HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-06, Page 57 3,A: THE ZURICH HERALD _7 4%000004,001 ever, for there came another terrific ZURICH P. 0* NEGRO. SO CIE TIES. scream, this time from the tree directly ndays fr(All wl" he cried, in,, The inails are THESOUTHF ­Fni ready for you no m., until.9 1.) RN COLORED MAN'S LOVE I I I ow AN WS ovor Ills head. Is open daily except Su OF POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE, A PANTHE distributed iiq follo-ws; BEQUEST coolly sighting another panther directly ating eyes, 13wrooderfully He fired and sprang aside, while the 44 2:55 pin HEAD MAIL FOR HRXSAj,L, cloF (I 11t between the scintill 6 . r, '15 a. 0 U, Named Orgittlizationd 14 t4 to Pt-ovida ror Members, D, I -low Clyde Brown Pound a animal fell, struck the ground with A 8T,JOHjV1"H1 11 J0 aull siel: Belle- Fortune and Won a, Oirl. heavy thud, clawed the earth and air L - If - & B 6,55 lits und rung"t-Ati L`;Wpeuses klow convulsively for a few seconds and then L, H. & B,, 'I'l- -155 kmi 0 E A F 'F? NOISES7 VlourislL Xn ciiikj�ic:stun. ­ I In a large mining town Ill the far lay quite still. FROm H)�XSALL, arr. 11 :00 a,111 ALL CASES OF 11L' southern IJUTO's love of pomp "This Is getting interesting,F, matter- 4 4 7:30 pill wost there lives George Randolf, a ea Clyde grimly, eying the two age, 4. and eircuinstaucc U 11UNI'llere exempt!- h 4: STJOSIPPY1, 10:45 ttin DEAF!"Mr-ESS OR HARD HEARINC fled more forcibly ilian in the IntUiner; niftling king, who by nature Is as stern tawny bodies, the dead dog and the I � L. H. & B., 11 -.610 ilia in which be, nitiltil)lles his charitable !.alla arbitrary as nl�n -lire apt to be skulking living ones, while he threw 46 L. H. & B., 7:'Iloi) aw ARE NOW CURABLE : whpu they acquire sudden riches LETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, Must by our new invention. Only . those born dea 4z organizations, Inordinately foad of ! . In fresh Wood upon the scattered fire and I are in, urable. I iddlilon to -..his gold., he llosAess be pcisted h&if an'liour preyioug to company, lie has rely societies founded ed a peered in every direction. 11-Heow! Aleow! Sst-t-tI11 rare treasure In ill(, person of his , the time for closing the mails. HISES CEASE, IMMEDIATELY. with the sole view of prouloting social daughter Bessie, as sweet a seventeen- He turned sharply to see the heads of HEAD F. At WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS, enJoyment. For the most part, what- i year-old maiden as.e-;er 11yed. two panther cubs thrust out of the hole D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. Md.. XV�Wh p- '190!. ever foundations he makes have a near the tree, their ears laid close to Gettilenten.--Being entirely curedof deadness. thanks to Your treatment, I will now XW6,y . of& rretty Bessie did not lach for lovers, a full history of my case, to beluFedat your discretion, sellilrellglous trend, the dues entitling 1 their round heads and their eyes sweep- About 117ve veirs aq and quite as naturally the favored one a inv right eai began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost Ing the scene in fierce Inquiry. y hearing in Chis ear &ttire'lv. members to sick benefits and fuueial � ACL I unklerwenta treatment ror catarrit, for three nionths. without any success, consulteda naun- was the very one that her father ob- "Ha, hat A regular family party I've e"o c4penses. There Is Usually an clabo- ber of physiciaw;, among other.,, the nio�t "I"luent ear specialist of illis city, who told me that �1 even that only teinporarily, that thi head noises would -ual, theii cense7 but the heariu.