HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-15, Page 5- - - " 11� 1W 11. 11 � , , -
1: 7 . ".1 � - ',� , - :5', I I-- .
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I � . ' ZURICH P. 0 � � ""'r";t�l- � I ' ."
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I THE FORGIVEN LIIAR, _ I was most fierce, bloodthirsty and Wick- - 41 , I'Z-413�� 51", , ,
- I A COLUMBUS STATUE. ,� -,, <,/"li-li �'Ox% �.� � I 11
� �, � t?4101= ,
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And left flie Lvowd aMille , I I �` �O �X , ,j I I
I arilill'ity. ,file Story of st Rienow iFounderlo ( � t- J11 1-9,
,And called her pretty, and she I . ooked "Denver Vote!" lie mused, "So lie Is . Tranx ormutf , it, in., until 9 p, in., The malls are i " ,- %,--' " . . lr,`�, N Y I , L
. ,
I lie told a liel He heard lier sijh i ed ey(w Ili that v,'icl�u(j tilid bloodthirsty Is open ditily exceptsundays from � !
I little cot 8 ARE - 6,�i�l( ,,)__,w""��;, , ,
r on of Gillulivinum , % , ;-�)_*w ... 1" I
, 11 0; .
. . . distributed as follows: ,�. I fii V , I 11 -Z�, 1.51 I ,
. Up throu 11 ber tears to smile older " , ,,-� " I I, � 1-,,,44."-,y -I '
I I . �, I 11 .,g ,,, , .,-,
� going to (10 ine up ause - 0 ' " � .
. .9 , -bec. � 11111 tryin A story Is told It ass fou , - �, � . I �� -4 1 1
to )rIji. that poor ehl-ld fV0111 her borrl- NWho was one day visited by a friend ) a,m , n, 7f, - ,� I �
. � MAIL FOR HE*SA.LL, close at 6 :5r I 111�� jr , 1. I . ,
I -
a br. & i 4A 4 4 11�:, , " .III .-,. - "',// HEAD
.,� , "
� , I ,
Ner heart that lied been sad before - 2 :55 pm " , ', , - ", I ,
I L& I , i U. _� .
Was glud Again and Ilght., , We life an(l save her for Something bet- acting its agent for one of the cities of , ,� , . , 1, I '
,�", -1. .� I
. n I. ' � ,
. . 11 .", ""', � b 7
. , - . ' ""' E "t
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I Silo louglied 91t day, and angels danced t I fear me, H,dward, you're Ili no Central America, The agent asiced " 14 STJOSEPIT, 11 11 :10 am / - I � 11, I I , ?� " , � ".
Around hor bed at niglit. I Al A 11E,.;%"5z:,^ � . % ,
. I end of a ha(l scrape. what It would cost to cast a statue 01' 11 L,H.&B., 14 6:55 am ::; 11"
' -I'll. not. he � DEA, F a , "
. I ? w
. lie told it Ile; lier face 1VAS plain; � , I "' A buIlled," ho added and Christopher Columbus for the public " � 4 L, Iff. & B,, 9 L 2:56 am . ' , I
lie Itnew tbat It was so. I frowi)va arla shut close ,his mouth and square of the city, Tile amount was " F ROM HENSALL, arr, 11 :00 ain I ALL CAST -i's OF
He lied and inake.her glaa, and God I cijnviied his hands. far In excess of the sum which the mail (, 6i 4; 4i 7 :30 pm .
I . Forgave the lie, I knowl .
� -S. E. lilser in Chieno Raeord-fletold, Ilerries stalked back to the brilliant- had at his di,sposal. He WaEl about 1, 11 STJOSEPH, '4 10 -.45 am DEAFNESS 00`01E. ' HARD HIEW 'A' R INC
I . . ______ i ly lighted bartooni. Among those pres- leaving in despair of being able to se- �4 11 L.H,&B,, 11 11 :00 arri V 'LE
� ", I 1 out was the ga 71blUr against whom cure the statue when the brass founder , t I I L. H. & B. , , , 7:30 am AR9 N, OV , CURAB ,
,,,,,011��,,111� ,,� ... 1111, . ...... I 11,11111, ,.,.��', " I I
"" 4, *
, 1, , 0 a . . , " 0 0 �X -a handsome, said: LETTERS FOR REGISTRATIO' W, MUSt
X V T:Ierrles hall beprilwarned by our new invention. Only those 1jora deaf are incurable. '
9 to i pale faced, tall, slentler man, dressed "Come back- in the junk yard and let be pa3ted half an hour previous to 1_. ,�
, # I ent neatne-ss In black and with- us see what,can be found there." HEAD NOISEES GEASE IMMEDWRLY. - ,1
9 * the time for closing the mails. . , � I 11 �
� I outa single ornament visIble-not even Ue went back, and the brass founder i F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS. I .1
a 0 1 HAr.-MM0117% Md.- '.%12rvh 30. Igor, ,O . ,
p the belt, which n(larly qrvery man wore. showed him a colossal statue of Gain- D.S.FAUST,. Postmaster. ' atiii/e.i,n,�-Beiii,-entit-eA.,,ctire(lo�Cier.-lie.�,%.tliaiil..,4tovoll",;�,et,.tliielit.�%v-iilllol,-f,IVCYOIZ
CHIQUIT A " 'I"' 4" .
