HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-01-03, Page 8Th F s Store Christmas Goods are i1a: demand now, and we have a splendid N sir=iety. The early buyer will have the best selection ; to Huy Now is none too soon. Our Christmas groceries are the best that money can procure and we are selling them at very close prices. 1 ZURICH ME Jubilee Laundry '4yyork�guaranteed equalwometo We use noChemii'a15 todestroy your Clothing. Suits to Order NER TR t zunt6i4 RERALID Ehnes late of South Africa, will lee- ture on the said country, in the Evangelical church. .A good turn out is expected, don't fail to hear him. Special music by the choir. New year's day Fussed off very quietly in the village. The semi-annual business meet- ing of the Y. P. A. was held in the Evangelical church last Tuesday evening, the 31st of Dec. The following are the officers elected. President, J. H,Hoitzmann ; Vice President, Miss.Eziuna Finkbeiiner; Secretary, Herbert K. Eilber ; Cor- responding Secretary, Bernhard Brown ; Treasurer, Michael 1 Schwartz ; Chorister, Mrs, J. G. Litt ; Organist,Miss Lizzie 'Werth ; Asst. Organist, Herbert K. Eilber ; Librarian,Miss Edith Beaver ; ,Asst. Librarian, Miss Lydia. Finkbeinor. BLAKE Special to THAI HERALD, The weather in this vicinity has been very mild, but has taken a change to colder. In and around the village is much quieter as Christmas time has passed again, TA RIO friQuito a stir. iast week : Old ends renewing old acquain- tances. �___ _ I A large number of young poople pent Christmas evening at the i home of Daniel Gingerieh and hence returned to John Boehler's for night where they -enjoyed thein - selves till Thursday afternoon, for Special to Tina HERALD. John is jolty good fellow. A very enjoyable time was .pent Ua at the home It) 4u i of Mr•.on.uHenx rsdayeHoltzvenin� when several p ! of the young, athexed and .00 .• 16 had a good time nlnle u ��sz`e, dancing 15 16 and other amusements. The crowd -MARKETS • Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 74 to 75 (_)at _ - - - - 40 42 Barley Peas Flour Butter For Xmas Gifts 'WE SUGGEST FANCY CHINA We have a large assortment of Cups and Saucers, Breadread ,and Butter Plates, Cheese Dishes, i3utter Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Bread and Milk Setts, Porridge Setts, Cabarets, Shaving Mugs, Etc. Etc, FANCY LAMPS --__,A, Special lot o.e Parlor Lamps worth $1.50 for Ito CHAMBER SETTS. --Just in. Beautiful 10-pieee sett, worth$u.00, for, ,a„ 3.75 Drees Goods, French Flannels, Delaines, Fancy Silks and other Goods suitable for Waists. Far Ruffs, Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Links and many other articles suitable for Christmas presents. Come and See What We Have. A F. EDWARDS BA YF/ELD VA RMA Mr. George Andrews of Clande- boye spent Christmas et home. Mr. and Mrs. Eicher of Altonna Pa, are visiting the latter's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy of the Goshen line. dispersed in the early hours of the , ss Mr. and Airs. James Armstrong morning, sir of =. ltxc win, . }Ik _ - Qf: S d)tu lc G g wishing Mr. and 1►[zs• t spent Christmas with th F The Tailor tiee�,, a 5 Holtz the compliments of the sea -1 daughter Mrs. B. Mc. Cool • tutee. 