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The Herald, 1901-11-22, Page 6
i ' W'i"•a'tar..VA+w'rsu,.ra.wq�„++awuwur.uwpw.rua �. ' A SCOURGE, Blore:' to' be Dreaded Than an Outbreak of Smallpox, I1To ViRldemic in the Aust quarter of a Century Has, Carried ilii as Many People as Annually Pall Victims do Consumpoosn. (VArefilo du 11'ord, St. Xerome, Q,ue.S Throughout Canada much alarm has Baby Flaws Gone to School. or Perhaps three children -civilized been Telt during the Past few months The baby has gone to school; all, ane I � families do not go beyond, that num- At the outbreak of smaIlpoc tliu,t has WIAat will the mother do, ber nowadays -ane she is •barely occurred In various 1 litie With never a call to button or pin', thirty years of age. The re nal- taaa s and Or. tic a little e oe, ? ballty on bier shoulders s !thousands 1 h I ena quay- . of dollars have, been es- Iia- can clic keep Herself busy all � Her income is usually about a guar- pended--and rightly 'so-i.n suppress- days ter, o1 what.it wast jr, her husband's Ing It. And yet year In and year out kith the little hindering thing away? 1%fe'Lime-perhaps, an. eighth - and Mitis country* suffers from a plague that at a time when expenses are tittik claims more victims annuals Another basket to fill vAith lunch, natally only beginning, when the ser - that Another -good-bye" to say, iotisuesa of school bilis ase facing -;than have been carried off by any And mother stands at the door to see her 'for the first time, Is her pose. epidemic during the Past quarter of 1ILvr baby march away ; tion; a n enviable one ? Crowded, with a. century-. Colisumption-tlae great And turn with a a,•Igh that is halt re,- responsibility, worried at which end lief, , to begin to cut down' expenses, ut- white plague of the north -18 more And halt a something akin to grief. � terally alone without the helpmate tc be dreidad titan any el>idemia Its , on, whom she has learntl to rely, the victims throughout Canada are num- Siic thinks of a possible fnturd morn, ; first year or two of her widow When the children, 4.,n2 by one, � hood are, days, weeks, and months bored by U10 thousands annually, and Will g� from their homes to the dis- . of trial indeed. through its rawagoa br ilia: young tont worb,1, She hourly realizes her responsibili- lives In every gaarit•r am b oagljt to TO battle with life alone; t ties, she feels the loss of the strong an untlmri. eii:t° i h' v Tb,%^a are And not even baby be lett to cheer _ maal?s aid, the loneliness an wvorrY '.two rea.-o ta, lite 11,.,1.:.0.28 (,li�;raeter The rac.ttterc>tI home of that future { of her lice ; but she feels tie chil- of the ul , ire, and 't. Ia tei�r 1, eta_ year. l dren ought to be her first care, Laat bel. f tliit. e h air, w.a i i 1 .1ii , She plcka up the garments here and,; that she must bring them up to take ;-vr. lk luu , are to+, ':;w nc t., an Caere, their position In life, help them to early t,*:te,r and thcjt t ,n). t that Thrown dawn in carel-as baste, ' Work their way to honorable suc- call ba eta a • ry t,> gjN,, ea> d0vcd ua.s And tries to think how it would seem cess. The first year goes by and temporkrw rt i:xf % I:>ariu-y t0- If notiaang we're tdaplacetl. : then some man comes forward and W.M!s t_v,> grave. ''la;i is .z great If the Iluusa were a:lwva:ya as still as proposes, others quickly follow suit. tna_t,•ak. 