HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-18, Page 5T THE ZURICH HERAL0 AN INDIAN, CE RE�110NY THE IOMEDIQINE SWEAT" THAT MAKES THE RED MAN CLEAN. it in His Tur1clilih 11AtlX,,S0 ko SVIBU19t nud It -IN *0 11411 IL ItIte, B001 illys- ilial R�ld Spiritu:11-Alixl.-Iiia lifed.L. ellal . to,tlici Gre�tt Few, if any, of the writers on the habits, folklore Lind Listory of the American Indian have dev oted any Space to the red man's Turkish bath, an institution bomemade, to be sure, but a recognized necessity In every camp and a feature of the daily life of the Indian. On the contrary, com, Ineiltators have conveyed the Impres- sion that habits of cleanliness are for-- eign to the Indian and that lie has an lnbor� aversion to water except for chlinary purposes. By the avidity and frequency with which the Indialf Indulges in his home- made Turkish.bath he proves the fal- lacy of this belief and shows that be, as well as his white brother, can live up tothe precept "Cl6anliness Is next to godliness," only In the practice the Indian puts cleanliness first. The term Turkish bath Is unknown to the Indian. He calls that metbod of ablution a "medicine sweat." It is to him a rite both physical and spiritual, for he cleanses Ills person and then "makes medicine" to his Great Spirit. That the rite is religiously observed was shown by a band of Brule Sioux IN THE HOSPITAL. Ah, bear the moaning over therel The sudden, bimw cry of, palO The suiell of drugs is in the air, Deatli's slutdow on ilia wall is plain. And by the w1ndony, stooping down. A nuive wihi flufrr looks and brown Looks in the e . Half proppeFt 01niaoineawslIn0owilysiold And, blushing, hol4s a willing ear Close to his eager lips to hear A story that is ages old. % The doctor gravely shakes his bead And bends above an ashen face; A w4dow, walling for liar dead, Is led halt fainting from the place, Aiid over there a jeweled hand to weakly raised to give command And weakly falls, and through the halls Death paces slowly, lo4tbi to leave, While still the nurse beside the cot Dena lower, listening to what Exkiltant Adam told to Eye. Death stoblied last night behind iiiat screen And smoothed a martyr's weary brow NVhere one with now hope looks between Soft pillows at liar baby now, And over there beside the door Lies one wliom. pain sliall reach no more, Whose work is done, who era the sun Coes down sliall soar or dumbly rest� Ar,tl she tbat blushing bent above Yon cot goes dreaming dreams of love To cross two hands upon a breast. -S. 2. Kiser in Chicago Record -Herald Indians, who made a journey across the continent to tile east and Went Into I Six months of soldiering In the Phil - encampment In, to them, a strange i Ippines hatl taken all the edge off Tom land. I Crowder's military ardor. in a year On their arrival, even before they the sight of a khaki uniform hurt his raised tbe'.r tepee poles, they erected a eyes, and be began to realize that in all ,,medicine sweat"' tent. The frainework the world no village Was sofalr to look of this tent Ii of 11001) poles so trained lek, Ills., the home that it Is about nine feet in diameter, upon as Sugar Crt four feet lligh, flat topped and almost town where Crowder & Sons keptstore circular lit form. I lond where the event of each droning Jbst within the framework there Is a day 'Was "tralutilne.", When two years bedding of straw about two feet wIdL,, bad almost passed, be began to drean) and lit the center of tile tent there Is a of swinging under the elous in tile old Wii4je lit the ground about three feet In front yard it boine and wondered us lie diameter and three filet deep. There , nibbled at the everlasting hard tiockbow are no Steam vents or pipes. no marble , many pitted cherry ples lie could vat at slabs, no rubbers and no sbeels. When one sitting Ilt till.