35 40 yon and thanked thele for their Drunzbo and returned Moine on 3 Iii1XelALI, MARKETSkind hospitality. Thursday last. 3Ir. E. A. 4't'unless of Chuthara i ,to athe young Iia©Ils of tlx'Busines Collee i Je w Wismer tar, 6q lrlt4 . tsi t its;' omen, and Friend-; iQ nd-; .r Happy an Prosperous New'teal Ur:NEPAL The fissesz Thomason enttand -Il) 42 ' a social gatheritr xy Alyce pith,. or! Fri!x nht •--4$ last, all those present report hav- G5 in;o had a good time. pe•x• e•tvt 400 2.00 Alison} the numerous vsitrs in 1 our buin(hristmasholidys wFe�re 1isrs Is t tm, holidays with his parents here. Mr. And Mrs. Dinsdale of Ripe paid Mr, and Jens. Jos. Foster visit on Monday hest. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and faxuily DRYSDALE Jacob (itigoriclt, Michigan are thti Conrad tacllufr.�r, sister Mrs. B. it.. Higgins.tguests tnf and Miss k'autly Sehwfrtzentrnbnrr. Mra. John Winless is at $1te a tl is the Ile um,p• A tsleft 1, Iclacl of ye)al. folks had g relatives in t ocieriehreae r twiny., � viaeitin .,,p in to „vox beautiful been It tfi p.to7'St. Joseph rte one day re.qtr. Stanley of Ifolmesville called» i lovely ut the 1, Melte. good time. !*ttho parsonage on Tuesday. Ur. John K . Sill. Ii:uQl)fcrs ora, :IJtrtdat g +t r c� , oe reopeJxst a;;uizx On 3lotztlatra ST..p READ AND OONC' 1V11ZE Save Half Your Fuel by using our Stove- pipe Radiator. No invention of recent years will do so much for Domestic Econ- omy and Conmfort. Run the pipe through the partition wall and connect with Radia- tor; both rooms will then be heated alike. Washing machine and Wringer combined for WO .All kinds of Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Glass, Granite and Silver- ware, will be sold cheap at THE SIG HARDWARE • CHAS.Main Street...., CREB, �tt� tc�1, '�nfarza, JOB PRINTING The Kind You Want Bill Meads Sale Bills n I Note Heads Envelopes Circulars Etc. Etc. ;oIoER YOURPRINTING ,t FROM �9ioti l:sa. x Sti'a��tluk+� '�' r xle,;lftrr was vision t+ h l !!u t,a,r� y MK . Shore being till teacher for the uroe•ta Dsn i)r"tr4tE't'sea; 'lee IaaSt tv a 3itsw i'eearl .:Iii lni lit I " , Iarestsnt3cltr. i ;t• In*0aaiao r'ettnaa!ed hoaata. "f''4'4,dneha23n returned home Thursday i r#Ixalztiinf tx lu�r4G nig a zkeeeditl, lv ttie;�ll 1 sti+ � fczv zneatltltsa iIt �r.trtlit. ..,:!,71:,‘,7,!!,',.11=11),71::'111"''' F`aAli•. Ilio. :4�ielho1 $pent the last ortu; u3s of life year in tine rite f ° hVeda to tiJO Hnre �nf C l! t THE URIOs ['anli tl4t f; 1�V Ali t'4%..444/ . b1vt1gu F:el 4 l ✓�`iteFQ.iA0LC.ro,1�,pieJ4"$Cif':Ui "ei�a'e''Yy- 1 i4f1tL SONEEN £ n a°e tzra3aps keine wa4axzt time 11 nric%t. watching t rite a aiuttrra; M. af•p. ago. inFo,ni mined rip h r undo ' fir• Richard v sin Luker of �Evl re de: tits., is visiting with friends here.:Another >teQl antrl, Sart. Jose+liii,i Alexander Thomson .Lines Tro er left for Alynler';•6 •` ,wezrtle3 citizens i again holiday morn' teaOL.c.iv mat. sroR i Q• r a :• �)llason in 01 mast two a„tln�=r 31, mart” wild ltare bolas t'+xrJtii• Air" Root. Coehrans of Riehl, e, 'tate for € onneinor in, Areae. i lire l N. Dakota arrived IIs ma�.itrizit tit its"inclielser retnrrt, i€1tlir 'Alia Ilrtid lifit ural Ixt will,'' home Pe Inst 1�° r�!' ini.enaey Lest week accompanied llettrtt itlita Irtril wI:ll!ll> tine €rtcii are tlaxMi s E, Maxwell i ;st3rtiitlg u icy Ler aunt Mra. JerbJ! Healey. ICtsntltitrrt €rzn AClstidaxy* s a,� her Mohs' here. i . rn>ir:a mt�w, �i`illiip� Jennmtars tl . Mi�;±t ;�t3xnns �dlt� rctnrt#e �f 9 Mr. A. Mut• and the Mise: flat nai}lt' � t.i,,_ t* t Il gi'tu ;tt' to i' Ler ntlrita unn Tlltlrstttt * Iasi af#er tibia 'peel: e visiting at Chas.Steltk t ;card l'c' e Qin! ee...4 sola ,Ia lrrlltlin Christmas oder the The latest way to'!tort's s iad to II it's. tip_ Htynrnea• arid a4 ,i parental roof. ire, left fon• Qi Kure. 3ste, i.• Its, ! Air, and hrs. John Armstrong I she is the girl r i a ilitri141 and if .` 4"lat=,s they om 1,1%1 . ,.. >m_ 'j' ltsro,*re, shim' ba, um'tho ae is will return favor of nutalfan She iQ r tac5',0 e some t�acrn�. of lfr. peter ilou, lar,. `. Arm. w iiste21 n well fher sill who and ;e vet ° uPiJ1i MTN r£Yeaar ° Talbot end strong perste es taking csut at ear married this '`lar 1!0 have vet 414JE nn g e,JiiIte r visite 1 Mr � lR,::id „if In rt'kcs en lir r tntitna °c es they certainly will go l n i:zin in R� llel one day this +' . 4?011silter sof Cr�tltrtt�il. N. 'price. !, tip in li Dakvirx. is'vasn'ti �g lois snstrr M # Gtr F till -414.,p :r11 l� �r�lr f � � visiting in this vnc n t n W ' mull a g sten friends here. William yQirneer. the BJiilli�r��. Ott. fioye�. sr. lslle�iY3teroi L�la'kmQorr As Vii'. "L y f`QiSp •- 4r 1 Au4"?� U11a_d �>'.:C" l°. } ,,.r, v o,�Il�ro �'Cii'aler°8. a�tlilllCSR >J a�L e 3u )pe viz r:• , gisitert at . n• RR 81; �2in` E3'6ut We Also , y 1 ��rr� ' t" lt S�Geur- lyit y� ".:Jft'ii fl ed�'.rtrtp- oUpil a 13r `L'i^IM. M5 I l k Z "' CII "'°sruk t�� ,'' is V^ 1. Eases. r . is sae si Reid f Ely City Mieh. rte- s r. n It"- Crki+nCe ¢Jf ... '' a e n i vi+iiltaiig Mrs. Vila. siting with, eltrn rIltl ,. tDst� lr`ri~z�a�s'>( ;_,,,rot �lnasa c��e'lt $r:�Pna�enY<it are flue �utrt�s�sts i .� , uu±u., IIa�4igiae�e esti I y'�iz� .tea I�utr¢leal� f ,� set lsr�setat vnsni�ttmg �t 3 11 4 ks the (Qmi,tierc et lug hely Atm at _Murray uho has star t b`t.t lrt�t Week. hr. Joseph Hudson E acini " lJ 'ITER Q >s�r as new beat and . store i :, , . 