HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-01-03, Page 44.
THE Zu 6
R R.' R I P D,, i r i n g
7,1 1 1 , tile internutional y&oht
IS PUBLISTIPM Rwces of 18()91 held oftqajjdyROOIrI
it, the 1) . rjvij(*g0 Of a ri;. F. W. HESS Clubbing rates.
ZVZZT TIMUDAY EVENMG, tatlV0 Of the Suipmtiflo Anijjricreetusejt�o' JEW'ViLoh.
rrangementm I '
Marconi I who, at WWe have made a HE: "N N
that tinlo, )VIls t4ilLperintoliding. the Wisbes all to offer the following IoNy Clubbing I
por sendin- Of Nvlreles'� reports of the rates with Tax HAIJULD,
Y'Sar 1)4id strictly in allvitnee. 11110a the races
to The york Ueritld,
reolli I)rov(-,L to be at IIIAll %J U
PiLPOr is not ordered to be discoi 1 A Happ' HE "A" a 'a E am""N
it "rill be twut 1111til imch order Is give fully y and Daily Globe 4100 and 4
and palLj. ": 00uscious Of tho posslbllitle,,� of tj;; I ? Mail & Empire I
yellell no $l,50tobevinLrgetl,n,,, tole-railliv weekly Globe 4.25 N 10 0 IN
which Ills Ant*% 1.5o
t Puidlitt ltdvaxloe� with V THE
I liftilia ever beell linkod, and yet
ADVERTISING RAT136,-Transleut has Proverous WE & lompire
)p 1,75 ESS 1�
ady0rdsoments, 5 ceuts Per Breviell 11116 i e-IrVeedill.91V ewlservative in I Berliner Journal (German) 2,50
for first insertion und,1; cents lie 111te fo, 01)"liolls. In rv.--poll.4e t;o an Family Herald & Star 0 F DEVONSHIRE. I
in.quiry; NEW VEA1Z 1175
eaelt subsequent insertion. 8$11all Advs froul
wach itall Mtive on the!'
Lost" "Estray" oi I '$role,, wi,i i f uture of wireless telegraphy w% a i A Offer
Qsut.-, for each subsequent insertion. he rq, 457 h e rw h.
e"r9ed 50 cents dr-st insertion and 25 (101"Potitor Of t. b '0
Blarconi stated that hreafrLrainecoonatbelnet' EVERYBODY SHOULD READ. I-Tere is tile best Orfer ever made in this eom 4
CQpy fox, ellange of adyert4qetnent inusr 1 to work in the limited fial(i the . 1 4
-elleit uP to hini bv his InTaut a, Tqstigoa V 1-nngfulent made w1t11 tL15 Family I-leral By a very excellent nr- 4
40 handed !a not later than Tuesday llight, OV V la m sj* enab-'ej to Wrier Turu Zrfjtrcll HEnAd and Weekly star of Montreal we are I
"ch week to Insure Qhan 1011 4 lie 0� Wb4oh Shovg thq Qrsat LD and tha
ge in follo)v- b-1.it, upon bell Dr. Clarks's Wouderful 1"4112111Y Floraid and Weekly Star for one year for the smallisumof
i2g, Issize. 19' Preqsltd for an' t great Family Paper, tile 4
f- Little Red Fills. $1.75 and in
1)pinion, did not (Inny IIN belie� "110 tO each subscriber three beau -
-dinary Ing is a brief description. premium pictures of. whi 4
LOgal notices in oi 4
5 ce ch the follow. 4
�ts per line. l�otjceg for atare time,
r,,-a4ing tYPe the Possibility- tit, qojjl(,. Dr, Clarke',.A Little Red Pills car.
