HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-18, Page 2• tetal +unlikeness to. aeon, other Most apparent. An effeminat e elan iscontempt-, ible, a. Maseulitie Woman ridieultin It is not by assertineghergair Oath equal of man that soveretgn wo man" will best keep her sovereignty Is rather bet emphasizing and, in sisting on this great difference ther Is between herself and him. Initiation is, we all kneiv; the sin ,(Yerest form of Patti:rye-but...to flat ter man so mnoh as to tent° mak ourselves in any way like him i carrying the compliment somewba too fare. ; We women can be usertil worker in the, world without sacrificing .ou chief birthright -womanliness. Not by Cop:rang litant's Dress It is net by copying man's dress his sports or his customs that w shall keep and hold our best Anflu mice and control over liirn.- Ms costume -it" the geritiminen per mit me to say so -is really ,00twort imitating. Iris sports and hie on, toins are of his nature -net of•oure. No woman ever gains anything b asserting that she is as good as inan. Slits ought to ba so much bet- ter as to make any assertion of the Med totally unnecessary. It getterally underetooi and eon- sidered that .raan ebjeets to that partietilar movement which is ealled the "advalictument el women." If lie does ts:7o oltletut the ohjeetion perfeetly naturel and reneenatee. For lent; rent nriest of tradition hise tory in all ocultries he has beell ae- en einnell to make hie own laws for te ; own eignotniettee, land thote laws t wesitan in a ettiordignite ets inten tie mg ,re or leel of a drulge n toy. It le rl: nt Ser hint note to sinerebind I het with led. ter eclue "eat em wonein ha t IlIether aline, end 1L:.1 in • to 7'; 74 4.1" eng zr.t his feet ,h •sto watt: at ttle Fide, the free ef:911)ItrUttlii II thellftlits, the 01,1e ree uur O.' P. ltinitels: in him, 1 I,: n defettieg r uuf it-nier Mid his meet f*.dilefill pvlot Oil; eele or eset tn. o . Only Waiting?' CluiY waiting • tin the sbatiowa Are a little logger grown, Only waiting till the giinimer or the day's last beam is flotern; Till the night air earth is faded From the heart, once full of day; Tin the stark; of heaven are breaking; Through the twilight soft and gray. Only- waiting till the reapers Rave the last sheaf gathered home, For the summer tinae Is faded, A.zid the autumn, winds have come. Quiekly, reaper% gather quickly The last ripe hours of my heart, Fair tlio bloom of lile is withered And I hasten to depart. Only 'waiting till the angel Open wile the mystie gate, At who ste feet I loag have lingered, Weary, poor and deraolate. Even mot I hear the. reeteteps And •th ir roi*es far away ; Ir they call Mee I am waiting. Ottly wanting to ob7-y. Only WiD r.171$017 til V.14'. si10141,4ws Are a iitette iteiger gr,ewts. Oety we:et net tila th gliztemer Of the stetter last beere eisi ;Rove. Tient freett out the gittiterod mese, Fii)tre 41IratI4T'St."' stars Br WItc4.'";* 1141tht ;Dzy ermil •4":.:11 gladly - • Tread he entieeety ilte eh. -4. -deleictile leie.eutt,r. e— • re;?.:* , . rtib DUT QF TALKINO eetette It is nepoSitive duty on tinatpart of everyone etenpasing a gathering met Lor the avowed purpoite of :sociability to talk. There Is nof heavier tlespel* than that whieh 'weighs upon the mind of the hostese when; after Call- ing her friends together for a pleas- ant evening, and haying seen them meted . ownfeetably vis-tervise. it dawns; upon her that they are all,re- solved .to. glare :IA', emelt other,rin ob- stinate etilenee. , s-- A tirying Situation. Her sittuttion is extremely difficult. • It hardly becomee her ta do all the talking lierseir, and yet. if she once alIo.Waherscif to suet:11Mb and ono.