The Herald, 1901-12-06, Page 3ootema*stetoroossmars*
e Mission of
The Anchor of the Soul eLnd the Best of
Medicine for Man
Washington, Nov. 13, -in this 'dis-
course Dr. Talmage would left aeaple
out of despondency and bring some-
thing of future Joy into earthly depres-
sion. The text le Hebrews vi, 13:
"Which hope."
There is an Atlantic ocean of
elePth and fullness in the verse from
which my text is taken, and I only
wade into the waves at the beach and
take two words. We all have fa-
vorite wordexpressive of delight
or abhorrence, words that easily
find their way from brain to lip,
'words that have in them mornielea
and midnights, laughter and tears,
thunderbolts and dewdrepe. In all
the lexicons and vocabularies there
are few words that have for me the
attractions o•f the last word of my
text, "Which hope."
There have in the course of our lives
been many angels of God that have
looked over our shoulders, or met
us on the road or chanted the
darkness away, or lifted the cer-
tains of the great future, or pulled
us back from the precipices, or rolled
down upon us the rapturous mueic of
the heavens, but there is one of those
angels who has clone so much for as
that we wieh theoughout all time and
eternity to celebrate it -the angel of
Hope, St. Paul makes it the center
of a. group of three, saying-, "Now
abideth faith, hope, charity:* And
though lie says that charity is the
greatest of the three, he does not take
one plume from the wing, or one ray
of luater from the brow, or one
rora from the ebeele or one melody
from the voice of the angel of fea"
text, "N'll'hielt 'hope."
That was a great night for our
weal, when in a Ilethielfem caravan -
eery the Infant Royal 'was born, and
that wU be a great night in the
daritnere when Chrietian hope is
born. Tbere will be chanting In
the shies &tea a star peinting to the
'Nativity. I will not bother you
with the Meek of n. definition and tell
yeat tvhat hew la. When we sit
down imagry at a table, we 'do net
Jam 1 not right in saying that etern4
Ity aan do More •fer ug than can time?
What will We not be able to do when
our powers oe leconotion shall be
quickened let° the immortal spirit's
speed? Why •should a bird have a
swiftness of wing •when it is of no im,
porta.nee how long it shall take to
make its aerial way from forest to for-
est and we, who have so much more
important errand in the world, get on
$o slowly? The roebuck outrunt us, the,
hounds are quicker in the these, but
wait until God lets us lose from all'
limitations and hindeements. Then we
will fairly begin. The will
be the tombstone. Leaving. the world
will be gradation day before the chief
work of our mental and spiritual
career. Hope sees the door opening,
the victor's foot in . stirrup for the
mounting. The day breaks -first flusb
of the horizon, The mission of hope
will be an everlasting niistion, as much
of it in the heavenly hereafter as in
the earthly now. Shall We have gained
all as soon as we have entered realms
celestial -nothing more to learn, no
other heights to climb, no new anthems
to raise, a monotony of existence, the
same thing over and over again for
endless years? No! More progress in
that world than we ever made in this.
Hope will etand on. the hills of heaven
and look for ever brightening land -
scares, other transfigurations of color,
new glories rolling over the scene, new
celebrations of Victories in other
worlds, heaven rising into grander
heavens, seas of glass mingeed with
fire, becoming a lucre brilliant glass
mingling with a more flaming are.
"Which hone."
Now, let me latroduee this feeling
into the lives of some who are at times
hopeless. There is a family whose son
has gone wrong. Father and mother
have about given him up, he Seems so
ifecolstrong, so ungrateful, so direl-
patea, and the oil folks do not know
hall the stens of moral precipitation.
Ire has eeneed writing home, but they
hear of him through people who like
to carry bad new and every tinae the
report is more deplorable. He swears,
want an analytleal dieeource as to he gambles, be drinks, he goes Into all
round: give uo i7tlee of It. John player rasa there is no hope for him,
what bread lo. Nand It on; paf,s it the shambles or can. His former em -
speaks 4,2 hope os a "pure hope:" I and all outoide the family agree in
Peter calls it a "lively hex:" Paul " thinking he will never reform,. 'rim
t;tylioo It a "seal hope," a "%sure father and mother have not initte given
hoPt'." a "reloleing hope." And all him up, and these words are to
up and down the Mole It In spoken et 1 strengthen their hope. That boy is
53 an aneaur, as a harbor, as it helmet, going to come Ind:. Tett have a hold
as a II on him thnt you, must not relax'.
