HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-13, Page 6, ; e-teeieeeetteittetieeekkeeeseekketeielel-Itielelot-i-eliete-lefeee-ekletefeletkieteleteletelkikeeleseeek
1 A Professional Gives a Few 1-1IntS on
. .I.
Preserving Your Appearance.
te '1"1"1"1"1".14"1"Heleietel.+Okletkieletelefiel644+44.4-144,4eIeleklet-e4kielel-telkeeekleieli:
6 comes to me often in silence,
, When the firelight splutters low-
tWhen the black, uncertain eliadows
61; Seem wraiths of long ago;
eldwaye with a, throb of heartache,
6' That fine each pulsive vela.
Conies the old, unquiet longing
For the peace of home eigain.
rta sick of the roar of the eities.
And of faces cold and strange;
; I knowwhere there's warmth of
Axid my yearBeek to the dear olci homestead, I
ning range
With an aching one of pain,
' But there'll be joy Ui the coming,
When I go home again.
iWleeee I go home again! There's mu-
That never nely die away,
And it seams the hands of angels,
On a mystic harp at play,
Ilave touched with a yearning
On a beautiful, broltea strain,
fro WIliell lit Illy fond heart; word-
ing --
When I go home again.
Outside of my darkening" window
Is the grout world's clash and
And slowly the autumn shadows
Come drifting, drifting In.
Sobbing, the night wind murmurs
To th(3 splash of the autumn rain;
Bac I dream of the glorious greet-
Milken I go home again.
Women's Rule.
The wita(60S was just getting to the
Ithrilling part of the story Wheal tile
Judge interrupted.
1 "There are extraneoue matters,"
she said, "that are distracting the
1 attention nf elle court anti preventing
• her from giving the evidence proper
1 ceneldevation. We will take a recess
; of fifteen /minutes 'in melee that the
! court may retire and find out who-
; their her back hair is really coming
i dowii.1-Clacago Post.
I ,
In our country tt-,3 ettineider that
a Wt:041421. Lart Lizette- teeth if they
ar3 whiterq.,ign1ar and
tiiiu rc.7A,urci„r aad
fact C;' b r eoubtaNt.
teal. tees 1ice:m.6:6 ikafettt-
--two* news!U.ekeerle titer vaietele
close leek, of ee6ake.'
Teeth ere- .i... -eeeeet fiieteeire anti
t eere tivvee teelee wit
, in Tito 11w,„L.si ij 4 Vt".
• ItI..1..-w„.41
paiutul 1,4 t. ni VOt Cilt
lazts 04'1011 ;aL5
bed' aV.ar.:?.
i•it. nine; Pr rjtt;•'ltin. hit
for! tf.g *irl• oaf 1T1 ;FitrJ4Jf
tt.V.51.‘i lie 16.6, Etz.6:f 4'4 eto
..rf.ct Bonet:. of bet ate.
113.e.6.;i tcr.. r-1;;;.1314: w.•th
eta. -ea te,
• ty.•„4:td tie -A 16 letielet
o anti 1 iik'N40
eVe...nei teenier epf bee tetekne'e
(etio etetee,.66. teem !N''
:Igtra tie* .15:..t Z 112'1.01,511'
ward fOr- it 15",,c00: 1/4tory.i4 tir*l
for CI* LIV7; vet' lentettavel e, for
4;4 t cam.