'li,. a, x; e nc, ;ww knows th.1% The question of re -marriage faces ' sat eo2: ja j mil w4? n i.t has 11,4L II.o•wv c •ui:l sloe bear this loneliness ? her. Shall she dna i't? She looks r auit<d i ci.t' ; ,-> ?seta i')it', around and gradually realizes that Dut< b ttc U, 1 , s' v I'll has -a a stwpfather is even a more doubt- ftirers i i :¢ is t 4 2gs who ww;°I T11111 VOVI N G WIDOW. ful success than a stepmother. clothe tit n* Ire ;. e.p: :a, W11110 U}Ul -'- She knows men are prouij of hay - keep the t* :c>..3 7 a.h a a J, rot only � Ought She to Marry a Second i Ing children, and she feels nem n:,•. dI ad te? 3n,r *JL', bat Sw'ir'l Time Y uitimattl; lrcccm� i.t'adtlnv, ruiust. Now as regaris the widow. There f The Second Husband's Children p:Vpie. Among ,g t ,xe 1114>3 •wht+m a are two 1-d aa,w of widows. The one; would hold his heart, and supplant constrnlpnit,kn had its fangs, who Is young and attractivo, the ' any Iittle love lie might have tried anti wim h .vt> prJvcd t lireeat-e Is ou r whr3,dimsa widow's bonnet and : to acquire for Iters. Site knows that curable. f; ,Un IlAlegA ,S., G, rg>, :o; 1 cuts, ani! never puts them oft again, if sho really loves to main, and lie St ,Jeron'!'' ('ur.' Ms tet,''ry as rc- ; taking a ciliily air of miserable ro- ; 1t ishe really loves the man, and lie late. -I 'tea •* r .t" tt r ca" I ?�venir du ; 6g;3.;,Ion in lie'r wake.' herself wholly to hila, anti, how can Nord. wvl: lar i). l F :' to s m.:.ar Let pts look at the young widow. � Bile when she has other and pressing su.it-rer . hl •. S 1x •;1; t.ty5 •i 1) Every piwarp,;i:il she had as a girl Is ; calls? to the ajg tqf i.. y wpa;ar I 'i:iii multipfd:•di be ten when she is free If tine woman, after weighing the "1R ` yt1 tw cit , tjtt b2 -SZ e)f h ,aitt2, s i»ta. At first Eight this seems' circumstances of both sides of the 4St Tt t� n pa .� I 3�_t, y,• great.ty s2ruige, but in rMuty, It is not so.; case In tiie scales, decides to give run a otvri. I !oil Mpor, c uft :,rani eon- . ;m a. girl her horizon was small ; silo her life to her chUren, is she not �i=11117 L -v= a, c' ale .s .an,1 pains in y v.11y wvcntt to partlia with a chaper- right? If unkind fate ordain that tltt &MV.4. n ..g:i) .:to I. `t me and I :i ().,£a • aslae hall to make her young those children do not turn out -well, a i E w w ' a b pmt, v . a ,. a A 3 .tin i o. f Q r _ �., v alio ca ins. The b> s f her nnot 1 o h , own age -her blame herself. It, on the tl.,ree.yr: r 1^,, „:a I ww't, h t9:inl; ; lrr..rthers' tchoill chums -were too other 'hand, she marry, it is uniikely raoRv al •r n t.. i ,.'auw tra wl'4 A w el -t ,'hung and tiara penniless to marry; tide new husband has any real sym- cava Tiv it I . Y - ; ".x*a les,, :w c vt3•:la, tht•rtr,)ro a ssltuble husband only patby with her children. if gratin - P1111 w� I tit a 1 w.a s an. «ad'r prra,:,nteI h m=elf nswv anti again, Tier ally they arut away from her, and Con. . it lh = . .,.,• -w ,, y ww..s; at- citevWO wy.as 'incite.]. 