HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-13, Page 5Rome THE ZURICH 00-1.0+0+0+0401- and bad not the reporters been armed th mve had a hot time or It, Wbe-a room No. 7 Was reached, they, woll)(1 1 A Woman's Dream expec!ted to find it empty, as the laun- dre6m had seen the dead body borne lly Dr. QUAD.. down stairs; but, to their amaxemelit, copuriolit, 1901, by C. B. the lf."ure of.a mail Was lying oil the bedl, Ile was fully dressed, and for a u3inute after they entered lie gave no I flul Oncx Of the sergeants in charge sign of Ilf,,. Then lie sighed and groun- 0 ed,and tossed about as if In great pain, of the central police station at night, and during tile several years I have There were the stand and the glass held tile position $011ie strange thing , s and the whisky, and one had oil ly to linve Occurred. OUL. of them, and one sniff at the contents of the glass to feel sure that it Nyas a case of drugging, that attracted general attention at the A doctor was sent for, and for the ;iext time, was tile Way the inurderar of the ten hours be did not leave the patient Bolton f1illily wallwd in oil me one for a minute. It was a close call for night, A family of five people named the guest, but he finally began to rally Bolton living In Missouri was slaugh- and was taken to a hospital. It was tered one night, and, though every three or four days before be could tell offort was inade to find the murderer, 11 , rs later one I S 0 lie got clean off. Two yn story and a fortnight bef re be got out. He was a stranger in the city, 'light Lit 11 O'clo8k, a tramp eniered with a thousand dollars In his pocket. the station ant] queried or ine-. "If I will surrender myself, will you and had been roped In by the gang and send out for a good luuchcon? I have eventually drugged and robbed. An bad nothing to eat for two dali hour later he would �IaTe been dead, d the programme of the woman's "What crime nre you guilty or?,, I an a dream would probably have been car - asked w1thout inuch Interest. ried out; at least the fellows were ".1furder. I fin] the one who killed I tile Boltolls out West." : waiting for him to breathe his last be. "Yes, I'll lock you tip and give you a fore disposing of the body. While i nothing could be proved In law, wi luncheon," I said, and I took film down raided 01 the house and broke up the stairs, placed 111111 111 a cell and then gang, and the landlord got such a ordered a lunch for him from a night- warning of trouble to come that he hawk Wagon. I hardly believed blin guilty of any crime whatever, but his thought bestto make a change of ,if - mate. The reporters got a big Item, face betrayed his bunger. (lid I felt charltably inclined. Before I 'wetit off of course, and I received a compliment or two, and the dreamer, I am happy duty In tile Illorlihig I told the fellow that I should have him sent up as a to say, Was rewarded with $100 In cash va.-rant. and JE Was then that he told and made tho happiest woman in town. me his story Ili such words that I could Seared the Old Savage. no longer doubt him, The result you When the well known African tray - know. Ile was the murderer sure Nlissourl to enough. tit(] he returned to 1, eler, Dr. Itobert Velkin, was staying be tried and hung ror hh; brutal crime. with the bloodthirsty X.Ing utesu. of UgandIL many years ago, the king, out One night a year or so later as I was I of gratitude for his visitor's inedical Pating, Illy lunch at midnight all old wouilin who ran a laundry entered In treatment, wished to cut off his head. ail excited state and asked me It there Oil Dr. Velkin representing that the treatmentwas not finished and that if Was such a street In the city as Desoto. Interrupted it 'would cause VAtesa's I told her there Was. It was a narrow, death the latter granted him u re- 'wretclied street Ili tile toughest quarter of the town. Then she asked tile It prIeve until he ivas quite recovered. Then, however. nothing avalled, and there Was a cheal) hotel called the Lincoln House oil the streeL Again I the execution was determined upon. answered Ili the affirmative. It was a Emin Pasha, 'who was a friend ot ri,�.wrt of bad men and had been raided Dv- Velkin, had Instructed him most several time,;. accurately about the stfite of affairs Ill "Now, let me tell you," site continued, Uganda, and the court of King Mesa growhi.