4� elected trustee fair S la ; n rushing clyaa�inotpe}yy at t'ln+�' b'>l'Y t . -L Stanley. Mr. Hudson has filled the t etch w'mk. ., . - entip# with Q°ree•dit for over twenty il It. J T7l�s:�t and Alex. (Theist to TAN, lent.ti,. isnrg. It. €!id c* l'L'�l;lmt �; ,R'i Al II r'. hos.Farquitnr entertained at. r lD.nsame'ars l( tr,P oaan another Correspondent.) ut .bar of friends ls'`st Tues;1a! waw 1 cutting lime liavee,l itort~lrae allow ire .Sate 11 ' .y t e L5t�4w ss�w. ttie rrecorri , ill your paw# in 't Inch .I wish y.; er. i'i*onla Mrr. t; arts. Corel epr t the t y little vtllag,e of ;fres 'Ili, d f 1't.�,r l 1t als;F•9s 1 ! r . pre -try tintin e e/ticu carr a Yetis f i I hactldtsa ' Dr srtttbj +tt axclt hats n siiei <x nmly ta.:, iotnela annd tine l rier;e -ifizlID:14 It i~t with pleasxsnre t st I .` teleedilsgiv+�frt.i r ilJ+ i'Jetlxoel v. itv4o boys on ends of the' into the f`allaxting Glnxzielz `ririaty rirtrriii�Iy by Ret. n_.,, it v. -ill + the a- �r Itti't.1i3. ;Itl�flelk Wits highly if 'r'uch'e csnd +'' hot(' tLe MIS of °i ng to the #•scent Vows the ! interesting.is 1. d breaker•, roads have been left in wiz ,� nal nirtnttg air bet ult. r t e. ! M very pleasant evening 'vtlltia a iNtibnaais t .. i3' icixatrrtsanix colt rnslt]s,ix p .flo 3p+a„tat the Lone of Mas. E. West- pp- .. d g torilit�eth it svhi+eel* llaccr � o;tioe snore tti slieal. i �'+ot'tlailalxd' �%lek iixf�er>faxzx =kre� noose evening lost week. went . M. aC"iinaster• art�i °r1rM friends i! alSt'i QJ eni n r st * from %rl r93` i pezi a asse 10 ed J M: sister oaf ; Rtltk add .1J ''''"P' was prepared ` +e �'”' guests' ' ' a. and Friday of ' e:E-er � t� ,l. chairman, 4a��r. and Mrs. Jolt �., • J. Miller of Parkhill ti atad ha given fft 'Stephen +o'ci nshi - are doe a sermon, b aaGz�` g proved t¢,I. tram ,r visiting the latter's parents b� net the Methodist church. g 1 mA Mrs. Sohn Howard of t a rCss. after all v'as over. all left . ir pr their homes. es. ' sh n ghee' such village. :Ra1Vil '... o o .enr tn.av s. "nr shin O Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duncan of tato moor (�. + �i'2 1 Mr. A. F. Ciaaltet visited. Grand I ty' visited dlfriends y off last week rheic. one day Cast week. .ALiL Y w +1: ' {I r,� R')''+':11:71,! L's ti ( r.�J�l�l1I�I" CL-�' b`" �. i$ �.. x�rr2L "L @ate , 5 fop' W2 9. SN trai, twea b-ir >�ir'll'4.trrF ::'r 8 R4 4: -an- l: if mil- get E iJL'J '1i:.P .y� i Frpdf{�1 r sari ha Ultra w '# )a uc ��f1,.�Y sg'"4iyt*�4w ••�1rY ++KetWMiiJ� �„lJ.y,� ifw g;',1,' ^'tt�'1d�i I iJ ��SON, r �, . z e .e etre 'Inas 'Weft th b �st< Thursday cl' �'I i��q ���I��1lil� w " ' ±,n Mr.l�. E. Snowden Qle�x after , of ". £ iraarrl sl . �te1k Isis' week. M JMli.ten, after u, 'city able �,� - .t. ix English off ed szr +► II , a$+>rl�n�r_ 1.c )rf ,II$*IIaIITi�'+ p ;� 1I)ie e'�n't e'Ct'x3IIll 8!. f e. cb L5w 'fatting and Saw Miff --All kind. 1�on 4ti,1.v2'� ta4Qi :a65- -y c; ?(tt � yJa Wail; 1 4 a a i< Y f .:e�E'Q:'iltf' Egtiven for ail Pile€ s JI l)4i1'lain gs. .�. v37r. J' A fecal stcir+,k d4 can vall,� " � B. C". 3� �u (">r`aQ ar c:�, Iasv i c4ingle . 