HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-18, Page 6. __ " : 11 , I -,ff - ,:!',-3�, ,��­: Y- ,'J', ... 1,00 I , ,,- �,""7 I I , ­_ 1. � �, -F-7 I 11 ­ ��, ,1 , , 11;P : . t - - , ­:I­��;­ - , ,w­�,,#,, ,- 1, , �� "I - - .". , , ". . , , , � , : � �.� , � I I � I �J7111'111�� I � . 1 I �, , , I � , , 1, '11, 111�, I .. i , .,� � I , , " . it, 0 � , ,. , , ', . . , -, , I � I : I - 1� � �� , .. , " . I I I I I : I I , , , , �� I 11 � I I , I . I . I . , � � ,! . I I , �� � :; �:1 'I, ,,I 1 ��i­� I I I ., , , , � 1. . '' , I I � � I . , , . ',.a � , I 1� . . � �,. � ,' ,::: � , , , , � " , ,�, I , � , � I I I � I � I 1; . , , I I � , - � i � I ,� , . . 11 I , I I � . I I �1 �'. I , � I I I I � � .,� . : i, , I � I . .1 � � . I I � � I , I : . . I I : �.*"�,,� , . ,. , � I , . 1. I .1 . I I � . : I I I I . . I I . . . I. I I . . . I . I . � � I 1. . I 11 � . I . � . I 1. � I I I . . . . � � . � I I � "I - I I I - lq� IT., . . . , : I ," - t , . I . , " der to prapbasize the serious ff facing tile, 1, na ur; URMING �' � � - uilitar . . 01 lb" � "M . aoae altholtilbi: r. Bro�drlcac, ment '', , I I'� i j, 1,11, IT15H , STILL ' . I taint the Giowernmealt has to find food SURRO, 11 � . I I I . . I . � I - I -1 persons con-nected di- I I I . relatly or 1;n'direct-17 ith the war, 1110 � I w � ,, I find also for 248A00 horses and mules. � . I � . 0 lie says motre soldiers .are qpt re- GHASING,001H9 r"I", 8`000 THE BRIGN. So I . q ed by 'Lord , illitehener, but hints I 1. gt� I I t it may be neces --------- ' 1 $20900,11 WORTH or Lot . . . . . .. . That is W, hat . Lyon,. of Mont- , ,real, Wourns For. .--- - — ' I �, MISS STONEN I -.--. ,.----.-- ___ JILT10 �IN KOK R02"i Tears Fell Where Joy Shouid . Have Reigned. . - . . . . to the nation, foi more monev.--rrhe . I I . I I I . Oliancellor of the Exche ­ I . SUES CAPTAIN FRANK FISHER, .., . . I . Ing .at bionam last nj,ght�'('1i`4`pe�t1ft Fears That Movement May Uoutreal, Quo%, Oct. 10._4 ' Mr.1rodrick Tells Of the similar Mgt, He, rentarked that there I .. a � is.-" nogo, 0 a,, Bulgarian Troops Scourin ' GROOM- ELECT WAS MISSIN, � �" , would be no autumn session but ction. for t1li aitoged-aliellat 9 I wife's arfection has beell entered in Vineland, X, .T., Oct. U.—TIUAIre VMs that Parliament might have to meet Imperil Miss Stone. tile Superior Court bY U. R 11. Lyoia, Task He Has to Perform. - earlier th", tisual next year. I "If the Country, to haTe been a pretty wedd4PX'1t I 1 3 St. $Aloranieat stroot, who adver- � the 11OM6 of William Njelson $Mt . . a a& - , I . I tisles Illmself as tile Canadl, It . gen L -1 niglit, when his daughter Jeant � . . I � for "Lilitmi, Limited," agalliet C�p_ . ,?O . I talu Frank Fisher, tho Canadian to have 'become the bride cif Pir . member of . lok If. Lyons, ,a prominent XUWM BULLER AND 'HIS CRITICS- LIKE MUNCASTER CASE .tile whDleolalc dry goods ,a , . SOME SGOUTS CAPTURED, . I firm Or JQIIII 1;$�Jler, 64L)II & Co., or i NOTED BANDIT KILLED. man of the town. Miss Net ton, VA49 . . Londoll, land. n.tUred In her bridal -gown, tile *,W, - I I 4110111-1 jus t1i , � I ' ding cake was ready, invited `:Ate � "—. . Mr. F old! .,it the affnir . I gmw . Th e ." Surrender Message )I I. whip 1,9� a blackmallind, schunle OI tile Lywi / arrived, the trunk had been P0,14M I I ,liGreek.Bri-nuds. Murdered . I .� cuujife, regardhig wh000 antecedents I for the honeymoon tour, alld, �v * - , 3MEartial Law Was Proclaimed to Pro. Sent to Ladysmith. Vour of the PartY—Fivo Were ho has obtailied. tbo follGiving alleged lie Is Supposed to, Have Led the Gang thing had -been axrangea for =U_ . toot Army Against Tralturs in, the . . Arrested and Ex.ecuted--No ,Infor- ft�cts`: . I . . I I That'Murdered Stalubuloff-Four PItaW, but the brIdegrooM,to­13e,_WI- Mrs. Lyon's maiden narne wa,s-Dtliol ed to, appear. Rear -Loyalists Favor It -Gun "nation About Ransoni Fund to be XillevIII6, N, 'T., More Brigands Captured -A riand AEP the hours wore'on Miss Mal- - . Moore. Slic, lived, ill I . Recaptured -Refugee Camps De. THE HELIOGRAPH TO WHITE. Given Out. � . -,rhero ishe eloped about five years ., of Twenty Seen In the Mountains. son's mother and friends beg to I ago witil It Illan of the ilame of I cry, but Miss J0111310 Still had ZVIL scribed by a Frenchman. London, Oct. 10.-Sipeaking, after a CoMtantiuople. Oct., 10�-Tlle sur. " ,-mathurat. They wout to Washing -4 Now York, Oct. 1I.