HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-15, Page 8OFFER NO, 7, r i 'l'rir lima tLt two. a r -, '!"'tie 1'cutttly .E.Ier- tjil ;01,1. Week , is lY Siaar. (:Montreal) fre t ?sea •;.:t ` .t,uit, 1, 1002, four I.1t,tlil;or ,tl e,• -tit' . Two l eauti- Nl t rte?. „i' the Z)ul;.e kind DIVA:0,4;4 ,° ea, (.`+�ru;tll anti York aro I v t l,, , arlt submrriber FREE. isrest net ::t:,i}srribera of Tk-tr: HERALD 't::,l ae sere the pictures and The i in ii Harald and Weekly Star osst. the ?. months 0 • OFFER FFR NO. 2. • THE Mt 't tilt 'i'hritt'-a-Week `a' S r r is easelti (t se paper:: dur- ing the asses a'nr :nut year for $1.(15. i ;te`f.,+, ',A e g es tt .. We t' k liti•etn .0' 44,o the N ese Yore, Wer',el :almost as good as a ,l;tiit Send nd in ytmr name and ad - re.. a •,.•.,t tltnir'd by the. rash. ,1'VTA.RICEP Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat - -- 65 to 66 Oats - - - 38 40 Barley - - - - 40 42 Peas65 68 Flour .- 2.00 2:10 Butter - - •' a 14 15 Eggs -- Chickens lb- - Ducks - - - Geese Potatoes 14 15 - s'/i ,5 5 5 35 - 40 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat - 65 to ,66 Oats - - - - - - - 38 40 Barley 40 42 Peas - 65 68 Flour 2.00 2.10 Hogs (live) per cwt - 4.50 5.00 DRYSDALE Special to the HERALD. Mr. Charles Fritz of Zurich visit- ed Mr. Joseph Rau last Sunday. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend visited his uncle; Joseph Rau re- cently. 1 y 1 E HERALD, Alex. Mallet returned home Ui 1Cll, ONT. from the Goshen lino after working there for a time. Dr. Disjardine visited here last jubilee Laundry week. He says times are dull. Mr. Aseph Gravelle accompanied l�Tk:aria glitll•Qtiitt!e l equal to by Mr. Webb visited Aug. Mallet last Sunday. "":":41-1= WOMB= Miss Eva Gravelle is spending w _ short time with Miss Lena (Wallet. �� e. use, ii() '�'11l'ltllt'i11s to Mr. Frank Corriveau had a bee ,it�at i ss" �', ,ilr i`ltitltiilti. moving his house, last week. The weather in this vicinity has Y CYood held fine so as the farmers are lite" to Order Work about through ploughing. Miss Rosy Westlake leaves this t1"t •k la Teller. week for Detroit where she will t ' 9 �' spend the winter with friends and relatives. �t Mr, Henry Talbot will this week a't far rf i i S fa r leave for Saginaw where he has secured an artesian well drilling VU/NE outfit. Harry, we understand, ie an expert with machinery. We VE ITV believe that he will do a rushing business as water has been a scar - LO U C ti REPAIRS city in this section of the country. .• :as�•l :est -ttisfat•tic►n The home of Mr. John Etta' has d• ` 11 r sift•;'• been brightened by his wife pre- , "i"r senting him with a botinciztg baby ..'.1..""`""`e.4 boy. lit $Ii.f°: i1wlEl (t Mr. R. J. Talbot, who has had fr ,;a.•..b. t,, gist' t•aenfurt to ehatrge of a threshing outfit in il"t a• ta.l It, klt•rrlal► ;evkh . rned home this Mr. Talbot ureports a alight ?. r. i , e° s t••retr, prt•et'ittr•tl {"shift of snow over the ground and. :I.\ Et: Vt. f+l,d.t °KS:tX1'I'lll1G � erd' y thing frozen quite solid. Mr. Arthur Jeoffrey also return- J WNW, 11, - ed hone from North Dakota, but J . 11, i �,.�, �s , it iiw looks hale and hearty. A very peculiar accident ha ppten. y .