1,117c, or teen elle finally loses hpr Influence orer ir, ntc'nt, �'. (>iFs r• .1 m,,ter else + , ears later ail Is changed. d. trier Pius- thom, will, she has horsotf to blaine. JA.'1tIrcit, i_"'1'r 'f ;ural i.i4 ..i hp 1 n:t b=anXS fr entli are ohler than herself; roniorse is bitter. tI .� t tit t er a. • w e 11••1 L a 'tot thtrl° ,art' polo ably in a ptmiltion to Children aro a m I rd ;.lir grave and serious >• c et • t,^ •:;i.7 tii'ae. : til:rry. Tlttty have 9°�«n wvltat a goAtxl resl�onsiblllty, ain(1, alas, tet- par - U111 e,.ai r«,C ,atY°n:a a •, :.,,.1 rotarn .i ': wcyfta ashrp m.t•it�, well t an escellellt eats of either ser comprelten(lhowv i:R n r a4 f •,I � `at a� l '..a I n.�t nnl'.t`]l in >tHtr^r sli w I. 1'hpy, itttawv it0wv g'rare or stow t3p_a•ft7us until Wlt;citlli- t3"tj,e^1* 9.N 1 r•. !l t t' -n that c.n;. cli.arini ,°^fly skew rusts Ilpr house, Iaowti ra"lt are atctnaiiy there; nor eco they Zinn t' • _ '; ° fi ..tf it •it ,nihl um, 1+r. sm,rrt h1te l-"44; at the head of her realize how o utterly untltte:I they Al ll. alkI a L I i 146,41.an t.ak- t. -b" e. what A art tat za 1101110 6110 lane oPAM aro to become parents until '>i. '«."e.l. dt: • :• ; i..,; 'ra to r.ti b )N" ; b tAt up :an and her, ;Ind naa°turatlly- it is too late. i3ut ilio wviRluww and »wav l'l° ill! +, ,, a titin. .aw; t n.ite luaturally-fails Ili 10V6 with thra" the wrl�iower have bought their et- ya°•t e, - al, ei 1y;- 1..I: - 3 , g:':, wwhlicli ' fn t-t,i«i.r.ei +:ts of tlitd ; tpung w 1dowv, and' perivace and haw°e no right €o mala; r.t , r .' a -t tVr u%t h Di * :10 i l 1) a. ,SeGUYRI blutltipr. i 1a ilii» .r, • "t iz ' x . a ' '«r,14" u w•�,a .- w,•, Y . y .n I Y.ai r a _ w r low s Lori= is wtutaoixntled. j q lint titer c1ltl. $ fleas -rima-v taltt)uId •i8C :7; c.. ,,1<.- w a f,n!'a. 1 Slk * l/wi rt aaAl;e wa ray frieni15 duringt marc n-gati only, right. ,. y „ tt it1 surely ds.,l} ri,,.tt, tt, t�.y,.., .. T3i . o a. r ;e 1-. aro-4 cat°r w arrlt_'tl ctaa,tc. ,�.ShC has Ilad': d 1[•hy warsto ai. Cool lite -vityu it is C. w f 3 .,a' €:= at .;Tata n v,aa to, tell nor, t iev have aatn r?d wrl.th Ii at Its iced* b�9st 7 'that the wvi<lu-wY 't•i' •••e ...1 "r:a 1 n r.. ", tY ar ill €tat. t•cR'.11try, a sat, has !l?t'l1 fit a -Vida ciill1relt Should e- ' a r, r nt,rrrs is th,% theatre p arth?sir Ifo toww:n; she really a 1llvl?s ssi but tllazt the : ,tl; 1, i. a t t a n 11. C.Ite is slat aifral:l t)t thtnllt. 3ettlts; wwi. oir ww°itry; tli ellildro t should u #P 1 r„ 1""(+t 'n a laatr.+val;tsd ttp3,l her acid cliatW 1 inaarry aigaitl, ela% oft"ll inoaan i 3 iR g ,1 iap i cwtvs. evacoiw-.eb't9 vublact A 1141jiAltess to fall an I ML,untlerstU11Ad- } i ryt p Q s d 1 J » ,N l;l "FF 6'w Q y tw�r Um tlY:l�£'a:ps; rid -Ion or cycled N �1t-,q Ili aoveral llve.;. ;. With lour, and l they one mmol all loL)k u Wufiuftn are of€eit s.°terificr l in a' "r , , ` a.l li a vo,t lac r at: n ° ranttlang got l sort,'- lifol After fill, it 01-Y do thtir tiny Ria a "re_gc�lar Ci�u81Y1,"Y ariel-tiley pro. as fear as alter have late)-wYle l -,a'. taffy inno•it bo 1)r Nel. not biaxlnral, ' T ntns it is '€lent the v wane wwAido1v if the N.ia^ tflariag ('tilt wrongly.ll i , ant lv- ly ,r';, iShouli W)ldos nvirry" aga[ir+- li7 y',•) F i._ " f'u^ ca : �n :r SO MA -17 ChM AC'n or marrying ww, , 4 n •_.. „ 5 t 5t n . w o �,,,b again. V xC�� blip da, at to ianly. if to«(v ll:res L no collo else to l'a d!)A4%4$Y1 i41te•tid. rl an^ call but 116£.U1 1'1='1res. If talo".,)r' ( litivo, lot thr.