HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-13, Page 8i E a e Peo s Store .� .-......... ., r�. �,.......-.....,,...-„ Christmas Goods are irl demand now, and we have a splendid variety. The early buyer will have the best selection: to Buy Now is none too soon. Our Christmas groceries are the bestt that money can procure and we are selling thern at very Close prices. ! i .. J. D., MERNE ZURICH '1 , ZUR r., ERALD we desire to express our appree aY._. tion of you services in this ski rt �"s address, accomparnied b! th , se, little presents, which eve ask y )u' WE SUGGEST FANCYCHINA to accept, not as value for yo u' • I servi.es, brit as a slight token of "`"""""" """ our love for you We trust to ie. 11''i, hoe 1d large 'assortment of member you always, and hope to Caps and Saucers, Bread. and excreise in our future careor,•- the 'valuable lessons We have loarued frorn you. May God aibtrnilu fitly bless yeti and.your worthy • partner , in lite \Ve pray that our heaven- ly Father may extend your taseI! 1- ness in,tlie ¥aster's service ant that you ii it be instrumental' in winnsng many souls for Jesu s. Then when .your. work is done may you hear the Master say," Well I done, enter thou into the .joy. • of Beautiful 10 -piece sect, worth thy- Lord..,, Signed in behalf .q $5,00, for. .... • 3'.7'5 the members of your Sunday Sehool Class. Dress Goods, French Flannels, Ella B. Dawson,. • Delaines, .fancy Silk and other Annie Armstrong. Goods suitable for Waists, i3utter Plates, Cheese 1)isbes, Butter Dishes,Orem Pitchers, Bread and Milk Setts, Porxidgr. Setts, Cabarets, Shaving Mugs, Et('.. Et1l. FA1�ICY-ZA11'----A Special lot of Parlor Lamps worth $1,50 for 1.10 CHA1rIBER, SETTS ----Just in, HI LLSGRE:EN ,i Special to the H>1111.4LD. .� 13uy your Holiday gifts and turas presents at Babcock's Drng store Hen- sall. tp-to-dale Goods. Low pri•ees, Come and :'see What We Have. Fur Ruffs, Ties, i'[uii'lers, Handkerchiefs, Guff Links and many other articles suitable for Christmas presents. Mr. Levi Makins visited at Mr:. Levi Stela 's Sunday. ONTARIO1 Mr. Alexandria Forest returned F. A. E DWA RDS I from the west last week. BAYFIELD Miss Jean Dick is visiting with 1 her cousin Miss M. A. Troyer. Iver. Ortwein of Hensall conduct- ed services in the Methodist church Sunday last. Jubilee Laundry Work guaranteed equal to MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. C==°77.7 -01S= We use no Chemicals to' destroy your Clothing. Suits to Order Nt11 Wheat 68 to r 0 Mr. Garnett has completed the Oats - - - - - - 40 7v I ditch and has returned to his hone • South of London. Barley - - - - - - 42 45 • Died. On Sunday last there died Peas - - - - - - 55 601 Prayer meeting will henceforth at her home in (loderieh Township Flom- - - - • - - ;i!.00 2.10 be held. on Thursday evening in Margarc t Fraser, aged 86 years 5 Butter 14 15 : the Presbyterian church- months . Deceased was; barn in Eggs 14 15 i Mr. John Cochrane found water Inverness Seotlamd and with her - - 41s 5 in his artesian well at a depth of husband. emigrated to this c'onntr;y a 6' 220 ft. He will have a. windmill in 1854 settling in Dumfries where 5 o for the pumping power. Mr. Fraser diel? in 1868. Shortly Potatoes t - 40' Mr. James .McOlymont and Geo. after they whines nods family mover.; HE:MALI. MARKET~. Pringle are uusily engaged in the to (Todt'rieh Township when' she i ladder znanufa.cturing• business. ; remained until her death. `1'u., "Wheat sa.t 63 to 66 a They are filling- an order for a firm [ members of the iannily are Alex- . : d 40 ` in Clinton. izxrdlex of near List a►rvi=1..1d�ilzn of PeaBarley- i Jl 42 G8 G Mr. Chas. Stcick shot a, large Bayfield and Mary, at r home. The " Flour '?.00 2.10 white owl last week. Mr. Stelc'k funeral took pla1•e. on Tuesday and Hog. flivt;) per cwt - :,.dill :.