bett,zr medhlese &it a man ever Through truyer you may win the
take*. than hope.. It In a stimulant. eternal Clod for your eLle of the Crag -
3. Attie:WV. a Wile, a cAtllAte411,1 rde. YMI elollgt all the heavenly
Thoutanlo02 po.Aslelow. ego de- ,hurduloBto, etiorahhn veraohn
thht1I2j wouid haves'Imit and arehan30, in the Inavernent to
tr,irt for the rt'aeJta U1 lt hopz, „ cave ..,,:otat. mah. some day 4x, same
1 lave Talks= 1903IM night he will call it halt to bin linEtim-
11 WEN! after one lung Was - ens pra@timts, nill happen
larte hum cg linni08,reat inn
loon c$,7or,p Defeo and Itateale and tar- hetct to n on .6y: 074o or ladst ftw.
imp L.Daaq. targul:•:acil ht Vc'egatil and
Me:A:AMA' the ?at, starling for 1toa,t mo owed's anoltliol. owN,{1
the w..11.:4 ht Pea el, direatal %le e rep- "a t Iduve t„1,31 4.4 disIgntwilea.
`.°'3? :,0.1,1a07 nnin ut the et eha
4;1°1' ti ee NOVir*.r6i6t.s IltesliZn tabJrmaiali".
-ota*_r u.: to an•Allt,v anl 114,x,,A .,yon cat t
r' i!1,'P bk. fri:2n,1:-. reolicaS tve,,It tinuatie le.ttmettmt..,,,6at
ti aiF.2;ez' 2* 2,3-'14a 1,, VA: nAt at Vette own/ IviuFo„ Whea
:te a'.11;;;, -•;*E-1 t.nn 1 seeneV" said. "ire-isacteew
"1' Aral tazght." "rear name." 1 4:S
1 (.».**'.41 !84 -5it,"r1 11° ",„77, ; g,,ate ni.e c..1;irr.0„ tiowl esnct name et
(,?:3111a,'I‘"re'i,,g' „ 1h:a father, xvi.z -.11g iLuowun
44Ce6a1"4 kr-ewn Vorougull the 12.''211arat werid,
Jai e 'luta treat _ 3 0,..3 _at _ ris tritk,
ur role iiti§ serotan may doll _ciaatz toca. ct
luoloaa A. V....5 sight //awl
,e %at, wrele,',./ Lis father t",,at the author, Ltd.
Itika,ny 1.11.1,e i:,u,11 t_ let tate EuzcltInta 811 tact coetal
c,;•gat,, 11:7,t'ES rcata act tka young luta
t'fs-ir!: eL7 lejiV`ILti rlir 'Lel* ntarisrztly rata fathers tr-,aturee.
pass? -.11 pi3Oteh.4 el' the gate, 6,4 I ft,c
precia.tion. What must, be the
health (If that land which eever feels
cut of cord or blast of heat and
where there is no east Wied, eoWing
pneuinonlae an the air; Yeer
nese greater then • the foot of deer,
your eyesight clearer than eagle, in
sky. Perfect health, in country
where all the inhabitantS are ever-
lastingly wen! You who have in
your body an enoysted bullet ever
since the civil War; you who have
kept alive °ply -ey precautious and
self-deniale and .perpetuel watching
of pulse and lung; you Of the 'deaf-
ened ear and dim vision and the se-
vere backaehee yoo who have not
been free from Pain foe tett Years,
how do you like , this story of physi-
cal reconstruction, *with all weaknese
and 'suffering subtracted and every-
thing Jocund and bounding added?
Do not have anything to do with
the , gloom that 'Harriet Martineau
expreseeci in ' her dying words: "I
have no reason to believe in Mother
world. I have • liad enough of life
in one and can see no good. reason
why Harriet Martirleau shauld be
Perpetuated." Would you not rather
have the Christian enthusiasm of
Robert Annan, who when someone
said, "I will be satisfied if I man-
age somehew to get into heaven," re-
plied, pointing to a sunken vessel
that was being dragged up the 'River
Tay: "Would you Eke to be pulled
tnto heaven with two. tugs like • that
vessel yon'der? I tell you I would like
to go in with all my sails set ane,col-
ore flying."
Again, let me introdime the element
or hope to tb.ose good people who are
in despair about the world's moral
condition. They have gathered up ap-
palling statistics. They tell of the
number of divorces, but do not take
into consideration that there are a
thousand happy homes where there is
one of marital discord. They tell you
Of the large number in our land who
are living profligate lives, but forget
to mention that there are many Ind -
lions of men and women who are do-
ing the best they can. They tell you
the number of drunkerles In this Coun-
try, but fail to mention the thousands
Of glorious churches with two door -
0180 door open for all who will enter
for pardon and consolation and the
other door opening into the heavens
for the ascent of souls prepared for
Let hope say to the foreboding; 'Do
all you can with Ilible and epaang
book and philosophic apparatus, bus
tog with the sunlight In your facer or
your efforts will be u. failure. The
Pallor in the nky is not another phase
or the night, but this flrat sign
aPProaching day, which is as sure
come es to-ni,ght will be followed vatit
to -morrow. Things are not going to
ruin. The Lord's hosts are not going
to be drowned in the rted gea
trouble. Miriam% thrtbrel will play en
the Islgh bank". Terael Dalivered. 1111Fra
hope for the home! High hope for the
church! Iligh hope for the world!
intrOdtVe the angel et Hop° ta
thove who through ell3nre.
