HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-06, Page 6ii-GliTING AI SAN PAM. Wounded Cared for by United States Surgeon. FINED FOR SHIELDING VICE. Pollee Captain illateted in $1,000- • Pennsylvania Railway Abandons • TrOtley Systeni-Ohinese on a Mission to Washington -Twenty - 'seven Victims ofDetroit Explosion Washington, Dec. 2. - Secretary Long to -day received the following cablegram from Capt. Perry., of the Iowa.: "Panama, Nov. 27. -Stubborn fighting between contending forces . yesterday near S.tn Pablo. Delayed trains; requiring prudence and pa- tience. There probably- will be fight- ing to -day near Gatun. I have se- cured assurances that firing shall cease while trains are.passing. Forty evoniaded Colombians brought in trellis last nit. All oared for by Dr. lerindlebera,xer, .(Signet i Perry." A cablegram received' et the State Department to -day from 'United States Consul General Cadger, at Panama, says:-"efileere Was a good deal of fighting yesterday at Onge- ting, in which. Gorerniamt forces wore generally successful. The trains are delayed." . ••e Winked at Vice. Albany, N. to Dee. 2.-A verdict of guilty was rendered this morning in the case of Captain Thomas .1, IMa- 3nond, of New )ark eity, who was accused ot having wilfluly neglected to suppress vice in Jos preeinct. This la a nalsdeameatior. The ease was tried before a jury. Captain Diamond was sentenced by Justice Berrielk to- pew a, fine of $1,000 or to be .imprboural In the, A batty county penitentiary. eel: lino was paid. lerolley Plan a teallure. Phillatit labia, Dec. 2. - The Penn sylvdnia Railroad Cempany Ime bee given forintj notlee or the perninn ou abanj.nenlott• of the . troil. eervlee between Afount !folly an,. Burlington. N. J., atil or tho substl tutiou •of steam. The determination of the Penney/ Tauna t1k1tIsinileates that be U.:laity eta a motive power for steam raltro.tla has not proven tiatisrue tory. A (I !nese on tt Mission. San Prami,eo. Dee. It Eixelte meat has it eo eat:Go:11n "iiinatown Seys the CltrottileV, by the arra of a special tonts*.try of the thin OtP. flowertamP, CAikedi Unit Tut. 0,4 --tellAMy Ma. Kurd inin the ridtell tutjAtlitt tL eitin.'tte Ltrat4t,z-7 at Wt7slitirr- ton, hat It k r unt r 1that itt ity :;tv iore to. 40^fe it the pro:Th.- 0104m to r..?-041atIt t.. ht' . ......--....!....,,r.....--. Ias described by the QfridalS to eS- tablish .an inclepeetiont governmeat.' ativen of the men axe Unitexel, Stettea Odeon's, and they have grievances and tho abillity to set them forth in convincing style. They believe they have power to secure by force the. rights which' they declare have been denied them. Governor-General Uinta of Canada is to be asked to send troops to the scene, and at least to double the Mounted Pollee, Mr. Millard, the leader of the party of officials, said : "We expect to pro- ceed to Ottt-twa at once and will have a consultation with the high Govern - anent authorities about conditions In the territory. 