HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-11, Page 9ADVICE TO ACHELORS Falling to get the girt you want, you may as well be wedded to MON- SOON Ceylon. Tea. It c,an't refuse you, and may be, had at all groceree. Le -ad paoket. a a + a * gateeeefeeffeetelateee-1-1-1-teleeeeteleteeftletelee++4-1,444-4-tataget-e4-1,44-44+441 L•BAPTER XIII. things, walks on beside her down the The picnic luncheon is being 1 heather -grown banks, and up MI- epread on the short, velvety grass I locks and over the granite bowiders, between the great granite bouid- in the condition which John Bunyan Igraphically describes as being "tum- ers, and on the slope above the ; ailed up and down in hie mind." black, sullen lough, and its lowering Luncheon is waiting, and Lady clouds of mist. : Denier, under the red -strip& awn- ing and seated on carriage, cushions, is waiting also; but her smile is sweetly gat:clone as the two latest stragglers of the party, (Milan and of 11: A Pretty Irishi Romance. But on the al fresco banquet the sun shines hot and arlillant, :aid the silver, and glass, and damask gleam and glitter, and the fruita her eecar•t, come im on the shaded and flowers, and pastry, and dainty I plateau. Anne heti quietly glided I into'the becegroand amonget the dishes, aro like the vision, of a fairy hampers. feast spread in that will. ' eels dearest child ! I 110.1'f; been lonely place; Iiiivijileill'e t1.1P i growing taniont et ueney abut you," guests ramble '11" 1 8111.' 1-X0101111F, "Only 1 kmew you were thither ahmg the shores of the lough, . in smell excellent guaidianship or amongst the lichenal„ granite ; 8, Bingham 's I should liaN•e rocks, and the clumps of heather awl I liven crimsoning into bloom. (Mite frightenea. Have you ex- . ploree Ceitnanech t Iteronglay, love ?" The young Wiese have each found with an indulgent smile, awl a man- ce valiers-t he Misses Dower ha v ine '', ner ea tenilt•rly maternal, that it petrel off with a curate and one of the "glided youth" of the neigitbur- mu• le ,tetatirtlelon of flie genuine emotion. e a pity that it is Ilia an hood, arta egillian with Captain Lace. ,. . I. or which rhe le rex:kraal with In- Nn I then lancheon proeeells fort-h- fe-dile La* the 111-41111:11111 air endows; tenseet Blueing envy by the e eullieea a , el, i • -. e . irt•c 1 his eels," "But George Arober Is a very nice, agreeable, gentlemanly fel- low, ate you say, Sir James, and, a deuced well -Informed yotieg felloW to boot, sa I don't see why he is so absolately 'beyond the pale.'" "I cannot say, of course, what a Lonaan traderingua's daughter Would think of George Arch-er for a, 11115 - band," Sir jaanee says, coldly eon- temptuoue. "I was alluding to his be- ing utterly beyond the pale as far as concerne allia,nce with any county Be Is a nobody, and the son of nobody, socially speaking." "And, confound your pomposity! but you would be glad enough. to get one of your ngly daughters marrlea to him if he'd have her I" mutters Sir James' deferential neiglibor. But as lie turns his head, a.na glances be- hind the heathery rock againet which they are reclining whilet waiting for the concluding stage of the banquet -tlie coffee awl fruit -he Imo a sweet and sudden revenge. "Faith, Sir darilea, I'm afrall we've been talking rather loudly," he says, with a malicioue smile. "The Lon- don tradesman's daughter' at your elbow." .1 •i' "Very unladylike of her if site stood eavesdropping, ' Sir Tames retorts, carelessly, thou.gh he looks a little discomposed, and his purpplish, visage grows darker as he sees Gillian's slender, gray figure standing at the back of the rock, apparently gazing down at the valley landscape