HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-10-11, Page 8YING g[iNy MINERS MENTAL. STATE. Even VVolmarans, the Boer Envoy, Says He'is Crazy, / k IN PNONOGIIIIP[I. Cries of Man Burned at the Stake Taken. NEGRO HELD THE MACHINE, Audis Said to be Making a Fortune by Reproducing the Gruesome Sounds -Story rold by a Texan In a New York Hotel. New York report -Some time ago a. negro was burned at the stake at Paris, Texas. A Texan was at the Hoffman House the other night, and he told of the conduct of the negroes who assembled to see the matt lynelied by the horrible death of burning. " One of these negrees," said the Texan, "had a phonograph with him, LIVES ON HATRED OF BRI1AIN, The ilagu,e, Oct. 4.-A. D. W. Wol- marans, one of the Boer envoys,, who Iia s been visiting Mr. Kruger at Hilversum, found the mental con- dition of the former Preeident of the Transvaal, to be by no means satis- tory. Mr. Kreger is slowly growing weaker, pliyeleally and mentally. His slowness in reaching a decision on important questions is found to be a serious hindrance to those working in Europe in behalf of the Boer cause. et the slightest question re- garding his health 'elr. Eruger ex- hibits intense irritation and vehem- ently denies that anything is wrong. The approach of winter eauees aux- as Mr. Kreger refuses to leave Holland. According to a remark made bY a prominent Boer, the former Presii- dent'e condition long tiince would have been MUCI1 wore If hatred of Great Britain did not nerve him to continue. anti into that phonograph went the agonizing erieb (a the burning man. His agony was te rrible, and his moans and cries could be heard tor blocks. The following day he went aeound all the towns In Texas close to Paris advertising that he had the cries of the dying negro in that phonograph. "Tim negs-oes for miles around heard of this, and hurried to clap in their nickels to the plienograph man to hear the dying cries of the negro who was burned at Paris. There was horrid euriosity in those negroes to hear those cries melte from the pho- nograph. Tiler didn't tasplay any .Seeling for the man wite Wal burned, but they netalifested the kianast curi- osity to lieten to the tales and the dying moans. "It was the strangest sight I ever saw. I eatinot explain it. it was a study in peeet.ology for enee. and on too eleep for ray intellect. That negro with that phonograph made a for- tune selling the tones of the (lying men to otner negroes. Tilf7 didn't behave al if the liorrnele sounas Weal net as a thee:gent in the future. They inervis wanted to hear the sounds. It was Illte an opera or a fine play or a level, prate fight to another class of Vitt HOPE 11009 ES LIMA A Former Toronto Woman Wants $1.50 a Month. RAH ED Fon KING EORBI Copenhagen Rumors Set London Gossips Agog, THE CANCER STORY AGAIN. , it is Said to. Have Come From the Danish Court -No Court Circular in This Week's Papers Thought to be Siguideant-Anyway it Makes London Tans. London, Oct. 4. -The coincidence of the announcement of Eleg Ed- ward's indisposition with the reviv- ed rumors regarding 'cancer, pub- lished in Copenhagen, from which city His Majesty has just returned and where (secrets el the British court are more likely to break out than elsewhere, 'is =using