HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-20, Page 201.011010111..,,11s1.0010•1111•111.1111•*4•11101111.1111 rg FROCKS ANI FLRBELIWS. 111,11M10.0•••••••••••,... Latest Novelties of Paris Described .11,• Entertainingly. tlitWataWavaaaWRAVaNiaaaafaMa.MVVVIVARNMAMMaa.14aWaNalaWalaPaMotaaaraaaNWSP I have not !mord the opinion of the 'Weather propllets on your side of the Atlautio, but he and in Prance everyone ia preclloting a hard win - tor. "the real, oid-fa,shioned sort, tont you know," Jahn Bull says ap- provingly, and Monsieur shrugs his mobile shoulders and murmurs '"Eptitantal Well! it will be a change, and at least it gives an exouse for premetlitatiog and arranging all sorts of borribehing and lovely skate Ing costumes. After all, should King Prost prove a fraud, as he has been knowo to be, and give us the go by, tile frocks won't be wasted, golf and hockey are alwaya with us, and, as ! with you, there are the °waned rinka to fall back on (I mean figure ativeiy, of reourae). But. people al- ways prefer the open air amusements and merry-maktug, as having more life and jay and oolor about them; therei a hold of romance over the idea. of saating 11 ilia bright: yellow sunshine, au clear do la Lune or by 1.110.110WO11;t-picturiteque•tore1ilight,Por • the timo bung paaplo ov-er bore are Oracked-"entacha ' •tho Freneb would . say -about alradvig. They Use oio tlie Ice from morn till tne. OLller eitgInge- , moots and dial...a may gato tae wool, or poke tact:weaves in where they can. aleala must be snatched ana- how. 'We may have a, thawant arotry Veils befors very loag, va), gather ye icicles while ! to softer; ana enhanco your complex- ae rimy. 1 wia deecribe one or two. t. ion anti comolote the charmlng offect. ;earls eastitioa Costume; Wall, I win till you from experience of the firat vrator, sorae of tabloid Ware you can fintl natet becomiar, Itaxe been prep.v,red by one of our on(s, aa wea 151.reatoires of all alaanti couture for ortic fair sorts, EUCII AS glverea, hoelory, clainte best rate ct a e collars and fascinating banises. aAt liotelaines, Wil;) have laktva in their own domants; otliora will ba seen in allaa MIMI" of tiahalaa B.tngr,:••••03 sir:attar. rinka anon. The pres.ent lit- ma:me atreet, lenalon. W., thoeo and so well in. anything,. "aasaame ast. oolffee a ritair" ani the looking glass echoes Vie Compliment, to -which you agate yourself. To de- soribe a few moral Po.seinittairs Toque has a crown of ermine, and the rest is all tiny frills of black Mir- ror velvet, edged with • white chif- fon, to carry out the quaint mag- pie coloring. au - accumpani- Mont to a crearxt cloth, costume, frond of mine Itaa a chapostu of tho cloth, whose -crown is a resting- placo tor a Itirg,e grey gull ; the brim swathad in cream lace spotted with black chenille, and this hangs down gracefully at the back. At an aristocratic French sveading the britloomaidta hars-to go with frocks of ivory satinclot It -wore plateaux of ivory velvet, tho tops covered with lovoly soft pink roses, and the brims eagod with tallo. Another bot, whieh salvias up In a imlo rouna thio head, is of fawn-coloral long -attired it la linel Eortly undornoata with mousscline de FOil In the soma ehatie, ;spotted with brown ; a twist of pale Mutt panne with a few jeweliod ornamonts In it nt Intorvala koope the hat will off the facto, and fromos the coiffure. Oiaslact thore is a long father ar- rangomont In tionelatal fawn and brown. 