% dining room at hoine. the Indian Is really for b1s* "111101CIlle When a young :i0ldifles mind beglus sweaV1 it number of Stones or roel:s to dwell on tile ties that 1110thill, used are beated to almost white bQat and to tualip. lit-, cannot Ilourlsh on Sow diunpold into tile bole Ili the grount'. biqlv. tilt Nvill.1k Ill begilm to decomte Then the red ineu. 20 or 23 of thent, Ill` Ills tv"llt wall Willi the photographs of a eii).stionle QW111 Se.11104'r th0n, Adall-I'S Tillie ond I.Sue and '-the folksll he*� tit after tile fall. range thpluselvii's UP011 rjr nothing but furioughs und slek tile Straw. Thoy sit Injulinly rashlon. leave, and It themos anything Of tile their chlas on I heir I -knees and their (1111thir Ub011t Iffill lit$*$ lit 1111111111PIlt 11811- arins arounil, th,,.nr Rhillis. paelted so gtlr of fOrip4ling to answer roll V01 close, together that evell It they would soine darL, 0-Millilig W110110110 RIUSIe Of they Could not luove. tilt. sjq lipylilull tile jungle lures him When they art, all rmily. blautulls. with falhe S01198 Of IRMO- T011% heard 6 k 111.18 and callivaS Ark. thrown Over tile list! sirea, volep tilt rlght, but lie 41ldnt fn. mework until (lie tent Is altHost ftir- lure a little bit. Ills terul of ealIS13110111 tight, two or thrive jonel.ets of 4water was ulillost at :111 cold. and he $ad$ - ,are passed Ili :Ind throv; it upoll the loot ' .1 fivil himself Nvith blkjtt Ong (" .1(-I:k (11111 daY stoneiv and the 'Intudlelue sweal!" be- 11 ft (i off tilt- calmdar, writing doggerel verse glas. The onoment thill SIC= hQ941:11tit) about Irillie and utaldag Idnis0t 8, nul- Ago the Indians litgun a ebalit, whielt want-,, gonerally to his bunkle. Is kt�ljt up Nvithout Interruption until, fle usked to lmear roundly that bP 1160 Sweat Is ovcr. llav:wd w4t)lber. notaut to Illill.0 baek", to Sugar Crevu, onveloiled lit stenin so thle% tit. -It 1141110 qq ftist as shili, jind train could carry taft Iftie his uersMor. the ludhalls %It. blia, atilt horej, by all that AVAS boly singing and Ist�.,jplOug h9r an h@,ur Or,, th, at oui,�ie, be %vas iflowitered out bed nom Xot all Indlun, Intom. Ile aaever sve a Nolkjqt�r egithi. Ile got 'to nelther can nor 'wants to. be tile '%Tor -6t *Ihuor.4011 In the kvilt. At a, algant from the CIA4 or 00; loguy, and be, wrole 6o, inany Weitlelue luan .4 Seetlutl lor doo telat o3 11 tkat hog utrade,4 began to ask kht, toirn away. and %rutlo a hir'.3VO Ulod a Nvjs�, IBL, dquitet wrfte it few to Itlaoseir. Vhoop . to JC _tl I�tjluluvll fOr' -if ,von go,�t suOu a gend honue and ne -water. A ruag a sump. wad In av;ell Ittville, %1.y dou*t Lugme ur "vin tL,ey 46. It 1% �Ust rn htftAA tvrgle to 3�pv'-" "Am4rc-A his tent Inatc- ,&e oldest lVart�60r VS fur 01le lt;oy who olte U�ght. 41yon itaget he very 4§trolug Las flot:�ctvtju gaus wor bi��fwrmt. 011.1-V -w5th T 11ole. er whed write $.0a at least were ou laad, Me ItudDmo, ltavtoug per- ugxv a r1gam." ferjited a anty kemvc.A 10 bgms�elv alud NV, %, t1lue lattetr ajuez.Ar6h was a r9rirt. Tilt Ig riLaulr to "Inake kurdt- rcbe With TOM. hvcQulse 1110b(AV 1%.