- . has *laced it in the stands of a tar•n-' was 1atr.�e1• attt'udil tt ser\ • it'i' bl 111.4 Friday evening 20th inst., St. An drews Sabbath School Christmas Tree Wednesday evening 25th, Tri nity Sabbath School Christmas Tree Friday evening 28th. Chickens tl, - - Duek HOFFMAN, Bros Tailor. l�t�t'se J. H. Wismer -.GENUINE I i VERIFY 11 PLOUCH REPAIRS , 1. 'Buy these and „let satisfaction r' d for your 'Money. t HORSESHOT.IN ca 1: Done, sr) as to give comfort to the ROM* Mitt to ell'Whip iz:9[feett. Interfering . Efi.�ir Int erferingprevented BLAcrsr TYT1NG Aa '[T lsiiiert dermis$ and will keep it as a trophy , el'nduetet1 by Rev. Mr. Mar.Xail to •'!"-.. of his Younger days. St. Andrews (*Mirth. The hear erg DRYSDALE were .ieirn 1'l'rgt:stat Julia \Chicictrru $jw la1 to the HF:rtA.1.p. \ ll\ 1[AdaxF. u• Fri;:aLtxca. t� nt. W141111011..la1tul's U.►tiulelSt,le. Mr. John Johnston was in ti oder. , Muelx is spoken and written aur- ic'h one day last week on basines. i!ng these times about this »iyster- SEAVER MEADOW Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ling visited : Ious method of treating disease. g friends ainc. rei,ztive s in this viein- Rhe most truly remarkabti eases of„t�prl•ilai t•' the .Int. t.ra. it}•. nutgnetie healing whieh have eoino, Mrs. P. Campbell Nor' Stanley eander the notwe of they writer have spent Friday viettine, Mr-. $. t;, :4ir..lu;l'lilr Jc'c►ilrry had had at vry. eturee'ssfni wood bee one day last ;I been those in which Dr. Chase's " Monier. tri a,k. , Ointment was ut.ed. This prepara- lir. l:aczcnio h;ut 1,i, taa;a.'tai+rat• bolt seems to have uagice' powers Ydown on the farm t•ltI t ' tire• v a•t.r Mx. Wm. .ie'1ULison W88 the guest in stopping the dreadful itching. 4 and elm:tying gain. 9 of 11:. l.,lw•ard Talbot one dux y )ast burning aensrc''tionsSa'itKltettnl7rutl week. Several in this rgeiutztitryat intend :Esndma, usstwlen u511 reglarlti p tiu- axtlstraw and caatptgene; themMis; Arles calling and Miss males the cure thorough Mn- per. �;irlrduring .1111 THE ZURICH batt (• H tnrll11 were the guests of manna. Miss P. M. '1'atrner one clay last IVfl001-EAf MILL. STORE rya=11'1•. OREDITON •i,t re iii'eller ttlll Shy.: ut' .il' it B hitt...1 n and SW"illiain Miss :Annie Si' i i'li 1u.ls volumed home after hitvina; spent adla„i(at cd year 111151 a half in British t"�elaalau- t . w ' •� , engaged . • li S sajc'lll tt) Tni`i 11 '!ir.tr. heat. • �";iall tweif3al:a. All rs'ud)l .1',l:alrl:-- alae k. we ter r uttilzt, wood 1 dos Sheetini:.i-uait'i•vre tr.: tr)t,l,- for 'fi (1('cp1' 20 Campbell one. t1a ' ! Mr. Ed.1'�'"urnt Pahl our village 'Thiel C. `leratelautat t and Mr. t:, t lar"$ \vicerl:. any!, monthly visit Sunday last Thiel Ve' lle'e ill'r�ar.:e,1 '42'1118. as sags, Ladies Hose. Overalls. 114... l; taut 1 M. Murray lett for rSt(r:'1Cr17rail s speciality. e Also Carry her 11:4n.