The Herald, 1901-11-15, Page 7ereereen
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011 led 444new,
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14-1.4.4, dee -ewe 4.6444-1.4-444.4.44.+4-1:4-4.4elefeeereee++++444.+++++++44:
of Gillian: ;4r:
A Pretty Trish Romance.
The Co41,,,111
"I can act no Other way. It will -a pile of black silk and black lace
be at Leat honest," George says, land "old gold" and crimson ribbon;„
tienking, deeply, and not notleIng and the sewing -machine and the
lier in the le.ast. "I will write to -work-basket alt waiting ostenta-
your father at once, and than I tentely read;' for her; hot and fa-
ehall have time to receive hie letter teemed from her walk to the August
before the expeditien starts. It leave -4 afternoon, -wearied by her . owu
Loudon about the first of Septeni- perplexed area neserunie thoughts IA omen. are proverintill.v,p-rverse. and
bar, in three weeks' 'tbne."rse than tal. • sv:iiiting in correct judgirient and
In three weeeks' tinte I" Site flinge off lur bennet • and seurel taste, you know, and when
• "Then, in that case, as you are eaee on the nearest chair, ancl eees they love deeply and
leaving the country at (moo and we liassionately
them •tuniele ou then. with a they al xrays love blindly and
recklees nulelfeeenee which she sel-
dom permits to heietelf.. As Illin n Den ne loves Mr.
There are a fiew moments of son- George Archer ?'' Lacy wide,
ith n Might, scorned snide. "But I
teary peace before her ere she muet
can't agree with yon that she shows
begin her work., teed burying her
face in her hand e amongst Lady lack of -taste, or perversity. George
Damer's e.ilk and lace, Hite groans has fire feat eleven of physical come-
liness. 'rhat '1.4 an overwhelreinte ear -
:lion -I In atek despair of hereelf, III'life, and everything bo longing to it. gument with a romantic schoelgirl."
That nu he speaks lie anee'es enne'e
"I wish 1 coulAl elle .59.8
r•yee. and the onssi nit" 'Lehi: of
slowly, witia tearless sob, and
their smite and the transient fineli
then tea:Ideally :starts up with fright-
ened eyes :and a white scare I face, that waarrna all her flies hate tender -
at t he hamlet of bOlUe one in the ness,
roent with her. • Lacy is a rain man, as men of Ills
trite are apt In be. aelfish, • deep eney chair in the window
and Reif -Indian rent. but tltreugh all with ita back Lit:114‘ti towards tier has
hitielen him from sig/li-lAily Darner's (edgiest and mareet ealenlatIons pre-
tit„phaw, captain j,ttes, %rho witn a is)14a,etrtttlegintlitivn
c• fntatiallitrye_g evnetntitkirrar..sallable
Set pale face anti startled eyes for
And the delicate personal flatter
Iris own part. Ls standing elose be-
side, looking at lier. of 5 W011111 11 WI10111 110 kilOW.i to be
"What, is it, Amok? 'Wheat Is the mentally II1F1 superior in all things,
matter ?" he steels in a hurried un- who comprehends Iiim and under-.
dertone. stands him and his fettles land weak -
"I dial not Imagine you ezaine Into nesses better than lie does himself,
the tteptilewomanee room ter Year cif- IR like a draught of choicest wine
tivainon's lounge, Vailatain Laevi" to him, discouraged anti mortified,
Antm replies with frigid rebuke and and.well ni 1.
ateetnneel Inelifferettee, a little belied t "In the present Instance," she
by her qulek brenthing and thee eriru- Rnye, la a !met? ton 4. "I eatiteet Fee
b0Us,pot that etartn on -leer pale 1! legate the nraintient eliould have been
ne kist glatteee at lib». the prevaireer one. r believe it le,
111td rapidly beagles to 'unfold tlo eilk " ras I saxial b 'tore, the more to the
tirtee.e tend to put lite -sewing 1111101111e 1n`rtit•r811..V if her see' them any other
into woeldstate gear. 1 reneem that tidlinn Deane ban ellneell
".tio molten:tee I Anne: wit:at le It ?" teemeer ), • 1 °‘ e
bet argeut in a. leer tone otitis drawing tenneette ;.1pa has the
nearer, Is anytitintr the. 111a1tor with . teree it r ' •
Yen 111, She le thavastahe, with ohl Mrs, ri'„*. .1" t"' we'?%"1,"In..;
who railed rand le tore tosta..e.: telte-eter cr.14KT-1:;;,;1
013.i benne" lee adds :L wielper. L and el e•e-1 te pees ewer whet one
eante nia here inorpree• 1'8t 0t1 water! Le !Scantily evp get her to re -
anti tO net ,yeet what yore I:none or
HL 4 megrim. reanniee aR at' 1 141""InY
icavg+ dia..4rvoN41-"
J1,730110tt•;-11 all at 44.'1 P.0111'• i 11211'4 IN,41 /01.V *IPS
12,tane tot 6:'•4'41,fp) 116ILT7C.,Olofr ree ent.,,, On:reale: dare ee!ter.
:71,1-a:11..trtlat'l'oreettie•- Wilt" inineleeenowht 4•11. A411-°•*. 11"
haul oa it 're. "Tip
"Na*.2°85fam'' aeny L se•tiot a fi,'vee„„I'''T•13"1 „ "14.21'11.'tPrI% 41.1
tnnttla 41111 INT APlallgAVd11 aozy.1!-,o.laltn n 101014'.4020I"
trVan, a-441.) t111., eft.) 11,0,07,; 'clean?, In atld 111Y 11140-t 1711%•0rti*
i11a."? NaellhlfareY, t tene• tneneelli thaw, !! e""1.•:'
rlo40, /ant .110 t4 U 1119'4- 1:444. t1r,ont-
t :AI • Tvf.g. • rtlyr vtluz- 5,1iu,4J4I'r.V.' • - GaJoIL 1
al.. 1'44 r 4 ' two) lotto•ol- •Y «P tel tr-uti 4aO o.(alto 0,14trror*t.
