HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-07, Page 2-­ - ff-1-- I ­­- - ---- ISSUE iN U. U, ]-u u;.;. ' 1. '- I ""`� ' '" U 0 ­­- -- ----=--== a, time a, man, afflicted , 7'��'"" """Ov""01'""' 'A" 14 " BACK I ----- + +++++++.j. ++ Tile Man And His SnOez( t, � I'll, , us - � " ------, , 01100 I'll'o' � I'2, -----l902- 1 t THE MONOGRAM 1. With tl'llklw�tl nottacks of hay faveir HUMORS Of " - 10 990, KICK A DOG ,I. + ,�­,,,o walking in this city with A %-1 i. n, EXAMINATPUNS. - FOR EIGHT YEARS . OR + out tile time I I MUCUS- SEEDS t NOW IN FAV '� 'r',cT:`j'j1j,k if; ab when my I ­-,IIIII , � il + I troublo ,should begin," lie said. " A, T9kAA&,"M&AAW1hiM&WAN"hN -1 . I We are the Pioneers, of tli-, Seed Kicka dog and he bites youO . . wiso (if lilly ar III" down of �, peach . f a . The histurDual and uWer rti,L!ts The Terrible Experience 0 ­­ . -I and' Wave niade our ' , tire olull -c - nark, � Trade in Canad, Our knowled-e " - -Uotiograms 1presunt thI8 would now Btatt me a'a(l send me to Iyeill ljejl,(� Lire takan from school Nova Scotia Gentler bit ifis for relief." 9 - " Is siness a succes.". - He bites you and you kick himLo i season. Tile sw0lgirl has her MOM)- tile m011'uta se wicio-8v pa8sp-d boys' (1xt1,IllUl4I,U0II PaVer - and How he war, Cured. gained frcm tile experiefice Ot h3lf"' a I jLj!,Rt t1loon a gra 'wils I &ald "Ho never . , g1ra-in handsomely vull3rolderod oil in and tho main sneezed most V;_ of wlix),qu t century wa give to our cu.itot'n.,rs in The more you kick the more ' ii the 1IISLeP of her silk tile: slikili, I aVill,11 ?11 William ltuf Lis dill 1 tho knee or o It the pages of our Catalogae which we ' s"ovkIligs. Evoll tile donwsti�, 1111- cjfp.'�lwy- s ' sitive," said big tjlii*; ufter lie wall sh-oit by tile arrow. I Of sit fforill I ail Irea to all Who apply ior it. The " Ivrwva�, taking a leaf froill 'Llul ,,,l,ly favortto character 1.11 B ngIl­II After Snell it i.jong perio( 9 I III. ' oo (A J)ook or the Freliull Chclullie' 11-1111 I frlowl. lie Is HULIrtilY R0-(0J*Q(I to (A 'r`yrr;�,--lk lie"' Gardener and he bites and the more he bites i I I.' —th-r I corset Cover, bears ti. ditillty' MOTIO- Moral. -There are things that histol -y is Hailry V111. becAUSU lie 11(oulth by I)G(1(11s Kiditc�l Vill$-lic - � 11,141 V16-Ilt wivels and killed them all , - re ajk­�;—rM, and served ' is Very (ArLtLefiAl. Amateur a you kick. Each - shuuld be sneezed at. lim I — - the more ! gram. -- Ldivard Ili. would have bown K "I Ov6rj, rytio patronize tile :Lo­R_0y_a�l i _�. IllonogTil,fil on tile backs Of --- ar France if ILI$ illother 1141A, btwil 411 I . Bridgewater, N. 9,, Jan. 27.-(Sj1e­ rse. is ashlon '0111 , IL proin- I Seedsmen." xnakes the otherwo 1 glov(-�-1 tile last cry or f, I I 1:1164111. . I clal)-Mr. John B. MO, : (�, unusual, ev the Great was bu h Ld -- : with womeri who aim at th knifed to all parts of the wuniall wILII less cour I I wlis oured of lame back, after Bur_ Aloxill,nd r 11 I'll inent intin of this V1,1,436 b"s "' .4 " C c K'� i aild fur the - - a ii s -t terrible time with 111,;, btwk for A thin body makes thin 1 , Willit followed tile niur( ,.r ivlii,g I D o =mn M7,, age ill her collvie�ions there is the I foring 15 years, by M, INARD'S LINI- abs'(!"ce of h's 1) rel t ' Iv of � , I j eigliL ,.vears, but llolv Ila Is reue j glovi. with, it mollograin tonkbrol,l,�r- ; X-C, N,V� I RmIket ? 1-10aIrY I1. received NvIlidelill : i lie cuagpa tulatIO1111 Of hiS I rit,�Ilkls ' j 0 H N A. B R U C E &I C 0 � � I ; blood. Thin blood makes a e,d 01, tile wrist, or, in the case of ito=i RT Ross. satisfael.ury' ! Two RI'vers, N.S. witli a. birch. 1 oil his complete and ! ,zEED Mr�RGHANTS , , long gloves, at the top. ,1,11i, prIncipa. I pro-cluuts of Kent are � recover',% i samilton, Ontario. i . I - , -I most Stu c.11bisliops of C&ntorbnry- 'D�J,Jlook ,at Mr. 3)forgan to -day (3110, - thin body. Each makes the I o1w of tIL( klnlng� shirt I -%vas cured of Dip�itherla, aftor Ljc)vtors failed, by MINAD41)"S LINI- Ar' wo� I wuik,ts of the season is Of ileavy I I Tho ChIL4 Clause in Magna ChUrt, liever suspect that lie haill -. - I c(Ijor, Nv-�th a. large i UENT. I f ,tile victim or so much tork,ure - VIRGINIA HOMES - other worse. If there is going I biih in Plait L, I . I wa,,-, that no free, ma,ki sitauld be Put b oeli JOHN A. FOREY. to &.1th ,or imprisoned without Ills I �el � niollo,"'raill embroUered oil tile sl('O;e, , AlItIgOnish- i ttiffl for killt3li a 10119 time, and " learn all %bout, Virr,inla landq, soils, 'in I pi,oilticts, fruits. � just above tile right cuff, Mad ,in- action of ,mus- I Own coilsvnt. , from Ills own sLai-Lemelit tile 1) i 10.�, climite, rLsour(,(,,, - . I . I I Wa,R CuTed Of coritr, I - e., 1110,10 of (.1illivat., , on, pri t:i-, by to be a change the help must lie King.; of England! bc berr 'I, other stylish waist, has tile 1110110- I "" ,' . 