HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-07, Page 3TIE GA 1NG-P (Expert in "Country Gentleman.") It has been scoffed at, sneered horizontal bou•ggt as the net. Thence at, derided, discounted, peal abused;lie derives; plug-pong, not from the mese, 'but from Pongo, which seems but for all that Ping-Pon•g has be- to be one of the cosmopolitan names came established among the games for a moukey. But, as has been , ob- of the new century. As is the ease et:Tv-eta title men is a ceello. 'He is a with all novel -leo, both votaries and man or quiet disposition, suffering front two geown-up daughters and opponents are apt to indulge in ex- _1 , . • o ae schuol, all bitchy ematen with cessive adjectives on the Subject. the fashionable plague. Se his caustic !Whatever be the merits or Saults garment has at least a largo meas - 01 the lategt craze, it can claim -to ure of provocatiofl. have alforded an immense amount The votaries of the game desire of most innottent anmeement to that it shall be know,a as table ten - healthy minded people of both sexes, Me. Thal it emphatically is not, and so far as appearance:1e can be and teach momencilature could only trusted the zenith of its popularity arise from our national indiffereace lia.s not yet been attained. The 015- to accuracy in language. In hundreds vious jeer is that it has suceeeded of suburban aomes they Will in sum - Pigs in Clover. Well, even Pigs In Clover heeded at least elemeutary aptitude; and if any one thinks that ping-pong !can at once be brilliantly played by any novice, ten minutes of painful humiliation been the sport of a Iew wealthy will speedily enlighten hen. adepts; since mediaeval times. Any Poesibly one indication of the in- one; intereeted in it can see real ten- trinsie merit, of pSagepong is that nis played at Lord's, Priaee's, Queen's Club, or Baneptorn Court; whilet there are about a couple of dozen courts. in the country, ehlefly at historical emits, such as Hatfield. Even the euburban girl Might 130 atimulated by learning that Sir Ed- ward Grey and Mr. Alfred Lyttelto,a, K, C., M. P., are in of the game at Which Charles II. and Sir Philip Sidney were both adepts. The scor- ing at it baffles the majority of ama- teurg, and the easy eystem ailopted bear to Lave you go witb wrong Ideas o' Solomon. TIM hired melt out a clia,w off o' his plug 0' black navy, and a piece of it fell. into the tub. Solomon he came ter it With a rash, but he stopped quick when he shoved his nose ag'in. It. " etio patoged and pondered. He eay xacsuee about that ter - backer. skinned one CYO up at Me, but I never said a word. Then Solomon risked it and took the piece o' terbacker in, " 'He gave a couple o' ehaws 00 to it, and scowled some. lie cocked his head lust on one side and then on Vother, as iS he was sort o' considering whet mowt happen. Then he went to work on to the terbaoker agan. He chavved it an' ohawed it, and by and by he swal- lowed it. 'Solomon,' says I, `it don't ap- pear to me as though I'd 'a' done that," says I. "'Solomon looked up and sort o - sniffed at me, but it wa'n't long afore he began to act as if he thought 'that unable wit'n't fur from right. He looked up at me mournful like, and then moved toad mer talk of a game of tennis when ono corner of his tab, slow and sad, a, game of lawn -beanie is meant. like it funmel. When he got Uwe! Lawn -tenni e is a bastard and vul- he shivered quite stoma and then garlsed version of the historical and rolled over on his side, ternin' his kipleudid game of tennis, which has eyes up and lookle' pale around the .gills. "ale's a, goner!' says I. Ter - backer has pesened Solo:nen aide says I, and I was all bro.te up, I tell you.. A. handful o' that., louse chewin' o' yourn, llaien, while it ballet manna in tho wilderness, 50 to speak, like black navy plug or even the common every -day yeller would be, mewl; lift Solomon out o' thre-- "I cut the ma.n on the fence off pretty sharp and