HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-15, Page 6I ' ---.. --- I .1 . I I .. . �! I .. 11 11 ,I — �_, — - ..1, I I ''.'',�''..."�'I.-I'�..,.�-�-�--', . . I , . __ ­. I_ . , __­���___ _�_� .­_�..;��. ­.�,; -.-. , � ,i ".. � C.z%r',& coronation, In 1807, U was I , I , ,V ­_-­­__. :1 . � I � . I favor a,t, court, and waa � . I I PAN-AMERICAN CONPERENCE. ii 10 ' "PI -14404" is 11 wealthy Incliavo from � : I He then continued a in I ER I ro , I � . 1.�olowhi.stiln, who has iii-�on m4stdkela I '' to Moscow. to attend the to ed — . , ,, Westward, au4 . Draft ofik Tren ty of Arbitration . . I , for a real prince ruany time.% be - I RUH OF CHN'S =aut-,. ETT 0M to be 'PRINCI 09NJI, , c1rcW­ the globe on tile return to . anis . I Colialdere(s, � . causD his naux-a is really Princie. ii ]Pekin, visiting Toronto and attract- I IVI P. MeNloo City, Nov. III * . Ahmad W,'19 (me of this number un - Ing a record crowd to the Industrial ,--Tliio pro�pea. t1l Tues d ii, ay, - , n out, 'tus for A treaty or arbitration and .an e %� ilowed to reniol.In in Mon- �!, AM 010 MgNl Fair. . V l.; 4 wheat Ills funds ra ,i� I I lu - � I ­ Wil -ea tile Boxer trouble broke out a I SITO N [11 C6uurt or Arbitration, wil.joh wIllbe 11 trood. Aliniad's story continues: � . � I lie was Viceroy of canton, and Ills; In- I ------ �_ . 'submitted to the Pan4lowerican. con- � I "'Ble dancl a girl who accompanies . i fluence le sald to have bee" to pre . tile Prince, InS Ills niece. His wife In lent the 6pread or the disorders. forejace to-da,y by this Mexican delo- . in Beloochistail. I �aw her there be- . I Li HUng Chang Died This He was the greatest C1,11119vo states. Ion, is largely framed oa lines fore we left. He hasn't any clill- ' ,, rr . Messenger Brought it ' a' ed � , — :: I I I man, mud One of the greatest of the After rKal, by The Hague Peaue Confer- Mystery Stripped From Vis- ft�elwlo, aga lie. Is not, in any business. ,.: , I .1 � . I world's statesmen ,of the last con I . eince. However, it proposes aa lit- I 1, inherited a largo fortune froin . I I I , Morning, turY. He was ranked with Bismarck" . ad liumber of obligatory sub- . , �1. . . � I I Gladstone, Gambet-t-1 and D1.4raell. 0 Nine Days. . for arbitration, aold I .stan. 1119 father, who was a wealthy . ;'I'leta.11 Iias in itor From Beloochi 11 I- . . -_ — idea& Of official morality were hardLy I � 1. %,low tile coercion of pulalsi merchant of the place. He may em- , I I Alileat of bark in bustiness after lie returns .11 up to the Europo,,vn stax,dard, as he . ,nations, whicill after oignIng 1. � � a . .1 . . )ionic-." .. I was .able to amass tile greatest for- treaty, fail to live up to it. Aniong It wa+g said la-st night that an ef- I . i tune ownKI by One mail in the wo Id L . I'll �. I Q by levying tolls for Ills owi . the measures proposed are the fol- fort would be made to ascertain It . . ULCERATION OF 0TOMACH , 'I) - ,'.r, I t PUBLICITY HINDERS �ACTION lowing -, Tho aggrieved nation and RECOGNIZED IN NEW YORK the "Princele' retinue of assistant �, � on .all tho.qe who sought privi(eges I any OthEw nation sympathizing with , �� , 4 . . from the Government, Hh? wealth I � it may terminate th-eIr treatieswith- cooks had passpd the Customs off!- .., s - estimated ,at half a billion dollars, . the offending power bLf ore the proper . cer at, Plattsbarg, and that If they 01� I K. � dito for their qiViration. Members had not bpen properly examined,an ef- I Thk0 CAUse of the Aged Statesisian's Was It.Pro-Russtall. U.S. consul-u4neral Says .� ; � i - I . A . . Llif th6C,l, of tho, offending powor on tile court fort vould be, made to have them X7 Washin.-ton Nov. 11.-A change Ili I � I :. . of arbitration may be e-ased there Arrives Ili That City and Is Identifted deported. . " 4 Death -i -le Dled In Harness - bi the 'Mane'llurihn ,,!Luation is expe,eted . tives ,are Ever Released Striet -0m, - by Former Co - Employees at I X f fl and 6111ould the majority . of . . ri�, Had Had a Checkered Career- rom Li Hung Chang's.death, and the i§ecreey Must be Observed as nations Signing thta treaty appro Sherry's Itestatiratit-The Uoyid , ,t, cry considerable Prinoe Ching to Take ClwzArge- Ualted, 1,�, ntes has a r I ve, if 1.11terest in the Outcome of tile matter. tile BrIgands Distrust Neg�otiators a note of ceneure may be addressed Cook's Past. Orested Ill Burial clothes. to the said power. In extreme L 94 I . EXPRISS CAR EBNER ,�Jl,�,nng Chang Nva,R r,gard-ed here as New York, Nor. jil. - easas the d1n.vipproving powers may 91! Pekin, Nov. 11. ­LI Hung Ch'ang is gly pro-Rus�daii, and It is possi- -The messeng- susp NewYork, Nov. ji.