some commotion here. Tito fact that the customary court circular doe' not appear in this week's papers nide to the un- easy feeling, MIMI is not allayed by the explanation or the Kingee iedisposition given by Sir Frans Luking, His Majesty's physician. A. story is in circulation emoug the clubs, purporting to come from I UR of k KINll Toll, 6 a titled member of the late Queen Victoria's houeeholat giving color to I ALSO DIVORCE COUNSEL FEES, the cancer story, mel saying that - 511111- COMPANION FIE1111 A Sad Accident Occurs Near Oakville, HARDY KILLS FRANK FISHER Oakville, Oct. 4.-A. shocking tra- gedy occurred near here yesterday, whereby Frank Fisher, the 12 -year- old son of George Fisher, was acci- dentally shot and killed by a com- panion, Gilby Hardy, aged 25, son of Mr. George H. Hardy, a respected farmer in Trafalgar Township. The two parties to the tragedy were engaged in the pursuit of a mischievous eat, which ; bad been a nuisance on the farms of both fami- lies. They were .under the barn at Mr. Hardy's farm, the son of the lat- ter being armed With a revolver. Mist how the accident occurred is not very clear, one • version being that young Fisher in the semi -dark- ness was mistaken for the eat, and another that Hardy's revolver was accidentally discharged by Ntriking" an obstacle. In any event the bul- let struck, the lad between the right eye and. nose, plercing his brain and causing death almost instantly. Dr. Urquhart was sent for, but he could (10 eothing. The result of the shoot- ing was to almost unhinge the mind (9f the unfortunate young man who heel the revolver, and he has since beet Maier medical care. No inquest lees bsen ordered, and the funeral of the victim will take place to -mor- row morning. court eirelee are o'er:meet-meg therms - New TOrk, Oct. 4. -Hope Booth, the 611)1111y of no coronation Lakinir . Quadruplets Drove Chicago plaeti next year.aetrees, by her eounetel, alauriee It le impoestbles however, to 0,- Man From Home. Meyer, ,yestertlay (11"1;•("•1 Justice. tale tangliele vorroe borative vilene.e O'Gorman, of the Supreme (.'curt, for , of this report. ' eintneel Lem; peeling her euia for ab- : Abereleen, Oet. 4.---teir jamee Reid, USED TO TWINS AND TRIPLETS, 0..aytitg in thi, violas, lut,i been Chicago repeat.: eine .res. terms - $150 a. month alimony and $77,0 te Lumbago. aolu te divorce agalilat her husband, ' the diet ingulo Ito phesit la n, is James A. B. Earn,. • semi/lomat tie Battle i. AN "ORDERLY" MERU 1E °e.O. tPt. No. 4Ust We -a Forty:1:14d lame Booth shone- riellent in the The eimeeme seeetieg \t W1 says has again astincksht 1 the limelight when lhing pieluree were Mug lalwara suffe'rmg trout lum- , nenunitte T.1,4 thns. it le titled - the atollion. She say, in her cow- bago. plaint, el te )21,1 ;1 e *mug Ea r21 a t ; ruplets. During the SP1.1.11 yi are Pater:age N. J., Diesmoer 10, lstCo. ; Ell York autte fan -illy. Itie b. nia eitent 1 11E1 iv ill it, 11 nr a that .Mr. an! ir...;. urili4,2,"1 let‘e been latrll le the weir of au ceet N w • . i iduit pivRs si 1 a in li ;two . st i ..1 e ri ti LL . mother, who is; ri petist to he worth atall).000. gave a $.,0.0M) Ilrineltes I , • n horn to them, end hareti One; ; thee he 11 10 twki.61 er trip- ' lets. Simi 0 eltil lam