HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-22, Page 1The Oficial Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. VOL. IL, NO.17. ZURICH, ONA., FRIDAY, N- OV . ....2_ ...2.. . 1...._90....1...._, .. - ._..._ _. .. _. 1. PER YEAR CHURCHES. Q'1•'. BONIFACE, Catholic. wee of service Per the summer. Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. m.; ego- ohisni and Instruotien at 12 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy nays: High Mass et 10 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. m, Week Days: Mass every morning at 7. ' 30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord in the Blessed Saeramet every Satur- day evening from 7 to 8. Rev. Father Valentine. Parish Priest • EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - Gorman, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p. m,, Sunday school at 2 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. geutjdte en. lutil.'St. Petri 'Mute. oottesbienft norm. Ilalb •ll 2.i1)r unb abenbs 7 Zi1Zr. Samitagjd use norm. ko 2TElr. £ehrerver(ammlung 21Tittwocll abenbs um balb8. e Shculie, paftor. i V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, .,Fire and Lifeln- suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. 1. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow da Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT et HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee Public *tie, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. t'AOt)DFOOT 11. C. HAYS J3 ZELLER, Clerk 10th Dlv. Curt, Huron Cominhisioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer ete. Valuator for the Hu- ron eliid Erig Loan and Savings Co. O1 ice-- Zeller Block. Zurieli Ont. "�BOSSENBERRY,, Licensed Auctioneer r Hur- on County, respectfully *elicit* the put. ronaage of those who inteud having sales. Satirfaetion attiarentaeed. DR. r. A. SELLEgY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Deutrt Surgeon', !otonto, also honor graduated of Deptevrttiie'iit of Dentistsy, Toronto tniversityr. Palmate extrr<etion of teeth. rlette work s atpeeitaility. At Doaua[•n House, Zorletrt, every Moodily. j 0. STANBURY:, D. A. *Seesaws to COMM St Sleaeintet'1i BAI2RIS .'BR, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, +t oiserey*tie r, Morley tet Loge On Village Said Firm property at lowest rates of Int tercet. Documents an +yrigii al Germsia lased elect advised upett. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Mks ear O'Neil's Bank, tatter. (M ala>h.*iRik*ltpli►d'0000****rat* * $ * * * trHt* COMMEROHL HOTEL zutaCs st sa Statiletly up>to dete :n modern slit- 411 ;D p'rovements. Diningtoomeis sup- sr eo plied with only the itet7 best. ' Sr, 'fit Bet 7ceihteitei choice Hoots send cigars'. r If ars Ja 7xcellerit Saiviple Reoom6 e for Coearasseeciadtl Men et i LOUIS FO*TER, POP. 4 Sea***** **aii'1944*14 Ib. Zominiont. __...' ouster Eglipped with salt Modern conveniences. First-class s;ceoinmoclaitic)n to coinmer- cial travellers. $ar and. din- ing room always supplied with the best obtainable. SkheCher, P.np. tofu all t1ENSAt,L, Mr. Will Carlisle is visiting at home. J. E: McDonell was •in Exeter on Sunday. Miss Hattie Sutherland is visit- ing friends in Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Exeter were in town on Wednesday. McDonell Bros. have purchased a handsome team of ponies. Rev. D. Wren of Bervie is visit- ing at his home this week. H. J. D. Cooke was in Goderich on legal business, last Tuesday. Miss Lyda Duffus of Goderich visited Miss A. Murdock on Mon- day. Large shipments of hogs, sheep and cattle are being made from our town, daily. Mr. Ambrose Smith continues to improve and will soon be able to be up and around. Mr. John Tapp returned Home from the Northwest, last week, looking