'd 10- ket on the i cles b'y MINARD'S LINIMENT. .l�,Il -,.,,,,, were I ! has endured must have been jj(.� \rjlt(3INIA FARMNIL -'4 : grtim upoit the small Poe ",!, ,L1 ? Oil Lheir livadN. lie says: , read"IF month';' Par I � ,,%jjjS. RA.01-M-L SAUNI)ERS. .1, 1 wonletilin- awful. � fortbll-,� sj;lisc�ription to bo%201, come from outside. I left breast. � What were tile three most Import- ,,For elght years I have suffere(l�illere.o.,I,.Inpori�t,Va. I , I Dalholusle. ii1cudal duoi? Fri,cillship, court- tile most severe The more e.zelusive men's furnish- afit. paili In my back, ' -- Scott's Emulsion is the right : ing, shops zlisplay marvellous silk - k;1j,'p. marAxigo. i I Airg. Wijj$IoxV'O;. SoOtI11419 8,jilli), should - , I had gradualiv grown worse tillat rl,6yA be usea for Cbildretl Ter', ling. It I ..) linjamau, in jig,lIt lque, pink alid jN'1,.;i,t do you know of Dryticin, and I last I was colliplately crippled ill). &IV est.liecililci.softenKiliaxtimi,out'O?,i wind help. It breaks up such a Violet, With large nionoOgrams in 13,ljI:-k,:!%gIia.m ? I)Tydea and Bucking- � I sootb I ! Axistralla's Gold 'MIties. I "I heard of Dodd's 1CM110Y Pills as c.oaL and is the b"L remedy for I)jarrhifaa. : bla,-�k kinIl white. Umbrella Mvt'rs Ij,.Ilu were at Rrst frie.1111LIS, buL 60,011 a remedy for Lame Back, but as I ----- combination. First it sets the wear L=ill but strikin,- cnlbroid;�r- Wc�stcrn 4ustraliZL is 0110 Of the bL,e.jIjjo cointemporix,ries. I RUIT FARM FOR SALE--ONH OF THE ; el. inolio,­-rani.s. C� rielitwt tc-rritories ja the world, as IvIlat b; Aliltoals,�,Iilllor work? 1111- bad tried so mallY thill,gs WithOuti Y finest in th Ni L -a Ileninioula, M � I any benclit I ,was beginning to lose wi-olln lo nificti fe ' typo' ut on two rail - course, always 111,111 couats riulLus, and wealth a. so-iisible poem called thel I role .11, on . in fruft, I ,:s aacresinall 35 of -bl"li Is 11- � 'Linens have, of its ton wroto . all falth. ill anything. However, I Wa� I stomach right. Then it e `1jjsl&Iyp(I mimckgrams, if the expen,30 I fjoa in tha,t wh:eIj ma,likind has been. � ­(,atitvrI,ury TaUS." I decided to trY.thom. kind I 0.1,11 me.tlypeaelies, Wilibesoldinene parcel or , riches the blood. That � did not bar their owner from ill(! strIvilm after ever sAnce lie made Mvo t1le, llajllp� oof five Shaketipear- gI&d divided into lotA of 15 to 20 aeres ic suit pur- 1 1 truthfullY 8,'Y I .till heartilY chasors. This is a decided bargain Address I indul�renve. so, too, there have al- it all articlo of value -gold. Titerel fi�l it plays. Maeboth., Millado, QuI I did so, for they cured me. Jollatnan. Carpenter, P. 0. bu%409. Winous strengthens the body and it Arays been persons who sported wi good in a5un, inace in western Au ' il.4, lt-an Toy, Sign of tile Cross. "I had run down in weAglit tol Ontario tllq:il- china, -gularfkatcbs- � "'tl�tjll op,.jmj.jL i.j a, man Nrho looks af- -..-- , njuliogramh Oil and I tralia. �icmttered in irrL us .A about 140 pounde, but during tile --- begins to grow new flesh. ; .-,ijir eyes, fuld a. pflsHi tillsk, is a ed in C our � glass, but doalere SaY that tht' fad IL11 oNer thoe, H -tate. . 0 1 wjis using the pills (I its i of ths ior N J�� L r 5 60me rter your feet. thn .. M WANTED to sell , A strong body makes rich g -rows mort- an:1 more common. paj(,�Iles .1r.0 100 miles in length by j man w110 looks a -ill about twenty boxos) I relvaln(ld I Mille to - )pukonts of To -day I .,t rr,l,u whoo lookli an the% bright , = ,vo""),Is ,-l., w latost dt-Vol( adth, sid-1 . n,�Z, . A retan OIL(- of th thirty or forty in bre. I .nil � about 23 pounds. . I IN we aire the il3o nlono--�rani fill is tile 0andle it I$ SaId thttt the total area of 1,of tl,�jljgg is called an optloid-st z� U1 trade. blood and rich blood makes a I looks on the (lull sille I "Of course I realized my danger, - , aeory tile ,d f ic In. � the, � who I d- I largest and only jiianulmeturerK in our line in . ' 11,11t 'ibi s - of rifle gold or sliver irz , go, .1,1.; of western Austral . . ()lit I wileu I found that Do.10's, KI tile ,wo,lci. 1, -ral salal.�,,,, I �;jp. Address I or � �. tilled a planist.-St. James" &M , stron- body. Each makes the with a, raisel ulonegrank. In repousse i is over 324,000 square miles, 1,11� I.; et I ne,y ijilis were liell-ling tile I stu'L - I Z.&N-Dt�;x 1%1PG- Co., 13t o. X Y. " ---ill I or silvor all tile Adt' Of till' 1 jt. ont., area of tile ! t-lawiteo- I after conimpne- I — -------- other better. This is the Way �.--,jjlvle. Vuder thrse; of eourse, rdlk .�4t -third of -the I — rigi t close to tilvin t 0 fly itself ,; Ing till I Was ppj�,IIctiv- well again." 1 New Laid Eggs, Dried Apples, ' In . -ill -ly lie uq.,.I, — . fiereeexed Too Well. Lvervoup w I organ :o * , , -ion puts the thin 'hn� IeL- tny ( or ill i ho kjlow� 'Mr. M Poultry, Dairy and Creaniery Scott's Emul, .,,,.I even a single vali'll(Istlek fittINI , the! ,,l1,.,njPwbPr. young in -III." Mid th'P; kIlOws' th-Ut ht� ineal's vver-v word and suell :1, In wasliinq woolleng and flannels � � i Etc., WANTED, body on its feet. Now it can still with -1 `111 11" I V t so..Ip llj�-d(,� from Li,ver's Dry Soap (m, r.