&A0 C'Meo VrhjS Is thvayq dotte, aftev the', to him ip-%cvp)t Us llauther, rtutAurr leto 44hoedleDCLO) Sweav�--Iluo fact It Ig lVatt'. terg scjjow vvaeked bhu: iflaflug Illu find p1mcl ot tlue ceremensi, for It 99 U, nal metuths V)T D290, ieah**ogbh2,;z* In tlbc r�gdrdtd as a feeriman3r. gnterge%,. Ite ba4 quailreleA with Iul� The Indially, cql�aaj la reitiRoti Aud iftt blrathcr �c# IqLany towes tbAt no jov� thig moluelit. bprotb* his ectninunoon was 40��t j;t.(jVetn Ikelin. TAnd his rathei *Ifh the God of 12.9 fdthkM 801*0sed didn't tvrfte for 1W gotyd reason tbal -t6 bel equdily tjean of wind und ;wfle- he d5dift knaw how. As for T111119% tht I of 961114 how 111toer-eds to the high- young seldier had vo riesson to etpeel 4mt poliat of land In Ilse v9elhity of the ICjtCr,S ftont her. When he left home edity, thus getting es nmi, to thle slue Ivig only X nnd Ills "affate, Witt ,0,regi; gpirit as it is lyo-_�,lble to dowbile, her was or tile niefliAlig on; tarth, on 1110way Vy .4 wmtol sort peeukar to boys mind girt! 11ttILSVOIL it sttay Ioaf. etoniL�eld tebtlOft just ovt of bigh --chlool. It Tom fili quidj?, a dead, ily or b9g, or two -lit fact beehIlierreelly le.iw ut Ifis %IftospecUen jnj-th�jhg iwhieh miy tie deemed tefuse� he must: lmve admitted that there wai tot hel is aboutto ftnveY to the ateAt nothloll-g very talul.-ible Ili his Itolves Witt ,$J�Iiit thit he lots Cleansed his beNon =rd to Titgge� Ile told himself i "d that till thftggg uncleaft hav@ tliouu,;and time.; that vhe was "the Ohl ftow hw. girl # 11 and coldled himself with th4 jkhegL* -tioliligi thst he hag $!atlueted lid,j helier that IBIS really to her was littli ffijkice!E� in a [moffe of WhIte '061110 WIlleh I !, shott lor betele. 'Ind that by some M$S fit,tuen Is fastened t6 the Ond lot 3 l0bg 1 IctionS teilci)Athlc SYffl1)afluS' she Inus & the el k I@ by this tgMe lye 1�jtlJB Ite other End t e 'I ii. ng UW� y tot thi-dSt into the gj%uftdat tle flop of 'th4e relutiv. jot knoll, and the goml Indian ta§'� lie wasoVt 111-6 love, when he onlist z hiAde ined5etiole. Two days seldom pasS:.: *41, but he had her plelatt- and lul without the teVetfttoll 'Of this ccrfe- mootheev. *nd hY A nfttur-q1 VfOmss 41 wqiuy. It never vafile,_- The seend WaY loilghig for home he developed iquite i <.b�jj;lge. jtL�e Indi.lu inny trAndet to new fieree and yearnikg jiftsslon far Tillie langs or jye�,dttven to theiri, but wheft, A huafted times 'he began a letter ti ,be is thery also is his ,medicine swoit?' liet, but he never bad tho neirvo ti -VS mcc vie ­ad It Ile cut bet initials off trees telit and there he "Mal lidne-l" fences and tent poles and wrote be, name A dozen tiones onevery, serap a "ed I# Crx1ifto paper tfiat be toilld., find. lie Sang It 2t,& ttrvo*'!�Mo'lk Cula pjc(jr n .cv,g no, tobacco for cbe*� spelled it nd whistled It till his son In- or forp1ix. swoklng� The Cnbqnslf was, ift a. fl-ne frenzy, and he knew b., V, it - speech of proposal th.11 1�0 mol'o might he Counted old be. it the Ion. oneg fingprs without innkln�- a second lie meant to whisper into her little Difti tound,of the, tio.Vr`�. Tile 0 -t and thO 'eat the first thole he could get he itigaret-,e prevnil- To what extent the alone in the swing or oll tile 119rfoT Cuban 0:1*ltrelle 111191A ever becomel seat of daWs spring wagool. 'Popular, with �Itnleficqn smoycem Is a So when Tow got baeT.� to ItAoillit, Atli )matter beroad defernfl:M001L It!