'This trouble may as- sume an, international phase because so many members of a secret mil- itary order are Americans, and we oannort try ,thein for treason. The mounted police have always been competent heretofore to take eare of all disorderly characters in the territory, but this affair is of too serious a nature to be handled by pollee. Arms and ammunition, we are told, have been secreted in great quantities. Provisions have been cached at various strategic points this side of White Horse, which is the railway terminus, and beyond. Dawson was to be the capital of the Republic. The oonspirators depended on aid from Americans :throughout Alaska, and circulated copies of grie- vances with the grand seal of the or- ganezation, in White Horse, Dawson, elkagwa,y, Hootaliequa. and Circle City. Skagway is in Americant terri- tory," IN HOLLER " DEFINED, Court Sets Forth What Kind °Callan He is, SPOR1Y " AND EXTRAVAGANT 'New York, Dee. 2.-ttra1ittnes Pol- ley, formerly treasurer or the Har- man House, who beeauto Involved in litigation with the late Edward S. Stokes during the last years of his life, according to lins own testimony before Judge Aft:Adam, of the ei4reate Court, has been a "high rollor.d EMtlenee to this effeed. Wati brought 111 out dur;ng the erosexaminaidon or Mr. Polley. by Samuel entormyer. e fore he went into bankrup(ey Polley was a debtor tpf .51r. Stokes to the extent of tttitLittli) -tad had Leen _ arrested at the lastigation of Mr. , Stokes on a charge in perjury. _ Mr. Polle,) was onee worth about $200.t1titi, but he theiPalied (.4 the ! name, in vtori,..trt ways. „ lie testified that he lived at the Hoffman noise, alit when asked .why „ he Mid gam., the proper* to Miss teat:maga for tit n, lie replied: ▪ 'Free. 6ratis." Q. -.1e.4 as it m. A. Yes. sir. Q. -Were you tin tL Duthie or i)lay.. tug cards? A. SO. Ma% t44 gat(tiblatg? A. No. Mr. QUARRELED OVER BOK. It Was Borrowed and Led to Murder, • A WOMAN IN THE CASE. Children Piay With Matches and Two of l'hern are Darned to Death and tee Mother is in the Hospital - Death of Famous Entomologist. Chicago, Nov. 80.-A quarrel over a borrowed hook was followed by a murder here last night, when George Johnson shot and killed Robert New- itt, a life-long friend. Mrs. Johnson is authority for the statement that the shouting' came on thee heefs of a quarrel over tho which was owned by Johnson. When Newitt fell to the floor, Johnson, wearing neither coat nor hat, ru.slieti from the house. After running two blocks he was seen by a policeman, who gave chase and arrested him. "I've killed a man back there" .ott said. Johnson was taken to the station, while other policemen went to Ids home. The prisoner Irp:.1 ray nothing as to his motive 1%,r shooting his friend, but the pollee to . Nows pocket a. photo- graph. of Mrs...Tobiason, giving rise to the theory that jealousy might have been the. un'ilerisinoe cause. of: -do • quarrel Which ended in the elayerig of Newitt. . Both men came froiu de same town n England, and both. were about -ears or age. Played With :notches. Philadelphia, Nor. Kelly. geti 5' years, and her 10 inontli,..• old sister, Ella, were burned to oath, as the result of plavin "LI St4P104 11. 1,11144144.,*, 411 DMA. etlit not mite a.3 flume Idea , as tot wieve a� th.3 ia9ney went 2 A. -1 Neet is. te.-Ted were HA driaLiing man? A. -Iron:. 1 55a14. wo..d 3 *L. '1.,1 more than • go 0.:41111•1 111mi A. -You • E. oo h slot-tioll 'tL.3. sty,, tz.--114,1 Wort. a 11.1'..th tt$W111, W ley...t.45eten Dead. tl,atrole. roe. The !Nth ley Was talf01rt,02.11 trto ruins cif thr5 wteeltell. Ito nb,rithy Itilretore tut ht. 1.30 tEelee 03eriel14. T•lee b9 14' Was U111,1xxitti14i d, Lfn HJCIPi Buys and idube..1 Fall In o Gen, Knox's Hands. 