HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-08, Page 2- .— _.___ - I " "I ��, 1, , , � � Bi �' I I I .­.­ 1.�­_ I � - I- ­­_ �".�, ; __ ; 11 . ii ; ;_;` ", "' , . . I � . CATT I . + . 40 OTTAWA CITIZENS AMAZED. I I LC FOR PROFIT. ISSVE NO. 45� Aj. + I . -1 I I I � .1901. .. 1. .1 . 11 I ADDITIONAL, EVIDENCL I + LOVE LAUGHS � + Ottawa, Oct, :is, (Spe ' " I � ­ 11 � 1. N . I - " . '141) — I a _'V 1. Inericaj, jil,ildej X)jtIvy, Noteii on - I . .1 - � . + city pa P�ublZhll;:ag PIA RL0011, . . -i%� .pars are Just alo)v . t R680ts tat Te , I : 1� I 'AT MRS. GRUNDY. *` otartlIng statements as to the cure , I � ", . + � . ',' of several very bW cases, of Bright's The OCIP01-ID11 Staying powers Oi the . , i.+++++++*+++*+" 4' ' I , IL _++++1l1*_.-+++,, Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills. That Holstein ' are' Dow becoming 890,0 9§30 I e G- -eateSt Case in the History of Modern Medi- tho afatter hak) taken Lold Of tile fe&t, a , nd for the wee) maill- I When a man Is In lors, be seldom is best evIde,nced by the ftldt ,x ending Octo- I � -7 I .. cine is Oompleted by Another Sworn stops to consider 'Whether or not OtIlla"t thO papers, are giv fig colujillas -b�w Ut they stand first on the list ,44,p, 1 . . - . I . I tile Mrs. qrundystrof hia�set N of -1 I "I tile butter Profit test, beating the , , -1 , , v,111 ap. f t;pttoe to ii, full dotal ad a0colInt aagf � Statement. . 0 lose iniracalons cures. X09seY$ by ten cents and, the Guern- - "P I . Prove of his selection or not rf One of tile cases which has made it op '010WOUIX4 lswllllng hestralglite,way �grajj,t sensation this 'Week le that of ,ys by forty-seven cents I . However, It is a sad thincr to, S-Cle fine 1. - Ili -DR bila to a minister or a magisT A Air. Kent, who is said to liave been Mary Marollall, of the Guernsey$, still I . : .� 4 ' " tratO and tile twain are made one. cured of Bright's Disease by Dodd's "'tW1181 her lead as best c,ow in the fruit trees spoiled by the blight " .1 I I I , Men have been actlmg that way lCidney Pills, aXter having been given barn, but her companion, Cassiopeia, , ' � I Iff'r E UnTTAWA FREE PRESS SUSTAINED, up by several prominent physicians. w1lobas, been for a good deal of the "Y�ou 'can always tell them f ro'm . I almost from time immemorial. F or ThD Papers, are stib3tantiating tbelr time liar Closest rival, has been off . I . I I I inotance, there was William Cob- accountu or this particular case by Ila," feed and drops tbirty-six cents I the rest. They, never do well I I . ' bett, the great writer and the *'Iib- eworn statements Made by Mr. Kent bwlind tier for tUe., Week, An un- . afterwards b I ut.stay .small and � , � Frominent Otla%ya Man Confirms Under Oath Every Statement Made orator of the LN,glish press," as he in wlilch he sets forth a most re- '11811al NcOrd bas Won made durfal" ' p Is . frequently called. He was ,only 21 Inarkable and thrilling story, tile week by -the Polled Jersey Or -It. I ., I , table td prople . * � by This Paper in the Original Story Published Nearly yeitra of age, when, walking out in Another Is the case of a. girl ten I 8110 llasz been Lin. rly dl-' Sickly. I � . I � -, ye.&r,q of age, whose home is at 350 gest her feed, presumably the easil- I I . Seven Years Ago. the streets'iof Halifax, Nova S-00tia, Lyon street, thig CIty', and who is alges and hae Wen sick ana, feverish, . It is worse to see a blight � I . __ � one morning he chanced to see a bux- said. to have, been cared � she gave 8 lb3. inilk' ' . . om nervant girl busily engaged in D18ease, by Dodd's Kidney 1 2.50 .0- lat; tile following anlIklnW strike child,ren.. Good health 5 IW� 6.4U , waeblarg the family linen, The girl, Xour physicians had given her less P.C. tat; tile third milk - I I (From tho Ottawri,lIree Press.) than 24 lionra to live. is the natural ri"'lit of children. � tbiougb only la Years of -ago, was I Ing, 1.6 lb�,.., 16.20 p.o. fat. This 1, I 0 . These wonderful cases are the talk 1 03Y far' tile highest butter tat test . ' Some 00vea years ago the Free , cured of Bright's Disease by Dodd's � pretty, so Cobbett spoke to ber, of tile. town (all of thei parties are Yet made by any or tile cows. Press publishod a graphic, irecourit of Kidney Pills ill 1895 ?­ I as But some of them don't get romarkable casa here in. Ottawa. " Not a �nlnutv," answerLxi Mr. Kent ' learned ber name, and tile same well known. The standing of the herds for the th . A man named Cxmi-r-u H. j,:,ent; had promptly. evening called upon liar parents and - week Is- as follows: Holst6ins, $7.56; , eir rights. While the rest * ' "Have, you since had tile slightest said b.,9 would like to marry their Jerseys, $7.46; Gilernseys, $7.09; beert cured of Bright ,s Dismise after svveat'llig at tile Clow. ATI'shires, $6.8-11, Red Pollod, $5-921; grow big and strong one stays t'lle d'U'aLows had gLvelx Ilifill up to ai�A, SYMPtoms of your old kidney trOu- daughter. This is probably the or- Rev. Mr. B--, And'Llie, Free Pre,gs reporter, after a bl�,.,, or anything liko it?