-Al"ar a JUT9- . eF sent by S. 1%1. Dak-limetelf, the Rus- the recalcitrant Government. t. dead, Ele cited at 11 o'clock this morn- blo that ]its death and the coining into end (ilplo-mativ. relations -.v,tll terlolis absence of more than a I . . power In China as the Di sian diplomatic aga,lit, to tile Brig- TIlo reLoption of Mone. Diaz to the year, during which he was gli A C � uspicion Int. He wam surrounded by his ram- Foreign Affairs of another Prince allft has 'returned, bear - - ' ?en up �� UY in Ilia last moments. The cause of lPes friendly to Russj�%, ' ter f rom U ing a let delogatea and th-eir families at Che- aa d6ad, "Prince Ranil," once fam- , oupla Under S i i will hasten los Stone to a former pultepea CwWe List night ,was the at his death was the day when Ruqsl-i must relax her pupil at Sod,%, says a Sofia corres- ous as a burry cook at Louis *siiorry's C. ulceration of the pondent. M. B11.1.1cumetell, who.has thus most; bri'Mant yet of the sociall Subjecied to Ordeal, I the fu=tloas in honor of the visitors. I I 81, few day$ � country to be opt-nea established communication, has turn- ILanji T. Smile, returned to t1liscity . stomach. Within tile past L I hold upon Manchurli and allow rostaurani, and whoio real namei4 . � rl he had had several bemornages. For I niaroe �,f the world. u ed tile letter and details over to i a� several months lie h%d beeir su,'fer- i Mr..Dickingon, the Anierld,%jl Consul- COULDN?T STAND DOCTRINE. yostorday, and It is said is now I WAS THE ROBBER A WOMAN? C ing frolli, a comp-jIc;jti6u of diseases. [ G&1101'11), saying the latter has tile sta,ying' at ilia home of his wife,at , S , or Mgtjr qjg[p reason, and ti;on Ilim rests the re- 'oer E — No. 101 Last INliaoty-fifth street. St. Louis, 149., Nov.jj._T,jle, m,jn 0, Vaj)er llo�beis for 1A. [V , � , Church (I -,xpr",ei Ills-itst lit ji� The burial clothes had already been � IL T I g I sponsibillty. Preakellerls'Words' ' Vor weeks tile name of Prince olud the woman who have been ar- I . I The measenger was a'bseat nine rested here, suspected with complic- 133 PUt,on. Tile court yard of the ya- . days. The letter consists of half a Ranyi has appoaroJ ill the tiews- . t( men is fi',Ied with life-sized paper - page, sayLug Miss Stone and Ume. Will"'Peg, Nox-NIM.-A visiLing clergy,- papors of tilt,) coulitry, coupled with Lty. In the robbery of an express car fr horses &lid chair$ with coolle bear- man was: preaching at a city church j oil tlio Great'Northern Railway, near Tsilka, are well, Lho alliloulloculent thut It(, was the 0 ers, which Ills friends are sending About $1,000,000 Changed 31.1y 10111der Release. yestercla,v from ,tile text, "The Dig- seioll of a lioula ramily i�i Tuo Puti- Wagner, Mon., on July 3rd last, when . I ' I U In accordance with, Chinese custom, I --So.'ia, Bulgarl.,%, NOv. 11�Consul- c1ples were cilliod Christians first at JL1,111) presidml(iy, aita Lhat with zt the, e4fe -svas blown open and a coil - Bi to b,,. buried In order to carry his ' Hands in New York, Antioch," and was spaaking dtalclug girl and a reLlunu of der- � A. sOul. to Heaven. Several of the Min General Dicklumn, of Constanti- I . of infant PAgnmORt of ulthil9neil notes for the lit isters of the powers have called t(; I nople, 1.6 greatly chagrined becuu,-w � b,iptl5lin. "An Infant is ii&t a Chris- vants ito was 'to tour this eountry. . . thin until after Impt. lVhen -1-1i1ace Ranji" left, hisplacc National Baulz of Hplella, Mon., In. expreRs sympath* tile faot that lie 114:`1( receired a let sahl. 1111101111tIng To lietween $30,000 and .7. I -1 .4 h�ru" lie The 0hinese OTICIals are so wit ' ter from ,utns E,Itell .jr. Stone leake.1 I It Is bv bilag baptized that lie je , antong tho putu all'I pans ill the $100,OOU were btolen, wero put th me at THE TAMMANY CLIQUE LOST, out. He gays it is llk�-ly to a:f (let ser!- � nla�do SO..) 8iwrry kitelit it on Alay (Ith of last throug af Uneasy concerning tile e.fect Ills ; i at death will have on the populace and 1 New York, Nov. ll. -It was pzwyday; Ouk3ly, if not cOmPle-tPlY undo, the pro- ,I A�o` I'(- Na it] thla there was a sjlur� , year, no stion flat.tclriai; words were . Ia a proectis of ,,swrating', ItLsr . I kiald awlic i1hu. Ills ji.