would have whip- ped up my horse, but -he held up hio ha rel and said : "Terbaeker has pasoned Solum,,n dead," oays I, and I went in the house a-witiline It was an hour af. re I had the heart tor ga oat to gig Salmon and take him off and bury itim, and I jeaL itbeut. junaped out in my boots fur joy when. i see that le, had turned over onto hie belly and wee wigglina "He elanned a pretty sick Imeite eye up at Me and retook his beae kinder as it he didn't care whether school kep' or not, but by and, be he started out and swam aroued sage-, atilt In the arena, as-• it were, but a little off Me feed. Next montane though, he Waft 00 ham' as lively as it cricket, und eat a pound o' hVr rind three flannel oaks+ f his breelc- fa's;kcelre that $01•;131,talett health v it has at least survived the ridicule exeited by its absurd nomenclature. It seirmed as - •though any game called by each a name as ping-poug could itot pinyed beyond ,the re- gions of the nursery. Now the wide- ness of the vosue of the game is of ulavereal notoriety. Ilene° it pre- sumptive dieluetion that at least. there is sem:Aline; attraetive about it. The title is really derived froin the sound wheel the pantile:telt racquets make In striking tliv for lawn tennis le mach, more simple. xylueite ball. To appreciate ;tile- It niay seem insulting to a capital quetely the suitability of the game, but the fact remaine that name, you should be a lite every malt endeavoring to write au attistruee article while the game is being played to an obligate paetime for the youth of either sex, of bltrIrlilti f lamellae" by yeur 'wee- game one eoneeived the brilliant idea. dour neighbors. The intermittent of adapting it to the dining -room mwd irrigular preen:mon heard under table as a winter amugemera, and ueh eircumstences has an exeruittt- tide ailaptation has been penalised ing cleat toa the nerves:. Try at yeti will, your maid, wanders from any otber topic, anti iresensibly you laud your ear lietitning for the ni-xt ping. Probable F-311 ler eiremnstanees have bred hal; ompsition to * Ivrer efforts: arr merle to obtain . the niovilty. The nextelitor nitighe reputable asepellat ion, so lonts„ ne /tore id' priaent Writer not mile the (811' 1444051 tiz potedar Et wal lei iday evied teSterno "a attil e'ren"nr, known meter the title of pina-poier. lawn -tennis is admirably fitted for a. good-sized back garden. Owing to its perfection as a bright atbletic with the name of ping-peng. If it were (stilled table lawn tennis: It woulii better fit the grime, though the two qualifyintr adeativrio ilo eounternet one another. Yet what- loostasoltd.1141...18101.1430.1111,111011.111,111......" Upday ool. INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO, VI, 1.414.113RUARY 9, 1902. The Sin of laing.-Aettee l3(-: 11. Commentary -32.. Multitude - The whole 5,000 mentioned in verse 4, and probably welly othere, who hail been cortverted by the ministry of the etber apostles since that time.- alarke. Of one heart-Thougb of dif- ferent ages, dispositions and condi- tkone before they believed, and per- fect otraugers - to °tie another, yet, Moue they met in Chriet, they were in-tire:It ely acquaint eti.-Coin. Com - Neither oaid ana of theon-There was not a. clieseuting member. leo such •thIng as discord existed among them. Ali comnion-"There existed Leah confidence et each other„ aria ouch loyalty to truth, that none retiree that. another would take ad- vantage over lane and they aesisted premeditated, and net one of haste or Ignoranee. She wee equal In the ten with her husband. Peter's ques- tion gave the firot knowledge to Sappnira that their guilt was discov- ered, bat hex. anewer was given, To tempt -To toot, or try the Spirit of the Lord by attempting to deceive Him ; but "God to not mooked," or de- luded. 