-Tiliree battal- and waited patiently, btit the a I ot. 1O. -A despatch to tUe luncheon ,given in his hollor by tllr) roui)ding movement .uf Turkish and tolI., where thuy were married, and lons,of the Sixth Bulgarian, Infantry truth soon dawned upon liar, Wxd e I LdiEddu, Oe , Xing's Royal Rifles to -day, General Bulgarian troops tilt Vie mountain then went Iribo VirglnkL and fin, 11,11, Central we to St. Augusthic-, Via., where M"lly Regiment marched througli the coun- Avas Prostrated. ws from Durban, Natal, Sir .Redvers Buller, whose "recent at GtleltePe on tale Ttirko-Bulgai-L-all ra. try bu-tween Dubnitza and Samakov A messonger who was sent. t*Ab,e , of Xesterday's date says the Boer frontier, near Dubenitza, has coul� Smethurst mot U., 1-'�. P. Lyon, whol home of Frederick Lyons ime-od coinmander, Gea. Botha, to In full appointment as cunimandCr Or all meneed. The presence Or .�Ii,,;s Stolle was said to be a v-ealtliy F-ngl!sV and sc-arched the villages of the Rllok' with the intelligence that he wao.no- army corps has been mu6i criticiz- and tdie bandits on the mount -tin I,? traveller. He 'VIV011 `tl)0 Wife's heart loSters district, in olie of wthich it where to ,be found. iretreat, and is being hotly pur- ed, expressed Ills condemnation or Co'nfirmed. The Inhabitants or Dub- and alia ran away witit'him. They ->rted tb � IV 9 rep, -a brigands had eon- Mrs. Nelson hurriedly called n vu;0 by General Bruce Hamilton's Ilitza. are mpillyllig the ouLlaws -,vlth w0r0 Ili jail in. Chattanooga, for nou- 'a er who a ' the newspaper eriticisrus of men food. payineilt of boaxd. , cealed -ULss Stone, says a Sofia cor- tile Young man's ma�h , d _ nd other British, columns. ' a 61 troops a 9,_ 1. I' ,%vlw Were doing their best and risk- 11unals the NVord � rPhey were next heard of Ia Lon- rospuildent. A sE�arelhllng party com- her that Frederick had left 031 0 ' don., Out. Here Mr. and' -on had posed c f 300 B 1411 Infantry and train for New York city, anA . ,Nfr,v. 1,1 i. ulgar _ Ia a Precarious Position. � ing their lives.for their country. Neir Yol,k, O��t. 10��&, speekil to .t� pe -w! In AN prominent church. Ili or 300 drttgoo.,ls jo scollwing the ranges left no address. Mrs. Lyons ji'l � Pretoria, Out. 10. -After figbitinga Ilo asserted that ' nobody junior to the W�>rld front 130stOn s'ays. 11; ha"' .about-'Jaiinaxy, 1000, they canw, to of Dosput and tho 11hodopegelbirgen, mot understand her soli's s , "ar action against Gen. Walter him was fitter to -command an been decided to give out It,-, more I change of mind. a the condition of ilia .jontreal, and wero euon living as Sparing .No Uff'ort. Fr�ederlck L'yons, Is a receat '. h � Ritchener Sunday, Ge' . Botha, with- army corps, and lie challen-ed the �tateme�nte ninn and wire at a well-known heard- - n ft, land for rawFoniiitg Miss Stone. Tue highouge on Dorchester street. n 00a4ml-General at School graduate anda 00.11.0f, Fr,pq- The Amer,it-a MM 4rew Us �prinvlpal forces towards critics to name one. Ocneral Buller American Board feels that the les8 -.,.a& 11' ODnistantinoplih has arxived at Sofia , sald he had been uttacked ,on ae- there ,oill.t *Lli(v.v inet Captalir M. Lyonv, a well-to-do pe4ry qat- 3?iet Retlef. It was impossible to tile brLdands find out just iiuw tile Fisher and otfier proillinent young with. an ovangelloal pastor from .Phil- ton manufacturer here. -Tile .VoW count Of a telegrant. which It ,Was better it will be R" Miss Stvne. people, or Alontrea.1, A party wasl or- 'Pl)opolls a& clraguni;Ln and both are - , Bill. mall heliograpli, owing to the dull wea- said ho had sent ortlerinjW General Statto Depurtuxent, Silent.' ganized to go, uj� to the .),dirondacks' taking ewergi-tlf. Htep.-3 wit -11 tIlL 'F; former Selloolluatet; andrii4eW " )e te", and it was extremely difficult White to surrendor Ladysmith af- � ' lovern are, shocked by Ilia strange coadultst, El Of ter his (Buller's) attack on Uolenso Washington, Oct. 10,-A cablMrain ;tiul Captalit FIslior was iri'vited. garian U inent to effect Miss as lie seemed very happy oy�w ft'e .- to correctly time the movement, hao beenorocelved at the 6tate, De- 111he party wao a, jolly one, and a $tonnla relmise. ipproaclilng event. Tbe ootviQ Jp- tho columns forming the cordon on December 1Gth. 1809, had re, partment from $pcnoer Eddy see- [('w days after Captain Fisher came i Stainbuloff's Ittisassin Shot. ared very loving and de,fttg& to F,ulted unsuccessfully. Gen. Miller I back td'attead tot Ilia busliles.9 lit tht- I Tito reputei leader or tilt, gang whu 1w. Y) XAPAa about Gen.. Botha. Tile Boer coin- described at len-Itli his awn and retary to t110 UllitDd 61.atea lega- each other, a. d niany of their f 9 =a-ader. according to the BrItish,is Gen. *VVhItc,s 4dirrivultles at that tion, at con.4tautillople, etioncerning city and Mr. Lyon tind .Ifro. ftetll- k killed Starlibuluff bas mot nl.,? fzltfw. predicted a happy inatch. 