HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-12-06, Page 4THE ZURICH HERALD ••••.•• `• • •• azitui Bum 4. IS PUBLIS11111) EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, BY E. ZELLER TERMS OF SUBSOMPTION t- $1.00 per Year paid strietly in advance. When the •paper is not ordered to be discontinued it,will be sent until such order is given mod arrearagee paid. $1.00 to be charged whelk net paid iu advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran slept • advertieements, 5 eeuts per Brevier line far 'first iusertion and 3 cents per line for mush subsequent insertion. Small Advs. saela as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen will be eharged 5 *fonts first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for changeofver ad tisement must be haled in not later than Tuesday night of each wk to insure change in follow- ing issae. Leeal notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertiabamenta or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-eolunan rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to The 1--ie-5ralcl., E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1901, Queen Wilhelmina's domestic trouble will awaken much sym- pathy throughout the world. She has evidently made an unhappy match in the spendthrift Prince Henry. Fronx obscurity and. com- parative poverty she raised. the mon near to the throne of Holland. and surrounded. him -with every- thing that -wealth could connuand. It appears, however, that he has brought with him a greater load of gambling debts than his royal spouse is prepared to shoulder, and that he is angry at her failure to satisfy his creditors. It is not long since the Queen of Holland. was a happy bride. Few of her humblest. subjects would envy her to -day. 11. Chinese exclusion will shortly become s live issue in the United State!. Next May the At by which they are shut out from the , republic will expire, and a move - mint is on foot to secure its exten- sion. The Pacific coast people,who ars unanimously in favor of ex- tending the .Act, have the support of the 'labor element throughout ' the conntry. Moreover, it is ed that if the barriers were remov- eit there would be such au influx of Chinese into the Republic as to seriously disturb the labor market. Is spite of the import duty, the Chinese are. making rapid gains in Canada, it but however much we would. like to prevent the invasion, WO have to respect the obligations of the Empire. In England there !I are very low Chinese. This may be accounted for by the greater, distance of Great Britain from China. bat there is the further fart that the offiseouringe of Europe final their way to England to such an I! extent that they leiwe little room, if *ur, for a Celestial Winnipeg Grain Exchange wants to get the eoasting laws susperale& to that United States vessels call earry grain from Fort William to Georgiart Bay ports for the remain- der of the atason, owing to short- age of Canadian vessels and to the aongeetion of the Buffalo elevators. It is of course desirable that as wiesstitsr of grain as possible *hall be moved fawn Fort William neotel with life in' our smaller communities. As compared with inhabitants of cities and. larger towns the inhabitants have more leisure incl more opportunities for knowing one another. But of course these advantages may be abused. ln how many places do the people apply themselves to find- ing out the best about their neigh- bors, and to making one another's lives pleasant? In how may places •is there a healthy local pride in the achievements of those who are born and brought up there? Too often a different spirit prevails. If ill natured gossip were discouraged, if special courtesy and. considera- tion were shown to those who are eccentric or exitable, or subject to any kind of infirmity, if the inhab- itants would combine for the pur- pose of increasing the comforts and refinements of the community, our Ontario villages could be made among the most pleasant places in the world. the back, Niro. Burk and the children, save Adam, retired at the usual hour last night. 'Mr. Burk, who was in ;Altoona, did not get home Until late. The lamp was burning in tbso kitchen for him. before he went up stairs he turned it low. A lunch was left on the kitchen table for Adam, who is a stage hand atthe Altoona opera house It is not known what time Adam came home, About 1.