that stretches away at the foot of Slieve- naafor. "However, I spoke of George Archer, not of her," he adds, as he moves a little further off. She has heara every word of Ills last speech clearly, it is true, in- voluntary as has been her listening; but the pompous, red-faved old bar- onets rude allusion to herself touches her but as a paselng annoyance whicb has no p aver to wound. But care who, well get me to come up her generous. lea young heart throbs here when I might be eating my I a. mouth ! Faith no! I'll have rheu- with pasehinate in lignatIon. paanion- hineheon law Chrietian at a eiv- matte fever, as sure as a. gun, after ate partizanehip for the ma,n who nivel table." Mr. Ietmer says, 11,1, er0ly, as he Wee crouched miller an umbr ella. with a granite rock at hie back, and. a and he liked," she ematinues, smiling. "Nobody would t ake the trouble of tforladding the beanie I am sure." "And -are you gobag to marry him ?" Gillian asks, briefly, and for one moment she .111QCS Anne reset - lately, with compressea. lips and quick -heaving breast. "You let me uneterstand something of that kind tame before, you know, tbe morning after I came, when I had met him in the wood; you let me imaglpe that you an a he were lovere. Was it true ?" Anne givee one glance into the depthe ol the liquid eyes, looks at the imperious lips, proudly compress - turns, away'. ea tu hide their trenebling pain., and "It might be true one day," site says, in a low tone. "Surely it can- not concern you. George and I are friends and equals; surely if we ever become more to each other, that is our concern alone. Nobody cares for we please." us; we may care for each other if • There a long pause. The mists the sullee depths, and heavy rain- 01011d8yey.wet' drift lower, and shroudlike over dark Ceimaneeh. The wind wails and moans. blot out all the sunlight sud- bettele precipices above "Certainly, I beg your pardon," Gillian says, in a thick, 91014 voice, ir a hand is laid on her heart with a crushing weight. And she turns away Without an- other word, and hurriedly joins tile rest of tele picnic party, wha are rushing under cover ,of awnings, um- brella*, mackinto,hes-any thing reel everything - from the torrents or rain wheal comes down over the monntain crags. CHAPTER XIV. "It's tivi last tame anybaly. I don't ot for Bac Teed f r Good T-eth Sozoeioree Lae/teed 25a. Lartee Lammed area Powder 75a. At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postage, ea BALL. ae, reeecianie New Torer. Is too wet and mit of breath when he returns to his companions, to re- sume his minstrelsy, evea If anybody were to urgently desire it, vehich they do.na. Comic songs are regarded as clespicable by the human soul wlien the human body is com- pressed into an attitude More or lees painful, when sodden sensations per- vades the bones and marrow, and hope sinks in the human breast to eerie. And the rain pours, and the wind wails, and moans, an howls, and lit- tle trickling rivulets begin to mean- der play -fully about the feet of the forlorn picnickers; and from. beneath Mr. Damer's umbrella issue murmurs more or less audible. "Serve my lady right I Wouldn't pity her if she had the toothace for Sir Jamea, Denier vontlemns as a no- dal pariah. Hanes:nee well-bred, edu- cated. a gentleman, autl a man worthy of liking an I esteem. they have atinatted him b but "utter- ly beyond the pal • of soetal Intl- macv-topeleselv *hut out for ever- Bingham. du you know e Vat getting 1• (To be continued.) But by 'and by the transformation begins again -this time with a gor- geous rainbow. emanning all the vale proepect of whirling slit•ete of rain ley, and resting its