Bale and hearty. McDonell Bros. aro disposing a, large number of pianos this fall. This firm hal taken the lead in the sale of organs and pianos. The Goldie McCulloch Co. of Galt are installing a new 200 -horse power engine at the electric light • works. When completed, Mr. Bell will be able to give first class light. The Ladell Concert Company will give a grand concert in Miller's opera house on Satluday night. Nov. 30th, under the auspices of Hensall brass band. The press speaks very highly of this company and a rare treat is assured. A mass meeting was held or Sunday, in Miller's opera homes to discuss ways and xnd'axar to or • - ganize a Y. M. C. A. for the town. . Not much was done. A e muittt'd' was formed of some of the citizens, to report at u. later meeting. Con- sidering the cost of equipping, running and maintaining .welt institutions, it is scarcely possible to hope for one for this town. The annual meeting of the Stan- ley, Hay and Tucl ersxnith Sabbath School Convention was held in the Methodist church }Instill, nn Tuesday. In the abseenc'e tit' Mgr. Jones the president, Rev. G. II. Long took charge of the meeting. with his usual ability. The morning session WaS taken up chiefly with the hti»illees`t ref the convention and an address by :111•. 4. C. Stoneman, on ..The S. S. Teacher in the & ehoo1," whir.h was taken front his long experience ;as u teaeher and superintendent. and consequently. was 11ratwtieal, and his suggestions. if carried Brett would tend greatly to tine er.tcel'tul ness and smoothness of the running of the school. At the afternoon t ssiort E.J. S. aender4on diseete s ed the “Primary Teacher-. Hee gave sugl estinits for the Primary Teach- er, which if .plat into effeet twist result in greater interest and pr cosh e)f the Lel .4. Mr. W. H. Jollnslotn In his usual able and interesting, manner discussed the subje'aet "titre S. S. Worker and the Bible". The Bible is the; teachers teas boaok and as such the teacher should 1,e thnr. esti ii eonverstliit with The gtiestions of making. . tine. boundaries of our convention conform to those .tet `town by the county conventions Was discussed and natally resulted in .the breaking gap of the old boun- daries and will now consist of Hay, Halsall and Southern part of 7.'`tiekersinith. In the evening sera- eioYis Ret'. M. 't7. Wilson of 'x'tTile and Ross V. H. Larkin of Seafoeth. gave all+ and jrstrttctivee addresses rlti H. S. ' fogies. atra4=3;2=. L 4,44 M.Cdrelle2602E12 i1 EMOSI 1=Ar - alt1V zc'2w:MItlia c ZU,R1Gil V G Miss Clara Neigh has returned to her home in Mitchell. Mr. Harry Edig hoirer has r esum- ed work at 0 Frits' shoe -shop. Butcher Schafer purchased one of Garnet Steinbaoh's Muskoka deer. Mr. John Moro, Massey -Harris agent; of Hensall, *as in town on Wednesday. Mr. J. D. Merner•'s guessing con- test closes on Dec. 2nd. See his ad this issue. The Special meetings at the Evangelical Church closed on Wed- nesday evening. Jonathan Mercier, who recently bought out J. Hall's general store reports business good. 11 Ir. P. Lamont shipped his last let of lambs -two doable -deck cars -to Buffalo on Tuesday. A number of the farmers are disposing of their young pigs since the drop in the pricy of pork. Messrs. Adam Faust and E. Axt have improved their dwellings by the addition of bleat verandahs. ()n Wednesday, grandfather \ gurus pissed iris :►'?aid year and the old gd'iltlu'nian is still finite smart. Mr. P. Sipple has the well at the flax mill (4)1111)10e'dl and the mill stare e'tl w• i o'k u n.ln yesterday mornings 1\1t4 Addie ;mel Tillie .1itlmstnl returned holm' uft•:r spending tate sm1i uer in Ilan all.,. '1'.rrotlto and other 1)11te''s. 11r. Alf. Iiossenherry left On Monday for Waterloo where he has seemed as gin id sit tett km in the Park brewery. ;fir. Edmund Worm, Who has hv't•n ut Sault est. Marie for the past year. rrtnrnPtl leant' ,all \lfeledalyf for al Iuoltth's vi+it. Sr. Harr llatut1;e11 salt*vteel from the VI tanol falr)tt t" 11r. B. 13tr.st'n- berry's leant* rtemelt1. 