10 Fell yielded -It wee not through Peter's' words, nor his pray - era, nor through shame nor through remora°, that this reality pair died, but by an imineeitete judgment GS G041, --Clarke. IL Great fortr-'"rhiR juagment an- Swered the en:1 for which it was in- flicted ; a deeply religious fear wee- pier! every mind, and hypocrisy nal deception were baniehed from this holy aesenibly." Teachings -Christians should be united. While stamina plan for them- sielves true Christians are also eateatie earataltaieta04W0---414 E AR gewartedertearreeireareiratedWeente-or Voifianto Varsoors, ,N14rIcot. Feb. 'a -Urban receipts were mod- erate on the street maraca Saturday, morning, only 1,800 bueltels offering.' Prices were steady. 'Meat was steady, 200 buehels or 'white and 200 bustle -es of red selling ' at 70 to 78c per butt/eel, and 200 bush- els of geose at 66 1-2e per bushel, Barley was steady, 700 bushels Selling* at 53 to 63 1-2e per buithel. Oats were steady, 500 bushels mail- ing at 46c per bush.el. Hay was steady, 25 loads selling at $11 to $13 per load for timothy, and $8 to $9.50 Sur clover. not gin we must close our ears to 8triter was steady, two loads sell, thoughtful for others'. If we weuht the voice of •the tempter. CI:Od ROTTIO- Ing at $9 per load. ' timeg uses severe measures upon sin- Leading WIleat Markets. each other ite members of cone family. etee it was a mercy to the infant Following are the closing quota- e nero to protect His people ; in this es. With great power -With no car- , church, to protect them from greater tions at important centres , to -clay 1 May, • eny of their time, the apoetles were New' York ... ...... ... ... --e-- 83 5-8' Cash. acultire among 1110018011M3 LO abSuril •• encouraged by a spiritual, praying, chervil, to preach with great vigor, spirit, and courage. Wit ness-rinie apootles were witnesses to what theY had seen and heard. This is ro, meet effective way of preaching. Of 1110 mete -motion -All knew of the death and burial of Jesus. But the ent.nlie0 of aesus, the .lews, would not believe in the reeurreetion of Seems. 34:That laeked-Thie was one rea- eon for their favor among men, for all could 0.441 the selfeeterifiteng spirit that actuated levee. Sell them-lt ;imam, clear that. all the owners of real estate *he belonged to the church Rot I properly. Tillage tlittt \Iwo sted-The language here ex- 114,,r4ii,eilealyi•iittvgehsaing that these men 35. At the etiolates' feet -To be disposal of as they should direct. Tiler' would be better able to determiee. where there . need. Having a relief fund, sltlites , There seems to be no excuse at export cettio,eholoe,earowe V 40 to $537}. out making every ease public. . told by Amadei; and Sapphire. Tho Butdcrier°,i'lesettie ineked ' 4 40 to I 60 do needrum 3 al to 1 60 apostles could. drew upon it with- • all for the deliberate falsehood , well-known Barnabas, W1M 114 af- , turning cof the preeeede Into a com- I dueler PRACTICAL 81:,'RVEY., • Chicago ... ... ... ... ... 7,,, 78 1 - Puled° .. 87 80 3s4, It is doubtful If such perfect har- Duluth, No. 1 nerthern 73 5-8 76 1-8 76 5-8 --- molly and unity in the church, on so Dulath, N. 1 hard since the rem irkable events recorde I i Pore. P 'citing end PrOVibiOnS- large a scale, has ever been realized ! in tale lesson. It was the direct et- • - There has not -beep mach change. fect of the Iftey Ghost, and cannot be . In current offeringe of hogs. 'Betel reproduced by mechanical meanie w•estern packing 545,000, compared The real nature of this wonderful with 54..000 the preceding week, and: • ' union is moral. The disciples "were 5(15.000 two weeks ago. For car- at one heart and of one soul." It respoeding time last year the total, wee not necessarily an intellectual was 520.000, and two years ago 465,- oneness- ; there noay have been ilia 000. From Nov•ember 1 the total! ferenees of opinion In some thinge, is 7,980,000. a.gainst 6,915,000 a year but there Is no difference in their ago -an increase of 1,065,000. Prices moral and spiritual mood. It bo a close slightly higher thee a week time of tremendous epiritual energiei ago. with an average of $6.05 per everytbing is on a scale of Immense 100 pound' for prominent markets, greatness, even the testimony oS the compared withi$0, a week ago, $6.20 apostles to the resurrection of ewe leetete age. :44,5.30 a year age, in harmony wiith this scale of mag- and $4.65 two ;years ago.