­ more, oxvited as she talked and had revealed to him ail Important i state secret—namely, where Altosaps *1$oull aftor I went to bed tonight I had a drvam of belug on Desoto street powder store was bidden. Dr. Felkin remembered this at the right moment and as a last resort threatened that It jkft�sn killed )Ifni lie would bring down it flash of lightning upon his powder Store. Mesti, replied Incredulourly, 4,Tell me, where It Is." NVItereupon Dr. FelkIn 100spered In b1sear, I'll Is coa* tented under your harem.11 Sitesu, turned pftle and allowed Yet - kin anti his compallions to live. Tho Illightning makees!l authority lacroas- 7, ed when next day a Ilash of lightning e near the harem. happened to stril. &N 4 IfewdKehir stud the joyclo. Eye strain should be the first thou bt suggested by any complaint of bead- aelie. for It Is by far tlie must comnion tause of that symptom. The simple existenee of heads che, therefore, should guggeikt eye stritu. but trequently it C-areful Inquiry as to The itudiffier Ind time of the attack and the location of AN IOL -10 UOVIV; 2'.%V_%tD IN A%' Mr= the SeVereSt pail, Will be AlliloSt eonclU_ w_112L give as to the origin of the trouble. Of- nt�d t%14 -0w, ten it cotues on whenever the eyes are , thjl iw&1 I PaSSITIl In at jr.ge jrq��ut jjud top twes lhght,4. and used and Is All-kent Whenever the 01cS In ZL�,alu %qp. 'a I FL��,v ca da-gooLc-in mail have had a propLr season of rest. rongegdon, irritability or Indummil- 9%.y in Et OMk tZon C4 the eyea and tileir uppendfiges a Eitauj u�,,�jjr t�y, I v-cffi Man a diunUea should idways 9U4,91oft the S10*1611 Of =00D. bUt kC VWSIMAW� Sk'L' MW &Mk- cyc straoft. A giggle attaek- or waillfes- lie R-doamwd 9-D Itaftl -and tell -490" a'qWui4 tatoeft of thra kind has no speeltil, glt� wag u1vgue I slu�mj &q.piong Qt hp= he s�ujvc_t�L_4 tqq %-ttiv xc-4�jqj mul was dead. n1liltance, but repeated attacks of In fiahjulation or prolongc4l collge-1604 Or yijen live nBj��u t�jnju injo the r%roun cud I"Itabilily are suggestive of Atoutlual, tearivioc-d Da,,4 Dtadios and tclok out a joy; Ic-auses. A strance, tillag with reter. Urge T011 V)f bilt-9. T heY Welit Out r'Or a rew lulnuteg. andwhen they returned tnee to eye strain is that Itorwh eA09 they earrlcd the 1504Y down staftrs. out to an tte-eptioull degree without show- 1bg any symptows in tho oye. The pit - through a bacla deor� ;and they wer,% q tgent will often Say that the #yes gre crgEsIng the yaad in live direction or perfectly good 4in'd likVe beVor CiIng ed tbe 04Ver %Vhen I Wo' -e Up. Yen MA r *by Irtitaflom 4c -all nve Silly, s0r, but I'm sure murder ha,4 heen done In uVal house." Tit* Th'. wolown's f-arlws"Iess Impressed xtvit to the vitphatit the hus#At bektt ine, but politesurm are 9 bard headed fit polut of bulk Mid Wdight 19 Ili@ hIP lot. To arouse one of the sle0plIM' elt' popotainug, Of this fiblintil Sit Sfilbbtl tro,s anti send blM Out to luvest-196110 A taicer has Reen hundreds of speelmetis dr(%,jjjj was .111 ,jjt;mrd Moo. I had told ont the %Vhit# Nile. 0he thift be meas� the J:jundrc-ss that I could do 00t11109 was 14 feet 3 inches Iditt fitin in lite matter 11nd had We'd to tuarke ured - V. light of her feirs when a t6upl; of snout to tip of wil. The er O-dild 116V E�-Iuutered In. I had the tr ventures toAttgCk, t114 11111001YOtAtudS, womin reWo laer &C -i= to them and which for Itspart disdalbs to attack the geo,j crocodile. Although, like the thiftftef- Z=Iested 192at Mere migut Ve a hN 'I- 0S, tb!s monarch of Mid-Arrifth titt gtc,m In it fer thr_-m. They twold take is not earggvoreu!g� it is very formidabit 16urger cEnanet.s tuan I toulti, and after talMn-- the matter over thty to man. being easily J)revoked and ab� :jg Sal,in- the object of Ift tesefilw6ntwitli greed to go out to tile street tind hotel , so tbes, reck-les-4 tots, it can upset tbelarg*§t Ill Company. lierore deirg 0 tL-L, 1001. � bolt, and Ill one instance pl�tfbr-640 questioned the 1dreamer -SS tc nled. TO with its tusks tbt Irat bottom or Sit lot the street and the 11ouse 1*0 ou.- surprj:�% alte gave Me jrate de, SmIaluel's steamery eatising It, daut6fr6w 0 leak scriprons. I felt 110sitively sure that -, The flesh of the hippopotamus 1A isrs palatable, and when the tuilmal she had never traversed the street In aiw. her wakin- momclIU4 but yet She Is young It Is delicious, The Skill Makes r ereellent turtle soup. The tuakg wetIO located a coalyard. a ccroPel healy of buildin.