HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-20, Page 1VOL. II., NO. 21. The Official. Organ of.Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, OST., FRIDAY, D.C. 20 1901. PER CHURCHES. ST. BONIFACE, Catholic. Order of service for the summer. Sundays: HighMass at 10 a. 7n,; Cate- chism and Instruction at 12 o'c1o'k; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'eioek; Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. nl, Week Days: Mass every morning at 7. 30 o'cloek; First Fridays, Mass, with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour'b visit to our Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every Satur- day evening from, ' to 8. Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest. "EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p. in., Sunday ;ehool at 2 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Allianee, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at i .30, Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at • 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. jeutjd?e en. loth. St. petri t irdle. 3ottesbienft norm. 1?aib li Uilr unb abenbs c 1.14r. Santjtagf ct?ute norm. la /1.1)1• £ebrernerf anuniung 21 ittlnoCl? abenbs Lent balb8• Sd?ul#et aitor. L V. BACBAND, St. Joseph. Notary Public, Fire and Life In- suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. . J. D. COOKE, (Lute with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Publie. Hensel, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, eolieitor2ee t otariee Public tate etc•. Cur. Square unit North Street, Oodericd►, OY]tario W. emoteoreei'C R. C. J4AYS ZELLER, Bender X1 ltd° was 4k Candies We have a complete Stock of Confe'tionery. for the Holidays. Oranges Lemons Nuts Cigars Szc. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange during Chris- tmas. W. Bender, Mahe St. Zur ch. 1 Rise in Binder Twine. [uRGu ND VIGVATY "Tell me not," the Sultan n]xir= ! If you want a wedding present nured, i call at D. S. Faust's. "That these bi115 MAI all a. dreetni, ; Mr. John Knorr left Thursday That the tidy stuns presented. ; morning for a visit to Berlin. Are less awful than they seem. j Mr. Jacob Schatz of Elkton is "Life is real and life is> earnestvisiting his brother-in-law, Mr- Cl: To a family man like 7ne, ;-Edighoffc'r, •at the 14th Concession. ( With three hundred wises Tr} a box of our Fancy Eon -Bons begging „ they are just the thing for Christ - Money -for the Christmas tree. mels at 20, Zit, 35, and ,Ochs a boat. 01117 IL rpn fiT6-,,TE FRT C .ri ' nias Goods of all Descriptions. We have some of the prettiest i1auc'v Plates, Salads, Cups and &Anv'ei's et(#, D. Steinbach. A 'Merry Christmas to 1111 our readers Messers David and Ferdinand byng For Christmas Cards call at T). S. their of brother ax'William arevisit at withatl alxst's. • Bronson line. To complete your Christmas Dinner you should have some of Mr. Charles Weber is porter at our Fancy Biscuits they are fresh tlu' Connerei.al hotel at present, and delicious. 