- in the,_ffecLed ear would lt� lost forever' rate regalia all(] an Intricate rit jected to, stumbled on," laughed Clyde. "S -S-81 onh, in oneratiou. catild help me, an Clyde Brown was frank spoken, with Seek lem, boysI11 Braoelets in Gold ancL Ithen. sawvour advertiseinent acc�deutally ioa'Xe�r Yoric 1��per. and ordered yburtreat- Not a few lie,"roes of a southern city, I 2ne It. After I had used it only a few clays ac�ordiug to your direckions, the noises c4ased. and all honest, manly face, a true, loving I And the dogs pulled one kitten out to - f re weeks. my hearing in th� diseased ear has been entireiv restored. I than]-. such as Charleston, belong to no less Silvei% LorgiinettGSI to-�ai. aftet 1% you than a score of these orders, tile nallies heart and little else. 1 his death, while the other scrambled in Gold and silk. 1 heartily aud bL. to reinaid Very truly vours. of which are oftentinics curiou-,ly.,jud "Why, B117abetli'l-her father at- back in the hole. ]�. A. '%N*F R' MAN. -,So S, Brogdw.-Lv, Rattknore, Md. Suddenly there was a slight noise in A full line of Our treatment does -not interfere ulith, your u-stral Occupation. wonderfully made. What, for hisiallee, ways called her that when displeased - the edge of the forest, and two half WATCHES, CLOCKS, YOU CH CURE YOURSELF AT HOME would the ordinary patron of secret op- "]low can Tou forget that we are de- grown panthers came cautiously Into gailizations think of possessing ilieni- scended from the Randolfs of Vir. the circle of the light, sniffing the air WEDDING RINGS, &c. INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, E-96 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. bership in tile Soils and I)dughte"S glilla? Just a little longer, daughter- uneasily and evidently afraid of a trap. All kindi; of JEWELLERY always of tile Seyon Golden Caualestivi�', Ill, a yoar or two at the most -and we will The smell of the scorched hair and On hand. C1111"Ity' Or in tile Soils and Daughters go east and live as other people do. the blinding glare of the Are puzzl d of I Will Arise? Le But Clyde did not wait for them to The sons and (Tau -liters Idea Is woi Then my jewel may find a worthy set- them. Repairing promptly aftenfled to, ed to the limit of eaduratice. There is ting." apa.1p become satisfied of the safety of an at- The Berliner -scarcely a well known name Ili Bibileal "I want no one but Clyde, p tack. He fired two sbots in quick one- F a W --,,Ie tearfully. history that Is not tackLni on to it. protestea BL e cession, killing one animal and badly There tire In Cbarlestou alone no litss But tears made no lmpresqon on th wounding the other, which the dogs at - than seventy-five of these st)vltqlt�s heart of George Randolf. tacked at once. FARM FOR SALE -200 licres (if, 'with charters from the state of South However, lie voridescended to give a choi(.