16,3ftw still in a precarious position. It is time. .He said that at that time MISS StOn(!�$ caSP, NN-jjiell, it is said. urst drorP .1 ftl��j miles to-westport, I Susp.'KIte-I of bfing wisuLlatcd in tlll� had b,on courting Ml;is Neloom for said that If he manages to withdraw ho prepared a uIx,�,,;.jp:e telling Gen. Ia At. ropXitlon .of 'Lite factti Iiiateil i At clulet Lttle cauntry town, and t1lPre i c-apturch of MINH N,tono, lie was shot twO oil three years. White that his (8n3. ­i'6) attackhaJ by Consul -General Dickinson In Ids i they wero given the r-ght. to the : d, -ad %-.in tho frontii-r near Kostvildit. . Ids force, it will be Ia Av greatly de�patcft of yvaterday. The t�tate De- Wlmk� WhIell I hey 11.141. elftimed long- -* T11tough -1.000 joiniliqls reward had Irlepleted coudItton. failed, and lie coull not: make, an- ' I 'N and % -�' - I b;�en JAIJ41 ou III-; jj.�.t I rjor tile. tit ird".r Will still of jlit� Mr- � Mro. 11. I . 1). Lyon. Thp rc ratimo t that he 001- tim. within A 11�- P. " ' and tlmt* he other attempt to rt-lieve'l partment officials ar _ i - lose all the t - r All Illouth In tile tit -it Mow fighting. inind a,q to the danger of loo Much ! enril t,f marringrsnt AV(A;tl)flrt.sho,%vs - k)f Sttttab1ll0ff, lialk). tlti� iia= - Inted for Ilia Natal eNpedltion. . . publicity 1011011ilIg , Lho ncgotiations that thpy wer(- wvdili-I ton Solot. 1tit, I dol. ,Vvhj-.�it lie w.%.,f kivi)wn, %VaR to.) 01L RHOKS' M HT -1 ___ , General Buller sal I It(, read this for Migs StonWs releaso, hence 'Lite., 1400. , ! influintial a ruffian for ti.o Bulgar- A . telegram Over several thries, maying i ___ Recaptured a Gun. , dectine top afford any luforni-ttion ao 4 iart polk:e to arrest. V0 1XIMSeIG, *7114t'gi it IIIN1,11 thIll-tv 9 ! 1. lid nal Ili -4 have bown I London, Oat. :tO.—Lord Kit 7 to the progre4is they ,ire juaking, Four . ditio. ,igand thener send a rellow." but lie knew the re- i C � vaptured near TI-ON,I)Iuco '1111 � reports to tke War Office that the sponsIbility, was his, awl that Gen. 'lo A%erL a lrugvdy. I At I hat He Gave X-P53MO band Of twelity fielly arm(K], were Constabulary bave captured v. 7- White could &xy,; If he surrendered, "erenct. I UT IN TWO i diwovered nvar 'otibilit;r4l. and drivf-11 pounder irldell they 1084 last Xubr. -that Gen. Buller ha I advis;!d it, Tilt! W the, anUoullemul-lit -that Turkli;h into tile molintalus again. to Liberdl Funds. ___ . santo telegrain suggested Chat It and BuIppixt-tit trowii)s -.ire surroun-1- I ThIrteen'Scouts. Captured. might bi-, necemaio,y� to surrender, Ing th �� ithdiwtors of Miss Stone, t1tv �, Not ::m Ittassuring. I - 0 UY I I ,I WashIngton, 04-t. 1J..­Tjw Stati! %lellbron. Orange River Col all(i in tIItLt case t;vII. Buller matle Ql*..U� Says it t"Usl,lors that unless . 61 � 59W I Wt. 7�-Tltirtpen of Kitchener'S WN118 SUITMeStl(clis Its to mus, I t Uen. thD movemplit 14 buspen-dett until 1411., __ , Department roeeivetl to-olay it pable I NO RETIREMENT FROM EGYPT, f-,�couta have been cap-turett lit EL Boer Whit(i 611011.1d dU .ill I )IMNY 110 should IS Sarb Out of the h.vidt; ot the Dri, ,I fmm U. S. Contod-flent-rul Weldustlu ambus1z. , , t . . � A do Ite thinking th.tt It Would be galttl% there Will infallibly V% At, re-, I I mid Sivretary tit lo-gation ,41witeer London, Cft,t. 11. ---The .14)ceWpr ­� .1 ;, , , o0pr for a man ,whom he belleviNd r,otlti-0111 t4 tho tragedy III, _Urcemv jBddy. touching the progress of the to-mul*ruiv will print lettt,rs I 11 �� I Istranwe Sight Wittlessed by f7evil Itliwles ;ilia tile late nia-16 LIke Dautoos Infernal. to be Ili .greater 4jIrrIeUItjL,.4 jh�jlj du#ug tho year 187t0, WhNll Uonl b b � negothitlerons leading to the rvleam- , 1� tu,l a party wora enp� j � of Mtss Stoum Noiw� 4)r thp Al"t'allo; 1113 olvai. . 11lificaster I �� 1.ft.linadhorst. who Troia IH% to Paria, Get. 10.-M. DritulOnt pub- General nullor 41,elared jhjt lie Lured, Lo�tl '.Nfuneabter xras, released! a Skeptic. 1, were made pulolik-, liewurert AW -that VS92 Was tile elat'r firganlam and 411all,ot; an,artfela In the Libre Parole. Nvanted to bring the man who ould In onler to, iwl;otL,t,te: for .It ransom Pan be4ralliprest as to thp t4tatus of ad%lspr (or the Ubt-ral loar,ty, me- denvancing Europa ter otanding, ho ,,ad coun,90od uk,jlpral Wilits-* to of $215,000. Tht,jl, as now, an attempt �' the ease 1-4 thit, t!lp vtolLkIllit 14ill;ing the .,:ml!iational ablq-,.k1rM"?,t mo art, . Buller, .