HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-27, Page 3... I .
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:kv�-t��O;�Ck3awj.�-��-_� poses are harnessed in traces that I- darke.,4t; and moyt lbowli-se hour Goil tho taW.W. "Groat guldil,fs, dIS Y
a n a 1, bb;t�"
cannot break and in girths thWt can- p ipol. � ,vvas�. preparling Lhoo Instramon L of the landia,dy t k' I �k f0r a ,
I W wlier� chijoll'tal forin, part or t
I I 'not loosen and are driven by reins , cuming. m1glAy deliverance. * i r
I GW,s p4�n u.11folde(j. jqrm.t, to
� � tile e,,o.mj.paljy at the tea table U 0 0
orld"s ime they. must answer. I preach no fatal� o�j littla breach Or 0,
ism. A swarthy engineer at one of 9NTj4,'RN AT IONA 1, LRISSON N0,XIII 01100e -L knatrumort of its accom- triva"ItWlY 0 11! U'll h,v ves to mot .
,the depats in Dakota said, "Wlion will 0X,0lP1MI1MK 29, 10011 . I)iLsUmOnt, with I ncc(>jjjI)ajlIjUej,lLH quvtta Inade, vrb r .
, wilts ami.le. I
you get on the locomotive and take.a. ___ bLoth. convinciag ana qualifying, *Tti wX10118 UlOug Ic
I ever7 .Urk aage God lius, 01,;covvred A otern looking old army Off
L-a.st Hundred Years Especiadly Char. ride with us?" ,,Well," said 1, "now, rteview.-Psa. 106: 1.20, tile 114n;llt to som-0 propureld, hearte, nt tea olls, afte,j".j,00n at 9 frieM
If that Butts you," So I got on one . ll,,U.;�.,(�
Samr,a&ry-Lc,,-,sryjl 1. T,opLzo : The sin atad seot them forth with all evan- , let 1� j).jj.�cq or cake fall. T
e�.cterised By DisaLster side of the locomotive, anda Iffe.thodist of Jaods,ep'll's brethren, Places - ,mum) gel of hope, hostess' little, AYL-year-Uld" notic!
� . minister,'who was 'also invited, got on lived at Rebj%ni, Jo4L,ly.1 w ' Permlstelit rebellion punished. M- ; it, f;ald: 11 .
, � I . I � the other side, and between u4i were " sold at virtely coumilissione,ft, Moses had . " P! c k it up, plea,Re,11
I I I 0� the engineer and the stoker, The train Dothan. Xacol) sends Jcx,eloli to bbec. awakened the expL.cotatjous Or his ' ThK,� old grp.0itlenamn jjemijta�.Unp
. Washington, Dec. $.-In this dis- ocean I and 4t swept us 800 miles back started. The engineer had his hand hem to vibit ills Drethreu ; he finds owlt people, mud wrou,ght; wondrous- cOmpited witdi tile re(luest, Wb
. course Dr. Talmage recites some great from Our course,, an�,d for 36 hours, dur- On the agrtated pulse of the great en- ti�.em at Dothall ; as tovn as they sue ly before the Idng in eliforo.eniont tbo child said, I I
Ing the cyclone and after it we ex- gime. The stoker shoveled In the coal him th,ey plan to k . ill him ; Re,ubc,n ot tile command Lo "let my people ,; "NOW eet It-" .
events and shows that the world Is peeted every monvent to go to the and shut the door with a, IoUa',clanG. Pwouadea -Lijem not to kill him, but go." Magicians silenced, abashed 1 Embarrassing as the Incident C(
advancing In the right direction. Text, bottom. Tkey told us before Nve re" A vast plain slipped under us an'41 the "LAD coot him Into a, pit.,121te-y mil, down and cojifoulldW, had e -eased to ind- ' tainlY was, tiI0 stern o1Cj .9014di
Joel it, 80-'11 will ahow wonders In the tired at 9 o'clock talat the barometer hills swept by, and that greai monster to 041t, a,nd see a coiripamy of Isibmatel- I *Late, and Judn.,nent after judgment couldn't lielp swiling at the comr0a , X
-heavens and In the earth." bad fallen, but at 11 elolock at night on which we rode treralbled and bound- lltes; T,Ja.&,v sell Josepat to the Irshina. bad afflicted the people and cleso- jnF; attitude of tile pert. little folio
Dr. Cumming�-great and good man- we were awakened with the ehock of ed and snorted and raged as it lourled ellteas, and send 111a eo,at, covered' lated the 44nd. One last successful Another lady had invited a, V
thewaves, All theltghtsout. Crash r aLob' agent remained, tile visitation of friends to tea, and Tommy. her Rt,
us on. I said to the Met�odlst,mlnls- wilth blood, to thftjT ra,the ; J I i son, was consequently Instructed
would have told us the exa,ct time of went all the lifeboats. Waters rush. ter on the other side of the loeOmO- Mourns gPeatlY, i death. .
