HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-27, Page 4__2URick kEFtALt
' ' ` EL D ! EXPENSIVE DINNt=Rs, HARMFUL BATHING. Clubbing rates �� ^ o®�®��mm����I�ho®��►�r►�9l►s�r�a �..
E$ P'UIiLE EI1aD Two That were served Iu Dellnon- ' Toe Mach soup and Water Iq , Wet' --- � THM
♦ Or �i11+1
�+1��Pi'7 1:11unSDAY I�VENING, ,rens'. Old Pine lea New York. Cool Fa: the llk/a. � �
WWe have made arrangements'
Probably, the utast expensive diener It is n fnwillar boast of English peo-� i
B E'^ ZL�i.T:ER' rt -Or given at Delmonlco's old restau- pie' that we arc above all others a to off. er the following low clubbing � � �
-.' 11 SL'Tf3SCf;;1PTjON:-$I.Qopsx p ]:ori:, washing nation, Soap and water is a rates with THa HURALD �Kpry ��� -n
7.:C12h1S Al t wl 0u Fourteenth street, New �ti� � �� Q Bull E E � ��
Year paid
not icily ill
ll to altc ecliseoheu the was teat and ogee merchants tato to standing dish in Creat Britain, but so Daily Globe 4,00 P.4
that given ,
New little were we disposed to credit the „ Mail &Empire 4:2.5 ,�)
it will be tent until such order is given York, 30U in 110mber. It cost $25,000, habitual cleanliness of foreigners that weekly (,lobe 1,50 ��
and. , la.0t uld n ad flee. to be charged 7110 1'a.est wines and the most elatb- a piece of soap In the valise was till re „ Mal. & Empire 1. t 5 1
wltcu uat pais! in advanee• orate decorations were mere incidents. cefltly the habitual companion of an Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 OF DEVONSHIRE. 1
AUfi'k;RTISINTG RATES,—Trail s i e n t The menu curds were of gold, and the `nglishmau ou his travois• 411 kinds ..: 1a'am 1T Herald8e. Star 1.7;i 1
aavertiseiuent;s, 5 eeuts .per Brevier line 1
for tinct insertion and 9 cents per lice for guests sat on sill,, cushions on which of theories have been raised to account a
eaaeh ;?(ub4equr,nt insertion, Small Advs, their names were embroidered. In the for this national tendency to ablution, .'A e ar ably 1
such as "Lost" "Pstrav" or" tolen will center of the table wag a miniature and most diverse qualities have been h e �+ W i �; a � ;
be Charged nt1 cr{nts first ill, ;and 25 lake in lvhtclt stvatu Swans taken`from attributed to its: possession. ilcro is the best oiler ever made i ••• 1
cent., for ' ellell subsequent insertion, Central part:. Clara Louise Kellogg re The, familiarity of Islanders with we.- r;tngemeuis trade with the v n this community, By a vele excellent ar- 1
1t'W 1 1 1 1 c Family Flarald and Weeklp Star of AZontreat we are 1
r gement must calved $1,000 for singing two songs at ter and the use of it occasioned by the entab.ed to offer Tun Zvn708 H RAVO and that eat Family 1
�'opv for Eh of l to advertisement P' lrnily Herald and Weekly Star for one year for m ly Paper, the
P3 handed in not lutes thhu .Cue s;lar nia'ht this feast and a present besides of -s national custom that led.. thq ancient - � elude to each subscriber y the small sum of $1.75 and in
bol three beautiful premium
;h week to iusute ¢hent e in fuilon- diamond bracelet. The &slop was Britons to paint 'their bodies' are $ol- iia; is a brief description. p Pictures oP which the follow -
r, smothered in flowers. erilnly. urged as the foundation of the '� 1
Lat!nl.uatiees in ordinav} reading type Another dinner given at one of the English proneness to washtpg, an .the ?i Incl KING EDWARD
beautiAfuD VIT, -True to life, a beautiful portrait' size 18 s 1
5 rNuts Par (.ins. 1�Totices for l harsh eft- Delulonieo establishments for ten peo- fresh complexions pad smooth skinti.r• f, 21 I been toil b autos his eavywbite satinfinished paperfor framing. 'ithis portrait �
tion attspeci ar otter benavalent institu- ple cost $400 a plate. It•was luxurious young �:ngllshrnen are held to repri ce. s accession tp the throne, and is the very latest and hest
obt•ainablc. It cannot be had except through the F,&mmY HERALD Aiwa
tion it special rates• euouah to be classical. The waiters, the more dusky and hirsute counter (' Sale A};ent NV el'i .r.Y S•rAR•, each picture bears the Sing's auto re. h, This
i"0niraeta xot Colu>un, half-c•olntun (incl five of thein, 'were dressed. as sailors. Dances of the Latin races" because of v• (I reb, for Zurich e great1st'erct of blunt the first taken after the King's accesylon picture has the