\. J., hetuW to lw%e lowq-tuo loy no nicaus re6jwnAr;ng. as, WAIS P1. madt) aonie, twouths agn) firat Mr. tab%IJ7 by, and, watching tho destrue- surrender, into thi, ring. Therefore wag mado to surround zl* brigindt. , llthole'; In lt�-t�l gave �*..V,000 to 013 tion of it liravo r.jcq In South Africa. Witch tho rftl-,�ilt that four gillitlentell tile rumlezvou44 of all the r(1. -,UP ­1Q 9 jnvtc-1 ,yesterdu.%. he challenged blyn tq i pruduca the tele- It '. 330or weinen und eldldrens he 6"Yet grant. irldeb, lie oal I hc� kuoAr waa In of the Isarty Nve.rt, innr,lere,h d6citibutlIed i-jdrits in %he LAtate- _____ Ltbi-ral loarq- fni eonq1tIvratidit 44ftt are dying by 11-�Aj,yand%. timid lltirrOrS tho hands ot the vditor of a magazillp. Lord and Latly M,Wllwasttm. allil 1I � lias anotho,r glco.Nt 81ory. and Will �j lir. GJa-I;A,,njo would Out hritVo, Uat recall Ditntt_43 Circles Of Irell, nind Inuat havo lim-11 stole �1 S s 111e, eval-liact1krn (Of It.gy0L by uerely 1)t�m,tu_,ie their husilZanTla and . no bcvause party ot Eaglish travj�llpra ivere,,L,0011 bo* Us R0t4V7Z#Y,I8 .for glicSt W , it wag In rlp�Aer ad2v ,eicd t4ft General .-424.41 b.V,Ureek brigwadq, ion April 11, . llatcr,on I- for awarelili�;tq. rail; '%)its Illo Ilr1tL-:1i troqp��. ,lJotil !�Illr'W*M�,Iii brothpra nre, 'rightilIg for lfid0I)0fl- : Nln;jjj�on. , I)- WhItej and waou P rketly prkvat,:�. IS70. it oroolia4s. iwar �Qqpnt gi;o_t IS diff("rent, from all Vernwi-llaret,prq, .tild ;�jr lkarX docce. no dEclare-4 that only equival- I GINs Oul LLERIS """""' I Tito op'-da.ch trean, 0 a grem E.('ajF.'1- Lord U 11tV.ai:A,,r alil tha ladlea Of tho , i tt;� ollam." ,�ho I;ave hatereasteo-I t III- Va 01101VII-J.' ,41n:WrI110 Ik Ilao Lft.w,l ,out of t1to DrIttall U4.,�atw_btlt of U40 , �`, 31,qtqlap gt untler. Ile haq taken Up 1� P.Wem Inao 1p,abli:, , thvl-Wed Wit 3k*.jr,& jo the tr4tatment ateorded tbeIr jt�ll amoul; Ij,,e.,tb jii,.,.�,,tnt. ,. party %vt�,rp,_C�Littotlaellli)lllltnlnil4L,;:�, I rjj, M! � to bt� faliti. , Coudentued 1,.,,, the Prn��n. -0:1544)0 Als"Illan-is!d as raus,,= ,wlth a, I ", ft,�A?.IaUosl In 11v�vvr,�, sawmill. en it( L k I . � In a lumve t'4ove-Asigo 1�'Uolr et)rr". jPrj$U _�ra by t1io InALanatzeer,l; that Cc-ner." .1 I1-.tlI.:,r Z4 wz .1,,�!!t has Made .1 rrm-, vard,on for t1w briga,141. The �_�� bauh qqr tol� ftuahe Ittwr, Znt,t b.!d1v llu� %21.lage 44 Dialur. Ilh� pres- , I # !� is 9AIdulive, 'Ur. Rk�41-,� f�anlz! o's ar, Ao later onflatte-d llv�� hypoe-rLw N, , G H 111 H OWL i ,.v O*Lng vrat t1avy I ad aefvd In thw" tr0ff:hndt,A"4 ";.L q latt­r %Yrrk- t-�,arrowndml WV tro,*,4 . jjr. `1"�L� ja#.%�_";�Jlj rgallell hvtd � a , , 10 ula*o tht'vis tit 4 �'&.Ktou,o.v lntc�ts li �qllhnv,4. � # , aGd, in r* tre,itll'n,�O, April I -IL U'li-41 Ur. if i 1114wriod1le of tl�VIIIIMWO:l and litmlaft­'d, divi-&-t'd in VvIr jold*a�',OnI4 tit It. A Ina- 'Il 11'.M th,� uqrh no *#, laill, _ 1i *1 I 1AL164 Mr. r4jsfl��Agt­-,l 1,�i ?xm. V., 33my of tho,m'. w"*:,1 91M T11; tplcv, t lw-A %,v4 #% b':, �n a nn,- �! ! 6cl, alad L-14 io."k,"'I 1% ul t%v a, A , ,�L' ,; ",mo toaat �' VZ�vq-r, X"r. 1.19zi-L Mr. 11fTbtirt, and - . 0 '. I` I I r�'il Bliller, re- Conut lj.Au�A V& -e Ancidt:nt eanw;d I til "' ".. ___ % are wt he,cm4c, tj i�, ni ekal.fe jLj­ t.oa" a ,tj' 'J�.Jaj I , ,a J& [ , � .4 I.?)_ %MD1,4 to ,�"14,-,­IAI,,� 14-D q � I . I M ii vtv,_ ` wr.l It na an aftI­�:.-'1_­, lolt.10.24'r, U1041 tmtat io%_-eitcwq�atj czpweiole dillumay *00 , �hf'#�4'.14 "4 to ti, :1 ruuf;� I N,t� -i i lc%,�:,,u vvf,v,aa,e,, to e;L# Deap h scatellees Co. -Oulu ud. I . jo-Dril V P�,- rov-411. L �� "..'w I �u . U gru,?aQV r� grt�t r�'a � � V_,e gvix,ral dM lifflottlatial juor,-ons wore vha?ged ,,t,�" t a �-a n in,10, I.,, U,4 ito 14� Will He ,be Raised r" ! � 6".4 14,46i"lod U'dw. p,h,�� vu -a., L�41 UP 'London. Oct. W. -A deviteh from � , � ,,,,, al 0,4VIA Iordc*- ,a" f0j, . 61�.;�)D41­9!LA � , rot v1b�?r4� ttc 2.44 9.,!, . IvAft eo.jMvaw�,�� at bNqan tag,.,. ,ftv- ,� i,961- L,n,,%-h-Q:e tj�.ot : 111 ,.Z,tjU1,,t mat fIT C .'.'�191, .,VY5 ca.A la th - cradeel. Cam 03"Clny, K;,A,V.q tfte death'. tl2v to, not afti,w �, go WI,10,110r erill- f . _%-,it 'LOT L%n brg�=_",14 AVOM MIM4 nfld fttj l,L'; t'V1-,j?­,j�; L'.�%,� jj`�.4 0 * ftntosee Irl-IL"41 wiag =11W*-�A 011 :;3,� � � J,�il,,V41I � lt-j,�'% .� ,; uiwat Ito! .11 lb -;n " L,A. 04M ?*��H-. . ­ a�'o � 1.2.1�.',,� #Vj&. DV4 11 - , _,� ,r.a , i� �� I 1VF1U Worlt, % f 1, , , L 044p.'�4'.,000'�­ � I :0. lotelj,-Fat IF ..'u'v'g, to 101,44 L ,;O",d tholsl; , I elvaaaa,11W)a If 1pa t D�` - '-a 0 hL'Ctj4r1A_jih�:!d t�U j + #,I!�V�,j .�'j L 0�' oWp";, _ 4) C-511jaial relwls vl�,,`P,a 'Wero In Lout et -,an Qvvi ral P'Alwip -� -, ekare that W,4 " !.4jitur'-J. trici nild v,,,,wn­ [jig to W.,iln t , Poem N 0 w ? C1=ta.t0,,7'0. tv"L'flpla VAI -4 XeennQv enp.