� holidays visntt;svi5ititig at his brother's Mr.dn1u.i; the guest til-- •�-. the former's wend at Henry Shade's ••Winwliel°. it .01121.11 slue will stimuli Rev. Theo. Bauch of l e emearrton 1111 thea SStdalrly" 111111'• 111+ n'urr b tuuu� l a.-1 A fun Hue, of ito :414i I' aar'i1- ttleta1'+ and relatives in that lalatt't'. Minch for at few days. It gives cellar 111th 41n''a° .fav pt• 11' 1uu t tane,Parlorand l3ella'oruvlu➢:+alia=s. A ae'ry lantr:ayaalit e4l"lrltrg was torn. l;ilher,Tr.., who for the past iai11} i -f.h 6,2T` Parra;*;ate l!tiT' gva'JT i yal0ht= .. Fowl,. itavt°16e•ll•,.. Niel spent at the home cub° Mr. J. W. year was working* at Sault rte. f-aet:it Mt tall 1ss'ad ffiluuP.aln tlae° 11u.ati'ud. + r , Hooter ono r venin�t Qat wept: i lien Marie returned. hots Ida Prne.41te 1, , ih Plana r°da�Qel'" 1 1 t1 s' -"a a"u1, ins- . S:o ill !ter gtlul :, ttyl5�+n¢tna l:nl.l+°, At l iter e'rt'11ttn,s e 5 munnlleIlr of :voting peoples gathered. nicht- last. a• 4111' s ve11ulrg was sPest in ran rtes" We were *eased to see= the mutt.. all dimes. Mn:. X. %elr'l1`aa Ylls0e1 za ue Picture ln'tululnll ° e8ulae• sof u•lei and other iarlrxuse`maae'nt" hut r ,• z i�'l'�' °11 D�v3etad•lret' data -Q''MMeuiaai:id• 611'4- II i 4- l.. in.,, t'ttca, of the Rte. C. 3t . � r1r3¢:llint rr 1 c, The `l`ei1bot Bros. are now mak- k•• of Zurich la our village on ''We ilanc:4• ant at gt,,f,at nnl^lulsra' h-ault,u 1 u.•.,,,1 prices.. Zurich nal^.:rrraanc?enlelat foor therir artesian $day of thi week. JOHNSONrcellll dlrillsnnrw trtattit. 'fhe abx re e't a up toe turas.. to W l 1 t 11 t t/) have everything ready itt a t C '�u :c � rs. r'rvYs �i"rll�.t Manitoba ii Iters n n.1. 111-. fav vial' 1'L' On r9' :ort o. Mr. W.Lewis Sr. is going to nubt�d llaa at`r rl * 11 a•• ,aY std list tab"E' short time and ate prepared to :spl_'rted his Christmas holidays treader nevelarardlatm the public in the viraterr �• the parental roof. drld)tlniln tine et claaps a rn V'aaei nt. =1' c�atr tell -how sour it may PM.Irain;to .: t err+rgrly , Quarte,. + board of the ' or• ;:tot;'i tnM .a ra r 1<,-d•t lana la•aunurr. LJ' `aeL"w,l+'a�iaiad' The 1.., ' 1 Ilvang,eiic:al church h edescidetd at their • r Aitltutrgh Meyer Was tl,ln Stu„rue` 1114.4 pits �y ctITTE OS -HEN UN last reetitr++ Mrs- S. lierlld-a . her, , ad carr her �, that thein services fowl ou Tuesday ➢115 "`. 'let h rzt,,t SunrdaycVeitantrgsslra:be, ee 1..all ted. bird weir heti. net ries tiara teatnrty. • itr tlzet l�rrglislt latlgtta dya it nrret Special to Tut 1dt it tt I,. .11anl,;t; :.toarI of Porti tlatl Miss Reid has been the guest of with general aalrlrror•;tl dry its racist --'even PPO111145- F"wit Pa ,tlT•<<`t" %inns Elttniraa Stogclill for the past be..s. if you understand t1I1 �vet l.1 cUe:",ui and :�itlaiaxte t'tPtte r crag lnaallcfi. t�itlh t1=clays. rI iri..t.•a Day as Cutter f'crr•tnt :Xmas Miss Edith a Mr oruill reoli�ort't rtrats t:dt crtit Ttte^ relay i. dit�ltn - Y'1az*clraral ay ;tea:u•>1 r°esent for your Wif '. 1' alit- 3.1(•55.1)e attp sial adsti1Sat Saturday isited zit altd 1 that Amiss$ Lily Wei e� .natal known' d 1 completed his stlnlrt:na'r'y work i.vt?L i) • :3azldlay. to the 't eat beyond on: f'iitlar�v last V . r 1. IF ....enc..