his prophecy. As I Ing through the okylights down "ntQ tive: "My brother, why should mil%is- 11. Topic : The dreama of Iolpar. .. God's peopl . e protected. ribe blood be on him best bph�tvjor. Tile corivi
Batton at table having become a;
stepped Into his study in London on the cabin and down on the furnaces term quarrel about the decrees and.free aoll's offWerv. pjacto� !21w capital Of marks oil 'tile Rntele and doors were �
uInted, our young friend WaS entirc
my arrival from Paris just after the until they bissed and amolked in the agency? You see that track, ,that B a $ure dofenso in the * midst or the forgotten. A few minutes afterwaT
t,(g,Y,M,tp wtably Zoan. ioow-pa Is sold
French had surrendered at Spdan the deluge. Seven hundred people pray- flrr,a track, that iron traek; that is the ) ta W E�ypt; lives In Ott- desolatLug tide of wratll,- and the hin molb,r asked the servant for
good doctor said to me: "It is Just Ing, shrieking. Our great ship poiiaed decree. You see this engineer's arm; p1lar's biatilge ten yoarz, be fulselT ax- fiery stre.am parteJ at everybou4e slean plate.
what I have told you about France. a moment on the top of a M'Dun- that is free agency. Eow beautifully (luse4 Uy 11otiphar's wifoo v,nd cast, whereon was found the aprinkled ,,):(),, will flave mine, mamma,$� k 4
People laughed at me because I talk- tain of pbasphoreseent fire and tUen lut,D PTIMS. 'Me lord In witli blin and blood. "Clirlst our Pailsover Is 6ac- Tommy "there's notbing on it,41
they work together! They are going glvw him favor with him keeper; tIlP rilleed for us, and the angel of A little girl Nvns invited to a`pW,
ed about the seven horns and the vials, plunged down, duvm, down uwtil it to take us through. We could not do lUagls batlev wid, )utlklor are sent to wra,til has no conizAsslon where the
but I foresaw all this from the book seemed -as if she never would again witkout the track, and we could not tboo sotm.�� prl-.oa ; Jo,.cp4.x serves t,'iem; art. at a friend's house on "baultv
of Daniel and the book of Itevelathm." be righted. Ah, you never want to blood appmrs on the he %light.,, After tea bannoelt-mak
Not taking any'su-ch responsibility in see acyclone at sea� do without the engineer," tkv,�y each have a dream and ur. iad; The quarter oporwil with five ;as- wom engaged in by the company
So I reJoi-ce day by day. Work for J04,T111 inlorprets thoix drsamoi and sc-as On tll,) life (jf j�)3L�pjj. For tbir- by the youngsters
- n
the Interpretation of the Passage, I But look a,t the disasters Oceanic. all to do, and we may turn the crank "IF -1 t`l"� baLl&r to rcauember Ililn- �, teen �oxig year.i Nve sue this nob,o, particular, and ftin Nvent, "V'St 9
simply assert that there are in It sug- Shell I call.the roll of the dead ship- of the Christian machinery this way IJ. Tople: Fll-!-�tT rwwarde.d. i youth, under the bo(,l oi cappre,ision. furlonr" towards tllr� flui,�h, when
gestions of many thinZs in our time. pIn-9 Ye monsters of the deep, am- I or that, for we are, free agents. IV. Tojau: J,oj.-.,ap)2 forgivIng him Detrayod by thome who killould have llm,d.len hannock" war; put On '
Our eyea dilate and our heart cluld- swetf when I call your names. The But bratliren. I � I - I rlli. I)Q-OtoctG,l him, he Nra-,4 t-ast asidt� with g1rdle. It Nv." cut up Into numer,
ens in its pulsations as we read of Ville ,do Havre, the Schiller, the City tkere is the track laid so long ago no 1'. T�)plo : ,ToRpph's last days.