nee now laina. fountain 10 the Valasso of Mime' look, where. oh» mattes. t' ; 0e la to, it peva% ea, at Ilia thoustee 111/1 0 Nigi SRN Ks in NI ,;,N . i. 1 Bootle who aotittoeli /Ate vitt. iti 1.111 ::t.area 0:4, doel,Irt.t1 lItt the meart elle -. wao happy with her imiliana until last Jane:try. tie lam lath of that Story of a Borrowed jauntily! ta • trinil Mese Cora Wiloon. and etre. ; month. ram leiye r hue- BUT WI His Ar Ship Went to the it,-aste:tise Bottom, Hangs Ravisher of Five -Year - Old Girl, Llit.i.t. IS ;la t Nievitt^;11. pr esp.% it thew if they are la qier h•arl' I fig. tliey wiil atilt the .1 Ct0+11.. ti Ili a Lille.: mil 1.10. soarsing wheel% ati frntla that LI BE FISHED OUT AGAIN, .,.7170•1^ Illit.g; pe4IN I 1.1101n. Hatt lie toll WT11 IT hoe BROKE IN JAIL DOOR, ,S.S10•14/00..1.....IIMIY101.i.SWIf•WWWLIO BOUIS CL110 IN KIK Story of the Attack on the 17th1/2Lancers1 ELANDS RIVER POORT STRUGGLE, London, Oct. 4.-Taie Midland News publishes the following authoritative report of the engagement at El- ands River Poort, where the 17th Laneere euffered so severely. "Smuts' commando rushed a squad- ron of tale; 17th Laneers ander Cap- tain Sandman, posted at Modder- fonteen, guarding the southern exit from Elands River Poort and another pass towards the northeast known as Evans Hoek, to prevent the Boers from ciaming southwest in to the firm:lock- district. Tbe surprise wati duo chiefly to the Boers being dress- ed in khaki and being thus mistaken for Colonel Gortange's men, who were expected to arrive from Soude Nek during the course ot the day. A mist weieh hung over the low groused till late that morning also favored the approaeh of the enemy. On reeelpt of a report that a small ptheket in advance of the camp had been rueleed a troop quiekly mounted and rode towards the poort. The °Meer in command saw RZ)MO khaki- elad men abent two miles from camp, and, thinking that they were some of Colonel Gorringe's eolemn, he rode forward to meet them. When about twenty yards distant, seeing them levelling their rifles, he talented out 'Don't fire. We are the 17th Lancers.' Tianswer was rapid rifle fire, wllici4eITYIlemptied reeveral saddles. Dur - Lim this time en:ether body of the en. emy had workel up the amigo., run- ning past the calm) and approached It from the rear. Th -e men were dressal in kliald and were taken for friends.. "The cei mp "traa placed on the eouthern slop. of &gentle rise, whit -eh le (moieties -I on the west by a spruit run -nine' generally nortlivreat and ;eating the mein river about two mile; dilatant. Alsiut :100 yards from the seiruit the gronnil 00 which the velem atom] rieme into a reeky kopje :item; 100 ;verde long at the erest. This wet; do fog.' 1-1 with great de- termination. and mcAt of the caa. twit Val oecurreel liege. The rc er,,,, too, 0-101ferol very etiverely in their at - tact: on We positien. earl It was not until the enemy altneleel the all) brim the rear that any impreeelon Ise ezrel to IMVP 1a.M1 nettle MI the de- feuslere. A parfi et hall or Millet et peare 1100 to here liven metre I in 1 from the rear. walelt lal: .1 tir wounil- [011119 g1111:1'? 11.71r o Ism. 4.7i4:4111 Iiitt;I:I'3111SittVbfilT:%:*it't:'1:111k114[):.11'IN.IP.,ntkrliia'914FIt of the mon with lilm were alto t ,town, onil lr. lalme.lf was willetnileil. irli,! 