HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-20, Page 4THE ZURI CH HERALD : a � IS PU13Li.9F[Ep ,ZVE IY THUS AT ZVENNG. i s E. ZELL11 TEWAS OF SUBSCRIPTION t.-1$1.01:1 per year paid strictly in advance. When tate paper is not ordered to be discontinued 1t 1ri11 be sent until such order is given and yrrettrtt„es paid. $1,50 to be charged when not .olid in advanee, ADVERTISING ING RATES, ---Tran s i e u t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 Cents per line for each enlserluent insertion, Stnall Advs. such as"Lost" SlEstvsv" ot•"Stolen wi,1 l,e ehatged iti) cents 5t•st insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. • Copy for change of advertisement must be heath in not litter than Tuesday night of eaeelt week to litany() ehauge.in follow- ing issue. Isocal notices in ordinary readintr typo 5 cents per line. i`,'otit'es for t`hure'h en- tertainments or other benevolent instiitl- tion at apt cshi1 rates. fontraats for eolmmn, }calf -column and quaa•ret•-column t•ate> file t=peritietl }+mods will be cheerfully given. Address s11, communications to ' next Solt,. The plan will probably be to offer, sety,' 5 to each School Board which will undertake to spend either 1(x10 or t$15 altogether son R. Estey, Waterville N. B. There is no remedy' that is squid to Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills for nervous troubles, rheumatism, or rt,. "We have made arrangements et , to offer the following low clubbing rates with TAX Hliantp : on acolleefioix of books, for the title kindred diseeses,....W, H. Robe son, Managing Editor Daily Tinx of tho • children. Tho department Peterborough, Ont. will prepare zt list of books front Dr, C1arke's Little Red Pills c which selection is to be made and ed me of rheumatism after 10 ye which will be of a standard class., • Of cOnstttxxt :,uftarine.-J'. suitable for youngpeople's reading. .rmour, bookkeeper Toronto jai In undertaking this: the department tiorx. , is c>xxdeaa ct2'in to n'teet :taunt not Dr. IainClar:e!'s Little Red Pills a a eCrinin neve for rheumetisux, now sepplicd, and iu doing so uo asthma, pttralvsls, catarrh, eczem new machinery will be required, • coughs, backache, indigestio There has recently been returned stomach and liver troubles, fern one or two of the trot;ruin•, lib_a- complaints?, even when the disea,• ries sent oat tet first, in order •tixiet have been sturx<lina for many ;rear, Pride .10 cents per box: For a new sets ma;S� be forwarded. The • by all local (1rngeists ane.!' dCale c'Omnuents of Those interested, as in plttent medicine. The ()tine well us the finger ntu.il: On ttxo Chemical C„ml)uny,. Peterborou; Ont., will forfetit ki.t0 for atiy ()tree vtilt:u es, have eanvincetl the Mil-. that these pills do not help: - Clubbingrates. et Daily Globe 4,00 , s e „ Mail & Empire 4.25 B. weekly Globe? 1.50 , ic- „ Mail & Empire 1.75 e Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 ; re Family Herald & Star 1,75 ee tie sereeeee,++v`�i�v'trti*��+e'4•ee S e044 ,44.4eiet eiee Yeee u�d'eeee` e Vert 1 C&.'dPa7 C -W.`� s I gyltia i V 14 •t ftp 4 1xt rc , c • c-tromlT � and 4 'r (yam}J! ([Fp�� 3 ,;. HESS t OF oEV N ►�""�'i E. A Rernatwa,5k a. 5 h e •r • • 1 lCi =•���` tde • 1T t o 71 i. the hest offer ever made in this community. By a very excellent ar• 4 eta.: � % 1 rens:r•tel l.t ntnrio with t.17.cEatnily Herald and WeeklyStar of .Nio 3 aS i en•th;t.l to viibr 'fent Tunrcrz IiLx�nn and that elves. we are 4 4 ale re (la 1t, Bialy of rhe department thnt for Dr. Oltn'k 's Sure Cure for C et Zurich• F.