HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-15, Page 4T�48. ZUt4jCH HERALD I T T' 1170TES P BOX THE, PAN-AMER- AYrqhires and Shorlj��rns' mostly J'E .Ou, were b g Clubbing rates R HER�JA- L 1 10AN XODEL DAIRY, t into the proviuA,,,,.but I 4 ought by wealthy Eng, N ► Choy were near montreal. anti THEK I The is now practically INGY EVERY THUMDAY VBWENG,lover 0111oiukh the cows will iiotIQu�lb(,.'c,,Nvherethen are still to be p -Wb have made arriiM.-Olnents 4 They fol but lit off(.)r the following low clubbing 4 lonvornitil Nov, lat. The work of I found. tie favor to with the French inhabitants in the rat -es with Tau HIOR&LD.* ri tlio n(�xt- nille da-ys will. not change Ta BE QUEEN anci T E R �) .1 S 0P SUB 'S(j R, I P, r i i � o () 1, o, tilt, relativo standing ot the differ- poorer region an(L in the remote I I �aily Globe 4.00 4. year paid strictly ill tolvalwo. Whol I 1w ent broo(ls, ktald -),Ve C."al non, -with paxts, along tile Laurentian and the, Mail & Ninpire 4. 1.). 5 puler is not• ora�Ire(j to 1)j� vertainty, pretliot the'N'vinners lit lower Parts of the St. Lawrence, fo ato THE DUCHESS. I ecliziy Globe 1.0 4 IVill I)e sent until stivIl order. hk givolL till oxcopt the class ill whic., both north and south as they were .11 Empire., 1. 7r) 4 a tliL " Mail & li woight i,4 to be added.' The ttle cows %1 (Gerillan) 2-5 4 andarrearagespaUl. si.iniot-Ow vii ti rgetl gain, i, 'loth to cross their hardy 11 0 OF DEVONSHIRE. wlicat not paid in -ger breeds fearin- with rliner Journt u 4 vows ivere weiglied on five consecu- wi'ih 1�, lai tivo llays tit the beginniti of the good reason that they could not Flintily Herald & Star 1.75 ► 14 t advettiselilents, 5 Q('ut. per Brvvivr 1, 4 1,111, test atia tlivy tire. to be -weighed w sufficient feed to keel) the A ReI'a r for first insertrall autl 3 (q,jt�4 iler lille tor 1, gro rkable Offer. 8•.1-01 1­1,14equeut insertion. Situill I A IVO Tilli(S it the end. All, 01, i larger anfinals alive, to say nothing 0 •4 such as"Lost" 11TI'stray"Or­Stolen wi.1 �iearlv all.the cows, mill show gain i of profit, during the •seven ni(mMs S h e r w i n I-Tere is the best ofrer ever made in this communit I 16 ehargea it) cents first jjj.qj?qjoll allil ,�- T. By a very excellent ar-. 4 _ 3. in waight and the larger breeds of the winter, Thus they have rangement made with thn Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are w. h cents for each subsequent insertion. will show some lintidreds; of pounds been kept distinct for over 2DO Wit Hams enabled to offer Ti -in ZURICH 131PRALD and that great Family Paper, the 4' Family Herald 4 and NVeekly Star for one year for the small sum of $1.75'and ia. 4 it years and in -and -in breedin has A elude to each subscriber three beauWul premium pictures of which the follow'. 4 Copy ior change of ailvertiselijelit nill,t more flesh than -when the test cot -n- 9 ba handed in not later than Tut.�stl ny iiiiaiit inenced, v. hioli speaks well for the been resorted to to fix in a sure ing is a brief description. 