HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-01-03, Page 10. VOL. IL, NO. 23. • The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, STAN. 3-17662. 62. CHURCHES. ST. BONIFACE, Catholic, Order of service for the winter. Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. m.; Cate- chism and Instruction at 12 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. rn, Week Days: Mass every morning at 8. o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 9 o'clock; 'The Holy Hour, or one hour'b visit to our Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every Satur- day afternoon from 3 to 4. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine. Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7,30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeinor, Pastor. gait* ev. IutE?. St. Petri 1{ixd2e. t5ottesbienft vorm. Etalb df Mir unb abenbs 7 2I11r. Samftagjctlulc norm. ko 2li?r. €ehrerverjammiutig ZltittwocI? dibenbs um hatb8. e 5d2ulie, paftor. L • V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. Notary Public, Fire and Life In- surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. H •J. D. COOKE, • (Late with Qarrowv k Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Qodericb, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT R. 0. HAYS E ZELLER, e► Clerk 100 Die. Court, Httgien Commissioner tor taking Allidavlte, Conveyancer etc. Valuator .for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Ofese- Zeller Block. 'Lurieb Ont. Bender's Xmas Candies We have a complete Stock of Confectionery for the Holidays. Oranges Lemons Nuts Cigars Sec. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange during Chris- tmas. W. Bender, (Main St. Zur ch. A lutritiirt TIIE GREAT BLOOD PURIVIER ANI) SYSTEM REG- ULATOR will cure the most aggra- vated form of nyrnepsia and indigestion. It 'will cor- rect "'That Full Feeling After Eating." Nervous Headache, Sour Stomach andIntatticnce. Whysntfer when a cure is guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT S1.00. Jona Turn, Dashwood, says: "I was unable to get any relief from Asthma anti Stomach Trouble until u'$ug Our Native Herbs." JOHN DUMART, AGENT. 4 'P,i, ZURICH, ONT. ���_r�,)} r►' THE AMU 0, Buss Cs. Cr soft Proprietors. i1O:NTREAL, CAN. Ld PER YEAa X121611 /AND VICINITY Dr. Ferguson of Hensel]. was, . in town on Monday. Note change in order of St. Boni- face church for the winter. Mrs. J. Kellerman of Dashwood visited Mrs. C. Fritz this week, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Broderick spent Monday at Mr. C. Eilber's. Mr, J. J. Morner of `Dashwood spent Sunday and ' Monday here. Dr. Geo, Schellig of Detroit is visiting his parents, Goshen line. Mr. Mousseau of Woodslee is visiting his parents at the Sauble line. Miss Eliza Kestle of London was the guest of Miss Ida Brill this week. Mr. Oliver Cowin of Hornby, is the guest of his uncle. Thomas Johnson. Mrs. Wnn, F. Finkbiner is home visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Faust, Mr. J. Dnmart spent New Years at Berlin. He returned on Wednes. day evening. B3ossenb)arry's pacer °'Sidney Pointer" has a. severe attack of influenza at present. Bayfieldonpage correC�.spondence will be foul d nigh Mrt in C. cl:.Wreditonurm spen, t New year's Mr. and Mrs. :1•. Preeter and Mrs. C Fritz drove to Crediton on Fr: clay evening and returned Saturday. CAvingto a rather serious illness, Mr: Morris Ehnes will be unable to fulfill•.his lecture engagement at Crediton this (Friday) evening. Mr. H. Magel is the proud pos- sessor of a fine lot young hogs, all Colors and all sizes, nearly ready for the market. They are clandies. The result of the Stephen Tp. nominations, held on Monday, is as fellows : Reeve -Samuel Sweit- zer, Henry Willert ; Councillors - Wm. Anderson, Geo. Kellerman, Jas; McKeever, Stephen Webb, Fred. 