• O4:214:17 94ra 1 E01;•: -Al e s,:a:.• the 1.0 i4
tfoigovp.,t4; inbalg (cm h t eq.' 4244tAy1 it. d s
w0 gor;, trateee,' r !ow% en lent
pr,et to: gew22.-(1.4 In * 1P1.i i-i.n'4- hjt !,j 111.1 wt 't1 110"1
1.1(, nag t tn1, "Pte. to,vetr teeel t4 tra.fark. .,t..40 p 11.:4nt laa 101.4 S. go lap, a1 -
true, ieigo the: bat,. ; 621 rat 4,4•1;till.:•4! tvt, muerte 6'A -oil laelnereet le LI
• t,•324. tt, te, eqeett 120live 1"-1,212 , *1-10:17 '5,4t :". 01''1 W1l „`"14R0
,ogItato. &jog, ttvla,7-To ro,50-volo‘rl atilt Batoriredlen Li11:1 eCtutfusl 11/.104 ;14
ILEA lao.'t lwouvl afc.Atitn. int -f.;01. ttq, tasott !,•optl axis -are tar, 14•••r• anr.,1
An 1 (hero 14'0, -1T -tee „MN6.%41',7„, t• antint- Ve.410 411 '; 11,71 h119 g"111 "le4.!411't.„
.111110 rier
itt'91102211 .20 re. stag...tit:9as tluo, Ertg(IT" ti?D.B sroesaartrell ten yroat I"
Ugh 59 th.,,4 Vim% nonntot1ffIl*L1a:r4- pea „t'?„0,3 1,10!?: r",-0 krow Vskit,"1-•
'11 WEIL, rikar l(1aTgttl" ErstoscV ten rad ellectilint soersonte AkirdP., Eirbto tees 0...„18.11,4;..o:" go:
down ,uta 5 rut :oa..,rat not% al,:o4ca1 Aatrs,, 1103,,f-10•9, N'11"&fp.11111.? 1,11,-att.nritte, FrAg':1 Z0n,'W g
10 -Imo a 1,11,. u gotatego is,z0yr,0,11,. 1.10ire Sr /0,,1rt novil
m 114.0 oDly woron,on Mee e.too irver lent -
bate Ite,*(cir hoe 1x
th;11',3•ie,,v' cl-14(11.'1' Y- 1,31' Marano!' 114.0
of. conns% 0 on 7
" 1115 neter settee:eel In niteething. Amu.,
" entilissae teen new, tr-2.7.-%. tee •
tresantilung tely 10eelle1e0s gacr onro,
0 triasr., „I -ma too•••• Sp448kitrig *444..rtAln soy- 0411.? 3 3 mdft, thasr. yore, 1 claret
*r910pq" t7-1;1:4 well 1 atali.r-F-*
ecisrt 221---2.21111 hort24 Prc' a tiro :-1g '11 trisaitase 322:1 'hitter• 5itr's the gate you op, 0 400* wglat Can, 0.9.,.
ton:ales /219 °LoolOutly
geteev t la t 1004 Delo,:" --Amoo•4„ qt.) -o to, orlou sop! .,-pa;..d: zu.:A :'7°•:gaZg?tirciaz !"
•-0 .;,;"zli, o:Jerseeze:' IT IL. .110 on -.0"" top.1v 44,4' fir- z tt !:-
Y aj 4 k "6" ▪ 101,119 .';`Z nal '1 '.'4 • • II:saes:al. t nee i.T:. I 110 a' n1,;:k•
a a -us -A or lien tc•g 41t1.411teas ov,:e tem.: eg.;,te; ective aa y era.?
AL, .6 s4-0-€' t"Z 4/1115- • 4
700.41 4:1 iza Coes wi\ei.lre:. anig
q 4ln t t
4'!"he rYIt
t;e't• V•11 h-
of ticre *Dark lend tiv,ora, ex- .4.,11141,11.„ 000:,1 ,por,144 assf,Ase.,,e,,, uap. nuat.
yiesa take. a eruei edvaretneee t 3 el it !" teady Jeannete. I:lee:pie:12e 211tR
'Lit keit IgLzs'N U.11:qs rirNottel's "iroefs,. 5„;.arroll genttf.naton:" ey r hewli.
sari reenycaere fer a'JL:-
eoto.„1, frot44 nunint flia,V2.:, gPir, 4ag"." %log! latInt#00g;an ''ILV.10•77... V:rentlfilti-UPr Wain T. -V.11.115', vele:et:4'5'o r
ea 2 ta;:w... ra,..! o-dle 4vi trtn,
4:.1144 epareg oeit eat
0 t)jr.Z.CV1.14•1 Itsvnitti f.,1041I7:-411; tr,.1.1a-:asr.,00 111,r
1 -way faat - and Or(44;i31.V.EEIR; riditarzi“ :anti rega.--traf. 1 had 22...ra,-*
1-j27.1r'et,?•YA 1.r.o tlrlo.5.-; GT szo.-gkyloiliz-
or.zonse7-..e29 Porat nI 0. 0042E: 7 lengcar.0 teal takang nen; nettlie- end r,•teneel te,
ertIDA aeleat'elatne e.),7 eoe Vete a
Atel tlee 31r.R. lingoorty Zoi,00trs • . ,
t ar. 11•1,prro..,•.-lo so} :WI 12. littow " Hz» Int
" 17-
g'I'ia5111•41•711 4:1" 1 3 ''''en1111".'-'1 It te-211.3ox. areese re'el'let. 1 tau the 2-2•09 • r' I An
" n L.