4.46111M1.444114 i0 BE1T IS ALS3 WOUNDED. Lohicro, rict. kEte:uelitv., hi a 1.2orspa_ttel ,,1n retoria oll oted to -day, repartsot that -:i; 11.19 eaptareol on-litsl9y-r% of *oaf - Mania, who sec tpni atter the recent tight, ith, tiejto..a ri 1 ,catle reitututail- two V. ;i0-11 toot 17 _qte ir ttifro-o.,:. LtilhatttNr • Loral VditA EYes • dr. 111. Cost ,Iroo.a to. L,;11-.4at ,2 1)1 ttom y 2 g:cat talont,y „aro %%or oteLordlly 5 Zor. gong ii441'.0-9 3.151414'518014, th', Ct-Nlei-li tot the Volpe? A....-3itost ef 'gut. t.tioirt too Ile ol'e5.:.."1,:li °thole: tPt,i.let the trauf tvg,"Ft •.t..eg frau tot„ )144114914141 14,J,4 ttJt•Sltf-. . o o fr4. tkio- s tiol D.o1.0114%-rti, 1189,1 ty.o WJ1541 t!..ii11. tV:f310:4 ejlEatil 'n-Jin9 i; 'C3 tl! 11 !V.) 04.1...-64'.,MCIALC h -4"..0 osto3 tt„' t• Iva trhgeEu t.-.5.tortling' Li,4 7,"eito.t. trans a ysloorty• Mein tt-L'.irettIng; O.i19 nCot„ zspAteltfi.1.1.1t an a win‘e 0.1.2g24erg 3141391 '9 ibartnit Itt# :,,-,31,/ttra 8, whFleh is I noir tine subject old sitiq tome- 1, a.s it resut-t.gito as...ttstioert. who 'is) wonnaltot • " y g ;In* lad; a small :Nov- * 9g1 : ' A dos]oalca .rv.i,';v,zal In London ll[hll tiat5d 1Ve_tor.a. _Not. 2Is1. sail that teintriandant !1 's hfid beett tooptcre,g /Moir.- a/L.1,61.1:1g a patrol hear VC-, hettirlorpt Later &spat:Woes frofn South At- • a WO Swa:n aPd Died bear Nitiinratarp tv.-.21 a se.rions at- Diss, litt/jAr kiraNOt killed and three erg - Idea. ir odd ; Indinto that till flghtirr;- t1p4.4,40,14.4444.1,14,4114,...•444,1mau, _ 41.7..414.444.11144411.161/144441444,1114V41.4:41•140.4:44.4444,44.4,,,*,2,44.144.,....44,.........,44.4•44.414mgaw1414 C NSTITU-11 N THE CANAMANYF ingly little likelihood of any None- diat resurrec Hon. From all over tho country come reporta of large Industrial eon - warns, °edit alike tolling the sante tale or bad trade. and diminished re - °Opt P, The piteons lament or women and of the workniandix family to -day rises from one end or the manufac- turing portion of the country to the other. , thousand workingmen aro Idle in Berlin alone. All over tho eoantry is the same cry. What is more -sad though it be -that lament is likely to bo heard atilt louder, for every dayonas- ters are reducing the nurnher or their hands, because there is not work, for the hands to do. And with this, the poor peoplo have winter upon them.. And protection does nothing but take of their earning. , THE UM TI1KES [10111 Sweeping Injunction in Labor Fight in Chicago, BLOW AT COUNCIL'S DICTATION Philadelphia, Dec. 3.- judge Mc- Carthy, ex the Common Pleas Court, has issued an injunction in which he doonies the right of the Council of the Allied Battling Trades or its agents to instigate strikes at imild- ii!g,ot where cienxraetors employ labor that Ls not arallated with that or- . ganization. atension has calmed. widespread commotion in the ranks of 101.a1 trades -uatuniets, and it is probable, tbat an appeal will be taken to a leigher court. . tale. .1eCarthy also denied the right of the defendants to order etratraetors to diseilarg..x. members of • /Mixer organizations Whit) are not af- , Dilated ivith the Connell of the Al, • lied Tratlee. Further, and specifleally, he ordered them to re. .1 friia from threats, I.N.prftSa,t1 or late that employers would suffer lois by hiring the plaintiffs, tj,110, cage Newell resulted in the 111. f juneti, Wa4 that of Erdman and otin ,1 cr.t against the counell of the Allied Trades. Under threat of a ; rtekP• -le I r , . ng the fon days, Dec. etie 101.11, and 3.2t11 a Mounted foree of nearly 000 men