'Thi 9 rotnIntini mo, if yon have some preSty hate, you, of course, biZerva Mon ee, or Moue laslero, Inaa3" more tars art- pnistalal agore for a-ou may call it whiell yOn please, 1 avaa1011;11114; 4,Ic.,4„ foal ,a0a can chin -Ib - a maat appropricaa voem of gar- v '01I „ a vataa w1cIy, Iowa ing aou ment for abts order of costume, who- ara gotta compariv, for !may tell tiler oi or fur, or of Voivra, or cloth You, "tail) rasa," that tamairve num- late the akeirt. It la se smart andCT3 orating liar eliantalti Vd.,01? tif our trim, with it high, coos' colktr, or Most arlatoeratie awl Ira:. tiroasial 'tarioal *1 Wt nioatataa of tur, Its , "allaadaillos." Coontoos Cavan, Lady Elea -yea Calve to the elbow, for alle Wa'airtortland. Marravara II' Ilant- mart part, awl the taaineosa below Baal. Lotolcoultary, etc. Soo von:slit In by a waveasaua ta fur. • go1,3 to Part.* :oar Um erea year and It arta' hate a bateauor not, tlie t tarn a Iviat a; wit% troa tivat trove in boats nosy Ito pital or ban rad, but in 111"' Vr!;1:!!!' Of ItIVIA.V Int?: rata easaa alto ivatia as It ..,12.44v.i. harass. ,• ta'a !ma rat, t r valle In linavor Lag goactelatily vactr taw. of tha Many '1 rI tflh 101 FAO' aa 1 tCiirik; whaeli are , tor:4 a• nn1 ir Twn (' .tr1Y1'!•1. ett:It morival Ettatuiro tatativao I mat now eri va• laa't rona: Nieto; .01„ casual/la 5..,443 Incroaesovary vuoaa to tht. eativane av: 1 Amar- a/11a ri:eA tr, via' at:ha b,vii laa• an 1 11vale ta• 1tk 111;Irri1i. the Art, ai4 Ibiky, , a:41 ONT") nn 1 all sari eslar. 41ViLA Celts ";1 f1 viihl,TIM.* Ini17tcJ bor :v rot- tal • ,411.y I Atty. ••ra althea fall tonna tarort Of ravalo 1Mort *at tattoo" Zito r +lay I l(leattetata atia•a ,4 fator-intli Mot (0 avowal alt azetatioal. *.he callara, rovera *aim«. Pretty Iota %alas11a" a!, aeat.".4"44 1"?t' Itaavelvev aaa asat lites kt7,12C.! (1,2 „ tplptat,,,,!,„ Ida o 41 atUttli l 51 1 1.,11: 3 1,VLi!la: I.W 1 for V. 1, 0 1 te4 116, 611 a 6 Vi!'111;4 t 0:60 1 Lit ^ atote--• nt-o' " oi• ;_r. 1 :est ,ttsi.v '4114 44L...viztv 4,.t! jaa, ,Jaa a"a:1 ‘aa':‘"?.: 14. ,'o.„4;`11. ta• to aso- saaaaa iaos„ soo ae, 1 tato , ;Vv.,' 4: 1 11" > 1 t01.41't broa cla'a1 '•• aah ita t*,.d tWO IT rosaltea P"El 0nU 1. .i e2';` it'"o QV tit 144 1, t92 2 1. !`!1-' '4;1" ! 1V°. oath y '-uul"J...,!1 *' vaaa ficor 144, tal aneft " ' t"111 111` *Jr 1 41 f>2 atv 1 "'''14 J,' "1":'1E.1 1.2441.4 144•all lona 1 • a 'al •,:s• 1 ;a 1.`i 1.:.C.4 1:40/1.. t) e"rr‘14 It '11.;.11.111. evaa `I 42 t tr.2.2 _Vitals. re 1° 4 " A t'ma taloa. Ltal • fess .w.asa tatsa"..1 • „aaa. 411.11 0211taaa, vff L., , uur.0 411,,! et a .1,;„1. 