-e land, colisi-itinj. Carolina, and bow many there are that conditional cunsont to their union- When the sharp, short fight was over, ; of Lot ; one dog limped back to receive the 3. Con. 11. Hay, and Lot I �, South have no legal status no inan inny say sueli till absurd condition that people praise of his master, while I With confidence. ht t the other Boundary, 1111- (Jxoed 1,�djlk I al Is, 1,11110(l alia shook their heads, and lay dead beside Its dead foe. 44 x 82 and 40 x 60, and frame 1)ues are pald weekly. and, strange Bessie's inerry race grew grave. I 'Wou and I are alone now, Brave, my divullingt;- Oil each lot. Plenty of as it may $Celli when the gleat poverty "Whell you can show the possession boy," said his master, patting the dog's 90Sd Spl-ill- -%VUt4Vr. Oil one farin 'Coll"Idered, rs you can head. "Well, when daylight comes weoll there is uu oVertiowing %vttjl. Oil of the negro of the South ii; of a hundred thousand dolla tile arrears list Is a brief ollto illjlj.k�(I. have her," lie sald grimly In answer to: see after that little varralat In the 900d gravel ruad, ttnd Of course tile charges are sluall, 11sual. Clyde Brown's manly petition. "Un- I �� to 8010ol post offieu and 0111relle", to =0=Pholfte t : hole." - tit hen I'll liltar no more about It." I I The night passed without further ly about 25 cents a. munth. hilt WIlt'll It lilt)s to Exeter stafluji. IVill firo Is remembered that niany jiltilvitillal.. "You van riever do It." sobbed Bessie I molestation, but Clyde kept 1)(110119 to six or elght or even lilt, wlim) they stood. alone In the fire I give purtobaser vasy ttor,1114 tif the moon- I burning brightly while he busted him- i "IAnt- Wind JWNWT, milliplik-d fur This is the machine that talks -sings- tr= epred Am orders It Is little short of in.tryt-14jilit light by the road a few moments later plays every ins ent-X V I self in skinning three of the panthers 4 pluxapinu-, chopping. straw elitti-rig", viJille livr father watelied angrily from u Sousa!s Band-stritig orbeestras-N.e-ro Xinstrels, Church Chairs, etc. bow the funds m sary to ink -t tile -the one which had sprang Into the q ettl- -4,111# in gj)t)(j i;tft tf,� of It reproduces the violin, pianoobiate, comet, trombone, lisaijo, uLudellia, domands of the collectors are rijujIll ' tho window. "Portunes are wonder- fire being worthless. repair. with goijillargo drivin-pshe(I piccolo and every other instrument. slid yet It is so deep 11 disgrat.t. ill 1w fuly made Ili these mines sometimes, Two were monstrous brutes-malel"audother outbuildings. Onolot 3 Tile Berliner Gratn�o,phonc ii louder -clearer. simpler and better but nolle will fall to us." expelled that lust.ince.,j of thp Jbltj are and female, evidently the parents of there is 11-1 iteres of good Inish. other talkiligmaebine atanyprice. Itsinp ".1, and gs every kind of %out. MCC64 very rare. To bultl luttlillikorship Ili .1 "I)wi't bo illsoottrag-ed, my precious the smaller pair as well as The kittens. 011 toat-11 f2trIll ollk' al -re of or0itird, sentimental, patriotic. "Coon" songs. E mglish, French. and $00tch (111weli Bess," Clytli* return H.., ItT. in fa number of sopletles Is ri-4.trtletj a,; a ed, with all After a generous breakfast of roasted F(Jr terinij ttliply tt) plill.lp ions front Grandand Comic Operri, y%tv., cake,4va*s, waltze - two'sle" I thatcanbeplayet (�;taiiviiistnintentornsumberatinjo budge of bollor. a llviv's unreastming ftindnet;S. "Only ct everything venison he enlarged the hole with Ills ihl.kX. Sartipta PO. can be rep 154toetings art� b(+1 monthly In ppjv�lte% 11"'N't In tilo� through all and wait for plc�k aul shovel. and, after exurulaluls roductaort the Berliner Gram-o�pbouewjtlXthe wonderf-41 indedmIcs.. residences. Ill litilolle halls or. krtt- Itill. 