-: URI Caa-1 (ted one day last, week 'while Mr. John Johnson's horses were pastor- eat O1.r '4Vi MU -L- STORE d in,;; in a meadow, a deer passes' G,ffrt11 tit of of 'through, frightning the horses In I n such as manner that theytried to a ,. r:..,. "�t.aa►I l',lunk • jump at Page fence. hee horsey* *1,1„1r.t'weair, Stook. ; Vivre so cut up that they have since clvt°ra"lis,"been lineable for work. Robert Turner,who has sliest' the _; ,, ,, ;, lo.wi silty. past three months int Vordon, ]lirni- We 'i'i' toba, speaks very highly of that Also gv,'IJ" r b�{ru;;iwu°la.all u:ili-'section of the country and believes , that is the country for wheat. nal its h t anttt Scute . -Mrs. kttlph Brown of Bathgate, Bi);DP'Cnr°t:•�. Suit - North Dakota. far now visiting her 1 : I! tl 1.:_t• ;.,,q,,otr Taalrles at sister, Mrs. EdwardTalbot and „other friends in this vicinity. 414.41 g • Hy t,Prolna another correspondent.) "u""°' n tatlt d11�atir . Talbot our veteran tYhresher .. preeaent visfti'ttg' relatives at i ltertrly 6v6rS thing wits tiistissetl, 44' Mr. Paetsenberry ably wielded the AAA he ie loolrztig ale and hearty. Mr. and ' s, Mies. Farquhar entertained a number of friends Friday evening. On Sunday last Messrs McPher- son and gall well of TJensall visited pur Sunday school. These gentle- inen report the school to bo in. a v'ry satisfactory condition, but Would like .to see a larger atten- dance, Quite a number took in the fowl Supper at Kippen Monday evening. • AT THE ORANGE OF LIVE. This trying period in woman's life usually conies between the ages p>G'%tarty and fifty years and is marked by irritability, headache, dizziness, irregular 'monthlies, tit - €p1 ', appetite;' forebodings of evil, palpitation of the heart and consti- pation. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is +t,bove an a woman's medicine be. Caine it helps her safely through this trying period, It enriches the blood, strengthens the nerves, reg. "slates the functions of the femi- nine organs arid tones and invigor- ates the whole•body. VARNA Special to Tux HERALD. Mr: George Andrews of Clande- beyo spent Saturday and Sunday at home. • Rev. J. W. Andrews is holding special meetings in the church this week. Mrs. C. W. LaRoy of Coldwater is the guest of her brother, Rev. J. W.:Andrews. The Presbyterians intend holding their anniversary on Sunday and Monday next. •The Rev. F, L. Lar- kin will preach morning and even- ing and on Monday evening a grand fowl; supper will be provided for for, likewise a programme which will consist of music, address, etc., mVzsio will be furnished by the choir and Miss Annie Foster, Miss Duffle, the famous elccutionist will be present. A good time is ex- pected. biz's. Haxby is on the sick list. Rev. J. W. Andrews, wife and Zster, Mrs. ]mons Laney went to ON HomEspUNS ARE RIGHT Miss Ne ie Card is Jenne from Toronto o ito for a few weeks. Miss Charters of Tuckersmith has been visiting Miss Chesney, Mrs. Dr.' Woods was visiting her parents at Durhatn over Sunday'.. Miss K, Harrison has returned from a pleasant visit to Seaforth. The beach is strewn with pine logs, a raft having broken up on the lake. Mrs. Brown of Bathgate, Mani- toba is the guest of her brother, Joseph Brown. Mrs. James Ferguson and son and Miss Nona Ferguson are holi- daying at Marnook. Chas. Card and Dr.Pallister were at Port Frank shooting last week and bagged lots of game. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey moved this week to the house formerly occupied by D. McDonald. Mr. R. McLean of Goderieh pur- chased horses here last week from John Gairdner, Thos. King and Dr. Woods. A number of our young men have arrived fome for the winter. John Bailey from- South Bay, Albert Vanstone from Wiarton, George King from Manitoba and Wesley Erwin from Owen Sound. COLD WEATHER GOODS ARR/VED AT THE BIG HARIDWARam A full line of Beautiful Stoves, Decorated and Plain Lamps, and a' Fine Stock of SILVERWARE All will be sold Cheap, to suit the times. For all kinds of Hardware TINWARE, PAINTS, OILS, LAMPS, GLASS, GRANITE - WARE ETC,, CALL AT THE BIGRARDWARE CHAS,GREB, �ai�l 5trcet . �ur�ch, O�ltarlo. IIIMIIMISIMBELEZEralkaimmeamaswomusimiliglatOp Prepare for Winter byJOB PRINTING having a Supply of our Underwear. We have it for Ladies, Children, Men and Boys Extra values in cloakings Just received. Black Homespuns and Boat- ing Serges. The best Values we ever had BEAVER MEADOW F, Special to the HERALD. Winter seems to be staring us in the face. All the farmers ought to be ready for it now. Mr. Ba lmund Geiger has been again hired in S. S. No, 12, at a slight .increase in salary, it now u Bens 060. This goes to say how much. Mr. Geiger is thought of in this section. Mr. Geiger has been attending the normal school in London during this term and. Mr. G. Cnpbell has taught the sr•hool daring his absence. Mr. W. Tr'ueinner and wife spent Sunday on the Bullion line. 'at'a the shatter with our acheache& bell these days? We miss its pleasant chimes. We under- at.rand that the reason of its delay is that the rope has divided, one part tooling to the floor, the other remaining with the bell. Our trustees am some good work at school on Saturday. They cleaned the well, and the stovepifpes neither of which was a small job. These WAS a large staffs of farm stoek and implements at Mr. My- ra*** on .Friday afternoon last. +5 N t. Sl ossa r, Michigan. T a� ° ZBrite mer. It was a. sight't+o the gal. t1 dy; urich5 Onto ;� Peter Der:and Jr. our sportsman things passing up the road on Sat. can bout of having captured a&iteStt. , t* teen racoons. They are fel the , Mrs. W. end Mrs. c. Trueiiuner ,.a ..a r.ww.w 4.,✓, .. . LJ , finest specimen. ay. visited "The' tlity" d last. a�+w.se aKnsa.e�.,na�'w :a.a iC l Carr car.. r% IMG�Pi"itS Z'nli€rG 2S MAMA; t rger Sge h. That Beer. atibi€rp 'I.,�ait tve;E. a 1 s Lo"r r.r Tliaaan Ever. 11 Miss **die Ptolts write is ertt loved on Monday itm London. was the 4tiesrt of pPeter Several tl orro hints here were 1 lotted to borrow lantertta i;a order Muss Claret Thortipiz7on who for o get v eon Sunday night, as some time past has been employed lit London him now returned to hetMr. S G. Merrier is making seals home at Blake. iuipreveineu.ts by way of Indian Dnratid cru. Stitipray stat. , lin Jobn Jo11'nalton Jr.. of l Cys, an addition to his fowl pen: Chale,, Staaley,ltatu doeider'to chiw.tago BAYi=iELG nhis etise of study- and will in the ear fttttire astitdy law at Antitheft Speer to Tilt Hisisatn. University, pity, Michigan. E. Setter's of Detroit is here The Drysdtlites were aroused 'short Vaeationp last Thursday when it `vas melte' Mr Rope,. leiggaart of Clinton: was known that a deer was seen iii the in, towel this week. A. EDWAF?DS, SAYFiEL.D The Zurich Herald rhe Montreal Daily Herald And a Splendid Pittv'e of King Edward Bill Heads The Kind You Want Sale Bills Note Heads Envelopes Circulars Etc. Etc. ODDER YOUR PRINTING civx THE HERALD Zurich 1.00 Great Morse Blanket Sale 3.00 .50 ° Thr'ough some mistake V thci ftwtovy has duplicated ALL FOR -$1 76 1! ,our order for Blankets and "rat herr than take tilers 1b4trk , r •,•hit is the preatet rorabi ti in fattier ever 4 i-1 have Made us ;ti wade' by any caiteis:in ,i,harrint tta,t we are loam:ate.rt stomata tile eet,ehasitt: na vela for tt.isdislrica, The sadly tear:d is rare of ter►- ""'"'"'-""`'"�•�•-• +""�•W lieges east pa Ptrerrs. ,i!statylisticed to name, it has • totig