�%Iigreo hore ulglit. Tilt, l7onum finally admitted . = __ : gress already achlavel. On two I M119 of G�Pt ,lit tile centre of tile wat; not traetv.1 noy lurtner b.W1c tluat her right lialne was, Laura Dul- j for election b-ato In tile Wall Street I previous occusirms tipgotlationa with : 011*1`1*04 and on.� or the best kno;vn , .11 11011, and that tier home was In Kitick- I � district to -day and it was 'tiniated. . the brigande who abbJueted the ,k, , parls I tban to tho 1.111 � WIlL ItO Wall IL : +, es m- - hloners, with Ills face express- " .1"Iltal Pell- trbovker, Texati. Iler grandparents, q. *, ., 1 that r,takcs aggi-pgatIng i IrliCall missionary were abrup�lr ' l"44- tit(' deepest disgust at the : Look oil a ship u; tho Ur - v I Ilycirly bY name, she tiahl, resitle at I somet:jIng L . I broken off by the former, � 11115tila 1,1110, #.If J.oll 10:4, only a. ft.% � Pouglas, Arl. t I . li 1, liko $1,000,000 ivert, turned over to I owln� 1 ))r...lclIc1"--7 conteation, rose from. Ills i y4mrs agw. I * I - to the oremature dl�vlfnqure of see- [ -at, took hl,i lin-t and inarchold nol."p-1 No ono imew m -i, -.i. of "PrinveRan- 11r -r coinlat.nioll, Loghbaugh, admit- '\ + . . ,�,, I Ili i tbo.ie who li;�t on tile fusion candl- rets, wlfjcll the banlits regarded .two I�issl.v wilit or tile church. Before lie! -.4 telli 110 h4L .1ilvIrry's. vx%:�Xpt ted that he had not won 'the money # -1 , N, dates. A grc-at deal of Tammany being a breach, or tIjq understand- ,. r�vtclled the tlA-*q.r he lilt(] pilt 0 hl ' wl � rr . n a "' -i eonto rilry pal- 0 by gambling, ali lie .kt first statfts, V I - .�, --mlicy 0111 uptown wa.-* placed in I Lag -with them. ' hilt Will Ills face) vras md with In- I tliat lie coul.1 mi . .tn,l a,�*Ll that Ill due time lie would -, f', I i I .%table f.abt; 111,11W) 112SI1416. but It provo to "tile affivers where lie bact I " I Wall Street, but tile Wall -Strolet men I 11 N - .� __ _ " ,--- - may be that liv will saiii bmulao a Z."n- �� , I " ri,vaire,il It. 1,rijeu he rpoinmell 111.4 stall- . ,� , . tlienlKelves gen(lrally bet on what 7" promitient figure lit this vity, forit born attitil4le and maltitillne(I it. , �,,,. at, lv� Is .3,4411t to ing IFICIC , Is alinoulletsi tit. p, oved to b2 the winal - Among ,�, When thp,wourtu was aakkc"d by Chief N . :�. . I al r. aut Ili Fifth, of D,,ttv,Uve� 1h)o:tn.)jt,1,wJiure kill;, got 1'� tile big winners witro Jo!ji3 W. Gates, : '� - 0 1 "I opolt tilt Orlont. �staur. . . � � or s, It A 1 ,. � avolitte. It was r thlb purputw tile Inaner tile, Rklil: "Longbauglit . . I vx� i Xacoub. Field and W. B.' 011vi�r, ,while I h; $.lid, that tho thirwelt &tst la- , 1� ' 4Lif,�L .. 7, .1 diane, who havo lo -en variou,ly rat- (*"o It 10 me' '%lv Olare or tile ,, -, vw I' Xesse Lewlsolin Is rpportml to have .-,- 1111alley Xvills over SZOGD, and Ile hall I _1111E,11' , " litlellieu of wealtil And gas . u* Jamolb." 8.110woutJ IIoL admit that r in! I, �, I OLVI � . j, 051, K I J'� � I j - ; bncke4 Shepard IlPavlly and to'bave I . ,,It . wl 1. .."It 0 ; lost somethIng likil -1475,000. It -was 1. � Ord, arT, eOuKhR, hit%() Ounit') to Lhoi` �,',Atp lj;.Id ally katowivilgo of hlo et)m- P 41.-�, �', cuuntry with the 111'risletN11 (01 0 � " - 7 said that Mr. Gt%'Os had $1,0,000 up �,,.� I P1141tV Irl anv 11(oblirry, or that the -I'..,% . _Aq-r.- I . . ­ Tully aria getting their flrt4 Inil- -tool Ill ans, hold-up. Tho _� f had. 1jartlelim vo ;��_. YV i oil Low. Mr. Vii+l'-� Irlaninga are W pro--s;,ions of .\.,w lijrj, in twck,twillall ,woman hild grvat t4ress ulx)lj the ant tFald to, hav,,� b �wln 1,431 - .t- SN? , , , - I" tjU3 (lreenwich Ariliot. .),000. NVIIII(t Oil .P L 14, ,-: ��,tt,, � umatien." rei,I"lta.h1Ift,v of hoir grand. �,n �`� ritiont.4 at . - V,xr Io undprouxiij to havp raked In I P ,e_ �;�Is Irliev arrivila here .Ni.'�terdaj� on tile V40: I ; I . �� - . - I I .%.'.q.0 '%�,"Ir'r. �,,,' " I - li3r0lit-1. alij tnitgT,ed tile offjetsrS to dL -�­_ I $40.OUO of Tar- ?,T , ,%� ,7 - * AdliTaaawtvlt t%prcktl, wItieft lef'. Slom- ' � ,,� ­­ , i ''I . mlituty ouu,h. , oipl, ) -t of tier arrest from of 11.1 I %V10111"Ist Use fLV - t .A,v Tammany lnl:,lkl� elique is jittill a , 'j� Vcf Drusawid, it Ia under- ­Zol��, I .. " real tuo night ll.4,ore. Tdie prluvo U in %,_. ��, - ,�, ,, thrm. V -, � , I to huro droppi%d tilt, b;gg - j, or � .1 " I , � - k, 1VUS with til"M on tole traill, halt _/4 , ez,t wai, I Mi 1111<kU'. if P ".