tert i of being able to telegrapti froi KING EDWARD VII -True to life a beautiful portrait, size IS 4
illnuxents or other benevolent inAtitit-, -A oxe y Pd uie of chronic rhounl4tian after il 21 lnchol�, on beautiful heftvvw'hite satinfinl$ 4
I hit,& lmon till- 6dpaperforframing. This portraixt 11
h(Ar, The impres- T'l had.beeu given up by the d9ptors, a -01, since lik ac�es.810u 4D the throne, and is the
Lion at special r1tteg. shore to tltc ot, Obtainable,
Coutracts for Polumn, half-colunin 'Siou of siu!Z11lur 1110desty theni-Archibald Wilson, merch Cannot be had except th very latest and best
quarter-colilmn rates for speided ptt.j"'Itl 1 reeeivocl has'- r ant S.Ae Agent 8,rtR, eftell Picture bears the Xi=ough the rAo'flLy ETXRAI,D AND 4
Since been Strengthen. ' 84111t Ste. Ma ie. V grent. merit 'of being the � 3 autograph. This picture has tile I
In no C. Greb, f or Zurich first taken after 4
'Will be chei4rfullv given. Address ull 11thorived stat'enient � There is no remedy for rhetirna. ist0rical Talue that no other plctu�e the MJ29's Recession, and has th—fora
to hal; 214VIO"i llithPrt � extumerated for building up the 11y4tem, can Possess.
ithereinit.4 of 11ij iuN.e8tj,;atiO iequal to Dr. Clarke's Nyo derful .n exquisitely beautiful Picture of the r!!u* I
inclined t, ns, A ..TH E.. 4111:v "e"tiful and good Queen Xlexandra, also tak!�n shace the - I
We tire therefore )t 1 Little Red Pills. I would 'not be It is the S"Ine jZe aSLthat Of the ]King, Ring's acenssion
oaccel 4
is pre .1111, "Ill., LP1.1 It rro"If L tile two forming a hand- 4
> I
E. ZU1 LLER EDIT,,)P, ZVRIO.H, p.(). i hi 4011t annotincenient that lie I "'Ithout them for their Weight in letures that alone would sell for manY times the subscription price I
has sticceeded in Signaling! from gold., Of PVer,"Id pictures
EIZOI)e to Americ out, J. J. Branaon,Fenelon Falls, Oomniercial Hotel N 11 N o Partriti� of theRing and Consort taken at the second or succeed! 4
FRIDAY, J_&XV.Lk.Ry 190�2. 1 1 ti 9-3 can have one
any proof Nver�lo dosiretl of the! I can truthfully atty thIt Dr. HENSALL, ONT. 1, fraction of the value of the first,
TI These go down to hjsntgor�y.
'lul)Ortance (If tile (ve-an transrui,_ i Clarke's Little Red Pills have (lorio Lure. Sold at auction I)lIVONSHIRE.-The Renowmed Gainaborough 4
-Marcolli's ;ysten, gilt,)ujo f that lirst -%vjreles,4 sale in London twenty.tiv.0 Pie.
Sloll 0 ! nl�e more g tolen by clever thieves, hidden a go for A15W 4
signal it. ood than any other niedi- years a 4
M has for Over t-enty-to r years and delivered t 44 4
%youlti be found Ill t, This popular hotel owner on PaYmeut of $25.000reward and slace sold to
Otetrilthfulreport.,;o4f Eurt)pelln tie trepidtttion i eirte I have ever Ori. been
Mr. T. Pierpoub Morgan for 11
of tho Anglo Anieric n Cable Com- soil R. Eatev, Waterville "L�J. R, thoroughly 1 This, in brief, is th� history or one of the 4
affairs. The hmbits Of tlL,� (.11bles I)ully and its 11. AD 'Oucivated and refitted,
'ver stroke of ent�i,-prlse, the
inients. It seenjs I to Dr. Olarke's Littlo Red Pills for -to-d �ublishcrs of tile amily Herald hav
threat to stopi More is �o remedy that, ix equal and will be found up remium Pictures, wbich,byll '0
are bud; they tire ailvays �Vqljg al '.ill further e_ p r' 4
e ate in! their subscribers. e secured for 4
Utie, colour for Colour with the original Copies of thereproduction are nowsold
the buttout of the ot�enji. nervoug troubles, rheumatism, eyory r*xpect. Vie Picture in ten c9lours, anci is reproduced fine for 4
that this "OnlPaliv, has been granted
or it, N't.,sy York City, Montreal and Toro�to for Su each, and
a 1"(11101JOly for fl -f tv -yeurs-a term kindred diseases. -W. H
Rqbert_ icycry Lttention paid to j t FRIllity IlLrilld SUNscribers at- this is the Picture q
ires in 1904 -and that by e King and Queen.
