HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-11-01, Page 8e8' EffffikNEEEZIEVINARMIMMIIMMEREIMINEMPisimisimiliimilniiiMMIK 1 45` THE : URICHERALD • Special Bto argains OFFER NO, 1. Tuts: HERALD and a,„.. 3 0 C The Family Her- 1 '�L aid taut 1Srt't?kly Star (Montreal) from uv to Jan. I. 13102., four Months, for 30 cents, Two beauti- ful pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and fork aro given to erteh subscriber )REE. Present subscribers cif Tax HERALD can securethe pictures and The Family Herald and Weekly Star for the 4 mouths C by paying u 15c, rj C OFFER NO. 2. .tS1A II]k LITS ltovised every ''sludgy afternoon. Wheat - -. 63 to 06 Oaa,tt7 ^ •,•-. •• 02 33 1Barloy - -. - - - 10 42 Peas - - - - - 00 05 Flour ,00 ?,10 Butter- - 14 15 jEggs - 14 15 Chickens lb - —5 5 Ducks^ 6 0 Geese - - . - - ^ ^ 5 0 Potatoes HENSALL MART ET3e3S0. 40 Wheat 63 to 06 Oats ;2 35 Barley 3 42 Peas - 00 65 • Flour - - 2.00 2.10 ' Hogs (live) per cwt - 4.90 5.40. TIIE HERALD and Thrice -a -Week HILLvr'GREEN New York World (155 papers dur- ing the year) for one year for *1.55, The Thrice"+ a - bra* e k edition of Iry the N e w lror k bl or?cl is almost as gooc1 a.s a daily. Send 111 your name and ad- dress, accompanied by the ca•ah, TUE GERALD ZURICH, owl'. Special to the IIRRk LD. ha,s.Troyer has quite a curiosity in his garden. His berry bushes have now the second crop of tame raspberries, the stalks are well loaded, one small stalk had as many as thirty-six berries on it. If the • ' 1 weather proves favorable Mr. Troyer will have fresh berries for Christmas dinner. - Mr. Young of Carlow is visiting with his daughter, Mrs, Andrew Love, While pulling man golds the other clay, John Hagan was attack- ' by a large owl. John had the l courage of David, of old and so 1 slew the owl with a largo mangold. 1 I Prof. A. Love of Glasgow, Soot -1 land who is visi ting 11is cousin here , I took charge of the organ in the Presbyterian church Sunday, \]r. ' .Love is an excellent musician. Miss Hattie Dignan spent Sunday evening at Chas. Stelck's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Troyer visit- ' ed with friends near Seaforth, Sat- urday and Sunday. Jubilee Laundry Work guarantteee(�l..yequall to ����y" 'We use no Chemicals to destroy your Clothing. Suits to Order 11int HOFFMAN, Tito Tailll' J. H. Wis er GENUINE VER/TY PLOUGH REPAIRS Buy these Mitt get sutisfat;tioll for your Money. 1HURSESH()EIX(l Done, so UK tit give roinf,ll't to the Horse and to develop h.s ft' 't. Ittt'vfe'ring prevented U1 NEtAL BLA('i tITHIY1 DRYSDA LE Spoeia,l to tho I loftm,D, Tho weather has been fine and the farmers are nearly finished ploughing. Mr. Joseph Rau has boon engaged planting chestnut trees for solne parties at St. Joseph. Happy. jack. tho sailor has turned out t o. bo a farmer so they say. Messrs Eli Gillallett tufa J, J'olinat aro away to the "Soo" whore they are engaged ata lumbering camp. Miss Mary Donomy who has been on the sick list for the past few months is able to be around again. Our Jockey, Mr. F. Turlot is breaking in a span of colts for Mr. Joe. Mero. Mr. Joseph Rau accompanied by J. Durand and A. Ohallet visited Mr. H. Rau last Saturday evening and reported