HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-13, Page 3. i8—Y 'husband-Harr7 Damer, and" Ilowevel-, that I can accept nothing I Improvises another little fiction dex.
you axe -his Illegitimate son." - . , 11'Om you or anyone of your nume. tor,olawly. f, Not if you and that
. I CRAPTER XXVL ", -1 . "I shall le;1ve the Plittele atonce. For- poor child waitki for years, If, in.
I. 61111litely jilere is an opening for, ine deed, you could as,% or cxpLwt her
1 . The blow haA been, struiuk, the "It Fvitll,,ilils, expedition, I call join aV to, do saah a, lv�ng ,as wait fo,r years.
has been sbot, but Lady Darner 6. � 01100, .1 I alleN is only 1Z 'clild in fopling, poor
1� ,0& ,4V5G . riot ventuxe a gla,noo at her 'Viet "l3ut 3,011-yoll mean lilt ri, few'days littlo soul -a 0,1111-.1 of Ijabits, and
11 for several mwninits. Or ;I wook or two?" site questions, m4n,Ct, and jadgmeent," Lady Damer
."&16 , When she does su, at
be Is standing, or rather loarilngl hastily. "TOu. will Como to Mount Os- say�i, with sm,h flne-rit smoo,thileRs
11 UOry again ?11 that she does not pt,rceiTe she has
lAy-_ -46 pdo,t .4 against the table, botb handti bent .'T 1.11.14 -11 4. 1 ++1 �
,5 02 7-0, ' 0 P, t
,law C1 I
�. I i
Good �Pr )Bad Tooth
114ot Dad for Good Teeth
1, I . :
� � .
, , rnflazi in a, low hourg-co-ril"Jit, a JUS a. A a 01.), 11. I . .
) le I backward, holding the thick rim ,c!f AS soon. as I can paclq all a few ,�)er- "We sliouldn't have waited MOTe I � I . .. I
.1, . Ronal bolonglags�i, ho says curtly and Mina two.years, anyhow," he says, Sozodont . . . 7-50 . .
� I His chin Is rehting on his breast, Et(frilly, begInnitig to pact aboat the ciirtly. "She will b:a 21 then, her Sozodont Tooth Powdizir 25 , t
I and Iris white face downbant in an rooin asi it eag(q: tcy colnuip e 2 -5 1,6
1 arlsoeing starr at t1w fl4?.f>r. .11co pack- Own mistress, an.,,I the poqs�sso,r of Large Liquid and Powder 7.5c .
I .
— j "It Nvelre batter surely you knew 1119 lip, "The reist-the furnitura orld a� very comfortable fortun(Vi' . IIALL & RITOKEL, Montreal.
QMM__ an Later On," she I NO fortli-ii re Vila property ,of iw' (To be continued.) I I
ventuirm, In a lov,r vo400, deprecat-, litte (Imployor, IT,i aiin keep them for . . ______.__..;�___
1,11-gly. -She Is bait terrified by this I the quarter"si rout that Is !due. I will I . eLving t1id conversation. 9A n . ew turap
dumb, blind, silent emotion. ' . kllvp my poor ON servant her wages, I WEAK AND NERVOUS. -You mpst have a very good wife
"Yes, MUCIL better" .Gporge says, awl be off out of the place by sunrise. ; to raise sucli fine chickens for Yoa-'A
in, a quiet, clear, sub!ftted, voice. "YOU ` IVIII that dio, Lady Damer T' i — III uIstis", be
. are my bew4actress." "You spmk ,,Is if I vv(.To drIvJ.ug ! ,__ I James, reflected. "We
. .. __ - �� "You see now why I meant it was yr)XI alVay," She says, Si2hing. 1-1 dar vaid siowly, "she adn't, so good.now
Impossibla you could m,l,rry a girl in hll�Y I ajai� I am truly sorl,y for beln' Magistrate Dauphine's Deplor- ez s-n:ue others I is had. Norlm, dat
tit(, immediate cansin of your troublo. phe aln't."
+ her position ?" she urges "How many have, you had, James?"
I * longing to have some defli , lite pooftly' Will 3-011 riot' accept something from
I . - _1� 0 romise � Ine if ,You ()an forgive me I Will you , able Condition. queatloned my wife, with some
4 + or prospect before- her-longIng tcX be ,
<. T� r� 0 0 + ILA accept same money frow M0, I AmIlsoment.
96 gone out of the sight of tli,it stricken , Oeorge T' her ladyslilp says, entreat-' — I "Wellum, die one make fo'-yaiem,
-51 ET� 0 %U, mulgo of GAN flo a n .,a fignre crashed under the blow she has I I
10 . + I Ingly. ".Uy own money, 11 she adds, In 1)1,plto Medical Treatment, He 136� diii Is de for e one, Afistis. T -other
+ + dealt,f 0 I a ,
41 11C. ivIdsper. th'ee was all likely gals, In young,
+ A Pretty Irish Romance. " Yes, I see that," be replips, star- 1 "I should not, (late to offer It to came Weaker and Weaker, Until too. YasIm, dey was all YOLLng
+ 2 Ing Itt the floor still, ,and never i ,
-i-q�+lt.-?.+41++++.t.*.P."e4q.%,%.tl++x moving a muscle of his expression Or you else. Lot me feel I am not Be Could Scarcely SIgu Ills Name 'eep'n dia one, an' she's Ole.
attitude. � driving you out of house and home." "Why did you get such an old one?'
'7 fail to see, Lady Damer," George "I sliall riot I" she retorts haught- "Well, having faced that difficulty � "Ay, like Isliniael," George Hays, - Mr. James Dauphine, Of Eafft asked my wife.
SaYs, white to his Illy% "what; is ! ily. "I shall not say a word. more. I with "That's as it Dridgewater, or as lie is better "Why'd I git her, Afistis? She ga
shaiii(flul or disbutiorable in a man and trial, and overcome it bravely,
I You threaten me, sir-trulyl" as I hope, and trust you will" her � should be, isn't It? The son or the known ,is ex -Councillor Dauphine, me.'She fool me, dat's boccum. Yealm
loving it womax, and Offering her his r With three striding steps that fair- : plebeian has no part with the son
life. I acknowledge the great dif ladyship continues, with tho, Zeerful tile past iihe fool 'dis iligger good. 'Twas thli
fer- ly shako the old room, solidly as It away * She ivere a widder ',Oman wl(
ewe tht.,ro is Ill our Social poSIL10118. parrot speech and resignation whiell, i Of the pairlelan-meanIng Dingliant had been a sick man for
is built. George crosses tile flOor, people are so fond of employing for i Lacy, I suppose.'.l won't take Tour t1m.,e 7eurs. Ills health gradually for- one daughter, a mighty Eprightly
I am prPimrRd V) acknowledge it wlLh sbucs the door with a, crash and their neighbors' br,neflt, "I hope vou,lj nioney, Lady Damor-it would bring SQ0k him until by di�grees he was light complected gal. She favor 11's3
all lluniilit.� to her father, and iva" locks it, and throws the key on the favor my suggestion thaj you Aould 'a" worse luck, and I do riot need fortied io give nil duing all kindt) of ma, too; but de diffunce betwtct len
with. deference for his goodwill, But ta.ble, then dashes the raised sash Of go away at oncn� and talce a long lioli- it, I can pay my W.V.. If you will
I mean to marry the girl I love, t work. Ila con,sulLed a pbyAQian and was in do *yourignekifs.
, lie windo, wdown, and stands ll�nforo (lay. Go on the., continent, or to I tiny a kind word for me., or in fle- "I didn't want no die 'Oman a.
sooner or later, in spite of Lhe It America, or anywhere for two or; ferise of me, when I am out of toulz a largt: quallLity U1 meal',,ine, bat groanin' an' a-moanin' roull' mel wIc
world." ;,Now I" lie says, panting, white and three months," L,i,lv Damer saya, j your way forever, that Is all I 1.� did him irub guod and it,) gradually do rheumaticks In her jints Naw
'He stands, tall, !Lnd stern, and I sball. ever take frGm you," lie 1331-4, gri�W WLIUker MIJAI weaker. 14io clutlee,
I I.ed by turns, the sweat kitanding in briskly and cheerfully, rather flat- , ng It. US a ioagastraw necubisitated his; do.- mWam. So I jes set( right W� to di
Proud, before her; & goodly man in ' going to the door and unlocki daughter, yas'm, In she seem ter IM4
tile - of drops on lils brow, and the col;l, cold tering herself that site is behaving - US rnucAi WriLilig, and being an ex -
flower of hif� manhood ; strong . i "I hex your pardon for my violence
will and dr-torinifiled of purpwe. grasping droad at Ills Ileart making with magnanimous kindrips.,4 and gen- 1, 4e Ole man right f'um de word go
, , .and rudenp,is. ,tit wilat Can you cellent. penmall tit hii days Of good Arter while I notice "t she don"
Sit(: knows, his will lowls him Or). to his llf(�-blood chill and sl,,Dw. "Now, srosity. 11 You ,wfll be able to see � expeet froux Ishmael?" livaltit it came very hara v> him wilea light do lamp when I come In tai
Victory, and that speedily. �iho knows my lady! If you beard a lion In Ills things In a different light when you, " You have mZ- kindp,;t wiKlIPPI" l'-:sf baud sitoik so muci lie coul(l see. her in de ellenin's.