1:,,,,7„, 1 !to.) ra•ihal the. vamp. hut not Mich gan Divorces are Not ' • 11WL, M•1111 eurrinderad: the Threatened to to Hang the Jailer and Thus GotTheir Victim -Took Him to Haymarket Square, Let Him Talk and Then Hanged Him. I Helena report says - James Ed- ward Brady, a man who assaulted five-year-old Ida Pugeley, in Helena yesterday, was taken from the jail by a mob at 1.30 this morning, and hanged to a telegraph pole in the haymarket square, about three blocks from the The crowd was orderly, and after the hanging quick- ly dispersed. There were about 200 men engag- ed in the affair, and they were all masked. They attacked the jail door with a battering. ram, and it soon Yigladegda• ining admittance they de- manded at the point of a gun the heYe of the jailer, and threa.tened if he did not yield the man they would kill lam. The jailer then got th man out of hie mile and he waa given to the mob. When they first took him Brady asked : "What 10 it, g• ntlemen ?" The march to the hanging place was quiet. There Brady was given a chance to say a word. Ile di claret' that they had He- wrong man, al- though he was positively lotilltified by hie eletim 08.1 a were of other per sons who had e, him with the all He Mao aeleal that some money That wee tine Id& from the Montana Central nallway be teint to a 11** TAPY1 was pull'el up. The end of the repo was teal to the pole ilea the Memel elloperaid. Later Sheriff Me - Connell on thit PAWS. &win and plaetql Lt In a main. Titers will h. an 10%1-v0g:1e:on to- day. Car and the Sequel. tema 11 -Jason's sada. were at 'the . . lzt- I Mete! Bertha:di together. N. et, day It Nel'r 14"`• °Z.t* mtvi• atity. au 1 love abase - 1.1•10.1•2• Mrs, 11-ileon veinplieteel to 'the police wilily Of no alr,110p, Martel on , :flexile is not known to her. 1 trial nt opa tete Tellinhouther reier. .11 ' 1.4 " 1°11"211°I. )13•1' tragb% that Wee Wet retell) of jesv- afto,r0.,mn 00 anotiv,t C41114'37 4t 113111rInAl nagl"u 4q1 - t/ rinnirS;"'nott Marn vra,4 •• eoir, ars tbe rionna esIrr:otporel. ; la "til'*" t") roazooi. hal Mrs. Vo 94114 del not, ': eat el tau 11 "3d I. Tee 1.4,4101, •m?g, "0" plight of Linliaa Witted. :alio tio9ll virmtb3:' 11'141141ei" gr49111 Herr ltreee etarted his A SIGHT FOR THE SPECTATORS, t.17"" New Y.ork asftert ; Soret". 1.4"1 1.SN" 11';.11r 4.41.304t. 14184• "I" vc"'-; 13"k)"° ,;%flPr going a eeritro'm Ie "111 I"' 1114 w're '.'1"klIV ' Mart:04 1,04:c,,, t`0.0urt. 1 ,4144e.' the; 3.."fi."4,- 10)"11 1 4n4 1 V0 CLWL1.20? Mee. rattitram atenting a_ a. . me ,t, Isims !hot tli0. (tun. vi the r ,,w el ,:trt t, Hy- seets. Dom sm.; 101.14:004 Wig .11120014 toe doe lit 13:1 Pi *, • IkI ,eur tail 9.1.0uko...,,,!.- Wit1'.;J,'**11 03 11.0001 ram t per,* thi.,Ittre lee0e, *" '" ' 11111'V't411101 LAO 0.11. takel 11? q35. t. Il 111 (..,3149O i.e. tees about th tiv- ov.a2,"ing• z7:g7:1" 11;',ICC•11. rt 1'. asserts 1: int she ilter est , • u,e4,914.1 Aert' voll114111“tro: esta se Pie water ft No, .t,,4) Wo:i41 Ff,v, nty-taeav ettelst - , ' " IIOX.304 kk 04 Who...4k Mrs. ,41,1ft, 1 t;:cutt oho 33-4t0 nott o 44%0 4411 ct.,h;r, tot 1,.,tt. t'' 4l38 froo°01 ist 5re, waits lams:epee t•t goer -en 0401 km- izitc.,.;i1-1-,7,;,;;;„;,frii,-1,-tO 71.34-1t111: 'hp--ib1niio-,bat ing for a, ir;,,341 vie;., WAN t.L.4 go truth 41n,h .Sluo In -44 .; 3 1,1ife s42,1:4 tt-i-to,t1 w11 Jz wale.