Lor service° in South Africa, will b recruited at different points theough .out the Dominion. The force will b willed the Canadian Yeomanry. Th orders ,for the enlistment of thi. force wilt be issued from headquar- ters this evening', motto,. Orders. The orders read: "His MajeSty's CV% ernmenr, having signified their oleasure to accept the offer 'of Can AN years of age, not under el feet inehes in height, not weigh m ore • an SU pounds, and have a (Meet Mott surement of not less than 84, inelies, be :medically fit and bo able to. ride: and Shoot. Preference will be o given to men who have had previous service ie South Africa, and to be single men. Married men. and widow- s ers With children will •bo accented, .gbiltnntoeasettnervaa.tion alloveanee will be Recruiting Points. Recruiting will take place in Brit- ish Lotambia Dec. 9th to 11th, and the following quota will be enrolled.. Victoria 10 men, Revelstoke 10. llosslunct 10, Nelson and Port Steele 10 men each, Vancouver 20 men. Northwest' Territories - Calgary and Regina 15. men each ; Piecher Creek, MacLeod, Moosomin, 10 men each ; Ifitanouton, Lethbridge, Maple Creek and Prince Albert 4 men each. Manitoba -Winnipeg 20 men ; Vir- nadeetni, lierlev.flon, Portage la Prairie 10 eiltleisihtieu)loL(oreerniting 9th to Ilth in - 'Mon -Quota eiti-llecruit- leg offie.T, D. 0. C. No. 1 district medical (Allem., Major C. W. Belton, A. M. S. (luelpii-teu eta 10 -Recruiting ()Mixer, Lieut. an.1 Major C. M. Nelles, 11. C. D., medical officer, Surgeon, Major W. II. Johnson, othli Regiment, Iiiimiltun-teuota 20 -Recruiting of- ficer, Mejor V. i.e. Williams, it. C. D.; ineeited officer, Maj Rennie, a. M. se Toronto -Quota 55 -Recruit- ! Big officer, D. 0, C. No. 2 district . medical officer, officer in medical elierge of Stanley Barracks. Peter- 12--itecruiting °fit - Col. T. D. B. Evans, C. .13., meta- . offitxer, Capt. O. W. 11. (1orrcl1 ' A. M. et. Kingston -Quota 110-Re- eettlxing ()Meer, the IL 0. C.; medical 01.1x.etminr, offieor eharge of the Quebee-elontreal 35, Quebec. 35, St. John's .20 men. New Brunswiek-Frederictun 5. St, • John 20 mint. • N.fivre eeedia-Ifetlifax, eiS men. P. E. t oneentrafe On:ma. Reeruits wilt be forwarded to Ot- tawa, the place of eoneettitratIon, Iv. in cotar,*e of an rt 4 N. (J. 0„ Dp. tete prop...mein of one. sergeant to 24 men, and one tx xrporal, to 10 Ink.1114 rrall,POrta11111.1 (tad 1,1:41.1littnlet) to Ottawa. will bee provided. t Evart- Iterves. Vol jeveins, C. B., arrived from Innilleet this eveniree. anti dined with Majtootieneral The:Cie:4. earresponeleat bad a hvier Ira 4 mi4-w with• (Alt. EVallai, Witt) leoltri oetexrelmely: ft, and le in Ingo spite:Ea 01 !letup,' rendered on exteive eervlee an:1 at the. head of exteli a eapttai al the Vatiadian Yeoman* are 0.1:uly iff'. “trt, :,49a 1Z.41./y 111 r444, Plaa7 re- eridie la the vrioit ?" teoleati 40%1,11. r41;51:..°1*4.1%tf:g.t41:3C/14.1r1117114';,!11,1,01:41.ral- 1110 I' Wee!, thm.,., it wo, tt4/.." i.t°1 rr"Lels: t°x°re of muuutcd s fop- r e LI a regiment, to be known as the Cana.' than Yeomanry, and clothed, arnied and equipped as the impereti Yeo- manry 01 His Majeety's regular army, wiiI De organleed, under tee cenduand of COL T. D. B. Evans, C. i.;tan mantling canadlau Mounted Rifles, a hereunder : -Battalion staff --1 lieutenant-eol one!, 3. maim. (eixeonfl in command), atelatant, ..i. quart erniaster, moileal officer, ./. veterinary officer, I actlag tier trea n t. -mo g joy, .1. (tutor LerInal.31..er- sergc,ant, .I. sergeant took and 10 p. rates, tn.ing clorkt, tl orderlies to medical officer arid 1.2 batmen. t. lt Comp,tu "leour companies, each, coneleting of 3. tapteun selretee.T. cuior 4 . . 