one remembers it -laid *by the hand of orn and hatrod, IvILUe WA b.-eih- pinces e.11E.,11 gettin,,� orio-. tile idea
events in the third century, the sixth of B-oston, the MelvIlle, the Prwi- YT. Topic: TbL affliction� or God's 1,0 k dr
run appropriated the aniount, real- Ing- th t this formn,l a P.ort of 11 r
century, the eighth century, the four- I dent, the Ci.mfbria, the Oregon, the I Me Almighty God in sockets that no veople. , ; � 11 ti) put under tlae pillow on
teenth century, but there were more I Mobegan. But why sholli'd I go on terrestrial or satanic pressure can ever V I 1. Toirpic - Got] prPserving MoRes. . ized from Ida sale to their own per- C Pk P_
� ':t. tiring. NA`b�In III,, littl,_ girl ,Nm" 9
far-reaching events crowded Into the ! effect. And along the track the car at TIII. Topic: 111he %VOCH of imtr�uiprvr- � imnal btine,
calISng the roll when none of. tlaem! 1. h(,r portion 1,11(l sal:l:
Nineteenth century than In -to anyi a.n%%Ter and the roll is as long as thet, the worldli's redemption will roll and 9,nco- I � Jova,pb's inte.grity wa!4 teqtell. ,,,N . 0, tllt,,.Ik yo�j, malam. I could
other, and the last twenty Years, eclipse I W�Ite scroll of the Atlantic surt at ),roll to the Grand Central depot Or the EX. Tople : God calling Moaes to do- ' In llot�;phae,i bonsn. 2. In priston. ent any moro.�'
livor Israel. . 1 3 On the throne. 4. In h,howillgr
any preceding twenty. We read In tile � Cape 1-1-attera,i breakers? millennium. I have no anxiety ,about � I hf�,r. "S',liv, hostcss vxpinlnp,l to her
dally nelvspapers Of events an]")URced 1 Lo,k at the d1sasters epidemic. I the track. I am only afraid th-it for X. Tople : The last plague threat- I his lov,,j and r(-sXwUt f0r IA14 fat it wps ft)r. jln�l askc�I her to p
in one parat.rraph and without any our Indolence and unfaithfulness aod cned. , 1 5. In forgiving his brethren, Ile in Imr'nocket.
special em.1shasis--events which a I r,poak not of the plague In the fourth will discharge us and get some otlier XI. Tople, Preparing for the exo-, provvil hi -i go ainvil-414 "m .1, 1111M .11 ol,in't," rmlipfl the mite ;
I century that rairaged Europe sind in I r en.-Ineer. The dus. I wilo fearad 'Gtn)d and kept his coin- fnll already ; but naxt flmo I C
Horadotus, a Josepkus, a Xenophon, a I .Nj0,;jqOw and tlie Neapolitan domin- � stoker and some otbe .XII. T"_ ic ; Tke Prince of Peace mandmento b -ick to bannookR I'll ])rill-- a
ter$ or ukole volumes to elaborate. ror In the eighteenth century, but I out US. So, my brethren, watell. nil PRACT.ICAL SURVEY. o ".4 pnxt of ths quartpr dvalt I -et !"-PeopWs Journal.
wo, Inw-ft I I - I , �,,'.^,`, a, hl*.tory of th,� oppres-doul, -------
, ,r
Gibbon, would have taken whole eh,ftl , tons and M-arzeilles wrought much te - I train Is going through with us or with -
Looking out upon our time ' I awk at the yellow 'fevers and the � the events that are going 10Y. If th'.ngs Tbe lesEons are divided naturally � the Vrth, chllOhoo3 na;l call vfM-;eF, , Rangaroo Valuktill-i*11k S -urge
cry out In the words of our text, I ,eh%,I,r" and th, diphtherlas and the ,�eera to turn out right, give wina-S, to An,to twu gLmoral tieut,osw. : a '
"Wondors Ili Vile l,e;,-.Vcr.s ,,Lad In the soarlet fevers a d ill--- tYPholds Of our Your joy, it things seem to turn out Fimrl., leciams 1-3 cuauk.,,uted with and tho olebvi-rwwo of tile ek,10ren It seem.,, not ujI!jIz,jv. tllzilt
earth!" I t1me. From Ilurdw,ar, Malla, where wrong, throw out the anchor of faith thal lli6tory of alueepil; of 1,;rael frima the lantl [if Nxypt. kargnarot), I.wL,.vI of 1)(11111- Z
1 Wo "o several ln4inrtaut truth,4 ly- V
I provouf� te show You tllt't the time; every twc,ift.b. yooll, 3,00,009 devotees ena hold fast. Zftwe,l, 0 7; U-11, Lhause eowlected . wilf IN� vultiv.1tpi In tile futur
ing oil the surf.:et-: 1. Wyl Is ab�p_ 1.