l,er:n flee Uera�irt,t t:u1►rratt t~� rrr tnf a-:7_•�tcrtt iI �"' Special � y� t•, �^� yet artatda, tt is a ttw a ftetrst drerarEr rtc,ryv,tiw, �.ipeci l Red ttir ion r1eh day giving deal news tf O r we es. sad alto I ` dewrting•,suchva,e to ssat,ers,lf p`renliar ft... ;.r.am,,,.r,,,,,.,.,,,w.., rrr;Ert tai tett rater ty. tt. c+ua.raren i itntetb• , TIM RAMPS �`�POR rRAIT'tq the best twit And in order to riitltrticl this prtb'8.bttii in �Camw11 and will mate* b itct cele tutrii is a tiro etre waatttt of erre meet's- u tit tyre. enormous stock, i� e will Swett by tit nee plikts.1: mid i;: n:►t nae of the + alaghyr t4�ldrttti3 riurt.tw is �ro etnbtnr�r,rr, Dollar Ai. artyc�tunsarywrltc+t emf 1"rc�e ttdrAutzt ijo itt It knock off Half a Dollar iter tear'r :ht; IIGel;abt�+'ts4 C:nr �Ifcr it setfxw.idcret. .inestru stet olktki S ts Pair for Cash for the next The Herald Zurich. ` weeks. If you need u' Pair Cattle this Snap........... bA SHWOO S'peelel to Tilt Dais sn . Mr. Hy. Guenther has purchased the It'arkltill inset rotate from Mr P ittetsatie. Mr. P Meisauate has purchased the fut=ure sited undertaking business fsf Roffman giros. Mr Melsaao took possession on Wednesday. esday. Mr. Jonas Hatrtle!!r has his new .. store in the brick block about corn - or a prYet, 6 tmtambeer of our sports took in a a'' days shooting at Lake Smith one fay last week. woods a few bailee Me Joseph. aati t to the north. "dis 1,. erguson Lets ked. this 1 - 1?_..... t whir: Ran, tetir! . *eek frotrtt Brussels, noted spot tes0iasta, taking their rides 1 Itt �, it'' r ' ra+ : _ ' and hounds with tliem, started sit f Mrs, 1) lrlari•isont is spending rt Ct . .sr,.;s1 1 >i l �I1(�,, UIItULII '. pur`suit. After a chase of two , few weeks in elilitoat. .. __ __ ..... f hours the roar of the bounds could s ltobt. Blair hada successful ; b disstinctly- heard at Drysdale. plowing bee on Tiiesday. I Mr. aSr, ,J. Howard another 'old deer ` '_ t . lea h hunter became_ so excited` at the. MILLS. �tbb lralidrri gild' atpproach of a user that he an with , :. itching ;all haste for his (musket and in hit Cues Pili . excitement pricked up at; rake handle. William tried in. Taint to filed, the trigger but failed. The deer now i passed oit to the South and no flit - Planing a at- 1 tpt3 r i liSaw M 1 l l, then aecoutits have been .heard of 13 kinds' e•f Wr 0LIWork and saw- hiriit- st;_ easaaes r•r t,ider. Estimates • HILLSG BEEN . fere. foe ;Ai lab"el"s of buildings.. fell •.e,i 1 .n; l;. C'. Bed Cedar Special to the Hatt tti.t3. S faire . I, Iciness of lumber al- Mt. A. H. Steidle out genial -ways .,,a In ivi. Chopping done every dew. ATATUN GUARANTEED, Mills. 1- th 'Con.J Lot 2te. teamster is busily engaged plowing the town people's gatdeiie. Monday morning hast one of 'oar voting ,nen was seem Just -getting home from. seeing Isis best girl.l. De careful young malt no sleep is hard on the coiastitutiesi a ' Mi•. Robert Stelok Aitd. a number' of other from Zurich attended Alfred Reichert's dance, Wednef- day evening last. Wes. Lowe aided the Kippien' Methodist choir itt suing hurt a . ► C Cess Curry returned hen* from the West, Friday last. The Wetit- ern dliinaate agrees with Cheek*, a*" -.�dF+-;u7 ieh' P O. HA Hardware HALF 'ER PAIR OFF FOR CO. and Harness Emporium, coiiPLE' 1%-*stiall Stiasealistaslists.eatatasteseisessit•it'.:rb ate,. Mr. e and d Iain ?±a- of k Our `all and Whiter tock is now Complete and ice the tattle eoncessio n !eft for Maid - Mr. l Ott �latest r the different, you �;�� all the ry _t iro t. tl. 