� , I . .- . stwitf. 1-4 tot tile olliallon that Miss i Shernird zoltvict,., wag p-roitl in tile eit, �, 71 I --- � to tile (IL-appointillent of 1IN Wife, nalilan. disgultird as a M1123, actually V. ! �, ^. ou TnE L.MX LI nC. . jj�t,NG. In M6 elIttilow. it was ulli�_�ft-1 to -day, I . � , �1 � ,... e I . , . , , . w1to was at t1to Granst Central ,St It - I ____ - _.. _., , were Richard V �� 11 11� � :: I IXkrt10P.ttfAt Ili tile express robbvrj. I _. = = - - -,-- �rokwr. Tna .Stillivan, I % . J. I . ,-.N. tioll. �to moet 110m. ho hall lf4t tht, . In $& note, t)0(4c ro"Jut among Miss - , . � r- rank Farrell all I Jtolhu I-'. Varroll , , Uft im to igunril ag.iln3l. a trissible, allil- I '11 tit V� train at =*911 titrvvt. with a . -s � IftlHOWS Pe.-wMil elftx-tq were t%ro I .. 1, , W - .01 -teed - 4 jk . : I "tiluese , �,� . % Ills 111`�r#" s 141tU,4 purixarLing to v foretgn Apmon.,tration the C. .in, 19 dtherp. and tile pool pit j , Dav, %vl:o 0 will tot bo .1 " *11, 1.t!�, �- 14:4 0 bi4ft ,wrlt- ,4�� - niq have dL%posed their troops *. _4 . � � And a yating- mall named W. .N. tin to Dior by W. & (!hrver, trom W, zellem nb011t $'-'50.000 on tilt% rosult. (,*rtw-_ I' ! � XtI aLbout. thi elty in . uelt* a Wa Lv* as to , k�-r'v share, irliq Said to havok b,,Pn I . 1� ,", Glitleb. Shvirnian. 1111,axaq. and rone4 t_jty, 1, , , Will% 11rid &n1li, wure PhlDils jok%lict a ,1_4�lk 1 , I culUmill 'Prouble, ­ . �4, k � , _�Ioa , . atal $75.0119. -it lie,". - I !�� - , Daumilauer. .it atptvar,l lit 1.4herry N - l- - id tltt% r,itattion b Aween $50.000 . Th. 11 �,� N . .., I I ;t ��Ow,jf !qa 't�? 0sk I 1, � ­ , R. i the lo(y)l. or tit lea-4stillki, , - 0 0 4 11 , Y10 however, to extrealftly improlha,I)lit. I - � ofito Illem- �03 �.ot �� -- ,,A"._,I�i, 'i -.,$�. � to fail all old trVuA of -'Priilep 11.181i", MC Prince A-hing- its (Illorgo. �, w , XA&'t��, �­ ""' 41 baltellhilfors &Ntur� Whufl- t!ie TI16 AlACCA1111-ii SHORTAGE I . ,,'k!.tiA I . 0 kill - . �.e, *IN. \ � I I -11-41 lutto Vast t4attwo. Vitall �e . 2. . � " -;.." - , ar. The wifn sit V. -i , ri 1.1 alld Ili, " , -3 tho sutlj.let of ,/�_' , `�� -1 � Lk. AMM. �, 1� q t%v,op ';in ill tilt- fill'ill- C%&*- , 1),olls AI'd diar"Itur were with 111M. .. t "� ,"- S,� � tralti 1). thoi tr� to 11(ulgo � 'Y11_NV­`1 Ax.`t — b, -r,,#, tried late, Ia-4 Ave -4% I 1� �, ')"' b" a "`�rlr , _. P, 41 ... � 11�� - I I A'r � I I . 1. - I I Use , 11 . 04i, . 50, ­ ,: -tuvii w,uarthv !.Io� ki:ag Will eav,d-1 Volultutudo-v Markey .,4w4,V,*, (lie Order . . I - brt Thp, are gzrcatLy q!jk,trt-sg,;l. t,lill, I 'It-- 41 la liz 14 06,lght that, W I I 4�S4 "I this %V' 'trit�t. elftl t; . b tM " "Mo, � ,wrolvol , t9a. jj�Attrwlta , �q 'eetil,ed. tilts VoillIt litAwIttiNtililling, wwh vrriirt�,, tilt-, . I 11,�.;�,, - dir j�ftf�1.10,) tbr,j,ag 'lI."r(.jq.groI tag � V ­ .1 I ­ 11 11,41optigg % ­ 1,0, 1, 0 1 ty $ it liave lwe�,.n 6nut saultutning Vrl.tcc- were heay.%- Ity-pre. %, O& -1 I .. '- � 1'swDlot an I lu'r tour't.", 5,491hip-A I" lr* 274., e, I 141,mt 11tirewn, .V:eIZ6. .%av� jj�__Vem_ . - , .�;��', - � Oi .,,,�, 1 . .. .41 �."�1_1­ -t*1 bv­an it- tho ,* prinvo- " wwt . , _;1 06 , . ;1 'i 11 alilco� 'K f �,l , - . J. . , ! Itot thrro. 8,11p, calsEsun4ly loomolo:e-1 r�fr lftwla,ter ��Larlkey ttell; afterm"'t�ft jua"16 45 �-t.­.4,,5V- . . , "' - M 11 11'f-a_1V1'­4j�q-q 141 �� I � ... .. � A I V,4t;.� �11.., 24"T"T �, , .�� LV%'V' L�'El� . , or (1flng. wil), I.; Ilow it'll I'm wn v to " Atawng Has- NV.ill Stre.-It brokpr.q %rjDj,j ., -4 ` �-,i.-7a�"," .. '! - 1'r, � C-14 IIW� -11 JIIr,,,-;- - tl! ,4. � _-� Un M001. tlol* C 4� rot .,oil I vh -.4t Vu It I o�jqt- or p1petioll I i�, . 'N -� ..;;.,4;;,. , � il jwr In hittil, 4104 cvl�o vT C - -t . . , - , , dei Wttlug inllonti.y WO wtao wilre ke-pt 11 44 1� , , , . I .0 V a 'r ""I.q%V,jf14 ttat,�, mett W re- VIIICI ti T -r- i,-3ilila-r, fr� -m ll,to Thig k1l. i-1- 1 WMI, ;l � I tl,:� A'A - , 1- ��." - 0 . "#*- w4� .., Jj '4� � 11.11:targos rtjMml UNA -11$99nr�,, Manrul­ � A" % '44 .� .� , . 4�,,.,----, .et,er'A - , - F -:I, . oq ft A liz ly lq4t N017% L0 11r. T1_tqnI#!-:,o22,q �-fturtage: . " Ar" 4- .� .% �, . ,.,tq �� , 90 Tho f riA T VkHE -.0-t1wo- tilt* gvneraj ll*my pa.�Iar,". tip til-pq 4,vvIUDIm. wer", _.", , and to -0 INT. 10.0 'UHN'JI .� 11 - D'. '1;6;,�,', i *� fro charg. 4 gfover!