11"le 7,6.0-V0 itIg4
eircess:ng tene,, :CU U la o•-
' 111r 4114V4•7ant.; 0 0VV, y00 a ',7.1
flregee ene enrestallbe oibirf0 Tor riatV DZI tBDIM4'471:17
rs„,;3 t„,e 17:arrenerte 4.:11* 7444.0111%ni. trjai. ot
0111 Reorg.'• netra,:„.„.se. ra-4:; '44 lweieM It tllee tet.neon'as nature 4'4.;
r. ezs '7 '
tr.2,1y. bat tz4t ▪ kr..41t toy fe It IN-.01t,g and M., to50. ge:ray , an:5 slide seiTters ta19 eraiberaeas, an.1 his
Li silent (1,.(t -g .510.or vett b sepeereserel teeter!. • '•'Q.Tra,,".! tee9rina: en le- "2" L'e; '1 • 1
1.„;,4 01 n' rtu "1 neveir10.O0t ;volt werefeil Patti Ta1tlert.t3 1tir "...;-`?;-.Z."'4. Wee Z1144 toranse
ni,orgz 0v3tt,;rs tctsli Me` area itzt.13 4.1 4:," , FtNini: :a:2 5 01...2."2 her
utui.4.,_ 1,be„ gsYst trratga, toeradLite her* corapege- teetle arel self-reaspeet and the mem-
tealtig sprux!..triin us ,4,713 tv17:Ohadinelltlsuilri€ tbireou4agtit 01;teer- orieva:onet..eneel-ffee wr,ongs eolrac-A to -
('LlAPTER to onr other tottig :ago, and You "At leetet. rne- own ;free 'W'1 1 .
As lifts been stated before, Anne agreed in the most -eed-Wooded pee- fl will not en 0"( this delargetzte inerdt
O'Neil's duties and cezetzpatio:29 are dealer' that iron wleoski belP tao la a from yen." E41?4, st zioT, 1...-esh.;a2t4'
:of an extremely vart.sai an oueroas .r.Lealt of this MTH!, be-P.OUSO '10 ad Mut rfway,„ errhoug70 it be IEF•nnE
na.tore. agreed ,y:oti tould Italgt mo -in no other etemge foe men of eener eio:99-Isttly
The Post o't nurse nal .,Lo -v-* t • tcrtaf•1 wallft 1u000eY de'sPerat.elYv Ieranyee's wer.7se. rerafr.12,:ar--te azonsta ,
Miss Deane. at Darragh tfaist1-', has Y'ou 1..7.t.ew" fi-b°4/, and Yon Knew" it T., tlaenteelvee at the falpenaea of a. wo-
-Seers added io them inte, nort piteirs- now" 409 Yen knew ratre of ra,v affairs ' eyeaa of jiite ehe,,e_e
ant. a stneeteee as it 19 rossiTik." tra.a.a any one lin the %timed -es -ere any- : "'What •noneenee yeti do tort. clever
rimy Mid this post,. with the gentle sett. I bo' 0'V4' you know I- am- lot debt. , sett nee. when your tf:razIpt-
girl who weleomes 12.-..r cold 11 4 k-e-91-alTrir, away :root my'creditors; 'Lucy. „nye„aeety. etint
ions1,1:,) with tv.,-0.13,4; (';1,Pt and -Tows"rs ault-drore Irrn)wq what -e,'" ' jeatinette tal, ks , irefernei baste., and
it Is a tryleag one to her Ir?alth he and "Tdenee-as you cali tries to rielo eengeeehot „eee „,e0t7,-
spirits no one who saw Anne O'N, C. 1 don't." Anne treterfrogeg with an 1. ont4, is that a reason you eltaaill !w-
as s0!**'. returns to 17.1ou-at 0...s:cry on ley senile. and her cleft fingers, ltftte bee? You' are her own reZrz.-
the fonowing atterr.eon, would be tIng no ellahres beW:7 a9 if ehe had no , her -eeep-eistetee geemeleareeTeter.
132ely to deity. other tare in life. "Tilt. tradesmen r.ciaag gu,, ray supetrjor
Slits tells wrarily up the stairs, that are tired yoor :debts and the : veeryehings else, and if t(-riza,1 ast,er
po111.1,. 12c,17' w-eyeed„ tire took money-lei/fling .lews I do know' alsont. ; ,you a con
roet. you .wrerzild genera It
the agrE cable ronsf,i:•usness or as weir as YO417 aunt. LadY jeaunette , better than nny womati I knew .1. If
having te seat to trork immediately r knovr of nothing- etsca.:"
• i I eenTal offer yena posittoo worthy
on a. clinier-r-dress Daily Darnersd ', "Isia't that boenolighr Lncy flt yox. you sLould h.. ray eeee tee
etvIdele she 19 to wear that •evening. demands: angrily. "You're like ali nenee0e,,, if you vroum..•
and whiali requircs alteration. It tile svernen! Torn 011 a mon (120 kgagn, for a. few ralinite.s, lie pre-' .
Is there ready for her on the table P0000 as het is :down, afael .say, 71 told '11 vanu,
In her work-roore-a smom
all road- you topal .r net itaPP
joining her ladysIO's ,dre-raelag-racen Anne, makes no rep7y. and seems be any coronet waiting to ho fitted
' absorbed in tadkIang lace on the
e.'dge or . ‘he flounces.
