HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-22, Page 5. -,777 .,„.... _ I ,I ..... I .1 ­­­ -I-,", -. . I I 11 I I i . .. ­ 1. - . ................... """' n:," . . 11 11- � ,7 ---- 1_1 �•.• I � . I I . . , 1, - . I . - _.. __._.� . _._... _..._._"' _. _.,.,_ I... ,.. HE ZURICHI . HERALD _� ­ ----,--,-----, _ - __ .�::T _ _ ...__,...._",�..._._,.,___ 0HAN50N BRETON.. stiffly; "'Iifty potlllCIS yearly for Ilrltl'ly I :1IGNdir°IC�A1114" G'cL9E,`•sTION8,ZURICH P n, Alas, nig lot L,' is for away, five Years, It Its a trice littlo Full). Will ! — - �- "� - ^--- And there is naught can comfort met Y011 l)Ie11Se t1tlCe it :1'itil 11et' noN%'!'r 1 tiotC than fnuan Ti,D,• 's114 wee aea in ' Is 013on daily except cN'�=(i.tLyq fron, r t• ti 'kt rail )' •• i t 1Nk) l B oe F t •e >, � d ilia yesterday LCBIIC ;L'110ET1i1" tut'nad aba51tet1, fd'0111 ! Xart. I r.,, bB.) $ .•.wiles t;,t•rr123'. a, Ill,, 1'Lntll ') l), in,, �.11t; mails are 11 lleneuth the shady gnerlwood tree, ,M'L't cru gull 1x;1111, little boy?" flitii-riblltea aq follows, ,,. the scornful •olvt eyes .tn Iaso ulbl i and 1 ,' Fair Sir," 1 S! t t ) Y I said 5 lh vows lir Y e ve,3 - n " T ) I.> Chi:; •!1 "I+ 1 n 111t,s :> SS t1 ,11. I.) Oh This tea • r � i+ ' t tt is wrung }vitll heavy gain, diversion piCut,tl 111) the child, :V11U bl:ilt I l,l � �`lf, f "lig lt'Zrilhf3Al',1:,, C1Ar5otlt it :rri 14,111 And lie I love- Than art not he.,, 111111 f llt'IOUSIy with her little dunbled 1 lilt 21x1 ", . "4 2:55 line fiS1S. tr4. r,.A rOt3lt'I"7I, i1 11:1iltLIn 11'All goods of jewels and of gold "Tho Mr. Vpjuha that runs tile 1; ii T" t1', &� , (r ti rri�i tori And rubes of p(+art am:l silver thread Leslie 1A11glied awkwardly and Set 1 + {�,. C arnc u great lord who would me wed her down. i 111 ': 14, 11, Aa, ji" s" N :55 am Anti give the all his heart to hold, "She Is a little unite," lie Said, "`l , t' !, all otIIt t'1• all the 11ank." , , suppose stili will not be the wor:,u ;or a l llo .Xv. i°i,,( rl that went down l't.o tl 1IhNNAI,I�, err. ].W.,(?0 alp And ihCti came heath. 0 sweet and fair, tov"ll oil a troll.°1 r;1P ih3s dnu:'Uit1S'!" „ 4 •3b l»• Stretch fortis thine arms and clasp me therel little more coddling. What do you Sayl ! I , lyi fc)s'[lI"if, "" 1,0:9a am Data heath, do thou my body bear Shall )ve Iieep the peace for anuthel l:lt•,1).nt`.1, 1xk•n.t vn lr il'o11eY enc. .. ", L -T. t� E•, "r 11:00 a>�i , There where my, love is lying cold! twelve Months?" j) I it" '- (. „ Only thy breast should eta • her head I L. H. tB1' B. ,( 7:30 am Who never may be comforted, i The girl swept him a deet) Courtei>y, i:i 1L ihtt 11L ivl)iutlu that ivaS in + i ."12 " tl nt hfry t Ile tl lit ear accident?" Ia1:i1ExH FUR REGUTRATI0N must -Rosarnund Diarr[ott tiVatsou in >dttcperra. I y lord Is gi'aCfQUS, She Said, :with / " "• )u" -ted half an Molar previous to S 1 !:n­1.,?l',,* t +gin tl of ills bein. in any l)k-� 1 mock gratitude; and then, with a sad• ......l I " l'a )t „ y l the: trine for closing tile mails. Ots;OY;O J,OiPO$}OJS�O$tObt06lOS.0J;OJQ dGII Channe o1' manner, she turmtl frown 0 o him, with a sob, and caught the chilli L ti 1 :.4 .,r .t l.c' d sprained his an- i § y , , D.S.FA,UST Postmaster. 0 1.1 -1 0 ' passionately to her breast, 1!') Ill ll' t•.,t o' tl)c� c:lr when the ' ' IV S LIT ILE o' � * * 4< ,A * 0 l It e it;tv�it?" a ;� " . ))l+ 1..,. 