4 4 OP each week to jilsul-e %,litillov 2n ioilow- (,Rrt, bestowed upon thein. None: manner, the characteristiog of tho KING ED-%jrARD VIT,-Trae to life, a beautiful portrait, size 18 x 4 X ing issue, of the herd,,nion liti-ve, pseapad hav-1breed. Thus they have lnuch the Ot inches, on beautiful heavy satin finished paper for framing'. This portrait 4 3111 Local notices in ordinivr�r readbi t It ng- one or snore j., ilas been taken since hi. accession to the throne, and is the very fatest and best 4 9 trite j(,,jr but. it is I appearance of the Brittany cattle It cannot be had except through the FAMILY HrCRALD AND 4 5 cents per line. 'xotievs, for oillireh t -n- cgrratif- ying to those in charge that Of today. It inity be noted here ► obt4tinable. 4 co vs have died du 6�trAll�each Ile" re bears the King's autograph. This picture has tile 4 tertainments, or otht-r benpvolinit iristitit- none of the c ri.�" that the French Canadian, the Jet Sole A.-ent �-Vmr�"tl'nTeyr of -st. taken after the Kin -'s accession, and has tberefore 4 tion tat special rutks. -Ifineiiieni' I qev, dlzernsev, Kerry and Britanny tin lilgr,al 1. 1 ing t i �tllelr ,;;ix 3nontb,; col Greb e tlitl,�t , can possess. 4L 9 f or Zurich other picture ess. 0 4 Contraots for (.011111111, llalr-�,cht­1l "I'll � During the hot weather They lia(i i cattle are all supposed to cone 4 andifroiii the sante origin, and the, QUEEN ALEXA' NDRA.-An exquisitely beautiful picture of the renjai-k- 4 will be oheerfully to Ito -Very closely watcheti, 1! Brittany is usually allowed to be; lo ably beautiful and good Queeit, Alexandra, also taken since tile King's accossion 4 given. AlA�Idr,�ss all ;k experienced herdsmen wonl( lo to the throne. It is the.4111TICSIZO as that Of the forming a hand- 4 vollimililication-, to ..TH E.. e King, the two I the. older stock,the different breeds some pair of picture.,; that alone would sell for many times the subscription price 4 losses by in- 1 th un(loubtoffly 1,ttve had f paper and pictaires. 4 'ZI-1.9 'jullivious teeffing. 1 being niodified by climate, care and 'Il. Al 01 No portrait of the Ring and Consort taken at the second or succeeding sit- 4 ,teristics, Commercial Hotel 0 p 4 ICE it i I inly to be, seen, by theliperhaps individual charac 0 tinxs can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history. 4 F. ZELLER ED1,ron, Zri,-.oii, I-1.0. l..' 1) a , bred frim, until they tap' unnilhor of (litestion,; that tire asked 1 of anitilials ru f vary from tile. 500 pound Kerry to I HENSALL, ► ONT. 0 THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSWRE.-The Renowned Gainsborough Pit.— 4 ttliout tit(. ­totai solids" prize thitt 0 ture. Sold at auction sale in London twenty-five years ago for Xiq,Sjj, I an . the G 1 stolen by clever thievesf hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to its j Of FRTDAY, 'NOTEIMWIII 1,-i, �11V 111"t-joritv of poople llaye. & very 4tiernsey alinost as large as the illtl,.