12. Steinbu eh, li:r. Ben. McKenzie of New York Mr, Louis Stelek of Manitoba is c'a11t'd on friends in town on Tues- ;visiting his inothsr at the 14th t1 y. eoncession. Louis has been absent Misses Kibler andeoetz of Dash- from these' parts for about three wood spent Sunday with \lrs. C. y('ttrs. Fritz. Father Prudhohnme of St. Peter's I'Ir. Norman Buchanan, medical (lurch, French Settlement, will student at Toronto is home for the a'•'lebrate midnight mass to Tues. holidays. flay' night, (Christmas evo,) at 1'? The directors of the Hay Fire t,'c'lock. Sermon will be preu('heal Insurance Co. had a meeting 'here 111 the English language. on Saturday. Mother Ilse has taken up her \1r. nnd Mrs. S� iekt•n• of In; c r,o11 abode with her granddaughter Mrs. are visiting at Mr. ,Ttlllri 1'itar's, Henry Thiel. The old lady i, iu,w The opening prices for Winder L':eh�•laxiY line. taa':er1V :l:t year Ilt age and has been twvine, wlll(•li lave ju;;t bt'i'n snl)- F. Hess & Son like to sets tins l2 ins; atlone clue .e YnaU�; '-t•:ar� . witted to 'sv iolesalers, indicate that .it titer extreme et]e age .exul c nft t'bi' tl uic'es next year will show u ! «re 1 tef wre shite Y. Their t•utt( r• ,.,2nilitlun. made it nerlvs$ary re►• 1 'are i11 bit; ile'neand. tr,;aw•ee ;mottle lane` l,Duk after her t'4so- marked advsnce3 on those of last year. Sisal hu'. aa(1ru11eed two 1't'tt'r2]ia1;V' -1)naan nliry ('11121'. oirit't' scuts a pound over last year, and 15 I1tlinag to the lot I14u1• his re+,i• Deihl..roo 1. Nev.1 Ithe1 el the price for standard twine now " melee, on til'ealtiteaday . •;vex Sir. 'r'n'. i.' tot tori try that 1 quoted is fru]1110 cent, to 10 1.'2 ; Mr, 1;'1g:u• 'Willis of \Vip 111)1'` � ;ta :e• beim 122 a )teal with :Minim ` cents per pound, 1 Im1)are'al with .� unci his mother from P,etih 1 Vtllt ;anti eta'7ltaud1 tri121h12' and was lin- t cents a year ago. Manila hemi], w't�2tteat 1[i• H. t, . L>ta1tYY ali 1 att'sal,;ar. !aide tot Lle't any relief until 1 tool: is much timer, as(bvide]](eed 1),v the The now, thin! in eontt't'tiamaere t tnr \altlw'ee lIeee,ee 1 many Mr. John O'Brien returned from Edmonton on Monday. fact tlutt pure Manila rope i, new' is the (hoi...lat4e l isenit we have t'.e•li vo that it ie Ow beet "way quoted at 131-: (bents topound, beingthem 2.4et,, a ltaeN. 