1►t1relrast'el frees tilata. 1:Pinatl►. Mr. Harnett Steiniraelt re'tttrne•tl fra►an :lilts.►"alta. t►r1 WrrltteNtlatt° a• 'n - ins:. Ile ,enteee'ealt'rl in syr ineing 'tome two tins' 1►i'y deer. It ~rill 1?te lati v ile^„ to the litany friends ief Alt'. M. Zeller too hear that hee io *teinilag in l.t ..crit aslant trill or* n l.re.1lole 1:1 slue r'altt aa•;aatt- Ne tit Thttre4hem t.i'ita: '1ell:etah•. lttlY. The t e,a'aalel w19 1.o' issttee41 eine' tll;ls° a°;nl'1D1 r . t''eell''.in 1^- da=lets r°;ill phe,e'.v' melte a woes •:!t tills. • Mrs. 1•;o.sesse 11.7s1wii l'':t o. r➢ Tlater°':rlaau' V➢V ra runs.;• s'e'a' Ler lguutrgn ,et '°"uatror'th totter a si es's v -,it '. t Lu her patents. nts. AIV. met ai➢ ,. ate. .X i L ¢ steep � n �Li_ 1 a1. tear . � t a, a�'„nrt'snnMit tt .11ancde• ua r'tiuQ r nur.a;te a Die nue tile. re 't sa'va real vita a'.;. von the late, vtnt nes the severe re stto q•an u,, . l;e i L. ?several lives liorve ;alp.' li'.: a. in sr. . Ntl41 V":, a`. 1pftioZoe,as-" n ant to rill 11 - av't.1;na.''aett041 wish 39.,' u . IL A line n Far°eu➢i rla shieti tae:stt. tElaary �. 1'�eeate a. Ia a.a yn -, tee 50111. prlilli cul➢ Like lltlu"4aa e r . . he a line inn esteatentt t'e'a' tine t ".1' ile and a big benefit to the e'Jaaaa9ta'y. Executor'sNotice.' • Notice to Creditors of William:: "tel./Trek, late of the Township of Hay, Penner. deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 3S of Chap. 12:1, of the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario 1 . Notiee is hereby git'en that nil t re oli- tors and others having elaainas against the eetafe of the said William lleyroc is who died ,Sit nr gabout the 330th day of Septem- bet, A. D., ift01, ere, on or before the 15 day of November tta'&t, A. I)., 1901, to send by post prepaid to Satiate! Rennie. at Znrieh P. O., one of the elfieUteeiS of. the last will testement of said deee(rsed noir eiristai a names( and surnamea. ad- dresses and descriptions, the full partac- Mars of their elating, a statement of their accounts and the nature of seenrity (if any) held by thein and that after the days aforesaid the said executors will pro - seed tb distihhute the assets of the said der eased nitong the parties entitled", thereto having regard to sneit dais.3 of whieh notice shall be given naw &dove es- quired And the mid executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof r to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been re- eeived by thein at the time of such dis- tributtoll. SAMUEL, RAN= j Executors,. ;. ERAS'rtTs RAia1NBB 1 Zurieh P. 0, 1i. J, D. COOKE,. Solieiecr for Executors. Dated at Zurich this 17th day of i Oetolber, A. D. 1901. EVERY VV011t7: N;:;:ae.• vl:i.:Hi • at There are thews when every w.' man is terinaetiterd nay stein are xlein and weoanld give :anything t'e➢• rotten'. There is a lol'cp=iat•atina!n. known .. Dr. Chase's Ointmeent. 44•h1rla tr, a llrtu11tit relief for these stitie'r n_-. Women mem, it both for their own tese and for its wonderful a un'e';`-fiv - bless. in miring Baby Ee.ze;ata. d.iI head (dialing, and tine vaaa'ia.us \akin diseases of a 'aralpne ail. ¢°,'aI t.rt psi 5' yes girl. wanted Is. learn f n'illt?n4 V,•• .''an Assn Wcess si•e t)ettl t (1 e' 1a1 Sample Pictures to ,Hand. We have samples of the three premium pictures given to yearly subscriptions of the Fancily Herald and Star. Call and see them. Miss Annie Lipphardt returned on Monday from a five weeks' stay at Seaforth and on Tuesday morn- ing left for a visit with friends near Hensall. Mr. John Deichert Jr., was in Stanley on Wednesday for a day's shooting. There were 'no decoy ducks in sight, so he did not bring back any game. Get your sale bills printed at this office. We give a free notice in the columns of this journal which in itself is wortli the price of the bills, as we have the largest circulation in Hay of any paper published. For the convenience of custom - ere, Mr. ,f. Duulart has placed. Our lTal.tivad 'feria; in the following store.: -J. Preeter, D. S. Faust and .1. 