i h �turical }aloe that fro other picture can possess. . and has tb fore
qui;trtrc -t chunti rntesYot speeifled Period:: The host was a yachtsman, and he their closer and more frequent bac-
svi!l be c+hKeu•1'ully given. ,�daresr nil q QUFP'T ALEXANDRA. -An exquisitely beautiful picture of the reaiaa'1:• �
eoiumunieatiuns to bought the wafters' clothes. The guests clunlntance with the articles o! the + a';lp beautiful and goad Queen Alexandra, also taken since the King's aretli k�u
Crank, or, rather, tasted, every vinted washstand. .. T H E . , a . toriloe throne. It is the same size as that of the King, the two forming a hang• t
liquor that ever has been brought to It is quite obvious that even In Eng- ■■ et�� of a legal n f pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription price 4
" slmeriea, rl'hep finished with a pousse land there are people who wash too Commercial Hotel n p pictures, 4
E. ZELLBP :T)ITOR, ZL PEt i{, P.(). No portrait of the Ding and Consort taken at the second or sue eedint sit• 1
ell made of eleven liqueurs. Before little. It is not so generally recognized I tinge can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history,
-= __ each plate sat a cut glass basin about that some people wash too .much., The ONT, ' 1.
HENS�ILL, SS OF DEVONSHIRE . --The Renowned Gainsborough Pie. 1
1+P1'DAY , 1)E('EFB;IL 1:,1 1, p q D turelBSo d� at auction sale in London twenty-five > , itventy inches iu diameter and four clan fs, not well adapted to frequent 1
s incites deep. Each was nearly filled applications of water accompanled by y Y years ago for £10,500,
: with water owner on clever thieves hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to Its
Hdlg+tv �`�`` S,ca 1i ; perfumed with attar of eveu the least Irritating of aoaps. A This popular hotel has been o o%vn r Payment of $25,000 reward and since sold.to Mr. J,Pierpant Morgan for
rases, on the surface of which floated tendency arises to maceration of the a$73This, in brief, is
thoroughly l .novated and refitted, cthe history of one of the premium pictures, which, bya
t half open pond !!lies. In the basin a
superficial part of the epidermis which clever
StPOIC bef enterprise, the publishers of the Family Herald have secured for
Cxa'>el slerir;liin 4uk,I ltle'a. u11t perfect model of the yacht owned by Is too frequently removed and gees. sad will° be found ll to -duffs in `'
p- 1 , picture is 22x28 in ten colours, and is reproduced line for
the host was placed. It was cut In sions probably too rapid a proliferation 1 hue, colour for colour with the original. Copies of the repmductlon are now sold
real cedar wood, with cabin, rail, wheel of the celltlayer. , dY#rT respect. , in New York City, Montreal and Toronto for $12 each, and this is the picture
1 s of he Biaipighian la T + Family Ilerald subscribers are going to get absolute! tog
et steering, brasswork, such as be- There Is no doubt that many cases or Xyery attention paid to the ► pictures of the Ding and Queen, y floe@ together with the 1
StArt 'Ella• nee .•ear rigl.t 1111,1 qub- laying plus and binnacles, manropes 1 roughness of the skin of the face come ► Lw that not bit* valued Call at THE HERAr� Ofllce and sol samples
Simile for Ttu. HFR ALD. worked and trimmed with sailor knots, from the frequent applications of rya- traveling public. of those beautiful pictures.
scraped pine masts and booms, rtgging ter. It is a good thing to cub the face --- ( You wart Tnic ZURICH HERALD for the local nems, and you want that
i i great paper, the Family Herald, for its 24 pages of general news an,l isuuiey, i
a of silken cords colored as it would be with a soft, clean, dry towel two or T�,r re. In-". Its agricultural pages alone are worth man times the subs0rincaoa
1'•t1 i tl1P t£tllo t1t tlla' ra";ir to I in the original, and sails of satin, three times a day. It, In addition, wa. X F` . O GINS! ► price, g Y I
tarn saver tt lleNr 10.tf. i There were a gold oar and many other ter Is used In the morning and at night; i Tiring or send your subscription to d
` I gewgaws. the skin will be kept 1n a sounder, PROPR ETOR. ► T
HE + , .r smoother and healthier state than if, ..
