The Herald, 1901-11-01, Page 2eei-e-;:eee-ea-eieeeeeiel-e-e-e-eq.-- aeoe.,;-1.--1-1--e-e-e-e-telele:-.ei,4,elf eel -e -e -e -e -e -t• ea ,:i..'..i..-7., _ ,k,J4.... 0.. i L&LS • 41 t& 4,... , q .1. 'Ur A uTy I iN f,f s FOR 'VVOMIFN • ' .*. .„ 4* A, ,Proleesientel Glvee a. ay lii te eit Preee-raiag Year Appeafip.nee. ael• 'tato 'reale, The Yeare terve spee eines, firiet hat Yrea to the talee, dear:, A,itcl .Y01.1 eat .Qvo-Yr thora 0.1`011,e And:I: sat taialiag here. A ye:tree*: vie:0 -1, PLat aeal YOU 'Noi longer' &L1; alone ; A little oes.was in. ;N:otir nerns, '5'oar (airline' and my 0.M.S. And then another. Yeae, cm so, Ana eemeone else wart there, Aral "Willie" tett near me, yon kneW, While '''Ttettle' claimed- 'yOur• care. • Tii3 year& have sped etecia•fire4,,V100,-; l'am to tae table, dsa, And 'yositelpalged tale:nay-at the loot, And!ICeg,ly here.* eae e Le, •,:r To.41:011300: 'leek deWit at you eltbar aide I see A row of laingry little; one All gazitigmeeialit m., • • We've added leaves, oats after one, And you. rue far away - Ay e, thrice as f ar, Bay dear, as on, That happy, happy day. But though we sit so far aparte- You there aad I up here- • Two rows of hearts from my fowl h ear t Stretch down to you, my derail Thank Goa for every extea,leaf Tile table Inelda to -day, And mayt we never know the grief Of put -tine one away. Tilp BOY, ,ANDTElte fat Ina fialzabeth Caddy atanton on the In- ereasine, Influesiee of Women. Is it likely that a brother and sister rooked in the , same cradle, reared in thb same home, taught in the sa:reo, school:, and college will be exe eatirely unlike eme arietleer that their life work will never coincide? On the contrary, it has been proved that Eons are apt to inherit moth- ers tastes 'and ideas, '-while ters most reeemble their fathers tn thele mental ditareateristice.:; Observe how occupations have changepfrom ono sex to 'the other •'•••• ?arida; ailiests. Driela.1 cj I t1.3 ne, old-time there tern tiale!,;possibl.ities • 1.14•,a 9;1 they :tee, tigie ;011: peepreieee':•1.1 prospee- .:4‘"0 hlIlide'reN4aqt tkebteye. reef ontcent c tary,:carveitt eeei4.,4 ,Ichost, *Ale ccinten4s: t Wit It .4:;41e tr* mafght de ail rPatlee :ewe° dr" tht,. nokivvh. '11.`6 not or oulou Ju'lee. Dike t1 I�n awl at all bad; or ehe line tele neele by saaceee eae t th00. W,7",it ,Vi14.1 the, neirest Carpenter: Thie y bn • eepeee et! , little Made of orek or aey ether lea -awe -me Pbrecadeil soap toad • wienteleeefut .j ewe in' I . or tee tea, eimerar. float the mixture eutil reap is dies:rived., Then wall: until it is told befere :Applying, Rub It well ,oyer the.,scorchod ,ptace,, leave, to dry• e ad then put 1110 eerni en t in the reattlar wad:1i/11r, - • rt LA,- SW r 0 fader • , e of, te al es t e; ereek. xiize. • , rereelY Grlee4- t•I• But the voiee reveals above all thinge the .eellneniebe. or its pos- ';',SeggeLee'tor.kt *.:generaiaons of care- ful edifiVation a,ricl control have giv- diCEngli,S)). Nvoinen voaroas so soft and et( 4iilia.•,,they. 'are woririffienionel "fel tilloabeatiti a1oe. thing with them Ns so iadietetive of bad ?reed- ing ao a loud. fbiej '`.o.P.'neltrje!klaugh. The woman guilty or either rele- gates herself to a class: at •once. Even atlaargli Englieb , women, have long bedn de:Voted "to out-of-door eports And athleeties. - two things elippos'ed to make vveLen somewhat nolay---their perfect control of voice and their belief in it as an egsen- teal mark of good brostling, lias been as e.arefallY pref3erved as. thoUgh, it were -and rightly-titeir :most pre- cious possession: Even among Eng- lishwomen who have become pfeblic epeakers, their volerat are at once reinaeltable and bettatilui to tia of i:123 new world. Tho su of us who ltael the rare pleaeure hearieg Mrs .A.nnie Beeent when elie was here will' ngt :soon forget 'her mar- vellous 'cello-111re emee, so full, eso rich, so low, every, note of itlike music, and with a carring power greater, than any or the high-pitch- ed _American velem of which we hear aO ' realty in the days of priblie wo- men. 