HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-08, Page 646 ET AYE • IED. Si N OF FEAR. Mead told him that lie would be :O- mitted late in the afternoen if Su- perintendent Collins aureed. THE PRESIDENT," Til E AUTOPSY. rhe. Physicians Pind the Murderer's No " Because tie WAS an Enemy of the Good People -of the flood Brain is Nor:wee Naturally, almost the entire at - Working People --And I Am Not Sorry for fey Crime "—Wished tention or the physiciane assigned tile Could See Ills Father —.Ate and Slept Well and Talked as tie Was t'o° 11°11 tildoiscaouyteerIM, wee if Being Strapped to the Death Chair—No flitch in the Execution — ,N_ValletlierettlA LLSrA88111 7134/8. in ;11.11y. Oniy Four Minutes From Cell to the End—Last Scenes in the Drama avulopsyl was Yr:on:Leg:11 berDr. Carle - Begun et Buffalo on Sept h. los P. Macdonald, an expert alien, let, and former President of New York. State Lunacy Commission, Dr. THE LAW SA !SHED! irleoper out into the corridor, two A.. Spitzka,. . of New 'York, and 'others following behind, arid the i chief keeper walking in front. Prison Physician Gerin. The top of the head was :Awed off through the thickest part of The guards' on each side or Czolgosz had hold of hie arms either as if to the skull, whieh wae found to be -of normal thieknees, and It was support hini, or to keep him from the unanimolle agreement, after Auburn, N. V., Oct. 29.— making a demenstration. Is he stepped over the tlt-eeliold microscopical examinatiou that At 7.12.30 this rnoi-ning Itf.,11; ubrusterieil-liireo'It•lwh„rh3,1';.2: isTfinsrLtio;l't t`i.',71,71,eitattieds the brain was normal, or ellghtly Leon F. Czolgosz was chair he eturabled again, on the lit- I that in no way was Czolgi3oe-z's men- F; tie rubber -covered platform tipon tal condition, except as it mi-ght ' foreseeing: , enthciee ghee:lit/et- en 1:40881131Y angry demonstrations' I a ittterept to give the body °leerier burial, „heeded the aciviee .of eft. Co line, superintendent •of State Prison end or Warden Meat), and fortieth eigned tide agreenteut Auburn, Oet. 28,19071. To J. Warren Mead, regent and war dee, Auburn Prison; • a then he had Pretiouele ; "No s, I herebY authorize yon; war den of Auburn Prison, to dispose the body or my brother, Leen I Czolgosz, by temente it the mite tory attached to the prison, a provided by the km of the State 0 Ne'l.W1tisYdriCtlest' is made upon the ex prose nederstandlier, that no par of the body will be given to an person or eoctety, but that the or tire body will be buried in accord Linea with the law in the eemeter attac(shed ignettio) the prisou. Waldek Czolgosz aleat,anttetatenebe: Jean A. Sleieher, Georg daiun them ; don't wed teem' here agate ; don't want then.' • Teo beat hee-ie .1 e er terJece tel here : "That'e right, Leon," - The , brother looked rather eieturbeeily the answer, rill en, Stepping up elo se ' CO I 'A E. Tiler() were aerie of the neual castle' Polluting del y. of jastice In 'the Czol- Vi3Z 0:480. Tee or:me for which' lie et/rex:el was o >emitted on S•vt. 6. o- byre, the eontienerted man and within lees than two anonthe-les wed ; "And don't you have airy exaet, fifty-three days -the praying .over me when I'm dead. 1 ittiv'e: penalty .has been exacted. e. religion.," don't ‘1741411; any of their dam eel Tee etery of toe ore" is too recent to need -repeating. At about 4 reelock Went to See