'Werth and Wm. Yearley. We hear that Mr. William Calci- •'well of the Zurich road will enter the field as a director of the Hay Fire Insurance Co. Mr. Caldwell Wendel snake a first class director , and no doubt will receive a good support from the members, es- pecially in this Township, where he is so well and favorably known. Mr. 0. Silber and Master Charlie A Farmers' Institute meeting, and Miss Roxie spent Sunday with will be held in the Town Hall, zutRIOH friends at Crediton. Exeter, on Saturday. January llth. A sleigh load. of boys had a party over at Fred Ste1k's last week. A pleasent time was spent. Mrs, Harry Zapfe of the Town line has been very ill recently 'kat she is reported to be some better. Mr. Leinweber and son of North East Hope visited at Mr. Henry 9ta 11gTFII;t« ADta> T FAITH CL'RiI. Bender's Babylon line, over What a great variety of faith Christmas, cures there must be some have faith We are sorry to hear that Wm. in so called divine healers, others Hoffman. is obliged to carry his ` in certain doctors anal still others arm in a sling from. the effects of m the medicine, they use. Every vaccination, person who has tested Dr. Chase's John 1Yoseloh respeetfalIy sn- Kinney Liver Pills has faith in Belts your vote rind ilafiuence for ttletu, but faith tm no faith they the alike of Police Trustee for the 1i�'Gctl4yt the and spec ftc�li ly onthe for they aet kid - Village of Znrieim. nes s, liver and bowels, and make Mrs. Justus Demuth of Ashland these organs healthy, active and Wisconsm has been visiting her . ,lets. Jt•d in:, front the tone parents here for the past two 'weeks. mins demand for theses pills there She '- We Are 1 ef..ed F While you are going is ;to a new year, would e all outside our Customers to try a new Store..... We have some of the finest and best Flannelettes which money can buy.' .Also a find assortment of Dressgoods, which must be sold. \ e must clear out tLncl (make room for the new stock for Spring. Don't miss this if you need A Dress, Sul Ings, Overcoat or Underwear. OCHE ONE, COTAE ALL AND SEE OUR STOCK There will be afternoon ,and, even- ?1'c,;lues tilt. ll 211 ['`:a• ing sessions. Addresses on live topics pertaining to the farm, will be delivered by D. Drummond, of ' Myrtle ; G. R. Cottrill, of Milton ; Elmer Lick, of Oshawa, and local gentlemen. L �YARI x,r+, for mods. Rubbers are i i 11tt',u tt't't.t against i'rtit'king orBreak- ing, for 2 months. Need a Pair? e el118t 'tilt' l :Ill1.' a`aa1' t'vt'1'y-tl�,t�' Vi'iiitt'r 'tlt)1111_�. 1 ko. i �6?tt4r ��'aup8 1�D d :tl'l' e'iE13Dk. �^► �1 A Pair old our S8 i.ca r Sappers la a crl)ecrs to remain several weeks intuit be hosts of invade that have make ,,, �g longer. faith in them �' eke a k : )present. t. After this week THE H>.RALE will THE NCMM.INATItlI•i'S, be sent to our Zurich subscribers.' FARM FOR SALE. EBOSSENBERRY, The North 1;; of the North i; of rr. Licensed Auctioneer for Bur- lot number 24, Con. 15 Hay, con - on County, respectfully solicits the pat- twining 25 acres, more or less. A renege of those alto intend (laving sales. frame dwelling with kitchen ; barn bathtub= ta:ui anteed, M5x40 and driving -sheds on the premises ; also 2 good wells. Con venient to Knlbileiseh"s Planing, DR. F. A. SELLEIY, Saw and. Flax Mills, and will be solei on very eausy terms. For ftnrther particutlatrs apply to Dentist, graduate of the Royal College E. Union:. Ztin•irh. Gat Dental Surgeon*, Toronto. also honor graduate of Depaitment of Dentistry, 'T'oronto iY tiversity. Pginles* eetraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. OT1C"E is hereby given that a At Damodar* Houses, Zurich. every J. It meeting of the ihttepay cry of Monday. lakl the Township of Hay will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich en MD, bl•;e: *NlImee % Tit., 1901, ut the hour of one o'clock, p. I O ZTA IRiiRY, D. A. for the nomination of peeve and e Seemlier to COLY,INS a axi'ANOtHY If0111 Councillors for the year 1002. $Affil: ismiti some/Ton, NOTARY, Fatal. if more than the requisite �vgane.t, Metal to Dem en Village number of Cd ldidatey are nomin- ated Farm Property at lowest rates of 11)- ated, polls will 1>e opened in the ter.rt Oocutiients mai original German dstela-divisions of the Township. I~rtiot atna advised upon. Said trolls will be opened at 9 'clock, a. in., and closed tit ,i o'clock Z1tRieli COURT ATTENDED ; l). to., on MONl)_L'}'. JANC4Pt 611/.. 