOSEPH, 11 10 :43 ttill, . . : 11 ­.". . 11 . � � , - " � I—. . ". . - 11., � ­ z __ Curious Fren1c of 11irsqane Persons. __ . __ dhately and long before they can At- 1 - L. H. & B., I I I I :00 ,lim - ­­­"" - _. ­­­=T�_, e 1 C, A Belgian physician, speaking of When Time lIxtrav's Hea,vilv. teuipt to speak. the language hav i ,, L. I.I. & B., 1 1 -, :30 aill I . simulation by the insane, says that In Tit -me I,; never w,isted until it ,,Il.liig.,; illatle thein pirt of their vocabulary. ; LlrTTFRSIPOP.RL(il�,TP..',TIOI,,, lllu�t PrI, �4 .l -,,i Q . , , eases of insanity where the Intellectual heavily oil our linuils," wlivii you art� It woult] secild that these phrases must � ba pooted half an livur previons t-, � ` ,,, (p 1�",) , � -o oc�;­, g �'. _ -, `_ I I 1'�� .; - � �� k,p , � , � " ; - U " III U, ii. , , , "i I, _il �.1.1:,��,,--",, acuities -ire not too much disordered tielthor worhing, t-lor vnjoyllil,� yourstvIr. bo tile most vxpressive in English and � the thne for vi ),big tile lails. , �! f. I ( .: -1 I �� 1. the insane may simulate another form There way lit) Iluies whi-i it suilll; that they are peculiar to the language ; tl� I I—, 11 I ­. -.1. 1_7_.-_._--_- �11 of Insanity thim their own. The fornis one'si Hlooll it) "I(lar and lnvltl� oll,e..; antl 1,1111 a long felt want," since for- ! 1).S.11"AITST, Po8twaster. I 4 .i I.. 1'1�4 , � � ",,�Fi,: , . � . �� 1. I � 0�.�, . . , 111�_, of insanity most often simulated are, soul," Init they ary rare li,m-nilay!4. If vil-ners selzo so ea.-orly upon them. --- 1'ek, ­ �;, � I !�­,w _ 1 . I . . I - � I.-, In order of frequency, imbecility, tie- you don't beflove It, t-kinsider how tire E'vc-ry small or woman who lands In FAIRML POP. SALE -200 avro.--, wif .� - �� ,,_�;. 11. _. 6; - .11 ­ , � , I I , "I 1-1­1� I I'.' �;; ­,",. , , ` �", I , � I" ��;;;;;;;; . �' 1, , , � ��'.. I � �",�����. '. .. 2, I ,� � I. , - - - - - - - - - - - , , �� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11, I , mentia and inaula. The other forinsi average vitizilil sirolid,; his v.o.:i1,,,),l. 1111, country Is saying, "Hurry up!" In , elloice lanti, Consisting of Lot ............. ,� ,, , , , , Ill " - 111 , � . I , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , ! . , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! , ! ,. .�� . , ! , _� , ! . are not so frequently simulated. A 'Most peoplo vrork harilt-v nitil vc,.no- two wourtlis. Ili whatever quarter of 3. ('oil. 11. lfay� and. Lot I'll, !�Zolit'­ 11- . I , - ­ , : .", � -: ; ,... .,. , . . 1. �, .;. , , 1. . . -1 atle generally slimulates insanity to alive their vaeativil Unit- r _VJJ�I._-� the city Out- may walk, Italian or Ger- I-')i,l,1ltl,trv. Jidy (,zt�LjJJ!hIl1,CJt,lil�. A -_'­�" -, , C" �: * , Itin. mill o - ., I - . ..; ., _�._' -, - '. .. - I I— , �­, - V.. esetitpe punishment, anti an export phy- lilgly In getting till, illol-t (fill of it Ili. -It Imall or Jewish, mothers will be dis- 44 x 82 rmid, 40 x tit), unit fruni., ��___ 7i __ ", 7, .- I �_ I .� 1, * sleltin should not therefore In such tbey do Ili silly titl7vir pnrt �4 11;�, yt,.,r. patehing, their offspring on errands, us- ! t1wi-Iling-s kill eaell It it. 1111-11t.v , t:' I � _. I - ­� I � , K . �... - � I I � . I � .i Well . cases be satisfied with a diagnosis of They hate to lo­,� .1 Illh-lia'. 