% cttl!,,ta,4n t7Aror t t . t , ( o:1,' - 't1,"-- .4,',y,,,e"',.',,.-,",.-'.1t13 .1',,,4'r.t`e''.- ;t,:.-..,...,„.,,,-:;f-,x•x, '''-/,'i,,?nt9,,„,7•.a,:„ rn :. - ,::,:. , r :n a r .tii t l r .„ 1 . suttee to the; 4' h1 193.i 33.14,3110;11 ve4-411 4Nlii1.1 eteseery. Iltss aff/i/0•••••••••••••01.1.1........1. (gampla* Good ••i••nmCanada. JUDGE CHARGED AGARS T HER. sluor Loveleo.n,..ITtheelr Aile link: il0r1,e'lion owlmn they 133%%. r3548 1t10r Ne:- ;..lV. at 4 4 .` ., n ai e soo t•.w.T T t nyt_i_cn,tla_g _u_.•;_-1„,44 ae.ap u.c,auA; tb,hthiq7.uelo1h1y 11.t.hfh4,tr1 t ee„` rwchi y. tired goly in tt • direction in •ma* • weevil they hel eieme. Th111481r4 on o-ntring the %%nipr- . wnt tralght for Ur,tilpliR, lout Toro:m Ot3.-An lapertant vi37,* 6144 to take away only a diet tteehng thelvoree 1:uwaN iaoi ivoon luthe 1vmi3S1ous Imt pluoloa,ranh. lonldd.• of mply 1veyei413. trton a jils f01801 Minute lrkr" -'4 ftl an the aird. •10 .W,alty 441 bganyTit:, t1r1"I,,,4'.,.,.p;,smin,„4341. 1,?4I1,4ry13.3vz.Tow.!,td ete;11 1334 511,illieel aemeelaa awlsmene, a teme, eerie' a orrte theLaw er the :ttt. 431 144:.40. lam eetttette wiii 0 ar mel f1lo1114tt4 w0•11 Lave twll 0 0 1 e r F , ,stt..:1 .3 - t, ,•3inv .2 1NC,',11,1 r "oa!' -4 t 1 a " .4ttrizbt,.z,e e-i.tiacs T Wdatrt e tat,e,r.8„.,..1,:sk t , iS- t eae ls aa,,,,t.ait•a,;,e irn 4a. i0tt2 ..4 3110'„ , gturfhi•Jt t4,e. emslreI leeent in all pote 491 Te I1cl:br1'ewVr,4.-.t"1:,r`zee"'.1z'o,.nGd1.eg2ia.1ts,1ttr " -*.a ' g"w. ,: -.', .•,y1 '-.".:--.... „ '„_-, e, ;' t- 1-,' 0'''''0 ,' ‘, 0i ' t:,i1,irt:•.3Oi.f'.'t._'.: .* , '..>.t3 ;4 .. 4-,I-*i, t, • ' 'a 1:„ r,- :,e,' .- 4 ::, -';"; t;u4,.p 0 ' : . „1'01L.,! • 1 ,. . 1. `„t1, ,k,e*.. ,";. " ,,,i10.lba;. i,t.ot '1-"eaieg ,l:t,11o,,it otlien-3 isgt, -eaats,1:ta laetd,e.a, .t7 eo1r111 ,„,et• ;ir,•,• - ,„4, ....,,..ra4,.te . ,. , . , . i , i , ,. ,C e teei h4it pt 1erosf„ 4301 30114 t' tiavee ttv: Ate LVAk key al 33 4 01 ri4314Im3tie4aIi11115„1l3 1141 4W0t01Q0. 'e 018,1i0a„aio,La1a,.w4,i,Lal -i`,,t;r80`1::_.311410A 1431,unb053.4j„a11s1,t14tmag 'ta41„g'iji„,1 r 1lth.gliintt' 113 s th110 1343' 11 ft03,453,.hu,„,rL c4 41;'' ,lfr"tir'11104 1170Lie aeeIt ''w" to umiguy 14t3 oa3121 3t.e34,e ,etsI IP1Ltz43UL',.,.-'-,,5,"s'ii,','!."„-'"4 11Le11 35 15 t-.4'-!11 eenee1111 t Wtq 10 t tn1 ", 1 tagi*am,g,"1tLetelulat VISItttni 41,,4is3 R 3k044 ot wo3 34 011 4.713 '1"*331I°111I3"4.12:1400'31411 13 t.0 7,4te 13Ett334sea atthe 1114 8aenetC1081 133 43 an ovzD 24 IJ. 0se 141.0...0 lt 110 ,,,,j.3,11 e2 aleel BentqurWhat111% 4t tn r Van - .'.09Nt0trIe sea ll;:at,V r 81 tt iavetesesales 813. 1338 but ntasememism 13111,u, 811 t"V 43-, ein `4 t4n 3.1ntaws shop : he v1041-fthe ts44e 1 10 h4 4 4.49 it 113,i113t43411 74 0;t01t„A reir,,tttiosatag,ta3043chos,h410tore,,IA0ra.1int 444:1 31- 44- ,t,,u., ,14131033314lnCattala t . P E ATR EIGHTEEN YEARS. r : 7 0a-e:O-e,m_'-.r',rr_iain sitrr.re. k W tioluarei1,1001% lte wirerhts A1411,7 nor,00d rihren7. m,,r,z. fat. 4.