I ( ) j Re had a small, keen, hungry looking, __ __ __ a full himory of iny castt, to lwly,cdat your discretion. 10"
a 0 brinus, recently removed from the -
, � gray eye, and 'gs lie looked at Herries front of a large brewing establishment. About rive years n� . ��,,,Iii,to.,iiig,,iiicltili.il.el)tolxgettill'.4,kvor
, , tit. go nl�% glit ea4 LL� Re, nlitil I A it;
- , ,,,, � _i I ri,
- - - . 0 - -.-Z-,!,�,.�-:,t - �-- - X 1 lie inet the latter's gloomy glance, smil- ff"111 0 =V heari,ig Ili it, �r,l,ltir .V, - arrh. for thme mantils, 'Witlialitain'sticcess, consulf,ed-1 ?"I'll-
� Under lits feet rested a beer keg, In his I underwet rL ti. at,neut for call
-,v 1� S lecialties.. ber of physiclans. alil,oj,j,g otller.�. the mo,t -.-nllUe!llt t:ar.,1)(,Cia1iRt of illis CIL,, wito told Ine thot I
,,E P C 11 Q -S otlid,
Xed Herries, or, is his card read � d_ : ed and turned to his friends ith. the hand was a large and overflowli g 011h. an 6ueratioll )lt!ln �llk.�. ,111(1 er,,�lj tji:jt o;tj%, tci'ilit) rarity, that th6 ilead noiscs V
" ,oniavk: theh ceasc', Ilia tile liearing iii ,ne,_1lcva ear Nv,i!tI(oC 1oF-t �nrever. .
. schooner, his beard was long and shag- .
ward T. Herries, C. E.,11 stood in the ; I Bracelets in' Gold and I then snw,vour ich-.-rti�enmut .=:ic'w:ita','jy i- a-,ew ,voriz raiwr, awl ordered, vour treat- . .
"The kid seems worried about some- gy, and about his brows was wreathed Hient. After I had used it on,h-n few cmy�. necordill", 10 %-oil.- fli�ec�tioll�-, tl%e nolsescia,_ed, alld �
door,way of the Rough Diamond and � thing. I wonder if by any chance he a ,,arland of barley and hops. to -day. after fim Vveeks. my hedring iii ute aiwa,ecl eariia..bee" entire',yr.tsLored. 101AL111--you.
looked gloomily forth at the Valli as it I lars overheard us." � Silver, Lorginettes he%riily and beg to reniai,.i tery t,. ii�y yonr�. . I
I . '"rhy. this will never do," said the Id. .A. W11111,5TAX. -,7,0 S. urondway, Baltimore, *.Nld. . .
fell aslant the cactu' " in Gold and Silk. I
s growth and chap, ' - IT, liess not; lie Jest Come In R Win- commission merchant. "I want a stat- . 0an-otreatment doe -e not,bitf-jIfere -irith yolol 11811al ,r)C(!1fj)atio*4-0 I
liaral on the red soll of the mesa. i ute ago." 1. tie of Columbus." A full line of Riantination and at a Alomivat, I
rrom the saloon within came the rat. , "Perhaps. perli.-;ps," muttered Pete; "Walt until I have touched this one WATCHES, CLOCKS, advice fxw. YOU CAN CHE YOURSELF AT HOME POSt. .
tle of dlee, the chink of glass, the rattle "but Nve will soun know." tip. Come back In about a week and WEDDING RINGS, &a. INTERNATIM4ALI AUkAL CLIMIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. .
.� ,vent, inoyea quickly in frontier see what you think of It.
of coin and the murniur of deep, hourse � I.. .,
towns. A.s Ilerries went out rete arose ti If It suits All kinds of JEWELLERY always
male voices. The. 111ouglit Diamond was I yoli, you Can have It for the amount _______.____.._ � � I � - -- ________1_-.__._- ___1____--.1._____
a most lucrative and tiouristol.u." lustl- from lits soat. � you have at your disposal." On hand. I
. Ilis friends also sprang up, but he 1 As soon as the visitor had gone the .
. tution Ili the little r.qiiro!fa town of inatlea.w0sture of dissent. I bras's folinder set two men at work on Repairing promptly attended t I 411 I
IlIcture Canyon, on the hae of the Un- -.No, Ijk)y.,. ji,eave this I the figure of Cambrinus. They re- Is= � . I
ion Pacific, ean't doal Nvith one, tenderfoot, I cer- ; Illoved the beer ke- from under his ' I The Berfifter
to me. If I ! Z F. W, H Ebb!! .
It was one of those places which at tainly won't call lit aW." ri-lit root and placed there an anchor 6
that time sprang till Ili a night and are i "But lie might gat the drap on ye", 1 an'd a coil of rope, from his hand they I -
I ' I
deserted In a. day along the line of the 1)(11--zi-;tv�ll MIV- ; removed the goblet and substituted a I
ft IARX FOR SALE -200 acres of; .
Pete l;hruggod Ills shoulders and j' globe, with the continents traced oil ! j
great road. Indeed, they followed the V- ehoice land, consisting of Lot i 114 -?A
track. and wherever track laying ended doignwd Ito rk-ply. Ile opened the door � it; froin his brow they took the wreath 3, Von. 11. Hay, and Lot 19, South �
tmd was hon Ili the darkness of the , of bqrley and hops and substituted I I
temporarily there a. town WAS Certain , 111-11t. 'L Boundary, Huy Good bankbarns, ,, ,I- -
, � wreath of laurel and then proceeded to � 4
to spring lip almost as It by jilagle. * * * * * * IN � trini up his whiskers. The finishing 1 44 x 82 and 40 x 0 )0, and fraine" I
IlerrIets was atlacheil. to the euglueer i dwellings on each lot. Plenty of �
I corps of the road and )jail ,breit for Alwut tv."o hours hiter the Inmates of toolleh consisted In putting at the base � gosd spring water. On one farm:' . . . �*,
some tinic stationed tit Ill.,-ttlrio tlki- 1'.011"ll Maintind worix startled bs i of the statue "Cristoforo Colombo." I there is an overflowing -well. On ' � I �
('anvoll, Ilibal-1119 't4wts, el"vs. vaths, tilt,- lIvavY �1 When the cow in Isslon merchant came, ; good gra-vtol road, amd convenient
a city of some, :01)u hillablialits. Inost. 111un.h.rilk". Alf a lur.-Ws huofq on the -' lie -was delighted with the figure and, ' toscllool. post, office and ehurches, my��
ly onales, and which 'Ovah, Ilearly it 1"Whv -1�41 of tilt- wo,-a and then a long, il purchasing It, shipped It to the Ceritral - -1- 6rawoThoffe,
month old; so antique Indek il that tin I.,u,, ..1, . � 6 inile,t to Exeter station. Will il
PhTtiou for wayor nuill vowitwu (silill. urran-11W, . American city, where It adorns the � ive purchaser easy. terms of pay-'
Thou all A%a, :4'h-ut. publito -;iluare und Is looked upon with ' g
ell was being agitatpil Ity MOO inorto %-n- A.; Isip. IDI -In I Ill'oy spra nX to their feet vtoilloratiou by the citizens of that town. input. . Wind power, equipped for � This is the machine that talks-shigs-plays every instrument -reproduces
I terprisIng membrrs of 11tv eunninwity. ind r-,.-!1i6-d fk.r tilt, ilOttor, but ore the I I)IIIIII)Ing, ehopping, straw cutting, ,' Sousa's Band -string orlicestras -'Xftgro Minstrels, Church Choirs, etc.
