HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-08, Page 7Home, sweet hone; with delicious( itionsoort on tlee table anel a few friends to enjoy it, there is no place like houte. 4olasur 9 Th Co hi f Gm A Pretty Irish Romance. •••••••••••••• •4. 4- 4- 4. 4. 4. 4.,44 -3 -44•444.•444.94 -4.44.4401-1.94- "Indeed ?" Gillian says, mechani- And I must die for want of one bold eally, a cold, slow weight beginning I wd ori." beg. your partion for doubting your word." And the little head, with Its silken, softeeerliog locks of ',bonny brown hair," oinks back meekly against Ids broad, solid ehoulder, that feels her leaning weight no more than that od a eapling. "1 don't know," George says, im- pe tient ly and despairingly. " Any one may well doubt my vrord dnel honor after this Wore no right to care for you, not to speak of having ;forgotten myself enough to tell you soe " Why ?" she wbispers; and the uninjured sat arm, lo its white sleeve, creeps tbnidly around the big mas- culine shoulders, and essays to em- brace him. "Why ?" Georg's repeats, almet et angrily. :T:L eouse it Is a diem/16a able thing of CLIty: innto speak of Ne love to a girl without speaking of marriage to.her ; and how can speak of marriage to you ?" There Is no answer to this qnery, only the white fingers on th r he e vel- veteen coat-collacreep a little fur- ther, and tfair, drooping face hides,itself in pressing' a little closer to Km. "There is no equality of station or position between us; you are rich and I am poor ; the thing Iles in a nntsbell ; ono in the world would tell you so!" George says, excitedly and angrily, spurring himself on to to settle down on her heart and And one fair, soft little hand -the be harshlv decisive In his dealings , dainty little hand with the ring of with her, lest her gentleness, and pulses. I splendid pearls--Eteals oat striftiy tenderness, awl Sweet humility, ut- e Yes," he says again, in the Name i from amonost the warm white terly conquer him, and his pride, and dubious way, ape speaking rather ' bbawle and eleep Geerge's big, musette self-csteem, and self -dependence. huskily. " It is a thing I have been I lar, sunberned hand with a p si ag --un- "You a.re a very young girl, little trying for, and hoping for, for a long I at "eMgursatspy.an go ?" she whispers, quite more than a child, seventeen or so, time, a very long time. 1 tola Mr. I sempose--" hoarsely, la her agony' of shame a ud Darner about it some. time ago, and, "1 an t I i in i aver nine een- am n 7 I fear at her own. desperate leedneat. thougb he doesn't like the ilea of my 1 aving him at alltill hulAnIr And Ge:-gea e to nrer to her, tweetieth year I" Gillian exclaims,. stand la my- tray, be sail, for a nue , arel drawing her eioh ser to blue w's- hotly. 4 le, se wod net merit," , pore back, his own face White as bt rs lieSial"Inlilitttlineart%°tb'irftikvideawy.eolts beyond I 'Men you are thinking of tin hie own emotiene ear- i "Well, nineteen or twenty," be won't if you tell me to silly :" ing M. Damer's agency for el some- I , continues, sternly, unaltered even by thing better ?" Gillian inquires, I 1 be grasp of the little wit . Ito laind this tremenaous announcement. with just the correct anraint of tightens on the strong brown one as „You are a yoeng girl, underage, ladylike interest and sympathy in : she rises to her feet. absent from yoer fathe'r's house awd her- voice, whilst her very heart i ' Yes, I 00. Eo stay! Oh, do stay V' protection, visiting with people to seems to be tearing