gold and green 1 and blinding- mart before him. and violet radiance on tele wet "Wbere the dickene ie my °comae:it. heather. more from the supreme felicity of elillly as possible. being almitted luta their dull. charm- But Bingham Mem not know. and less ceuetry howieleals -of being leo own utitekintoqt. wheel he offers, lihnortel by a marriaae coeneetion curtly refusal. with the prim:fleet. pee:teat, least de- "You Lwow 111,111001 well the thing Miss flamer but two. both tee account i t (re '(." with 't ( "PI at' wouldn't antic, within a mile of meet- 1, .11.4••••••• RHEUMATIC PAINS. • ereedwea.PR?2eaoaaaa- ODD FACTS LAND FIGUR,E.5. aa8alM?2P.P-.2'" Ontario raised 00,993,017 bushele of apples last year. --- Amsterdam, Holland, is about tot put on 140 electric ears. There are 40,000,000 fewer aheeel in Europe than ten years ago. Tile demand for electricae venti- lators in India is ahead of the sup- ply. Every week $20,000 worth of Unit- ed States typewriters go to Eng- land. British public expenses are rune ning nearly ate000,000 per week bee la,sL year. Th e varioul; eountries of the. wierld Itee tafferant lauds ot puetage stamps. Ciely 70,001 Britieli reside on the en of her etivtiller. awl the art of her ,' 1 19" ur eol'i fowl ;1314 tong0W; enid t pI5111 lieighte ef "eomity seelety 1 ' 117r, aerntee my chest !" Mr. Darner . contini•nt, v. 15. ,a00.009 eoritineute duck and lea. green wee; bollea on 1. ' Caused by an Impure Con- ale live in Engiani. talloranade glAril• of fine nane),1 elnill• ' a portable stove; and everyl/otlytt . hiTa 1111;111 -m -el weliNp,”11;eiiiiii:1:4:11-1:;(thoitin:;ertmil, taate cotat`04)1114ttasts alai Ilmarate- .. • - te• th of mild '' -- She 11:111 1ml% enperluteading- the hdrih 1171.1 will•s?s•I'S 11n'l '114t71•111r v her pulere theellier with minglej my Wipe penal. net far ae I am eon - the tilepety un the Mechem platenlernesa thnt yet kindles lace the ' says. with mirtifflal petite:wee- alt ' elected They Will Grow Worse Par supetnes—rree or cost Rule othe'tria ma el grew till e ), prt•perIy ereettel. and uow, no illnian ' and Serious iteeults eelill Follow &Irma baths ..._.....to ail pertains cu. and W5'111;4 that the awning line been -------------------------------------- Y lt I eaneven , flame of si Ravine] flre. at the temple will rattle he ,mie a eltawer. you the prelt e• girt telt) ie 1»it nineteen, i ../ w1411 1 "se wasp them warm, a all;f)twisa,11:ald.IP' Ilse' tE1/5 w41 141411 '117 II,' a Rheanneliena e smile permanent. ' gateetel On ilantilina l*ad. far the time. IWinr: bjeititne of • ,,r hpr heart. met her esc -rt etnne up the hill slow- ly lit tee ecarellina heat. Anne stnnole ,1etil 11 follitiass eenlillexiim• 11 11 1",,Inr: 1 of 01411'41de ee fee eltring• ta Itioli "Ilo elle! InNiii to Pay eoinr•-• rili 'f. ly Cured. gawa• and a lallnuneo atm n 00 him Z" eh • into tt ers. eniteitina aolug up ovt•r t lie rum:attain la o on a ridge of reek wet aline. them. III IY.'eltt 1115(5. are miner wey Lir an uri-• gimlet.' of tie. gteeletatee of the Olyrn- Everyone le matched me ma . . with enrueow• else, but Anne O'Neil. 11"1.13." 54"Itet" • math tremlninte nasal: eyes • 111dS day. anti thatnal be the end of ; :abate riee ae tett . • (Rion of the Blood. Vern* are f.1a.a01 areenile Kielce tiee in the Britiela Nee, with a mem- ire-ants, nwl adding t final T anger anti a easel mate graueroelty etaned!" 