-ry I�9 UNe fans thillk, btw- g nwr r r"G r ^ +A hfW lift! the veil fttaAl logics alletad tori tht>y tdki l a atelf, res hi,,t h may n r. . l ., . ,�r Sr ". r v ,l s:nilp She ere-mra,rnes and her son � Ming unhappiness to go many.'t C„ ,u by ..'L��. IInn _ �� lC c,_ia to, the eliSd.Fr, oat her daughter ll lCi Fx<):l itrnl'ny out 'Iyadie,Y-vu:1H� lib_. not i»letmfs ,I 6!i7'1h r gAr for talon- ottner t.le% an 5w iy�A a 1 or Will I leaavrlrg thm,•c Sn.. hu1, litcontnQiurstt d rJSL�I� � 1�.��lllw is w 9 tat a UIX Of blatlrOt� slime 1'.n:ty- Era1w, °`a,) w9 o nrin ;' The MostPr+eeloas thltr I th world +t^1„ s� i�3� � 5l. e t rrrl Yl a-. r9 3 yrs cans ! rJ 'slut tin sarcmlt4cc Iso: rrwvlt ilmf)1)I- twr ti tii(rt h eta Il+bwv ter tCYrr+e l(a: tlrrr 1' t �z n . ._,.u.uz f°r�., 11eIa forher Children. Tiad�; wvlli l rwl; w gid. r 1 grow lap and le nl- ,�! luf"r." That is Little out is. 3 • a a y f 9 �V f�• ni _ - � te:l•,ln_, la rt. wt�lnay' I1nfl,ar.AlcEs t_n., clri�t.ia� I"• ,� I.iu ire t(le great to ICnq} Y 9. vj r n s .n+.Iva : 7 W N' Y 1 r , •� 11'4 v, � n i l&SC �lr � C,• . , fY a Li ai Ia.<� r"}Y?r" t f . d, treat r_1.r.1r �r the )rf lilt= l; b'' 1 •rm of the Iter- :td ta7-',:al lex arhill '•.ul : rl g(It wvinttoi aga,3ft anti at_. dial In I& b1c; � felt, hear, Sturdy health of at bal5y'y, i yC ';" I graphy: Y'I O eq e�vefoy tIdlug to rtly Xie price, wotill, ba too great; but, arab Ne7>A�f-nnuto t: Another." it e; -ch 'bi the cage, air til' the y -. lm -a. Z•5 IT, di loft think I'a aft- wvonnan who, "aacei is -s 11€4 ewtrtl lire � titter facts the pfice la veryi'+ `.r► P tot her elfilil I:r arnniirly r vai.l, it that Gdifiall-simply prcwcaca€Ion and they ex- r .a....._. -_. tan Vel ar.ti:l write such seiit•ag> 9 er ��off goo doddg mwltt. give rn a nte. "i"n*ads It noir. wwrovtll va+crifle5n g 9 >iiaelit to give- 1.nTlcl1 for srtt.n %7024s n4 J. ;It. Bartle. the tendert tilde Infa(mt remedi r I btll� w tfl'4Aa l� = i �Iwf a itYil wwwn• to of iii rA atr'e tlbilvy � 'coittarinirl ()" i.ntE� ailed € "rete ew-: r elf la ,y: t,lA.r9n, Bat by f.Yr tui v i:lrjgp,-,r l,t•oportirrnx of g p , he so -rail eta 3 alilverrla3vM4 � I1r:lf:I5: I"Ai�i , Wfialinhave thlldtcn and the que.� 41�t: i �hllyg" IUOdlclrr(S awf-iaY,YS it!On=' tion , , ww3k ch I it o b8: is , aain ops .te'o; they day Piot cures they I shr is ec to ns,der lief' ottA itldlinatorla, , only- £.r •g and gtupiry this ifttlo I tae toss ?._Nk7f ls' Y 1.lNi*x1 v -.ill ` car tlret inmpyazaness of liar' Yyftspriarg ; w IieacytS�Ci,w u'aa17i are stir 3t-' IS='otlude gv,r, rtlt c &:a r. It is &ftt rr a tgrraat Hassle; ban 8onle. antee^.I tet a-intain liar ojolatEw and no d Ia�a=~• fir t _vly l'.