'There are thoae who contend that the' difference betweenthe voices Is largely attributable to cli- mate; bull it wou1.1 urely b2 neatrer the tre,th to admit that tier 'high- pitched, nasal Veie,..8 or the women across the line rare the inevitable result of cart lessness-the itappy-g-,e- lucky ea-relegate...se to 'refinement or a nation tee engrossed in the pur- suit of materhti things Altat it hoe hasVrto time to npold en trifler!, like 'inane enifivation arta reproesion: The peculiar and utienviable voicn which is now clutraoteristM of American .wonion $9.:0, part with their :easy manner, their Lively unconven- tionalltV, their cordial lacle or cere. ramie" ,with strangere. N eaitseby addreasing the Dr. Canadian wow u have newly to 'Aredielne ete, leam learn trent the other country In the tliln.nismatter of cultivating; alai erknaroaleg Ont. lunget cod look of brass. In this sho laysct inereukng etore 0.r iin liberally interepereed 'tvith teal Ereglesle Lae:Laden "teMe up iti'bagS "fair litietee that„ heyrercee; lfee dattiali'eniVecitle'ret In ctetienar.'e • -13AB.VS ILLS, ver: • nth e nnintinen C I Li .ieleo'ellItnn te p re p ely ]ie!ieVotbe , at care ,of .44.41e Onefil b1y.wilo i always. plump al - way e lets, a,. good, appetit0,. alweys has a., ril,eht ..nYe- nod a „reeSY: Cheek, And is .aftetaYil • iteitia c• 'a MI "pi teal ed, is (theecheiceat treasare this • life' •al- forde. Tji niedieine • evidelt-,'' keeps babies in each .a condition or Which reetor es teem to it wliatt: ill is certainlya prie,elese .boon .•Co humanity. iere are many • meth- einels 'Whielielieoduce sleep, not their -aetion upon the 'child le 'similat to that Whichwhiskey or opium has upoe, a 'fell grown man. • They dead- en, . and.: etupef y and:are the most in- ,Ittrierte, things .‘v.11ici11 con, 133' given to children. The, only gate :Coarse le. to use na- tureo reniodiete. Nature has pro- vided a :vegetable onto ler eery 111, and hoz, remedies for -children's 'die - were are scientifically compounded in Baby's, Own ..T.alqtete. VOX' diar- rhoea,' collet ipation, cone, simple fever', ctoup, irritatiort when teeth- ing, Endigestion and all the disorders of children sea fa -Millar to mothers, this remedy is con:le:led tiry the medi- cal profession to be without an equal. Its effect is .gentle, soothing, prompt ly euratiVe and never failing. It will eavu pain, anxiety, deetor'e bills and perhaps a life.' All mothers erho have used .Baby's Own Tablets for their little one speak or Miele In terms of warmest praise. hire, Den. Seward, Forfar, Oat.. se : 1 bare 'need Ileby's Own Tablets, ant can Itlp,idy recommend them to all meth - ere. My baby was cation 111 toetli, and was very cross when 1 firzt gave them to him They acted like magic; he cut hin teeth almost wititoatIny Ireowine- It, and gave Itim such eaee that theyproved a blessing. both to the" chill trnil myself. Ire has not b*en Fick hence I tease them ta and I would not be without • theta In the. Ileum" Bah:Flu Own Tablets Olen be pro:aired at arty draggieVe. or will b* sent poetpail on reeetpt tho speaking roieN alt,1 everything to avoid In the .AMerlatar Influeneei that Iles so mneh nearer our Goer. Tho Canadian girl has, as a rule. An exceedingly pleasant voice, awl when nittu3s VoIrein the norm. Timis the strangest ottleo where th* Amer]. -au griwhophono h*o;:ontel v0120rtio Is the Intrion ot the un she Ims been carefully watched by 0- ber teachers in the schools to whielt speakable Turk. No man may en. little 'to ter tbere earent tit ; 1 To an moo ,sho sent„ her voice leaves bo dearest But there 13 I10 denying ter, hut 11e 11111, nrathinolY porunt- the fact that like our reln 'Liven acroot ted the %inns of man to lut heir , tho line, we are too- carotene abnut title moat important" matter. 