Stops, the Cough I e-
TO 'OCtlit,E A 400111) ONIn OAT' :
end Works (dr the Cold. 'Ion know well enough how des-
'1.tokto tottative Tirotree-Quiniue Tabitels: '0
:Lseaistive Breme-Qesaideo, Tablet.40.01.0-.4 tett payoff!. my tercurresta.ric,es are; oe .dratufgtarearolilid trust:0,3,11ft fails teeters,
hen• quiet',, employment, "and noth-
ing remained to me but the desper-
ate and unpleasant remedy of mae-
rying for money." ,
Anne's dark brows elevate. them -
&elves slowly. •
• "An honorable man seldom
tatos in seizing even a 'tis$Porwt°
and unpleasant remedy' in order to
;ameliorate his position," she sa3M,
sententiously, with the air Of one
quoting smile trite copy -book mor-
ar's pale, delicate faee colors
darkly, and the -veins rise up inlets
"That's right, Miss O'Nell, Sharpen
the points or a. few more barbed
taunts," ho says, laughing, bitterly.
"I am not deserving or your con-
sideration, I know well; but until
to -day you have not been (Mite so
hard 07) me. 1 didn't call my' intend-
ed course of conduct 'honorable' ;
never thou.,Tlit it was anything. bet-
ter than, as I say, a desperate
nen n 'F3 deeperate remedy. .If the
remedy has failed -as I suspect, aR
indeed I am almost sure since last
night -that Is no reason why You
should add to my sense of defeat by
heaping scorn on me." .
Anne parts her work down for a min-
ute and rises to her feet, moving a
little r:tty from him.
"I am very sorry for your defeat,'
as you. call it. Captain Lacy," sho
says, gravely. "That is. if yon accept
ti as a defeat. I suppose a brave -sol-
dier knows when he as beaten. If it
be any conRolation to you to know It,
I think the odds were overwhelm-
ingly against you from the first.
shall not meet again for two years
or so," Gillian says, In a cold, dtolded
tone, "ol what 'use is it to inform
my father of our acquaintance uutil
your return ?"
"Well -no, Indeed, that is quite
true," George aelnelte, wavering. "It
Is or no use, as you say, Gillian, only
it le scarcely lioneet or honerabl .t to
have either n. tacit understauding
between us.1°
"Let there be none," the. girl In-
terposes, with Fuppret0s.41 pas 1n in
lier trembling VOION "There is no
understanding:. Let there be an end
of It all."
"Certainly, If you say so, Miss
Oman.," G.orge says, autazet an -1 bit-
terly mortified and itillig•nant :LS he
rises to his feet. "You are but acting
with worldly witelom and prudence
as you would vett In a year or two
hence, I glare say, and I---"
And then hie euds suddenly,
at the sight or tio. um., fair, white -
robed figure, in tin* fire light by his
hearth, with her head turned away,
strieing to eenvoal her tears with
05*0 trenalging hand, whilet she is
Shah' ter wits Wilful yobs,
"No. no, I won't say that, ()A -
Ilan, my darling," he says, throwing
lemself on Well kar,ess It 4ei14> bor. "You
soAd you loved nit rn httt» wife.
ean never leave you or forsake you
now for an fathnn on carth."
"You won't go away from alio?" she
&ski, *ago"n"y. an tr." autuleas hope ant
frar- "you went go tinny from Inc
for hone, dreary ye•ars',1' 1 have no
holy In th9., world bat yon."
"Thou you .i* >i havt. Ins my ravvet,
rst," (14 orate eaye, f tatty ant
rCeidl'AF. "4111 0 i w4111 '.tktoo,gr aztol tle".
vote my itfe 1111 1ti,,o•ti it we.
eleatiest, marry te: 41, 4"-',)"/:d or:
;No ewe •t 4•Arril ot10,,06" Pahatrn .j
add writes tr.* It.a.e72 edta tr t'ontutitsv9,
onlletgs ;your fat AFT1 tiont tna
kntinr.4 an 1 a., NIGir It.
tta.el ((41%, gaittA 14o 1111:401,,0011q
of twif t% 01411 t o. trt
.• W2a."1.1 1 ania tdettyee51,".,
W101 1,012 11, t Inc give nll't1 00"ln*00110' nay
poi 0411i, Z.19411--,012
WIlth It,"" ;;;4144:1!! IN 114i .1R
ra. ;nom 1o"..:(7,4
tnolloIng g I A.<,:aral.4- rat (5a,. 000‘ar
he 0.1 '4 kcifentag E. -UAL rirr,'as *00_ that rOpl,
40*0004 titOUL4i IrtEr t1,4:414, 1414iell 4401'1111'; 0E10 0.1" •ts
Anti olEy.,a" Win LIsets211.11y, Ye-tn.,"
o*o, 00140 says. with a slight, bittei
ornile, and, yet with a suppressed
wistfulness in her eyes and role°,
which, he Might perceive, if ne would
"and as your position can't be main-
teAned without the 'desperate and
unpleasant remedy' o/ marrying
genie pretty girl with plenty of
money. -.-i don't quite Eleo the purport
ot all thie walte of emotion. -Ton%
want; it all to supplant George Arch-
er, I assure you."
"So I should imagine," Lacy says,
twisting his mouttache, "Judging
jucl-ging from a scene I caught a
gbmpse of an the firelight yesterday
evening." .
"80 yen told na"o when I met you
in the village," Anne says, callalY
scornful, her brilliant eyes looking
him through and through: "Well, you
can Judge of the difficulties in Xenr
path, Can't, you ? I was not favored.
by any glimosee, or overheard 'cons:
verrsatlons or confeSsions of any kind,
but I am nuito mire yell harp decid-
ed obstacles in the way or winning
Miss Dearze's heart." .