° o permits that. deep, dark, ineffable eilence to settle down over the Com- pany, it is doubtful ivilether she will ;be able to ranee It is probable if ehe e , be of the verv,ous temperament ries tiler than the phlegmatic, that in the t effort to avert what elle feels to be a 'dread and insminent oata,strophe • her ebeek,s wile flush, her hands trena- s ble, and iter titter:Imes wax decided- .' if flightte The day after an ordeal of title kind ehts.will he limp, the 'yle- Um el a double -dyed melancholy. 1 The Contagion of Terror. ; Nothing Spreads With Uing-like rapidity as fear. S,hyness, eelf-oonselougness,, .otherwise fear, ; reanifteettel by one person, evill attach itself to fifty others in the twinkling - of an eye. If not wiftly arrested At will speedily develop panic. • "1'f16 Y nitick-witted man or vroman who, eeeing the approneb or the latter, hes courage to lauath forth an irre- s.st.bly funny zulec tete or a keen wit- tieiton, is a ben.entetor to society, for (*nee watea. in a hearty irtugh each brilvidual will feel ease, terapurar11Y, at any rate, reetoretl. , IteriNgil 9r e Cry of an bit'artt iNatiorvs" ''''11141014 41 Irtp,trc.,,„. ni ver forp ttte,•; 114 nom!. r,' 11'641r 4* it. er, Of a • 1nil‘r. Wy."q4; 7=',"'0. te • r e les Vreeek, ire '.;4 , " t : a' CCTV 0 `Z C• C'44_ •' cf ' • ? ; -;•1.7 '.01.1 ' 4, !! I 4 • t .tv•V 0:-.• .*0= 6• 41":".1'''f'0•=4 -4 t: 71.47: v•' • ." .- Irrettat f0;11-: Ott * , • D. 4, ftl 4 `L,3 . •, ;44 lessee; ' . ee. on, =I =P. Ile lin ty - ; 1 gl'Xit•; tetittele •; e•pee% ..;;;; 1 g, •tee • :14; tj -LJIfV51 f-* , 'ff72.*3• 4' ' D; 11 f‘D 4.V4V " = VI 4 14.* °I, 0 '1 !I.,. leo qto Mr,:irer• • y.fr,l) ; Ze,ntr t; 10:70 7 t•••., ' D7 2-0 CW•ti Itriot,-;'.A IMVI".7..1! tot41 '1.141,1_'•;t2r5/ "nk,,;.1.9 VittN' /;!•.!1.0. ittfri I1te,'0,7; softt f.'42t1 «ltt'uto7 in. tint?) t".'t Ntat- ICIn-Inetw itirs:7.311tto. 1/14.,:..nikt,t1v., Ont. '11,1111IGS V.134241..IN Mi rel1 Te11,4 the World 'What Ize:tc, Are., Ire 15,;44:tr gre.at 4inownillys01 Otte°ilconatztt Atoll bntween the Llere :5;tao:12,1 hc to : strife betereeri two halves of a per- fect Whets. Mao is king, as woman is queen. aced to do good week in till world the two must rata harneenitriely to- gether. 0:30 s not greater or lese. than :the ether; each hai the gealities 'nee.essary to melte both happy. And 311"-.3 and women are never seen at bettet .;redvaritage than When their SOZOODU fr Mt TEEM 250. 13, ben L 0 1Lino to- •0`.1,,:e.t,4,,* ‘It14; I1 di t t.7441rav 111itte ' • "'•VIVI' ..tivI4 V. 44 ; Ir 41. 4.4" vi'44/77 1'44, 23: "I1 1.2 rtq';', 1l' 114,' !"" i ll tv,:orvf:i .1,4„ .I,t 104 • 1444 V.1 'a VII” 1"" . 44 V 1 1, t14.14v•°;1 ; N".) v74 t itit • • 1 • ,4V-; •• '' 1147 Ligi4 1•1•4;4 t24l1 1*:it of , 1 • 4.4.);.;; rul, 4o1* regeit $ 4.'o• rim; tt...;o44. ' ' t.;t1 I 4 e tt,o teint tICA 1 ; ?„11111,u,e; ;. 1 11 ;43,- '1114:41y 3D4 I t,r; Iv ,p71 sto _ ."0•E';,, '•.! 