in twain with Rho nertters, threugh burning blushes, whom he has wattled you for a few ten .anguleh of suspense. ; and eyeR blindee with great. bright , "Yes," George says, TW•alcing tear., awl then, somehoW, tha/mathshis only child, the heirees e little of all his wealth, and --I have neither frankly In reply to that cool. ludy- , white band and the ring of milky family, fortune, position Dor proe- like question; ee haw studyq mai.; penile Is reutel George's big. museu- peas! What do you think your eralogy a,Ild 110t1.007.7 for vt/art::: lar neck, aml George's arms aliP seems to eome Tint nrally IA/ mo. prPSSK1 t'l LL I. Yoe know," he Fnys, hurriedly. with (11.1.PTE.R. XIX. n. careless laugh. "and 1 Wm/ writ- • .... ten a few papere on variouR sub- ' ete was gt.ing away from Iter-for- jecte for the soeiety-the Genlogl- ever, perehanee. Ah, that miserable cal. I am a member, and I think I - "was!" 11 7 is going to stay near her, have .n. good chanee now, through Deskie her all th t days of their lives, one or the reembero a friond or edi. blissful present and future 1 to mine who is getting men. •tosostlier °I'm. etantilng by the whitlow In the for what they eall an Indus:trial ess • 14'•Et, autumn gloaming, as fair a tee- pee:Rion nut to Manitoba and teki.: . titre an the tezeler twilight ever saw. ornate to report on the land in Ite! ar, , He. tall tine streng anti fair' as a sexton, aspeet a you know, timer_ . 7 &ging: ON slender, fragile, dark- ti:tfrtel, Ilterk-e, tint1,1 tuvl loeIng. nlopaeal, nlerleultural. :tad to forth." . greeting' LI til i [strength In her Oen- ei umb,r,Htfu.. tinlym ,,,,,,,,.: teal weakness., teeeting, to hie boner father W01114 7:1117 44) 111C, LIDA Nity 11C. it quite a stutiv whys, 110;3,3 nrontri her, and hie face s eervediv. Miss Deene, if he knew 'had dartel to beet on hle tineghter as• sweetheart and mt. future wife?" Sib. did not speak f tr rt. minute. lier heart 16 filled with Vie [alto of those words, "My [sweetheart and iny future %vire," am) the tender little roul thanking h aven In Woorall.t:S gratitude for the happinees It hae given. "My father will not be very angry. hope," [she falters: even If he WP111'-.-S0 angry -that he weuld not give me all the m /nee- he snll Ixe would. There tonne ef me own, you know- nearly twenty tie/ea:and !limas. whet env grnnelinebilter. itaint`s Mother, bequeathal t ab - alter deer nutmeinee teeatti.to tane* "Ana alt b'' 'arm"' 4:"(- Thee tile n t ler some min- That ie 7111.000=111' 1.11.: ti,V; n -ne we/ 1100 a .!0110it Week; [she triat quietly, /Lad heb ealliant 11 111.1* friend:wee 1711T.Vap tantalite. 's I o' I I • t but nottee...tee rain/. weary, te It.VY" K1117 n11 the ^ warmth of Aer innocent Clinging lo ve ? "You know, deareet,"' Ite beget" earnestly and sorrowfully, though he Intends to be elear and calin and beefless -like, "there is not the slightest likelihood of year father considering me a suitable husband for yon- And as nothing shall tempt me to act diebonostly, and a$ 1 shall write and tell him of our aequiritapee, you know that wheal do there will be an end of "You mean that you will never see ino again„ or speak to torte again, if papa is diepleased ?" she asks, with a forlorn wistfulness in her slow ae- ceuts, and the gaze of the dark eyes full of innocent adoration as she looks on the bright bold faze of the beloved lover she has but found to lose again. "If I told papa you would not mind haviwg so much moneY you might: have me, and that I -that you eared for