HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-07, Page 44 TH8 ZtJRtCH 14'61RAL�D
a largo
Ell E. i E3 T-� L B
haro of the e -.),;t of state
)T"' ood ClUbbing rates.
Goods 4
I i governniont. ThtLt the 10giSlIltUre
li-w; the riglit to ereat6 stich a board
`Ium H E K I N
Is PURL1,311FI) Prices Right
ZVXRY T11UMDAY BVPjNIDTG..ttii(ItotzixtljertlilWaysintlie wity !PT-Ive 11,1%lo nuulo arrangellients!
to ot,(�r t1jo followilig low elubbing! 41
I there can i)e no aoilm, its i
BY H'. ZHl,1XL1 proposet Clocks, ratos with Trit,', 11IPR-k1,1)
I and
Watches, H E yh'w% Nun E E N
tho.'r aro alnady Paying, a large' Jewellery, Musical ('10bo 4,00
.yetior paid btrictly in allyance. IV tax, thereby achnitting tho jilris-': Instruments and Mall & Enipire 4. 2 5
r is not ordered to be disew (41obe TF 10 1 E D 0 "' E S' 444
it ",ill. be "lit until Such order is given - diOti011 (If tile l)r0Vil1L'" to levy the Fittings, also' Spec- '�Iafl & Unipire 4
1.7.) 1
Pettyi)iece's' tacles and Eye- Jo'urnal ((-Aurnian)
when not paid lit advallee.
ADVERT11SING RATE,,�.-Trillls ip lit I)i-,l 111av not 1)e(�oljle law, t it. glasses. Paini' lloral(l & Istar
advertistatients, 5 velits, per Brevier TRY ME,
for first insertion. and 3 cents per line for. will serve Lt goo(I imrpose in _eiii-, arkable Offero
eu(�h Nubmequont insertion. Small Adw.z CZ
* I phas:izing the ina(lequacy Of the Fine Repairing a Special e r w i n 4
iguell. ag"Lost" "Estray" ot `Atolon i,l � Is tile b"t onr ever made in ihis community. By a veiy excellent ar- 4
be clim-guil ;50 cents firit insertion 'Ind 25 as,;essnient ancl taxation of railway, ,t-ont made with th3 Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are 4
cent,; for each subsequent insort lon. W i I I i a m s,� to offor Tlir ZUATCH HERALD and that great Family Paper, Lhe 4
r Iezrapli and telephon. laid Weekly Star for one year for the small sum of SI,75 and ja
Copy for change of advertiseraeut'all"'T W. HE S S -% I
, diry a i a h t I h, to (-nch ,in bscriber tEree beautiful premium pictures of which tile follONY- 4
he haudkA in not later thunTne. a unef description. 4
ange in iollk)kv-
of eaLh week to jusure all 'M c, hily wlio sp(--,n(1,; his eveninps RDWARD
ilag i�SLe. Lt THE JEWELER VII. -True to life, a beautiful portrait, size IS X I
arotint.l. the fainil v flre.,4itle, roading: I i i -'i vi, oil bean tiful 11 eav v wit i te satin finished paper for framing. 11% is p ortral t 4
it .4ince Ill.,; a&ession 4o the throne, and is the very late,,kt arid best 0,
Loeal notices in ordinftrl' readjn.,�' 0,110 .41
some good book or good newspaper
5 5 Otie" �or Chareli ',,it- It cannot be had except through thd FAXILY HERALD AND 4
ceuts per lin'.. X eg tilat
tertainnients or other benevolefit 11i'titil- all.41 SIMI! Tha Ont2li) Provincial Auction Sol,) A -ant I.) Sr.kn; each picture bears the King's autograph. This picture bas tile 4
111cskX sigh" allid livartaclies of '%Von -o '11orit of being t is first taken after the King's accession, and has fli�4ore I
special rales. V
Lion at . Sales. Greb
Coiltra,�ts fw. column. lialf-tao.1117IL11 L11d dering 1,3yhore is ilir boy t1-1li-I'llt I fo Zurich value thatno other picture can possess. 4