'rhe pitch and mothilation of Or* epeaking voice should be an important part of every giant education every ten - to onidnent awl twang should be carefully and promptly repre‘sed. oldie the correet English. accent nhould ttrught frhe om tvery be- ' Collar and muff in sable,, with new ginning* It la on:prising thnt these thing* nre praetitillin ignored even In trinnning taint, claws And 'head. --1- our mane flue priVate Itching% Cul- I.:Art de la Mode: nn durinir the Vent feW Yearn._Sten hove becioino cooks and wontea law - "ern. Girin mane ribbons 7111)1 dregs goods in that factory and inert *tend behind the remitter and gen them. There is in a tethers' college a setting girl whet in one of the entilled workere * the forging elaso. She stanunin at the Ilintill, 'with. loather hprotf, Toittfig tliered-hot Iron la- te uneful nod ornamental ellapen. She In an Eittgliolt girl 'WOO name 0.e2ge8. the tieertli to ettion' thn Priv- ileges or tonetioention which the could lint have la Englaud. A Harvard profetnor tom° denlitted in all oeriotement that the preen - torn who taught eltiesen of Women Were mentally treaketted beertuneof the lank Of •Itiental vigor in their etto, dente. In thin statement the ab- ourdity of ail reanetiing reathesit* elitaat. 1 tlgre6 With Iterate Hata, who @Old teat if otily ode -half of the vt:o-pie mard be Outated that half ishoolti be Weilleft. - The woman lei the greater feetor itt rate-bitildioe, .Ati the 'mother in the rade is. A few getterationn of tinedorated tbrIthere *sonata tIfrOW U to back iota the dark ages. Every page of 'hietory proves this to he Ude. Trickle in tio**et In 1n11�t in Vat-, lintel atketieh. Yitatt ainong titni letter =filar& the tide dots hie Moire in oaring for the often:Aril*. It the bettt observed that the male lion. Make* the traiiiitignet the yettog tubs hie torn particelat task, and Watched ever the Iaithinity fon three neOrer. Y *hoard be sortn: to thiak that rn *Mt could not nano on ighth ielke lift tender taro for 10* fatally an a. *Damn haft have_ Anne With the tilightent kto-m- edge ri't ei-dirtatkholing life kootve i that kpreinheti rkohnittlY feMinioe virtne,t. tinitimA, iln : 01. 46,..t,Iiie .011* of titite winners in our colleges Will erhosr •theet neiternt Iiniton rt,linastalind Monopoly. It 14 tree that the ' t erageira-thet ns . iikait .doen not do Ioh n lit the thild 'tlraming. Hie bus' nrina,pnennnit; MM. tut it woolen be better for hitt Ana better for the 4111[21 i! be -could do de,. AVtit .b-Elto-ger *to tures rchnement, betroys Itself in Nem netent eren Mora thin tit manner, yet were we to jadint by the former we thould conclude far teo often that learnt young %Math had bevel -been, to eelieal or college I Too much Importatine cannot be attached to the eultivrition of that "awn ex- rellent thing in wornao," a voice soft, gentle Milroy. the /*tool ta In:at d'Oin-Giti,n1 art 'ofin 'Phaflann bromine tin frtthets are not dohtg thert peat in Om home life. the wotlel rieeda fatitet,s Who bee teedetettatared, aM1L. tore, eon I% will, be ratitTenn nt treq,..rftr;:etotartu there le hut one moral and intellectual ataiidard rot both entegn., „ long, ;not atheta At alIcored , to be AO la.t. as they pleaSe in their' " • bid.arruidaw FRENCH KNOTS. hey9re Aft the Style and Art Instil 'node. Do you IttneW hove to make Prencli knot*? lkOr) bad If yon don't bream* Preoeh knoto you must have, and it eonts a neat little Kahl Or BlokiCy to order thehr done. You cati do no better the @it newn some 'leisure -bout and practise until you learn, or get somecine who knows how to teach yenn 'Yon know what they are, of eotirse. 