Turn over Ilia 1'£�,11t a�na rt.ael �tic'1: � as is otters the ease ' ► 4to it during- 010 W11014 -year, n FLOWER AND TREE , soap and water are a
used three or four times a dap; '�" c�1/'�` ''�!'p� ` '� ' ► bOt io�i♦a irpp,p�t�* ��,�p... � � Q.y
A Bien are not often offenders In this V ■ 0. N i V NEM 11A i' r ,
+ , goad tree �>cil planted will uspaliy
ltl�t i ills* i+u�tall cif flus+ yer+r' grow whether the wort: is done iia tho respect, most wen sparing little time t „ _. �""""'" `"""" "'"^' --^-----•._-,--- w �--_ .
when the aspic its for TMLltllia'ip;al i spring or fall, for the reflnements of the toilet Wom- Graduate Optician, j � a -
ltonlir»: tll•a* c'xiia�llal£1ag yeili tile glttt2 r 1 white pine wits measure twenty en and children, Whose skins am theI T h °��-
AVO feet at twenty years and gain most easily affected by superfluous ab- a F ALE. '
lllatltl, Riva' tall arNa•ll taia'4it: lutien are the very persons Ie. whom HENSALL. t5_ Compound9
t�; el1tF-flwe feet more In the next ten N M
Tea rs.
such excess Is too common. They _ __ r _ _ •,.,
Y ifE llae tire p;oing t,o lit, eellr polieae i The smallest tree In than world. Is the should bt taught that there. are dry Q�C{�T111i} �� ��'ti EYEGLASSES
� -�-
tlilt tet'a, tart l«lir ►• 1+i+l:tt cx til ! C:recnitlud bireb. Its height fat la 4as methods of cleaaalrness as well set 'met 1l Gilt AUL it G i LAS Ai
vigllt answer anal tilt Bent antj Cwlk' than three Illehes', yet It covers a re.- ou01,"4a ucelt Fitted oil SU£entifte Prineiplo4.
vwrill i a±llal ;rI►l1 "1.11r Ill lt.►o.It fter AMP ° dins of two or tl►ece feet ry
in deal'BUCDCOD' 1PURIv-41- Niih
ing with your Tenon, see, P�tC>E kEViISKt GST d 2�. r
la"E'.5t'i'. Tlli, i -t illll° Ib Yl .;:t'Cll 4vt+tela'. � yerJ4npt If one needs, attttilitraltl, Kee 8 •-•---••�•, ,A. ]K'E>'I.l. S4`la)i"11L t)b" �
` b that it gets It at once. This Is the a out It, Cost ltllaa Tkwt to Get us p �(�' �y j „
#�rvill 'tut it ltl;r,rn,Ji use' � e.$1 %vorl.l� only way* to have success in plant CleYkte Out vt fi•trYarr. Jewell ��1* n-gN 'r �dl�:�'d Iver �'tl- •
antl Cliristmas da.y. TIM 1111RAL1e E grlaw.iug PaderewwskIls first really Important �+ !' � , �� +� �.� .