(17114; it will tale ut1vis;uhd:, t,► limit • rh. end. Dr. ('larkee's Sure Cure f rata lihrnriees to more light reading. Eezalntt. sat1ne price. $10.00, ev uxt3 that stand:lrtl anei recent Ila- be paid for any case they will n (''lire. • , 1• ()lent; }lorta;irl and Weekly Star for one year for the smrall sum eat oft $l.7 and bine 4 ctu.le to Much subscriber three beautiful prerniium pictures of which the follow. t in- is a brief rieseription, t 4 KING EDWARD VII. -True to 1ife, a beautiful portrait, size 18 x 'r :I Inches, 4 tc tt , mt beautiful heavy vvhttte satin finisitedpaper for framing. This portrait 1 h•a been taken en since his accession to the throne, and is the very latest and best q obtainable.It ()anent be had except throu,h the i nr,irt,y I3rziar.0 Iain s ars . Sole Agent «1 i t.r,v Oran: each picture bears the King's autograph. Thlspieture liar the i C. . t read merit of being the first talcen after the King's accession, and has the -•'Core vt. f for /ttrltalt • :,n l,:,t,rrical valor that no other picture can possess. i ill el' l;ts\ ALI;XAXDR:A.--:An exquisitely beautiful • (;r•uttilul and c;apd (,�( Alexandra, picture of the ar „cele• iun,with u sl)rinkL14 of biography and general tceien(•e, forms the HAS DOUBTS ABOUT IT. E. ZELLER EDITOR, cost attractive literary diversion fur tltc' men of the leather and Edison and Marconi's Wirel. zoning rtunl)s, to wham nir�lit • Iltessage-`.Phe Latter Positi )ringe plty:ie'a1 exhaustion. A Rear Ing it. telee'rian of French Wok:, in the. New York. Dee. 1•i. -A sp(ec'ital housing of w1Iil(+h the university the Herald from Orange, N. J acuity has rendered uesistunce, ; says :-'Torous; A. Edison (1oi1b will else be inclncled fur the benefit the reliability and accuracy of th f the FI'O xclt-("unutlit(3 zztt=t)xbcers published statements that Marco] 1a reeeived ed a wireless a less nlessagf' r the c:unpe. aeross the ocean. The celebrate inventor was seen at his residenc \V are informed that Mr. A. (;1, Lieywn Park this evening. • (,ilbert, the manager of the great ; doubt this story," said Mr. Edison poultry department of the Govern- el don't believe it." "Do you ► FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 20, 1901. 1 Cecil Rhodes publishes a letter in s the London Telegraph on the tines- c, tion of the future of the fionth f Africa. He insists that the only way by which an ua ureed rued last• ' o ing peace eau he arranged is to a bring about an intermixture of the two races of white iuhabitant:t of the soil. following the ozone pttr- suits. having the `;ante interests n and: daily exehanging soviet inter- h course. He suggests the salee of y land to British emigrant': tespcsr- .. 2enced in farming put wits at a low t rate •.