me, perhape he would not mind so much,. Papa doesn't think very much of me," Gillian adds, simply. elle was always so sorry I vvasset a by. I have heard him say teo often." "Ob be doesn't think very much with sareastia ineli thation. career for myeelf, and see if I can- not succeed even a. Little in ma.king the men and if one of them wiehee have pipes with lo•nger steins than of eou, cement he ?" (leorge demands, shake of her head. "Papa. has always a name and position for myself. This td show a gentleman a mark of fa- iff pli qu'et1S, with a Indite -trial Expedition may lead me vor she lights her pIpe, takes a wh odt f t B er r ad Teeth for Go*d Teeth Sozodome Licteniti 2,5c. It...ent'cs LiQuid and Powder 750. At all store3 or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postage, 30. HALL d,t. RUCKEL, MONTREAL. "I mart say that, GIlliam," George eays, firmly, "for now more than ever am I longing to make out a better Tobacco in Japan, Nearly all the men and woneen in Japan smoke tobacco. The ladies a Aloe inech to have a son. He has often sale that Ile vrouid be wort!: a million of money if be had had a Ran. to inherit it. says that he haen't any heart to go into big money -making schemes. when there waR n, one. but a little obit of a girl to come in for everything." Oillien laueete, as she speaks rather shamefacedly, but oeerge frowns. be long in paseing away, and then. , quires constaat care and watchful - "Maher an unfaelr rly speech. ; you we, I shall perhaps have so much 1 nese, and• whoa a trace of illness Is theugh," he muttere. "Hew old is to fortune.' handl it to hien, and lets him satoke. "Then" -her breath comes in a eonvuleve gasp of diemay, and her throat seems closing witlt a FRAIL LITTLE ONES. ehoking pain -"then you mean to go awaY, after all ?" Their Hold lepen Life is Slight, nd "For awhile -only for awhile," I 3101b.ers Have a Great Roepon- Gsorge Rase cheerfully. He can speak cheerfully about it, Gillian thinks. sibitity, "Only 10.1' a year or so. It will not Every baby -every little one -re - your hither, Gillian?" a better proepeets tha.t your father Gillen answers, wonderingleo "ab art rirLy...six or sevp,a. i .4.4,4„4,,ts I may be brought to give hits consent, noticeable, the remedy should be knew from what steer art non x eall of ---,./ ; or in any easse, when we have wait- promptly applied. The little ones 1 ed a reaRonahlo time, and you are aro frail. Their bold upon life is older titan she, bet he does not loek' and know your own mind, WO can door ?" able to Ray I took an unfair ad- i '''' marry then without anybody being, .„t,srOrin.beeleths. hotild be met bythe proper A tearer rue tbreugh her at her I vantag? 114 'lc' world. ur youth and ignore i nd . other medicines for the cure or chile Tablets have a record surpassing all e medicine. Baby's Own an el i men eat. Why do you ask, her teen age an: • . • H , row Innen or full legal age to act aa you P104454N eight. The slightest symptom of o'wli bel Mess. the:oh the "dear" is melee o t e Don't you u er- dren's eilimente. They are purely" • 2" nearly leateltble. Bet net quite inaudlltie. for Geerge heare it ant stoops' down with his lips' en her velvety (shocks, to give her hi answer. "Peen:at I think-. nay darling," he en:ea gravely but tenderly, the Walt in Itie [ewe growing no radlaut as le her awn. "that it le by no "Yee, I understand," Gillian says, LUU vegetable and guaranteed to eenztain quietly. For deeper and colder 'ever • no opiate or poisonous drugs such her tspirit comes "'the shadow paine I ae form the base of most so-called which ewer followe eloso upon tha, I • "mailing" medicines. For sour plattet-ereeted shape," called "love. I "1" se • stomach, eolic. eimple fever. coneti- There Is no love, nor knowledge of : , pation, all bowel troubles, the trri- lovo in this mates heart like lc et tation accompanying the matting 01 a I . 