a good time. Dr. Disjardine visited at J• Denomy's, St. Joseph, last Sunday. Mr. 11. Talbot, thresher is doing arushing business this fall. Some people are wondering where A. Challet is spending his Sunday evenings. TO GREAT i RISK. It is dangerous to neglect a simple case of itching Piles as the trouble is likely to become chronic and develop into fatal incurable fistula or cancer of the rectum. A. single application of Dr. Chase's ()iutIllent will quickly relieve the itching and burning sensation, and a few boxes will cure any case of piles. This standard 'ointment has probably relieved more suffering than any preparation you can men- tion. PHILADELPHIA Special to THE HI uALn. Lifting potatoes and roots is the order of the day, the erop is a medimn. A. H. Stelck visited at Zurich Mr. J. ('.:Kalbfieiseli is erecting Sunday. a large new pig pen, When finished: John Forest is at present on tiro it will be one of the ilnest in t1t(• sick list but we .rope to hear of his neighborhood. speedy recovery. J. Elliot has greatly improved .1rs. Sniffle and son are visitini, his dwelling by having a stone' friends in this locality, . foundation built beneath it. Mr. Johnson delivered an(=xeel- A reception party wus held :tt lent address, Sunday evening, in tr. A. Alb3'eeht's last Wednesday , the Methodist eltureh, night, in honor of tlw oldest (laugh Those who took in the concert ter. Martha, who arrived. .tonic; Monday evening, at .%lope.., report that evening on her wedding trip. a good time.A Very enjoyable time was spent. 11 e nutivrd that the Editor of lir. J. Dan art, Native Herb dart'- Tun Hi:n rl.r) is going to use the . tor was in town doing business, stick on his slow rues oondents recently. n That's right also give thou a little A ntunller of leen zn this neigh= Zuvicit ginger, d lulrha►tl attended the barn raising J. HITiz r, is ora. Btt 'w on Fridaylast. Mi1ti lt'rrIC Sttlllof Blake visiting at'Levi Steleles. C. Kalblieiseh and. Ezra Stmith 'I Win. Foster of Parr line leas juin w� re un# tomo hunting onenight THE ZURICH WOOLEN MILL STORE .lust rep'eive'el as full Stark taf t� gill (cods. All wool Blank esti,Sheet ime. Z'nib •'Wear. St, n..L. lugs. Latlirs hose, (}�'rl°aril•. Stt'Ling .s.a `iI ai tilst"teiallitd'. We Also Carry .% fall line taf litrta.eholoi F'srni- titrt „Parlot':aanet Bqdrooni :+riot -y. C"totteheew. I'aalne°g' Iitet"Gat°t'.+. o ilL lretaal'eiw aatadl t;Ylt^ltr.ie►t1'I..,tl'J • s :it acil .omit.. rietttre } a"adauulllo a ono ant c G.e .a. t1"n@'t'a'•. T$ & Ml JOHNSON, Zurich 1 Out Carr ea the happy army of bentediets. ,, t o eently. Coons were scarce. 'We extend congratulations to you .T Smith ttncl •A lialbiieiseh e.P Will. BLAKE CHOPPING AND OIDER MILL, • • • • . We can save you a lot of ~work and worry if we make your .Apple -butter, and it Don't Cost .loch We do Chopping every L' Day, at very owest Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed JOHN THIRSK. PLEASED CUSTOMERS WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS BY GIV- ING THEM FULL VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY A Satisfied Customer Is Our Best Advertisement. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY TRIED DEALING HERE WE ASK YOU TO DO EO, AS BY 01 R At1'1THOD OF DOING BUSINESS WE FEEL SATIS- FIEDWE CAN PLEASE YOU. WE DON'T ASK YOU TO HELP PAY OTHER PEOPLE'S BAD DEBTS. WE KEEP NO B(X)RS,THAT MEANS DOLLARS IN YOUR. AG A. D WA R BAYFIELD Detroit formerly of this ]rlotee have 'The ,roach Herald Mr. TAM' stock :ma familyvisit,; statrted a :wrap inial 131t�ius'�5 ill ea friends in Zurich on Sunday. that o a r .' F, . Montreal Mr. Frank Allan hadharaffle�one GOSHEN LINE Special toTun lip:t:At.t►. 'lite farmers lane ]►z't'll taking BAYFI Ei-D Might lately. Ile rafted off a lore lttaualor of duel.. and Turkeys. Iy erai tldvarllta°•(e of the veer'; fine weather '®® And dif the past week or two. to get tilleeiatl tt,'I'h::; 111211"'"•. ,� their soots tilt. Potatoes have Mr. T. •l. aiartt:s aina11al2:;Date's I taua�lleal outritarlh better than. Wats Ethel and Mt»( 1atry Chtirdnnc'r re. eriladbc'ted. in the early part crf the tutrni'd 1rnt'yalav from Irle,ts.itilt summer. r. trip to }3titlaia1. 'Phere 'will be no servile(' in the Alice Timet lsaa. l t r) freta. i'I'ollt Methodist church hire next Saha, her late illness aaull is able to at. day on ai'e'dotullt of the Quarterly tt11(1 stslnd►:rl at *ctin. aa_errums Being held ailt Varna. Herd Bros. nnnarvewl 1I.1)r=e lalolnnnl'id The Fan -dish rhtar:h S3tutday shop alonvnn tea the fa'olat gut' Dun. +rersi> Tour. at Goshen Varna mail Bay. . nl l t • 1. Ill ,, field are intending to ulndertaak:e;; building stable for J. rc'rgns out. .a:: •. y ° i t' i'ty aL' to i a• 1a': • an 110W. at 5, ier:it31'i scut a! 1.00 3.0 Edv° VII Tet.1 $11.50 LFOR $i.75 Itti 4 ie ttt'• ter -t Ittldf icy gen;; eala,di,a:,ntL rI isrst s we age t+r:tltnn aaeiri se.rycntaer tram edat'n,a-'nte powllec t: Gat tl:isdus!nisa 1 Sc+Ir.u6 v n eeui:n C°a,ett s' *41 seteat tains n�" It a rcmcaabe1 gra uii.." n°. I� toy, tt r1 itdc i a uors w a oa'rE•N3tl tvalfierr o5 4 t.,v aeo tint edlace'attiunl r vf an Ixtwlistlt boy ill '' chart f'attiv ons'r" 11 'taan'1le peva p eye y .me a� n iae s IN t c � e nd u P; • I one of the Atir iii.li� c'.t lllisid)11 Tate vpay, from lllaaanuterl, ,, wDuene" he 'ug leoeee" ; v t"'ainee9 e7 a efloa. Schools. �i Wa• kurvestnia;. gd eete.erenanp°age att'� rete�l Z U R t 'Cs H•i . Miss Edith Ste 3hetl'oll is visiting" , vti.t >4nxt. s l'eril'1'FIil1Pl 4; tn.e ta,:.At d t" l �l . Irwin gauge. "ilCisw 1t,, Twitcher. tbeth�dt ant.ya+±_. �, g sw,nn s aaurr a lra a".cr.,e friends on Bronsoln line at present of canton took a drive over here *maim% to edi t;+y a theheair prd a f tar nod i4r n i we ne �f 4CtC e Works 5Iir a. C.aar'p►enter ami fa roily, wite71 Tlaesdaly. Fav ' BUGGtt Btttl X185 I:1#UC1iE Larger Stock Than Ever. Itobbie;; Than Eger. 'rices Lower Thaii Zver. '. TIESS & SOS%midi. tI.I(11i1 :apse ., . 