1). Steinllaeht. c2.a ap itis" i1a the t`I rtalwtry. iun advance a]f two rents for thr t• M 'l;amelr Either of Mortem, 111. mars Truly. •lient•llau °;. year, and sisal rola( has ad\ L21t'e(1' • ::_ ' g' , and •"Our Nntiv a lltep toe"' riontll klande 41, nearly three teems. ','oi't)Ytte Y�1 w n•rt1nv l3i a tlt�. 114 " ...- dealers nab* that nett year taarnntel8,','.t1,Yes. Henry Either at the Il 4th Con °•' ;owe .Meets ant Barks is gatyrt•iy will be forced to clay from 13 to 111 t°obs. ie,ir. 4(►�'t'ttalt;le anti I rsdtl tly laarrtgnl'as. ›'.0 ditY4 ,1're .colic nt . aattrca]attved ts. • S t � t utlt'rs than tette. ;'► •taatt Yti a°Ciny1(1(?t :elfin* t laa'nstnl.a�a t'a2uwtei'�.at let "j Ihi narti. st,gotat. aYixa+ted, and there t. ?em e-lt. t duly ' ''.'. t". [� 1 . t e,. ele S: a` t 1r.r Itthe tlar.e2e 1.',.:12tH t fi '1212 Vturxtn' material. n Affidavits, p, � western h harvest seems. �!� 1lat�'iz etniviveneer tette. ti ehtmur far torr Hu' 11 depleted stooks, 1.3, 11'1 flee the tr 7u¢tle trle aclasis . i DatwnQ at .9, sat thieve :fly al >'11'te , ae le It Yy 1,.„.:1 ,.,i ..2-,,;1, •a can and Erie 1.oau raid Saviniti eo. i. (r111t'c Geller Meets il;tttct'h oat. e.11ul(siel Toilet Cast. Doll Carriages *1.40 90 and 50els ee.,5o 11.73 1.5e and 1.2e Doll Booking -chairs :?5ets `e5linloill Calf & Collar t'aso i Dun Double swings? 40ets 17, tote :,(let 1 1)211 ('il1 '3 25ets 'elinioid (lluve e 71:'ill:'i' Ceet' ;2.a(l 90 :2x221 ewe.: Celluloid Dressing ikt (Pink mei els 'e' ii? 9 et to C'e11111oid 1.11uuiis ,y e a a3111 eel) eon Tee exie.olle Dull ('rt,.ilt:, ':+ :,it• ;r•;., 1)till. Eaasy-risiil. eecte i :tte'rne. ('all and see thein. 1� Train with large locomotive and 3 a ars and crossing track, alis'" a rate of `.0 ]tiles per hr. Large and einall doI1s. at small i,7 ee! �. Don't m),;^'s these Snaps. l ;tt:,'y ('Ixi7utwr,lr,' of the very latest BON'S; 1 pelt WW1 . t :l i' '12.21' g y, ,e f'+:' y'•10' beet e'a11 at otu' Store', .Vt' have just. eeha. • ,3F. .:ant, lit• atrt'' here to please. the people, with a +aunt} ,: x;:. .., • d , l t^.1141 ,est' , ar stork before pur- cltusing ('etl'i'-noes :;Ndutl. <.•, . 3a • 't 1e. =,1'r;-. Earl)/ s>i opper secure first choice. • ioap UST, ONTARIO ttktett rta ''..111:4' for l„i(+tl(ls, t kir Rubbers are i i ll.tl'8111('t'(l against t'i•.tt'k';j11 ; or Break - fur fur 2 1t1f►1 th,4. Need a Pair? , cents fuer pound for twine.., allo .,'ate Eua2Yl(bri ttntiwrlet'^ee teas' yi 0' the present se'atit)Y] st14(1.. has been!, n earw°int,t )sett ie. ;dm Otto :e a'it't wvtirt 13 e'xh able diilletilty 1tl securing role o rnt e'- .ase ) Clerk 111 n.' Y. ' ► 7.1x21 t('1at't1211: tnteele• by 11 lleert'tiitl Y141. . t't• tlatiy';' tupN•, : fa11 t)i'°>~aa1+ems r=22`a'>I* 142111 tats' 1 csttal7o= ('oxi]tttiay.tutl(vr for taking till a h..ys'e Is - at tr:ut]lealt'h'•, thaw IIt°raaM one 1ti'e>el ly "1 u .47.1 '3t➢'4'= in the Philippines iaxt(erte'24. w�Ytla itl..