1 6. , 94 0 au. t'.., ttrz._,1 12.1iEt:4 tva 2.414at-arova42 t2'WC,"1 L 'anti ,4 2u‘s EuUl4 444 .2a,1 .1:F itftlentooii.a..snaeio e,-ts.o,:odts1 ta,,a„.sv t.a la,1tai,lllal'sacvlta.rt•ezate o uaotares a:Lrtra -* v av-r.rattoaeor,a000a-tetsvra et- - ! Itealia 1,1 fit aezatat 17L41J .n fr aavzttsatat 111 W1, tdi 344 1 tued 3111>tt Izateell tiv 1:1121? 01 v.0 tars. to' real trove atsat aa *111 tit 01t »Lo tevetreat lata1 on„ Cato$isalaela too sea oil t110 alvet, ar tioraatitoos aro .1v) e . rasa the €>'a trt loy. el gotta ate to LStarot 111 »o1> ao iao to for .jt tafel, fr a1 tonva Etvrt • et'1 11 84211 1404 44:tin '4 tttiv>0414.,, etaav /Kt:aara- eiytaltpaoVseeihnftoaaizsat! aassl.rsta&atapa ayos-la44>129141t.1e1e.r:lva,.-1o!oao"ofa,na.s.t'ssoa.:iaatsvtnart..azo.4ots.1o11.'4a.10 i1a7:':t ,•a ,1o1o;o•o:A: 4 42 aral x1 >- L,tlo-,t o a o•!ri lvrtaaa airalast.aoekttlnala-- -t the rutis f threso tam be a:aazt aehaa. a etrialttretin aLe wey oa 1010% 11 vrapl oath rean :aav aver 1.44:i1>0ain tial, azr ere oa€:114'41:1 traa • vt24.12 41142 "1"a 11 02>41 Poe• ''44y1 oro vonltlI 00.1 lasal t• LInt. Isr alal ts:ava 42391 laaa WzV, 1113 aro earlarta., v0427 113.1 • alrad teatv. bat, aOleed oar wea-ravel Larva wta a (idbttrfat t4412,al.ar1 at pro - fag taiaat rte% volrotnae:aed nootoogy, vsa neor l SZL ToctPat:Tees. K0 mr0,10,0010,10111. haavaing from them; they are a great safeguard to costly furs, ae you may !owlets, your boas in, the bOuse, or tvlion skating, without any clangor of -theirsapplag off, and it Lo quite tbe thing to war them Just Oe -or the shoulders, as you do the tullo and chiffon ruche,', Theso chattier aro nearer than the aerpontiam "fixea haaaa witich have been seen some timo. It may ;Image you to bear that the negro rabbit's foot Porte lion. heur is now to be bought In London ahops. Those enterprialng peoplo, llfarahall& Snelgoove, ltrive Just brought it out as a dorraor cri fetich novelties, and the Fainernarl point it out to your notice with the correct formula that it is "the left hind foot of a grave -yard rabbit." They don't know, however, that it obould be caught "at the dark of tho moon,' and I do not suppose that tar) little bunnies' paws on a west- eial counter have travelled farther than from th•o English Provinces. 1 mny be. wrong. It La amusing to sea how that hitherto lounble minded biped, tii•e guinea-fowl; line been brought Into nutorloty and made to render up its plumage as a sacrlfleo On the Altar of In Paris I saw boas, or rather stoles an,d pelarbrea of the feathers whiali wero eaquieltely prepared, curled and arrangod. I tiawa lady, alonde and slim driving in tho Lois, ivilose imolai of lovely fawn velvet was further adorned by a :stoat of guinea- fowla featliers. The coloring was f;oft and lovely and the whole ar- rangement tonal in 110.1.11101110Uttly Witil tIi IOU autumnal al petit of tho eurronioling landscapes, its wood tints subduod, -et rioli and varied. And now in •tho fan lamps the bird luta appeared, and again its features ara comoly and not out of pinati on a fan of meta:a-to taze with niounte of goltainhad tortoizashell. How atalcue it 3 toatbered Mations mast ; trios, -Hat barn door rooter run.