In which we live IA zcinderrul for dis- i c6n-regato, th,�� caravans bror.Zht the Thwe ot You 'who are in m-,,jjcf� I Irlth. tW� hial.ory of gows aflA 1.3- ,n, it Frvj.,-N vurgP,�,Pll, Ml..s
. ' 1� - to cagive. zV1 tii'n,k -#,t:i- � tlj,,rj, 6, IIkpIV vooix io� be an e
- a rael. .M,� iormer % lirc,j)-trattry .I *-, to Nrork to
skster v-4 won.lorful for blesslng,, fort cbo'.'�ra, ,and that one d!o-ase uslew IS.- may well thank (;O(I that YOU 1-i'v" i to thz- lattf.-r aud clize.1ok^i triltli �a " f`0�- ,10" " tl,14�t)'th,-L�, invollom. tl;:1.1`1 tj�,,Iu��rltj for Ole anima,
tilere m6t be ;if 0 ()6 *ilm elglit,ea days In IAW_�Orall- seen so in"lly wondrous things.'�but � Rs pvre.unal ,q)ijil�,n,t.0.16; wju.,,,ik�theo 2. If VVVI ".v',Il tr'Ist 001. otwoli,��fl,%; e,t).,U.:fljlc�.ler- i�*r tBLi_, �:uevP.-;RatLei
,11-.�; .,nil s*g,adc�.,: in this
. . � . �
pleture ao in all o,b,��rs. X:',0LI I arg.ne t Twolve ,th�)u'-,mil In one summer 0aln there .ire people alive to -day who ia.�Y � lattux ra-, e.dei iL.� rziaLA.ka to iULt1VAl fmr.selvm to R�m _ml f�j)%,.ilvll 11is t!,.� ju;;� of Lrargnrw) telloli(311 I
that our tiw,t Is nonlerful fqr 411-5- I'm It in In'4113. and 25.00 In F.,-ypt. Dis- �
I i live to qe�� the shimmering vorl loe- I afrair�z. viaimandinent,4z. 11Q. w*�3 itwk,, wur Ixuvjp1L%l1;. It ba,; ZVO-I rMpIo.!,'(
--h t1r - I
asua 7 our u or.1,1 h.,�o� had -, rou.i nil, il-zters epsld-�mlc. Some of the fintl3t � tween tto. material and the rplr�!nnl I in Lite firr4 ucct:aa Nve find the VA- lirea a. Mi- 4u_- to UN , wrwrll. ;3 %Vf� K�eorvs or Ir-st"afic's tco) tit? I
stiwo by 1ko hana uz (ioa it %ras bowl-: m,jjjum(,nts in Greenwooi and Laur�4� .
A %vorld lifted. Magnetisra, a word '.�-`ttll - L-,%-- be g,�iwral trtrUI-i: . Alwild alway, luwd th'. e4!1: ,I, Moe'; frtttr�.t i:ortw; (A a, Mau's le
I .,, .
- I
ed nut Into ..I�aott. It IS un CV3eptial ! I] ill una :10urt .%uh,u! n are to do, tars " , '3 K Wojr that hi, m tv u P h,6
fart1j-eanvu%-_.,4n Lfto;-r eell.vuZU-1011: - uh) lost t1*AKr liveLibattlin,4 w.'XI sou."a- I whieh we cover up our Ignoranep. ,.-M I (A(jr1*t; jl-,�rlfo:ju uuthwarttNl. V4i%V1u4(-" NvIlMl lk' ��lw.11i,4 it k tivt for i
yet It2 all explored renlin. EIevtr:,'T.r, t as migl';t linve I.f.t'n jusuph's boyish to .act. .1. 'Nio ui��rey vf VIP Lord whil" th" Itone.; Z.re knittIn.
frosts ymuli,;; w -t It %v!:ll k*!n,'�,,Q 1�vammvr Qrn e,pikj��UXR-_,. ,,01 tft j,vc.ry ct* Ion. le
of llcelter& �oi l7z-P,9 IM�11115 i- V,ItLtl far. � tile flery coureer of zlhe OCY, that I �, n- r ttill prormataro e.1,.Q.ociiro of Idt-ifinal Is wct�-nl .p.. h1t tjj�j.(,. g- thor. 'Nong"ra,s Wjo I
, Ilut wl-x I turn �ths- 1-:1V In my mila. � L
I ;,aniln FnarA�:ia Lioosned. vad .`ai;'Se'L j"iTek*10a Y 0�er thi! h;u.%h,j-'d cof Un wito rv.i,st t1p, j!)VIt;j: jklij -, �'f tll#A 41q)j;_ I I a.L, stro on,- as r3"lVor %vIr,,. 1,1
Mwp,s &,-,�L!n *InZ�, 1111�'Jild*, It' Is Ll IWO*'- � jo�', nn%l I 1.1;�nt tho) whll-� 111Vs oad 1 antl Bell ,,n,l 1-,,djuton lmv(li brought, un-, Nii-z'r, -40-I %vil-il pi,eltv.-I s-�%vrfl pe -1 nnol t-t;1fo,j t'jillir ',�,� .I.Tl,! 4'.11.0j- vii frs4ii tiio wil, .41,0. ]whir a%
dpe tew It"O !* an-; 1,,,,a:.t-1 co lo-IL,V. Nievc,tirs t1jol, 1-.1jull tet"! wul 'ho -11,,:,Ijt.11-Lade.4 . 1, 4. . 1 Ito lo..,lturo. L4 nVorloj, am.
. to - Nt �'Plt opt,
r**0tknr, by on f.D.� z �1,11, t!,od nruz.%1' , I and ttvx tnyl'.I.v. Thlr�% ago� no More � C Ir t1lull-10P voutrol. It," granter t,.,�%n-! var,utal mpro-ji nal :M'.t1�VIIPd t40 � on tl-(,!r 1�,.rt,; k'tv4M wi-A-Ill.' 1) , ("It 1!