is a day !tuft., �allr,.t°1'altc'l:. lvlli •; . Experts assert neon Jnyesltgaa:ttoa eu�''ulrei leat•ad it pianist rags In Parts Watches
that the fir trees of vwestern 1r'iashlD loll};,," utter the death of his beloved W'j/ e
lala'aa+ ! sib t"k'lairll: 'rlil4° sola nevr4 ear's 'ton ;grow from 150 to 300 :feet high and, Fife. o rafts! engaged to, play Ira the
ewlttlt'iaati will Iaa� °rill tCltla°" al11ra11I* � .alas tronl Elbe, 'lo '#,hlctyflve sleet Ie. a3I� tl.rawv0utt raeoDa of a Iatdy frwou�t for Clocks
Il,a rap.wt fef flip ;vast!'. aulet£r anal. are' stronger thrll pack oto her lnue_teni s, gaud hew tee, °av'hIch soom., I�
the tttlantle mat. ttd to Maa4 onormous,,. ew:ss $20. ire Insa•
�yitrtl4''i l'ia+ala`!«' E114►11. luatd 'tub cit) If' !loft Want Four purlieu 'to tbrlwea ill: 804 'iii feeriiu ade tbo humane ag*,ot 4* tlpalnitat AtteUtiOU !lain: 'to j
a.t::� tt ttitika��-Malt E1iri.f'l uta, dla;i", situ ordinar',r srttln,g' rftW4 spaa,ge tb* pay win in.-Adrafl , and 'arlito I tt l tell kinds of altidrlug. ^� _ ,fig e�
t04YOii�litCeIWeei,:''saw;ithluke'4''}'arlti'awa. iN"Qe°di�tl 111tai .acdt"l�ttletit IiteY alCrgaia aMkirl,: "�i � t+ii� , ki'4:ttmene,t +�4. i� .q
til'« Fbf l t"faalta.r llttai l+a t': dil'Ilflr' 1191!1 , + tt'otft I MkWR slain!; pall for !!bots, Move* .-_�_
i tit lbs 9la~d tlialls ;allgl t"i'ntu•laa�i°�,
Ur to �ahrth n little, milk 111111 been add- tte and slater a'c1"Utlsltl het ad no wolf:
f+tl. "h@43 atlrrlti lllo .pl;ant icor tWo � ti' Car SlMei t laGai.t t� b M + � «
it wlatilal give t" fall all!a I11Gllloalrvl for howl`s ill lute warm ,%viter c cep ,@flotitgri � ey lett f"el° i'ah hlf e; 1lai 3aa wwtl5i ,foreettl� � I « 1 q EA
, t b, s . �T ,. „ ps
he lle altll .11.01sefa o tr;urlt IIs f,,Ji '! to eoalftitiletegly° Over 'thf. ML, lie$ltft It to, '8t alit to the 1100M, of his enj*g@ elft, H+ENSALLs � NT. ����>� � ���" k ���i � Yl
�I the! pro&r wzly Ie wwiter pElrmjL ter flttltalr tilling t udleart lfiflpirvid I . ATIVE�.;= wurew 'yy�� ,�y�a+•tJ"i�'�w �s'abl"+t° '�r�f+l*�0W �19a1a• tub t°1'iTarii`° �y,. . _.._,. _.._.-..__. - _ __ I1 0.,,,I"L :°.�w�,r.�><,� ,��i1t,.+N ���:1'�J"1
hrtii. Il!e Irl Eel �rt1a t�eelrni„ �llltarolf
li re. alb .:u l,° tilllla:, i«lgarif tll6ii �a e�mch,ia a >ts � leer and :moattry; of'hr$ tlaatrameUtas lien= �e_P EPARTEO E �
Adtdityltal l�at 4 During trlw 'reign est Charles IlC.� ttla tel'before. yrsaire�aillWssrnslalttttlsrl G
a1W►iJee � � „ �� �OLtJ�al��`l��a° 1
rlrinitstltkalrra►hw t plalfltl' had, Jt
TIa price vgf it.11a1 r Jt:l tlYlta�li ar,+re. dt g tlratrtr '« It watts thus nitfetot suddonly become tho lion Of ttie hour, �r �+
y , tlMlaarllt ,clltlivrnely wwllea troy dtl*uk at dr,"im bod weame aY reality, NZO w BLISS