- Passing Deacon shorthornif, $5-821; J3,rown Swiss, mcat thorough ifivestigatioll, Pub- Not the slightest", Ila k, ILI. 19111 of the expreuslan, "This is $0 R-Is premises one evening, was '005-61; Fronch Canadian, $3.44;Poll- snia,ll and weak. . lisaoi-I th3 whole, story Ili detail, gly- " You are, sime thar Dodd's Xldney ; eaddUll," which blushing nifildens have greatly horrified at hearing that ad Jerseys, Vig erclult t,p Dod,ts 1-�Llnay I ills for Pills a Ild noillin 9 elso saved -,, our Hf e .' mado u.)e of ever since. Tile par- pious official swearing In the most $4.07. $5.24; Datch Belted, Scott's Emulsion can stop the mt,wt in;racalous cure. and restore.1 yuu to your present , onta of the girl informed the You= accomplished manner at Ills cow, FOr tha wook ending October Stia, - 00me . i Tj f 1, ving s%vo-,n giiitement good health T1 I , that blight. There is no le, 0'(�N notable clia-nt�es have taken i was giNell by Ar.� Xent lit ordej: to "Absolutcly sure. Why, my wife and mall that they hao 110 objection to which had just kicked Ills milk pail' place. The, HOLA,ebi hard M,140 a reason why such a child should oubsta-liflato tilt) aIM,-,,SL Noredible I tire so. g,raterul to Dodd's Kidney � him as a son-in-law, but that 110 into tile middle of next week, Ob- 1 gain over Imsit wook, as they are ' - . . serving Ills minister looking over the: keely, , � . Pills that we have Christened our , w-Ould IlavO to wait u ' St Itflin ,nt mala b,r tile paper lit its little girl, Writ in December, of 1$06, ntll their Ing lip tll,Dll,. flow of milk Px- stay small. Scott's Emulsion accouilt (-f tll(.l case: daughtar was of a marriageable age. fence at hila, the deacon Zild, apolo. I cetitlingly I'-,01, bull: t1te Jer,&eyaaltic , . kliworn t�tatem,.,ut, Feb. loth, 1835.) bY the naille of 'Dodds., Tills shows Aevurtilragly, Cobbett gave Lji ! girl all gelicallY '. "I aln really afrait), Mr. � made a (L-cided ,t9art and tied the is a medicine with lots of * B—, I shall never be able to enjoy bi,tek,,4 &u�l whiloo for fUsL ptlaco. I �, 'Unborl,11go, arreet, Ottawa, yan 'to what 0 Lnglaud I .) ' f, I 1, Uekwge 11cliry ii�ent, re4ident you better than unything I can tell the morney lie had, which anluxinted religion, &V long, as I keep that cow � ' Tile AypoliLres at 114 C, iro atCrIbute my recov- -to $700, and sbo wetiL t are baxak again to I strength in it—the kind 'o ory. I owe iny life to Dodd's KIduey and became a domestic in tilt-- fam- ---Scottish Paper. third place, -trIth the, Guiernseyiii and emploYed .w a, Printer In the il I -_ fcUrth. Next strength that makes things Pills." Y 01. a el'.�rg,s'lnal - Five Years later - como the French -Ca- I n ote 1. Cobbott returned to England and aladjane and tile 6ho,.rtJlorns, whiell , 11rinting Ck�aaapany, In tile said C, Would you be willing In order 'to %,,i,a her- 'Lila both doing good work-, arid m 1 grow, elt,v (A Ottawa, do aolk=illy dL- onfirm our story published in :1805 . " Z My Sir 1jenry Parkes, Promier of New- Ul P.,Lssing the Guern- clart., that I cowider it a dutr to ma,ke qnother Sworn statement?" 1 , 01 Dear 8-Irs,-I was for seven yea,rs a Yet ouccead Scott's Emulsion makes : f and, to my Tellow_nja� a4ked the scribe, 1 S,mih 'Wal,,s, is ,%nW,h,,r e%-amp'e. One sufferer from Branchia QeYS before the 010.3e Of the te.it. I trouble, and in ,sucli, a ca,se, all five of ,tlj, Cana_* C 't`80 'it times that I , dian herds would be abpmd of the co a dEclaration "If It would doyou any good I IIaTe � he was Ntreck by th, appearan-,-e of a c 110L -loan he 0 genoralty to mal. I night ivjr�n dining at a friend's house would be so hildren grow, makes them eat, 'as to, tile ofilcionioy of Dodd's Xid- no objections," answered Mr. Kent. ' ec..rvajit girl who walted upon ,oral I 81dreely rp:mk above a w1ii.sper, I t I rd I Tile Guern- makes them sleep, makes them . the, jN7o AmLj got no relier from anYthing'till I � Ray" 0,1>tained Satch a long It., I Ue_V Fills. "Tile rree Preas was certainly Nvell table, and per.quade(I tile h:>st to al- tried your 10NARDIS HONLY BALI- �' tile early "ad play. Give the weak child a 1. Tamt I found tUcui in my tc-x- -within tll(� truth In every statement, low I, 0 , ill rible ease of Brigat's Iii;ease, theY Publialled about my case: r to enter Ills; employ. Tills she SAM. Two bottIm gave relief and six part of tile tkUt Chat and for a iqltoTt time llt4d the ! theY Will dGUbtlk.103 133 ablO to Nrin from willell, I aufftwed, for almost I Ulr. Kent. at the retille.