Ilarvard Ism -d. di'lleritely jilirlured, ae. f.ironnw-k mun uno.ug iliesu visuld reach ete. All buildings in good .state of It reproduces the violin, piano, iltite, coruet, trombone, banjo, mandolin.
customed to all tilt? reflueugem-, toe life it tt vwi In ,."t % *Ilt-Mly oplOn. und %)III it Pair. with good large driving shed i piccolo and every other in%trument.
� m . FIRES CAUSED BY NAtLS, I and other outi)uildings. Ou"'jot ,$, The Berliner Gram-o-plione ii lowler- clearer, simpler and, better than a3v
which %yealtil 4141pol loy 4--0.1;'"*'1 tar"" I:wn�,#n ru-4--il in, liko.Noswed by Pete ._� - -e. It sing, every kind of song, sacred, cowir,
n sh and � othar talking machine at any In it
Iauy give In an ($Ili and smilml tolli- B�,.), thiort) is 12 iteres of good bu. , .
, 11 llo-111;O."'. llvlt,��A. ,,%%.jvjIj., and stag- I sentimental, patriotic, "Coon" song,;, li .ug-lish, French and Scotch S'angs, seltet"
. a, Partlertillarl), Guartled Awalust bvl , (Ill ow -h furnit one avre of orchard., ,on$ from Grand artacomic0perast, 141:ivs vake walks, waltzes, two-ste.ps, marches.
inunity, tilt, ruth, .Nur4-#wuaolfto,,.,,i #4 Is'N t!-�I:wl 1111. It linilil.1-21 wan. ealled for ,. Plrinx 'rhat Alandille Cottou.
proselit Ifte 11.141 lit llr,t d'o,liflarl,41-1 bln�y 11171 1114,11 1.1toti. tok Ihe 11tior with r-olo tA,1-111,.. appjr to Piall.11, HAirr-
118mahim, of Insurance matters.91 t . I in fact evMtbing that call be plaved a,;i.mv instrument or,roumberofinstranoental
llibrMils; but, 1POP24 at I,o%ItWIi .1 IllaU -ir ; )i..v.%,. Imtropht PO. .12-11111. can be reproduced on the Berliner Or,ius o -phone with the wonderful indestruct,o
good st-use Blood Joint.:. and jl�,Xo�.-,Ilt. a a vrazlo Rl'at �41 Olt, till- willolbows. Said :1 list"oner, 111 suppose the plain. o - lble recordaiscs.
A 10.444 oW %"I R.,��%,11rjovi-Illpil :ill ex. told fashloned nall lins eaused more I 50 YEAR1811 .� It tells funny stories or relmits a rra-ver. It can entertain hundreds itt-onot
"K ,E"%,
.-Illvadid eormillitlulk. nla4plocit,1-111 W. , jltv�ao -til f,.r a lotm thwill- and NVIII'll firt-t Ili flip 10- tostabilsbuients where 3 RtENCE;' time in thelitrgest hall or elittreh, orit eau Wo subdued to suit tkesmallestroput
eops, squilditig, tols, roet '11111 14%,or lit lots ,.,.,,, , , � jjtM _.,
Ijuot,q. thil, luall %.� lots lond 110-1-11 Yale�t- v.00. haol ",,w-uhut risvivod he told 111.10flitory Is used Ili tuany and coin- , . The Records are not -wax, theyare 1 -lard, Flat, Indestructible Discs, Vh1c%
11p,vo ul"'ll h;ol 4.111114.11koll. pliented ways than any other little will last 10 Years.
joevitt) terror .kt r:. --ht wo,lob- -.still uho ' ..%% hovo*,i 1,14111"Oo�'aal" . 100ite tinko asked. thin, I � The Beiliner Gram -o -phouto is Inakle ill Canada, it isguaranteed for five yeal6ft
had filled tilt- run., in tilt-, %w,-ily 10,04 ,- In exIsteneto. The only tblug I �
�k . tr.,l �� 8 4 U 1,v Ill v.Olivulsvil tbe fea- , lit."'Ted is lor It to t-orup Ili contact W � I The Gram-o-phoue i*s used awl eudorbed by the leading clergymen, aIA
would b.-Irilly 111110) tit hatil- 4.1ti, VO�)c,il tfht�- , 44 tho. pit m- V,o! Ito 0 � Ith I . others throughout Canada.
ollip... Int'll Wore M11104but ro-P0181-101". M9.11
*40,�,�480%" I,*- ga ,% 011; llgvme with Unit
, hill0k, 04114or 410ru IllaWrIal IVIL11 fillill.
vient tokoes to ioause a sparl: and heat
The Berliner Grain-o-plione reveived the only medal
'Machines 'lotwonto I.