-+ material alld other torigerly more valuable than those of she It, things vuhich ad seen 11, her the elephant, being 19 request byden- dreams. She described thehOlel as Of tistg because they never turn yellow. wwr� 'Wilit a vX.,en front- -She 5.114 4wfee fpybu-d, tll,wreN were eight tredrooms on the so(.- "Only twice." saida, well known law. ond floor and that tile doors andotbef . illy been jwond. The at, color. yer, "have I re. w6odwork Ivere Painted a S, fifft time wat years hgo lid Court. I, felt considerabIg Interest in the m -It - ter before tire rellorters, got ;,,way anti i 104 been admitted and bad bad tbarge ,Called up the patrolman oil that beat 01 the. Pre'Daratlo" -of do Important mul ordered him to relldernny assist- pult. The, July brought In A vvi-dict our side, and I telt bappy, but for P'llee lie -could,, iftfter I'd collected 'the ptipel's bild it Was a long -ride to, the pla&, and the rpportets �jd not reaeb� it tjII 2� 1 books and was going but 'm* thitt -as one of the lights of th& bat 01(4oc;� to the morning. Hotel and bar! who Nv %vere tbou iclosed or appeared, to lw. i In those days, put his hand ,oil my ulder and Said: 'Ybidpreptired that sho but after a vigorous assault on tile I door it wag opened by the landford. case well, my boy. If It hadn't been who cursed t1rem for their Impudence for you: w6�d have been beaten: And and would have shimmed it 111 their! I knew It was SO. for be liftd come back faces but for the presence of the ofti-! 0,011P Wgsbington only thilt worning cor. When they flisist"d On going. up! and b94 D44 to depend entirely on my to, room N,,O. 1,, he deeltired that lbete, 1 Work- A.Yid the second time I ft-lt waWta guest on that 1100r.and before proud *as when Illy married thstet they bad carried their point the Officer' kamOlnt() my� library early one after. bad to make & prisonerof him 'The 110011 And said !I! SL half whisper, 'It's rrjjV brougy2t out halt n,dozeb toughs. HERALD 7 There I is of late 4 marked, ZURICH P. 0. 1 improvement in the operations ot; Is open daily except bhmdays frovi the ' British foroe�; in $outh Africa. - m.., until 9 p. nil, The nuails are Every day important capture$ are tributed as follows: reported, the daily avO�iI.-.8 UONV MAIL IPOR IiRNSALL, oloso, tit 0 :5 55 ami reaching about 250, At that rate 2 :5 5 pm in a, month nearly all the bellity STJOSVPTI, 1 :10 am L. H, & B., 6:55 ain rent Boers will have been rounded L, H, & bl., r) o It in up, ond the war will have been PIROX HIMHALL, arr.11 -.00 am practically fought out. Two fac- 6; 4k 44 ;4 7:30 pila iors hre responsible for the change. ST.J08N11TE, 11 10:45 am The Boor.4 are beginning to realize L. H, B., :t1,;00 nix the utter folly of continuing the L, H, B., 1 7:30 a3l) LFTTERS ipoR REGISTRATION, inust! struggle, and the fact that their be -posted half an hatir previous to 1 lot will not be unbearable under the time for closing the mails. Britigh administration. They will not surrender, but they are willing D.&FAUST, Postmaster,', to be captured. Another factor is the introduction of the blockhouse system, under which the British operate through certain districts Bracelets in Gold and from fortified bases. This has Silver. Lorginettes proven the most effective means of in Gold and Silk meeting guerrilla warfare. The -war in South Africa has not much A full line of longei , to run tit the present rate of WATCHES, CLOCKS, progress. WEDDING RINGS, &o. ... . ....... Am I E r�ll( I ANY. 4y G. HEAD NOISESO "AF 41 3 1A, ALL CASES OF DEAMPESS 0""R HARD H1 E ik FRhINC, ARE PAO'YV CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES GEME IMMEDIATELYI. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS, BALTr'.%I0RJF. 'mirclh so. icox. Geneh,�nen Being entirely cure,1 of deafnes:�. tliank� to your treatnient, I wil! now give you a full lliqtorN, of illy case, to be usecl nt voltr (lise'n-tioll. .A.1,011t years ago in)* right eai lxegaa to.Aiag, am, this kept oil getting Nvorse, until I lost my hearill , "I till- ear Ltitirch-, I Unclerwent It treitment f;)r catnrrh. for thr­-, months, without nnyquecess. �onsuited a nuln- ber of phy�iciaus. amon,� ot*iie:*.,. tile lno,t eniment ear specialist of 1his ciw. wilo told tile xh:Lt ono., ail opernti,)n Coujcf )I ­It, nte. cn,' es -en LhaL unix, tell yl that th� head noiseswould C'(l CRI.