& Wgul;at, malle, tie 'was stirred by A.) tain 117.1t Tbost Aml,%:�Vrqlm of prolonged "llreasoliftble holve that there woull . lye bo at least one Tettet from Tillie. It tesidelftee bveonw. -at not disbearter to'dit,ted toicul�.,nl br-iines =dP1rddIffi- w.,ts disappointed, b 'a 6- old h w0aning g1pn D -alty Ul . �, 1,gelves 1)gcl,� to ed, -to find noth! g b t thte i 1E .Ame.rican bm%nds on their, teturn. �_Ives frontibis mother, lit whiell thet was hot a. word of Ills heatt!sdeligb and �a volumeof motherly advice abov T !by--* irn it Veedles 1,011if. the care be should take of himself, tb 9cine, 4.10 yenrs q90 -I firm In gilft I things he should eat and d0n1c, tb sent to A C111nese bouser In i comrades he should tmold -and th 'Ind Of'� pra C41iton tile smallest and finest L yers he should say. Her latest le� �lxetvdle as .1 s.,11uple of out Sk-111 Ili dell-, tek fts full of the Otime they woul ,(-a,,�e litindictaft. It WAS retakntd to give him" When he got home, and Clew Witli A. bole tbf6u9b the P()Int� eoncluderi with the hint of A. "gret -only,b* oeell with A Witf4s, surprise?" that was In store for Will wlifeb,coUld I -Z QL,.eourse that pVt tlqv� Zest fUtO Ai "honing for home" and,lils hatrell for ZURICH P. the army rose In proportion, f whole town was at the station Is open daily except P,,:indayij1 om The Kind rhe rhe ma b7a 0 when Tom swung off the train steps at 8 a, M., until 9 p. m., Sugar Creek. The Silver Cornet band, diSftibuted �Ls f qllows: with old Bill Tomlinson, "shakq and all, ALUL FOR EhIlNISALL, Close at 6 :5.5 a'm JOB PRINTING You Want at its bead, was standing on the plat- ii g 2 , '15 5 p In form pl.,#ylng "See, the Colliqlaering 11 :10 all). Hero Comes.", Great flags waved above L, H. & B., 4 1 6:55 am the depot, and yards of bunting stretch- L, R. & B,, 1555 am ed clear across the 'street from Orow. P ROU HENSALL, arr. 11:00 am der's. grocery store to the town hall, it 17 #Rt) V Tom almost fell into the arms of 111$ 9. Sr.jOSPPH 11 10:45 a. in y IN %d"'! te a mother. �Mven his brother Jim seemed .44 L, H. & B.: " 11-00 4311 y ou, IVIU,0 to have forgotten all differences and 66 L,11.&B.,.11 7:30 am hugged him. But, best of all, there LETTERS FOR REGISTRA.TIOX, Must was Tillie, quite a woman now, pret. tier than ever, blushing furiously and be po�jtea haif an hour previous to Bill Heads Sale Bills holding his hand as she had never held the time for closing the malls. it before and holding up her radiant D.S.FAUST, Postm-aster. face to be -kissed. as often as he liked. The small, boys yelled '!Hooray for Toln Note Heads "Einvelopes Crowder!" old man Crowder shed teark of joy, prominent citizens wearing Specialties'.. badges marked "Reception" ushered the her6 Into a carriage, and as Tom Bracelets in Gold and Circulars Etc. Etc. was whisked away to the mayor's resi. Silver. . Lorginettes dence for a brief caralval of speech. making and handshaking tho band' in Gold and Silk. played "There'll Be a Hot Time In the A full line of 01 'lown Tonlgbt." ut it all seemed too long to the re. WATCHES, CLOCK$, ORDER YOUR PRINTING turned hero, He felt very proud and WEDDING RINGS, &o. happy of course. He bowed to the All kinds of JEWELLERY always Judge and shook hands with everybod3 On hand. and tried to make a speech, but all the time his eyes were seeking Tillie, and Repairing promptly attended,to his heart was aching for anothei chance to greet her. At last