Bactli cornr.vg salt evo,tlin.: 1,; -•a --„z
thro141. tett6welIe 6. a reef) el
e ltratal fieele la erdar t6e ere veeit eine-
feed tomtit/14a
:Riese tne re.o.3te lortt."11 rta-
"I do wish some one would write Air. Hawdeu, the Secretary of the
al few rules for men," said a young British Columbia Dairynierfe and
married woman recently. "I'm .aw- Live Stater Breeders' Auweetazion, Who
fully tired of reading la magazines weat east to look alter ties ship -
and newspapers that 1 must met rueut, vette well pleased with tue
my husband when be comes from Ids tactile He says lime tee long as
office "pleasantly and eb.eerfully.' etockers of similar quality can be
That tbe house must be like a new st,eured in the east at a reasonable
pin, I must be prettily gowned, the priee, this trade will increase year
dinner must be daintily cooked and tie year. Ou the one head, the dello,-
served, tend that he muste't be wor- men of Eitetera Canada are nattkuig•
ried with a recital of tbe troubles more meney la growing more pork
of the day, no matter if delirium than beef, a.ad coneequence, if
supervenes for me. they cermet ekie a way of :disposing
"These p6reeepts are all right theor- of their °caves before the first wie-
etleally, and under ordinary cireum- ter, they kill them at birth. It is
stances are practical. Every woman estimated that eoute forty thousand
follows them instinctively wile wishes (40,000) calveis aro so killed every
to retain her husband's admiration. year in Oatario alone. On the other
But why aren't there a few laws of hand, on. the /lingua the uncertainty
this sort laid down for men to fol- 6 of cows breetlieg yearly, .d the
1w? frequent mall proportions of calves
"Why isn't there Kane one to tell • to the number of tams kept, will ex -
them to look cheerful when they come it as long as the present range con -
in, and to forbear to grumble if din- ditione eoatinne, and if the west -
leer is a trifle late for any good tea- . ern etoi•keuea can see their wa..y to
eon. to be n. little syMpathetie auar'peirelliaskt at reneonattie prices young
affeetionate. sae remember thet I" ketone mite: tea has been kt•r.t froni
theirs are not the only troubles( k, Ontarie, it ie safe to say they wiel
el • s conelkler i.arefelly the two tee,
"Aveoeoillker to the ordinary writ- • lea, first ara„..aa, their
er. ivilmos wk,4Ikb married life ;
elektal be g,i)ml,t, PrIleaclIng „t'xe 'lreee sleek,. re jillSt at.'ippttei
tente to keep her leinslineure love aleara await, if alaat r;„..aia treat -
Skeen e'rewle•e cell. while be, uppar-; ,
• r
(;•12- - • • ea re6 he"
„t• nee:. It aae u 114W tha2,t Onte i..•vto Laken in .
pieestog, eivii tuteivil, terannifal., Dietleli (Min( Tlikey Inlet) been
and he sure of reuaintug br,„2 te 1,1;0,4 14,,,,tma„,,,i from 1;1.1..7
hirgr,•:!. grado ,:-..v.1,..rtgorri et owe a.nd breJ
"I reekinherrly !veep all siskeit art:elve ae aitorc orn
away frovu .1„ohn. Tor Iti.3 o, very, "'
go *.1 Im,hatA. an 1 lee afraliki tenth 41,F0 w* -11 i*r0711 e:it.
niter,t*.tire would put ideas into hiA 'tie% lityr let down in the
!• floe% tati 'thatt tk10-74,t of the
heed aril leettl hen.
loor. netkaehterteti eonl, he iWt-t-ht Vteece ,are„ teittlet.
Erz,i an Itlea that tee et the eart.' :4402lil to..) 1111)Vfil Oratatiortal
toribee bee ooeki mewled, auk! eiateeiliett. 1,;rnIL;t1T Dat 2.00l
to Lptp. rth• is,tr,•Att9r116til them' eikkelek're rpfiv imtli.,-red end will hi.,
can be worn around the waist tip
sort of dress up the belt. The ware -
robe of winter -if one would be ver
becomingly attired aliveye-simul
include not one bag alone, but
dozen. Let,them beef all shape e an :6
in ell sizeS eat] of every color tha
will go well with the costume. The
'lining, may be very gay, indeed, and
should show a vivid contrast to the
comparatively sober outside.
A Canadian Product Which Wins
Much Fame at the Great
Exposition of 100.
Though Not Iintered as an .lexilibit
Doe (Ps KoIxi ey Continued their
%Notaries Amour the Visitors to the
Gay Capital.- ileturned Canadian
Vommissiorier Tells a i'vrsoual Ex-
STOCK FOR THE WEST Toronto, Deo. 2.-(Speelal).--elr. j.
G. Jardine, one of Canada's Commis-
Oritish Columbia a• New Market. for sionera, to the Paris Expositioaleas
Eastern Cattle. • returned to his home at DM Craw-
ford street tills oity and is full ol
Ottawa Iteport.--On Saturday, Nov.
2'ard, was ellipped from Ottawa the
first lot of etookers ever sent to
Britt& Ceilumbia. The shipment Con-
sisted of senile four hollered head of
calves' and yeaeliage, of exeellent
Vet • bell W. 11A titeete:l iltaV W011Inl ti31.V1 o ,..(o_ot .11 Z111y. fintt b•eP.1.
il e ,‘• .4 ell tied hie 9•10".3
tpr:i -41%,r,,a 1f 0;it on6etiverel 'titer, oe. of. 1,,f„te.
intereetiag etoriee of his experience
during his stay in •Franoe6.
lie was impreseed with the super-
iority of tlengs Caeadian when seee
asolig bide tee prouents of the world.
li:vi'rything Irma Canada. was "gen-
uiaey while in, sou:mouses
other exhibits might be more
"&liowy," nom.> WLYe. more worthy.