quarter-i-ohinin rate-, for sj�et'ifll 11foriod., is Ille bov who :411111e of tllvsv (lay., Z4! 7 2'2N ALL-MANDRA.-An exquisitely beautiful picture of the reltlayk. 4
ivill be elatiLi-fifflY givLn. A,M1,"4 all ill the lit .. ar fliture, will be sought Tbe Provinvial Anotion 'Na'( -s
i- 1)e-iullful and good Queen Alexandra, also taken since the King's aCOPAHLOT1 4
eoultatunioationq to by tho nian who litt"; illll)()I'ttA]lt "lliell Nvore liold tit (inelph '11111 H E.. I 'ne tbrone. Itis thesame sizeas thatof the King, thetwofornalaign band. 4
yen il Fel 1 1.7 a 11 !,&- pair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription price 4
L position., lie wants filletl. 110 is (WIML 1,1-';t I )l. 1H L (I i Irt.perand pictures. 4
o, tll(. I)L)y \vlji) -\vill Jill tilt, inost tllttll rt`
i,,:'Olonnnercial 'Hotell No porta-all, of the King ,and Consort taken at the second or suceeeding sit. 4
U I Migi can have one fraction of the value of the fixst. These go down to history. 4
E, ZELLER E11IT0P. y171110.11, P.O,' iniportant positions of piibliv trust 0-XVeVtttti.)nq Of till intvre�tvtl. T1 % S
ill till thP YOV11tiOnS or life, sale", this year will talz , oplave (bIr- HENSALL, ONr. TIIE DUCHESS OF DEMONSHIRE.-The Renowned Gainsborough Pic. 4
in-- the wolith or I't 4
�bruar5% A 1111'". Sold at auction sale in London twenty-five years a -o for z1o,-m, 4
�r a's 11voll Illado ill -tolon by clever thieves, hidden for over twenty-four years audl. r -' I
FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 100 challun.. howovi , 11, -live ed to it
EVZ"RYBODY SHOULD READ. tile order of tho salo.�. That at Thi; p.mulur hotel has been ,vaoroil payment of $25.W0 reward and since sold to ATx. J.Pierpont.Morgan for v
()ttalv't Will tn1w plave ill-st, ri-brit., flik, lit brief, is tile history of one of the premium pictures, which. bya
Th�� �,ittlatiiklt Mill re-ard to tilt, Tostiluoly Which Shows the Great ary l2til. nlill. tilt- (-1A-,l:-ll)b kalo. via ir elever -itroice of enterprise, the publishers of the Facally Herald have secured tot-
iher wiliscriberi. The picture is-29x2S in ten colours, and is reproduced 111te fir
te Suntlav Closing VahLe of Dr. Clarke s Wonderful Peltruary 1601. fo, -date ill
eliftweenit'llt of t- and uill lit 'I V.1).to line, colour for colour with the original. Copies of the reproduction are now Nol-I
Law in New Y00C. (1114-A S01110 Shl0- Little Red Fills. As olih- it 1111liti'll 111,11)INT ill ;Illt- ro.owt-t. in Now York City, Montreal and Toronto for $12 each, and this bi the piL!tur4
Dr Charko's Little ReLl 1)ills cur- 111,11A 'Will 1)(1 ';Ak1 tit Vat'll Plat"t-, -,tlltl Ovel'Y Family Herald subscribers are going to get absolutely free together with Lit i
lights up-�lli lWollibititill V, 1401 * 9 as k�yatritt-; linve livint reovlyvil for L� %,,, 41
Vtl 11w I (-111-onji- rhetilliati-,.ii after ry t; I tent it -,a paid to tho ptutuiei of the Kill-- and Queen.
akl tiftelitively ill Mail- I I 1� ttiA- nor. big value� Call at THic HERALD OffiCe and SeL'
should be re I had beell "iVell irr) lky the doetors. consitIvrable nior(, 01011 tilt, 1111MIN-1-
n travvlilv� 1)"Illiv. Of tlWst' beautiful pictures.
