HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-18, Page 7breielatefe-frae-falefalefrealefra+444-04,4,-Ieheteleateleteeeelefeteteletateletetraelsee,++++te
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ComIg of taLlia 0 .3.
4. 4,
A Pretty Irish Romance.
gfeil'cjellelefelef lelse ;ea lea a a eelefeese -easilea eaea nea a a Ise Ise 403- ofee Jeer+ itelee
.Loain fair shines the sun, and And Gillian accepts his attentions
locume la the treacherous blue sky,
and more or les,s damp and parboiled
from eteamy "waterproofs' and
meekintasites, tile young men and
Maidens arise ; and Lady Denier in-
dasaitabey gives the order to march
forma/41to Glenernal at their best
cirer am really afraid we are
Moly be have a wet afternoon," her
Ladyship says, glancing through her
goitieteramed eyeglasses at the rain -
with a gay Indifference, a sniiiing
savor fairo so foreign. to her usual in-
tensely evident feelings, as to pique
and astonish Captain Lacy into
deeper earnestness than he has yet
felt or Intended to feel. While in the
meantime It equally delights and sr -
prises Lady Jeannet te.
"Positively I had au idea, the dear
child could be so very eharming !" she
says, gushingly. "She may e.ctual13-
one day be quite a brilliant littlo
hoste Rae the inled-up masses of vvhite 'woman of the world!"
clbratil rand violet cicada and the acres awl Bingham Lacy bows with sav-
or esseitteang heater, a.ncl her damp, castle homage.
dieeeeittel company, and their drip- , "Beneath your perfeet tutelage, my
phieetrobrellas. dear attire. I have no doebt he
Watch them with a f4.3 of
jealous, anguish in her
Innocent eyes, with an agonY
of suppressed misery, the
whito face So piteauslei lag-
gard in this keen., new torture of a
woman's pain.
"George and Anne, they are all the
world to male other. I am nothing to
them -happy, so happy together !"
she, whispers to hereelf, with burning
lips, grown pale and dry, with a sud-
den fever of Gartering. "I might have
known, though he denied it, denied
It and deceived me. I might rhave
known, only I have been deceiving
laggteir, What -good hi my life to me?"
And then she sees them coming to-
ward her -George with Anne lean-
ing on his arm, tae tall, handsome,
sndling couple -and the poor child
shrinks frora them vrith halmost ter-
ror in the humiliation of her aplees
"Take me out -out in the air,
pleaee," she says, hurriedly, clinging
to Captain Lacy mad tuepin,g. aWelq
abruptly. "This t room is 56,-eree, "hot
a.nr1 stifling."
Ile says nothing, but takes her one
at once; bruphin9,1. past George and
Anne rithout raPing his eyes.
A: few minuten i+,'standing in
well what it is to feel worn out!"
and Lady Jeannette inbalege her
vinalgre oriental°, and damps her
'delicate white handlreeelzief with the
perfumed essence to wave away the
otior of turf smoke. `" This has been
a little too rough an experience ifor
you, my love -I told Bingham X fearea.
so -itis rustic gaiety is just what
our cousins, those dear Darner ghqs,
delight la-abselutely delight 121
VNniderful creatures they are I Yes;
and -now, dearest, you must go home
Binghana at once'" her ladyship
says impressively "Bingham will
take care of you, love; I know he is
the deareitt Sollow in the world when
0130 aants to be really sympathized
With; and taken Care of. I don't know
What X should do without the clear
bey at times, Good night, nu sweet
But whilst she kisses Milieu's soft,
,white cheek she 'detains her to whis-
per, with a suppressed, aroli smile on
her. thin, shapely -cut lips, and no
smile at all in her keen, cold eyes:
"You see, love, I really cannot
break up the party quite so soon -
out of conelleration for others, those
yOUng men ond girls, though I should
be delighted to go home with you -
wine out of coneisieration for them,
dear lean guess at po many of the
the extva,e ,sim4e., of Farmer xabee .tender little hdream
ss and dreas 'that
/big turferiok, Caiptain Tea:CY asla are existing," her ladyatip says, with
conventional' qiiestion, '"I You a great urine. meaning noda and
feel better ?" and Gillian returns the smiles. sI Pan Hee what this pleasant
little reetle dance means to several eilleatee,ateciatt-Aeselaseleaelltaateca,eacleaceatelfeacateceassio.siMeAtestMeM
onventional replyThank y
Deane was tired out, and Lady
Dealer- wished to take her home."
"Prcey don't epetlogizei"' 'Georg°
says, a little stiffly, raising his hat
as lie eotaels to the back of the ear.
"It does not matter to me in the
least. I hope you will get home all
right, I am afraid Mien Deane will
fled it rough clewa the mountain
road. Be sure you are very careful,
"But -surely -I -we are not to be
the macre of leconverdence to you -
Mr. exalter ?" Gillian says in a low,
formal toae. "I cannot permit that,
indeed. Can't we drive Mr. Archer
home?" e asks, suddenlY, Ill a
sharp, altered voice.
"Certainly," Daptain •Lacy says,
forrusallY, "Junin UP, A.reher, and we
ca,n go round by Darragh and drop
You a.t the foot of tae Castle Hill, U
tbat will de ?"