•ehrint'ast Wealth% "How couid I tht
them," nys a bereft soul, "up ti12r1
, the land of the multitu.lirsoutv.r
!You may hal tlient by inquiry,
I heavenly es,,:art and by Untilleg 37731t -
cry of the guard at the gate. "af
carrt,ed Inc away in the o/rle!t Co a and high butlioniti, end eNotr•::1
tato, the mmt tie hoty
der•et*udirm out of Eniveat fte-t
hiwing tte Wry el end her 2.ght
1 WaS Illite) It canna 'Meet tee male.
even Into jaSrer otette, t^!Sar a&e.-
tat, and 13...,4 d Watt Lareat LAt1431:ei
had tiweite ,4attoo sod tr,..!e
tv,teetted tiblgele." Fe yeti th-
he all *goaraing oats Mt: Xi
5 tha v1E:it:A tT,d.
vitvi your levtd Otte raest trurts.u.r, and
, the :.- 1 hl.7
tishot fotrotarto er in What
ttettli Vs the nr,anslen re:are 1. ft
hto..ersed ehartt tanews
,..N•e• 'Vie ati ,..
it,trted d
, tea if nb ctaa 015.1 %MIL ratIty v!, 1:1,-1, a
tbc of S7,1 uttrcaing 42/111; Itte tren',z'itg eteatag alma.
.,,,,titi:L.a,±4:4 ttast.t I hal it 1.1 the family tata, Ital wander.ed, 1 Eet titere, for he 0,/'
e eftge "' '1
51 4n tuy 1.1 tt - 815 •
r•ab±etita tree heasserty chart:Otter. 111 Metall that 1110 wa*%1111,et)Lagishoe,,,, 01t1t:' °la ta O•i1N%''''''ilt6tt
, ire pa,, the Wohld over and bean kinds eS, or you w., Jnat
hope, "Vtr:lich It esrc=o-te; trreigAriotoz, bat A few nights
forgiveness; tretao_ed, it especta ralet;faro,&Mei' 1eltn.4 a getter frond his
tatet, reran,,,,jat; eeme dotcho mother bleat:and, he hai retired for
sztne,cts wing; to DIA; *shipwrecked, I 514t6eA but la the eHolaing reams
- it 1:rt.,:saJA.; hankrapt, it es- Ne ilearA same Young met it 'such
t „les€ra11,5„.Las; a proligeti, hottih:e eariversatien that he ceuld not
se wide ean4.W et the eetP. Ilia was shacked as he had never
fether`o far/Mouse, it does hot &fore Leen by the tails of bad
wear itsalf Gut by L'alk:ng, backi.vord.,; inem u0ft1 a llght,
toi..atkA rzatia. What ts teals eat the ktter! Uts matiter
the 41,1 4gB11:.".trg 5.9 much time afit11fietdolArd* ibY hie bedside and
IL;the rebe.s.rsa:s of the paszl 1Ceen Lord; God of my another, have
.180 ra'aicd by a, te„, reerey081 Z.V.?..:" He said that .s.ace that
1.1.eT.v. 'Year ice,ca eanuat, by breed- prayer he was entry c'i/and and
Ing over 5Lau. La tarried tato tared what he hetcre hated, ar7.1 hated
galan. 14 is r.e tazaro tIlat las the what he before lovel, a,ited what
eal..eng tts ca. I thought it aLi ra;:aan‘... I rei-,,ded, "-toot
Ave have al; e;yauroitted 12,-„nr_1e7,,e; bat have TL:I.zmilak aChristam." He sail he
the fteat anlght (rali1e,3, at to
any tinta. leave
4,na:ka alty wan-ier,e;;;, thec.,:ty. 1 Lever sa,W ht111 etglitl, hint
fia an =atter* off 8- _at C''422S.1 4..5 tee thee he htturned
1=7 his hack tr,-,on Ilo wicked past anal
b.tve Gad and t11.;:e nletz2zte1 "ma right directlen.
wcrld's ycar greatest 11 rimY 110•S•3 witzt 75tIr Loy.