It at 11111los 144S moll grew %w.ny lit
ulith'a and Mitior. 424.141410-04.4 lao'll
" ao,400 tvo.#11v.0D�d'
I generation. Xallg litive really proditeed
forTalking at flip " xhihition iNY1.
The Berliner Grain-o-phoue luvib;eu ividely imitated
Ilrawls and lfa�-4*41 nogil 100LI014y V09*9 d. �
11104VT &.1 �� .5!1 Int1q,ton. lovitol"
it boolivy per vent of the 4eotton f1res of
I D9111101,16
copystlaHra &C.
and the records counterfeited. I'. aeref!6-tobeware ofulachil3es
and loardinet.. Indek4l. int- Unlot%' Ut 11,W-1
"ll o "
. 110,4 OWW M0314k I 90t 111114'itp,
the routitry. Durlug reecut years. ou
Antaimstildlarsokotebalidd N lky
with wisleading names as thev ,ire worthless.
to 111w kill% Avild, (wed#9141 of 100% 146% wi
t1lj�-pn',,i. %J�, nBl qlvo.%�ied sold rvad.v Ill
uo,,,4 % atto, oo�n� - � %% ��muedNaoo vunto_- lier!
-, neeolont or steps takelt by the oxvilers
11�111�11y "COitialit out olitu.saft * Other $41
WfAIAL92% Ilk V?0tJkbIr*M0Xjj&bIC COMMUS10101.
ti a. I 4 0*1KC^rjkL*btA
1,,-*Aj'ltl1y4"44'" u
. It the Berliner Gram-o-pl;oue ih not for sale in your
town, write to us for illustrated cauxlogue4 and other
fill jUl-n W511 do VII JOID94% 411041 ht- WQ�i T641
In- this 01%lolr-bol? cd 41,
-11,. ,"�gt%. tU64 Q,_:o,,C,# I
" . U its llt`"z� lv."q
and, conoluctors of thelargm cotton. and
hypirt3duet klanig at the Instaure, of lit.
- . , I
*W�,'.' tr*46 Did" Ilk TIP* low aur pat"t
I'AA.Uut talten t MU . Militia & Co. r0t*kTV
Itif6itatition, free.
4441 till ,*' ,0101hit'
r�','.'Ilu'k,n%II,3;4U %% Won lo-
n""O.O.b. 0 I, - %%jlstl 4 1,_B, mm 011. this felo
.� oollrallee well. the, nall 11.18 Root bee. -a
4O."j"Alm"W'Wit itto A"*,1lkfA*
VAcToxv : 12474'ro t Aqueduct St., Montreal.
'U'lam 114, Idilot Cla"aaha!
C.""". uw� 2�440o' ; aa000,,��,L I", "ald blot 141"M
� bovik a prolific lowducer of Ilms,
$dt M i ffitritafto,
1, Rumiclar. BtOon,, Gencral illaiiager for Canada.
Villsitilla was a ".1901e. Slo2 vaq Me j#;L'1q % C4-4�,.�j *O'U U'a�j' lone ;"Uri tje4tjg,, - k way bas beett found, for Justatwe. AbjUd90ft1k)r1ft1*ttAI#dW#6k1t, T4U*NttIr- 9 I
t:�Iva *u!'�.,Z I"'ovs. ama,1140 Ito. liervow". ffor, lit , on miliq and In Ir"'AIL1011 Of "Y 1"I"'Alls' lill"MrAiii, Torml.*ta . E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherme Street. . . . MONTREAL 1.
truk, dallghlvr or I*Aqv viln.vu.'a allol 40 ,,i- vottoft glaq. clott aAr. r'nur uk"onot *L ft d 111ria wkwidoatltm
I Liu , , , '11 Buy lnl�iro IVA41 ,I he Fw-t Map." - jolatot,.4 where cottonseed are Dut , � I
;4,16414w, 44041 t,qr 111a. ,v§---4a-j,.L4 . . 'UNK , 00 Mirtill&AY, Now York ,;________ - ".. I. � - . � __--___---1
ea lae�.&Ltg -IJ9.1 V'.V,00�,,_ M.nt'TU
wid it wolwllju-��Nll. 'Hvra-q�cvoo3f�l� " itwoutp 2
tvtj�-. ijk 00PaB','d."-!A late rutt 19f lead. ,,h manufneturins itirotesses. ot _Ioa.�-, U 0"W'41.160bu. ILE I
thior Ava44 Ban eva lovo jo ulm �%-i;,Lo�.an exlra�tlllg wils and other WeIghty atd * 4 ' .
1,,4'-,,� 1 t,�,y"nitvu GoA tTtgloCqr. Int we Shotv Isubst.anees VI -At may Hold h.,dg- I 0 ta" url: 0 a r
towned Itfillotao, uAva9flogy Ill Ivvnkr q)f iv%v irn,. T8,,,un 0.-,#-- vultnuted and lawii In these 111flatualable produetv.