►i interest with a. sinking 11 fund. so that they should. have a e sense of property. Ile thinks the t imperial Government might a.slle for a cleaner sunt than lee generally i� named to be paid by the Tr.anevaal te)warde the war (•xpe'nelieura. deter 1a .i1 E.. ► Commercial Hotel II ris. WENS ALL, ONT. ve -- ' Thie popular hotel has been! t.) thoroughly renovated and refitted, i and wall be found np•to-elute int e ; every respect. xx Every attentiim paid to the i • d traveling public. • p. `I, !l 7 f r ► . . HO[)l' INts'> lent Aerieultnul Farm at Ottawa, think Marconi was deeeived b ct been engaged for the coming 1 cause the letter which it is allege ear to vontinuee bis depal'tment : he received was the one which h Prao'tie•al Poultry." in that hand-' had instrueted to be sent lain)?" - .,t �;i vena magazine The Canadian Poul- was asked. "Ott, no," replied Mr, r .�i re• Review. The "Turkey Depart- ` Edison, "I don't believe he was O. cent" is now in the ehurge of an deceived, but I doubt the story. xpert, Mr.W..1.Befl. seleret,ery of That letter •s,' with the three dots, he Turkey t'lul►,i►the'r departments • is a very simple one, but I have H E V SA1_i.. n the paper are: •'i)ncki and been fooled myself. Until tate ee'"'. '• •i3canta,us." -poultry Ail- published reports are verified I aeente." ••Inenbutox:': Land Brood- shall doubt the accuracy of the G l 11e3I re." and •With 1'nele Sam." The accenint.•, PECTACLES AND G actor s:tyt it will bre bigger and' tit, John's, NM. Dee. lit.-Re- eetta r than ever, and acs it 1s n0w p €garuing the di:ii.nelinaatiora of Edi• Pitted on Scientife Przne'iple•.t, its •Nitta yeaar, we beelieevee him. "son, (rteely, Bradford and other e.! PROPRIETOR. ct l e e R Graduate Optician, Queensland, et nslantd., Australia, .sail Feniy It one WOUldit doctor and two women 1► dontifies, They have, u large mew, as Cit a", ;+triol Setiet'al tithe"r young iv.. Qt men. ine•l@taling :tee wises are clots eta= it tens« tot leading ,�I,►?a;.std=aare•, are. `' Staitttt'a/ ntetlt!' ne. The te;it".t re.t• 1{ dent sueed:t•a1 effia•a'r nl►p�p nteel at le the Ludy Bureeen lid,t,pit;al for E tt. metal= Queensland Su a to enian. llr, t'.reenliaVta Slat is as grat(iutte dei a t nta'air.nty. A stria nni� to ftutrir'le tai' tree nii@rttrd•ultul t°lt'+'ttdint h ill i1luetraaliin is the ttitttti'40°'t �dte{:1rtt by the Wolttclt. tat $1ii tlt lel- bourne they pall u honey V..{tte, In &culverts t3) new rent. ad the 6t"ahititli vote ant Zi !tee vent. f the edicts n The sla.°tno te) are said to lave re stilted 8ti °d int cpidenineie o0f te.i4toth Inuyorx.," AID of tR.hits''.(, !held !hull ill ev..0.4n en ate 'r)ot..urflit alter tr d ar trbtttil ;ii! eeyte-ts wad th ;yet; o their native Ismael. c -tells t they errs nett ding a very aa -tit peen tau the irnr�aed These {if slur m'aile'rs who took the: eleetrieal authorities to credit th aper lust are thoroughly satisfied! report that ho hail really aec'o •ttle it. ;end a ut cl )tat e%t along ` plisheed the feat of sending a wig •ithoan it naw. Lha. j'nirnal is well • lefts raaessagee over the Mean, Mu in -grated, tial. it. pratetitval know.. eoni said that he knew the eleetr 1".pa• aWI`ittt'is by N�?tt'r'tti, acid at the +'t'"atans'would not give et"edeence to early s.nt►.e'riptetn of «nttt•. i5 ridicu- the accomplishment. but. despite' o�t lg^ vheap. l.uw as it is,he►'Sveva r,'' their opinions, insisted that he bad let, moi, :.4 PULL `}1't).'