►,'011in;'tllaedr Ynai .ell 1'.225(11 tat 1'4,,41@lit.40 t01V asl ,(ar't a2lle-attl'a2laas.I' 1 , the extpp '.'t'ttrtetattt (lith... ..1RVE Y t nit'197.!!lij2 i2.i `I tai" j°VJ''('�1�' ttAo WilERB TRS l4iNG COSTS. Mr, lelltt21" m' :Maned adn d lls�.,,� 2112, g 1.a t21e 4.1'tae112h ttQ, 4 a ro - bil2tite S:: D@2tt'DD ant latteilathl Welter r t':." O'.2iait' everv -sun<2 ' l ecl2dt 11101 i t ikwi) - zlttts on the White Iforse awsofll atll ict' D)reln°Iuit arrived home sett rte*, the's'e ts a2 147_• 41 }u➢11ae0 I.NraetNd i!!•ut:tcl9aar`t�r fop Huy.;St��:e �22t�. 't ate smite +< wa n@➢13.,. t o - u .av1 tsn lq aq 1n 11. '2'� r d t 2ea1 °oa 21 r 11 1 Dnal1ialsa V- +„ Qu 7?'Fani2't all l'w. i. a w 1L',3 '• ➢➢ ': � l@ • r'J Q't:twee of Mese *he ia]a@mel 11fratag s$les.. �, c"`y"'st°tan8t'r 4b 12ar Ayr -late. l 11 ,..' ,c u"u� trona �I 1. a l a Lau 17: Po 111.tstItre.4 vi5' a .112 n 1n tip ti n 1 1). 1a°➢°naa°n''s• a➢nlittne ,.2tr au'2 • .it' r q Ct' fluaA(' to Dawson, :ND SUMPS u. •. r• 'round Spent! e8t elltl."1. These lcna-!w t . , u' u vu 2 +. °� n.°Lti' uP4w xl..l • • are ttive tt in an ±11221" oetedd 1412 the lr Q IiaJ'.NIQ l',t'tt .2. N'Frr .lt1!7LI,_ " e The 2 ''' 2215➢' t122"'"" n' ZJeanti'�t, rgn�oH2aate ed the tt(vv+�l t'ivlle�'� White I€ielr�1e �► 4t1sa4n2 $,. iuHbvt2� ,w� luiie•Dn fl l�@° II 4n1># 'rue its no, ie. a!q : , aI l � .L21'la u'- I)eta121 Sa!i2a1re�11sr, "i omtit% lase honor 'leas 21212 ltw=aeia 5a=aw"811 a°e1 212 chi' a-2lw foe v;;:i2➢teet" b a lave new lD2ft ;22 ,•a- , wr r ° ou't'eunty nestototfullp solicits 'tine pat. to test t :lea* Ilea' �" V.J2 J1 ,yo. - The '- t''°.it:tisfeeti(J'm ettat'dt2'ltl ed. ] 1(0'�`.l $ia:...w b4'111a9 Ino"e lVJ.2 25 4°Oi@vtllda+'-!- 6F' tins' tl➢2'l't' 9 71 lar2' a➢' ' 1k mem elan2 2➢n tate 1 saw! U u l2 2a I 1 n, �, ew nit ttOe' 11221'x° i 212 21x'.2* foe' t12f° 222 21 ➢ l u �llL1nJ` q a;,a¶u Up 11129 y RII;I ' � anis tae l xa �Le n fila+4lfa 911 .�`+'� �D 21. �r � '.x,1N•n + l Y, graduate et I]epa2lt32Jer@t ell' 1)'etalester, .Tris litttte t4er tILO stave trip it 'Ave 1224 e are, �atl1 ,....d -1e 'j `rotento 1 n"iveraity. rainless e"_'e2sa ttotii , nee filer-le:de 12nt':Jate. L'thte't2 u'.2a.t ,y .U1. vent! 1011 .•r -t' e9Yfla" n2Jlr 2',v�� l .,, 6 'm, u'"•L' 4 3a h, n' 1'1'x1. 112 the 2°•+.212 G2a4ante ;et .° Oil !tett. I'Ilate work * a��eiiialdty. , e 1,, v e •, -1J <<�. 1n S!e'•n2ntLae'Eu. G, otronte to Monte, mr'atlr, every $t 1 e2' 2n1IDnt_ Tht' 111a-.st'22^+a'2' imLae tituroltte. Beal 'early twenty-five tunnels god 1@antral baggage fret''" leant for 2 2 :all aew.14 1212 mittst 1r:2Y' :At) ttflYtS 11141' Itiont;w1. The �. j��jy y t'tt:i(1 Dnf.ii�c-v Ide 101-4t°21 au'= 210 i1• 221 0. L'' ' ' ltassidriee tueYit't Iiv;ty 222212'-. (211 ai't. A ;5c cEe.soa 21. CUd.4.l s s r visa a:w' y and teams ado 120:± travel 22nmi2't' than the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, fr)11113 conk' road o hois.to tl @ nem trna6+'vyet13('412', mone,;r to had; en village' wiwithoutlbe inn•., clu tan,_' . e al. 