�tillvt idva (if the real 111ptinin't, 48horthorn. The three quitlities i owner oil payment of ;0&WU reward and since Sold to Ur. J. Pierpont Alorgan for 4 oil; - This popular hotel has been 0 S73,M) pol - ----- Or �"JLL t(�rljl ijuil I -,Vill briefIN- re'• eitkimeafor the French Canadians I This, in brief, is th(p higtni-Y of one of the premium pictures. which, by it 4 The f are hardiness, easy keoping qumli-! thoroughly renovated and refitted, 'o clever stroke of enterpillse, the iiublishers of tile Fainily1ferald halve for 4 fj livi; that Calltit(Itt Woll IWO' 'What I have -written before. C, 4 ma .".21k i, colli posed of -%vater, f nt,, ties and richness of inilk. As they, their subscribers. Theipicture. is. _1-2x:!i in ton colours, and is reproduced time For 4 tel in . iwizo.4 for vattle lit T110 are, sniall.the cows averaging about and will be found up-to-date in line colour for colour -.flth the original. Copies of the reproduction are nowtialki 4 albunion, kuytr and lLsh,,► ericall and the Ujlit%�%t " C, fro it. 1�1 tilt gr ill :�ew York City, Montreal and Toronto for, $12 each, and this is the PiCtIll-d 4' }tate ., (1111y. A 00 pound.,; each they do ��t icquire every respect'. F!ttitilly Herald subscribers are going to &;LL absolutely free together with uw 11 Olkii $5,364, ought to I)v o1w itf tilt, '­�st to jjl-.Aj�v it tj volliplete food atntl all large amounti of food. In form,' 4 twt Every attention paid to the l. picture.- of the King and oueen. 4 advertisentient., rlii:.; voitnlry 'nas tilt- int-n-vilient-A are valliable when I they tire ;otinetldn- like the Jersey. it 0 is that not. big value Call at TIrr, HFn&Li) Office and see samples slot 4 in color principally dark brown or 1 traveling public. 0 of Owse beautiful piccures. 4 At had for a long whilo (iiv the wholo lililk is voll"Llilled. In 1 0 1, want that 011 1.111, , You want Tim ZV-1t[CII IINRALT) for tile local news, and -*-oil 4 Ile 111alzing hitter we practictil1v take blavk with brown stripes on "tile great Paper, the FW101V Herald, for its 21, page'; Of gelleral usla rallilly 4 play and a "air tiehl, f llotllili_�_ 11t c)r the IlilL- but jile fat biitelc and around the lit zle or reading. Its agrieultu�At pa ;es Mona are worth illany times Elie sulmirintion 4 to It the the habit of dowllimz litt*1 v,0711. in nittking, clivese. the casein brown with black points, brindle, I VVY price. ro - .1 VY • R. TIODGINS to Bring or send your subscription to 4etta 1 patitars. Tit!-, i., a -�iuntry Aif 0 Will fait tire tilt- pritiviltial in -edients Or oven yellow. " orlativois, lit ken. Tho other ingredients are I I a�l PROPRIETOR. T H E HERALD OFFICE:. y, logit in the butter- t A REMARKABLE STORY. 4 ail, prat-livall -.1dw-inill, or whey,far a as .4► 4 the ('Oninith-,shiner till hnnittin vyiuqvnption is eoncerned., A Discovery of an Almost Certain!, Iia a Ili- sk- trallk-'where the wilk is Cure for Rheltmatixtu. and Kindred!f C I . the export trailo in poriz. N -,-In :ideat1jillittill e(insulliption tile' Diseases. + 11duls,from Oalmda ha., ,rt,wn xr�,io ilo.rl.t.1-Lit-nts arto till valuable and Ainongst the greatest discoveries 4 Graduate Optician, vokh, v. are tilt- -Ilils ill the Milk, of the age for the relief of huniall, • 050 for s The Original Herb Oompound Iv.,11, "luny vities tilt, law (,kill. sufferin%, verhops cone take so' HENSALL. C' -r lit ill, etintithum-, it vertain anti- high aplace as -Dr. Clarke's .6ittle, t111111 04f Thest, solids aroRvd PiM The formula frow : Modt was the, I whole of it, 11.1, r"11114 III Tiri,rmillotl ill 11a -1 Dairy by, whi0i theso pills are inade A Lit Oreat Britain. ill vilar-­k. $if tlkv tit­-tilig. 