itt)1sa lintl t Intario. TlltA� liiv rv- -Arohibaltl Wilsuil. wer0ittnt. requirt'Ll, till opportlillity will lit -
You watat Tar, Zviaxvir HER.A.LD for the local news, and vou %vant ill tL
.14altit Ste. '.Marie. triv(xil t,ist-li-vt ultiv tit(, vory imst. groat paper. the Family Herald, for Its 201, page f general ne_�%,, wt - . I .&
titilrAls I Ilk- vI0-dll1__1 A 1 0. are wortski oximny 1,11110i tllt I
Thert. is no, rellietly for rheunia. Allhilalg Will lit'st'100tt"I that all" ill -1 .0ing. Its agricultural pages alone
'Snualay. !Out sal0tills. alit', Itt%v have -nitlitioll. atilt! _0410-tl prace.
tisni., 'r ft w bliffiling up tile orsteill. tilt. 11bilc of L-1 1) (4-1 NN 8 r llr'ug or send your subscription. to
,;o fur 4--intrived tio gilt althih_ very , Iiial to, Dr. Clarke's Nv�ji;derful intlivillil-al.� of IlItt breetl tholy
well. :Alta the poliey lif tilt' lit -W lattlt. Rj.jI pillt,. I .� ojjItl ll,)t lit. _zt�llt. N_'ks jIjl%vtsrth.v T H E HERALD OFFICE
Mayor. ' 8%-th L )A%. i- tit all -a th%-Ill tljoiti for their weight ill 1W
tu) Q'ontilllw 1W. Auitlwr partv *1i. Fall-,.
tll..� law trIjt)jfj,.jl.,�, sav thal. Dr. froill a lot 'P17 -4414-1, 'if illdivhlll'rl�
vn�orved alid a litird party. %.I I.ittle Itt-11 IItLve dojj�. i1writ and ,trul Tia.
liallit-.4 iafa harurt- untubt-l- t&f 111 -R -an.
whiph Dr. I'Lqrkiturst i, tilt- Ilia- niore ;-,%At oil thun any tither weth Graduate Optician$
- t.tl- -tlor, i-, -.I
rilah. wii-dwi ;ill attt'llwilt Male a, i lIz4vii, vvel ell -Mr... ()ri ent ;Dret r� t'q. 411� tilt, h e ric' n a r b o in p o u n
1-itill h'. NVatorville N. 11. qunfity of the 41fet-re"t.
enforet-luelit. Thi,tht-Y 1,� ;401 I1P:1k.,11V that i.-. tillittl llrvvkl� 111epri-euttA,
will Ink '4114-il a di -.111:41 iaillirk -it no -IIIIIIIaN. t I
1.ittl.�- 1.� it lijilts tial.
it- Jlr Cla. I't PKT
the 04Pvt Th., n0,l1%4,t.I.. t1*44104w.. rhenuiati*inl. 431.1 ilik-111tit' TH G R
�-; t", alpt Towwool-If V1.0 AGLES AND'Evi EGLASSES,
(4ove,rluir li ltttbert� Yohl'% hir
State will Two'co towni I t 4-lia.-t a "'It. Mallugfill"4 V.�tltr Daily Tillle:,. 11int-141111 there will 6- �Vth qlro �44
tIlk. Dwof I w ,
I lit 114111IN t
jjji�re h1ti-ral III- ('!.trkv*,s lattN, Red PIN k-nrm "04illt., NrItUr.,01V
aftea. le. V4.ar,
pogsibIe v4 prov"ItT tho, 'all.
#.P1% P -ulatot.
2qjp-- 11 'Stv-10 1"ra I. J�, ".1 mlunev and Live� Reg
liqwsr ;n Nt-tv Y, -rL, 1-u j C� I, t.;;� I-V
tbe ip".om !�ttrll Ih-Vo Or "tal-ke 1.41: �1, ite�i 11111a, are W
.4 s wid
V'14.b011l) Ip- %44,11 11-st -15 onve fola, rheulltatvst A vk .I Whe
1,1 116t. 1AV4, "lit
tnq,jtt4 �otlaers V6 -hit- zf� That ksOUR HAT 0-4� 1 R BS
i-4 th" erm got tho. 11114it- t!ven when the dist-asteg Whi0aw. 4"but-hoh. W
toon, In Nvvv Y�wlk, &;3%p ',its ti f�jriwtn) vv4trs,
Treatment $1.