1). Monier, Zurich ; 7. J. Memei. and. .1. Kellerman, Dash- wood and F. A. Edwards, Bayfield. STILL TO THE FRONT Latest Dress Goods, .Glen's Suitings, Ready to=wearSuits & Overcoats at the very Lowest Prices • We have a few lines of heavy Dressgoods, seliil�g below cost. Here's the List - 15 yds Brown Costume Cloth, regular 40e, now for .25 41 yds Green Costume Cloth, regular 40c, now for .25 30 yds Dark Heavy Dressgoods, regular 28e, now for .la 2?%yds Black Poplin Goods, at 60cts. 10 yds Blue All Wool Satin finish, at 6Octs. A few fine lines of Wrapperettes at Low Prices. LOOK AT THESE Ladies' Vests at 30cts ; Ladies' Drawers for 25 and Wets ; All -wool Ladies' Vests for 95cts ; Black Far)ners' Satin Waists for $.1.50 ; Red with stripe, and Blue with stripe, for $1.50 ; Blue Flannelette Waists, for Thets ; Woolen striped Hose, large size for Wets. Cali and see us. We do what we say. Mr. ('hris. Zimmerman of tlse Goshen lino, delivered the heaviest lambs lbs t In, season, his sleek averag- ing Int llos each. They were pur- chased be Mr. P. Lamont. Mr. Robert Allan's were the second henvi.'.t. his averaging 1:30 .lis D. S. FAUST, ZURICH -° .. ONTARIO Produce taken in exchange for Goods. •, r I I'Ioxr1 FOR. WOMEN. .Are you weak, nervous, irritable, easily worried and fatigued? Do TI -1- 1 I �. you ilr.'ud nosy daily work and feel like letting' yerui duties go undolle's ; Dr. Chase's Nerve Foots will restore Go y (lass llr 1'p tali system alld send the thrill .a' now life and energy tins-es:it the betty. It is above all al we,nuin . nn'dliteitle•, a1 its intlgtll'. anus; ilattltannt'e 011 the Mertes its surae regularity in tIn futwtiuns of the rs %Lily organs. t )1a ' ;loelay next Itt. Rev. Dr M1•Etny the Bishop of London will say 'ti.u•• at `t. 13,)xlifuet' t'hurd'lt at .A•leta•k and give tint Bally t'elrts'ar;nir►Il to twelve c'hildre'n. At Del • :e. tel. beegin't that I)t'dia'aeti,in eerenienay followed las* u solemn 1tn !•Talee at which Itis LerdKhill t1Jn v1;�1a'in incl Father ,scale., C1. . Chatham will u(bb'Is,,. than 10 spur' in End"h:.lr. Ill tile! eevt'ltinir aat the . rnotuu will he in tae's The teal resatttell est' Se 14-7.11,141, bad.' Pr eery' © sell .cell tar 1'u'fel • 1;a -.n1 of the beautiful Outsell tln' is aC oe gest tstlQatnit'ie4 assd whre'lt is ton '• oleo/tented .uta d t.l tire, tier'%'ire• 1,f • t e enln :•eltailey. k,ryv. li'l R. Haus Is Not Dead. tcortl➢seaarIIlQns.; as niclrely a•t;r'- ➢, ,. e•alealtor that Ile. Rev. I➢'l R. li s was dead. toe^ :never CO'aa`• Bet r lasaalttie and newt. vial ea ,7cen a ii.11 tai • Vir' Stia•ce!'.. tuI year's: le than that Just a an.. 1A c le hest a eentelel ed hie large salsa. • Vnelued Alesealraav' fee. lee ° amt. -.• .,es; suis `,.falser 1'B ;d,lQe listless. has "aa his jceati'nnaal. Wle el and Welts. ijanetly tunrw,n'ad ince inter - • e• .o'liani l'negatliatti(e11. r,11.at tgau;tl'te,ae century Mr Harks has grown n ?, '•Iltlltaatit+al lads. a 15e,r'ttpt1(`:•°r 8 . th 9LP'S as l'"'fnon1ler, (1(111 lvnl'f(aa ate°1 etelrms and tbt a h.trae(-ter its' 4 ':11g, seasons. Never wele his utrb er Yaire=t':ie:t-.... s nt ht after. es. new. 1;1S timely warning, of n '•tis tlr.iuth this year having ".•),A the safe- pie f'rn,nn loss and salf- ;:t :enp.Ialdit'lr: est' fD1i531a` . fat' w.i'01.4.f Wet(' laair'v(':ttt'el n1'011; 411 This a tv _.