111) Matter What filay happell, Will hig revolvers. crept In cautiously with WAM"d 50 YEARS' iblereccleadiscs. (luillitI.V still, fit k-hurelilts. These wall. ytoll prallilsk. Inul that", It tells funny stories or repeats a praver. It Can entertain han&e& ateW� a lighted torch, while the dog remained EXPERIENCE time in the largest halt or churelt, or it van be subdued tosuit the sm6flestirsew., erings beglit tit thcw 1,rilir "IlIkIll-I I Will, do-111oit! You knevi, outside protesting against such foot- The Racofds are not wax. they are tfar;l, Flat, In destructibU Dkcs, vbk% or io 1). it). wo voittinut, llut inert.. ll.nl I wtadol beforio you wsked," $110 hardy conduct by dismal yelps and Vill last 10 -years. quently througholit tht- ThelltiliuerGramo 13hone Ili w3de it, Canad§�. Itis guarnatetd for fivoy - Illgilt. I, -t.. munitured. "But do iiist try tile too whines. 4=1 frt-ShIlliont.4 are, to Ilk& 11.1#1 rj#r .1 spt.jll Inueh. bw fatlwr 1-; a,.; hard as a rock." 'Cho cavity under the spreading roots, 3tif The Grain -o -phone i� used allol endorsed by the leading cloqyliatla consideration, unit AM tht"61. are foor tilt, "t lml%t g -i nway for awidle, my L was deserted. but a larger opening led others throughout Canaila. most part of a thlubt naturo- tho Nou!4, youder end -i Into the rocky mountain atilsa, aud The Berliner Ornra-o-phone remiveA The only medal TRAOC MARKS forlralki ng 5rachillet; ctt trIL- Toronto f4 KX). Ptk* tind daughters art, lororke to* loe 4.,gi. I&-,- 0�.Rhl of tilt 01lu tit Ails a fortune Is through this the astonished young 1=11 Dcstwis The 11*rliner Grain o-plione 1:jtq bej,-n, witlely imitilted at. It Pillellsius by their absetove frsoin tho-ir VUit4*11 f0l' tWo. I P-14 lt-I know It ereilt. to find himself In it natural CopyntaH= &C. and A:PJLS.00 soverat 1111det's or zle\t W, I�Vll .1, If It wt -re. already In my Arroma 84mdlur askojeh and I kavern. qw Vith t8lisleading Inalvivag t1pr "esetaln our clu " narnp at� tbev Lire wa.-thless. niornhlg� often the, Itollive lmv4L, tto ill. he an-ouvretl ill sjAktnin earnest- Ile soon discovered and kIlled the If the Berliner Oram-e-jolione is net for #Ale In your a I$ tocklierls, I OquilIONC14. C11 terfere tio ri�storo_* tlj,.tt llarnposoy 511 kitten, but could find no signs of any IN2.1ru* 14vid *1 it rvITSAtu i. town. wrltc* tO uS f0t illUstratea Calitl9gues and cAher S X*0Kd* ruants Informavion, ftfte. whioll brothers and histeril .�114411141 vver ­#;.ol grant t1wat it may lie so." She more. 0 t C it It t dWl.Il tognAller. 116111"411, �Wlfmw,*j , It-tak-.4 911 And flas-11 Alo walkc.l Slowly to the The floor of the eave wAs covered $dtAjL,,a FAt�VOVV: *.037471 Aqutiluct St., Montreal. Anioln., till! Nviel whb, tones. and a neatly nukde zitst of Mica * L R t4-%NV:1r, MOUT. 0 eneral Man ager for Canift. r.re tho $011.4 and Paugollivrz! toe U11, I'd- v# her rallwes gri-At reller. 1�mititw�r� grilti-4. till* Solw nald tif 11n, Tlw hv%t invot-tsing C yole lett the atieks and leaves was In the corner. E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine SfreeL MONTRL40 But Clyde did not notice thesm, he f ur mculus. 91. 