1 1 • ' the - I'V ' teeth eleeplessuess /lad similar theee Tablets are with - she bears to lean, but elle JR very ineek ; symptoms, =nine meets-tble or tmlikely that !own. t Ini i t 1 1npa out an equal. They act derectly as eve, a ant no le, 6 g 4 re. tIrCoublea, and p;ently but effeetiveiy, veale the poignant getaf and dieap. , . . pent/watt of the le .art within the remove the ;mow and bring back the froel awl constant breast. contlitioa of perfect, hearty health. (To b. ecatinued) Every mother olio has used these, Tablets for log little ones praises them, whieb le the best evidence et tie ir great worth. Mrs. David Dui - fit Id, Ponsonley, Ont., says: "llaby'm Own Tablets aro a wonderful Dula.- . elate. 1 think they eckved nay baby'9 IWe, and 1 greatly reeommerld thorn to other mathere. Ask. your I tlIntggnit for Italay's Own Tablate, If he +toes sot hetp them, /send .45 cent P tilra•et to ato :tad we ailt tor - ward a INA iari -mil 1. 'We have a sulauilale littio lvta'itet on the cam -- ..,1 o.l1.1r• a nal how to treat their , Immix natl.., 911g,, wl'..via we. watt Etna ' . you ea:, tole day have a etep-moth- er, [eel ate in -brother': an 1 eisters inta the barKain, lure .t.ay ; end in thee eaere matter-) may be very 6 Itered. PerInto e In that the fellit g 'who doesn't thiuk very =eh or you,' will give pal IPS9 1;11111-ttley '1111* p ft Inor who will ale :1 h ;you Overly a:* lung ate I 0:C1 If be roily w 1:1 Pet/Line. Inwieentle, *11 ae hoppy I sit ode :" l leen. ate she seett her fr:tnit 1 cone...* et le etsel tleerge're bine ; I..e* n11 [neer with Istatetorily toonerraw :etre ail get?" Innt'l 1,, 11,1•41,,,,i deep:4r, bete "Yes, I holes s. h." he t•ays, thteerehl- .° ane f ,1‘7711.1..T4dg1 7.V7.4 . gz:u tot he iev 1 is to 1 h ,441, 4114 i'AVVIt" les r '4'1'11e. pay an wet /emelt, het It s . 1 deente" 'the Ore In II " wear 11,.4 41 rapture. %all then thaorge, " rtataalea .1a -g a regrows Kar- ltio-..er , kW. t no, tat. arm; allay lead to conatthangt ht -r. In •1411,110,t. eown km 11414 _ow isi t41/.3, slitoogy, a. whon 41 vtotaLitra In°04, 7 ri. turtant.1 li. r ,..1• n ler. rot lit 14 waeol- l, ta"ta DalroY• naY frielni• t7,11,1 it- V".1f.'" 4-fL, 14_ %a as 1411 lifazIrt:..4 h, hurl t.„%-.., urea lretarra ronolio .4 7h.. innietaill.telt 41i' 1 Lt, ght'' ro•A li IV 46, ' 4 tie lt t4 --' 431 77'11'0 Tr*. 7.1J4 Rh"' rt.t,lit: LIN fgr ,t, 1,1% er.s PPM th rather a una of thrett latattehe 11)11' 14)11 00 he Vot 0',..7' 1 ir P..1, ta* not? h ?"' Tile re a "Yee, and you go 50 *11 tr° s onght I to i'117el!r 7' 711"PQ 0171'-.. IV' it [11 a 1 i ., -,' "1 414 'Cli. p`t" A4 MA 44' 4", 4-4' There Is 40 t4'; 001Y In t 1.0 V ° NW Mt 410. rut t.td ton\ “Yt'll 1100'w*". ihtf' lwatv°19-/,, 411111111m. :thrmitat (414141rt ! Mit 4714 :NM? ti'M 'iol i "Lat31 --la ' 1, fob . n:13 ha la, I? 1 1.P:411414X ginne' IP" t14'41431:'''''' 4" Int""111. and itlanalanK. tA9 4P4 Pi101.4401.' the aqllitar. gimma:mottiu.r nee roue r eeelo !cam/ td owe two. eye gring oat tout t9o9, oyota kuut .111 illarEt4 ti ll 1E4' k'99: 717 • th flawless Veers. "Ar• VA/ law?" we said. Indicate her, petteitt at the lleatee asy- lum. ellopulte eesta" was the a,a-pin, "Thit.h.; haFa al perpet- ual na•Atata." ".1r.1 the ne9,t too?" 9'.