jiluirr town's s1wc-lo. WaHY a ;.!.Otluo,�9' 01 , Prom Rent fl, rsell dn "ARANTEE0 .1
,Jth#,v Inews cnlwj� 118110pught .1qul. h'on,p .;oj"�'C,� �Ihi nueal Tt-q_'tut or 121M. "Id Oravity Is Me natund force used. Xatil-z I ENTS Gu
g'�.G�: ,��Oj ,g �qL�U�'L�. �"qQ �'�`; I 4)joelv_�'d on h5111. ,'I . .-
.. � t and roeh-s and irdaterials of this k-hud . � `�. .. ,- . r,A
Nr IdIal lin a tainbowd tVo';41o130Uf-V 41mo"U t,l�'q " 0"I" ARRELL & L A W'S 0 N I,
0 �.,� I go .nJA foq%o%�* go By I : - ,
tho UuNkltls of Vuet 1k,o%vto utul 1,w..�-i� V-glj-, ") , � -ju saft. Ito arc' heavier Man Cotton ulna Its by- I _ � 11
�,%!&4,4 ut n� w-ru",-l-,�- ILNt taftrijaraw- �i frmiluet,4. and they have tL tc,ndmey to I
tvn�tatfiuql guvr fougueV's., gu,�.,1111s, 111ibe V�a-; .., * * - I I � 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, 1). Cio
U)rafltaoody tofv�tgy, %TWO Me 1,:@h V,w-��, ML t �qn.Aq Ujuvvnn. ftv�v I ho�=Ql Man �� rorek* the,or way t" the bottom ea Uji? _ , I
Ij�du. 'A"�.D,vb 0%oo #jr-n4ead"f�'t .,twIlkoll -ntnd , hr -11) 11'r allowubg the,��e totuduetsl N3 OUR , - �_ 11 � �
. . � . 1i
erd du!--h6lW� � 91q,V vuhile el.bflik-�;� I'v-1? t� t�5qv i. '-- �, . . 1. I f Ahseelean and Por4aig ws Poottentit, Oasis hsXfskdeffl*tk*,C40Y-*
.' * , , 11
." rf�,,,Z,Q. t,01- 11l,,,V. .."'ve ate a wiog d0tIL.. _ sallestorse
u(THO 2mi1ing �Veqwe,� Out" devvjir. �,_L-�',--u � ft- pas -4 cover a r4111111to- belt nrrang-*=ettt 11 � ... I- ,,, ..... J111; I 4
n 6, I'vo ,,'V0�-, T'-_:* ........ I ... rights. Will return fee it Patent 11r. not S 6*urdd. So nd for
oi,ou Nav:�V. w9th gAWIonq hNq%W0 q-.p,.,j =- lugez-e heatter mawrat.4 titter towm,l 4
1�,� I ��-V�, n C'_- .�"- Ilt" ,
, � - , �,q*,,,t,�Iut Me dipInk a . . Inventeez Guide, or How -to 11wet a PAtolott.
�� m the a- -E;v I G2 1 � 1
40y savh 141,1n., . 'Mention this. Poper a�nd se -cum special ratas.` A
Live lwav,r tlir��Ijuu.,tz lll�iwz-s ond srtad,,j the Iltottom and are Irinally imalrW14WI -F!n :M I& -=I, =)l M_*_,�o i,
�, %muIlunz 11.il�&!";.� trj,4 uouild lf�jw', ,��' �,,`�"_�' 1�1'1,,C),- tv�ls natt tkat was ao Mat wht cotton wir the cott�or s�r
Inake otilv*s hifav-1 ael&. t-qar-,�%'ffly Vue Rv`j� wd M-ue J&,,�'nu 11-envul? to &Nk it. " stv4 passes throut- the grind On Me alld t(oi%tjify flge%+ RM *,_4 r�Cteojilmefta- 11 - �
" h : 7- , ___ ,., . __.______--
Auv!] UrD[q31ft-4? vtlmidnq InanuftettuOng j)ft+(-es,*s tp*ae e(j. y,ojj ill i1j) likewise after a - - I..... -
I W �., . I .,
'i . � W��' ",",
. - ,. ." �,�,S�- V ��?"�'. N 11F1, � I 1. I I I � � t " W, . .
, I % ",',,'I'll, ., . i C
nad Imu � . . T, 1. .."1111111 . � I... C .
1w.au-t or a eq-qqUq9%t,a.�At11`11B9. DIU wtkq��e HIM 1,��rql'2ZL"�IL uo-L��t tol a t-o'nVent in St. 5S but 15ttle daviger troln flore so 1.w at Trial. 0ur line loonsists -of Coolu%fie'� � , Y$ �;�Y'l
,�, 111114N. ,,
9 ,�
rtmnawe branly N a U.Ceil 4 -0 evoat L! ,,,,_-. auot 110--A al'�, 't r4alr ,w -au -s kater 11 , 2 A Imam, . *r � .- 4, i., . k, .........
- "
Many a dolt�:a- ha'd t_%%aua,-., kr-ycs ', m,"Puwi�d uud mzd;_uuN�elut 4,fauumu thic'se thlngos atie concented.11- 11 Balsam (the sarest 811a best 'bliste. 1� _j * *W ie
� , . wili.) --see Testimofflals, " Colic 1 I V �,_ . I
vind litos Im.'Ing A 11V 0101 lamnomirs Aaeo- U-4.Z.M. -, kno is -V :" , L , ' �� I ie.
S1.111 jyouell, wal SON he wag ..,101bhst toy: .14he V. 01 te ple",.�-4 to ri:Z-elve ally- 6r i� Dra,ughts. ("hill atid Fever, and J� NO*, L , 0 u's '. W, e ak� Men*
more,"gid. I , Aubut Wipitiltot on*�# N*tu#. Toilie X,Ixtures. Lotion for wounits- 11 5
111a.. 11t-rv:f-1 f�,�vlbds -.4t, beir Iovel.v Pimpte who s5gn theIr letterq w0th " 1%dtf�afldis dw-�- p!mT neil fpll;11��n:nd mon ate .2-pit:-li� ovpr". to 6, I lit
It was of V4.q 11evg..'es uvaig ft;liruftog. 4 Reave llenledv. Contlition Tlowdtor� , .,
0�,vnte, a0A 5L? --voll su-.Q!,�o4.c-d in tolf-w4ug vethwyi�h. .ktzLlilml)Lsc-nLIrti�'.V,P,XCI�;OA"tg"A"vb!l&,LO.OD�
for he kitew 0flquhn. ftd Ut V-01-4 IIIMS �J. wild flotorishco or lusMals only and give Hol)f Ointjtji�jjt, and Gall Core. :�� -,&:i Eate Lny Gf flie fiv11qnAn;rs5r 'o tas cassult tip befote it It
_, or � 10011a". Are us a�ia %,wa,a, clu-stw,n�,n.at ittri,_Is Wivamy, �Opetks belote the
, WISIL&SZ�%. If �
. ,
� 0
..0 '75�U #C,Da
�, Jy_ -1 -I, , `___
"" " " � �� �� r ev- I "`6_62�
__ - � '" ,
7_�____', -_ '""Vo
. 'to -st of Every reinedy- G*uarotiiteed, kyoli'll I ,'a .