that, looking at him as; lie stands den you know what to expect. Tvil return." I I
I Lady Damnr says, In a subiluel toilP. v�arcely kmp it bteatIly encrugh . to "
before livr, brave, handsome, Young, me what you are hintln at; tell it "To see '.Nfiqs D;ine In a different ' gu i.i,i aarue� Ills daugliter. Xur'm! She say she like de lfrt�
'l.knd I will alwnys speak well of kli 804,11119 light loes", so I say I likes de fIrO
-holiest. strong or mind and body, I to tile truthfully and Ku'lly, or you light, you Ink -an.' Goorg,- says, In tile you and defend 'you if I hear yo,11 h;,. -I klL-,Pk'r.i.0I,t evadltiva, ZvAvlsel h1l" lf:hv bes', too ; so den, she Iow shed
that the gates of success open before i shall riot leave this room! You have same quiet. (Jul], pa --iioule�s Voice— bklnv�d. I luqpq yon will try and 'L,-- tr.% Dr. NV4'111.tm?,� Pink kliili. and Irke to' be nxarlfi�d jps' by de fire
him, unie.ws— I tortured nip long enough I You have "There %ell bn tirn; ill thrre inontll,R fo.r"Ivo ule." afv-r a LIE of 4V1.Px-,,4ag i.w Was induced Ight. In Like a eta fool I sa.v, 'Dat
Lrile�ss .I dtadly blow be dealt him I , 1.
i ; "Lroated init badly ever since I have for your nephow. Capt. I,ney, to, slip- *'Oil. y*,,;, I firifr-17i, .-unn. It I 1mv- lo tr,y them. TiAery iva,,4 ir-k notlet attlo
I . U4
A bl,tw to nialm him, and crus) I known you; you know .Von have, plant mil. anti xrona nil wln'.NINq Dpa at, ,t* ,vial fkIr whis-li to for- Clwifigo in n1i vtnitlft�ua limil Ijo had sui _ mq,A lioner.' 'Izuse ut.r seeln' am'
him, now III thf- pri le of 1)hi youth, so � Lady Dauwr, and yon know, too, I and ]ter fortun- but I shall taue a . nythIng. S,P .". S.Lys. il;�irrvrontir. v,WrtW Ual;Lqr, th�, ti,jir.L liAox. Fn�m ,, I"tone ti.s w;rall moira,y. tipite ob des
pl%G, yall", 1. heah hurli spmt,s Marso Torm g1b 5
flult 11* shall only bi� abiv tt,� creep� loogor holid-ty than that. 1,,,ikiv Dam- - %,,W. ou lo�e�a,4 Vmt wii tivh zifulfiruvenai-a'. wai =1121, I
� have b -t -a patient undor .%our an- I I -Ry Pam r. will yc fl,)rfi� It*.) gilv,l, In I ,aha' kPer %,�ut do
on WWI Ir.).wrI1 head and liclpAps-' ' -1drid. nrig.-ir,ri,oav; trvatillent. Yin ( r. You may bp quito surt, when I �,'T*x &m'. .1 t1t.%A RIVA to dr) ln IL. - grvw r'" .r,;.g� Z i"14'r." bZqv� 4L, "P'�"
, rut "- llr4e s.rti�lza' mv- MiaLint' In de, 11
eyes 111 th-, obst-ure by-way-�4 of th'i Itnow it. I a -m patil-lit no jnn.,�,, r. leave Irplaud. ;rwi are rid or m, titv icwr..ilo,411, th..! rie.arza,-s z"i,fil jl hi'
;� %,4,r.v 1"hf*rt t�;IrV' IMe a v�wcl. Xor'= ! .S3 1 Ea.r, , *I)At
Lru �vwl I WM ni,". 01,49�n Cxr..". 4,jo- U.T'. 0,11.,Zr�e 4o., 0--, .�,u(-JtLk . 7, , : I�MA'ts la", I,w.,.ei,.y.,
I .11 ar", - .I r,
worl 1: W13.1 ain I not to warr.r (xillian fOr ]lfO'-" Izl�-Ilutl- d"Il; �vkl fr-int 4�i,i 144�64.`
A rlgll lo,,)k fl:tsaps over hi,r fale. D'.1,111' e" "Yomi .9re. zaalurn)l.v rnwmb. Tron- z,oel it I.,in-vIr tll,l j -W(,,% "Nostip. to nako dp short
. eolao jfb-�;tnn all 1-1
nvery llt-rvo 4; at a tt-nslon, 3:alf i 441141 it Roenr; dreary year.,-, ago to ff1!4-,. wl"NuRt tq� al" and M91,14'rclul F',c e. t",tv.,""I to 1",o 4.vv. �aj,.4 L%l; teio Ilmo
drinxll:n,.� QIFI thing sit.- UA gaing V* do -i ,&iln grv'" tsho s�-qy;, V.1th d7ign!- f, stoy.r 11fng--� m" o3o Frny�a* iR, wben do
.w �
, t1li. P Ir.,on who lla�, ; mu� � 1�1. fr4le. a V, w U'D 4�0. T.w w,,.";,a',-4r %(!�41ri i
*NVII.V (!o, yta obl'4,n. lilt-, Int-s't un -r -9.14itt out In Alliq ti;-IuIw.,,t o. Illis- rig�,Anst no. ef, fival r�p;w)!. "I L �,.A)�wf-ver. f. 11.;,k��t 10,p".-; wvr.! fir -A Mr. lio...up-k v4lr�e,�n UA�vr lt;;P[� 6, ve'll tor to s3ati
w: � ory and darjl'ajp,..� O.' ovii�rllangln_ 1'.- -Il tho w*nppy Ila ano of vn;lght, ",,,"*t' f"ot'. �J_ ' *'�"'L"Allr"?4 F��lj��A ji%-W`lt'.)t 41o, tir IV" onew kap t!-,,,6-. liiw�ai rpol nog-
. 1'1.,11� - �
.11i,igly, to t;ay painful thingni Vi,: F12anII!4IIV(� t1w suil:j trVith." -a-,1.160 vvn av� l,q7!n,_" It ,,,,, . ."d tr. I. L'ur'.1., a 44 �;v"003 %. I g;or,N, con 0r, t N"im:viin M, a pine kno*�
Toll ?` blILL zt-k�, --l-1,114-ilig .'Lt III'll V.-ith i ' ghl. 0., tato.". vifilix .'.,#" Willi the. Tnaltirvil
, M�Ill�', III ;Z".2 � I foolu l - , �; zLoc.111'.-ri, ,4-, It �n�:,., , , , �rfii)n*
*I'v" vytIg O' love lro.wwd wi him, Lor lif". L.t..4y, Paul r Favi -1. li%nifflly. lzi,r lwart li'-, �- of i-wl� Vrf�,�ni;� of lfi!,ot,�" J4 1,,�;r it up
a frojVIjJjjf,' br, all -I 1hx,:1 w.i4ling: t, I I Wr � ato,X ,-2 .;1,4. .wi.-A i;,4 � �.A IN 0""i V311, n� Zn r , ob lar,r. aW.'