- him very oloan, but Maitre Pintacie is "dernlor cal.'» La not that a triumph for him ? "Gbantaciair." ND EXAMPLE By GREAT MEN. At last tho senseless, illegal and In- human practice of docking horses' TiA.N.A.DA AT PATIS. An Echo of the Great EapoSitiOn, of 1900. Mr. JAL Jardine, Canacia's Commis-, slottett, /alas AuLtk•ebting,^,1.fry aL,L110 rt: oonaive riseoo :owe atatotx by kaatiat Uso a catiatioitt •• Toronto, Dm.. 9. -(Special). -The great Worla'a. Expoeitiou head in Paris Iiiat year saw very many visa tore •-ftoin all parts of tap gam) as- sembied ..in • the jrgaPronoll ealatal.• •Clanada •was . well eepreseatea 'Latta as an exteibitor. among tha. nations raid as a visitor, many pi our boat pooplo having atteatual. • Tao interestia °X the Dominion. were loOkal after by -a very cap:tato and Intelligent oorapotay .of pat rio.tie - Canaditiaa, among whom ono Of tho mast ccimpieuous• was Mr. J. G. Jar- dine., of 4,-05 Crawford street, this city. Mr. Jardine'a chotieo as Com- mai:loner eutalled vat amount of hard work which mado great de - morals oat las pliyeleal healta and etrena,th, He authoray for tho statement that he Wand Doad's Kicinoy Pala, that best known. of Canadian media ethos, in-lain:tido as a. ton le during heo tte trying, tonea. He trays, "They rellevo littokaelte inotantly and tone up the avatera [amorally as milling elsa scrota; to do." Whilo in Parc Mr. jaraints intro - dared Dodda; Knave- Pilla to Mr. Du - pod., tho esteemed ond popular Sra- rotary to thy) Canadian Cominitalcin, who was fooling uador the weather, with tho very happe .st reaulta • to that gentleman.. By heiallaa and atimulating the kid - nave, Docicas Ealogy prove ahsos lath ttly o very beat tont: known to mo41.4.eal scionce toaltay, and both Mr. Jardine). nal Mr. Dopuis were groatly ploaard to fin1 that their own fair cenntry, FO distingaiehod many other waya. tlirr=11 tiliS great tonio romedy, earning in tiurt.;ao gairloua reputation in motile:a. linos. 'Very few Canova:Ina are award.) of filo world Whia repatation of Doild'a lalaney Play, nal mony who imvo ' boon ahrona Poem surprieotl rit 'Mania a olo bto paroliaso noir favorite mall - ciao almost aura -hare in the availed woral. 4, ROBBERS OF ' -frevr- -A---.A.-ing-or-ov • 8p:tracing" of tho early Planationet period, Ile,nry, in his "Histora of Great .Britairaa..romarke that the mimbeT of robla.sra Was so great. that tate aliases could not prevail upoil tart Arias to find any• of them guilty% Evea ander alai more rigorous ad• imanistration of Edward III. a num- cavous band of than visealled tho town Of Boston In 1275 at the time tho fair, sot it on 1110, and carried off immenatv booty in wormy and goods,Thelr leader, 0.1.10Robort Ghtimberlata, a . gut-taxon:In of great poWar and wealth., woo takca, trieci e,xecuted ; but Ito coulti not ba pre- vailed upon to diatiovv9.. any of his accomplices. As tho other rubbers of this pc•riod Wore very numerous, so some of thorn were very cruel, and tha charactor whath. ono a their ehaeto ware. enoseLtazoral upon laa coat in lettora ;savor uogat oe applied to many caltorn ; "1 ani cap- tain Warner, conoviand..!.i. of a troop of robbors, on 'to tio witaout pity aria with•out remato." 