Mr. Jaraine returas, if poseible,
more L'Iltatuilaatic Canadian and
this is La part at, least due to the
feet that whilo in Paris lie was
very much benefited by the use
of that great Canadian tonic, Doild's
Kidney Pete. His work was very try-
ing* alai made. great demands -otitis
nealta and strength, but he says.:
"Durine; my stay in Paris 'found
Dodd's Kidney Pills Invaluable, re-
lieving Backache instantly and ton-
ing up my system generally."
Even in .nitalical Imes Canadians
abroad :have no reason to be ashamed
of their country fur no remedy. ea
the world has ever been so quickly
recogalzed ami given a .foremost
place among known curatives as
Hotioi's Eitiney Pills wherever la-
%lee experienee of' Mr. Jardiae with
DG•iti'S Blaney Pills in Paris, the
home of Wale! of the greatest reed -
eat aebettiate, is (significant.
Ire was not alone in hie enkky-
ment of the beriefite of this great
tenie for many kal•nr or 14-c le-
gwastmave6 were meng the same
t item t he :,,reerctury
to the Cneatioan Cemendesion, 14.„
• Vapid 2. who itz an rathmiafitic
1*-„iever D.A•ti's, Ilitiacy
l''ornier 411 R111.4 611, Agee! 130; the
au Aged/17.
`.incive i*, la Nnw York a r Jelety
who to tut niTekrs into enoll uurfelt
• n el*•,;:; time 'Una thoy devckto
t ti4.41 of lime hnikshe otudy of
„k1:11 „ati- ties. lteverdivo. to till`f4,
'tr;11 ra ellve to-davln
1- 4 not T.ty. eh+ ether. Tolle nue-
-Commissioutek Prooter/s Story of a
Skipper in Kentuelty.
Civil Servioe Commissioner Procter
lel telling a. new story., "'When I was
State tleolog:st for Itentucky," he
•steirst "and was tritvelling in the
moontalms of the eastern part of the
State with a party •of proSpeetors
from . New !York, we :stopped at a
wayside mountain house lute one
evening. It was not a specially invit-
lng place, keit the sort where the
family, yellow dog and ildoit whiskey
have a lively mieaep, but was 'the !
only place in eight and we had to
take it. My WW1 were Woking for a
big inveatment, and I wanted to
make them Comfortable over the un-
colufortably rough •Couutry, so I
hailed the Donee ewner and exuetai
an invitution to alight. The family
and tee hone were types pure and
simple, and ail the eceentrielties de-
veloped later.
"When invited to supper, we ob-
served teat lu the middle of the kit-
chen floor sat a large triple -decked,
circular affair, on the different decks
of evench the feod was arranged. That
part of It was all right, and the oul,y
fault that had to find with tho
thing on the outset was that the
standard in the middle of the table
prevented my seeing my vis-a-vis.
Ties obloetien, however, sank into
nothingness's when my host exclaim-
ed, 'Ha v e 'tater., Mr. Preet er 2' and
gave the table a winek that sent it
revolving on its axis at a terrible
rate, and made the •niech-at-hotno
gentleman next to me, who was
ealmly reaching, for the generous
dish or gravy .on the second deka:,
thruSt the dish vig(ProuSly into other
passing disbes, and at the same time
sent the gravy sheeting about in all
directions, much to the detriment or
tho olotn and same of our coats.
"This did not end Um matter. Each
one of tiase men. charmed with the
novelty of the Ilfeosestatning merry-
go-round, reached out fur u. few of
the vlaaele, eeneling one dish on top
of the other slid making a. general
Salvia of the entire meat. The chil-
dren. who had titt,t0,1 at our ows
with wide -tee -a menthe at tlie et:art
24 the meal, now elicit off into UM.
LK= C".r.:7051.1%vh CRAB,Zanrwt ik on Ike tee to..0
6.11 their facia. W1111,1 9)ur heist rtettelt-
el oaf and, geospiner an 1,44.16e et lee
reviving .okeontel doe:. prette. itie6e5
• :es yea woull a. bra Fil,rr„ C-Ntriailat :
leb on, ear: eee„ :kale e
thee ei a peer table. and this le
rivet. time trIP eet he r g.
well I reeh,*•^1 1 tz.vir to in;
twita ttIO eteet i'my ter lit- t
lit, e,le et the teller:
"V 6 111 04 a r. ir 2, t: i WI( e
•iai, '
ISS1 E NO. 00, 1901.