tatht.l. �llllnla. , 4 baa,„lfat r t°Ela = .re. labia btalth, in arils' +dlot ittiar tura � tpMltl �,� ��`�
lent ll&'4 lna"ullftnalt dl t,Y aaer tl' vele"-- `i , fanm And f6ftutie icer'@ arlilifud tirttl. --
1 1 11111ght da !let° ]atilt ll nr# nett i't to d�
llfl$l±y tl_ till iia Al t Jttt'm- alai) aas a! stri°m Sit 'tile 8atfl:at trine some Mitt tit" o lust, lailro- dr+)Cilgd�ed ItAro, �« Ros
�:,_ �
.till: a�bl'AtCmc�atlrfl�*$ti9�1';a alb tt.$'aa�v1i;''r I t �'b;_Al+tltlurl9g'. { _. �r����■
ifrofr;a IIIA tralfal3f'tMi's, rte ttll«nleal to ra~e.w°ep
lir <i lwlra a r t,r$ I t n $u r,,I * utanl'Y° f alllai aliccelaitaii SII? Ii�tles @ whoa Ills homely, lrealltrtnlberllat -*Itb V as
" Lott
lel `i's:ats tfltrlrri, lit a, i.MCM and had u lt'�t elle ttttltalraht' of trip #c+e fall° N€1T�� li �' � � � ' * a
tttttaTt laws u � . p q owe
y W U ::h, will ai j E L
worrtlowo trL �fteltffMatitfe, taifel lilaFr �jy� �t1 �j°, �j i(. q f {, q �j 1� 1 �y 9y jt r
tatttgcoul+5(rly �yrre'll��.'3+vttd•'lly ': $ .r`I L `ti a��,1J�11E Ilv, ID,' .'11 'b �.l� ,8p t )jv a% , 1 U
*need ..t tfi lata I,t ., a Is,,a teal ono of Isla friends" to Play him a taxi !ler' t4rthice for lilt Ietnrti holrle. tut ' ��T VVCBRI� �"lJUywSI� � t� �l„
MW y . _ e to tho f*t.6aic. �e�aaru�lt.X D F.. �o N -Sw i��_"ffi� LT),,' q *M M
Rw; ? Ibl u t a er4l �v r r� f'iu 1. l"�' ttf; 2 ulL t the i1+ ltr1 rpt aY sextan ild Itidy, In hj ewrsrll a ttitrale iadfaY ° r
11 at ice ]lydielc 91 +iiNkiiWl tydy a i r "lel
a i A s at
�v,e`v:$�u' '� e� �+' tllttlyt ¢
,aft li+� resin :�m�lc, a:l' hire ftyctlE lrty rlJ 1'" #lAt4w4
Me hi!� tit mrao gItt° erltfra�ya Ilfttl , nd ylnt, ��I:�.
t xs ue b.• . b k tI ° ad.,limee my 6%,ly it %*ilrt
elit;�i tlE iYa�v�ttv�" ll�l .; �sa*tLait i~bu<ue"c�. t+e ala Illket"rl�+, but be g'liir aMw:aetY1 t'ai' ylt►t tllsrile ,yCaly, �
Mlg. h* alclb loth icer~ rice huff *Alla aUM A,
3t i
Agent for Baron County
sc yira$ IorJ ritatet tlialty ai[ltylil wrtlf itle Mme - .
' Ktii ilf l °t' lva> lllf . 't-61A>tatlaly, he'dravth the hialth ref"a tilt IliiYuewsarcl w f3ia�a� Je3 �.
etaU, alk the eflitt2� tlrlfe rFltrairlti ty. ilefMv I
' ha who Ira«lwt vas Mat t'�=e 'Jet: ilsl �alleaw 11� last% �etl����ed tet wee A t,i+�i*te �riYaellir. � m
14 not $alaY h' as alrnbins Out al: r@t`r'ailCidr tootliiA S-6ftitfit wild did �
+ratletti efa fpr lraltl "27tirrilttltfy ttr tl a I`ll hely brlaM lltdLir• r ou °
xl. w t°abant3tfl slut= re rirltl. al tllint islaleTr� !flat! rrcen (koubli fig lrimrl. �ftery.
lcw t r dirt , s y time ASO AvalsG er'bilged lit inert waflu {tea log 'tt tar visited fury hit' iilrs'taf'etis, -*IttY w .,. � �
y.;tr.l'r•Mi'& w��' 4.%:'� 11+1.T, ( - ...._.... .