1.ac';,", you frlgl)ten Inc. { 1 - 0 o pbT ;f Emboldened by a strong sons,) of du- �. p J ty, which had never troubled 111111 hv- '°' l 'It :, � � It 1 � so. o A Story Having More to Do With o fore the Interview With Eva's gaud . -!`,I 1 1 1':12' how lits ru12 Into fa drug I S' the Child's Governess Th, n x � „ "-, 1'or I': --o u' culu tlAusVer to stick 1 o •1 o friend, Leslie Thomas paid ftc.clu(�Iai ",.2 ,i I..,1•,Bracelets in'Gold and B, the Child Herself. - v -,,t I u ':t over the eye'i : i visits to the little villa at Sevenoaks. Silver. Lor�inettes p o ,.\^.t '.. 1 t l lerev's Sake"- i oegoaaoata�¢o:�o�t00%joUoU0Uo%00 � MISS Herschel :vas consulted about 11 _,t l „ i - ,n, I.. 111°, Ina'aal? in Gold and Silk. school in the neighborhood for Ills litele i I t :vas very annoying. Leslie Thele. I ward, her talents were discussed, 111•1 s :'till idle of ati threw t1w letter Impatiently on the toys chosen and ber pleasures all 1.1'„''- 1; t2 i r'pjolln, Isn't it?" WATCHES, CLOCKS, table and gazed for some time into the ed, and In the mutual Interest fur il)« ) ••' 1t 1 r 1111°'•" I o• i glowing embers of his bachelor fireside.: child's :welfare the altereatiou at tht`it ' ••1 In .: iii . i .nt• wan. Ire 'won't ' tTEDIliNG RINGS, &c, I f!:.Au;, or t:vn.ill l,intl• off JEWELLERY always What had he done? Ile, a sober ! first Ineeting sails forgotten, uT1kI 112.: • , I guest, ullndell, 8111 to man, to be saddled with two became fast frlend --nay Ynnrk', t ;„ ' ,l t.k llavi� t°nc o' Ills ( )it lialld. t t d r' i ,:• t Imookr•d a lit- '. ¢} U chilli for the rest of Ills !lays; he, for the fine torus in 9itsti Iirt�(ht1'� Pellpr,ll.��ORlptiy Ulitl� �OI W110 disliked children, to be the guard- cheer; !deepened to fin al frilling (Irr, t ' � 1' 1 I's Was unpin" out , (itt illi ilia and protector of a girl who was \when the f:tllllliar k1luck vallie It_1 iIk r, _ { nothing to him until she should arrive door, :1m1, althou h Leslie `1'hota is hud 1.,.o the w1vile story. � r¢ryj�By—^�' Sit till age to take care of herself. Yet , as yet sl)()I.etl nn S-ordr Blit tl.•1•"" til , tr., l .. r�. r i '.k1_ •`} :a 0 ���® r+a �r�,� . i ,.1 the" hospittle he had promised the child's father. kindly friendship, Ills eyes! 11•A�'re tn1<•k"Il• ..• l Miff, t f" ! i°* ' •' - ` ' ,-, •k , I ., I" - .-'� f l 1 y I )W', k p4 I >n Z ...... . MT i �-,?, 11 . ,,, 1, 11 .a. 4 ,,/ ,,� • /. N' L�r1.4 LL �1 , t,k.�n ..... , 11 '�­­,,,.�K-*, , 19\ ''I j � �, , I I I � i �".., 1i 11 , ` ., I ; , ,� I Nt .; " .."..", I . .... I' L 1 LU I � I ALL CASES 0 ' ARE NOW CU AB I by oar new invention. Only those born deaf are inmirable, HEAD1 NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF SALTIE% ORE. SAYS; ?st�tarol r..,rn., Ara-ch,^,o. Icor. Geretlemrn ; IIeing entirely cured of deafne,a. thanks to } our n eatlfi2 ut, : will l now Ulve you a full history of Illy case, to be used at your cliscretiou, About five years ago illy right ear began to sing, and this kept oil getting worse, until I lost, my hearing in fills ear entirely, I underweut a treatment for catarrh, for three months. without anysuece «, consulted a nttut• be of physiciava, among others, the neo=t eutineut ear specialist of this city, who told life that only an operation could lt,eip ,Ile, and even that only teulnorarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearth iii ,he affected ear wunid be lo.