the guestf withdrew, and Tom and Jim and 1%1r. re W. and *.Nirs. Crowder and -wondrous lucl; -Tillie all piled into the big carriage Iq and were driven up to the Crowdex J�ARAI FOR SALE -200 acres of THE EflALD home. I ' choice land, consisting of Lot "And now, my son," said the proud 3, Con. 11, Hay, and Lot 19", South old father, 'now comes the greatesi Boundary,Hay Goodbankbarns, AND GOOD RESULTS WILL SURELY FOLLOW. surprise of all. Tillie, bring him Out." 44 -%- 82 and 40 -,- 60, and frame ,�n(j Tillie, all blushes, ran Into the dwellings on each lot. Plenty of bedroom only to reappear lit a moment gosdspring water. On one farin -wItlx a bundle of muslin and lace that there ig an overflowing -well. On looked like a small bolster. good gravel road, and'conveniont 1, Itilow nick, Toni, to Introduce you tc to S.choul, po.-t oftle s 0 and churches. your wilibeir, Tom Crowder, the a(!(!, 6 11jile,-, to Exeter stitt 0. . W 11 ond." give purehasor easy terms of pay- ne-Berliner Then they all laughed and clapped ment. Wind power, equipped for thi-Ir hands, except poor Tom and tit 0 pull.1ping. chopping, stra-'N , -1. ing, baby. ete. All buildings in good state of "Whosil kid Is Itle" asked Tom faintly repair, -with good large drivingshlild as Ills whItet face turned frout the and other outbuilding -A. Oil 10t 3 chlItY.,; to T1IlIo'.;. there i-,, 12 itcrv.s of good busli, and "Why, It's VIlle'S." laugbed the on eueU fal,111 onp itere of orchard. mother, "Tillie's and Jint's. They -were For terlim uppl-y W PHILIP RAW - married it year ago. but We 'thought 3t.kx, Surepta VO. Nve*d liepli tile stlert-t awlille.11 ..We thought led inake you holue- L kLLAAAA 50 YEARSF' 810;. Inetille.11 said JIB). EXPERIENCE *01)o Voll want to hold hint. IromV, Gram-oThon PE r F whispered Tillie. holding out tile baby. 14Ytytfre his godfgher, you know." Tout beld bit4 little itainiihs,.tke for Tjl�j% is tile mg0hille t1lat talilts-sings.-plays every instrument-reproducts but lie didn't seelki to'know JuSt SousA!& Baud -string orbeestras-'Xegro NtinsGels. Chiirch Choirs, etc. wbat to tiay. Tlwy laughed at hint, M It reproduces ffie violill, piatio, hute, cornet, trombone, banjo, mandolia. toused hint and IoMisild lolln till 1114!! TRADC MAAXS p1cedlo, and every other instrunient. 1! X III 'a motbiv iiintgested th.1t bt% loolged %veto ColyalaKTS &C The Retriner Gmtn-o�pbone is louder�ttetnvr. Simpler laud better than laup copyalams &C. out atilt should go to bell. Anventmndlipt askateb lind do uAft WAY other talking mitchine at tiny pewe. Itshi4s every Mudof song. r4credta=ii�. i, 914fthfar an 114tillitlItUt3d, Plittl()tiC. "C0011111 song's. 1:11gliAl, French a-hil Scotch Song%. valect. Toon re-elillisted Post Week In 8PItQ Of 4jj`i*1cdi*i1tT. c"It"In "nr Oltlat'n ** mo lit IttuboUrpitalitabl" . ....... "I -a. waltr wo the coinbluvil objpetious of Jlw, Tillie twaik " *nul' ou Pat= lont from GrAudatid Comte Operas, JAQVS MkO wall. -as, tA -stt 041ttirte, IM"t A Td,sy�. and the old full.m. melais taxen U oaatiyinstrunientornu.tnberofi.tstn=two " "* tmnbenpcv-_uc *u theStr1iner Gmuk-o-pbaue with the wonderful iniaestntict- *12N 'lliA _4 0 use kiekin about lt, dalvo lie $ . 0 *!%" lbk rema dim. n1d. "I get tile fertsr, And I cAn't t I t I it telljo, fnany stories or repats a prayer. it can enteftLiuhun&*aX.