111 tiila'is fif 2 ire_ilh- al- Mr. Er ways onu a at are the parents. . James Howard drove- Ql 'ri►e' I)readfla If,ehjA *nil JE3ait=a11m - .t�.. _ __. is riroiu•!!t rFrexies rd triad Uwe' Zurich last Monday night where we' +t e'j OIYtbine ti.1 Cn�rest b� ixr OI + believe he has a iJxterL'st .Ei { yrs- }i. AtcI{raight. Kirkwall.iPG elf}ng{ to B fIZ IIa; LD. ; to fo n Mrd James meeesg is sure 5 dutyoniountyJett ryou know what Dreel it air in given t)>r Zwick ' Ointment has done in a very bad Chase's d 0. ct flyingester DIM It is reported that no less than ` 'of tczema on aur baby. IVO had fried visit on 8atnr seven parties have taken place dtnr- mann eat a o r i but cures without tris any pe-; nng the past week, this. is truly the' cril'n1. enceci using Chase"s ciinrtmegt 1, -p)p anal wife of waraterloo I merrg making season. guests of the 3atter•s s there was great seller. and the improve- L, Air- George Iioward visited Diets cure. tJuIntilthere nk it the greatest of i friends in Stephen on Sunday last. ; firmly € intnent5.•' I)rJaacipr�l of our public school spent Air. Adolph KaIbfieise]x of Detroit.1 "'z eird Wiifhi, cznf., writes= j Saturday and Sunday renewing is it present risitin�► friends in rhronle ,eczema for twelve sortasfs or q arrlrnniii�tances in the village g Philad'.l )hoax. many remedlen during that tfine; t Air. John and Chas, . Mr. Edward Talbot Jr. al:Ceom-r, got no telae;: but found no out tour der Louis,whca23,: . ave doctors yc,ar:r ago moved. to marzitoba. are ponied by Miss R. Westlake were. creed to try a ores of g Chew's box here sp ding their holiriatys with the;guests of Mr. Etzrie Smith on found creat rune. I have used about. four and before us}hg isalY ut frit boy[ their many friends. S day last. r Mr. . Geo. HoItzmann, Jr. and Aar. Pater Durand Jr, was the mane o axes, and amee now completely cured, and have recommended it to Christian Haist left Tuesday last ;guest of M' r. H. Hb'Itz•s redid ; us d•r we �` hem: It is the best I have ever On .t short anti : a ,s Sherr la nothing to be compared with ar. Chase's Ointment . *hopping pp• done fir. Earnest Sn npts*n .x i`mznez every Barr ATISFA IO GUAR .N'r Mins flth Coat., Lot 25. 0 it ViSib tsn Elkton ilia' Sunday fttrhooJx residence carer' and It is worth its weight !n 1b etsc vicinity a• i ity old was s11en in this n ment as a cure for the Jain: P 1, when theiforward vicinity !z foto daps agv, Saye het Everybody as lookcng with pleasure t. Friday night next, ready your rifles. Owls are hard to j ellous, Goa to box, at e and tall; dealer ng skin dos- s Z• urich P. olein Morrie W. are Often truly mar- N ease. Ila cures toost handle when once routed. ° Ii> mauso>r, �atea & Co., Toronto, + ` s, Special Bargains on a Christmas over. Give us a Carla. i ich 'tlr' Robes Irrd ltll Tanned. Will net tear or get hard, and will last a Life -time. See Thee at lowestpossii. irx J) hos. Horse Blankets are selling like hcrtr_akes. wonder, at the lase we sell then; at. Eardware ZUAVOH I To Thank our 'Gusto patronage during the yi the sante for 1902, and .wish a prosperous and for their liberal 1901 and solicit ou 1a11 'Steinbach. zurtc: Good Daft.