. ,�t�'. ,4a Iny
thf-stfa,'y Inslawy (*f tlIiI:,;, vl,-;tr blili- luvvd, Its -r how-rol: flifit swouino'r wuzh prat'.rienth-Vnifi: "I �,W:l� t;, - 1p " r,.jL- ,,L� i- �4,psv 0 cgr I WA * Xi-tvixl I , , L, evesigul
pyl..-I. yint %II4vl,V--yA,lI Illivit Ullow-, I 'I.Nnd 11-t hrIr ii,%*,t- tipild'. how pa,411x. h -r end %741it bp � ", ., 4T u.m. xt,4i4 Us 74"r I, I 6,1 raz,.��tv a, ;.�i. i" il .4t �Ll' "-at(- i �,�,,., $r,g�ff-. 1 so)6 n ,Malll:� dat �allo ;%im tint
, .. 4" , ;1� Q. 4, 4 r - ; * t rA I � :W - L, - " V; .,� L i, (-fi t,,g [,I v�o 4 i,, i :1
'i't'. .a .It, N0146d, "FINt w) to floptawn T.,t.�'y , T� , �,,t.l�- jFn -
.Vou vallylot juarry ti.11hi.1t, P;-.11tv. yoll: 14,4111t for 11g.r. 1rhowl:,in ii.qj glha. 1 . ., t j-;4011�:. 'witk w*,. a f�-..h- wl'.- % t7 "Ll 9 .V. V.'W' .�'ra j,", ar. I'Aii, %14.1 l� %V;Z,i v1p. Itr;Ap. i
I ttl ari,- tanito wvwv. Ile, ndnfr c .",�;-6%1 de 1r�,Pfl, swoatu com
, p', -
know, up!irt rrtj.;n Vv� fw.t ot lifer -j, broic-lo .V# F �, Irb l�,,..,7 %i,, -,P-,. 1f;.m4y,i D � I, ,�' .%i,.sr *.,` ��:�,,, I t; w 1, A , -
, On 11ci, umv tord. Ifer Imn thp flrtc Vr,i!� 11i'ano. w4 otorvwlf- df,n.-. 111119 1',j" - V�% rilt
b0niv h -Ii-i-w, to a t-;dIj 114 fortutte. � .t �* jj,tt;..' i; jgl,"�n .1 lInII,f, 1,�tAdlr 1w. r�aaih 4z if *tv.,as,
, , 11:Ll linor tvalor ai�_tj,.,�Ar,.,t�,.�_',a ,,:,,4,�t!.I',,,jt'��'�
47 �, �
ant �,x h�ln;4 ,-,I 1),oW In'In whiva- 0, rilf"l." Mi.- lh-aiiol oun bf,� a xlrifrli�Iwarls,,41 I I, , .,f,.5%,,, jo,ofi,,l ls,sr. ,,� V.'V.V 1.,;�---:.�111 � `,t.;,�a�,;�,L ff.�j �61,'.ift' ��,i;q-, 1�� 14 V" "wa0h,za Cate. ,vrl' I ahe aqplt 31yeati
ytfarlo wif-wornp w, � atl I Iviot r-upport lit'r � "Ywi arti, % vry ralo .,,,nd ililw�"i'l- .ro..%It�'T 1. 6""nj' ;���L if'r 4'1 �,_ jhf. j�j'jttt.,_:.4 %V& tj ' . iu, %vt. ,%,.-(,,. TAxts:
" �tly. gond wt tuo'. VU11 liv,.'�71"'.1 1-1 V rm, V;�,,,� la;�LV,4 J-�%�` ,;,, � I I
qw. .. - - I Wkhaul;%�, wr Marertvr, 0c's a litth
for a w*t I Tt �� 11 t%_ ._tyl.- ��jto ll.i,,. 1p,oll � nl.X,41��." vht,- fhftf�r�,, 1qs14 - n. _jpjqt ill '.,,4a- la %ory lbroul,"sl. ttlo. wnri rathovr j_p,-!,".t� ". tl,�ii� holt 13 IT't lk'�w 4014,41 t;iftl:�i,34:1 - � 4 r 14,-_ W: 'I wol �, olvai IM, , I ��
I ,r%tVa,i lv:jv. Jil f.,oww.tj,,*ilj�'� P.-ar. wirli TInr**.A0e4L�. I vf�,Ir. t,�ctww fiI i� r. �'. , ri p,jj. z!p I 11. ,
nA-Pn4t,,%in I ti* livo, npa,"t froin thAh � 14; , I . ,, o v ! L � 1,31-a UA 1 * f; - p:�,%i'. th, 4 b ;�� - U'V"I"'tra , 111!��,% ,,.. z I � �, 1 -at, It .�,,!,i)" tI h = iLo eli� iitlp maj
Viet o� her fatht-01 in -A s-rlain' W. va,vv h-,�,14 .t pif,-�Uy..J,4k..� 1�1 IL 2jgu,`,,*1y tor V1 dial t!3tv:1 —Cally n
,ii,,.1 1p P-io,P&A i, -4311"Z rwltt��. With gnaiilvnr ,,�,,. "fi, tg, -V., td,; -t V� 1-01�1i` �,;`FYOM ftol,�"�,J #41 i �Ii - wi- �.0 w 41 o4,,,. s, Tti;wv il
" ,� , . � -, , .1, val-I. 71
I * - 1.1-3. = N. Y. I
Faaxvy 1!i-;;pI*�nsnr-, Whi'll wooB14 f.111' "I Itowt k swl,�'. .144ji 1. 1 f;-,ni+iff.1F.,1 ucolo� I %,5,,','iI'�'qv'.j r -gir - te Ill r 0'.t'n dlvmh! , , .
, ,, � r, �� � q, 04 s, � q� �ti� � I Vgi ro ffx a I.Vtv �iivua, ,111'1� !''" M""A 4o 1 vo llx:,V� *�
2it,.Ivllv It') mo. t I, whom 11 . efilitj .'eil' th,' l-Wil-Iltd�,MMYt. PIP.t. k- 141 t4lbt,14 tl1c, ,`IA Slll!',�,irlmuk. I'Vt'Ll�-MIA ,�:Aj 1L.411- I f" ,hA b' t'I �t i,',, 11'� 0,9TU PA%T,a,V f row M�4 to.lro '..,p'.'.-j- .f.',' ��;q,,,Lury 1, �jv I _ - - . --- � ��L �_, _
� I .� " ,,*
11 ' - 4 �, " " -
� -I pi , , , � 1, ,,� , , . " e, , J� f, - �; Dv
bl"� -0.;1I'1ll6,r. ali on pm: . . rt rroin 0-&-' 4,f, � 1,. in n #*r,,w.A; nalol, 1��br -how flo :,
- �"� "' , jj;.. , n.�vt (�- .,,o4 i UV N.
I "I V�'ITIJ 1.0". 1��t,!.%' 1j,1I -.2. ' "il Ill � , va, � L,i�. wi; �Q I '. �1%1�;, � "� � ',' � . 'OU X.
all t3l'-, w.,,h-h ar.- -mvIr rf'.14k,in'; � I '. �na�tL,,!". 11uh"! Vivo if,il Lf, r. ,,!,1,f1[1w �'.rv,!��,,i,l lilt 'F�101 . an, tc
I .1a IN., , _�,., t-piniioa.* 110 � If �� ,
pnowrlii F...- I" rca,lovnbt - in- I tit t 4 g V - "is ,�r.. . . " 'el * It 6. I!, f 9 ,)% ,f wrwb:� V1 � so-, ro .Al- �T,:�!�,% t,�v'.'11 %'. . 'I � , T11H SEALED F NTAI.
11 ai,i�� It.4. t1w I 4. .1lis.".4414t I Ani wak- I .� , � �, if , , v � , zvt! JfA�Ieli 41ift ", ho 0:Iff,,1,1 k, P,,4 - Zbu , ''o , ,*;n 104, "'110 4 ". t,� tr , 1". I'D, , 'Ilk - �
.it) uttki,rly falla-5m, Ivvw." L -OF I IL11 CO.'," h - F�k -. �- 14v iidiov- vowt, in 11 ." "t", I o, ra I'll ,q j;.j? ,)01,:�, I
"I I I I P*; In, -at" I
. -*' . � U , � . f" , I tvl: �,,�Ipl b"". I Q -1n ttdo,�% (4 iiiktrj,'� I'm el!p I, #,�� v 4'a �)i , U -.,I i', nia. p...; ',,o,ii� it% .Jerwx.0rin1o9N'v*4v1N, Supply Frolm
Zlms-r LQ .f., It It �#ItV 4jrW'#gj' flfilLt t 4V,'j'.'. I I", - - 11�.rvl 41he viv,q. 110 awz. 0114 tot 4,11 .r',ol qzv�'In,�J. - 4 , I 'I) wq
Va. _ , tv Va . 'an. " �* 1up . , , . � Ur� Ila Ato'leauspalug. I
*t ,hpr ei-P4.4 - ,��,I,;t-.� fia'-41A,v. wlta& 14.4"YO-4,01 IPA, w, 61"44. '.3"PI o . - V.Iwfi-� cnd,wt; tt,#rt,a,.,L,t 4 47- �A *"'N' ,',' ;" Ql**'� 4"? t a%
.1-I'l a ImIl t I...4.4 .. Ivi U., a J��o ol.* at 1.'aAllt Qv� e) +g il, r, , -�,Al iffall i - k� "
. a, - v,ol b.p., tl-,� ,�.,_��'O, tw .aI,17,..,-4t1l�,-m tr.o t"., %Vf;j.