"I don't want her heart," LaeY
7ae's. almost brutally; can feel
Anne's unspoken contempt stinging
him like a scorpion. "If she marriee
MO with her heart in somebody else's'
keeping, wo'll be all the better
matched '' •
"l'h make You a -Wedding present
of your property if 'their is any 01
it' in my keeping," Anne says With a
eold laugh, sitting CIONVII to her work
"You can't, Anne -you never can.,"
12.1 says, in a low tone, coming- back
to her tile anal etooping nown., "You
1".31fere sUch a. thing, Lady Da-
rner, my dear, as 'shutting the stable
door when the steed is stolen,' Take
my advice -I'm older than you -keep
that Innocent, charming little cousin
of yours under your eyes, or,myword
for., it, you'll find that good-looking
young Archer will keep her under his
eye, and that for good and Sh
ali, e
bas plenty of money if he basn't, and
sorne or these fine mornings you'll
find he lias p.ersuaded the innocent
little creature into. marriage by spe-
cial licence and an early morning
train to .Idliarney for the honey -
rotten and the hundred thousand
poends I"
Lady Darner fairly grinds her teeth
as she recalls this warning, and she 44.14444•41•44+++++11-1144.444.410
is too disturlaed and wrathful to be
able to quite refrain from angrily o Fri e I y
relic:rain Mrs. tlakel prophecies to
GOOCI for Bad Tooth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
Sozodont Tooth Powder 25c -
Sozodont • . 25e 25c
Large Liquid and Powder"75c
TrAXX RiJOICEL, Montreal. '
• -
her nephew.
"I pay Jaot the slightest attention es PhilOSOPhY•
to that old gossiping woman's Insol- *
coop,' her ladyship says, fanning,ber-
self ; "brit you gee how I am annoy -
•ed. It is all on *year account, Bing-
ham. I should never have troubled
to bring the girl here, if It were not
017 YOur account f and, I roust say,
you have disappointed me bitterly;
you have had opportunities, I am
"Plenty, but not a chance on the
'board. The genie was up long ago
as. far as the young lady is concern-
ed," retorts Lacy, laughing, feeling
rather gratified -by Lady Jean-
nette's vexation.
" wish you would drop
How Relief Came to Thomas
can I, .ennele-any more than you your detestable slang and speak
can give me back ail the .1cisses .1 plaialy," her ladyship says, with
heve given you. and that you have a flash like sw<erd-blades in her
given me. (jive me one more Anne cold; clear eyes. "Be goal enough to
-my net n1.10 Annie' -my darling remember you owe ute some Donald -
Anne .
"Don't teueli me l-rion't dare to
touch me, Patriek Limy l" she says
-010n1Y, between her elOSO-killit
teeth: and as he persists, know-
ing hie power ever her. and the
tender love or which ho is all un-
worthy, and ciones closer to her un-
til Itte liende moustaches touch
her lizow, elle wrenches herself
away, ana holds one hand up mane
acingty, 1
"An Furs as the risaven Is above
ene, if yoe do I evi'd strlkei you across
3eater face..» elm says, panting and
white wnla rage.
Ile draws back then, flushed and
smiling angrily.
"You're half an anerl, half a tigrese.
Anne:" he says, ;anticline.° his chin
with the <kik:ate white band of
which he is not unreasonably vain,
00 perfeet is its Naze, shape, and
Color, euel whieh represents at tills
eratline no matter bow indolent and.
self -Indulgent you may be."
(To be continued.)
By Simota Frost.
Don't slow up, even ef things does
look as if ye was a-golte to win easy.
There ain't nobody thot's all bad,
an there ain't nobody that's all
good, neither.
gometimeo min'it o' fergetfulness
11 cause a lifetime of sorrow.
A mind thet ain't got notate' in
it kin easy be !hied with badness.
Some foike 're like an echo; they,
kin only holler beck vont:Alan' thet
eomebrely else told nti' they °Van
git even thet much twisted.
Kr ye don't pail uut the root the
weed '11 soon grow up agln.
It's a blame sight easier to be rich
axe git poor than it is to change
Vother way.
A feller 'Met borrowa money don't
never hey to worry 'bout how slow
the time goes by.
A feller thet loses opportunities
on't never hew nothin 'else to lose.
Trust a woman thet's liked by
other wimen, an" a man thet's poplar
witii (ether ;nee.
Lots ce golden opportunities 're only
• Findlay of Petrolea.
m don't tt eruunzobonyn, 1.far gre4nte et he
the belly -ache hissed afore he'll quit
ratite green apples.
l're knowel tome folke to telt well
beeuz they didn't l'ke the taste et'
the medicine thet they hed to take.
Some To.ks never el, over the child -
Leh ways; ye kin alwaye depend on
in thet they're in miechie( when
they're quiet.
Them thet watt till they git to
the crossroads before they begin to
think which way they're a-goite to
turn, gen'rally turn the wrong way.
--Philadelphia Invert].
He Had Suffered for Irorty Years
Prom, .1layspepsin-Food Ileettatte
leetestable and Stomach Cramps
Made Life lk•isurdell.
(Frm othe Topic, Petrolea„ Ont.)