4;f t.n.i,,y- Ilig the.'r native speech, but closing L! -d sprint, watli�r. Oil ,,Ill. flx-­ �,7,._ ,;_:,211 . _ I ,,,, simulation. Such dia.-nosis does not jiment. 0eIr orders with the magic "Hurry thore is a.m. ovi-rilo-wing -,Vt".!. - "i �,: .:. �� �) � � IN "' iloxv dc,lightfully characteristic ,,, I � , ., �,�� exclude risal, lnsault,y, and the physl- Of emir,�o tlivro aro 1--w.,,, ­-�%-rjv ilay till -io-.1 gravel road, and convi int .;* V,: I . , . iel g .0 Z. , , ase! -ist offie I -_1 � '.. I clan should therefore endeavor to as- -whem tilliv,, Nk�kop-; al�.-;)111`14-1.; N%.1__'. 1-f the Hation Is the phr. It Is not I, i svlt�otil. p; t. anti vllurv�tl". ,g- ,.--,- "' - , ­ . I . 1;�`N, "moThone V ­ . certain 'whother or not the simulator 1-3 ond tht-t- aro the 1`31ws v;!!.,,I mvtx", I:% lie wondered at that tile newcomers 41 nlflp.s tt) li,'Xett�r .�,tatj.,If, , ", ;=� _­_ � - . I � - himself a lunatle. With eare, patlQuCtl touipt-ri are, vn l,-&%,,,- a.i,l th'*..-_-.,- Jr. 4 froal Use sloW moving old world find ,Avo purehaspr vasy terint-; of jn.�­ ;-A_W.L� . . I . 1 , - VVk-M, histrinment-reprod and a long! continued observation it 18 prol.S%% I� , . . ,k -n . .1% elpapp .I. - ,,,-, * �, , ': , . . ,_ib. (*11j,.f .i%s..I,:. �.'-; '.* 11 that they have brought over nothing to %, ,t. Wind ptoxt 011 � , T!.* I ,� , fl , 1. � , . 11' - possible to make a couiplete and eor- -,v.,i.,1t-d autl lj,,)ul4i,.#h.#l.11� ;�i�e`% kl�; i� ellual It. 'pliattlilng. eholiphig. �.,traw v*u*t1i;i-:. 0-03', ,%� 4, v. I I . 7 : . 0;.lrch Choirs, etc. * ' -All ri-ItV rivals "hurry up." o -v% All bnilllbnv� in - itsil , I I . , . - rect diagnosis. and this Is the more Im- tile thile, �-,p,-!jt :,t 1. pl.lm,,; �,.�, , not ..­,� �0 It t""'!-, .� . . � . - . uouibune, banjo, nlandol* I � .. :t ;'­'. � . I ,I "' h��,kl!, -v - . � - % . livoaust- foreign totigues lack similar rt-1,.Lir. -,%-1t!j glitill larve ilr!v`31-_1 'i`v- !"-?7 , � I .�, ! purtant as In these eaqes tho surloua tr.1vi-lilig ogn :L orI.q* �,,il _,,.I ,,t, :, 1..t--,, I . -1 , , � P , � "', 1. ri,?nler and better thin am1p 41tte-stion Ur rit,17unsibility arlstls.�-Lvu. In;,, for jiwal�*. lit f iimr�,i,,� w �'-r t?"I'.0t, V � #,:�pressthlwi. Islit because there Is it 101- , witt tither onthnililill-,�. t ):I 1-4 , Wille: t t " - �, - � - . I I . I I , � - �,-,, Z. Z:J:l tA song, sacred, contic. don Farally Minot.. alillohlitnil,M4 vi, 1�., I'A ., - , I �% .�-. Inkil. 1`4 iat air about "All -11,-r�, j.g 12 11.0-11S Of tltlwol IMS11. .�",! ­­+�Ita ,';' ;" " 'I. i !,­ . -;t- h!::4 I'., " , � b -Ilf,iiw well ILL . ,,,O�lll. gi " lak,14in-, lit. other phrases of the "P V,I.Wh farm i mo noro, tif t lri,�. � , " .", ­:. . ; � I , %%+ and, Scotch Songs, ai-Ject- � 4 itlria.,, ;1,,,,�;l1ll,, ,,. ,,.. ,, ri il, � I,IT�V, !�, , � �- '!� 'm�":t.t".two-ste _..,., 1! _ Why ToulgIc WaK Tanored. I I r3llit- eharneter. Then, tou, "All right" F -i- wrins applv ti* 11nII.:.-- 11:, � ;!I *,�.,�t ,,, ; I . � .7, _TS, inlarcheo. I � ; %-, �! J� . �!,�t--.!�-rutim7z-erofinstrunsent* laore bm tionli-siv .6 y ­n ;li�, I iv -' , . ^ A k�o1,r,%,�q­Lt9Initq1t i& .,lit I-' .tigit.-ilt paper i, Ows ill 11 ­! � - %. V I. o. lilat!t� not tialy of "Good," but . �, %\ u� rot, I � 11 .I.L.Jpl..4w� 1 , . ._a1,ppt;lL Is(). ..*�,_ 1. 1. I I �`: I tie wonderfulindestract- oxi-ossivv, 0 - !.. z,1V',!1 ...... � .4 ik?'