I - ,
f I � , . �T t%�
or hor he a 3, "apart frm all t1l"."'4. �i IllUrrk 4 14.V t1ju. 11% J:4,!�fii,�, line I U�pi r -A 5srunwifito. an 4 41: r fi�juo,tjl Ole � _� �
, I
I say yoll Itilm"." .Vfv,l Ine3st Ilmliv. wIlly � frighton",,j gj.11:01,o. -I jul.-%t 1�1%�e I ,�6'.If WHO smspw'�*t tq* nep P11,11 t1D. R-2 c"j:1 '21"It-z.,c?"*,��'o Co,..' Vl::;�_�fi�,.fil,-, ent. , T""y E�_,%? T_,�_tz,2 L -n-) 4"3 rauwaxx
, 1-41 - lot I"'(1 ��041;114 VIA 101* 1qU9[:N1"r0 11 ,*i., v. -VI tirz�ltv," Vn,ily P.m"ii,�1 �4'111'�*- 'L � 1. . - 1. C. ". I
, rl or got 3, N. - , I e,4.1L �ff`l?jt!l 9"!>31 .&o.�Tk'un W131
4 , I
I 041 aw ona, 1.11 �% .�, In Uplif, 4,�1,011. I �
, eati"t nvirev It t: . to qy.,if riiii t. r'o t*'a i'A' I 7,", �i � 64 V..:V,b,jWg*,R, Ij ,'12 nobl — tvift.'a t"SoAv4 I -.091.1, -2 R60 f.,��, r . I
Enn"Illy 41TI I ht!lt Ws Mom." t4r. t �21, I1.4Fj"1ji#'.jt :1, ea,Ail h�w fl-;�4 ,wtai tl MCI ullr,* i, 1�'vl'q- . �, t_14!" it ln,.J�* . - - THE a,, S - STER. I,' c4p, 1,�� un p;lw ,,,,I% �d,_,4a M 19 nW= U
'*RW".11i1J! I '42111 IVV'ifr. 010 T 4111111 ItAt ".%Ot II'11ilo jtqOl #,J�%, %%�Rii�dt .,if 10 031BO ;.ifs rolm,11 t9'at # 04 �mlll,,R'T '.piang 0 ov% , "'I't" - vm"P-.�.-4 To 1w attl, Le., at.r�1,;fiolj 14T,� 01- � ijg�,l �& (,,,�p,jj'�,- ,.,,,�. "i 2; 11inc: Vatei
. , . 4� 1. -
0" � � � . _. , Of z, -
In e4mntv n6pi, tv I G4,4'reo RijI.Q. ; 10,111 wo &','*�� Rhol It bkl% ,Ii wa wi;1lit ifiv 4ts Vffo 1,al�, wmi 01 ifrof..'�� b7'A eAlke-,! r -P., A il�qqwluoiyel "I'll'to t1powNt 111(tv. di � go on, 1 e
If f4LLV,.I, �..6S,j I �. :]I- tt", _.-j t�,,A- cft.v cr T%avid
plaf-I'll '1#V,j:j:4-,v_1I-,;WI1 ,at loor. tall C1.111.41 allva", U012 .'�*a law"I'A tjo hop -,l _V,,xi ho -'r t",)�'I%-444R �q 4.j-t!g_110,1 t-4 11 Mill wt-IR111. I4 T") a-, I 9_ I +
_�, . 44 Pao , , (lino (A* a Snap. -J�j V- 91 t -;� ,,,-..L,1�1 !Z,ul X'Ldnalt,q *1
a-2 r1ir N, 'Iti-0. 6u,",; I� It trvolblv, 0%or I!* lwalwlnuunj'W�-stvld tv;,f,vr_*41 Twr�,iivts VAN 11:Uy�v�avl�'.`11 gtlt �,5,;, 1 6�, v"A. t�.,,,�,�, b �'t,� j � i, -411r. Wk,15,'�,�4.�, It 4- - .
, , Wwl U,:_dt'�,- v !v � � Ne..; Itto 4,1.10.e DI (�,,";r �1� V.4-�;i� v'tl-19 �,hj _�, l,tj'jLj18 ,I,7�
4 ,w -1 - 1"A ill �r. t not 4�6-m,ge nit'z4, I%- ','!I j, t,i�jjq -.1 -,I �� - , , .'w'. 0 -n '�iil�l q V '-�-101,,_*,j1N1v 5 , . -1 t, � ."O." Z"r
MiA V111".1t, vint,,�. T�_% I I _gult. ljprefi� tD;f,f]j l:3 ni�� , qw, j g qkAjr",1'ql, . �:l , Nip � I m�L% '. � I t,31 � V, . M.,
'I z utt,1111m In ftvinto� , 1,10: M.v tu:,tii t,�xw. ril'alftala ; Em r-41, 0"? 1pa." M- 11 ., - h% c4 V 1.�,j &.�A.,�--, 11, 1� .. 3. 11 - j.. � � ,F�
41111 1441111114t, 11104n .-,It I i tal:4_,.*§�i- li'N:111 , � 1.�-� � ".'A"'I T - tx.,,v,, 9 U � -
-a It I I lu've rulvl 1101 U, - , L, , , 1 -&ti- U,%,l :.,4 at an n"go wtxs 1": I "! _.`L_,_,,- 'E'��! fjrd,r-�;�,,; *�;dy 11"Liv, p"N
nt"11 I .%nil rf Vn '.. I %,Ip .. � le, voliji, ",11" lkn.am;,�. I aluvaul Porstv. wrifrii ��j �Iitvr",%, sultai, 40, :I "-,,�. , ".,. ,I I , uv- 4 'n'Ahe 15,3.,l ,,-I;- ,�..A`a o", vo��w,,�, tc .., ,
"i , LP , ''! U rufs'e t �N..21 _-___a3jr,j:j r_:qS-,, tpt",_23 e 11.-�
- 1._� if_: - I 11j; tocl U! T, U, 119V_ I Q1 ,� s_�! _ _iL-ft ntoz
tor in -1 %V711 It', .!l, fnV'1460 41141 twm : I!vj q90QV .tIoA lh,,� pl.,f," �4T%- if4 ftt��g-ttjn gv,A0-,tw,q11V flon". 1,�I,�' trall-In ,fin ';,... t��_94 It l"T111,4 14, -1 . C.V"�% ,_A ' . -I,,-
o 't - =H�Pla,�'4"Jlil t,11l1Q.' -1- Q Ling qElo r_ntiv%v a -'A '21v n �k�)xatc',z acLa.
� ar"Ii v#I ovl�v iq�g nw �_�-, Imn �,. a". %ej n aol,��a,." 11.1 ,� LOfigotatnt, qr5n�e'lon 11`!.''�' ftA,7`1'w,�i tt,�-tv,_V,t I",
41$4- lAtQwou'll to h -'r -011 th , ot I II -
110-a,4 IT .q,.: -1a If,, ar,Q tne,.1- - . . , , We MCI �' LL, IVA,n t�� _') rn�l_`D, L�tr�'p I &, _1�11� ",I��,t,) t�T ra,icn -t�.�atf;-i- �'n 9-110 fmk.
L, I N."'"n% �V.Tdt to t'-,!,- �; Inni'd1w -whib tn'o;s� t 4,.;1,, j1,,,,_44 'T`,:P,2_,4ft�e,i1 f_-id�; zr,t_i�,�.,�,:r,gl 1�,-,- .. 'r rm
_rl , 1 ",7 -, - _c� ,v
"t g-1151 r,�4 oloo!141111: trvat�lnmnnt ; tvl-l. Awl .1" �, 1. t _ ' fl,..,3V.j.j' 'V� , cua,,Oy V,Vaf,;i t-L.:,zu L_15,��fn ,te<�i,lul [--,�np MN,xL* 0'�j I 9�,_,;t"wfa 0_;o1 -`C5 t��,,�,,Xl E,
. . Ovq. ja q'P"11.q�o C.Inp.�4 tf�_j','�'-j 11 � 11 'jt�� � t IN jffi':, �i �pj L' 1411 �,:;-�,-j -, fl,,,,r. '' j 1,,Z,jtQ D ,,j �,, , 2 - 4 , I
dl#IWI*�tv %01-1 -wvl lualvLo 300,41L -;n�vl in Iiiir hdii.w.ktl,tv�_, " 1� -, �
, - IT t" lo r 0,y-,,.,; �at,di� trm�:Aq: 1r.�,,rnt*,Q'-1 N,,`iv, I,j,�o N, M;4 ,'� r � � " .� Y',54 � tU I4j;t r, : 9,�, L"., r-� t r I I'l."Pt :".In Dr 't li, -, * J,2� u-'1*U1, T,��;r:�v i 1,_MgTw,�v0j' L,�,--:,l -, - F -.,.:s jp*�"y L._,1,q �z_,�,ncf�v rGA, ,
th,i- lm��L" ,�AN': ezat.,. jP-0rt'jNt,rjqj�-' pa ; t.b". fq;;�-I�'� foT t"J�_-o **J74q"�"'; C�, 11 11 L, t a.,j kj� ' 1� �p vil, 1 _- -A _,, .
. t - .; M. ,�jj.jj� � 0 T� �4�IgU�t�njpj�'I,., .�.o:,; L�, ' �1 L .. &�vs a k�,.�'.7, - -.',A,2;1_.,f :,;t 0 tUe At �118
retlno '�, ilnq I'Le. ,-dL"f'- *!"zit., �qtmat , � . - - % �,11,1,�1101- EJ V`2-X,t -l�':._,913'11.1� t,� lh,� V�llt�f-_,I? nta-'��:'_.'. L_'�t''j tj� � raL"f��, V-1 at J�-',, t" (K�t, : .-
I t-,11,1" t,sljv�4� coud %111""if"', 1 D9 Q41 H tF F�",I, !� 1�o', 0 t'r q . _ "I . - I
r is, - I - "Atifo-vt M" Ujarila_. M-2 Ulf; - �.� ol �,kfl C..'Sr'i. . 2T vc;,�y " 1��v U S!012',4t .1, rra t-,,,.�,��.,r,, ll,;��,
Ilpr Vp�. wilui� I 1!,�V,,� -_�."ol.vIn 1c,"Vo�rot"i , Nvq !�a,'J?,v 0,.fjvjl(��q' - �.",al _ -�%:�- it C,DLI'. :,*:�"r(�7.- 1��t",�u,_,4 t,p "Q -e vlatt.t "I kl,d ,
�en t �. � - t:* D w -TI 6A 13 ti I, �1 6"n"i'Tort."g. w1-9 tkg,-Z�v TIT,�IA 113� , r 1. .hla r ;,j " - * -I' V-4 - - , . I
. . .. .