14 4144 N.;•".1 Et ttil 1.1101= ;1 1ttete- see *t ite r 11.•ra•T 44,44111' 007"D A 110.4' 1 ;I 0 ;art tni tt`;! 2."7"I' • ';'47t 1.5 •Dt, 71'119 " * ivv4J , ""•• 14 01ph". ., a tItI1 11. ;11•1., i 4.:; "'intr4..• • :1 1141121' 2;2:1 " 1211 1it7 L14or C. 12' • +v!;', LI'LliVE".• 'n712 111,1 t, ..a12.41 t w.709I.11tl In torpri..“ nn.; 7I2,1 vt (2121;,.;rt on., 11. sAttIn rk;•;".. tot% tt,444,4 r-urc- el in Vete t ittel cant hint tiatugt* II 1 4-r111y 1,1 DA' .1.1212 ne:n.t. 1111 i;iir.;147:4.s 4tr,i; Wn.ys vv11; 1 to 414.1 or tiros". Nei w4-41It,r 1111 art. ea* litc•I'ellere ewer g.,tate.tre4I Ile 1V14.-Ct 1 t• ii12tifitti- 02:1'4; 'It•tPv 1744 women itey asety- be peered of thr- faett 11.011 our weed; is beetusraing to he a rseeteeleiel Teeter In 11h4., cs or ell: h -k Itttir.tr; IzEt stxml-rier fuo ark while woienin to tenet: We elo not k;,...? kinytlfng. ; Deentifitil telplite ilisterte. Every realty goot as1 trail wovtn adtAires welt show.A e::1 lvvltlful wLito hanis eVen if F7111..1 11 ina",.t so t222212110 11215 as to I5t211112 .1eksv1f., 16:t11 they are. t,I,A alwayz00ItAtco,- Van or tttc s.,Lips ilngprit:-.1:4 12tIt.„4nnl,,n, It Las b sea tree; prav4lege. 0,-.5.nsett to S12:70 ttit the L1211s or nitanT c.;14-brateil T.,731212. ant3 flIsttng-alshed foreigners 'from et irmrts or 111110 wortl. It Is In 42.ce 11ae in tnn witatft,-. sIgns 4241 trzto rt,-;.,nlia7;ss or or worztantlune:•7s 4.1re b,t 11124. T' shape on...1 all o12:nt or conrsta for soniet14I2,4. bit the eigne and line.s end tnarks in the peiro are Of merit importance. They tell trielf own story. They cars he read like an open book. They show character, and. for what the owner by netere is bast adapted. No inattek what Rot present position In life bay be these signs in the paha eperik for them- seivee. iThey it Vita in traDZei'D we are espnestaliy ft;d t7ixeel. and sizecced atel aid es irt iiter..galio:ee for wifts or heshend. at'itecase may Theee signtell al ;el -eat -We should or:RS:vete, and -what we shoold re- strain in oyir natures hi th",4211tirto be- , .eolue more 712Sef3A, better ale/ hap- pier rnen acl wonzen.. After ell there is very little difference between the 1 (realities of a po-fret gentlemen and. I thoso of a perfeet gentlewoman. Fortunate is tee w•ernon viskeknotvs what She is btsit fitter] for, and has the opportnaity trt put her, uhditiee to the test. .She bats something in her poeseselon of far greater ratqn than b-ontrint white rind sizeped SI19.; Is ri,:clapro::s, synIpathc,tto" 1n0 constaI4•ratee or others hazes:se sem Is seeectesrel. leoree •-e'd con- tented, tusking n.o..Intereat , in thn af- fairs of tile ceteld, sheconetantly do- te laps Char.:lett-1r aed mind. She will have frieride and eiletirers wherever 812?ise Titere is nothing in thie eeerni ef our so CIDe.71111:0,.; as a wo- manly Woman. • ;.<.„ "1,r - , - A / ' " viv !Iv • ; •;..;7.;; e'ept-4e, '',• ,Itettere,S ; ete.t • ' $D, ta eertette ete eao 4. A tititT toetiellet, 24tili11 ,0 111 t1 t44;a Wo,rnann C 411(23"4,7r; 2412 V'l1 a:, 'i(12' Vitt 1111 115124 i12R t.z.ltrt 4,t44,14, ?nth: itt stet ;teem teC zeiu cannot, t dItt. itetriere:ey tette_ste knits iallee eeee part to h4....."01 tbtst leehe eta:ale:on in tit >toe ; Negate: it is lopeted to „we da11 23lO i11 tit bee p Carta eatuitie. se !le Et no tactfielly 0 col aftegairy ote ntnel 48.r;c1 It 1.2111 tvuth 11 peel Eitenetne. Talk on any ittelgtOt tsittlitu the gignothel reinele4 tgriuvut lipAuttotes ; ail ..r0 tir21.4 nra ocv119t,!, or other trao of ;titers wii bs feinelti to , e tt'CO.al 226111-. The Aid of Vo3Vt3t4atI39. : The art of iterreettily otd tactfully dletaatittelitet with, 1,114,, pIe 012%11i•A reentered by eeeeeene. 