-t o� the I "' bO,tticjs made a complete cure. I I firist chance. Scott's Emulsion will one year, of the greatest utedleal Free Preas, Itas given the following , 11,1 - In k4r I clary's house- ,would boartily recommend It to any- Prize tn tile butt-er profit . . position Of coal- I V*Iue� I ctua say confidently and I sworn statc=eut: I d. Then his love for her overcame one saffering front throiLt or lung I te0t, but its ono cow is now finite make it catch up I Girt of the raco, tile.), arould probably � _. _- d, or 0. SWORN' ,14TATrZIENT, OCT. .10, V001. her Lady Parkes. be OvertAkerl bY Sam.? of theother . assure an.yone Interestc I ,ill culiventlonalitles. and lie made � trouble. J. r. VAXDU,SXIRK. SaVorer, that I j*SItivvLV owe my I. 01:01101,; 11EX11Y KENT, re- Sir Gervalso Clifton, whose llls� F re,lericton. I broede If the 4st were continued . with the rest. Lfe mad lircsLmt, e.wellent health s1dent (Lt 408 011mour street, In tory of Jamaica W onct of tite fluest for a fGIV WOOX9 longer. Tbekl3rown . Tlils picture represents to tilt, rtsults bronglit alicut by tile city or ottmira, and employ- bot)L-s of its kind In oxistence, max- alvios cow, Hope of Minuesota, has . . theTracleMaik of Scotes tbeir use. I Was taken Eta]. and ed as a, printer at the American ried no less than seven times. and been 'very 0101, dairing the ,week, and ­ . � Emulsion and is of% the confinol to ni-�v bed on I)Lv�mbvr XkInk Now Company In the sald cach ttsile selected his lady from It waa reared tlla.t silo would nof r i " irrapper of every bottle. i2th, 11,403, land Iras ouceessfully CitY of Otta.wa, do W)JALlunly de- , among tits donflestle wrvants. Thct Rev. 4, fl. 130dWin ott Treatilag TeCOver, �111 silo Is now much bet- . . . . . . . 9 treated for La Grippe, ilien Melt- clart- I I SerfIntil Lady Clifton (mt*,Ivpd ho,r I tOr. HC�r M136 Is the first In tile wr� I Send for frce sample. r,8,Y, rolko�vel by Iiianey Troubles. r don't think that we will ever 3. That on 1-4,hrunry loth, A lor4l, btvt the otjh�,r sl:x lie burled lit & got temperarice in tilts Of tile dairy tltcxt it has 0�0 SCOTT &_ BOWNE, and latterly Dright's Disease. I country, I 11'etorX '. : 180.3.,I, Urt orge Uvur.y Xon t, then fanally mauw)IVfnU WIllell cost $.oGar elther by draotle prohibitory laws i been lleowaa,ry W resort to medi- V,;_, T011,01;T0 CANADA lost Ule use kAr all my lunw, lal.%l retildt nt at I 14 Vam�rldgq� street, (X10. I . or by eltargIng ILIgh prlem for the If cUle, wilich. goos to show that tile Soc and $I. -A!I drur,-,ists. tiltire WAy became swollon to a Ottawa, %thl app -ar ht�roro t Thomate Day. tho author of ,the right to sell drink. i b(�Jhwt, that tile oolwo liaro been both. oarorupy and tert'Ible slZu. and ray skla biciame Utarlva A. Illaat-�-hot. ValljjjjjssIt)jl_' Nm6i,xio book, "S.anford and �tlk'rtOU." Chiladlano are. tile finest race of peo- skillfully led and haradlkl. For tias -- .1 _ — I 48 h.txd as and G�milar to leatilvir, Pr. Ke., and Wrortu Ij!Iu tin that selteteil twi� girl,s, one from, At Poor- P10 on the earth, and I believe that I week Dmitty of Norval, of ,the i,fol- _­ - -"-'- _' lule iu.�rvs all J1,1ving clused lip. dato did 113:11w .1 tolonin dwelara- iln�lisi% anl on.- Iron), it fountj',I.lg agy- thev COUld bO tilt, moot t�Iiftporate , atein hord, la tile IyaRt cow, boating . 4nd I tollIft-1.4,41 the XU...,st agottiang U!Dn rogartlaig tilt, ri,covery from Iflin And took thpin Into 111.4 houst, peoplo it tile Itrou.ting Imbit -was j Marshall I)y five 0��Ilt,f. Ut!IoNr it; tilt! The Continental Life Imill. I Nvas L'ttli4tet to pkxi�oiv.Ll Bright'N Disf akw b,r th*- use of a& (himesUes. lit% pr­p,�sed tki liettil Of aboll,st1tod. Why , not prtifit: of eac!j 1wrJ for the week q1*11a tif utter pr�,stratl Pit and In- 811ould & man who , .1 i6tatek of atfsolute 11(plWo Xl.lnoy *I,z tat,11 r,etting thvila lit turn. Ono rs-J10tk--tI 114%) $111t. wal)W on drInk tilLe five. and then I 1-101, sellsibill.t.y. to . Ill t" cudillg Oetobnr !Stli I jpr,epys, $T.I,.8; ,%tellic at alid, 'rile 4(�th�'r J)rj�tna.lj to tn-$ -IV . ., 38. .Xyrslilr�.Q, $197, Coma. 1 ,4vaa R14o, a .+Ietim of 4dalk forth lito t. -ts t�f ni,v calSe I - 1111111, � llav(% tilt% otretclwr eomp,jaly called , $7.3 In4suance Company ' �'. I W4 valre. but 611b�e� jumill... with Irpiv 11 'r lirrm- I in for hian'.11 N'rjt%.qj yon know tlt&t it i (;uerlkspys, $6.60; Fronall canatlialm, gerow le,ont Wbi ms. In %V14 -h in. .1. $0.38i -151iortbortip. 