-,,ae0I,-.I1 mau. ,,that Ili orkt-r to tmc- � he, MIN -s, kilid jjlu�,-Jj intprpst has bee , Butter, Honey, � s Ili, it; till mean prA,sont ror awo- I Fof , ­ s I Will inly out rtria pr st,11 to,, .-onull !--Ion. . .,!I. peoplp to trust . and miteli � �ert,oil %till Illust tf�avh aroiit,(�jl Im tile pull1k,ation of Iii4i 11 . ' powder). will be found v4try zatisfactory. . I.,. I ('til.t.k��llotioll�live�iti%lt4:ti. ' get along by itselE No need I "ll 'if f-l-'t'll"n" `­st"s � . I V.Ol ; Rtatiment. I 11117 .1,1, wnrIl*A ,-,0041S. -- . e-1 the Dtl,lkl,R I,ZjtIni,.y Pills art, well o)()IIN '- "� jO*rolj1 Street East, I "I havi" (1011P, titat", an,;Wor . J. Flo-;, (;*- <j�:��4,I!:--- of Medicine. I - I Pointed Para -graphs. � � ,aijur ,vtnintr mail. "I haTO k1uCv0Pd- known to bro .I t,mre cure for .ill Toronto, Out. ' - '.. ­ ' - t;,� �Z-2 - , - q -, . " -)nd my sqisps or Lamt, Datolt alltl KidlIc'Y: -- ­ . I � ` .bt bvy,, - - lo..Z�,4 . 'ITING ACCOUNTS. I .5pilso .tnd bpanty, 1-.1ce- truth and I 'I la,gotting, Into. lit -­ ----I,- ­­ - L C ,111, .,�j - I 1".", p'.. --ire rt -presents KE . , . ,. - I 11 41 I .. -- � I-o,ot I�y. aro tt4-vt-r et nihined. f.­kl'st (-.Np1vt.al1,)ns." Trouble. .4 )r,- � 11 ­ . .., I I,.- Mall, ef -,,,�-t's . I, 4, ----, :W­� is - - the'l'�ad ellbildilloalf-thod Illat Has Con- i Ilost.1g-o, staillps ar X,PtI--;tL­tI , ---- k,i��k*;�, 11.1 11,4Z. � I � .� � ky... L M1 � '2,I'll, I � I , ' I - . - , vi h . N�� I I * ie�,- .4; q�j� , tx,..'�-.­r ay.d - i pn the: ,itlerable Disadvalit-19- � when %livy plot 61,11ok on tIlf-m'-elve4. , j)e.tjafos.s (,annot Uo Cured ", 4, "IV �k­7�,�. "�,.-,;,�-; � I �. - If � � . .1 ev,,,:y l'o*:1e. A, -Irl.;.. mark Kiwaks, well of Ill$ , � 11 4-f NOT HAsTv, I I I— - " %A ­,' ­ I v � T�;e w6vr.i;zI,- wonnan has a Wk-i4jo.- .n(mil's hu, spealm -.Ir.,,AI-4fq;,!1 -,Itola��a.tli(,�-e-intintrt,.iehtlic ­ I - M S., * � , , 17 - �� 4 ", ,�,­ I i fi*lr,n,l,q .114 isr hi.i I I . Thevo ik ouly 011ie But tile Itetort Wits Noone the be -ii a 11'�1.41'14 �, V�� -4 �t'. I . I , i to 11 1�o, .j,;. j,t ,I jo.Irt ont of rhe rai ,�L �,, '. V- -� c- lend for h;!C sarnp!c. nb-­ f4,r In-rr-twill," that, ntept,sitate-8, ll.*t .It :I,11. iharv., -'and oliap 1.4 141, eollp,tittl� -,T I . .. - � , ""a - Deardleas i3arley �,f;t , � ­ , � � , �t�, Lbry irf air,- to � """ .'"'It" I I , ,,, ,Yli? � iv-,711� ,,,-r,,! ­r & [,* onlit, � NN't-tuld""i to -It tile I,�tj I ILI" t1'TOUO-h"- 11"%f;"'-"'411�ll""lt#ynl""- ".011-011a. Ont, -, � "� ­ , k , I.V'.\ I'., jjgqo,t uiovd­r��J and (loomplIOX a('(" 1. tv, j, '' �311�`, , �� A"L"j , , 'itool Alf 1104, 11-11' ""q lill'"tt of tlktt ,a I. 4 a. t-Illilking i , , �fW, Isqu, , tl­ , Er ,,. . _,,I,,. 1, ... n,.. � 111ii,p uh i ,iro ablit, to rvad Ist-twPOD I P, 0'e.i. -o. I on 41114 11.2 1M%',-,q,n. - ,, . A hisl3; lot i-ntlY el tVY', I Ill �Wc . an,l tit(, .I%i-r.LgO� woula � ,bk.�-ti)�i�tulit-i�itllllLtu4L�,,I I , I % o t, 1 4 I; g. . . Y ., ,�Aj.,w I pule., X% � X, Il,'� 'o.. 9") , f� ., �, � t, I I 1114 41o.s. l'uritalt, tr;I,ill. Ill � . . �,­, t",' - - , To M I ` r-.1 l,'AN; %r'A I � 1 41 �� V r 111��'% � .1 14 4 V , k; " - avoinolit, j,� st� livielt I - 1, I '' I. 1, 1, 4. it ?1I11e,H­g,.oO2:s*l ow rlliwrttoel lkeal'- f vouquirtint is I. out .4, Lut ­ .� , �, , ­ I.,4.,. t',�, ­ It- r �r�-- J� ,* -;, .. , * ". i -�,*V,Is. Wi-�.' 4-f 144 , 10.11r, , , Itiv,I)l :00 WO I sayt; " , ,if it ift ,,w ir,jt� 6,1"04p� . 114,�Jnp'ti 24 , ,.i. %% t-ev I*I,J q% - ­-­ ,� ,,, , m. r ,,"', . 0 1rhat rl&3*1 1 M-: i, I �. � , , 7, 4 � ""J' �� ..N',A,t�CV 202h CeGuMt�r 0 --lite- M I ,'" . . , . OM,i �; I k , ., I � '44 ,,, ­ w�rt, i'�M-C,ue , � , �r .1', , . A Man will I , '12, I I 'it hI'%k*r-tk il 3 t R , , W; � �,� - L. a.- l- . -, "", � I- , I "o", . 'I �, �;. �,,­. � . I aN to: t, J�p t I Ili,o lil,, t , iml t ! "; .­ I I,.. psq %tilita i1jon ean lip j -vii-I �,I,Utiilool , ' to " 11 � A � , � , , � In all .kit am,14itfinn I ", It­,i�%,OII ,.r�Piviry sO4wjjjprr1o%n�1on . ., 4 � ,ilil. ttvot 4111� W11 , - ­ � , I -I O,�It:154ll Ib,. VITO- r, ltore,l 10 jv� norisuld, t 110, t1w frage-i tit %% kj,... 11, .r .I 4kil I or -1 I k, , 'i'lciAl. c�t ok - 11 ­­ ; 1, , 1. � I -- . Iii, ",%%�Jt'A. Q. woird ztnd iawartlul,%, . jigu, gnto ill. -, iop .,I;,,,,%%,-Iitt,�tt��,,t*ti,�t,t�lfkirt,,.,,r.1, j4U.�o).*.;j, .-I- uoro twoomt #,- an -til �'Wq ,'a , " , I , - ,,I'. it. It, U � , f" -, 14, .­­% L"Ta, I If , , . 11's lmbarpjl�1101c$ Is duo, ,� , I . `Lvt wI, m;o'" k,,; -*,i ont., '-we*d N't-, Mplell 441 Ill.kXVjI. 'L "' t k P',01" 011 !Ih -41-41 "MfWd Ily Vala"ll. � 0114, I.Ii ".,,,.� tj�.w� ,j,,,,,,j,j;4t6,qt Lsnktoj.vrs G -'l I 1,131"I'rIA ,W. Me -OU , � tr 'It 11" (,,O1,".oI bUt 11 t onatnen or , 'iplpr I . t Q ,,:,n ­ ,.