1 VI sergeant, • 5 sergeants, 1 farrier - sergeant, 4 siguelsigmaths„ J. doer, botglergi, 0 corporals amine- ing itinoe-eergoano(, at tire rate IL .or euen (*caul). • 114-6), Bahl 118 pl uteri uneetaling pooh iainee-vor- peraie for eatfie teUliptlit,Y), UAW i 11 por company, wile a total eunip,e, meet of 590 !Knees. "rho term of ser5h.o. will be 12 nontitvz, or the terwatation the pier -eat war hi South Attlead° t e^.1 Pi.,1 9 60, ollowo: 1411,, ratt 4.: Itti1411*; the day >raw 1a) 4 Id ;04itritti,itot 6,oloth orgoinary ento.i.ry rate,s tot pee nitt alaneraii..es will O. th"" " ' vi r; + a•iuweritee. From he date of embarkation the rate, f re wi I Ix-, ex 0 1) gal per day', will be larea...%e of Mood etiralnet pay: Prerinienietl rer- meant-major eel. (mar teriaa er rifedtlit te.:,06, farrier eerfo.iiiii, etaft-,•..ieleant rune:may re.retealEt.:Il:e!.r. $1 1,146:11- - paity rprartx rina -ter 1,h .3.gt,,a 'It 1.14.1)1. erg.lzt$1.110, t'orporad gas paid ki 4`4 ariaa V41, 1 t41 Data Litas!-vorporal., 41.10, prxt-ato $1.21. 02f,t4-11'R, 30 tr. abot-e the rant; tiL.Treaat, cetual CH! farrier-eereearit or fareler zo ff. r tervVallt. 11m tr(^o. art : ittdOiqett, mitldiero, x:-Mettie, he granted e‘tra, duty pny, at ell • eento hotar. Pea fry lidt It 3Ifen aitzt havvc It, matches, while Mrs. .Taue Kelly, Wells tt leol plaintiffs removed from a t . f...* SI ....... c their mother. Is In the hospital Bev- large. offiee building then In course u , erely burned. The children were ' or ersetion. N 1111.4114441.- ti4t, LAT: IlATZ 21'NT ..,.,..„„,,,.,„„,..:.„,i,,,....,,,...., rall'? flOktOrAIOA t„srEp...... When Otear elo,h,totsgignitik.A. Mr& 11 lielly's eletldng e_unglini. :ire wilitk? she :I Was ektled,toroug, t...t, save !leo, elaid,, dren, 4 , totototootoogist Dead. Itelcileg, Pa.., NOCre -rll'l itr;i Loanlti4 ' [ &,p , T11r;1ust e,vl1p)0.,0100h41)'14,1 htyt*14 totoo.o her.. tsotol--t,e.-tt, toe1o4'..2....- tLslla?,, 111 t :41±44,le .•4 ...,.,. v,,,,.. ._ ,. VI4.17 3.134 7a t tid lady Wee elet_leaul' ofevolee, 131iia• met, Leveve.1 e L!, D..Ieit lieste 1LT ff 'OS 11 iJ I* Callous Desertkil She Pledg,ed WINNER WAS A GANARII„ CO21. hertato,l, law on 01:1:41114 Do,14 no.e.i. hike IttlItioalevg oond t lotty tetailtho. Withig.o.no id. DIoW. fa :And MS1iLL, tkotou man:let -to.au 914 1 anti tico.h goore *angle girl, li;.es; 'slay ci.titto.grzaptoetr Tr/tit,: 1,-o3t h. tan I d3 t)!'1 nett, ^ 1,1 a14t14-et:4. Li N(C;J:V.:011 ;t '1* 4.4t lhe 044 q'tt7 •.-otto 142 4,14.01 oa _At 11140 . «5: an. V4.11110 , 4.113;4P: r 481. VillAiin" e topoerrooeog tho-oo;111., o -y w rota:114th, At 1#z' :111 Ls 1w 9414 ttjg a 4 of the ore' goo 01111. 944"14193 ti) r irt-o •-• ft+, 3.ots.•04 O. 449 13' ,',14 ,,..'4110 FA:' • '5.;A131"1, -It- thgat toa- •ot tone* ore o 31 eat nt000 tooni the ii 1 it ;Du. 1. ..14 8 1.14v.-4 8. 814 , trEolt..In to A14 tt. 041 .!J14"9 otgat • ..oes;tons. 3.?,3.14.t-1,41413. etfoot Vte, on otter froth 11-.1191•,e, 1403. t oy.tA•Lo for o111..Y.11114n. holootainorg.itiLti awar.