g is tile 11, to,4t Nvllivh expi son, Managing Editor Daily 1�jnles, tile: t ;jleture;; of tit e going to get absolutely free together with thj 4
I)"()- tile PrOybdOn' of its grant it cittitils Petorborollgii., ont. i trayeling public, 1.4 thnt, not big value, h 4
POSELI Of all Anieritcail tru� of these beantiful pictures. ' Call at Tus RERALD 01130e and see s3mples 4
;t. Pres%i_ that Mareoni ea)l be enjoined frout Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills our-
-Kh. of tht- trnitt�a transn)ittju tj, I S tlant YOU Wa"t "'llp Z"Rl"Z HERALD for the local nems, anxi yot, w.tnt lll,%t 44
dellt S018V a I a le mes ed e of rheum%tialn, after 14 years grear, paper, the Faintly florald, for its
al pages alone are vorth luany times tile u t14 w
Steel Corporation, say�; t1lat 8,119-teN. reading. Its "gricultur, 24 Pages of general niA -
a 1i Illy
of that Company' It seeln�,� in faet, that Matr(,olii � Armour, bookkeeper Toronto juuc,-! GINS. 0 price. U'urivitou
th, R. HOD Br',ag or send Your subscription to
tit'tt-d 11-tstily and probably I tion. I
ut eVery nian in elitirgo Of a pretim turtiv i3l
little brallph of bjl..;lnej,_ Ilis determination I Dr. Clarko'a Little Red Pills are THE:
nOr Ml it Plave of expt-rinient tilt the inain- 11-st,111na, paralysis, Catarith, ecz�ula,
departnient of busine: n It t4l let've XtkWfO1IlltIlftI1d and seok a im certain cure for rhouin:ktigm, HERALD OFFICE.
silla!F, bIlt on a perventag�tl 0, Jantl- backache, indigestion, 4
I tilt'
Profit,,. whiell will be paid tt) lyhother the All9lo-Anie *'can Cable 4tottlach and liver troubles, femitle C. SUONENAXN
t.,)1j1k1 h- ri
in Vash, and xvIdell lie t�.tn inve�,t in froni rontintlillw tve enjoined him - complaints, evenNyhen the disoitses Graduate Optician,,
, his experinients,, have been standing for =nyyeurs.
tilt', seenrith-4.1f he Whilies. .11,1d in Of vounse.'Vt�ry 7111101 depands upon, Price 50 cents per box, YOi 2410
The Or" "j "In pound
g I -1i al
the nature of tht. t'Ontraot entered: by All l0CXl druggists And de4lerit HENSALL. e r b
that Vra.v get his individnal II(Istilt UO q—
upon his intlividii.tj w,)I.jZ, b6tW6611 thP ('0111paur and the'llk patent medicine, The CAVRada'
Wt', government of but Chemical Ct.nipttuy, Peterborough,
th'It NVO 90t that froill, it is .1 Nvell-atwepted principle of 011t..'will forfeit $10 for any c so
-ftlitrie.4-" The itli�qj i,; ;111 ttl(I ljllq, tille paVint law that till invoutor 16 that these Pills do not belp. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Til E G F2 X.OA T
nientA Nrork harktorwitt',ri tilt.. 1131,1- k$f (.Xj;iIrhlleI%t onty. Had EU0111a. Sallie price. $10.00, will
V Ittvti, his %Vst,,,, L 0 D Ly '01,-p Y,:
applied in a neir WU.-,-. Xt)t kinly ('11titlotl Z() Itlakt UsO of x patented D1% Clarke's Sure Cure for Catkr. Fittod on Scleatitic, principlos,
will tile Ilion ill pjjtklgt� t1f tit, providetl it i.s for I, rh. and Dr. Clarka's Sure Cure for
t A rULL UTUer or
I o stlell an be paid for any case they V111 not re, 4Z
a. share, of prafit... littt tjjt�y Nvi), t, us to plai-e it 11poll cure,
Seek tO 90t Ilion- work oilt tof tlBt*ir lnervi.1'4 the conditions -would, JeNvelry Kidnt--n n
j V tAvel" Reo-ulator.