411-nre"4 "History or tireaa Britain," lavolv iv., °boat oe _Robbery cttalinniel to provall with- out ilitorint•sava until the px•000nt century. Tile. boll -near and taring, with wSOch it WatS earrioa too tlx1uu' in ille, cora contra of the vity, awl even in tact daytittio, appti ora leorediale, va oid pvraonor tho very hialiast a ink r•i in•alSt**d. Thus George 111. aria tile laiket Of rk, vora 111011. Werft race scoppe.1 ant r, d Ilaa 1 IP, lark - I ay leo u•t r To 0554 Ia iviav'ow I" co th or Pinchloy common alter goaratt Was an entt,rorare of great danaa. srliC) vela oral w or tt 1 w novo well '•rintal, anal tome few: had oven bail - proof carriatater. Thero n tuao still stanaina at Finotiley, whioll •tleasot +toys a -as 0. velakaown rontloavoirv for blethwaea 01E11. (rii "Orarenai," pago 11, by :1,4r. Yalkor, o motropaltran palico =Oa- ratea traco Walpolo, la ono of hio lot or.; to the Nantes -I or Ossora" 1781). relateo how ho was robbed Ito - ore eeven In tato evening and within wenty yard o of tar hosise tho Paoltrea of Mont roso.--4 vent laroan's .fagazine. OLD ENGLAND. tails Is evidently drawing to an end, 801 its death -blow has bon dtailt boa Minara's Liniment Corea Distemper. t two gentlemon lalward la' III° Pattivalant ' fat411:oa Mame ioI King of Great Britain an'! Inland and lac Dritii /msy's- Have laand seas, Eaoror of Indi, etc., ond air. Taemlore litateovelt, of the laitall at tea. La lar:lnd anti Anvortea ookina hat; Wan alogal; but doeiriig haliven fvationablo and litioanha.; aa 124 011. VG1.01 24421 thagu111 bdime alen f tawsthem. eitlior Li taraIna nor u rs aeon anoaise Story of Mrs. Met!nice-, Pro:slant MRSalley was deoply naolealativo or the oneita rationeo g y o ?J42.>,tieeount of her wll-known In- v::lim. and 1.340149 froquently of tatkahatot alio ma with orl i lap,ator. Ray. \Ir. Iriati tol: tat ttMoa r• 1144 14 akl la o) .4);-*.trugginta. ' -,, ov. , 1 . " k- " a •a s -. oj' ftcttivc "*z. So a i 11* fontalstota I ae 1.4 6nt4 r''4%el L tttonaada 4447aaala a It' , ' 4. 6 O ' , ; s P al" 1:g4 o a'0ItlPlt aat tek h:!? hfv sN ; • dea ; 1:3:!,!!1•11" ; ? ' a Wr tont 1410 411l49242048 eenl at stap es: avair I,W212-'ht41111:10.t441 PtI n$ • nlip aV4a ta aravattah"' oro tprq.1 di Paha: 2111>4 31440' 1.1 041 :> >%4O2' at 0. lit 1s 1094,11430 a ea taitt 14 0441.31! ool 4a04 laaast ai• to eo au I the ; tat 100 iitatintera 1 1. 3o' aavo,tat Oat tea alv 14alarm 24) fin 1 41 1 0.11 I arevot.eore vlax barrom at 1 t.' Oronof r104M r,0 1 or zuutaro. '521>> aa.4 -" `n;4 1reLitr4 4, %LAara,p45883.2 821.1 e:a . tailsr • Lavaot! osaa V 1645A tat otao .,,, aorta, a 01tat boyra- 111*11'314a 1 t1/::4,2:::;541a;:il; ▪ 1,100 rata also> ova400,„ ).6 0t E> 11>'O Pr46110nt, asi; id: >1>4421>4dt:"',4,1 tar , 5"2 • 2' 3421aai 44 5(11'i 11iftlVI *`" ea '1 441 1,1 4r! 21 W" 2417 ?""* laaa the 4 7 i Ele Paaltaaszalalxt a1a44451.11241>4.loe,,rvatl 'CV? t rr 1.aaaa 11111* 11111 thTO esv 40,1 114o42 tp7110 Mt4-01211211'' 1422 Meat 104 tare 0404:412 aaaktheear* t1.4199211540,424 21>014>42 tav tsre ,r'41114,' tho 44,.?1, N 1. 1>1-0 aa 1av" all Pro a '. 