• 19o.1. al the toot.tolt ra on a el:rogue. ,Vr:a 14499.1 ot 11.1q1,1 ,4.4 0. to. tile ao.t.Ag toy A :Oa was ashed .: . taaL.n Steeeket, scedpeet, tinol era- . Cannot Collect Bond 1Wen her hoott. eeteitzeny tottotegise of wotlede fame, CHM eifil years fee gathering ids sole:viol col. tantit,'49-In 5...ilt..,,“t:/t:74 '481140 h_ld the Otgliotwer...at pto • 941 I1251 " (f.49;11414.44._ felt fax leve itie. Tins, wite elan tooe sh: tat 1C'i.i.F•t. 3,1 t,3%',9;z1Z11:,14:1:1414141414 2-09,4 here to -day. egttl 05' years. Ife was gc-etumul er lemtestfilles, wieeit ton- il 'BECAUSE OF FALSE ANSWER Moetreat Dar. .3.-..1 Jalgraent , tonsitisrablt inz.crtance -to ..• o'...no that 5°1.pol-oat:otos Wit.3 rt zdex red , goy datuge. Curran, tr1.0 ogioattiss:ool th atztIceo tof the Ili catten ifice.a1 and True. ttotapanoz/. to 11. 4 ,4. V 4.! Ite.Z.,a,/ -L,:,.,4 tains ii‘13,tilla spteimenS, the larg- est eolee.im Aofoo-rica, apCli WieCh he expended (T.:2a.1151. tall, the ktiittVi 1::e6r464,01 THE gih.1 bfff lets trot:Ilk& ^1^ n . 1 • ^ WIFE COULD 17,,leT REPORti ogetfoldned tend Mr. end Mire. Jesees e j neretlage pereurezed le Carole rioted: , e., left ;Or PE4.44t:::.ipIdd, CFY rt -4;L.. Totn'tg, Plow, --n Lte-tv vont .5n -t ell the ' . _ , 41. MI. TI-laCir 0.41;41 :,.tartc,t li,...- , kierlatart. ll, 12,..1. I/ iiti %.!., VV!!..4, pa- tq 14 forint:A him that hl.; wirt.t.o..b. was • ,.. e- ': the bzille of an..ttlter. P1tor ;a time he tir, y was ohnted, tr...o-a i44s. turatd tom:at...I ...tv 17. his Presthurg 1..-tra--. •••.....ol *o.:t. I;n....• 1 se..erotle,:lianti ELlrfrl.i:S.." 119;3n.;%2 tbe sa:e. • ii , .........____..e.......e......e........ 4..notlao,r 141414114144491,014141. 111110, 11 hF'.::."arl :zzoiTis-ar tiee patirt oe tee. CL4.-411:11.0 tartiont to toe r'w33 W3.14 fjotant:otil roo.oes, ter he r'.17,115 --A the 33)4 Il'itaaaEl 3. giveu e;:de.teb, anti, ots sloe w.ts iireslt.hy ri14,424. o51 '9'14144 t,rad P -V47.."1 Of this "/eling scri141.....1 with hirescif, ot. vantiontlan it is F.:441., ott abrout FA** towto inatintc at true affAr alter 110N1 o-Fitoptes, otrod cren 0591 .5,-31 fur. tcl. ,r 141 s-jr, Dor tithe girl at .nouy time. .041,1313 tzi.;.,t1 hat. flooantiall THOSE Yhi(Oli If. so.-..wn or no gym. L3) rtanciszo., 1`,;(91,- t.Itiengt." offo.he goAda.eo• ear liono:11- Petiod of lidiaCon FoUcwe,d by Hard Tim 4erzS- .112.,?..',13, Park ;!I Oita o Yan Treats It 'as a Seams Matt -v. WANT ORE Pt3UCE PROTECTION Calf -ago, Potc. 2..-143iter3.aled through itola,ka to the et 1- water to Sal- lie anti thetongh Oot... United States Ott 1114:39'Way 1..,1t 04.tati7O, tore hneryang tio Woad at till, 100 trZirlacr.C. Lep to pat toile retiotlixt thre:2.t.e3)5351 by tiostatiers *t the 0.141e8 or. the, Ittiol- „night Sim. Tit.-„oti. these tflfeinis hare cox -rived 413.Ch.c,..ge. and :7:70 artt Oa/ ..ie way. oi`tv 21; Ma L3 leadriaene la to: far ooze" 4e414-.1: •Jts earadely ade..xl_ted by three on -:!nt- - ber...1 or tact VitIc-iit 3es1r3.94e0t el' Plitttfc We 1:414, WILY cou•atitation oat 1310,P:thee: ileee-of with lical trod- taiists wed hale het:vests in that 'onuntry. Tile men are 1). lt..Mlnartf, account.ant ; 3. C. Tache, reiident engineer, an1 P. E. 1.1er4i,r, astdst.tnt engineer. Praiident. 11. 5 Graves, of the White Pass & Yukon nalway y,svas an. mg ..1:0.50 ,v1h) ked Ore, Ibe sttnation with the akou officials. The White Th.tss Talcoro Italwey is I by States capital, its office iMittg 10 Clicago. A determined. * band of ttt /cast tgltgt Men, Itho have been laying ` plans for nearly a year! 1 alto, Plot yestcr,iny go.teent ice an illness or s..x leatri hoo- itg, duo to t:aa r.Ja-e tiT a. t,altlaaa- ' '31487 0fl8y.. His ss..