- NVOI 14114 110.1 t "T", theit cmqc, but tile lieariw� iii Lite -�ffk:CL' to, e I til?ll Faw ToUr qe6clenvoly in -I Yorl: pupc�r, and ordereci -%,our tre-at- luent, Aft -.,r I lu,,1 it on1v u few tlu %-.4 to vour &1irect`(jw,. the noises cinsed, and to-& Iv heirilitt ill th­ i;r ll�a� beell eut . A.el.y renorcol. I thank you lkwlr�ily anti beg turt-Illaili vv" -y trilly voill's. F. A. %VJ.PIk-%TA.X. -_-,o S. Broadway, naltimore, '-Yxd. Our ti,eahnPut eloes not 'b1tej7,eej,e 11-ith, yOur u.stral oceaj)atial�. VX3-11i!lati�!l f�:I,l Ut K 110=il[lal ­!�%,:v YOU CAN CURE YOUBELF AT HOME I ew4t. IMTEMIA7101MAL AUBAL CLIMIG, 556 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. The custoin of setting aparf one On hand. day ill the year for a dtL- y of nation- Repairing prompfly attended to'� m ill Thanksgiving was introduced by the 1uriianslete-ween two or I W. 1-1 he Berlixt three hundred * years ago. Now -a - days the object for which it wass set apart is to a large extent lost VARM FOR SALE -200 acres oil, sight of and the idea, of Thanks-' I Choice land, consistilim of Lot j giving to God for the blessingg of 3. 0021.'11, 1-1,0, and Lot 19, South Boundary. Hay Olood banlc 1-ariv,� th e vear is not even thought of by 44 x 82 and 40 x 60, and frame: IL -very large proportion Of Our (1-wellingg on otteh. lot. Plenty of - gow spring citivens. It is largely observed a I ' t' -water. On oxie farm; Ill day of sport or a'time for visit- there is tin overflowint- -well. Oil int, friends and too frequently -is a good gravel road, and convenitnit m to sellool, 1)0,.-,t office and elturehe.s. day of, carousing. Canadians mile',; to E xoter station. Will latil=oTholfte gene-rallyllave reason to be thank- give purchaser easyttrii)s of pay -1 ful for the blessings of the past�illent. Windpowi-r, eqnipptki for� This is the machine that talks—sings—plays every instrument—lmproduces year and it i,, -well for us, once in a.'P11If1j)inST, 010I)IIIinIvI. .011M Vllttill�­- Sousa's Baud—strilig orlicestras—Negro, Minstrels, Church Choirs, etc, -while at leastto remember thel etc. All building.8 in gooa,.tawof It reproduces the violin, piano. flute, cornet, trombone, baujo, :maud*1114 I repair. with ,,00d 1111-ge drivill."..�hed piccolo and every other instrument. source from whiell. they collie. �aljdother cyntbuildhi-I.S. On lot The Berliner Grain-o-pbone ii louder—clearer, simpler and better thau a" With a boun tif ul barvest,inerea.sed, tlivre is 112 aeres of good bush. and other talking machine at any price. it sin&s every kind of song, sacred, eaWc. trittle, freedom from war, frledi� � on. mtell farn'l 0110 LIVIV t)f ()r(,Ilul,(, sentimental, patriotic, "Coon" song% F' aiglisli, French and Scotch Savv, select - Ions from Grand and Comle Operw;, plays cake walks, waltzes, two-steps, iArclieA, re'%Uons with the nations Oi�FC)r t"l-l"" tqiP',N- t') Pf"I" 11,wr_j in fact everythin that call be plave-loitany instrument or number of instrumeaft . 14. %%pta F0. .1 " :13-4M.; catt be reproducl on the Berlin�r Gram-o'lihone with the wonderful indestxuct- the world and the abserive of any -.- , ' I ible record discs. grewt plague till Canadians shoalt.1 50 YEARS' It tells funny storieq or repeats a praver. It can entertain kxm&tds at�oxft Join heartily in rot urning thanks EXPC- RIEN CE time in the largest hall or church. or it 611 In- sulidued tosuit aesmallestroam. to thel graut Giver of till good. The RecotFds are not wim, theyare Hard, Flat, Indestructible Dius, wW* Wi il last 10 years. The splendid In queits of the hite The Gram -o -phone :is us,!d autl eudottled by the leadilig clergymen auL Mr. Walter Alussey to public lothers throughout ennatia. The Berliner Gr3two-plione received the only medal histitulioll.; give evidenee of a TRADE MARKS forTaltzing, Machines at thenaouto linhibition fuW. Prke inoat kindly naturetilid one interest Drsitim- 'rile Ilerliner Omni o-jolione ha-, Lemi whlely imitated P11 Tr. &C. stud tile -3*00 013VAIM14 , $I* ed iu manv diverse plazis for the myouromendipe askatob and doicartiAn uvl� with Iniqlealling namei as they ute wtorthless. titer W3 pliblie, good. Not only to ole '"""'r asturualk Our olonn-ja frao V go Ifthe Berliner Graru-o-jAiunq iG not for 4;!kte in vour s. Muchbars, town, urite to, us for illutitrated and 6ther rator4A a Iticational and chari b0le Sellenlee, WwAlft-4. (1161t OL tner Tor noturns.r patent#. lhtugas ukou ftrauali Munn & ve. ive*1170 itiformation, frec'. of the Methodist Church, but, to concert mund b the ligrietiltural coinumuity, Mr. lim�k%rvr. RTou-�V. Coneral Manager fur Canatla. $dto, tic liffltricall. bfasst�y had a warm heart, and his E. BERLINER. 