$ o; n�- x: Jewelry, iA sip this 'leper a an get it not been deceived .anti seiierteel" t as .pt.enti rune d,i' three Years for again that the signal lead really' Luce i eaiatple will 1K stent free 11 ' been reeeived from his station in rtai(.teswetag, t:':auas(.isu1 Poultry Re. Cornwall, ie>ae. "L'{ort►nttt ; toast rite shortest N Haitian. Derr. 15.. -lion. D. A tui mit TAt i' to M'nsi l .sail f1►t"' al4tl inrtort (1}< C'lystrlatteetown, i''. E a'(: + 4°d',tr .. in clinxutuaaieation with :ii1. nor Mrar'eoni.rrusv aat Fewft>;urrtliatitJ Will Take the Place of Wood, with titee view of establishing telltat . Sig itatanieaa'tilati by the wireless tele. A wee,' he atitee a1aieuetttls known ; t raph system steress t.;Ee straits. s t'" h Liquid id due and Mr, Mare',°%tni has raabled tel him s "'The I,nag@@i41 Fuel r�tacl 13trr�r= Signor ' ' :w D pct on the , that 'there will lie 1st€t elil.leultdw email t't. A .°gutt11nr it 41V ralk4°rt4►U whatever in 1'oratttattnicatin ; or. ai es'I it etInaeta its sr/via-PA the right ' titi eat the island and the mainland. for the I mitt of /truce and art but the diyttince'in only nine nailer. - -4 sils.nnil • oa if°a•atittheta for sale. Watches ant Cloc Spe.ciaal attention paid to tall kinds {'t Rept ;hien*. : t : tl le sen taken ..:..-_ t King's en t,, int ticrnne. it i; the same size as that of the Ding, alto levo forixiin a ban l .unit pair n!' pir:inrts that alone would sell for many times the subscription price . of p.enrr and picture:. 4 he and tin'\ciall havetoneof tfrac•tic n of the value of onsort the first the second or succeedintz These go dot•�n to his oryi• PILE: 1te.CIf1iSS Ol I)I�.Vt SIIIRE,-The Renowned Gainsbnr,eur.tit tore. Sole. at auction sale in London twenty -live years ago for £:10,3:ii, stolen by clever thieve; hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to it, q °Winn' 00 payment oft _.,mill rt•w:xrd and since sold to 'Mr. .1, l'ierpont Morgan file v in brief. is the history' of one of the premium pictures, which, by .t rl, t e t ,t to ,t' of rift t i pr..e, t lie liublisllera of the It anzily Iferald have secure-.} t.,r I heir ...describers., 'the pttq itis k :.':.'x'2.'i in hen Colours, and is reproduced line tor title, colour for colour with the Original. Copies of the reproduction are non soi.l 4 in New York City, Montreal :tt:ti original. for Site each, and ihi•+ i, the 'Mime 1 Fatuity ilcr:.td sub,() caber, are rfctilig ret got ..1, eIntely free together n it It 1tt.! Wet e of the Kin•: and Queen. lira not big raki,., (':t11 at, Tats: 1it.it;vt.0 tittle.. :ted .i•c- .n:t,i.:.• Of tlte.• 4o':ttt ilrit }.at hate•., :( YOU t vv pct 1'u: 1.t 1,te at 11 t:it.tl.0 Su' she l.,,- at new,„ ;att,1 ;oh ti,tcat alt :r f great at t, aper the Family Herald,. ald. for its tlt p a ,'-t ut •rc'rtr rtt stew. •.,t a a.a::i:t. 'i reatlitt t. 1 + a 1'i'nlaatC l pa,,,•-, ;Cone ar^ it°?e suaae} to a,• -let•,-..., ..est t tie 1lr:u .,r `:cue. �',16t I• .0111s't•i pi ton ".,W +1 TH' a �vvr vr�Vi st,i0+ .4144`4 w'k o,4"04 ?:c lwsr,sva r•rr ✓w+,.r,vr:: e 1 M OttC Stonem"A..4,n1, i'At,La OST. ° Ina., only v nr.iblae matter teteeid is,_ et ' le •rrot<es tb tresis teat(r. e' `tl.1 cal., phut the inventor -4. claim Cb. S 'c ..it,„..,,,....haloes,) ztudl aSto.titei cue for [(tt[i' that , G tel { loam* gar elm:,E tlntnt in- t acil +tree!