* rt' '. ;:n;1 ilk• or Sweetheart. Yon t•.axao- 1'r atc.rtlle I +ern vin A. Rev -4 has gorge ton the was operated. for alirperzdli lefft otr the i tread av rt4.1-1°311i111„.4 "- licit get anything thin that arae€fits (:sic:• • to r i -it her sister Mrs.. +cit s. Her sadden departure was lyres a fdrr his 1a:)raid'. r. (rL�+• Erne more acceptable. Thompson. a sad shock to her friends. Thiel arlscy t'caQa steal tans c�tu¢1 do3" tui: robe with. Conrad Ti :€d venner° f•au lir.andl Mrs.JohnMrgitiley spent A rs; s(ld�ed���ft11 13iirlr, iety Tuesalay last. These ronin y men 1_"ridaag and Saturday last with ' lneetitrg Was held. in the Evan- win ire ba"eatie nue eze i an trap• 3,1,01.4. 4 .2„ 'g"I t friends in $e forth. gelical Chttreh on ivncdac rxi`thak , sure E lytics. `. REM & SOlt KalbFle (twin to the unfavorable I last. After the officers and coaiiit- . rn tt ttdrer cn :Staidly last the church ' tees • " a pl1 " t diff Mrs. S. e Memel,. 0 ,,,L.rvth .1 .,. let, t 1rc'a ) rd)intc'dl the as ,etre 1� :$(�1 ; �8rither were rxot, vesry carr a church the •saciet - R.ev. J. G. Litt and' ter this wohn ork from ,lta"r• 8tr.•tn:: ,, artdtrreiedi. Rev. E. W. Knowles casvdr tyro very �LTrddmonten,�Albertaa. lie had astir raut We are pleased to hear that Miss a 92istrttCiiVG 7lilftiea- e . .Ott Sti;,adaQy night last tine rrnem- on thousand dk'�ialsht bushels vvi. oats and cl' Millie Keys who has been 111 forone hundred of wheat of ad. cut one hers and adherents of the Evan. , ► ' some tulle is recovering and will: . hundred. and thirty tie es of tilled. + 7 sown be able to be around again.ir+, a g'elrcacl church were given a rare land His aaafs. test (rima •l:r to ZO'l Edi. Schnell and Chas. Stepirson „ •lbw to the bushel. ll'd" had sold lad dryo2 who spent the fall in Manitoba ,any address by rice Rev. Morris i 4 " se` en hundred dollars worth. s)# have returned home. They semi Eines late Missionary- of South oats, the price being ?:l cents to r2 ; Africa,. Mr. times .arae: inapt-- t-. a bashes net considers he has s MU" of the Prairie Province. r -.i or un re ns c 5, err tri. here and although the weather was Planing and Saw Mill -All hinds of woodwork and :saw- saw - kat done to order. Estimates given for all .kinds of buildings. s. A. full stock of 13. C. Red Cedar . Shingles. All kind of hither al- ways on hand. 'Chopping done : every 'day. SAISFATION GUARANTEED, Mills 14th Con., Lot y rr Lrn a1 heist urlh P. O. treat fire oceaassicn einag a..3rInssiarni • s to be well with vihat they Den dT =d b h 1' 1 _ pleasedy " warm friends at a former visit ire h O' n ove2nl er 8th. Thanks- a a s eetea' which he intends keeping over un - giving Day the members of Mrs.H.: with unfavorable ra is ze rC.a gr till stains as the; pride is always gr '" , zx with n'. 6211 house. Errat's'!Sundaay School class gave. somewhat t lzat advanced then, arid' her a very plea€sent surprise, by : B V ►LL saa.ys the Edmonton of soon buyers have presenting her with a cheese and ilea corrtrarf be sending t ari, million bisenit set and the following nieei.... Speeial to 'TAB 110..63 b• bushels of Alberta f 1 to South worded address: Tc Mrs. I Erraatt Spencer h,..Afric:•t• ort i '.;rico of istro i1 .: l Dan Spciic:ei arrived ohne last ott the Lakes. cents at pouhcl; uggr 2-5; 'tti. a 4 -1 -' dor. ; • Dearlynern(respected terS. of your acher. We the trad**, School 5 week after spending the summer j cixiekensa 1+r its a i)ountd ; turkery . 