•i' t,e ,11atllt (erele4.• that tvilatlrt v ;,ttare early. The Ansi-kan Vl. ,':ele t ; l eertaainiy stand by Prof. 1l: when it teen.ts them so .soles en tine, benefits €its .:ren so great. His ?lea Asea(;ansae tut '"'diJ1) paws is only anti his splendid nastily jour - sat': is ends- one dollar ;a Pease! 'Jai+-.n(linng the Almailase Send tie MUST AT ONO•er Whenever ent S. (elr an ' Goods in our Stock show a disposit- ion to 'stie•k,' we Fut the Prie►e, also Out they go. we ttinl't wtmt in our Store, "has hens" or "left ov reel.'! We have a lot o1 Women's Button :11111 Lace tidy((',, .Mostly small sizes, regularj)riees $2.00to $3.00, Clear Out Sale at $1.00 to $1.25 THE I OH butter and Eggs 'k FU ofllc e. our aid' "Two years ago my heir was falling out badly. I purchased at bottler of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped corning out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Penis, I11. Perhaps your i olth.er had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half- starved hair. if you want long thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair 'Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. SI.A'J A "bottle. All ironies. if your drugqsat cannot supply you, :•.'nti us oue dollar and we cavils express you o bottle Ile sure :red Oce the mime of Fief gd rest express (Rice. Address, w . i:. 3.'sass' {;f3. r Lowell, Mass.. A sw'a'g" ' Viv u oe so,11110.° alit ntnalual tsar a is nna E'lltr a thrid.. O 'Brea t the ssoNI swaths's.. 1lie>tte r values ti;':ael - iIi get etilsewhere. If 3ton aro ready t"'r the IoV` sol" et' this aasser'tueonn. a voile r'i ;lit to our Store and Vee «i11 earesen➢ece you of its truthfulness. Furs Over oats Laedie ' Fur 1'cvaits. tall :.tzes and short walking' Coats, ID Ie'n_th:... A tine assortment of Blrrek, avy and )rrfor^a .ver €°:ajrcer•uinea. Seek Buff's for ladies t'IOtht. Up-to-date Goods. 81111 l-1ijleh't'n. Fur rape for laaQdies Alert's t isters in all Shades and at anti men. Fur Cents for men. ins Roek bottom Prices. (.'Cron. Wallaby. Calf with Astra- We asset have a stock of slew e;nn voiles.. and Bias -k Beau'. All Mantles, all kinds, at prices; at plpkes that will irate theme'+ teens $1.Cti tiip. move out taeaistt. Corler Stilt /flake Fileeial z(ahte•a in Readyetniede Suits your Se$e etion bgote the Steck ise our D. B. Suits for Wen, at broken. S.:Sfa il.' east Rte. S$. d-.etli M:r. •• •• II Hl'G1tES' 311AIt.HET ' GES FAt#i FOR F.ARAef 1' L ND tek STRAYED 20,000 lbs. Dressed Poufry Wanted. 20, 1 here' Cara.(^ into tley 1ax•aillaiste... hot )1a411 ti. von. 11, fray, ab.ltnt the ('lass .4 1 yaetolter, tale year -a,(1 4tt'e'r.i'eed sand white spotted, owner e'.ui have .:a' t' by proving property and pay- ine a xpern e5. Mites M.LLLR. tai -4t Dasltw©ani P. 1) Men Wanted S.io1;e11ers and Seramer-heeidt'rs. in Hay Stvniup Drain, near Zurich Wages I.(Je) per day and board. Apply to •y-ea%if H. C. 'C* ARNETT, %..sl'ie'st. MB18TING or.'AB HUlltlN CO't1liTvi' ` ottnIt, The C'.,uncil of the County of i Huron will meet in the Council ('.(amber in the town of Goderich. on Tuesday the 3rd day of Deeein- ner next, at 3 o'cloek P. M. Wee Lave, Clerk. Dated at Goderich this 20th slaty of \ oveolber, Grth leek .fi b Zurich 1t1. SIG £ HARNESS MANUFACTURE AND DE tLE11 1"w it� . _ � and tx - Organs s My walrtertionis are heeadquaarter. in Zurich for Harness, Blankets, Robes. Trunks and Valises, Fly Nets and Dusters. All kinds of Household Furniture -Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Side- boards, the best Extension Table on the market, (`ouches, Easley PttaClf- ers, Spring Beals and Mattresses. PIAN SIE? 0 GAS • • The sigh -snide tieweonibe Piano; the Bell and Dominion Organs and 1'i.rlies. We sell all goods at the lowest possible prices.