HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-27, Page 8ST0P, READ AND ECONOMIZE Save Half Your Fuel by using our Stove- pipe Radiator. No invention of recent years will do so much for Domestic Econ- omy and Comfort. Run the pipe through the partition wall and connect with Radia- tor; both.rooms will then be heated alike. Washing=machine and Wringer combined- for $. All kinds of Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Glass, Granite and Silver- ware, will be sold cheap at THE BEG HARDWAI fih� I�eo�l�'� More J. ED. MEF?NER ZURICH ONTARIO Jubilee Laundry MARKETS Work guaranteed equal to Revised every Thursday afternoon. CIT WORK U teat s -- - - 40 to 7i W r e use no Chemicals to Pa ley 4as 0 45 destroy your Clothing. Flour - - - - 2.00 2.10 Suits to Order o1 HOFFMAN, The Tailor. Butter 15 16 Eggs 15 16 Chickens lid - - - - 4 5 Ducks 6 6' Geese Potatoes 35 40 Hl6XSALL MARKETS. Wheat 72 to 75 40 42 40 48 Pens - 65 75 Flour 2.00 2,10 Hogs (live) per cwt - 5.00 5.50 5 5 J.11.Wismer (atBarley at wishes his Customers and. Friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ..gym.,.. A REMARKABLE STORY.. A Discovery of anAlm sat ertain Cure for Rheumatism and Kindred Diseases. Amongst the greatest discoveries THE ZURI M.,HERALD of matrimony, Thursday night last, at the Evangelical parsonage. Of those who are spending their Christmas holidays under the parental. roof are Moses Brown, shoe merchant of Elkton, Mich. ; William Sweet, of Detroit; Miss Clara and Tillie Seind, of Detroit ; Miss Mary, Tillie and Rosa Fink - bonier, of London. Messrs. Albert and Arthur Guenther are spending Christmas with their parents in London. Rev. R. W. Knowles and wife spent a couple of days in ' Loudon this week, The service in the Evangelical church on Christmas morning was well attended. The Pastor Rev. T. G. Litt preaehtd an appropriate sermon. • Mr. Chas. Frits and family spent Sunday last the guest of his brother at the "Royal." For Xmas Gifts WE SUGGEST FANCY CJIINA IBAYF!ELD . Special to Tan HERALD. Mrs. John. Morgan and daughters have moved to London and engag- ed in keeping boarders. Charles Ferguson arrived home last week after spending the sum- mer on the Petrel. James Comeron, Wilmot Holman and Robt. Bailey are home from Clinton Collegiate for the Christ- mas holidays. On Friday afternoon last an erect of special interest to the junior pupils took place. Miss Wkiddon whose term has expired was presented with an address and a handsome present. A number of our citizens were present. Rev's Tannings and McNeil and others made short addresses expressing regret at Miss Whiddon's leaving and praise for her past efforts. The entertainment under the auspices of the Epworth League on Friday evening last was well at- tended. A program of recitations, dialogues. solos, quartettes and instrumentals was provided. On Thursday last, John Alexan- der, the second son of Mx. and Mrs. Neil Murray, died. of acute periton- itis. He Willi past 5 years of age. Mr. Murray is away at the Klon- dyke 'where he has been for several yearn. Mrs. Murray has the sincere sympathy of friends in her bereave- ment. Miss Catherine Murray of Detroit is here for a short visit. We have a large assortment of Cups and Saucers, Broad and Butter Plates, Cheese Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cream Pitcher 3, Bread and Milk Setts, Porridge Setts, Cabarets, Shaving Mugs, . Etc. Ett;. FANCY LAMPS—A Special lot of Parlor Lamps worth $1.50 for I.1® CHAMBER SETTS—Just in Beautiful 10 -piece sett, worth $5.00, for. .,.. 