1902. Ott. over O'Neils Bank. Exeter. FriRn. Hass SEs., Returning Officer. Dated at Zurich, December 11 1901. NOMINATION NOTICE. **************0440******111 The Annual Mooting of the Iiay • * • em* * Branch AgrieatltatriSociety UTELCGE'trio $a * ZURICH roll iv 4 P e 4 Strictly up-to-date in, modern len- 3 provelrieuts. Biaian monis is step- * plibd With only the verb best. C ¶ 0 Bal? contains cU..hoice liquors rind 'v 'cigars. °„ Excellent Sample iioorns yg) 'ata for Contraxercrrat IVIef. Ldtils POSTER, PROP, itegaii: it11K ty *nese *-**'v 10. be out riiO t" diairoiernior bous,�.y. EinnPped with all modern Equipped t'ex iences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers, Bar.' and din- ing r oom. always supplied with the best obtainable. tShocmechery Pro.... ZURltH' be held in the Town Mall Zurich. on Wednesday the 8th day of Jan- uary 1902, a at 1 o'clock p. ami. D. S F'Atsr, Secretary. STELC•K-RA 7NLE. A very pretty wedding took place nt the residence of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Rennie at 5 p. ni., on Wednesday. Jan. 1st. be- ing the marriage of their daughter, Jessie to Mr. Arthur Stelek of Dau- phin, Mali. who is carrying on a prosperous hardware business. The bride, who was escorted by her father looked very attraetive in a wedding dress of pearl gray with Cream silk w:aist,oarryirng iL bouquet of white carnation. ,Liss Lydia Rennie, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and the groom was ably aaesisted by his brother, Louis. The wedding march was played by Miss Lizzie Rennie and Irina Ren- nie niece of the bride, 5 year s olcl atc ed as vin T bearer. ire :,cere- mony was performed by Iter. C S. 2+ inkbeiner, pastor of the Evangeli- cal church. After the ceremony the happy couple were warmly congratulated by about 50 guests,. after wwrthieli all proceeded to the dining room, where a. bounteous and tastefully arranged spreaa awaited them Many 'presents both costly and useful were given by their many well Wishing friends. through the post -office. Our The municipal ninnination for! friends will kindly remember the ehwmi,gerrit'. the'�otrnrthi) of I�Iuy. was held in the town hal on Monday and a Mad. ---At the residence of the large crowd of ratepayers attended. bride's parents, Mr. and Mr:.. S. ' Avery lively interest is taken 111 haulms, Zurich, fir. Arthur Sa,telt'k, municipal matters in this "Town- of Manitoba, to Miss Jessie Raannie. ship, and the usual crop of trundi- of Zurich. elates natured during the yvaa]r. Mr. Wesley Schellig recently 1'. Lamont, oar 19191 reeve. has disposed of his driver " Jessie Lete" again te) eente'.t'be 'hair ;t.nn tin'. to Mr. J. Snell of Exeter.for i~155.tt;l. Year. this t)lupV.nent Lint; tiguwt Wesley l)urchanstsl another from Mr. ti• Lienee., tyE n t l°0 c' 1" Ito was la's Palalia g of Blake. opponent least year. I"or conau>ui it tsr a.the 1011twoint ;. i re niu�taninnaa;taral . l ov'S n :...A Woollen Rug. on the _win. t'o;asst, Witt. Stelek, Zurich roaael; the latter Bart of Thomson, Justus Melick. John X. `oveml:er. Owner can procure Goetz, R t . phalipe, Robert Me. same by paying for the advertise. Arthur and Wn. Haatticer and axil'i nnent and applying to Pram, Dat+irs are in the i`nnte:.t a"Je ept Robert Lot 27, Cont. 4 Hay..