�, � w, - I , 04C **Yv�" and 1�1 utiderstand" and ot a __ , , " f J(,11,,; why $ht- gort'nilt Tiusissilierian rall- tIA.4.,-. lint. i:..I!s !:iov .4 ;i,�** 4'..!10.04 '.,� , , , , I I - � I .. ,­' -,�,-rl- in hundreds *to*& ,%vay dttk" not run throtigh Totush. the . . 1.�­t-il t,tht-r phrasys which In othOr '. ,, � , - � .t e_ M 50 YEARS" fi-11'. : -.�� , � ': - , ! : � .,-��,Ti�.,,,*,.,,,Il,.ttbesmanestToom. ('apivil. "llow Mut-h will you. g1ve 11,; � __ , - -,- � . , "r - lant,,ilagoci reqtsire tm,-pantte expressions. EXPERIENCE Yl ! : [: '. , J, ­T�`, a tut, Indestructible Discs, wbick If xro hrWR the 1111C. Isn"'t ,xvinshl.'" wkilk- Usage 18112dot,14 '%VoV<- Thect. Tl,k- 1h4r,I phra.m,,. whivii alonus Shares _._____.__._.._.­ _­ u -� .4 : ; - vil tiol, NUMI'VorS and wigial! J�,Vii.:'�v lql,%. %,.' f� - arit. - 11r. 4. ts 11 1, . tq,s %Vlak ,�##' .,'�;..� �� '�'r''!, L." t' .9k. IwIsah V of VIL A two. Is. I , 11,�� � , I L � �, �� � r,"..,ran!eed forfiveyearz. I � '� � I . � . . - I I , . : � . � , 0 k.. Th�lis slitould be, Interesting to � � . , .. , I 11 .11,100A tho toute. 11%4)1h21#-,:'1 ro-16111A P'ttul� , . I "I � . , - 1, - lit. 4 -84 1��104141�ft , "I , * :., : I - � " ,'' .'' . al , , I . I , I � 11�. a0ling clergyznea Azill� Tfaila'I". -we an. the �P.11411.41 Pre "Sotterhil. i'lb" � , , 1.12N, ft�, ul,o wish to restriet 41111ce" to I r1%, - , , _ �,t � - - - '01.�r V.�.!�% .1 11�,4 !.'!' : - I �'� " �e 11 I L 6 . . L � I i aud you eall't UIL i,401 vollufli- lwre." "Oh. vnIlt , ,� � lt.s :111t,t will 464lual taivainlin, of lle,x- `c 11 4 , , � ­­ - ., " " 'dool I.Autly r -1, 'd ". 1,�;, .. 01 I " I . , . t t-nn't wo,r" reldkod flie r-4 �. I 1. N41 ul,)rd kq� unevetry slituelkintly L 1" �r ,., - � �, I 'Price i -quie finder -4. 141�,t* lij.42tor,gl�." t.t"* I 'V',.� 1, ."S!� � "' * I I I � . -4 lit '. . , ., . �� 'P � . -1 ` 15.41ko I "if .T041 d0vt produliv sk) I'Many thon. f 1,9`1410W&1414, w Idvamt them tahes the TRADC MATM.C. 1� �1_ !t -, !, I I,- V I rs,olia to,!V- -,vwat ll,�V , , , 04 ii ­,�­ , " 0tMGM_* U."I tl" � � I . . 11. -- I I .1 I v , � I **u .." In 119 vollimulat ulean- I I � t4luld 1,401,11v�. 1140-r. %VM be 1014"LAMM191. jv��, 0.40D,". :J--,.--, I+ '. �',' %�.:,P� 1�'.' .1, ,� 0 �­ �_? o� Wo Capyntowirs &�. ,�t ,�'l ­ . I including t� , I - r V, ulolo vn4ijwwi�lf­ d,S11i(-,uh"4!i4 that A01. ."JL�4�1 ; ,.A0A 1..#�,V.U.Mcw Oaqli It with Joy. Anvont, souMna a 4tete.1a aud dearnt,%,,��!l r.., " t " .�gg% J;Jupl JjD.,.. *2�U,C,,.q":_,.,U­ 9!_ � "', " '' r4ulallipy av�TU%'A 0 AM "14400 � 'A r9to tt"o" P . , i '. 9� , � . � , !� - 149 inch ham, i : t ktivolit! Al Is pf"Iblably ratoMolills. J ,, um'vil. ., ,, . Jorevo-ut us Coming %V11111n. a 110%%' IMI.V t%". . M�,,_y 4"Olitomlot 4'r. Volt. favt that they i _ V 14T�.120 tqy��,jjl:..' "-.'!r' . �, ' *. " , 1; ., ,0 .., " 111W ', * 4 , I , �1.4. dy 11,;n%1M1rWVn�nMd*ilt4Kl. JInirtdb�w,kvii lllri­�:zo t�lstoli� � , I , ". , . .0 recor4s . � Ic4e. .%4.0,404,­� (1.1 , _'. ­� , , * , x6rittlet, C;1181 oJeney fcrMrl,UTa0V�a%",�­,. I.A� " , , , of T,onn,li!' Thli,!-u- eamilliveriin,v 416fikut- ., � , t 't 44,�, -0`., hvn.l Me to,elhig-J tit MqVbo � . t2i�q *wvle &!v41VKc-,il,,4lQ(,1 L'�" Me TIJIN. ll%�'; t,t %ty"l., V�'P,,. �4.�, .C� .7 ­-, .. _ ": 1`0. 1.-.4 dp.,�V, . t4thi.v Iohrasfl� 1-,,V.