1. ' bereialp of eta:S.4,000. elek I, ree. r — mcliee of be r own artistie hands: to Ile in" " Miss"' Ba 1111'n• nn1ngHt . that le 11-4;'; Self1-11 tient the evil:pante' "I hope met. tar." Captain Lady li 1 Iter n ler, rrneeftil Mawr, in ; IA1'111'11E1 1' '11114 TheY tire raitit"r Ler han Is/ la 51 ftr 41104Wratittn• ;ihnunnal," Ma leaner le mural Wroila Telstsralih. tale•Ira." itroken eleetrir railway aeraea the Its simple Slarlablue drese sharply ill.. , f1154 ant, 1;0.1 lc 5.911014 or eleallig -Tr 1,14 r teen ;l11;1,' of them -het- eeaeplee peel tati 111000'. inomra3.11;,:n lr4 it.ne 1,1 thy attloT 4'.itotte of Nev.' York., ter be Lir." rattail gronna, nue thri. WvathoP pommel awl itt tea came linty, tine Of final Pi the Wear. 1011131a Ihelit, the' t114110 -Peer girl, paa-able gathering 14. billowy lbw 8 !, 01, er at 'a a leen` ill the' 'IL Wit 1110' 1 'tt 'Oita NSIttz4 110531.14,,'" %MI,' ss 5.5 5., entitle 10 11' "law. I ertalide . teednie to lilt lea , ,, -, a e, tole :heeorlIonlnlailt,atIn' 41 waate tletItteidi'0 by ane-' ho meal Pallifgel rafflieP1,141,1 frein 111.4 1114.V, T 1,11 SU igat .' att 1 ' videl ROC.% li 1" `1, to 11er. "'loll 'I are pai to tile Maeonae. tor taw tea And w)thit'il BMIll klaitT 03,w r" at 1340' eta %iv,e tiQ 14 reeeettly air ta gualeae. manecie I'5. at mamas., oaten/a...a in tlorte-eie. awl ieentuleee . a thee bit ;dm' 1 11.,a‘i; 0s, that "" leatee, le elm. Ig 101' PIP;;;Pa0;•0' : l;' 1"11144, an 0 1115,1,44,' t, ;MO .)12.1;ar2tel r- . There aralettinee, itp the elope ter slippery. , N1 Ili en1 111 • wet, wonga te. quaneee" vatea 1,, tea elea een Want a Ivo %tent* lit a Caninofeest toini ef tegeseey. An oallue with tiln an leanina en ble arm ler ' tls r 5.5.545.'»t 11r1 [11' ,,r birth. tilig in , ible inset te ie liter teeire. awl elladzia met, rasteuo reale, "ere lane teet ,. Pall-enoreln 41 mr,l. "MN" 4t "MI' 1 "h'Irt"%'. ''''51". "" / Pv"...." 1114" 6 -"81 -11; Mot 1114'.11 tinllin1"1 '.!. Al,' .1;12.1; part of tie, prate', - We oet* ea for o, tot tea 2 4Itatit4 014 li 1.11'• in e. if le tjr. '11,1rs-' '1I' "'"urae'i 7a° tcr34 :10& t arl"410 'nal(' , 81014,5 e!,4„tyrbean,, •, rem et/ ,8 el,„0.4 fee t urea mil Interee. 1,1 satne• Itav liremalot „vim resew eoffee. %tree/dna tide way ?" her rate a; Ciltain It"11 n 145.5 "11 (15*."1' elt.htn"1.111..1"4 5.511P olt olotto.k, Irreprese- tree cyn. iarlyeautantee" teal. eVen it10 nava et teem. 1,4e a le waliente O. Ea Is' a, inciu-I/7.11 14 (611,10.4"NSia511 1/11 1111r tea lupe a d ill' t" ItIO:110.51a„5.111,0 40GG/..11C. *"rip:lt 1 :GOBI PING G' 1155 ha it ileeate aillea•gliees s'"454' !tan" 1443,' taat oallc;.41141,, Vat Ba„irrea. tam eet eat. mei tlieleeguable, hoe rather eet.e ro;001.ai 61:50`0.4 11..I1G*I5t 18515 ari 1G(Ge row 11,4 aaa tre "Vee' fICa Veal.; %tat 151GI L5I5G9'44',0 154 li* traeel the DARavky . Wk.:47,11-e 04,11: V!it;g.'J al • ne e ektei nry ael a.;51, woraftgli all" • relit 14'w Vtli c.ttort," tat t'It. VGI.471"3. eat tol,t1,11na !ITS carrying: taw ahdaltr,, aleeaeaneuel 1 el .. • e -.• e • • tee a a* It e pretalt emelt tate ., teeetello 'ot Ite* 4''‘ at 110 ti,' Itfl1 ore teleatt t'ea c re 0001 "05 4' 1'. "Sirt",:qt. ".r.' .4 ." ,41 Ivor , ,k.it,i;t4 • otlt i.torpoOoi ta.V. antoro, tateally rev thee tr, h1 4et il",-414;;; taar, ; 4)5154 la her Oar% te-ee, as ele• ale, tam alart-eaelemerese ralf 'uo15 rt ttAltit ADO 11,11160" 011,';;" t" voklel 44014.1a% al.41% '4r 5. IR! Intt ifor " "tege ielleteer- f' 5.15. 0,, swag teraveyzalt teeeee a, 1:44:ITT.- 04 t, tee t Snare ler 1J IA. "LA1114114,11111 waltale, 810 1,0 ly 01'401, ladle oto toolo4 ot".' .er„ 04,4100 flans' hs mit," W0. 11(0,11'i fur 114 :00016.11111ii a Might Penile.. "and 1 eat %ere "Mt it ateinie tent* tarn' Slat =Veil on3i-tootv'n ;*o. Mongol! it; Tiger, ao. tee e 0101 giv,..t Nitee 14.5agiwv.. wEltintr, too, o,o1 ereeeil w_ttt raw 11 01 ft1a11% i1/41'1140.< 1,•• U ba a a " altenei tee te avieuele tee- (melte "lh" rtil atu4,4 tqatalm rmare, honk Morrow" or 11.gta"3; ta, ro al,ralaataaaa D „ 3t. SIst. ro-Orr to Tom u r 50 15. 