-Caleinnati Price Cuerent. Christ is "with great poever," and nitutie "great grape was upon them r • 11" r Toronto Live Stock Markets ;M. doses -or Joeteilt. II0 Is the , selling elf their property an no dunce terwaril fretmently mentioned a,s an neon treasury was velvety voluntary. I do common assoelate of the aposple Paul. Tlutt There is northing in all the record '• ttitt reg." .... he wits Levitt?, is it remarkable , of it to lead lie to euppose that there Feedere.shorekeep 41 doniethuni eireumeta nee ; we are soon after- : waio any apostolie relict or law of (-WA ware:, told that even many prieste., -which MilLIO II, ..tompulsory. it would 3 es to 415 340 to 385 300 to 340 225 to 276 25') to 325 3 5i to 410 301 to 360 30:4 to 360 - 3 00 leit1. i..11.111-8":-.e.e. Ibot forted by hie etifte as Wen ati MR P103140 provailZai. Words." He eertainlY proved Itie sin- ' :Tilie man alai wife are equally In-! kia°g„s,ffibirti,e,eirttini:,Yesq tic"' it'j 6 te te g ge II7. Haying' Iand. gold it-"Iie corn- ' theee pentecostal days this: hub int- i'hero, caves per rwL. ........ 3 te to 3 50 , .. _ ", velvet' in this iliaeatiort. awl teeth Elea., tee nie een , Lambs, per won .. ,........,...„. 3 33 to A -R0 . . 44 te to 60 OD 5 75 to D aareratieteineert It is iiiipestaielo 1.1,4 !qtr. 1 11914timPrz have been generally •9 . tie tiabeelittr. 1 V1110.1ttts•.--.1 it Wtitti.;!,"^ thi.: ilitiiititu;"Tolter, 1,tivtild14:-.1t woril i but ie are relished with eine' orwiftniere ataisaisoba ' imeer Males -....... D 73 10 0 groa ISgiles ant 001 privy. 0) t unit t i tt astant i '' i'' • N i 1 -'ti i " • • -- January ,Irailures. but hives been 0'- 011441, whit , Indoor :entree tiong of fro, -11 -it r fl"tiz* IL° Imi'1411.14' 'If" ill° (1114 (-'1"•-•'''A na,a4"-ate liatjaa Idelt-P lee etifter• nal- -,, failare Parlor erieliet eannot Print IV' a 11141 Wen for nee to teat ie ,,... tern." -Arnot. ‚4111111 Ls- meal- vetieetinee lo; to show deers diet." Failures; in the United States tbie :HOU itt their batiraem• 'Ina"' t" Ole • titneat a lower boy tit fl, imblie • periment tei him. 1 tent teal gee t „ •iitte lie the word le; elatvoritil of the . 18100840P Wit11 ttiaiat'ioiaitoaelnue:`t'pBesert:kn -.t a30t .4r•o v he . • ,g -o 1•eua1T0, lr r't ds e0 s te1 a.. .; 6A l 1-1a :s.lat4e 4 ,. r1a t -e "a aa9s i.s.so.,a- , . , :•N.-1• .74 la,4 '.tt1 e et' te• ink " g . ava „ P:vi nt.,* l ' m d .sltt 'i'1 fii,• ! ,• i l.h1Vl.pi*e,tl:'Ieb0aa,-ietewe'.e.**ee"wr.e':,,ti,-al..h0te.".t-tya1el":':'1d14,1rl'1l 's""i'MI.1a,4tP,1--4en'i"oeedro,l,yk,';,11":•oe:t3'. rett,l-*.c„°e;a1-0toLseie.re,e-e4e.° ,'laa-a71-i',-1 4e-t,tC`.i:ee'-'nI tr„rta',i.• hre amtatev"4':tep,t'""keh" rat'ea"- i'l'r'tlle"',hit•' e!toeWa'": "tr.. , tI"'."',.Nt •-':' 0 •",-.t.-,-,t:,.,- .e: .".f% i a. i . ,' 1 :1- ' !,'1 - a,L4It..t."i_eI„,'.•e,,o0,::at;n,-;,,tr,;att.t.a1,a."o.l lia'„rit4d',:sl .'.r's, .at.'.e loT-'• i'..t;.ea.1e•*,wIi*., ee ttt4r'-nea"et"1iP,,t„i ve *'esa.--•2i.t-.en -:"i,„.. ".1'n. ,,6": :1',U,4!,'t:",°-1:At'c't.-"tt:1,.41oH .•.!,lv-PI4a,:it. :i.',.,:" t•'t."r"-a-i".,rtp,tt,,-1,,, a',to,„ "e,erI,f"i ,o, ,tei„‘,;•'-i,-', •nao. --I1•)t:t-'.te.;t"t„;totirr, tA..eart;:a.,tAt1:'1,iyiY-t:1," -.iled ..k 4 ,k;, ":-wM'V' '.,lie.:,:,teil,J.r.-- -io,h.1:.r..,.. o ..,., ° ,; .' - .sti1.e"1S1Iatoi1'tl-oni‘-t1'1:ie1i-,,11iiit1-,,1•-,'l, "ee•ltiaI; -o.te''n1'"et''F. N7a e.i4,a,v"br:a'es;neY;aaW aIowtta.-°itatl..se1•.t,o4raoaasr4'Iu•s ls 1ts•tm„ ii.e,rlt,te2 1t,os„tueteafai„ah11,i1•l.e:.,. t- .nieaer:r aiga:tts,t!:..,•4w1,"e0art•n.itz8n..ta1tt t 4 t':Oi-k,or1ifa sb•a,t .1g*ioso1,,rVr1%tie1ual, • 8 rn1t:3g1Ii4ot'iole,,,t,',•.e!,,": a,:m‘ e 1re:./v1a1e1,' ,t1'11 Me .