111someene Sizes to you:, -E.:Va.:et, rainy weatht,t, L u.. eed tee; repee, "Oe,, hot- , rid Si" the e.-.,nvccs4,4111:yi21 terrahmted that p -Ant. ziot 0.1ot-4'4411A "Welt* tr't 1 tr,itli It tnlght tit]. t'Car IS opet, 614 Ins a 1t..1 zras%,7ers. Atal PAD to trert, hat - •• 41.1.711att. tette seettillate !tee e111/4, deft 2113511 •;▪ i'Lletel, 112922 tna47711 2124z9142, •;i f ,A74.411) tryrat 7ti I SE. Size -Se 72211 doe" !11a fl,esa trier C41,401:444.:ItS'',.' 41 -Wel, t14y Ialve o,,,e • sti yea emelt Leer the roan reset to you wilistitote ids aeorepaithatnt. 1.) N'a degree or kriowlfetige attaina- lee by an is t'i[4:47 to set him:above t the wont of 1a4turl2e aesistanee.- . a-orate:ea. ' iles2r-1 et:pease it Ireland over , gets Monte 111140 sae will want to Offuee tiee trotted States. werelln't make meek or a change isi our rulers. 1 Next in inepertatee to freedom ate? : .eitzetiee is Impelar etantatient, withe , out etehlek nelirier Snsttee nor free- j. : Cora ten be pziretanently ran.intain- J ',ed.-ttattlell, ; t i lNell-I Wonder what the fashion I* Seeves will be tide weater. Beth,/ don't knew, but they're homed te be either too tight Or . toe loom ' , Ile is tercet wiz° colt thy 'what he vri,hel; he is wiee who wiehes. to . do what he cau.-irland. —_- WBIiarn Deg, a Partner of Or(..°y County, tias a Word to Say Regarding 13odd's ney Pius. The Local Peper Publishes a Column • About Ilia Case -Wt Form or Rheumatism - Dodd's Kidney , Pills Hate Proven ,a Blessing to SulZridge, • 02., Oct. 7- ..-(SIY-330411). -.Thu Echo al' this plaeo het pub- lished a' signed state/neat which Lein - not fail to interest all who under- stand the. full mualling or up wort Rimut atism from personal experi- ence. A representative of iltetlei- per interviewed Jfr WiIfl1u Doeet a well-known farmer .or ettreitg' Township, SP110 2va.44 VUT147:1 Or Rheu- matism by Dodd's Kidney Inne title uvring, anti he gave out the fol- lowing statemeat for publivatien "For four yteara 1 eulfered excru- ciating • tertare, during which tim.: was seareely an hour free from pain. The trouble conentereed in mY back, where it erten rt.-a:tined stationary for months, 24111 ro tenwas they peia that I eon) 1 u Ile tlowtt or take rest, but hal te tit nigha and day in a chair. The pain would then roneive tu allor parts of iny body, and wit ta uly knees, disabled me from walking, . conrining inc constantly to my mem "i. wee treated ley several doc- tors and else tried umny medielnee, ithout receiving any benefit. Al- most in ticepair I feared I would weer agnin expermeme the pleaeure or bang free Isom pain. "Early this teeing me attentien was welled to 144.010. rt•mark-alte eures Itielematieu elfeeted by igi's retete*e• Pets. 1 proeured a le 474:4 end 4,40:1 Bound they were tieing rale egret, 1' 1 tigpt 0221, mittit now I eel: utey 1 I in 12 11D WI 1410'19, *lithely free frein peel ant hive etettinned 47 fuser einee, being, able to a t en; 1 11,2 20,14 dat:,y 73111 the feria en 1 f ;strong and vele t:* work. I , 1,444..ve tide great elegege, tc:1.1'4 1$21- 1:9731.0413 ley Behte reibeey 1)411,1„ an,,E 1 Ulu% it nay Itulty 2.44 Itattio; tho-, 111210- 21 22 to2141441 14,121;14 ?l all etaieted as I wee." TO 13.104,41 t^orte, elteerhit p e 4ft min a bar ' C ore me telt it ete• h • pealed 4' ft 10; e, ere wit iteet /gent, Tie elegy 343 2' . 