`,# totj a iitdlS tz l e deed, , ni nety per cent_ nt_ of tine heat a1at: iesri o tt1t1cu nnthr..nnn aha asench feasts the lir". Fertil3 ^SFyrarye takt(I .xir erl,,.VJt le'i4t enethag, Drhnaw the i�=s�pnaentisat�r*etit. Yet:101.5asoita.e3 1 :the laLd, ye:A' i+r(utt t sight and a* n_ tate e tient` the e te(- !o)i to consider the t1ne:wtiabn Yt5 tried a representatives et t to C.,niince :1 maces ,for next year. The elecn.as t�nli goon he culled upon. to vote f410 th oteiw tcesatirti{. Too often this matte is pact off until the hast moment art: :heft very little interest is iteu€n the choice tpt reppt :>•Ptituth€?. 1 the inseineFa men of the town t,:':iti as little interest in the welfare o their own busitness anal in the eleF tion of their own help. as they de in the selection of the iaieniitu•r-+ yr the council. they would not Live wench site k,ess Let our im-orale ASF' grin 1.9trrattz alit once uLi seen ng tfh( beset, available sznen for the posi- tions. If the men who 4 a? -tan: is -v.. the ptesrnt council Hin€rt with yonr approval; as the -work they have accomplished !tiring the year and that wtinieh they has -e non. under way hull been and is ilif.112Z dcon according to what you think right, a>Eend them all bariz again. If not leave them all at bonze l`[f you think some done their a1ttty and some have not. then take asst got-wi ones and reject the careless but don't jntngp at r`ofnclnsaorns. 'rake a little time and enquire thoroughly into the work for yourself. Fined out 'exsct1y what has been gong can and then pick oat your men and endeavour . to persuade therm to stand for election. If this is done and the keenest interest is taken in the elections, there will be no, doubt but what we will, as is eonn- enunity be the better for it. Plans are now being formulated !' by the Minister of Education for systematic aid in the formation of libraries for rural public schools. ' Mr. Harcourt will probably ask the Legislature for a grant of $1,000 ,)r en, With which to start the work' i 1 eet au -anntt este of this neve ifrutrner. aig211, ft t.'. :JP'Y�' I: le'l` la'Y +@uYntttl° aG t7W �o3s lkt 1 etsIl4itw}se- t:ri4,-- l - ,nrta�+5d` �Co(ti'Ec �tsut(a 1Thes•y BptlittlfG01 tent he planted elan t. ., ✓R,i'ut` et�bYv' e1'at t[Q'Ti'�CGau'de" JI'Tflae arxplteat� ��' ti a"tUUi1.7@nt aoiode trt°1tt sat itslnr•. Thtr')- _ Meet Klein Pip regetated to seit the Exeter T'itni(es-- 'On Sunday etett- e „taxu�aui t abs salsa• abi+te. It is 4=e;ttaifpy ing last M.J.%Vhit+ . 1editote of the 1 i a remotorianbv"e invention salad should "Times." met %lath a, levy Painful J : e prove iti gold mine to the inventors. aCdn(len`it. Wbf ell it is feared eavilil ✓ The Weellkea•tenn Tetestt>ope. says the confine him to the lxottse for *ewe '. capbls al-Aus, was san,bjjee•ted to all �; time. Ac(o npa#iied. by his "wife a kinadds+ of tests. Potatoes were put ' and sisters he was en his WaY to tr in the oven and it roasted them in attend ser'tiee at Main Start short 4►ralerr. Then a roeeit of beef (lintels and had reached as point 1 k van tr . 41'C d and the result SvuS tmartr Oliosite 4h4 residelice t►f` f s,)rahiinventEv' saatisfac ory.lien a Jelin -Taylor, where lie saddtentpftehiN d)aknnn ; (;ii bread was brought along, ;; Yili 11)eFt on the ace whieh had f- and never *as 1ii°ruel bakeid nxxor' `! gathered on the snde talk. and fell, ) satisyapkrily. Aa to [e t. Agit- breaking his right leg between the!' 5 en 01u:antity of told Oil was placed Tutee tud thigh. clam twisting Iiie stn the burner mid the ips•afts turned Lack severely. Medical aid brise vni 10 their Tull limit. They kept SUititiaoned and Air. white rtrnoveda it roaring a inng for two haetnn's by the to his bow*. where though it ttti . ve'a t- t, � kit titaness teat set Demtb � �1'Qt iia ila�'3bx da `(>n..''ttt.,a..T,-, Them v.