-"eA..el,,.ea'..•i., a;'ni4l,a1a'"t,1d' 1liVthsss•t1-.,.f.i11;.n .:..:Pa'-l•.:.d-7.a9:.i,,,-Ca.,,a„L3.f:l,l-..'• .n-t.•l,..:e., a%71v1d.,",•,;.,.rN,a'e1.Ian1, .et,1,•,w,rts-..t••,y,, 0y-...,1mal,h1t,fe,ar,3Q1m1,i',na4,1iSN,1":e,e7,,n-c 4 a -tad that 1?4r4aea1: Ial at 40:11411 liaakltre aniebneher. Mitt WI It341(t4118114()#411' It C11i:,,,t,,,ttzplis,?E),,.i,Ila.t410rt,.1111:811,; r ate. 11•1414 14 "*41_ le tee eweBe Bel 004441114uo4„ "'14°1,:,,,:.43.gll141 Ilg311 evade. Ibltare patile41tIl a leeletea,i:olvuak w'eP0,11tot u 1„641114po9140 oa.1!IoNttelr,i,4710.1,11 ,4,411tuv13 e 1teeavo,;aol1? Ileat“:9q1:14 ,iN1 I"11l a roe!aautl-aSutaaa: e ad leI'� 1 4 ea ; 01f4 D 1 1s11 Ws 4iK114 tth..1a1h 1a4z,.24tia Aetata 49.awoto Matey *u 41 a!4,4.Th 41i.011.#041t .ia.reteteteasr1e114aslevfi etat avh 'Mt I ileinIl4.1 44 --? 14 i1at GsaelAt Naih,t1 144 ur,ee-Mn4,,tbdllrl1 o;- r.- etate,a e 101 0,1a./01' ntr2II r1 '1 11 4. V(r,.wo,!f rolt;..,/to1 iha•i 11 14 1%T, " 01t "8P1 11') 14-1ltftdtitt!19341 re,i,.4a,41,62JilstDbtothNrrae', C it4:100zi 444014 4',405 arlyh it"."etuiryrolonntadoeinte:ra en1atel`peeaiammeeseeteteaati 131' 1t141.t.41'1 ch 48.1, reip.hira-"etitifill4[1)9 4) Li r- titt wilA1 ranz: be committee sonle- thv eelaan.a 4.1e4•4na om htser. oopetto nosh th"aria r a el )l '9144 ohwWad for 1,4I,'8.01I'''''''"1'19"""'11'ou•i11-811,,,1torp i 1 mi,ar.1 ..3 .1491 l) 0813 eilinee Ane le hin* wereintheUniteSettee, 11PIVu''1114)14" 1"44"'l"1e.11t111414 r'414 1'1I":01"91Y 148 el"cia To- !Illtwlost the thator heI,1ti,4)tto711k.1illiratyMotdaterofFiAititt14) 810441117191"1""11""r1fl1 tar"metaleyteed pth1 sataii11ea„,e81v,ph4tlirmeettie'4,.,4,ii1urIt44tete1ata "; 1 4. 't4 414'8 4i1 'tt4'1i1' In eonrctretitiesinandei44 (‚1,4 ittie(111811'i 1, of fioneona111r'"Y'n111""91inr'l!;;'nl!g°1rillw91 IthdT9101 814. 4 V: t 1419 43'. and IiaittHathmomturt94 t the tanla tiros wel i the B erear.B il IgtII,lit6)1'. 194)1 l»844 81 :u aortathroael"”Iitkl,:t3"4",4'91eP'hiot4-!uf titu113:a itelol at eittielib•ienmato uenibr alisen fr otLra• s,T:::d.8,;2:t:,T114,r:i i1 ar , t, , It I ft eel tele of -° h y ,ott-tte4. m0e e ,40aeve n nh e b t rtlsm t ii et4 . reae' 9 ie.1l fei1.eiAr p,La -- r itien irm o S o1est i1iS. (vo tWnt c .,pt-, a ta *,•e's 0de :,aw e aiid =4e o.: .. mW h in.,gEI .' a‘.atl t r - h e i e . ,,asstiuoot l.tt.ed9u.o. 4 e llIle lanll:4 104441. 0'1'0 as eitel004te armee ea, eireer, tieattaaIletiot velep4meetBhor11101441th‘430r$Liim asp! pint o to, 0i.Iw4":V°('61,14-439.', 441,aiseedeaeT1 6. ---------------- 481,4 In InaarruhIt tt-a ter of 0aut131t048 f. . „ l :lit lie r e t.•n y t v:e. t .t t t e -w acute: 084 --- ;ryposesslto94:4.4a,'lite1111,ee1' At2,4 toInT,14v41 4841 (91948.4.81 1,104a6, 1419.1 %14.444,Ms41bait laraoto,alanw11bohprI6110Iot-S009th8‘ii4or tott4a10sf 131 V18% :lN,toIgtotr.1101.,1411110iaIlt3-'t1I 14i1 iciph anittietere 1 1 t4eaIMeat. 1 hrda th a te 1 a -=os0rtiit'llahly t;altrlnalatrteatrA 4.81 1. •4Si4 8 8e. 0 0 4 4 t e e teo s e t a s t5o s t o e a s e ft " .e4r.. ~ 4 e _ t CATlSkT CLID MA PLU 0 ,. . . 440 i 4 4 , 4 0 .e4-1" ," " o h IN " . ; ,.,4 r 4o.1 4t4t1:,e. * W ,1 0 , 1,e.r-i0 4 " , 0 4 i 4 o tiN na40 ,t.1,dd0 6e,am4ib,0 l::...::.-e ohnGa,tCas ne trck1 ;n't414 t"N,OItiq:-". , 9640" "4104 .i1/_,1att•:T,,,t. €%qteee f7011'" g 644 S"-8 4n 48t1.: 10)11 rzeia • at; 1".:44"''''' tem- '05: ,„ 1. 1* iirt U. "3:11':2".ist" 4. 1 .1,•11 ,-4t,4at :sp71,sP! •7 -se ,1 -44 49.1 :S1.,.141* --------------------------- Joe- t v4ti itit4aS,- 4.ix4 . Y. 11-.! - t 4;e114 r11o1a1 feu O oeeettreep0e14t1L1• 1 L„p1 a 4r .l, ,'" l t . , "e at3ntattOttatiittttet ttmaat 14' 0 teamaNe;11 1 .11t ev. ees• ee; Eeia-etose,4 '1 a....t72. 44 q ,s, Stl :'c..--1! a t'iae1 t 1 eo 111 eanro ren1arerL1a-81 aa tree1Ea::ttutarDlaseee4,,.- (6-12-ta ata ata 448181 lattaete:ratt :it,: :ALA 1 71 h44FWgtibqm! t o . 