44 853 ono,i-v; 1 Thaiit 5 .:")"954, ttrcatqro „oat ,eveteiti PALIVIISTRY 44 1.114'7.4 fat'. ."1411" W.' GA to) PVIIP 5ir t.5-) ttt :Aro Wee/a:3e et tmy ovl.o m47.12101 •. ok t omoat Voote_oomi iar le art. Vas mu! h ta e,,,a ' ti ere .., 1,..!13,..AG, %a -a t r4n-4445,- 101 00.o. 44,41E,I; thika or topie:ut:atittr., et:T ------.,-• •q)! `tr. 2t;tt-, jeoiso41 to- hi* nr54-liot ono, .t t.tv t,1,1 3 vt,•,,, 4 g „„! _ 1 514 01 la '1. -?,1!1';.! h • • al " tAtory n adept." peas elierelly eel tionno-i000-.AO:r, o - . - to.,;°e,ortot -4° • It ftsiging! seeled taro ail wawa he llgaee Tie.re,„e lase f„„01 re,,„,a,„ t Laey 11'4 10;1*11,1' , otoitilo r‘te.; .515 ijor .,„ CI!"...."') 9 5 Ing ..„..to „„o„; 111 151 15 u 5. Tro-1I11, ," 5W_n'aq "AGtel; IAS11!5 LG5A55. 5,,1S"41080,.„-1 14r Mt t:5i.lgMoi5t0t t GaGGW5 r0, GG CA0vgoorn1 ta- n tnA,13,,o" ,%t.„%"" 6" 115 -2 511 t 411 ta avi.„010512,••1NIttat r ougout:tt-o Netku.,VV,1na;112 ;a1VrZo Uh 30 r 1PIA 1 11 41 1r1-tAIm5 I, " . ,;3151,T,,,it.a il „1 pott15•* 1 ottrott,tvair35,1ht„ tido m>15.1,t...sej.,,45q)(:a1 h0000,,ios 4 a. 5ir F / 5' 11115 4 i 15 15 e,c115e 1 1L* - .0,‘°h r4• 4t. 44. 1 -11,0 ' r4,s" TA -5° loot -5 5G0 tt- terry lane ttae a ame aed 5.1 e a t 1;.1E0llitfti VLEY S11C0C1teere of' 5:_f.!_ ,•5_ - ... .4.50456t1q,1.* . r porttonotsrir tituu"14oui 5 ylit n 1 0 4,,.4 loo4 tis , r.....-, 55.' 14 o; ;o ..,.. otto f..,,.+, ise-m-o lir rl, iiiti,- 02-4'154 tllr 5141-55. 14 1,'-''' il ''-":' ' -' '' !!' 1„o ,k,„; ,„..,,,,,...!,,, /Iv v . !„.,„ ,.. ,,,,,, lt,„, vo 5.17te- ! Et41,.1.1, leZ,Ill. l',..,-4.5.” LA ei,„...:Ct,.,?:,,i.z.,a lee ,l o ', . ;,„4'..-14.'' 4,‘ " 'tr' " 1 t n , ,,, 1.-t-' .l . ,l ' ..,. L.•., ei, ,L,i, 3ri.I0 1l -6 , . ,l , .I ,' r -. :.,.-I,. , , , 4..,• 4,"elSDOPE1201' Wlarto1158415 - 5- ,I! "--'145. 4."1 Z, .to131„. ,u-„,..„,u.,,.c.2t,,.,,z,1o.!,,It! ,,, .•„501 •.3 -, ,, .",,,nu. ,” E 2l.011,,'-----4, ,t,o * ,.„L.,. to-p ],;5,,i 111 5% 511545. 5. 1L 1%1llia1115501 01i5.'l5. P1i1 P54 lt5111„1,41,,lQtt!t1)Tpt m#ilQeteeall 0„t„L7r.10ao,tn [ ' 2:14A51 55,- ut, (t•,,,,.t,,... Im,rr ttg11In 'fIttUn tv11s,TasalD0i85. 5' 5.o5i1 touelly eta 12 21 1l4 -.1t0 1 1 or ut amE 1 .',-•,, 1 ,rcove.ttao-to5.5.5131 thrwoto,r riiJsonop.„ "'hrto-1 5* 5;:t-1 0'tarr ret -:k' "ront -,L.•iittt.,1 ji,, BE4442,J.g1,,grtvQir.,,orRI;,3„otr21:;t 1"111 015I4544-74 01144rlfa*aere net ievaier atm 55tiorooM ; 1. 5 11 .:1,5r1ci,pt;,t., I tr ait t,S,ne...s ..a a ter1.fAt1ar,4o.,al ease eialattu▪ n! ete'4121433111tinn53110174N'tt'lgU:•O11 n4Pntt. it..ay.ililtr7„ot5t1t oto ornuollot,upnt,1-ir,.212t0 12'tvnt1ll5:D2D4 t011;:1t it169 Gt /411`5 "15 121 11t7 .tV! AtarretJttat] 7,:t.,"01 tonIT *l n 4,..°3e.1 .e.'..a 41r&* *4v , ' - 4 " e,.t nn ' s i ,! : , A g.ol b i0lt e,,,,„e„.oortino rateoteoo r'L-wont It?lee• rot t3o3h000y144- A r i gi i r 'u•. .11 .-.‘,- „ 1.r„4 .o'r l''0.23l01,- 1: 31 '5,15 11I,Gii2,i0.5.,7 e --l-1• r'p-.•,” Dr I'I ,, 4r, . 1,o.Vt,t.r1t' u.1.`.x.-1,"' . ;1',1l1' '1 ti 1'1'.„4..I I ,7rS14r1,o1' . .ir:i'' ' ' Ni,.1::•...1.1.'Da,,,...,.1.,.41 ,"'r., 1,ill .l,.a... Q'"evlf.e: ti0e ,- ,, e see ,,e,t .igt,,i 1• e • i .5U 4',• 9 "ErL„...:.,..5 .-,..,',.5,,.. 5,g ,.,,5,.•.. ."4 '.. tlE ..5 .C,_.. IS i ' , Y, ,. , , . .t.V-ehs F,, e' t .% ‘.,,,t.:.0 ".P ., a t '"n . t:.d V 5 r i S , .: I f .4: 9 t Po 0 ci.. t * u -3r- l : o 0 - t i ..' ., 4 t i 10 Z1y-1, 1 1...'' :ti''-t ,t : r ; ,,', ,,,; : 4 t t,Ii ,,1,5 , T.l.De.irI' v ; ,e ,I5'e ''4„z ' i ;; *;.],. „;°-.;,o"'-,, .,i l -,„0g l"tr0e s ;•c.? ;-5 .,rI tc- , E 1 i g4 o it . . u I 5'. 451 11" 5.5.5 145 3s,nd .1. ,If -D t4.z n . ". .-I.-i rrct0;,'a' Vrot T .''