Is sj! nis. LNo.ieene Wrlte Id= often. Ted hint how yea
1:-...ea:f_11 is sone,-, -No,..1 are ail nicking; el hit= home, amil11
says mor.e,y genie." tea Mr!' Ill hand, he
:; "the racist of rmi tlar al un his mother's God to
ye..r.e. ere nni 1n7 twa.- help and save Taint'. klor..C.', you of the
grey- hair and wain:I.:es! Heaven has
f.det, Da youst,,,,%-p•::,;se. that a:2 your its ihomlira**0 sau:s who ,,were
g -,o..1 -is fer.ced In by °lice as erough-lr wrong as Your is getting so deep I must fall back.
it:ez zit a 13,3,St DE. They repente.d, and they are wading out as 1 waded in, fcr wilat
clad a.. /rot% have , with Inc o,.1,1 fo:ks in the healthy air mortal ear: r..:ancl before the minty
Tait this1 It is my- business to' a,,2 Cie eterir-al 11;:g. where tbeY hove surges or the fult tide of eternal gl'ad-
teI/ yen ii -.z your faculties are to he Leconte Young ag,ain. /rte.'s? "I:ye bath not sen, Tzar ea
entarge": and your quaZ- To aaother ek.ess of Persons in- hmrd, nether hath 'entered ibto thd
811 hunch changed, and 112e 04 • ...`anitY-
1 Mil ;assert itself. The cent 7.7E7: te as
easily distinguished by cool11: 480
oft earth the 11,e.,dy ES dEstingal,s:.ed
the be,ly.,
Theta vallivate horegarl to
Yott• °Win hEMIlth, your owe In.-. :ror.:Zal
prosp.ethly, your oWto lotrgevlt;:,
seeing how In other t.e.,plo atter-
reVerfts thites to
D5.55 Hie uneititeeted, rem
that Wuehhigtoti lost tenre ttks
theft ho gained, bat ttanseeeed et the
Gast, and, further. by mnsthtng s2 -17e
your eterrali safety Mrough Je-quS
Christ, anderetata that leer are ,,i11 the
wey enlacee arid Tele tare
as a span iong, endEng En dora::,:r..s
blEss that neither humn anor
ge!? tracult!es eau razasoce or mate
-rezierience of a singthre that never
ends and fountains tsssing la trne light
ef a sun that never sets. 311217,Go,1
thrll w,ilfra e tzt2.-
mortal gireel hone?"
in the eperolng 8110that ray te'xt only the *.v.*a.-ve on
beach, wbne Vae wtOle verse from
whleh Es taken 10cceare. nut the
oaeon th:es cre eoraing In, ond plae sea
itleati:.ns ..- wefainess mui-tiplied ton- .1 tr-oluce the angel of hope, and theyhe.7;181: of men „ttte ttlf.ngs wrairir Ged
IC.Zic..1.122::-.1„:.,13, ta.nrsandfold. a'r'e t12 inv-221,40--1 eanzlot Oke 1110 4112212 prepared foz them that lrwe
,r,„..a - ellagnoels of your "alserder, but /et88
is a. ta rax ara to, ea jay a. Reps cheer yoa w:tix one or two
hl • Snerve:oft s are t
h_a:ea ea:Lie:el With weh thor:'g 1 -ie . u ix
les . ...tee. being; Noratght in our day through
itYaf eazda is invalidism. Are your , .mes:eatieu aria surgery that Year
f.ortan.zs silent? ,Iternarnber, you are atvaddism may yet he mastered. Per.-
..toile and (180213u
-s nt) e_3ed. And sons as in as You have got welt
„. ',ave. Cancer and tubereulosis will yet give
when yca re:ga forever and .everi: way before serne new discovery. I
want to sea kou when y,, ge t yOUr eee every day people strong and well
heave... y - o. . .
leaning hea.vily on a 'staff and hardly
of a .t.ech of a. world we call the ;earth -
Mole to climb stairs.
* OniY the piece where we get ready !'
to work. We are only journeymen i But if you vali not take the bend of
Imre, bat will* be roaster workmert : hope for earthly convalescence let
there_ Heaven will have no loafers me point you to the perfeet hotly you
Ittergleg around. The book says of are yet to have if you love Alla terve
the inhabitante, "They teat not day the Lord. Death will put a profortged
alor rriiht.:''' Why test when they : anaesthetic 111,Inn your present boeTA•
Work without fatigue?: Why seek tiet and you wile never again feel an
pillow when there is no eight thet-ea I i eche er aelto and thee la hie ,
Iwant to 18ee you after the pedestrian- 8 good time yau will lutlee a• resureec-e
Thf who not long ago I saw pallid and
ism of earth has been exchanged for ' tion body, about Which we know no-
paisWer of flight and velocities inntiltel thing except that It Will be painlesa
and enterprises interstellar, Intetworid. and g/orious beyon& all present ttP-
Envy Is the lowest known fo
1)E0Efillt ER 1901.•'
Moses 'and Pl3araoh,-Ex. 11:140.