+t forever• I theu saw your advertisement aceidenralfy hl a - env York piper. and ordered z -our treat- ment. After I irad used it only a few clays aeem••.iiu11 u, poor di; ertion,. the noiaesceased. valid to -day, after five week;+, my hearing int tine dis.ase.i eat' 71ar: been entirely re€tore!!, i thank• you, heartily and beg to remain very truly yours. lr..S. XVVI .3tA1. ;;o R: Broadway, :1::itiutore,. ltd. Our tretatmen'tsloes?lot nte)re)re'with yoet).-its noI0eettt)rtN014,. Exadviceif ce.and YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT ME ruat`osti�al INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. j &.. Ill I a i 1 put eat s ,[t, die picl.ed tap scioiisly ooquent. 1. 4 ` •1 a the totter again and read the contents. But sllrilee could not ila lna::at.rTnt of ;:::+„ :.:'tl hind o' d.il.:I f i}I :�;�T,E-200 steres of 1 Pear Sir. Thongs• -I trust you will not consider for lona", 1111(1 one day when L. ,.•,eW 11:141 1 •";ti' nlon,'," all h t'l)tlive land.. eonsisting of Lot. ' *,,;, this a pitce of interference ort my part, but I aeeltlemally i111't 1wr relui'Ti ng t"ipm :E i 1 ° t:tl ill :C1a011t a .1. 11, (lit,, aIlll Lot 1d, i3olltll t tholA,0a it necessary fax you to know that your SS'alli rte pilrpUse•!4' rt'tlli'letd itt tile• sR:tr• it 1 ri4 r 1":11 idle dUC- a! '-it•1,iry. 11:tti ixot9tl lJ2tI11i11.lrnSt :. little !card, 1:r4 Gresham, hay new reached rive " " >" age of five, without once having seen the face of Vet of a hoarding ;ie.h of find' t"" , Jima •' °l 1. v;a :illi. f � X ' 'a anti. dei _, tit), and frame, r' - her guardian. i aur atmiuua to know what a' 4 3 -F. tan eat -h lt)t. .Plenty of you 11:55 little I:w:fl. 1t '11511 'iwa4er. On one farm tend to ,lo in tate trap of L^er educatinik an'ia • • " , 's th,•ught perbaps you would hater Judge by corn- 1111K tint" ;Iia:. $11 1.'1 1 11 :': t I.a +t �+^ , ^ Ira„ deem sour1 to see her. T)urs raitietUny, IIPr eo npn iris awl satil":kl 5 -:.vvi,'., . o : t n"ib, - a ...:at-'"j01.f, • -' c. .Cit t)verdltnvin" Well. On - Ile= Ilr:ttsa'urt:, hilew hair I)INW ^C" 11MV. -. : A n.lar. :hill vonveniont ""A I)leae of luiperthience," said tile ""1 )u you Ararat r 1 1'° -`a I, d t`` "_ ",.q,`,,n t`bt9lo*. � ' 11""1• li 1'g trillve an41 ellfurGlies. dertated guardian. wang his llalla, elliltl all romr 1"1`r°A°" l➢+:, "1. l..., .. e't:•r ill tt - t''° 1y :1"ta"a' �tttla)*1. Will , - - ulft - "''i'tihiat is It to d,) with MIi - It"tsL" Her- "If,•Ntle dill! IA *Is•.t n.; " "' .:a•t•E• t,a t0l'llls t)f l).ty tS.•1Al"3, I aalaa)tBdal dl's.:,• to I:IRa)Se`s `1'11e eI➢illi "'IItnt,,tan Ir➢:aa• 1 1.a.,"' , . .. ;..E.,. . �.,^ r^Dig) tax ° %% -,,a:: ii')t-vr, etltlli)lietl f«)r, ' This is them. h' - s A ," v',,a',1v,i;,n . straw e .ttin machine that talks--sinlga--pIIaya every nstrusucnit-rrpxccitacrw Ii 1lutdeiilti to alt•. Iltalvevt"r, I hilp[Rl)ac "IlisI1^) liar . ; aN., a IuC tAt ,1,'' Ft°ha, . ar.el er ➢ 1r a . wa.a " " )t)i1 :tett(► d €' Squx' s Band -string orktcestra5� :tern :tf11B4txels, i:hurcls Clioirat, etc, I 11,11 t tl:a dao -11118 .411 ltB a•. I'Id rintere 1 • is u .., :etttlBl. DIl ' " It reproduces the violin, piano, flute', !:owlet, trombone, banjo, mand.oliis. tle)1x11 tt.) ., ewr°B),);Bi:S teDiel e:,'t 1)1 ttt!r 1 ward g,3110-, " °, I _, ni:aalt, t 'u -'N ft 1.�pII"c"lr llrl 4 ll),"",', tlftfgd • piccolo atoll, every' other instrument, r1 slat stral0st ntwa.r. ltl:tbi:Iu_; n➢y 4vurtl vilve" "4Q hor gf ..:':,", °r ' - . , I " a ., a.t ' c . 