lleeeentiou. on eept. 6 Czolgosz, whe.had got close to the President at the reeep- tion in tee Temple Of Music at the Buffees Expoeition,111; hind in which lie heel the Wet:A wrapped in a hand- kerchief, sleet the head of the nation tvlieso Irina was outstretched to give him friendly greeting. Ttvo bullets entered. Ws body, and from the Drat the caoe was felt, to be re most orit- lea' one. All that surgicul skill could do was ealn, and the President succumbed to the woared a week later, his dying Worrier being . "Good-bye All Codes Wiii be Done I " e There. was a painful pause of a few 7. minutes', And thou the relative re- ' sit rt?ed coenal conversation with him, lel/Tit lie replied in ITIOnosyllables t until the bretlier-in-itew suggested, much to Superintendent Collins' sur - that he and the brother be LAST INTERVIEWS. Czolgosz had his last interview Ine night, the first with Superiatenden Collins aril tire secoud with! his bro tber and brat len•-ia-law. Prior to th late evening intervnws Czalgosz re 1 ctantly reerive,1 Fathers' Pudzinek Lied Illekey•. It waa late in the after norm, aryl occurred after ire had once Theeted eto meet them. When thee eaeli h n prion, ,Sep er In t en de n t reline con repel the request for an iterview to the prisoner, Czolgosz ent back wore that hp did not care o• eee _them, but the prlest•s netted permitted to witness the execution:. Before Superintendent Coll'ne could renly, Leon Czolgosz said, "Yes, err. ,Superintendent, let them see me killed." Superintendent Collins told the trio in emphatic: terme that no such thing could be allowed, and ordered them to any good-bye. Czolgosz walked to the back a life t cell, sat down on the edge of his cot and did not answer the lat farewell. The Assassin in 111s Cell. For some days the assassin lay on. - the cot in hie zell ahnost constantly, i gateee fixedly at the wa.11 opposite - him or at the guards who sat in the corridor within three feet or his cell cool.. Ile was ever ready to eat and devonred the prleoe fare with electrocuted for the mur- erect, and with ids gray flannel shirt I for the melee. TI whieli the 6:their rests. Hie head was Wive lee.en perverted, responsible .t9t Is he allowed. to go to 'him deapiter at der of President McKinley. quite b vie IT, - Aubern, Oct. 29 . -At 7.12.30 o'clock and as he tried to throw his head The Interment. • turned back at the neck. he locked completed shortly' before noon ,ie nu opts" WAS t pa e It this morning Leon le Czoigesz. :Imre hack a,n(I erect, Ids chin quivered ; The body was placeel in a black ea derer or Preeident McKinley, paid the very perceptibly. , stained pine e 4.in, every portion of es extreme penalty exacted by the low :Ile Last Words. i the aeatorny behig replaceil under - for lee erime. He wile ellecked to . I the supervesim of Jer. eleria and War-. li death by 1,700 volte of eleetrielty, .4.9 he was being seated he looked ; <len aledd. Sliortle- afterward it wee; j), Th went to the eheir in exactly :theta at tlie aesembled witneeses ' taken to the preem cemetery, and an t the Rune manner as have most ot ' with quite a igteady isture. and 80.14.1: extraordinary Pete:talon taken to .8 refusal. /411Perintendent Collins coneented, nil personally escortee theni to the 11. The priests remained with zolgoh tor three-quarters of an .err, and earneetly pleatierl with the rieoner to repent