>r•.dt_o.n�ane5"(S#rt � � 3 ... .•�. °n7n:Si1 ,l.c.il(en.stt •.sive ..0 rK v.. L, Photographer H ENS'AL�s NOTHING I3." T r 1x,3 7t ° FIN* S't WnRii �I"t"]Eti'� 1i a OI«T, l.T is s"'As ( J" _� Jinx tom, P1 t['ES, »; S'C]iTt.... ALL. Ps Ira at 'l1 b ,t 11 fib.esq., n I t;t •e..,. .., • 5 • si g'4aeta* 41 s,, t......1 �. _.,. ..._...e be they teetered tap the v•elne of the expected under the ciretunateneeit. it 4. 11.'..P.Q. and it annOnEnted tat just Mr. T. M. White of Windsor *ill eeets ler the two hours. There takes charge of the businest aeries I wit:n it. and ail tinturs considered it certainly does look. like a heater that -will s,.0on be in every home. Not only it eilletsper than coal or wood. even if it was -en gonng t every 'fig -ear of the day. but it pog- Si‘14:-et4 the additional advantage tht0t it e'81.11 be tin•ned off or on in a ralonliCtit t.f time. and need only he Ttept biwning when there is a need for hc at. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ. Testimony Which Shows the 'Great Valee of Dr. Clarke's Wonderful Little Red Pills. Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills eine ed me of chronic, rbenniatiSrt after i I had been given up by the doctors.: -Archibald Wilson, merchant, ' Sault Ste. Ma -ie. There is no remedy for rheum's- tisie.er for building up tbe system„ equal to Dr. Clarke's wonderful Little Red Pills. I would not hw eithout them for their weight in , gold. -J. J. BrandareFenelon Falls, Ont. the illness of his brother." , --- - - ::::: - - . ' ta' ' ..". '°""'"."--tctt-----'-'e' -,._...",....,. ''''' .......",.._.,, , ,..,. , , „„.... s hinaGa Too many aenuna suttererx p their search for cute, heileving that their particular case beyona the eert- , trol of scientific treatment. • It Is only necessary to point all Such to a new tope in Dr., ChaSevst Cale vett remedy. wnten nas proven lief, bat alto 6.31 a thorough eure for Mrs. Gebrto Budden Pulttateretile:, I ran truthfully sae, that De. Clarke's Little Red Pills heve done ; me more good than any other inedi- tern 1Reat tie Exchange. 781; tintibe fonben, .13. Zinn Farm, City, Village, nia.-iK-a-hrn. '.end Garden Property, scad, Bought .11ortey Loaned on First and Seeond ; Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes atIsi lOther Securities. eornratne Dr. Chases Syrup of Linseed "Edu Ont., .2.Yt Z.-nr feel rny duty to re- 7,.L..,_ems, Houses and Business Prop - and TurPentine. as hati the asthma, ,erty Rented and Rents Collected good. A friend of wane persuaded me to aPon. Rea8"/Me Terms. tie,- this remedy, I did so, and it cure$ Money Invested for Private hull - It Is impossible to imagine St better , viduals on First Mortgage on Real treattnent for asthma. than Dr. Chaseli !xstate. soothes the excited nerves, clears tbe bronchial tubes, gives prompt relief to the frightful spasms', and, when used regularlY, thorouelhly and permanently TELEPHONE 696. !surer pathms., 25 cents, all deaiere, oZ dmartSop, Batt* .1r Tororste. Dr E Very had; could get nothing to do me s 'of Linseed nd Turpentine. aneee ca tente, may. trip flit Cel ONTARIO- Get Your P nitito- from The &raid