" . :. 1 %, . ", , �'..9 t'. _,�,,, �-, f�I ot ti�!'_� I 11 to," '44 ;V , I I ,�
and 0-A.tr"twly -. `IvA [�,,It-�42.- Yma do not , I 4-onj I rw.�Ul_ It * b9t., trw ,V1 4. I t?,!�In �� t%4,411 %�4,1`,'=410 �,,�j rr,�,4vv"_,,�, %,4" rn4g, t 11 11��tt�:_--�q Q,�v` " .. _- is t'. q.- TA & .,. a, = C, Go- Ce
� -4 . .21 ird, IL'stv,o�t =,-.1 iiff-,� at., -'r tr"lt "I" �11?6 ac- ,!U ,&,:,�,� a 'Itoulutcr rtmrn n - 1.1-4
- � 'dwL= ,
, 'VOT1 M -A W',M�. VCPr,V �02.`.',' Ivy'. �C,�U_ vi,,�Za I;L"�Vp for,elml f, w.,f,t,vF:V. *L�tj,-,I ED�!-:�,m .q'Il", &j,g 8';.� .- " rq Mnvdt, % �Ull,,�'j, ";, ��fr�'_I' cj. CIO &_"'. t)T 4f.�!"-�!11 br:., !; C., A 1',�Inqg nilh"atT IL�.:,!! �;_,-.-.�,l ti -It tr-�_, *TPLU , .,. ) i,� mt Im
%Ofi,41 lavq.� top -105 YWI . . � .. � - . 1Ri,4!,k11:,t-] - __ -4 " " �
&-rjcV1,v,n fTv- trf,ft?a ton- vzl.�v.� W,4B W4 M. to spal- 11 #�_hit�aq gji,,.=M D -a � u�.VV,t#bFn1rA f,stfi a h(rt?Hal,3,,,� Q�, �!,, � ;., _� . .. � � I t D � ta, � z t if E_,� , � " � C'n, -1 � . , , -1, p- e 6 _a �_- -, f, I x
I - tr.t.ot_�Ix , I t -
Utif,i wrr,.,:',etQv,-,I 5�,.� erot h- been lar,olit-0 n %V�T' ��41'=' E'j lr,,�, i"Pl' "'qq�j N'rt"r,f? ap-�k, ., -I. Ll kl� - ffrq,t� r, 0 �' 1. -.z t,_! -,.1L,47, ,��.�_'V,_ st."...nNng f,'Lt Um �1?,",fl-� #_,�'. ,��, Lu�,oa,.y &1_f�:11 - l;,�Vb��2,a Z L,C,L;� � -- , vi�? t
., I V z 416nrd M -.1.1 kvp!�� I � t�l,a V_m'�at, " V ! LmL2� R;- �0 WIV3 1
i ro .2, ,r, , Do jnqur,o . " t, Dhu� f�l III t. ", vivu a !�.-,,,44, 1I t �,� -�� oci tC-w::i24
"W0241t fmUff �-%VIU-L�t tuq_.-e,-_!Jt .", Ilo, "! ik qv"t tL�z.1't,4-9v,; a JD�,JljtiV" t�- s v 'L. Zn�,vvoar-39p. ,; Tlfr "k", ti�".jy Lc�r_�,,,�. .-�� c". 0, tll.!�E E"1�"1j1Z_e =:nl vilra- - r&,.I� �-, "'! � � � � � kf�,,i t b t:If , I& A ,
- , 4 -, - ,
I . - ` ��, VoT Lip'N"T4 k". -a ri".tt rt`�aL�l C:[ac'.,.-t"L4rjaSF�;, O'i � �,�z u .*,
r111,11r, th's W,�t,z�eIifi.,,jv, U. q�g M,,v,�,r L,,.jrj,e, g2q,,,�L,Lt�j � I r�h,'-_'v ,�, , v,, t� �"O' q ty.. , �,;, .,, tol"'. a L�qtt�,xn V� r��11411�a L'I �_,:,I�, ! t'v,,m�&aut!;l, " CA ,,�,.,.�=,5_;"_-� ir'it-1p, alk'a
1nto-rrn.Rpt-,. boarso,l.v. nn4 .1 h3ull I -, -#11 .- - __ `Bo-�14 DIP ,-�:Ijllt. t5lezlf,x.�:,t, &_M�. 11
1� 1�a to".4-1, CNIRI 9TkA I Qlr4 V11,11,tl ,t'm&' t�"o ,7,-,:, "'o d !! ,:..I
1g -,-=,z ti�# tP,XdDftn ar'TaIrl 12E,4 hoart. jj , , N. � " trt'.1PA-6- -g L_zA Ezz. cujiv I,` t'Lo L�.Lm�?.!.r�!�'0,1 n��,, ��.,z`j ol &:"'_-.-_-_1z:=`
�k, Irat , WIM 'a ml`c"ot ,wn'UTIA r-mi'l!"'. ' ,1�- ::
- �,Q h-1'. Lem �y tft�Q,-,j IfItT 6!j -
� 7i Nlf!",`0�4 1-"O�S`.ii .,',1.r,1t ii� 0,'Ll �. - , F - Tp'Ll � . I �r ', I.- �L .. - "*"!'Li� Ll�tl-J v�-,_A a Z, �,t �'-!�! '.I. v. ! ,o ,!_,�;d,.� lo � � - -,r ... . .. z; 1� I %Cl"_,=v��Icr *4
`Tt Ito,: IV -Va kopc, 141v law. ovell Hn- , , ."a t , ,1 � r, . � , f e(r ,�� " 'r .11 I - .g Qo i
_T tl,. t26� Q,2 ' �t- L � ' �%' [:�" ' f -_t e' ta tl.'��'j 'I .'- __ p.D�Z,� I 7S 0'. - . ."
I . � ft , - - - ., - , _ - J�j Ink% &�,�!. _nA ot rz�a,��; q,,U4_� C�=_��-, , I Ing QU . - I C� I v,-.��1,,,:r a q!A
U -ms .1 wij'14;�, 45 1"'UUT tirig -, o#�I.- , _ � _ . t �, �' .� L 11313 -�-kr_�,"
a, thi? ot # ,uy hvt� n- � 'hu DU 4% 11 �vv-t tv�.j to blt - ! To . r�,-d t f�- ta-, � �. il ",`a" a" , tn "" t
i1n, , - . IT r -haiiXt; re rMIR. -1.11111n, ft",, A rzt,,=W Le, L
I fa,:n,at;A &t;t!rff-, � I � , . I ,�� .., 11, H , W ,�il ""'ounilo-Ing-1 fiU0
, � - , , -� v, .5 "Eic.n.iii 1,4i%it�_41 �, cd Uxim -
C-i'n,ne'-, 5r "Vor I dt!�o totoll �.6,1*" , Vj,tv4VaL3c_- &7,t t�,W'� .�Llqal C,irv�, : " 6� il'. fc,:i. k,-; ,�Vi":I�ae n ;�
" "TMI, D-'kr-nv kN 2 TE,D�. g;*w-tany;'11 * � �r,j �" � ffl:��n,:ot- v�t VIW fr&,"�Y, � I—
I �r 1',�; - - "_ � I 1! ,� �� ""J. li�, � 'It, tli lau, -.-m,
,, jj - rz�f. 1 , � 5 �,., V a %,.4 n pt�a , Z�_A I . �_ t� Ik
, . . tt,t�,t,zp j". I . , f Ot tf�� Lz�w.s�s pil, M %ilz - A S� - _)"a, 1 - L!
� , - . . - '1H i`fe2 votl I &av, 1TIC m"F1 n. ,
- * , r -to ; I
1"'Ay Parj- sa VV, in vllksts�ztdv to", - , 1, ,4V"0!-pxv9 to hvr�Dt -1 tr'liVIL- I clan!! n--- t,, rin #,.tQfi".,.-;71irj h -,y. *?h t-F,,,,11r I t 4� . a,tC,-_,-,):".1_,] itm lwo or fl�'..1-�Q�. u.'A tte I n�,nr��, #4 *Z21's Fmlfflel
V , 4 1�0111y ior, thi, - � " . � - �, Lm-fmq �.sa_-,,.-
.1 s- " � 0'4,x]�. face 1�!)V;,k- gnrolttl kpn .-nz;� lbo gv-qt 3"ril V �1, , , - - � - t. _n 2H L U d one j sp�An,g. r -ow tamv�ql to ns�_�, " My bd�,
_Vf)54hl�r, M.4 U., . �1 an4ry oyes �:� . D., t -t DT ke szn�pv"4311ICA rto� d" L_:Iv- r��.tqrc-..ugzol uUl "L-�-'zi,",
"' , , bn= lo�d you.", ,-�"" e a'I't-4zo si:Mvo�.-`r- i, .