15:03jv, Brown tavial exprO&AI Pit 44nd kother la,de- I That in lilt- deelaratlon I ISO on Alckhmut, of bt,l t vet,lit.rl -Itivs. I doee e,d rattien't harat why do YOU P'�!4r- 'j 0. REA D OFFICP, TORON'rn. . I elea ,krozild bkv0=% 6e%ercly e,,n- Wt forth that I ltpfievl) til.tt I I)A.V. hf.)vrt,vPr, a-ImIriQ Ila, girilp ,,sIxt in tttf*. RpUatj,I,!SF; llabjt,.,� If You 0 Swl&% 5.85; Ite4l Poll a 8.5.63I Poll- Authorbred Cupitnt - $j,,,,)00,000 .t Old JerV,4_,y% $4.041; Datch D!Itcd, torted and tvj,�si,. I una ab'%t4lut�-ly mid 1wrinatt(q1t. C 41]?Ag4�, Aild ,W' U091 a ON WrV (It j callnot ni*tnago to avoid It In* the � The P0110108 of tbiq compan,y tvn�. I It, enrild 11%, Ito"141,44 l,dd1I,i-.v J1jjj,,q .�'_IXOO uflun lcw. a t I It A s a s-,io' jt*.jjt1 $3.V_P. ". My r,,gular pIo.i--,4'.kl&n attetjo�.l * I elrb,4. an.t 11on ciltatiot nialiftgo to'�' brace every g&A toature of Lit* Tw lift I C -r U3 1U." nala. vieugh IntAiNd , or V;e "*'0-,.,t,urt; land given %na <kV.-Itting itia- remA'a it Iiiv-1111 r. 0 A%otl It lit tho'0000.11%lint. tIlfan hoth eltraniAe contraets, arid g I U10 to 4i., Rat lliqvris lilastri qii ttj.�u .n',j thm Ottt an,] bA_ 00ber and . aara atee t,las Wnsulul,03'Llis W,.r4% livi'l Ovcr lkff.v � lot ,votir light Minnird'o 1.1ifintOnt Clare& Oarget 111911fist bt,=11t" In regitrd to loana. I .3. That* ppr_ I ('10-MI)L70 1% tft,lt 14 11vtor �JD, f3reaxt, ,,L*kh!nf'. WItAt SOrt 0VILlainn areyon at in Cow,q, I ema lir UVA4 idt,ct"irs. nVI%,6,i- inin now ab'40,tlt 1.11 f 11u,"I' I taga tl."at N44*0 I"In " 11tAtIs lj�%q) *,W%' tl1q% f0r,21""4r tOf th A I u$61YA 19611102 Pot" ,volir, I . ensh aurren&ra. and extended lusu.r- Ing e6.5,ld b�* 11t 31.V vas�, grew , It'. llltlntt� biLtore ___ ante. LU­k1UnUI,V WA, Wid I' 11 and Imthip'. 411AI 6�.3%,.l Ijuv fire, "t thi, groat nn I tivrriid!�*Jlettlr, VAIr W11`0 41:0 thilt reu. I love to, . r�_*, attel1%, . . , Ila 8va.,; gl.60'n up Aw ftvawa+­,�. *XV I 4tv-411wribf7i 9j#*At.tj4 ;.Ngf�'�1'101114 at 04,1 It Anqu, i -t I r1ace, &j� fj-.r% litl1p elli 11OW He ,'.%eor�od it IIuljsiA.V'#. I 0"I 9.9entia wantc,d In thin dlatriet. . Ilr:11 6�1,0"r , In *ml,v reat. , 1,11ron running Outf � Ucvwdi.4r. I le it .1 Imb I 4 4n.. 0.0 t fit, ! 0 In%-4vt t 1141, tit � 0 Ran J80 Dryden. Gea. 13. wtiods. . wirkA. frIt, IL Z _,' o 114 11,'AL!*1hL*Ur8 %Vkrll .,. citiltilitiont vend I In ln.y thibr, 'irlip" he eoln("� An E110611 gell"Isnal In will) has the ' P6'81611t. Mineral U&iaator. eertain tv oa %%..I�ilt Ugvv Aw ,,,,u,J 11ov.14'anWil-D * ... �,Ilfl�"_, b ,�OIAV =,. M!"In. R.wvosm m4l.lq 'p.-Irtif-A trl,.,. nuu, : Ilkim(A. 1jit'.. *ikl "n I ca le It mill) taelting 1 r � I t-1llttAt!0ll "', DAM," alVirr bad Maw, ___ - , ___ - ­ I— , CIAO"% lim I"'t tho'!AT11 4.411�x wn8 likAt lmn,!.41, nio.. silo 81414r thA 0IJP`iVdI!t 1101il I I d;)n*t '! rtt,t%tjy ll)vlttq t Lquk� ot 119 A-Vnds _- Were teEfl:lii n,�w visiting &:;,,t��r,,4 11�rvlr.4 Vjzft� 1,14k. v a,w-4t th" Ulliev *IT Vetvr. 12.4'r 11111ftQ1, dei -k tjp� ( DO i . �* That I us: ul,.� ku a vt:r,F as"'Lurt 4, Tant I 9uav,-:#v%,*,r os�ut, MPI pri a - to . _*jQi1A:r4qq tr_jt Iq ju(ket 141M. 1 *dll!) Witil 101R. ID(fore dinner If#-' I . y that I I ill � Vvir. W.,,,�4 �1,,rlh t. � %IM,_* datv. Uldad Uw r,U�,u1Aq,N*, b.tja,ptntal --- jjf6I10VV(%2 QVIll 4L t1trV1,14 1�,ftlljted on It I the. It"aln W`ort with It, bullet In tims � " - Din, WADI,:.. 'ftq.�Ve. kav_ b1gra nt� � "A I - w1-1 --a OAT t'.�­ 1*4-4:4-W�4 ja.14- '� �J, ��TF IWM� Wa,4 Llnt wANY ren4. vo, tt�,q .V'_1w It �-1 h �-,­a a bp rvi nt- in t1p, jj­��-sp I , I I t-1 a, Lintlavrin m1n6ter tof % leg a r 101svat U19 UM0, vact, o'. .11 � %trl,,.j. ;) TDnvo 14 jalOY0 U01MRZO lit tD014 *t1&jdtj or the � ba�l',S.,�.T& flk -3 jl�, fl, oney Walk ' " � v�nv��A'eijw ,jai. , t -I D,tlnthl rLo 1p:tve ;I . ,,I w, It- tb--tax4l totter ,jj,.L,,,Zp.q ,N4 to�-# th,,�% ! bhot at 1.0t:0 Yar,ib UL'Aaner6 AS .iq,;o t1itt tqtj, %V., I *'L5%jtjta` . n6j Saw .,a ,11­k!r�IO1 ��B 49: a sLIU131? Ing 4, a " ot. L . - "a vllp- . Mad itmol th" �,4_1 6,3-�C.,r* V�jj I - 1'upt,aa.�r�d to t'Li � I -1 nr%#V.,A1DV1t: 9"�l ta.,jr#.j �*V 14%", t;,t* oL4 �,T J..t,t� 'eu r. h - hnd gur.uf-ab P� Vora gnat Ito VQ. ,) rabothr bAtlevid i#,,:ii. llt% A)irer,p ea_..c� in WF3, "!i a JO��t�plut gave ta s- ? lQq��Idlva I`91',4 �ha%--I�u , tv��*?%­J 0 V?4441- 1*1, . . 8 IIVZ **1'A'#Wj`A"r4j1'hj- ,j to - - I I, I 'ur it A -2-1,V 81 I 'I _11 '!LWA - D t4d, t,r_i� -nrr by f',vutral alta,luvo-d IN -004,11 W -t t -V I ,01 "h orstvr oupp�mr : Ur 1p,�,#� vllk,s anta va ,V . 1A % 9- 11dt119'r'BjDttQj6 ftlIg Ll�l 6 ii. �c , , Ttl � ,tjqptr. W�j,� 11 r, I lw� .i �(r­l la�.or k � 'nJI ��P,P�41 erftletOj g.!.DD 2,%g 4vur to '. 'O %V t:t �, 012 It. . if"at i - -1 ' 11 arable' LT�t 119 havo y6ar lirl�,p. e�&,.p h&W ".. . A 14" 15G- i 0�1 0" f)f 151'4 9111%ts CIPCOM1119 UM IRA 011i Vlgf-ec t�pnt a . j%C*,,. I, .A. Itfi�ly P�,,�.4,,." ,,% 41 ,a?#, q '. lg� I &z%7�,1,01' aj Q ;#M.tv V vi vr". % '4.11aa ., 11; 'i�t of 114,r 41010- I 1. us tsAln 9 wo I 1-v 14,J1 " !��;,!,; tkkt!14.,v 111" � t 11 !"' % '%t . T� :` 1*"�- 4'f'�'r t`111P'1`.9,% I'-7'?t1t ILho pr1lZAJ.- IVBI iS. �4­.-f �'�,­ vins� Thp 11 - to t�'.1;4i:- tLola rugzht MWOY. 41*44' firom taw *�-��, V,*M%4 lt�6D.v..� M%4 U,* Vut I .,. C21r. Wha, ; vs:6ltn.%1R.v warriard eollf�ffttj- `%Vll9q,r, lie prtv1LuL%,,jj t4r') NVAIW%Ses rtvelvp tile houe.r. I . . i from t�.e Vir-A 411"ll I 4�,-_-Ijvk,rf,�V . M 11DAn't- %vinso wratity uttil-I not be ques. 0", �:Jt rap b�Nck 9�k twwk t.s the lm�r. r�,naw,­,I 11 ,r t%qt!p�_�D�J,�os. ntil(I i6l, , ii do. Ohm. tfOlIM tk) llroVp 111�4 41 � (% 'awke'. It .E!(.r,L* An a elaract kir tbo_ br,Atur, Altcr � dIato of tMs &Vtnrat�lou_ rglgniil aftpr Utim .ap C.1thVwrinG. L, � .1 to h 101D. I `IJ ­, - .. g �q VIT I � tta�41�!51=tft: It ,t�q, I .� �Aq a"fae'.."I �&, , hevol I'AM At t9turipir tho [01;L:jr ()t tile U,Ag.jr In-ptio%.M. --nd .*%,t ttttu en'd 44 tugo " "' � � - 0 ., the , " alaul ivlivat Its AftIMAI hP UL011 the bet. I & ^ � tLpe� .1,14t b'�� Z wcq %Vot,dPrA,D!Q,A' , T, tE�Dq�".�tti,tt,N��,��,0-,Hl?grz,t. T�Mp.frm of all the 11hr-X44us. �11 thf..'r both Fald that lie had dastle SaIIJU61 L. LOW S bo, cm­4�� tj 1;,,W!X-Z ccu,I-Poy 1114DI Ton,r -------I- I - 000 . at. &5Ur1'11%j r ,.""J-1 ,-.otlo, I rra5R to rp4 haviu,". t�a-. Vol tn.. Lf"', V!D,F T t-,nul,ialdolta-fo�, au � U cli 'We and , lt2lol ask"d how 11hy Lost (had Managed to Es� � WON n-,aEn. I eentinuod 1,ntattg ill """ "' 0, * I Q3MM1,5611n A-118rchan I I "!aVe irtw"1�4� rgeful and 1ntPrv,aW,_-. �i,ILA for Ur"taIsin-7- rirezl !_ wb Jilt. j . 0wn Umilva tLe mAebtemth Ivis. , , -.x-d a hte:0 dnngh- 0 Add"­�,,% M14% beell an exer-Ileut 010t. Tile host LOND, 411 1 Falm�Wtry 111 now roe,%L%J,.�A #48 it ,",Aibrj&,,"ggZ,�1w.*.j,,. I UnI I can cot.- V_�:-kitivel'a &etn" tor b'i'vni to za�; ;ID V�­mvt*_­: of P. J� rll1-'%-r1T & CO., TOM% 0. answr-red * , AS - nwrao 4-4-nd Intl, re8Un;: lvvi,taeon Tlut.re �f ltl�1-0MT-Zy 1V89N1Qai�thT1Tht4. I I t'hat I am ly� rr�-Ctly AVIO nr,d �4a bv�- Va. rx­.",� 61 `U,y_V4-.1' " I skot thr.� li!Plpt itt the door at A - - t&ICO U1 ,I-,' a 4,;aV*sa V;�qrk ifv,fth Any 6. Tiiat I 1.1%oi, 110t0l"MoM.ded are olvel.,distS IDD all tqu- Largor cities . - __ d&taUt,.o of J,Oea panig, nff�j tluc-n I ULM I * : he ,VTOL�P. A PAT& X�anv'.v i,'m, to lu�?n.,� jp,�� *YA th"a sile of lh,* Att"wic, na %ven �� j W , uml Aft All-Arotuid 01plotli&t. " PaInt&I the tmv�A. roand '�t." nd'dKiI4 T.Uflnoy IT1. ql1a,ruC27*­19y pl.? In t!�,',,q e5ty i n"I el.��cw�,,�,re, no ON l'u-rolpean-I tAtluxr fy,.ft�rn coun- ,I � , I V N , , trbo. *DtLio ire c,�nszRDt&I rj,,ejj.,gVj�, in "I PMLW Y041 9tting 11) A ear Datt '­ . %!1UN--d MO. turarl4A ffNjid startin4 trl.,o hnving hvar,a o", my wtin ter- *liat wh:�n tjp,�r,,* urpre se,,,er.11 ja.jj&jl� Xmhard"q Limbi � ., s . t'll" 4�,�q k's I h , uids If-# rkt, t�nt (laree Wkqt�­ft. tf) tik% iftvtlnt,� t looU ,.-s nt.her tnudi- 4 f%l 'e"Wi-Me ftom deaUla b.y their tIL�! VOM ""Is L A elft�� w1l'atever. � un�4_- 11�40 valEed Wn m" or wrotten of a h1w.ver or va.velelava. (hup a4- , atan'ding"' 91le Sal I rather frigfdlt.� P", lrv� oved, thp.� A, tewl, -but bay wife � -w I V 11 yesr" he re-iou .... . . 1'..,. , ,, itt !!!!! 4- - � � I ", I..... - ........ I I - ...... _-_ TAILORING 604 I J Nl) I lraktw tbl;,; r,vilemn ,de- I t,a LLCA klq%zrft­�� vb�v,mt tj�,ew; af%d ""'14" " t "'i'4,0"i"', - tou know, and tlr� gadito !'A. FAWNIS " P Iii AeIV , _ tlntal�nm. 0.,;,,ts�j I 'DUOU47 bp-, having 11Ijc.,1h7.w.vfA 1_-auj�, 01 tggese laf, Very Vh,�,j r(% . 't 1. V. .P A 9 irp - ._ �, W41% thO i 'V �_ "_ raynic Cafaln,+ufa &,�. 7 Welliagito" sar'gaf Weg� 1114 - -1 11.0 "��" �4�z"_ 14 Ila I � wr-.,,* AdoA were all V ' and g - I , - .N Uev,s::� iR,." -am", to he tenv. an I eat;v�g er"�,C;Y. I lc%�07 101, no ra�e al I h I I pt Pmb,r- .: S 0'114t mod "-I - . , Ila � Vvma tho , 100!dn9.* Gem V , -1*0, I bv va!�t!r* 'of tlr� ACT V.17!-911F� T-! whe-re thev lu=ve bL'#'Zj � 5�!,i"'te��Cn-.,g llr),�, o' -ti?; i-_i'r.._-1; , I _ �_!�Mr_-;r U . , _ ".'Se�j ae- r�%.J!#Jj ?g�4. ! & Ct#�, Il dimond"Vil. � - n. � ' , * , 11mving bptsft on;� of t,,to$te WjW _______­ I . ;!��; .,:.*_VTr..11 3i�L tvnr, (3.lTfjt-. eL%rAdj-,D-, to ,U14�r;0t�,,,,,j_-z tr,,t - , - 'D Iu.ts � � 5f*_W*1. "dap j?"rwIttel Lha u7 lowl Per mt q.l1A"_!?,A �*,(,Vnq. "wil, lw- V 91% I Ivm-fnt*�-,l bcfbro tap. at V10 Pity ticit b,f,n 'en - t Vj TOPIGNTU *% I . I . .-141. an I I kno.17 puz i- - � &VVtov to a en, 141109hin, vd) eumvii1id. v; ii;�TC-4 f=Er- ' " cl 6�t�wtt- tn Vio Coanty or �%�ft,�__ I ;Pur Rye-& I -.-,:A? vvht,r,- they ronld 1 ton. tl� 9 ,�]Ivr �v 9; - %ro"I'All. ,� Ufl%vav� Up;.&M,e, Waeksivdtft #;h�.,,'.' ba -let F% - V : - ..