1S a s. a pound and lard 18 its. a $'lass desire to e. pr'esi� our a4`'rati- ((1 ' Barker' who tt'als sailing •on " ' ound. He thinks Alberta is the ' tele to u as our teacher. During i €1y , you During the L:rltes returned this week and l greatest roitnt; y in the world to he past three years you have un- K $ � a 1CH'Su 071 mialihstorereil: ' 17taSi7 ENOW •t'0.Ai A 7}9 11n"w Emif7'� i*rAtMzYit" S T ` wr" , READ J4ND EC°) }VOIVI/ZE • Save Half Your Fuel by using our Stove- . tove-. pipe Radiator. No invention of recent years will do ,;o much for Doinesticr, :Econ- omy y and Comfort. Run. the pipe tlirougl.l the partition -scall and Connect with Radia- tor; both rooMs will then be heated alike. Washin `rhachine and Wringer combined for All kinds of Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, (Glass,. Granite and Silver- ware, will be sold cheap at THE BIG HARDWARE %IiiiRSErorMArs 47 ; niTS s�f['.kc ik'ad t iK r " acs.!... xk'til92aAiF: The find 'You �Ya nt 2111 Heads SaleBills Note Heads nveIog Circulars Etc Etc. 619 rtvto 4,1 ERA .L".attital'uaj•.n i7Y'vtLIli alrf- as u'?..0 . •. r¢" '! a.- .!'• 1:Il'_':: We a:l'� $..,,141i ... ., ua.`wn `vv Yat. v,. it.• .5 t yy ?11dil!ei •au -L.i' ,, ' X� .:.ani �) { love .,,,d f�r ue n`. t 11 tLE1 u °c1+f l 7L a t�•', i.:.ez-tt. t- ut'1i- ¢r?ga.r:;. €1 at runs Etc' Etc. flint` oto 4'4.,3. aand fi_t: Iia sof Mule. �r Ochs bl•t•s+ a ti .$Pati r Eeaau4• r •lr aIThl -aaaL . Yrr ya'i';: from r_ *aerr. • a i f' erci x o"11.1 s ltty•d u 1 91t 7,41 n la Parr 2'J:e- L kalif':• e¢�s:' ..;:tl•E fi•racwryd,:de-1'.l welt• _ts-t 1@L. viii. Silks ,. a p Hca tint! `C 4 .� a:Y:aLr'rr i.)1 taa�l'• Y . (w1p.r-En na".nidi iitIii�f:: '. T'� 5 ¢ .� One .a ek":z�. 1xd.td.,.'lex d II`�a: :a 3�• a' ?8?"§ d'!6 `�?,•iL"•�1♦f�!t yaw _.a? F }s�?e'r. , .a'. 1ttii t:3t`k Boxes. cane illy ^' 6,.r ;:)d°. r�tar'Ys;:ff t!fi 3r as t • . '• 9u. ane. .e. t'_S`vv''E•e4 ,Albums t dIl•. t r ad;i • �. tt8t5&'r it tit "�-Y. :vr , .i. i.tl 114• :i.� i. lu gn1 1 .�aaanre4:tl. t'1t::•Y d e , tiring. encrearvored to teach us the is in at rorvn I make anoney-- Robt. Lamont, Herbert 'Snider .•. Blessed Word of God• We have 4 and Johrr'Garneroii rvha have been learned valuable lessons -underChristmas presents. What are -our sincere teaching sha have employed at the big ditch are home' you going to gide' What would. Dirt in touch wagain' -with your ou like to get? If you c'an't get admirable spirit of kindness. You Wm. Sanderson- who was em e, hat you want in your good toren have displayed in our presence an: played on the -Survey boat "Bay Zurich, gar to I3 zbc oek', Drag :excellent disposition worthy of, field this summer, returned honk ore, Rensall. Ile has an immense not only our admiration but Mai- last week. btock of holiday presents t--, select ration. And now since vett t Remember the dates of the from. The very latest goods and , relationships as tearrber and pupils Entertainments. The Epworth cheap prices, you will n.d it a reg - are to be severed for the pres'ent,' League of the Methodist Church! alar Santa Claus headquarters. � .antra L4'.i,t 2xt-r Bind - ant t r•on .yu . tilt. FancyChinaware' In this we have the nat'est at•wortznent yet ShOwn by u; and if will pay you to sea' these gt,,,dls before buying elsewhere. $$ ''�'' `� ":a a e';: 'Sia o Y '•^ti' ." Ile9tl. 9�3` lirWtlld t ., nit +, .dire Linen Towels. When buying the we took adventme t'+t' rut • .)rices, therefore. e. w•' will be able to ;give our 1 ta. c,o_i,d':' ext)':p. ;:asci. '\nine Colne early and secure first. choice. `� • are here for - business, and if prices have anything t(, ,1(, with it„ We will be in the -4Swiii1". .(..teirtbacb, y