'a. iig at Me 0e, i'PT tko 0. , � , ., , -, Utlfl,r� wc,�,I!,'Iev� v;1 -o M��"og,,�A SO S., 51V V. r,j,wf�ell PLO ,&�,�;F. es cj,�""f-z' by tho
girl*s val.w E -wo-Ad nevor I q", 'ilarel - tL .. fa� 1, .A Z�
. I I -
now. I -mllst IV. event that, t'ozz L-HoDW. , ' -, ae�� ': lan.rd �e_d iiiinnn Mat C -Vii -r I*T".04,L ,i -fo � I M- -
* _41VA13 .1, ,d�,.aolly rain". ii ka_,:,jT7 tlt fi�_ h_U4�j 7 .-F C ;,-'NNL � 1111P M-Tmvei Tire in tbo MOCA VF U:.g t1-'*.'.ez r4,; sttzii�-C�4 tL',C;s�. to tt',P Ir,MZ ee,;P�-e��Lj�,!�_�'_Dt. 'L�- ' IkP a SAMSS$
� 6nf 1"'V�'j W " �j . I
I dnrv� not k ,f. -p qtIff-tica if -A 1NIC'A , -.4;,�"r,4. Atelne,r.` f3L-.- e_. -),f;-.,, I , 1 -*g*, Tang .-ttp%i. .4nd tu Us ta .'� an."I 14, - �
I , - '_ � � 11-A " =DN"a Me��. wc�zfvl 11 _,_Iat up, a §,Gunlan _sr,�X.IiE<1'1 11. Is f
. " ., lmo��w�r 'I .In -4 nilft-t1tm. und "I'ant I P_�� U _-a go e"d it -C -A
.yirri ure� undr this tir-rrM�- u4stzt,;M, trjnUW,jTjg, jji;f`l,ve.sj__--j10 yqyll Roz Rnkfwv " aha- r-,,, ir I .1 S ,,- .�.A .� vir-ngs�;mCF--to IV i
L � _a,st Vor r,'bj,'v'= � � - V��A,q Ut,�tl'3 'L,�9 VVUIIU��B t"e CMIM'S #'-If Cl,�g-acfvvn s:ifb!,��-itanean F!_T&r_,--_q, whiLl
"Arluat tl�rr;lvl. Inistak 1� 'o � -1, " 1, I 1,.",V- irtztpa fl, M,2- stoty - , - � I
e?" Itiqu a..Qkq �,-,,pj P'I've I'g�t ,PVF.�ii a jv�lav,o,,� " got Bf,TUI&Z thL-_7 attg.,� C_"��I_,:V- wi:10 sj-,il �4,�agc"� ! Eq. rNgzm �,flljl:� t.'.
t'D 0* r to lim = .,,fN f hie tknii,x, 114L,t Tlr� 1,..-c_.�;� I � It1l". cl �*�,fp_*Cqj. Vowed
Agnaln, qim;,�-Illy. b*Dt wolailir,rDatt s"OP14- the g'A yo,x thju.k jvT !raTr7jz24 " ,, OA�zot Avwtyw�x!te. yon d1i'n't ee- -
11 . AT -19 e�:txft cmol drt��'vm.�t,v, VIP ar�*,�I, !.!- ", " "A' zlr�,,=d 'at -.!1 LJ tbF" hCris S_ tat "- 1c;r" e_,t��2g!17 "fr��p .�t,'.'-' f
� � , '13 tt�z-jn,(.'", b�ii� t bj
ly .A Vw vavn. tftwiI how e(M tho, 0r&,_-gl1I1g ?�Owgv tiu -,Vors�. tjj�,!,n IWVV. :. ": I : Eh'e V�iq,. �atc�'�'�ry ove,b 111 yazii L,avr, �_ j I
"i prown. 119tv'i,iffil Q-,re,v. = 4,%Va1- .� , � - ", - :, MV q,0M,�4r1!fr1at: . WZ3. 1 . 'if *1�istl�R-,2fiiLg V_.'%��C[12all ,01
- � , r�'�tll 141-I"I'44"49.11- an"I EGSVi'd tovr 'I4 .. 1,.v i.44a '.' V �, �c- � � �, . r;C'. " ztl-=I:�d t-- Ln'tCLm"Stnt-L"� vv_;nz,�Vt.%, zi,&A, -,:,,�� z,k,s,MWW', rf_x�eaej
NAV�*, wv,"Jvii�r If'", ,S�mnvpful. a&,7", V,�e ,31c� t,."��gLt,-. - I - ,,'-., I'm- =�fI �" _,�i " , u�m to m"
" 3 � I -4,cr Mn I :. 'If, 11.1
Is tlqo� bt-;,�Ze No"I tile epcn WLU'la"', fvlv�' -!;; aRki'l 43sgt�ave�'] thrj)-,j rj yo'&- I i " ron't b-, artnl& L. ,ft,,t. f, I vra,v b�g f,:Limg�l to &"t,A,�' " O!, .LMe jbif;' ,z� C", Sh""!)",��L,j,',,g U-�%"19
� - , �
,; drmll) brow. i Ile disf'.q rwot ztn&Wj%r j1p.,-. , tr"'viit rj�stzf L if twtp MW tn�,,,--, �� ;. G'i;-,ot,,_,r ritp�pizti��, rvon,�Vragng t 11tep for t.15=g -III =�Zu tm �, day a mz!�t��z 1; W�k, -,-1--, �
01 Li. -r " M rk bat 'ID0 wo,"M trcsil. aii-tsfulf to, LQI'v--,�,,�- 'L w H�J ; I , -fs wercr t,ytor�- �Pli�.Alwf,,3 - Ir. a ee7uturr Qg - 9� I
"I arl arral I I o go all, Mrth . 9,71��q - -ange, IVQ.,- wrer bas foee, Ljs ,, rL -%, .ekif.�," �:!'v,n�! . .�U?,t � Int'a tro-M �-2 fx�nrz�v ��b:o 1�.-,Lnuated t2IL, ut:; U191 -n" �P.-.,L,g_
. , ee. hot, -wAtOrit ls� , tit il ,-� W,r,c",f Was istill,
� a toad I Mat trais wmaI an"I nrTI-XIII-a t wo- fc---ec, ic�=_l ozbwed-
X,nrly llwner sa.ya fair tl.v, a nil I' tisi in * lflrtry Tim�ti- and nttitadto,' a,; 11 `=. -r WOZIM to;g imr, U #t,x�zA, �:'�ttr��'A 11, ii Azs Ln &-"'u, 'bon s z�-, . ',..I_3f7,;1r,- Int"d
I twift Is P!".V,S;ft1Ti[y tin -A Ensfat".,v a .10
011 ho.TvI;".,; Ftnv ll�ts SIV41-pn "brift th� h'2,-; fallP32H M 109 Phf4mT'-F1Pr-Q. arI tric. d4rd""intIMPf1wid AW1L(Vc:,;.zy f_','_'t- V�'-3. !3 a rn�=;t�% tLA�, rm'xog 0�]O�* tr_v- 1i 4rje -�ts fL,:� , -
. -�Tvo jbf-wa`�l -2, V,z,g Uft,
I ' .jv � I '_�fo�!zljk:.wrm T.�Ie ltmna] '_
14 a tcz�w, ."m a7mointe rl-_I�slln. tq . I*rox] hr -91 and Titan V�r-aat drong, bn,lv .M.,51 - C_,Tlrara. V� 1;!�,%N yc�vcl Itti' V17- In"d 4E�,_ n E,mkez Qn�,a T,:,&m.r,V t.,,- I. 4 ZoKed by
I . L, � tw:riw. cm,l averz- 1�4- _L1,'11:,!1 "
vaia caumot irauu-wv ' Moi Dowao- Yrin �In I .g 11frin'l euneia flur,tisc.. . _ f r'x� , -� rm 'M _z,",zn,njt - "CF -t 51". I
Ives on eutali% bgrl. ilAmc ,vv d-Azix ,'�, tL,L"_I�, - I szlcmes ueam,tilz e -:,7_-a �e�' oilru�!
. . r � , M r 4;1r=j,-ran_-, . M,V I= m il_�l gz�at -:�_�._M', W*Du. tbs'T V,� cliz, L! ateb i
'�13 vo�znt. U asa-jr�,I ,*'�,�_,,11 1-49 S:n*e. ,L,.! ��-rze 1�41�1,'Z'0 F- v r- T�Z' t "' U. n - -_"_'40 '.I I T, " "
cannol.-you Wq,)1, 93',* 40 Z�ClUr- � CIOZ'l fd"lle4l 1-M feir Vu-, slrarw� Ch'A tiia- nal,2 "-;i .-, EI -7 ,,� ,11�, , , ,_.,:44,_j =VeT116fV7,, 4,!�_.J' l'�_,:_--_`-`-aVC_&TZ'
oplt.�, 4 "The, ranmc� .v"n ll-ar !s tot .", 1`91, trult .14 lsr�* &,.s I ,,* to,d;y. "Z ft-,Nkttl =.'? sa=i�cn zo,;;,-�,l v, -,-,,:a nr-_,_--=1FVN ,,� ,
,aInV-U,Pf-07 vwif knZAr th,".7" so�,:I tr,�,p -a 5v%-� z _t f, �, � , - - � , til Hat:e �j #f t1he C_,,�,_1!1. W: L n -!l _' d- ,:> fsir.sn all
"Tell mp t , ,p,�, _W WN -1. ee�a*roO^ C�-,�,"� r - I �, tte ir*�! OT tno ��,��.,,�--n 9 C-,�.,L=:�n�, 01 Eat
lztr� rv�,uzoi,'" Gctargoi sn,vs., r - - �C,n v I abrup,vt, glvh *IV ir.=V`�*.,,r .,�nv 'L,�_
- D "
b;�10�47. skq, rotrlel;g 1�1'q au,pn4-It VrEt'l ;M ,x,,e,-- 'r_ 2. - 0 �� —n c Wd I P"Lt tr�! I I
.1 , a Z'- - .