"011, it doeetet -matter in the least
whether I walk holes or drive home,"
George �a, in a coal, haughty
"Doe't let no detain you. Good
And he ralees hie hat again, and Is
turning away, eviten Gillian speaks
Ln an excited, unsteady voice.
"If you don't allow as to drive you
home, Archer, I will not take the
"Oh, don't do that 1" he sah
ys, wit
his frank, good-tempered laugh. "I
Good COI' Bad Teeth.
,Not Bad for Good Tooth. 1
Sozodont • • 250
Sozodont Tooth Powder 25e,
Large Liquid and Powder 75e
HALL a ETJCKEL, Montreal.
wiUneceet a seat, then ; 'Mang Zot4,
Ilfists Deane," • , 4
eetnee exce,"A to her elite er &he
ear thme and tucks, the rag lee dare-,
:fully beneath her feet, andbesside her
dem; and twice as he does go his
ungloveri hand toadies, hers.
And at the touch of the waren,
etrong right hand the girPe sera
wakes into the passion of a vroman
lire; the very pulses of her heart
tremble eeetasy of iniageed
anguish and delight.
"You are all right and coMfOrtable,
I hope ?" aoks, and Captain LatcY,
aeswers for her, rather curtieat
(To be. continned)
much better;" and then they both'
relapse into the silenee whiter the
formal gueation and ansWer :have
broken, until Gillian speaks ;three/Eta
"When do you thk inwe shall go
home? xt is. getting late,'..isn't IV"
"No, L am sorry to say," lie says,
gravel,v. "I wish it were, since you
wiell -be go."
"I am very tired," the poor child
says, with a. Nigh; that is almost a
sob. "It is very rude of me, 81.V.
so, but please don't hn offended.",
"r am not offended." he atistvers
with a slight smile. "I ilice to helix
pairs 01 tender hearts,: .anci. ean-
riots 4.mtlure, to be cruel to theta,"
laughs her ladyship, gayly, "aud
IMO E./ 1):4.01.t. biOSSOIX111:2*, love for-
ever !"
"-"Gooleatieht, Incl,v Darner," Gillian
geese a little abruptly.
"0001 nerit.t. nay clear child," Lady
Damer Faye, kissing her owe more,.
aud once more: detaining her, with,
,her lips at Gillian's ear. "Den't you
notice anything ?" mkt with
myeterious archness. "Don't you
•aotice how wonderfully well poor
S. dear Anne look e this evening? And
747.A• Woe of slight dubiety is a fine lie says. wiclIA. he secretly sneers at the truth even. if it. islet flatter- don't they match eaeli other won-
thtscg istts wr.ty„. mud so Is the manner f the shallusv percepthas cif th.!. vain, nod ii4:1 ar,ax yoi spztic divfully we -h
ll'? 3 cae't tell y on ow
L whist: Inv resolute ladyship leads worially 1.'1I1 in w
n ho thinke herelf ra
the tth l I nut athat ! Pear Anne
" to me.lute fl the fidthf;11 erea-
tm, etsepping daintily in her hit
egh- watt>, ane 3 canted. deteet a 11" Of
4 '1 always speak' the truth" Oil- ture,„..
a led er t 1 I all evil! little nineten pi:teller, a part with sham .
•Um ;scree for her adventures. light -heart, dm -ea fereed smiles, and -.. ' e"
The two alicsee; Denier fellow lier, l'lrE'ri'il MiP4Y. And always eet it as w%41--clo 2311_•1111.1:,:.;ilkiaf-l?tt!.0111,1,.eitzlitriwa.111011(104•orn.,6"fililLt ,.
;von ho tak
r :e at it ICAVOr to; "for' t) b
terra! their " art eacilimeres" are ter'!.lisr sa al liy," hi, ireelerit grave- . ,,.";!'',i.;ttslrt,:..t,11,.,e,;',.•,1:if P"I'l were displecei,41 or lie.era awe as eue nurrio-A out into Iiit..
yea W/,11•1 not pro,t,•nd to rillSitY twilight.
weak (an aseernption of equal spisit, ' "I wereler what It le that hue al-
cratc-Iimel o..141 thimp. the vdp..,ei of their • 1S- '''t-4110 bag h en q7eact -Ifferent slaeo
chirW w,,:t. alai tatterP41 trent the leiteenin. .4.101- iastal ta.,IP. ma i dare ' gel ety ;mil geal tees -ate, werild yen:" , `It'll aiu a wnsi nuisanue. Init. 11',4 '
drifrmr, neaticer, their dainty hoi,ts - " V ' .1 ' . I' t . * n' .. ' t t •it - "I cannel es r " itillein !etre retie,- tilInt a t 1 , qi,^ezp.,5," Caniallt Lary
serN1::tz anti ruined, g,tovirt and hats
egia:iftr dameged, rind the !Seem off
bne'" lte e- -wide's-Lexie and temper.;
la a wonderful! ilenrec,..,
47.ifittr fait r 91t ;tilt vr4,
o: Darnall," Mr. Darner oh.
evor4 wane, wItit n luetvy
"lielf-ari-liour of a pretlY 1.1
dens, act in the mein !cepa th, re
ttecual na out on the it
lioh a.% 11:04 611.411:7. v:24 r' 4.'4m1,1
!nixie Vete fleas and te-s, nal ev Yy-
tlerin Oomfortaltle, nal b act.
l•••4 tIte 11.1 iit z..s.romt aftr‘cw.; -1.