iilabaatat a maylaty (tarrlftd rlef' lit bed r;tyfl�earrtyf ttti;ny flit `ret al,
ty ;at:d>t° �rdleltf l alta i PrtlY . fyfaYa. __.-_ sail ttolcfyt eichbleeg. She o±pier i#d
Fitly lla:ave last •*: i`x Ur at ill a c-tiall31. St#e*W llt461= bfwr we. Ott she old a Ck' d slid bid taken
#p rsf tlxt°trt< llav�� �f,rt'aauil jai 1:y y. r10 enface tliereter lteat Iittf@ Wil. fhna#ed�Ir ttie WhIth
hilid lien recaaill'-
'Eft'.9c. 'l'l1Era air 11 -ie 7l11`YilTi lie, the sentry, lift iriteitefalfit tofu � �,
he brought lane clpaalr3' Woodeif .ga n, taiei Ito* fattcl 'did Jraat �ii�i�'ti"fY liked
t tibtli'akta CxGa'�31i13€'ill n€Y waari q sbootlk 1ro5itiob,
Iitr �rei`f�2s+d. HE1�'Sa�tLl.,. ti
°Iiiar;il t'llagaW F S3Tt 1': rya` 11�. : ..
I' e a A rrzeud* Answered litho Tot'hfte' Y the" directlolb#'
_ xry .., r°�� ttilrr iiralrrl,, 1 i'reflt t1"
- y ,
_ llttlry of tie°cipnl afltu. -1t1 ar vee aninif f`Yo" i;elvlmcl the rocklttga rlatl'. `tYtt the, mottle. 'cher mid. 4T6 Wit.
t"t"flna r ill Tdnnsl, sal 0 .ie.0 �uciu v l�<t, r '=l,d apa-� and 9lse tree t�oulitL tgtt i rot' i(ti Inhiint. thtt'ty drops if6f,ah *dtfit
rluse'eal the seutfjtF "pest° f'Il tgbobt surd tt � R:9q fafut tot efi + nit±"&? Ii
0141red, that the ??I .tali c� as tnarb lrtrwt i1 al raft yob i 1tt1E'K' i a�:tsn"t ail rlrtslllll# tar elalaalt fro t
at� 11Kkaf
milt vi �.t n:e� i I z vena '!anal 1;:j, t wt .ries w✓mnarlonl :slietai a followed thls teams thought I tnlaitt vie *h aeuteft And tae
e swopts of Tr =1oow. "11 h -P flea -:,rd f1 bre itbx,r,;ftt: Then Tommie g&W� .thsiINl7Ye cbeattlife
!at t.
l'ettt Igf
turned iIIa
i'vim fOrg"Ot It.* )estate
et to lind��xtiv V.yba
caal't: reltitlbel' nutrlri * e:<Y & '�i�itet*■c ge�•■e,.* .
ci lr, tlr h eti 1'I'ilr.e'clisgttslti tTar list ....A yotaLy° o< 1we'"s i�centTy h�rat�l ti,
(low n his gull. tit 'twee bete ,atW 1% ttistom laf p"fthC-e *Mehl Ile' �rhIhkit
t`I'tlnslyer It tar Peat Arlt l ought to Iii adopted RL this ftanttiy. '�Sf Villi �d� � ttCl
Z. l
10. evety ttt'e�et lir Ft'af ce which Baia t+oftbdflr 4� off!.
0 1. d' . Sa flea._ i.
. a "steep f'i'�ide yltefe is eiittotttal sn: •�eY-
F'do.1 ft-ecelba°lrtl o,10. t f t bet's* The liar eomolsi tlf'8finenl
'.. ..
All' lftVeptaeles fart' food itlaltlld v and otbet•s to make rials of this flofteidn ''
t 8 ..
p g r:ntll Erie aulnnilt'af tine !sill la reaciled� !cat y [;itjIM ~Villa&*, 6tll)urj)rn, �
PU .............
Zipoaare to told 11d a$anl atrmos- sect ire Glaess, 1laittery rtad metilile ant! there is a heavk 1Hue: for ttfusin , w.., •_
la w tvalrres are' th'et'ef'ore prefeYable izar to h1fe the • .tt a� hokse at a "maUZ d'' and �Grttrdan Pi:'aSpert , Sa1cI, Bonalrt
erty ands 1drTei: charges: In the ti eatrt- : xecl
fuel lclasthteti.