14- t"tWel Ittit Irtyp
.;? iv4r ; 0!.�ra,terleol by wond-m of dLia,4111r1l,dors to revoA. WhOther here vr t.�-- hatrc,al or hl,4 1� urvu. avverthelo'll r,v when tii.her wire Is
. - off 5. 1111w Lr,l Tsr0kct � M.s, vil. "
It and mm"'t'; - uew�i'fr 14,�-. qo4 t1jr? o*' , tvv.-o I it wat; I'mallt t t1t.". � A.- lk,.- polr,,,o-o� 11 11- T.,,j .1 %v,�j:t x. jjr,, r,k,tl I` ab"7it jt�, 1.1L k!t'.�'R�4
- , bles,,zIn,-,-bl,�n, i P " INNI to tillv-; 1%a�t ll.,Ia. Tho ;.ttk,.mIht. LwIll t tat 1.lr 111,111. ____ '=___Z
et%jt,W ard graring., it. lvs:& of th(1911 .1, Ow- , tlz.ai by xvon.l-lr; of �irz*,,! 1.101" llf�, V.e IvIll 'Pe I I V,
In5 tip fQLr ,.,,J,k1Y- Wl.o:o- lro-lt:� V�'L,,I, In4. of lotigolvity; t1te avt�rzge of llot. ; thl,tagp. It do&V not nwkr� MU01 0- '.'0r. , 0.1 tirl linrl, of 11;- Urothron til ow- __ .
r,,wv1(-,,) c Ild ,,I;r,- " ' u 0 tluCi1*.X,' Of in.,zi litf� rirbity h%ere:,A4w!. Fortv�crllcll wjlpre ,vve sstaru4, Uxit the TlL 'r�. t,j.I,,,,, ?,in, nni tho v.�ntrtls,IV tritro # I 14>*$-A"l�c,,-t-4&14�wat),O.AL#414""�4��11.14�
uiwoiq wvei,�%Un �i:* lut�ilut U,'. U41r, �%4:-,tr, now worth 4,14 yI,�ir,4 onv�. '� tj,,-L� �-t,-a4pojnt 1 , 44., 1,irzor the pre., ... �. wO,311MI 41te.,k'M AVI 16411 lim iat4l -tt-l�,.,k.l...,�-'.-,**-,'.-o'o�l..,e.*4."..:,*�..,�,.*,-I-,I..�.z����,.*�-..,4..4*.I
elbrth Mm , V.4"'I": onuk% 'M thf�l N,.w I Van t� 'M, V�'., x, -1
41 ul, .41 X.tilitoba to "m fewill lu,avuu i: wO l�v...jl.1:jpa,, ivero th- v;i1it vtk'w.t%ri4 V .1.
" , " wel fro. i Wo IN . . � 0", I to thwart tjIj,L4 t'j'�jn" jjjjrW#j_�.-. J,Ilt .:* - 0
baubv Of N.�Vi,n%i. 't, .1, %%Nc zl� ILI- .N,_�%v TQ.,4 In 1L..":1 t11,101 Vtro�,. &,Ivo. e2r,% not t,e(.- thow from Parth. � . -
-�',I'�J. _:t it L ' 1, Y,�anq n -a I war at r1ro ,' " ;,n 1. � Mv;i 11 t1lo l -M I t 0�b 41i 4-- Wilb r�utvlri- %, L�11i�ea.11U'4'�113 (G 1, I L" a z I" , "I 11 U4 '
js,L4�1.r lwl 044. V.azt. _"a 10;v N.U`�-'rNVh- � N iatl.wr wevull haviI tu�'-"Ii' , T 7 " Mia A R" N ��" T 1
l J�! �jt"'Ijl,�� jl�o%.I. "'�'. J� , t,�tll,-, — t'�'. ;:: Ir
. _J�L" 1�0 P;.A�J�.
beft 4avr klro,4e III!'% to%'- VV�'.'-O'- 214"*�- ' %hwct ii.,intW. Ift orho,r vvord.; thr&� 1� Lomg, relulad. auld I went Ill . tl�l�, *0 i. I
, I i ' ' L�' L L L- *? .
, , 11 ,
L ,�, �wzl4i'Al ju�6�;,, at -e jafitw V. -,V- - .111'� I h , tnfi t1tv-1-l"41. e. -
m L, , a d_ .1 tlarp of .�guhwllli.h i it ad. a -"�- a �-,� L, L
Cur %V06"I hap '*-%v z �p tj;jDjttkj%j OZ ellrola �rolll WhIell tiv�y telogvn, 1 '. -
" , . L 01, -
,� 'Eriorl, tile vj,pru,ieli 'OT %,��.!,., . . I Z ;,�,1k..-..,.:,.�,.�,4 .;o*. %,11� .e,. -;;,�, .N, e'. ..N
In ll�,� lwctnat ?";a I)ll,,-Ty. v.ja ,�%(r .mrf 4tvilrr ri,q.;� T.'.�- avvrv!;,_- o2l staman � .N,-, v., j1.'jt,j%tv,w�t_tU-, :,�, t ppr� :�--U .t--iiilt - �- 10;"1104V1*1"k#1 �071*,1101,010 ir,"'Pez,�
and the, I'tt j,,w.1(.a,.Iy zin ater nvvv ttwn vvltoll O 1.oti"%; bevor'k thuy eonle In!'I �,� -Vt. : 7rh*1% I f" wn'2 l; 't I � ,% ro z-zlt 4 ,,,
VM,ogj ,�, e fO,. a, ,�C,, !�,.av,� buirz- t
W �k_ .. - * -wiltv . 1Mf;n;%# � _cnilw�* �%,qo.,.et
V'o ,,,, ; eri=i. � . to 'L
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tt'j," �n l95! zapan ft,;� tlie 4�0,0,;�- 1�1 ; havc _e - I - " li� ,,,,,.� le��r rC` " " _ , .