3.75 Dress Goods, Freneh Flannels, Delaines, Fancy Silks and. other Goods suitable for Waists. Fur Ruffs, Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Links and many other articles suitable for d Christmas presents. of the age for the relief of human'; `. II. W. Beacon of Mensolona, suffering, perhaps none tale iso Mich. 'Rills kere for a few days last n high a place as Dr. Clarke's .Little i wank, [tALP,L t'KSMI'1'HING' Red isms The formulafrom On Taesillay evening .dant site �rhiclx tliese.rills are shade wag the Independent Foresters elected gr1Cli , result of snanv years study and u takers as follows. --John A. Fal, s experiment. t I. i the with # areaeb i h 1 greatest cotter Ca R. R • W. 3. Brandon, V. C. " -- ii confidence. therefore, that the pro- Be ; H. Drehivan. F. O. ; t. E. THE ZL!'J"fJe^1� ' priettars place these pills on the market, and so satisfied are they W'ooteN MILL STORE that they will prove a blessing to Suffering hunsanity,that they snake dust received a full Sttatk Id the following offer: To any one Fail Clod tl:. All wool Blank who is a subject of rheumatism (no +eta; sheetinkr,'i*udr.i�cwe:tr. Stoeh matter how long standing) or any the annual Bali etas supper on Fri- iiles, Ladies Hobe. Overalls, ' blood diseast', as enumerated below' day evening., Jan lt)tli. In the �; anti will git a Dr. C`laarke's wonder- Peust these balls have been most Stocking yarn at slar°r•iaxlnty. nil Little Rell Pills et fair and lin. emeetesftil and the coining one will We Also Carry "partial trial and do not find a per. lie no doubt the best yet hold. Erwin, R. G. and. T. ; Jones Zearglta- son, Chaat.; 1lw,Builey, S. W.; Chas. Ferguson, J. W. ; Albert Town. Athena, 8. R. ; P. Baker, J. B. ; Dr. Woods, C. Phys.; Geo. Erwin, C. Deputy. It •arta decided to hold frill line of Household F lrni- a tnrt ,Parlor drad fit-llvoosnd aldtt° +, iI Conches, Fancy 1toekets, Slait- 1 oaalYlS and F./tension Tables at all rifts. "irrttilc Framing ing dont.^ at ellt>: e prices. Tl & Me JOHNSON, Z ir[c ;< Onto •; . UTTERS CuTrEA A large stock of Portland � x on hand. Square � f y Buy a Cutter for a Xmas present kr your Wife, Fam- ily or Sweetheart. You can- not get anything that could be more acceptable. CDI• ci A'l E moat tri feet enre.wc will refund the money paid for the pills. If no substan- tial improvement is observed, we will. in addition. pay $10 in cash on satisfaaetory evidence being sup. plied us to this effect. We have s' et to know of a silo case where thew° matt e notot tattier Whitest entirelyentirelysi' a se le to ,, of'titste3 and reitta n.ist'to•ttaayr the only ' ellAIIA 1Ctt h M :DleiX1. There is character in lir. Choasse's Ointment — just aueh diameter as has made Dr. Chase esteemed. and admired the world over. Dr, ixa arfitl nw is Chase's Ointment tuts stood the gest Come and See What We Have. F. A. �EDV!/ARDS ��� l�aStr..CHM1 BAYFIELD�X��C��n� Oeetnta� ouselisesesemaSseinlEnenenerillitiliNe courteos manner and earnest efforts to supply our moral and intellec- tual needs. You have always endeavored. to promote our intellectual carder and by example and precept have en- couraged us ' into a diligent and useful life, The great succuss of our entrance pupils at the recent entrance exam- ination is a proof of your excellent ability as a teacher in preparing the class so thoroughly. This suc- cess must surely encourage us all to press forward and diligently endeavor to secure some education- al standing that will give us a field of usefullness. We desire therefore to accent- parry this address with this present which we ask you to accept as a token of our esteem for you as teacher and. friend. We hope you piny long be spared to be used in encouraging many others to a use- ful life, as you have endeavored to do for