4-118t dot! made Hire thread neat - tenni prong eloth eurrate In rennno- lor geometrical protessious or in taattered groopa Yeati0l1 felloW any desigh neu ebeose. inle one especial trick le to make a good Pfendir knot--otie that etayn in arid is hot enticed out of etistenee tvlieri the material i In the marvelono amentan taildran maeltine. 'No entertainer: %ono an Amorienn resale= of Conetantittep*e. '`wate ever En popttitr 814 tn.! phoplione, although the harem hits trim* if linen well ooppli w.t ram lo cal instramontin Tor a lonn time. no I am inforined n flutter, 11 WW1 not elentrly undertitool why 60 many more grophophentro pot reli- ant were ttecil in Turkey titnin in eennt- trints where the inonoganrons mor - Hoge lo In 'tome, and wIrre the lam tiring elltien esartries tit inter. eourne among 1 -Wien nu 1 geittleinenn " Armstrong in Shush e'o. 1EP1E• Filen LATTSITI11;' FPI(' firs. 3. illarhott Figures in no In- tcrezting Article to the Lona( Paper. f -n ter v lew oil by . • a ep t'isul Itt 1v e • et • the t.e.ry -ef. et, T re able. ....as Related by erself- Opiniaa f' Kittery Pills. Platteville, Ont,, Oct. at-(SO- ehlil)-The easeeol Mrs. .J.; Barneti, of •titio town, Uraa ' Tonna-Of -sufficient iiimuirtande . to , published. at . , . leugth. in the. .Platteville Itch°. To the reeireeentatieo of, that live loral paper, elle made the following s tett:- meat eoavex'nlng her : exp er I ti ace with- Tiairdcle; •aaldney • Pills; "I have been niltng for years, but in the aprIn•g or -last year - grew very mach woree. Thu syrup-. tome ot my disease were nervous - nes, rheumatism in the left arm, pains in the small of the beck, up the spineil column and back of the. head, through •the. ryes, left side of thee body and occasionally the .right eide. "I• grew wreak, or Iliad no appe- tite, andnight alter night .eould not pleep.. .1. Wan a physical wreck. I was treated by doe.tore. but their 'Medicines afforded me no relief. I •elianced to read in Doeld's Almanac O f the virtue in :Dodcre Iiiiduey Pills and the Wonderful cures elfectod by them. • "The symptoms as therein ex- plainted • corresponded with my own, and I started taking Dodd's, Kid- ney Pills according to dIrectione. llefoxe I had 3'inielied one box there was a. dc'elded Improvement in my condition. My appetite reterned, -the pain was lesseemd, and I` was able to sleep. I have taken in all :1welve1:Q...N.e$ :Ind have completely reeevereki. No sign of iner aid trou- ble rennin% and I a•eeribe It only to Ihydd's ICidneY Pills. Dodd's Klei- ner Pale are. a wonderful Memo\ - ery." T1114 dlliminfr, la reprOdneed. as It Is typical ot the way no ntanY wo- rnn reel about Do ld'e Kidney Pille. Deddet Kidney Pile have been often truly called "Wranan'e best friend." 1•••••••,^ A TEACHER'S _WORRIES Frequently Result in a Break- down of Health learlitelvein Betekoeht, likentitesis, Poor Appetite own insomnia the Outcome -11o* Avtrt 'thole trouble& (Prone: the Iletnew, Witidner, thily those togagel tradLithg proftinelen realize how moth care, worry abet petpletitn unit with 32,1 los Neetet Powor, "In all my life," nin* said with a. nigh, "I have won nab- ono man that I would care 1,0 untrry." "Ind ho look ilk. tan?" he care- leXily asked. Then 0111.0 flung hereelf into bin arnt 4 mid wanted to know "what aecret pow; r poemee that en- ablee them to Leh {A-WM they are level" Inc Mork. June 1 1 th. $07. (n, D. weir -tuts s: ton Dear Shon-MINAPArti LINIMENT 14 my remedy for NELTALMA. It relieven at onee. A. S. MeDONAL.D. ,4,44 444., -412.41a ea, BUTTER AND 01E19SE'. it!ftablv 1111kts by tlio montreal Ass- evial me on tee rintfle. 