�ttllkj, I � I; , j�i 11,� I � I q., ' ilgill. �, ", 4t.+.*.--I--*.+,*e-�-.--.*-.�+.,..,.*O., ...... o,--.-...-'.­�e .* +-1, i. 11;4,4'11 � III$, I � ! �� , - � " I 9 lo, hi I-0 1M. ,,Ali il4lauk, Ili I ,',�%Vjj Liti-.? ptis -,� %%-Ait ' .L A:1�114.' � 1. ­­ .� 11 ... . I ­ I � V,.. ,,­I,V� I ,nit. ,� �'%Z­.­�­61' '1�j;jLo'%", o� it �,, 1 " , L , . . Sj .4" �'I'�' A A'l to�'�L� I �, - % 6,Ntt-r- � ill- -'t t wi I V, tac, , . , f4ir am �, .. 'IR morin".r. ; , , oh". 2, , , ;, 6 %,* , - -�.. 4 *6.., I. %% -1 .0 �. it 41.�.'. 14.4koirk A Illillar I '�Io!k,141011. Ili - .a 1. ,�,,,�I!q�� ,6 , , "; 4: 1 k5o or. ul, tho 1114fort ,S,,�. ��_-t.I;��,,"� � I wnRli ARE THE k s ,,if : "FlAW10" 1,�, mq*11441.- unatit t�,'��'�'�l,'�'�4.i,%.�t�,-f,�'litili-IT,.,14�,t�r�i�zl,,kt viii � ,�,M&14 f'olkoll..pr lath.. Ion, �A jwa, I- ' "g, ., .1� "Atat iso:o-. " , 4.-4.. t;,.kt I 10TI'VA"'I rtvL. 01111, � .t., 4 I.". . . , 7; � 1, x..-N1kj' I.; l-jdg;jgI.,,j ill N% orll- ' �.' o,.IA.%,�,V,,i,.f.0.,A IL. �'� , I, -.,. I " *rilrea Eared Corn. I u rs ourr, 1- T , . aw. .�'k kid I'or I V I" . ,; + -:- , ; wi'll hatur's'a lull I wit %�r� ati,ya. ;. t. , ­� %I` 3 Z ,,- 1. I A , , " 7 1 ,�', 1, , 03, . '.` I --I�0 by MILL,- ou�­Iarlf t,:", .k- .,. . i� � .�;';. I � 'u .1 fluo, I , ; . � ..� . . I,* , . , 1! 411. tro �, � "I'l. , I.Wj% . %� te . �k." o ,I , , , : . �, V1.1,4 1, 1 _4 L� I t j 4. lj� t 4 'a hol F � i-;,4, , I , i, ,;� "*� . NJ 4'r 1. 0 : * ,,, .. 0� 1*,tt uv ti'r slet 331 IOL iw alilurd Al'ok, . eur � , 4 too. M . IMM0.4'r " uot, C�ati­ . , , r , E,0,41A. .0 JEWELS or ,sn" .1. t 1111NEY St VIVTII�!12 C, 1"),,- .-,,� , , o� I.. liatr -N I ho lial; enl - � � , ; * 4A. -4 i ,g� ,ai,t 1.,olc r" 4. , , Nl� 11u,na."u. '4� ."', 14".- , I ,, I 'I ,w ­ - I I -1 , I 'r . j. '� *"L 4"I -ro 3 , P. I R� T f��,-; r*1:mX1 Milleat 4*... V1 ,. III,, � � V Vudg, 1. I'll UP14 'FM 44DI M 40k, 4- 1V,,*.% th.- thav fs,m.11.4­4� � fi­; wAh h;oIn", ',,§jI74%Q:Ol tavr so .�. ;. , tt!"" �,, ee . i? 4 � A.w6i.lI H. gao -tn. Ill-, 11� LI'tt -jmZ-t-,,j%,,*-rr. 44 1,��,"X V�Lj 4.1, VW*1A ; I I . I.,, . * I+, N* � I .:.+.�K,w a to c4 A It i- td 11 t IIIkt It "� '4 "'Ail !,I ! I " ..,AL.!4­A7 i .o`V10.t11t+.*.-. -Xv.*.o4o-�.-*..-`­1..1e *-(I.js - to e.,rv,., R: tn - t %1[.41.�.,� 141 11VII.. n2l 4,,s r 111,14'(1 191.,04 'jii I IQ, Zl.; �L,�-" �' " u" ��, �.%­ 'It�,,�at*!.. ,.g%s. vuat­o' - ;,* , ­ " K , ., . 'n, . , , 4 'I ! 1. .",;. � . � '�' it.% ctqlillil.11jh;� 4�11 .0 . c , � " , "� *o' 1� ", T 4 ol '�VLIV�' a'. t`1 I " - - ' � I �.,� hi,- It "I 41-1, �4 111 �4 11, V4-0,.h4k1M;1* ,, .ou � j I al... th'. l.t.'I"'. I ` 4 .�:"' , I ­"' " � '� .. als� 4 Zo. 11 I. , , . 4 t �1 I ` � � '. t� . , I,;* �� %# 0 '-* -1 , I, hu 'Ilk , � I It e loolludav Q uv%I lon. ,I �,-,' ,, 'I, , -;.) , " � , '� I , )� . � !-o 'r , I, N t,'we. ,,,.ill Ill, %jq� f,�Lj,qj 1%�tt4 .oetj:j­ lI rrj% j! �� ,�,� . iI�%� ratilliv Lvw. r" - , W, . 4. ta I 0 '' q- VA,L.,., *.,lo- 1",b- ;, luvol t1i ;* lualf -iiii, ,IV �,R,I­. 1t74rVkAV4q 1, --- %I r. ,tv.p—y�l�l jlljj.�tta,t 1;4,)Wl .I, . � . ;,I ;0,i, I '. M . "T' o�' , ­� ". , k- , ou L. , ��* �#--R­c I � �; .L , " . 11 ., ""Ir r w 14,'..� . '.Aay. k9wro �I,44-, lurao!Il hvr �' 141, �� , � 4 T"t rol—� I,, , .,x,- ,1--,i,o*�qo*, . *,IV 1". 1" s4o Z n. , -9,qV "'.1 4 , 0, 1, �' u 31ilvortrs Lialillluzlt ("Uri,s Gargot In jo.­'jo lot 41�'4- f:7Zbj2t I'll -II110(tu'V' Von �!AA � "', ., - �* , too IiInt. 01, , -, ; � . OVUM* . 'i.,I -v ­t vi ;O�I,I I .. ALtI,4OjItLo'j , � " - %V' � � ,�, � " A - , - r,,�,l . %�i.,,, �ii­., &I 11. If.f* j1p,U0 11, - 1,�Iek .�rlrdlp.a %q*r.,t V.%rucumr , "., �1� � "".11ilo C 'n r -- c� . .., hk,b It full,i[3�;! tj­lt jg,p,,..t t-o%trr .1u, 4i!4 �' i k ", ­ ". � . ' * ­ , . W'U.. . " dooli't .�.o I -- �q qA1n*Ia1'v - I -.,M t�, - IID,io12qi Wou to.'O. K,04%4, I t I 11 I I - �,,�'. d�- . � 4 1 . L',, I 1: � a.. ­'.' I ­ C,Lo $4!VL" ,1. "',�. """' �fi .. n r�IwImil"r,!:,V�1w, vQ �% �,) It I �� I - � 'I, . I. 0 V11- i -t �-1, ? , 'I � I a lolrr'� " "Sommul't .I . , I 4-1 '&fill$ tlaoolo. �6,." 1 �,, �a,.t� �, "L, ­ 1, -IR I 4 llr.�el,!sr Im 9, i too 1144to ml.% 1 1 � � .� - ili Int -01 f,11 leu. r., Tdq n, 0 , , t�,- � .� 'O'l � ,I 1'.., ­­Ati d ot Ol� I, 4: d3P.4'.1 01, " . . I, " Millhay. 0 w,�s h 1w . 4it.1111IN : 41441sret-k4."Ji. A,,q olobilol rf�II,traal jav'r. 't ,,,* — '.o!�. .­­; I viet4va hape, -4 - to ietl'" � k;,1111v U111's v,�!,) .In �Mlor I , � .1 -LI � , "L 1�'� f 111MOI-ol , O;VA . wi.o In t,o2u­i4 cir .1 t "."I" ., . - I fjo, I I , , " ." M, .� it I 0 , R. . V 1, - . , �w 2 �1.�,i�w 4 ­�, ,� T 'u, � r- 4. V t J*I44 tm M,irwr*, Wnhgorut 0irk ,,- 1+40-121110M " "l "'s E" ' 'r . 11 , I O ,� Ce� I- Ir.M.'", !.. 1, It"Ii 'I., 1 t :,I, t�, ,A - ;A u-1 to%, 9:��L *),o i- , , %i r,,,jt�,. i �, -: I 11, "U1.11 �, ua­� '%,, * 11:1,1 a I, ­ ­ yqv.. inw,It rvel.,ul- , "a.