Dut re! g4:47.tine., .t. iirow 4,71:4:•;.;
"o ',5*1.** ta,;* ef „1„thy
t17.4.1"7-1,.,; ray 'holy or 11-r vwv
xectel tor
.0q1er-4:11 10011'.1r040
-ace eteareit, Nil: two tiz7+•,4 h4:;:r4:y
'Pa'tra. ten W'iii O. TAN 1.1,97.;
6:1:Atria of ,4-:,;i1 inl r-,54.3„ Lally 1":
e 14.i" thr;
!rt o elistrt1,2I, nal thav 405 ni,al
011.r.r.cat ^45,72prers.14 11 i.^.44*;ny. S, rge.
1 maar or t t4.1,11
WWI% t 11art of
Wen 0w214;41* or ta "a tar 712
a^1771it,---liti9 tit,* la:tr, hitch"ti•
4,40.30,70A,J3.3 !,-1s
140. ti4.4 kn.*
tivorn-t7 ..lra. '2 CtiaAll .1 Viitta
irr. tied tlx 4243 ti'r1. 045r,4•4,
txttla:, It/10T.. "ttur,
Wee trelt flee ie veal.;
41alnln of fuel, until the c.11,1
tt C6114 1i11 1711-% t1r4::,1 t1;47s-inah--
'.:Ilitell w, ar1-0 001 Ce0111042.
t7,340331 11141 V•1•114I1g on lin* ada5;?-
:'•: ;twat .ry„ the briight iixxnttA
.t.34400 '1374.,x:&741',3t 14.4$ thin 0t11-
0. lfarkwr 4,.^.0511 hls Iv3g, conaly
anal Lgt*, hatta1:44en14.: Lai
Htoar:s bullet% and tatles are
SprJasittb11‘0::,•10r1 1bi U4rnti, tynt.
ter, er cert. ton, fresh cggs, anid Evian
thititto; g.:514.7e2 aspect
tut FAO Flamer fori,n that after rail
tor vitae Is somewhat of a failure
extent from one point of view.
Ka that has bilen szieeensful. to
attafttitoWidelt has been the primary
titSzet Of the pienic, it may be an-
snoteallitat lar ladyship eenskiers iter
plettle anccr, ilion,7111 she knows
tlmt ittie guests are tired out, tincir
sIt011ed, their real naturen
artt*tintittig twin! *.atinft,01 *11.4ti4ct44.es44
tinting:It threadbare attenlpts at c.,..an-
Ph** young •then are cynical, tint
allot wen sullen and bearish, tho
reside:as eenscit31113 ol ime hale, drag-
gita thiets, ar.41 reille01fra; tr,v3t1
ftlikto flri+1 het tea tat 011111au, ,
brttit-eyezi. pale end fair, looks
riqZ-St ra2rPr nal prettier titan ev.ar '
eVelt2tt11,,, tier gtey cloth costume
and thiton collar an:1 etilits. ;with their
Onyt and sliver stain and ssittaire,
show LI-ttle, ettratvz,e sustained by vela
ter tiettritain a.n.1 her
into. litivety totraulention none, tilt
has gained an additional hesauty ire la
tet4,...7er4 bistro slial0t78 of fatigue.
ie higher, gayer spirii, too
they have ever seen her
-Iit with every one over the
trazitai of their miseries and
ardstralittres, anal speaks sa cour-
xeoltsly rani kindly, that not ;
*Vett the Misses Damer weeftely
anstatelreas of their -art-cashmeres"
Ittzirer, art •ruitts-ran deem iher•
:Worthy or more acrimony than the
teultrk that "Ilia's Deane has*found
her reeentairteering get -hp coant
good ;arany points in her raver to- a
Aner tea, the fiddlers and pipers
are troeglit into thn big kitchen- !I
adlaatement te the barn being tint- 7..
veracity decilued-erandies are light-
ed eel whet oaresly Mrs. Medico
deatiribes respeetitally as "the di-
ears:tun o' the qtatlity,"tonenentea,
A evadrille Is organized •ori •the
Pe -evert tIaer floor,And Sir James
laameet opens the ball with Lady
Zeennette, and Mr. Darner with
Thee Theresa'. the :gilded youth
leada forth Miss Eglantine - the
yrsrug.r.st Miss Damer but two-
rrs. languidly; he votes the whole
affair a "howid nuisance" to his
co -all breast, as he dances with Miss
ryearitine, and tells Captain- Lacy
afterward. • with languid envy. that
"that little London 'girl seems to -
;came a good 'deal of 'go."
Gillen dances' with her Assiduous
-eavalier, whose attentions to her
. becomes more devoted, more deli.;
• eately exalt/nos. as the evening;
• Searaseestese
411:st44txy btfore. chats and laughs
. • . .
111e -If 1 saired 1. ask her."
" :ter LI: rir c.,13, tb-
nirmt iver a!:os as tlw farmer's 1. -trap -
/.1:1,4;4 uce and elluely +11%14.11. ri
c in to*. erai frie ea: en 114- 1-,11)ors
j i I,. tr.t0,-Vlit'i 0;• 0°. hi It lagele
arena Lte 4.1 111'4. '4.'1Z' Is re n1o8t.74 t
L'N'irstri *14
* It 4 1 1.11' 111,04 1,1 ' •:111tr • 1-.7
a:10 ;• •:, , lie, It!