24.; 4.21 14 ti;.n!.. I.4y It 401. p'.41 - ' • ' FALL TOPICS OF ill FEE Buffalo People Want Our Good Buttc r, OUTLOOK 'FOR HOGS AND SHEEP, J. T. Beane of Black Creek, thie summer chaeged his cheese factory to a ere:Amery. "1 &I this," he sui 1 to the Sun, "bevause of the lourke 3 Amer:eon summer thitors at. Niagara Falls, Fort othor pInces near by af- ford for tine ereamerv butter. I Noel my butter to these people retail at Le,. to W... Yoe, if Defeat) mar- lieL wtre open; 1 meal fizel there. lett on a nitwit larger scaly, jest as :tool a, znerket as 1 slow 11,1 in tu 'nedun Lown.4 diet Pront 10 ienniner iltan 14,14 thu overfluw from pvbIVIO in that city ittuld glatly Per really glit-eiged 1 -titter t tett 25171'() sure er. The Hattlft a131,1.47"; te fruit. --- Why m. xton Cill no. Eirit!k Bran., of Burfabe in their eireular ef the tinth, ;deo refer to the depreseion 10 the mutton eeluetry in the Statee. The supply of lambe in Citleago has, they say, been enorzeoue, and they cannot under- stand how it le that in 14effa10 pritets have been hal up as well as thetc have done In the faoe of Huth et-- trot:nay low values in the far West. The outlook, they say, is very en- tertain, ani they advise, buyers te be per;1 Aerie muerte: a boat teen - mon the and Imetcy 1.41441114. N.1.- 1, en '2* pe 1440,414 t'.42*- .. , 2,•-k - Yee F; "s1 Wevi%.'4iieVqv I:Pvt. a 44 41,4 '11, 18 1, Vt:210.1 t 1,'.9flL 111 pcntaisi 1441:414n4 1.44 41. leitee. of t 411'3 ,212 en; 1225, 1 41 Bond :at th, 3.144 11INwr.14-`04 741 300I1, 411 it, a era it. 21 p...4411* -6 '0'4, :.*.t3.:14O,, end a 1 et 1 ens - 145, 2* l'841' 114417412, hv.-reenin laminae for :Feist en 1 :0 let fel rt Tie nee, 44 :aiii14i321ay, 814 742.2. ;et 8J pennee, knr1-12,. it 4 5 tiu • ream. 401*1121e2a weeeti 4r5 etroe e*,, Eke "We 117 14214 glvea with , telet p Vire, 7171'4,44 124114$44: 1424 114141,ti.• 13, 1'et4,65.1,4 ' Cifil P.' '41,0" ler t' 2174 timplise uteueee 1 1 '" 2 Latest 'Vele 3i3l .212 24,7,41 2*511ge4.4 teu teller , ISSUE Nth 42, 1901 AAA.,01.0.....r...m./...PORTA.A.P.AXWATAAIWW0AAANAMAI*Aroniv*Haw We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich orpoor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spiths high, VC are being re- freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con- tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when nest is not rest and sleep is not slee;,, we are starved ; our blood is pcor; there is little nutri- ment in it, of th hlood, is food, to keep the rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 01 It sets the whole body going again—man woman and chili. 2111L,.. not trt- 1 it, tend ter free sample, ueattie: 44.2,2 24121 selpiot yt,u. LiCtire tk. 2142W1;2112, t...kenthts Vnent,.. 