Kick a dog and he bites you.
He bites you and you kick him.
The more you kick the more
he bites and the more he bites
the more you kick. Each
makes the other worse.
i A thin body makes thin
blood. Thin blood makes a
thin body. Each makes the
other worse. If there is going
to be a change the help must
, come from outside.
I Scott's Emulsion is the right
help. It breaks up such a
combination. First it sets the
stomach right. Then it en-
riches the blood. That
strengthens the body and it
begins to grow new flesh.
1 A strong body makes rich
I blood and rich blood makes a
strong body. Each makes the
other better. This is the way
Scott's Emulsion puts the thin
, body on its feet. Now it can
; gr,et along by itself. No need
; 452ii
11. ;
ter ,
tot int „tee that', IZt• ht1vot1
1:Itt; ,Ftr; ein't 1J.e
of medicine.
pi lure represents
•the elatle -ce ekeett's
Imdn ar.d is on the
v.reeeet of every bottle.
rel for (foe *week,
l40'7(1,`IT o`.^4 EfeWNE,,
• er d ;:, elseeeNta.
reene!' tilfe6Ike 1/01'. (evert, 1 .5t iN • tcil 'ter, ina.r0,-1. Pan 11 I., 11,v% jo„,nati'l jcraepti41. an
"IN'it1tf` ttir" OW '11 11;?;qi v 14;16 V.'.
4 0.3.4a llirflr A.--•.J1!-,4-tou! Bir.,,t*;„Ess
p.,...4 tea rtilt, 1 1 ) lItLt' 6 Com.'111trt0 tite-', ,1 ,,p,,,t. „ .1. ,.„.;, ..!,„,;,1 ..,,,,c,,G.
4. tw, ttv.,..1 .02 t,:w 1»'' t f !hi 6 nee:title ea * 6 ' t , . e Lee k 66 V•0 :'1.''' • ', a (61 te ettercei
terzu"--,sioir ,rtt g' au. - NIL, •,,!*v. ,.''ill 'el...;`:, a ...-'.,%-teeekte,
,. .
• Wuri"ev.., tzyniggi rlabutd al,
Si el kgn'iV,Airiki)„5161„ .7chc
a- 'tete tee v't:V. 'i"'' oloo
tea Ike aetteetel %Win eenee t9, Le•• 44 a tee? of '1"1"/VIA 15:' '1 elletelo: hate been A i,rat- Vet 11.13 /1.0 Ittr. ,;;;t„- ;.),; '711;4 r,. ;!..; ti14't;'11:"I't'S;;C-;4C;;;;."31 t'Se(14.4"")';" 114' rItY'
Teem Beetek `,1* -Sew (iret rt 1. al1.6.1! , nel ekee 4vfi t.110
P. V1.40 1tTo ,rott7,41; t°.in
tf. lfratieW6E1.
ae.e0+6+++++++.4aeaseeteepeee++++ week. tel1 r.;;;:lt;i' 410 ';',-,;00 altlrettlt;.';
triA„* IJ*.•
* ItAE +., e;r2.,., cif W ,
4. 1') t1.3 1v5t1.04,01:1;1. f.nt Ifo see- cotee. Jra. Nor.4%,„' 11-.9.1;l144. a_ke eereeeiteeeet .,,, „ t, , • . •,,„,, 1,, 4 •14.:.'! -X -MA,'"'.. (W"A Cd,,,ar;',74ra
4, r;111 k'fr eN± • 12,t, v.;,,r;;>2 2:4,t,..;t .; tltneeeln I a-aniteeenail, alto Lae ekeen 117 ycara. t11 -'51.'"•&!), -An 67[16-e t ''66e A -L666.666) r '
fa 'tar, t" vit1/4. ut Ifts4 eat-7 J tr05, et?.;''')2‘
"eve qa •,
+444.404,44444,40"440.4144.44#• foutLato nt, t. e,..ereeeet era ; nag id Wee e ell .% te-mg‹.rato. eine. ; fee eine t" est', !6 -at 1
tZi luta, (Htittirtiro gtlitil fen tat- 6 - -
eltelo 1.1fter eaten reJeatit, * t.leeteekke a 0,, kaa,„.a,„ ly r t fri:111:1 ;PALE- ir0141.7.; VIM
r -I
tIM'et; Int le 6:0e win/ Ps, , „
Eitiowto ,:ailer an nine .6e and ;11,-4`.9"'
e ,
t17.A11 :1:01" Cae We, Wine • t'a3" ‘`.a'1!:44 1:""T """ '1"'" 11I 1 nIMM
rlf•;4" O• At• V•I',1:a.. t'Cr're'-';t1 reek..