It ltwk-, is if tilt. 11.1vil 1,0en far otherwiss, but er- �XAY ILEOPI*
t.41111V for purpises; of expe
Street"I"rust wantAtil t, 11,11, s�4111t. j, rimout
grant till injulle. 0 U
thill whit -h ;vIstIld urtwout his WWA119ton, Doe. .1M.1t is SILjd
The Terri -purnalont ,of varrvilur oll whieh art 10,11; ft)r t1le "Ztev�;a before xpeciitl *tNutiou p*id to
Ilavo tb%t6(rortsNvjjjj)0rC "I
ell For Settlement of Xxttel,4. 111Dispute Watches and
und 11441 flAi' t:Wd dil'alwUlt Illatter ti; ht�vp ind1w laetwteu Canada 444 9.
11141211t ef lie a Clocks
A9110illtore at ttlenoeUt ot
n;j tva,zj.. vattallo(l N�,jth
,j�ro,j ;Xtt,jj intense
the, all 'kiUdw of 1161mirlur.
with the, (,!�tnadixn Pt,,jfj,, "tilt, folir earners of,: 11maprons controversies whieTzha.., 200 Darsc; TreacAmicalt X,��
lkstyeoirfortht, ho oarv, riay. AlIg-lo-Anierie. 10119existeA between the L�njtdd[, 'Oil
, II "Vinpuny flo*,4 not elail, an Statt
th4Yr6U,f.,1hbrojj 1�ujj-4 fr,,$jjj .jj� N 4114 Great BrlWn, growing
11� lo" "?*' 10""llt% f-AN't-11319 tht� meohan. ')Ilt of r4liti(ofts along the Vangtilin 11J. C. Stoneman,
fil, Onftrio f el
DAPhIN-44 IM Mr. Sittreoni. $ti border-flis Atiq 61 U* X -i -1 E."i, I KXf �AVX
P01ftt ill 010'rerr�ttj)rjev a* I'llu: as ho dmts ma 11 . 1160 riev, war. 014T. V
.t Ittli. . sh'P'4 in the gri'llt'IftIA-19 the Atu. IT I
tht. �-.ha%f of 'on kan bonndarr and ot6r' questints. Z 1.1 -1 X
form ritt-4 *f gve t I&Ilt' It t )i "
Ito grave oplostboll whether it would N"A 01
The ob�eet wyas tj? it is a Weretofore tile negottitiotir L RIOM 1,M'
swr k j ZA0LU,%1VXLV aV
, �ihralqry hillmhes are v4eetivco. largolt blecaust of thel N.9 JL.I*-
ratges. Theplan s, W wht,A1 t" _T'T
breta of eattle Iola bill to Prevent him Iftbil'to set -til" a "ttlemext Of �tht do*
tht' Ito- Vn.4AhIo 2�:-r thL Sftip
instrament ft, Intthtrs rtitited bste not prwred Tr%"
re-e:ive'l thnongjt tht,, IllejIltoll, 0 Q11mborsoille Wft�hjtdpy of negatia. A �4 L7 Ss 01%
, f x1h
ssfull that the dt1tartlaelat THE Lki 0�,,Nz
feittli-stiflea ba exfendOoLt slsf;4-1 VO4--c-t 1,111 -it lLnrata�j btlief Photographer,
ha% trae wv' UOUS, Ubd this hasioa to
144, in ake ftlotere%t% -of 4ejpntC_ thilit mIlVb more eould
thP Shtj0p.Llr�S gqf 'fl.pq,_ flt_!DbD 2141
Alld r"t h090tintions be.'
10%.1twon . plished by ai �1
TLe re, -j t OR#, Wintf,"mt tht mr-eft Seorettwy My and HENSALL,
��Afish de.
eall". re-IrTI R 0 S.