wWcb, 011"Wai* or It. dTowve Idm ont of _ qVf tj.�Zlt SVVrUj L no Biddres,4 fm _�r one of file ,wor 1 ,_� �1,
� 14�.,Uht at 11"waure C.-Myou ,tvuell a teft- � .,�!. d i ,, I I ��
.,�, . - I I
the 1wir"I and coinlylim6lits to their correspondent by 111,nney refun(14. � k� " ��" I- - -r i,_ - ` �_ " I -i -
y . �
'L'Ozy Rt"I"t'" "ine 0'21y 4,��e,tat *,Iowcd how leaderreet Can P-ousucallLy assaming that thelt hand. L _, It _ ,_, - �S- 1� )-
� _
# E - -hdk�. �-- �� .- - 9 -
plar-e whete he could jw-�Abtv s,�woy, * , " .�, _ _�� .� . - - I
My a-tl`_1-1�S11W:1 �p " - - - _11� ;3
. .wi =_ � _� - � I -i
- �4A,�: uhmi a .mvf+IL,��.dtt Is at Stake, 'WrIft-, wea he ot such r.qm, Mae ��- V F. T 8 R I N_ A 'R Y I . .,. . I
_ �
Ltave in hou".; coM and eheiFrtges�4 I-AN Ar".41 0,00 IZ.naen? . - , � W - .. � . ,_� _�,,�, .. , - I
and forced IM110 to ecol fi!s 'h4--aff-41 hh-oxv portahee, to h till or that they and IhOt , AbV1019 PR9Z "I " u6tu.a I �aIl,, ,lj�,-l� � I
', "', _-
Ill the cool, wet wind WhIch Mew flow '%V.I�ql 14ey lojAed for him, he Was; affairs are so oresetit to big mind that Thosse inediciftes ure j)t1t ul) ill #& & jWj�.j 4' tiq Lt *L*4 f. L. - 0 104 , .
gone. �%*3rwaq lie on. r4ward Iferriest furtwler Identiffenflon 19 unnetes-sarY. � liz. "' .5,
the niouth of I'letute el)luvo2l. vVer !SC4-!V 01-a"M -*n 11!eture Canyon. ie cojiveillieut L*tm. with fiill effivet-'s I TV - I 'D
2 ite wag reaseot by .1 vok-e. ta &ep. __ � llavuug their ftngtufe cut from M 'I iOhs Ott each ("11'*- T'ley are to l5e As E 14 P4.1 -W L 116 A;, Z 'BL, V
end of a letter amid the address from 1113 vtj�L � dd
S10jr, plallismaws voke, adag-cis�n-og tradgiviatio" Iffni Ure,, he.,iding pasted on the envelope w1hiell 'had at every, storte fil the Countr.V.'� ��*'5'6ft�
hilm. It zfews jVa-,,ObZ,111q"q- tul"itt a Rkde Inriagi- ln��G_t � reply is A bad Compliment I antl it Your stotekeeper or ctrug' .&'
"mraw-r, s-68 z,lre st cr;d 4r,11*r as -1 Passes& 11"s 11 ..' �1_
e4 �Oft 'U14-�
b" I -
bit. i� y
- f-l"t VU
, ii 5 '� �-ii
�'O'hi��ta��e",���*,--�2,z-"*,,�"'�6 , - ` ` � b 6 Ill
t t- �r �i
i4d trot& For a - H.- --n. "I'l-1-1. �ha A. 6_4 �_ait
-w-1.1, Inu VABI-hi.; E -t�Ed",.-�-,�-!.--�alil�-r--�--�.-.!t-��-----tt.-i.,!-"- CtaV no A
� ,
. at�. noat,-qn lis which many persons brIng upon Meau- I gist dout kQej) thellill. write us Wad ah=;�-"�_�U-r LIS Lz��4,4wBi� �1�a--�_�tlo� zn�"_ V. L
It-mlettaot; leastwous I Ve SoOt.r t. . � 1)
�";,kvn 1!,.an .,I _,zl,��-.,A &!4*311. .!L 1"ittle Is to selves by an unpardouable IllegablINY. '&Ud we will f0r%vaktl thelli Pron't t- pb,8,L*b &U, = es t7aud Withottt WrIften C �'Oftdtftt, :
Med to you swmee I seen tLe way you �,�C, i*-_`U.y ke"q";eI�.fs antd t-vo--mg of Hre , 'It is a singular fact Mat AceMen U mgs- : 1�'V. t.very patmer U'ftd. sttwk - .- 1.11 1. . .
. L , ,,, 'W. -A.. Mair. r,u U1 - � --=yQ.1VV:Lqoveof I'll .
Ivalupped tWlt 1'ete iLawwwy thu-mp C -rd ,_,,'.., ,;�A,t 1; te n*iA. Irbe reHlsb A PI;,s , owner sh�uld have thew on hajud. L I : =.,. O.. .
sjvc-Han- etr Ill 5spranurneiatten ot! on IL- Me U-2 -11 ress % E e L, � er s, U 1 eza��I.v V i ze at 15 V eArs of I
1yelted film wftb Ods Ovu-n gz'-U. -SOme� Vje,.*i,v.-, tq��&'l tr�e= Is just 'US g6tna aq . ' I . ..7�, =g,-. ,rL4�-,dra:.--sc,�lt,.JITI-;"-tz!lllwi.tretwl��lai-,ig � '4�
leudetf`oGts olin't got to sand. hut .,peva name, generally constitates a gretitc-Z I Prepared b�, : I " =y 12�raEn.�is,%-v:q -ns, w;7s;�xuaat ticd t1eTV0t9SYfi-
.� . ' V. I .
bgve,en I'll not see you douMe If-.1not'd I 11��v�-"�!T('- " Y'r'u C5* BE " SaTry affoont �and is provoeaziive of W'D` " �The tureka Veterinary , .. .1 tem. For teld ve=.a f tir"t-4 Ez_tezol cactors. LL I
01,_.-L'f. .,;.0-3 f'.= -�q-e h4ao eanft� by Xg , oyance lban a stud -led Insullt p el,eir-4�t;;L,�t,at�dt,-it,�-ntn-c,.Iicit:i�,. saillelbeapra
U 11 .