Mi 5 it t
Or dklei at eleink ;(ee of 11eb
e.. , tee fa, a Cii;„0;;;.;;;-;‘,,,;‘-,- ' 46:tio!9 "or qitteet,eatee -
reen-it tlit;ItC1rit'rt tt: teetlety„ ' teiteeeekele. et,•e et et e, !ewe, nor tee 1151, .ta i
1:1'.:; 4L 1" eon ell I r1f'
' "
.11 tit2 et (mite
Peovtnelai ' leer 6to cr the !tittle (Wet?. MieDi., 9:1cf at_ .t t2.;Ni.,;,;;c 0,4 ,ilov
11111 •• 1,1^1:tov PhYt4eilti ttr tt it'd' ; •;•'"'"U%;"' ; • ;;' ;
0.4 6 : : : oalteee Otteteker, het Tteeten
. .
of Cooke tee,
tl,ri. Nt l`rt. -.V.14 IrCI'la.-630;4. lat
' WV. --t-: .5. U) V551.t,..v tv5L,1 liql,"5iit'Cr.'"A I.0 WO nal.
wlea ,,,, z,crt„ r...„ to a oj,,t3trt,4. ntta i.,.:ra.,,i1 Isa„.; .11 til..tlit° Vit.,- ttnIttt ter.? itit rrd--": e.,..11!TP E,1;161,1 b, F....°11 to ateeat oriel,. 1, c.„1:::07.1 :::: 7:1-:,1, .11::Pr. 'I: 1:1711:11!•J,-teM ...,.,.0.,..,,".,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w,,,:,,,,,..„. w.,.‘w . ,,•-• '' ,-,,;..,i•ig...ip.,,,.1,,6;;..t...„„!.,E,F.-7,101.1,:tif,lani3 j.,,c,70't-ir el6'•-;)1.:0;,,pii:It-21sv.fia,iiimet
fout,leTg.., a csr)*„-ii*,.91ete zi,1/4•Imirg et try2t, ElatftkiatV14:',41.t.',!M triA,7 11.1e.61* Et tEmt ,. P.:urti. in t'u'ut vwtL*-.:„t t",zpititlitrY46 st1etv• i ---„,--"-- `-- . „- -- s' — -'---'.. on -1- -A? - •
, ate- tn. equate keee66....e. e e ev a * ift, ,.,, ,,_ , ,
saw., Itr LI wocilLial tut„033..4 .t.„3„.1„...3 «5 b4 b1.54u.,,,...,au,..7 7...c..,1,1,31.1.11a 0 tr.:4 tires4 gi,41,54 ra.i.,,, 91. ,r+,.,2,0:,.1„ tin any al tat. aura I 1_.,....4 . ..1., il, eate alfL...c.*. z : ••••*„..........A.....,....*„.......-~,.--,...., niuvo..,.-. utt.1"il CF.L..!.. es 1.3 to t tia7,,,,, rt keen eat,
t:,..zizatIll ratt8 i_rstliiti.i 1,4):. a . to) Itz. tazaatvon 4.4„.i i itric. eit ..iti.r.,..12t1...,tat,,,,t.,,,I.... 1/4,. , 1,, • A 1 s it. 0 ,..„, ,,,E.....,„4:41.VXS. IA Wireee
'0 ltt,:.;;T:11 3E,P a tt,b;:'_kr't ; COW t,11.Vi7 'art , , .
... • 5'$5'Castio friirA 11::-.4, 72:or:tip at ll.Ine tnee teT ; ''
6 a delete, .. , . 14a Nig feetante.e fo-inez melte:ie.:4TM.: - ,,
- .6,
6 ,k, t
Nat fal ti..* e 3Z/4 tone the +4, gs tr,4 aaaa tem rutti„ e,lttUct Ott 4 t2asturitp, v.:13 etatee-ete trke•
At in1a, Len •nt
t„ orhats t;; -------------.- 15-flalt fj'.; Lug g..1 batgain A'',a1F43111
tt"-Va-4 'SD gaT ' ;tal. 1,:;;(r t'A-tUu trrit„? sietetty !eat tliere Wao no • -A " !fl'-
tleieeet-iteifeee'e'4"1 E -A.44 -11? -1,2. •vs,etilt ='D tisazekg Vuo in Live ate la; Moire lektect until tae6 Nmt. , L';o
the teleceintented 11* ife. elf' a
te11 su rro':-,1 atert..• 11.9.,{1-: t. -„;:t cattjigsgitt, t_ast.,.,, 54
af11 r,trtv2we5'., tat, c1s-4 yterl t.E.tinn ettet...