; /1 tt, Z, `.111 .t
En '. 1 714 4. '
'"t 4.146n6., tor: e' )t. t"1.'4 I,' tog' 1. int.nr• ^:^y7 trep .4,4*
1,tt • • •'tt. (4"..,t1':.t 11 1Z 11'41 It:- Fl '.7.0„17ret.. "It
(By Dorothy Dix.)
The problem of how to be happy,
theugh married, 14 one of the burn-
ing questions whose interest time
cannot wither icor eastern stale.
TI•ose who are already married.
and those who are about to marry,
are alike any,leu.."..y seeklug 61.01111'
renr:dy that rail verify the matri-
monial system, Le a sure cure for
the Uhl uf tkun:•.ctia lifo cascl a E111"
V8 trf
▪ ilcyeat deal to,7•• mnell anyJter,y
been around tlic 6111.1-
jeet. In reality, the event:. of eon -
0017101 is a, very s1raple use
and a nairrieti a :nage vvill iney Ot-
te -me 1411;i4i f7.71tapv.;ng rules ei eon -
duet, talthig tei.7..-Tiol nolo at the
"'Verb:4p I 611611141..... lirrryiwr cr,+ t,) 1,16.; a•; she stamis • t,-:•'1:10 VI:art 4.11,37 no:tam: :11113.4. Atteative.
:cut an untruth, vay. Perhaps 1 gazLM ;Jut davally lietmang istnnot fail to tsteaice ' 4,A, man aes.: neglect the
I have clone so." 1 to the ienn lartg.p.lpes and th.-^ eleni 01 2ittie ntt-nt;...;; r ti.cat
band. are about the accepteg.1 ratio
of the divide of family fina.reces In
this country,
Wife's Welcome,
0. Tho should always meet her
Imehaucl witen reterus hue with
a glad, sweta enahe
Essesption.-Of eeeiree that depenerle
on wne_n 11E111 111.07 he emu ?,e home. If
mere nen s ea thete larabande with
11 broometiee or rodeelm about 3
a. al. instead or :vita vrat"TY
Autild hay • sant a tc.t.Nrra.aco re
Corm work it!at woceld work. No
woman eoccie'; raracig 57; tr,..mt hour
•lockir..,:e; for a ir•ad, elm
kg,v•Jwki b7•:•tt -r than to try it.
, I am glad tu hoar•o I say so. he
et, s.
"Wit; ." r; 11 en a, Ls mere (*ally.
"in egat-e I 1- 0 LION' trutlifel you
or 7," Cairn:an aaqy c;;ys, (elite grave-
iy. wifii an 11,00:10'it ritior tir Pawn .1.t,
tali.i..... 1,0..4 o tee Iht: t. or the beat .
.01.1 1,14 • 4'1'6: 0$ 1:„.../ ii4ivec-, in IS.- hare..? , „ ...'...
of s ic - owe 6 Z'z' t,C. 6-. anal liteFo ..i.,,N,,,241,1Lki,..ii • I.
hiexill•ca,10.4.-711.7:4.44. ..7 11•41j -'-i411.11 let:ca.: 114,4":.',4„4.:1.::1'.141;14:14,:`
WI111 1.'.,14.‘ to.t.•144 4--;-..:
- V. an; 41.,... la t i 7 t. •aa ., .44:-",g4-11 ar7t1: I*.Pc'EI a .*: KO' l'..,' :.
. 1.45, .,, .4.3 : I, ..vt,„,, ,,,,i,,,.,,i,.;,;!1!,1, t,11.titl; :1,::11;1•;,,,elic,,,,,Itra:::;..;.,i;,!,
t tt,:it'ill.ta„.,i iilla hunt at rittl." for VI, . first 11"4' 1 : - ' ;: - -
**/,',; , % 4,,..fql aa' • :;.- '' !,4, t -y-1 Itir '‘'"t'1'.4'0. tr-
• , *44 itt•
.1 triva-s alcoultitni.44.7
; :air% ;444t;
I lt
7 te 1.4.:
- 44
' 054;7;1 a.
e'4* y." tot.s.rt4^; ;mile 4.4_44 r .,,, ,14, t '41
4.41:1 .
, 4,•
,7 „;:: • ::, 44qt '
t."41-1. •5 a 1", w, 4. .a, 41 1,41
I.:445.7re? to:•.:45; :4: a.", 1"
447. • :• v: t :4:4 ;a.- 4 a pre
the %VOA -IN ,141'-1: ft.4.7*h ' 21.
Id. ,
1'341 1 4.7I:e1 t4.*' 1'4 1,4.14 1.4?
r..celadtrt 1.:•,1:3"1•:1:4:. a .„:71 1.4 6 4,:•.?
4100, (UV 144 44'4. tt.:* 1 1-11
4. fir,01ft,4.4. 10091-: it 0 .1 E
ii4:11i1111 tp•Mtrii0 001
.11,•r 4c4s' • '311'1,-). pp! 4 14 4
.44•4.l14l' 11.0 1111:1,741,
i-OLV 85 1 914 1 4.tt7 :45
02„4.41_.a,:,,•;4.35.-51,754a:a " 0,,
.1 -•• ...Va..
lhondo an t 4.4r414.- 7.454 : 0^^--* 4.47
10413ihl:34., 4'131'1"9'l4.14. 44.4.74431
1141 tot 05.74,4:14 ;•••4.4. 4.r,4.4.4.; 1: a70544.424 -
Ludy ):4544.4.?• 447:7454, 4.4",•a7y..
