HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-01-03, Page 5A..-,.-.....�-�-",��".-�,,�",�-,. .11._�­;­ -1 -11 11, .... . ........ ..... ..... � ...... . ....... _._._.__'__ ____.. _ - � ... � �:_._­___ . ..... 4'.1-1--11-1 ... . ... ­._..­____ �;­­ir­­­ .. .. .... ­­�- .1-11 11 � 7`�"` 7 .1 . I . . t 1. . ­. I � . . 1. . . r . . I I I . I I I I � . � I . . . ' . I I I I I I 61 . . I . THE ZURICH HERALD .-I.... ­ --.--_..1--__-_______ I . . I � . 11 .. . 11 � -:-7-1111111111 � , . . I I � I I I 11 . � I I . I I , I � i I � , , I ­ - I . � � 0 J , i_777=7= I I . . I 11, . . , . I I I , I . . I � r . . I � i . � ,:�,,�e'7'1.1 � "I I � Helen and I were sauntering among DAYFIAELD Sold by All Newsdealers _"O"-­�. . 1"T., W,;k i � / ­�'': 4;!11 � " -�0.1-0+OWIO-I-Oo�-1-0+04-0-1-0-1.0+ � ,; 1\ � � �),/,'­ &_"'J� f�' "'�' , L � . -e cut In . . . r, ,�,� �, � i '�- I,Ai�, ,I . r_418 ,.� .. the'trim flower beds that wei I I , _� _ � , � I _�� "I � 8 P r_ c - _:�Iv ""o ��`� 01.�`& " y � . P-locitil to T- X-R&LD � 40"'JAV. Pepprl_ I - k 0 .F; . the soft green turf of in(.% terrace, I - . � ,; , . , k �,�� 0 j3 % �z� ,:2�j , 'M Ir 'ff I , .'-.�61 V� . " P I= X, . � OW f NARRIER told her the, .secret or illy beart-Its Did. Reid and Alex. Brown are 0 , i '!;.� .., , t. I -,�-,�� i I I V o �!,',. Wi I �1713' , ­ -�;@�.Ogs . �*, � , T1 I hope, its fear, its sweet unrest, home from Port Dalhousie i4 0 I � . 2 . �e.", , � - I 14t r� ,,-,� , -�, ,V �Rll ­ , FOAA :4 M, ;__ ", / "" I,/ " - . I ,where � , " �, _ , -�J _ " - , IUD , When I ceased, my companion looked they were laying up the slow sur- , 'M\_ � I , -� MY ORANDROTHER 1� up at me wonderingly, and, upo voy boat, "Lord Stanley." 1 , y U I "�� 1" , _i - , -/- Y. is my � �' '"""', .I 1. � I'M",!, � , ` , -'�7 Z� - , ' ' " 6.1-CK-0%1-0.1^-.I-O-�00-1.0-1.0+(>1.0+1>11 boner, tears were glistening In her Miss 0. Uurray of Detroit is here >: - � . , i 1 ";""%%`,,',*,�.-'149�" _1� ago. , 4 - h r ,�) 1�r ;� "i. .., �'W . - 1- ES x � It was five years, The affair bem pretty eyes, . visiting friends, el . a t! DEJ 9 11 � I !",i"'XN� S A gau then, but before I say �kuY more "What!" she said. "Are you sure! Mr. 1-1. Green of Toronto spent I . Do you love me -me? Oh, Colone Furnishes N10"thly to all lovers of Song ALL CASES OF, 0 let ine recall to your- mind tb;s fact I Chrintmas tit Mr. QuIplin's. to re- and Mude a Vast volUrno of New, Choice 1VW that I was always regarded In the fam- . Halbroolte, how could you? Indeed, It turne(I Saturday accompanied by Copyri,jilt Compositiomr, by the most pop- annot-cannot be!'P ular 4ut iorq. Piano Music, DEAFNESS 0 R H A RL D 'HEARINC C Miss N. Oftipin. half Vocal, lial6l" ily as my grandfathev's heir. The title 49 � I 16ptr",gelot,11-21 COMP10tC . . Becailse your heart Is given else- . Pieces for Plarto-Oncea Month for no; - ' and entailed estate would go, of course. where, I suppose',) But, Helen, I can- M'ssrN. Wanisley of Detroit �Who Cents. 'YearlySubscription,sa.00. Ifyou. ARE NOW OLFRABLE, to his eldest son, illy uncle, but the I love you! was home for the holidays return- will send us the name and address of r,ivz by our iiew invention. Only those born deaf arz! illelit"Oble. not lot you go from me! performers on the Piano or organ, we will send ' _1W ty greater part of his vast wealth would Oh, my darling, how shall I live all the ed last week. . You a Copy of the Magazine Free come to me. in fact, he had so de- Miss M. Wamsloy has gone to J. W. Publishery HEAD NOISEIS� CEASE 110MEDHAUELT. long weary years, of my life without I Eighth a Locu'sETSVET.' Philadelahla. Pa. I clared. I had lost both parents when you?,p Detroit. � F. A. VVERFAAN, 0F SALTIMORF, SAYS; B.A�:.T.1:70ni% :17-d- M'I'rh �0, n?". but a child, and I had grown to man. "Hush!" she cried sharply, "Sir, do Mr. H. JV&wsley was home from Gentlenten.- - 33elng entirely cured of deafne��r- tbanks to yo-ur tr-caElucli... _' %.*1,1 llowgive YOU bood under his Immediate care, for he you know -do .You know who I am?" Toronto a few days last week. ' ZURICH P. 0. a full history of lit%, case. to's)e`u,Qd at your discret4un. , rS,zt ill, worpet itutil llwtt About 9ve velirs ago mv riglit ea-, began to ,il,g, anill 0.1.4 I�Ppt ot. .1 . had long been it widower. My father "Indeed, yes! The sweetest little girl James Ferguson is home from - my hearing in fhis ear eutirilv, I " Is open daily except Sundays fr(xn I auderwerit a treatineilL for catarrli, for tll,.