us, may the bond of love existing now. ever abide and by God's grace may WO receive that spiritual bend which abideth for- ever. Signed in behalf of your pupils of S. S. No. 4 Stanley. Edith Cleave Sadie Watson. t' l in affectingre CAVA arettsal+cure for Plies surd itsehing " Ointment of the world. Yon eau Daas CIIEMlCIC"AL e0.P'eterb rough e u at er 'n , a p Skits: Disease. It is the standardl, °tx Dr e reit. Dr. Miles s Little Red Pills arc telti4 "°11' it; 31Ist; drat-.. gull rely e r a certain en re for rhestnnaatism Cha ec s Iteeetpt 33°°k'' bee's* y°tt as " a., n ache . , styling 6E/teeter of Dr. 'Chat, eoliths. backache, liidige'stioii,._ -r _... . Chase— asthma., 1 eraly catarrh, eczema', know that it is bucked by then coughs. stomach arms.liver troubles female '&1'1°1 -lea's; Greattst $'ilyasst;saxn. complaints, e'en When the diseases I have been staeding for many Serit HiLLSGltEEN ' Price .0 cents per box. 1 o sale by all the kcal druggists and d 1 - err itt iraatent medicine. . l rl< s nitre Cure for C"�t- iir. a ei tatrrts. ataul Dr. Clarke's Sure Care' for Eczema, egine price, $10.00 will Speeial to the Ifititnx ts. quite at sensation was emir last reek ken it was ainnotineed that there was ease of smallpoI in V'ixib ttrind , debt we are since informed. it be paid. for any ease they will not is +ossly ehiektsnpo r. alts'e• fl, ift joint Coehratne is this week- �.,.;�, .:- «_ placing his windmill on his born. itrbi r`oN Wm. Jaarrott delivered his told etigtilto to 'Sawyer MitSeety Co. Speeiail to Tim Pfseax,n. 'Toronto last week. Mr Truemner and fainily of ue ae Doit't forget to could to the tee- . Zuriat spent Chtistniits With Mrs. a itlt the Methodist, jelintre ls, F'ink einer, Way evening. A good programed Christmas past off '6ry quietly' will be provided. an the village. Mr and Miss Gardner of Clinton 4� are pleased to re cit that : -visitetd. et Harry Saglees Sttntliiy. !Daniel tyestreicht r is on the meiid Viee�ldit gs teeira'to be the order 1 eh " a A very successful entertatintinent of the day at present. was given. in the Evaiielicaal chorea i Mr. Geo. 'T'royer is laid ttp at weather er ing very avo a . e, testa., there was a large crowd gatheredd. Miss Misty Troyer it visiting The children did their part well. ". . Proceeds $55 this is very good eeni Hensatill at present. PIar ng and saw mill:: �'dering the very small admission. _�tli kimisofvcdsdsrl�vctrk aindl salty- i,�.;lg(iehel Beaver diad Miss Marg 3TANLL'Y lax; done to order. Estimates . Mast were united in the holy bonds . given for all kinds of buxldin e5. Special to Tun r I FR �iLY). e, 1 L L a thetit be' f r b1 Bed Cedar A. tall stock of B. .R Shingles. Ail kinds of lumber al- ways on handl Chopping `done every day. S&TISFAT1O GUARANTEED 14Liliss 14th Con., Lot 25. l , ch t Zurich P. Q* Sold by AlI Hews .alas Furn the" to all Tater" of Song and Mosie a vast volume (.f 'Mew, 'Chole* copyright by the nide p. niar authors. 64 Pages of Plano 'MusIC, hal Vocal. half Instrumental—at'Cbnmplete 'Mass or Plano—'Once a Month for at Cents, Thal Subscription. I1a.oe. If you will toad t e nitrite and addible* Fiv= •r rtne ont ie; ano or Oran.newill bead you'f a dopy of the Plato F e*.J. sea tigi tis lie togp t *MI Pf11114 Piils. Pa.. n The pupils of 8. S No. 4 Stanley North kindly - r'e ° their iy +seaYte't ) _lx tee -Cher, Miss Lxnxtnit Thompson *atilt ladies' travelling toilet +n eared. in beautiful inoroeeo leather the presentrttioti erase aceositpa hied, by the follolaritig t4drees. 