&t4*%t . NP44 + shake IL You don't need nip In the Al"im*Irlittiorialod wali1jr, farit"t Ot. t1me In the UtIgest U&II or chureb, or it van be subdued to suit tke ,gowl. tilt I gurAs they atult. inove than, vurniEft of Mk. Is it I The kftaidt are itult wax, thty are fiord, �r-footl, IndestrUctIbbe Dibcoji, vX, ck tiral mewsdftlAim will I&A 14") HUNN yolk e ig watdeja Canada, It inguarantotlitor fIVOyliftm- I'll get aloug'o all roght. but hollelt, dall. 11 1 The DeffintrOnmLoybou or - I ju4t gouldnt live here in S' The Gram-o-p�otje is used and elidotsftl Lv the lftdiug chtgymull iia wAI4 ik­ th rou bout, 'N -1 ada aft"therweel�. TvII Tillie to Write I ine, nlouut the k1d."-ehleago lteeord-1 The 101nerGrAw-emphope receiwA the lonh- =4131 forTilking STachitiftat flae Toronto Exhibition f4w. TheSerlitier hm kell widely Imitated ithilthertcardscouutt with Mislesding olatiftes 2.5 they arid wo-thtem During Sir. lllomqlb's pracItIce Of his If tht Berliner Gram-o-phoue is not for &AI6 ift YOut IBNOc�Agou of the law, loug beflure he ii town, write ta, ut for illuiiratetl an -1 Other Was thought of fcr 11'rie'sIdent, he lvas:, IntalfffAltion, free. attendhgo the C-Irenit tourt, whtebi tMet 264#40ft Agat Jupt St , 'M'i'latleit. tit Munnowg-tom. 11tv, The Vfesoedfibg ult ta i% a 161tv'Viv by the UnDuci ef to- C.Anala. Litulmm: -was a tuan -of !2tv-.11t PbYsteal )im ic; rtbo-wor,gho lziro,& Mronuguh. and tqek l0flocular DIcasow"p; log rdoutrAte and was s" fmd lot wrt-stMula Unut lAg rowel. and etvcfo- eluee ft-nd"&�4 lutau a ro=5dable and gt'nerdtgy sumessrul Opponent. A IF ATENTS GlUAH'ANTEED %int d;uy lit ne fall Lftntoti wag Ivresimag near the 'Courthouse with soine one wlgo had leballeagod him 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . 07fARRIELL & LAMSON, to a trial, mul in the st-ulile jitade a NaW YORK AMP WASHtNGTON, 0. M lar,�e rent In therear of big "itivention- tg�"ffr It ly8i4 dholijeA iti ifie 1425 ald*c�ls. ierota he had tione to inake ally Wse of, ffidlehk§ 0ovdtrivA kulgta tolitu fit fifeekla"fe e1t*. chungwo lie wo ealled into court to fake 45 tlilibit Ullet teitailif sulf tl#tt **bkk ta litte. joefte %ba tte upi a it-asse. The evidelife vrits finIshlrd. *ffl1iH1Vft§ ftim*bf Aghtt. Will "turn fif It putblit it h6t afkauttid. 96nd f6p talat andg havingion a somewhat shott "it. atftt" = nnd Lainob. got up to addresg the jury, 161?. XJ11115,151 M0411:11 180 Rd his on;Srott"110 wa,* rather uppatent. 11=1111116" ififififtitl6d tit 60 eit*ttok, AWMentioh thig Note and vddutl4t 80d0141 MOS,`W 'One of the lawyeft, f6k a joke, staff- THt MAUUM Aft ARM9 do, ed a Subscription paper, which was 11, .... ...... ... .. . .... .. . ..... .... .... .. passed from one Inembef 'OR' the bit 10;4 PMIMMMCLI� another as Cloy sat by d long table 1 ... . ....... 'fronting the bench, to buy Xt jDair 04 ear trousers rof 1-imon. "lie belngl" theAom.Wd U S Imlyer said, "a VMt but"Votthy poun-C 6, Mail:` 9event put down tDivot "anut-P th&,mit AL"41D N'00114 vlth tome ludietous sumt-kiption, Audi; ay I Y'All 8. C_-t%,%1t tiz Imf6teft][3 finally the juialvetwos laid 16Y Wme one t.)d it. At,*y0*d ettvOils &tdl *elk. ic'espGt-'eat *xd spiteks before tfie *ah Imatkeirr-Tes, lu=aer 1?,*=, *ihak back. Id4vos iftiti,61'et, Vm1pitaclotl of iuke In teont or Vneola on a plea thal bAshfull. dreavis =d Tvstts. stdittittit ift ttritte. Vlff'Oeg on tht: t, � ftniced t I he W. caft*r,= exvn�=.ov. poor t6etfto-�N hftletiii,4 id:struat 0, Uck Cng�q_ in Wtjtjn_,Rt the UnBle. 