­,.- uwntli�' -,N_j1t1,,,t1t.I1l%- �ljcc.�­. c,lastilted a ulliv. had beon his favorite son. Wlint mor� 1, the wide world!" Cleveland where he was fishing, , .."Aa, -0i thi..; City. who luldnie tlla� natural than that I should be the pre- 8 a. m., until 0 p. m,, The mails a ber of pbysicialis. among otliers. tht, rlo�t cllliaellt.'.�Ir t,: , I ,,),. . - , I sz "No, sir, I am not. Colonel Hal- re an oneration could help me, and evQlx that oulov ", �' _.l,,y, tiltitt,ichcatt noises ivould ferred one? There was this under- Woody Harrison who was- on tUe distributed as follows: =cease', I)t,.ttlielie:tringi,.t,iieLf.--t-er,�ti,,:a,..-,i.oll",I,t,--".cl�I �i'r­,­:!. - l3rooke, I am your grandmother"' lakes the past season arrived home I then sawyour advertisenit-lit ,It,eide,li,;,11­ ill.a,�, .,.,. V�,,'.. l'irl.r. nl,,i r.rx1,�n,e(I,yorir trent- standing, however. between my grand My graii(ImGtlierl Talk of sudden MAIL FOR HEXSALL, close at 6,55 a 'm lutut, After I had ti�ed it on1v a few (I..% � no�'­t�:n g I, N."Il. ,ii r-4 i­nh. �j;(.. ­t,i,z,.-,�c,'.mse;;i, and father and myself: I must never marry last -week. 94 it &( it 2;5 V,r" - .�(tl-",�i�.1:',izi,�,��t.ieiitir""V-�et:*.orcc-. ithalskyott shocks after that, won't -you? I tried 5 psn to -day after five Nvel?).�;. my heirim! in th-, (14 . Alarry! I had Obarles Forguson of the Govern- hemrfily slid lit., to reinaiii . trilly Y,;�11�. * without his approval. L c I ' STJOSVIVII, 11 -10 am I , A. N"17,11'MA ��. -,,-,-, S. _1r4v-,-l1,,rfty, B:'.1till I to speak, but my voice failed me. I 69 ; . . lore. 11d. no thought of It. My rollicking bach- reached out my hands and touched her. ment boat "Petrel" is home. 't t ,, L. H. & B., , , 6 -55 ton. 01a, treatment, (10es n ot in te)71ert4 trith !10 a I, i(sual ocrapation. clor life pleased me too well to ex- I Yes, she Nyas there, real enough, and I Harry Falconor has returned it " L, H. & B., 11 2:555 am X.Vanlillatialt alia I eg)�;V. I advice frt.p. MM - YNBEL" Al' HiVIC' ut " " "i"I change It for any other. I was not dreamin- home from Goderloh. 99 FROM HENSALL, 4rr. 11 :00 I= YOU CA11 0 -r. ty A 0 ' '16 LA - r - And that sort of existence lasted un- I "Tell me all!" I� gasped. Don't forget the 1. 0. F. Ball and 4 4 t 6 & & ( & 7 :30 pm INTERNATIONAL AURAL WIN!% 5'. - SALLIE foil, OHI�AGD, ILL til I was twenty-seven, and then It I And standing there by the broad supper on the 10th. 6. " STJOSEPTI, " 10:45 am --- I 11 . I.. - ­­­­ ivas brought to all abrupt close by- I stone coping she told me all -how her Albert Vanstone it; back from & ; , , L. H. & B., I I I 1 :00 ana ---------- ------- --- - - --- - ­ - � 1.1_... ­ � . . it � what do you suppose? Well, a girl's I parents had died when she was little Aylmer. 11 L. H. & B., I I I :'30 ani face, nothing more -a. girl's face seen 4 1 pr -4 4 dilk 0 1 more than an infant, and Sir John, her moment only at a window Miss Allic Green is honlo from LETTERS FOR RRGISTRATION, must for ft brief . guardian, had watched over her with D' as I was changing carriages at Bolton I jealous care; always keeping her at ektroit for a visit. be posted half tin ho'Lir previous o ii , I 11 . station. You suille. I don't wonder, - school, however, until lie brought her Goo, Grepn and -wife of I.Loore- the time for closing the mails. e Berfiner . .. I I but I d-cclare to ,.%ell that from thence- home to Tile Towers, a young lady. field tire the guost-s of Mrs Green. D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. . , � forth I knew no peace of mind. That I � She had heard of me. She knew all James Donaldson and wife left, __ - I Q � . �� .. fftce was ever before tile, looldn- out about her guardian's intentions and illy Mondr RM FOR SALE -2900 acres of I ­,,� I 0 q for their home, Bruce from under a dainty gypsy hat, pale, persistent refusal to see her. Aud Mines. 