8.8. No. 4,' Stanley, Dee.20th. WO Emma Thompson Dear teacher :— As the relationship of teacher and pupils is about to be severed by your removal from us we tea - not permit the opportunity to pass without'expressing in some tang- ible way our high iappreoiation of you and your 'Valuable services. During the eighteen months you have been with us, you endeared (ourself to us by your kind, genial DR, A. W. 'CHASE'S CAMARRN CURE .. a 25o• Is whip ; t . d res to the daseasrd TI:k11.4by the improved •111ovrrr. Brats the ulcers, clears tbe air pluat droppings ht and antia(S cotes Catarrh and Hay Vocr. g: mar fog. All dealers, or Dr. A lw Y haw Stod:ein Ce, Teraa:tn and IN,Elat . — ,.r..--...�r.er...... *.- - GOSHEN LINE vital to Tate }ImaL.n. Christnms passel off very quietly . in our i ieinit; . The sleighing was excellent and suited those who drove out for their Christitnts dist- ner. Mr. and lairs. Chris. Eicher of Altoona. Pa. aro spending a few days with the, latter's parents on Goshen. Quite a lumber from here attend.. d the Christmas tree idler. etiter- t ,insnetit at Varna on. Monday everting. Hiss Lizzie Campbell of Me ti11op wasere later iwntik egrisintances around Priendsfrom 'Stephen vb&ited aat,e Mir. It I etyter's on Sunday. Service gas held in, the English chtir•Ch here on Christmas. The awned school meeting which was to be held. oil Wed. was put off till Thursday. Me Jam Stephenson has been ure b tars* the peat t tem- days hauling e JOB PTT1 p The , TU You Bill Heads Sale Bills Note Heads Envelopes Circulars Etc. Etc. ORDER YOUR PRINTt FROM THE HERALD ALD Zuri :Another Good Thing A full Stoek of Sleigh Bell Pur Robes; I1 Tanned. Will not or get hard. and Iast 4L Life -time. See Th at lowest possible' p1 Our Horse Blankets are selling like riot-enk t�r�llder, t�i' 1riec '%Ve sell them at. trdware and Rainless Emporium, �iFI , NT. lwer [ g sand fore his barn. 1 Mt.C li,i>x towso i has purclias• ell. his wood front Mr. J. Me.Linchey and is hauling it home at present. airirg, gnrning Skint Cracked Hands, Sore nary T*►ea iiaiiitr.atititma tat Hotat'Ini. Gdtaibe's Oisttitent Care* Itehfi!a* Skin Mee liaaeer earl Erapttons. kr. Tata es laeisaacs, 215 Elgin gat Ot#aters,, lent, 7r]tts:—'r suleeredf gals. silt rheum for upwards of ten years, the skin on icy hands cracking and breaking' 50 aS to make them uaeIesL. Alter "trying an sorts or genie res vain I became discouraged and thought my sufferings would "never end. Tat spring 1 tSed Dr. "Chase's tOhrt- ritent elle 'in a short titrae was pellectijr, Mired." leer a3.Nicholson, Manor Ho`ose.-i tt- flipeg,Man , States "For several Months i lead been troubled With ec"tend tin my 'ears, dna for weeks 1 doctored with at prominent 'Winnipeg physician, but to no avail. 1 Was in- cluded 1»' a fellow sufferer to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, and' am happy to say that the first ayiplication gave instant relief. I aril completely cured, stud .rave had no return of this troubie5oine• dfaeease. " there 1e net limit to the hearing Waal., Itieb bf Dr: 'Cihaae'ae bintanent. It ie retriarkably quick to relieve and poli- lively cures each and every forret of china elkin daseai5e. '00 Cts a box[, an dealers or Edi itnsOSl l ateax arc Co„ Teta' To Thank our Customers for their liberal patronage during the year .'l1. and solicit the salve for 1902, and wish You 1-111 a prosperous and 7.1 Happy ewy Zteirtb4cb„ fur` N,w 13. Special Bargains on all Christmas Goo over. Give .us' •a Call. VO ST. Sunda ehisi Vest Blep. Holy •1: Vest Week o'cla Exp< How in ti day Baptis B Evn Sun Germs 7 o'elo Tuesd Senior Wedn meetiu Engiiea even= gout (50 unb norm. Zltitt L. suranc private H. (Last, ter, Se Pa Barr tote, wt W. PR E. Com Lours) roc *5 Otadi Ee] en Cote renege kWh Deal et Den great Totem of tett At Dor tiLt .tr1;�•�i %yea teed p'ra to sit. r illi art 2) Otte t 4treli�t r ta e1i6 std * pro! * *Bat edgy es** t * i , LC mini ,t aatitia. E cot tee in, ,with Christmas Goods are in demand now, and we have a splendid variety. The early buyer will, have the best selection; to Buy Now is none too soon. Out Christmas groceries are the best that money can procure and we are selling them at very Close prices. J. ED. MEF?NER ZURICH ONTARIO Jubilee Laundry MARKETS Work guaranteed equal to Revised every Thursday afternoon. CIT WORK U teat s -- - - 40 to 7i W r e use no Chemicals to Pa ley 4as 0 45 destroy your Clothing. Flour - - - - 2.00 2.10 Suits to Order o1 HOFFMAN, The Tailor. Butter 15 16 Eggs 15 16 Chickens lid - - - - 4 5 Ducks 6 6' Geese Potatoes 35 40 Hl6XSALL MARKETS. Wheat 72 to 75 40 42 40 48 Pens - 65 75 Flour 2.00 2,10 Hogs (live) per cwt - 5.00 5.50 5 5 J.11.Wismer (atBarley at wishes his Customers and. Friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ..gym.,.. A REMARKABLE STORY.. A Discovery of anAlm sat ertain Cure for Rheumatism and Kindred Diseases. Amongst the greatest discoveries THE ZURI M.,HERALD of matrimony, Thursday night last, at the Evangelical parsonage. Of those who are spending their Christmas holidays under the parental. roof are Moses Brown, shoe merchant of Elkton, Mich. ; William Sweet, of Detroit; Miss Clara and Tillie Seind, of Detroit ; Miss Mary, Tillie and Rosa Fink - bonier, of London. Messrs. Albert and Arthur Guenther are spending Christmas with their parents in London. Rev. R. W. Knowles and wife spent a couple of days in ' Loudon this week, The service in the Evangelical church on Christmas morning was well attended. The Pastor Rev. T. G. Litt preaehtd an appropriate sermon. • Mr. Chas. Frits and family spent Sunday last the guest of his brother at the "Royal." For Xmas Gifts WE SUGGEST FANCY CJIINA IBAYF!ELD . Special to Tan HERALD. Mrs. John. Morgan and daughters have moved to London and engag- ed in keeping boarders. Charles Ferguson arrived home last week after spending the sum- mer on the Petrel. James Comeron, Wilmot Holman and Robt. Bailey are home from Clinton Collegiate for the Christ- mas holidays. On Friday afternoon last an erect of special interest to the junior pupils took place. Miss Wkiddon whose term has expired was presented with an address and a handsome present. A number of our citizens were present. Rev's Tannings and McNeil and others made short addresses expressing regret at Miss Whiddon's leaving and praise for her past efforts. The entertainment under the auspices of the Epworth League on Friday evening last was well at- tended. A program of recitations, dialogues. solos, quartettes and instrumentals was provided. On Thursday last, John Alexan- der, the second son of Mx. and Mrs. Neil Murray, died. of acute periton- itis. He Willi past 5 years of age. Mr. Murray is away at the Klon- dyke 'where he has been for several yearn. Mrs. Murray has the sincere sympathy of friends in her bereave- ment. Miss Catherine Murray of Detroit is here for a short visit. We have a large assortment of Cups and Saucers, Broad and Butter Plates, Cheese Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cream Pitcher 3, Bread and Milk Setts, Porridge Setts, Cabarets, Shaving Mugs, . Etc. Ett;. FANCY LAMPS—A Special lot of Parlor Lamps worth $1.50 for I.1® CHAMBER SETTS—Just in Beautiful 10 -piece sett, worth $5.00, for. .,.. 3.75 Dress Goods, Freneh Flannels, Delaines, Fancy Silks and. other Goods suitable for Waists. Fur Ruffs, Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Links and many other articles suitable for d Christmas presents. of the age for the relief of human'; `. II. W. Beacon of Mensolona, suffering, perhaps none tale iso Mich. 