$0 o'clock Mrs:. Burk way awakened by a dense smoke in her room. She awoke her husband. He dressed hurriedly and hastened down stairs. Opening the kitchen door he found the kitchen ablaze. The draft caused by the opening of the kitchen dor accentuated the fire, and with a roar the flames swept I through the .house. Burk's cloth- ing ignited, and he sprang outside and rolled in the snow to extinguish the tiny tongues of fire. He then summoned the assistance of neigh- bors. There was no hope of saving the house when they arrived, and to rescue the inmates was impos- sible. Every time the men tried to enter the intense heat drove them back. Burk, in a mad frenzy,tried to push through the flames, but Try to imagine a village compos- was prevented. Meantime the agonizing screams of the inmates ed. of a score of your most intimate could be heard. For one brief friends, and you have what every second Mrs. Burk appeared at an village might be with the co -opera- upsteirs window. In her arms she tion of its inhabitants. Of course carried a child. Then the flames there are lazy, vicious or incurable arose about her, and sho sank back and was seen no more. was ill-natured people in villages, as Burk sent to a. hospital about this time there are everywhere else, but we crazed with grief. • think these would be almost power- less for hare* if the general spirit were one of hearty goodwill. It is quite likely that what has been go- ing on, as alleged, in the case of Dr. Harbottle is the work of a few hoodlums or boys, and has no countenance from the solid citizens -Archibald Wilsbn, merchant, .2 the place. But we rather think Sault Ste. Marie. that with a combined and deter- There is no remedy for rheuttut- to the railway' termini on the Gabagian. Bay, before navigation *tops. If the elevators at Port 'William a emptied, the C. P. It. eat easily fill them again during tile Winter, mid the farmers of lianitaint vfl1 have so much more money iii hand to spend. Alis if the 'elevators at Parry Sound, Col- lingwood, Midland and Owen ltgootuid ars filled when navigation closes, the railways can carry their Winter. The mote ships there are on the route between Lake Superior and. Georgian Bay, the better will it be. tor the farmers, for the rail- . *els and for the general trade of the :country. But the coasting less% were sospended, itt similar eirettnstariees, once before and - We all remembet tehat a grand kick. Was made by the Canadian ship- owaers, who extracted a. promise - from the Government that the con- eession would not be Made again. What Canada needs is a bigger fleet of grain-eiterynig vessels. contents to the seaboard during the lists The Brantford Courier says :- 'The Toronto Globe speaks of Dr. Harbottle as having been.persecut- ed fork two years. In reality the persectition of this man has existed': for many years." This arouses smite reflections, whichmay apply to othet places besides Barford. Theto Ise many advantages eon -1 -,46 .411r. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ. Valueof Dr. Clarke's Wonderful Little Red Pills. Testimony Which Shows the Great Clubbing rates. EftrWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tax HRIRALD Daily Globe4.00 Mail & Empire. 4.5 weekly Globe . 1.50 „ Mail & Fimpire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Sherwin= •Williams C. Oreb, Ssle Agent for Zurich T H E Commercial Hotel HENSALL. ONT. This popular hotel has been thoroughly,renovated and refitted, and will be found up-to-date in every respect. Every attention paid to the traveling public. W R. HODGINS t..t J. C. STONEMAN raise THE KIING1- THE QUEEN a n d ,E DUCHESS 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 41 14 4 4 t• 0 4 • • • OF DEVONSHIRE. A Remarkable Offer. Here is the best offer ever made In this community. By a very excellent ar- rangement made With the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are en OW to offer THE ZURICH HERALD and that great Family Paper, the r'amily Herald and Weekly Star for one year for the small sum of $1.75 and in untie to each subscriber three beautiful premium pictures of which the follow- ing is a brief. description. KING EDWARD VIL-True to life, a beautiful portrait, size 18 x I inches, on beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. This portrait h.ts been taken since his accession to the throne, and is the very latest and best obtainable. It cannot be had except through the FAHILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR; each picture bears the King's autograph. This picture has the gest merit of beinir, the first taken after the King's accession, and has therefore • n historical value that no other picture can possess. • QUEEN ALEXANDRA. -An exquisitely beautiful picture of the remark. aely beautiful and good Queen Alexandra, also taken since the King's accession to the theone. It is the same size as that of the King, the two forming a