1 � I . choice land, consisting of Lot i . ...... -, . pure, perfect In outline, with a luxurI- i when Sir John lay dying and appealed Mrs. Brand.,n and family arO 3, Con. I 1. Hay, and Lot 19, lliouth i � ILL ..... I I � k aut mass of soft brown hair full of ! to her to marry him, In order to secure ding the holidays at Belg;rave. Boundary. Hay Good lmnkbarils.' . 1". :. shiny ripples. dark eyes, a little red certain property which would other- spen t . . I 11. I Mr. H. Talbot and wife of Drys- 44 x 81-1 and 40 x Oil, and frame 1. I , . I il�lfte_^ usouth all(] shining white teeth. aid to i wise pass to the next of kin she con- dale and Mrs. Routley of Exeiiil', dwellings tin eaen lot. Plenty Of . . � '. 110, . Z. � "Some dreamy little ellit," I s. I sented. I gosd spring water. Or- une farm: myself again. and agaln. "with it pret- ' "Not for myself, Colonel Hitlbrooke," were in toiNvill, Sunday. � u. head full of romance. I ' Mrs. James Johnston entertained � th"'re i-` 'In overtloNving, well. Oil' *11? 0 'C- ty face and she continued, "for I Inherited a for- , � if dj� t'" The property has . ath school bar � 911(ld grav%4 read, and Convenient I l, ela,;s, at I M At all ! tune, but for you. her Sabb. I I wish I bad never seen her. - .� I P � sellool, 1)1)%t offive aliel v1lUr(.)w,-;. , -.. a A O."IT:oThoffe , events, it is highly probable that we I home, Lorsisa. street. on Mmisday � to S , t been sold, according to Instructions, ,4 . 1 6 ufflos to Exclur tAtition. Will M Illost enjoyable evening . bave suet for tile first and last time; so 1 and tile money coming from th I I I evening u, 'give purebaslAr tnl,sy terim, of pav- , I IS , ae I'll forg4lt her." ; your& Sir John -wIshed .vou to t:Ze! it. was NVent. , ' lutont. I'Viud Irm �-r, equippt-#1 for This is the machine that t,tlLs--sjllgs--r,Lnv,, tveT,� -nitrument-reproduces - , �_ " p .Ifi:;�.,.-�-!�Z. 0'."Irt., Brave words! I coulti licit forget her, � Ile often said that Your allow Y�Lrg� NY. Cox of Dakota and two, . C , j, 1111RU111111V-, clitopping. stray. etitting". SouWs Band --string orlicestraq Negi 4 cllotrs, etc. 41 CU.= v perpIt,xIty, ' It reproduces lite violin, Piano, i4titt" wt. ox".n'-wne, baujo, mandolin, and just then, to add to tit. r paltry compared with whaE should s,)nx are visitifig her Inother, Id rs. et . - A I biailding-A in go �01 "tute �A � t, 1 my ro,�glfglent was ordered oW to India. :' have been yours and would bare been. t Parker. - relatir. with gokitl lurqp driving -,lied L PICC610 arid every other Instrument. . The Btfliner Gram�o-pbom- ii loutlor -62.-ror. .-r-r2er and better than an I, 7 .A, few days bercire clubarking I re- too, had your father not left so W20Y i H. X. Moorobouse of Lonclon is and ot' "lo n! co . ner outbuiltlisigs. On V :1 other talking machine at any prive. It 141,-, vv#, -v 1-%;I ui cung,, racred, %tile,, . ,j behl"d 111m." � hinie for it few weeks' holidays. there is 11 avres,of g0ltd busil. enol' sentimental, patriotic. "Call" Fo1%,­- I:.`g1"4;. 1':,�ne% an -I Scagell Songs, aeect- cg?lved a letter from illy grandfather, debt, I Sir John 11albroolm, urging Die to clift "You are privilcoged to speak as Tou � Miss Taylor of T*:Irlor's grove on eaeb farin 1-ne avre of" son-liar,l. Ions front Grand aud Comic Oprna.q, )4;A1%-- 4-�d";#.W,�'�-,v,.;�*,��"'..t%,.G���teps,ll2arael6 down to Tile Towers lit twAltor that I pIttlise at)out my father." I murmured. I hll,, been a, guest at the rectory. I � UT- iu fact everything thatcaul he pla­-il iin .!v- i-', 'TuMtI ,­­ -r-w! crof instrumenta ., . For torni-t. applv to) PHILIP 11A � � ' . , . 11111,ght 111(iot tiltb lijily who w.l,,i tlestined � "Were Ile Ilvfug� you would be his I tau be reproduced on tile Berlutvr 6z"ut t,­T:'W,i,w V. �t.� . V,%, to 1$l, illy ruture wlee. '.%Ty auswer was motIlibr." 11 lo. Edwardt'i is visiting friends '; MAN, Sarepta. 14). 31--filn, . 4 t.6�� Mderfttl indestract- � . ibIt record disci. altort and to tile 110111t: "Don't be ridiculous. sIrl" cried tier I neur London. ' 50 Y ARS' ; It tells funny stories or vepeat- a 1-mven It Can putritam bulArt-ag at Offer Ivor GrzRJrA1I:Qr-1 tive Ila dr-4re, to linov. I ladyslilp sharply. "And It Y011 are try- 1� D. Gardner,lliss RULY Wllid(10% time in tile largest hall or chtliell. or ot v.m 1'.1 ­,Ifl,��tlr,' t�� - -t llv,!R:a1lentro=_ voahk*. I StAlt &'�r Irth,4 In t" ts,x&gi. eus I Iiav* , Ing to lukirtlify lite you may its well %in. 1i J. Fralier, A. Elliott asid Miss A - � - - x6mENcE 2 1 The Records are not was, thoy,ao Ilard, Fiat, 1uoi,i;.