•Colanientary. - Connecting' Links.
1. Moses saw that It would be dif-
ficult; to convince the people that
God bad sent him: The Lord said,
Say unto them "'I AM hath sent me
unto yoti." iii, 14. Explielt directions
were then given to Moses and the
. The iremediatel,y important fact
connected with the leseon Is neither
its historical or even its typical in-
terest, bat that its underlying Orin- operating in the hearts
and lives of men to -day and producing
as of old their legitimate conse-
quences. We have in the lesson and
;the connected history :
:Persist•ent rebellion. God has spoken
repeatedly to Pharaoh by His com-
missioned servant, demanding the re-
lease of Ills chosen and enslaved peo-
ple. Repeated refusals had been vis-
ited with successive judgments until
he looked forth on a. desolated land
and rated over afflicted people,
Lord assured him that the people Still with each suceeision of punisb-
would harken to ble Voice. 2. The dif- talent lie renewed hie rejection, and
ficulty of Making Pharaoh • willing to • by his own choice hardened bis heart.
let them •go also confronted Moses.
Rut the Lord told Mosesso that He
judgment culminating. During the
preceding events there had come
upon the land and people a series of
•would stretch out His hand and smite increasingly severe visitations de-
EgYet, end after titat the Israelites signed to break the stubborn will 'and
would. be permitted to go. Moses, humble the proud heart of the rebel -
however, be,
Ofsitated, and said the limo kine.
paoI . . o g All these unavailing, the
thes Juncture it was 'shown Alosee
e e a Ire final and averwhelming Judgment
that God WAS able to take him Just was cut hand wh:oh should transform
as he was, with the crooked stick the people into a sable -robed nation
of mourners, with a, dead body in
that was in his hand, and make lam every house, while even the beasts,
and the stick a great Pulver. " The I would join in the universal cry of
rod with wIncit he had tended ;Jethro's
sheep was about to be used JO de- horror and sorrow
liver the Israel of. God, to chastise agGnjetst ampyeopoiret.hoperiesadur.veend.01 isr"Banoti
the latid of Egypt, to make a way
through the deep and to bring forth asigulillinsr mana dog
boast;m(lthIshat 3,t*oeningue7
water from the rock." -0. H. M. The know how the Lord (loth put a clif-
knuillest instrument in the hands of
God Le mig,lity. 3. Then Moses argued ference between the Egyptians and
that he was unfit for the work *be- Israel." The chosen people sat safely
in the midst of overwhelming judg-
cause he was not 'eloquent, and the
Aaronta1in g ciao:eh itom . t 4. When Aii)cl2i0eina 0.5140,11,7 taoniad sdomuftmillti. phutarinclentehdatPhatittrito)uha'sh hcroart N?vaIst
Lord sent Aaron his brother to do the
their miasion the people believed ; but all that could Im done to w-arn
and save Pharaoh, yet again and
when they ask.ed Pharaoh to let them again ile hailiened his own heart,
go into the wilderness and worship, until. finally Clod saw there was no
Pharaoh refused. There were ten ground to hope for les repentance I
plagues, anci they were directed and then, and not till then, did Clod
aged:est the idolatroue worship of the with,lraw His and His restrain-
lOgyptians. . ing influencoe, and allow Pharaoh. to
1. The Lore aliti-Or, as some
think, "the Lord had said," at some
tune in the pest. Verses 1-3 are
c‘velenkly thrown in here in paren-
thesis, as Verses a -S went to be a
ewitittuatioxi of tho interview Moses
was having with Pharaoh at tho
go on in l& blind. and mad career
to his own destraction. When man
reslsts the light of (Mine truth God
withdraws and I.aves him to himself,
and then Satan cumrs in and carries
him li.nutliong to purdition.
Pharach had, 1. Light. He knew'
eloso of tlte iiraceltng enapter. Ids ditty. 2. Repented warning's frem
Pharaoh had thiler,a1 Moses to have the 6 nvant of the Lord. 3. elevere
Ihis presence, and threatened him ehasteninea from chef. ,1„ 1.baraoli
with death if ho. saw his taste again , wilfully reectel every holy influ-
tx. 28, 20); and Mows said he would (taco, closing his eyes to the light:,
44eP Isis face no num.., but before he clesIng his iars to i1ol's warnings,
left Pharaoh, 140 thronaknied hint stiffening his melt and hardc.mIng his
with the death or tho firet-born. It ' heart %lit! Iv! was left to reap the
result of Ins own wicked ways,
wao a. terrible threat, hue car -
r8(1 out to the letter sOon after.