�'idpq PAWM4 tatLon It V'ouvtl Mum & Vv4 M�t"­' I., and , , - Mlwrlau taah%1lA.%: E-Altviiis alt'-ligg 10MY .�l 1uf.,­!J4f,,9 V.��; - vi t I% 1, ." �;", �. '. . , , ­Illvwly up.- _� "A01 Ilight" and -I Og Wee., tptzz4tnotkr.wlttldutcbz!"Q�,t�luilli� � I � I I � . ed,11Mt r-owid box. ?, . woles Ill) Olt, !-Cluth for T04D.L', allid 2 ljl,� ,%'J':�,� -If J� � - 11 ,�� I . , I . Scientific Afflericalif . 1. �­ �­ 6_-_--_____._d � _�,B .11 94..­4'1,��. �,�qqtitalv Me tatau"T l -W 04-1 IlOwly land . .IV ,I . . . 7.114 � ' E. 1k_!11'.!L�`-",tP 'au' , � " . - 144 * 1% 6 brawli lage had to b�, made. 10i.'.1tA sA fi,,­*. !;0,-11.�.,,;:1!, ,,: �, r �1 � `�, #"q ao�t V"k � thref-, WhI t 8tolgreMV. A bluldlulnelf filluttratad t%"tMV,. I nwc�-? - �f� "CAtLo�.lofk�2tic4entiae.1,�l�ltbal. 'Aov,q.s.�Cl MONTMLO — �­ — 1��-u'L.l P,JU6,;,.41 ��..U--�,,,!- -_,.;;1; t ,_ a , f� '. -V - V"'t'.. low tft�aithlk. I'D. 51,3iA bytill 110M41 �"C_' � I % , , . I eW Yorl; --­­­ L - -1.11 ­­ --- — 11opellem. f,,,n'-4,4­1�, - 0". �'* 4, 0", `*... .,.� 1:1 � _z, MUNN & Co as antillati-illy-N . . - , They U'vre Not Iftdillibli. :,! � mo ra)glcl�4!l elvii.�..Vnnoa wvq ad"10"!:9. 11-1-All!".4 ,111111.1 11.,�,i�_� !�: , 14' ,,, " �, t, .". .. - � brAt:tJ M.1�6, ;* k. ,,�t. waiibaum!�. 23. t. �� . , I lingacu,vg �galtvma . �4 thabil!zInvoo. auill In *,� I. I �_ at t�,, �.j!�,,J %..at tiv�,jun tlgc, fir,,t C*hl, - �,Iv I- . . 1'. , ,,V'Q 9 -4- " r u ��,11 ,-, � ,­ .,,�o 4 !�,.,!,�- 11 I - I I I I I 'ordcr if-,) app, ­A thill 11.,,mre tl,!) M�J lwnrqn�4 , ' ' J!'1'1,� J� I''-". � L `�' B: ,.C. '� ��,In,*.�, U�, l(%A1Xe4S1n�.,A tire Indian!4 wow I :� - I ,. � , , I '�""J"��'� , (I .�: . - lJ­ , ­ . _": "� i- . PrOmMent Horamda Swear i ­ - -1 ,� !" Li I E � I � I "A A bol, :Mrodrloyca .,t wlaht-�, $"� nl��'Uq'I�11 -�lt",�',"".�q".��"""",,,''I",,', � ­�­ t�. _,.,,,, li,,��.v t��,�.'T�,!'Us ab�nit theal. A tV_ — "I �1­ � N4 T in " i � lju-0504),A, - . �. �. ,1�1�tl ,;;-,,,;,%,,,ta �.,o� 3c� �J lll.�C�tlij CAG tvr 'WL"It ; � , 4MW � He 141,11myo-i'a a '�-ao,)&IAJ n"Iti. " " .L: ­J!':, . . � .1 .1. � . .; 41'4'�� - r ,,, "o �0 � , � r � I � V � -0 . . � � - - , VS .;� . �%0,: �� V,v, ,�- _t, � , -aft fl"Togn t� Aa VLA)"CLong - , � - tmu­ �­.; 41shtBA WEI tv,)m ".1 IL 1. L_ � !� A ^ 'r -Q guqdna M9 v -U � I luv',�,�� 'dj �,%, 1'� � ! " � ,� - _� I �-, I I " , � I,— i _� ­V.v ONY vfli,�e to� V,m,*�-_- ..., , . :� .. : - - 1� - , � � -.1 11 �- � . . no. 1.�Vli llv�ctv� attol .-,; � , , . Pj�­.,I;, 0-10')M6 -1;L-,1 t"V% , I � �, 4, T� 1.,;--V]L; a- bm", no,t, Vl,-,��v wetfir-4 1111*3,'.Ilt,s� BY - , l� �.nli�#.,22ui:;. aaA ['Le 010��,_,U-BNL-A U��,�e_ Tro)�C.,'�Le, ----. ­_ __ 'r ­ ,Y"�o utv-l­�ar,�� v,`Zv) 09 the lirnratinq or - . I.. . . ML -V " , - .,L'11^1A&-�1NGT0N, 0. 0. �� ", L�:.. 9a qilo�.q_id. M lo�A lLe tvm�,ILq,i bt�4 l,4L.1- A New ll�r;l,_ta�,!i IN-atuvw. 11 11 �, 4,v,­!,"1tA fm� "q,tyll: Vat�e tn,�I%-r te�,T. I - �., --, �: � I � I - I - . ---- 7, ,� � , _ .- . '. . J �. i. I_ I , , " , 1, - ­-, - . r I � - � - � L' - I 'Mo b-11" , � I . - " " . ,, � tramm. vrr'blnm it bio+��Dnk'A RuelaVoIlLte VM,oll! I � 111. . - V " ,,, 1! � OUR ( .1 � .., S.D­ t � �- - �.. � '. , _.i, -4 _, -,: _-f'�S,Tl endetharks.06py* , " I - � ,�.U7.� 4 s.wit", V,.ey V -Lw ��.� , , , llh'e ,4doil stnv"aroi 0"a 1�s�� ,-ArAl N.