1'" . .t!...It!irg•a, tilt Ik)t .. The Berliner',frram-tl-phone as louder -clearer, sizfapler acid better (flan tuff to a l4");iB'tlit/.; tir:•Itl"et)i :101e) :",II"''3. IBlI• •''I'lau'B1 ;4t:!Pt 4c'd'au'C r e .•• �" ., .. . ,. ....N ,"o, tA1 ;,n-wsll .)hila. :aInj oth*rtalkingMa�hine Ant. any price. It sing-!- every I; Mud of soug, sacrea. cpm ..::A• °e t iaN.:la•1.1" t)4 tarehcard. , meutimental, patriotic. ""Coon" st9tag5, R11, fish. French !inti Scotch s^..opgf;,select- I1I, 1e•11&e" a1)nlat d➢°,i` d)SB�FBBO•y S1➢Ati I➢ati �"t''�18+"• l.:0.11Bla'i".nt.fit"'ni,t, fir It ll"a.1.1114lififir 111 Ila. II«" ape"a t A";;1 it r ,,,.slip -,,"'"°Iv I.a I"IIII.II- II -r.7'. ions from GrandatndConiicOpera% )Ravisal;ewalks. waltzes. two-stepa,ittarchafi. n1)sat tlatlal. salltl Ili"eta 111"ttrialsa I=law wIII 11)y llitl"•t1.'1n.e'•+:.r.°" ,... illi1. ds�^Iltl islire!av4ar�*!hili ilia!! an beplaryei taiga)ryine,trunlentor'numberofinst zteats, ""a%k, �t I- wttt'a'; ,Ile" le;)t1 :a 11C1t;,°e" in !ilii" IAyB :" I'1t6't Caw- P r ➢° A. _ _ .__�� aata he ral?rkp4lltb^C51, on tilt I1arllncr t,ritla t)• I119n4� v.itlt tlB6" V4giBcx£uiitllllttsl�"t„ 'd hat %vaq hmv Ml I.t,~~Ilo T 11` aW- V flfli B &II „i,' r .11 , t 150 YEARS' ibla zetic►1IS fu " l hc)n):a4 It !milia ttttltl�' stories or xt:picclt a graver, It !„Agri entertain hundreds atl`raxtaac fund hi➢netelf alar" f.M,-i%4hIi; Iaftown oligll IM01 t%lt0l.!1a u a t. fit b I n :. � :; 'EXPERIENCE tithe in the lar est MI or church, lir it t»4an to zanllllueed tosuit themialleatxa4a�(, le•.tahlk%to r.14,1r, Ifitiln t°1111a at :eta-.�Ir°n:a,;»=. " I%rt ,'t,B .r,a.A,, >! ..,.,:(• ;., '�� .. _ •1.,. t ,p,, t �! �' The Roccortds are n otwax,the'yareldarcd, Flat, It destructibl*DISCS,�r�ltri+rk ,Ila" Io�ao'gl%Itt+el dr" 5irt" X`aslst•Trhoz Tho a➢1aiata BA41-01 B)a 1%1 'E,° k. : l ,r;a 1 d Will, last 1d vears. " tP4an.s�a. Iia" a.Io" tit. tott of B.trltl+^➢• .ilii°° 1ar'a,t t Bl Bata :! 1 t. dlagE . 5 t 7id1cllar�Ic,erGxatale.lel)minrirlsnlsthillCahalt.iti,ignaranteralfortivey.4 t.» l,„ t the Graz �c"Phone " MNI QW1 01114 4.`15'�d IT the Ieafdirlg` clergf*luen aal:i�;, S °t' eG1El1 Ietlla➢itllt° 1BBh.1laltttlBa:':, .Burl ;'.°t Iota alit°a^°ant '> 114 ; t ;',•u Bis 1111Mi" U-14 tht• n alto :%.lids=B➢ tali w er Zai Olt. -It . tg3l:'° ''7'` others tllro aghout 'earl Lda. low pork'"B t'1i tat t^Iaw.1B,"la�iQ°F..ctlltilaII4° 1°.nt= aa,". I o"!r �- 1 fi,aat,"" ., �, C1% al1nL•r Q rinJ Q'• lapitL` 4"CEIC.lttitl the 001%. talk"a.kl 11 Tt!a:Att:IC MAMAS forTalkin Ma chiaakes at the "t2'oronttu HexllaP)atiR)aa It�(l'l, �rlatl tu-'"-.wits ir;,, -'-It laetteni. 111,;+t,• I'loo, ias,f. ""4"t..°Ba r1;r,B'' •t (=' a'1''„ 0:' 10CUar"s ThtBeliinerGrant;o-platnelta�lJ�cua,sele4wattaitated "A➢ilauiiaa:a $„ataaa°B+°4l :ter els,-° 1161 -ten. ;4aall Nw °a"P t' t, #$'Bltt�'ptlfaalSTS&C, fmdttte'ecP-Cdscounter'ffeiteil.there•fore�tvattwa)fri3clltttca -$14.5.00 x,..441 1,%6.; t£.f,,ai:z B ta£alfi:£o tt )flltBaln,t^ tyd qa tlsaalaaly 1,4-0".1104 • e^ Baa° >1; : Y.0 1 . . a F a �'"-:' C rl �MLt njr43Wi lclln wM a"tx: �AitltsllaSltatifal, xanitli a tl1s� are ss€�rtllle19, indlud;ic I , s r i' e n , � La«n talfi :w: � "16 U11 A.. It the ntzli1ler Oram,-pliane is not for s 4e ilia y4nny a 16 incla bpm r "a n? Saivj)aa ,Vv 4-o ilaa:; re"T". lll.ylrl Int evil!. . ,),, ,- .'