<0 4, how, -sviAen terse looks to,lbal airanorfg ' has inful drug, it la the ibt& InEdi- f w one, . cgTiaintatae-s, one sec@ t€fat. •clrarl for little onal; bvause it is i th . ordinary yonng Widow otten 1 -act prt itrirtly tflredive and rtWolutely I I lte3'et's Awa"'. -vi f-f`_vll;rnN 13:1 ratters lief' ou nn life to her children. harull+s�. ror ntrvcnssness, sleepµ r -he lnys4 ° '! "r a o_n erar'th. , � 1. slii toasl.ipntitrlr conn-, stomach l $ she v.i I.4 ` r «,1 uT.:ll-1LIy Ir��CUI„rir", �. '€r•u-.bc.� tlns� itt•reaffitilr bc�oaigpiaan,y-* ont. +f_hilditennt acre thtx ugl; !a-* the world flag they ea ting of teelk and Giber Int- i a _ ln6t-•tis vwo ems: ti.ey are r_�,Iveo lifedild Pantile itr'o^. blza, DAY'S Own Ta@,Liss +e:gptcteel to five It. 11 It mot the rs beyond questl.)n the Beret int-dioine , dut,v. therefore, of the parrenits to 'do in thin w3tl l., Zip air.- St'GrzC't . the bast lie or she possibly can for and lslcamlut to taker, and ahvosved react 5s tie co ditnay wit a rDAU *,their vl2aldrenv'� sa fes 7 in crater i0 an ba :givcu with abg4guto Who, I'E t le 5 L r 65 7 'C L�.ti c. c.><r !#• $ tat t e them- �':r. � tile lir w.e'i 3r. '$ '� l fltinr (�,, ae -year 1r- be le atlr two Y illi iv wa ,y s11rt . ;5Ir3t ii „ r Vi:" !. in if t eww v •:"a or fall to �� ... . ,....: • . "-4 -viae Irate rises tl;is ruodreiner •far . ca me -bat ;;01 on rets wvay true t -o 1 to t;k;i;� h 'coo, ll� xN Osie Dli ' their little ones spea k of it in the tIfeO trut.a ,mpa o cause' It is true, y most enthusiastic atetms-tlsat is the sfrongt•d Ir -,at to t,aaO r^ .at for its %oleos i.eYativp �romo'Gfisinftatr fiablate All best ptoor of its efficacy. Airs g� etmi s'fetis•rot'uhd tine wahek If it f U. U oases Al(r�#zo i"slim rte parer ri;late'o "nese wv_ccrair+r"irl n,il eI,i'aa.r 5lra . xaet: . WMtrire<ad, N. St., nays : Ire fray opinion ilaby'ar own r A T.ablem sire unequalled for children. t a They take it rea6ily, and it reguiate&t the ba)weis, corns "hem of peevish- i noss, 8,01is a great helper in teethung. I would not think of being .tPALMISTRY ulthout Ilio ' ablt-ks" Said by drug ,....... _ I gn%ts or_seat post paid 'on. receipt of price, zit deni>s a batx, by addressing Bwe1y lire In pout inasi has regailar pdsitiofi, with Yes name and mesiiiiis. the Dr. Ct illlaW;9 Ifedicing rro Brctekviiie, Ont. ' The tide of Fater The Une of Life 4 rrStartiecl» them. The Line of Heady The...tine of Heart Not fnainy years ago' the present Atchbiishop, of Chut�erhuty, then And. ituany other equally Wpot2tdiit t1arks otnd sighs. � BI•gl op of t�ondon, wont' down to n Exeter to mike a sboech, on tem - They tell vont tuany lirtereating afid usel'nl'tliy' gs. n the rourt'e' of 1118 ob- penance. Y Properly z•eatd the are alY' . servations he happbn'ed to remar si 1s to, success irn every rov9llt 1n life; k. In' oft wvish g , "I was newer drunk in my lire l., Y to learn sometfriitr about yourself, trite fbr b"FIF. and the nett Drowning all the pla- UOOi{LET, giiving full Informawtlon on, tills intereFting sobsect. Address � cards of the Exeter papers came ' out with the wvoVJO, "Startling NoRT AMERICAN SCHOOL OP Pl LMIS'ITRY ' stater cent by a, bisberp? 1 p.. 0. Box 2�a"• 't1AMILTON* CA'N.. Stops th t Cough -" (Cantadiaixt'rn>rc Sod Works 0&ta�b iw l Cold. : '.,. _ _.. -..... ..., .. .. _.... .. 7wtlTD 13'r0•hi0'• ` 41'in y..�.,. ...... (Y .., IA1! 'I'eifOle(a sari, • 'ta li Iftt ata dwa. Na cuf'k XO 1'!4, I'd 66- Oir'.