-9t1a1 rurtri. it10 ':r4. Cr 1; ii.01107 to taaA0. 0,11.:4, 1 ItL,0 titron,, 11 on." Sating: In at* Anelooll nowse. tat.tea-t alga aUtedi la Liar - 1.2:01 11 44;la C 11111. V11214 `1b144,14 ele etel et:Teo:ea ho Leo 14ii n Oa. iwqight. 4 '''°'!" °LS rman't oan au•.%er tleattut-loovert that yt.tat rah. tiely (0% a"*9,e.ad' ,yatrae wale? soa ID0%.0 *10-14. rtkr pr. now: 410.tret• .t !Jinn or 0-* 10 low pllaye. re41'30:.4. "trut oluo.01 know' I wia!,•1 tonal 07 yam.' 1004 or a r. eaetleer I stonelee"-- th t„tto nt'7. Gioj t4 I 1441 144°1 4'"4-"""01 "1”`• 14° • "tkat do know it now. atom% 1 ?' tele w t4,5 gt! epp. ,It ,.4.1 0",110"" -T. 4 ear Xt`440 AA".:111° "1 IAA loaort r.LE YOMp GIRLS. ef a:1,F Eloth. r tvito atal,o for i.. lir. too 19r-o..kti„lo, tout. SWINE'S • naunot got gala l'*F2' t 1.10 1.* rey le. 01 40.° et thee 10 hue% t ..-oft. „41 tho th 1-44 r 4,4A 114" wiltla MA; naltual ata t 14 WV h,r :tutor 0 0 01,.. 41061 at .4`,4 eol it.t• 117474' - •t •. 9 * •• :t , e a ni10e l a ' t r h t h0l t iat 8 .Itf t'e 1 9 010. ,• - l • tow, and rnilacr wel vaeato3 Iv his vweal pat . , 142 It44:. Attr114.°E0 Wlq 0 V , 0 a„2r ? `i1 g ° ' 0 P t r & 402 • ,uV • , -o14 0 4 0 * " 4 4:" • C j .lg osse 3a rl, t ,*h t : k.cDg,lcl.e 1ri. em10a1o..l 1c...ultuspsi.ttae-wtu iu,e,tn,,yhti.v- „s • Tr 1.' le31,•.,e1t.,• t L u: iAvtnv- t 4'•”vi,g1 .1"1f `e!0 „.l• '•* •j.4'* a , et t-leld.lt.r,,pei1'1%s,; m4..„tr ib-r itehh . .. tfUptrtAv*..a 1,!., ‘ "1r e t.o t -1 ". 1 "o g il,h„ gn,- 10: •'.,.n.r0 . • v ,•„ . ,• ; -VL1 91943 0„9. *4i •A ttotttr ltaat,9.ueat. 0ura Y091 i0l.11do ` 0'01:4 u *41 U o- 4 o0111 • 4aaa1 ,1.4 u Du8,50,p•,§.,talapt„4 4-U0 tfela01 ' '0l inn U0V0,•n1", ' U V, V ‘Vat taftn91 2641""vt4 .kt4U11 L7,,t1 !•Japtiv. 141ituirftro nt "f htlsYlanitvetaareaDarl-rr' Kv.t 1404. toh .0„„„18 Twl k't41tr lity'rtIn41vY1t11crl"1' 31'. .8' .1/"1711M iitat ete/r04 313 0,4x-a,„rog. 703a 1 laaetot*1"tm u419t 44' 119v- 911 0,011 the valing hirt eurvere.1 . with.tnlaryrtall:aualtitatb. Kt.4•314 tpen 3 r . , , , , , 0 40 0 1 0 A" . - '-"1. 1 . r111 .0,4 WA, Si441'.17 '7*. (' ”. tt,L torcont.,,011bTh, t» 1114 , % i% 04 04 "41 t - •y P"4 1 p r t t c y !y r? leb / r U t i s .•- ' o o t e f i.11; . 611110: II! I310111607m”nrml 111,, natait s o a i t t i u 0 ; ;•1 , .P,o„ c u r C t.e g i'1T1o t e e1r , o ro 141 1 140 igik 404 kettvl.scly t,t,10500 4311 tt1 l"p*„,a•S li, '. .:,p,0•m n,, , re t l,11, e-_.al,9fnt t .. , -,,9..-.)•:rT-&.t",„i.•.• P,r..I.],.,e,„, .,„ ., s;r-r4 . 't t . t. i og .th , 4 .' 9i t ` -4: (1/4. . v , ?'`:," , .,7,.-.'',-4r,.'i,1• 1, 1:... ; r ,,. .„:. 0444U149 4101 9runtc1t, 113143' l'0') 11300430*30300 -r4"C00i4 30303030” 3030, 3U 4 ' v"ar her t11.0atisIon 1ara11 lI" Ttr 'Ott 0letlm wo-u141 .. 3.ato,1Dr Nin3 .N31;L14mau 3 1a415041h4134„141„110*04*1ett you of 11%;4WA rtit.ret•NT 1;„.11804014%.(MIt,4?1 rand 11 know a, tiD 1 kitiyQ'.-> that 014041 10l1 .tou 11 40440 "34 04 04.11 0 41 p„iiva t ! rit1ttettt10trNlnyvd1ileve1f111,110111y14 11 10011 lo 304 1 1I2a4trnitlJe14nt,ialk„tii..Dorj.ity-f.,4331433104311 ,etED act olwilhave anoa-y on 1111 o.0 11 0at3a:1`*9 :1dearT' It; ill 801't 001' lanve ntot” r-oa ezwhy Five,drlityN 104134,41 sho look5nap oil9"1,441 r5"1 1 44,t3144e.51010„1uly trona tviatahart 4,dt 11gli 11 1,117)1 At t't oIvial`,"'",1041"44"141 0 t115, 0411,mo42040400*.ataany59 frirdst111 gonktrap ltleaand .sertte 430t3 -4i teD.;,""'1100+7 7271;7!30t:711 it w4 0411trtjingeyesatti1,eatii54,v14 biro, 04041 71 boefelaiiy..,, 1811 InaineDtM9tL0:10 t,10I et,n't1llt4tt'!3EJ1 of the 1rfes and 1maiv140n-4-4-4-44310110+." oAnne0anne him. ;!a4tt0z40:..:4tIt ' •'i 11-r ".1,',.4 11.