.418 4kt-L1,7.0. Mot 4-1-7.444°.
that; ;ire 0,1,',14.1 1414.. '41
13,v4 sr it c7,-,107411 be 41 3174434i4.,41i4 4.4
31.ve7a.ne. tit k41:24:11r-
1444'1 of thlo 4.4.4: 021 1woaittat
: -0 8744.4.:-
tr,°7±434..711.1:14 3140444. 11 L4i4.Ji'141•••1*.•
1414..,it 41 w'571ria
w54 tat:v4. ;onto14.441 ybrrateNt.
"Tto 1:4e744. 117744..faatta ;ran
do for MT%
e114'1' 19 tem,. 51 tor r. gay tn.* the
?honey1 Inne tre:t hitt 54:1e8; ite was
twetity,-atroa., ;and pay off tree
4.a0 4.1233 on these It vises of ravine," siK
thinks,. 7444-i4.h ::;V: nil 41letertid31oat14 rt.
"'01 thr. ,E; 811 E5 it.. too, 11il4.iOflty V.11°
ca.t. c„:41,01111 it to nie."
4.4.1884113104. ti.,:lnt• in her 4.31324'-
ing...4:r when hi./ Itualgilit10;s have
skatelted out tit*, inftisst. t4Intincie el"
1301. atilt,pau. 410 17,; $1,14(900:.4'
tns pip ran, 5 noticewith a fashort-
able wile'S tatter Indifference, that
4.4174.4.14.•:-:1 tint rent 44
the e 3124.4.p43oy and is* tollking s .-4:444147
ever in the*.1-1': of thr bone rIns-
ether, 4.14*4441.2',
,t tB3,."ii • 1 ...f; bat' -r. 54.4.1p:441;14.7.,
4..:1555 Capt.:al-a 4.t00y 41r
t.t.".r,'". 4.37 V6'5*1 sairt;ris, tia:a t
Artnr_. 11x Platring. n"ss ; Anne's <tare ef
thar 1e14.i4.5 -.44 In this^ tweet of
thea prouronnue 174.-h::: sa...tript an in
haraieharz11i 11;;Pant oT
all t1:47. 4.11-c^ -rrrorts. 11111 h'IFX.:
• 11tt...44 ta 'an P 04.044.- lisina, a*.
t..nptralai Lacy's c.T.As
4.4 llesmt of ristoza!sliment, with
• glenr.ao4.soniet _rang 1511.7 ang-rr. Con-
tempt. or 1-24.a.24y as weli, id; Ion%
keen. inemiring 174'5 at the prir wha
arr. daneing, gayly 2421 gra0.111U:ly t0-
And then Gillian 4.fq4; who is Anne's
:partner. In the tibta11,;;;;...-71t room she
ims fancied. for an instant, it was
bla, fair-haired. brood -shouldered
Diek Mahon. the farm,r's elti.rst
son; iu ttit next wiitri of the dancer
she.. sees ttin.t it IS Arek043r.
Anne and lie are eTzrztting and
sni1ing•togettaer as tin:7 danee-:
well matched in height and stesa
eontrasted in face. and 'llgere
as they are -then seem almost ab -
lo each other, anti George.
mutters to her 05easionally, and:
Anne laurdis zrrepres44bt7, as it
seems, and whispers back her re-
They look ilito familiar friends,
they look like lovers as they •talk
and smile familiarly together, anal
people begin to notice them. and
the girdee youth, whose name is
Tighe, whispers to Mate Eglantine,
who giggles with all the aid:1y
mirthfulness Of Winn -anti -twenty.
"Are you tired?" raptain Lncy
asks sad ienly, as Gillian's Tagging
step brings them to a pause.
"Yes, very," she says shortly.
'"Lnt me sit down, plenaie, by the
It Is nearly dark over there away
from the eandlelight, and she can
watch them .unseen, unnoticed, as
she thinks.
I t' :r 70' 'rev
1.4:77 4*. -41 00 0144
•4, tiny!
4.11''...4!•-•7••1- 11:2,40;71/v.:7, 4.114
1' ' V,1 1400''.
V" 4.-,V43! 114. Oil th tat,
ateeee 1 •1;-1t1 14'.,4 1.00 1V rm.
Ia.cr44 &an t,24.4.1,,
'"; 1" 4-4 1W:17 11Q111
F ikaPti-r ;:ataav
4 7 43441'4 4:i M.* t: 25-•
ct!. aete
elnne 441. Artd,
A.:atiate:tt, as,"'l int "vet:ie.:1i thr. ,1- :;:a*o^a
4.t::7 .:7154.1 04l".:-:17,474-7:::77.5 4. ,
100 f, '4 1 0:0,1 4-• '10'1 2 th-a
. .6061 :tea s. 3 "Al 114
*Men* Wit 411-.:114 r rt. 1 10.5.2551-r,'