1214aoa loom ear sav.. >: 22>13 "T4011,r1111 '411111 >4' eta favadre- -Viia, : t v 4. AE; 4401 at 9 qrttoa L4'44'44'4'4'4 11 a- 4542144' 4 11,6e o otnsi aal,a,atet, x , , 1, in nt,faaL , eerr,ea ,o4l0,,.a es a va4l,a .o,oaet :te lsin:a t,ao• 1124 tea aton f..te ttr',444 24,t, 21.21.' v11c friaz`1II . t o t t I' , a O ZIA WO A 1>4' 13 %r 411114% ,>11t't 11-424421' 41 mes Cr 11o1- tntIrrd015e4 Garat 40 (lows. 0.10,••••••••11/111•00.....1.1,111/101110,10/.0.1410114101,*0;1111•11 k,•-• ISSUE NO. 511 190L 01",,,C•X0.40.0,00.4010.00.10011=Pteg*11111,10MQ01.114tV, 0.0.0 1•10.110•••••1•11101,11,11010130.1=e1111112001,1101.0.0mmgremoomoomanamsoaanurms01•1 1 seri. I. z. e, 3, 1 t° I il it4 ti ae- il u 1 - 1 . f 1You have useda sortsof cough "des bt it does ot 1-yellth tis too dee I seatedtt my wa ;tsdf o:t tl thebut it s moriaYto produce agpp pnumeaoa agi i eat cz throe I Yo rod vll ve you! Istrength and [uk 1up thbody 44 EcPaa datibpaa: I VII :s Whaal aIiitaaihrati • A EUL,„A h1 dTire I I ne.r.,,s..inz; al tp t kthiz A a 11 run ast7,1 tEcoI e isfo .3 1,scetlet, but to lfiln: • I rad= id mntl abouL t orshes, stghens, aids up and hs boy renland heay, noc3throw a1c rtify Owctainst urtnx yeu are exzcd yu icoud lnf >..:11'1aa •aenvoaaavorovseva ar a I al•latalsta n . ! • ainards Linlatt NavDIpialerla Ca unwaa, Zwaiar:ro o:Ara , ,64 _ ta 4v; " i'Vita; i - bar eavv-ervtae-eseotivaesea a. Word (I Caution. " Yoe orlor, I want to no, von. It's aboot mow:at. I1st liana in her throat that hurl %at rotoain 0-: 444'>2 412'1.l4,koz 11t'Wu? comna motto too von tr.-if and yteell Io ear, Pia won% eo ` " Alsit a 311. alaIt*• "alo. aout not a al oats: it r. • 0`6,0k645"W"• e.oft, 1 : , uitila.se ' ' t' I.*v , s d, s 1 8100 D, $00. Thr vealor, ofrafesrariptta.0,4to14141.2;lt tato novo IranOtt 4ar030411enaveVSitseahea tIea 24 to cum to 3>45 41>42222424* rh, 145 42'> narrtefI03,4• etlmr°l!si0lt aboacaleal fratar-e. aaatai,07.tiittvveT ,',tsert.ie Mt:, 1111,t4"01144,k tire 4, tato . rotary ally. YI1'2'2 41449' 014',51 42444 423!;07floes tie ea 40,154>4.1100 cevase„ aiaateaLoos !7bThgli OP er4ear444 ▪ til,15290g tatorclo 4.41s1 toa te 4221044>0>- 4544'b nit 4 2'4 '1 0r t a lau vioaI ryaova aim.raa la toil vatO0. asal ora t td2EQA'vtoaATe. 1-1 1.4 seo -^1,1Saafil o 4 .. larva e az lievo a t . ratl'a and aInntonteeallam oss. altolfeezt 417betro 04 11,0 ;4412-Larpr says -al Of eseat:4•7 Ckt!14 SLO 24141.41.3>4' 1'1>4'148.1'1>1'1>4'148.1'21 Ltoo Ca.N11'it1. Apolyfor 4,10.1410 A14a14aa1(1.144-00,en, 4a02,ka )1.4., tale aaea artaaaatInt tabula fQueeteo tottoge. 4oathsaloe. - Ilatn8ton roateovi a. ONTAiC"Or FORCOY& aseeassasaavaaesavaavaa.sesesaseveaavvaave aletovo2541i'>O:a111 44111:2 114245'120avos !, esefoe dlettC:114-•48nIr.thc; v.oaaa tat aa.v. '.1203el 4▪ e rAmt413.1k tt" 11'1. VA. k.Ss-1'.1t.a,f4fio1SWttat El° ettratiat4;4a:otairZ :tras ;▪ •. .v vc Iro _S. t iet1101 artivaoltsa-aat4 taCN?Oat: eena)lea:otaosa/ ratioiagtmn 4%0 , !3tL1 .4t'.'4'2-: ' 4)051,42> ooy , 1o/s itAlu.. abova ares twy 4o4. e,1e,QE9r,t4 X1.3435d'41 -112A2121n120"411t taratv li.`.'