51V. WIP- tgA�- PV*1`,%� 9c14,"V,% h�o% po� State 114.,akl. 2. j Days 101-
f0w, ",
tof 1!t'g 0., *, v awn. *r
of 10011, pl,4,ildw� 42,11 4,Aulhl adedotanv� TiDe Valluda. t#41. 011tlliditt-- C S11
Wt-st. A 1114 -le. itonenian T111-,' 0 It 1--� T 1"tUST XXL0 tk"N
t 0it . -,I-ffl 4w, fir ally ealke Me'rev. M�oomfh� olail
!-, m,TvIlt- q
Cjot Vto,�%ip- 4") not 120U v llvtt- %Otht,v S.%L, -ON T. T 01
0ttalwa. atut Mull. PREPARED EXCLUSWRLY MV
Geo. T R it' Ilk; T T `S Co.
A 0 N Z 07 0. C-3 L $I ASS
�jnt Al,
iwtory apher,
im R4
ot, �3
, , I E L
T go !L, jr ff v" Vm'qn!=
�6 vt, ru Viol- httzk-� tv 't �-TaTjv t th z- d v
ntrn�.at V'y 1�� wt
N'.% 1.4 A I I F. I te,� 11, 1 Y i"(
tri tny-a�, an�Td ll!"tat- t1j.kt'1V �&Jjnn
, , Tl
L�� e", k�,T?v
RN 9R3 A
',"I% �?-T' %VqVL1.rX T1! I XN ETC.
oels :,:,s V Zt� 0VT AT NEX',O)N
Ag�tmt for Huron County
Wtt fb1F'V V&n �Vw�k t�vver vhv tn f:%,- ZURMCH P. 0.
d,t h J D U ",A R'
air �4`.% heavy IAWL'T fiNe
4x- f-rjicn-t-.11 the vflDa�:e '4'Nre. U,714 &et �dvjy fttne unfil it, ram ii ly
the 0,-4�nnter a 1911W Rc."Inee4l vffl 4.4,
ttto-ni4. Mile prolyrietor tvv�vk- the J�art4�es
,&A wi�r. telw-miop"k Wvll. Znain:% what
tL"? tuxat"ojn "11 - �1 , -
4 4 t�;Aua% F,
'41'. =�d wants an ptftg"�- '%V
wv,rfln ouf -und Site varf�- D, R_ It— E -rte an4 111nn
pelliThroke By_ T"
a Vsl,�-nu trgt 1� I e: Bay qnt
jEe (,4L'
7�fv !:Ine # � Q
the Un4l the V-nP :Kt cauada_ f.
Owl N'. Y. Ry
rat Ro .,i
Tl& tMV�k- M, Q pnrAgusefirt-
t'Mrjvn�i% a pzn'L�
-e M =tng1,ir- Ma fol 0ftawu o"T *LW
oe �t htt, ._r,;-7�
be, ule-sic rn Tcal,
Doctors, fin
A,,, tLe. p,.rps�,-nt t_1
n� 1B
up the dar�j V%�rt- te�z, zzr pi
Nk�n tj �jj-4, j"ID,tLI
the rLKil, ;,f -f 1e? honae. I"
'll ? me Ham 4'n
e"=T',n4-t the rai1-. J, �;"ej-a �z
A, nn� n un,'� �n I.,wn0 nl��re than one rall1vtiy i�,)
!)Iace Of Sale thf�y -MIT! -E-trM
al'u. m ew;�y
o- a te%'. -CL
nnrchw�e ficket- an(l v,-y-
asal)ove fronl ea; 0,170-
de;KU-n-. M?. Old Settles "11;a"-
041 Buyers Of ear lo&s. VY
the vt�ka:attwa W��si of Por, Arthur. wili b"I Fal -tit. City. Vi'slage. Sull)-artarn,
ulso for flxiz�vr t1,10, valcl r"y taxzt�ti,pn. Witheffildneys g r;le t -A albapt]:01
the same rate as i-� nNfy%w*4 �,n Gavulell projlerty�. Baugglit 17
4 IL propnsps. *Ma�,t r�'vo �,ojcj ft_n;l clarAD atm,-�g- le :, ff ts. ( r e V'r
'Me, Mj r P ee )ne f e pas��
provir.vial gori�rrnnpntf shall retain andl sudden changes Ell th. eweath- all(lWe(I W; -h eaell eav 114,
e,- q_;j;se,, *.jie r�,��rps of the skin aral ths
1, s
15 perc-ent rf the taxe., fr�r the V.2s"n. Irgatter whieh shau.do . All pnreha,-ers who, lmv- v 11,,ncy Ll)allcd �)n F-irf ', ant
ealw-at"anul all I t�,�C- re- es_.aj�e .he skin ba�:k on the carload for nse in Vantula. znvl w -ye, -,I
S. The iaffl�ect urpll these Cover- have pald futill passenger izart, qrtgage,,:. 'Ree, Estate. Notesitind
vlagar4s what 1.q k"'Wwrl IRLS
L sL-aU �jt�; 1-.., �-n ,t1litting point in Canafla
ljriain-LW, S5 per r.-enl� �Icn USUS li�r
Wit Lily FOX ina.