�rj­ntnl .j#f4Ir_p. nu -1 Fr,.1rilek It. '�,' .3 0 phteol!l � I - �11 � , ! '11 4 �c ; Prosio 1. V, ii I - , ", - 3 110" trafn. u,�tarl-,-w# 61 TAtoluglon 9ma twtl '14M. ­ - I the Pitto,r wtl vet two pov,q,jj�'r R."t nb�mt $113.060 Win 1,�gtv &111 �-,-11010,nm a . . W.I. '1i;#.1-- ­-­�* , ,� ,_-L - � p !S -Ity-;,C�5,.-..O.-,�:;,:�,�,-4,�;�� � I 1. cf-OP V�Iga,We kit-els,-tr of t!jY3 Sa. & X--iraw. � V -, 1�,� , %A" ,440. - .0 - thtul lat" In Vuut vw,AMCZ!�� wh�� tii"", *Vv'tik4lA.V be I X. .1�, . -A- " , '144N, . . East It'l n�; V20. platUbg t.g I !von;;Is 5­tts,!p�,. - Wo 04-toar"l; AID-Ia. W13411 "IbIll =tjoi 1.1 na, . 'Iflollor th-H ivu)k V-09.0r9p ct M" :Vf� rt ( _2 ,I, Boar 1W W-oi, Wt -3591yj!) mi .15ho-paed andl , � �v ��,.', 1:1, il� , t0NV!11' TCUR- C��:'V A W.48 4LVtg�1tjdfk_4j '. # ,,, .. 5�,��, ,:,,,- - A� , � . 7A-� V11 I - bi, dratro flig,.--tot to QP4 (;r� ei.v.40h S..JA(,�rabLr, bst, aLrfa �L'twa Dgaa,ftj I... - I str,�iet brov". orhulth V"119? I-Vlh' to DA9 40L a uh,�*014t4 tho,�,rv- C64&4 0115.0410- .atii' � 1. t- � "i� .L- 0 Yrawas I � 1. .. .1 'A ea a 4-1� L'�'J. 1-,- app.- 51. $VII'a"J iri tow, K ,or Q em, Who :` Jh� , I 11 VI-fooli"V it. �.Uii .!jLVSjo.rWt',lj1. k I wiz -re -3 on 1,21 ,��,`�L�, L:. 'I , ze ,u *t­44� . De r-Im".40a lib vit $73". 4'�,N - , I . I home a-, V) 121*1 lvp� t . VVI ­ - � I .. �. I , � � , ttj IL 0-0. Mao, .kn4m," bi-, % cat �,CL,rsa f0A C3 for Ov nt, . .1. .1. jn.,ft�.. w�v, * b, 1�1� 1. WWI F. Oklek. at A0l%-rt,V`-.,4. qmt�v5sot uavz�� �dil,VuLta i'_4 IU,014.ev in Itirluit'rt VoUln too. an Aln. rl'_,!�.,n. u-t4"o 11 � .4. '� , 1� � , .. 84O.U00. INIm"A 4 qjV%kd0.T,- Ilone-4. upon � , . , "a,ijav* 11g Igo 4-c--tt'd C-0gionw-, W "no- 4 lilu. 131.;�,Ic%�-R%9 - 'Z L, ­ .Atf fldligg �Q; ,!�, I . 0 " it -4,11,11 tq"%v an"I $lIqlarol. '11�c '. AAA;4 ivesqre-q# M u"L1,14 waWtwatts ard � 11 Vat! 1.1 to', I thoe.,�rro 0* � -1k, I I 11 ; A& 11� " q4-f*r,­,s% A. 'W.1- \111, �X I " . !;� In"Wog at %,R. 3anule N Blow � � W". iz%- � - , � � Id, EV11. -nt Of t1l I I ` I Aftoe�atp.t 11,ror,.,i4 j!1g,t. ,.vlte,:z jj�t I 0 It,rd tho antofin-ffl-no th"Ut Ulair,, . %vils , hirky, ,;42.'V4,q. 1111�,� ITre.j - I - � total part On � 11) Irv, V101,11111MUM 1. .L !I ."Ja�'lWe' %V.I' Obe povffl-t-e 0i X!eatlr 6MR&I t:1 net vdal Dr. V*M­. of th,.� '-�01,:1-11*!. will 11%. W. f;,rT,jrj� .�:.,n%f)[ij, I 1l0rNXN. _4 tftf�j jV4.4("jj. ntUil tV'W.4.�oj drawn Ityr . la wa�-ZZ !4h­PnrJ 41401 q -Re Md t* Mn-tth for Ma-fder d nd Nour Gr�%jge,qj jkl, '�,,,v woi:M ro ela�ffl#, lb.,tt roil V'11 "i V,-i.,w"_r,, aeo 111add (31trinar Lvqo, ItEflin. .1jq.*v. js*�, Ile f0tilt1l -isf *vj3j(!,,j ,.1q:;,.0w_ � ­!�ntw` X . a New TAA 4 Itot ro�4-A-Iw, vlAtoyr:�, S. ,i , t to- , .141alt tt,nt *,P!�a�t,­ palill" .70's oneo the e1InnU1(,r,Aaq L'thl. of X, V wenk �e t,u il gil;iv I' ..—t'"'... _,_ " I-,---------- _______________ ______.1- . - - ­_­ a q.n. , . i, *1 .qt vc,r, "VC? $101 MY rou Low. ",-----_ -_ --- .--- 11111�11rr!lvouqj, az.� i;L Lo .1 P.Itlt of VLO I = � ge torm to wt�.ratl )a of tho J. I- jUeU.jr-m.wk b t I-& J,trgo t!V-jfl __ . �.Vy le�),A-. -u ­-',.� ir#�- �, 94ut 90103- --atic-9 0i tow �S_l l�.* lov-�� Vlaamee firdep. "" 401 atow..eill I ) � Mr, 010-TdJ- W-1 9l'Oi?IlI -91 ,L rPjtr(1R.;11l- , 921:1,tron to U.0-1 6 IT. "t ura,-; vol-161fra,,ii 'r 1 -ige - P ej sg t, N "Tim iffift-'rrh c tfil,al '6011141u4 t1v13 01 tit Aw1viat Pre ! to -day Ikt, tflaj,rdye(,.�.- 'our no- ti-o�­t�mrant. wk -'r* "t to orcn�-fr Ulliplftl tower to timiti upon Shplard, brt iis . WoUl reM"'WY eor- tact Ila learwlty4l. C. IL R!"VillAsne? 'i tilat it waa aa#�,fgutfujy jj�..,I. p, . r)l., # "way that Vv.y kafow l!".1"."', 'Joyow- gialtIf (IV- Cozlumpr,e - at tr.-A*&.V* slid lit (__,(ATrdm. 1 -but Ow- 0,t S ,,--§, 0- I �11 I � Is 011 A C Buff � lal Dank to tlmso ft" 9a " CA19"` OwVs 40, I fi:g to tIj - V38.0A ILI .ill. of whIcil Q41,4000:� it Xig.g --towl,'k is eve.- to 14e rele.osel. " jL(,ry welf. ID'Ux1f, uqjy��Aar;es Iffatifly f0t, thwI . .,�l Jjj!fj!rrI.yin!r, eradi,t-via of WW4 qWd!,*---rm3 on 1,-)-w aml *Jo.Y.03-5 on ; that tim cour.4a 01.1 Ilegautdon'.1 be � Whato-ve- eg.-Ahwt 1li- *117rin�tvl M-�Ity Dik_"f,4s,y of koulp::wo"�, 11"If. 4�eenugetsf att 0 . , . ear.,mic g m rl.1" ul. ft lij,.-,Isl,� Tot n -au- I -41pt , � ��tg th,. tfts,Z,* bal _Iil'�Pard. Ile ,-akl to -day til'it Lit" : Ic l"ViOl.-IMY F:?, ­e.. It U,4 Impe- - lmv�� Vy trfv.1 .