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W"m , :1 " ,t�% - C�r � n�j f:c'�';ty t- 1,,V.,.dl1.-,3 E"40 ImIk'ClItty. Oul a' - #�rp, Ilo,;. jj��d I:,- - , , .:u Y: O4i:;n- i A� t vn��_r 0 . :a, � . "". ,�,,% :
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0-C _-, "'VZ.S SL;L:d of Mbooe�-- selv�ng MMT ft-gers OTI to eduegt,_ al,,artrd iner. rarewr,:! to v*n*; r,li-GWO.,"l �Oj'.7 , . _: , , , -41'.. 'P'.jo� �1.1�p. ,r�_,.�_'Y",� LIP.4 n�j,i _�",- ,,2 tFst, V.; -- S :�l !-e". �v,s 1, 7-s F . ��.".y V4. 2 .;-.; 1,
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. Ir -! r.nl,evvell ta rV.,knei!s! 76; . T.- :� - ',�` � , �
. .,f zhs" . : bo:, -s for t%e g&spA mirN to SIL ugg:n yrot ,
_- - ma -.2, lzaly, .-�j 1�,L,j_ tni%r t-�r. -I' - � c p .L� *,,-,.,I.l .4 f!"': � I � T'V"_�fZ- .
`7�*,��a L',�:-,l LKU' L-_- - �, , L. k, %
� -or M,ne T"ears no lu-xury ar��-a the mblu. Va70TvPTN '-O &:Itll! "Wesse,l "O, tL.j! bf'�Y<�Ihlia f, , 10 `_ I " Z�# _J�,,jr�, ' . - 4, -, C a,i I 1. S4 I " .1 . "N -o, . ,�, r, ��
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I 'e I - _n"!]. -)et ecursa turough granivnar : Vacy veno enitc- in ,Mrou!�ra !1-2 'Stes � pltyar4 Z,,�- r.�: a -7 -',,.'-.i'-%. fe�,,;a ,",," . . a _zr�z, I . .
- Z,��-, '1-_,.,."f � , nnt, �,)! 71' 1 ' , -�, j 1 4 I
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Z �' ,� :oglcal Aeml- Inta UIL* el � n Esv I ,�. _ ; _
"ta. 't1t seia, A and ,r ol iege and Me, s r 9 a ,,I a 1-:�K:,22! , . %,:tu�� j,
ll'a'<a ,1�1 " Ch�--, .Is tO I -M . i C
- ' L' -, " �r . rMry be comr,letej. Poor %Adow pnt- , .
owh'_e . . l L --re lrea�- _g ttla, � �_—---, ___ _
_.. _ ..., , r�o u . - -y, ',
* t'r
- - ,� e �C- C1 �$a a-, ,t; he7 mLe 5n�ta tile LGrXs Ueasul lo -M JTk,0V;e,-. I - -1 - - _— - _ L' _____
za � _� n. , u f � - ,;-ez, 213a;�-aok,-; - . FloAnted 712esl 11 �_
.. "",�. r _. P I r --k I ;,�� ,� � n, r� f, %
��-e -,htt :,,�'I-e face of einperor oi- pres-iient In"- ', The v`U1-1W,0 elortor OM7:0,3 h1F onnell- ,�, p ,, T�� P, ^, 7-, a 77-- - 11% .. . �,7O ff,:,�
no, v.:�,.� z.� ,,_,�:,aan r�d I. l I ' I P 1 1:i , : � , ,� t - ,� r� � I � ,, ,,
M"'.. ,,. 1�L � . � - " , ,�, t, a _�,_'!',,-;,�. J�-_easl.rr,�� . t � � ,�j ,) t' vz. li, :, i ..'� i 4 --;, /
-1 . - , � � -, -
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i5 I �. I I �
, 1 it. 7 Mic'ns Of &'13", � , . z . � 1'� ]; ., � �, � , , �
' I I I �'�Ilieh cc -le - I , a 1-1 ,
--- - - "'? �,� d., -ii, �' jeU5t:4 - ' I't'd !�., :! ;" H .11, I . .