`' wc,.,1. 1,11, AL 11w5 1_-'9@R1 x1,WB4t 'tow t .. t a list . 6 A9 ➢' 1 B1 ;Wtrltdl tL7 LS for illustrated h t.14N F,a1t a and Q,aher r . ” ' 4 , .:. fl A . I1D F,.,,,d 7 �!'i l: CIN, r;r� EtP'��I,�.�J.:s,.(p. t`::bS6,1.Ab. "' a'"l r�"q.i,1tS'IB °i°;.t at 9 ut^,„tw ki itt-� ase to Iq a, S.it.0 l.•, 6 1, y mika^l tura e'l 1B cm C . tal:tlar f II11 r '.l @ w ft pp u _.,c,' q B il,agl U Bt” 11 la*)lei I tgsa "� &meati Aa VF ,Nva to -O .V., , , 2 q•7 It -„,.:i. ik&t 1fttk� T,.A hM.k.ataY,t y iiDls 'ti,._ lily tlae"Id 4.101 t Bllt;ai";I,.DI0A?. ` ll;a» a l,, YRp a s. w M «, d"�1'Ai6Q.a'a3A'II`m ,tq,:"ip5�e""'l ,t�qult•lttaa,, ta� riontreal„ 1`a r,a,4!_at” t'•,Bal er".`Mk Lt.1% w.= tib<Al. It to) i t. "C: 0 ti'AI" +� ta1 Q ,�«`'�'t%°d�'a"t !Iter ce,ne'ral Manager for Ca#n`t'.,:l.T. N.M-t eyt,uitlallYox. i q 1 ; a.aB.Ilu alit " t aft°�l 99,;.1 s""n lf,el Itl'dv4 alae+t4tha0u ix Pl ::#r 1'14:' TI Ltv'uJ;,, i-" ! g 5:,,t '; ;,, : , s :r' n . 8: 1 fftllt7tYFBaz'jr. i viilai'lela t1'L� pyyry.�[ I, �.,q.�y II lir M ."9 < L MA, ^6*1 iP: a 4 0t1,'tM' W 9k F :,a.1, f� . �r4ca1p two gataIA LC 1 ! , . Catherine t11C f, . al 0 " ,.; .. 'Ao t,a ua➢t le 'TltUw Ila! "«ll)Jtr' orf & 1q:. 91P !'° l � • }p �p }� r� llm!. I e4 gintil tlevia't' 1➢ ad glua" K dnttq:9114' t„} 1:qa n,W4 .:I1 .1:a , 4• Y . 9 .,.• n • ;,Mull C0.4 11101,cxjika't t! ir! ___ ._._._._..... 1%V'00at11Be' !tdeTe lstjtt'°,5v�, (.fit, 'I't.vr ;.taaV l t to ,a,"a 'fl L':r'1.' I Ilei „d , •• - L_ h.-_it°t' fta 4i 'Mr-111Ut ti.'L, _..___._.. f.ls,'';at.al 1!r�G' r2 t•.y9a"a,g'd° 1'B7a�..1, t.:9 Sru:,:,.;;;gt >3d1 J11'+'a t t __. •.n �.• " - .. - . q tea;:&:n ::�CC��WJP1r ut �iy� ?WKt, i+t� I;µ1tG' iy% _1_�4"iy{,�IpIM . It(*�iia-R,y K'IaIB9°,� It 1!iglld'u U500.'% dv7�7Ie°t^Vy ,i0@'. k°� " *TEED Y' I U't Nas a a _I,y+ 8;.1 J :.. 19 i' Ytti`AI .Gv"8�M v✓ 'Y ti €6 BIW PoP'iL6wa's 1. :tla S go,i.a. -094,.1, ti eq IiU,1@1h4A. G 1 5"lana dt t"A t J, M, � . - Jpl aa;1 , 1 ii1 GBd$" JP?.� a3t i�lti l"abl ) a�.."_": L,,11 B .' `*1 �t t 11 T' R ' , 11 I ..a"a£i agnB7 Qo(id.7�, l ^ tt? rBJ. rv6'Gtt a,�AT' S GUA Al ileG �s .:SI.',o ._::l li.. ^-_ 'i.'- - _ :!:,��" LL �':,.YY .s""`>?'__�IW't iX�' S,a! Il 1LAWS P ,. ^r 4J U 1 to 111'.J! ui tU'.a� t,f'+IN )� Evil aria,' trAH" e �r t p ells .n n d ON �l W&O lir c , 1 ;.; a Mite dva 6 �, ` � 4 ff " 4 6ti x, _k_ `.:� �42 ` YORK A IiP�1GTO � i __ S •,),jwa t'o.•a• 11`05t)d,.. ,T1 lige d..la9 da 18,19 of ;+ 1. ,, p„ a . d 9;' - __.1:. a I M-111 «, ISI, #�. r its:.° .^'an 1! _C u, % v _ g , u.p} a r a �I1f e c al'" 9 ltlB:s L. < Llatln u'• �. 1di. .ailst:it t 21ta lt�tt#anit#.1131[ �t nt iy81.$iEtt , ND I t# "I tN tl 1:9f1ialliG' rift 14111!' t v e 1% -'1lj GavMD.f.,cult,•,-cul 41111 l ttvf' ty:9Yllrs t ``L0 ---LAG i';.0 „ - . ; kwt'a tai* a*ag.hft. Will rittur"'Caelffp'aa' tht is �ayt seduY+'td. Send fordlls� t ":i$ ACLC'l 1iSs4-aJt11j Cu (P t �,✓ � Qt ..'. t, r ° ,",.: � it al "t G a . .a n ,.,CS. t t. C , llla. ,'-% ,, 11 a ill :. :1 I � la'),a'aan* n'd3"-r a" l-ltaabr'lct Ga tt,a Patent. dJc; 1 a ffB',azal; r s t"1Lsul� ,a e .L.n w'�nv ti!,rI c n l: n 1r P; L. �°'•iN� b nelilch tsiS Pace r pallid Sedum w " ifu:.,, tl',. l VC L U ` 1 , � t ':'_.. - " c. t 'lu-', v,]'!.. iJt+: 1'.! $Ga"_LSljOlYyda- ., , p 7 _. .. _. 'DSII ,4C.9u1]'t'. l»Ca! c:g) tin 1'7 �•v.g.B"t'is [r.�bt�d r1 .el .. v�'a L', � ��? _�'i t tIJL 4 v..8ws:•m :,lJi1i�>r' _. _ .. _. _._.