�'"eorcry. ',,!B,%V ,viete i;(wlid ;dt �iaeb'icanKo, ip.t " ' . ow. CADY thl, naTlest 3 -1:�,d rf,y%A c"',ol I ,%­ts; ha -1 bien lki;g (?tvvl ,�j,ywa,a . . r Uuut wv.; raseJ I:= thosi case Ivy Mi. * tho bi* %1Aj;k 8"(,41. Vir'ster'la y Im ,ovlls eh;,P­_ y a,111 � 1, 4qs to pxpn�l the 1,v�­nr J:; to pk-ice Gaing Arouna the �,,,Verlld in - lv"vc-�- ffl"w1'%�,1�*y-:--wl!I*, 1"Dor!'-oll oil-" lt-cl - rit fill and u-Pir"Ift P -Au. but at - * , . , � r., t1vat ho ha -1 b -o,;v n�-!k;jz�,# a hook,"' 11!0111&141c� In the toll.""Al-attyr.4 ',V�Zpft -, vleo l" 8,1-�-rv,"4. li-ot it 14, 0.�,,Clavcad VkOwlVi�0:1 was w�t .1 dra�t trar.,fel'. th, - "-" ' th�v re.4;.lt c -f -.vIijt*qj was 'tilt* hatud- � they finnd that laj'1(_V;.ju.qt14yn whgAi 11.14 141"'le. "t 1,;A-zte.. 167a.4 170ii thnee. Ild- wrol" 1whou e3w-owurcull Paial.- to jo� thip �inorolitt Tic 1), t-Iini wftcojiseltula 6i*�Flotai Isr-d"it t'r ,.!-1U,.0&). � thv-y -;,C;Ir,.T 4t5 so-L77i-t Is congwunly an Itic.1.1d,ii Due-- Out. 1�1 .111wel thE.; Yla�- ,-,j,Il1DT to 1i 1. . iiw, V4,1A X.oUs"iAl Riznk at N,"e* An'd tvda 114Y lcnt_;�r nwr! tiv _-Pt rld qyr , --- "'m lit hl -4 yc� I I , h-aking but. '10h;1P tobzze,w-c� f-4vaj 51.1 cfi'lmull!�,-. tk� sfv� T9�0h?PS!jf,'*V rstiortz.1g,- 14 110. the cqUet-M)n T1 Dr��­r.z, whiell hi,-" � .�� , I I - ", f:A; . . i"11 **,14,00. im'. Ito 1,-).-f4 wl I b,.! =.eu hold tw�,,Mj fr-­T,�- exprint.-ratirg. lypq�lx I ' f4_1, . .V "t. rted jpftj rfiL of � ;I . ..", I , 'GOA . THEY liAVE ARRIV:' 0 AT APIA. � "�`�"' " tr' ot I*`*7a,ty. i,y til'. .,inpzemn Telat. gsl.; ovety ;I- . . , ' ' SiTTRAFif`C BLOCkED, . , M;--"-! 4 ah'icak of tk.-� .-tssaelatonl lit- * L'y , llv_.� ImAl tvQsvr-1l­I L41 stv" 1-0s, r ­,V , V_,Twl_q st:11-rvening lip'sil grn4ftal c; . 4 --- Ap�aj Nov. JI.-CMIstaia, i'm %-U�,,-'.' --k-4. and in kt-p,-I�Tt-�, vVV,V2 all thp - - -14 I , , I Wes extrets?L1. tpi�tlgr , lille V-.,;IroIj- 0 U � 0�1 - If - L L*, �4.tlr.l. Ar. T.D_Loiiwp�zov, -- 11 � I 'I 11 I br, b,r+]:t act I pr4,�,ii -1-19.1, �0­ ;I ful , U 101 L L I f _q , H I'S " - V-.A,t .%.. I... 1,11.!4tot2j, q,�j�� i�ju,q,pjjwur"U_� U1:wd1V0.VR- s,­.rV.e�-;n0l!1­,- ltrw� ulv'-s 'VX ts ben�.-1141 ift bi, , Clyfle hitipP4114 V%venty-rolle 11,311i'a . � - V siare-1,y rozn_1q.w,:wl.,v, .",:,�j tLm tvio4hs�'ud _% !_ 11 - Canatil.nil wafy oal.,A :1 --viii Valgems- tj" . 'n.&,r�, � I .0, � , , o. f'.'Irly iogn�t�;. Evic luas t.v ty.�;, ur,aer ,.A,# S­,�Zntlt_v for Mr. .-, t" :. . av -0 00ft. 1'1 I 1'eltiud. I F.r tag ly bi ju,jp- Ll zm 11U,:Ian,k;[Ug-otwt vr��"J-rvr,l,% rptirbr! I n'r­L-;. b Ttle It. . 0 �-! V en, 1qaro�1gim-A tlii�� eve,.,Ang digitn'vi-z . Is . - . T�:,I)rejv -,'ru's 401r�g&�i,� os vfi.v oJue-K S; Loulota, NOV. I_l.-.11tl.oa-- tile X!L,Xuo..� ruir .1, uwwj*�D- - o4jtq)dU.j t�ue worl-D Ia-. .,.alll he rorif-7r­ 1W, Tr,qlentl.,�r n1i I . ..r,;!d. k ��d � .efil to o:f,.1V,-1 D:,C�X* Vro;.A,-r Man tLe SL,ertage. Tfte! umrou MI ,.V`H*s1P 4i , Four of ni - Ceiowivds Held 1 _,t.r.-.-I� _ Ejit ro.; w.�r#. t,;jv,r,�b.,p lu Mr, arrh.c,�2 hl -Vie �4AIe aloid v,our-ol vA­1,. Irut gfl,r* &4'1�qtql TbAnwi-r,, V,vorIZI, ,ze.,lApZ.t4ZIS U.Avo Vreoin rmk=;�j 62*11t. TA10 p,rs5q n�nda I � I , t, ­A ret; I to r��:rain � � tc,-�1;1 witi.".01t th�- _1 9 O! 03 bet. lor'll, huv�n I tiraveAml M that -n,"t o.rs1t Man t­04,�- ,VA�Z� ano lit Is , I .V lawlwp�s, the �� � , ly, fr6na .4tter-1104 to g4vefralmono. li.vj- 0 icousts ,67�2,e wlttyl fi;-g-Isjund, ;told tim , ;I 1-1 Asince of Vwmp�mrs q!(I�'d-attw., 'UM3 tu--oli ,j rip, ­ 'It, P" isontT,s in ouff'alo th403 aaolh-s. -Irtc-k an'tif'Xi6 it� ttu-wav that h- ow�,L4 Ms =1 1-unrit-me Teat vvbd kr5:k to V"em to lidd 0 " L(-,.,* v _-4- . ,taVa,-_,#I Ifiz c.uAwl. . whil, : � & r.411ro- -a and 'OU:cr t.'affla, lan,-h Eno- leaving Vanvonvok, 1% C., thr-Y Sal" -el It ituit3 - Tn.- t1u, i4fte�, -:41- nL,-n tritower in i�.-��g.e goa-A t%,;� il- - to, of the ia-gly -to i _uw 'VII.- n4us-al paermtt 1 — 11 a ,znt. 11"m-lon- au — Pale The er(,%-as_t�j!,,,,,naoq,_j ,jtCwwrj,,�rq L!, 6i". dtl,vo without ,�-I.Ing Dand or , woe.eii tha�v V�qve tl'Ltrib Ar -3 The udiastwo-sit Vrith th.-N lb= -2 1r-cM,P�-,rj-ejy IWL 4,3rf-Aa wrleolzmr,­3 (,-�n3tolnsk'r Ill west- ; "I had the ww�l,;t d:flieuity 1, . .- . 4 ,U njakj�ng ,4all 'of any ,&Ecrlptlon, and on Aug. J�f­ws 'cancernin- Md irovewn-bts- ttvre wfil be V3 ilf-la.y ta the P1_*- . � - 10t, a ­c�,Xeal praetica T, -,r ri,lieriat ': DRIVER 10 P ,RIG tui,lr V'rts, In '-pKe t'r the ract t, ;slalld.l P.Ir"LicIal'trzy Zvollq)m�z ba tool te- lnvnt of et, ' ,- the ARRESIED. 