•:Irt... greet -n little. whtte '.133. -flail-It:Da% 1 huDott- 80413 tv ..." . '; 129" 'C'az'l r5e. 4/neue-''''AI ',..L11;''''ortaizie"' oi 'r.terrals ero-In 1 th: to 1- ' . '" ' "S. '. ' It , , I.6 I'll C.. g.,, 0 0.14 . . • . .. .g....A. , TheY 1307.1i; 111..to lo043i17 5i4.7.,!,•; 74?4,2 ' • ..1PrIl nrn I ls: %II L;a-rZ„:c t, , 7-'' .;•lfta • reklr-efiat a ilo t1t0,190 ale tauTO" hr..)1w4i1D)i'.n.nut.4wf.-o-ref-t.r.t1 1t.D- ' 141a1tAke ,r,.PriS en..1V,IIFi"-.,31 ..A'T• v;i.t1.,1!4',t7o , 0r. 7 1' o,- a tar473shewa:sOtD(.al&at- g3t711oeee i414ingeihm9the tee- W r wlledth 'l1I1 .°tttt.Stiah!yo1ulrePv11'•1a? -„!h4.rl;at-ae-:,tgt, 3-,."sat.f, r i: .r.3r1.r-i",._11n..1".n:..i".1 .,-3..,04 .*0 s4tt1.....,v' - .y•3 t - '-'.', •.D.. -- 4-':.:'..-g.. .... N... :--:. V.;:,.,..._1r, : lt.•.-.'',/..,', t., 3. -...•1t.,.:.;e....4 6448 40 qm,1•4 self";Siy r -1Y. "1 w44 1 ....z01,r,,nst,,0430),) ' -,2 .v 31304 1344 .0 44;::.▪ 4;-.;-.:.,V42-.'Z''',.,',.-.+I'D'..:; rnIetrrealingtt1:4.:444t1 )42211424113i .V;r.174:ci E-SC-U.1.*(w a., u. , tJ4„, trsi-r in toahag hail (44t .0swuto 33 10 wp:_ .- 1..410414a1110?e1ptiO44'7T1„,**Ihon in:erttst shOnlie, a175011. a.:.-1 Vitaaq1 n9.4 :::.. -s- • - .- -. 4..y tt.-: :,t.Ier sprit. .""otni..r: ar131141 04 1%14041, )ryon 1 hehtx edt *D-nat/ 10 30 4, V,rapvi441oftivpwit,,,1;10,w1,r3cittdl61" 64 )"01Y 4 k"ek-e0.4i10 '-1 40 Lt 1:g 0-1 0.1/.10.1ifar rosntet01ta drawiITat her barn .vyta iiovat7 b-T!rL % 4 4tir4ffr 10411.110 034'31 selmfA17141 :'44'i10 atoff '00,411131 toe` liere-.stu,114 hgt1\af1/4:tovv,;.,5.',,.5!0'4 to. >101. Ato t l it tn taM4ll 4 1 3r044 '*10 Da 1;a,rei„4vii4,ri10,sh140431 411 44 yop1 ko:D-it ft.nua whatmV1P404431V22 z 7C423 n; gEq tho' IV litene1 e•ter were 1"ves 3.,arn 131ro- 01 :''.s1;gw...2ty5z,co. raties 1011 nt.:::t. to 4p31043 11Ct 110, 04431' 44 :- 44.11!:t0ni10.eciti11,054l e 11 04"* wok.011.040 ata:f nti•ti-eDtrnk41s13tn 54to 11 00 th;4:t-1,?•i11enira,i,t91 ir:, - ,f •-.•''' ••,. .''. - vu50400403301131'liiO3 47,▪ 1to4414.0to;t EO"lAt:V02? r"4:0:4 714 01; ikrtne I 10 .s 1104* vatomiozwatemta.;---------------------------------V 461thro, k0..,cl . .dr.map ,srenitraly. hod tUettteor' tiTtertlil 11:t 3401 w811 44*'0c•ce 14Y and V -01191 -4§.1r- te,941 ;own tia..; la:49.%7 111301-0t31 ,0 3l.4 tonlO-i n• -ver re1.9099430er tiNt. 43033 1':30414tt..1.7.•0'1 agaln. At pl,2,5„,,t34 rap toac,,,hi, nen. `..'4)1171'.-ne04e0 11 1 aDy lee.e ..Allt101 I4'tt:;111:11011.. 44, ...• • set,04„0„3s1y pasidmi.,,,, his owl:, ; a thing, 0411out7,tt Ann:, le 441:ma11 elle; tothrr s -30419.3y., ; '1;1111 4401' hest oi frtorcIs. teak: to ;34:: 34441,„.siy. 03ill inn dear. you- 13 nrrs a - to:d1 yen ati 1.1na h.: fore. ‘1.3zy tlzu .• t salt 4-o34 for a f; ” D- a. you ?" askg, hurricelty., in a ;OW- Y°7.V:1(1,40'31:1:iirt'Itzi-elvsoef2;111; It doeR not rte -..-11 that: -w ter. 7e 00 0 r am -tel -L ei ea to 010;eer..elto a eloe ""o,-Fon" e' eg, ; tOne. sl brear leaden,' seys. eitn. NV/1 7- 0t 3.1 0,4' 3 not anit ID% thank .sh - (valet :Durably and earnestly. "1 nutiatootq wouht she vt1s0bey wIt has elo::-t.t whI7.-e. that litre. strz"1 !.•ost •tf voiee.;E11• Zflrathr;,.." sonn.tn,•..Dg Anno said. :She was ts 1,ap„ .t: „osy, .ut.r •• sts1ra1:.h':r&:'"aee•.rr1eeptpie,1ts,-.y' a ,'t try, asg.in,1w2 sr lasts- nc4.as01341404 and hor 431341113a„1 raDa stronggirt_ al that is t•h a e:7 in1033331710'..