6-' result of mittnsr years stutty anti SPEOTAGLES AKO EYEGUSSES T11 E; 6REAT 111 ".111tIB11111t 11011il flivy are eredited to, emIx-rinient. Ii 1.4'Lith tile greatest 14 ." -t,, tett- vim� itt ti ets. per lip. The I vii)II11dence, therefolv. that the pro- Pitted on &-ientille Prineip es. T114 atlitut htsnv-.-� had ?wmt 1 olo 0V I !, ..Ivy Inill't-l-saro the most protit- prietot % pliteo tbeip pills on tile z 'Wily t_� .1 rille. ,it tilt, -total solid,4' I ',,.,BLOOD PURIFIER from ' Montrea), v* 8 bitti t� nark -et., and so sittistled are tbay f t tilt,, agent wil -ill*. art, away that that' \vill prove a blesishlg to� A. or t�ai>. plul tilt- llkplsh solve. ,ahowl fa r tbi,-, prive and it is very suffering hunianity,that they make woth� --Innhir 'n4 KidnA-v and Liver Rmulator. 1pl., Oust thou will also, Astin the following To any one �, jewei ry, voice Deet-1111iter. 'Nol• tht° j.nzo f -or --votal solids phI% thik whio us it subje, t of rhennittitisin (no at Ne Wouhl Xit f%14qll lldl n"wvl. gjj lav-. wei,,­ht valitteilat 3 ets. )ljlattt'r htnv lungtauding) or auya Watches and in 'tilt $11 t-1111101• S: 0. 4-NIN-1.1 N= 1% -112. 1 a"l . bloild diseasp, us enumpratted below In.- 4 st this Jean -v Ticet(Mossy and will givo Dr. Clarke's Avonder- t0ttk it 1 -hill yesti%raifty,fol- fall Little Red Pills. aa, 'fair and int. Clocks %1 Ill. a lift0k fevor« whii-11 iii; xtrtial triol and do not flud, it per. 0 U R NATIVE HERBS Pra %7% hig to It. a drawllaek to that flec�t eUre.,%Vi_- \Vill refIlIld the jjlon*VT st)evila attention, paid to Visited St. 4414 lltl­ 411,01o. qo� tovq,.%1 in the final week. They haVO jutul for -tile pills. If no substan. - wx r to-eal E�074-11 4144iIII-0 wt -11 for %I'veral wepks 0111 all 'kinds of Relutiring. 1; 200 Days ' eatment for $1. Lako 11111"oll, 'aWa niprovetnout is tibsprve4l, Ave i� study. Mar eXpelliliturl-44 talo WN 2,11 tiJ?1h,41 ,)I* the %Vvq.k. onding. 041. 1211 -Ind. w1% in addition, vitt' $10, in rash .)our 41'r 41%lek J-"o�o)h :10 �,I, 1411g -V coot a%vilv fr4litt the nolsteins (oil s,itistaeforr evid6ee behim stio. 11 t" -'"onenian, IftuAnel a harb,4r as irig .4 lewl tit 53 ets; allid tlll'V WON" Iffit'la 119 1(1 'ilii Offilet. 1 0. SO T11 1 11 0 R E A T R'S 11 KNOWN, AW in qttlire-4 %t4h. Va'Awl- .411 N04t4lv tilt RENSALL, ONT. Itke It tbioul aftul the Oltolll%oVs. vase whero these, woliderful Iffils eXilentfitures I-J),�-1 'NATOVE OIL ===PADN REMEDY----� -ir distai�ra IKA- NV. q.- ha yet to knoxv of ti. 4imi'lis be' have not Well talmait entireIr sue. dtnw.o 11141I10V th1`44VVt4 Hoot M.""V keld t 4 11" work, 0 X - Nevit, ilig Ifit. JmNi'v, werP that Olt alltt'Uiftt re,44ful in uftPVtin1* It eerie. A -A t PREPARED EXCLUSIVtLY BY or a1. - requirea ther. Is"v vv*q-til t Oit#- Ottemseys and Jerseys G -mo. TROTT S11-1 pro I 1)bal4fitv 0, itt ­Vt�r .4 t!"n, q.1 ­A woulitl ave wen fj"s ont. -ftna �(Jprsoy� lov ftweriu ` TIE ALONZO 0. BLIS2`51V CO1* Wit beth Inosllo,v -IgINWO� ri 0-1!� 14he fin-& tw,1 wo-vkq of tho COUNTYNjEws. Photoiwrapher, 0 JELLY by NO Without votIttindiliz tE,j!" 04110. Un'd the skill of the Ztweh. but who hwq 11i en eariying W: a hardwitte store in (!rediton for HENSALL* q M ZZ auv '�V"TAIMWI B11.119 UPPID IWIt too the le4t On T' ­U, -LE:Voe ?atvVftq to ;-edit a 4,11011ple of year�-4. i% rown"Ving to of ihp Dittirkabl. 