'l a a.vt'1n2Ye and nate prt)pett ' au toatest fates ot In- , is all done lee day. the taLtefe 1(2n1- teiest. Documents non otiginal German ting up at the read lanases at melte teed tied sadviseaa uihor2. Stages shirt from Whitt Horst 2.42 I, Wednesdays esdays aind ',Saturdays. and ZURICH COURT A''t''i`hN ED more will be put on if requsl't-c1_ A freight train on this read takes Otree ever O'Neil's Ban's'. teeter. seventeen days to make the trip. y,.._..,.,.,,........, ._.„__.._,,.._.,..,.,,...,,_.._.. u. shit . the rates are :110 and -Pt vent-. 2222.,_ it ler" patted, u('c°ordan ; t<.) the 2'11asei- eV .eu..CrrweeeeW JyCee'EC0II leet*_3. 4000 e 1 E.12�t O ► Stephen touted. tre bee The council of the teownsiIntl o3: COE __ZURICH t„ St4epine>' connv Pira al in fine Tow -nn 4 sn t Hall Cres litesfr on Mondayi event - * .,mss l..1e .ter"~ r -i Sher 10th. Mel. All members lbre- ;jt>citily inp7-tta-(aa3o anis =oeeie21 ;im- semi. Minutes of 2 toner Ilrt.',ri4raa ?ii '¢V1'ovelnents. I)iningre t`ILSdss`p meeting were read ant (]1).pn'oveil.. plied with only 'ciao very best. ,+� Anderson -ii - north -That by-law Bar contains choice Boats and 3 No. 7, of 1b1D1. appointing D -linty - 1 � �. Returning Off`iCE1s and ),sluing cigars. 't, 1 � 1 Exee]let•,t Sample Rooms 1i booths for holding eIeetions toll rs for Commercial h2er1, cS 9 190.•1 ; and by-latiwv No. 24. of l:1(`ll. , 21 appointing Auditors, having been +- +• 2'222 .F, , read the third time be passed and - eg:t ' t= i TER. �� f. the Reeve and Clerk sign the saute * LOUe . and attach the seal of the e'orpora- e'''.icie7r60 errCia6'jel!r'"7.a.'d -7.e* ,r4 reg** ii'tiort thereto. carried. Mr. H. E. Huston rraaite( upon the Council, aeking them if thee- had heyhad considered: the a dvisibility (if encouraging farmers and others to set out plots of trees in the town- ship, as he reasoned at the present rates of destruction., we would be without wood in twenty ,years. The council promised to give the "matter their consideration. Orders to the amount of $1204.3E were pz:sed and ;ranted by the Council. An itemized statement '' will be given in the Reeve and. Treasurers Financial Repoiet,which will be issued in .a few weeks. Counoil adjourned, NNnnination i for Reeve and Councilmen will take place on Monday, Dec. next, from one p. m. to two pa. nt. H )sir En..neR2 Tp. Clerk. bonze Equipped with all Tnoclern conveniences. First-class accommodation to eommer= tical travellers. Bar and di n - Y room always supplied h the best obtainable. 