% . e1X-".1•11Eni7-D.4n4. „-ho ats-ntvIaDieT'o eAnNeg"-vl ,te:9 r 440:0.?9 1e.sleh u- z- - - - ;- ahhd'iotreerromar aows s.i h ,.0 3t le -r briea...st z 0 1 . s : 1no1rC o eers. -eo, :.i r pte the he'p"earm. is osttil, hankyou,'atdthr?eivtir ?Ids11t1rhy ▪ sty?GeogeaHsdrew7ort tb o41TInhtAnnewas thr€'9onto Iat at thetur$4 1,4/7 1 1 • 014.0 7034.1 '01"*„ p hyou ruthI knwluer these byv1 1104 '0 4. 31 ;rn,a 7t„, Radxyarstannae0rlint wart a. 1110044. • 11 l'kV 040130? vgurrwiti r) 1 -at 7 2104 021)10 be” eal jt veer 01 ▪ ID Mitrnr d"tl.the .3ith eli. It Oa •snt eartft 87'4181, 00.3 wth .n tisnelt, anIta stoopidown tar or1Intn+40.9+409 ug hloa1131 it trentWI:1g fY- ri(1yw30 41 tro::ied blatsh. etf:gt? wit0010a7 2140341 as nulch as 1h&ahnksnvoant santthat gle 11031.404t ("ev, t1 gut I14 11: 14. 18 001141bo L's,nue! fint nows 1•tt ttre IA11 pt,r Anne tomtt his-1si 11 hola ih 1.,rs1 h p.teatePo i' • nloved June !-Imppy, • vber,it1wontwhat he i ▪ haPtlY }ttoa1: 141 41 anpAlumatter ithe lc -11t what thought Mc., a a atzm,a 69 a..C1 !M'tthi"Gsfs]tat- ro:tvergc.1•r for atrannieutqutentroherriterate, hw 0111 ltstrnly t,nr1th. ' g -,3 e .. e 118 410't'4 h;ara tr -h wait cru:nte:al-t-neas in Iv-rrelr1/41ss 1"-ZYf h s e . . - Pr4 3,1ore the [Tree itt)eheeltItte.xgltcaressofee r u f fp . 1herer to ntta, tmhen:r .11-ovr TOE, prudent, ant, hint. A a, 4-11! o-' 0 11Lane"00t'll'efr, 01otin,g7y. only , W1,70, :mit colt, an: 3244114 '414 her oat .yr 1114 Ili'e, an.1 bar 'up the . • door of utter s3. -tw, en I leapa irto het- eyea, wiltwi.h , stropltali rep:A:tie:1 of poor 1.8301)1116 top the Cough thin, 811171 1 t('11340100 yearntn.:: a 4Going ? and we never See yOu ' Lame -nye Dronto.firtIelne- Tabletacere a cola tu3. rn, his b,e3:. forever Ur. s'anah7r3e. more, th‘o 012:14.231 11 du sperati ; end Wora•s the Cold. i aunt h LI al:0101r sad -cry: ane dar. No Clue, No Pay. Priee ciente. of her loving stniIes., the sweet BY AN 1*04•32014 tel NkArart.,' otro. V.;• -q_-07.,' to a. 1134o 418 tlaltiNg 11'.`4.-. ;gone ItaYt-latIk4; 4...30144.? 10.4 cArect, , • to LI:ata. !irhe. a49 03031 040 t,t9z.11414' c,32 tLc. tra.. 140:100 t040'.. "V0.AT saiir.,n 41110-o11 Litel 111 tly C -Lot .1 LP, "LAP t,14 Z3102 t34re.z.It04c1'aff got Li 11 a 146nt.g.i• 01111.. V' 1111e, 111.1 Ittal trtit,tio cle ti•.'211t11or t2114 a.-•;: Lot 140183, "telt 14.14, nun, 01e134. 044.1430-?!, 11 040411144 gcs 300300* ta Co. 111 sweat* 2 tato taeloil, .".9.:1 a Goal." Iv -portal?. 11-3314r1331117 Em:tnetl. A:„; 41a1) 1733 Ake; ;le 13541 tian 1114114 ettIzen for itunt.Ditttt-;: tdo , a!o nra-t ▪ th,....hg'n04 the re. -*tot.W4,i0 0 301401 tread,a.. WL4.35 11,a4 a.hlta•ii *43347,4 r4%.,1'.41 kl tau .;,.4•NI to tlato 0443010 04-T4057,"3050433.I1'0334' 01 the rmh.. ••• '30 304,5 Eta tn the thorn:11g,, • 0402 411 the. 501 1.,10, 03 "f4'. 1 , .1, - • e , "1 11 • 30 3...L71 E -31,3;A: tErrough 7 •: -t".014; a 1 3 TLail : '-714440 19 4401104, .714t 10300 •pleene e to ; „e1., . tee - :VA!. --•••••••.. 140 0i0o14116 73313 4714.16 n44:33WoZ1' • t,-- • 0. tell" It. : ' Li'.....:".: i:: ,..-::::.... 1 t... t 4 e :',. 0 ., 07. z. 7; 1 1, - ': .... .. l'1' 7. - - ':......) .:','? .4:.13,13i-cr--.1 . :::, 41/04'00°.-Z0 .,1", 7 7 e e or 1 .%!V 1. !' ., t'. .• :.. ,..: . 7 q..:e‘; : y"sz'•:F.-e 'e, :1 ..,.1- • -1*.'';1:1.•,•..:..e.....r:,a....: e,449g 50 e..u .t"ee1131,...- a a. ta3u . 4 17711;r- ' . 1. :50.2 a...r.2. eave v :-.:e eete; .ze eeetee - It. trtee 1://-e:. t e r -tr e.,1 'i.ite.