141ph, hewill confluitie in k;ix� () it ture hi Till 1NO BUT THE A VALVA13LE, REMBODY, 111011 ALL 8-RIN" b1sq. nv�.-t DWAftattol Sob N nen ",.ov that thit tossons thp harilware hasines's. V I N `bS, T ftaft,3 wt 114t titie nitsn--� 4 llyde White, of Windsor. a WoRX TV ED: BASES, BURN -$1 SCALDS, RTC. to Jonn c ft Yoe ttv-,.m DID thp Nit White. or-Tff� &VP REASON'ABLF- jj%-,1B t11V 04 fulture hattilling of grand xotl of the Into 101 . L� 0, V ij , "' � - '_[ I I -, 'Out wefail to mall.t. ­_tt� 4". "Ary V, o'cv-. of eter. wiro; au-drdea it l)r4Tv,,e � ­', 4 FIX bt. wasite maL&.� woful 7%elfle wc� a FaNOW! IrV* ift titlill-L Illefill joy the the PURVIS. 00, l�Cr�O th all the firee,41% but Humane Assaelatirift for re.;eaft f Agent for Huron County i J U R ZURIC, 14 'P. 0. 4111red 1 1.4 about tillve that D M A hipreami of fat. frow drowidtig figir perikolisjullned 1iti11F rya' a halt and The loo -4 fe,r *,DL(, 171"4 tit o• f the breed% te,.4teil Murray. at Gratitt tend, F am 1-Y Iluam the joreviflus week, Ruron, on August nth last,, abd Tiliat. if tlli-� Idnd �'T %V,ul & _� - - jji rap, N* fivillonving !,.; thr, stautUr(I (of Mathew'parki Toronto tinued. %Vc� vo, uson del ftollut, e- A Group-si that tit vil barlyarsom -v, heti b V,i �&Td, f,,vr the iveol. ending awartlett the association's paivh- rlb!K N, dollar.za were spent arifl fltev- m 4. ;n I VT -t. 111plattestifflonial for rc-,Useitatibg� the toilEAther Sturtay -,Vor.f�,e shalve tomkiiy Cluull ten after she bttll lvell 'FIV Ivor te il 11 V takeft from the %v at -i° by i A Spec _ILL, ago. ujid ileo Ivot te , =' ;L Mr. , Peadt t-.- 4� White. V.0,9 bvgin to pa v a Of&t, v. Z�fw .n A4 - 4- PrIllet on theintoie.T fov;ilishltv n,'r Mr. D. cameloft leaves today for bteatl joraefleal Tht. . . TT mattitolm abd twill b�e followed i few &N -8 16V a 0.0itsidtiftleftit eob-sist- y0a it Pollstituenq-1 _,V.& * A , "Ur" uhf erills tt lakes 0 'r get a areat olpal, tn�,�t tlimn tonq of alliple britt -e 14P-NSALL. bo sapp , ill 7" all live hundreit sealof,; of pjidtus� their -Iha tf _19 �99S eatty j -0 W, ;w� Z apple butter -wit-, inside by U ............. ...... ... ....... .... ........ . .... itta of iw�i�e P *S V�Otl_ � - RT AN practl that be."-11IT'sSels lyo,,t. 9-J. Alidtows. which is it guntantee, r-'eVe We wo-A111 Mw to Z that it Ims been well inade, aua isl belhgshippell in jaiLg, iWhIle the.) & slow", t 11 Veal, the Po_,t regardantr its Que U. go* ZZ male were done tip by Mr. Col."hath Ci, tone his Orebard. The fkaii L%L ffoal* from the suiplu stoek f tk,e apt jQ1- tfewKrg 7 ZI ing ou our lake.4 ei­ a �:. 1; L iqln eaeh Doctor, ease o. . and gill 'iei norethan their shiza-e u1°. v,, t L1, :1e, the ileal jualates of thoi �fAftitobafts_,Clintov YC prowe ill. ,r�, tb, at lx..*' if 'fit -t W511 New.q Record. bj Ecite I but re -fleet vw one . ..... 4 0 ao • Vvek boel See that S*nfl, Mm"in. Out. tion al AIM a :0 -1 a - this Western part hu�-, N. -til vv-ry z; " -3'tr 781 bull;& -7 fence 'on little goverill-IlerAt lnfl'w'y It, ........ ... yon ate it for t-%'Velity-five We . .. ....... lti� not adv(K-atin- a lar�pe ex" H Use pewl;tal .. * �t 'm 7. ZL Z,'f a- -1 '-V I Farm, c y, Village� Bubutbrn, treab it e I'lloney for a Olw -k- at --t. .;o,�eph. ate'S 83rrUp of LjjjAetd i'l-ad'Gittlen, Property, Sold, Bought thouth- PjL 1c; IM FIZENI 111 (1ANNADIAN COWS. Pr"'Ot relief for cough* And cold* 'and lgxchangea- 1, =11011 municationisneildt-d in thl­ Dverybody h",cordidence lit Dr. Chk;z voll�a -. t '�w S4 -e this� test eommeneed on In his treat recipe book and famous 1, -,4onev Loaned on First: and Second dental dc of the volintry alul ffvnr-;t-J "Aw- : t. ll -1•r• have been a _-rej, farnfly remedlog. They ha iexirhea,bl Real Esftte, Notes and ritizens had ago tate4l fl"r .1, j.nqu;,':P�4 about the It lifts tilt Dr. Chawe's SYruttr Of Llw§eed -itild I 'Other swu±ities- .,Or the it 9 fe6t in g. and Zurieh, we lionostl,,- lwq�evjx ;gromi-il interest in all *arlou:k un*cIetalffe --mix-uw, wh-jej, V.&tnls ]Elou8es and Business Pro Ufteeirtilwaylky NV.ZV qX ('anailian ecow,,, their work havin turpentine Insitoad of Acceptint the Or M IF on Ito some rugs fust -as good d, , rleiii otteir a* -- that -the jw)wers that lw­ woul4l P 11'" Dr. chates sy.rup of vinteiA 4L erty Ptenwl aud Rents Collected; t N10=1 Tot -­rlit- Freneh �,�ttler.4 who firs t, - It Is gftnt the iieves-,ary hind, anl .1 f, ' TuiOntinecontallif"m Y' lot the yh6*t 1E )on Aeasonable Tettlas. tinaila were. hative's of: *ajulibittua yn6*t offtdtf" t-eftleahtl V1. Islip for AfOlt *nd lunk trouble§ M20116Y Invested for Pfivate - quite properly sty- The expen,e il' 11, ata raid Notillandy, France. � tittritl% for 't' Iftai- 16,)LO, that mcfenee but ditcoytred. it acto vl dualis OA Fir, r &LY, ea st MO tcr e on R 1� *AWfVu-At b'f biLa 1�kijiilj thjLf!k+ .lot building a doek anil, inaintWining- it Tint- firs' vaftk- ill Quebec, ill so directly and PrOmPtlY kill tq� be of *btfieftefif. 'they b"iShLpaiii and prplontlift oh.jit-i Avo!d 0 1&tf. N'Ott 110d ward oy,th" harbor is altogether ont tif propor- ,Pr flivrea lit int--. were bron.ght, no Incalculable worth In all cksei of croup, Estate, lenahf. fnrm the -,;el two disfricts," bronciatisr �&nd whoop n tot vlllde tiolt, to'the ggood it Wfo-1141 t4f tl-w I fr cough. It It PANS 10 fors , I 1 0 Vdrt. Ten SaVAI'les an bht No Naportations of other breeds' *6 fir-reaeblAt In Its *ffeetli; at to . . ............ V UX mailed g0*6y addre'soi for fi*' tllveen t1if a general coninlunity. -th ing tire reported in 1009#ft the t1slite-t cheolt ebugh avid alrdZd 10 %Ile Street CA ski INC r until i -curo the eold 'of long sta.,ndint. 25C!. flwlhi.�torr of the. province bottle ; ftmilY isize, three uniet TELEPHONE '690, t,F abo- Between 17:74 sold" -WvA, 0c. at *it dealers' or kd A. W. CHAS'ES at IN00 H CURE.. *oil, batet Co., 1kotonto' of English -cattle 25P few herd. Zi �E 'R 0 L 9s set's d;rert to a ! r P EN, part,- by tbf, IrripmVeq? Birm-ex. Do 4't-xa vaint & Didlv- paper and, E-!!, _ ; -, L v -ionle picture of the Dino" fop . ..... . ..... ... ........ an(b ttg _ 0 Lint d tbroat alvl Mri•. , I y Vtse (,'all at our office and -w a I Catarri, ar.d 1evf.-"f% t5j,j,,!, P L will show you the, picture And *Ar I free, A a,_ nd 8"i Min n- e� Ji raid, .0 `�. 4allipler copy Of the 'paper, Tar , =111ZCf L i1jeff, et Your ri r trom. T`