5i' ' I UyagO TwOve tile ' S,ms laud I tapwh- "lown vaplippoill flip .1 wa% extituluing the reeky VI&S, which & Cc NewYotk tors of tilt-- livarer 44 ttx 11DR? 1,1111% lwol liinlne 1111 -one eNo-elitIng the were of a peanillar velatil gritylth $tar. tilt, Sol There Nvas a amlle of satista ts 8 r $ol-watli %,Rar. tone $qln,; alaul llut� le"20 %Thoell he Us face when he hild finished 019 ex - Of tht- 1160,_ %co -6, 5-;�,M*rjot Onolkd lahn. but It tawe to Win PATENT G UA Au* Ants and lsaughtvr,� 4 1.1a, I'Vo-141004 :6e. stone. etion on Prominent Ho emdo sw I R NTEE, 111111 D.114glot, rvw vl� 110C. 4;wool at last ha a 1".ealmer. QW11tinflon, and When he erllpt forth 13y RH] Irto dayUght again lie muttered, the Muns 141011 4 Gw, L.4's. flne 0%y. 4jVP-5, fodl,owhog fl�e C49rab 07A. ELL LAWS WC Ing Dravels fars mutol the dog 2 ONY -W YORK "E., 'ASHINGTON 0, 0. the $oalq anol pf L�� 4' CA 16FR�Qt. 14it"am 110to a nar.. 1�,Culjted an paln anil wonder: 11425 14 C W the Swgq anool. Immd'Aus's 60T 1*0 by lufty moun. Theres OUR Lovo, anol tott�uv ate �nldtd t.v Natutwid at, Ilue TOA ef a goad V"Ordgh theta to 10ANSfy even flic'se fully 419t tqah,­� rkonge Randolph, I Should say. and I and devolloll or tDre tA,v tlu­v do"44Q ul, 4hrd rvoot.0,411v ond suliffedl #,�Ohfs. VAR rattifn 46 it pAtent It tiot ***ut*d. sdhd ur Ocaiinlj it us tho panthees heifriotAv H6wtd Got* piatt'"t. gaudzilthms and 111m,,51� to J!v dt 't 11�e V",n)"54 of like *�Terge Randolph C-6uld Itay no mcTe. Pillow are 04"4tin't'. �,,�4 11to t,,.a3tA tkp�-m w -,;ay amll Went G '6'a ahhodgh he 110S11.41#4 eta TIAWnt the ui�*Menticin thi-�, Raper and Seaura soetial ratoc*ft The funei-A %1 a M�"In Or �a L�Le jo v.o"'.91k SuDluter rvoim tDIV tind ttitstffy thev Q1W aA woluaul *.Vlr,!v hou03 Duemt,i��4A:b ijzg EL 4wanv'ht�s oumard. jKnn1,114r2s deu to s" for blimself. PAL YvDn v�rfll ;1ky U&evv.,so- rafte? a Iasi 0 e dvaen or Ott �,t- foa-Juq� 's 4.1, 1L �,;s- "I'l- "'.%riow thLd 10w, C�e Eq j=e talks ari� lacky", he admgfl,�a Trial. Ott? tint, vonsi%t% of ValuAuv ht, reluitlatifly. -0 That Imane 11S U-61,411 . . ..... cle worth WthesAn, I vl!�4 wto� a Halsaill �(the -�Ufest 41114 hest u-0. 119 vvondtr of I'll rand ny "120 bundred ('90uland dollars. yota tal!l bliter fei:Js orose betwo�n g-hoo "N. jgavg bt% top a Itand6jr t.ever get--, kftowh.) ­spe Trstfinoh�als.­ -fetleg for them %9f a Aai 5ff 211 �juswcr .1 Lalf grown do�r a " 'D .11 0 1 sk ON c back on 11018 word." Draughts. ChIlD atid Fevpr. iii(i for the llegro's love of a. runenal N lovt (-arae ef'o.viv tv tile r4ream On the'DI)DO- That vtas only it yeir igo. gind the Tolife. - Mt3atnres. Ur.�tiqvn fk�vr in vqtu�js. BILA 0 second even to IV1r4 love of wwr4oyluq. The ,fte 1AIA gtot wany rods gnvay. mine has filreafly netted ItA owher Oyer glleaVe 1101nedy. t"on-Iftion If -jtm tf,­ ftey bf-'sa-1 &§ftie yft tift t1twe A"* *two A., me ceremonies Usually hegun 19m nkglk h�- it stopped, vvftav one foot uprailsed, szvo@ oft 1100f 0111tinent. aftd Gall Cure. gzt5ii fore flie actual interuilent 9.4 to and tovvft�'01 at the dogs w5th stattled tatEr-at roflo*� atva -*e* *#_v bf tiji Y'6116*1it Hat Ile regirds as il dcalret, pr1tv f1mr, tvery remedv Gwnar-lnt(�Pd. or gytapaftsl, placv. There ate seranons. 10,441V(14 U914 eyeq. Th -o, next inslunt the report r.f loviln- WIfe Who ftlelt his heart SM -1 111011VY rCf UU&Nf r -r b�,Dfthft 6* the b0dyj tya tm dLW ***M perso"Al e:tpergences rifle ran"- Out, the deer leapa home -bis Queeft Bess. *Ah Cke "M 160, 'y 11he sov. slwmpl- forward a 4 fell ffis &r I UOL, Oftly to bt"k 404- "i wuk wild butsts of Incehetent melody, 8 T E R 1 1K A IR Y which arouses reltLlons fez-vor to fev��r li-mi vie -;weiim. rnml wuleh it was The itiglitt *f t1ft., ADWOE lefttlt 090 height, Men and %voilm-n fahit ht fh,� S�34V;l drogged by the do;s. Bit'. 