VL'eaq '--t•E"tr "a9 lx-Q'ree't 'Uwe reetta eirekeet,•; ta t" -2L, rf- m:nzyg tee eaamegeee,
px2,•att,•,; tl„,• geek.a6LIL oe. ken litte6eraecom :
Hightidd liantrilttwa
. .
tali GT eneatet efeg t'L'er.!intL ri;e)LL"; atrt ; .test. g, , tee
fteeegleeteeee oe of gilt:tee. i.e.;.teele.a- 11,„ ear.aa, aaaaatt ; *Alia rtl-; Xr -Z
the flY-K•ol'A'..17o= nt of eeeeionla (!,
reneee„ atell nereee Lee is'e• 0.6kee.' zaM6110:e• trete ell 6.,e, te.6.4 6a!wakes lesselKe 0=1.111 nal taea t ttry or
Vink.;-,,:„.:1 keeeee, .1 q.,¼ lama rata etv:"..4;.'4`.25t. tat.,C4. 1.17.0 t74t2
bitAre.1 ;ie.; tifi Iptc.titz,- „wit It g,:,;:Ntri trutt ir.ro„ 5", „ o
tent. ttltk 70:it, 1.9 t'Let telt31vcaY.
Wisk.c.I. If it. is tc tot.: t, ake,_.Teeg ,•••1.0 to trr...c; ti-M.0-arents tr;o 1.11 hzate 51-4-!.e4-
; ut Joa rt,
* •
What eilne orfeeeevele if It Os tr..1,r E.:
etemed, chlrao is 1.te p".-cate „ %Elle E▪ tagq ate cattal ,o! c•••.,:k lea
^ ,
For noting F..15 p.o2novittis co"-Gt" Cavil •si,41111Ceiti,D in t11.41,21. d-tt taan *c..74.31°.4 a kw yc.....ats
a. trA 0.::.•;.; es Grip;
rx, LiIItzvs 114N11:titiVe.
G,ydza.V., C. 5.1 C. 11. ILAO115t.
tva1 croreoll al voie
11'.2 _ A 1) 11.1 i
CnArtLir:1-.*: ustumom.
wife, itt.-; fi.;‘;7;1.• wailiginee: feta :16,1r.t:mg eakeeeteeeatelee ateee. tee ear,' reoloy
pstience itt1 Let* ilta:53.7trEl AEA 57,01";, A k:Ave:er f*.ni5ilett,1:10tle eve iteve teeeeo aben; liertt fzet-3 teeneeeted Seattets FetelMtis ekeeeeetaeookeeeeeee...e4-
'dose oe koner reo pea eareteeea fjrj] WLS% NI. a bead:: corn Veriettee. ! cnM613
tzt.s.G.tyv,,,IT21 kttiff1.15Cilltr rete
teesore te;.6.e.e....6,1ineetett.
foleeetieeeel 'aea!eree,it99 1t1 ii'
tate k"7.V,77.1.:1
if‘32 VIL:113
J. if.
late ogre,o liaMg-rnatic al s:enotar
otr,safenrs tonege, catribrik„4,.
etn,7'" rettint 113' jr4rittF.-n." F-91?-; t -r'21 -r"-1 rttri 03:1;';-, ;CI 111.9.4 lexillea It !;littr212 ft....A. • goal 1111 L it mmiliars if,,g7,1/4linvirr,
.witt not slnee tvask E:rIC 1731 a h'.',7.uo gretn 1 into wz,fial.:‘,....w:•st,,,.s nL,
tens* to h.!! C'..a_v3V:-..Ant wt.BC:4 Ed-Jers:uarz. was eir_4372t ra,,dy fat !I•1:,7, ra.• i2of wag LbiL-
dit9 e',-v-t,a c'4•!*21 Peet inel.es w:ritEl. eggs•ttltuy attky ;:2v1 119
bate treTdeke. ie tee. Azeiihr,,au iho ,,410%-1.1, of ttito 1..12,, , 41040 t. 7.00 t.