-stera :19:121 fo-,en 5,1,3 wesnicenet3 by ex.tits.tive tha.tit could tot rzaly. "Wouti4 094141 at; it:s death 5814.80 his w-Ife, whom he mar- ried only two troatns Lgo; his lore- tofer ,bar.g.tr, 0.23 e. toung Pot:Ira:a lat./ cut a wit;:e swath Ito tral.ftiFala for several After las s:.tirc --puratfront :as first wife he came here, 00 e *vett in toirga San it'enn.Alsoo fie mole 91 sensatiJo tills 3.' 14 •••• 141119.1 casszpootto.i. Ills sister ▪ hal mtr- tied 1.1.aucis at.r.ilazi, 01'th2 I0- losable Country Club, at Barliname. tat Pe:I/nen np seared SO, tIlte,11 <Aranz at Lui)th 'te cl, at thr. dlreet.ors were forced to o- laha out. 14'J9440)' tame oat ht=re 001 mar - eel ono of the bcauttraV West els- tors. At Sal:gees home George met 'ars- 3384350-1. the eller sister or &143)g4-114'$ wife, who was about ten. years ol.ler tinon himself. Sae. is still a very' benuttrui women, ani he boo - cam o infatuateh h d with that the tirny after his first wife secured • diVoree from hint he went with Mrs. Brame! to Nevada. and was ; THOUSANDS FE STARVATION. Berl".a. Dee. fi.-Just a, year and LAI lo ha and to.r....ig.t.oat. tig`,:romkay. "05114y ; . ali is &ail ,a-4 und n ionsit- ! 344.19415 is b value' 1E.gig-ntztott 5:95.4,491.4 94g1) 11.1e' "eL' tho s' " 81414814141-r ,•113.2 .ts were', Potoila f ,uno.t'.tar • "-o b , sharoos. Bankers t.;e...ty 3.a3.d,131 3010, itnti goteat waot ....a.10 it LI • ,,, at „ Loaoes doafol.e.t ; icfrok„..rs gre.w bougnt firm rect. Lorsys 451491414e14990j a pt...1...cy lo_ttit„.ol Li tiotit. favt .3 antee Cioatio...tioy far Lial,:., inoneo..-2. :.so,- ' f 1 , t't ' ii 1 ' -, i by tote DMA-II:LOU el t000def 3l13.,'](L.18 14148L11.03 5.4 -.rim trawls entre:stet:I to 1 1I . L.ortl....y th ....."...:..p.n4:tio.t, e 5 4 :c-: T..lies 10,32.ey 4V.i:!:9 isetv.:11 la •" ar, tiger 0191 tete Loon rinel Trest Compa..-^ty, 4, 0 ig3,7114Fond of .: I r...r..tv, 3 ''' • " • q-- , 0 0,1 V0e1 i ir 322 *41440.115. 1488)'39'3.iaillg , 1k -39:i -..,J. G..rmans1.32 Ike o7 adt.artee- ' Ea' rat Wjili] tilLroqin, thrent...-1:a toover.ua Brit...d..1 and ru.n her maino- i factures. Trie•ze were, totey said,t ut Iwo countries la the. worid ss trade ctuido I:au...ease with moth re'ople! stricits-t4.irmor4,- et et the*, 1.1.:llied leiates. Vel gas war:: lega and \vas plentiful'. tidy ail la charg, d 70e bankers o are. clo.ng hu arcl 99 many cases have ran0 d p .t o..„5,..z.k upon thtir hands; wi.Iitt tilt's; woo :/11 married there on Sept. 30th. Ills wire tried to reform hita, but with - At the tim▪ e of MS death Pullman Wit8 receiving. ;$3.(Xt3 a year front Ids fatilerlit estate and $12,000 a year alit:KM/ice, made hiln by his Mother. gladly get r151, ,o),r. Brokers are iyiag find Money 'to keep e..10-ne.et and horses whith last season thiey had plenty of cash to buy. p The lloerse half deserted and busineas there is well-nigh dead. It ToOks a% though there were exeled- low wondering how they a e ceadeer, 1:;-azy 0.3 :nay :,22.9cru, 113331, 14. Barclay S.lepto..ins tual it Wag 411-tro.cred 00 nulling foy,00ks that he had etnoez...ied a snout of Moat:a t wag; tht Gat r- aratcot tora4kony, an.l. they tv..re cao.e.1 upon -to ttnolke good trot.; taseatnt to 5..le extent of kiltio- fohOt This tio defendant company rcfased to 50, :30 pleaded Mat co-iron/in d„...clarat1oro_ representations, 41F -ti warranties i, wr.ting