1 to the Htr is LDt. have been v'isnti11 at E. Ca re in.'s 41 Mr. .1. Gardner anti Miss Lizzie for the past creek: have returned to - t atrtineir were over front Clinton their home in Michigan. d Saturday. Misses Andrews and Huxl : of Zurich visited friends on Goshen.," ADDITIONAL LOCALS. last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. John Wei+1wr has iinishetll .._ Notice " Mr. and Mrs. Andy Armstrong of'tiioviah diva We e aper_t to give hie-: rI . N, ` i Baylieiii 'visited at $i•. John Mc- as genuine old time house-warming, � e ito1' ` `ot ' Kinley"s on Sunday. • shortly. �' k ysuti.e:"te tot -Ital.; z') e(o.eati+o.e. S the ttitular %Ince deo h1:e Ili r0l4 i''boo* teat. the tatetatity et estoritt 9i ear-Q4i.leuL titin ess aft. irautnzas ids The Herald Zurich. Don't comedown the (xoshen;, It is reporter. that several parties with that sharp stick. Your ror- from (snalerich were in town this respontlen-t is afraid. ofit. week with a viers of starting a _ .__ �......- butcher business gEA V&A': E'ABOW Airs. E.. S. Richardson returned1 :home Battuta}da-v evening•* from St. li Notice to Creditors of William �eyrock, late of the Township of Hay, Farmer. deceased. Pursuant to See. 35 of Chap. 1294 of the Re- vise Statutes of Ontario IS;ty. It Nonce Is hereby aavd n that el etre+li- bats and others having claims against the Afars s. where she sped a. pleasant estate of thda saidi wit. aam .legion. rGDr<. died en or shoot lige 36th day of Septem- V E AT THE BIG HARDWARE E A full line of Beautiful Stoves, Decorated and Plain Lamps, and a Fine Stock of SILVERWARE All will be sold Cheap, to suit the times. For all kinds of Hardware TINWARE, PAINTS, OILS, LAMPS, GLASS, GRANITE - WARE ETC., CALL AT THE BIG RARDWARE CHAS, REBMain Street..•.•.. Zurich, Ontario. UMMIR A U T/ON SALE Farm Stock and Idents On Saturday November 21cl, Ir)ol. IN ZURICH E. I O**141NJERRI , All.t't it )llt't?1'° U. IOILTZMAN Pr(lln'ir or. If You re Tired S4 Lrt']ling for a t'itall1 C'oak 11r lIe :ttlll!Q titatvt', thi'tt tet13t1e b) Its. We sell the Best : made by the laqtding Manufart tire*: of ('antuhi. 11 Nat's' experience in the Stove Trade Ioe'11t't' the t amt' why WE SELL THE BEST. Ish MILLS Planingand A11 kinds, ofodwork. and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Bede Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every day. SATISFA T ION MANTES, How much better weather would , thane visitingher frieni1s yon want titan this Mast week to _.__- ,.- ; her,, i n — 1 l„ are. on or before the get through with youur ploughing "r jp,_ 15 day of November next, .. 11.. 1991, to Thursday night is Hallowe'en. i ,o People be l eople shouldb careful to have v TP3 rnaray asthma. sufterets the last will testenient of said deceased their eabbaae housed. before that u give ;up ! their christain names and surnames ad - date. Keep your foil under clover their ±ease l fur cure. Ise. ec5:aa taatt l their particular rase is bayou,' the con- I} tire:ases and descriptions, the frill partic- that night.. Boys! you ought to trot of scientific tneaalaeert.. #Mata of their claims, a statement of .now better than do any. mischief it is only necessary td. Point all their aeeouuts and the attar('. of seentrity nil by ]Yost ptepaa+I to Smite. listrt:aie. ;at Zurich P. O. gnats of the executors rs of in these modern clays. Tose such to a new hope In Dr. u'l:asa's 1 (if any) hc1tT by them and that after the pranks are alnldit a thing of the Sysco of Linseed and curpen i te, the i day aforesaid the said executors will pro - on t s pro - past. 1t e ti are r: thereto having regard to each claims at asthma e Brea - renved.y which has proven geed to