ta:n v4fj_-�:;t rfW.t. V, an'l r,o**re_,1C-P E�al, T ��S: 'r -, `-2u-', ; t* at, n 1; z, '. _. ,,,'-,%,2 4. '. -_:--nia ,r,.- twe. WZ:��-n rne bop- I G-a-cz-vt Mr_,ft'i*_ 1��Ls r-ntT,_,rn_..,D v-, C�:,b
' ' -- - ��j a -
:".-, .,. ,I fir�rtcntora �ra ef�rt.nian r.E2nnnt 0: r�n, �- r �id C,11 ."L.1-1 P�-:*Eii. r11 -,F -:r S.-=Z�A to t t�=- nA r:4 --s' tta tFp�-"_ L:r Z.F. ,V;;�e e tha
"Cwt .vaR norj,t gn away vam�%VrTaf�tp, t -w M.- ii� omik,,.�; -�Ilv n-%! �- - H " I
t, %
Pout try to rforg"-, ft -pr '21, T-�ad.v , "I gw-�;s�rl 5"t was n -A m�y Regal ana �&TTV"�"U,Wlii T'��r �",.7�t,lj ff%.r-�,7, �A �� .-,7 4��,-y �i -
__ � , 5M lak-za OT nntUc"I w:�---.z.11 Ls n'l 4--j�,- tf,c, C'�`(,? fzlt��a.�,E,D2,1. tnnj tLe jzt. q0X:zt strzzt=ej an CL��:t�- , -t�-, ,!,,�"6
-, -, innrsz� !!,_.:=?- Mty 17 &A Ev, An 3 trce CT t::i�= =.-�m at [.".a= azil 4-mve hl -a' *,
Danl�- lzt_,!� .�lnorqq_ P�P&._Rt,�.V. as � ru'am-7:1 5-,�- anr,wer�;. In zz M4,�"Er. �a,.,r tweriitz'. y6atsi -%I, i gejrp.&� T.air . - �,Zllle. 'L
I -,
, -P M I; i7RUg Is% to *:I :Atn " ic-ng t?m� tz�-1
If i.e. htt�,rl-rg Mr..%. "Tak,� 1-1 i� - =1 tt,e ont C1 tL,- -valt%il.
_01111ay. ' vo"aT,P. niilve r__-!jy y6a jL-r,0V7 rnv 's, :�Vnr_- "a-ldy vr"L.0 r:_ns dbn�,I -
� fatrtc-ir:" I � � � -_0=C4C_-2t wrh.1�-V,TCsM,r.'1r. '�'V_ tai
't , . - , .i
It il 1�
ii i
I! ) ;1
4 1
1i � � I
F11 -1i 14
em ,
20 al-��
wnd go o, -#,r to L�m.Qlon ar Pat -7,i Tor a i nr=- V, i j10, r - , I " �'Lp. . � t,mmi- to 'H.fank zs-tf, wAl OT tl--. ,= -V rrcna t�'.-.-�, trj=e, aw- tn'..g tnz to -, - ,:!2:1t
. Zttj
. J, q
� J�
�n t
, 0 ,�j ,1,11 ..�:,;; "'. - n:tg � , - 2 � .!=�j cz, iwx=Ln. hTo " V�Ifa
tew weplwz, inil zt�_v and i(��*;t hT,r- " HN-1-ImA 6-1r:)An--� �nnf-r ass 1014� wr-g-ht I Zar-ad. rt-cf0ic'Ung MnisezN V,j�n SO In ,M,e TvAn2m- V��rjlg 41 il, 2 01 =P -; slz.-av�"o rf,�-. i�I=S�mf. He gnt t10 rmzorte szzlfta t�-ati:-::� to 1-.Lp tt� _t,;7"a Ott--%.
- , slip ,var'. I S�lv_a S-Mp:r Z; -A 7"��- J'�Al, x*"N�.=- tv-X� lt'(r-7!a.*k
I wrl 0, nlykz4f it"n a'ayt!"'Ang-hielp yOn - oll 10-1 humillndx�n seir-m,z to btAft'in � ,.trart in lals d_�,4"*;u"vU;4 1-dir-ep C": po,�i . , *A�--f-re nre eC�V,-D &'I' 4�'X,FjVc� etra-�P_tzt
- , his broa,+, Ilk-,- a rel hot brar.d. <0117. Tq-,r 2w wagn:m,jv H,��_J L:a-wy � 9:Gr9V1W)Vu 11 af Le ecz-211-3 e:�,Iw� he to�y,& *'OkIlIz. '�
in anyway. I -am very vorrry for all i fdaziltaZIts L�vre ia,�:A lr.wza ts Vito
thi-,*; t hzL70 .,��:CH !�o all alo.ng.11 � � , , � I 14Timt W -.M r.at fi:,V�I Lar?�, Dam:m San �, e. =,5=11 ? �, f,lty. rcmg unnzzd. t -t mot,7 &M. 'be
'*Tell we the rea,o.-i vrii,y I cannot. . Toll 1a rt*4 no 7xzmlr� I— sizo 93-ro D-_=-r's vi,Y-e.- tL�vaLu�L,_- z,�� ..-iz;'-�- "
, , I " � �1 it W""D q=esttaa. 'T, -
, I � �,j'p "MrAr M.rjV.d:-W_, v7l.a w, . - wl. -,, t`eif watet
tersels'. silrely yo,u Mn_,j t ,.,�p , �'o 74'"l gaz�.% df,�eTs'Lvely. "Sw —_
, - �, . � ard I UtAtzofi!� ama fm=
tnzrky 114'r.11 lie rolwate, oxae,Uy as I I I =A w,Fne-or, ani la=iownt. 51 'L
he had o-,exot; before. gaes�ed that .also. 'You flave no ]ego � Ilow ,:,; dc, Ole 'Man", was Foal,ed =,7 WI 4L:-avm� lr�a to n1l, gavc-ral
.1 wa n, or mo ?" h.. tizys. lif�r':_r�61 t*,p I
11 tear8t, and mzzk�- eon'.A�=es. =43
� nawf%. no legal po.QWC,tV.*1 _t hor. Vmnk'r. lf�rdiy gt,.�J.rz ber, ,� �, t, -,,--)q ty,t4't'- alfta,-�Izd to eacra r6:99 -
"You said -1 understood lately timt Ann e.,1 m�-ro, whom I rz-coglll�_A. d I
,I "Do yoll IwNau that I am_- 11"'r, is b"0ASr1,-#t cr-k- � 11 � li. 11 �, ta�=.
,,I- frc][F,eck. with h �, have h-.vstP,.;c::�. nt=l VU tllos-1 et:�:,r
7W-1 6zall you thanglik. 01 gOing au'roau � 11 ic"Vneoniltants OT a yoan- Iaj.vs xov,�l eS L,si'169 -jL0Z,4 XNU"'Lm�,5�' Oc-em-S, ;
. A Mauds. start' -ng forivarl wetit th Wknt are .rna grir--g C*�j 11h, x �
With swalf'. expedition." site pi�rslsts. In'se, ea=�a elowl!�* u:)I to the parch where I
',,why rat go now ? It will be bes' .- gloaming eyes anI one upral..;e0l arm. ritlorge 711 slDe zt&� .�Tra," �AfCY � affair.!' �
4 �
me. And - , " Aroo von telting me some cruel fhl�e- .%rkl I-9ndly. S.Ie b,as a. irarwr 'M rl,�ril And kis heez" arn't4's Wn sak-C-Br. M�14V wiffe anj j Wer - a sitting. I
wisos;t, it hiJeed, believe , , r,�,_�r ,z -h- �' Sordy Lady ]Daanlv�rls lmrdl. eont�=r,- "noway. Isars-a ctarles'.," he salm 1
Zvi sball havo motley or anything � lood ;f yof,jr own ? Have, yo,,j 'no hf'Ort for wonlaw"y PHY , . crus
� pity ? no -46- ea -VO-11 1,nolv Wrv� I.,Itj ? ed foe. eml,' b m-ldles-. Eihe rain ws wai- � tt. fo,�;, wo.rdsp patnt a p!etura of 1-:5 tak:zzg 62N h1s, liat and rest5og hisj
wou wa-t to lv�L*> you V � I( � !
IM I 'ttlIc .. raxiinly pnv- 5�� I;pt t�,_.st wccp,bn nwr. � tnior lift.lf,,j- love in F�i--t misek:�. st,.dtz t.-na 0-a-�ket fixi, tp!e lower iE�e.e�p.