-,u gio,tibla Discs, whio*" Iro UMO lug' CrouguMp. 11A I G!,43 gun &kvro to 0 I,Nlliott attentled the Jessie Me- � so - "I'll will last 10 yeam atleml fGrflveyeam. S11OT"ngs to en, yo -J. Tu"r Affmi"MAtc.. 0C. , derstand that you 01111110t 811POetA, I : I - - r", 11 " -1 ,.,T,�,�- -ert at Clinton last I I I Tile Berliner Gram-o--plldml i-; rmAc- i -o V '" ,?t,"`F , . ,wer movis llwant to Ito right. and I regrot nothing Limablin etint I I :: "I Tile Gram-o-Tillone i's ns�!a .31'. 1 e�­16,A, -�� 1. D'V 4'41� Ll':��".'� !��# Vti49YM9M AVIL The old gentlotuan*s ans th'It r lottvi� jltouhu� I tilol not I�uow any. NVOUIC. 10 others thron-hout eanwla equally ekollOr"...11111 toslolielt'. lr_t� twin, or your grandrather's foollsh Lo Is. F. A.Edward-4 aud itaughttir, ! . I _ , . . . Z I # r- *�­,, . ­ The Beilit,ter thatn-o.7,�hrjue rg;­��,o, - , 1I , ­ lkv P.,-ar ftlwlff�-n�tt �c,l K-1:0 to T;xv- . ate instem'n ,C t,'.mitg vn. -10 *wIshicks About us Ilutil bog will Avaq Ploy, tirto, visiting at lciavoordinp� I A . 11 I - . 11 , forTkIking, '.N1a&ineq at tfiv, Towtwli 1,;%�,­,� twn t-".% 'rite � I om %X3 ,),L�3TV,11 wAy so my tm% I e.:M Le QlI%*,%eZ to ve 0 read.o* Silln Erwin left for MAL-higullo I , TmAor MAnits; Desir."a, , �� Berliner Graill--o-johloone ttA,i to'-O'D 1.1;1 tk,'N �M!` 't , %Lndtlie,tt,carilt;cotttaterit.�ited.tti,�r��Col��i�,.�t%�lI -v_,,,­P ,I, ,,,,�,�-� I ,,,)� It ,&,�a Attoul:4 to onlor v',3 t"-zat qiltii ugly � 140 tailt# kQ !,,e 0 cul. SO it "Do t undibmiand that the motley Is � Monday. � calovRIGHTS &a. with nibleakling na=3 a!i they Lm� V,o,,It'�tc ,� 4�11 �,r 4f.orvU,r. �,3 r ., &) L 1, I, L, ii t ,� -,A,4cu jt,at �,�e.l t4 zoally ouh IfelettTo rL ub. .N. J�Zjllg . Mrd. L. Kiag tud Miss ., A,orzut,s;'IISI-tt*O�ttobstildctc �r,.E%Lgl mli'l quuillr Aionixuttli Cur ur.mvlm rinio tSbtr 413 -Grarn - - �,:I- If the Berliner .0-Itiholle i_., nw. e,-,). , 1't� iti �, � .�, ., .,,) e,-*, vt�� 82caw"Ale. ek�. llye:sg: all .vours.", were at BentiniltAr a fiew days last %ovgi,,&�)n itimebololfirlitsitabw Cm,trlunwa, I to,Vm, *rite to us for ilbastrateA vatil',"'V411 � "ni 6.1gt!T Whit could lm* sk"Ate in 00 face cif 111vell. I walat It." ji ,; 1%y(bel-1. '41e.,I�o*ttl�ttl�r�oxgdtittl.zl. kwItAv"clioliallauLts ownuQ14.0moons zq7terlot"Wicrumoitu. V, Information, ftc% &ut% (upistle fig 049V 11P.,vadwitly 11 no , ­yotl sainil lgive it ztciyer fear. Unt : - 1, i N-. eil ("muensli who ha -4 bit*ft *311 I rmtaw "Un li, rza sluatt a tj� iw#lva rViP.WrMk#. ft�W)a'.31.1t4*. 1=11, PACTWtv .* 25rly 437.1 .�Nqucazwt St �. Wenaw ,;. 9-1 I nk4laug. Eli I vowe:ruloy Imulp toly are ��kau tR') frIgInfully In debt2l* asLed ; , I 1r..1- Z. 1­4"i't I & *r,,v* U V7& Ilk Mcm." F - . Il.nIumuzz, nw,uv, Gene-va ,(.� ffj,,Ca,;�;�, 1`0 lorC.14"Jo'�Jtl%.jn�,3 fClt' dIpIt"IrWroo. OID41 44oare- tuy ivol"Itardoll Ito :1 luiv. nwed whlljrv�.,r. ;. k, 10 a 1 . 404001141 1,1116 k0110, , rrovj� i, Jtolin MeLand of 11tintsvilla i�,4 A E. BERLINER. 2315 St. Catherine- Street, - . to MONTREAL: Ive 8!1%4�111 waii glad to V4,10isom1wr tIoN 110'r bol; qvyk-�l falol Aof gelittest so irwe.s . C il 100,wit,010. l'ou,iia 01r. 110 ; z , , 6, 15D t,�t)ll"l T61011 1131 ik -bertow Ive!zIlol I wn,�w ngolll to 8�r "In dubt? Thalsk lttaWfl, 1191 unt :". honle, fur the Hohdityu. "t"U'll n ' 144, * r - C, rl * 11 � I 11 . , - EJ1.1t71A'9'M1"Ji,'4'r*11, ______=_1_=__,__ �__ - - ,4 at V . M83 " I 0 uft'N 91,41im,xy. . . . seloth blot lids Ulm vag a loncr full I cau rvk�CbDve w9titing (viola 3ptin ut klus 1, 11 .. New York I The tWhAth 9011111,61 01110NIII - - , , ��� , I . '. b" ? ntnig . I " 4 gmutudo nnol affiVO4j'a fstal ,c Itur.,41: ,vod qfltv .'yQ.T,=Af&r to ult also," : treps latA Week. 13t. A1U1T#W.1N We& I e a. at. W#Ah0.L N' re,gartu tbut I C-�31flql uol do rag Ke tie- -i'votow iven irv�nriv it,nur ,granamipa- hilly. Fridav, twe _�_J '. __ . V: �, 0�,. I �. 'i linflIt HorSOMA sur I ! I It. ki , , . � 0 1 vr*," "At., aszitj twtwcen a sub Rua a �'! ,� T'E i suert"I"fal, On Ing. ; I ., , ,,,,,, 4� Pron I � L , �� mor"I. bt;t,1,Me-rT3r, �i,�� , , . ,,, TO trlfli4 I Imue-3 tpo onswer. but a lamajq. 