and pray for Div- e forgivenese. He rejected all their Ivaneee, however, a nil they re- retfully withdrew, They told the ismer they would hold themselves rely to aretwer a call from hint at iy lionr of the eight. It was 7 o'cloek when Superintend - it Conine trent into the death Millen vl tried to get the prisoner to talk Wm. AILlicrigh hp remained In the .11 +some time. he was apparently the other murderere title state. "I killed the President bee:wee he e enpletely tlestriey it. A earboy of g but In i'inet doing' what few of them or the working people.' ; bele' In the collie. after it hod 3% showine no partieular eign of fear, teal eneme- of the Fetid people,- tile 41'eld wa$ P°1!rell UPon P1 ita.re done -toning; to the witneieee• His -sok" tremble 1 elightly at first, bPfse lots ered into the grave. Straw el temee he ce" beteg- etre/woe in tee bet gained 'strength_ with each trier.) was wild in tiw freq. corners of the ch.a tr. anti he eporce perfeet , gr. 1.11P ETUT-11 WAS put In to 44 ' * ‘, killed the Preeineat bemuse he • "I mu not sir' ur eronet. he vent to sleek gases es might al „ trm. It /a the belief td the pheel- tr was AA eiterny of the ;wed peeple- or '14.I141 h""" 11.4 12'3' guard Pitelled the good working toerele. t not ri11,14stilla'audd ea]- AC el311-131 that tl b 1 b &01 ea tlw tv e ent rely et sorry tor my crime. " f"rt'n'a'l Teese were his woois as the gemelis preeteire. cer the etrape Vettrtentel 4 liurried Wm into the ehair. oar] blend the jaw ell neLly 5 b-upplextoqued t his a rivnuertt !AIWA 41: "I AM kurry /conk! IleV the hctlf-adjuryted ewe eteepe, " am The stroke of a.wruity torry I ceulet not eeo 2at^r, mumbling ehe words threnger r'itht`v"" rather ' It way: inst eXad..rtLy 7.11 ceeteek A 4. e. heti he eerie:red the threldrold. but „It Slept Well Litst Night. re. minute had (dewed teed be just hnd Eitrielied the lee:. etatement Carr:rose retired last night at it) when the /dropping was emulthqed. et, o'eleek, and elept. tioandly that • and the guaree levee (rem when Warden Mond wen,: to 1.1i)k the moo Warden elead raised Dile shortly 'before the, tuoening, hand. and at 7.12,39 eleetrieian • el lite petard letel.le hat! thake teeet Davie turned the eorteii that threw r goer. etv awzittmh Ho tat rip on „ von.; ot ch.:qt.:64y into the 4. the edge of Ms r•ot. andl nuldlml add teeing leely. Tee mere or Si lennenee -to repfy to the ‘vorrielett greeting ef cerrette. 'timely the leely te: hard + '(Wed wonting.' The preon otteiel egeinet the eteape leet they creak- toek front Ma pr..yt.-!.z the death vrar. " I/1 le'recisiMly. Tee !etude elinehed rant and read It SioWily and tillibtint.0 '" Up Suddenly. and Ile* whole attitude to the arsatitelt, wit,* lcarklly rni•n)A WW1 one. eNtreate* letownege, For It nri..3 durting the te-rteneereey eere. forty-fivt tweolnde iIto 1101 parent t was rapt the arid tleert ellOWly the " " taw turn,1411 fit,pik:4 own: 448111rIA,TI:an ;brew tine t.witeh hack ' front the 0.11 de.e. teelgese vele d to " ef'111,""t1; 12ce etirv'w 103 b.F.' volt ithn nril geed: ,,./ ...eel :Ake to tote , Mild it ‘,..7dr4 rot c)ff iintivrely. Then with t ho $ qt., rit,teln tonte.," n :4 A tie it heel eteeileel that peint The wardrot r41,111d: . ite wta to, II liu,.. tIttttr the 10-Vvr k,i,44-lz agethi fee a. tiOtve iirele:t:Ilt12," brti t tae clr tilitro.r , to•••co...1);, rice : tau 4`, Whitala 137; r1.91.10 ZVI 40.1 the ear-. if ' 11/‘ tkaLst tott*t. - runt %lag rt Anted. eletriceeed tip nignin , 24,3Itti tilt, ,..1.04111,totrIdli vele teeeed „ aeollitet tine teleope. 