'Rills kere for a few days last n high a place as Dr. Clarke's .Little i wank, [tALP,L t'KSMI'1'HING' Red isms The formulafrom On Taesillay evening .dant site �rhiclx tliese.rills are shade wag the Independent Foresters elected gr1Cli , result of snanv years study and u takers as follows. --John A. Fal, s experiment. t I. i the with # areaeb i h 1 greatest cotter Ca R. R • W. 3. Brandon, V. C. " -- ii confidence. therefore, that the pro- Be ; H. Drehivan. F. O. ; t. E. THE ZL!'J"fJe^1� ' priettars place these pills on the market, and so satisfied are they W'ooteN MILL STORE that they will prove a blessing to Suffering hunsanity,that they snake dust received a full Sttatk Id the following offer: To any one Fail Clod tl:. All wool Blank who is a subject of rheumatism (no +eta; sheetinkr,'i*udr.i�cwe:tr. Stoeh matter how long standing) or any the annual Bali etas supper on Fri- iiles, Ladies Hobe. Overalls, ' blood diseast', as enumerated below' day evening., Jan lt)tli. In the �; anti will git a Dr. C`laarke's wonder- Peust these balls have been most Stocking yarn at slar°r•iaxlnty. nil Little Rell Pills et fair and lin. emeetesftil and the coining one will We Also Carry "partial trial and do not find a per. lie no doubt the best yet hold. Erwin, R. G. and. T. ; Jones Zearglta- son, Chaat.; 1lw,Builey, S. W.; Chas. Ferguson, J. W. ; Albert Town. Athena, 8. R. ; P. Baker, J. B. ; Dr. Woods, C. Phys.; Geo. Erwin, C. Deputy. It •arta decided to hold frill line of Household F lrni- a tnrt ,Parlor drad fit-llvoosnd aldtt° +, iI Conches, Fancy 1toekets, Slait- 1 oaalYlS and F./tension Tables at all rifts. "irrttilc Framing ing dont.^ at ellt>: e prices. Tl & Me JOHNSON, Z ir[c ;< Onto •; . UTTERS CuTrEA A large stock of Portland � x on hand. Square � f y Buy a Cutter for a Xmas present kr your Wife, Fam- ily or Sweetheart. You can- not get anything that could be more acceptable. CDI• ci A'l E moat tri feet enre.wc will refund the money paid for the pills. If no substan- tial improvement is observed, we will. in addition. pay $10 in cash on satisfaaetory evidence being sup. plied us to this effect. We have s' et to know of a silo case where thew° matt e notot tattier Whitest entirelyentirelysi' a se le to ,, of'titste3 and reitta n.ist'to•ttaayr the only ' ellAIIA 1Ctt h M :DleiX1. There is character in lir. Choasse's Ointment — just aueh diameter as has made Dr. Chase esteemed. and admired the world over. Dr, ixa arfitl nw is Chase's Ointment tuts stood the gest Come and See What We Have. F. A. �EDV!/ARDS ��� l�aStr..CHM1 BAYFIELD�X��C��n� Oeetnta� ouselisesesemaSseinlEnenenerillitiliNe courteos manner and earnest efforts to supply our moral and intellec- tual needs. You have always endeavored. to promote our intellectual carder and by example and precept have en- couraged us ' into a diligent and useful life, The great succuss of our entrance pupils at the recent entrance exam- ination is a proof of your excellent ability as a teacher in preparing the class so thoroughly. This suc- cess must surely encourage us all to press forward and diligently endeavor to secure some education- al standing that will give us a field of usefullness. We desire therefore to accent- parry this address with this present which we ask you to accept as a token of our esteem for you as teacher and. friend. We hope you piny long be spared to be used in encouraging many others to a use- ful life, as you have endeavored to do for us, may the bond of love existing now. ever abide and by God's grace may WO receive that spiritual bend which abideth for- ever. Signed in behalf of your pupils of S. S. No. 4 Stanley. Edith Cleave Sadie Watson. t' l in affectingre CAVA arettsal+cure for Plies surd itsehing " Ointment of the world. Yon eau Daas CIIEMlCIC"AL e0.P'eterb rough e u at er 'n , a p Skits: Disease. It is the standardl, °tx Dr e reit. Dr. Miles s Little Red Pills arc telti4 "°11' it; 31Ist; drat-.. gull rely e r a certain en re for rhestnnaatism Cha ec s Iteeetpt 33°°k'' bee's* y°tt as " a., n ache . , styling 6E/teeter of Dr. 