��P�,�t N­­13t",'L,!" " _L' 'J� ,� : "", I .; ', ..: � �, " � �e� I . . � � . I—` I_' . - _. _ , : 4 L ' . %, . �, � , � , Z iLT"L,'.-,y ol,"o,"'nuAl'. ZL�Ley V��u�e 1� 1 . . , I 11 �. ,� - , , tul. Sead for - . - I - wrulDa vac do�* ac"w'.", Et:�� lrcuadeu b!", ,�­p)"",��1:2 t- � ! ­� o , ­ ,r- , �.' . - �.' , -T , , � , 11 - , 11 - 1, , - - 5;_.__2" 1 I . '. ­ - �x. , - � I .11� .1 1. I. ­ - I -, , . I - � . . - - _.­��,��> - , , , , __'L,��nl. 4LE-,i'. .1 T " _:�- � - � ` : , , - .4, ." . : ­� - , ". f'�, ', 4,!'��., n D'Mr;",�,­ ,DT lu,,01=51 %ct v r� - - . I I . I- K: * 1. I . * .. 1; � I - ,,, �, I - " T CZ�Avmzl-,& I " ,mf,�,,�a&��uga lu, - .- -I r, I aa.-\�4 ­Me,-�s :o�,nv -,,�Dzul, 91Vu­,T,V1 V,q,g7,-_A ,11 t_�Uj�i-.. ,�,',' - �. �, - 11. _ .. I � �;� � - ,,, � - 19 .,M MM I\& M 300 3: MS - � _2,A,n 11, . � vellee ut Mt.? Uwk�"i. 'tro"If. qjcpt�lh,:,� 4* *DaNu', �--�:. �-_ , .� , , 7, � � . ,t, S--'L�.,_O�V. '2*�'.tl '�qrtl:_'g,M'S aR�l:15VOIC"LE-1.1 � te, v ther -41IN4 4114 te440inirtt,�--n,'4!- -­ ., I . I . ­ � � ­ - ­� � I I .1 avid stt .. ­­­ __ ,Vouft�cz ltarft do tDOT1129'"W., lttd�s sn"Ent" r"O's li,n% 1! ., r! , !. " . " I. ,,, 1 r. ', q - � ,­ 1). �.%,�- nv,t vta"A".4 gei'as"'. "Me, In- M. Von %%ffl' �11�,� lh�a­wmc aft, [I- zi I . , I . - . , I , , .. 1. ... �', I ,; I *, , , . . '. I , .1 . I .-I".1 ­41� . Jqj�,i" %­, .. . A, . . 4 . , I vhlp Starn f6rel"Ir"z- . � � ,;. �; ,. �� - .1 --: - I,,- ' 1 T' ' ' � L ! ,�. �� . ., FU!t.4 a,llrv,.�.,�, mnd. il,w�-Vn,�* .r ial. -09uMst - � -v . , , _q 1,4f Ux � � - - . . � � � . . . 113 - . .. . . r . Onr 9,tne I �% 1. �, L, . -, . � ; . . - I - !'. 1 �_ - . , -, nwn in '014tnvatu. it'ns'lled 8aJJ,i,t,J V- - . . I . - - �, I . _­ I --- - - �, Jznr,,,�-. ­V�,,�-, , �,f ". - r � %.0 q-,"'I�'LL-v � vj, z flip sn Tosi I 1161 hi �'t t ;�­L­� " - 1, . . , I _1: -el. t_42r ' known. �I --sve Test;MBomals I "I - � `�: "'a _1L ._'�' _' � �;_ , �! �;�,.,.� ,L;,,L -, -1 L9 . c'' -�- U, - . I ­� I Ubite Lace vells. "" . - �Loan 5ato tii,e a-,,,, 5 0 P"', ' ., -) ty, su�owi .__ ­ - r". � � . L I lr'tt'�" �07':' 1 "" � - ' � .., . �,'.,,-,- .1 -@ , ' '_ ..' 4 I '. ,"�'-� - . . I,- 1, gh " To vlean Vit x7lafte lac,e VeBI benil It gn?n- tj _'�. Uevv�w. TLe tes', was conel , _:,kT D'i"'Ift I— ,; IV . :"" �� ­:�,� �4 1. .,,Z- �, I . I.,$ , - _-, ,� I . 0 �'��C'1�" u DranWht,�4. q1hitl milud Fever. -?v' - ­ . - .. I I :: , 11 rj , I - _'� - . '- I'll �,_,,, a� I I 6 � Or in a stlutton of T);Mte "'t"ap f6v elf- ­TL_,-"L�� -,,, '3 l�-- � -U_- ­,: ** ..' �"­ V_ . 5whu. TL , '411-- e 11 4 � _ . � I ' S - i;% TL�Q' tCJU'fl not' C'y TonR- Mtxtires. DAiem- I'. vr w,�"­i" �, I . I . , ­ 11- � ' ,�', �_. , � _. _ ., � '�. " - 1�� - : %'�%-Ti,, mea Irad:.Zr"S. lueave yleme,!17. i'o"Dadition 1�­,I..--.,�. -�-, ' ' ;:, . .- 1. I—.. I �L7 a _-ft*,gLf*f* � teen inflntAc-s; then Pot it into a ll,iisga OIL? V.e n: �,:- t, Z, - , - � 0 1. - � . �, ' ' :, . r . �, - ." "iq_ * . "� . _, -1 . ;t� JFJ.bGD. - ';'- I ." .%� � 4 . ,aTaJL71%7fljQ.._J.anqJ4 , - " . I I _CZC.-ily nl,.d lliei�p �_.,,Juilez, JV'%,S!-1- ":,:�- , , o5 -1i! ',`,�, Z:'!­­� ., 4, ,1'.'-'., . -�. 110,W to.net,�e ,,, 91414 0intillent. n1,41 Gzll�l I *�-,­��_ �. ,� � I I -1 ... Cefq%teitlis q A CJ,esl13 Sfroe. , � - Ing it %ettlly 10MU f -IT -ami. 1-­oI1r1V,r flu!" B-!"�, r_�!.-,,-. " '. 't;":," _ Every reiinedV (;uur,nMc,#1- r ',- . - ..