hand- some pair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription price of paper and pictures. ,o portrait of the King and Consort taken at the second or succeeding sit- tings can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history. THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. -The Renowned Gainsborough Pic- ture; Sold at auction sale in London twenty-five years agn for • A10,500, stolen by clever thieves, hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to its owner on payment of $25,000 reward and since sold to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan fur This, in brief, is the history of one of the premium pictures, which, by a clever stroke of enterprise, the publishers of the Family Herald have secured for their subscribers. The picture is 22x28 in ten colours, and is reproduced line for line, colour for colour with the original. Copies of the reproduction are now sold in New York City, Montreal and Toronto for $12 each, and this is the picture Family Herald subscribers are going to get absolutely free together with tea • pictures of the King and Queen. is that not big value? Call at THE HERALD Office and see samples of these beautiful pictures. You want Tau Zunrcir HERALD for the local news, and you want that great paper, the Family Herald, for its 21 pages of general news and nuntty reading. Its agricultural pages alone are worth many times the subseriptiott priceiiring or send your subscription to Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills cur -1 PROPRIETOR. ed. me of chronic rheumatitm after I had been -given up by the doctors. mined effort on their part the per- tism,or for building up the system,' secretion could be stopped. equal to Dr. Clarke's wonderful I Little Red Pills. I would not be Graduate Optician, The Original Herb HENSALL. THE HERALD OFFICE without them for their . weight in BOGUS BROKERS. golds -q. J. Brandon,Fenelon Falls, — Ont. Arrests in Connection With An I can truthfully say that Dr, Alleged Swindling Scheme. Clarke's Little Red Pills have done — me more good than any. other medi- ew York, Nov. 30. -Frank Dil- eine I have ever taken. -Mrs. Ori - lora and John F. Bennet are under i son R. Estey, Waterville N. B. arrest, charged with operation in rnere is no remedy that is equal conjunction with two other persons, to Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills for not yet arrested, a bogus stock' nervous troubles, rheumatism. or brokerage business under pretence ndred diseases. -W. H Robert - that they were members of thel ki son, Mttruiging Editor Daily Times, stock exehange. It is charged that the men received $30-0,000 fromPeterborough, Ont. ! customers. .According to the de- Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills cur- teetive department. they 'pretended ed me of rheumatism after VS years to do a brokerage business under h of constant suffering. -J. B. the names of August Zimmerman I Armour, bookkeeper Toronto June- & Co., and J. W. Pollard & Co., I tion. and. later opened offices under the 1 Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills are name of E. L. Bennet & Co., airl a Certain cure for rheumutisrn, private detectives and. eollectc_aks. II asthma, paralysis, catarrh; eczema, Detective Capt. Titus said to -day eoughs, backache, indigestion, that by this means they wore U. , stmitach and liver troubles, female abled to collect a large amount of complaints, even when, the diseases claims against themselves which,i, have been standing &Sr many years. they divided. Henry L. McCauley, I Price 50 cents per box. ?or sale who oceumed an office at 32 Broad- , by alt local druggists and dealers way, was arrested this afternoon m patent medieme. The Canada on the charge of that he had beets.' Chemical Company, Peterborough, implicated witb Dillon and Bennett', Ont., will forfeit $10 for any 0,14.80 in schemes to defraud. The prison- I that these pills do not, help. ere were remanded until Monday. 1 " Dr. Clarke's Sure Cure for Cedar - The tleteetiveg say the men bern rhe and, Dr. Clarke's Sure Cure for operations several years ago vs OH&wino same price. 