Few men in Petrolea. are better
mometat %Try heavy debt in known than Mr. T1
Bend etreet gi eL es and the lontas Fienlieee
4014411! finger. "And You aro years. La 1'i Mr. Findlay (mine
w to has reedeled here nearly forty
dld thregestone diamond ring wielela
In bad temper. I know, or you wealth! here, and before the railroad con -
"whoa eine know that I' detest my etetge eriaelt bringing the early oil
, iletl. hen the rtdiroall came here
forswgire it altogether." , Findlay entengel in the oil bled-
"Atel former% your country and ' lass. hit Icktpr he eafferel from a gun
'your liethile.lit at; ae Irleienall, neeili‘nt that dienhhel hie heeds per -
along isellit a few other triflete." Matwatly. After recovevity; from
not Nal me `ra.telek,' " he aili re meted with Petrolea he drove tt. THE RENT RAO.
flret baptismal name -that I hase W
Mole itlitteelte settlia; the nmeldne to thee 1l'in911,te wa.{ apieteeted eon-
Late. etaken tenne reply to thine but
the Cyleg. tread/on anti the whirr of '
LOWll which eft:melte late held diatr-
ibe mavlea.. drown his veieN 11g. thirty ','aro pnet. Title Elect-
eAettee Kaye to,ft4.. ,t1 wa,!, ne titenne lir, rgallay"e•
tem 1,eexee, lad ir 1 . a%, , % eioitiorn, weret etisforterte ilean eerie ;tenth
"'" he heal b ten a nenrtyr to, v14..[;•,p400.
ct'z.Lhi4 skRtti tkiatlatuatotanora Tor the
. !Int .1,1w .. n' •-o no respcm* to , whlesda 01aten11- h eaaae Ca bad that 101
• VII• °:',P.:., re ana gieee a4I4t01,1,,t1 at.heekeil forward to ii,?,tre ae a t.:Prei-
t„,4 ,.,;,f,,c 4,4., t.,,,i„ttt0..-fl and band.. to . fal rub onNe. litapponbrv; to het:. Vett
te ,: nii.rtH maelot,;,„ will:oh la dovoarlim. • Ur. Primihcv land t' *n1 cortiil. to re=
ti,- woili alio e114p1leee . lio 5' from Ode Oat. 1.r.V.7 1Q.1W-. 01 Ta'15' IT'
ward g''-*', tot 0,11.1 1004s„go r *'001101'1i", Wzr?? ti'40.,., NL., l'etalLov tv.:31,4 cogy 10,o
1:- tc,,a%0,1 tie, room with a haeh- litoVI:°: Waite.1 el 112;01 to Lel if 'Me
. te l'?er Wee% nee tellnk; Ler heal ; ate! ,i ttied to toll tl.t4 .-1(45-;,..-., ii)44:4.1-V, 04400 traili
• 401,, 'a from s'o 0,:t3.;tt a 4111:$14,, Captain': 1i1"a10111 let0!e-rl:1- 01, 10* 4•4314-•'' o,th' F"g'
Lee elle tee le:. o°u4..1N-a. tvlsi titillrtal. II hvv,-,.. '1 1914 a ger. I ty re7.1 lee= nate."
:-1,,,,,r.,,11:1;,11L cit,11;,,,,.! thutlitgaii...,:ont,,,tant:nteartstl:api !.: 0,,a0.,1 Mr % Viaeoll ve-.. . bit 1 exnra .1 rri,-4
•,;-. 4,1.;:',14.,k.,o0
'.,....I1 00000ll'Ia'Il.rtioiltmall.rpAt. mi,obb r the Iltatte were 1 wee wee
P Ilt E..811 01le4n 0 104'I0011°0\3_0„.•1 4:0640:1> .84
it a IrIllvol,- tir,It-* ban -salt as lue iyerse , :and ,e4-,lieneela trroattate "Intl Ae..
- e7,e':::, 'J....vial-4,', ILO whatever he do".9 .: a 3) Ir..1 noon on 111.,"4 to,oni I E.:%1T010 r ---i
/0 1..,tr;2,-,.- ..ttrAp."...4 ni:ulpda.
m : :41111 E.,:',431% 0711' *.-.0 .o,. Itilt,1!il 0 ; In,o1 lt-...,3;1-11
Ann • 4 14 i.4Q41114. 4.4 L.,ISu,11,4i4Cu
eo crooned 44 it 8ot!y:00•4 leet, for leer,set., Ile we did ,ye1.
I eeew
at.,;14e24-ailmei ttlitte tolaei the liiageacesillt- (a.1,11(!la pinLy;• 04••,,,gtfq,6-1.24..- .2.
1:3of Vele evet Melre tC1 L4 -t vat eteeteetne; b true eleeeeeet
:" thaou 11I0000'row-r glIld1 tatical MIA roal. molt CI-. et Vett.
ron. 1,11:4 •Ittu:11 .5,4t•rotV•yll ▪ El.14...ogene r .leeret
"nee honr#1,4(aoxtrtv-a.loog. o!errtql1... ter„.07 0.0 114 ah,a,a a 300 ts,_aggv,..L.e..tto.,42
*o010. drat Vett teeed Puts* motet. 10 ga,-;4111,1 00;4, r6,1k. ri'sp
:'..„!pcetiativ0 flat tcdT. and Ent
iglrtTIN 14n tollI(Co00o'o1>_ u • doe,t0/,s, 040110• b •t
rattl"1:11' III 4" 41111141•131111" r‘r;d4 ,go.1 1,* redid"; tm,n rtn vi,r41.5.idt•
t nut. hem 12:t- 0 t •
gx.tutimpqritai vara. and /Of- c g, , on
- 4t,
414 f• tere ;Eel er egotty gr0,4 *-
• 40( • o ten Le re, 4 -eke! t %at/ -
10*101' pitallipet o,f64111,,reivi1trtglitn, 4 • 1,V4.401444.. umi at 4 VIRSo..,1 44.1t.4Cia
$h** lead ,i10 taLIIIV t5r04.R iiI;413r4, 1113.:V lIgl'tv'tr'tlk21317 "11' 5.or `i
0,0,01 :„„,.„ gone b '4701•S'' 17^ 41:',174)
• 1 •
1,0.„.F e".4 -21e 41„:44 0....._C01-
5•,'I'L-plE:s441•:,!•4 .1 001 V avers to 4...1 may •toniacr.p. 000141 1 11.4y.s.:tit
t•O Iva &cation 41.504 ttal. 4•!ID 1 1914-1 47(971:0`. 1."41:tV4 an"Arep
(:•; It 19 he is 0213.,.4.r,,,0, rovea;:yegte.,, 00.4Ostrev n 2..e.r..z a, as I
.0. !, renin. j ,aa0r_a7s- trW 011 .1!01,1,11.