Pre &-ci -1
closaa the pores Of to e vhpn tri Blues " tcooai- 'They should ha Ce tarolnta of . #
a rat{1 I'faleaids b the oadsiate tad
yews gx a asp �at2 v v �..� I v:ac'reie,:: groove% as thele har'Imt 'al antie pat- ` _ p a
cape' tFaraa:gln the s&era +e e rti Mala tele -
acsite the -olDt where the' eztra horsta ilo�er Iloataaa oIl1! >tis.i and ;Seconal
adnc- s. cede• �efrftt up,n tees,. liner_ tiles of focal- Before pplactnt food In � should be ialen vt1 find abo, *bete 11v
urdered orgarns is vt'lr__t Is l n,,,;-,•i:n Mtit ala Kehl larstttte �1•ates Alai
tlieln tlrec Should be tharouthly w�asta- " 'mtEy be dispensed tvitl� �'
-oId on Alae kidrney�•'��cii1, a us:alair �. scalded" with I.ollin 0014t Securities.
tr:elopg Into re9t:!ar• kidn ey d1sease oz g sYateT, sFlped M
fb itics.
+ der arld then ire rilo� eaI fa carol 'plat:- j lasvoiratea. 1!"
r he e d saus� 10" -Lill
The ear?nest t5rrrtorns 0. ;i.airg kids
!na tibettl It1 the sari ,cheiy .ptzttiileable = u`He txF'tsta vary prod i iT "that het'tr .. , otai,. Holtfi®§ unci Business x'rnp->
tys are' 1 ackaclre, I+airf rl and aca:xg_ for A couple 'Ot holits will :also add tip � m4 made taftll,sr tTty Uiontecl', and Bents 'Collet ted
posits inthe uriinre a�nirtnee�i�acely oil � Y tM ttpot R,"toilible "3'eirfnc,
g r and their purity. �t tfioitglrt It �pa3! I1lz tnohe
e apleearatice Of arty of these indica- aieiie T1iw:rr ltli)aaaf klvbsteld for PtivA a 11di-
should be made to 3 I- Hop alaY. "11ut, 'thkk tri �`aiI that im&t>sfisa " �4vA1.* h b4
sans retort h! sldui iii 'ori F ii3t .MOlwt�$aEb on 'ts ---A- e ntUd lrt:�r h ibaa R-11'A.Ir" �r
r88e3 idneir-liver k'llls, Yvllicln veil% I:ditot' {{b attlstj-1 �l'filSL'd' tlil! IITAYIt tblitl[Iattas 111 LYOIie .ii ao"'6efteft. They banishpaia �r colon life.
y rttiYi i', xe t Ir ora the word ia'I P A NpS on he 2
IL surprisingly Siva3rt time apt fuse ' drawing EL year ago. ':Flay' a o 'f da i '�`Afii Tl1eYl' IZII'i 'I:'QaitJ t °a1$Chtpi ' P ase the: word
R"IR*l-P*A-N' io %r mass art'
re the return of
sir orales anal in- t)lliya It here nhade maiLl11 5 adaranydry store. Tensamprues and metha;i a■d
dneYa and bowels
CFE` ey-Mv. _...... ._ ,. _ .. forwarded stimnnials w@ll r, mailLdto=ytadresafatAve ttiisti. 6
Dr. �haae's K1dnelr-Liver Phis cxrt . jtriist I t%ougha> you �ivoultl :nasi, .-
absolutEly celled upon Wt a Curt int ° hail more experience by this time ani ' . = y 5t]d'ery 1�orlC,nep s Clremicltl e „ gp
a!rir forrrr of kicineSr and' liver• derange- { know a :good "drawl hg whe> yO,o see It +`$rt ;trf�aa7 aid iii 'Teal Jt EHON � ..
. ra.. i4'er. y t
en Pill most ; �..r cents aa. box.
r irte 'fr ride yta' o omebij g takkl'a t Milt.
i wr Wlhe'n your hat& anything to tBiiT ft t nkat 'fir hli te... t*er , LE
rausiness' office, fire and fall 1a91e'f� a ''1ltatiny ib called, but letstddet stiytll 'w '� '
' " p p otter, surpity's tiilislnv alto tholtet r' he'
w aid liB Incur give hit ou " y .
flroz.' +'rte t, hCtitri lar a►Y en >r rats
s ltarlo�- _._._
hour et YPrintin
ARID. �f�$Herald