-Irls-r a4viii-ti,io'.1 I N t O, lrwl ui, - ., - 11parest kilth: +7 . I ---­­­ � f,.�! I I � U " � � r �1­­., '4 T4.k,,.. ;!- 14, -11,- vs)�Iir M�olv.t­f 1; (Llogllo,ki, 11lin$1. I, "��Ir. If I wl'Ire .'t,otar waso. tw4olIM � �� I I ; -.'. g ? ,, 44i iA,,� �� ev 't, I $, "k, V.14 � r " � �;A gu'�, ot llt,, , I tv.d �4 dro c-alm ,1l..?w t-6 Poo. &-1 1-1 -, - I � 4-�+ ,q - 1113% vs�,N� 11 ta'AL.� ­ 4", 4 L �, !-.,z o" , U'1- , ". it , " r�w ft,)r .-"' i$�! L" N M � 11,:�Iibl DlInq jm��4011 im .1,04ar I.,q,-'4r#. U94nurr-14vi , - � -1 � * , 4 ,-J, aris"I �% o a e.011" ,,I ZI-404jairQ jli�6rt�e;ata .� , I to 43%;*. " , - I. ��, I t�, "" ve" " , r., - � lk'�qz .� , � .. 1[ 11 , , 0,10 tho l4xI1 U'p.. I 0 SIZ-13111er M -_. ­ � '�' -��, -� ,�14 � V.Iul. - ,I -.�:Q, W �Vthul pvaw'lu 4�, ­ M n�. -r­r. w�"orlJovy'.­ ­ -t�' , 1 9",, ­* tn,,�itq.­ .­,jopVv I. 0344. v so - , I - , , "'. 4 stim I ­ _ , �,Co:--.% -A v, 6, ; . I,'.' �' Oo � " t�­- Qqj Oil,,.t.t, ,,I? ,,,$ " vril"at Moo, od s t L, rf 41 JA4."r Z A14 tott : Tv R lo,v v%II0o1.n', �4�V'141`0,,V Mu, thr q , tIl.. ,x­� ,I i," I- . , , � ,,, . .. � �,-� � I �. �. I :�, Z , , 47 Liko s,,� � i.&A :;A ,7 - - * V,,,A Qh1to"t I V 't. ,4 011 uln'l gave away tl,',I,- =10U,.. Tae. ota­ �I - -,1, " - - a -!AQ . . , 1! `14 I I4_41M �41qv�r,'Ijgtij, 164'401�"O`t 0;:'4 04- " - ii I .., g - I ­l�j t � -; ,* L'I 4 . - 1� Pro j V", I, " ." , , a , 1..,! , " ­ I ,,� L14 4 '. C 11 R.'A" .Z " olvant-, oll a IliaM 1wr4'. InP 7 " .to ... 0 -- `ooj' o,I' - � " �­j , a � �41'1111t' P I �.,,, 41;ii, '! T-o.it*�z f om.y. t-II14 � tvor-' bo3 I hs- ;d- ,4 - IrOn., .. nu -I too, �j - ' . io� , I . la('A%� trt-t. .d-.,: uo�l ro p-� u -'s a � I -­� 5o . � - , "i �. i vo r - � - - : ' , x4Aoo*,t** iw­� 5o - �,,��, '.,,., p ,,.I d., ;ovt 6" " if - " I%I.11 � * 11.4 1" 6,%�, M,ik, V.d thfl Inall .* III " I , �.. ,�, t51P . I R , , . .V., jq4,,�,qt ;;jftO,r tlt�,jt . , Ivwoo' po fal- -Iwlw,� It %. .-9 4,�gl `581 Mlavon,jo va- I ,OW to -11 .. va!l miI . I - I knoAr V's r -14o 1 -HP -14P S�D-vl, D41ir li �­ f-ta,4- - tihl�=.,, 11. a Veil ,�1,1­10`, . � -�­ - ".1 � , tki,u . � ,,j ,�, ,1 V� I � b , ta. rrvos rre III tro ­ 'Y'll" Q1, fQ'r*'IL�D r G','n' 1i ;' �r , n,.v4, ,o �.,�'o (o�­Qt- I, fT IL�p . !­,; we tany a IT914 "Ou I, �Q -Igo-nt j, -;1:t "o - io'; I . . " 11 ` ., .* �� - .Vv011-l- l -MLA ' ,xv-1nmat. A 9II-tv 0­411�w ,L"'; .1 I $10.0.0 ftr Ise. � - , , � Nqt,4, I- V , .1 . - , -I,I) L �, 61 I�U.-�'14 ­ Do— It. Wo 10. �' " ot'll­-cD t It"w too- ­Itz -&-'-r e -,.,Jt u"A. aN.0 I "I - s --"q '�, � A , ­ . I %t�,, 7� I—* �­t It , 4,dt It. 1. Ifo, 4,,r . I . I au tiltor 11 1, L4. � We 9.��I, t 1 M T 'TjLlt�� �',� � , ,�, . ,�_D, �,'� I � '. L. ",I;. J,�­ I. v � .,]?, -1 7' il" -, - �.� " f t1clan Ualdiun.-#. trn"Ir'�, . �I 0.Iqu7o,%C - � � � h. rAL-6 � qoLq.In oi'�atn'.' 'CtUL' %'o T �:. � �­, 1`� I, � I'll ,B . � -�- o, ,,, III �H the ,III- , ,� , - - 4 ;;, V, 0,ps �!;It � - pu, , tet, I 1".,ttu r '.'L.,169� i,,oV*,-;:.; ill, 7 " �a 11 "I , , O= F01, t 'A � � t'i,,� s� 1 11 t, 0, " -iv, mw M9 A 11 ." 14 ------- ­ 111��,,,kllv�#­t el t­.111I,,S.: I " II � t � V, . ­�7 - ­ 4 `4 � � �- - 'LID? 4 ,2 q) ft 9t.11 �;1-1­- .1 I I " - , ."N. .. 11�:� - :-,V1Io.t=. , I - ., I A !L�­ �- -:' f 1- 0 L , Z, �, ,,, L, t ] l- - lvr,� a �11 I � - , - '0 L , , - J�Igtfl;tj"IEP "'n'l T,!,�I,t ­ � I I �:olftl`1%1­ �j,. - " 4 u,"., u- , 11 � ,� L, t:,o 41IO'n n,l. , . I. I - 0 f i, ; �; � I ug­,�- t�,+-,* ., 5 OLD D,'41A pa�- Tjl�;,M �u loo-tv . I ,�' 0 7 . . . �. " , - , heirl, � "Magotow % IiD U wo-rT, - 414 .-v , t ,-- ,; �- ''I 2. I. , 0 � , t �,� " t, ,,PL, Munuard, s Mnutmi�aot Vnr�.;, Mpl,lat I I., - , ­ 1� I,' . " "4, '..� I �'� , " " �-'­.L # -LIT. ab* to "Ir, Nf,)vu`., flo",", .�eNIII-C., - .. - �� I vomu!.l '",r#x"fly 411�,nli Dt ,"-Lq-n " 4 � , s-1 � , " �' 't - ; ­ 1, I , ; � � -6 -. III.,II .. , % I. -, "', " � �,��Cbq t;,D",L.ZIL ­t�­ � 4 L.,-., I ­ I -L 11 I— A . i, � � � 11 V �1' - ".� L 4 ­ . -L n T, ,Vs,vlo� tvi4- "*­ fiTt'. , -iLl�,­ I I - . I �­ 1, - L� I �' - � ­ ­ � P . L�t ;* - *: . 1,.-#,.*- , - a 'd �­V,­�,: ,� t.. i ,,, " � Ll ,, � II4. � AnA *,U,u­N �,vrg w1flo TDID41 ,tv"n? W�e­ ­, I I . . . I -, ­4,A',�- I r11V-M,-;.7 11 *Inu t4i'n T'-dIpLI '4,,tor- fta er,�'t�f�,i. BEAM AND BRLATRI'Moo "'�""` T�"-ht!" - � 1'� f . , . � L : qp� � �-- :! � - � 11". ,V - . I, !, i, .V � ,, I, ,;W�� ­­'j.�i; , . . �. 11 I -�i . � - .� , . ;. % , 4 � i - — i � �!* "I . I . - . 7 J,,I,j, I, -,.;, ,,� ,­',%,:�. t,,,', I,*,; � L. 1'- -4M -tv,'-4.�4 �o q1r,."V,t,-t. V�-o, lca�vql- 210 ­ . " �, L I f "; ool-v"�""� � wr, Z avD�j 1,�L't�­,j ttfio Lvv- T%E.,Z ,�Vo-,pj�,I,T�fl J*J,.�n',�u. t0thvy,bt ir,patk� - %**'Rqjg ,11% 1,10olt'n1laq Retervoinee to a : btlruar"T,,, Luuftv,ut C-­�'L (M.414g, efe � � .­,� II�N 1. � ,I, , - " I, ,,,,,, i,, - -e L. "" -,.� �, zx, t,o cut, v, I III I I— - e . P I �. q 0 -, -I, :'� 1�­ fp��.