0.t.1,..* of t.T..2.77-,,3 limit vo7.-tota-zz,,4 tolttts • tvpliTirel. tfts txrcojc,R,3 Anienp.. 1„,„. tr„,„,
Ore Tea ineellealtIke eold el' tee Eik7; twi:akri /Anis XI. :loved &navy, • tElat :1,143,,i,r is
liis Clever eVey Won*
Urns Ilaer. ' kee real. rema?n,IE-r or the tr.c.,,ATA reo,. en,3 tiitanfor P A stutdz,. young. t flap_
'1 • GO,: a. ;;-?In
was genreed the levees peace ; fat tee aeate tee gt tiqk tro
• • ki---"te Cat lovely
nisVattenee a1 I.:4131. fe:ritn! e.:.„.a.tp ;leer, aayeaaat fax, as tr•-,,A"
ave,q Title ftr"..ee , Tiri!ot, .,tkraghter 04 a weallth.yi magnate, Sae
Aft olcl toakeewilas "in tle,e, toettry Le -..ct E4i r , -L t t!. 6 eel
?Sae torite. nteee Ise etra.rte te ern or acereaae aekeee koala ie le aeseeee .i s..nt nnr3 1.,,,..12. tt erl,p7aci st ere,st2.
onsyttoatitt t1;:i1.6 IIV:isla.U."..-t. ,':41/ ten It. 1 _tele Veen' tit taeke et Veit bete' r
'"'ir;tie_ee alek't es tbeY '.'-ls-F--a t'Vr N.7atl: LIttr.R. E.:..1..n1 til.z.4 cam roe ttavie . und z,:lt,,,,; witl ,o...,s_r.:0:1
tot ati.FtILL14 ijak.,-_. II 11":.S'•2.1. ' tee: Dee. Era f." .4 a,:ar -5- ,..p.• (ft 4 -.....122 4.1.. rataellel I ce,,,,,..;••=e1,..ri.,,,,,..v. 174,,,,,,,,. ,,,,I.:.„, er,:to cll.:I,.
j'Ila-s.,n1 o tr-',7:3; 11-7-1-.,;-; 5LT:70 is: t.-:-2 ,,...-..p. 0.E.7..i.... , tr.T.1_,,rk ef fastea.rig .1 c.,„11 roa.; w1/4c.,:n.,s1/4.1,.,,,t,„„, ,,..„,;;;,,,,,,,,, a
hest rs 11,10,-:;:-;,*:,,„ ;"_:::: II .17;t1't "..1••:,,t• ,.....n tr..'.7. vt'll?....F'? '3e.=:.5 cAra.• 1.. vp..,„„9-....,.. ,,,,, Tr,...,q L.:gra3p , .3.
DO Cress t:.at's rl'a.74; '*Viri• t•?,r i"40 ---er •:-.:J.:(.. t-.7) g:-.1*.,.. a ra.i.,at, .n:FInt-nrence. Tile ritsrilk„,t laza ,.„,.,
finec',...-tin7 az...* if I t7.41P 'Ir7 tf.'..? 1.4'1%11::.72,17; :',21::"„7..2;41.1 1.-... :;.2.11 a t.c,z,tnast:nge0:01.. I, 617.,A tam. 15„,„ cr., a T,,,ico, 01,,..?ra tn.3
, "6-11 `76.;'•ro 174'•1:112 sit eze 4,41. a 'Wile
lr,":2171"'t LoriaT.. LT gs111 einsv
t:-Ftt r‘o Etf.;? =ale in any !,
.15-eo:0-.e't taw a cep ter lee beetee•A hag e ,11,3-1Gt Ezzt.1.73 ttato:2 or ,4 urinates,
'Tte cid man. %et 4 stoszi tile Whin:mg . -, ---
an 74-.r2,4 as i.e- eou.-.43- witil •Eteel onll Iii;zatls or with siver- ,40
t. it al"i'. 1.1 r;* hn, in•-rce").F s42 ones or z.•-aii Larce.s al go:d. Zile i it tg ee,/ 0;2 gtod outhr...ity tees hand."
1 your rivastg in Sekleing, inky dateta-
:ejaculated, "wty .7..7.ret Yor cr's rinir.,- s'iloald be, a gorgeous oronv that Thet rank or 11.,=-3rmt1/4 ner.n.„!,,, ...,r1,•,,,:t Is tessigy expeateezel; was :
tozitrast t.Z.1 iS
pretty.. Let t:ze. stn125imi me tgli.u.t respeat soon :Wier frc.'•tai
'Money to orug...troest.