11 rvdsikavio the Igall wl* 11 -m -ROA PATENTie) "i Rua %W I , "41 JL�33flla after loly =11val Ru trad1l I reawl "I woutd! A&I wy great'vand. ilhe pro-rattantr6 ove -eneral *att,4- � � , , 64 U Z� ­ - - OTARRELL & LANISO' ,, M:e hinomqueota0lit ivT talc, Vat--onees tuvAligea'. tc?", It Aw 4�awe to me 11ke, I - ­- 14 -I.- � , � ,KAL and 11%c "".11"Ve Vzj'�Er tuallIoMe'll I to' tv:, rtlrtion� , lay I .,. , t­,,�,_Ow WASHINNOT0,14, 0. 0. ," , rrz,3ge augqlgc� P, A I(V_.*F:r ft,,�)nui Nq , Ttuf-og a sirnale 19t.p C"re final sonshifle ;i Ur -11. Young of near Pulrle?,w I . 142S NEW YORK AVE., , �. I Lug WA 0 ,0711 11 I'll I, .. �. __.­_________�_ 11&tkAq,�,,�f_A k5%44_1n8,#,A Me Alq,V�9!02.tv. Vvumq2b(_­,11 ulLv khNinws jaarcetl _. flitud �Infll hall ht4sheip womell by 4'l�-.s �,f�., , I , I ­ !'. ;;,,I '- . ,, -7: n , , �,!�,. ,2 1! , " OUR 1"' , I ,,�,ao S,.�A'T'IAS' -anA-uela. to lui,xl tkat r".9m C'M ter. 1: F(Tenflv And otit (,of f4urle-sil. '4r,"N C .. ., . . . . . . . SofleltarsofAn%er�can and Fbroigll P64.0r,i:_-, Cc:��;:�on,l T0VaL",Craafk,§.C6Py4 I � di'Ofts"et'll- Fermt,atelir tL(k f....7 11 .... 1.11 � . il.v r. �t 1. ,.,�., I "! 0% JrJ1z,t2vAl 'MAC krwiLebere,",iT401.1 &,P)MO DIL"- tulC-Q pt� "aam"v ILE n Am kly, Vdm". a gat- o WON � , . I 11­1��* ravht�-. VAIIV,bturafedOpAteftt 5:1 dsil =_,*:1.-_,-v. Ccmj for . ­. . ­. 11.1 , , . , . VoRitiaLs wLaAn %zc2lL, 11,,-o�uugl L) azde ot TtL'o dron ("IT cotn dklt,�41!11% � doogest w�%m t, iannbt ill tho etel al',,9 - . � Invathlbet; lfttg6ddo or mdve to 6f- _0 �� "' Z_`,I:.nf_. Te�W4E-7-1��. 0ftZJ.r tC'T-IUEg tba� d(r-Jttr� V104 Slue tp Evoy %TUTC, z"otv. I ZrIze illy fam. i� *pie ot'vit#rX �,AQI fltelln lifllt#lil at I , , ortr$boug J�Mqdgli �4#,Ml t10 ksis to mtl� yo �4at ' - \&:m 3DI: -of S - cc- -3 --- ca��-`�*; novin. ��c gost aqtal'vlak�t,�rm,_�, luoe D�.-,'Jd oumnst cat tM_- say fall? Um. ,taen to Italu-Li et M" ,I p2 Mi n "I se'tMentlon twa P'n , an. __=" -, , I 'ustvalf aml to-stflV fIL'Iev arz. 054 Vt11,N,,==e!ui1- ­...-I.-I � __ 1. I "��1­11_­_O­ __ - I—— __.�­..�!!!!W�� 3J,.A L,ou i� 11ovmb 116- S V z C00MAto'!�*. e, � -it , ft,I,r a , ,,rLp-Ut rLit%-.1lr.,;,,c.-,,l1 qtI,e v,,.,I,ry clfl&l it,)Ut 4,11 aL * ­-, __ ___ ___ ,xv 'I ln�m�vflt ;&V ftlote% .,e a . $,!�" IA V It -11,11,111,11, .......... ...... . . . . . ......... I .. ,4l, 'e'p,*��­­­*vy1w.4 4 -ft"#.. �. =1 D,CUV59 r)T An&n�;kt �Nv'n"AkN!z. ll�s-,D. R. 33-jgtpr� T. Elhott. G ,9. Rmiin� TN13 1� - o R. . I . - I . I v,t!,V reutdiftal 'N*ftimaw. .D. %�Ll"�-tttt,V?4",�Dt�4)�,.*I%t,gfq.",�tstt�t,� . �t - I i, � I �, � , , . , "n"v _"�, I , ; jA, � ,,, . 11 j. -,%&,�T-zq�),�v�?.11 twu"I'lo- ;v;,Se2,, R.,.rin $0 , 'hb -4 Ato * 't V &*Nt wul,lq "14 wNstef� � � I I , � tt'Lo. I., � � ys Ztttn�Fs I 11OLVU A ff&�hvll �4 U�11,811nou Newl . � ft""'Ll'tal"t": Balsam. Ike sa R 1"� - �, I -at-,,0111141%�Zeg wtua 't?vpn Uvit"(1it . U'Mit"At 16r lehvot WaQ1069. 430%u � - . - 114� � IN 3�wiut? gq In V110 ro;poulunl tagit thot em9celut tuan y kfftotvh.',1 ­sr�e T4,5�,1,i;nz­'2qt.q1S.­ V'Vdie I , � r:��,Q .", O' ' ft iWILVC-troluu, r4a,b%e V5,ov-1w% ai,l,0%,r,-1fA sred , don. T. Chinermo. ZMan ro?-. ,q�tt a y To " ,mn " 110 2 0 1N,.,&=, , -out evqzz� kill r 3 61.9k, Le�ZE WN1 _bifs. ("iffll a-ul rever'. Omit. ",_ r?w 'I'l , Ugly Win - 1 . zt*nlo. W. birsadon. T. j� V&ft-s. I C� �,"",' �1; IN � cvprn�;euut to kaatv�y tust u1om lin M4 stud , Dtt elo gogg, L, B L 0 0, D PJ-41C�3-041,'Z��, z" JtL Y_ "Ille uIrva.vs Lit, - Tqz�� XINU,Tle.�. L"ttem fvr,2* w�mh(ls. . aNe Me V-411"WAN OT 0910ban. Heave W-me4v. qcotmd�fioln powd('r. fiybft# I -C �,�� ,,, - to J!", ­_ - , ,_;� "I � 1�1 , _! he Went t1ftinglo 110 ceaemwmy of gnwr- ,. 11. %Vitil tl5e Fili"M thtte nXtriC4 fol. re-vIe'L-t, ,1,�-.n, _t r 4 &trt'_Z,5­'-­­.­­,- t �, ottlAttt.j I _­�,� � .n, ,,.-_z,JJL.':?v,�trtCT. . , .1,- , � "=!11,�,Isv,,E�En. k1t. . -z:-- T, ".. -, : ,.­_':..._ ­1­ rf.rw[,A, yet& 2, 4 e , 601120't and 5,120mato. Itionita- I - - ' ' _` - `,'� ��r vage on Igas &ZAtIoNA. OM '6� " or Clvm�lderayi;t, �Tsasfinc Lag ltten,Xonf Offitnleiot. nud Gall C'ure. taki U�4:d eta,5icat# ,11 5. -, . j t, L�­ ,�.q - � V�� ' itlitt Ift Ev"lM4 t.10 t�rizz:t ibe�,,_,�tq t,,Kli tic�:_,.Z-�., F­,� - �_. . , .