� , Ill,',ut, vq-s. C -r- 11-r %431r�*­ 11 ­­­ ­ --- --- --­­--­- ­--­ --- + � ,-,-- � . , ­­ -- �i n or tk-vt� 1LL, ., ,,, ., , , � , I - . � I , t � N � " 9 ` U I ' L I., � � I "fj I , . - . I — I I I I - - & . . t, ", , , . � -- 11 ­� . 11 . ­ .1111, s1i 11,11 ­ ­ -- - , V­ .I, ­.'! "a., Is', t"- .,- *�' V. to�I,L�,D,-,Is I 1. �­, - ; � , Il .tI ,,,, ,u -�::.q ,41)� ;S.'s I . J-;J�0_�oll-- �,�fjo5r u' I . I' q"MMMW-1* . � ­­%. ­ f�,j � - 1 , ,�q�-tq Ill !ro""tr' ' L� �. .' I ID 1.1. 1�-. ,ultzt.son, vrrlu',15n�*, in 11�1r- I . � C--"-' k' !�U' "' Z ­q Lno�q,�t�- t .0� .1 I , ,,, 1. wltfu r;0to,,5lr:t to tronla"o �t. III. . . . , I, �,-In� t"uhu. .�, nVa ,�Oa lowo U"Trole�� Dru-4 oAku- . - , w V.',�'t ­w� . " ' - - '. � EI�Qzrs ; i I I V�ti go .L'n', - -J. 21 't) t�-I', � I , - �.,, �% ugu­l t t,�,v,, -4-0-- ,-:::t hl,,�tul V"ragAll A r,,l v�vvry Vinq. that .Vol roli"A st V r 1�j Pnw-r, - , ­ Ii ing 6 tke fir,st att 10 eVl!tiv.,eU_- in I'll �- I -1� VVat�,,u- -,�'.-,�-�L�j ',ja,' �, M AGEMITS ' U II' I. , ,, ' &971, ­�:;�:­,Tn. . , ' r - . �, ­oW,r,�14'N 0., f , Itt -.4D,1 ilkr­-, j1I.-m tv,n—" lll)e?"--�g. " thly jmr.,�Uit of bi.awy, jast as �f, j--.1 � I -� .. '. I MT0 � _ �1 0 , J�,' 1,'j t : ,I'4 It T, -Mr T'�,­�,- ­ ", U' ,.%Vk.y q�'Vj �p)n jDal that In'! Tj@,k.t ,T4q wmin as thp no�Q- on . � avI LIR11lre,1VeM(,I,nt, I I'' . , . - tvi - fuuat ,va�,i dy,ible It. lane fgr6t utuvv tow- I , , .. � " 're Fence. - ., I : QW19 3 ,-�, , � i- . T ­O3, rr-n,,Iyr��-t- I. I. �' Utl,".!� Pllrat.q.. a ­Itlh. As a. wqjm-�.ul iwcathf,s, IS!Y � `�i f", � To Sell vra!&t W1 CV,,, -'o; ,�,­,�-r. -11'-w.", In Ex. I I,... .-,;;,4 11VAL. , ��­.,� -P-- w� -j ;;�L" V�-�-Vv­ '-q�' .'��'� �4t-�"-4q4l' ';'Dt '"�)ul f"rW." "D .. 'Whon vollito .1f4go. nird, MOO nn�rj 'V, - - "e t!� ; for the wdscr� of Vne eh�lst 11 . . . . . " :I , ado entir,*�31 � , � 1. , - , L�o ��Ii, t..;.4, Ix 4 " L73 Cue ;.­y-noAe too, -the whole ftgure. � "I'll To,e - * , � - ­� ­-11-ugest fence. sdl,d, tn. i A-4­,��:C-:­:,-.� '. �, t - %. , � ,.q j*t,;h Cv 41 D - �rjt,�jj SpI­5n­ 1�,eej vvire. No 'L ' ',,"�% ' .6',r ,p TIT �- ,,�,�i.4�tjj�,ui I 't. vt .:irra Tne-&a.y. L!A'.4 nin'-o-Ir-oz aro- R,In-o� fri III c,109.1 or r"'.6, - a -' ,I jpr­vi�r p, sillan from I .1 ­ . i L4f ,�.� ? -�',­,f -,'o� qer4 the 02 I, I, L, f, "I , ­ , , orLf," . M -� S - _ ,�o . -0 �q '115 ,.VrK1,­ oftnvn *­V,r-*tr,1,`n-­'1` "I'll .. ; - � . nnr":�m :� whOrn --u ,t�raln V'r UTI�, , , �j In- arqj, - ,aring- ­ .! " i�,. '1:,.--'. a��'.' " - � fin,I! p,��j"�ut L, -.r I tiF, wc - k:% I :;� I lift wilres cr Mnlk-, to voeaken the V,kc. 11-c 9:W ov j 'L � - - � ,q- �yf Z ­ 1.v4r� W.U� J-,-.IV,I,�� t7peno--�3. "�%,Pnv, ,voo­,rs, It., 11" rry '11A, I�, I . o _ . � ' I L . , . � . 5 a�nf,i'l,­ ,� ei and an thf, bt�ll? frHis ot n - , * -e patcatei t'r,.,­;,1 -t r 1� . ,O, ZLI�1- au,i , r. , -V , -,,� V 1,i, , 3 �­ nt, :�fv'� l.0rr0t)T,v4­I— , I - -.- v lan�.s aud R% �� �, U ag'T.Ilr orrz­4 -,Vgr�,�, axe Ite-M, m folace by 0 &,.,� ;"� , , - , ,; , � tZ, I �, *i �a � ,:-ti .nt V11,71 f-` rf.� . I -� , a'd - rIZOST LOCk It ne-ver ueakerus It.- I - - . . Evftn humble Mat�,r­-Asussunle. ater- "The frost - 4 . n, � , - � I .. ., - I 1;r:iL ­ "r "' .�� - "' , , I Zn .�re .,pir,rj ,,�v.; twrus� ad�,arvtagc. � � "! ,,, � ­ , - T .,-v,;: , tq:v -�','t 5,-.,-,,--,-- Vat, .-V,91 Cents .Vim !Ig , ', - "s, � , ,,, v - v .0 ;! I ­� � Z ,--n.�-#V.-4­,.:, ht in ; .. I �MNII. Avoild I 9�, a - ii.:41 f�. ul, , I . �"-­ EN z"-,"ai'v�- 4�r,r' ot., .­;Ve.-I lo or�,".,�i =L�ot. V'�aIjl� -, � - Z' ' "' � 1-' � T �L U., -,-,�� ­'; V-C�Q-Z I 'lain 4+-g.,mcer hA1tj;f--rlv:o nnkri­lv-u-- Ed' -.i- X - . � .1 Ali _ � ­ , :t n -I -f - � . , I , '' , X. , 1. . ",!, I -,.� " Z - .�Z - - I 0­,io to init I T"t t7ROST WIC11rL Iptuac- C"O. LzntEb - i � � , , , 10jVHII!..iI,1 10a. V* t* -rVqtib-LAR - -,��.# 11:--aiq. dr � qv"Z.; I.. I I Cow � - 0 %,I, i ka-'r � . :. �'l �', , , " �.�7 �, .1I ": .. . 1�- - a top P,aeo.­ � ;� k�;�,, , . 'LIU 1- * + 11 � � ­�It tu ,- cw !%.Dr. .. , ,` �; -4 I— . ,­ 4.. �: -,,to:- -r '-'�.- 14­� ,­', : V� , -C. I I , ;. � ­ 1. �. U� e., P.11i"1111 NP ort I tfo ,LT, �­,-,. ,ju.1 fall, ivitq Inggy � . - - Zu�t,VB6 Wtite for C-�Wcg. WPELLANI% diNt. . ". - O' ", $.,I 4p, 11 1-1, �q .- ., , I , . <I " .. - I � , 17-� � . . t'vxt- a,, f -S, 't �ZP. �-; , o .. ,*­. %74 N : no g,wini"'A �tI­Il ,; T.�­It. '' � 11- . ­­­ � ­­. ­­.. , . ,.,- - � .1 ., - , � - . I ;1 Ii o. �,,j , 7 v- -�. t �: T � o�rrnw- ,i " � Ir. hip7l.ng has rcvvn'�*' mn. -i U, mv; t�t�) nlr4ki,?, the ''I . .� ­­ .. ....., -- it - .. ­ L ..... . . ... . I I � . 11 ,� P.1 '- �L:t _ '.' ,, .4-. -�':. ". ". t" -. ­ T� ' �. I -'IVII­�.*� - I - � - � ' - It N nh,v�ays WV , - . ­ -T .. ; garrrr ," ­ � ;' - . . - : '1�1 ­ ­:­ � - � - t .r.. �Av.�, - - -T 11 11 T 2� . - . I i,-:. CIT, V, co-nt -. , - . - , ,:� ,. � � .. -1 I ­ I � " . .1 , .1, n � � that rn 4�-..f.