231'5 St. Catherille Street. MONTREALI fedlings itre, shown in I)e(IlleI�IN il our iiiijulta, *G me d biv I x(awsacomi, that, svill help iminy it struggling &C0361:11toldway.fiewyark - - I ''I I l 11 8t. I Student. Perhaps 'the One tha t Nvill appal amst to the public i Prominent Horsoldil swear the Oxtario Agricultural Voilege to A. FE 0: s that to P U N E establish. it fund grantingaidtp A"ENTS G ARA tho sons niid daugliters tit BY OTARRELL & LAWSOR, canhiliftil farmers in attentittiftet, "t k_� R25 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, 0. a- tht, eollege. and who are deenwtl OUR worth - of it. 111he plidowinellt of StilieftarsofArnerietth unit Fartion Pattnts, agricultural eallegi, righu. Will return fee it Patent ir. not secured. Swid ta:r Vie"ry matl�rlxfilly to tile ro.s%ibilifie- or Now to Get a Patent. of svientifie eaucation, and mr- W'Mentiori 'Ithis. Paper avid secure soocial rates.`6� xmlsey'ls kinaty gift. followhi�_­ antl testifV thev are 4, -is ed Yon �vifl ito Ulewi%e after a Up )11 tho oroetion by the filinfly Wial. Our line eonsistN of V- n4fie 0 ME r reecsiltly, ill terills of Sir. Hart Balsain jhe -iafost and lle�t I' Abstvi. g Massey's will, of the splendid knowh.) ­stvp Volie colleale library, ivill no doubt provc. Draughts. Chill antl Fever. and of inateft RdV4fttage NN, Vou" S N e ak M, e t(l, tile Tonic MixtUres. Lotion for wounds. e .4 - - lHeave llonledy� Cbndfflon Powder. :!Gol t-zum'�-.vveI 12- INDISCNIM10N. LXCV%lAE%, A*VD agtichlbiral college. The bequests 110of offitulent. all(I Gall Curf., jg�itie i� 11 �,, -zl 1-�ave Lo �- "i the Vv"I'Min;r kvu toWs cadsalt t�) 'befoft It U will total at least IM000. Y'very llenledyr (411amntecd. for lajate. A rn I.-, U vom 4 n�IVvree�:. �vl gt*v�noy, sp,_uks befeft the inoney ref un(leil. VAVIatt6g Of the 11 ell e'1 --,:!.B,7 ziuj in asinc., Tirtg;410! ot!3 t1le! ftte�. #twIttit mtess. Atfal# Dick t.-e-aloty, lif dNft#w 09i, k W. ORAWS V F, T E R f N A R Y U, -5j' 'J_� %�r , , =1 " .0 '44 *aak- _ -,'& ia�wl_ 'fiaug 0 mv, htV t�A t"w"a eae� n'V. E�,,ro raivo, Wit 1:M4 to.'a muutj eir'? CATAN90 CORE.. Do ADVICC- PREE oat, ilitk. xne�t '�d;l LaI:0 It iftf jibeet to 6* diseaEd Tho -,e Illedivilles are, pitt ukov% itliI&S t1jealt ions Ini em -11 one. They an. tqv I'v BLU by the tfhPtovtd libwet. with fit!] dtre44- V*11 1 IN the s LIE, W-111*nt � In,," 11mill at every %Vwe in t1w 0,1111try. to!:o=Q, snJ -LiE eir froc Midealt.t,,oti�rAL 1v (Last if your oUm-Twelver or drug- tr3_j=4:ii tbe ati=,f. nnft a =aq fot btsi-fts. %litt- l�jltstd bV eVil hAblft ilff _*0tttkw Itedicive Co,, Ttratia avi L -L*.'-,. gist dolit keel) them. write us and mlt=Z2 ,.nr Now Method -,r**ALtsb*t&t *U1 VW1, wildwev -will forward them prompt- WIMA PAM. AT 61=14t. V. tvellt lrgl',M�r U114 St"Vlk 4��Xo Names t7te"I withol-It wiluetl Conabilt. owjftt%r 4;6111d have them I'VI honll. v A t4reat bispla:Y of Live SLOCI Poultry. The, 8ureka Veter�nary S�jr,�-�r t---. Ve- if Ve"S I triel �<tmsvf doctors Gft1ph.'Obt.. Dee. 10.- The win- Medicine Co ttr fait openetthero to4ay With a fact� C, l:me w7le . f a LON DON ONIT. Tj glro It-,, '.%'*:w gralid (jj�sijjay of live stock, and id -aat, ftftt of Drs. X. & X -a fair %Xetbed Tt lyoultry, wbi@x h&-, never been sur- IT; �i. Vit'�Ort co".�:ii&Uoo I =:Sented aria Ifni L ci . MI'M t1.:*9,,- %urtn. I Was CaTed . �4 r, � C - a married aad Tiappy I _Tela : pqssod in Cahada. an(I ill meri a, cOntinent. Dr_ K ­k X. to =y Mztea second to tione on' the �:*t fenow rx�z.*, After Ttftt=ftt The events f hat aroused the grkla- te-it interest ate the contests for N 9,­5;-W�- treAt cuttl semitial yrtAnfts. i�, V Self.