.1 Ann . r_'e_ao-ae,mv'1. llv�-a,v*.V��_fuvin cespair, in
Oon tr I Lin laelp It. s!jS,S 1'n .d.vj. t1x5Ug7,. %(,n tl-�,�, fill"l-V Lanj. you are - Medie-ine Co . �'. - ,atit�-amc;-1- wnea a Irlead ad- 7�
, � �11 - - -
Tvxas, wbIch 1*W known as 1�-Izw�k � ,.044 1qw4ne'"AiA 1�y gir`C1V0Vq r0t,iIps�r-q of r 'fift%",�e'2'r��_,��u 9A�t rZ40'.t to %,,ive the Xikji�w�
Vv�-vit�v Mni!� -LONr-)ON ONIT.' I � .. -
SaD%itlf-nee ciml dv,spalr upon Me delvy � ut-ot,fiotly ,R*10. . L- L : I - 74teebodIrl-catniewit Of DM X.&.9.afalt , 1.
---1 ... �l.-,�..---,.-,-.,�"--..-"'-"�-L"-""-" , , .. : tiia�. Wititf,ut c,ua:�di7neP I vc-sented avd ift . , . 11 . -
-Mly. wbat's Me Ihaft,�r'i'* lwo�;e ,31 tf I'te, nn,"V�411 of Such 'Lelp. 'IS you `%Is will be down In a ni'duntel" Said 1. " - - I �, ... � . thlree Wnli t*s I v:at'a,ow;%�rul tnau. 7. Wag ,cut / . :'
" .1 - -, L , - "..., . . I � . . ' 'LL
Ilerries o _,u . ,I 4 . 0, ,�&� r .. . sevell yeav_. _-V&--a.-.v inarried atud happy. , ,
n Bl.:(�k- Nvaxfs lk-w-fin., e 'wotq'i -,-,u-f4Y hc' if Y(pu Wera M; I'M" - her little bmther. . . r PW 11 *cted
ilm he turned and reganled (40st?Lv thO iitn5ve as a jv,,0_ And in 1!ke Mqnner, 111*1*1 so glad." replied Mr. De Trop. .. 1.4 L-eartily rt?,amwel4d Drz.. X.,�Z X. to tay:iW. Aft�f.!�If:e
i 49 1*7�_ - WGfeiprelflIAL-11t f6i4W -ea."
tall, athletic V.-gure f�r the 111'an bes"de WhOt You Urt- 10 !F�e lh.ck tX PrOSperl- --$;Ile wacsqft at home the last time I � . I 11
. ! - F - - . Aalwe tMfain'l ctif" Vlrlcooel�N ru*-.k,LCm�,,NcrV0US D$billt�,,j setainAl welkaftii�
him. ty. Invirr Its genfle, ill(VefOUS '-`6M9est called." I . - 11 � . GjkAt, strietalre, SvpIi1IL:_ 17anatural Oi,cllarges, SsU Abuse, Xidnev and Bladd-tor
I - -
The Telan jerkf-d his thunl,5 over IMS arig, you arc, uble to look nbead. f,tir'-see -Orb, y�es sbe was, but wouldn't come � . I .. �% I", Mt*sts, and all dLeJik'-S 01 V -ea a3d N'I'clu�"`
v�jvoroldet, in the d�vreel-x)n of the har- . ._.. .. .1 jl� *0 N,AN 1
, .jr
.S T,I.qtn 'WI-nij--111 t 1'rol
Vit' 511ev-t-114c ',;r,'-I-'IT'9 Which ib -1-11 fOl- ,down." m. _,,,N ',
roolli. -In thar." ben'd In A TOW t0il% , V; , r, fine weatber and 10 . wedicirlascritc.0.11. \'onalli�.;�;nt.i!L!�-z.reuvelop�-- ZverythingcojiEZ'Uta
. __
w 'neh .1 q)oll 0 Ilow do you know shell,come down : , � 1221"',
-.eerft vow�ibiu--,nuD��i-��y�,i�,3,L.5-c-,!,I- r . r� . Questioa Asttaxld,,Co.�A of t.-CattIlE."A. 1111ZLe.
-:1 h .4v J1,A-;N`ft4 �Ur thelff. In Vl('t. 41 Mr- Miss time therv';` . . & - r. ." -Re",:
r �T I winedy Kaoraanif i"', P
:-i- � L' 1`0
eneff'�-- L. .e ...... �,,unt cf Dinagn'nation Is like bal- '"Cause I told Tier you was anothef I . I . ,�, , I Blot lKle - brtkbit, 141140"
Ilebloult6t,.", T. -St to -1 s'Mly. Wht'Vea'.," 100 1011ch 'lets fellow." L I I . , I - � . I I.- M' 'L ........
: 1� . �.__ �. ... .. .. V ,
, g .;
"That's it, pgw_ yolfte 'ealled t1le - V`e a slorin w-liv thes,amet,hip. enteli- . 11 . 0 �� 41,,,����
� j-�,,-.