t,544 -Sys, f4
Ana:::^t A :;4:50 4.4. t 1
. 7.•• ,
2 TVA:. . 6'65 6* 4.'1;4 04.61. 1164 :.!!
43 1'
'6,•; ,"C043 44444'61111 11%14 11.1°
1t4r 1•9 77'. Net' - rrt
4771 4.:4.:. .:::-tt";;;;:. le
t; --a: 11,40,
G,,L•c1,4"44w41 834
"1"44.1 4"4.11 111114.13 31(43
: 11 24...`,.gt4
411 • 111:4..: 04417 4.,-,111.Y 1:n14'
7155 ask le r." ...aes. N44 4ityz
5.%1:;1,1 5,4 4258341 irlf act ,174.1iti
re 114a. s14'n1f.ta„317ta4. in 5:41.4 tear
whteli 91.41114 taf. runi rrstami,
4.11a452'h let -e 11:91g7:11t, 4w 11 upon :it
pina.asly, 774.41 to- rel-arns niftm. CAN
4. 2III•76.1.ie 3 844 row 10l7ilue4*23_
"To•A, I've narde 01 rtglit with
Panne.," he
4. hav:^ toll het* yo; 15i 41533114.411114. with
7 LaVigne. 1 tlity.k"thati tirur plain
' And If :ton
th-„ 5114 7244. ;12WZIY tr.!
t:41;11, -,*4 Tee th.,Y art?
4.4.11 8044.4-571,a1- ±L steete..•.; teeecee t.74.;
1319.--r, 4.Ln-78543 t-vielu tot lilt-
hatt-57.5...-1 in ids 71...-nrA, ^which
lid:ina wool ars at ....^Traa:sh. tilamgh
7 is hlt clr-p in ;ter
own 19.art-ta1tt *`4 death:, as
654.,. 0149454314.'1r- .53a4:4 throng
, 47.4 planers. t 5:4 f1rosInte.
; to tody nal:nes 51.7.51r.
; Anna full 67 :ter 40715:4.4.2-374.etiall.
canna:in, t1a. of the
, 61444 angilr. can .4, 5.:11 figeres
etrelIng g4...7.414.1- 14.",/`? S12'il2iO4.
181424483 and fee feir Leal eta
; dark lo -s1 s ela.4.:49 4.0-
4.1:A54.:v. es - the,.• 4.51-11 0834.e1114.-
Eg.:7, and in th,I. fair, young
Face that watches V' "'i there is the
sadriass el death. The first pore.
pee flowers of her springthno of
the first bleas..oraing of the la-
- hoeent, virginal pensions or her heart
• hrae been crushtti almost ere they-
: bloomed; Inr 84.aw14 has darkened
tare it be atty. Sho is longing to he
• goat% te.? hide ltersealf. to be Alew,
with the new nastery that has fallen
upon her -to raehas 11, to fear" It. and
wrestle with it arse eruele 14. datrm.
hidden oat of sight for everncom She
is a frail, weak young creature -
childish in all Iityr nineteen years-
/1dt there is a brave, proud .spn.b.:
witMri the fragile hareeet.
"I shall go, ovea if Lady Damer
b -e displeased. I will go," she Eia:g0,
: re44.0I1te2y to her:21.041, as she modestly
prefers her request ; but Lady Deemer
Is not displeased, nor unwilling. nor
anything but sweetly sympathizing,
sweetly Indulgent and natural.
"So grieved to hear you are tired
out, dearest I" 61oi eays gushingly ;
Eve"but what a eharniteg day It has
being after all, hasn't It, love?rybody eeems so pleased are
'Gillian answered mac:haat-
yo`0"-B:icitokYgotrixttleeixalrie,tietecl.z. laeseedyripstil;-
-sues teem eff4.Lelveaa"y0a-tlatr,1470(211e.
thing! I can synrettlem wita ;YOU
entirely, dearest., know -leg, Sadly "ten
:1 4.4.tnt •.',V:1.•
.„ „ • a* 4
„I 4i4ty1 . •4 6 4." to'. 6
r 1 414..0.4 ' ...:
1C)Itt o i,'lt
317 4.03w1 M w4.ft winci Ito a;au
C't).:".t.l.t4 if arateried
04.1,11 47:4114' 5^*:. 1.44314.4 04.4.
to 8.544:4.-471.04 74:74.7.43545 neal 1:4 11a rtt r 17.
4 anal,
teia et; le r 01; f.•: G,','!•1 74.;:44 14'11111.9
4. *.^.^.
1.: 17.1a. . • . 1:1..;•••41 931g4. •,) 44, ta,
neli•or , .44 ' ',AT.4.833 ,4.,2 0 t 1.3, :3 U. !,f1 •
0:0107° El ....Lit Sir.... ;:.
24 '94 4.:4 'a .4 4?.^ -1 f" 1'44
; 4.44.4• 4 ell :jf
4 12.0i e 43441 114.
7' t 54:: 71'1 -4 g' 0447i II.: 1,24ar,
• „ 4:
-4.4 33, 1. 'L
.1.11 ;••1 t Ea 1."41'4'
1 .9174 1 T t6e
;nave_11 : La , 7:y
11.44.4.- 1::44, 5 214
4^..t4 147'4,7'; ^,^;"
*r, -014 1 11 .,4
• to 13 ,. 4..144\:441'
, 11,9.1:1 1 4i1 1.;74' 'of?' .,11
4.9 1;44 4,11-;
114.1-,:4'. 07- -.1 4.t343 44.4.4*.:4 Ztlt • i';";
•014110 4:414'U 114 1:14 • t• -r,' 44..i. •
,:10240l 414. 4.374. 4.16.1110.