�y ow;V �v_,�Sowu mgow- " 1; bt� ft103lt%-­(.1h1_,4gq kir-eqrd-fteral'I. raiettari 41A tLLta'. bz,.!f W06, U -M s�cl'u 6-- ,; � va*t 01.7 casr te.1t-sa. - vy.0 i 'est tailors , "'i. I 1.1- ot Ill OCIO. J� il .s 16th day Cyr r0atmmvO IE -44f -f 4W ,SeV,r ._Ijtr�.,i-_�e U'SeS ' AD !CL!" 14 t%-., qvnti'd - - A Canada's Larg IS135. �, lv;q . fre 13,-�!.n-; Kilacy IIJI-3 Emve In t , Fteeluda. Ont. I .ra�I c '111"L I hF. 11e1!-11IAji!1-1 11,�,roa�-'- .%!no! Uiftflr(j�v 1.1111w-. -pt rgrest V0Jq, etd. .. ___ '. ­ , � ____ 1. ­ � U111 bmikil rInvhL,!4 TO 01,10)P.1i &t, k,VgRr . . ' 9 *'T-'e'rt�`d tiZati4ae;-O,r.� ­'Ud per- U UtL0 if- - --- 4UVTJ3l-114jjtij.z,,-8 1,0 Ili; ItNITTING 114N ht canalia at LOWER PI. - . r- lt' 1CFNT' of tho rrl"ton#D ­ ­ -,I � I �,*�ftj.? vrn,�4. A. r,r._v�.V11r_T. 11 =114-nt CrIM'S. oto, aft'l 'tac-n in , �: ; i ow i) ___ U, Tcr u4a! Lu . VCE5 016A A veiraIM19610". CA(% ti A�,i I rn �6.- t�Q",.,; sfj:� rjn� &�el,a­aj_ *,4�;.q L-t-pirlpes, .qn,l �r%?*�Oy*O��t,`v.zo't_al_ - ?" In't Akk tt Tbat Again 'lie- %ve far'11N,la, 'Nativ trd el, � , onye',ht.rllrnt.audl)l-.T,Ivt,_71ttLtS6ut,% � ., r,f , , - Garodrav ftmlpblrip. JEa*y;kmk. � . .nand kwt- . 2A]k� I � ter., Ws.,Dwawcd- §eradl Skt8mor iT1.1p-.1-Tir,U;ar,4 R -3T PXP11fk-z8 �3TATIWN*. 155ie* r�*-.,��p Vrc;m ara the art"Ap pAh­ �1 emn, ee-z:tl, Lilt 5"-;4 %, ?-. L*T­,5!.-"- v, vt4,�" aeA a wv��-­fu-%. ­"Jimn. ' Ufsai Wdbd-�to- hv do the.* lia, ��'�:;j lb to'_§a!S,:1Arj no�e Co., Dept- Z Ta,� - IL�!2�,�Aj ';n j5p:'� It:! I n-*%---- t--,. Et, pj�-Zc�ss 1�"n VOTI". ton evefr, .onto.ont, � - ­ r4tusPl�,(rlv j to b"m tt'rfg� .310 k. -t, I,,, . P f'�!vs- 11.4" " " " I Nrit deet* dten.se W Vics aftmw pt-tawn ljxo�!O OL ta-0 rot, thelf fa,�hi6ta tmbriateJ6 [ tLat Pqi,7,� q 9-tr_liary 11:�7�Q ,I,q.l n.L­-h"!%_­1 N of "he & ,.=- i,V--<:(,? ---,,a 'Frf;,� _t %S 1,9*�Ee,q:*j t�4Q " *3,15itv. 'a ;� lna,ts; .,.ou nipil are wear�aiz? , ­ — t;1rdole% dr (-24,.band V103sm-Itment; ffitfa& , _ , jpenetr,� tt'L�', 'I .��;JB�; #1 ,� ir, , 11ft. 1Vi41q1(O-,V,q .1�wllfilrvg .1; 1p � A, U41- �#1�c tvc�.-o r.-n1,t,111m-f t�� T'. ­'ot %,4 ,,I fat =-:!t'�,,% nlui�v­.- qj'a"q", at. 1 bAr vir,tue g: 1,� z ", e - Ir 3:'. � ian =�t­j t�14t-A py-C, � Mr. U:rawislt-why, that rF-Dte8eflt,q I *tqg I't, Torca &f., tKiltea tte. ,ft. I Ifles .......... .. ­­­ ... L.�",",�-,,,�,,�1,1,1_�,�,A",L-,...�,."�,�,,�,11,�,� I I - , the chlU., rtf,b�UQ 1��;., a - CU ­ I & ' �. .1n.1 j': -.he J"e,�I,f r(_ML, ---- M - la -F :_:,!-�t qmrplmtlzu.'Z�!�- r. -n- � IS3-4.` I'Vek 11,0-.D s:,-.C�4 --n P�%. app to ; . for . - Uty. . 0ttt..tTfS,t4 'A'(41"s-ett-, " i It I � -, i - I= zn - Involl ,M�e cd!�-.,!=10 rnnan­� kf,.�, �' 'of ­Tbo Uan��L,2.1, L-.U*L@ .&A, S�,-_,Vq to hate? T��Oi� C�,.14. �.'.,,�,�-Iy j Vlae raunram cawt.L 4 . i, _F____.___1_-_,__ --- - ft__1 *1 ZQ ,�.*- . I I -"",�"l�"l�,�,�p"L,pr'Jr,,., ,4 p . -1 % �, r ."; �j �� _&i7 ______ I ,� ­ � - '_!�', 9 rh 6 ttwr. t�6 i5i. I � &ii -i"" �,.v nr- rk-,­, - --��, U. ,q, n D,�t�lnrevl b, &tre mz, at tri., . I.-Itv tl�-n-1 vtyl tr,ro.�agtl a-11 tht- �,a 4"71. In A 11 I _. ___ ti-IMAVETHF, Vini-r PEI�,p , I , . I - - OCT A 'b _." sl� Fn.4 �Iil J 4 � Ail - - IV - *t_."!.C_�_C_ '. *7.."-` ""�'�"L' :R - 4D Otftw-L L9 t','--- ,C,,znty AT I)r-,.R FOARS � ,11ilt-IT Pkill, r'&X­.!Ve-yq . . '� pr,� e- _�! � .- � .. - CA 9r,F,&t. 1.1.1-2.y .y�-_.A%rs OT p3v­�:2e,� I've t� .1, 4 - 1-I F09 -19ALF_4)_Vj.; tvv t1j#Z I eta ife t, lto"U_�L tll.tit C101,ft i* 1 ­ . .. , wat!-�C,,,�,t q.:n`17'.-t-t� .n "�� , t ��,p �1. We! 1� CnActorl. ILIS ,,-.41 ezly t4 bct&- f�v�eowv­-;:A V41at vpg,.,r Tj�.%r b'. - ir-yqj , I az�t th tli.� Ntai,av,% 1'enits�2a, st , 'ClIp"421k. C"Ated .S,a,p:�s anil XU"'rp-.*Uh0tia 01 IL�-. ri,�,.-,n� �­._� nn � I U-irpg OrTir'sive weft -04,4 to 5w,lar de�wkis; r;& - , . . f��q,��,o2-,�te .-%-,III W�-, 1".101. p , " ';%'4r�44',:4- Itt MVe4 ivolm 1LxmL33,,,0U, ,D,p I wo "p, 1� W"r-_ntlnr,n-." #_ '. lVa" are e5n-p,-4R",1 Vy wo_­ _��-n,.�se%.;� U mly.tr lirug,-:, tier 11'reffy Xvaftfrf,�a;'s ibtto , .�.9'. 'knj ,�,-�L"e �r- t . ,c . : - . .. J,:.,�, n t I (IS -1.1 G. It. X I"% T. � .Attt�. A;V" . 'd'q go - , �; 4 3�,t!, '. 1" *1.r0A =_e ViLrY � , . b"t N4VIi-t-1.4 Out Gvrfotset f, 1. %virhe V,r T'Lorob Xr�-dj zv,rA-,%1fl%(-,4 %VUll din -n, f6tZttV,=4_-nt (Sgny,-� A. W. 1'F..i-,-L�.r.., br'y""'rn oyp�' nre Vip m.."4t U n, �t*Ti-,- � %citing, c,_,�ipnrilence 'r leltem"Me A 001;1'11 rtml tn_,k�,�, a qwu. r. .'aftuiptit �as to t:,p k_�',­_­. El�� �,,t2tc�t,l t�jx,_,t Le ; A , I I I N,_*-4T,7.v P�-!--"ZV 11� ar'.A V�r 1-'A,4".f�,-tt:nA-;t.V SS T.'sual .,.- q, 'a.", L - ge&v - I � V -to e- & a It-, "r. .! � " temlt laf,x V;7�2_s: 1'­_L=,X'.��OnAqy r-zlr�!_,. , on't.1ekv. " � b" duu-11 rmftt�et in a cratud vo�lt-s, r_'. � YC'n'L-6 Ata9ft WUL� 1 Nothm- ".�'t.Znt'l%"" !�L�! '. V:s, n L,- =-1�1 ey­q ladl:e.­.4.,� .t - . 3 - , mote ,t,)nVhnea tat! nt .P,7ir na-�F�,:�. T".