411115ell ilt trot • over. on ies vet. atrtrartantIy 41303249 Inietod eft eirdial Dn.- Mat'qettalP01 ' to, .filo.r•pagalla, At ;;).1!:7i. igewtiti: re., the . 1-11,1140,4 te 1Date ic-q,),,ciF) ...0.)a•il fitit Mc; -4. catt4 or ,,,,I,0....,.1 t (LI, hl,n3 a :KAI, ,,,,r „1.k „ (atutti Ottlar Van 130.Art.. He 4..eati ite reit : trotor ,r9 twit'dt tit:: Vett ilc,g t-.11tt ts4 aS ‘f 16 Pg11.414,1143' livat !'"4".It',',11'"11 te...Lut lige + to on:yr," tNe. tree atat.Aui 42 tgr -the , etliert,tie tee teetteo tee 41C9t1" ta, PrXie ii -e.• ;: mil a i,gdot iztro.,d,- u-,,,,litit..,,* , .: eiAllt tatlairat, ein.,, tiNitt-. i bag) tioy1Y 110'.,, cart til,,, ,r4.03 toll tl, *, t op and p,1,1E t,',..luti:* eitc,V I. At 7.11: tN., er.114'rent wee + I t1teele eve. td.la'e'dit ib„!• al_ Coatrarzs tv , tmill-'2,11 ufil irov ti,'".."11 + ittiO‘ ,E3 ie.:A ,elo11.111 Iv? st.-,01i giN•rn n : •,..„ 4; ! A $1,,ettnekr-ki ilitvNonvr, cetv ttur:t. v•il` s':,...,,,,s. ‘1, -k -u dtir,r...11-dil to . -•"'• + crt attvtilit. nondi Pu Q-:.'"4,-;'-''''''-'-'' l'a6lt *fl.:'"'.4.j 4 r"4 -7u -r'-'1 '113r- /'• 45 ll epee ..t,eleetele. s :y.,e, c. ti.,, 141.tia Elttai, bill:,cr Zliti.4 etdv ).1,:t AntLatta. eel eireto * i -e....e.....„tz., ale rt. , al 'S.V.0 a IINA it * tvoat dliFywa te 14:•s_11 '4 ‘„U:i".. ti:;'V,. "' " "'1t4 11 IP, u.„416„1/14.,"4 : 4, VAIL he. I ..iICEIlii In lo.I.ita it.hi,:, li IN''..IIIIi.:110444 1001.1,4% ' 4„ siti.14•4L3M.s.; %tut _II 12.IDT_Iil seee-. 2v r..a ril.a ttilen„ !.. Weetei llo &take 41 Ntattsvent4, 11,,e rcz_? beLtg, et,sk.q....ti TAP hItt.71k,nt fel 1011 5a Irtd ttat tila4 tcliVicagt t',141i511hzattksi tied In ! *eh - --1-..--:t.:),.,;-,,.,1,..-••• , or th?*-"'"-j 11,41'4'd - t: 2 14 ka a Ita , #1,:v:23 di ly:i:1;Y:t it'n ):••t` -t tit <-#••dttd..).::•on trecrn51 *al: terNtr.ely wvtla 131ra. Ni;t:Sut. woo eh.tsern Tli tiAlk OP tjHATH 4.; 1 it; INI4 c ,,,,.5•A cz .4;,,,,z" ,,,iii,t,i e,;tg da, be 6..aa. tze.ap.... 1',.01;zgaLl ii.fd. 1 a Li.)4.,-thy la- - 4444 the greediness of a, savage. Re. slept long but not sound and re. concealed by a wooden partition, to sorted being disturbed. lea right and in the rear of the In his waking holies he demanded chair, ue the executioner, his hand The assaesin was caught red- imacled, and with difficulty saved front popular fury, tried in court at Buffalo, Sept. 23-4, and sentenced to die on the week beginning Oct. 28. g. , 1 it did not encourage c ate ling a knob on the awiteh-board eceiversation,. 'When addressed by affi,xed to tee partition, ready to one of Itie gunrds lie replied in mono- turn on the current of electricity eediablee, and the longest converse-. that puta art enci to the existence of Mon le maintained with them was the Preeelentis alayer. about tile quality of e.he prison The time ueually ersneuneed in an fare, which lie did not think was good execution from the moment tele con- enoagh for him. He elecuened evith tlemned men leaves his cleattehmee untIl hie iile°healls f erfelt. for We crime. I.; less than three pltrillij tit: one of the guards the protiahle SC•11811- atiewh. ofjn Intro evraktilile beeillanigr, put n%k minutes. The actual jeurney from broaelied thin subjeet olive after oe r