, � _ , 'L
. 4 , * 4 ,
. - ... I
it' h,�: n xv,_l .-ill ,,��.,4,38 set. -All the yvat � The jaiNt-11**t 1,;*A*. t L _ .- -
deal. It's Jest about th3t ""re I' -'e - , :
�,rmxser WA, eld von -111i't Il't' fl`if� I'" I1.0und. � The earilest Luown lens Isor-e Made � .. *.. - ------'-'----L . .. ............ * ... L ... . ...... ....... .. -,---
I* t1le lalt.,4t. I ree,ton. th. , .11 - ... 1-1- .. .... . ..... �!� _ _ . t ,!*L_, r _ _ .! I ' "'
you Won% 311 S. - . I of rock crystat ulleartiled by I,ayard at . . � -, ----,-.- _ - __ _____ __ L - . , ...
. __________ , I -
got Ivis hide bored liong of ber:' rt,rri,m Piave%. nvocv. � .xinev,oli. This lens, the age of wIllell � ;� � I- , i , , I I jpw,ft , ,
. : ; - 'Ill � k I
. 1? . Z * ,,,
"'Whalca vp, Illo0l, .Uioi-t 1Z*3 yi,ar.; ago small einbrold! is to be uleasured by tholismids 'or I , - .31 1
-inneil vit drilft ored rug,� %VvIv Targely 11lade in ller- ;L i I
1�[j�pjy yonr ,I�ye S s!. T,. I'VL1 warn- ,:!,I, chicey at Ispalinu. These, were: 'VeIrs, now He$ lit the British 11111seully i WE - W.S ..
go, nigh old 11amo.11' till -le with its surface its bright aq Wbou it I It t E NEAV E,DITIOTi JUST XSSUED
� 1.14a. I L -
(�d yoTI. *b,a long. pard_" I ror.iyer rn.gs. ard oil each of them near � left the maker's hands. Illy the side Of � .11, � DMICII " X? I
-, -1 I ; L
And I'llack Waxy 1011119c'(1 9way Info ft" ('11cl w.1 ' - swall eoribroldered niark ! It q very recent specimens of lensv - , , .
I L rQ ! , . I , -
- , , _5,L000 NEW WORDS
. and mist. to --how where tbe bit of sacred. earth Xmv AdW 2 . , pjjt2t�o, EtZ.
Me ratherillix ,loom � which bave beeir ruined by exposure . � T REST is belat displayta in t1le
� 10, to Londonos fogs and smoke. !ss Oowders and i . RicIl. Wndingt, 44 2.364 Page,s ,4 5000 111=5tredions
-1101(l on!" cried Ilereies. 1`111MAng front Mecca was to be placed. i
use M tmakele I
i.ffer 1.11m. 'IT -ell me At least who ill; oliNlicnee to it law of the Koran, that I I jackettd ila'11ttS inufaccaloore rifts. j L
. t Prepared utidertbe xisnervision of W. T. Harrii, Ph.D.. LL.D., United States
onemy Is:, Ile bowed to tlie� gromid Ite. ) A 45 tall'bre bullet weit'hing 500 Com.mi!g.,�iorlcrof*Educat4oq,Q.is�istedbyalargtcorpsofcdt.npetentspe�ialititsr.
the head must , Illit'Prerefr6n tivei it 0*41 1* lirce kaine thitt ihe i
I;jack W,axy turned, Atid scanned tloe� in prITYCr, till$ U'-ls touched by the' "Would you rather have something 1 f, All Urtil tat, 1k,6t always lie dooltzided on 3N'STTF_r%, TTIAN MVn, & For.- - GXNF_1KAL USF_
. , Ir N qvo �Madol islit Itevaters, lipa __ L - ' ' - I .. - � I _-1__-__._1-__-_
. , - neer olo, u the twill --lit. fLj,i,eljc-.jcj wben the prostration 'was ; else thau ft piece of pieV1 asked the I - e 9 P, t �, -11 1-:a Web stcr'�� Callegi a -c DZ.ctjon ary Nvith Sootfit'li Gylouary, ttc.
youneii�l st4Y' I Sixickelas Stoor, Uddii. F6r A
e� gj-164ift U116ftnikill6d 6*610 I .
61f, from. T)euver- be jeeked out matle, and s -a the letter of the 7aw Nvas 1 kind neigbbor of little Freddlo, who 11 r. it, t # I 0 k� I � ,
te-- 414A rbie,$ hWi0s. . I ,� " . " 11 11r.r v'.,iA in qualitv, seconi Oa!s in slzr_
� 41,611 strodo rapidlyoff- I (arried olit. The custom still prevails. 1 bad run An ,errand for her. - _.i� ="--- I L .. 11 -
I "I'll" -_
. I : �
� U,�rtlp.g w.qq, a brave niall, but Ili, The 1-1,crsian Nvoinen who weave the I "Tes� malano 11 said r, reddle prompt- . 'tkk IMAitUN i0ift AIWS� d6i, � I L. . � ...., - I - i g : 1�11 , 11 �
. .11'' f -st prttyer rugs seldono -weave "y � 1�,. ,,I witiod ' eees-,'-, 114 I . �. , I �
MW lo[Aftlil, 66M ' . . , . W I
life(] at the moution Alf fli Im , ruther have two ple0ell" I -1 . ;:� . I
bload t'll I � .-..,-.,.."-".�..�-�.---"-"..�,-".-......�l�-..11.1. .-111 ....... - ... 111�1 L , lu
I iif,luie� It was thesynonywof all that � other kind of rug. _ _ Witti-1fourbAL L. ... L' _ _ __ . IL I
_ _ _ - - . ,, , Ohio I
� . . � . I I - -
. I L. I L - - I-- 11-- - ... I .... ..... ...... �",-.�.---,-,�-1-��-��.----.-.."-.��,-�'L, ------r ...... ___.___ ......... ... .. -__._._......___.1 ... __ ...... _--11._1_1--______ ... ,�,�,��.I..,-"-'�-L'�---""�.-,,,.'-� .. .. L -L _.,. . . .......... � .. ... � .... ' - . I I
W-OMAMININNIM-lift �� ...... -111.1 " LL