- .1 _. 1. " � ._ 't_ . " , , rccebve not a tmnny of Ills roftute.11 ces 1114dentluum ou uga Judembung.- al "� tuvie alvant a threighe*_1 rift? Nt"W � jgvetv jj,luljt�4kt Ouar,lntef,d. ok �liiiptpft*!, ��:ra t f,-.�V'_�V�. L_�,rt_ '' - .,:...�-,�,,,�-,-'�.,��,-(,:�t.,--,"--- 'aanq jjebj=,�S*�",�__ -1; i # r . 6 _.T;Ii�i VITI�,51�.11 E'.. Z, " " �t 4,_; v'- - 1, - . "*_ � -, � - 2 _ -, - I ;zr=rt. I 'an -y mr 4 ;uhV4:uysl tage copy 'at 1-1thamash1q, tlin,141C4, tJU1V(Ar,J1LjJJW ;�'�'.1,4. -�. C 7 - I � �. - ' �­ g!- - ;�­ -J,* _ -_ I -­'. ­_ 11.4d Me r=0 907lie RVMI'? III- M LNS 49 bUS'b_#1'% 01' nlofte��- re-TZ1?1PkeA- dysr, U& tt,_�*n21CL-.i58r.Ca1 fte:a�=E&7-Fn H _1,. I ,.'.,I _ ; t:�Stt_,3 ,�,, " 1'. -, C. " '�, � ,- 4 " � , - �­ _�'y Zn - .1 - - _ ,_ _ I— I � ,�, � -ea -Y lute, land I,,v2q,01kged to lt�,3;.qsloet ou'd clover*--eeal its to hont,.-A witto. a t=ii , Unk. Dr'n'd ltabtl:�dtt '. _,�, , P= gw toUN61fol. 1, 1�6?. wovj ft cis, the W. , t 1�,T � C -t --l' �-�, .., � � . �, �'_ _, �, , � , ". , 1, , *.f t, gly fact was SIM I%ere­ ,t.val- A R Y U,a-%BEca6�,�tkt§ap:�.*i�gs��itc-8!sr=t�t�,7t,9f -1 � I , ,,�'Jd ltonqa�m_d Igo the IN31-j"010 Itelk's In 1 V 8 T 8 rA I N, �. -" - rvJ1,.a't. Me 6, . - . ehamplon loaglieralfte. Hstrt TaMt,! C _- lfff-� Dwl'tlal qji:z�:!:!�C-sn_-.- ��­_t,r 1 -,, f 1-',�_ �. _�2z�'I:_',_"'_,A . U,_ -d t1w I.V4002.100 lWas roy a Ule 1h.11DAmiNflng Oe the gvait toosh"11- I h r&.4ho"t vvfflu� ADVICE FROM za_­�=. "ran tan" &N.fv. Of Virv-stlale renetsfl_��,- & ! 1%gp?$;t_n ft�.,*,M-Ifr.a.qtLilo".;�'al9c�n. I "Virole to Va-0 *LS1 of Me tuffilet.SV -M9 N,eunn;mln s - f ,.Nk,�'r nn f7 aq 'm l,T - - --t2 9W � . _ . , ford th- he f, 1 t 'thQFSt' tllt�&5V��,N'A fli"�- J�U� 11-11I 12U .. v " i 4 - , -,.--- . � utt !� J si lowyek-l"w4 vt.r-v OV110-v. I de%q t,r.ja it �, -.,.-.;i i..:�Ai- Mf .10�uue 0 . to (-all hing. Newman had , .1 E;niller. fv� btishelit ,if (4over in' - 'req convehilettlIt V.rii... -with ii -All 01, -t- reat, bnt vivy energetkalay. I ow su've. also always. llcmr ot, hund some Greek ioni.q. 1,obs on paen ,,,ne. Thev are t�,u V,el L I In ltu� rlrst 11-41w. 1 S�Ird I 'wout"I rint t,w-t or 11"allo."phet. , " . I . 'ToAvaeg , � 'Vedtling toak, Jul'af-e ba.11 tit �ovel-y stoure ill Vnhe q ',;�,nntl Y. net-i�jlt a jvmray of ,1145r 301hn 11,11 b "MArking to Ric. one gay atout Greek A qtdof hotne % f,01�tu,Le -�is u favue gmitt- in Me tuest� I 5t.I,Ieve Lie ,ae*vear'-.4 nooriulilig at the t"5- &-Ad if yoU2 sborekvepme or dirrig- ....... ' fafluL-t­.s. Le suld-.011cal I I . . _. . uoutd not ,.-,q4 Me W .br.t,d it to offiers-tbat lie 4 � UP, �`­ . i� Of Ur. Sf�'.Ss'p'h Brot*ll w1hem gist dot , ._6 . .. .... it - r�t_v tn_ac . riate of it bur- it keell them. -write vs alkol, drin St.lut , itH, V T 3ftA&UPN'L-'�-'�" C�E�� ­-'�­! -- t"t a I,,,�, V,:�3utr fittle ru$d -n � 1?_. , 7 - 'l �,-'r,"E!E_ S-,) tL=* 19c'ned witao a 8" Lain C -00,1119v to 1115 01gapst (11oEt '11 t1i fitt'l trou-T.% 6-.31 _* etang Clause. 0,;�4.,L,ql Uffte G? malt ip. Vvn% villa we will fqViva-l"d them yronlyt- of Y,'�tt. 'V=&t,: ut ir-Itte='t tt-t t-a�n r-*Z_*=� --," �'. htlgle v,:-S1_r"u ,q late'll ter. An _­ , i- wo,"'L St�ia- &A ritftp�e*.. b*Zz!c�: . t'.'�?, L - _1 �_.. , --,,1_- _C! st� - " . -'_1:I nitz. On ea-LOURf"IT. I not 0121Y U*Tums,A clur ii.nvu weitteir. i7ftb one exe(;P�I,yh. � 1A.M4.41 in the h617 1,tvtol'.4 of tnaft, IV. F.Very r'bnale-,� 1; eld. =±T0tiSnt5§ *619�ffftt,_ t -1 I =�, � ; "! - r sfta--3 1`�Is;_,=, ­ ­ ': . . ----'- �,; ,� " ,,- "..4': � , -_e:- Z_ __'Lt� ,�­_ I __ , . . av them on 1,5='a. ItEt rALI&ItIll *&3 t11ftt1eht1tg.7 r."�z.-:1rts to t-:, ": �1_7�%Z.-_, 1 1 - ,;,_ , '. ��, - " _�,�_ 2: a--1 -_--u. tiar'sAntelir de- tfi�'e ,r2,S,,J.ag-u)m w4s ttot �A. Amg,usliqW. ; glemy to lit. J - C&1!uWrnlft Q-1 RT'n�"e- 'I'vMIt'r �hi�a&l 11� e ' - .' L ­ 'k!.b±- M!U�m­sc_, S�_,�, , , .. :., , ,�� - 11, ,�'2 -,[_�:��17�'!_­�!. to Lrul.in't.v Me wUlow. bzut .. %2a119.Vd4!thA:h&6Bt --:J -.1. - 1. ,�, � ,2_ �, - , i '71f. -- n '. - 1L z = =_1 _�, , tv , r TL 6 VA!r-rdts C reat - A ­ ". � '!".