�.�..._.._.._....__ -- �, n . `k. '''.� d , ,e.§c'. l$i:'il7yT12 Qd",l' 0tll£i111. c5ee 3f,+d, t :,,. ;, .!: : Swl:'.;Jt�-.� L.:.," .: .{.., .,.••,a'LIJAtI .iJt�� i'ua.uEli.i+`'' ....L a �.... .n.`�r' a. ,.- ;, Bt tt 417�St c� v„tli) a ssa ,L"Oe. L'i aUvijoing a Vd,tv,-Mq , d ._ , _ .. @ .u1 _ ny .�t>tm �. .. „ °ail it ul C 1 W ”, .;, t J " p:t It,.,N t'I u.,eflVL°a.�.,` n n U'.._9F,�ue' £LV C>•.a�,:4 t'Lse:f'is, ',. i:U :'.Jl'.ir'i d` -r 1. V :9 It _ _.. . _ cJlli,?i 6 _ _ I V,: r- ¢ p. d. ,.+ Via.._+..LCL. �7, __ _ Fl �t�i. ii. BiC':df� R'4`vPli k.ltl 'AM1' yea Ldu ,� a vGu yvtaaa laMe Vv asae1. Igaa"t '1 � d :".ce ad:?G'di•tlCk::" An"] 1 -.a . .t 1 IK. � -4 � '. . L. - ... .. �r � a u: 4,"L't; y 1 ,�:",,ill �f�CU'a' 6"u'r.°fl8r11d s. Bl`C'f, lari,le 6a� 1Wdt • �. ✓ ".,-e ✓s F i 1 1 , •„,. i a' ` -?! '•tb! . t ^ 1'dli]t u@rel 3G:il tl'c a � � STRI, , ' .,t t y .. "r. S@ tC VJ ]Illi 1 s , 1,40-- et-ais_srt ms sa Pn7 V : * ad a` ,+� 9 C a L,ce-L'v. B; A i ntesifed7es skuf $ 11'I� i011 $"'paff'e?. rwed ±j01e� 7 _lie er=rs dta,vv >itk L`a &. - ➢ u. "3l d➢ttl grad r�� Saint f¢rr n:;a�. a >' A :,' � .0 d��e rdnf a sE a �zyr s ec a . ms=s .ys c;5 r t MOMMINKIlk �Mk 3 Ct flaEtUb Sllle "°i+ 478 w -'dG �aFr' 4u - 1 e. Edi'-, ade:::.ap ma It a orta s, g 5e m t i s �� g 5o nt e u,zIt+r. L"Nto cs�"*.r ks, ° ',da > lLvc6' at a'it I1 'M1 e•- '`i a Efrdl. fvf• . has afar �... >✓' Bt._aad"s:1 v at.: P_,.Act, e4st:• ' i, a,.,.d .l t.;tab fiati'o+.lt.. .e' . €( Stu ., ,ll r rJee'. ”. ,�._ ,e°;1?� tE t� eltds in ec=rs ere Lbis) ar M- IM 11kc)otl 8 c� � _ �Cso3cc Ixng �- iht�'dte B.J7�. d11t1 CGJiIl! l',tl F_h cntlladtr.➢. 1 T-1111 Svu' "1vi 1 [ S3 `a .7 : „ ek e a ts� �'i Widr7" t ictuses, �a° ' a t ace as:;cr :1°•..+r::Jt a liTt:4tl'CduB!7;�; e'"C'B�"'FYl at E4L�•c"s" C;'i9 e'C Eu:%1 .��:, a_': , : 1 :!CI_ : ... - v -w '' y w+A �r 1p,�1'7q,j�''• u:ieCa'ilt#te ,,y, n"Y . - t_.,. _. -. ,' ik,`-z 31 a". SI,p J4 tl W ,C -Y $�1, $ �� LC�t'.:v:i°d L,C:�.r,N:.'� "' 1IQ )"..,__ S. �'.[i:2.�".i'4�a _"t 111;nO-d"Ing s:: i,W,OI, �`d e Lr- tkrsr aalops Iltf: ii S' yn' 1 .Ir, i! � - S s e yep �9 t dei fi. � +table s5 u' deg t ✓ e", RYut< se�v ��et�1 ilii 7t i'ii#s ti3ddYllt _. . _. E" ( i I���ww class ares tLt+ screed Ore atss�� h y , ra.f•ad 6utd�do"T Dft lvsS 1'c$eJSO.-C-!'s lati-' gXt *�f ': CE...,�..c.!a_ :r '':'w _ Aa..•iti<1'4r 2 fie . '.. i1',asxc�2r.:e3� ;x>_.1C�?f7adLG Com..._ ._, .i: s�Cc:r... x�Csl¢ l ItY3 tl4t5G 'i . f :A4 t'"si aaa "1 '''"' s. )Eli✓ i'it:a S. 1 ° _ `iii e, -t L6__t1 p$ _Ce:G. S. n 5- -G __ i* reC I £;;...� l 11t ., E^4fsa 5.7�'tl 4➢5rd ,C' dtyt- ell :cz6 ,, I" ,' �__!,... t. Bcr": s1?'c l)Il2t atjj5 in "3iifiuEYiL°•ix aaltf Lilretx tr'r .t<8l5't'`* c� cC Yai'BCriedmiap fy. ".0 b4i.aIAL"''ct se1BoSl." sl.,e v"`c'•j,l4AV.Vi 601fFsla;al efft-l`_l`%, 'it_,?'Mn_--_•\', ^b. �.t =a a. V--, +L uC147 it *"@ b vW rt v a 64t1m! -for. a'3. &A"C.`ate 015941 1IMe EL 1 ' ` t T. B ^ r . b A� F su:tr'., , . , a 1t. ir:..,c`-a Z tl RL " ;,. . - I I I , ,. lir yy, _ J: sl- .. t! "t 9 Jif a a 4a "4tS'C,)amseurse: ,4j.'i''-e 't 6a",dM*t iillmie 'a R'�t' aura i1i:'_-, rill' tKA $_'�.:..; &_ ' -' 1._ � 11.1 - � t� c,ir t :.t_ up' . StW � ._ I._.�. ....,�d, ..+... . t ,e , , al vx x"l` lly r itW. It ii YS E' l+cr ".3tBv?(t t 41vt Ifle I)C- l fi 11 C, d °I2 i , tl c" 6tie.7 C Chi' d r t I t35t t4 d117 ] lit°' tl6c? l,lln" tys ,, . -.3L` ..