� tzfore Me by rinRlw* ftc�e or st�ap and paMm, R ­ ., ,;i... �,� -- . -..-- ��,,y,,.� ­ , .!� �T `It Mtwi a Q."day �sp�['R to sho..1w up a . ��.�. � � r I I � , ­. �- �V,,,n Of tbL, ., ,E ,� * - , ,*,y J:,."J:,,; t"."I J'rl.-�,., - - L� 1 , ­� . :%" 0-1'.� I �1_ ,, , ,I,-- Ugt inonc.!�- refunilled. i, 1,�., I I -,- - f:wo. stiolkont into a. bn�,�01 efcolid watcr "nta�ai;1,4 a Iw�.,z ­.,,i�.'* �,'lz,s a s�ic� ei-alon. - �� V 4 ui­�� u"It tcDc J�4-�',� '..;il-y l �,.t N't � , " *-' P f, ., a . L4.��:4�QMIJZ. fttk v.m t��t sr,.4yf�v 41 by an orn-server en -.;. W."Ilk ."Ttaid drop or two of l"quE J Mue. NeaL ll,07ie jl�e�u., a V 8 T V. R I X A R Y P;. � I , - I I . ,,, � 2 -�;" � 1.� . . - �. ,�L�.:a thrctts ftc.? � �,­ I ­ � . "solne ve*r CEC'ar'grnn arable wattv Aw ___ ____ - .-alny etzy, thuvulo It zany rhave eume V. i . . , ,. A , , tWn rZee waler and Pas!, tri�e ve"I rosurkelleneo --Tqi2C-5.. �V:C.'"o ;.,in ln�,,ur ftema the store. Unteb OVICE FRtm 1; "I. - 1- ,,, . � , _.. , . . .." I - -J f= - � - - _11 11, "C:..�, .11 r I Those. nie,Tlivine_4 arc, 1,tz*t 7.zn !7 �� � 4 4dwilL Clovou-b It. V F .�:t-:C:.,,�,_ _'.,.� ,I , " .,� (;�, 4 , "F,�-­_-. f',ilrk�- �t.�:t C"T J,(c):pOetEe nes' . tint-eitrarlWi. - I , � ___1 1, X . ; -�,-/ , �n, f *W7 0 I L'.'� ",�'.­I! � 17 . � � "! , " , - - , , - 4' ,� I .0 ,, TeLTIn stre4erl It Mt C, ONO ,�:� I and pin N. mmkIng the oulge Os st5M'%:M LL , , , "I" , C � ­%'- ani 3rQ0 e�qa g")k�:: Mbut Me lnexptmsive clonvenientf-712U. ,.,Zffl:, fn-, tive-�­t- " - ,:. � _. �_� 0 Amf xts passMe nng* p1n.n,Eng caeb se'a3alp ,qnun,,JRZ,-. *F!, ,I:. - I- " : I , - -!:6a alw -%r �ea ions on eavla on,&. Thir: - ',! �- - . , ", a ,�. . � I - _.� � 7 , � , ,.:; � ,.�_,�, -! ,,&D,,g nys s . L r r t 4 , . . - '=�1-.*!__­3e=!%sz0t2 , :.. AV_ . - . - � Nps � , �_ .- ." � I t �Qp 111,1r, ." % I �, I �' % � -,:, " , . - i.lr- �'�'.�? 3"jlvt,��L�7n"­, aye V,;et. ATUC-egal S' MO �Mld at evipry ,�sitq,re tn tl,,Z�,� C, -,%1`-:-. .� . M �iepslr,atepy to a Iltmn ,n:�f,tb, ang OREO'w 1, - _L��`l ]-,Io - e . I : . .. ­ I � -:,. -:-1_,11S'­tC_Sr .It_ � . �: * ' -,." ' '70%ltb I V11, 0,1,11,71-1- � 1. 1 47 .o=C=eUtV7MP6S1 to fty. When 01-l". cover M V. -M., .1 TZ,�,!�7 11"C', t0l zi-,", v��`,-T'­ Z�,­­, , - - .", � . 'i'�-L -, -a', ,�, M J � � '�L ­� - '�:'�'I�t-"'�.�­,!,lZ C-:�,�V.,,Xa7uy sl",nw them np� and if yv,uir mv,,relkeeper , i�-, : I � - - : ­," 0 1. 4142 f S g5p,t dolilt 'L-J?L.J� tlUlr�lllj. WJ'-',tL'A '--i , � , of tbum musnin EIM41 srum It en tLe Vvr,�14* 41". ,!��e q:,. ;I r]:t,,,�, v� � _vt, 1 IL'y �,'.,:, C'�...*".- '�":;�P, S�..'�,� I - ­ ­ ­ . . - - , of 0. ctl" , ­!, 'A ' - 4 �- .:. , I �. I..; . - � ,cap). t-,�:,wmv,rn sh 11 �., �r-ilij..,.. T'l,_ ly r�r ... Z, %-,� � ".. ',I %, �,�- ,,,,� " f ­.'A r .J�, - .. . -� " , _ .C� I-r,tr n1n."tat'E�3m 4�;_',,,'Ler. e<,=J,6SEZ '5T Wild V,ve Will fo-mvard the2lil ll,V,, !.,,�',' '-� � " , , .-- 'Orts- etai&. " IZ!, -ftt. 9�t�U'111,�,,!�' `."It,.,.. ,%:� _-J Lvr.'.­t 11-0-M'. �':�� UV��,--,K-Q �1:1�,_ra-. az& WQ.n�i-softens I'. au& " 7. Evc-1,v Egr,et�­,ee .,�mla - �, , k ­-'� I , � �� �, - I � I - " . , , '�. " a&�! *!, �1: -, I ,x �.,��A-.. ,�. � .,� : . .11,� . I., . I - -Zz %.,u Vv&.1, -Z S-2",�!? , - - - fl, , In, � m 4 . 11 �­ J_C,,Dr. j,, - - 1, " " I z, :.. � -, ly iii, ", n;,I! q;nld h-vt leftlik _ _ �s 41:5. '1.�t .. . �� - r" nE , Ja � '14 N1,YD, Nvnler .'I kL e vor cotlare Misses." .