­ T" :_­.' ..I 'eigut-A Leaaomg --Dy f-"qz.JnlUUtC--at1',qft ru"at co,%_�-O. Ile aft.,lys MA0811olled &I.A. U#v. Z. G. 1116211011nil 1041-11cial- pn,epated hzr �. le�t_-6'�amtyl . *, ­:�-nt_�_,­�r � SIMA, mt.ol. Cam- ftAftlig4t ca=_tt t&�*rSiq=:.W_ We cnv�n =[" 1, ,--:,t, . ,__,.t �- �, t " �_, - , ., t�- ,�, ��,'L_ , " ­ , ­� , L; C � T" ., = L=Z--,E:_=" WRb liu� -A Ile owc-J Ms vf.'wve"Lons Style to ffae �� ift--. WC v;i:sh Mr The I8--m-eka %tetertnary �� __ , __ ­-, , - - - -,---* , I— - -_ - !V;!�,Aevsr 11-L, Jr tbk-c,,ag1 nfe. - lg� _� , ,-i �_ , I �_,_�_ �_,jr,oj "V to M.V, ;;TzmilmaltaelT 1 *94- pr--ts:s1ent sludy o3l C,ee_ro, Talt, . .4 wNI , eronot Tioappy �o amt-_ s�:,:"�'I."."7��liLnl--�z:.;�i!l� __!.­�S' . - � X -Jr. 1.0tnt tbe woeal Es wrda t,ZrDU-,b Cffid sleme. ma ,oaanbt. nn -my rpc-014e Vs rlull3st !� On Clorlsimas ow-ning at t10 MN edtictne Co I ­��D��1:6_ _,�`�`�`r�_-,­__ -�,".1,­IX" _',-_'L�1-.:.1:.,N-,_7 L�_!J I EL�� ., �� I ,,,,.,-�,t,,7-,,i,,,,7'-,.Idl.,,-,-,,7,,,N--.�,R,�-.,,,r,�e,.-..,,-.,,,-,�-ZZ��-B:7;1--,�-� t1"1i___1 _,:,.�� - JmRnines. Lo N� DOV,C L 1"j=_ -n_-:2 -a. _=.C_-1-,=.",- , tLn�r& nVe lnen 'en", ,-b In U to -'r be? to str.jtu" St Augustine, oule worlud !'I Ret-tfllry bY 1110 'Rev. 19 Co- te�5. I � Ir I 'e. - ONT. � . ' � I Ate,t,*l a VztVln? VZro'e ,rz,-=T_ � 91 8 S:�� - -.,? "t. --r_-,1 z�-��L._,­�Ial;tr,,, , , I%Vn� . , Ent - , � - " Z'�, ,� "! a� Z.? ..we:1 ----, V-L%�k. L� Fj�f.oft ., , f,4) �qj%S W11tia ; 1 , , ___.__.___. _"_, ____ S,"�;-, 17L,am "ite Way devour C-1"wL'e-2'e *Bnk. V -01,111d 112"W nalVealed tO -New- :� --qr . 1._-____ vad 1ro" tim-am, trl�cvge wbav_ trl"e Itlw Of rr.�!V. �JT143 til's L-Afto wcs motie ip�, flehl. After � . -1 I. , � =arrtaip�? Ea��.V�r,trr �,'e_,J,,�: - -_ I I l, t:tAs? 0= '1%7et�, '_11e,'::C;,2 Tre�:,*='�-n! 'C-,_*- , _* . � - 2w= w .etuo, Nvallalloy . 119� 3 - . N In ,ee 6Lt: ="�'.,,�n, - , ", - - __ 1'-Z,� �"' C__ -_-,g_ . . 1�nth of Bay Me land r4ow deed'A"ELS 6%v I r ,_ J. 1, I I I L,:,� ... , . rel'b. .No�dlaLtterw2o�b2sttea,,A�:Z"t!.WT, -_ �, �,.�, P -r ,uast her eyes lIxgu5n. nzol ry-rittes; sny that 'Newman ! , a , , ?� , ' r I I . I Cbtrgtsr4a�wz.13��t�o.'06,As'fte�&---W-�,PC'��"i,!L,:,d,,�l.�". �­: ,f,_],C,131.57�zx%!Z��f to bC' Ler 49"TU C-Sqg�'e ttl�Qol t�D�`lt Of Cj,C;_'.,r0. Alletetemmy tbe n iv. w*rrie"'I .6 , �-, ; - - I.igg -ur.d rutu. 1.eet "a .-Igo refnrneg to tbe r40S'zd('3a('0 ,Z 411, I . , - _. -, Nu - � I -*gas o; ISIV=." I*Vz�'Z_, "._-,, ��'..Z_L�,"Zt�:��11 � ,ro - tt�en ­DIX"!�­_S,D.f VV0=azgP "Tad.N9 +-,., 1 4� xt. ., . � � , � L er ,­ ,I ID h bridt's mother Wken a 1ANErgt, � �� �, AA' zeat'Foe6 ;��,el tirnong tL,e str-12'agers ,.qt gntes Qsd vmote better E'ggg �sls t an Cicero 14t- -i t �, � 2 . I I - I anfly InsNt- , .q ��-,.' � Z.VdUMng not upon Ler grandsorn!" in. Nevertluelesa he const nuinber of gue'd. Were aINS&mble-Z I � _�"V_ No iftedidr.6 sent 0. 0. 0. NO 71!IUSS,93 t5x6g iv.* tMvs*=G9- tl; ' , Titat ended Me rnfatter. $126 I WfIs ed an lits obligat' .GIDS to the great fta. � an(I jrartook'of tt -ovedding SnPik-r. I., � ". , - r ��4� A._�- i - .= - , 1, ,� " Eud � 7,= ,U�7, 0. � e .1 CoAdfriffal. qtegtion 1,11 tLftd COSI 011nnIm -1, ,,M,�_Mr " . . . Ar. . . . 4 I trooswea witra no more, Wters al��'A It. man sUde--ml nog:' : We join in IleSt wishes fOr AL ll:tPPY ,. " , � I 11 ,.-, �­_% 7� I.. I I , " - .� -7:x�%r I . � 0 7�% e M. efurs afterward I retumed to J ,� . - , _: __ � , �� � , 4� ", , - ave - r in - 11 ... � I" - and on le u .. ;; � - : "�,, Eng'. - a V � I I ­... 11 . . - I , i�i. , - , _ � � Two y !future. , a tluen rate. 1131ftek Ders. 1� �� � !L , IJ N ­�*'cA, rAi, ��, � , VkA 4 " . I , r , F - b � �. the 1p�rsogg of General AsMarld. led me In Me calenflar of the nattogis there �, On. chlistwits moriah"M at V, ,.. � � !.�� - ­ DR&KE i'm , , . qzs�*_ a naluar ef 1*bk�ek" 4-2371S. [ ,­ tettlf '5s,B;P,vtTu,_ �_, rrr " x _N�l ROST i7-_;�H%1�012411. Qre 01�. Mf 148 SHELOY -%T,. !, -77 idown to surrey rof- a ror,,ni�.Alt*s sriecit- , .. 1 �J,uc,k fh,t�ojija,�jxg , � � 11 ­_ .1. ,;, . . I �� . , , ?, glack Nlondny" was AvrU 14. 13W. 4. C,h,trl0tte Jf�huston of Toranto. to � �. I 9 7, ,___r.4_,_. ,: _ ,� I ith's , , , * 1 I "�;� e, �­ZT OF 1. - �� Z � ��� r I - �' ' __ ,s. .9 I � _,I'�41 7" Ing. ,vsad;ftp"Lc ,ind cold talat m.1ggy orth0l-Mr R,)b,&rt 1-1,3war(l o2l 1,9nn, I'll I" - , � � J�. . i .. . _m Ali, my de -r felt6w. It ts �� �,': , ;;�i � .1111 only tLe'ald f7 ' �,�, 1 t I I-, � ,-. I . ____.