"Whiel do, you titk* me for - a 4 .. �"011 know Who is my f, �r? �
kiln,vo of.- a to. -I 11' George eeniamdv � I 4O." She, Says, drawing oLway "I don't know. .InyVOng. 0,-1 Ont �' "Porlualls Zvorald Me to d�CtZt te & wls�zrve ye. M,e-Is! Ye does tore leek i
,4,9L f 4r;Z111S.. " S;nrclzv ,vea eannot but Of t1t; place at onee," he'sa,Ts, S_Ow-'�. I � "ter to, Iner. ITMI MN LL,qly Damer" =11,_-�Bty pz-art duso he- day.
throliqla, - blh,* 0,1�;ffshut teeth. - , , ill . . , .1 * 't -, Ma It
-to,.),,, I thi-ak! Toll me at oneo w -bat ,� know. Vort .ire even I'ke llini-ver�v I.Vjtna stupidiv. hf��, _saysr. vVitrz a, sfn�,�r, Ithen 'yM.r T, aak�N, - r-st'r, I tf��Ueve I WD:l -
bugbe.,,rtr �vopj are trying to frighten . like, him at tlm�-��4. You;;uit L -now_` - , It', will b!":� rat tr-P Tv4tc- vr�`F-.i mind Will Ila et -.t-t:, roe ac-sa heall tocte,4. Idanef brz=_-�
11 "YOU are, Ifelft- Iles— She _�T n -A I VC-t-Mbeirlij She W1311 not, fsaffcr Oven ta�s. , re a pre -'sent, �Iarse cLar�es. Five;
,n.r-.-. uit'1,211 4 w g-'e0s wia-�t,j�r_ I- "110
,Gclorge re- Ql 04
,5 &4 b _- sl�. fa,tl.aSt, aof"C_31� e"T k_ I
"I wl ; I no!", shki ss.V'14, despilrates,V 1 torts, Ills whit(-, fac* nhnnfAs ec-n- YW-1. You said i "Nave ,nnt liNn4m - nnaki.�, her tempar _,ssert 1"Sa"f. v ,,,e .. le
, !,villsed -is lie "taggors al-'ek against frjondiq, I knorm. yc,lti e.qn. tI-,r'n1P.% " t -at rc,sts wrt"t ,vb*z I em�? Len 'Vasa couid saratea %I -,,N
ar - ficIl w, �;j k jifi,7p 41 "Of oemrsa, 1 I =IF
and 1111mlly In Iv!r a], rit. "Yoll ma;.v; , ,ly rlow. 1. 0_tj�lli I .
the table. 3[ eo not k;jow: oliell laf, , , A-6 lw�lv. ,V,v r- i
rot ll-,�'.Ir-ve Ink',, YOU Mre fV1 Obl;tinatd I , ' i, ewl, sn�sv In Cue smrne doe - . - "
, W. ,i,Ln - 142tter fel�llllg, on air. ;
I t1h,on-lit 'Voll It— I -1 40're a uring me, if (,(),art 01 otht.lr�q, ? IgnoTing Ills rudinass With clever "Yez. sah, r'se rwht peart for a i
I ,
riot pli-ter -ray lxjt-tbandl.�; presence lo- 2v"u a"M 4 Woman and not a fipnij! be -Tore 3roll were born. 17-.11-st. 1 ;ftd- ,ael1-pW,st,i?lo1. "if Z�on wak-,� !ter Ole man. Zr-nilfrgaft Charles, S'.'all, you ,
, . Who are my rather and mother? mit, bat I ew�jjd ljot bolp it." I I
night if It, fa -0 oil' that I told. I underz-tillitj t1iiat the affa;r Is quite to��,Idni` pleaz��, saht, leni me ,Q5 fer my
�yaa and that I' wae'the first to , U'llat are they ? What, am I ?-- IFtbe, Is half ang,ry with bt-ir,;Aftor at', an end, ber own ,.,�,Af-respeat will S!Iclet,v. Xes, tofhd'jydeo1e=a.nI0ng, I
enlighten -ioa!" I "Votir matiWIr 'INMS a Peasant girl thp %Ve.a1.mjndcd-,Ie,&s of thig speech, 11 ' 11
4with a pret compA her to be -silent. It is tb?. CO!, 14 s 0, gall T,
"T"Idy 1;-rj"er. I Insist on ,'vvar tY fac3 and eas.v vir- WhIch 13 true PTIM1911 1-1 the msin;i br-st Way; the Only Way- It wol.M' ly, "iyV.1 11ro-
teiltir, Ino plainly. trathfil, - ` .
�Iv, anj .It ; tue." Ln4y Danirr tinsix-prg, sp�aldng T)ut It IM1 UIP Pff4I*t Pliv Intel -d -J, f to t,ajs in tlie enz�; I as- I never receive preserAts nor 1=3 1
oacA, what yoll have got . to tell . Very Cah�]Y ALI" EcA betraying thin and mtlkf�.i (�:�r,-�gt- rpg.,,rd hP.- In a I L'-'va 00mR -I I
Inalignity, thn, roi-r:, njr:-ell�,Ms hati, new ligbta"S idsonj,- tiort & sharerl 8111`0 �Yblz I " L-�d-r Damer says. t*aak- rao-ne.F. T.qkk- the ebid-mg arn-'. 4
3ine!" (,,,,r2g:i relterates. his P3-09 � , hlr4 --afferin; "Mr. W-MlzfN la Uot the to, tbib IdIte'aen tMd tell tha cozk tOr
that, ratold-rig F;tl
an.3 jealousv .11. 10. by gr. I Ing her hea,l. I
gloaniltil- fflarim-roasly. "Yoll sh.-Ill i her edY,T, ra�rwv naturel, aiie-r tw�,jjty. "Thank you. ' . far vorvk man to, W lwfll�,,,.,noed by suah couitl- bay them:' j
,speak o,(" now, at onc1, and for- , Lilely flatner, 3ft i
' 1. SQ'ven YeArs. -110r lover s,�nt ber to profferml lielp," llc-* s1NSI, toirlAv., bmw t1rations aq yw.1nX pooplelsi love -fan- "Lort';yl 111low cle I ti gl"ln' !" nv:t- 4
ever III ..., I Anai,riea wh-en :Foll wr,re born mjj without 1_11�t�_-:Ipss. Y,yj T_�jj-,st JR.101141111111,01es. I assure vw,l L is not, George. tered Jargov. t4T6 tyala7x 1� dow, took
. �I 1, � I— I—— � ; ,��& nlan Of mone'v.-Shmwa. 'sord0, �e to you pa, wIlen, I �,Lx .ye dat qllfrfs-
i. _n, .1 , provid'e,il for hor vory -c,omfortalj�y. - � , tl��tln
S I And * Shn lived in Amrr*�,rc decentIv TO, CU REA ,00LI), IN ONE D&V � � � I )�_fce'ql har(1_'lea'aed7 g all tile tion. Alnx�gbty rr�ec handed genim-ta
.tops the Cough I I
and I'Vorks ()Ir the ,Cold. � nnil comfortably onougla-as .1 world by his owa tfl�t 0 1
, such �. I 4' goldr-hor he wtt% saIa, Tas, Gall: tl._--.� wa'n"t
Vtkd 1AXative 1]r6rAj1Qj,jbjn?, Tablett A7 -
- bbt eum a cold � girls grn�lrallY do. ,Sll � bad ll,,en doad ,t�,djp bndyphh-p say.,:7, ahni.-",t "�'roppf*,ng into nothin' r,jpan nor little %,�at Ve kxt.� I
In-liku'ra Bro�,.iio-(zujnjnc Ta'bli ilr� -glst-m r6f-end the, �noiley If it ftlils to �6. ,� - - . .
., - ,z: as Wogg, as elle llnmeg," put Ift my,mite, -by way ot
utdar. NoCW*,Xo_?46y. PZke25,0eAtL I for some years now. .tri -I your fathcr V�iW.Grav,eo*lg,me�umisbu,ba4kbox- U4. poetrT," I" Me I,.1 I
I ffe�p WaMt46d, QUiek. I
Wanted, an -_W,C--bGd1if�d man 1.0 be
I the zariti-M=,zfaa�y cand'ifate for
1T.nyot. CIA' Ndw Y,titk. Ila may Mva
any kltd of Pz,",5ttZ.3 ho% hkes, proveeA
tzo L,asll ,I tta rac,c:2 ola amy ozza kind.
r. Lig raMz- was a Germa% hit
mother an 27LQ;� wncma-m ani U10 was
born tri ,a,q .kw-ziaSn coasiftte ot
v&I$-, so nn,co tiac� Wfter, provi-mlilg
hei. ig -'ealty a trve-blue .Ikimer%�Lt
after all. Ile =:,-%t b� paritamical
vrouea 1.0 suit the Purl"ame, bat -not
p��oas enough to be palnfui to a no,w.
try constftuenclz�% He m. izst ba cul-
tiare4 enough to cat, -h I the ,Murray.
, -
1 e, ough all�
arcund felloxv- to be wi',lzng to kiss
tho bablot; do,r.-n In. .quilberry Bend,
He mnet , rxit ba an olJ m9m, but last
olil t�nong';i- 11 he has had previoaa
exw,".1ence, Ill will be all right, p -,O.
%IdIng lie Made no onemief; while '113
'w rklo. If at'y Fuell nlan lives t1liss side
Oi heaven. let lz',m b arr,v up and apply
V t one;� at, �0' T7-- Iteadquirtore
'S c-ionth Et-_v_1.et, Mnr,Iz,,,.,ttan._Lc9jIe?.j
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