'Lo Dairymen cif Canada : • OentIonme,-At a general me:11;- 1re; of the Montreal Butter and ebeeee Anseelation, held ou the 10th hart.. it was resolved to lesiva a , eircular to Ithe Dairymen of Can- nela, gl y advising them to turn their attention to butter more generally and to discontinue the manefacture of cheese entirely af- ter November let, for the following 1ISSUE NO. 44, INIBEILITB nsiceydil ' "All well -all happy -lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began dosing the Monkeys with. Scott's Emul- sion. ConsuMption was carry- ing off two thirds of them reasons: every year and the circus had 3.. That fodder cheese. hurts the conereaptien, thus • direirlishing the deemed for grass geode and low- ering price. 12, That the Outlet for 'thecae is limited ,and everything :depends on the quality to induce a large cone somption. • , O. That the consumption of eheetie Is net inereasieg, but ' while the eoneuniption. of finest creamery butter ie rapidly grew- ing. A. That the price of butter is. higher on an average all the year round than chease, ler the finest - qualities. O. That the manufacture of but- ter is mere profitable than Oleos% not only in the comparative Wei°, but in time, the farm eteak. and the land are better sustained. 0. That in 'order to maintain high prices, there meet; be a ecoatinuone aupply of finest butter, and as the flow of milk is lessening, 'IOW, it Is most urgent that the euantity eleeteld tape up as wadi as pos- sible, and to divert' the milk from elleeeete to title artiele is the only way in keep up the. supply. Dui Ler alma I be shipped fr esh weeld3r to commend the best price. I an, gentlemen. yours truly. J. Stanley CoOlr, Secretary. 'Notes - r1 11 reeChUlleeded illet all lac- toyiee eltould be .fitted up so as to xuake either cheer* or butter. Cheese should be held three weeks •at a temperature oZ 110 degrees to ensure •proper eurime. ieorious corn- plainte continue to tome or elleeee being shipped much too green. Pardue -e'er both of cheese nava but- ter aro still tie of tomtit too thin wood. 'Montreal, Cat. 15. •••••••••••••••• Cennor Mien Hog. 'into *Pieria:I. razorback' Is the hog Indlgenonit to the vl:Ma.td and soli. fie is usually laxsa or limb and fleet of toot, being the only known pork- er that can oatrun darney. Ile has a, tail of' wentiroun length, which, wide he In notive motion. 11 to buy new ores. One day a keeper ,accident- ally broke a bottle of Scott's ,Emulsion near the monkey cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do' them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very fettr deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's 'Emul- sion than new monkeys -and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten- ed with it can you take the hint? This picture represents the Trade .Nlark, of Scott's Emeirion and is on he wrapper of every bottle. Send for free =mph, SCOTT & flOWNE. 'Mawr° 1,ANADA, sec min $t. 211 druggist& - _ A Fulluy. "Thero to a great deai to be sold on both skim in every queotion," rnati tho brood -inland man. "Nny dear err." motored Hr. Hea- ton, "It is very pinin that 'you!, isave never engsva In on argument with Ifenrietta.n-T110 traoltitigten Star. twists Into tito t gh eor ' Illnartns Linintnnt but witlt whilo quietly fetd- per. he ranta hits lenthery rides nitwit lo the Meld manner that the docile Iatti ratty luterprese11. eoNV mien her tall, •Ile Li 511f -support- ing. Ile roma hiti own Jilting and F.11111111111n1len V110111 --Did ".41101.40 I I nomr Intsbaill so very dearly? titres %stem - 'thrives equally uell the g t welds, the riot 10019.14. In the bum- Tht. km. -1 &Intuit) sly to! Ineelta arid Lu the znaentws. He si1111- , SI Intrithk1Off 114011d-rvg, lint did 61.8ttl 1111011 anything he eau Und You 7-Nokeintier Smart Set. ainno, tin. earth or underneath tor surItce. 111123 ele.tr, far-eeeltig eye. met in very sensitive 03 heartug. Mirtard's Liniment toren nriret KISSED TIIE DUKE Naturi. IMO equipped him With a 111 Colvn vaunt elm Mt no linen as the Luta of It rimming holden/ tof the llonnii Visit to Poplar Polite, An numbing Innkititt occurred dur- ing the ettty ot the Duke and Dual- 1 enir of York ni Poplar Point which „rattly iseape 1 'the nottne of the correepondenta aneouiparinbig tInn pnrty. Whets the Duke retureed to the railtvey etattoh front the lake Ito wonn met by the lite -liens, who embraced her Royal epoinee often.- tionately. The nvecting waif cent -coin over whoa a Wixom Wcitaitla tail woe among the. country folk anneittliitor to nee the party depart, Inotrintn1 ug 1.0 Qr. dadght him -111 her raring and philikel a cm:Inking lette 1viS Daehesst latigheel aint the Intkelike- Wine netionl enioy enperience hafildliscly atter hot recove.red frOlft 21199 ariiieeruent, The good lady enplaihod that jtet Wethett to have the niainctioa of having Iiieti- ed the futore his, of Er1010.-*Anirin Moen, Free Preen. tht• Wild lidlIV.111 on :Ulmer), with - - --- - 0 GR which he tan penetrate Lite earth many Welton in quest. el wornon makes nod limects. fle is lite Jurist intrillgoitt of tall gn, tool 11 w10 11121 the 111051 enurageolin. 110 lion been lotown engwgi in mortal eorabat with. cnon lite poasenslent of a. watermelon and to rend noun - der a barbed-wire fence. "firi In be killteluigent that when he liven lit town he beeontes an familiar wart the railroad tit Misrules; ao are the train deepatenern thernmelven. arid piles Inn '‘OVAtiql'i hi grettt bete abbot. the railroad ntationen and net no train over ran rent:er razor -- bank. 'nen ever the rantold com- p:mine tire forted to pay for killing a hog. tilway3 proven to ble Berk-. Aire, re Gahm& or pont other line, breed -never a mnorback. He in too aeline null alert 10 by might, even bv locomotive, Plo is hetet:rag, rest- !, ler-at energatle and 11.8re net thrive well in pene, tIontioNi, he ' loeee rather thaa gable flesh. lie in alwans rine for Imtrket. as Mg &M. dition la rty, gotta in Miguel, as It Is 121 ‘lanY' 11 19 111".C1c'te II 112 wnntler Liailtit int titres Colds t Jar'116-rS' 1111 "'fly -I' hIsl"Pet" his 124- that,ie there Inc so reale,- health 1 telligetice, ntirtilten 111.4 iterve arid is breitknicovon, rim mg loons ladles who folloW tide t•alling. Miss Chrlattliie ratd, et ()Abu:ay, Oat., is elle Who auffeeed Week hi lige respett. '14c) repotter of the WW1. met /tee -lett Miss Pare sail: larr reetetal yeare. While teaching echoel, rtaer tontiMially troubled with head - washed., Half the leedi,eh, tgemee -egg geeg i tithes, elirtirtens and a weok back. I the8t dtos are limo.- eelea iletnite arm tried several doctors and me:Heine% but got no relief. I beetateitt to badly thread making them knots. that I theught pmeiiiiie- a lamb/ of White thtead pht OP rine tu" tIolc`h herestitelted relight bands may be Oral& t)i tinAcSineet warel l tem, me used on thin bit:meet for the Winter, 1 teller. I tate up air e‘,1,:to,s1 gad rot thete la no doubt that this Whiter, 'tiled other duties, but tire te.eat was W111 sanction the fashion or the Vati- j'el'imitiollialug, as the trovite eernetit 0118 White blouses to be Worn Under i 19 hav'a taken a flint held 'epee Vide, ' The headaches grew aseireand Mote a .plathi Of, elaborate lakket Louisine win be the fonitiotoble fa. nenern, My appetite failed tee and 1 brio for dressy Monies to be Worn Wag frequehtly compelled to take 8., with . handsotte eloth 'enita and tett, in °Mee to overteme dizziness. 1 Vete/14h khatsaleok ihaniellaelY Well on A frland advised MP- to ttSr Dr. 1,111- zne bands that go to Man* toilet, liable Pink Pine- I deelled to try sa dare' alai frobt box plait. r . r, tot, am1 before they wete all uneY.I Mack imote on White are elm:tieing, „ 1 round remelt teller. 1 eontinued tat:- l'il'llittkiht Seine 04 hatOs or -White") frig the pits for some tinie longer, taffeta and see bow stylish the re- every' day gaining neu- health and *int% Theo hemntitch theee' betide sttehttla and now I feel as well ae, agal ' 1? theta to the POO blouse ever, 111111 in toy life, ara ara never _volt 11 taireler liat'e n1,. , istirtter, bothered with the old tronbles. Vee With dat-stitchlog of black 'silk. may eay therefote that there ist . $tele It srbut ftiqqdtipoi.- adnike?it ,othing teen rrer-intnend so higitly nn.nn.,.. ' ., nn n- a Die Willierna Pink • Young girls Who are pale mid l'et inept -eve Pie Ctusle. weak, who suffe: from backaches, "(Olen- baking pies of fruit that ate hmefachts, loss of appetite, palpita- trot eXtteinelv it IS' a tam"( tion of the heart, and other Avon- ieleaafteityirtTparinga...ticit ttostaptl tOhtts that overeoree mansin - 'RAM*, with -eted"..#1, ,44 rally womanhood, Will lind tettalo add the fruit and sugar without a.h7 and 'speedy etre hi Da 1,171111traie Water. When the 111)11er crest lel/to,- Pink Pills1 these pills make Ada perly plated With tiny air helee seat; , tett blood, strengthen the nerves and teted about, the pie Shoed he held In gire new lite and vigor to the whole borate theetnee beyond to rental Ste babel and a dipper el' 'Cold wateri bedy. The genuirre beat the Itill inettgret. Inizabeth Cady Stanton. poured quit:My over it.' °NIS .°7111 edc name! Dia Williarrea" Pink pits for eufflefent water tO cook tire fruit and pea); ateepie eet, _Ltd „tapper ,,Ettound wiII Make the trust much more every box. Soldhy all dealera ot bY An lignitat 41,4'.-er loditt g mail pos. mad rte. 50 etnis a hot or • --;01111 itt A Poet I -toilet tre ,. lee botes lot Lk..a0 addtssing *Tittle ,of hortseknelting. "licOr usimioadi* ow. .edieThe 'Clothes Are often Olscarded as .hopt- ZULVIJUnt t2f Tao tate Log, m 44, le*, wilt- I...it to, hitt:heal May .`""r‘"" * • • OUR SHEEP LED THE WAX. Captured it nlanority of nine 3101tey fItillelo. *file reetrita tha inaltzlig et the fend of him an fond; for he Manned- waya tkeer,Itled afford the prroVerbfal °:-ArPrik., rat:* lid is the king of hogs. ite einn be grown more ptefilahly thal atter other knoWil variety, dee" lat8 been ohsetted, he is eftergetie dad in - intent Ilttlf to rat aft .1 mine f rifest art ..treatri. sheep at Ow ran-Alnerican hate Weft d 6tli 11 received by ion Departinetit of Aga - torture trota Eiderkin, Can- atlan stottihttudent Of live stook.H As it thee ease or thee tattle and*wine, they ate tepeeifalia- gratireing to Can- adians, as oar exitilltora tarried of about 160 per cent. mote trite, inolle,y thou the Annerineorn n The tale of ebeep Was hot Write pathapte What We *Odd et -petty" tiderkin add% nyern there Wee a toed deal or 11020 done,, deene, end the way opened, 1 think, for blereasing blitiness In the futore. Coe Mart $1.400 worth of sheep to go to New Mexico. this is the kind of business we like to see; it Means the opening of new rerteketa rot ant Canadien etuff."' The/ following Is a. sum:nail by breeds of the the -elite Of the judging: Wort leer Breed. Xiteerlearer. Careatilata ScratiedoWill . )3211 SI Sercipshirea .1.t3 "7.5 tieicester4 Iferalishites 246113 as-som 1%52 tO Dorset note 20t yeattleg inn et7.1 ----- test. fitted lioak and breed (silier plate) tit Der o0 aet 50 OG 11 606 2 '4 21601 'SG off 815,CD ?Dna - 1,306.6n n1,162 SO tliert4 20 mote Coliatrh Feetifei to# the eet.eittr thee all ttiimraixtylsoviis,5*vevesteriihtet. tZwayFdre:Irtolail4fhttzi It414;:ri44„vor)41 Itam 42a ;tile et .1.,4A1 Ott- oiel tenteitite.ne,4 lre calm aptly latV g 90.-latew Weal tmalfroat. valresearemil ferumbIet, resio"Ltilliheere.*94);%liEritt4trit eiece% 116ree't' ti6eottlar- tiered (tab:neat. ItalrA rallattft rate. Mann - tattered lir F. tnenen &co...Telenet, Mtn istrinoelneenstioitionai eon* orilberriartrtt 12. r. taken tMeeteally ,clomt frO*1 iontoosoya itennentifin. Itectsditectlybri thellsodal tout saateas slowed!' of the eastern. 'They ogee oti6 11m/dyed dolbirk tot atip erneit Matto etre. •Isend for tirculos Arid testimonials, sAoameletreedritaagerej._,C114-7.150N7 & CO, Toledo. O. Mars Family Pins are the beet, • 7 Wellington Street West TORONTO .6. Canada's Largest Tailors Will mike elorlito TO 01211811 hie rtnnit M sn; lo tonna •ist LOWED, NUM Aim 1 ?mot tither ertintion DELIVER at now niltAlln FAT It,'NfIllitner STATICON, Drop * wad for their .lenhlon tomishlek n'etti0br eWt VOA hitkatureibehtrattier, /Mit sALInn1416 Acirtnn., intA11 nein n. Ironton, sir esalittatent onie4 . rot sear. Ingo nen b ecksareth thOjii, Mort faetety attd*thaoll.half edge; *511 9+911 its4/41,610 ' ;et Witt, ttits)-' t&te.10.. OC.01. E, Asher. I itsmart, Ont, _ liondnira tThinase Tallnv>. Some yearn ago Ilinttecileony the threeee Anieft4sedor.., here ift leention, 13:,00eit. ovet from the 16.114 tit the telentiois, eatt'Ve $ayS Aire- teetat At the pre -lent time the lat. tet tattlea be:elates iti ptitate bouSe neat ltasseli Square. thither ge! 4 good ingeber or Dbitreee and othet Oriental r-eeleitete in Deadort Who heppett to 'be In Want or neW attire. Mtell 110 1111; WL T nI011 411`13)9 tit 21 tits gottgiZogrZli hateey. Serene ie latele ft Ca.>, Catianissiaa eittehildie# Letalora PAInnin PEtt AtInt AND 1P- 1 Y niernerentars. talidoelit !mai Ow- In crowfoot &CO, ItlifoneneinViii NvANintin-Intintihn Int wadi& 11.4141.4glit, footinni:torn ion . Voodoo'. eta knit Inestinto wow& neon Male Valtildahite llaStatalate H11.,46 rti„Dept.,‘41`tiroute.12/ht. *ft Witakat's &OM*411242 :,tilirtwigothiruit.4 Niiibthei Thee apart 23 iett e... eritaa Wed vaglit ' an4. ttie btoi rented t fotairefitte Thartir- five teats& beta& rittit teittt*8A1.1C-Dieek IRS nitent In Motto* Penn Vitibtai,10 miles OM% HareilLiba eh tee IMP *id* 131 MA* tif *lath k hint maait Veleta& Will tit ate he elltieetlitithlobrofielo IC *et Valk - 61420*, 'Th1.4 * deddid Union* Andros Cittietitee,, 11, O. liter 14 WOW* Olittaid O011.1teklitO 1101,Atti.:4, t nelinVn 'Mt StOnt nnECT Agri Ti' . efrentwe.o-steht tor eatenting tterno tetreade,. United. 59 4912* end lalebnt, ieithotit nalag 111Yetinite . Menlo& yoer •86bioiseer ra• reirearee .6a de? V` etelleeitan arritteriteett reetekeable theft& r. Write et phowelf rageetered.,:eneet eat ratifd§Ffitatinet tat teen:the mteriattiouer sterbratne Minket Ofeinte totnek 0_11: Tritna,O. 13,446 \tour .Cotn lextott • 4.- • - Idittarctil tinitirent theta pipit* thee*. 1.,:eakati*tallaYs it toe& if tectork4, jtin ttiVe.itajetia yotti, tehttikt btr" .8tWitt ,50d. by *tette. ea ,arder roe Verde mete -Mose preveriptioier tetertett yea* hearth, liette Ntar tieffeet templet/tee Do Mit t_Ak 12s20* Weitfileas Mem:leant *eat& 4222 VALE MEDIGAL. Yale, Mitt, IF A2,71' lift'aDItrIt '70trAl-AIWILY DRINKS, - 'teree eral 111041)0iiir tomb Nyder Mit IVES giving 1 aetpless notootio risiotritatoo sander nt The tette for Meter din 56 teiltoie p m muipERs .ad .a.±4 VT** voilvv,PVe. ta4fitannial-T. necteletitnetc.frcl. NVfille SAlcclitttl)g Ititelablr Con it Jardiaisteeeto taitalte• Cate SISTERS BROTHERS 4 "01