-__- t do,Wn to SUr. OTn7y Of 1341W.Ird Ill., L -In- Of rng-land, i'valls; took Place at. the residempe, of . _�f.. . � � - , ., ___ -,-- __ I - - . - - - - ­ - ­ etoryover:mgaln. I wen In do son sup- w1alch fay before the " 0 ­,� , .j . � - c9tY of PaF6% 1, -Mr.q. Janges Jobn4do-Irs, Rev j- - - , , . - I toy .-ma met tlaere�-whz - , I., ". - _T� �j - =, ��_,_-- wlq�re frozea to death- An immen". "Yelland tv nz the kftot. The btiale , . ��, ,-,=- - , , ,r,,4n-4,_,�".,:_ ­ �� "-. _' " �"�7,z: ::� , - � __4_ ,­:Z_r, - . , . , . �­�-,ti��w �D�� , " I -en ' � rrmi � '%46"M)l , ­­ ',,I�,� . ­­­;ZA�,.­V­_�0 ­_­ � rf'"t,? well. tole girl W1510se thIce-se ' - - " - f 1k, SE , Jz aek Thurs- � ,& dresi, Of willito, 11-11 ,�,; , 1 1-2 1 -1 1-7 ".�"It�,�'.-.�.,�_.�,,�-�*,���-, -­-* �1_­.­-Z " onc,,, trid- tor a moment vn�y-bad bush fire ctcurred on 1113D. li looked Charming in L � " � " . d,ly,, in ,,kustr;1IIa. r� ell. iG, 1851. Two I organdie and wam; atto-sided 1W lvi,%q , �,, ,.', � IF i ­ ­___­��.= 7 . -11 �� haunted we for yoqrq. & C4oaerich who �-� � .. ,even%s are commenlorated 'by "131,1tex M,xi(ld How4rd of ': NZW ZDITION11 JUST ISSUED 'M'�' �� S11'. was a distant rplatIve of MY , r, rid,ly" In England -Dee. 16� IT555. when �.,alr,(.) wt)ro, adrea-gor vrilite or-erandie. '. .JD r, I � 7, rn--no"Xty. INEV7 PLATtS TNr,0UZi1CX;T I V ,best. YM and I loved her desperatelY ' o 0 u 0 WA4, I �, � � - f T ro t , �� � � one. but -for the the news reached England that tht' , Mr. H.'%V,ftMS1eT .. � 11 - I -1 v * - I i I � . N * 25,000 NE -fir 'f,TORUDS, l­._E_,.-, !:*_ not tor her beaut d qrnjtn�. After An excallenti I �lvg displiled in t1he I , w,&, Ail -.8 pretender had arrived at Derby. and'�l ,room. i pure goodness. kindliness and unself- � � - ER T it Ix , for i VIC of L rs trid I . _I PZ;.,h 33in,di,mg, -�p 2,364 Paget, 4 50WO 121t-satrLiLtion's i � in- May 11, 1866. when the failure of Over !dinner the happy couple left � ;mokeless powde, I I A. I r IsIgnossof her heart, which were cc for; _ riffes. , I %t I Clinton to take the tritist cke%Cdl.,.l1.f.1.1.,ke.lib" � I ' , ` I I I I k, 46 edfill,re'llellet wtigbi 1 PrernreJ;:nderthe.t;uper%.-is,---zc,M,J.'.'.Il" ,r.-.,,�'.'t,-.!'�..i--�-.*61.., U-1_Q1ststcs t � � land'. Gurney - � -1, . , .& Co. bronght on a me � iN Soo antly and unthinkingly ,revealing � best 4� f L'.. ,,, V C St. dIsgstrous. panic. A panle in, New ,,b,mith-s F�s,Ug. -The--, have the . or.,tiiz:&iznerofEducat-101.1,.aGs;sllcdl�y""-I�c--.%'-I�",�,;t:��.,.::�-,.e.l-�.nezinlistz�. i .r = tiv*s a skock to large, time tlitt tllt! 11 t - - . k themselves in a thousand Urtless little ' lior" -can liiat always, hadoopeaded, 0.11 ; - ' Zr_TTF_& THAN VVER -.! ORR - GM NIC.RAI, U-ZF- ' i . * . I 1, , York- ,occurred Sept 25, 1869, wbleh J! -wish" of 1nanV friends. t . 9 , r for. marm, model 1895' ters bave 1. - . _,,,*,,,, _ _ _ _,,,,, , _ ,, -_-- , Ir - I ­ � . ­ � -1 I _ .- - . * � Al- ' �, , -c yvayg. _�..,o­_____ f7e" ; u'vVebs*�er'sCc�','egisLtaD�t'lo�-=Yv.'.:.S,�---'�"!!',' ­4�v,, 1 - I my two weel,_s I was afterward kno,lom as "Black Fri- i : ,,siptailil.sgiiattlettsita", arrils. For go� �qg you inny gtwss. � day- *,,Black- Saturday" Is the ""Ile" Do,.Vou want a DitflY paper and . towdiate inforibitloit liggle out, ettalat- \ I - 1111�,� ,'La�,In,�.;al:,%. �,­ �' ,�-_ '1-..'_��.­ . � d . rbeft ft ,great � 2`111edfor 3 sumil's. I - 1_1 - , . tit Ashlzllld P-11-1, w0rabn to four, an , i 1-11;T, , I i� ftpi�iled to Aug. 4, 1621, ,%i ! a hassasome -picture of the King, for J I still. tin-pred. -eveiv until the dYilfg sterm; occurred at the time parliament t 75 cts? 'Call ttt,our offlee, ana we I THIE UAALIN VOW ARM8 CO. I leilves were rustliq- feebly In tile Mel- ' I . NjoW IkAft&o 06MM. 1 ' , was sittilig to, enforce episcopacy upon; will show - pictare and a I i ­ i low ai.r of a belated autumn. _� � yon the I ­.- - _--___-___-­-­ ..... L ..... " " ' ' ' ' �� "" I . * the people. ._, __ __ - � .- ­­ ­ sample copy -of thepaper. . -- - ­.. ---- And ione elear, starlit evenIng, Whell � I .