8.4 tiar trol latavatt-t aaw a-atit thita,t1%, a-vt Vett 1;* , .olittar - ,.i"t..i- 1li -tt=,'t.,'e"20n,". . e'te -re n-:,a 4 +. - 1;74-4 ''9. t 4. -1 t' ': ..414y0 4. '304.4 .,1 Ur:I III" [09['',.lit Ie eaisEl '1:-: ,. . Lela101488(1'. ea s i t.e- ' .4IS t- •t t'' „a t V 0 Ifte"-- Ita ret men te'teett ..4 4-8144, _ to lea',- " '4..ette tea 5.!•,:taral tee -tele ease airce ; l'..tervii et" - e 111 ste, v,are.-4 aset,-•17 13" I tat (4, elo.tto a ev&;.,41, thuta tfr at--tata- t2fie -,,,,---..e...• ,.•I• a,' •t " it. t,--ettli.- 4' 81 t bee a tolaraele anzellesesel vest.- all ez: Ileek Iell ez tat se- oe arena eivel Isate•Iod-• xi .:-,-ta- to, tantt''-4'.,` -.-:•:,.. to, avo737 91 2,.1,2,2.4. 0., i2,2:,,,.;14., r„ jiwzi ,„ ' '. tt„w:•i:' IEt;41 ILu,4u.1-4W„t, .'(a,.. ? i....1_1-il ut'.it:1", t-1q18 anll21„n4.r .4a44.*4- , ,.. t:°tt tI,,t,h,!, ';'",• odee:,5e•,,_ ,..,Tef.;e:,,,!:, '•t•-••••,,•, •••„••t11izitfttoe'.; a e•ititao) . e ,l ail teal "le1 etseel net. Soteet aneed h 14.46 ‚48 ebat ooltik wit% a look*64' .7 I paselbona "DtS 4r44r S41:ezlaiiIf ulauoo 1olea,too iansros1 it, booand eil48 ,'u grtt141:moil :-4B to 4E,1 48441Ancon lt a elaaw o" 44441'4y tittolnetaer .tleatra oat a" tee tub. lV1,.41? o,%"O1U; in lo -1 PU1-. Junto, m t -r end eel:reseal 81:'.i.,,o, mee1ltl-ti-Tt4 r\t-v,0te Iii 81 t. f:1111 rArota-81& 8.481 1.ig g41 so trl ent-Topntp 4v44 '40 ennv-;G1"C1"1e e te" t le"- ,t 1 - S a s t a a i-l-4a - 1 A ;.t r Y ttt p es eE1l , aFt t-•,v e i w 44848,'444617',, 04449 oet,e - t •.- ,. l.i•et`0.e..-., s 1..‘.. :‘ t- ...., .,. .„,.•. ...;I ,....:" -t. .'n11„it,s:4. e.t : ..aiZ•t. ",P S, t„;rl.2u.0r _ Ltti,o3,- u,it- 31.1111„, tP:.4„ 'A. .. -- 8114.- to 44,1,- 4449L. 4 ,4 41. , , 11:144tsciAi441:;:-Nt'. .;.i'Y.-':, i••- 8104131 c h e - el' aweeeelre.te Le- t ‹tata,area:z. ratl :4'ooeeen 4141* 4.8844-, 41481 1.4uI, ut ..:uu _.P, ._•, -2, -irount tave r. , - tt.a alto.: a Z.,ii.'. CAI* 4-0,, C t.,1",' 0 1 4. ait• . i t -v,...' taut!: tottotts so .,...s, t ' s tor. • .e ''ara le at 16 -14- at..-te; ,-, N • , le ae- ease: lee- t .„ e este to. --"q••ie- - a, I et lel. El.-t;ort-• fr••••M learn-- 0". 11, ['. t't -*[4!"' t'' ''-48 Ct. Y 9'. tY . ...[-"t- "!.["["' Yit L. I. g :tit 1; 1. t..'itto 1.trt4a1. 19 s ......,,t ,"81» 1,) T., 'tease ,a'ly - • 12" - 4 1%. f01::1:14.t• C,s 114 44 1:1 tea.l. r 713" Sattert-"gat1tiitietivecnt1sys'.61.441,o 4'.61.441 hrtanak o.SghtoyouPganulg:t'd"ru"e"atrlVoo-t' .' euttlo ac44n.-e . iot,vamtte.ctoifhebr :t/loo;.t " .dcaredy eyan..rualtir.tol a:a.ta. l .,a,s ttt.e.va.aa:-v."..s1e11-a1Iaoal7itnieget..4' -..1:. r-..";f4_a:,.:aae6t4-, 4-'l" 348!49. aiLt see hint throuh.Capat; : WrcIvie"d1e1 In tll» a week oew 0110114014180 01* too F4.:17 tto, tile 11a 4811 3'484304'4.116o taeitset,raoa. ,et.&etT.t.,eyr-t 0 utrit3fae 1 catl. Leipyea out; (said Ili 1 ween't areariet o eaneoaa$2 ktou tlet 01taalitr rc: tree ieato Etee4dotesieel so 13.166,2948t f,'."441,ztvplgtoitecothat 348)4 8, 4ctilvtu't fisiv toat eetelciwLer reel44 1,0 1MI-.1 r rirtaMeatettiag ot/t on nftit I;nota or Stleat theY I 'Evergetee ten azvta Ilad elaynm-:r011t01te (6 4.4i' posittout on ae ralTies old, itherwa wathywantte hevhie (elateatteooett TZtl"wnt witeeetener 111 *4 l, 1444;44aoolioDes aoazvstare„eil ts331134' 0111treeteereeee4lt11300' 111.. wvnVt7re as catsit lfleneIvelyhemetiat Ite crni11lat pea eatenerl y tnilte t__ZDEt %: 1 19a 1 tent the 1.04611 that I t160.4149.lat fish 11a•atiata-t81 81 feller out antrietFesso40P%r;1 t' .,.0 Salo- eity„aeeettetaesaes rat Eaon ‚.818. (6 eras stea.on ele0t tar*rattsttl 48.818.4* ne a gy ti' 19 !IT:t4a etoiearne.tta21,2meeellitk &.4'9E9 611 10tated ttltdhe woniddieweekant! thina ril- vift nal se*tvl 1 Wlappeaupaie•z,421*ewno.,,*0i74y,r ,„,t Lvr elll.5- aatnas. s,,,tz5o.44tt :...,,a,t,1„.. cto..or.,w iw.oul0..d.1tAtrbact., ' atl,eat 1- .3 1t48 tot"ettcee„ '-'r,-t !v.(8111Voe It:an k II • on .e.r.e.a,t,t r1 1,9 - it; it that ws sta.lt ar Iis I41114 i110 n61 cra 91i4&" 0'rre.