4740e. : '1 ertmg,I6M• 71, Lateily Pin Cushion. A leerier pia euelilon its the latest thine: in gift- for a vial, says the 1t3)212 len (trap:lie The pin motile* is it'etri.'ivile,•,!, 244101 111121144 lit !tote 11:2' tine with a four-lonved danen- . reek corteel in tile eeetre inmeets fer, g 0, The the iztfent u ink 44324^54" 1 4,0 1.14e opposite '112 en 14 on it ietted with a, 3,0 of ;narrow bine L.;"'itzu rithen. ""' 1 or 5214I14512.4. 0:5114501,12o2214 w.ottir 14212,1,74 be, :rye te •1 140 eurnevel from 2123 • 1e:4e2 leteeet, tt.eifiteee .0218411 be tiered 12'L4-4. 4 • ,t,4 ^", seer coett" r: eshithe . r 4.4 41 :4 t 44.„. es„ree, ;leg oar. v• vv v • - 1 , '4 ".•••. 40 tier 341 cuttet,:ut• r. '4I (. .. , eel-43E7ov 4•' • "1.47v 117,,f4 v.: t•t•ii• a the 2. , est, - VittGLLit2t4",1 • • ••• ".. • 14114•47'41 41",3 51".• 144 3 414* 34 • . •-•1t 7. ."; • 12 :;" _" e 143 (7 22 $ 1,1 V4, , 41. v 41 4, "4, • 44.• .„4 3477,11.11 ...4Trt ;1g ; 4. ;4",4' :"I'•••%',714,4 t 4 V ' 44! " V441 11!Z40 tit; r e"et, *Stui 11Cp3”,4. , .1124 3 = ; 44 t, t v e4 rs V- , A A A tl*..',AJ"tar,.., *2 e ('.2211, 04t islet 4', .4 ?„ 1213.11 ?' - '1 14, tri".14,7":42 41 4,4 t7,4,44•, . • . " : i1V1 • •. • 4'. . ` • 7, 21 I 1 et•: 94;‘"la ;34? to4.fi tan.: v44.• '4 7,44 " 44 •4 ' • 44 t- „ 4 ' * 4 -• 1. 13 42v. ,1* " • ,2.4 , • D •• . 1 •, 17: • .111qat,11' I".* -4 IV ' "" '4 :1 ites 11. , . • t' ..:4" 4 rLiv!' OV 44121-4 Ite-, tee tteti ott.1 112' i'eetee eue De; V14 4(3 Pit L'.42,v4i$4° 2•,1' 5'1'3' 2•e11" 70 oi Oise , Who gi s 4 224,- '3 131141 1,tilaclf”vi, 411 A, 1122*141234, :tad 21 444% 4,1,,v2 '41 :Y.'" 41114' al .14,A $1:4",•411„. t ; 2, tt .2,,e : ;74.11 '4 :4,1 V•3 "•1:1, ..v• t411 '4:11',..1',,'"';;: 4 .3 12:VP 112a .*; • 14 , 4. - 12 1212ittrm t•• " 173ro-, te-'.';:re 2" et 3.4s,t tn.n.41,111 1.•,.,8,) 4• ' 4 1•941' ' 11-2 '•-- 3"° : iute e toe 4 : s„ 44 ;1.;• '; 1112 -. i'7272 1 ..120021.7, rj:ev v1121 that reffiliet ,:r -I11 4)7 317,4Vi vvI-; a ;1411, 44, 222 1211 ViAilvA,▪ VAS , '4440 21:i.i1J !,L1 V/4..1 1)o41u3l'11.L4 2:.412117 4,1114 1411'41'.. II', • 212: era tzlfn.L$ D 1747. ft, Elf *DI 012.44.124y 1. 29ttC...A.:4=,Z4 V:14'.2„11 1211 4.1J27 210:24i232,, wErgiht,, 4...n.1 a *leas ang [In 1L'411' etece _eh teitue• seittIete, fo:441;.:4' ott 124re42344414,14011111 4i11it1114J, 43.0134 1214 14 tiltt 62.0_,22214,414v. ' Itlitt;21.tiiVc 12r.t14, irritability, etc. Coe - tasty tiled4cEneee wilt! rett. 7171:4..3 t;;•..as'-;; triaty may 111212 ttaine tempiteeeity, bat the tete:able ate Pith; is the, er.ey 4)14122 1 thoroughl.e23111 elrective:y eure dero. plessia. Theee. 2021,,e Get TVA 1414,712'(.2r.: tresen tite t'4(2 1214)2141417. hat on the Mese itatell titre:tell tie" b4este, luesete I through the eteetech, whede is I streagtutensta arid 517t115e4 to lie ' 1.11,341 lunette:et 21 'Mrs.Al2jo Lestitott, n Indy went neau own rai Sorel, (tete., 2111 enE:4 tiee mony Who ripest te.en telleeetti the ciutt ve 41,1,S.25--paila th5,. seeri the ., usitie ear ItiLienes" Idols Hee, serefli tul. 11214) 1154)7? tteet hers cep:. ettece 15112 tile47112 feetteett 11c :some •peteer utefreeer 01220 p,i'vege the; reinatemg stere- far pets- ticetean z "O'er over tuea. years 11 sees , a see:fere& !item 0leeeptps'oa, or hied - g,egitten. 14101' 0.-LosT.:1 hronle I wet ; . .4 teeter front Lemstbera and .4 140124-11 teite.te,11. .1)221212tteetei 4 left tine, erni et thine ray otemecit 14129 a'n Veal% that. I was, ntobla Ika.ap 14E7 1o:01 on it, and tilits 029815114 nito more than one e3z.thl Irlogint,cueez.. ,..n4.13t;.eoacrtiliemttrgiaeleLs:iii&ve'4:acna7; re- lier, ead I began to regerd 112:tr Zre 4411 11 trardelt, tit.ther th 412 a j4K.