6*0 thtfd. VL ubwwa* bf twale OR9111mm.4T for i",ew, tourse, of the exereises. loany f4hers But (tit. (�dvws Inade by tbe rellart "LOV0. tifirest ftnd 90trOW 111WAYS e juedivincs aro pi�.f till itl A itnaw* togethef.." you have ht -Ata ne couir0lfcut f � rill. with fifll direelf h.101 Uot dtod out a mong the hIlls lierori� jOurne-F fall into ttant-ei and Willi of ;�. otd ptoterb, therefore sometimes ne ions ofteacit o2w. They are to le their dead fr9endstentluroned �u g7lory. an�vther Sound urousofl UDem ng�alu. The ceretuouies c It was tilt, semuni 010 21a ang*ty illftift- love of my son =akts me em. some- hat! 0 every �sfore !n the 4 *(rount imm Dr "MY ate 5 m1wilin. Tj,q3,W the be,;jInd bam, t1mes love bv;�Ilns too well to end well. abd it Your icy .0 #Imp a] precession. It Is formaq; Tow an ther 411 luour before the rfusdeaute of V, '22 -n gist dont keel) theill, write ms. ;al�j 40t*k VPW M,#,'kft6b V*9A1rSk#*V *M tifuMA" **Aid A and tt w;�Ns lustzinfly unswermed by an- yOu L'OW tbat the ract ct ones ov. cother on Car-, el, rfar, We havIng been unhappy makes oncy ihd we win N)rwara aacnn primupt- gamenu4 son OT daw­utet. %,Ogn;,o�s gUat vnd vet atotUe . "4-, eft treemble fGr the happtness or t1a", 'we I.V . FlWekY Phriner nrul bto-ek from the uttermomst parts of C;e edy '00"_'D t"' 1�-* I By& ttae Iftn -e to as it life was owhet, should k#tve therill on It and. , _ bS 10;*M the itore_ It sc _ttis to me ldaiiokki gathev In the strepts, Theceujsnn Vs a C ,un_ tL-e. 40,4._. u,,uz.gDy us t,,��ave tis �-amp8sed of dreA-ds botil of love; dl- Pt*petrt�d by testive one. They run uad,shonat and frN 10 ke rectI. of jg�e TLT�1-.jn7=- 114iit-!, -wilunc"A JtRq�azrsly 4�s they skall _a V a woman loves sbe dreads for ciper. The W4en% e'aso to 13's re'et. tlile liappinesg of the loved one. You The tureka Veterhiary Cons to which tILe dead person bt4ong- -3 anxtelcy ed stand In soleinn order, f A.ob- lie w;2R,,cA iin bnc-nftb�es for see, the past gives us regret, the pres- Medicine Co VA .D%d In c __q10N1$L SVP111 s RICTURP, ,�, r sarriow and the futut'a orate uniforms and lx.a0m- the ban- sc�wrrail mluute. but cauld hear w1h- ent tear-ut LONDON 'ONT' pftidi&t ex cept t�.e C_tgcL;j5ng 10 on a won V of the fjM eTghteen one 11dorte t e% t t t vers And other InsIgnia ot thell. rc- WIgIcIt D, jv threw Q,w!ge coreje of. one loves, at thiftyone desitless tit forty A -.a *&t A tT_-t"t:1 Ak%mk *.&& idst, fpeetive oragrs, and wlien Has yobr btaoa &�ittaig&swaf RaitfN 4AY **W.- tl�e Cortege E.ght. aud the nZI-m wivId umong tllLw %Dne refleeta. tv vest? b=r New metkod lrlrezlt!�eft *Hl v*t*j�-di, tifiam"" finally ulow-,R, vverssliiug Ifq way at 11owever unhappy one 19, In time, not freic.. NN"a writo- for *n1rauftt �o"ilicod r*iwor 4Mzf*&, N*6*16"M times through nAllea (if tLe eRy*9 Soon, following n magneffsr4j whiell at orree, one lights a little torch called stleets, It Is followed toy n Inud 1.11AI he could ;lot alPeaunt fory lie VIed hig patience to gulde the footsteps. It filek- east, ""f4 of men, women and chfldr�-n. whe g2ze upon a tall 'tree Blear the base of tN- at first and threatens to go out, but ened'ahle SS -1, 0. 0. ty, Rd fignist -ift to 6 block the thorouobtares, and triffle for the mouniqla ana encountered the with care and perseverance It can be corUevnlial. Ques-11 list aH Cost fttt, file 06thd t" the time Iyaln.