-t5o' ,, t.1'',1''10•g1' ; '-- " c i' "3 i - .th1..nr.. . .- .1 1 Ifdiv1 .44 - SLska„l I 1l-14:” 12414i ,trthit1*4111r5h1S5.05/5'145.t 5.14trottooh55ure51°la14"11 " '." '4'' " I,L ',' rc''' . i ) ,L4 i - -;;p .:.. , - . . r : -,., . , . i . , 5.*-.• . , ...o,,. 24,t. „.:;., -,,„'5 12ttt)' , - ,- °f: ” i i ''ts tlOC4e!t101 io , "_„e'td1l' 5„a'ine.'io:,' ! : . 3 . a a ,. E ,t1 4 w 1 4 .f 4t t t ,1 0z uew.i 31 4 ; a t ,yie., 0n. ..5„r , k3roo,.3o, y ," a t ;o 54„,tot.„i n7 ; 3t s 11. it 5t,, 1a1 ' 14 . ... - t, at o10 t ri-.; 5.:-! , :,,' 4„,°1,1-, , t',Yt ,32,.1,o'ut.‘.-. 1.0.. ,, ,,,,t,u 'z,t,:,e•t z .'”.h,.t.t,.,, e.J 2-, ' l,i1i„1r.:,, '' ' ", 7; ,,' ,%nt'” „ l .'' A ...°..k- : t m " 1 Io m:”,Vt,"o-,,;vi --t,-_..'',•',".'•,., 1i1i.t-Z.'„i2l. •.. .1 0r; .P.;1 w.5.11 oti i te l .'t t 72 e' I5, it-e4i_i 55 5-ni ,.-..".i-..o..,,..;eet •. ,'v . "l. oetlfTupa T"4 ' -1,14014 e.1,• !!5 r 4 iNT-4r o 11 e,,.Th' , ' . ' . 0e .i 1 e „ 1 540:151340154.4155.5.1„,t,,vi,I'10"IIY-'3 ia:wot't-'t1111'.1v•14125.i,05.e15.L, 5n:5.51:144 nsts soO14'. 1» t,2' *Tee telta1,e1 15 514 455 4otolNi'at-'l.' 0 aBytitaag5331'5.0,'trtokytA13p;eate.1,!•,,,a„„Ia('„ trtoiAt„ dWtv ioar,hord .t,,n q ,rg , 1 1i5aI1 0 ,AA r5 o . ool -; s; 5 - po,; o - r e :1. t o .r.1- ,1Ihyt r f : % A.1- ' 1 E . .1 .o a l tt i r T .4deE e . 7 °rlur-rtvi"b-t8-154;13;1trt, . 411 ‚.‚3'I4144511'34'4: too tr1s144115.e1 to„raon E7vatnaetints4rsio5CI41et4 riFataotsIt. i -• 1, , a0 t! 1 ri0.,,v.,1,4rs c 5. Cs 4 t oot 1' 5' ;1 1 1" a3 sEts'ioo t4 1,aO5./ ;ee 5 4 51 5' t f15141e1514arithsa tLs1et6fitGr3.tl4 ai"vin:.tz, ilteir c ll.p ay ltG5 Il1aiyi.'tt2pyi .Inoa 5 s. ,.n.t so1r l4: F - o,n z a Itrf t3, Ic,„l.e „ipi f r e , r.„i<o.t„u,.o / . .r;y- o , , .,;w - . 2 •,:,i , o - o a4 l '','11' 1,,,,I, ' '/r. -n o zrrj'a.te.5. . . .lt- 4 o t -- i t"b :h - .y11l„y .,sv, i rt..,: ; f,.;1 .a ,y-r "" G ' t-Aoo`ii ,: rs..i t r a-v t t1. a . . 'a,. z.o/h t'zetf. .,.6, i e , ft's-, ' 1. he' " - f'I'-r'- 7t,.'' .'. -,1 '.-rV ',o. :"',L:'::,.1. -'i 1.,,. '.':\-1- - ., .2'„; 2- 2 Ii ":,5,cn,I1ra;.:Ie. r: ,,•'II „.,. : .et"_,„t.wa5 ,1tt j .l,1.11t . . ,..,I `e , -, ;- ,e g5v4 ' '5'5•ratZL Vet' rzn a.,27,1 frf=a r...el, wa7,3' — a n it t a t De r t 4 ; B t f . r o - 4 '1 P - f o o r i . " ' ;; o r t or o p v s ;O', f - t?,.t .e7i. .tiieprI.e ;t:t•lo ESe;hts..-t iti0atp1t51 rO. In vrooz' 4515 115.5.555.a l 84'55.55.j- thst pasS ''4.” 1145. ianolOA-r 513 51 radlitawi;trg11231h,410at 0ELd roota5. aI4-; j PS ofaute2b0 sis e 1Amtx p1 5' 1 l en - 1 t2 1 fi1 0'7 54 B:4. 41 1» lwho5* 11 ss vivptto-rs*4' 14 Itoatz.1 5.14Na5 15. 5'l5 -13p.,'t' 1I12'2n151 i titatua atatn- tutt441 Star ay 111wo2triC5irzul t 14 Ete oo the r-5;rt341245 331411 t; 51101 0 1141 141 IthOirrinr;' 14115. 14 1 125 '.145 rure e5'1teeeah-eaa- l Fo"4 1 W notor rsonEtto4vrt501:5 '35.1 51" iou512115 441a=e.”L"'115 ,71'° prOo 48 25.1t11;13Q142:17t:0151 57tat t tos n 12 15514 714ffil°''''.-.' " *,e'T.:,_;„t:1145 aa 1 514-14541415 15 1455.5- igth rt,writr,roniC55 02440 1)114445Icot1:';a1 10,tu:,t54tDv.untatt11 4' spro.n313itaeega odinaazfaa114 45121Y ;:1, .:14„:41: : 2; ntntV Imtons on s sRotoa It:g gI nevermraaI\1t0'T411 15.5. 11 ant th4 Tss f11e12-1 mor 1)r5 3Tve,1-n 5214L4 : 1321414':e -14i4' 55 11)5't o witil 4 rvt11 514 a city rilEive1)0tr 1s"ntitPtot54 cil)t to tiA part t15t lee- ene nsnennl"1t sttelgrAttr21 fn n qvc,:rekerf,4er,51/is 01M1 r2'or43-1 t1p'rtroifiil 15s 141lt-'k--V earest, 1.1 54' ociug 1,15 flp15 '.t t1.1Rg tawtae COUllerZ4141 ter114r!:arsa;.s r111 5.w41e0 .Van vtyl'100413' 41514 '515. 