^.,n 1._ l _ .t a a '1' -•u gins -, ,,., .. ... sit C.,= -T",;, n. ,• - .. ,,.L) .._ �,.,.t�'uJ'R.'4' f.'1' w ..:ItSE!t^ g r.e-,.!te,! _2 T."Zters at.,M* et,611 ,att"tr Ll.c u..ltie;l;kQa:7t•�S ° un'.l :a8a"uB`.iPuW'E+ Ue:1 _,.ti.e-^.�, a.1 .)n., !'_', _ .rvt °::...,'_' : - - _ „� lu:.L�l si',Ft':6 k?I'r.2±{�;elptk ',I'v3YS't- i' eSt1,5 a_- Mare5zaacWngC.r vtC=ra-_�tSq�utc-71;._3 ,=M"t, l-Vtr!ei:a;cic.tk4si'.Je41r:$'tm 1.0 Sn y S'+S S et -a b y LV E x_� n i. .:� 1... p : Wita'o .C,egak=nty. C:tl�slt i , a u f - 4 ',_! tit, d; a'; a rtu ,T. t4l] liW l tail L-�,,.al . ,: T cm i g �.�, a)u kce c7 '�:�a �. 0 ..lp., w ",, .,• . ..." L _ : -. ... - .. .__..... __... _._ ., u4i` ., llf 8tt,.0 4..,. v ' ,.... i., i �"• ' R ,'•! 4 .%9,.,. 9 , ..,, e . ,^ 'An,G'.•" Cur: . r r tg_ e{rtzt C•w..2:r ,_*_ C,. JJT tilrWte-:�' k19tho da'iaJBntlt 11k*IIt p i L au, a . Ca'1 cJ Ct Sl cu G i Iia. .:- of LL':_ 1i.,,- ._ Glc !Clic 1 til L�$i trill t Jtsa 1 of 7!711! lig zsw5_ �. 4, _3 ra ILS1S?Eyful ulltan I[M •(".S CL•E2„>~.. c- _�_" 9 :: ,Z' i2.., ,L,t _. . :... - ._ _ ? -.a c w - . iii L ,443."" Ike sn!"71 dlyd�•. C`lls'9ntt. Q"a 1. �•:9 " i , ., J:, ° i _ 11e `,- I .r-' NN0 ,Xaiu'L•'.i ti.,+�°.`i"d �r "it45ti'I ti t 1:. ,�"i e+f4",t , fi *e' finny ,e kid 411 � . nu,fl l�,li s ly ,n „',: . Yn ISS N S r d sLi4Y,w q, „ • " r. £ _ , C AL1 ise (LJ�, ¢at I at 1" . S fir w u111' a Veterinary M y� ale +n an!A &shins:' t`n h l £ I ,, 1 7 ` L' 111$ ge c7 ufJs ,s rWa , jj ry • � !a v'fL tri"aL,:.1 L vxk " '.sL0 iC6e,dit ''T� to a d ily .*%R31 011.4& i�' .¢'r 4!;-`-=1 $aJ 7 .a V ,.. . B1: 'k.,a<tc:r.:st tirr . —it;m +r �, .. ...,., „. ,, 3 @379 S 9: iI C. 1`�. w1-�, *fir+ � � a, a fiatf $u f Qrz iweJ - yet F3 ]L +q M e= �.sac•�-O'Eef. I''•as !glias aL"vx t 3'ts _ w r C;oF e. or--jr I co'stir s -•a ff Sr'' --L \ i O,', i ' " "%''a a "eta sc a h -,,Z, t t v-ljr ; _ t1i'" ..'� 9!a' VC_:r"_<',7 i'; ..Lit a ... 2a"'+' p7,r• f�a? tv :Cii,Ctnz • - _ `I•,r+tatreY,CYt ,, st as yrs. "Mink `•d')in. tout ii Ir;re�,cL" tLe+ ld �r da � n,% r:f:d'i aC .nt la _,...J -..t _ _ . "t='t V �.. ". F. � Grp t.e.n %j errs'a.",r." 3' en d9 ',•"l"tl„'- _ �_• _.. is it n . .. _. _ .,... r „ *:=Weeks, t S `..Ct.e . ta'n •'F ,V, -z in Ili{'1})ty :li�"d,rd...3y, S 7i,':u".Y11."" 5�"itll 5,�.� $ �i1'r➢'ii-'.`t.� zi i.:.: n.�':7S'E'. $S.F'.:�•?. A �r;�. .. . t., i" rI'ffi '�< Sd Ys'C't"k we3 rnv SesGL" its '' -You forgat 1 .^, a°.I rile clailtd'3 '""tlYal�dl'tiiadl.r' r.•a n's t r. - - - - -. - 1 rettrm-L.-0I ,:e� 'Ce Civ V%, t, W�,1 i 8:25 xraaurasr,r�p eaas �./ - c, a. >`, -- aa" „iia 1 e':• $ ] ... _,: • i.. .a,s°,,,1° r.w 'tj'' !ttl N vy �'Fl". ,.� tiv a rY � .n rhsy an- 7L j. td- t II V1l � t ) rc orp;:stnjceae f .ev:•ctir cw,o;4rMea t:+ ...(nal Ufi 4 SE'dtl to nQ)r�et ltw d i aCe :: S ailil 1a f0t.' S,:, ..t V _ ✓r •sd'tiit'1s lie Y 1" ^r x xa* � �e 5)mA a: •e ^gars " C41---c'n the place of Me ehil°tl's nB:o'.L-t r,'" 11h'bf :�'', to ° '.liilt7 t. i' -.:...'. .K � � � 's0lak3vo " ''� i�-,.. i CJI1€.�tal."'LG.�.,u,�_-, v.i..rv.�,".•.e. saaM file girl qurcElc. tr.ni i s, ,TM,: It s :ars 7 z, �'• ,, t r. x axrt r Cl9Vulo jw 91� -oi• °7 : '' Refer.rc ',' Px m -f. r ri ' r 5.a� riles' S` `ii'i .. _ latt•rtt ..•,lVaEffl you :ard!!lyra,. .brDnfEes ;a:L at.` p:'u csa 4zsfsx� 5'r � I ite4^>_d a IttYR trCtp yI afrx s a,x 5 x35 It tct�1'reatf ttrrslq :t .. ➢ a. 4 a t....:. a; .... • ... ; - o fiat `tae r ,( ,*;',k xoa ets3 rara5 lusm3 : rr baL_: eF _ z i a +a . r - `+drsv tar 5FP"s- °1'aey wera instil'tin, words, midi!