WAS for the V�_=ing Fenn* W pauncelote c"fk the thain voifttg And!!- J LY
Ifteludd the u rtpalg o4f sabs"nent *s"hibly of a e4fa. J!� NOMING Dr, T THE A VA1XA1,"11*,
MkllitObiL Alld � �fttart�,� ti�v th�� rt'v'resebtills the t"'jjjtC"j,: L b KIN );�S
Te a - sua esnada" 3PNNX9T W01M TMN.Xv tV
rltor�es at the nsL'al talhtw'you to give foral to the basis of agr . 1.*X*SH.S. -S-
of five &N Taft MeCkOAD-44 Wflg Petttieiiq tkf. ment readerea. OVT AT 1tXjLSo.1;AjjjX
mrs, 11'er heaJ. an(R for the
brefleow-land Leffol's wfla Ile do- 11 all PRICKS.
vept-ed forshiplNent antler exavf3v I 411ent for Hurt
4.j -),I
as ainbassader volnes UMC;v sa�,
-'rame a pat: J* W WA i'liT
the a i0leaft S106 before hispitsent Ur A
to a Close �y
Ineuttlif V.39 Iwr hej-4d. in t�jj. eommittee 011 Wholl ho Cable to W118111bgton
lafftr case h, Inural reform of 8V#Ve' 110111, 9toitt fol,906_q bowbob the
the Met' wlist elitireh lists is,
�2 guell two of
called up,511 to pay the priqmp"Hon. 4 Groups;"
wit ft Sea co.Wro-
ttevarlea(j It is tile de �'111 the of theS_0 8 the &hri g
stre Vo eall a tne-ating versy, which had reached an A Spe c ity
of tile f 11�yards, with W tt arate
1611*11111ent tj�at the 1-49,0. -
DildomwV disposed of this, la 41*** N,
egeX eflerea tvL* it. View tqvh,�Vffig alz tbe conftoxd� I Sue. Thesftofid, 19fifte W"
ade Ulie 00 1��f th# ttf 5
�ns pet"Hoft to the jj�t�'Jrjo Teftem101%. whieh, like tho '80A] i"
People of the Terrfforitls t � the for the. inttodlictiob qdestoj% jLt one f A,
grutest passiblib ex int
'tout. tind 1-anct- uto. TROT, T
tt h1w. M pe.fitiat Wat, but t1jo offorts of aiplowitev.
erk ita the xortilwest Who desi-re W'V'sf �st* �3*_f#Dre to c' S!t0!ft&* Of "W"O agailk AtlecessfuL Thb thif,4 "tN*ALL.
hapattant issifte %V43 the 1-thwhill 'o
P"teh'"tc' 1=%-bT6J1 stork. avad
br*edetsjnont,_a.i0 jla�j Manitkit 1' exglll-z'tf�d that the depntatjoil Catiall. urbich
WtIml*st Churetj disposed of by the r8c�,O#t
who h*Vg sue,
Q111-y'llind"'m A'Lilianc* will wait Vittlueefete fre� BUY -
h, stoek for SaZe. aTe 111�
0? Lae V'n,�Vfnr-ial Grovm-hweht This oub issue "Maila Zbe Western 1kal
requestedtcy open 4*-Orx�e.41�,�,ndcn nl,�Ia t"
toward the eta I of next week- ifugg in
with t'he DeP11111nent cid, A" to britig
ftta at Regina. S!ate"', tamels" the border 00fam,
Atptesentalliodus vivendi exjtfs� id
as to the Alaskan booiftdar�p r
fic WIR st maGnp ehlefly,
VerkV b0th to C-aftada Ahj Al
it I i " 0
dska..Vata D er
for the- putpoge of Avqldb�* . a
WRAY' 're,* ona-Y dw=t tuffet"tt's tiv* 110 alaug the b3tiler jiud h_6jalW oo
US'S T`9
rt tBml Side Ill check until a finitl b1:0dike Dunbts 5,-*1,,'fta
thO Selentiffe Aratritan says I
1?s teyOt-,s the eart- bo-ohdaty is determined
trestment. upou. lt� Znt.
about it. it 29 only inecessary to poInt 11 Seems tot ift conceded''oti both sides A Goo,-
to, a new 114P* t -B Dr. Chj!j&-A that the Inodug Calinot b*
"It al)Peal-i4 to be prettygener Syrup t�f L:nseeci Ar,3 Turr-traore ti-,*, on indefinitely, and Soon the
a" Oze i�reat r�meaj %*h,.,h hjs P�aven' qnpltfion of ostablisli
acctpted that Mareoni hi� QMcf4ead, Its; er--Meracy nyl. oft:v -!j x p,,ompt r city#
ad in sending ftcrOss tile Atla lief. but al.1ta US a ing V. perma-, 34=4 VillAge.