29-33. 0110 plague more - One
!aura heavy blow must fall upon
this hard:hearted monarch and his
hull, ere ho compelled to let
no the fatorel Oieleete or Jehovah's
to,Aerelglt grace.
2. Let t very man borrow, Me. -
"Lot thsm ask every mnrt
a," ete.-.
V. Borrow le a wrolia• nal mieleati-
tratielatital. "i30 I teniunaireie I
tao feraelites to ask or dolunnul 5.
vestal)! rueompense for their past
ori lees._ an 1 he ineliaed tit!! heart.,
or Imo gmpt.1.130 to 110,0 idavcr,Ary ;
n I this, far from Mal 81 matt, r
,oli, w.rowT, vten eltar-
‘ ity, was IGO Moro than a to re' partial
oLiwnve for Usk! lair; .111 I Fou -
1 wo La sy 4..ay
t*Utl reAsi ,r,al to
Litrot, elm bug =Any
r* l'M'8,.±t-il:k4eatt.4 of :Le
11.0„I 0.0.,1118t, 18813 la** •
188.1 iiai the
011 11 ti•.tiNiosnati,.922-
.K 11,-
1 ,4 Ito iatte rapt 14441
4, Negalt
rout, !Ir.; 11848.clp..:.c8 iala I la taeir Itil.!,,iare80.9
rat,'“,3 er...etarity„ 11,111 ito
llabt i(,,.•11 as r,..,i.:,.:seti6•••1
IS t9'0ial128 88 41261'4.9.948. was
idessr1,4,1,,,A in,44,-,;*; Puur.,u*vh 401112triuuratto.v ut the.?
45. 11.1'16P kas 1211 cti
tbal ttui.s test evsiry
411..,12 &ave., 1188,1101118'4/.41,11y,Lit. ell2ILdt 10
tao 212128413, 882 1112.801884,221801281 12t.0 11
tiate14 as.tiMre W888 88 11':eLnk, -412110 "
tirra5 01114 wo
1111851.Liaie 58851880 812:
"/ stattent,''' Of, the ..1;t 110-44loved." Int 81888.4420181Is 2re-1
qtrattiy 1.102"? 4421d/ "Ciao
contito stave. Ir.:moil:Aped 12
litarde,t. 101201'. It was 1110
-MAI, as It la with the Matte 1811 111.
seletv 40grind their eorti witla
Millis', ft:tuned by tit, ir Women scar-
vants, wIlEo, for the 11
G. Grr.,at cry-Tbe
eseca'sive in ntindrestnL*ns11
grit; Thce.Y.
st8. 1118 -'ca. ,Z4
.tlicy Tat/
in 81114' Mast 1482118c,-821124Jt;:3, and It...E.:PLC.
tryiu` eoloet It 19 641V..t:taVS ea.Act to tall 1
"Plein dark colors," said the sarto-
rial anthoritY, 'are alwaye Indica.
tive of !fowl theta."
4 k
'Toronto learioors, luaritet.
Dec. 2,-Tive reeeipte Of grain on
the street market on Satnrcia,y vvere
heavy, 9,200 bushels being received.
Prices were about steady.
Wheat -Was firm, 700 bushels a
vviat se:r ng 71c to 770 per lanutfel,
300 bushels of red at 72o to 76 1-20
per beanel, and 1,000 buatela iol goose
at 67c to 67 a. -2e per leueliel.
Barley -Was steady, 4,000 basliels
selling at WC to 630 par bushel,
Oats -Were steady, 43,000 buehele
soiling at a'T 1-2 t o 1-20 pert
Rye -Was steady, 100 bushels sell -4
ing at 57.1-2c per bushel.
Buckwheat -Was steady, .100 buslio
els selling ott 5.2c per bushel.
Hay -Was easier, SO loa.ds
at $9.50 to $11 per load for timothy
and $0 to $8.50 par load for clover.
Straw was easier, 4 loads selling
at $9 to $10 per load. 4
Egge-Were higher, selling from 80e
to 400 per dozen.
Leading AA' heat Markets.
Following are the closing quota- ,
tiona at important centres to -day:
Cash. May.
New York -- 82 3-8
Chicago . - 77
Toledo 79 . 81 1-2
Duluth, No. 1 Nor 721-4 74 5,8
Dulutb, No. 1 hard 751-8 -
Liverpool Aople 'Market.
Messrs. Woodall & Co„ of Liver-
pool, eablod Eben James, Toronto:
12,00 bbis. selling. Market active.
Prices very firm. fireenings, 19s te
22s; Baliwins, 21)3 to 22.1s GI; Spies,
17s to 22s 61; 1,1115SDES, 18u Gd to
,t!is 0.1; Mtge, 22s to 26s; seconds,
•,..s less.
toroato Live Stock Markets.