� 0 t ut #,anle .%vjr. � I= Q�_* Ltj&,,g. A.kjg g ii,Uo�t4 1,,p oult t�,,*q if tK� �A.Ulle rk,- %4- Vq?�v gotbeirli ,f r 1�,.11"47,j � G1.7nirraA Irb'"'t' a -`4 _;"L'%'1* "lat lt - 0,'I Jt!llt " .-O. 1`�_#% fi%'L� FIT tq _ il ,!Urmu 12ajo 1!, -,%?n ViL,Latautt,d to JcMcff .31" tt,��g�*- �1 , [M..'Jt�rrrilltp;',4,ltt'�lil�,'.-Il�'!' J%DJ�L'4LP t, 1; W ... U.J�f$,-'j?'; �'jt n%",fgq��I'JL_'�`V� I tan'kir_ . - . � S �4et-4 : i . � =LsVit he r, 10�­�SL,Zmv 1, i MPII Lit) &Urrolz�,� wrAs U, *�e t "'c'eute-1, off wfipa 4 tr,lljo� ... .... '3�.,- :*Zr Aoov� at . fX,,tTud;a'3 rcr Mtv. � "_,�,*A ri4,na 1!0,. .�:��ka,At,o�st �ffi_o der, AIM, gaol% a4l"ir IV. �,.­A t ts do En S'wh I -O,FL � B. (" % ",5�L.�� 0 .1 I I I& ell;�,L � =:19-,�* 52:4 Alcm , il a Ugh ,-I;,, " 'T"., -,�irenc,� t"k-l": O.""'v-1A ,Av. �Q�,,Tt-.to*,w. ­% - ,t -a 9--�, C I . .- � � ' ­ . , I tfln nic- L18g2n,jr,fAQ V, 10 �' ��Iff? 10 ltt!. Atu.,-.Iff,,I 1�4,, .!_.0 A!N�k- - I I The 11V.�10*, Clv_% to. -Mr. Urt,ger tordingl.t. Ott, p,i �*, , :P - it 1r)=,01rPA * hp I L f U�0,�B MV. VVUAVIN140111�0' ZLS Q,J 14b - ,%r, nad tl,,�­v �m,­R&q_mqff lunna tae- ; 9 Ignionlo , haad!�. 8 E - rX. 1,001pts Wits Not J�,'ml-rate. . N IMIE1 M ra- W I I MNsig *.��y �� aarrer,+IL t,." ;, H I SPEECH A, SURPRISE* I , �,�',, I,a�,-­ - 'j L I I � NY ;AEry 0at 9t vru­� Lo%rfr oYme I � ,,, � ' "4 I HARM , - i - &W 4 , , (! 0111101 �! INS b,ft trip r I tu,tal V,a.ar. Xr� .S.;�.V�amd4qh_4 , !A0 romally rd-vtt"I 'U'Ro sliggElstiolls , &Igf"�tn'��7*irft.l*l�dil�.g�esfbitftousrjr-� 'ttCS2 Ig q%C,:o,nlDy % " "" -, LIU regnf d_� to ,t#to D=nr I . V,�,_ Ll ceplur"I Vhr� 1rv,1§t1?*;.;to,n ,Xas kw ".'�'rattr)a of ttle fler ,'to 'Ve _t'n r� � _Wjn _q�t . % ojtp�_u ft5odq ,nkadq-, Py;� 4utudTTAS Lkat SD31v- 1, � . 5 I ja&_�!% %rjgL_jj I"! .91, ?O . t , . � lzoln� " wd,T- _Irjj�V hj cond , g it �; dvfinvi tn cv, J . OP. Z6k-_f* 1t#4&V6i0i9 tD'At emeh a potl?.�, nn--p!,jr. crift&W for 11APA it.* *&) 102.4 6z1xd3lrA Aet 1! Newspapers awl Publue I)ISQU5*4 It pendir-J." 9 . - Ingly ean,lerfta&f. fiyzm. � 'w'&W bf� ftkidal. 4 . I � Tko ;8tdvdard vin-, bt nuoteg to Sir Michael Hicks -Beach on cil *%afl&s., but 1�,o wou"Od sot pm� In t111; R.Uct Mr. R'Loaoq 0m"I'de- - Bat ft qlb�len reAdents 44 the %-Mage aftd ItN P,floetS on jkjq J*ro!�Pt-etS- �11 &I ',aat h�4,; eowntralation Lm k�ot oritbjtt c6lony plavilittso r1prtoc-mc the 6,41L'rest vlew sot 11 WHI 2*8t tbeir kepntnuarD lot vek&�-Ity� . �, it V �N _jL% I), k'4t' i forth with the groateet thoa�eratlan the War Policly.' i kru�*er Gets 61fts and Adareasts M`�'ret. an"I Vw, tho 14 I" I, - Lotdou, cw,t, vy.-TsaltiL ella'deellor of Ott the fact Ilait CL,C' Ahost lanuuts turnal It the lrb,la wcro not r ' t - I 11&05,�- doffifiltiblo 'With �wleh ift.ft opliflolk. It " 11;1t� thill and has Etar1q,"I the m'u-Mrt- to Mar&- Second Aunlver,qary ot �Nte at 4We.,,4tnjjfigt1t,r. r ,,.ta6 VVIglisilae,r, %,Ir Zlehael I ,F , I%,,, - 't �j , 6ayo: �Hp. 1: the W". I Z�_,Atjt. @#e.tk19g at 011ibbill t6A&�'t ..On fh6 hVitaft f1madging, V -P ery relleat4N ed At 1XV,Aveript, saying: Loode 1i � - 2 rnfteftt of . _Vbst_A�-DIMW (of AM lit'? mell in ibe � ­ I AIM horrifi,ML all. Mr. Motr,qyao vald that the UN04h Gove of the hellograph rjp.jwga General APT COMPARISON IS DRAWN. tillap wal§ !Mrtfim Hemech. lie dfil Lo'bolon, oe� I I_T�,Iq voloral ral,­d Flip"li on Vg If .ve a th4jk,yi " ' � ypt. s t ' -1290 _4ised - , - � 6841C 1116 10k- ZVer CalOny hAd I BdIlet tAidt-ted tke wataL that OAII .n, 11 - P !tMAY tkg njuch Tevende as Was lid ,L�'ajd agal. 1"hdon Ott. Ia.-In At t'.11e6eA ;it ,not , Id ghosts, and lie would , by General UxBleea oritbirst yer-, liarty. hopelc.,z,s, licolp flie nq-,uey, btit He. hord. It I!@ hot thci I , Lot Msteil tco the tales that were, !1 I - -=We-A before the war. � lena isurptb4ft fratate of the case O,dtlaffi S.r Ilk-hael Illeks�bime5o, loltt That VvtW a ftiv days agm Tos- '�erdaY tftc,tRiDon oil the Ebuth At- give It to 1(�Ine 6w,rhy. It W010.44W " - . (%ahe;hor of the V'schviluer, 46e- Wt awful Vulng to g1ne uly kteoMy I . th&t ho due@ not ovift, tiny tob- teiday- he iveut to the wal Alifie to elcan *41tu-i'don contluac.4 to grow. V-0 breaklug Up the �=P�re." l'br-Aillsts Favoe Matflal Law. I Oelwaftesg Of t1h" real ej"u`AqVaCtC-r 61 fefldM the GoVorhment on liall 4MI, show -lbat Igo tvas not artaM of aig I Tbb olypZ,01 Iq the (Vue 10ple Of dis'-1 Ill 1%,.,t:2 , . - qv.. r"itn'le.; agaln V%te etilra T,e� -_ anthorillog Gen- lar to tho-q,% um), - L - ,M, oct� jq_�Th* edp�2t Idt; adjdils�lcohg, bi � o!oy(A by Mr. grod .q - . L- I the ghaata tL at ever hi-aunted vmtler. ietla_qoli, itud uAiera US !.rphekal ctpvc- ".,) ,_tff. ;f­911w,MDofs1, 0f;;W%Vm;.,; aKlEs- . 