° ifs- Sense ,4- , , aqa sg.;r s::a3' *I.V*l at AM -4t to sst-� sres tri : ' a:;e c. Weak parrs'. Ga::orrBC z a. d C., I D.-szL,ar _. C-aasultation rade. lie oWadS ,roG C - tiaae tLn4paltE°na fft� 11^ut$ :nt�2a'- "'711t3is't 5 . -,ro as •' �» 5 rg 7 ao' �$ yYTaw, !S% V par6 tiiacte the * gps..epta .1st o. I_ ,__.� Telf: a. _t. } a .,Incrr � , to 1 , e. as ,_ ttII !:Celan. Evert then die Wn5 s➢ t=)ris�cl wlctroria Ite.c,=,i a 1 V. f€s: ii.f . rz* sza�,xod ss'slaitcm� astr , , =:•c s:y:- c`3�r I PEE'i'r�p Ara ., t is dslp aq a2 .i j ill 'fel_ h toe1dH t ere the effect !Beer Via€$r rag t=.t Il:3tia= no fear of : e <.y:t c 'c ,� r. 1 rtls, .1. I a E LY I`yars. A.'Tn r wy-e ll is - t " � ,I�'a,,,""1�9`.�,� rte 1 L,.4 I t f 'E.'� 1,. l i . a Ad She rove InstaIntly, tiemblltg in er- 12.1vit I'Le �.o d e to ! °;",C E._,_ r_ r a 1;1.r•_,,Ic�C " A ,' ry lirub, the co..or Z"omlln..g and( z;o1 *•fl,.,^^, in ,3ilom hill?. Ir't: axil! S I,t.,-, -"e'r, %#". -- ;; `'r` n - } - —_ _ ._ -- - - ---- - a HIM* �Cl11PaIaa3 "1:83. hes' t'y,'ei :l'.CI"1'i'ae _• ... _ ,:.....� - g•C:.'S\ 1 ,y r ry _:i ilaaliglS:Itio 7 ll'%ri It+e*ewtraer... ..:;, a �`1:+ "t {r u' s �.N.,:. i $"riltl It)r Lt: f° , elle . a2fl > <sI) els+. . f:a at21"C'17t.a alt l:ds,.°^'4 " ` i„, 2 , r "'And ft)l" .111 you liners• and, i'or :311 the • known for 'It IC tai l') Y•,i.^} . y a . �''_' �Ill Ilttem'A you took In aIle and the child 1 � ,,x£,re, first Smog l°rA:at t'v,? •° �, �.;'�•' -___,__....-....___.,,-:_.... 1 . ,,, .-x •v �1,,.. 1: might have, been a uicked, worthless � TC�thill"" Ill( tia:l:a t:r'eIs"4' ,t..••:. t- �, ( 1. ''• . •_...„ � d r ,- 11 t' ouian who, accepted the alone for n,; flenc3ril➢g tna4lc c,f It:r1 " lir a) '4': ' . • . .i 1 her twill tlae and ShatllCfUlly neglected Sxlaiell Sw:a3 I)i:1CCti Aa I1c,. 4 !Y „ '. " yands /l used the chilli:, , a sawdust. The i"c:. 1 re ":._.l a .:. . :. , . j , ..��. ,Yah I.- %:' With ilF1S' slEtY SWeI>7t Ilialr :[ look of lit- .. $YeSIYIIS et Stlit')lit :: f'+aJvt t rgi.ol t...? t' .. _ ::,I .. Sl•.—, fam, disil:1111 and contempt and. WSIlk'In ' l rr ...I, �. , €t11CI 1"stis ailaCt wigs liulerl i:k Sx. _ ,. I .,, }moo 4 /° ...., a+.., i } over to leer 'writing table, unlocked a :dost. !:Ilii trll �, err str::es. t � 1'c ; !'3 • . - , .. • -. I r,• ., �,1 dlarwer arrl dfrew forth n teal. it laps in tFatehea% roof colnl)letr:c$ flitB,;c, ,�;�' , .... a». r trlliclB reposed n little hoard, tI of baulk o a •which Was tile', filled �viti. af,•,, ... :e . � •d, rrrrrrr ,.• x,. ' litotes and olden Loins. ' : tween the layers' of 'A bicln t'3n a),lr%t ,ur t, I " . t" 4 _--._::=1".,. ke Illi.: -'..t. .1-::12 ,}i:t'I, ,�, , �, ; ,1lere are Eva's' savings," Site slid(!' cavcclust was •,. + . r' �ti _ t♦'i :1".(.a A 9 :k^c381c1:5 ITEMTX.S` n NEW 7EDITI04 J'US . Issurm MCTIMM' NEW PLATES THMOUGHOUT I \aw _i'adt+i'25,0I00 NEW WORDS, Plarasrs, I:tc. d Rich Dindin&gs 49 2364 Pages' t 5000 Illustrations Preparzd.ruder the anperriszoli o: NA.%T- Hxr,is;.P1h,D., Lt -D., Unhrd s+tatts I Corr:mimic;ereEducationyaesiatedbyalargetaxPsofeompatentrpecialists. f BF -TTM I li THAE.VEP. EOIt-GENII AL US& _. __. 1 % 9•,:oWt,.bster"s Collegiate D-,Ctiona ty wi a Scottialt Giomtry etc. . �`, e'_' 11 First 'C;Yet' in vnal t't,. s, cork liars in 5Tzt."'