- , �t I 4,,` �. �. � " en+, jilDv .0 , . .. . . !1. _. �� , . s!,e� n L-,�.ts c,Vezc-9 a aazf",,�n Z�-­;, -1�,_), I..- l- -p �-,---, 4.-� !1,!.� -,- -z . �, ,] y wjj�� �J-_Z. Y,0,�: C�Jin. always teu :1 ci�c-X) - I I A pvarnOn ' - ­ - - , Prepared 'Day �- - - - I .. - ?1�11 I cbC,ap an �:_ ` , -;., .a SlW . , - � I .1L ;�, $"_:,a !n 11ES vtay:, ,.. �, .Ple C='� fo,-1 II!I�Qt folT%a ef it t,D I',. 1. � i, Z ^,_, �',.L, � ,� ',--,.:4 " - � , 0,f ,;_ _ - The Eureka VetertnQr� o-7 I � 1,� . _,� rnenAal depress'on kmov,,M las `trae =an­,.,��r C.�L.'11 1:-, Z ... Z�,-`., :L.�4.y "l -t SZZn�t_2 !� .!" , ;. , ''I . . .3 , � . Tbe GTtlat'-silt surrelrldL-r. 1-,'� . - , I 4 - blues." It us to s7r5! Ttni� me.)Te .voa by ihs gmv�_,2�_- ,,-#.:. n 0`,,� �-­! , ,%--A " �l -,: S Medicine Co �, .e. r .�� �. . _, - sln5le tPhe better. It rela:Kf-s 14trZe Merve& to ea�e V�a ccn--..r"L�: Q� ,,Zia Z.,"A-t 72.�? gi-ixv-it szirn�­.46.!r in the annals ' - � I IL ""I- 1. I . , , " promotes d!ge-sVou. StVftcrles tte =1 Ind trau.­ I,f vv�­`Z­e wn's 1.1"'t of ,Melz on 'Get LONDON ONT �,_�� , . - I "­ .- L . . �' .", , �l " ? . � . .. - � - . , mp, . � a L 1-17, 11, " ­�,fl�,d place .-ME-M - I - , I to agreeable thoughts, and bas , . i,oy �7v. As a �e', 1. 4 , . * � , . . _�, o L I , I wnralft-rl to lftevt�nt. . , �11 d- � .. � Me � - r, .�, - . � .,. � . effect upon those ab,6ut you. 17L -e rem- "L-dy.", s -"I Menn�!o-rk4g. Mlkr- 1%av,� mr i � , - 'I 9,L.; SurromA.ng .1ons, was P 16 .�? 4 I I � !, 3 - ; . I , , ...---- � I � I - e,-.H.y �%-.;_,.-%-gn"'14"��, 9,ut bi�d 'generVISLEP y I . 01% , � ., � il!,a- Irr,mittlent edy is a cheap one. and wbile !1a some - � . - e ", 7 11 , I .. - I ][:�Mrf b14 , , __ .my ca -X-e 1'r rL,�,-�.,, 1-:,� (z,-- . . ., . . lastances it nany be hard to ' Eake ffic-re ywa *,_r!_;"ted �z to ILE- e�itnpletely Surround- ", �. ?_` I I . 1.1.4 %-_,;1Tu %'.'0_1Tka,nsV "MqV4LT;t y,yu Li.-:--tl 'il,�re lv;*.4"a &�_ � I I - ,._,� �� � is no fear of nn overdose 1. v--1 .�-_d cot ot?. The surrewler iscludcd 1. I _ t, ,\�, I . --1 .___J-_: _-u'BLadde- �. .,�'�,v I , , i�11;4 ..��. fore - - 3 OeM n .Iu-slnn�s. f;ol --einerahilt, fww r,fl'2,- I ... .,­, :_� 4 -0 ... - I ,� , �, r _-� � .. , , '. �__ I Y" . '11. . Z, ;� . - %ZZ- n -K T. PRE I 'Uns, 11 I .1 V,LTZ. 'S16 I.Y."Itly. I 1"'Ve. 1*."a fQ_,# pi5,1 a jul1v, f - I . � ��l . - L -- ,,--'n.%?1.h-,- g C,.V-1_1­AV_U" ' , - , _ ti -s o �v%vor th­rt,e. ovcr 4q10 , ,�, - 1'��'. �,N, -.P � 10 - ­a,ovs us 'y 1, ! i � , � � " ,�­ ii,�,r:,�,rw, n " -1 , " *41, _ , __ ; ., 14 ? caa'ln' to� zet s� ­ ul , WS � Direotioniii Witnotat Steep. I , _ trall1t,ust"', nvnrly i1i) Stand. I )V. k I 1� `,_. . , - - , j I .. - , . ' - ,� - �-Iyr "' 1�6TO ,�, - .. I .1 . �_ . 2 :'_�,=W.Gy STAMT, t, ,OW 15 Yours 1-10 WE� �t - ,' t',Z� - . and 17Z;.#)Jj0­.=ZL and t5le. � I '&I . `� � - . . , 1� . Mistress-I'Vell, BNdge' and h - � ; , � L 4'� � . ,.�, - . , 7 ,� % I � I'll, and? - : , �'., - - Y, L I I . 'I., -_ . .. MTROIT, MON. your husti. I � - - . - 4`10t_ Washerwoman -Sure, an! L'879 all %*Trg 9.1 --by Doexult Go. A.Invere'stling. :i. �i . . . " _� - :�, . � . .- �­,�r:�j "I . . . . �7 �� " ­ " I - ' . g � , , I , 1 � I 11 ,.;m,,.1%4­b.stJ ,,.:, --,..ss Mdows .1ttr.,qi:t- I - t \ - �� 1, - , I I . - e� 2 - . . �; I I , �L 11sedqup, Mum. 11131sby <�EIA t"w- ud",�'A"Vr &?n rt�;ti,�hs I - '� ', .. , �, ­ 4L�, _. __1 - - ._,_.Ii�-, - - Mistres b,, left (". .. tM. '.';.