I eei the k, ni the -Sales, wM be v-funil.-il �' iflkin-d-
Mributed 'aw#rv, all the lauldelpah. T`,?�!�ar kidney d�sease or Houses and f5as-kness, Prop -
ties (-�f ti-je to Brgiws disease. half t7heir finett vlas.s fitre. or f
7 Qntcl and Rent,4 Collected
Population. �r?,e ea-5es:t ploms of ailing kid- pureha-,er has travelle(l
neva are baekaew-. painful and stald- a re(jiletion will lie "lludi. Tc. "110n Roasonalyle. Torrn-.
If '117'. PeUyl&-ee*s bill were -,)tit inj sa-nsations wh,-,n passing water ar.4 per mile. A vIttini fill- t;if. Money Invc-StLMI for Private Ind! -
.1 ne urine. Immediately an one cent WAXTF11a:�4L,,,"t, of badlitaith that
der-osits in ti
into foree the 7660 iniles (if rai way eararwe of any of these Indlea- refund niu.�t be aveonipanied It,.- .1 (,n First Mortgage, on Real fttletieft. J'!,ay b_,jh
the, app pain and prolotg life ondewts,
Intheprovinee of Chiftrio Would tions -c-sort siiould be made to Dr- rectfipt for tlie fare paid und re -AW- 'Note the u �rd R*l'P'A*1V*S an the i�Xga aud
ebase's x-4finey-Liver Pills, accel" 'no substit"te. X -1 -PA'N'S, ia f- S cents I*
eoutribrite fiver year in which will I)v tlu,. freigrIlt bill .Iw LM-14dalanyd'agitore. Ttns;MP1tsXndo . ay
In a surprisingly short time set the - ne fhaamd
n ordrzr and in- 4hillinent of live lst-Wk- W! 1, b- mailed to any address for fivt cftto
taxes. While the propfy.;;�e(l inothfol kldl,�YS; and bowelD i to �i,e K:p
sme thf- rF-turn of betilth. arrangements llaVe- bec,n Ncot yo.k. A42 Chemi-1 e�-. No. I's s;".;Z
'of taxation is sornewhaf. ahead of Dr. ilhase's Xidno.,y-Liver Pills cam with the C. P. R. and G- T. it.
pubEe opinion in this provinee it be- absolutely rellel 'upon as a cure foi F. W. llotluil. TELEPHONE 696.
try form of kidney and liver derange -
is well to bear in inind that it ha% Went. one pill -a dose 25cents 0, box. Live Stock coullnisst
aetually been adopted by Smile Of
'Dr. %ohas" 6 S E Z E L L ER
, Dovou want at Daily jml)er aind ism"
the stab�s on the other side of the
a handsonie pieftire of the Kinex fir
line. In those states the railwa Love, 75)Ct%? Cal
YS Kidne - i r I at our offico *011d wo A GENT
and the telegraph and telephone will show you tile Pictn"e and a
corapaules are wade to contribute' P 3111 sarople copy of the paper. ZURICH, '0 NTAA 10.: Get VAOyUr Printing --from The He'rald