�'A ��A MAN WHO R S TRIS TIME Grants Full Permission to Usr His Nance in Behalf of Dodo's Kidney Pulls. Was in the Clutch of Bright's DiseasY -Sulfered all. the ,Syutpcoms of `Thio Ifearfuf 1llalady - Iiuc He Tool Dodd's Kidney 01119 in Time. Ottawa, NOY. 13. -(Special) -A for tunate young man is )i rank Chart rand, of this city, for by the merest chance he wast saved from that mod roan curse ser dreaded by doctors Bright's Disease, the inouranble mal' ady of the Kidneys. The story of Mr. Chartrand's es• cape from this dreadful disease iE bean told in his own words: "X had been greatly troubled by my Kidneys for two years, since hay ling a dose of the ga'ip. I suffered with backache and I always felt drowsy and very heavy in the limbs, with fre• quout severe headaches and oftener still severe pains in the top of my head which prevented me from doing my w *rk as I would like to do it. Often my fingers and legs would cramp and occasionally I felt pains ins the loins and a very heavy dizzy feeling with shortness of breath and paha in the left side. Sometimes I would eat very good meals and other tilnee I would take a biscuit and a cups of t•ea and that would finish my meall. I had ^tender spots over the back of the spine and felt very tired 191 tho regloli of the kidneys, with a dragging heavy feeling across the Iein1s, in short, there was no doubt I was suffering from Bright's Disease. "I kept taking the medicines the doctors gave me all this time, but they did me no good. A few weeks ago I chanced to tell a friend that I had given up hope. 1. Why don't you try Dodd's Kid. 11,0y Pills?' he told utas. "I went directly to the drug store and gob three boxes, which I have used, aeud which have so much Im- proved my health, that without hesl- ta•tlem I My I am sure it is but a matter of a short time till I become completely and permanently cured." Th(re is a mclaueli'rly potticoai.ted prccessiou of 1,OS.�,f,10 women tri' Ort -it Britain w 1w, can never hope to brcyme brick.%, says the Dtelbournet Argue. There are n,,rt enough hus,_ +1 i lE. Jatit9 tp '1 o.ror t u eI . o E; Th at11v a a - pP r rpt reaaedy is p'rlygamy, lt'lro will ra,fuse to (ir4p a ss-rap;a•thetic tear over t4ifs monstrous procession of English inalklens, pre -t' )omeil by iWa- tnre Iteelf to t -he* dis)rtm of leali and: unfruitful sialnstcrlt(*a I MInard's� Liniment Cures Distem- per. Pronwised 1Cot to :ttpntiorw it. A wvell-lmoivn clergy illi -Ili tplIs of 1lrivluig airila.4 a, (•rrtlattry 1 --all ontw tvintor'cl night, when ,jot•;t ahoa d of 1..1112 Ito 1101- NA a V,*wan walking. Il"Awvliag up lista Iccrsi�. by aasheel the tvoillart it he coail^.1 live her a lift. Tito woman gist In and they (trove e=g for wines +di yt,afr .a, e. '�$' IMI he lrad i, vt lla>r flown at ht�_r ca vin I;a tc- satin than ml M.U. Au,d hi litely 1ans'ww orrv.1 "Poll't msAntion it.a' ' No. I ws'ron't; ' tt:11'1 thte lncatter-or'- raaot: lady In tan Obliging to&% Adrift-,§ 's": 'J. (I31�3wE Y & CO., `1',+>Irelt), C% Scald bit'rlrarrglaB�, us iialas> armi;w falls carne the heats Late lcyw ord. Tat ch<rIrmat1n of Vie leettAre e8m. Ydtttee or a Ilttrars Abeletyr rA- t �. u �3€la•5'sl t J n i5l a . lr .fie �' g 31. a.r