1, ��.at sist lcbeov landipsl at VC.r.v;V'yilo + tit 1qto-n.,.i(-,:a eontr*b-Aw�d to brin-g I -jig I 00 " gwt.'4 w*,ra b -ting r,iv.;jjjwia1ly FrOm there the -,Y cralsiM to Apla, ar- ' 'a . ,64�at!:) ell&rds", I , tt�mpt to � f4 -'A. 3ki�nfllf, o'n thf. Clyde ham hmn I. riviag Ort. 10th. Vic- v4Emtzj­(_,_..,�jj-t­ tr,� ptil,. CU 1.t.�, :� V11 ra:pla Thtmp- Pe ,en X1 - 13 Allall, .Nov. 11'.1'.1 at , ! gat,41 vva--, 1-t"nIVII,�4 Ala-,md. v 61 r1e co nit,-�; OIL Ur. _. ' �, c-cmatty , �;Itx_.k-A (,-- " hourn-, a -ad slmnln2rs tr-,tvc-lers, temah 'IV .1 rf,w t:ciltrs .Who, je S. trm;*,�-.l nw.�U. b"m 'Follfs wa.s n5"It.tq or th- S11011 - tit I I ; ­Tw-g'sla 'U.Iny�,sf? ;jao tg1:-_ . .1(.,l 1, t too=l Tit .*A� 11 frow Vatlada was rtustratpJ bz, ti" , ; t,ouna rOxZ,Ir­'-A' thr,ongh sot�,- nvs:.'orta,.�,� ,.v,,l,,,q ,kgo tu-d--Y, -11,rol tepke�-,Vntatives ,of Ili,$) CARVII-At. .*3 . I 0 -and have bi�an un,ble f in Apia, Only long exiougil to _,C_c�,r,c ,., roollice at �tn earl v �hour tjj-.t5 w,)rn- ' to 1�,wve rl�;rt. & numl * - Tot, Vach" --%,e How M 'their %74Y to pett id � -! , left i'v MOntItf-Al. withwzt mcnatlar + tv — , ing. - oer or ,foro' ,gu � A SUPAY t virat,r-r nl� I jm;vfi-fami, cmil travviling INIrtbef'. Rato lrA 11ad Itally Up 1. . Whilo: it-* bi-tvwnlen wete 4 1 q aild flowtv", , tnara�!kN botr-1 for wa.zgfjur J,uave f t`I,,7,,n get &aff for 1_z�ya%ey by way or:� . -'L ft 19 eXpaCted UNTY Will � � � _. .4 In Ili" .'i .,tand;ng ct N'.n.gara. str,,ct an1 ; Laken 24 hcurg to traverse thj� 24 1 Fjjj. 130til, wn��V %Ver.e in, g,,od health,,, Ahroad Rivows prioew."R 1114'at.y. tirrive exther M1.0 to-nig'at or to- - at Tivie- .�. 11-ot'w"' avenue, tl.�ey cliw a c.lrr9a9(-- : 11111VI-14 Of river. 0.1 the Ilumbpr -ill 0,'ad eXPr'0,qsed themspIves aq satis-, Alinvid kot,,# th�� sf Mitow morriizg, Tlftomrs�:on 1,4 .tf Wig je4 V1 11ung Chan- wa, b;iriwi In tile r;itpIdf.,;- aPP--oa,At:n9 tWtm, and when 1 traffic! ha& be" su-4)ended. Th�,o I tied that they t*onid be able to, com- ,, r1:1111 . _Oq_y or -Prince torna al;vawng thleir arrival aA yc Provii1ce of Ar: �! :2 1 1-'f b. i 0. I S23. -1.11�1 driver sair thf, ITatrolmen he'� lt,tve been k, ' pla "' at "L'4 rh_;g" tip'g, 110 ex OvIbatever actloij they may t. -k,% nd: � He, was Govekn RUrO.ld Oollbzlous .1tt var�- r PIOU their undertaklng� - in.v at great jen- to . _. I - ,t, that - ,,he ws, go, V_nder atree 4 - PrOvI np-�,l nil hif; hora�-s. That Vv� <�ug PoInts an'l Minor ,wkecka havel 1- � 1_...1._1-_--.__- .. ILI W, Of th!, once of; whl� . . 1------ . ...... " ....-I-11 ........ - __ � .... I'll. 11 lh!agsla in 1,��00. anJ asAsted tleu- 4 cll;4-d thf.ir huyp;c:one;, an. -I they or- I been Vellortied' Ilion- the coasts. 0� _­ . ... ... -'- . ' , � __ ­..__.______­­­. .- ­ -1_--____.._ __ . - ___ ­ - � � - _ __ - - - 6T eral `Chiriexc." Gordon in uyippre�;s- ',der(vd Lim dri;er to stop. The door the Tha=,,si traffj�a is alwilogt -.--.- ____ fflf Ing tjj,� Tairij, R- It .1ii,xi. 11 ISC,,5 'of th,, carriag.r i�.-a.� f-p.,nvd, an.i Ia .1 Standstill. at . ' . . n- 11 w , - a I . 11, I ft ii6 wan made a Viejer.-Y.V. Wl 7 t.!te to.- 1, it wer'? four M.!Iit.-,i#! 21-4.1,-.1 ao rat * The hovitals of .. I ft- I AM,** ^ .9 S Ur low;ag yavr Was; app.;nt, I Ulnists:r Out Of Sight ar, theY (1* - I tile Metropolis Ray I *1 a ! a i ?X H , -Alf ,41 Met. Tile I fhat ther'll 'mete about 100 cases .6t - U - Vic Plpnipptv drivot Off tim. rig. wha gave lite alanle, 4 vc.�1zle.lits treated dutIng the night I __ntiary. In 41� 67 'he WIV-� � .. _' d# 'Vte,­m,,y of Hong Xuntngl, awl in 1803 � -1-3 Grift", H,)n-iol-oloer," wa�; taken i Yhe inercury hovers about the treej: I I " , " C`- 0,U_ � P AN' WHOOP I'IG - LUU' H i* Wag -,t�a J,j a Grand C Mto ewitad.y, an.1 orJered to pra,_ 0 Inv point nauocllmr. .kf- I . I ce*d to looi-ci� station. 11--isoltargetl C6wotjftput�jj repofts Nh'­ tl t i . of I U -P t1r, Tipnt.,-�-.n mati.�,ax,re in 1-s70. ft 51 . ow a 'Claim ThOUSailda of ScOres ,0- TOUM9 Lives tvetry Ve I h,-- vra.i 4_7-gradnd ro., not havin- ald- W�lth a'1temPL*,n.,' tO bl'lu='i� 011!10t�(Y 6 '014:11'4, OAt-�nd, Ly011s aild 16.1116k.11, tilt'. J.� K'-ap— . re ed ti"� ci-vqninnilint � 13 viokttlon oft th;� exLnus:mn ,ict. )i amonit tb-- points fogboulwa. ,- I Lives, Thet, coulict a's Well be -Saved, I "" .c V�,ncral. Vit tv;") The fonr Chi ilgt, gave th,,1- naniw; � . ot y-C.'ar., later Waa rf,-to--.I.