cell to (their, if the condemned man had sat on lila cot for mere than an I makee no resistance, is usually ae- lione smoking a cigar and gaeolg i c :1,mph/died In lees than. a, minute. door. fleedly through the bars Of Ills cell l price in the chair, short work Is i made by the trained aesistants of the ellow does it reel r he asked FUda i Incelati 1.ner in orating the apparatus ttenly. Peeking up at the melee. I to. iris limbs 01141 h.entl and connecting "How empo what reel ?" sniffed the guard. rrt)fi et tileqrcei'llatiteltri Ilitutsne Tile efrip"plialleeedr °lel iitileilitat-X Ii'lliZetE.: tsoailtt.181.141ietrihstienwesalt the heat) ef the piesener with the emus and legs of the (their witleli iitno=f)reettowtt.ohneraoto zientt,eiro: are eheath el with active electrical corvinettsra. witt1.0 hp woo to mr the pounity or A InuTiel ex:min:Ulla IS MAdei t(.1 ble erbium. see that everyllthig le all light. Then "Oh, -oit'll know," aald the guard contemptnoubly, for :rottenly boat the. prison hal the least riintrk of feeling for the neensain. "It's soon over.' Tho omen:sin strirted eny ISOMP. king ehie, but changed hla mind/W. retreated to the extreme "nit end Of (he et1I. He tlropnel. hie cigar to tho floor and the gilard. Veering 31 lk 11). saw that hi? was tchaleitu.',* . WIt4.41 the molt attneked him at the in a peley of fear, )10 dhl go.te on the night he ttarne Fierce Jealous/ Led to a ; * 1 , 1 the warden, with a hantlkerehlef In WS Wind, eIgnals to the executioner, who la looking oil. Romettmes 110 meetly «nye "fleady," to indicate that oh preperations for the execu- tion are complete. 11 11111girM STREET 011E1 titniciAte lie. appear:el tO lielike any type Bloody Tragedy. or Atutreltlit erhttintil with which tiM peiblie reetteter. Ire wttenhont feet 8 ineitee in weighed Welt 140 peen le. Ills figure might ONE MAN DEAD ONE DYING. hi) mum' atlitette were it not for Xe llartinvill0, IV Ho., Noe'. 4. - the ituntletoletble droop of tho goon:dors. In an attempt 10 MVO her huPbanit 111!, Vroven leeur. front death at the. limele of an en- 'Je3r'10,), gtillat: t rapk"191u1.t•lir IottireT4 414:13:.:11 01111' ilr9s1.11/3t's?..vl'alit'rutelo%tvillt; tl A*" WiTt3 04.041440M 1)0111 his 11 the detatit-htetive uprise he etteledieIleratd prtlierod own or of tho csitg .thvae trvinhlting: an.; ;Int- •w -a3 Ey rionsly wana•h*11•111.st :147.1.1t on hark to tt, turaPa4..,1 en! Plveot rAti ii,41 In 1.4,,,/h,„„3, romtv. Oat COP VW see% C400413'9. s prirentere hetet. liditss...4 Oman i.e!,•"/IT,,111W41;I,1711%.-tir.„,...tirt144 , ter id. the prd4La Ed*. 01 t..01412 1,:50tqacira ,s4rt,tt..k Withun thirtg: uretenteo with bnliet Ii* lie. Lewtla-r wee 1.° ,attl 11:1 21'4V ,4{1 6.411 wounded that he ics,area oe on tee Verge co tee- hot owe. 11:up,4%. The noto, meele 1e7 tq.-1.51001 ,1111,1•,,46,3-,- was at- nit? 1ettnee //1 the r.,..,Ltre au* WO:4 to pny the rmati5ty tor I tor. teed, it is elle, intereepieee tr.t. ttorktion on the .to.,dtted ehittleopz..r trouhip. rov. to) lan dypArz3.- Itis rlEl11ii!nritOrti him to *Kele an.0 hoiti it„ertvitbile to LI.; 3dyattigwiirco 1nirl. Winn the." moat% Ibk" Milmo ttlig;•51,1P1 ntud anvil thrcate:teg cs'Inn.t. bath 143a301 "" tr. tatz11 1.49wther olt;,,Dtt. ;loth "11 1:hat's the. wetter with sear he TO NAIV3 1Ntezt vrrarall kr a tre.itt. 4 t;;;&;)1, 10 bior foe' a „1111115„mt". ' !feu -Viol* returnel tea the late train eglinr,B ts,L,rted It tilIKIII tilletlx-,r. rretn 1.7.;111etiedtra Cou.at.".