a' c - Md 'Matting aftditpalr e. ww•on:ir;r lnng Why lie r'tpcfate:l lecturer &d rot arrivd. r`irtalt,y, he f'e'lt €root vsmt,, sort of all �ctlsm wwfaa: tnrCessan v, a.nd, atepped 0 tilt* footlights: •' Ladlec and grntl:.imeln,� inns salla, "I 'e"grOt tills aielaav, chat am unable to tceouait fist' limy dW(-+tUC" tai I7rtiess 1113v tiles, Vho was to pvturo Ine'r't) to= YI Iat a- to.1d me € rat. hes would la all t1i ei It lie was alive, and, as to is bot :here, we must U glelule that to Is dedtrl." d'ngt titers titer profe.,moti r'eaxhe�d ,on IT(* stage all nett of breath. a t adieg and g %ntle ruev", ntinded the t'hair- 21131, "Aaillowwr irre to Ittrodnce tis yrtd lie lati:to ifessor sw1 rthe, who will ,over Affdrpss its ora , Trne irnterno:> " Miinatrel'e LlnilirMni a�efra's i,Inr et rr t�ows�;, a 'We'buv- $utter, R*gs. Potiltry a .d all ki>±ds t Farm Produce. turtle Bis -when sort have my to sell. Check sent as soon as we tewive ie goods.• A. a� L Lowes . Goa, COMM18.810H m6r'daiits LONDON 'rho COIlt efttal 8 ASUr � Il HEAD OFFICE, TOA0NIT0. Authorizod Capitast $1,t 00,000 The policies of this company ere bsaee every good feature of Life Is,•• strra.noeeontr"Aig, acndguawrAtitee tits lighesst benefits In regard to loans, oaxh `surrenders, ,and extended insur- anoi tlooat age31,i's'wvanted to this di'striat 1IOU. lino. Dryden, Geo. B. Woods, Wesldeirt. General Unnager. ENGLISH ODDITIES. .A, 144119tiage Full of Pitfalls for �4'rti ol�;nerse "I begin to liuderstand your lan,. gunge better," sald my Irrencll friend, Monsieur Dubois, to me;. "but IFouit %abs trouble me still; you aria: thOm up so with prepositions. "X saw your friend, lira. illurke- ton, ,lust now," lie continued. "She says she Intends to break down her school earlier, than usual. Ain I right there?,, "Break up her. school, she must have sald.'A "Qll, vies; I remember; break up hler school." , "Why does she do that?" I asked. "Because .her health is broken Into.,, "`Broken down." "`Broken down? Oli, yes, And, In- deed,' since fever, has broken up in town"-- t "Broken out.,, "Site thinks she will leave it for a few weeks." "Will she leave her house alone?" "No, she is afraid it wviIl be broken -broken-how do I say that?" "Broken into." , ":Certainly, it is whla,•t I meant to say,..„ "Is her son to be married soon?" "No, that engagement is broken- broken"-- "Broken off." ::Yes, broken off." `'Ah. I had heard that°„ "Sli,e is very sorry about it. Her son only broke the news down to her Iast week. Am I right ? I am anxious to spoak English well.,, `110 merely broke the news; no preposition this time.,, "It Is hard to understand. That Young man, ber son, Is a fine young feilowv; a breaker, I think." "A broker, and a flue fellow. Goodday I" "So much for the verb "break." Alinard's Liniment Cures Diplt- therla. - Ills Bustness. Teiss-Did you notice how than man stmreri at me? Joss -Teo, he's a. reporter. Tess -But why should he stale at me so? .1'e;45 - $e was Irrobably watching Your nose, tie's stlppose,l to keehis eye on everything that turns up. - Philadelphia. Press,. Minards Linlosent Cures Colds, etc. Smy-t`110 ,1 0 You're in favor of wom- an m aftragp ? But Ia,•'aav Irould you fa'al