-1: .:: .1t,te. r7,ler,rte„.ert_ee.,et7,eet:,a,,:,,,dd,, rr„;7:'v4 1. e6'eg'P 't'Wdl0aeo-'i,o ''l2ztkt'hie0e"„irr° teneri,,,.. ,j-hmtt,.,..s•g ,1,".a,., 'bvo,eo.a.ivti4;.:,ez .sks:w.4.a'a-:,o4'.at.it,snzttvtiat..t1 vl...a.-an. ol'a t -ti l-„i 'n-- .b'o1a".t;t.eetetaro.t'lnt.1t"ah t1'Lpf lle,iat eetanr sd tr, tr"Vdet rva:aoa nt"t *1t1 t7 d *:h w .e t ,W e:eloo "n868 t eieete - ;,:..ur.te. ' • 'te"Salr"I' ^ .-; fend •Whli.41iontune 1 48 146911 &OnIvetaoa ththada t 4-.a-atair-.ct,_t.t.!e-, 'e-•z. :ol: 's s.s..e:te. 2. ..e4•"„'TeP"ee*11 'em.atb4.mt7ttee'.-,`' LISW11102114LI111t41. ttte mza.13a.1rtaari144--V1,11.t4 il. 11-348 485 ,604301'0b0 t""*' ma,t":n7t 017,221 131.44. .86.18 etLbettlrt lPtVlhet IL 381)4' C"nnr y'n l „ - 1::'1,48! U11 ) 41 4886.8 aoa1why51*tnar-I eailed al tae tsi,,Ic;11t7,tt? 21t1t =an 51 f13010444I SCOnt1neeII*t-s911465s meia-Bl moral pa eant /va I mon 7 ,, ' '811' 614 ,,„4,,ra L 1 t9.m1104r1 ea Ta Cle=elat 9.7.1 .81 it' `nToe let soel tee lonl 1 6,4848 49. answer r itolSPTA '11x::1.I' *4 (1413 t1fols t tt-dbpfi nlv712cland0 e-hel 81 ‚08141' rra3‘13u4'el'7'1' 0t2dee11ee144 4,4t.8.a11a :tv,1,,78 38 9. 1111c!int Oa,cI,,.--71ro- 4' 48 et 11.44E 1:;4, u„21 pat, 011866.t44:or. erein?Ir!tbt gsir<vre11eFe:1re CPC a bEgafr15,e arlovaeati4.71:,..' ,,4. 44-4 alp03p12at64.48110381114'. rued '48119* 3'&48 navy t„eacca7 81"a4*7e -pasreitV-‘1-I1e8::7e dya do-gator an to IvliaSI04 4044-84811 spout tleNenler Teareraz,erlseel a cta.;et, 44o-3 to tand al tiara, loin/ i 0. weeel orev:egtr, eet: it 40:01 4 e in Tier lw.woo tt r-,441 4147 S / u o 0 tftt e ui-N ii l t e n 4 teh l.-a n l e m e r r a CItE I R IN e n t5v.e e r a SpO " aru r,r loa, * a t d w a s r t h a - m e t.e e Atatei-peer.4 inret- g fi a t,ra_:aa a t z g h-e• EelIwasinquiea hoeatlter Denatl for V 4' ruin! 011c-4 Profit-. 1 ed PetOrthtta tlnywaywhe, Slavo . 7t1u-l, s ratogan tprn• that ableentoicetiera. n topalh,paid eelthenv•-rtgugeonmeleerlreViflrieed.4. tud I pused o V a g i i d t b e r e e tw dtjrs./v..eeeoOeterw"r. odstort .4tv-Vlii w . a a t o .a w a1;n.. t.. Ia e llsti:etoener.tewg1e.ed:‘ onaooze1n4nh teroee-•et-1.e"' l, -.ns'a:"e:fvte•e;-:acs-nt.t.v•;: nnI aongamule nd the best e,00 e yee1g1 tIte Pssy•lanky seeeaa an coalaorte L'44? 48, laseta two tt) the 11.9.1 0" K•oita ss,bm161 NoulaOaedr hetattl'24 '46 wee '-48'4921- 028 salaarO 0i'V7 1'iLlVtT?111:VaS14S:1inat1624'trolv.rga•Sole-flees'taiie (.N e taci al1C'w. , ke. avaevizitt: t ;is• .a -L • .ka 'o „ gaiots aele".. a . vaa 'rPwvas :rc bf :ele4e.sw.fi e '..... tstvef .n-. ..-:• z . yts.citoeeamttmt„ood,r ,I'•.,,, • a:i711;efz0cor1114aFti811118 40 iiaeie.nevy 14171ene ntg,ani ,,t,;;i,:%1.f,,n,rfc13 4i,62 0 esenvaiaasla10nof =Pa 81,r48*e01-;77e1 4111810 0,1 116111W1:4gl ftI5mlirna0'18.114'094)(80 eeereeee, I ..oL.4_..v .t.l I 1181.. 11244 0,131616 a gnarthval liare in C3Fal to S 1114074 311441(11. WW1 , vim, and a god deal longer, than any ireebtide lain ov•er. A tler Vie good - e tie others dill. :' 91404 ('161910,''I Ing;ad mfist:horge, and tlig" I Ievi 110 ping ef 000110004, every- gese ale 14;1 11;v his jawinarrlha rbekerealeaand I all ties way1 ('-1.0,1144881 him anPeel 4811 ile men 4,4 "ere la a Ivon t1"fa.evnt,II/ermfrommeyakin ma' I could haar lf.ra pitehire bet 11 91P]46.' exelahnel -the men. '484_ 16410 mlong after I had gone togittin to tell enso nbent Selornen bed. Next etorabe when I went out Wla-„ Filaet' 1019048144(81 year a -Thicker there wee that beg feller, as ful oout withent bean nskel, if lire an 'ia as ever, bat he had cooled fiY'anrilTt(41111b5lltS1771; down. orTrtIthat1407111tobe]161 "'Ile laked 0414) at me, wieke.1 one n. and / rle Incaleer start. ./int -: ye, ntle a epriaeut ethe Im, 1 tile 011981 on tbftencelialteti ate 19(9141141.and landed plena) in a pil o' water "died a '40810414*,te, (7;41)1,4,,I,i Too. I was earryiterat to water the cow Ilstieb yon don't even jam tee, With. I says to mylf that there, rainttt 50000 pineof Ias 86 atfih With snap, and I'd9veryday yeler terbacker, 1 earetpound, velt reel,e die t most profttaj° 'aav4-.1- e•othev ea • ,'414.'4-. ee state. 