• amti War9 wet ';•otatg' liu" ;Al ta„;;t4-4N1- 110‘11; tuth'11 at 1110 it,ar.tm ‘...5411.1 I,.C's 11..7),Te Dm! ..g....idu sttdr.r.ndli'i'; 310:AVVi'eia P.t:11:dt. cino.p.40LtAt tr. rtmlp:„, hay)] a IhntioGt prnittg dkog gfiO4•4 . , ed 11.0,4r i)ow., 1,11tient tiney ;net Coe 'I thought they were rehilla4. .i 1.,;034 neva,. ...joie. yoxler azht t,Lio y vr,06-04 01.m.:114." 44% lie'etmitiolig 51 to e'1505151*e :anti tr. an- ,F2tinti-nz lele Cox had 4:1.1 C' iitliir I londerEon. xore raIL!! "f lt""f t""r'e r`"' ,2 • -ovit.g t t'stoo- 1 u ty, peleeeeer 40.474'..4L1:41:treeo toncoll'av part ol 1134•Lt49!11•• 5411181, tral..11 tO• tinete .no one t "P trijfp, &tot cy: t),:c„f vorritl•gatiora. For t':•de rtes... Min- ttp fot.ar .5.rtti••E trit07.11 LIVietft, '-'1 413,1 tire .5,.:4',I,E•t1,4,..0,..14,ru, to tatiFT!dd ea' : tt.,,,g.ft .44417.: •••••.i. .11 11- ,117iiS1 pr.e)...aard-r. svhswrt•i 9.11110 1111 AtZI!.: 7-nr. h A Li* • es,•t.a. e titi;LP 0;0 10 ; itNt fr.43t. It0:'•II3t. CO. iliftflig4 50 10-0 • ts en. nn:j tr.?!1h n 7.1te la:117113K.. ror r -t" .0,•;•la tete e, levee. tr,..1•••;:t '" et.))74,7:rd-t:!;tr. PTA •Sftt:t1ILIII-111 07N..11111 vidd •- 11;':e.-•• 441,4 I; tit • 7.13 ).•,•11. Lad td.1•.)•-1 tabeat trig trId.tf h e7d.drLIrd.E::•••.. Cit. tbe wad; con- t-tt-,d.d:€-I 5:a )da...ar 11 Dee . 7-4 tree tieeetie leteremieere - lie leseeetesteteleg en tea e?teoele.r. eerifeeet altncl.; kai.•rirdatt-a).1.1...t tishe4: 11,11 -------- 19e ii):•lard,ty, tureB ect t:to. c t ped 5.1ted -•orerer Veere. '',17a..)y:•5-. of `-tdo :ti,d1:,••• n:ty VOW. n•rtr. 1,14 L 3 ZJ . . • ii•j:e,n-I.7 a 'WI:fa Z1'..! in -!,4n- elso-eseler. I nevt Z• L'i.4ai LI,Atellif,fr_ njL L.)14•44 4.0,t4s nee elelef t:IST 1;41:14•1,,- rep:1El t''201:40,..,; • t1:4' et...tee-nee? letieee et -ete....yeeely teat seye tee itee. I had" ).tr,;:c? w-'t-,..r.;sr.), were the pistoi in ray eteet peeket, one or• dti.-4 an -1 fdlon Ward,n whc-rt got neer tee: Preeliont I liteod eriety -recete them. f,4r- pn'rfrA It out and eereel." !ng.: -Why. they fouel She handker "Yet ere Etior..,:;• wra.d.ne,:s :.Ite?,"•c31-1 ceref yea leei it evrepped lee' sal deate ee el:seg.:tn. des:re seiperinterelett. ef that ;eye keep -seeer ss and pre- - "Treat ain't so. cite" fie atieweeed ot servo elleeeee. tett. dee ter : earnesely: "I did tot keve no bend citarre e.e. no matter wil„)..tt iron:cr kereleler. _Jea' t bad the. piste/ trat-4,01:)e. there are ;;I:!•::.•,:y ca',7 rity pocket." et guerrle col pestle; ofileiels pee- violeirirOt See the terteet. p eerete erder arid attend to the pro petty detail:a," - Auturee Oct. 2S.---Cecegos-z cL Dte, teethe tel.! morning- to teeerve kather arid lel. (7:trio; O. 3fnetionrai., of cinth ruaninkI. th.').• 1)01:Isla ptiest wit! New Verk. teee; n Feet -on to tee eeeat Deeelen telke lett or tee Veatern efeartteereet tefue,al to meet the prieet Le ▪ (14rtNi,v ,r) front. and ;II•natrieidat Iv't'Stied a rtaal 14cit°113 'or mut, rOtlrel to th,„ Tata, roent eteneeletion with the Cieureie elrar eonteeeeig. tee eteetroed switch , <len Mead said thie afterreeen t Oath board. eeeeyer gtve tee elgeal atel t° the. etatereent tear. t zelgosz had t he eurreet was turn -.1 threeeit "he tweet nolsee in the. ereith chamber eTee1r▪ lzghtst.f-flh t.,11.titt r.I.e.Free trk be. the plittina. togethe bee with lief:Mint eget, : dr-ni t - t eIeetrin eredr, and tile testing the AplIATAtt14: tically showing the ro.ver Lbat coed to Pail/ the In-1.son•r•r. reeaed Nts tee -set. 