- Hens*ll 1'.O. McArthur anal Justus Melityk, who Mr. id. i cehtel of near I'lttm withdrew. Mr. Memel was a mein - coulee, Manitoba is renewing ber of last year's council, but for acquaintances her this ~reek. private reasons saw ht to withdrawII Moses left here about 19 years ago, from the coiiteet. t s t for the The nomination for Police Trus - pastbas been in the Wes pat ten yeurs. Ile was the guest tees in the evening was a reprothze- of his sister Mrs. S. Rennie while in tion in miniature, of the afternoon's town. 1) proceedings, and was. if anything, SV"A14 td'.r 1s Ascst,ii As lath #,IIUh3. a more , interesting. Considerable etross=firing was iiidaiged in by It is not age but disease, weak- several. but no blows were stratek. mess and ill -health that makes ' The fo'liowing were nominated :- women look old, cart. -worn and, John tWeseloh,John F. Pickbeil.. wrinkled. You cannot look ,your Charles Fritz, Ferdinand Hess, best nualess you feel well, strong (,'hatrlesltnrtleib, and Charles t4neb. and vigorous, with pure. rich blood l liessrs. (less anti. Fritz have and steady nerves. Dr. Chase's withdrawii from the contestieai'S- Nerve Food inukos good looks be.Rig the other foam to light it out. cause it Makes good. hos.lth,restores.i _ the healthful glow to the complex- ion, rounds out the form and gives d 00a/4'EN LI IV E elasticity to every motion of the f body*. Special to THE HitzALo. 3dessr,. W. and J. Agnew '.pent Sunda y nt Mr. H. Haytor's. .Rev Mr. >,aati`iil of uoucxrren tp. ,llair Fdls Sunday last. preached in the English thu cit on Mr. Artie Keys and his sister Annie are spending a week with friends in Michigan. Mr. Mike Kennedy who Isis spent ` the past year in this part hue gone to his home in 'Goderiela. Mr. and Mia. R. McCorizin(b1te t of London are spending their !Christmas holidays on Goshen. t At the School -meeting on Ther.,- , day last Mr. Geo. Dewson was appointed trustee in the place of !the retiring one Mr. Robt. Stephen- !, son. Mt. Stephenson has filled the . position satisfactorily for 3 terms (t years) and now he is tired of it. you know.) This part of Stanley was well repregented at nomination on Monday. The main topie for discussion was the big drain, which caused quite an excitement. There was just one nomination for Reeve -j slii but there were seven for e; p ht cillors and as :Four is the required number it will necessitate an election if comedo not resign. ,"I tried Ayet's Bair 'Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One- half a bottle Cured me." J. C. Baxter, Bfaidwoad, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly the lllpst vco- noinical pteparation of its kind oil the market. A little of it goes a long way. _.'. much , It, doesn't take.of it to stop falling of� the hair, make the hair grow, land restore color to gray hair. $1t1a'beak. Xltirafjir<s. If year dragakan cannot supply yon, sena us one dollar and +leo will'expreas you a' bottle, pee sure anal gfiver t.19 naYaaae of your nearest ex rens omen.ddrose, S. C. AVER Co., semen, Mats. OHAS F 7",t HE Butter andg OEMAN ONTARIO ia. 211 1'.'I:ChI'C`1;e,. \Vt. have just +lysis 1Ile,•i iiia r". Flue li+f Dress Goods that '%VE' i1• night at as Big redectiotz in Price regular price from 49 ti?") 4.51" vile1:11}f,i, 6m . eft Yar Oreo Block Zurich Ont. HA N r�r UR AND or,.1i LL Y lI_V u.TLi. e ,• • ffs 4 d Pianos YLno My '. aleroonls are ]tee ,t1, .aartt'r. :Ii :vii?'tee:, 2,1r Harness. 2l ankets, Robes, Trunlrs and. Valises sir bets and 1) ste 1... All kinds of'Houeeittrbi ._i...xe'-_`,::lc.,:i.., and Parlor Suites, Side- boards. the best Extension T.I.'. ..n t i:t ••,°.kr;. Conehes. . Euney Rock- ers, Spring Beds and Mattiest PIANOS AND N The high-grade Neweolabe Pi to a : the' Bell and Dominion Organs. andPianos. \Vo :,ell a all :oa.ls at tthc I.a:velsr possible 'wires. �°'"'\7C7===.01.1