� , .: t U 'a _'� � Z - 'I't b�ooj VV .
to. , , 'It -` _ � 'Iouav: "I Z-ffl b,? &Ou- ow,r zo) 11Z t !, �, , � �j it '.
C,ct tl:t*.'� t .". e - P- 3' I nal � I - . )� �i :� I , , l, 'I �, .q
- , " �
j Ie3w- rre��sed uron ,he er,ln n(,t so Mn- , Arl 41 , r�, t., I I , I , , '. � , ,
r -In to Idin in"d gave bint i'l ,',----C- li� , , � _.� n �7� '4 ,-
n � - ?-I �� ,; :1 , �1 � �1, �,
zl.a V 1. � _" - _. 1� .. a -.'Palc -,-- a 1 -oiay. Jo�,n . i 9 I t, i : �., il L P'�"
r ,� ,��' zn�!. tG>, zhe carr.,�. I , i' �
nn, b-E� zuGra v;cm,--n U � . M" � U d g�;- t.tP
, n "'. :� (N),,Opartg to d� '; - i 1�j ... d i , " I - j
I l'-zn -n ' ne tn L " U- ,, W ,4 1i �A %�� �. L
!M:;��. '4'7 ",_�'.`� *�I��a ,�*! of ;�'_; th�! C__'r_"1' 1'1'0'�! - - , Shall not rmt�lrn tit' latf". - I ,.7!:;1,j
, 1:1 . .
is ez-�,.,-,-_.,,"� :.1 t,.,.e g z :jj of tile farzz!l- *0 whora (,Ntr��st Ns every',Iblng. Chrlik, 11011 to tfall the poltiplit; W""I Inny � ....l�
C.Itj.!�-.r,��', "!� 1 n�,,*-Oru�"n nitcr In1�1WIZZ.11 fl. -St and Ch-Ist Itlat and Christ for- ,
. e�r_ll thzzt I ,;�vill To,v in frona I)p.m. � I _�l -4 r (-�,
esty I 0 X (:
-, ant -14 ever. ' t -i= n w,t � t"' I "- - _� M 1 ri� _�, 1_*1 �)��% rm,o
fm%�z �,��: A, tn ILI ptny. to-rnorrolov" '*Y�%- tir." ^ - ,- , , .
- n � �.n I ,�ity n�:tele .1 � _ ke - -.70 � ^� . 1 7.10, ,�y u0L_�,__.�bi ': U 0 01� 1: �' It'll ICIMUI i.X__7e71e t; Ze. NAW5
� Z'�. _, -,L -)! ,rmv ,�d lu"va"M.In 'b;t the 111.0 - �b�16kl��:�9 - U
-,`', ��-_ " V " ', .,o,lu,�63 zhi !,-.�sz ,.IZI ej,Ur,r�jj,�.3, W.. ul TE*- "Y0.1'ro a umn mu"31, Mg 4-1 0 e ,_ �0 ��
" . -�. ,� ,a��l baini; -,ie s;,utt�-r,; Of s�,t!,7Z eule' E'Rsti- -it to toncl; any of 0;% b -,z , ):��= 7.
1 " 1, n,� iv,�r a, _r " .1�
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1 4 1. I ,Q:Y,�� � �_-1 7,4C Z_ -a ��O t r, i U 1"L In
. w.,� lav, - 4-:5�;n zud *, CIC! "-,�'--t. Of t7l' ,;,:�_-`9 tip�." -G -a, r,o. Fur-nozer., 4L-t� I
t'l " _1� , - ,,, i .;,. ,�,��a_A,."�,,.�, . I I 1111 ;
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'11, '110,rnjing, loie ao _o��_,��
� 4 �a 1! -orn'llig eom4 Ill! , wnitml tar the patipIt'n. Vae fmqt
,ar,N! ,%�,)_�-t�.-.-,! V,cop.a ,11y!ng, '
- 21 Morning for the sea! Morn- O�ui wstx, .,in 614 wom-in. "To I
Cwning il&��-rer 11,�1118� On Aug' ' I 'gLnd' I of -mrirrow, .. ,�o!y air. e to e,)7tfI and etampne,!9 anl chill,,. -I briMes. Tbwaro1% nir,11-1
t e.q.. ,.:lqu, from 1.0 to IV' was J071111 -j roOlv. Tt 1Z tile 0M P'OrY Of V:'C't f*o' eN_' I
_4ke whici,i ing of emaidpat�nl Morn;ng : � - -;G' t thwit , .. ,
j,*&Ts0;IA0.q C.Ir (�G .."-L"I T"l, a t ,1:3 A or Et, v Zz-n
I -SM. -1m g �-t-a- , i � .(I motluT'j .i z'�,Zc-.v b !,.-
t p _,,ps ,t,l jj�.f,
pr�,4.,trate A 0110-hnU 0.4 Cnar:es ..n. S.i7. 1'ght and love awl PsAcel. 3'10�nlllg 7�m Fecou'l War a ZI-Impy W'd jrcmll�_ , r,jjjk)vv. oraq%r or t .1 .L 1w I=