17a-0 the 31141.4i1 9.14 44 417„01 watt,* a.! aTfee- flan. ara ti4ey are a.'“Itt•tmake aura!('(('(t0134-6) Lenage 11. 481011:4,1 111418/ 114,47r. the b '0 ''i tie othleae se -.tees Ioldined Ir. '.t bt lw the sarfave. "1;tcr 41304 10480614941 with enter geese and thee 981:'16(1.1 welt a !cragtea; its a 1,48(404 Ilkhe tet- ter a, '9081:111'11 eats the uultIy. 100,40 with a iviet, and it ltheteauht to the sarfaee„ 11 thre is lae, and it not, it gets away. it lost foreer. The men leszeee very ex pert in the businese. Citawill carry it on (100'1(100'144611 Ugh weals; los- ing very few of tae sponges.0,44ttwo13001.418ihe..m 3narto'btant .119. . c s ett,irailr lal*a.rto ti . ''..,"; ;.•: t.i- tp.daea soiifaTrriaxineaefreeettg.s.t-y.l.;deeye- te- - t- 1 ' 494 .Lirt 041 111 &4.42.44 11.14 . etee era, - or, -a.* '0‘1.4-$47./0'r([7. "altt rato„,".a.to a• • zoiataty- jeoriat wiiete- tie Eselietre ' gees torte -ff Eli 404644-444 8*. 84-,, ..114 11./., 1 4, tlftat8 twit -4' 4.0 froat. ezet, 14", 44. U"4'4,168 131:484 W4.,..* 0 9:;..,t 11, 114311 Z. -ants at 84 19.A.q.c. 4 4:141. 140*.E461,y 02..4216485 lYr no. E. ee934 41 ezieraie 4111.1 ti -.at wittelai 1i8.441( 614.4941 tiVS. ruttztr., 41/3 turuit-r t-• 0...1. 1ri11e to itatat 41.4 13011 -4,0.8 If a meta leatete teat 131.. p vs "art • 01:"..44.419... as.% 014-E4 eta -eke 481 0144' • ritete•tuuu„ *Lit. ViiitiV-th rare 63e17111.4 Out, ,la !ut 4.ig4.04s. In a.rt Lonele le 4".:4 t48i. 14811. 46' ,1.44.4t1 14131"-e.,.4:44, 489.0. ,wv./.. :Jong. :es eret ot r 918117. out. Ne tees teserept -a, 1313'4:41 441:14- 17.0 azzavil setesert oe• ene ele fait flee anautotee 4469. 0. stretea. If he t eerzeottio.y bee:elle:a d, w.tleat rarovater lotet. It les oleas- t..; ;area ta: ere:, ,,-4p- Lr: 0. 000D ADVICE TO SYIONERS. :Swine 1141:49 that ay Ward Ofr tite Evil 1-Ifferts ol tho 481019814. A. 13:48::h411'. --'-4-011y --ucd l5 tite 4880141414 11-81 a•-•-•11; c 4.14.9'484.114. 1309 Ito.* _ via act- -r, 00116- O"'t,ta..P•; zansoll -St. ['Jilt,. Etnee • ltve va it) ;. 0.114-114 1170S"'arr.lr ate 661 413! - t* ! la, 10 ▪ to• v.ia r r --tee -.. • a ra ••••:- saietanoi, -J. rt. ize,-1/ esetes :tee: 61:4,,: :vat • 1.10, a-. ,a,1 .4:174.44 ,41. 1.o 113 .174,4'.. 1-0448-"4- 1,4 141/ 11371 :%";'," a-Piavart..•--r a•If a • It e tee :es0481481198 s. 0: 211 : seadearat" the . tepple ever in 4-4861,48 a rata:it -a.. o ,a-trrette "•••.u -t: offerialt,E.. is Too Well Known to Hosts of Nerve-ENTaausted Men and V6t)111; n- -The Fatal Error of Using. Opiates. Ottrzd Ec •Att r,Lig-- Chase's EleAe- Fot. • To lie awake- ;sleet ettea nireet, the twain -tea tire wite n evenzr caret,•-enset ttleng,'As feezeheess before, this MEd 1 049 4. 981 11 1. 4 1 094443,..4A o: tee -zees 11 4) alettve•oz a 1,43 t8.10 eetteeetee. 111.11'89.11,- !„1.1:1:14 141 CVS:"4"111)461 al a tremen yeal. Insti!Ail of ar 09,E444,'rf. an " etel, eigeteved for 41 41,-40 o tv• er and tear tee lately Le ferther weak - Mee tiari eehatiste 48 ane Lae tided le zelitalanesti Fy tine tereleit 4044 -4.t 1,211,PV: '411::s lamp of life is ratp!ally bt4r1l.1.7, out. It is in tilts ,54-6241:1 41,14 C0,11-7111441 that maoty 4614 '1 caul wonan ;eta rate to Jratr enot alcalen. the nerves by the it•Te 011138.6eA. Tel* 1" a 10 t al se , p W4'44!i 1 c-1.: Surely it is WIS'er '14, 48,111,1 VIII. 4191 1 14111pletn8y restore tee eerves• nslate Dr. elasies Neeee 171,17:41, tree thient with:qv gets right •lewn. te the feueiletion of tier (litre -tate and erfeets perm:leant res.:zits by revi- taliztig Ibis 40:::810r4 1107'114. 1.01144. Sleeplessness is enly one of the Twiny olletresaing synlooeene 4011484411 entirely diseppear with the 'use tot Dr . Casetes Nerve 48 9491 it is- a teatilv e care foe- wee-aatees ot aterves and is•sle.,1191 1, siesasee for et(eetater ins i)00818'6)'i)00818'6)'they almest itivarlably arise team exlitustea nerves. et) ets. a bux, 6 boxes fdr $2.53, at all deal ers or Eilm.artson, Bates ta C41., Torereo.