810.00 will they opened a showy SUit°°f °Me" I be pitia"for any ease they will not and sent out circulars proinisine cure. large profits on deals in. stocke.1 Finally, after Istrg,e sums of money Pile ,re stet.. to sae tbst tr. had been taken ill a 11.10V(4 wall 's CbAsell Oillhestit Is acertaln and abIOIII141 t11144 or Hai made to new offices and under a 14543. Vireo' forth ed tweet. new name, the police charge the taesdiagraraseetreelaeasaa some procesa was gone thrieugh,,11=irgrolit=riArtat, until again business wet given up I itr aortigLitta think ?gab, 144effies. &Ica le ant withottt payment of money due 431 leilbes ee litAhemut Atte a cdveieter:te, customers. On Chases Ointment A VAN/LY CRENATED. (ARROW ELECTED. Mother and Poor Children Perish Goderiela Dec. 4. --The by -elect - in Their Burning lime. I hart in West Huron toolay restated in the returrt of J. T. Gairow, Lib - two after 2 Welock this moaning five aylitees to heir froni. This is the persons -a inother her four, third contest betweeta Garrow children -were busted to death at'and Major Beek within the peel Gwyn station,on the Wopsononock three years; Gatrovr being twice Railroad, three miles north of this4mnietted by the courts; Following _ eity. wrh, husband. escaped 'With are the teturne received, the Agin. - severe ilij Oriel. The dead are sseq es in each ease being turtiotitiei tbe Western *Meat Ain., Mary C.Sitrk 42 year* 01(1;0 Adam G. Bark. 16 Mara" E. Iltirkl GOdOt!ell trOWn thilrrow. Beek. . 13; *Toone. Burk, 11 ; Joseph Victor r Godenah Township - 131 tstate Exchange. g4 Burk, 8 years. Carl W. 13etrk, A hit West Wavratiosh lEatt Witwanosh 7;0 t 35 Altoona. Pa., Dec. I. -Shortly' oral by inajority of 28d with SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles. BL A FULL STOOK 05' Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Special attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. 1.1,1,6••••• J.Stonernan,iii HENSALL, ONT. Geo. TROTT !IP Compound Ti GREPILT D I IER Kidney and Liver Regulator. ERBS 00 Days Treatment for 14 TIIE OREATEST KNOWN 11 I1t1ri I1 M ==1.)..XIN PR EPAR EXCLUSIVELY BY THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO. Photographer, HENISALL. JELLY NOTHING ut-r THE A VALUABLE REMEDY FUR ALL SKIN D1S FINEST WORK TrRNED EASES. BURNS, SCALDS. ETC. OUT AT REASONABLE PRICES. Family Group A Specialty.. Geo. TROTT HENSALL IDO husband, is seriously hurtled about: t6 very 0 er 1Wingham Town Clinton Town Dic r. Blyth Village 36 79 1Hul1e4Townehip 23 Totals 432 le an itlitiona thee frit mothers; 4.•-•411.44. *hen the little onee get tfeet eold and wet, and come !mine acid lAkAVEIre mitAbd 781 Duna a Street 'Conbori, P• arta, City, Village, Suburbrn, l lea and Garden Property, sold, Bought heirhoarte and Exchanged. eoughiag, or awaken 10the night vie-. •• time of deadly croup-. ThO,r it fa that peciit1 to the HtnLn. j Money Loaned on First. and Second mothers turn through higs great Recipe Book midratefully to Dr. Chase, Mr, ream Toaameat hod nea t Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and m who, i faous family reatediles, has time and straw stack exit in ora. *owl* Other Securities. again saved theones and older moriiiiig last, And in the afternoon 1 o es, too, roet rig and death. it Urge pile of Wood *WAS brou ht1'arttHouses arid Business Prop- It le tries' surprising how promptly Dr. Cbate's tiSyrup of 'satiated and Tut- under the. *toy teeth of att. etty ,Itented, ana RenRentsCollected penne b "ngs relief when the throat . 8h°upon Reasonable Terms. Cilltititelilat .411a*t. is sore and trritated, when the told IA Miss Idattra. SiefilOtt held it very Money Invested. for Private ti ht In the cheat, and the coUgh &th g • cerm*.of her voene ne and eistressing. St autos; the tie. sile cess til" - duals Oil First Mortgage on Real arninatIon, heals the tete iota Iota r end on Tuesday evening.- fl ; This Xt tit t men:states, seethes the eerves and date *as the arthiverstry. 0s , .... -oid' 0. clears tl 6 itir DaSsSgeS, People who know of the singular, vIr.. tues of Dr.. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine do not think of a.ccept4 Ing the theap subStitutes which many' druggists offer in its plate; 25 cents., Dr. Chase's Syrup of linseed and Turpentine' tenth birthday. Msr many fried hope she May have 'Very rnattY more and will very pleased to at- tend such another event. Several from here attended the funeral of the late E. Kellerman of DailiWOod on Tuesday. Quite a number in tbie vieirtity are doing there butchering these dAye. it is 5 good trine to do it before we have too much snow. TELEPHONE 696. E* ZELLER [)11 RiZURICH. O. kel Agent for Huron County P * TABS CLOTS find ..Good 'Prescription For mbi'LTIindmankind IVANTRU r -A. ruse of tad torddi that It.:11*.itlft not beteSt. They banish mkt anti prolong life. One ,gissess' Mid. Note the trotd R•I`r"A`N`S on the packages- ited tempt to substituto. It'l"PA'N'S, so for s geniis teat be had at any drug store. Tett samples and 00* thousand testimonials will be mailed to any address for fire cent*. isotrrrLatrdleidewtoletolirexItipans Chenneal ea., ie. zs SEdda/1 2URICH1 ONTARIO. Get 'Your Printing from The Herald