'Chat, eoliths. backache, liidige'stioii,._ -r _... . Chase— asthma., 1 eraly catarrh, eczema', know that it is bucked by then coughs. stomach arms.liver troubles female '&1'1°1 -lea's; Greattst $'ilyasst;saxn. complaints, e'en When the diseases I have been staeding for many Serit HiLLSGltEEN ' Price .0 cents per box. 1 o sale by all the kcal druggists and d 1 - err itt iraatent medicine. . l rl< s nitre Cure for C"�t- iir. a ei tatrrts. ataul Dr. Clarke's Sure Care' for Eczema, egine price, $10.00 will Speeial to the Ifititnx ts. quite at sensation was emir last reek ken it was ainnotineed that there was ease of smallpoI in V'ixib ttrind , debt we are since informed. it be paid. for any ease they will not is +ossly ehiektsnpo r. alts'e• fl, ift joint Coehratne is this week- �.,.;�, .:- «_ placing his windmill on his born. itrbi r`oN Wm. Jaarrott delivered his told etigtilto to 'Sawyer MitSeety Co. Speeiail to Tim Pfseax,n. 'Toronto last week. Mr Truemner and fainily of ue ae Doit't forget to could to the tee- . Zuriat spent Chtistniits With Mrs. a itlt the Methodist, jelintre ls, F'ink einer, Way evening. A good programed Christmas past off '6ry quietly' will be provided. an the village. Mr and Miss Gardner of Clinton 4� are pleased to re cit that : -visitetd. et Harry Saglees Sttntliiy. !Daniel tyestreicht r is on the meiid Viee�ldit gs teeira'to be the order 1 eh " a A very successful entertatintinent of the day at present. was given. in the Evaiielicaal chorea i Mr. Geo. 'T'royer is laid ttp at weather er ing very avo a . e, testa., there was a large crowd gatheredd. Miss Misty Troyer it visiting The children did their part well. ". . Proceeds $55 this is very good eeni Hensatill at present. PIar ng and saw mill:: �'dering the very small admission. _�tli kimisofvcdsdsrl�vctrk aindl salty- i,�.;lg(iehel Beaver diad Miss Marg 3TANLL'Y lax; done to order. Estimates . Mast were united in the holy bonds . given for all kinds of buxldin e5. Special to Tun r I FR �iLY). e, 1 L L a thetit be' f r b1 Bed Cedar A. tall stock of B. .R Shingles. Ail kinds of lumber al- ways on handl Chopping `done every day. S&TISFAT1O GUARANTEED 14Liliss 14th Con., Lot 25. l , ch t Zurich P. Q* Sold by AlI Hews .alas Furn the" to all Tater" of Song and Mosie a vast volume (.f 'Mew, 'Chole* copyright by the nide p. niar authors. 64 Pages of Plano 'MusIC, hal Vocal. half Instrumental—at'Cbnmplete 'Mass or Plano—'Once a Month for at Cents, Thal Subscription. I1a.oe. If you will toad t e nitrite and addible* Fiv= •r rtne ont ie; ano or Oran.newill bead you'f a dopy of the Plato F e*.J. sea tigi tis lie togp t *MI Pf11114 Piils. Pa.. n The pupils of 8. S No. 4 Stanley North kindly - r'e ° their iy +seaYte't ) _lx tee -Cher, Miss Lxnxtnit Thompson *atilt ladies' travelling toilet +n eared. in beautiful inoroeeo leather the presentrttioti erase aceositpa hied, by the follolaritig t4drees. 8.8. No. 4,' Stanley, Dee.20th. WO Emma Thompson Dear teacher :— As the relationship of teacher and pupils is about to be severed by your removal from us we tea - not permit the opportunity to pass without'expressing in some tang- ible way our high iappreoiation of you and your 'Valuable services. During the eighteen months you have been with us, you endeared (ourself to us by your kind, genial DR, A. W. 