..eatte, eta. "I1L".""1"11Z1 0a445e111324 1-14111'''il 171°14 an 14 6.>6 114".Slitri avg. go rori Lao! waa rv ataa• arca lama*. ...agoras Z. ilo ota, teal. coo ett.o. aval lesat_ O., to tao rtt sta. v• 10)Iitt' ida!,ter S*021 P33131704***o5o4'.*,. tilde 0,,,111 8,2111402111116, trae. voz, op.0 e , lIve tarn 4'994o441 10 TantId -11,11 Ll tad a 7 h . tte 51sar,., 212.114 435911435911044 aosaagauteri t,2>2119240 - ovvieon v v isa. 41 1441114,91 . 9 61..1 A!. ..°11"`!1'.•a 41.5,91 :lava Cho r," saiea >401z,-.03-angt ta1144:5",,92;eattnEA. anal ito one ..exta.4 ways+ al -)".4 - 1.4 frev:a Vs n• r•,1 ,od isAvtl kalaa 1'6 "'JUL 411 4. , (155 414C 224'4 firell CID'A v3;.0 t'40 45414.[4>45 e ptz. ran MY 6 1u„Y. 144 i.ne% v104 14_ '452499'452'452499' a„ ta 4:11t912 ltW >4241.>4241.4201' '°V*sage Jdaivaa 20a.(tics. to ICVaAriissooatode,c. ctaa,vaeaont aasete tilaa41'ar .a theat V**m- 1444 9,011.40.4, tsa0);avravaavaa. lawaiev;4.111144>1>4>410 nokgina0411:42,2010 Tsi•ag oser -------------------------------------------.actaor, lte' a4J O 114:Ca; oraaftii 1 flag t I f a0440 wa.vtLrlaai Ot;*:ia. vrtalr- 'a on.al . l .4 „ 'alaao-evrra.'.:liatoas,a,i.lssaet ate LI ttoai-1ra..--ma tta aivt sfSv.Pa t 2 a " ga.oZ'3VVI44563a-onaot lito tavor aira ha; g't lte-!".4a1v5o4b,1r:1vr6taar9aa:n:6yY"fa? ty aat1.1310 11 41.41.422 not faaaro..v1 - aov 154424i !faYgar"115115.03.'4'wale raaa, Ivorot aowl ltto Sav gt:l)4 "Never naiad tie piano paolog lnatta- 3,- ! ' ,- aastot 44 /o- V: 154 141 11130(2 114'> 0 27 114 i; 3241.48' 144221 1.1.40 ; 39j:T o ▪ £42. 1110 44 -.4 14111 6140:104 ali 1;2o €24111 Waw 111; 1.4'z1 r Lave ddnvd 29 Zuutaghha e.11 * 544421:21. tiara; 4>>r >1>214541. ,21 004oee192:02>1-111'. weal laaai C144344,4 VA! 11 42244 >12 warI -t ha11. Wha41.24>4 i171 ,1; rwns 41i? 11 474i ueowwtorpLa1a areasa 414ta42,2.4 11114 fora;otingsaw la Barra; 1 22.1 1>'t neatava aaaeasla Daaaa. Lyant14g. 4:3,1. to Vat the 0>22193 424) fearea 1442-43navor oveS; 21111, 441142111.20 all. 1) oiia at Lew- - tto anz a --an '4L -:1'4L -:19252i tiSot '.0:3 A01>114>0,4 Inas go in t11 11422, ray 3dytoo eoo_acoo taopen anVA?*1;trk,"lid ty notfatlar.a 14 1 fo 4e4ans n I tvaow al4$ rant. 'NOLoy,avz--easaoO° 94hdtIEY)y 1, , a e a a r eakvte;• 4414.7 Leeata:asoon tecon. art oh woe r t o l avteail ri v*r4 . zI f,a rnr.s b .00.newlslaaahoirla r Losal,aLastat vas L1. ora1>11]s.1131.1112 wad oaain11444' werepe:a almgrtlosa lkaor pl, a et tam,afraao all tooaa-theawere 5442141524or tarea-coareel-al a 0>21.455040 tianat tao rnav caus thorn tp« Then >324 tar) raw thaIns, atte oraamettal ate., reelhofzseI,!: on z a ,e nn `szrr a"laez , -sl ug t, Obtain as much useul ifornaVo rconcernng youref as you posb:v thn govern. yoursef accor6gly4 Or booket, careulyctd and itrad on best paper, lafilng ot-r o;eranc," will be maled to you fre uo requst. You wll Lndit verynrn. Te Nrh l-rcn ol P. 0. ao= 225Ilton, O. i 1.46",!,:17.4144% 22r f.trrvtirt e . -11 revta aoaavol, totaar, to sena , raaaaa4;"•114av a-atareso. Tsar ,37,4 Parr: sl,,,,„7*;12 ,rdifr rds zoo Frdidd • irrisgiattlf,ii,Z.n.::,3.,:oirter. 