- tins to be suspended. gklre of two flereeyellow eyes. kept alight. Sometimes a shroud en - The hope of such a funeral Is. the ill - A panther was trouehhl- there UVOn velopes it, but ss time goes on it gath- bofe� life. -and its tays spination or many a nogfws f bis lbody in ers; strength and brightness KEWN -D UN a lon.g 1511ill. every nerve D E Y Ile slaves and deprives hfroself cf lilotjoll as jae for tLe fatal shIne, out all dowu the hill of life. Then '149 814F-LBY 81. blffftaff U16", amalil necessit[es for years to ineet 'od's I we know that it will last till In G ors of the sl1rit"I"'r 7�7 7 the delliands of the tolleel To alin and Irre ot It!m wAs the Im- good time comes the greater light.- qocletles In order that �lae way go, to pulse of a seeond, and the tawny brute Yfolet Tweedale In I'ller Grae&s See - WS last reAtil- place In the tnid-A Of ... .. . .......... . ..... . .. ....... ......... spr�jn- outward. with a .marl of rage cret." sizeli stvangely weird uag-cantry - and fell squarely into tile Cbarlestoa Letter fin�,. The V*rlik 3ftnt.. There was an uneartlily sbrlelr, a 0n4 of the most �ebarmint- things in smell of burning hair, A Shower Of 1 Paris is the smile with which the tirmtko *f 43300 ft y1ttd. NrW �EDITION ju,"'T lmlujib coals: and lighted wood. then the brute j **7oriting Cla"'S and the selling class A musical composer once said to '11'r. stood, wounded and blinded, near the meet their employer and their vittil". Mzl: I �W ly NEW PLATES THkIOUGHOIJt Sankey with more frankness than cour- It one could only make the American tree. I Now Ad'JeJ Z!5,'()00 NEW WO"S, Phrvtse�, Etc. besy that lie could write such tumS VS "At film, boys, at bim!'?erfed CIyAft saleslady and servant understand that. TEREST is being displayed hi the I , . flime of the "Gospel Ilyninbook" ItY *tia bF smokeless powders xsr4 I Mch Zindihgs, ip :9564 Paget; .0; 5000 blustriattwisi -4 Aosed on lilm, but 1 its value is allove rubles In the domes- lactated ttell '. I I i And file dog. eta it lowliet:klibroriges Preparect under lhe;;upervision of W. T.'HaTrisPlv.ly,LT,.D.,Unit*dSti�t4k' t #*a tb U f fi* All ti At IRS tbe yard It he Were Willing to come wounded It-.; lie was, he was more than tic routine! The smile Is one of the' A 45 *Iibr4 b*114t *o1jilling SOO afthis Jim 11locit to Urge. garfte tbAt the .Fa 4 down to it Nir. Sankey quietly ra- a inatch for them. scT"ts of French mercantile success, oetided-va ifMATI worti cak i6t Owlipi fibde 33-F-TTF-P, TMAN MVEP, FCi&-'GkNF_PLkL Uar- plied, -Well, air, till I have to say Is 11c killed one and sent the otbers­e.si;e(-IalIy With the Aallericans. They f6r- AlArlid Modd 1905 ttteafert 11vt spgail sif2alc6mas For thut.1 4ftin willing to ppy five hundred sinlie and we buy, and reasoning froni, Steel star's 'Colltzilte Dictionlity wit'h scottlih 0I0UUjr,,dm howling to a gate- distance before thelf- ; to' -dale Inforrhafth 0& Ott extiplot. Web -doll.,trs a yard,cither to you or to any, �ly nim the seconcl thh; 11YI)OtheSis It will be, seen that 1,1 1--irstcl.4s hiqualk.y, secara dan in wze.* M 1-,,,:tvr could sure body else, for all the tun tll(L:I' qll Ps you can 1,ullt t. whiell; quieted him. uIle IS Worth many millions 'Of 'MIM MANUM #1119-AhMs. 66., Iii -In- me like those Ili our 'GOSPPI; Ele Va$ not art Itlotant too, soon, how- dolurs per ailuum,�krgonaut. Home Jour -,-al.