'CHASE'S CAMARRN CURE .. a 25o• Is whip ; t . d res to the daseasrd TI:k11.4by the improved •111ovrrr. Brats the ulcers, clears tbe air pluat droppings ht and antia(S cotes Catarrh and Hay Vocr. g: mar fog. All dealers, or Dr. A lw Y haw Stod:ein Ce, Teraa:tn and IN,Elat . — ,.r..--...�r.er...... *.- - GOSHEN LINE vital to Tate }ImaL.n. Christnms passel off very quietly . in our i ieinit; . The sleighing was excellent and suited those who drove out for their Christitnts dist- ner. Mr. and lairs. Chris. Eicher of Altoona. Pa. aro spending a few days with the, latter's parents on Goshen. Quite a lumber from here attend.. d the Christmas tree idler. etiter- t ,insnetit at Varna on. Monday everting. Hiss Lizzie Campbell of Me ti11op wasere later iwntik egrisintances around Priendsfrom 'Stephen vb&ited aat,e Mir. It I etyter's on Sunday. Service gas held in, the English chtir•Ch here on Christmas. The awned school meeting which was to be held. oil Wed. was put off till Thursday. Me Jam Stephenson has been ure b tars* the peat t tem- days hauling e JOB PTT1 p The , TU You Bill Heads Sale Bills Note Heads Envelopes Circulars Etc. Etc. ORDER YOUR PRINTt FROM THE HERALD ALD Zuri :Another Good Thing A full Stoek of Sleigh Bell Pur Robes; I1 Tanned. Will not or get hard. and Iast 4L Life -time. See Th at lowest possible' p1 Our Horse Blankets are selling like riot-enk t�r�llder, t�i' 1riec '%Ve sell them at. trdware and Rainless Emporium, �iFI , NT. lwer [ g sand fore his barn. 1 Mt.C li,i>x towso i has purclias• ell. his wood front Mr. J. Me.Linchey and is hauling it home at present. airirg, gnrning Skint Cracked Hands, Sore nary T*►ea iiaiiitr.atititma tat Hotat'Ini. Gdtaibe's Oisttitent Care* Itehfi!a* Skin Mee liaaeer earl Erapttons. kr. Tata es laeisaacs, 215 Elgin gat Ot#aters,, lent, 7r]tts:—'r suleeredf gals. silt rheum for upwards of ten years, the skin on icy hands cracking and breaking' 50 aS to make them uaeIesL. Alter "trying an sorts or genie res vain I became discouraged and thought my sufferings would "never end. Tat spring 1 tSed Dr. "Chase's tOhrt- ritent elle 'in a short titrae was pellectijr, Mired." leer a3.Nicholson, Manor Ho`ose.-i tt- flipeg,Man , States "For several Months i lead been troubled With ec"tend tin my 'ears, dna for weeks 1 doctored with at prominent 'Winnipeg physician, but to no avail. 1 Was in- cluded 1»' a fellow sufferer to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, and' am happy to say that the first ayiplication gave instant relief. I aril completely cured, stud .rave had no return of this troubie5oine• dfaeease. " there 1e net limit to the hearing Waal., Itieb bf Dr: 'Cihaae'ae bintanent. It ie retriarkably quick to relieve and poli- lively cures each and every forret of china elkin daseai5e. '00 Cts a box[, an dealers or Edi itnsOSl l ateax arc Co„ Teta' To Thank our Customers for their liberal patronage during the year .'l1. and solicit the salve for 1902, and wish You 1-111 a prosperous and 7.1 Happy ewy Zteirtb4cb„ fur` N,w 13. Special Bargains on all Christmas Goo over. Give .us' •a Call. VO ST. Sunda ehisi Vest Blep. Holy •1: Vest Week o'cla Exp< How in ti day Baptis B Evn Sun Germs 7 o'elo Tuesd Senior Wedn meetiu Engiiea even= gout (50 unb norm. Zltitt L. suranc private H. (Last, ter, Se Pa Barr tote, wt W. PR E. Com Lours) roc *5 Otadi Ee] en Cote renege kWh Deal et Den great Totem of tett At Dor tiLt .tr1;�•�i %yea teed p'ra to sit. r illi art 2) Otte t 4treli�t r ta e1i6 std * pro! * *Bat edgy es** t * i , LC mini ,t aatitia. E cot tee in, ,with