Etany rivals to eat:to:al egateet. The
;!fteteteefre CtV9 kan arrt,lent. kiver offset-
, bail!, an..11 g.tiakyisr
Cane *me anorceing pieeell lot (the
aeaeg leetaii„ the Tattler re-
, -G222 tat&
our town team On 4_"-zatzreay, and
tfeen :oerne Lend ece tan
The lover' pckny the al-.
tas7k, awl eal1L-d again on tilts
titan Di mosa-s..
tiart7;" 16211 Vlf;gtatt6, "tell
when yer •did bey a e;./-ip1:"
Eatl; tall/3 /-"tked 11:9'- paid $14.1O,g03bnts`V.11Sui par: -Y -2t In" ready re6Tcons.r. `-Tiv*y Tavel for
Vc-27 10.17.g eaa1129 c''n1 wort 1 eoUrttry around Hunfooldt is.. not more TILl'e witty wooer won his wife, and -
€11° trae bag', got cLitsiie., tho tomate*crep of that ssation. 7;?:_rt : goro2 while I egoaied fon love:
OZODONT Twort Poslar 26c tvei?le s.roarvi ti,e arm or the chaite tan oi*dinarLy fertile, but the Dv:- ii with her a. forteoe ofo?50.030.-Ex-
, pan, *menu to have discovered tilat en-
(11,,ridavarisLsgrzotf .0111„,,51'crnataeblet,thrla:dri tlz7-i- 1 Iiinard's Lieirleett Cores Direetherla I
• -
.......---e-a.._-_ -:=, _-_-_ezeeoe--=_______
haTO .Intitle the equally vaktabla d".s,- Selir-Approval.
{ ae........e.a......e.,...... .
There are rateny reasons why It is not always possible to
eonsult n palmist personally. Our method ie entireiy new.
It has many advantages, and appeals particularly to those
who live at a distance from the cities. It rardtes It pos., ible for
everyone to obtalrg a reliable reading, of theft bends seeamat
being- obliged to leaveteetr own homes. A booklet, explain -
log the method, well be sent free 'Upon application.
P. 0. Box 225. tiAhlILTON, CAN.
(C radian Branch.)
wfit toy ',yeti 9 cents ter
round Solt Pitodoed 1 tietirlm, Mtge
or ,s,noat!! lots. 1.1i'e lottV all Muds
ieePeeltese We pay feteeitt and
send Cheek et inonew order as
teen as We 1-eeive the roult•re.
SAetltleti J. 1.,16:.W1S
testtemlesion aletehants,
London, Out*
covery uaat taings con 113
raged with rauCh loss troTdie arA 1 «roong man," ia1 the verions per-
wkich will bring la Allah grmter re- zoo, •klen't: you reAine that the love
turns. There are other things to be of money Es 'Jae root of all evil
rasa besiies tentateiee• arid ttv, pee- answered the spendtheilt,
pie tirronglinut this sintio211 of the " yon don't %see ree hanging 'onto
eouratry z'asoiel give some attention Intoney aes111 loved it, do you ?"-
to dirersifyir.g the various eros, Washing:on Star.
to tto end V3at they Icorkv rear? a
'Kelt raward for their labor iristeacl lunard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
of eking out a more existence. -
• ApprecIative.
lthoard's Liniment Cares Dist.0mmr1/4 . "Lady," said Meandering Mike,
"hove you any ci.-Jfee or mince pie
I "Iloverft, you been here twice be.
'Lady, 1 tve. rm too good a. judge!
6et cookbe to let sorb performance4
yours go wit'out anancere„'k,
-Washington. Star.
,S02'1014T40 TEETH' 24
r th t;e7,,,Etr.
Danger in Delay.
shs-wcaid you Ir2sItate bele
marrsiog a woman for her meney
Ie --Oh, no. A roan who 1.5. mar:yin
& WoMan for 1:,;,r reeney has 00 tire
to lose.-Noventher Smart Sot.
are vastl,v superior to the broils ary 4 ,,
Woezleaware articles for domestic else.
sale by all first e:ass dealers. 1 .
tinunsE oF IP AV 3.TEMB'Sle, OF Yorrt. FAMILY DILIMeS, cuRED
o tiletasto for liquor can to removed permanently by
• t,iving Trastegess SartiAl.in ProSeriPt1011 secrttfy in
DPTK tv.04 or tbrak. Failure; nntaii.i-ibie. Free' a""*'
tr..timoniala. price .F.rat sealed. Write SAMARIA
CO. 18 J card= street, Toronto. Qat. *6.