0 la Shoemacher, Prop, ZU RICH IUEw-r4C.2u tb.-.I'd 112, 2'0%i.21,-➢a,t..: ,ot- t D.,;e teeel4' 2210U112'2', 111lfl a ➢a A4�•'u. 112vI by 11.4' Rev,l)a(wv V. of Valeta. 'l2'_ Joeo22 Hey. . ,ll 241 1h... Lizzie 2$i'1e•ta. 4s:utiQ oil" IL Stn' 11. 1.;a2)U0v22t ulnar ww'2 2•Qlg4' @c '°0a" tenra•l@aas¢(l an swe'l1 e'4atte'n' on IN, 4 - in -444y fn'x14tn $sa'-. d'. 11 2=1'1, .,e'ui1 Hen. Peter 111821552N1 as Vary yolor ': r a ►E'. 144 € heere *,.111 Fes' taking 1)4222 who•2n he glees e'ie•, t...,2- eeerin}t,:• 2212 2212211 (lawn the '1iL'- ••:- s in2;5. 11e•v_11...1. 11,-1td2@@:o11m re 1n1.-2'- 1312011 €';e'3,-..11. L. Holtzman a a llielle.I1111...tire visiting their 2n• ir,7 ! tra-'•'r Mr.. 44. Itelltztaa 242. t.a1la8.1 i_:.:til nn'r4 Sli-ell the latter for 423j2 ,years. anti atter in _41 221222 7"v 7 e,r31n'e'rs atitln. was greatly t a cirin 104 starpris•re wela,-11 l'2 le 'r2ea-a 1Flar. aamnrennt st2 an!i. en' ont "About a year ego tt:y bale was seining out very fast, so i[ bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigo.'. 1a sopped the falling, and made tiny hartgrow veru rapidly, until ,7tt. 2°. Is e4b inches in leugtia."-Mrs. A. Boyalston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hairneeds food, needs hair vigor-Ayer's. 1 his is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and snakes the hair grow long and he'd'v''r t;04 ; rrnllrs. ea Avulse. If your druggist cannot au'2pey you, send as one dollar and we win express you a a,ottte. Be sure and pace the name Oryour nearest e1y rbc oflire. Ael.iresa, d. C. SYElt CO., nan•.:11, brass. • T'I"1i7:iSNIP CV' EAY 1:;at'all@?a1 2l.t31'it] a3t46::1r:., ay.t-0022: II➢J ri " 72@2112 .2➢' <° \e, 6UDu tee 4a `ljt'Jtle 22'24.221 - 141 theD''222032U' U1 :ah11q .4'9 . u luS2we' the Sts",l eba' Iaa 1:71, 1'.441.62-8 na'Jw' i'J➢22@Ena@1 revert av22 n�'_4' <se222n:2@',.' a ,n 211lata•^'21 auf 1122' 'F U.2i2112214 ava 111.JL'. 2..Jaa ' a i2' the weed11' ('22212112°' 124 a 4 92p -i -n a 1111?. •, + l",I';l_ In the hotter pat.! vuf .U.alury:.u5•y'. , e1.1a12l1'ae''@Cha was r'e'g9:n2• t -..d t.1. 61,2'.- 11a'a4l'ri4`22 a14nt 329 :a haansee on the 1. tr4 e'9 ➢ t-1Lobnn, T'>IU''- `.naitWl'2 111.1"-12,!- tor wn,nta'il till@'' 115228.4" 5i12.2',1452.5; 2222a1 41)212201 That t0.4" 222"422'-2 CL:J•'1 i 'S 1. aah' •ally st€:ae Net:el thro=e 1rie`r1Ji r - Y;J toed=' 22 ol'24tit', ante 4.22 vale Q':1 hue alai°a1 a a oe •la••<ji x'. '.121 �. ,', y;,, , yuq 1.A , tit UiBu 141 "4+r° �alla 4{n�:.L'-u,,.:�»»_.�:::m�;s_ ..r.ram.,...•.........._..,,.W,.-....