w M1 j' k, ' :r is all right, if you. are too fats and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Laver Oil. There are many causes of get» ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under -digestion. Stop over -work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it--true-but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; . you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for s`can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work --you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. Th© genuine has this picturo on It, ttake no other. y �. if you Dave not ., Mac it, sand foo' ft -as s,anl ple, ts a- fa tro.�l3 taste WlI1 tint , rise you. Ghelnlsts Toronto.!:. 50o. and $1.00; all druggleits. If your %wife should voto Ill opposition, to r4u ? 'eompkins-011. 1;,) 11,'3nPry 1 xl:Pjven't I COLLECTING A(;1:YC'IT% bean married fifteen ,yet;ar,s? j1� r1?. HAVE, THE �`00ST PE'rWrt T A", - } eat solve tynaenw filar eoll, et ,n.a debts in Afro. w1'inctrnv R soothing; haul should til• fi a nco%. € ultcrl 0.j1Ee,t " , tt vu n •rt a ,. nil !•laced l . -wia; r oo h w eu rl tr• s ft cLL4d • 1 .Clan w a w - r t to . l w i t It, cO 1t )ii .0 w t" t a t. i o C un.11YO..rs to your +it latera ; rb• tkats clalki, ertfa re lt4i apace (ur1*.'i wwiu i colic gg ataiftrue'• r.. an ilea of t ntP«°a e?r#n guarantptA five 1+ the hest use. aiy for diarrito: U. !'u only. 1 rc von able chara;e�t ; e;tii. w t°ile tar pliotw) lliatln flue cental n Iacaltr. 1:,. mind one of our rY"l N'trulativo-i wilt cast cin 5'ou. 'rats Internaltt cal ftSrrvteatsQ ;AMOncy, Witt lT FAit l Pori real r,& F Jeanie., I'ttrileling, 4Miter ho#t> a n Ola` , ap. l.(s read i> C ciao•: i;neRt 1n ties ;tiisi�irt I'craiacttla, iia , fasrorYfl). wvinoaaa.10 wales fr:art Ilautdoon Ottl MYo Tait. - - wayaa.130acrc la all.'"'r of wloiath is in» fran', � 1£ 0R. SAIX = k3 At C.4. NE Alt I3iteit- mcidy peaah£ai. Will to soled lh one lKirrel Cr A lora, t at. all etltt3wr1rA a std acrt:a f "It divideal luso Iota of 15 to 26 tzars lc an➢t al.:- r ilcw a,A tmit ty,is,!. t3^ t t p a:lPa Chop, but koD ell"kna. 7'll1w io a. deeded lasrx rail AcUrrtra 8 stets ata # sr T,iaa..l;n6f ¢tai;c : ti+ utt �a:.i ilia rrtaa o JOWN911atn Carre neer., 1: 0, box 4e3, tL analir Ica 1a;ait, 60 C-4iW t,:Cca,:;. t;car.. M kdt+Iat t ontoxfo 3lreea au. Out. _ .____ 413DE, OF No llotms, w N*o JoiN 1'; , PAIL %& NO ;514t5 165, >'• fiND EDDY49 NOl.lyt�li. �. care a - tl tl ir"r :rrr try he or nanr,; V4*u s Vnw .era �rueue 3 for datfe_ tic u&2, TUBS, TRS" THEM. Zodr 9,110 elf Ida r1tott ela 5s draltrs. ....,.� lU 8 �..._ � ��� _.•tea a�,c"� - r: i 'rye i X. M ..i4 M 0" ' N E Y" , MI KI E R,r v�ll �C0 tl p=ro aaM rule, F+lilll. A=- oj =X. CalrOtetil �Rtli2NO v.+.ar.r..+ At a Id w and special price. Address Bos 500. CREEL11.i N BRZ05. Georgetown, ®'T)f. - Ir AatY Mrlrl;,:l OF Vol.*It PAV. TLT Df:'1'dXf; � thOtaste €oeRelaor Can be retnovcil peraaait' naiy by � � I'• ' givlug Trxt,�leass c;;,ntaria r'rpAerrpean,x a�e�o.iyiia 7 't l > f =a,1 or drink. raiiure impossible rFron t+Aampb-, . { tr;•ilm�>ntnt s, Mien sent sealed, wvri•e S.w'. AUTA � 11SUED 'CO., I a Jordan' stmetY T,oroato ,Unr �"'�.� � IE � L