- '4.-:...i7 778 772:43r ;,":"'70 ''': :-.7:* 112g so, .7....-1 un 1 ee o. -e, e s. le, ,-...,• ro:2 1 i. ,..... a't.60 i:'.;g -0....,icS •!..,:t1. -z- a . ,t, 7 T,,.itactitl:i..,1.,....,:..,,,;.i.:;...11::,..,..:.;‘,.:,...,,,,, .,•;2t..._. :zi,,;tokt .r..1\7,:.),is3.„.tc..• ..,..•,t: :cV. ,:-.• t",31'.. . 7 .. L ••I.L...a ... , 04. Swc-A 1--: ::: t: t--.-: vs I-. us, t ... .t ta, re 710 ,6,/ ,. • --• r . I... ;. t--: ' r-:ri035 30v7e..;-•*.,a,.t.-.. 01 11 ern. - t) 7 . 'lee-av- te.e - • ..g, .. .., 413*' L. .. 01:0'- 0u04;',I0401, o.. , i.,,,t ilr,,,-e , , , 1 , ,.. : 07 ki3'1* VV.e..1,1,",..11:11Y '3,0V1..:3:.:ii. 1 nyt 7'.'%.-,-, 117 3.17,isOWLD 7,.:;',•,,,.;;,:„.; ? ';',,i„, LI.; 7.: --'-.." 1-1' 41330* th: L...". 1N“...i s•rla 't`..1...r.ir ef '0,--f.r,,..:,:zi.-.T, '..x:ojc.... tt:: ..-....,:---. .....e..',.0 r s• 1440 .;:s latr--,.. ....,..-9_,-,::, t`,.....i.t. I., ...,.3,... E.7.1.3. -1T10. 737.3.1) 1: ,..4, f.:::.:S" V..?;,-."' '." .. .2:-,,..,:ts7...a.t- tht-,-.;1 41,..;.;-,:y W:,. 41 t:L : t_ta,, V; ,.:3;.'3.:',.1-' me.e.e....... e7:..,e Ize.e. te..e.a.7 Te.e? to ea..- tee/ aeeee eteasanate es;r :a all •:,-tiot:s--1...-.---..,,.1k• ter. -el', "ete -..''..r..-0,P,Dh7.:.:4 t.-••••• tz.D.-.; .: .31 '4"s• .3.• D... V."i,l'..-* 1,.--::: 6:1S 73.;',.....1... ned Zeval.e. a ". toe ',/, ',to tee leatat, '21%Z., i'llt.t..`lit 133.,1 041 ;,.,,..,.,..4, _ 410 '...:77•'.,...... ...-. S., 44....•S C..... , 07.....;;,''',;•• 7: 1.',K...,, .,:1"..t•,. rcp•-:7 eear.--..7see -I . ww:r,..7,--,17...t.:g t.... any, 47..ilila.a.„ 11.at ,-..r.3 „. 71',- 4,..400 0.5 ,...,..0 A. 14,..40) !1 %,:. , 1:171-1''''' 1:-''' 'Y'''''';:f' .1-''''':"..' .7.' -.1,10..., .1, ,. 1.-.•,,,,.-:-..,:,;„ g-1,::;.-.. :::,...,:,, "3..3 -1:73..' -'ST rt -71:1 • I7c-111 11'71. 27.1"1 ,"771 ;: 1414:.1 "3:- ' 4' :; ;,' • '::: 1. 2 ',...'., 1 ''4'; 4113 11 1:,311,4"11.3 1.:44. onr,tt (.111 r ..n.-1 1.1,......t3 to; .,! 't..%^„.., : .;;., 1,,,-;,;,-,' 114 1.01 Ca,„!..'.7..";',,' ;:;,'1.; • tl% 30 .1 u ..• ▪ L. ,r• i.11,,-3411 71 334.0 1300 Or !The next year rst. two" z, 1, itz trr..ta. are e.: rt 043033 S71-7' 0'01104310'5 004er tee, *11.014111. 0131344 r"o4010 to 11101. but 1V1:11::11216' to epra.k. lee% 2"147.-4 far let'o, leaeo." let tse tea v.:Tea:eta leretrie every 'lax. ee.7.7.. 1114 eteo eete. 14 14'r 14:10.4115 €01440104-:41;' !et be t- eeea zee. Its have %LIS. IR • -green at rt.s.• seLt to 044100 -04 30.3 r-14704- :1'11'33i1-0] 1114 ante . 1410471ofs e 7/. • 41:.:33t.t.-41 Tanta- .. zps- ancl ece.,..1 liente. • 146 that zt-tung ruD -:404)1.. 2 0411 1e0:'TZFrig, "0?? %C* • Fro ro. .11431040:14." tr,w lenTht.r.g o-OOo) 040414300 t ...r. 204 2331.04 071' 01443041 0.1; s 0331 011:1,,11444.44:,..e14 ti t 14440 701.13 31411-. 04 : 9aitv r,••• rt ol" 'Chi, —.1" n..aN.1, l'teb e.: t.1:Dk .304 41, 10 .41.14 1,04" r30•83,'. P33:4.4 41"-11.1 -.. tan 1 nse---cle, 0,s '11-11f1 11oor 040144404 41.'. '-oio 8320 .-3:0:1o0 f sul I wani 0304 'rt': *81 41413 -„ Os? 1 la a . k:alty'syntna...-1 tiuy- 'S.') Vell. v-11, you ef...n't d.ot.n1 'TO •CETX.III A (I031:1I) IN ()NV; r).-ri V' ' • all, 1.t..•..1,..6 ("31' e., ./:, i ..,„0,,,...„; 11 ,,.. :1 700 X.• C V. SIX .1,, , ,,5'.. 47.:,4 1"•-o- f.-32.9"...1/. ¶'‚1.8 !A718 131'. TIrteeloOrantat•: '17'....I•Ists. All - .e.y. -Ora7--st-itefuntiatte :nee - 01' "8+ reeeelgc «,t. :•.ty S.-.CrovegglratAtt ht en'030334.1, hoz. tz, ....heIn. tc... 0!701i-.it.11. . : • tr.t IzIntlneas: tItLere. 'are fee: *.1 t 1.140:",.. C115.1 • r! et:. len AID) A.bettt Not1.1n,,s, 1. 7.