'watt >:,slaatd. �oia 'J�lttii•:,tlay*, where t , � �r�` �y �)]la�S � � they will reside in future. Special 1 I tt ' atacrl as drawn to our Mr. Chas. Guenther sold one of his heavy "working horses the other 4 iaa Homes rtaiia rr a pi;a s• fifty sn ttlatt` ;,Zeit"1t= . .somefigure. to Mt. Handford for a hand -i . res 0o . Gr,,ey,s, Blacks, 3rown: and. ini- cel. �C otfcl.- Honteapuia.56 inches wide. 75 • far A Special one 'Gm Bey11 wool Mt. Samuel Graybiel of T3rown, Extra qualify a and v air e, per yard Cr y, Mich., is visiting at his *Wig +r s Etaatirettittal titre Fitt: brother's, Mr. John 'Graybiel, at �^� �, . _ .. New lines atnd sh ades ,just '. Yeitoeit the L+atrarea:tr•>rer+t rer ,tea present Op�r le in. Popular price lx�s• ytl • Vali Latta asks 1P:wiliiitr in C4tie lY ' oiataaaiestl. Mrs. Henry Smith ( ressmakery Some cures effected bir Dr.. Chase's is on the sick list. Ointment skean like aitaracles. litre lr d sit tame *heft doctors labored in fain •has. Darts is ail sm>ies again. 't eeet'atteee fartiled to �"Yr'e: Another boy. Mi Donald Mersto5, Tarbo€Vale, tr. One of our aged residents receiv- St. itrtte't .- 1"1 receti+ea the iltfasple bot nit Dr, chasers �blaatmeiati sand it rest done Ha' does not understand why he Bleb A 'temolderxtsle autount of ,goed, 3 ' . Never ` i if' got lest. eland David at Am Imo* ericlosint teeniest for .a ions t Mott salt br. c hater& tHittinent, *Ideh first you don't succeed try -again. ere a sOvere shock a few days ago. Yea *111 b1eaaet Send to sir s!ddres9c ti•'s Lindenfeld Si's returned 1 home had hetet . , :. � ants tot your harm from Detroit on Moriclay. years n rad d14 'not know of any= mtal- =tine that 'would relieve The until hart - 3. E. 'Toa1i, . P. 1:5 ., paid our tall, where I received ti, letter from lir : school a visit on Tuesday last. skies iii WtdniDtjt who said that three Mr, Albert Moser' returned from doctota treated him and operated `for lathy, but tailed to cure him. Cie no* flalkota, last week. thanks God end Dr. Chase's Dint- Mr, G. Troyer of Hillsgreen was ment tor Perfect cure. He had yaks 1n the hots, form, and stuttered tetriblr in town on Tuesday, collecting HI Jai rtoiv *orkin* hard •every day, takes, and dei not feel ant armntoma of We will give you 'Tale Herald and pelt♦aa retarrrint. 701i are at liberty is use thaw letter tor the benefit of other::. Montreal Daily Herald for one theta is little use trylna to cure elites year said a handsome picture of % teat, It IS certain to afford gala( King Edward VII all for 1.75.', i'elleft and ultfmattelY thbroulat curt. Can arra examine tne paper and the 60 etaa hos. ;at all 4E4101'0r Edman peeniiuel picture. The biggest Pion gate' * Co.'a Totoiata. newspaper offer ever made. tottesii *en use Dr. chases O1nt- e We ran give you Good Valines in these Line.:. Stockings• One a Cashmere at 2.3ets per pair another very i Heavy All -wool at 251 ;ts per pair, all sizes. Unotu Keep yboys warm this winter by buying derwear,our Fleece -lined underwear for them. V'i"rY have then! for boys r s: r: old and ttp. in Workings we have a linty Ali -wool, just the th=ng tor boys, at 25cts Per Mair. A Word to the kola: about Underwear—We have Fleece -lined at site, dee to 1.50 each. Also aa, Wool at 50e, and a special in striped Ail wool at "7'.5c tend 15c,. A. "sine of half wool at 1.06 per pair. •OCkA +t A nice light wool just the thing' for fail at 25e a 1lair. Cashmeres at 25e to dye per pair. REM:EMBER 1 All Goods Advertised,. are to be had. We do not Advertise what we ha ven't g"ot. Cal and see us. - Zurich