gifven to tite company cle- fendant„ on the strene"...ii of the pol.cy was Issut t,rere false garl 51"011C,OUS. They spcc:allz.. coho-ge aithoug',It the Loan anti Ty.nott Company tad citclarrol that te* fete La.cl tz., ep..ien ;owed m noc.6- ":111g, Ona VI:Ct. they knew nothing of any debt.'S of 1.1s, at the time this tiecIaratio:1 was made thc manager owtd 1110 company largo sums of money, and continued to borrow large sums of money, and that the •companv ss' - 13. knew that he bad cicbts and They, moreover, F 9904 0;11! q. litel;e"cenetea teelite3 0:-,t.r o".. w,it ",..og t..1.1 opiast'aro. nrito toed door; rro'yt- ; q..11: -ere t.hat. wealthy anain 1,21,1i1,1%., as Ur.- rsnily feels l2.0 Uriar141... • eipled Coachman. CHAGRIN OF WEALTHY FAULY. t./ 'j Harrisburg. Pa., Ltc-e. 4'1.- The ea- :;Iflerchanis Ruined Hor,a1. It setina that wit.hin a few . set h....re is excitel over a scan- iditify S.ar I miles of tide; elty raitionare has 1.1..?:./d Mat tile company plaintiff ageced on receiviag the policy that tixe assured simald retain the func- tions he was then filling:, whereas he was aliowed to hart the funds and securities of the company in such * miner that he could use theta as his und3. The court, taking int° -considera- tion the proof, which supported the len, dismissed the case on the ground that the false 'answers materially affeeted the eontratt, rendering it void. Lis resiticatee. untig a few days 14110 0.t3 *bag-al./la, young, toad 1:v.11,13021.1:,! Witata 114 .14 had Itnportc:.1 freAltr LGt.T,IftV,ILL 13 t..1k1.3 c.....o.e.frongtto who is tile prim ary cause of the pre- •/. ' i 'lite xnelloaitire alsa lias a daugh- I ter. It is with tlic deng,liter ttoLl .;., ttohodiceriTa.chitnialincatittra. tel,,o,iase:Islateilr( rilrnstoto I put in an appe.trance the young; 584']- 1 nine dev-cloped an extraordinary fondnessfor driving. al.out the I 'Country in a. light two-wls•eleol trap. i She invariabii ii-.t.t.ii:,7t•-.,.. that. the ; coachman shoot]] :1e:0a391t3y her end o the family thought bort little of this affair. 'They toek no rotiee or the oag trips the two were indulgin-g in, and allowed things to run along as best they inigilt. Arms Ai -oared Hie Nes-k. : Only a day or two ago a Triero of the fatally,whoa0 path took him I; through the pine Wootits to the north Of the Millionaire% residence, observed ' 'something ite imagdned required soma . all investigation. Ile tvaS on h.Orse. Factories ng, i Lor.doer, Dee. 3. -Tee Daly Mail, t.•....ca bits to. tu Lone:ring auto the c...a.oes of tran,otoer- . 03.10,8, lo./ s 141..33. 03:33314 44414 t ii • gr. -at ' 0:-1.0:...414.t.5 of y.....t..-rday stand to dooy goo are Loll o.1 on, gey tozed . etefibi r., e, vealls ar... cloeed idi ie. eeer a.ni o:.tii.r, are ge atly role :Lie de i.- t tided.; - 0 -its of Gerreaay hem work.; are Leieg i leeld in Bolgiana and England for watt! they w.11 fideli. o. :la eiy at• . to:note:I tem note:: veil 1. r •e! lee tile in oitable reoult. Dad finance, over - U] exec.-- oi en die are mmtioneti as tha enemies which eve : t.14i., Ingenuity and eke: of German , 58050e81 touid not overcome. i 01 ' e an the goneral trade • outlook is cow worse than at any Ian since 1531, and the Times reve- ; letions of British trade onion tyranny, !are coneequently causing toto-ider- ` able irritatiou. It is apparently i the weerk as possible, deliberate poiley of trade unions -tel. . compel their members to do as littler