�l t. ro.'.al -is: a � . __ 1, (,'hung ls,;Id, libra 1�;ug, Han f � . . f -BIDDLES MUST HAING. vo favo.,. se llf- it is, 0, SeMells question, with evekY mother agi to, 11OW Ehs,can �.bs5.b ; 1hina. Xmig and Qu(Ill- ChIk. They are'l. — J-0nallitifl aftd similar ailments, whlchavoisljto� to attadjr the little �qnes at times least e±peetel. "file htilo* -_ Mi U w -1,1v at t-110 hea.1 *� C � charged with ly,�_n�; ill. * " 1b combat tk&,np, whoropinT, congly., lairs w !�n the war- with ,Td,pan broke ! lll,�gnlj.v. It is S, . 0 , 'Ountky V-S-81.1011'OheC,olirt DecidesA,gftiust btobPY bdugh OoMes; with ftlgbtful It tile c Ia' , *' .1"I �1 .. upqos�-,m tile Chl- orr�b'odlng do Itatting"' thO Mbtlhet .1toon, wqteep'. ;She realizes tile ,bopo_ Out. TI � wn-.; b, .::,7 t -111. < ItC .tko Tessness of battling with jo; disease which often detlesi the �most pkilf,11 physi !ans. � I- 1 2 .jajo )jkjt-(jt�j6 i-r.q. c .1 . . 16k ile (I(' I r'�','ltS - nn6k- weriv brq);-,g7-t ;lera,,i; tile t1ver i ti crairp a'hovo -ill other dit--eases pto,mpt adtio- ofJ'1.l,w;t .oil t�a I aul ,� -t, o�.-Id. Gilnx from a point i..�,4*r Vort trlo, and I f tilt- gro,a.test iln-Rortanc.- im.p%innWe. NrAth Dr. Chnst-N I j' (ft � , n 1�, 'I , h. l fluj 11!r,4 , -ttsbuvg, P-�I., Nov. i1---The4 Su_ Syrnp of tins-ce.4 and Turpentine at Tiand any taothrr caxi t,f,-r;ot .%Imt,�,. in.A-awlt, re4lef w1mll tile chl 6111111),fl. '.0 to Ili l0n. -.""I'l .,Jr;")jl­r. jter, P' I Pit -re trying to find. ...,:;�., Vour: bas Al el-le'd that 03 Imir , otrfiggliag frantleallY. for bmath_ 'By Idren, are hi -9 .vi,-i'mw javk,�t a-0 &joorathina. �n I ho Ov. $xat will .;I �,rv­agllt th sheer force or jaerit it 11, own a , Inns, t.310 its cou-se In tha oagn ot I throa-ghout thIs coni. log won it% way to popularity and i.9 known Itiv Lfttirlr thp. .*Aek,�t mu; r��4tarf,J, nad : Lite II -Ver. It is ,.rL,o b(4leved that . Inent as thO mWteffective treatm��-,It for throa Is V w4 -lit tu japi, a t. -Y --ettl-., thn pflaea 110-,:�ol,�<)I,Icr had' V20 tWO Veidlc% ilia Canadians ,,vilo, I 'ever ,devised. 1and lung troubl,,& that sciciloe, bgo at-cornill'oes On this werre Igentenced to :Oeath 'for thr. � 1 4 '. I I r I ftri�xwll,v. ,.nrl he ,conc-X*iwA ox tre,tt',� , 1 -f -CIT turned .4a - -Y�RUP 00"' ,_ 0 negotillitron-1. Ile Wns �Ilw-'. !n the : t,ldi� '01 tile river in tile attomptel --der ,of ,a pollc(,. offloo-e. � S E "' " ' .1 .. � ti.k. 'I fh&.� k.- , rou. .&I, zit: I U R. 0 fril A 'N ""' I " . a ,Tilpaltes�! fanvjt7v 11.1-1. nc". : fniagglTng, X-1 tht! pr*s-�onortj have � te'llipt Is *hovv bf1ling mad'o to tftke I 8, 'I 11- , . ov-er to th+1 authorl-; I I I - 11 ,advantage, of a technical blunder b ' 11 � I that vva,; ','I, b,st V01 c; -.,-i* I li� .,�, � �It­; who will have cha 1. the" � . y L' - ' - 'f . . . .,fit rge of � �10 Govirnor. ^ - .1 -, . 11 X P -.1 � � Ir r I . i E- �D 'A' - N i I 11 toini 1�1 pa .I na I �1- Vv. �r.!re�: I ill A I Ife-"i. , -.: v � vi, �--_ IA 10 n � L INS E 1, V, I �etj. i -'---- Irk. U_ T R, EN NE. ,_ .;1:nq­tt� J,f�kjlj' !J�� _...., ... I., ., I I ,. - . , " .. . . Mt. :40111Y Xennody, one,ineof,of ,t -fib 1# tho niost '130-ceastLI-Y Pwlepstratloti that ca,yj b3 kept, in any llonge. P& thtfdran aftd' grown people alike it I I d6gri-,do�.d. lnfl��(�-tl V. , (:,.,:o,_,I k�'pt it; -It -,k preiryervf- odMI):U6, witba a capital '.Nfantr<,M 11.1trbor Cicullulg4jon, re- atfor(js tho, natitt thorough SLna prompt relief for r dlcoeatjon,5 lnfr-f� thu�l n Vilv l4,6:;1!!-; of $,,:I00,000, I,; proje!:to,41 at Pitts- portFlj: In favor of Mr. 'Taxal'-sobla; ejo� cents a bottle" fAmil'y *11 affL�ct!0119 'Of the throat, bkondhial tub,,_T, an I lj!ngs. 28 4. t4t .I Mv^. 1� -.t at Vlo,� thon r>f th., '. Erg'. . . Bile, tontaining three tinxes as, lutteh, .60 othts; at all dezilek�q, O'k 13AJ�ja-,Jgon, ji'D,tes & � %�. . � '.1 . I :�atbi: tdotftwy�, - , - ., - - , , CO3; 'karot to. . . � . . . I I � ­ . . . r . . . I Ir I L I I . . r I .. I � . - ... ­­­­­-­­­­-­-­ .... - __ ... ..... . ­­­­," ­­ .... ..... LLI .. ..... . ...... ­'­ ­­­ - ­­ ...... 1---31 ... -1---4--..1 .... � ... I ..... 1,4 ... --1 ... ­­­­ - . ­­ � ­­­ ""L ­­­ ..... ...1 - ...... .... . .... � .... . ...... . ... . ..... ­­­­ .... - ... ­­­' - r. i .. . r �� ",,'I'll, __...__.__..__-.- I . . ......1-1--_- ..... . ­