�.'tal valrasi,va I;; Tn!of,­,r.w--1- #, tMIJE. 6�rnetur,. '11, s M.,I;4 qrvft,4,"� worl. ­ - t �,'�, 2 i :�� - 1'. �, v;- t - ,. � ­'., ,�­ - r -- "r.,.UV,: , I " , `ghi. I he --- - - ­­ ...... . ­­­'­­'­,- O---- .... - I .. .. � , I . �, - '-v v. �' ' ­ , I ,�, . " #.-I f-. 7"he 9 tll� 0-;4 tzu I. .1 . 111. ,­', ­ 1.-1 ­­ ..... ...... . - , -- � .." V � , .r :-. Nt - .­ . ,,vy jvvonup. � yo -A ,u5n , ,,,,�. , - -1 I F. I—- I - - - � , -� ! - -. , - " - , � . upr. I �( -� , - dhe hr,!:R,l -Mil"Milisn" I - - T." � I �� . � �: - --, -, : , I � � tr .1 ptr.g , , , - : , il :. L, -4 -1 %:-o I I " I .- -t "I'll ,�,a ro" .,r Stnrq:rq­� , 0 %O,�:-E..',�l be U,L�.o-r,t%2 na ',,Ta'u-,�,i� . jnurnrj��s I,N".' ,I ,�� � - at' - I I .. ., . . . I . , ;'A ", - . V � ,ut,,,l on ,., I I: u .v)s" .on, -,I ,�, tI 1 . . : I ,,- - -� - Ii,7,. -!rov.." ­ . ­ �L, . . . - . ., � . . ­ 53 Ir-rn ') I I., . ­ � . - . 11, u . I .1 -s' 0 . � , � t-, 't" � i- ,4 , �� l, ­jj I -:�:-.] . _7,� Er%".,t�,� -_ I; T 4, , 09. Q? ''.. . ggg , ­ !�� I'L�'­­ .L I T- "t a � 111!�, 4. 1 , i�,�O- - � I ,7 t-� : - * I % , ­ --, ­ - 1 I -, "'i � I �� I ,I', 7. � 1. , I Y'� ., .. d1oller—I n ­ ' "�A A�� 4S, a Ru 0 " ZM I �" rN NM7-71�t I -- - I t. . ­�' � , ­ � I v ­T,.. � �,, �,� -, ­: r:,j t, -,­ t �� -,� �azl, - ,'Aen w _4 ". I, I _ I. ,", _ .'--�, , -4r %,- - , �' 9 - f4 " -5 ...F_ x,41 %­,­Ju�:"�'u V�-j� " IS , �Z, ; 'D�' . ,in q . y '. I � " t. . � .: ` . , -, ..- !..,.,- - .,� 1_; �., 1. I . _ q I .),rL I:! n r n - fi--, ". tlai� ass ,.�u t'- "�J.r ��,,�"� 1 19-fattuo town -0v IuF-��-n -�U � %P:�e.ii up, � Z% �� I ; .� i- ­ � J, , � , ,* , �, "" OOI I =C". . I ; - .- � I t- - - Z t: � *-1 4 . jil" Z h. . r , - -a 11 - , ,- ,,� 1". '. �, 11 ­ 1� � I- 7 - : �- .1:-". 1. 1. . . r- - - "' f�:vl f,�invard, vS It 4,U!1,IJ ur,l' bir . I .1 ­ 0 , I. ­ .., � 2 , - ­'.. .. ­ - � - , 4 - I -, "If -A "hurter � - . I.- . .. ­�-- -4 , -:, .- #rh v� -- �- till,-:% O,-!� ,." � ,� I .. ., 1--7 1 �.T­�­�-j , , T �­, *�., � � I �4� - LT 5t 11 , *T kanuma", I.Q - I . 11 �� I - "y - , -1!.. � : ;­ . . , * -on `.'e or'�DIU- ',�"u4(D '-';Pz�� tine. i '.. - - - .It W , . ? �,I -L t, �� " - ,.­ bntt - NPcov IT i . ­ V " � ', �' ­ "4 . .. - , � - 11 , �"� ' ' � ' �: 1-1 " "'." ��- -, � , - L . , . ., , , I ,1� ra- . Z Df-zu pi Lt , . '.., - � 11L I � , �, T" I _ . I I I . � r t - :a a : eraes,t Ora �Z Ilaw-- 11144 Vb--� �,Ior:2,,Iers . -1 . .1 . 1�; � � , , � _ _ , 7., 1' �Ttg,r :1,V -j l4ll-r-1,W4, I ". P I.;,. , 'o �,�,­' - .,� — " , `:. - - 7. r, ­ - ., � %� -.- � ;T-" - �"- - t .. ... , I I. - ,, T . I *" 7�,L . I . q ..:.: ,� 't - 'ie oll4nrv- ,, - ., - �, % E7jT ( . - ao 7, ro 4 , n In " 14. ,E ,,, _ � co�a a Damt,,, wit",5 tIae hiji,i T. I i, % % ... .. `_�, & _ !�_ _ . -,r.,,%- . . 'r ". .1, - �.�- - , .. ,,,.� .Z , 1 7-; - ". ,* 7.4' "�, � �� T I ,rq'_:� :2:'o '2" :, , 'a reffi..,n rl,'5r- jn- rq,.,.3, n g3 - , wIfl Insnre 1, % 7­1� . U- I . , 11 - I ,.,mce OT ttj��e d4rc,ctjs-)I:, . z r ­ *_- .., � - . t;4 a a er,s 1, �-,, t 14 - r, .-��i ', ., -. - z �. " Z. ,�­ -. " , � Ii 1:s (tf N on, - ." 1- 11, ',F'.�� vi 'Z---7* .. , � . ..­ C� �*o'­ .; .1 . . � g­,I).V I't 'a I -21 f �4,-1 f IS . my -day onstt "�'?s *4 -Ir � j4, � -- - � N ,% Is . ­ ,4. "Z,vLlf- wi 1:,-� �Vprmpr, _n,:l ­,, __V T, --t- wr.., .- - t,D g�)2�o sk4rts x.ndd ta! W, - ­ " . , - , �," � �, _:, �, ,� I I" - - -.-r TLe fulual,"ns M-41;),�-r 41 Ue- t , . , � 7 - � . � � To. �­nj �7,� - p,�r.­ t.� a-er--pt the .1 tbl - sz,�,,11:drel With tI,kZtt4Ps Ion Us a i4aI dEgnity an.q j*Lr-,t-,,;.rZ�;1qae elfez�- q %�� , - - * . - - "i �, " -t _ � , � .I",:: � ", � --­'! ,:.,. '14 ­ I r.,. , P-'V,�rr4l U ri�l t)'ItW-Ital as It I - I � * � � ­ � , � -, .� ­ , . 1Y.N.As ; � -00"', tss. j � . - . .e�- tt:t� 2;--- �", .-- L!:.u-.C, , 4, 4" , . :" . -,,�� so,' Q: ek 1 r-tti 'n 4 o M . 111,7-, n.- sz­;MA-,M Pte-zthc� n I . - w , ­.-r..q, "n I it; � al)- I � % .., qZj1. to tly. drawing in the air With , . 1p ,;-_,.. �: - ,j� -� , f-,,- .. 1 , ,,* ,��r��c ,.q-, -- e-rn .q R, F- , -.1 y ­ : Ttke 1-:11* t1lat Inafs on Clio lirg.c V.: .,, ., 11 1� 'o - 0A . . � I . -i, - 'o % - , 46,-, ,,.,.....,.� - , .... ­- - I . . � : , r!S' rl::iI "rio. Trv- .. T- rrrwn, I 417's eonta from jg.; 111,giji GT "hes7I tanq2 11 q- <�Ov,� de,.j* Isrenths.; 411d Doettin- it wft � -5,& 1 .. ........... � ? �t " �i- " .-.ZD I ;I,� � -3` j, g�;:;� -tl-'�%§,, 167,: 0 , " " ��,.-.'-.-" � � -?­­ , , N', � t-. : ,,,,# 1 213 %e , " � r ea b - - , �,R- itztz� ("OewE S ,r .. �o -,� * , ­- 1.11 '. . Vol. ;I- I's- ani .,;'I- - , P frnm - I I rx o. " I - L Ba I clsu'-', -! . I- T-,jrrr.,.vI,-1 A I gejVtj-.-. T -A,4 Co-.1.scions deep b t � I . , ', anj`---:� -� , ;­ , ��. T�.f- �:�iz,,, v , . , r LrOr,-.0 t t-11,--. Ti- -- v1ff. r -n- Is $1.f'o, wh;vb Tit,) 10hin-1--lioring bont-b-orlml C.r,z�:­r-j- ,, if _ rpp: t wenty thripa I - - == I� -,olltrd ten or .1 ' . ' � %- Td��. , Iq,,.