141..":"". 4.1900,"
,,4131 7 4.41`t
4.7-i ' .; :1 .,!•,
tia. ,r , tt,•" r.
3I3„ Ijr:••••*_it„ " 4 '
' ;
:1 1,4, 1! 041'.:r" -"..:LIZ, 17437". 1
:?-^0.4?; I ii_ ,;;;7: 7.! la ;J.; 4-: 74..-5 • •
e017, 4.374.1349 taot kJ* 4431,
: - 4313 44.14' 94-4. s:54 14 4
ncr 5 sa #4.4.:74.4'337,', 4.4410
09144.2.57 4:127- tr
1. r▪ iattsy.., 1r0441147.25,...: 1 ,14224.72.
' 4."a1y rintra at tlae
tr,--t.e.trameo, 197,44.74 -ply
3144.4.5Iti314.0 1150 Ittirst L.: 44.4. ul..tra 8.
. 'fon sit ;;;;) tho eitstlaratad
nni .z-otr.^ fp-_:t rest en the tarvitv
4.'....1745.4alt4. Lacy kr:314f0.
"and „von 5:7414,2 on ;Kt' tho tar
th.-. trvi tiva th?.1 teaticer
4.21e4.:477 yokt 111.11J fzelirang for -
74o, 41.15,4,411 4.3344.7,e: not 21
romputal2 stifilada:atly coralul to
preVeitt -,-teta ertite.r.,:trepit*::"
lie 1151.7.4.4 4.4e4' to 4.44 01'4.t tint II:on
Eects. 11 14.s4.4e73444,
"Fiter.4. ;.4
31v1 1: 834.4.42151 ape ea. reetli-
et.e, tise tate
4:6044131,t a • 1:024.11'0, 784.4.134.7)
-'134111% 4.4. fa.".:51attene- 5. tia anent
• t-rta a cart, ,14 44..47.-2'n'4. 14111 4-4.1'.
wyl." 4.4.:1114.1ou
r:p5;.-. a
:111.4512 o4. frilTit4115:n7-,..; tr.;Zra Linn
I250'211"5:-...sa*. an 0 a 11tth
141444.4. of sw,Ift, 4.n4.ang351.74 nain na053
-3.7.71:sking from him. as he prate
072 t13t0r4..5.5 1:ke t4. siearly ilwr as:
1 Patsy lea.3s 'the mare
it of tile yar,i ov-er thr rongh,
Ofliatu arid her emort tiro on tile
as they pans by the
kitchen! door the wheels Iondly
tamp:4g, and /siting al :rig. l'ind
Gillian leaning over the cad:1;nel
well of tie- enr, glances back -one
long wIstIol rienre--at the l?riglat-
iy-lit dor,rway, and as she tlotsl so
sir.? snes 6'41.1.0 0111.1 elm.* oixt hestirsr.
Ft r.saads but. one gl.t.atte 834.
tall hrerld-,:i; .17717.,,rea figure, artd
titer. big .5 yrinnv 5r4.eal She
turns ovvay with convulsive sufiden-
nc:sz., 001 genes beforo her into the
eta:dome; ef the lofty sycamore trees
. arsi the misty darkness.
Patey 4.1 -14. on !"' he calls
In 1:117 clear fowl voice with a toneh
ef hentoeons iri lepess in the accent.
"Desk elan't tell me ,you were ready
trapos1te trilie ;of the atr from. the
for Mt', And •
He has ram -died the cer as he
brettoning hiisu coat, and
en'llng on his thiek ginves, Dad
Patera, mouth (Tens in bewilder-
ment, ani he lets the mare come
to a stanch till.
• 'Tack dhin't tell me nothin",
ther Arehr,r," Patsy begins, in a
frIghte0r341 erocterzY, ''ori'y that the
Car till be wetitetl, he seal, end thee
VIIPTI the gluttony/1z an' lady Cure,
‘IVIcy-Arelynr ! Was the car for
;zoo?" 0s/.45 Capte at Lacy, in a vexed,
estorilleel tens!. "I nzn sure I beg
your parlen for appropriating it in
a niaener ": 4. hada't the
!cast Idea you wanted it, and MSG
' ear
1.11,' 4.4
bare aaria sae eneettlete
beat:Meier fee eat- teensa 4183-Nee4e ter
istaaenaii Arne 4.1 c anal at inatee any-
itusbands 317;194., '4. 4. Not r011254383e.
4.4. 1844.4.18311.1143 :1-345 2..1411-4.:20733583 and
eiteer th 97...4,4: •: - tut 545tp4r-
4.':41: 1.1 t14.2.1•:14
4.• 112;647,.1.11V1 cue
vat- 4.. a 4.4611.1211:1
r.tr 31- earth is a . man
• .., • aa: -• /Mt4.•/
:t7k7,,n, 3 VALI at 01111-
a14.1 -Z s."5 g....)vernit:7,
:^ tires Lir, t7:1.70"'
3.1.: :7 11:342. 1:4.
a..;:t7 ra, aie.p-r- 4.4 :;141,-;,
„.:11 tIgur.p!,,„ 1 113411''1 4.34
131114.41.1 _,
„1- , 0i•,#,
' 24:01a41-.38
4.214.tn,4:-- she
7.4.; or 4.7.)