Export cattle, cholla% per ow+ 04 59 to 73,
do medium
do cues per cwt. 2 5) to 3 80'
Butcher,. cats pydred 4 ell 4e
no Owlet: 3 to 3 te)
clo fee. .8;19 to 3 61
cal con:1111010 3 la to 3 le
do cows... 25 so 2 75
do hulls. 5) to 3 23
Freder,ea•ort-keep 3 ,5) to 0 00
do. maii-sen 0 3 50
Stoekefs.I.oio laso 3 et to 3 40
11?2.1) to 300
$1.51e.. caws, each... ..... 3,3 el to Woo
theep.erwo.4 per cwt. . 175 to 3 0)
d. .............. el) to 2 5o
11 es to 3 061
lames. owt ti 73 to 3 Se
owe+. Per a'Aci 204DO 141 OD
litgacholee, Per ewt s!`.1 40 0 01
leas, fat, ees cwt' to 41 00
acsalight. Goer eWP 13 to 0 00
Bradstreet's ea Trade.
WC:91e4•tle trido Ifontreul watt
I 1,1 remarked the ninn-abTllte Interrtiplee by the holiday this Week.
tiara: "how aboet the dark brown !: s44•04-01 btaalaz; of the mouth,
of the morning after'!" hut laawalesa has been quite active.
At trt&ee weather
Passion 'tiara Istitheq foolq of the 0,1* thi„, week. bail Di4lUkiWintt
!ilea, and able men or the iouNt•
folusgtalth lautictkIti trade.
li 18.“10.* Tormto 11818
Itts baN3'll /mire act/At!. The 'told
tevder4.7,--''Yest-1-1--pult triy vnea- Weatiter eta:ate:steel ihvoian:l for
'Con ot •.:141 statane`alfir,-grallitil. wiator T. holiday'
alt 38488' on tlipre 118'.,4 8' Moro actuvo and
Urain." • tise,r4; orders tvry
ilkwro,i4119 (who- lutd b-,eu re,11.1.,t.... it'*-ar,thYd) lia,turalt%ga 414,3 we', Iran
-"Ali! 0122 8'4'4L 41 47.1*.at. hale there tiVtrie,. '1%a. he21.2.3,74. 1.10",
ty;t ,144117. Y014 WAY :kit vi'v Dora*? and 1,,11r,-,1*.,...*!.,e3 are tOi4.11t,
/, ts',9„ / yo,18 re. Snit, 80idente Vt'alj41.11 15.
140 to lo.,4 tia,*nria 18 '1 as it. ulttra,*,a 141 15.
18 lalat-it,' ltor 14...I'Vovi!,.44 148 8. 1° 140 8121581 11-1!' -tv VW
frmt,1 bp.." t.!!;6eiblOi
V= Lg. .1.•
121,0 thisi
1.4 88 8-4,0‘ 8,41,8 , T4%4114_1,1', 111
• t'?"2? t"14',.4413..
12‘ar, t tat.- aliaeeetece
421 eAM? 11a- Lt,••• IS
- L,,u,ai:•al nz::1:2 85)42)08.0
q1e Dino!' EDI; tt`'W-
/1.', 04 LAT
t'., tnilde Las
'1,,„z` 1Ncen, an tall for
i,8!:1to 101.25"'?' imo72i18414 11tft3- i*
tQl` 1,7421.1",tkg 1W1 itv4,14*
n11 p.• e. 1..3)-,..ty
Is a( 11; k' 11,1 t."";ss.,
••''2`'L -17; • ' EA V±0.7.,
881' 42)0) L1Lu.(d118
irat, r, -ED „... .
s - . Lit 1,1; :I..' rau:utl.s
12 84. IT, T], L,ra-, a. taan's
rf• 1 11:tf..,21 La the;
(.140 .
'-2811838888' 8.1 1,T :
tro.. tko„:-.4 2.1.-..1.11*L%.,:b.,a:a Lan,-
Jelle haal of Vete [81 824-181123' etc:telt
1/1.70et- ve-11,;* fer-ive r*a;St
il 14 .0111115 P1881t)t'1111841.
- • .
gaass fer,nive,n.„
gifted br:de 15 ttie
j-z21,-"k-V4...:at :mut latetlp911.34,1?"' czo tZ,n?
r'.,:ar„,k;;•:.-"I'ira co,licetcr.
• , • -- •
tor un,filVe
(12 Ir r wortd Wo'n't
610 .4 Ia. an' ittin ten years
Ehull got a eog,
ites were not. sE.N:y 009 1):.2? 80.,'4 180121.