-rx1j­ E j.. , ,vW,r­-1 y1 -,:I-` tiL,a bnvimt-.; avnng ua n. 'ke, t! �i intervals during tile 0117 tends to I .. 21 , =-:.- - ,., O!� *­­ , , N - � - , - to I i - , . -Ay w-'n"If.r. Tke bare -leg ell heo!�zk-s in i�r-.azs. � e. gt, permanently , =-�-t� t ,�, 1.� O' ,:.",., L� V1. 1 " �. a sl k 11 �q,anfj tile cile .1 , - ' � z:0b.-t--.'s ­."­f-k1w­ is 1114,Ir't �t �i­­­jl n,vo" gays No. 2. � - a "I'llne." , - 0 it eias-- - 11 I t I -'s low- - � � V,�ar; : "n" . I 1� 1 . , L I eat�h bniv, on becandzig I MV ..Sc poise and styl,a. Re � U I , It 11. . -A n.- �Zz,�,,.. w:.jc­ Co- lo� - �vtblwr � T.1le cruss-headed erc,c1c,; playing eriu- � I" t .3 f f,jr 4imeg, it is �,all to be - I � ; by � ; f-1., . �, C,.j,-F,j a.,-4, --:p a,.O,jt.v4 i�.n-j j,nnit ori, , f nv . � � pre_, If-' or . I � -�r� ' ' '- - PATEK11 f: . rN -m-,y iv, '­-n,H­1x n4, �Tj ? j ,�:,�pj,oap it ritixt 1-w,r',91Tt." fillets tbp crapultaus cad wit"a a �q Tor worry. I I % V. % %, . \ -1 I I Dr,"T'n � � 4 "'. "ns p. " & care Ilk - I \ ­ . ­ . I 11"V IY fN11 1�n elrlw.olls. ' cue, J� . * . % �, ,g 7-;., I',- -,.!,v,y .w.va,ft. 4.*.��c-ip,e�..V. � � I . ku(-Q��, r however. that , , ' - ­ ', thre u,t�vnlacs m4vanted on m ED I I . � ­--­­ .. ­­- . jh�,y 47wo,p t-0 M4,1UP .In artntl? PT- otors that � r � ­ I \ r-T,.TnT,, I o \ 1 111.4 IN.201 ... % 16 I)Ptotio.a. on," en.&On In izPM-mi,irt oftbe I murd-r a man ever,v m;IP. � ,rile bu%ler Sr"_mpntly. gives It 1. I � Cl , % Mtn , fppj bptt,,r. - rrM will freely, adifitt �� 1,jow-wat -itild the druntmer is often fill Hs"N j I BES W� tw,l W'�­�.',,z. TF ­ii UIPY I (Jind I t1flnk T , I .1 Etor.r .�'-x - ,.i.3 wl.�,F.41*e�i, a yc-,-? ag"I , 't fur y, ti! wn V ho, th,it I've bettered my earlier 1,, no Lap. I. V, "I x IV 0- - � � IRE af)AL*.a L ,na­r;--rn­ a Vnrnxor N-Mng jr.1,:aIt , In. 10 ." -"I, thoe:7 F- U. I .. . ��O jtf�Vr -1 ,r,Lf� *­ <,n-:nt­1 tl'.It tip r�D foull 1. . style.) Bt - , ­ RS _ � f,f�,,.S, -, I I.,, 11.q., J,aq . V, _ � _ 1,. ­ � .. , ­ool Atr_ T- oll pr. -Westminster Ga2ette­ P W,e list G-0 irnn) hox, r')-mostotho, ' ini-ril .,I nu�e M-eX 4`-R('�. " .. - 1.1i zai-n.t4 ..,'L ,.-.- r ara, , i,, 1, -- ­ 'j,to,14 outer. air, and the change sets 0) .- I -r ­ � , 11 � trom M- �,r)­-��-. T).Vi ,4.'-­p'1r.,,te:,,7%!r,l . 'Ib,, lRolfrafts. �us tot;ghing. Curing winter cOMS Is TH E A M1 IAM ,R * .10111" I Iffay L.-st we"Ic I:!, vv.v-4 fouql ll­�nn- " No Wonder. q 2-.... , . , - US 5 F -R ,.. C ' t 811.111 I sing I n0A, harA if yoll tak - M1 �nls L-ang B.ul- .0 , AD ve .. ..,. M!,­�s f;er0j,0her—Whf1 �, � W. rp . vTq,,,*-!I er of all IrP-mentarr 8eh� 01 , 10-,j-� t7,.rr4- ?-,;irt1..- �remn and n'- ,_IV —1.4 f. 4­1,TeSofne - - — --- . . I I I 'flu. UMIIP� ,Tlo;-,? . wo,qt 4f'a,1 fro"'I 4'­,pr"sarf�. rl.. is 8,1 for V nt,gl�,ct � I vj.,.le yon a song with sent a circular to the parents or I Nam. A T7 ; and dangerGn& . .1 tl�-r.lr slxly yf, .yo,,-jjay.e 70-1r.4 0:41 � � n I I -� .1, -, i r.; ' ? F0,111P of the pupils undel' Ills obarge, i -, , ­­ - of marri'A "'fo­114. an ! hJS ,I",'j,e boyl a reftaln `�,� wwer h,.r..!-. ap,zrt ',onger tl.aa half - . -rcr.folier-Yo.14. j �N I 1 -9s ' stating (b.tt judicic,u4 vorporal pnii-' I is-hment often had a bmif4iclal pffpct4 py[-SjN-v.S8 CITANMS. � m day. I Urelel Joe -T ben refrain, please. on baosward buys, awl ask-ing If thf,y I AsH For, REUL ESTATE OR RUSI- , ;6atter where it is., 'Send de8crip- 11­ ­ - ­-- ­ ­-­ -------i4.. . ­ �y . orould approve of souch a course when te conk,lered it necessary. The I foIL)WIng one of the repilee be -)t , Pla iin'...-b pr;ve stild get ,rur P;an ftr find - ing,cash buyersr. Pet ent EXcloallLre and Invest- I " ui j M. T 1: 5 O" I's . : g 'Mor i#lr I hay reseved ur flo-gr-Ing I Mont Coo mpally, T orlor.10. Cftnad-)6 . '­­--!7!::!,!::!:::!:� k! Arlder and n hAv 21Y FRUkthen too ---F�i-rRNTS. I A% wolup. "My sun Jhon k%ss,, :much ass u ... ... I One ounce of Sunlight Soap is WOTth More than REDUCES lik-1 I Into .111fln !a a vary bril ., , * I i �1-010r b's spalenq is- lilmpely atrashes "' , * I hay ATENMS. VAVE'ATS, ITRADE MARIKS, P et.-- Home or foreign procured and ex - Two ounces of impure soap. EXPE�NSE 'T"' i' troch htin '�%rv�s�lf 'but he -IV"' I hon bet jowd. Bo6kIr-t0nPatent,qfrea. ThePatent �,'..',,rbange -vtd lolve"Mnount ComPaty, Pythigm not Jern notWingn s.') if wil It Building, Toronto� Ont- I obtavoua Bar. If your 4,r.baffr tAkinet. supply, write to Ask -for the --i-6i, LIMIM, Tbrout6or'ilomcling his ng,me and address, intow, iffill ass, mucIx, ass u kam 11U�:rg truley, . I 1, -7 11P. So. -the resIn .Thon is sieb a ubad ADIES-COPY LETTFRS AT ROME-% nd envelope L to V'S per week --send *ttn�nui 1xvM. 33R01MR I n ght sklar v?M bb sent .you free of cost., I vkolpr Is bek-'s be Is My sun b M, V y r plica, . for ap tion. Anchorsupply cl.,Dept�111, chica". . .1 I wif9lir8l; nuspentU i ,—�,,�.­01.1'1&111.1.11­ ...... 00-11�� I .