dlistribnte the assets of the mid s d:fticlenc n�� gill 2s a � re- d Weddingbll fry. +George midden, i''utnamviiite, � wh1eh notice shalt be given as:dove 1.. nt• � - tri-sstedt nd3 tlje ca*d exed:e32s.s ssi3l �� bd� • tuIaar the • n'old- a commend Dr. c"1 -se's Syrup of Linseed aiable for the assets or any part thereof y y h cur t ,, deeeasedt among the parties entitled .. ngmg loudly' lief. but also as a thorough care furl for the favored few these days. Johnny Frost conies out pretty £i ., s'as's 7;=-"/ .e 2 P� my (edit. 3o zre i end Turpaentine, as I had 7 :Inn ' to tris person or persona of whose claim Joe. Gail -man is now 011 the road a ad: could get nothi:s;, to d� nae L of elaitns notiee shall not ha'�o� been re- very b of con -plea; recovery. ; good. A friend of mine persuaded me to eeived by them at: the time of sueh dais - Miss, "G7derry Witwer of Zurich t tie+this remedy, i alit/ toy "(1 it' ure& tribution* spent a few days visiting in this: it is lmpostltfl¢ to imagine a betterma, BRAS �v RA E sAutts �, Exee atr rsi P. il, vicinity. treatment for asthmthan Dr. r",hs+ee� H b COO Mr. C. Trueniner and family Tuesday on the Bauble line. 2 i ,.., . insee_l :tad Trrp3etatia;e.y Tt KE. i Aoothes 'the •ekcited 'nerve:, clears th€ Solieitcr for Executor.. bronchial tubes, gives prompt relief to' Dated at Z'urieh this 17th flay ofa the trigletl"(I1 spattnis, anrl', •Tieir used O'etabe , A. 1) lgol. arty. 'thorou4hly and permanently Air. S. Alerner threshed over for- Y ty bushels of clover seed for Mr. tures asthma. 23 cents, all dealers', or re,ul ..... Turnbull On the Sanble line one thlmaaison. nates & Co., Toronto. .Mills 14th f on., Lot 25. day last week. 1. Get out your straw hat. It may Men Waited 1 C. Kdbileisch Zuri- h P be the last chance you'll have of wearing it this year. 7dn1[ 1=11 > .0 D is U. newsy. paper. We tt ant you as a subscriber.. Dr. Chase's Syrup of dusted and Turpentine, Shovellers and Scraper -holders, in Ilaty Swaanpo Drain, near Zurich. Wages $1.00 per day and board. Apply to 2-10t2 E. 'C.' 4I a.ILzd1V 1 ,. Zurich. MORT G We also sell So Different kinds 6f STEEL RANGE I' rtrlit $15.00 ler St. Oil I(' 'than the a h 1 Y t t iILVSGt1.'Elll�Iye1.3# w iaaayy scall gent a larger i . �C"tlald for eats .free. .ina(I ,1-4.1. oar Ifllnt°.�° S! BIGHT PRICE'S!!l t For dl("vll. tT :mom .�:. TALLIES Hardware and. t-ltrt(?S: Ernii(ua` aa111, ZURICH, ONT, COMPLETE #Iti..a s:e 'as 'tirllY Yhutli' Y iii iW ill 53 d aur Pall and Winter Stock is now Cotnplei.a' and in the differt'ilt Lines yt;ll t'aall :pec' all the latest goods Special attention is drawn to our Goods- •.;{ ... Its Hoaan•spinia we have the p•tpnri r'sbades. reS t od da Gyre' Blacks, Bt•:nvais :and: mixed (er+3(t.. y.. r' , A Special one:—t-Ircey AUU-wear. Homespun. •tri iuts•lues wide. Extra quality and value. per yard . . erFlan el e liaiE. aaanil sin .t:c s ibex d in. Popular price 7 0 } We can give yogi Gond Viii ':a ill the c Lines. St kings. One a Cashmere at :nets, per pair - :ano,tilrr very Heavy All -wool at nets per pair, all sizes. Underwear Keep your boys warm this winter bybuying our Fleece -lined nnclerweaai for thea. We have then for boys 7 years old and up. In lAtcg•kine.;-: