HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-18, Page 8THE Zurtica '. Special Bargains OFFER NO. 1, Tula Hr.RALD incl 3 0 C The Family Her- 3 e.' old and Weekly Star (Montreal) front now to Jan, 1, 1902, four months, for 30 cents. Two beauti- ful pictures of the butte and Duchess of Cornwall and York are gineaa. to • each subscriber FREE. Present subscribers of Tau HERALD van secure the pictures and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 30c for payinthe 4 g musoniSeths 30c OFFER NO. 2. TRE HERALD and Thrice -a -Week New York World (156 papers4 dur- ing the year) for one year for $1.65. The Thrice- S1 L 5 a- We e k edition of ,- • V the N e w York World is almost as good as a daily. Send in your name and ad- dress, accompanied by the cash. THE HERALD, ZURICH, ONT. Jubilee Laundry Work guaranteed equal to CIT..." WOMB= We use no Chemicals to destroy your Clothing. Suits to Order 1•or1: HOFFMAN, Tho Tailors J. H. Wismer GENUINE VERITY PLOUGH REPAlRS Buy these and get satisfaction for your Money. COUNTY NEWS, Mr. William Coates, town clerk of Clinton, and inspector of the county House of Refuge, has been offered the appointment of post- master of that town, and is consid- ering whether or not he will accept the. position. The Crealy Butter Factory. at Clinton was put up by auotion on Tuesday last, but no purchaser'was found for it, There is a bare pos- sibility that arrangements may be made whereby the factory will commence operations again. At a congregational meeting ' of St. Andrew's church, Bayfield, it was decided that a new church would be built on Clan Gregor Square. The old church not being able to seat the increased congre gation, will be torn down and the material used in the new one,whieh will be estimated at about $2000. At a special meeting of the Quar- terly Board of James st, church, Exeter, called to consider the in- viting of a pastor to succeed Rev. C. W. Brown, who has had an in- vitation to Mitchell, it was decided to invite Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wing.. ham, to become pastor of James st. church for the ensuing conference year. John Northcott has rented his farm in the 2nd con. Hay, to Harry Billing for next year, His son, Nelson Northcott, who has been working the farm for some time, intends bolding a sale of his chat- tels on Thursday, Oct. 24th, when he will move to Exeter, having rented Robt. Cole's house on An- drew street. After having been closed down for nearly three months, the Sea - forth Milling Company have again commenced running their mill, During the time their mill was Closed, very extensive improve- ments have been made, in fact the entire machinery has been changed and by enstalling the latent and best machinery, the company have now practically a new mill. KILLED BY A TRAIN Mrs. Richard Gera'ld of trsborne the Victim, St. Mary's, Oct. 14. A fatal ac- ne le t occurred at what is known I•IORSESHOEI G as the 'Long Crossing," about a Done, ;u as to ]give' d+t>ntfurt to . utile west of the Junction station here, to -day. Mrs, Canine who the 'horse and to develop lives, about two mnilee from Wood - bis feet. Interfering prevented 1 hath, in the Township of tThborne, while returning :from town today GENERAL 1L At'hSMITHI 'G alone in her buggy, was run dowln. , by G. T. R. east -bound express Zee. WISEDigit; 2, and instantly killed. The horse i was oleo kilted, and thebnggy com- pletely wrecked. (est ZURICH The body of the unfortunate wo Jtl MILL. S'7'OREunion was talks=sr to the station. wand Coroner Rankin of Stratford, roti. Ld teed as full Stock of flea. It is 'likely that an inquest be" held' Gtacstls, All wool Blank a The deceased d lai r oats an aunt els, Sheeting, I. idle: wveer. Stock> ;; to Mr. Walter Stevens of Stanley innsees Ladies hose. Caw.erae , Township, hear Blake. Mr. Steveno ' dirt his mother attended the: futler- 5ttackitag ; Ei1°aa at 4.4lue.