10 U it. ee Ile quictly glailieed ever the p -aper tind istamedo=t,.4. -ftature demy� bote ;a%ts, hoar kC ItnmedwiteLy took lip Ills pen and aftet, his unme. "I ean contribute notb- Ing to tbeend in view." V"J-ttft Itlit'o, s6riko -6f sift,01, to,114 tt-,,;t!tv they ar�- as, recomlyielid- - 2cothifte can r secret drains thr h tBit tttirle- They *tlfita tu" for busintits, wak- tcpertg in the manufacture Of. per- tvtj. yon will i1o, likewlse aftek a hZLTAIS isl 1-rbuthl ftitnery Say thAt tile senselof smelle'In Trig , ur line consists, N 6 Ivift P0 1. o of Caustic, itattral wftksits!�,,or stxtial ekcft*es;. 6tir N41ttv Metfi0f! �kk*iktib fti al� be developed juSt . as 11clitel3v as the Balsain (the saft-,4 allf.1 best blister, tivelycureyot& NOCURP.IHOPAY10 senseof sight, hearing. taste and touch. P4 -No Nitinotio USed WithlotIt VVrjtj#jd 0-0tjftjjt'L 1-nown.) -see Colie' This would seem paradoxical, for it Is Drgughts. Mill and Fever. and, a well knowil fact that after smelling Tonic Mjxt7qr(,_s!. (Antion for Wt)1flft&. the ootntiest vi,_tims of earii vice atisveziri of are. Irtredmins'Myn3risysteta Xer, five or Six different perfumes tbe'dned- ]ae&ve Remetly. Con(Ifflon Pow(ler, ft3r brahl as well as sex -Ail and net*oias ival tic-tted nose so, loses its power that abil- (4,111 Curt.. CoreS 110of Ointment. 'an(I tent. rot ted �;*Ars tried r of doctors, sa= - - ity to distinguish odors is entirely lost Evety rentedy Guarqntel�d. or' latlectriettit". dpatentutedicines. SomehelVed mevroue cared. lwasgiviftgtipin: I Irl itt d" �t Etct, �ccnte-ftpiatiftg imiale vrhetv a I= ad. 'This to adegtee is true -of the educated luolleyrefundett. irls�ed the a nose, but its powet lasts: longer. An t last lte*ort tcl gi** the '�Vwiie exvett Is able by putting tdrol) Or two V E T E R I N A R Y trial. Wit out coyiHaeftce I ootseftt,�& ina ift thiret tftff 11t ir *at; it,�:arcd jmzn. I vat cired of perfume on a bit ot 'cotton to tell ADIVIC9 tevtn �r�rs ago-awt tKarrUd atid happv. I 101t It Is and just what extracts enter Beartily recowmtrid Dis. X.& X. t6 biy ifflcttd Thos�l me(licilles 11 -re put Up in! fe'lloxv tneft.yf Into It's Composition. t- � Deft, convem *V'We, treat and ttrr6 VAeic6telN Emigsioft, Ndrvout-Debility, Selblifial *eadkikoftirw forin, Nvith f till Airce *6 xeikt. ions .011 each, on(s. They are to be Gleot, Stricture, Syphffigvvyi natural Discliargres, Self Almt% Xiditey badRladd6i. t At6at of' any kind may be ilkesierved hadat 6very store in the Country, I ti.s6% d: aaldit. of Men. and woman. t in & temperature of SO to 100 degrees and if your storekeeper or idrug- 1 "�,.qo xAMBS USED WITHOUT WRITTSIT CONSENT. PAWA;kt. Ift arythin . j" a for vL period of ten days after It bar gist aout keep them, write us stud medicine Sent C4 0. D. 'AVO narleg on boxes Or euV010POS. XT 00illidilid Question Ustandcostol treatintutj FREF�. ei been soaked in a. solution of one Pint of guid W,_ will forwar(I them prompt- - 14$ SHELbY Sthtitta to 0110, Kennedy & 18 6 Salt dissolved. in four gallonsf vt told ly, Every Farliter and, Stock rgan, water andone-half gallon of a solution owner should have themon hand. of b1suIpbate, -of cAleiuM. Uy repeating PkeparcCL by t this process the preservAtIon may be t cmteiided by the addition of a.15olution The Eureka Veterinary ...... ....... ..... . . .... ...... . ......... . I. Of go-latba lor the white 61 An egg to Medicine Co 6 S IS tbo­'Saltaud�"tef' ' - - ­-­- - --LONDON ON -r. Get Your- Printing frotn'The *n*eral4 11111