1 r: 3,z l 1458141540 t0,4Well i 1aw tattr135-it rtouratisnneane-./NY 1%D 7' 1' 57 ;V' hp501.5: -ionn T tttg WOrd of it/an/A.4 tzat.n5 away ' to:notry tano:13i-s t stirrst7 about oiranaits- back, atil rotor- tom or 114 e tan Selicately as :010 SE -C9 that !Garde SG'ttleiltnat9. Dinner 2210,5. : hot illazoo of s-5....N7L.f.ria after 4'4 1"1! 07 .641X for ;,."-..,4111. . It Ile. I snob:la-to btarrolntr. esy. at this trilling e Anne says, eeeTy. raL 7r, (4-54JAn eroe.444S'Ing t!Z-P nr. isnfather ran give thee girl tome- 'Very we t very hamwirerehe marwtetn- onough noalee-tator. C. Oroztcroo041, evetosto. voeoTPort l lreaderey gentlemant 5.5.511 lf atg-itaton act of ay,- bat net Si Gilanarnsaw re0.,4545.1r0.,4545.1r41,5 -raa are r55121*)he ll,” iwat -! y.betwee 14 '5.1 '5' Darner toll rne Mies Deane rend Captain Lacy tezat hto was ouxioug to :. zoisr-r7 of 1+'. - soon but that elle le startled by wel eave, to -sr or five thousand a treepassaie. the /lath of Issarangs pas- year settled on her when she mar- eanfeere was the trespese?" ena her imperiens Meet:seat. 111,15. getiAlisift alonate look in Anne's eyee at the ries," Sir James' watehbor says, Ilan says, sharplr. eat was a sir.aille malice iteeif weena aave been sati- tile flowers ; eagerly, in an impressive tone. at f e urteev " ated be the conaltien tt.,,c. 4410411- 55 , Ily °it • tr - -----------------54st-51.:. s "1'o a. woman !n year pneitien- ed band of p"..easeireeeeekers by .he not to a woman in mine..." retorts time they have true:at-A up tile Anne, with the meal humlliter that elem. rocky "peat:, a! tlee leave In reality sets her in an nttitule over the clerk tonge weal fee heat- er contleeterte'on. "Captain Lace h; ling ,rags and hale, reachee a ear - man Will) is a ,,, ., - prisoned s.oul S'Ole nansense; notieng of the -the terrible look of a ' leaping up to r one Ir.etant . klnd." Sir Saraes retorts sbarpIy gaze fa . f at a Worll of freedom ana happinese , "Lady Jartrinette's geeso are au om whicIt it Is barred n ad shnt in swans. The, girl has a very 11214141 IR- rI tle fortune of twenty or thirty thous - The Klartgls English In ,Itaana. 11145.10 erne tor 5.4141)514 5.s12 wt4''o33 1415 ‚45.5.14 ri acme; teen, raga Mr.,mexh-Ley., ever to retteen ri tee- alal en. Tae rea Es an ont etora. Its frileed fel daeastroetease, area Mr. let taleney aert witilatet a dallere 'ale lee dieeppeintraent eel& serraw ea to T. tee certainty. It was a sad m !lea -tine; 1555. 1412 v. Lean be, te frons leneniese the trut tea rord,ralst's predicate:as has pravea., and ar - laing peeved tinually eeery etae„ teteaga or tam , tease netrvelons exareples pattaigup ileeenisa segns, no Clay facia tree rocree at, tee hetels mate cardg. saeli Teta- leave nu ana eative eneed ana teey ge15e75.il:1y eareeeee an linea 11e4115- tive:1y wafch exaeeee pasiticiey. ()15.0 ait.ay a trava,:ler said to tae eve‘ter : re ,. 4 Nome or peinastry ;17,, not boon "Thank Tom Captnin Leey, but I , anti or se ; more. eventually, 1 dare , Year equal awl reY superlor. sOehlitlF ren, lofty platean weteeit any- "Itisa ,.the _reale are roal." ryeepU7"t"hr. neIghhor tizing lize vray of ell:leiter bat came :"Iee' Dee srad - "a paod afar! et mot '," SO striwIngZy belare TM 'IS SS atder wear nswarsh• she eaasecoole ' sae. A very aornfortable thing for , speaking. A. woman in ony positinn 13r, drawing leick, and her composed, 1; some Y jeouvneg, says, ters.'" teannoz be too carefal in taeee rant- retaritantt,edwitheneatare3._ an,tna,41-.1..,,st!xhig.'.2sh5e, '..; oc.1071,-t--.1c'g'..:pyiee neor,L1/2;480itsiege 0 11t '5 a, :Qoriumg ,14,4,,,,,,,...m. et -54;11107,...,1,7,z rarnenx. ili.r%,.,.(:a...?:),e pale awl Is Eke marble In its set l "BY I be ie the eye of; the pelinc. lea °oldness. stammering agi- forreatioa sweet? de....ectis with , "n1 n"" ---- e gray eenaln of (.110 trialW-• /,,,t,,/ ',,,,,,.