'Eerier tee tee .44104•• • telefetegtated within twelve hente., Dating thett time. reed ere Ice*, es 45A -reed neeeseevy. geetei well be kt•pe. otee the unteerke 2 eteve. .7.1tAt Fon& inutittc. NV113 UN. rf.:•-igywd hod pet h1.4 elt tint:1 the itennII,y, tr.-ost p,*it1 k•ss thnn fon: minateg Litt' t-Depsted. The pieeerefees pret.: et need liege srartiallsa-ope reel eerier t•-ees to dedr.eolti4e IT: Fa,: tee re.eineet, mei et 7.'17 the wreelee, !Weenie Ws ;Z:354. raneonne til.itteee. the przeon!e. If.; v'e-a...;„ stdv.t .theZ :r70:ZI line? IVII*011- b.Pr. rirP.Py tafited:7n)% nr-dd tate so)11,y.-., wd2).-.11 sia);mate.; Le - tore ihtivI been f;n7,11 of Erre •crzatz tnlo-n fro:11 the ehailr and on the v:T.zdrairdvdg- t31 nen eh b yet el .l'eel'etose. heal leen tem yet „e tee reeye where he wes kleiei t s tier5 aelopee I.:nth-. An- tanrt, Prison rettwrael to the teneine of Its tete/every ;ire. vee net wee, tool wee_ teeet 1't.:"'411 in tetra, were tele:es:1i at '7 45 ecliyel; ared pewee work was rteemed at Taere wee no excitement aerteg the ceeviete, and no /mutual ecene abeet the prIsen. ctowd (hat • nembered seetzely ettinciree steed atoand the misers gate to watch the ,- )3 witneases enter, and wait lentil they eertppeated. Tritp, wit:tease:4 dispereerr quickly, eteme or them leeving r - eated Kidney l'Itsease (3 erif th esuit oi Negfeeced Oo d—Then their hoamm N0 I -so rot Priest. / Rev., Cottlele Herrick, theepiale ome Great Suftervngs Prom Lumbago and eacicaehe. ti e not v7.1:0e0g.:ful in getting' anythitig, taat0elall from Win. ' Altrfta. iti t'Ig "E „ At o'eleelt the theotleet end lave „ Le titc-telet-law artived and Superinten- dent eolliee leek them clown 10 the vet tomer reeled Meet.: reel. There wee no 9 t:ve dEinousItration When they met. 4 to Ctolgo....4. toPridy steppe:el to OTT, froiit 40-q , oe hie steel eoge and greet: *theta!" e:fk) ▪ 71;60 137.01.fier vetatteeed to remark. 1ntw "t ,lett won1,1 %az, I AVIV, who T got ;vela into ti5e 1" neel erlitetteel on Cue 11 4t5 dait:iggz gr,a El nee ch -too .tivest the tyvvrhan .n tr. rt. wnq tmin.,, in both :mime age'1.3 4114 the death thintaber. rst.s? ,,bet.4.7..thre., with fest; 1 he 1..:teetstioit 11.44irtioe. Tor Iher itra.aranti, thr•-w hersol: be. 'Lee the. 41' 55i0 wee te.4., 8 h:o tweet; Mete erre reeeit el a Ireleet in " at treeelee ef 1/ e brat. travetsee .22-,teiteee 44 titent,s., a h, teetetlete. 4-theetth e feel. Ile IP,Da..."•Se IW•4 14 tie. et -.7,;) ;ALI-, it, d.,epmel DekS tee soree ef ege. seeeegeg. es!: wheep er out ** rt•t•olveir I c•hot COI cohe hr.. 1, z1vIA, u, W.1E1 131544,0 10,4,4 ifiz tn.. (or. h.,..zd1, the beellet lee:tett-at- rattroo- e 2,e5. five te•t-t ;01:1; 1314 ET:le!" IV0 Cheat, an,/ tfird-ngh a ;4-ref...At ;v. 1 OLP ;NI I...own:tee:0 t that ee onUy tnpd 04 n 1e ;M';'• v.47,0 two .111 ILL "I r-100- trld• roan 7-4 1:ik!irg 14 = 1101 tr•1f,1111 V.:09 Whvz..'Aing for .134 tir.j5.s.• ;ay.. ,y)1:-ai 1--•;., 1111r. I1.4.4.1n3 sny.; r &41),:;),-4 bhni Itht lesteeetty, ;.i..Z.%7.11 tr 0))1. re.ene 1 It144,';." LTTPL:14.41] 111,,4,4.• st-yr.4 12437. QC", oth-e re et In true .t• a:thrsanitit 1;1". jr-ow-4E-::)"'"? • 17,,e•i/ 171ve feet -". eetee. ha o 2 "4.3 '67i."