� C. Z , - IS; I re vrq-re � X04"WE <--o'.14,41 Im Zpa:', lr,,�,C-"�. _-A I,., r� - -9v ,�, � � . - rm ,ye, � taLlAlut a few dayq ago ji just J1 - - - U Lv thn-t ;%;:'L=1 'J,' -,s JaL "ce- as ­­­ =anr 1��11' _-a�4 um, .p n 4i ;IaraVon raad-,� b:` Zs 6'. ­rny e, 'n, monc,i;t v � I ­ ­ ­­ ---- man w'z-!� e'- "'Aut `�n tht,A g��ftve n9 Ur. Xvnll, aalml tE,e J,rre,,� ppaz.a Ds ft, ye, a7ol ttge rar,,;t C4 Wan lokwat-jed to the Neirs, through 3 . .4 I V;elet. .. ���� � !� .., I - - . 11 . ew-':;'Al got -,!'� busltln-g P'Alr-Z�Sed to tz!F at�',, ,;), rfres;-nt sm.iz tba kindness Of one at ft�r atlas refs at I ,,, .,z Ili,. r��11.;t �vll , ; ... �_ ­! . I - ' '. ... - 4 Stq� , � �, eure. � -- l'onIpL, te ,_m,l �=­�".-nt.c CCn;.*:.-r.ja- ueew A�exawlr.*. th3 Forka, anj the story is A in k*1 , "'r It r,r.,­-rr,,.1' t-� V�.� Fn --p PrC-;;_Z , Q) c I g,van I I _ I otj� -".,,�r 1�1!.,_ �+ V.-,, - thir_- " V012 -C,f 0=- nrt.'V'_- 0r 1,,..is. I R --�w:'j _ .�rr J� . 9 -- , 'U.'r- '11t,,, Xont ca'se muvit ­ I �,) - I _- . �Z �7�1 n" �,., , ru,"I aq faVows: __ ., t'11­r'.'>r- -1. .!L�, . 'L r, I - "' , I— - - . i '� .�e on r.�&Z:�r,4 lv� Vzp nV>'t wol­%, "Ti Clre . ; " 1111-7 f.- r . � lQnpen 'r'.' 1f>.Z!,-V10 h,!.,4 ,­. t I . � , - Prtllnqt��'r�.,,r:'.­:� -��.V.nfErrt".O'zp� 7 , hf'r h� - , had ­Ein oldt sowlyer6ous-11 miner von, D '. - T -11r, -_ � __ , I 3 , �� .­ , . - 'I, A ;T;All � - , * . - .. 1 1.4. I '_ ar,-. as t,�y i:qnv -1.1r. � ;,Ver hear-�', f"r In tL'­. e:ttr cr nrovl�ee. j�#>r.j!,.y,r,r. -,,- %v,rs tf'�: ! ,-,-, M'Ir_ . 'It. in a restaurant - ... . ­ NX S;_1!1'D,, _�,('Ton vr,,, , , 0.1 r, - n.] ron, - Xs.*"- U�,., t'4e p.,,�t cnlp, Golidt HIM' stq). R 4A . _11Z, _�X L k� 'il,� - - * P I .. 1. i� , -;�V'ng� � 17v�­ry f!� t!Ilt of v.-L_�z�:j r '­� bo�z,m carr_-- .-.-,�_I ;nj.;,r-.s'1r.­ "Ang-wz", .-h- YOU CAVV StECURP- ,01 - TH - ,,,,, !" _ , �!Aetul �, r bEl der Fvr� I Cilk, � _ - 'i 1, . �- , � ., w,tly 1Z .0, I's one day last veek to, I N OF es n , 1.ntl r.-:-.,.�i,,V,L-.,.T 41--y 4�1`z (;,.:M-,�.� Rh�!,ry_SUbZ-u1b * �u - e , -, ­� b,F swora eVI IvN 'I ,A .M,ric, `nA�*Q inlv 'J'oLt. .av- 4 s4plaft. I _S r, , ­ ­ Or �gftv�t. _,!%t: w: tt�­.-t to r,!, I H'AN '- ' . X .nee. U'.' &�..r. b.�J-, ;jV.V.:t C.vt- -The charming valtre��s vell-OM- - a "! - t, 4�s :�, 1�'ree i. dr , 0SOWE PRE 'ENTS .4 pr;--�-: r,e,,r*0:r ',,-,­r.j '"r " r.vt�t�-:g. it a,,- . I 4, tx1L-3KJ b -=6r P-na T2.1t lft�jVje# Ijb la;ec,tV, - - T 1. L I � Irl, - 713- P-4!,!',4 1Z:,!.-:-:- P -11z ;F, dup all - . y. ni,%V e,A1_1.1!_`1% .),A &_ .i Qj., lvff&�!Iftf�t,5 - - 7'1 a , Z e, , - - Ut .r ­ C; V j r5, . ­ , enlad Im mit her rugular awhnil,le, 11011ttfttCre' .Z,�h Let* r�joM'ft R,_Jj1t.1rl§r t1,a:e �; J _ n::vn-7,_n- N.1a.. Went '(1, V!a �, 41LI. tr-r,,.�:t ',I*o-. I: a, L.g rs, 1� ��nn,l an I ro- tcarrilln-ulti *.-I f.,.r � rathar bekoming to ler. �� -'­­ta_'C'1 t-ati:,og uwa-.1,26, _ ��� nw�,r',X.y 411-.,M�j� �­l h P4!9'-,:i-ft1-_.1Cr L'Wi:-, - - ­�i,l ,f-.'7,� , 11,'� T4_:,'1­-'�v4. tlb,.� ri-ws- 17 stet. -%,t t'.fs 1!,.V:-.,=, z _-1 n. t- n I th, � t J&t.7i4"�!'­.�; ,-'! , I � . puaces Cf 11tr1�06 IVIV am�' -, E ; .. _� '),!�-qrtlz,],-Ik,�.*�-1.'.�,-t,L-- rr .1 !,,,-,O�,�-.-,*,..-.-�i�:.--.-..L.�- - - - , tn-­- A RARt CRAfg,Ctrz- Wro LV_'-Ct:It6'rj<)'k4, . .... ls� -1 � .- � `.F�ZICL�jr.h.,-V,�� �!-C4��,7�p�'%"I�Z,?!�-o ,:�-Zrf � �� ..�4 , ,_ — 'er rn "i.,1:-.!% lt:l�*i bi�­ n n11ftr.?1_:1* � arld lim tho_ clloi#y Valtm�-;A ,Pat dat . .1 . � Ptltnlrl M,�7� 1'.."C".21 E.4n pr�lnlf t1ftnI.: .1 V_ f ' C % ,4 1>,,r miner hatIt a p�ajdt of soup, . _J�Nj -� ot b -,_n g. '4�, V�L "'t- . ... . . . r,,,��.:.-"",."�'.f-%'�T.'�:t7�.�L':I�"'��," '.aZ�,j:_'�j� ,�' _ T, .,!`.­_".�*&% ;� , _, _,I"" lln:.-.,��, rc-.: "�-,� t. ;Rny Z'�-.!I-.� r-In..'12 i r �-�.,'! t 1'�' � -KY'4 wi��'- c -Y 9 r -T tl':,� r!vs-r of .an-3'rt, *.-�, �z v; -"A'-*' $t " ?'4('" :t"­tz- IrlQh stevv bevor 'iw gave lim anoti,er - -V" ­ 9�,Ie,%�z .1�'z�x.-a�.,�14%v�,t--.�-r,�-c"L E­.YZ I -11 R";'­rn. Is f,-,-� r . " - N,��L,.:,� �11.'1411�_�r'­r�`f,r'% , .1.�nest . r V-I j., ­�-'.�.,*��.'%' ,��, . _ J--. � � .. ­ - . - - yonr r ,--!-,4' %,- ��-,,f. , -'.- -- � -- �);j r. ,­�o , e,�-.�!-­ T ,.,,-,,, ,,­­4�n �r , St 41, *,' , 1,--�, %-_ �.'j��,­'�'-�-', . -..�.�%,r,.:r�, '<�, ".1." ­' Z: ; v;_'�,r,.... I 7 .. . , A.. '. -, - - , 's I ., ,71 � . .1 = ;.,�, fr,j�,F�t. " 71 d� b:.,.A m ��.01.010. I _t:_�,'!, �4��,,!�,, r*"..,;*.-_- ..V O?t7 ., .X _ ". Ar'd li:'.st �Iving wonivii G _ . �:` =,r%�_t, , �'_, " , ,z�-­T�-z.�.-J V��qk 1-_-1_-- .1,� . I �. ". �t','­ ­ . ­L-,�r.,._ ­, T " - �� .. - - , , ��, ""�r"'�7"�.,.:L-�,",*I"��:�N,�rk""-�-�V-e-�.tvc,�:�'Z��.�-�,.�,',tl� -�rc,zz�mr�f_t-,&*j � ___________j_____ - - �,�__Nw -11 -1- 1. I Englane- X�krl dig Was too Imil(Ill for det . � .� ... -�:,C_,`�'C!'