„iii„ empilaticaliy. "I wish my lad was 'Indeed r Gillirin aeke, betty eta- eh "Oa the dining -thole nebre'2v 5. '51" '' .e•at'' ittrxe citing 's'' 12 1,-M1q1S t Gillian hail believes that passion -..°1(.1. Olonnit to have euch a chance orbs aro and . fan in his w5y. les it is, it seems to 1 tatetily over her words. " I even more varprising swiftnesa ' ae ee ha the dieting and drawing ; aitabody's privilege to consult ate, burning, despairing gaze, . 1 , me Captain Lary has the nem to did not know before flint time before, and mei-ant:an crags, and 1 ns aat'ir 1, room witilout no gueets allow." , opinion neat be guidea by- the ed illusions, excait for the swift change 1 0.g,, it deptass, Ste lames says, in Captain Lay's face -a transient , eterfly. "A cold-blooded, cm:melted blaze of rage and impatience, tbat I a' stirt of fellow !It's rather a pity that transforms his impassive, splay- 1 1 Archer Is beyond the pale. He's an handsome eountenance as lie ralges i agreeable, gentlemanly, good-looking bis arm. and flings the rejected hen- i fducw. enough to hexo ae good a therabiossoms down over tba slope of 1 canna, as ma/4mm Lacy, if he was the hill into the very waters of dark , net an outsider." Ceitaancell below. "Tee," admits the other, dublotely. But Anne walks" on ealrely, Witho her 1 He le a lather of two grown-up prowl bead erect tad steadfast, and . daughters", and, as he admits to iiis her illight, bitter smile carving het I bonfidential friends& "A man eatiat lips; and Gilliten, silent, bewildered, , look Into everytbing-heing it all 1- with a... pang of keenest jealousy. I ,, i let G or Archer If I faked ne reaelles the second, verse, and he giowIng flush, have been en I hartself." you were go loweentninded. or that more, and 'loughs are blotted out la 4 i One •of the, articles, in the mrealel. 1. of eminent palansts 419 50 aur 'Captait Lacy wale so lofty' Er3 Is whirling 'Columns of mist and drench - then `eacially your superior'? I must in,g7 relit driven on the &Jill. wailing 1 Pal laws or 'Moto reads: i real adaptablaties jest in the "Any .dealler A:Ian be honestly by 5 way that wo gi, to a. lawyer remember tetra!" She Is flushed and blast, down from the:higher fastness-- I beg trade. Of course, the sold one 1 legal ttillVieZ oz te. a ziOttar frowning with displeasure and ena 1 shall prepa.re to make un• the false medical advice- There are er batraesment. "atial ler. Archer -is he es of Slieve-na-Mor. The hapless party huddled, undigna paaamgee forka Wands. mounts bra easel socially your superior ?'" lied and .desparingly, under their , A Takla dentist's Circular reade: , and grille and 'EMMY' other "Oh, dear, ea! He le not coneldered umbrellas low amongst the wet *MOSS ; elemr tooth is an important organ l; for the signs area Flues in Mt' h see at all events. IT" arra I may bP and heather. At first there is laugh- lot human life and cowl:ten:race, ae*, Eserae line ilas a naral and ter and jests, and one froliesome . pea kweve; thetefore When it Is at- ing. 'They sheer particular t spirit even volunteers a tomie song, tacked by inetry artificial tooth Is! 'They are alas To srocces„ for. His umbrella, however, Is blown out useful. I am engaged in the dew 1 *how 'clearly to what 'Spatial .of his hand across the heather ere ' tistry, and I will make tor yoer pet- 1 in life the eweesessor. is partieu 1 n.clanted. !riming and equels-being peal depend - eats' and nobodies,. you see," Anne ;stlytt. with a careless. laugh which thrills' through 'Gillian's very. soul gueseing at all sorts of impossible when he wants to get husbands for en g inarry e ge poSee•