-nyelt ti'"` 11413 #310 th•zie te-ete. 4411,roir 107 ky:t 0 a-n,troont. The e eke levee ett vei2 r•Iri •t • bjt feet oe eetereereeg eeeee, sent 21e53e ereeeeree peeve 2 1'; state- thr..4e7,.;,,L.„ on thf. 1.1.-nt, 0.s it r10; may not :4..4 140 ms cavl Intese el ‘t.).:,.'y F.,en n I 11311 0)0V t•Tezit,? f,43 ,•01 t'11.41. 1111F -Te. who 11t1:`&41 q1114‘11.1y. 11r,. stools orozrei che reereote fr..D: 1 t she wes,(1eeelvei rtraent • aet..aen Tot.s.7 tra theowinrr hint, bat 1:13 hand to hie forehead as he fell. 114,0 ' answert...1 in Wow. tha ▪ hesitating- manner. "No one: no - la -04y had tintaything- to do with it but en]: 4 try tell tre everything tow." mid the brother, "enzi eoti cie.,;,,,at 7) rive rot how yea wctetreretht 1'nli "1 have net got ardyth:Tzite, trte'21." • tn.? ,f he atIcverdr41. la a tR:d1-1.).." lama:7.r. • tyve ' "Do you wont 10. SIor the priegts .! litt e I again V' asked lils hitothet And he q ape t answeted. wale more vehemence ;-f St ; .... the velem:, was in the de.eth ehatu- bet -d t akv can d:at might be made for his s:trvicez.;. Ure not r - Wanted by the ptizenet, hovvever,..: O tied At in the tear of the thamber t theoughaut the execution. the clothing and personal effects r of the primate- were burned undee direction of Wardea Mead, shortly' after the execution. 4. The priecuer cermet bear uny 00/.503 • from the exerutierr room, ene 3%4'mi-den Meld gr, -'e ee rt feet the chair I 4 ebeolately irranterreet ritt:tr- prl,.•on :• ;el eel •te Mg retrieved between execu- ;et 7.1;L'e.) weite reeee fee. ee- %ere • e tee ver 1.1;:ti' not ,shown per everet eee"1 tee 1'7 • 4•14.7:3 riervouenese up to In g to tee eoe Tem zee' " retort but pv.-8erytet tiler b"lf;•1 3 130 gem erte beet, -k-to„ w,-; • t4-...;:2•: 7.•t• -,r in the t v Weider feeetgetz &ride. ttr.o 04.reh,5 :13 t 1 to see Tii; heether. Warden 'DISPOSAL OP TI1141 BODY. It tveli be Boried In the Prises Cemeteey. Tire State is Ilot sett -ender posseesion of Me body, and by sun - ()own It via have beeancretty 15- terred in gromel controted by the oleic:tate est Ittiburn Prieoe. ..tireidek Czolgosz,. 'brother =es the• murderer, Pew people realize what a vast ytroportion of serious innesseg arise; from e. -Ad settling on so:ne tielicate Organo the body. The kidneys awl river, ag Nvoli ae the limp,. are very easily affected by sudden changes of temperature, and the results are often su,idenly fatal. It is a COMIT1011 experience with farinerei teamsters, raiiroad men and laborers to have a cold settle on the kidneys and throw these organs,a.s well as the whole di- gestive system, out of order. There are Usually hacitaehe, pains in the sides and limbs, elepoeits in the Urine, pain and scalding with urination and irregularity of the bowels. • el I ir s Kidney -Liver Pills So many thousands of cases of serious 'kidney disease have been cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver rills that they have come to be ccnsidered an absolute cure for ,all kidney derangements. They are purely vegetable in composition, prompt and pleasant in actien, an:I thorough and tar -reaching in their effects. They are entiOreed by doctors, lawyers, ministers and -others, and are bevond doubt the most etricaelatti treatment obtainable for diseases 07 the kidneys and liver. OA: oill a ciase ; 23 cents 'a box; at all dea1,0s or Ed35A..ns0n, Bates & CO., Toronto. ,