`tri alitti. al, which was held on \'t"`eene day We Also Cara' afternoon. 4 feels linne !9f Hout.e'hohl t' urilia tnre,rarior and Buarit..»alaia f+ta1'1414, Cottelaee„ Futttey 1oeke rs, Side- hoards idledt# irds and Eetteneitoi Tables at ail prices. Pieta a Framing tlone at etes n Ms , 01141SI3NZ�Cicil tO 9 tr 3.90. ZURICH irks IOGOIES12 1Ea 131TGflII La ger Stock Then Xter. Nobbier Than Ever. Primes Lower Than Eve'. %tricit On a Kalbfleise MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —Alt kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order Estimates given for all kinds of buildings; A full 'stock of E. C. Red Cedar Shingles. Alt kinds of lumber al- ways on hantt. Chopping done every day. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. O. italbfleiscl, Zurich P. Or SAX JOSE SCALE SPREADS. They San Jose seek KS alai enemy of Ontario fruit trees is again gate is1; the etch t of the faaT-pser e. wand wording to Mr. Ileo. E. Fisher, the 'cover laealt 1lsspzetair. who WAS at the Piarlialsienat buildings. Te;ronto. on 3t • nday, mesre trees are dying of it than ever before. Ur. Fisher aserillres this filet in part to the apathy of the people, who have hilt yet thoroughly te- aiizedi their daatlger. ••lf the scale a is anywhere in your neigebnrh.00d. you may Make up your mind jou will have it sooners/ or later," said Mr, I'is'her. �•"s' of only peach and pear trees are dying fr' i ii it, bet else apple trees, wu;hieti lit est mere thought to be comparatively safe." eta. Fidler remarked that treat- ment with whale -nil soap And etwle potralentn had not been very She- cessfut being too severe foe ph trees alar] Japiatit blunt treeai. Ai* tope for these wars in fntaigatiois with hyciracyanie acid gds. A Hste- Mort fitte gold cyanide at 30 cents a. pow and suliphutic acid at 2 coots* pound, and he hoped to 1 soon have a feasible tett applaaatus prepared as a model. in any ease 'spraying has to be done at the 'right time. or the buds will be kill- ed. GOSHEN LINE Special to the HZRATD. • Mrs, J. Erwin of Marlette, Mielte who has been visiting friends around•hore hits returned houao. ' Mies Bella Fell of Staffa is spend- ing a low days with friends on Goshen. Mr. Goo. Elliott has, returned home from the West, he'says when he left it was wet and. cold and a lot of grain was spoiled on account of the wet weather. • Mr. A. Keys of Babylon line is on the sick list at present, but we hope soon to see him around again. Miss Jean Campbell of McKillop spent a few da s with her sister, Mrs. John Manley last `week:. Mrs. Thompson of Chicago, is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. A Keys. Mr. Ed. Do*son is engaged with Chas. Reman, for tho fall. • Wm. Stogdill .Jr. is doing a rush- ing business at the well -digging. The threshing in this •vicinity is almost finished, plowing is now the order of the day. WHAT CAUSES PAIN? Most pains and aches/ come from excess of uric acid poisons in the blood, due to deranged kidneys, rheumatism, backache, lumbago, pains in the sides and limbs accom- panied by bladder and urinary troubles, are warnings too serious and painful to be neglected. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills act directly and specifically on the Kidneys, make thein active, vigor- ous and thoroughly cure these ail- ments. One 25 cent box of this great Kidney medicine will do you a world of good. HILLSCR€LGN Special to the HkaJLD. ; Some of our citizens seem to bo a" litle pugnacious of late, howevo�r beyond a chicken fight' none gets hurt. Andrew Rain has engaged with Sandy McAllister for the fall. An- drew is an old band at the farm work and will no doubt please lir. McAllister. Robt, Stelek *pent Sunday with Geo. Campbell of the Mad con,, Ste uiey. Wm. Jarrott our vretran thresher has almost completed this season's work. Rev. J. 11. Meleity of Gotlerit:'h took charge of the service in the Presbyterian church. Surn1. '. Hr. McKay is. :a pleasant and able speak or. Tho Misses 'Galituan of near Zurich visited] 'with their L'etXiiii )thein Lie de Reichert Studley. The Crously rend iiuttter Rene eel still draw largo lttlsnbi!=.a ra111s miler wwieinity. Mr. Graham and Miss Sheffer visited at C. Troyer's last week. {Mies P. Jen ream of Clinton 'visit. ea at Mrs. 'i*u'nt. Ceti "e Thur 4ay and Friday. The entertainment in the Tempe eranee lila]] Hillegreete has been postponed till filet 2.Ird, on account of the Crrot stey and Hunter meet- ings. Dont f'ergeL r. W. Dae. With "Constipation Conte a Hoot Of His. Get 'Weal asci, Kee# ]me eld late tae newels by Veto* Dr, Mimeo 7£ialie9-11rer Pins. YOU cannot 'avoid disease if you 'neglect to regulate the' bowel. attid allow the liver and kidneys to become torpid, sluggish and macula. Dr. Chase's Kidney -liver Pills are the roost valuable family medicine that 1 ont can conceive of because they in- vigorate and regulate the •eitcretotlr 4 and J8ltetin6 argent as ho other prepar- 1 *Chiu was 'ever known to •do 1 r. Geo. Penner, 'Wiartori, Ont.:. antes "I don't Tike to have tiny name put in public print, but I feel it ;g dut+j to in fellow -men to rsconune'nd Dr. I Chase'* Kidney -liver pi11s., Fcr about four years I Was troubled with chronic constipation and weak- ness of the kidneys. My condition was seriouswhen I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney -]Iver Pilin, and I verily believe that they have saved my life. 3 am now well and feel like a steer man." more people ate lir. Chabe'ab, Kidney -Liver Pills than any other Can- adian medicine. They are popular be- -arise they cure when other reaaiediea fall. Ask your neighbor about thein. One pill a dose, 25 cents a bol, all deal- ers er Bewails= Bates te Co., Toronto D'ASHW'COb Epedal to the ll a ,u•. IMc Bean ed Goderileh rine panted by i. s brothers, lDr,, Bent of Plorida, V. S. ata] A. Bean of 13rrgiht, Ont., visited friends it's this seetiolt tin Fridley taut. Mr. J. le tst r of Parch', Mich., who line bent 'visiting at 3. W. Graybier s tor a few days returned ]toter on Sattnday heist. P Haute has d spoaaed, of his livery business and Exeter stage route to tiy. Gaelither. %fie Me knee Will retain the Parkhill stage rotlto. D. Sheeifer has niotred tato his tie* residence. C.h'ritz and family visited Meads here lila Motiduay. Chas. 1laart1e b of Znrieh was in town Monday. Jonas Hartteitrp is fitting tp Ins rttcial-iit store in the brick block. BLAKE CHOPPING AND CIDER We eau save you t lot of work and worry if we make your Apple -butter, and it Don't Cost Much We do Chopping every Day, at very Lowest Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed JOHN THIRSK. We Have A SPLENDID RANGE ti TWEEDS .AND YTIN S WHEN REQUIRING ANY WE ASK YOU TO LOOK OURS. BONE SPECIAL- LY GOOD VALUES Wool Tweeds At 35C per yard Gall and Examine them F A. E D'W'A RDS' MAYFIELD' Wm. ''. einsteiber teturaeesd hone from Sarnia me Monday evening. Abraham Shettler who kite been ry ailing for wale time is %e3y low at preseut. '"i"11r► Misses Carrie and Mita Shettler of Buffalo were called home last week on account of the illness of their father. A goodly member of our eitizenaa have attended the meetings of Messrs Crossley and Hunter at Hensell. Dr. McLaughlin was in London ration in honor of the Royalty ad bed a good view of the Duke rd Duehesa. A meeting of the officers and directors of the Stunley f3raiieli Agricultural, s'ocie'ty will be held at the Town. Hall at 2 aa. gas., Saturday* Opt, NOM for tho purpose of paying purist's] and Settling the business for the ireeent fair. EAVER' MEADOW Spueial to the .Hina t.n. A nut ubor its oar vicinity are busy threshing this week and the !. iaaetter part of ]adult wwerk. C. Trueinnn r, wife sant family visited Mr„ Irrt tmtstea''s Masan on the Goshen n on /Nint ly last. Among those who spent i. Imlay ° mow, In Ell ,�un!•slattits wm-e' have tree• polaanbuur4a�uda... artt t n alt uttelrlltang the Crossly Dr ss Goods tvL' ?G:•. lE$Cgti°u>«,:..113c. a,nn. aana,Il r r-,'" ti a `err dull lhutster meetings are S. Meerr- ; A See eel eeie te-Gte::r .4.11 -taro t i tuolauu> luai n. 7,3 niiu-rue•. cw•eude, tier, wife and &telly, Sam Schoe'ls e:tr tluauuIlity Je d waa9auty, p, u• t eared acrid Itis eistea', ",yruru &hoot, wife iota family and Alf. Gaallthaitt. a '�Ywb Ilti4ue taint 443.eieoie= a aatx: p Flannels (lhdais now able to be . 14,1t -qt lc. v ,�•!t +a cttut of bed. tale] is steadily improv- g• t yrow- g. + We can give' you t e-nrea%'F�'lal nee t int in!• -an 1 nest- toc in . t)itld" an C"�nvl nunl�zeq r7t `9:tict, lva> pair : :uan vtE:l u ver Mre. O. "I`iithrliter Bothe Timmins, .iitsivy Alt1-wool at ',nets per Beau, all 3falteriidie",it wtritlt her brother on Clic Satibleb lithe. �ry your hays.; 5vaiydtn this we:aauk'r by barring ,.. l,st11, - . rtderear Pall plowing is now the order oil � our T'ka�y 4 e'-litica.l underwear for tu!•:iu. il•€n the ti . ii •have them for boys 7 yettes velli]: and sup In wtaea•rkings we have aline ldta'. nehry. Bieber is busily cis- -Tip-wwool just the thing for boys at '.y:er is per pair. ganged making syrup from his sugar tl A ► old to the Ken about 11'neleicr ear—We have l' ie: eee.lnw4 at eine. FOC, 7Se to 1.50' each, Also o ae Wool at 50e. dint as :pedal an striped All Mtg. ' W. H. Mercier retorted tet-waol at 75c end S5c. Zurich after hairsieg spent a couple if of Week's visiting at her brother-iis- ht r u, Mr S. O. Merrier. tsie tumor has it that wet1ditig hells ato rapt to be r;n„titg tear here seen. 1 L AT THE f lmna C `c2..Y H Ria✓ 'N y A RE A full line of Beautiful Stoves, Decorated and Plain Lamps, and a Fine Stock of SILVERWARE All will be sold Cheap, to suit the times. For all kinds of Hardware TINWARE, PAINTS, OILS, LAMPS, GLASS, GRANITE - WARE ETC., CALL AT THE BIG HARDWARE CHAS, GRE Main Street....... 5 Zurich, Ontario. ;:,,... . SAY no V0li - toiiC� ill to buy a Cook stove or a Heater Then see our line of Decarbon Steel, The stove of the day, will burn COAL or WOOD. 'Jen timers er strong ars east. Costs no more than old kind. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED ALSO A BEST 8yat•Ot''K c_u�I1 HAtt,N ':SS. MADE(SOF THE BEST I EATHElt 'JIii LAND P1tOi)t'('l'"�.,•,. We aro Headquarters for Blasrkets, Rotes and Riggs. ARTLEIB & CO., r'( are and ilarlle'SS Emporium. oriulll. CO MPLETE,,ea.ua•waer'al,-01 . ).06.e ,ta-tatie,Votwd, til' Pali €uidd Winter &ttwit is now }la"d►bn1'aplk'te. and inn'Il the different Lines a'taaa t'iiiii sere ell the intent ` #6tl9ib SIudva'Itai stetealtIt)HH IS d a°raW II to war w �sW ecutor's Notice. Notice to Creditors of William floyruclr, late of the TorEnship of l ay, Farmer, deceased. Ptirsuan't to Sec. 38 of Chap. 129, of the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario 1597. `a Socks. A line of half eve of adt Me per pair. A alta'!' lis.