- as it eitould be. gees • dey wilde reading came 8e1...;22.9 shatrar tEs ray ' own, caretl tereeerb the ese 1 Isr. Withareet Ina% leiire, :se in -the, 17627,74 ' title, I tvottite roceits eirrelter Istnellt I d(olded to eu,ivEs the pitis 8 tri:zi. had net taketz the IN -mg fylere 1' oreuid see thet.ree hepes rfA7 recoveety I Wilke .1.91p,- rtelized. By the time had taleen keit a el,*rete boxes all 1 sj.talptozns of the trcstible h•tri disap- peelead atki 1 weel able to enesy life Let I did te.fOrty• belie; sized with the esti:lady. . I lievo n h ;sitatiori in-. *eying thiat I th ilk. that •Dr. .: lieree leek Fills are the best know -n cure for elyeptrisia, and I would eitegirely advise all sufferers to give them The old , adage "experience Is' the beet teectier" mi; -ht well be applied in or 'o! dysreps e, and 11 Mater -re • 4.. 4...1 • •-• en • • • by thee nyr. amnia ol thoSie who 'have -aufferel but ro LIP% "441.1 11141. •-4.17," 119T / '• 42".4.4"., 3:1 inr. Wire! ins' Pink Pine, there, wurall be lees diet:test tfierez. h: ut the lent. or. 152111 114214' Pink Pit's earl be • 11135 111 all dig flees" in medicine, or by : 1)9.4 a 2)0.111 peel, att :70 cents a bex 21 see hosiee for :0742.12te by saddreeseve the I et.. 1.te11cIn3 Co., Brockville, Out. El "101' taof 6 ..,"" fiv94' 1V1.1J 7',.•.14 et: D.9„ te... ilte 4 4: 4.-e.-.44:4 1j,. 44- 0ige t,-, "Le,- 242 •.Y • 411 tee 114 4,21.90.7221 '• fi '3'1/ tt 31II; $ 3 a. , .1412• 1111,29,41412'.?. (1.. (4. li ..42.1-• 1 1217-11'.'1,0.41411 12.41 124123 11 -•, et re etit tr.stat. Pan, ses etiete 44:0 .4.'07 (tit, , tees. 14.-1 the I ''1i221 151 .V0 !WI' . Ara u4•11.2iv,1* 41:1441.%gt2.24'tI1t: 14414217.,4 47812222 :Mat c0tt12",..<4 or c;-;2)rn te-ttlts 1E4 a reatee. better f...4,/1er niot (414 cas2ly fetee Tsui 22111419 01:14**4.2* ft.70,at111474 o.Tg. l'.114317r 0.4' itotra 111,;.2312 any on'ir,t. 14242311 045 seateeity ...tp-ersteetttes. Wteite: there tiittrvt.$ at, radvatveel g_az- itet 'stage, ltte tote° 4;4,---11-,Jr)7,,,2 ;net - tee le ire to WY ptt" tett, -,i,•=r,_•,:attlfi. 11.142111 ot tarly 001 tql,,t? rieray e little olive palatalde 0.029;;4112274221112v :41(440.!".> fror sto.:"tt 8131 are.rnals TM to tr..? ErnIt. ta.;;;" 12-3112 or the cr41p. eheniti eittewed to 113,NI1211:' latrly 4)ee.:13 zee- tuttiell bar:see 111 t; cat. Autteen tuneete are most gorgeoug lAto of eier-eita• gio; 1.12310. rs it that the Pi, k i...ro.n.u.ites tratr41 the heaven,. Lieen 201 the,nae? gaZOBanT toeth Pgwdir 25c 151marcrs 1.,•;:finr..nt. for sale evelle evtere. IS 1'1 tt, letatiesa Uteeee. Irrenn Malta Ctieteitne, the kitchen's iderette hose, to hoer Lore:IL til relittees ,p4»1112 017012 44.1rvef tete: s'est. _tee. 6112 21311 ED more of greet relentetite con met AY0 vrii net rigs tap sit devil el hem, t'c'n Yoil tome :Lome [rem 4:a 121 227'3 yea vent it so bed eust ask Clot he. de devil, come tip from Lerner! Be unestri 10 031113421141 rrgit43 by v". Ase 7 84 4• 7 r• T -38v4ef"n 7 2 s. e c 'ae 1-1111'44:"5'11121117 11o2,11 11 "4. ,„.1 ftt,-,•4 12:1,11217: `41:iV"-_11'"Italch •-v tueell *a tu.ettee r 1112'.12112Th":11.5N,E7:114`47.t:iit' rieut ilea 42353t2- 1 11 2 41204112. lit wit; - tit 1212 7421250 to tat 142t,i11 2 291124 2311 itte-este•22*1221 , tee.; tua enue tiete• to feet:tee Who - '1.41' LI 12075' 14313191284 u.r-d12411141, `10o DZOL]Ntrir 124iX43„ " N T O . e • " lye Iluehred. 