&bt�sexidney "dsudatr the B&11 Otgan and Piano Coul- 2lert aull Womev.. puny's andThowas: llolliday�-4 enl)s,::' W51:;0 rSZD IVITTIOUT WRITT= CONSENT. PRIVATZ. X& donatedtotharlat gtock Clubf0r., ii: 422.1ce-stolfu tvat, PRIM exttle. last eteftiftg the milkt(Nst� t40 SHEL18Y S"I"Alkitt, fordaity cattle commene(.,d, andl fn W, & Ke. th will continue for 48 116uts, There aw.110 ga". ate Just double the entries 'in the class thtt thei-e -ttere last year. ios; for sheep are d;uble The eutt what they Nvere last I -ear, and fbt lj(�Zq gbout A tjjjj�(j njort*,. Among ,the; visitors And IoViei&l,% ar- SIN 'r. g, A w vived ywere Iton.jobil Dry-� den, 11on. 9. Vishet, Dominion Livir NMEW FMIT-VOX JUST ISSUr-D Stock Commissioner Hodson, SuPt. '01- '1:1y XrW J­-L.-,�TE�D THROUGHOUT Cteeflnion, Commissioner Robert- son of lNova Scotia. The �Gover- Now Azel :25,000 Nn4 W WORDS, Phr.---, Etc. TEREST is being displited in tht N I nor- General -arrived this cNi6nin" u$c of amolcdess powders and 1-tich. nindings e P.364 Pages _* 5000 IlluattatiOnA by G. �T. R. and was infollmallv -te- tketedbullets in lattecalibre rifles. *cullet weialsinz $06 :-,*,,1,;.ndarth4taupmrvision ofW. T. Rarri3,Ph.D., M.D., United State* njj� sn- VAIAt X10to * sha&k to IdItLrt -tAM&.1h1t Vh;-' eeirodat the dapot by Mayor Xe gedy and others. Iotd Minto will synall b*6ftj tin tat shrays bodeptndcd an w 4 t lusk &r. mitlia Model 1805 '9004ter P, THAN E -V GF_N L jl� 7-1- -' EIL F0111-, F -A At s:bjkva ,visit the a iculturaj college in the 11'spe6jal sjfto*keIejg9 Staill, borrels. For gr Webster's Colle ry, etc. worning, ixyla,4t T1001i will be pva- A 1,16tiki&tion Ogg but Qat*log, gisa& DictionatywithScotdahGlo= ,Olt;$ sJolbos, Firt cl:wA tivarity seconiclzs in fize." aikfl -0 ;,�Vt seftted with it civic. addi69S. Ift the tifternoon he will visit the win- THE MASuN Frikit AAMS 00. wftw , 1 4 ter fair, and leave the same e,9,6)i- A101, 664P9 ilig for the east. Am I E r�ll( I ANY. 4y G. HEAD NOISESO "AF 41 3 1A, ALL CASES OF DEAMPESS 0""R HARD H1 E ik FRhINC, ARE PAO'YV CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES GEME IMMEDIATELYI. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS, BALTr'.%I0RJF. 'mirclh so. icox. Geneh,�nen Being entirely cure,1 of deafnes:�. tliank� to your treatnient, I wil! now give you a full lliqtorN, of illy case, to be usecl nt voltr (lise'n-tioll. .A.1,011t years ago in)* right eai lxegaa to.Aiag, am, this kept oil getting Nvorse, until I lost my hearill , "I till- ear Ltitirch-, I Unclerwent It treitment f;)r catnrrh. for thr­-, months, without nnyquecess. �onsuited a nuln- ber of phy�iciaus. amon,� ot*iie:*.,. tile lno,t eniment ear specialist of 1his ciw. wilo told tile xh:Lt ono., ail opernti,)n Coujcf )I ­It, nte. cn,' es -en LhaL unix, tell yl that th� head noiseswould C'(l CRI.- NVOI 14114 110.1 t "T", theit cmqc, but tile lieariw� iii Lite -�ffk:CL' to, e I til?ll Faw ToUr qe6clenvoly in -I Yorl: pupc�r, and ordereci -%,our tre-at- luent, Aft -.,r I lu,,1 it on1v u few tlu %-.4 to vour &1irect`(jw,. the noises cinsed, and to-& Iv heirilitt ill th­ i;r ll�a� beell eut . A.el.y renorcol. I thank you lkwlr�ily anti beg turt-Illaili vv" -y trilly voill's. F. A. %VJ.PIk-%TA.X. -_-,o S. Broadway, naltimore, '-Yxd. Our ti,eahnPut eloes not 'b1tej7,eej,e 11-ith, yOur u.stral oceaj)atial�. VX3-11i!lati�!l f�:I,l Ut K 110=il[lal ­!�%,:v YOU CAN CURE YOUBELF AT HOME I ew4t. IMTEMIA7101MAL AUBAL CLIMIG, 556 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. The custoin of setting aparf one On hand. day ill the year for a dtL- y of nation- Repairing prompfly attended to'� m ill Thanksgiving was introduced by the 1uriianslete-ween two or I W. 1-1 he Berlixt three hundred * years ago. Now -a - days the object for which it wass set apart is to a large extent lost VARM FOR SALE -200 acres oil, sight of and the idea, of Thanks-' I Choice land, consistilim of Lot j giving to God for the blessingg of 3. 0021.'11, 1-1,0, and Lot 19, South Boundary. Hay Olood banlc 1-ariv,� th e vear is not even thought of by 44 x 82 and 40 x 60, and frame: IL -very large proportion Of Our (1-wellingg on otteh. lot. Plenty of - gow spring citivens. It is largely observed a I ' t' -water. On oxie farm; Ill day of sport or a'time for visit- there is tin overflowint- -well. Oil int, friends and too frequently -is a good gravel road, and convenitnit m to sellool, 1)0,.