1��r Iju contttd- r � _�) set, I � 1ntde# thjq jjjo�4fojjjg pr,j"eq irao 0 td k4xiteil , lek, go 4eclarcil tlta-,t tile ,unly't'va,�' :R,o *etit i & at hiq ghostolalp. but tatitin that 11L -jp,t�4�,Ijj 4L�T .Ifr. Gfa"4*,�% , _ en� ft.11 WXf _ �Vjlf Ilklited & haftkllWio�?n compared with lit whieh 00 Govvtnni�,Ilns p0ley calfit Aw4y a firi" willever in the �Inftry =kL_a$V,jrPS W11D L '1011 J�V tlt.e r foi�cctlertt of igattlat law ift, the 114w- WbIch 6.11 th* 01111 -?r V*,vet,,�V.,a of ligg Could lie held to� bg answekabli fb� escajoi�d eiRades. Here is Herimen s tollow, *anlc�,��s 0, --.*I. ktOL-r himsof A)rrA1ir!()1T'Mg CL Fl-ullflo *at of ly rfoelailued ,distitints. It aya -. vgsrt. mul e-vPres4vog tile h0jW Vlat F Wat wofttil hl've hz,eu ttivial. Its tau- *orrolonging the War wag lor-eause a UtkeO the .0V100? Of WlCh 41 CQn8erVU- � L. "I& baheve mnittial ImAk will '60 lbe It oe�__ftg wal .1 genetous desite Its; hdiitano and lenipnt treatateut of lli� .S--hraf1ers', wva;d do 109 Jm6lt ZFd 'by -06 joyall-As 8%� b.g w1jeel bt,�gan to lurn be, tive *q,j)j"-.,)rt1F-r of tiv, government. us 'to 4-blek, tho =4 stie". lk beftf,tily weleolde ' , to iF�I&U 4 Akliordinata fr&ju jtt*on� Itg 0.opajefttS� W]dCh ,be'e<)lAb'.ed 4Watl floter I fedcherl f Ile, hil , U9. lkneit Ulete the -Standahl, all.1 r,��:,tgrnso. it. lie E44. � 1h. giaotit the newlypiloeldlmedtll,�, E.jbifity, hUt it tW,g .�V.js ell -y , It Ove'r 'ClItiftlICA fn. histerv. Ile ud'ltd: jr,al _lea.elpt remilha .6u , ff "your respvet�ul 1valt - no offt� in 4!m mill. be, 1 went Tim tf "o.. o r -'Llue Ptesi is genernals! tq,�14�,�,4,, 1 q'A,dD %irletso, the t�qte ISO as the -babire IDT wkilg hot war. It Wdg ro�t ­'rae� Govetttuvirit �-f the UnItEd � crktalmlly call 01 -on , Itfo admialstratlem Wilt imp*50 the le&der,�Plj�% Afid 1q, WAS -hot po!- State,4 is a hinna,he Vovernlw�ht. 'The right aht-ad tand dPZ­rAalHt,d to In- Ir'no of f�'IrprP�:'d 1"Matnintnt at Ili"] .Tort 11(v 41r,;Ote my �,nh,erlpfl"o to t I UL011 ludL,viretlenp. TJ,,e lr,��OPIT of tiftgkind '. _ * *111UIJM4 alb Of jjNeonVV.IjIej"e0 Upaft jft,r,t'&Lnlyabltant,; ,ot th,* I'Ll.1plAncig 1mve , - e. 'ght that the wLt�m 'I In' Xqls-;o'2101� tr"Innity.", n1l It. -Y. wie t-eror wao .wtaw ,*Z119tahave --tartel, ft�oia waturs. , have g� ­fr.agly .91va,-ii zt,s# h-*= through- ' In �k� 31m,.,.c1-L0)r&t s r4�r0y lin c74ys � , Igh It Ind,q)ntidence, callses In -m=l way. Jlkvyway. I W;11,�q il out, and WLI wateris S*cIa'l InVaq,310-N - .tvha, are �ftalbwq tot tile rial'at-In- - UA.3'r't rlkcmust.,=!�-; r,r�'Izh P,iss-fibly bean f, , 0ng tor qhv�- %Ltc6 Of thE! X,IW,q'*d 4Uth0tibY dEd I vin&6te, uen- Buluev's go --#.-I Irlatut,A., 1!2st 99 tdneh �qs Ili-, Baerg Lave bz"ml s -ire that it -wng r,o gh'.mt. 11011,-n I �' �=a bt'vu M )S'- jl.�V%,�uN,F,114 atDd lafts T ­.en Vr. 1'ke,'PA' mot;qv lluA rdircraly N.­�n 5 Anq rl.",%. &�?Ulkr�v4a-'l h I.-a"T tz:m -e" bmt onl�y at Uze vxp, nsp of hd!§ .f,-jdg_ flghtEg-fb.- tb-lrs�. or got elose to Ike tvIv-0 t!"o gatos weat I realc�",aal Ulw eazart. glvcm maln"�y to b'f4p- th"-e IT �=a V'Eilt _tbe Flyeedy tekohn. mon ot the 4Vta.t� - _�e %wernmea �,pr-nt, I I -At the recent couretenetiet Sir meat, tApacr'y or 2 ur,inpetenee ill '01t Qe Vult"I State -4 kts wat 8,1Dr_0PIt-A C�owm and the rr.21 ,z4v%TTM. *rhls 4 It hoo bp,n (&,6111-A that he wourd] *1 -*:v- �1� V sh ne � -p Z 1, IV .C. i;wrdoa Opelgg, the Cape Pkemlek,,#Ith h�.d a ff--sIn .,ble 'OTIF N It veemis lj�l to bnnf- tha le� wj% (,t ti1eir ci, 41- saW I .1sea me Ilif!! =;_�rp, but I . J , .Va -4" - S 1 ru _� 0% M r. '.1. .�A*714C,?� �: �' � %7, 0, " e r. j,ord xitcaerter, it. woodenionittated ag thi��te Is ezali� ien ,� vcmts:,- JeM fo-. r0f-Cnts AIM11 to confisseate t�gclv pro- I was de_ be v:( teil to v�e ppvrit, on tile I Ais!mra,41 Mr- rtr,xAes Qal, 17�% Wid- ! tetialned to see the'nifitter tbroug'a. i next Lonor �1,4t, jy,xt it is C..qa,41.ful sl,orle*s ulte-mw,ps rvirr�� 0,n�y .,4,.,l p -v -- %hat there was a dnq� tecessltkr lint Itz V=T'1yvtU"_tt0 Offo -� or. on ,sn,ber con- XWL-Ny, but ro C'euntry at -.mr witll I Then 11. Etarted tfp again. A POW, Vftpt ye,9terday's confe,,�SIOBV.i ' 164 law to lEidtlralviolyl ot 'All ,Vat 1!5"; admis;�jc%'�J_Q Ototvlcr (Ii.91antry evcr U�rb,ke s � , I-w.­.'4i",on vT pr-rs:t7tvA 4r­,o',�­oa ; 11at $-!r 'the extt'ist'-A of 'rja.tt' .pent i - ftete was At Mg, Zeg wn th, *,ar �, that it" a4via�_d the slirrender '01 -I WMIL'im 'Vernon Tlnrej�nrt Wag 01�0 i ol;5�snds i0f jg�-ar ' " - ,11 1, Is shoald have lnvtrxve� It. s�t,yild b, o-bviring t,,v G,-72. li, "do avj, 1hrinito , , %he Cap* pzr�rj!risnki. TX 1�; 4 A -r. I was eown .