-a. 11-ut 41�'N Ono dwesn't. .rid �Z* 3& ,"xN . ,s -Why. whItt 11"IS him? ,,��In -, t�) '01'n-n�:Z, but - 4 . . ,,, I - ��, _+.-,� -, -,�.,.,y� , for V,ot g L,L , ' - 4 1 -1 , I - s rai lx.r pri tty lo,,t. 1 Nvoinder %vI_Y .11t, I I .,nq .. � 4e; � _­­. . � _ I.. I - I Washerwoman-Indade. Vila, mum, he rnaEn fl"W, . ..t I I .I..., ..... .;i:. �,11 ��.�, , I Ll � - ­ -_ ­ --- on', t, tlx�y pern-i-I't 1,�..r to Z"UMO aritiund ah�nv." 1. i - 103��j­ - 's, bat " , . i7 " �,,�.­­ last night lie bad sleb bad dreams t, I-AvIl'It is thavz­ - Well. yon ,ee. R, ,%vas all her Ili)$- 1, ��� I I .;,i! I - - 'I �� 1, , �i��;, --�.. ­ - . I . - . --- - ___________­_ -lit, ,,ne Stays away because his wifo I Nqi;, - - �.. ­ .I . I ,�.,�- ..rf�,�";;", __ ,�, t .v".. I be couldn7t slape a wink all nsg " I'll � !J; L L, , 1_2', Z i�. , , .,0­1�11.1 . . . 1 -, �,� tii ,L!,;� 'M . - banix's, I 1-1t. She got the divorce."- - 0� �J :: - \ . 1'11:�_�k . 1�, .1 � . . , ., ., � :. -�, CID)! - 'm 1'. I :::, � il . 1, . , I � . - IS I W . " : li��, Z,_,� - MUM. �:!.� - � I . - .1 :-, . i , 9 I _)Z�� - . .. _�. ��isu; , - ;s doesn't make bi glxl' .. - , , .1 am; ­ .iff 141" .1 , Vhat Strarl.-Ing reellsilar. When the self made man SSLYs. "'Gimme some of the pummis de ter- rey," and tile Walter Wants him tO re- peat it, be has a feelln.- of fear that never comes over him in the busy marts of trade.- , Literary people pay but little attell- tion to the volume of bushiess.-De- trolt Tribune. - I ' The first stmw paper made in this ,�tllntmy . as manufactured in 1828. ,& N-levir Definition. Wasted. ostend-Paw, what Is an underwrii- T41S,.S­,-',6 "Mr. Boreal f-alled on you last er'l evenim.". I d"n't slippose .Von got a Father ... � _1 worn. m -V to o, q. mill .1. I gu�,,:_ at least On n� pen your nth. . .11 )ost. Jess -0h, yes, freiliwntly. But it she ii tile one Who all-WI.P4 nilds 11 r didWit (10 'lily good. Ile didn't pay any script. , attention to my yawns., , If a, man is shaped all rigglit and bll-� 1 limbs are as flexible as tbey should bP, it is always a matter of surprise that he is able to scratell Ills oNvil back cr -tl,t, I V rs should take their worries so reach ally part of his anat,:iraky. Call , ninch to heart: also that they make so Von do M-Atehizon 4`4110-n'. . . 11;�kit of uur-:.­Slnjrt SsA. . Ili -L - ... L ... "'. _11- --..-- I -ST ISSUED . . Ju U . . ;:_,� - .1 I �_ N�_ � , - I 'I ct� I I .­­ _4'_1_01UT q�_ � I .- I - . . .�. � . .� , `114 . - - - ,,-�7- aiisez Etc. , � lz.� LDS , Pl. -1 . ­ I , - . [�` � I I I - %-�,: .� -:300 illitststro,tions . ­­ . t.� .� I I . .. . 1"., -).,", .LD., UnitedStates; - , � W '. �. . . I . � . I - I 1. I I I : � '' :, Lltle'112mt Specialists. , ;,� �: " , � . I :.1 . . . 1. � _'L, *�- ': ". -, '-" -,TN, ' " " -1 - 77-l"AL USE i ;� � � . , �.'!, . , - _____ I . . ... ,,, ,:. � _­,-� 7, i;�,k,an e,c. I I V � , , ! I � ��,,� " , � 1*1 � .. I � . .. 11 . I - - .11, �:.. I I ­ L! I �. �",�, - ,� '. � I . - , , - '. N I �, .",_.__. I , _ ­�_­'n� - -- .1 .. 1, I I , i.`J�l "I'll, ... . ". - ,� , I - �_ . I . ;:��,��,f� I 1�: _ . ". �­ C- I - �-_ 7. -; ;%. . . I � � I I M :� 1.13'. - : �'�, -i;­ . . . .... 1:1-, !�, --- 11 � "n", - I I .... I .... ­ I .I.-.--- IN . M