*hr wwo;ed jest the thin fey fall .at g5e. a pair. E".nshran res attae to 45e per pair E SLY9f: L•'1/18ER All Gcoc_ s Advertised, are to be had. We do not Advertise what vie haven't got. Call and see us Notice is hereby given that all credi- tors and others having claims against Doe. • estate of the said William Heproek itlr,er l- � � + j T J died on or about the 20th day of Septei,i- Y bear, ,i- D'., 1901, are, oda or before 1' -he 15 day of November next, A. D., 1943'1, to. ,einbac Zu b Neytiee itvrelky given that I will aabnd by poet preplid to Samuel BEanie, = Revisea ece,,y Tlnirsday afternoon. not 1ept i'. '1ir33 ' ble for the paymen n lit Za ich P. ., i,bO of the eeiiiort "of, �alleat 63 tel bG on S aturdaay. the last Wil1'teatement of laid detested !oat., D. Routledge disposed of'his tbmr �taristsin dunes rind an nailer', ad- 1Bswrley Cer, dresses: and descriptions, the full pArtie- toter; of their' titian*, a statement of Peas I tllift' yuceottiittr end the nxtatre of si,�eurity Flour fir 7' 3 as n✓ .'- ilia e iy ant '_K - - - 3y 3'3; favor of Henry Ilse. for. nineteen ,.2 ,i dt)ll'atra. dated the :;lith day of i`: tie= 4ii Y tcmaier. 1001„ ate the said note hue lid➢ 4J1w'norbtainedfrom ane by nils .y -'lSe1 1t1 1, Y= =pre: €'irtaatll3le and have r(�:'rit: ae no �. ..`. ly ;; •, �.iIYV.€. for the same. - ; , :? i (; ; t1) .Jieue Kiien- �J. /tan disposed of hill 'driv'irr to held b theta and that Bu� - Mr P. a a tt. . Lamont of t!` art atter the r Zurich.. Y Of Eggs Chickens r'b - JlSCAV rIaLLIO Special to the Heiteen. W. Herd has the contract aiding W. Brandon's and H. Drehntann'ii houses and haat, a number of baalitde busily engaged tit it. Miss - P. Evans of Coderieh was the guest of Miss Paallis. Mr. James • Delgateyr preached very acceptably in St. Andrew's church Sunday morning. Itobt. Snowden is taking in the Pan-American. id the said exeoatois da alaresa nail pro - seed P distribute the asset* of d to e' deeto said aecea'eed among the parties entitled thereto halving regard to euel *Isbell of Which netice'shall be given as sedove rd. lteredand the said executors -rill sot be liable for the "Stets'or sty part thereof to any person or persona of whose claim or e1shns notice shall not have been re- ceived by theist at the time of snek dis- tributio t. SAMUEL RANNIEA Executors, ERASTI.IS ItAN1rTIE f Enrich P O. Ducks. ereeso G 01 Dated this a0th clay of 1 eptemlaer. :7 Potatoes - - - - - 35 mli-NSALL MARKETS. Wheat — - - - - 63 to GG 0 Oats Barley Peas 1001. A clerk in a city store said the other day that business had be/1 very dull for a long time. `(at'.' di( as not adverti: e, whteh explainwvl i1q 42 1311si1105 wva15 &dill- It had bee 00 ea dill so long that when a man warm H. J. D. COOKE, Flour - - - - - 2.00 2.10 Solicitor' for Executors. Hobs (di v.e) per cwwt - 67:00 '6.:70 Oetober, A. D. 1901. i2 and. ]ladle aa, fifty -cent purchase he -got so excited that he broke th Dated eat Zurich this lith day of fifty -cent lever i11 the east/ register ' anti b «1 to send away for en expelMacke Tainted promises carefullyto come and repair et. and wi ah :foressl ht. An aclvertis- Miss F. Staubury* was at London 1 Tam RIBALD is a newsy paper. ed pros nice- ought to be as good as C. Fritz the shoe Tuan sells th !oast Saturday and saw the demon -1 We want you as a subscriber. the ad-rertiser's bond. best fall boots and shoes.