-,t office and elturehe.s. day of, carousing. Canadians mile',; to E xoter station. Will latil=oTholfte gene-rallyllave reason to be thank- give purchaser easyttrii)s of pay -1 ful for the blessings of the past�illent. Windpowi-r, eqnipptki for� This is the machine that talks—sings—plays every instrument—lmproduces year and it i,, -well for us, once in a.'P11If1j)inST, 010I)IIIinIvI. .011M Vllttill�­- Sousa's Baud—strilig orlicestras—Negro, Minstrels, Church Choirs, etc, -while at leastto remember thel etc. All building.8 in gooa,.tawof It reproduces the violin, piano. flute, cornet, trombone, baujo, :maud*1114 I repair. with ,,00d 1111-ge drivill."..�hed piccolo and every other instrument. source from whiell. they collie. �aljdother cyntbuildhi-I.S. On lot The Berliner Grain-o-pbone ii louder—clearer, simpler and better thau a" With a boun tif ul barvest,inerea.sed, tlivre is 112 aeres of good bush. and other talking machine at any price. it sin&s every kind of song, sacred, eaWc. trittle, freedom from war, frledi� � on. mtell farn'l 0110 LIVIV t)f ()r(,Ilul,(, sentimental, patriotic, "Coon" song% F' aiglisli, French and Scotch Savv, select - Ions from Grand and Comle Operw;, plays cake walks, waltzes, two-steps, iArclieA, re'%Uons with the nations Oi�FC)r t"l-l"" tqiP',N- t') Pf"I" 11,wr_j in fact everythin that call be plave-loitany instrument or number of instrumeaft . 14. %%pta F0. .1 " :13-4M.; catt be reproducl on the Berlin�r Gram-o'lihone with the wonderful indestxuct- the world and the abserive of any -.- , ' I ible record discs. grewt plague till Canadians shoalt.1 50 YEARS' It tells funny storieq or repeats a praver. It can entertain kxm&tds at�oxft Join heartily in rot urning thanks EXPC- RIEN CE time in the largest hall or church. or it 611 In- sulidued tosuit aesmallestroam. to thel graut Giver of till good. The RecotFds are not wim, theyare Hard, Flat, Indestructible Dius, wW* Wi il last 10 years. The splendid In queits of the hite The Gram -o -phone :is us,!d autl eudottled by the leadilig clergymen auL Mr. Walter Alussey to public lothers throughout ennatia. The Berliner Gr3two-plione received the only medal histitulioll.; give evidenee of a TRADE MARKS forTaltzing, Machines at thenaouto linhibition fuW. Prke inoat kindly naturetilid one interest Drsitim- 'rile Ilerliner Omni o-jolione ha-, Lemi whlely imitated P11 Tr. &C. stud tile -3*00 013VAIM14 , $I* ed iu manv diverse plazis for the myouromendipe askatob and doicartiAn uvl� with Iniqlealling namei as they ute wtorthless. titer W3 pliblie, good. Not only to ole '"""'r asturualk Our olonn-ja frao V go Ifthe Berliner Graru-o-jAiunq iG not for 4;!kte in vour s. Muchbars, town, urite to, us for illutitrated and 6ther rator4A a Iticational and chari b0le Sellenlee, WwAlft-4. (1161t OL tner Tor noturns.r patent#. lhtugas ukou ftrauali Munn & ve. ive*1170 itiformation, frec'. of the Methodist Church, but, to concert mund b the ligrietiltural coinumuity, Mr. lim�k%rvr. RTou-�V. Coneral Manager fur Canatla. $dto, tic liffltricall. bfasst�y had a warm heart, and his E. BERLINER. 231'5 St. Catherille Street. MONTREALI fedlings itre, shown in I)e(IlleI�IN il our iiiijulta, *G me d biv I x(awsacomi, that, svill help iminy it struggling &C0361:11toldway.fiewyark - - I ''I I l 11 8t. I Student. Perhaps 'the One tha t Nvill appal amst to the public i Prominent Horsoldil swear the Oxtario Agricultural Voilege to A. FE 0: s that to P U N E establish. it fund grantingaidtp A"ENTS G ARA tho sons niid daugliters tit BY OTARRELL & LAWSOR, canhiliftil farmers in attentittiftet, "t k_� R25 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, 0. a- tht, eollege. and who are deenwtl OUR worth - of it. 111he plidowinellt of StilieftarsofArnerietth unit Fartion Pattnts, agricultural eallegi, righu. Will return fee it Patent ir. not secured. Swid ta:r Vie"ry matl�rlxfilly to tile ro.s%ibilifie- or Now to Get a Patent. of svientifie eaucation, and mr- W'Mentiori 'Ithis. Paper avid secure soocial rates.`6� xmlsey'ls kinaty gift. followhi�_­ antl testifV thev are 4, -is ed Yon �vifl ito Ulewi%e after a Up )11 tho oroetion by the filinfly Wial. Our line eonsistN of V- n4fie 0 ME r reecsiltly, ill terills of Sir. Hart Balsain jhe -iafost and lle�t I' Abstvi. g Massey's will, of the splendid knowh.) ­stvp Volie colleale library, ivill no doubt provc. Draughts. Chill antl Fever. and of inateft RdV4fttage NN, Vou" S N e ak M, e t(l, tile Tonic MixtUres. Lotion for wounds. e .4 - - lHeave llonledy� Cbndfflon Powder. :!Gol t-zum'�-.vveI 12- INDISCNIM10N. LXCV%lAE%, A*VD agtichlbiral college. The bequests 110of offitulent. all(I Gall Curf., jg�itie i� 11 �,, -zl 1-�ave Lo �- "i the Vv"I'Min;r kvu toWs cadsalt t�) 'befoft It U will total at least IM000. Y'very llenledyr (411amntecd. for lajate. A rn I.-, U vom 4 n�IVvree�:. �vl gt*v�noy, sp,_uks befeft the inoney ref un(leil. VAVIatt6g Of the 11 ell e'1 --,:!.B,7 ziuj in asinc., Tirtg;410! ot!3 t1le! ftte�. #twIttit mtess. Atfal# Dick t.-e-aloty, lif dNft#w 09i, k W. ORAWS V F, T E R f N A R Y U, -5j' 'J_� %�r , , =1 " .0 '44 *aak- _ -,'& ia�wl_ 'fiaug 0 mv, htV t�A t"w"a eae� n'V. E�,,ro raivo, Wit 1:M4 to.'a muutj eir'? CATAN90 CORE.. Do ADVICC- PREE oat, ilitk. xne�t '�d;l LaI:0 It iftf jibeet to 6* diseaEd Tho -,e Illedivilles are, pitt ukov% itliI&S t1jealt ions Ini em -11 one. They an. tqv I'v BLU by the tfhPtovtd libwet. with fit!] dtre44- V*11 1 IN the s LIE, W-111*nt � In,," 11mill at every %Vwe in t1w 0,1111try. to!:o=Q, snJ -LiE eir froc Midealt.t,,oti�rAL 1v (Last if your oUm-Twelver or drug- tr3_j=4:ii tbe ati=,f. nnft a =aq fot btsi-fts. %litt- l�jltstd bV eVil hAblft ilff _*0tttkw Itedicive Co,, Ttratia avi L -L*.'-,. gist dolit keel) them. write us and mlt=Z2 ,.nr Now Method -,r**ALtsb*t&t *U1 VW1, wildwev -will forward them prompt- WIMA PAM. AT 61=14t. V. tvellt lrgl',M�r U114 St"Vlk 4��Xo Names t7te"I withol-It wiluetl Conabilt. owjftt%r 4;6111d have them I'VI honll. v A t4reat bispla:Y of Live SLOCI Poultry. The, 8ureka Veter�nary S�jr,�-�r t---. Ve- if Ve"S I triel �<tmsvf doctors Gft1ph.'Obt.. Dee. 10.- The win- Medicine Co ttr fait openetthero to4ay With a fact� C, l:me w7le . f a LON DON ONIT. Tj glro It-,, '.%'*:w gralid (jj�sijjay of live stock, and id -aat, ftftt of Drs. X. & X -a fair %Xetbed Tt lyoultry, wbi@x h&-, never been sur- IT; �i. Vit'�Ort co".�:ii&Uoo I =:Sented aria Ifni L ci . MI'M t1.:*9,,- %urtn. I Was CaTed . �4 r, � C - a married aad Tiappy I _Tela : pqssod in Cahada. an(I ill meri a, cOntinent. Dr_ K ­k X. to =y Mztea second to tione on' the �:*t fenow rx�z.*, After Ttftt=ftt The events f hat aroused the grkla- te-it interest ate the contests for N 9,­5;-W�- treAt cuttl semitial yrtAnfts. i�, V Self.&bt�sexidney "dsudatr the B&11 Otgan and Piano Coul- 2lert aull Womev.. puny's andThowas: llolliday�-4 enl)s,::' W51:;0 rSZD IVITTIOUT WRITT= CONSENT. PRIVATZ. X& donatedtotharlat gtock Clubf0r., ii: 422.1ce-stolfu tvat, PRIM exttle. last eteftiftg the milkt(Nst� t40 SHEL18Y S"I"Alkitt, fordaity cattle commene(.,d, andl fn W, & Ke. th will continue for 48 116uts, There aw.110 ga". ate Just double the entries 'in the class thtt thei-e -ttere last year. ios; for sheep are d;uble The eutt what they Nvere last I -ear, and fbt lj(�Zq gbout A tjjjj�(j njort*,. Among ,the; visitors And IoViei&l,% ar- SIN 'r. g, A w vived ywere Iton.jobil Dry-� den, 11on. 9. Vishet, Dominion Livir NMEW FMIT-VOX JUST ISSUr-D Stock Commissioner Hodson, SuPt. '01- '1:1y XrW J­-L.-,�TE�D THROUGHOUT Cteeflnion, Commissioner Robert- son of lNova Scotia. The �Gover- Now Azel :25,000 Nn4 W WORDS, Phr.---, Etc. TEREST is being displited in tht N I nor- General -arrived this cNi6nin" u$c of amolcdess powders and 1-tich. nindings e P.364 Pages _* 5000 IlluattatiOnA by G. �T. R. and was infollmallv -te- tketedbullets in lattecalibre rifles. *cullet weialsinz $06 :-,*,,1,;.ndarth4taupmrvision ofW. T. Rarri3,Ph.D., M.D., United State* njj� sn- VAIAt X10to * sha&k to IdItLrt -tAM&.1h1t Vh;-' eeirodat the dapot by Mayor Xe gedy and others. Iotd Minto will synall b*6ftj tin tat shrays bodeptndcd an w 4 t lusk &r. mitlia Model 1805 '9004ter P, THAN E -V GF_N L jl� 7-1- -' EIL F0111-, F -A At s:bjkva ,visit the a iculturaj college in the 11'spe6jal sjfto*keIejg9 Staill, borrels. For gr Webster's Colle ry, etc. worning, ixyla,4t T1001i will be pva- A 1,16tiki&tion Ogg but Qat*log, gisa& DictionatywithScotdahGlo= ,Olt;$ sJolbos, Firt cl:wA tivarity seconiclzs in fize." aikfl -0 ;,�Vt seftted with it civic. addi69S. Ift the tifternoon he will visit the win- THE MASuN Frikit AAMS 00. wftw , 1 4 ter fair, and leave the same e,9,6)i- A101, 664P9 ilig for the east.