12 "Illutoluts is of Ilesest 441." e,? nuswetA Ee A ep SAe r fw te h,t1r s 1tt "Peile Ilo 1:0:14t;4 elam7hte5 151243 152)11* sna IiDi 11121'11121'O:1•7111 tl:ee. tie i12121140121 to, 1e21 geatirtatioe 5,5225,5229r211251e13o_ee1i f e1 •• I C o r e llrirotLin:meet 12' 1211712211- crust . t"u :n ". ta. erfte tr 4h4t 1.41414215.d*"-4 4 1 . t e g Ar e n e e -t e ttitettetltit" 1177re11 eVr-17; t, ;_*e; 2toteItgte, waieit ; r 4. iMfuAti k:1M M , C an ?111-.2":1 At4. NEAR faaDE4 1.. 32 iet:te-0"1-eteaeeefeilte151112 442' 2113 2441 411easy 1111522222. (1240. reer, ereset:ea.OM!. .1t 1 V C E P 4 ' " Vrn WILLPAY rOttNTS 41'3'541'3'5120121101 eltiksteeyetierat . W O t e c e.4s e ei.s . fear nod vet you01=1 de - . Aye vant rigrels ne a siseber, lo reeep every geeing, rigleal dreot." V• ,e.ANTIttt-PARTVES TO 130 MN:11-11.V.G ' feresat home. W. ferny -eh tans erel reteMets Easy work. Geed -eat-. Iteertkeit- i. ter- ; 15092441121. i1222 seeno tor T. tere-eityre Mi -4;,- ner:re r.leireeet r'Adieseis Nen- .,,:ere ..elere. Dope 24 Totonte Get. . ()of, An old eSdier who bed serve:l'his twenty-one treers was 411herge,i1 at Pitt:teases:rte. 7 Wittt tit the .statioa with lits wire erri eltfidren a.nd de - man 41.i three 122111: -faro fleketell for his three ye:ingest. -11 ow oil ere they?" asked the beok clerk, sespicieusly. "Ellett' years, all as thina. They're thripIets," waS the answer. "Fine ye:meet-Ts,' etild the clerk, "where were th -y b.trn 2!" "Patr'et; was b rn ia Cairo. Bridget was :urn lii Beinbey me Mickey was; been in Madras," was the proud- re- ItglY• Nee. Wins:twee Steelatee 22114-144) 32002.225 nee t ways; 13141(0 11(1? dren0: 14Lev" it 6,Inth: ttkaca!'41.seftetni aQtr....D. eweswind cetife • era Is -.tail test omits, 1105 (1822521122144, 1162011727.115e etete ere tle. 4 -teletellti FARM Foil SALE -0N4212 Cot TB% 4 r beet le the leineere P422180211, ItO 10 talcs 11-34D Errailtsz!"cp two !AZ WaYl; kteeres 55 o. t In Vitt", niokig peni3bes. '311-1229e -sad 200210 varvel ' tivided i '112)213 Isnto 9e215n1 15 to *to eases te sea 5n'. 410814(315, decided 'bargain Arleiregir 41 3:onntfiart Ca.rperater. P. 0. bax 404 Winoox. : ()Warm. 'Your Complexion Is ene of your:Tote 111 501412214 if n3t, goal, yea ere tereiretea, see; your general 0033122,• wrarre. 5412,225412,22 1391 byexpref$F4 or r for two L:nitneut Cores Burno, re reateblee ertser otions trercefect y•ivur hea:1214 211(12(0211(12(0yoer rfe eed reenen le e1404 riot ,ask ••• t . U71iTeSg tor worthless ine.131.rleacbe4 or waetes. Ad te. VALE MEDICAL, Tale, Itlieb. 1.42414 ft.etteVittlril " vvv-",-•V.:. • ..,:v.v•_v_v 12121- ANY 012s Drtlistete, sisTElis he reum-eti permanently by .18s2oee3,727'ft443...1143 It're.wripintv, scoreE44.1 tr, eget or &' 21 Feielre Ipsteteeeyrew. svnm 4.94, meneti rtet re(kAMAMABOT1EItilEDY c0., 3rdeeszet,ToreatoCala. R t 431 tl 82 A 1211 744 • V, 121 :11.f este 1111 : tag ,ete , tee! did tete of 'see: 4122.2 the. No: 411012 :VA get 115111 112111 ant tints Wit -.404 . ttitV 110' it30. liter , fine • (-44,71 nedi tere: oth, acte tieel .70 dow ewe 2201 0124 111, o em Wit Yab' het.