4: 3 ..
-L.,•..v4 tun the0
4.2 01.t'Crtlir
434314.', 1144.144 V:- 11" ' 4583404.8311'11 4.375
4.11. c-itc
tr.•,t thr 1,L4 t
rl.n7-47 and 571...4.4.::::715'4...24a5
1131 314.344.31.4 shatria. 14.1 4.83 14.4.4'4.7134.a
e34•0_8 44434.4:1'0
13.483 4.41051:54.442 4 4.h tia*
!G.-event:inn 54.00341421y t
AR 131141 4.447 '141.1;:r.ts.
101- st 11 home at.
geal, wit!? ra :5 11•1* :7135 er t in
11E11 r11--1'11,11.:3 1 osen.
.4.4.e30art; t:lI74x.:2 4.3131805-
" eine eve '7;y
t ere. cf Career?,firi-w▪ •
the tai...any eltr.;;'), res.14.ain anai tr.; ir et-
ca47:54114.:an5 pz,v4-1,-...4'5:-a5.5 9 4.4.--31.:::a7 bat
hie 75:4:"9 4.4.4 ta 44.9011-
easy it 15.44 24,laa:.4. faltarcerrilt
u43137.4*4.r411, V4-174..•-14 telit.dt
4. 14 14, _
t 4 nt. tn;a5 t n •
tt ;14
late la tree
'443 4.,,
7 4.4334 0, 34134.2-
••3 083t.olt.no.d
!A*. 41*4.584.
t tete reetnenn nevee
772411.74.11ot 5115110430.5115110430.
4.1t :kne.ap
eats what in
3171. 114.74831 11.1-21 ,
5134. .11.0 340 3'.:)' to haltinvo
141,11.e. Should tit. rn to Date.
4. A w112 811 za:41„y nal hnprove
4.2151 and keep un. with the times,
so that she may 083 a gornrinuton for
her futgaand.
1har13ra4.4..312,-0: woven: aro
, opt to know tso 04.:3311 nowadays. It
elo0=0't. entertd.37 4.17.41 man who bus
only had time to r47ati the" headlines
of the papers on the ear an he went
downtown; to coror home to a tv1Te
: who is a wa:k 314.4 entyclopeaiu oa
current topLis, wiao can make
Mtn look like th;rty cents in a po-
1. lit4eal argument.
4. Oa the eentrary, It makes nri very,
.very weary, nivi Toney a 1110,13 IS
1.114V011 away from Ms happy hero to
the corner groetry in order to tad
an andienen hefere whom. he can
pose as an orac:e. 4.
1 A Fileir 111vIslort.
I 15, A =lin should rarakn a fair divide
' of' the family f names- ani gives his
t wife half of al! he earns.
Exception. -Of course. this does ant
I refer to those ease?: in wifeh she
gets n!anty-4.i70e an3 ulun-tonths
Iron tent. of all the profits. That is
'' the usual Antglean aaerage. Other-
waie there woele not ba so/relay
beautifully dressed women lextuent-
' tug aroma at. the 611.11111101' resorts
;Ina Ir. Europe, wink) their husban le
, ton in town 11.1c,o warkitouses In a
'Three Saratoga. trunks full of
"corifcctions" for the wife and a
pair of recersitle cuffs for the bus-
As stan as :ion 5154.240
eiraerati:::n yon aro
E324E7,e3 : na
A .:•:::::::Lag
fr,....a...114:y 3 .0.
ranaa: a.414.4e.
A untabsk7,41111.523 ttarn 4:245' a !siege
because :Le knew enough ta holitl rata
tongue attet wag
l'ody is not saattsiylng at ale times,
11:34. 3110 in -tetter t7,,-;41 Cassandra;
00:77e414.e14. pears..n nover I84.prove4.
own eyes.
b*-erhise Ss ft.:37i4'S 751.374004.4..n his
Toe lirtuity wito wIPS aertelt age to
fan pramte:tt0 at her feet has a
44.34071 ELV•2*
Peer Deere Greene.: Sae Is of all
the tirtnons.,
and yet who hapves lam- 11,
'The woman whe 4.5e434440e483 sioa histes
Itatter.y is 4.115 0710 wit r ropeatts :every
word en It 4.21110112174.3413
Assininity rata: aflinity aro wend.*
badly =1.4*.p7aeed.
I,,,rit5y. Is tile chief motivo power
that moven the World and makes the
If all :mirrors were gone the breeke
would he kir.ea with primping rAo-
rniltraki.a74inclea. tty to be godless in a great
cia.y. but in the: lone places tho
•eartb one neeals :04.41
I! memory wcre rne.'30i-are41 bv Inehes
one migat laugh at tile "little pit:01-
er" idea when tin; etalldret are 110-
teTnli.ae4.truly cultured are never slow.
to express ntire!ratien ; tar, vulgar
only are e_frele to he 11:3.1,t3r0,1.
A woman 4.n0s.r541g- is a i:laleolis
;igli,:triincrmo:;egiaii with; et man forevgar.
wrti. the petty werrlees ant' great
sorrotte pys, that 4:11.-,s-eroqs tho
fan?. Joy shows in thr. Swrozr
whitens the 4.e.-