�*flrv, ani til�gi";t naye,lart:U ..& 11niflint gco tetkor for the- loyalists. Xt is the BUIle:r Qat he WC -01 1 15�.,t -�4.5!3:-�Ult h!q U-612ble In enej,,E-,tV0;r-1,qg 'ka niatletviq . ­, '? ,!r% F �0'2 cl)"12PIlred I 4�nnovcAl at th,r-12i. an'l tL!_� " na P-attle - I AI-� If P�,17_1- vr_� 11;4 Ill:, 4, �j t It, �.C-n­' 4-.1% , V,rltl� WLI_14 .1.9 � tar-dard Fn.v.--� oat �J 17�,Z,�-pt U4,vo 1-k -`�'- ;u_-3 L ­j U. -A A:,��ajists wba will quake, WWI fear Own i&-,M',_v and `t'� - nra:mnal ititlet. I witli Aia little llar�,�,�-Igjp and fm6fring � a stlek. 1, r�avv Qfj�,J'L,nst Atling lh,�re ; -;_69 other n�v,i�ri_:Y,a of thawar would " -, , It ,,�L� "'ifewl re- ot the po-.e.,ble- conseqaeaces oftheip eg' .9 by rs:S_FgT,IU- !.!�� comman,l A,,v,l � as 1,0Z-Sible the taml1e.; a the very lon tile eml OT a 10-r. In a m6na' .e A have brfm triviall - tyt=, elfilther 4 ,,ir.zn Levi ,0.,*tvr�ry, -­- ' . 0 , th", FG-Clorl 1U,nd.ster, V�hn- v� gort tLe pas. I tlie &-tw was teaAug Ithtougli tft,� I.r g. � Ring or I!,e, p,ojol w -, 4:01) inue 10 mefatious ,cond=t ,during � S�Aldni the fet, eme.,vt iv! Imso earnetj men In arrj-� vgainst �,,. &Ipposing - �� 1,& t . - i - , ,,- i - -- - p�,%rmlt it. b4n_- v 1-trong man, llvq�,`ry U76 yeare." , , by ycarg ol arilaon � s:,rv1?n. He intisf In the wir betwcen f,.)aln and Ilia I atd Ithe.ghost was langhing gh�efully E favor �e�m. i , "11 .. will tak:- U-7 Own 4-��,Zrzc, rpry 16'r- � see t1rAt Ile 1-v no ft,.,.,X­.� hl 1119 TV.'=e! tnEel 'S'ECAP-4 f oW7 01 tl;p, Inhaliftants ! -at theo end. T,hpn it '611 Vier , DIZIP i Anniversary o? the War. Pnrent froin Ithe lo-jiant, sip"IIZZ 1ikr:-Z_ � ___Ii � , at "I'Te bead 'r," an army COrP:--.,11 I Of thP rTRN1 $tate.,4 ct ,Spanlssly ev�_ I i I 4 - - I Seansr not. for tile- Vig mw tote right I ljjtVer��cjtn. 1'�tj , �%_et�'Jerjantjsq oe". i Villf%.." To Proteet the ReAf*- G,-ncmal BdUces niv.-I �g!,Ats. w,,:�*, a�.zj ractZon hal tak-,,le tiM sWe Of the I through Its sp��ctral b,,*0y without . 11. -Mr. kruger was t.1-_ rcelpfumt7to-4, I" On Car- rr,'(pCon. cl, Utl�r--," s,%yp L=dm, 0��It� 11- I At. ra.--Tlia best. ,&a1,,T, arp In V,,-, iah,,:vIty, arP im- a?ardardf� .':Ir.d fonght In doing soo f leavjng!ftn,r ,.r_,e�, n: ' .he tvqgf4ly. I �' -day d ni�my g6to and addpc-2�s,�s upon:, Ur. RE,o keF, `1 1�;thpre-1 n-1 =1.170� 'a& . -, I _ explaratti" %v�'�,12,li I tave tteelved Of prt-ssad by .1 Is manely p-.jteit t1gli--st � Q,--plast theizr own e4cvjmtry. DO YOU ,T got out ,of bat mill a,s fast as I eout(L ', the cect-4on or the sf-coml anniver- , ti;*n Lor;3 rlo�ze"­Mr�_,Oi; .,,�n,p3lalcale�nt I t;to foro3Tareatj�.Y-f Of Martial IZVV it � . Z:a1_r-bta1n­d erqtt,v.­�. rAry har,Mv P think thpy vmtzld J,s�v�,., be�m treated '�, It yo -a dov,t boliev-a tT�,-jt I vvas tilt, -4 oaky of the dz-&�ratjan- OIL war In ' knew that L -*--,:Pt U-10 C-aveJt I ten.ve cap& tvlony j..5 C'At, Lord lkitchcnat�k krow -A musL-ir�'- frmn a field gun, arA4 �� --%; lenl.,-ntly ai we Jj,,-jv6 treated tfi_a I.. 0 A Sou I � 'i,� t-adstm aving 60ulp- raz?anq 'of I thqV- urhesittating-%v .icef,pt bisr ex- 5 rcbAs In 6a, -y? ( Ic-,nv j feel th-At lurnpon Inv head. . ; th Africa. Among ld.-3- -�U,ors Yve-ra . .your reader� ) dk--�i"Ie how rav 'kir, � up%�M 1'.. b I �� i Evety man, wornan nn -d 0ifld In � ft4�ctja- the army agalaA ttaitors 'anat!on as manly Vn3 trank � ConVii-Aing, .Sir 1.41L lia'E'l ,declareil I BaUer believes HennZon's stary. 4. the, Burg,.�mravqter of UjIv,erejm' a.ndL Ilfnr.� C'1raP1"'Il_n'_er�10=.ta_-I 1"I Plti� ; uther OffielaLly, l, tMed in e!1ar.Le' tc-rizin- tbe oftpriiml jjrtfe rar, w1w, were more danget- Aviplo Vind!.,*.aliem. ' that he ,tlid tot wc,an to ,zay that I *�jas than eia-p-,� reb--19 ba&ag and Tli_e ,Telegraph, V,0. ,r-hlef kT tbese �q ithe po'glev of lrmene.v wa*; wrong. it I �ns de Ijarl's Cas�e,_ s a I- - . I staterazlits a le fram bP_-%-,A�n_- t1&tljjg in tjzvs nwlan.tajus. Wheth�r i `� r, i %ras 911)�tej in rev.'�-_-Bltlon OT the I E.XHU,MF,D BODIES -1. to tr0. .iec:mI=- to Cz­jr eata- , Eowever, th--it fieneral 33ullej , -.00' It. ­­ marlug cf;1 - Fays. J ,; Lc� ,1, Ot, 11,T1 -, h � 11 ok not . t',,1 -_-r0 W --s: way eontrovel!87 " - .­ I" tj'LZ hr�' '�.'rAIM I f�ttt 'that vv.*th e-w,ngtma p Aiee t, " , mf,ntp, n4ther fStIr 11,,L�nry 'I"Imps".0- - - _ ,a, Inolore wnd Laura i flann,­rw,en -1,,r Skir Wt la -a 11,rcrauvot - B4 tASte<­k lra tj';: a, 2'. . . 1,-, c, .jere I I tha < se of IC4 lbetvvcen lom?d Xit2hcrer and Toord affair -,,q irvc�,vin,- tl_tt. or tha ji�j- WOUM c0lu'�� At 113111 Wlhf`Zl the, White 1; Dayton, O., (k -t. 11O.-171<,.