141.3'021041>1-1!.' ,T;(92:24-.4' Mc/3 17-41 abont abeat arazasa, aee tee.? ;rola, 014 Ee2101:2g a wife 9,3 14 11I044147 CT Cr,* vottag,o hay*: s.,-41)z-Ipty. I rein g:) to Iten 3014:13, , 0504141>431Canto .0=22 4222-4' 08112C (.1,:-.1,Pe thif5v ate:Talon 8121. svra if I ran ' ropiaao tovaatatta by alai arasalas vale and Mar that win arasavaa An21th„r'n aro oraploartai 01144.41504(1 to to 43411-!!1-311 have raotber call upon nor, afra- Paaarel ono, or totioar of tba workg aaa-a agitate aro )niarea opisael in Trafford •arotvag man. break your iseek Park. Tao layaava cdt,lt 0: this maraga 1143 about a valtrate.." ' tura town, wafolo hoe saratas lato bo- "But yoit stala-" - Inas In a ph•rrirltragnry :14114 41:440, "Never mind wavat It staid. I've • ' ug a•Vostaarala peaaaval forward. !clanged toy mind."-Losae's• Weelvar. atraatet aro aainta passamea on the Am- 4 ariaan asatora. •avel inatcaed •Of being 4 noraol attar tats ilasrearb 112r2014054 aro I art.'71•7.7 ':171o4y.talrltlez4lfaltt;'ved82:471tyaelsertilli- iN*Att2'S'3'.? N013i1E6N3-rtt: Bk°t6clati8' 1°' ; tri 'ity, 114 arTf 141420 itLe, deVP.X.ngS olty. roan:acing ail kievila of 4 43.3Y a It4"d2. M. CA1>1PflLL. talc; now Manolvester cora , go) is are tarringietta into oxistence 11 was carad of Facial Neuralgia by Moro. The tA3i.ot important - MINATID'S zaiotaria. coacran wawa is laraira . eon), boro 42,1 4119 "aes-Lanzramase *ape:tore-Mil, N. 8;111:IL bANIE145. , a:lacteal arta Manivlitetoraig Cora- I pan L'asitea, strooso aorataspe are 1 wrie onreel of Chronic lihetnnatisat oxpeotal to give taaaoymont. to by laINARD'a LINIMENT - so , r foar titotoeno I tarot 2343 :4 • 4,042119., :fem.. col tap torovvion en- 1 (1E013 - IE TINGLSY. Albert Co., 0 o r •Intaatrial 4'04445404'43,3n4'04445404'43,3 in Tr -f- i N. le, ! ar osoet o antarasta---. ar 1 tiro aaaal i ia ne t 01Z0>40t194 misainra 4 a.... ' Para inola To 11.15 .1 reanoravs, dy- i nizato worlva, brlek ttalit 'Lao worica, ' evaa :sae In Stair.. 1511 1.'111 14) 422' solada ata- Ilarr1ot-`:7/.7111 15 alwaya repre- teaes tinator yaras, etax.raisaa,,00 tor ; s4-v411t..1 411 o poor little urchin, with- cottaa, oto.-Weatrairator (ni:sate. to* garments . 1.7000..0000.11.11.1011M4051....0...0.00,•000.0****.0.a aro SoK,1..oS WAN v eEeMD will o 0 eeltvIra O, ao L t rusedtr iNurvd tetera,Ionia or moral lova. Ms buy sl aPavia rso Ve pay relt!It823421.st '101125 01404:2 443(13)44544 order as 44040218.11. trreNve de,Poultr. JOVT.,, L. Ltmis comans.stonMorclaants Lonlet, Pot. sale by 1,1ND5 OF NO 1.10OPS, NO JOINTS, T' NO SEANIS, enD V s NO LEAftla. IND7, RITED FIBREVIARE ara vastly-suporior to the ordin ary • aVoodenware articleg for domestic -al se. TRY THEM. all first close dealer. ecr 11, ANY 11111.411TER VMS rAltattlf 11111NaIra, ittr u ,1 fl ir the tanto ferliquor cm/ bo removed permanently piring Trattciess Sarenrits Prescription scerelly /odd or drink. raihmer inanomdAo, 3421414, 421444)451', nvid, y tavitnartiols, or/ca seat seeled. Wrikt SAMARIA, can.rt Rb;)11,11)y Co.. to Jordtda street. Toroato. Ont. **J0.ir Ilarry-Ioa. that Is done so that 1 e21:443 wal paver go out of style. -De- ' D,1114 vcr i[03 e::1;troit rrcle Prose.