� l tib.: � ' tbeF La �b4 w5y,r _J;' 1 tee s 1 el e 1.Y (ar2'e' 4@P .2)1212(1. Ile at 4 2'Jca• '. h alante d tine 10ti@4.2' tw44 PA10ei:2t-..ants d after they 1e:d`1)v.2 @'e111, ti':ala•4a2i. 1@1C 2 e1' 72n@u+et l the lion o'. By 4.1271 ledIr,241.t .13221 vig.o ' *ns „44-t:4''r2 .la tll:t• 21 ' a�.1131 :an`C IIhUsla'e1e4n' the •7 teenul'%.r'tl''u'y sta2rn2p'4" 11 out 721 t14' 1,0,,5 S1-13 l.e 1z7ie. Dniint; 111211 22210.2th2 4,,t' L^ssvt� .• ltirareh f'Ni"_r (uisz-s 4*i 011i34'.1 gt04`111 a=rl in one 124300.1'. ' a2 ±12 -' Gosh- en ? osh - enn'in:,°. Greta (if Z1rie'ln witlu crone 91012211 2' 1122 this ease a llso the dist`e W yl•Ot vent'7l1. from 29''0 ', 223 * 3➢6��°7'�.Jvu.ni� ilaft.l1SeS. 54211 @°J4 ease,. 25.E of eta7)l21i2C]'iat !nave !22J t' been ree- rte d in the town; uusiop. Thirteen eases 2' o•t typhoid fever 'have liven a'epi . t '(d (hiring the ye -4r. ]hsc. t 2131 wwlO h were 2,f at 2141121 type. vale .rate ho,wwe.--ver 1>i'OVt'el fatal. aarldl one has not yet fully rceovereal. Four eases of tnbsre nflos::. tit t 211'('.1 dur- ing /Ile year. all et' w 1 i",,fin :after a lin- •o•a'in ` 71'112("ss 1ni e,: t'tl Dt.2'n1'it the month .►4 ;hunt, t 2111' Sanitary 11nspeet'►1' visited all t4:.• seeteee eri tee toevitehip. and in:s,_1 'made ae hoose to house e t :4 :1424,",.(• visit tof inspection i7] ill of Zi.rieli. l)ashwocd end St..To t 411;; and reported the sat]1it::t'l' e ,lndi- tion of the township as vert' saris- fur latis-1.5 e:.:•.:.a '" tc. fau•ttn;v. In October some of the .-�.: `t �, ` . 1T1 ee4ri11123111)2 }1.1'11•.: 1 til:S 11.:.1 ,l inhabitant•. cit. Jo, c I . +,, ''-::_ , cZ •tet eel of the sewVege'; r:•tem of that heluxtls. t , the best \; .� ',311 - ,.,• ,, '11 e -e a'I•(• Sanitary III y5ct•`t'r •t71tI' 4 . t;;, - t 01. Slippers preset" N ,O. N I ' ZA:tier ;Ala ten in exchange ge:. n !cud 2222,1 OVere43.1tS for eleeeveetee 11 you are 7s k , a.'ae lore and we Overcoats Sankt 211 ('12 dtS, 1211 (n mil (.)w;321r(1 Beaver' +J 2,'-1c 4-ticite Goads. l s t i util Iuan(111 Daiaal at 11'2':4 12'14. y v' as ;rtiv.4'li *oJG 1Cc dice.' ' e tektite. nt p24ee: o .4y 2J1 l u� U,, ,.fle14 -222anele Suits ..-' 1`i' 1112 t"1113ts ',1413' men, at 1.r2; " ,a" "'ARM P' :Of'ver -;ttate�(. 20, 000 Greb Block Zurich 0 t, r a 1, 1..y �.` Le ' ] t� e • 1. ( 2.i a ,.p�, ;tet , ..t:� 51.'11' 2 MSedical Health Oilieer visited the' Ieea4Iity and ordered s(f3331' of the sewer drains to he reopened which work was clone in a satisfactory = The . , a 1tt� 23 'a24at• ti '. 2 4l . 5w 7 1•b : the Bell alnil Dominion Organs manner told. 7t2> complaint I.,t. shay. been heard.. 1 :111(1 it .itlr5 : , i :..4,, ,_ .et 're, lowest possible p1•iees. .1 1 4v ., s andols Pianos Z.:.1 lc:- tot Ilarness. Blankets, 1 3). zters. i; �: • .122 a]tdParlor Suites, Side- ,, e:7+ _._,.1:;te#, ('2)1x(•]2':, E0ney Poek- D ORGAN Cle'n, BxtchnIlan• Medical Health t)tlil:r..