91'u 4 li:10- 10 tete, r ifv 1.1siee0 tese ot aetarprEez 1 tsz•ir reeov-
Ocr ottge Ate. 11J,1•*; 4-r,Cti. 1:bt6 t
10c'- tqf t:4 114." Vi00*44.1111 '41 1001 t0';e400..01e3' ona.3 vicr''Arn("•
w-7,. 1 elliMS Cairn YlnV,Ve to V 41/1.1:, Nael.2.1e...;' ;ern re;ielt r'. '."o01 the
te eeld an,1 teen: 4V.V 11.4•4413 pain af-
1.;to. to w mad her to the lteert f
_F liEVEt f exam .1 0L -r 'rani un- w, ;14r4 pat*
ryytil,•1 ew.e.7,!Cl(? 1.0
•4`.;:,.. 011:11;;Iii 4.14 4,,•114tfir,02.t. faS 4.1 0 49 4 o 1 113 t:0--„, tr7:,..Tzt3VS;
!el.. -i 1 : ei ; a.a"t try
1 tile' 01 !a" erown-ctrairs ite 1,2e. 37jrii lel j7s "ivi:eat's
17e. 0.; Mrs. Make hils 1301 gene. 001.2 9ti4,0 •," 1 e.<31. 'reo.- 0. ee-1 ge-evy-
eeee„F .Teraieette in the wor-t t.0; cagnee • ;•,j
.000 001.
-e,- ..,:0, :;:
tEEV.WrV.e,34s%FN. .0;'
4c", '1 -lY'1t•..'
101'1Ven; IIr; of lr. Wet;•,:as' Fin: Tllli.. t.
als.0..u,,1,id4,(Irtn,eL1,t.,tor Ae.v.:'o.st3 lt .yatmey: wil d
i)c:::f41-vi44?i5:t224f!elto /:;6; ?270.T;!i707:310
we'htat..1.. r;.:71.4,%t;',.., .7i.r:iz'L:.."t.2.".4.t. 5 J1
as o.vfo220.
i no (Ise Iis lnzot4,11 "tart gqtd lei-"Dea041.'rF1v 7".":'''""1-Se'':110r-
it,r1t,.,,a00:4Am:4,4%11,xaa1. ,,, 4.110111131014 '0'11004' kfr.ft. Taywoo ath .5 s2.1e,„" whatseine 3tirgat17.;aaep2lee.so3
e-nehas 631i.nn3'IfOner'';1'3:"' "-7.
Li., :Miss mane.; sre,,,J;dence rt 00ve0'e.1 119 powtr. and I
Onstle as Th'. Archer's ,guest. was ate.- to eat anything I trenetod,
-or toorse. know he. isn't at tho "Lwe "*39:" 7111!4
Peen pei-mittel fer a merreent ner..1 e.,11r,-11 '3'. 'Ptel:'," caTft1a.- LI"? "7•-'v
sa, though: a was. to;d„ at up • iB;:i.'51 a LC. C.P1. nOWn
• 1,7z 6,a te4tht: ,the 4.! 40t 'Rt troeb.e. I 41 2*
• aria (.74aghlun s:.e. r : (14)'O ‚it 104 20 b'
x.rns.'" the I:3.3 Indy saryR, now if it 007 4' not for Dr.
Lad.0001:m Tayiir,serr ••gtit may Pink Pan-,-nothlter f tare ever 14.p d
be sure, lit they 2v:int to meet, they: tie."
11•:4 Inge to meet-. ray. dear Teedy ".1".ee 0.24 ""'":71M*2;':-•?e 14
Par:4er .0 It sr frielitful tronble to have • b:et teacher," telgnt well tr.!. applE.:sd
t 0 ruanage a pair of these heat:Strong, In tiya.peptia, eel if
.5.0ellig Soolle %Imre they fall in levee J teas werrid only ba guided by ttla ex -
40211 I'M Fore Yena la-e-ve. :your hands p:ricanee of tilosqs who hove seff..yel
fu'l yAs.. of en nese, know -912131.1 : bet are now woll an 5 happy threngh
snerf.. pliant young creature, :aryl the use of the Walliviae' Pink Pill
most Chaim:in:0'y brought 'up. 1-'12- 0 there would ba less distress through -
1 las. all tient : but. ney- dear out' 'tee lead. IV. Willi:tarts' Pink
(a:tee so soon vise an aer.. Delore a Looeoo::oo mai!,
22.ittnr t, n11 tin2Lt..trin..e.c.-n,eney.<1 11110.1M:z.::; pine cal2 had at apiog t pabi, (lint
Iveonr I Am/ eupp Gecrge Archer i
Isn't to lie very tench blamed It 'he is e„„
r, cent b ee,or florri fs:
a very btel wooer 'hi this case, 'with t 571rueltvi.,
th Dr
so much depending hiS wooing arid ; ue Ont.