-�:'-',o.t, V ,; _', I ,-, 4".I�,,�*��--i'�-.,*.,.��,�",�'.,,_.,�,,,,�-% �; h.." "I. "', �� Rt or ------- _ =&_'�,7j._- -,,q ' ­ - " � ­".:'I'-:� �, ­ -:,J" ,.:,: ­4,7� !Tem, f . 11_:�"nv��,-e._,� *,-�,,, r .­­ '�"rPl-�t�l'�,��'.tt�TK�,",,,�� --,17 Rcrl Nnl#4,04 aq '1:1 Antlior. v,OWe-1dOU-_-'?, IMUlt Lie nerves gave ` �".,. le,�14 " ,7 . � . . 1, ,­�r-,r-'.:,Vi."tXta I W,;,Y,, "d, lie gut so oxelted he upset . '. I ­ "-,­ V,.�r i . ,I,-.. -,,�,,,,�!-xU,-Slv.teAr,,.�T,���� r-v­X,14�,N�ijv �� ,; %1-1, - U.S-E ';r! L-`O"k1TT!tI0r.3 to tho, rn,=�4r c,f GOA- " wanl<,47.1'��Tw,. W?4�-Ip. ,�r-��7t�.T"?G�'..,.--�,-::;,Ill-,4, "�14 T�' �F. e�oj,,,.:ey,,�"!,�',,, r;:...._-.,-, I.-InAlt B.111L -1 4' , . �r,*, ! g,r. 1.,,c. ­ ­,, - , - � M.'4r'. r,1)7,L1rPs, 'w"�-,_ el!-t­r��,,t i5ta �lit.-I ' '-f'I -A'r IL V- r�lWY'1­?a tintl to Ur. I dt,r mullgatawne7, undt vasgolng to) __ ­ ,) - 'Is,"4*�'-%!,*-",'tX�lb,lt,,t,��'rr�--, ',rrn- V,Ttft��:1:4; lq,'rog3j, r_nrz, I_j.r:j,1 joWel- � A' Aro yon the L,j.,!!j r;,111 � Z,fv!�.;L�,�e:;�i_'�,-_'_,­ .P.:JTV-C;:,j�. " %V" ­ "-'-f- �: , A _""r­j�r,�'e,� .4 _ . - -­,�jt! ,;A�; " . � �%,� yj',�: * ... r" - * . In T­2131­� t'za�,'-�,fn-,K,y�.�,, "'rv,1061 VIC'.; . 4hjk-='�Plt_�,-Z.V,�! 11,!. " � 11 I - _ . -s -v.- - .�,, -zliorslIv,�?.�%lar'Nul!lltg.'�.,-,?:."�:",.I UliI­ �`, .a.. - 1, I 1 1­11NIZ11-1113W& enit"'3161,�,��r_A-1­ V""'. , ­ * tn ­,ar F�i'pt�rna%er .','(%.-.b, j'.,s_�:to:-,:. 11-�--, Ft:rAng caraer write vrti�+�_, on - 11 ,�v to Ll,%,e on andor guest took -t &r mad.ler n I tir �,-tj�,It.,-Tre",N- feven'l�tt, yt , "qad to bug der pretty Wait]. Aber nicht:Eln � ­­­­ ����f�--�'-f��e,v,,%*,*�or).,I,*�.sm1ir,6. _-�T"r,&.�.--, -0�,`v��.-.41iivj I , . . ha.- mix ,9,iq�e ­ - X2r.111, . C.,J=dZr,.. .f.* �VI,rt:_ now r:I-nr'�- a I� .�� u L. I � P�!_S­ C f �.A_ la,i,i�*ra., a 'rv.an'J.'_�r of rs-a-. s; ,11; bio- T&n Dollara a lrr.z�:?­ P,�kNy the handt.4 undt mit, ,' .s zwM strong 4rrn s I I. . 'T"-fatZI-11"In'. _137�:1,19 .1 164, !:a*0i:2, , T ,, ., v, �� .� ^. �; - -37 , � to -la;, al�vy ,11�,.o!)�rt�� I V9W L!vz h -..%--,T r,�, a- ,�,,O--Armfd. ent. BrI1,11I *.��_. ,,-;m Ar.,j-,.jj,.,,,n:�, en�-s t" ,ap pzri%pi�y. 'T.;p%�[,� I.,j "Poljf its of Pre- 4NAII��r 01 0-- Itale S��XJ,=au wAT:j tle tosd dr -r oxelt sowerdt 'F.jMi�t#;; .ffT f'h (14 Nriv 1a; - Aj*q'N"*� ,h ­ , � 4 1 . - M 1*M142r,D - � - � . , t (-a mg.11, titru, ' hn ('""OlM OrTf-At JM46��In'0 - .I. ­ - ­ - Loal,,,r, ( I-X-,,,n'A^. T.%> 1'.tPA,&+1-,lro :1 ' . of' Kandaji,jr.­ brIgIng brow. dnr vjnd4jw, uncIt landet *Ian In der I VC —v,ni,�im.17.; i ,yoy, r,m t�Lppj��, !,4 --� J.14­4re 4 - ,'T-P� ,-1,61irm Ilia "Llft*4 r , I � 371,�Ui6o=e.l be.;7,au-.��4- '�.ry�' !I�gnjj .".�­ ­. T 1"(eiQ4,-tA47XX* jtq,�OA.ltrd w�t�, - .nd DZN',S'� are, c-hron,XIod -I am lip," rrvllol 03"! pale gentle- sltr:,et out. , � ZvtunlL%Iwmdn�4l'Ic.�nt,�ir.-v,��.�,.v ;!­�� _ I , .. 1��_. n.."miN Gal f. -In" � VvV I.= Rrm, r,v Arm waum, G?JX_%-TI(%%0­:, _­ .1, Tr_a0L.2r,1L br ont-� wir"ter ; a sneop.jj ilrp!C44 h-'�w Anqn. ­D�r moral. Von Hans, At , Col. r­.TP-Ie1A�Tr,a.,,Ajfa3 Ute d-Afg U;�%V, r 2� - I I I 1, I I , i 11 11 , 11 i , ) , I I I I hou a t Sao %ft to a. I %X .1 I haq naturi-.*.!.�- rezq-�f,..j I i derson's � � 2 . , rd, I, wpll, voy, r.on*!_- .vn*.; g.ve uq I fairy talc�'a is, don't 1001c J%t -det, pretty' Zrt�;tzc,it.,n,�te.,x-�i-,��:.V.f.ttpt..�%:r V=�Vthft-4Lqt0.V.=r0rf,LCX1_ T,',., M -� 4- it m"al"I'l-:�114 WIN I r -n �mp�!tns -. " I n W.- r,' VVI.I.o a th' VjA,l:jj- .1 '�7 1 I . 1,4"v—�ot����-,.itL,�..V;:a�623%t�eyi54�,- n-�,�.,,�i:-,�-�,.;�,t-iy:�816riL* . , I 'C"ne " 11 I uzs.oz��A--,.�,L,4*-I""C����44&�. I , �4, r,j fri -,) : to bn tht , .AU1 h1ra butri 0--7 '17MV t0 11 -i -Ml a T��on4gTlq Dogar railill ven �abe schmildt-o-Dawson - I frorn tb,,� ,t*,l .,It, c,,j,,j N,.,."�r. N )ro,,,igIj, pr".c ' - I. 1� - .1 ., I . 1"6 I%ali ."'O r 1'�*,,�-,vp oll hia "Fort,v_ !, "In Peaeo P�Ad lwar.-y cbtltagc� f<):. FIVP llnn4red Djl'�ars, , ;, " "., ly Nelvz. __ I __ - w�� --- : ow� 16nrA !.I 1,�I*'C, nre r.,)te,3. dia 4, ­ _- �, , IF AVY ITRNMMOF Y,DT7R re,k'jqt*r T)*p ' ' .TV . .— . . I the ta"tt for liquat et%jj 116 rejjj,6% ea 'Pori . I,- _,:� _h I ''Oath . f I FivinglAstelesgi� SIRT" 'S , �-* , T � 1,0TH I—. hyllarlk X1­vrlVtfcwtr,so,v.mvyfi1 � to nnl.y O!"e'r W�.,)r­ il� "Tlr� ll,ae o!'We!_ I So � , WIVES mationtly T)v iNlo , " Z050'"IT for (Ilt,41 Ero��Tjj goo 11133ard's Ll,jj=,?,_t, C,uras! � - . I . I I " . 1> ­­­ ­­ -Vaerla. & '000911TO q cr 1- J?huur01MV64-lb76, viv-0 Amm I*- lr� ,I% .. . Pug"O.."', IyAt !'.� has contr:btttL,j in- ! _ ki . DIN, 0Z huf�dst, ils - V Tood or dn'l " i TEIERS . � A 111 . , tPq1imoniq14;, PTI(-^ smtxo,xli�d� W'14%1 S.61'�i,U ti, 3 " I �_��_­�,­ EAS, REMEDY vo.. it J0r4ai*.%.r00t.T,610,bt0�,Uan� . ; ; I . .! . . . � �