=41n.:� �an Javl;:L-on, R)rm(�A,y Aim DaILS I)IS do =, Iner �Over t1j'a pt�vjam&tlolt is -"I propf"t eiVu'g1r.n,C1_c�: nra -v.puAi14ntr,-J wU,-.,i Vhv_- fnelte. 11�it � I .�rcrets% It In- races In .Q,mifli ?tfr'es' Nromild live io- � investigatloh WhIch W111 detern-rine i -Dar, of ,Nc,w Y,L�rk, un-= have b,�eli ' - In, qwstioa� but Una ruport that g.*41-110r, nil -1 th.- GO j I naVrrally a��rampil 'T"l-,"A "fr. fAll- '� �� Opt tlma'�,s that tfj�,% fa�-tiq were fairly vurnmr,nt -,v-;fts; -�jnv� -;q,ji-�thc.r or no'. the cliarge. Of mur. 1 pat.,bl_- un ll�r t.'_'�, Ila= of fforrosl.-7, '� AV . , naf1horet %"-a q)t,AT,1n_, --,71 a-atllor- tmot"4"� � cowfflannof-ln�ebta for w0l_�known so far bzv�k as August r,Ven at the, 1COA, ,of Prolonging der shall be preferred agairistlIrs. 1 ciiargcd, wk,�h ccqj&,p_:rjnjg to defraud , ItVT 101i", � Smith �,frj,zg, imuld Mvo baen re- .1 tho war, t: 1000, Although thinking that Gall. 0 e10 ,T'Otll!ng avpidable Mary Belle Witwer, ,suspected of i ,woutzli of mm�-y and j-�weiry by for- quired U it had nd'. ba -M lssVed is -Bu1jr-T had ample jus.1ifteation . — , for, �js that vras llk�0y to Increase, the ari!- caushl- a nuizit _wr of deathe bypol- I taua tellia.g. and against nfaom there . 0e,ne,r4ir credr-ed ai&nM& military pt�r thinks, tioslty between the two raeeA but soning',_ sbe is still in custotly, though 1 are c&wlier charges, wasr resurneil to- CR,�ZED BY GRIEr-. mext atM 00vernm fficials. 14. ;�milvfl ITAvo b"', n evough It 118 had thO time might come for severer liabeas corpus proceedings to secure � daY. VkAlm:; ourroboratred Una open- — ' measures. It It did, the opponents C e se a e Mollie a 44e. UrodrieWS, De'r(111CLI- said that Earl Dob:�rts-, wbor knew het r I a r nt rIly ex- 1:119 spew1h, yesterday off Cl,arles W. A Prominent Chtc�;kg,� rinancier A# a ±6suit of tlin repeated attacks all thf� elreurnsta-wes Irr Which the of the British wc=1d have only them- pected. The bo�Aesof Ftaillr D, Wit- Wlat,bt,ws� representing the trea- oft tale Governm�ent; in tile ptess, by d:,�"..tch fts sent, as Gen. tullees selveS to blAIMP. He ev.>Iained that wer, the fourth and Inst husband of Ury. Tk2y detailed the fant-astic: Coln -rafts �ulclde. odppm-tere as NVOIl Al% opponents, Mr. critics -mr`aot po.�Tslbly L -Vow, retain- the proclamation or miitial -jaw in� ths snspec�t, and 11rs.. P,mma Q. Pugly, pusilanimity or the, vorwa, connected Chicago, Oct. 11,--Gcorge 'Rankit". _ - 'I bi -ad bee . , � It ent Do�ird ,of Traile mma- ,Brojrb, the Cape lizoved to have beiell victims, Were dis- cratio Unity, and tha claims Of Theo- *r . k has b,eien objLved 'to %nake ed him 1- .% eo=and, a sn - 'Cape CblonY had bo*n decided upon hie -T sister, both of w1tora ,are sta - vit'li. thvao initiAl't-ed into, the Theo - Ill COMPIPte -concert with 1% jpab:ia a letter t ---w Sir Mv;-etrd Vin- qup.ntly del-11yeratbly tolaft"ued bird in "Zo,mV a partner In the tomiaiis- I t in,wUdh lit- mins up the milit-a-y 6ffide­at, AldeTsbot- That stirelk, says 001-etnment. It %Ms mainly 'for the iftterked, early to -day. The 'vital dore that lie was Christ returned to , Sion firm Of Joh�n 11anklm & ,Co,, do�,_ =tjoa in, Sbttjb� A.frioa to -day, He th-- Tele,91-aph, W-ag A!, coitiplete and purpose,of stopping the Amuggling, odieil were re- varth and the Only perfect man I'll mitted suicide In -Oak Park ft�o-da,y. . Abv tiae- ab;4,11io; tin'-dicattolt of Ged. BrIijer ambliMItIon to ther ttbeTs and Doers, iiiovedb j>Iaced Ift scaled J'Afs, and the, World, .1 I d,geuda ,bier attitlide by the ,s Mr. Railld'a rao=ned deeply OWr tift-t tft,f the GotVetttleht hAs' entire 0,71 &* Odd&40il: '#Ibich le res'p,oftsible Whftb theret vv.q,g reason to believe turned over to TlflofeeAbt Howak-.1, ;t 1h6 testim4Yn2r conrbaln04 frequent thx� death or his wife thre.a � . I re ed had be I xatchsber" aild htLef. f 'go. hifth 111 -timed s,yid !ll-fitf4*tft _eh going oil At sable of the Overtilst, who will inbl0r,- &11­ex&m.Tna- I kefekance bor the hypnotic influence ago, ti 0 k6hbA6*c,tI. in: LorO eoloil�w ports7. I . of the, pAo0her.Ek , lid members of ]Ile t..! , tly. met all bler demander, in -or- Oc&Udid. .i 1� .1 - I . � , , ', it , . t .L, t�dbt(te ble 9LA.t, to t�ija Aotrq%, -4 .i � . --- -_ - - . I . I - i ,� . - .... I ... . .... .. L ... � ... .... ­­ ..... .� .... ­­­­ ... ........ . . �- - ...."_-1-1-11.. -1 --11. 11-1-1 .. .... ----l- ........ .. . _,_� ...... . -1 ..... I ....... I . I ----,.-,",.-,.�..�'..-����.."..�.".--.� � .... .­­ _. ­­­ . ... � .. ... 1 �:'­ � ...... . ...... .. � ... .. ..... ­­­­ "" . �.. 1.11 . . . .......... ... ikiiaim"6t�. -1 11 -.1-11-1- - _-.1-1-I.- . ............. ­­ ­­..., -