r,,,I,, ;,,,z� tt z1ae, di'!L05ters cyc�or.lzc. 0 If .% day in %rhicit t there thall be no Invu Who call'd to vos Ulm "do"t-nirl, ths dango.r an., i fbe f. 'jd::t nnp-lv 1710 W'.' .61 t'142 littlo onaz aro, i:o=e,4w.,Lv: � nuteael kivnity. Wrion yot: th-m
%vins.- a "Wory siovore via thao-mial*,"v�. rr� t�rjt-,_q Illat Dr. I I
At C,,a 1`i'3jt:1 of "tba Ga-Igois are ehihis 'to br,mic, no sorrows to as- ; ox v,0r,,rpjnt of 11. I C n!tte'rj Syrz�p of UnsLe,l ilmol Tiarpnut"aa Ima Caved the lives of the 11
tql;-,�e '.`::7,% -�S-tlie Hattla:11. vie Sun- ruaie�, no dezr,,��rjtism to sbatter, no � pnin.,' M1 Vat ,Omwn ji,ild, t'1141 ,T;-hn , 0=8 It Is al�.Te,ci.,-, 'L�) b erir lack npon It with earif .�d�ma and satisfactiou, �
arcc�p - ,ftr 'Ke3 Christ, 114g .1-1111ent. " Every tinm -O!j_ � D L7 -11, q 1� .fl% P_ I z (�,,k ),f 0 L �
, _,.-I ,iiie D3kZ.11 Clhalaazpeire. In 'Woes to comPas- Mte. MOV � a
I a-, I I 0 1
. the CT Was. crow . , f -i _i= 'I 0 Y ' I
line nrin.],tIlt of C'et" Is;-,, On demeend! Scarred temple, Italce, the deary m,,*-evnry tirns 'oY-'1 ltrtq I 01 H AZ3 . RUO F
all thosa ti-.!-� T n �"s y n' Bruited halld, tftlz,� th,l sceP- r,1,7 arm like thlg-o"i, r1g,ary nin. I I —
N3!a..� , ,
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L St FA undred
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1. .k ,,.,.��q.jne arose oind ter! WonndM foot, .o;*,t%p on rhe throne! Ilp"al a ImIn conis thrm,7,11 in,v arm "� I— �
T'he wal-E-r-' , LIMS'EC-011 AN"', I [-JRPEINIT INE
NIR"I the so -v over th-,se threo, 15- "Thine is the klngflorn." ry-ry ,0 ln� 0 : Wo ('r�n �%I'. it 1-.,, I L
re � -it of 340,614. These things I sa�V b0cafte I w2LUt 4' P 'in in yer AM, 'is It, , wilon -yOr i r - � ,b I
Iavr1p, mfl (I "t popzllati�. ' .,l,%:,it�t, r, �
I want you to be lift3r' , T � ,i- ,0111far-11 b-(Mll-ZR t't In remark- 'y pl.�sisp.nt to tn!v, a-n7l Is ps.*'&0,ttlr fr M. from T
215,030 wt. , .,jm%,l�d. Only th-),se SaV,A You to be*alert. it up?" '-Tols-wrpry timp its a -�q tin Rmal ,
��.c "TMAn, I ;- w�,�-, e, t z V�vv rcmt'�P 7 'or lff�'Iri �,,N of th.,a t.iroat and lnz�gs wl;ich thorcoughly oire Mill. eto!a�
. .. I I vallil-4. it . , -
whi hal (-'.'--n`0' to the top Of t,.Ie watelling all .heqe wonders unroll- the samr.4- 0. cl�ary mn!" I th'.1 'O.-A"W1. T.Ulre pre ol her 7111"p,� rr!C41-r., of Illnr!el. 13�i vare yo -i get Dr. Ms_qo�& S�yrup, of VjnE
-;;...j _,,,a 6,,er mea & ey- what t1he -- do ye -P vv,int. to lift wen as I . , .
&-S'! ., Itig from tbe beaven, ani the earth. , I I � and --;%It17rL- A� n-_ .k. Vr. C',1s.,t,ie,fc,n tho b-ittlos. PrIm'-3, 2-5 cents; fajoilly I
Tatbliest tre , 7ov nlay God has elass:fied thern, whether cAl- ,ver Moorain' lunirm hup, for? , vras *M, Tirriu-Ilthl-1. wKi, portralt z L ,.4*.
clone? N,)? 9111"n I PrSLv (Ica, , -11 onts. AH "I 'O , �
u,everzee Ore. I l5a;'M a eyelaolle on . thei amitous or pleasing. The diville Pur. John's answer. � . three tinies as Mu -11, do 0 I dealers. ov I-, vtlal?soll, 0a,tW,& CO., TOrOnt - , .