lit-fe "thrus, r nelit boutdaty mnst bo settled. tud akrdtrt Pro
,;S "d'l
xudiblesig=14 frow fils Nylrele� kil, Lord Lansdowne*a desire to ftlm por%y� Sol
Mrs. cej�rg,* EuddL L
teldgraPhic staf#on in (�,q,)r 'ntflIt. up, alid Itichtuged,
nwad. d. the question wag expressed 1,
nt i�ael it my- duty to to-' cit i F1 It 1,4 ftofeW seert ipt
EtlglAud� ta -Sisgual Hill. -Newfound- esM-an-end Dr. Chase's syrup of Untt6a ury, HAY �MDA** Loauod, ot Vilst 1:24 ser—r.131
11,10 &" 7%:rT`er-re, P-3 r had the "thrut last ipring When the Aritish"I
be stirk_. the NEwfouliffiland experi. vk'ry bld: t-ould tet nothit-t'to do M& GOVetlitneUt declined to accept the, Mottgag**, pul, Irattte, Notes 4w]
mentshavenot been ac-cer W $ftuk
,)ted fr!er.4 of fri!le Pergaipa m. t6 Senate, amendment to th, t iti $*
trealment for althrns thaa Dr. rh*;' ,.I, , speeches the needot Uking, Up the'*"Y� 1t*nt*d "d 1 hts 052' 0t, -d
Syrup of Linttel And Tutp,�Jitine. n Alaskanj)oulod �-quejttjon
't�-y t1i'S reMelv. I d!d *a, :tnd it eatta, pau"Coibite treaty, Reokntly Lor'd
all scientist_,4 as eanclusive. Eng- =e." , 6 f[ra Iff*7
icularly If 111 lly.Potsib-e to jm4tgjnt 1% 1�6,ttt,, Lausdowne agsLin h
lish PhY'Sicists are partf Pil
#A ftPreSsed in nkin,
although accepting Marcollij statt;- #ootj, d
t ar, -4,
_d cl bOft V,*"Onx
I nL
wenft, 1aZv6.% us t(,2>, inf-er that slic- &rvez, cletr* ht e These
*OtOnvhial tubes, giveg prompt relittf to B . -tarationg bY� tile, head *of the Whor 13�**Ated for privitte Ind -
cess Would not have been so easil M Foreign 'Offtea, together
y the frightful spasra*. and, wh6n. u*6,d
V" had been A �i, 71k
-_j7,-. . bad,
it d&tlert!, ot
N at
_y tria perrnkritntly::'With the 'Well-known, Wishof Lora, I
itttiLibed it the letter " I ou Prtt mottgage rm yZe,13,
trInswitUd instead of -S.- prof. cents,
L:,dnlanson. Bite., & Cb..LToronto. to cleat jtvrgy- ill% Amtku.
10 for 5
""A list" *Qdli
i� - vt t tyZA
ke�k;td X X ., r 0"d
Dewar, if ht Ila,; been cm-rectly betweell. tbei a -A-V 20jr
pending i
quoted, does tot believe that tilt two govervment�g, doubtless -;Vilj 1 Ltg arre. T-
qignal", "0 V�L 1" &fi* Cl Cly ikpy:a4drotv9 fix fiti cfttiF,
Possibility of transmitting Dr. Ohasws 8'*yrup 'lead to the f'Xft.,j-J
ACrOu the Aflantic has *,,q ret been adjustment. 9 Cy.
adequtthl of Unseed Just
Other y,denlonqtrated. ' On the i Whitt step will be adopted will Uo+t
As likely
hand Mr. Edison aecepts the b* diselaxg4, but, it seer
r6port $Is authentic. and Prof. Bell and Turp'48dift, Za't direct nogotiation, and Z", C� L L Z
hVs P4bled his eongratillations and Subsequent assZibljr of o, eomrhi
lits,0JTered his place on the coast loll Will COMInend H901f to the 'ioow
'rOVIIJ3COVa as a- Place for fat 'q olne Pftmer!partieg co
Of -N " ub-'"'Hie f0l' Votir h lacerned
11114! * ani ?et the hnrne�news. feasible procedure, as tile Inost
"Get Your pl-,11t I'l
f 1 9' from The Berald