414.."2311:, bet they worl
out bi181:,..,;6` taalosted 31 a%,-," 11712:'.4
41VPg Irkr..21,1 Lo.Y.t (-vv. 1 • k8z,12 :;!t 01,111,
(1311121 72880--TL85 2y'-8
181180 w4'00 teeing. Exill,:,-;$s. frit. 28
ttet thee! 7.11,r*
01 4'E:14 .111.11 zz
augar-'-rn ho.t 2222T1.' -1O- V.
Wal not Au an 7:2118,7
1.818;,,8s143' 4,4 ra
121-,881't-410.1 i ..64:1'.•1•.1.,,•-••• 4 ,
Ir*cati,311`e0888,1.10 74)1378124118
But, by 8t133:72g /1:„ , ; ;
will be seen fliat In12trao14
his 0-0;r1
A welnan seldonx forgives until
ter she forge.ts,
A bad psnrey and a ducli.‘.'s trousers
always turn up.
Suspense 10 worse than cola.
to excitable naturcm
Experience Is a fine teacher, but
she sends in terrific bills.
congretigtivan saysa. constittrent
is a man Who expects yoa to get
bird O. �b.
Wonsen didn't know how men
hate to seo them cry they wouldn't
do it So , , f Lid
weavo 1128,18' 0r.451Ls1
tlil 2146-12' ,vwra 0c,88283 10 satungl.
e7.2 e.2):2.1-2e0e0sitral
"4113:0' 38Y8 nvn,•:" ',Lail any
14.- was 888'8v l -
:4e213'," *laid :':2)t-0, "52841 .1-1
1: 23 .1:1 0:*•::.,c 412.211.'
' 1 : in =7, it 14.3)88-5
1)865 tLar,t ti 418v65n fJ.12 vat..
le Lilv:v...,) 125.„,-3 watt of It.,
EA; 22 142-18 t)
280:8, ,81)2))4 La a etree.*
era- wellte-e wal 023 r,
ti 18 :a-r.z. 1;81 w3218'...31 t.)
12 0u1121.1.E, 0.Ci2".."J'4; . '.."C.;:kt.?
12".•i4 417;7-41 peo.
1.r --fore t"...:•Lsr Zon-17
.tabil'Ay, Sleeplessness, :',..-eiings of Lass7dto.1.,-4,.,' and L.,-'ei,•_,-4--esr, , V/ I
. -anj :irregularity of the 6,3d;ily Organs.
'Those are tile ''.rs,,p-ota-,as w411, 12 point to4ftriail,T1111..,t,,Lv,..43..2-.--„„...L.t.i.,,,,f1::;4''...ta,T.1•°!,71t -;::::::.;!,u1,.4:1'..3:007:7",.11,:
blood, of was".Ling 14:a..ity and 888 -' of in‘:.rgy
III*. 1-0itt altsaxte17*Iiy1T.41;ax?..gil',.;ct8Pnlor'-2-,:vosi,i1i'lTsa-•i.,,tirj1::.,t4z,a1.7),:lry.4). ':o1131L:a!ati!-..1-3.,s'')..,f t.ttvi:trtuf yrP.vv•.li ,01-..;e1,-.-ocar of rii'...elr ONVT. 41:le,9lidand
tin toily to, d..*.alla•a and destroy tile rtetl%*;,r bY Ile ta:4,! of p.cison,..,•us 8.011-2ot.15s. It Es a •-•.-.J., :nat-
ter to trifle with the nerves. It I; n question of life and 41, -.*;1188.
• Mrs. Henry 4180124', Port Hope,•Ont., states: "I hu
ave si.--.1 f,,evett bi.xes, of Dr. C:2A.Q1''`4 Nerve re,01 for ner_
vounit,,s.a. ,,,,,a a coarplelely run down system and can heartily r.c.yannend it as a we-me...rad:37 ernective tri- at.
or ambition, reit tired and listless most, ot the time., and could 1,-earJely drag 118.054 141 ab. -rat thl blase. I wait
mmt. Before u'in,-.4 t,Lti remedy y had been In very poor Itea1881 for stint,:* montits. I s.heerztefhl. t_pnl01.1,,(..z,,,,viir:asn:.:8eNne,rrgir:
wank, irritable and nerralus, could not Apep well, and felt di vouraged about my
blocid has taken away these symptoms and given hack ray ubiTal Ixabill and vigor, couslrepaently I endorse
lit Ittliy.
Ville the shrivelled arteries with new, rich blOod, strengthens and r evitallses the nerves by forming new
tette. force and gradaaliy and thoroughly evercomee dieease and weak ness. 11 forum rimy healthy tissue*,
and gives weli-round31 form and eleat, healthy complexion to all Iv lx1 use it. 50 coats box, 4haze*
for •82'.56, at taa dealers, or Edmonton, Bates, & Toronto.