Castle ;- I knew that weal:deft hoee? nerviier two, yeare ago be. xt4aFa
irig." •
impertnet a person to either. Ignore , Olpear-Nove, pleade, dieft tete'
Thee Mrs. 13Ieke. ae she is . A 'Fele 017er.
or effend, Lady Danny has t;e endure you will bra, n sistert to me.
fer conversatio11 rts nest slit ma:r. ; .111
*teak,. No t.Jur at N0 Po, Rae° Oettg. Meal mues, resentfully, looking ate Tk., dreve't tlittatureit en aigtai bar. 26•., 11
Queer Way the Poor Temente 00.40.00 of
ifelping thte Another.
I WaS abtrat 10 u'elnek at night
and on %vette ,streeee114,0.l. n114,0.1.1'w111
Fourtn that ;4, taxa e..r..w Cherie**
lantern ewitgl.ig; t_laZaitle alearti-
esteery eviet.low est a 1...el...1.-Jas aeries*
s way. The tral".rd 4; 411 leex,ike
ettraeture partinotorel,-,1 rto told
ago lani neew at ea, 00e2 tune.
.•t itoane.• eventezed aatieet ex-
eizedvtly by peer reeved people.
100114, :W0.l3.
WIRE, asiLte:fo ea..0.-ir.'s„ and
wtre ,ki;a1; over
1010110.1' (0. .4,'. up e,. too
110'. I tow ra.e.z. Kett?
al.' all, telt ltaL, ces..12..2 J't wily
‘1114111.1 '4,44411., 24&0.&0..-mi1.5•,:' *o:1804.$7 wen,leve. at 11.....e,5 te,t1 d reaseatiTes
2ee011, 4,14124,hIL4 144214.74:Inla
front, 2.1.10g .LIV•
,.•: it
a!,ovatitita't .0 ?.._10 tt
aconaviru_o•,4tv.e q...11',L 6:3 Lie
L.02. ...a.
r olavElthria.0 ;IC )04; *00010n
nue02.2 4..2...e...A att.
Wjeat'sa ea
se1t teat :an -
t een co tere e•
a't 41 tsteette
etAlyn, nee "Pee vt,'Eclewe 1140r00. are Etgobtr•J„ nisei 10.o 0'c sectee to b.
p- lac
• "Tlual`to 41 01:0U1rag,-
"lees. hist wlaati-e vet trage,',7""
'Well, when F44:.1-.-4 man gets Itaiatt
He hack tint een't geny rent, hie
heel el. teed o! bet,: tee wletieee Tete tAlier
texants eoree to fit level elle, In itl•or
01.0.019 4110110001.Teen,- get tote tfr
01:211 1000t et it pm,i rs,1-,!s 4:3 ot $4
' tyv hie refit. "treat's a rent
"What's the 11000010-0-00 got to 'CIO With
• it *"
thr° Way a 001101eng is at.
, vertieed. When that latatern Is oat
t7oe eolerreel benow that Petite
one 19 glvng ia, dcatee 0.10010501rent
W;:en some one flirt -glten
'rna• g' !Ns 19 supposed to 1141113e
out in hi..-mNt. te's a good restreite
eealy gay ststri-a al tig,f1 try ta
00.4)114 101 tO19 oftto."-WitWiatakee10>01.
, "Croat Novi Appetranvc. 'tt'us the (ata*
trt o 11,:vw• Stet.
vett' teen feelee, tal ligatn1 tin
• ./.0aZa• In a *7.:It Tot daria22,s 1401-
At I:are:Jinn WilliTara atial
eeree? tne., tall wee beeee salt
w:100 o't0O0'*w12 a::3 40t:'test9 were
peel b.: Vi;,,o.s
C•71- 0"'Pa " " Ctrttt,
,‚01,'-0'1>00 sazit ar..ainst ilksiary Metter,
' n't.rfelletee etreft, :or das.nages
1-;,..gai:-11 to Lave bn.,en coo. -.1...1 by th.
o raeage..e in eite,p11..Ve ga.rden by :a
ewe-. we'e was sail by met.,,rhborit
b lee,- to NI-31er. It was 'Camp -
b. own (•ote, bet lee net recoge
E, rine. it witiso;rt tE;e Thr? :
wae to 4-.3nIcy to a it:eating. .one
r.r:L:=n:r:L.7,. bat at the appohated hour
1..1'81040*'tlee tell es-fte imeres the volt
ariel paid thee('4010140.('4010140. eie then e-.
er.,1:3nA the le aeoe to Alder:nate
Etrly in the week Criezpbeit hanght
it 01Wfrce.2 7,tra;'.3-tire. who. he
0<00001. 1101,4:f..4 -C4.4 D'''44-Cink.:4t4A417 1'014T. tte
tin:s tow ;home 40:141tterned
. Ler loo-er-e ia ,gardeat. b -at was as-
., t4):2001;.411ng eornIto find
; what app.:are-a to be. a strange (100*pateh. Ilia animal had 00
tail. Ito wit9 tolal 40310000neigh-
b.) that t:04"be10nged tti
az.1 the 17:,.....pruing et-,
red suit. Allen:tan Mootaig.
4,44W mit. When
re.turne...3 flieetre rap the extent
of deriee <leeee h0.9 ;garden ha ells-
' covered re • erew's tali with 141S f
ite o
ertieltiog to it. This and:
inferraet;a az tenviner-el Comp -
..3.2..11 that the a07:1.4 00001
esr•-ra '1.41..mirg•-:\co. I was orly.ut, biroglot 4141 '1161,
1-;41. 040>.j 11C- witkArelir
O ro-1when th,-!, she de- tars remark that I ••liertia'n't nand
ty. tle snit.
Vereher patlobig- srv4