--10 neilen cn tesein tte 1''13341011 *0 1'n13at b.y ; , , V4:ie_te 0t,1e,t4.. fe a 0- 7 -,.r ;m : el.1le"`- a„A4o4:,m;, o. v" '17:.44!:::4411;:;a.;n442iie 4 011 :.tttonits ,717441:14;;Ir;„0 s1ninittv 111113UM!TP*90;13 11aumina thMel 41Vttin- in"11'4s13 ttt,twith beel was hvint.:11-r fmFt filtue•ta13;"1 1a”, 3111411111 1 31114304 447%%°!2egi4341:nifla1 IC* 3 4,4111 IV 111tf,i11nilo•ttiri; 33 ''-314 an '.-h si334,11ees„,mavrt .Eupjy bn%4 41 4, r 1141I I 1 ' r1. r s: -2 . . " , l & e " !I , She Was gEtt::for 1st, • hn Wi.44:111,3 confnup the b en3 ear, giri no 33.3:3 eete, dris ing ream Ip 00311111 81ardi483311.1.: s'Sno orglit Ov43:11•,;',`;',, 83)" 43".'?•43 acing tiiirtr 434333L. lip-% 011134.40r • "1I",4'4).4.#la Doll1;ile" t 041. istof 004 412.. 1.-0t P:411*. 4.3314 ATTACNED HoGS. tv„lot 11-.34ft ivoitiint. vvii1 as Si 411- otes • , 11. ekttha• V.11 *Mt 041:70100„.0:4' ‘11'000.k0 ,! will be seen if Pi's still in goratag A alleivietatt Wove te Sheekamely melees 'Mutilated awl Willi 114e. - • - 'MARGINAL HEADING.. Tett-n tzt- st:113 telllive. 7tI'r"si..rii..‘• 97:41 -m*cti iis ;of re. Mies La"sr, :ia 1uwft.nitt -iuenn'ts 11 w n 3:. :t.er in .83v3Ah ertee. md s sli31'34 11,4331 if einem faimp 1" (*031 fle 4'4r, o/ it leav.orbsone feact 413. the -::ednaguets is laertea in 630;301431 3. *r434)88:331 1, in313-031'ta3l 32411- 434444', n!4331g11f,iS g 3141441'ifir vi:Dation t11Wat-tint be t h a tn ,.t.0t'rlivlitri110SrTand J 11ms.t r.0ua . 4Btka.afi11tt11a1 a g o • throsi: a 3e104.1 inar-.3-nd /*ne Tws 8844143.3 id J,: 1-.01- , 88311 :"tA°b' ;'W.Inther(4u4et. 1/-3-„-1 tct"i13 *V 4P11"S'Er7114* with tipneensfted 3363 T4E101413411, 0314 343 4 1,7-1 1w " 4 0l° Y , 0 rlIt'V11"r°4414rr"18fe ✓ abt'r 7, 114)14. ttlPle Barnhardt V, 1451. 1..5110C7d, and 144't4'083t, Gst. 4-31es. Areb lateen. r f o t 1 I 34cPig 11..t113 8:88" 1casfe of o1Veviseele 0931'&1t 11„43ess-lb:411 t-lit41 that lie hiMai rasallynyar 1311131531-13:31' 3l (131133131:3). t143,-04-+ fo 11"11t88:.'; - ihueb.poe0kiAFi10, k4)1 4'�.344433143113 ;9--! o tar!" eri1 Mrs yn t M;:r ., - enel43-1 1 , -# i cam iaed 511113. 'ion ntk carr 414113 141 138:: .Ah4; 311313371' 3 31 '83.or48l V.331 313.3 W345 re pltnl, w1 Ve4€.3 1001" 34i13;: ;tontLn -1"o763 tLinh b," the 611:'n fr3:n tiv? 3.331208.33111:113111 1111 3 3:11 tL 313:4' .'“. ?7:a2 0ty:1. ] nvts2 4 LIP 7I. • .3:lr634 4334 4 53 4 - s d u ." 3'3 z a i1.t i ieea DeI odbt1:e m-rr,taaqt3.etrtari a o m s H :. .:..3,-.: ,. ,' :„.4e,r1.te,m2l:tap, rthe4',;ia'e '.-l',te.k-,4t"a..t1-:.•o-.tr :' .,:L1 „':,,,,,l-1P,,•sts-lr.,.•,,'.1144t;" 1;, :,1, tpoT...rad.LDl'--- .f-'`:•;,"I. t;:ql.a.:"t..,,ws4:-.si,. l e ,bfit4I"!1llL''..!u'"'L''1re l3v 1*i,1" ;* 'h ert':'n''rcstt"sa:",ran•-t 3.: P:f,''vlir1he*.n.'an.1in,,,. gy4 .t: "1 . tr'4"' 1 0.""w-1ca--e .t-s1oa°s. 7 , L.a...4tt33 e..e •e, 'fsV 11t. g•eltlneir-1n e- l3e1a .dT . ato:ar n t lt ttzoi n s n 1443 7 84434 4*IliHBiLLON 114!4;!111't1'nl ari I 11.26:L.4 iter 1 n 01 0:pP - 1°2gri vvreat thady @T1 '97.'11."%411111't"f21C,"r.31tY"- 1lz:',1(7'.1'''il'3" 14a 1""P rif 43allt1144Dttai*lt 443 It'Veli t44441itY 111411 him of h.'.14.,' 4111 .: TT 4Nov.i --Ri4-s- Lrioilly. 1 43 4134 .nos ario-443:1 eY. ?re. •imnrair. Ottfan 1,r-Athnor.4, tat ttltfrrarz 34 t_3 a sal tioei 003) ,t neserene eer?r3g,at34-he trit.anal 11!151:-t171th'17r-'11011stane Sustain ter - s - :Is ra , • = 43, .4, 43v iar.Ts44043'. 81351334 to rtrporto1 ta„3',aeeeDpt O.1,;,:l,1.r.ion„. ble 1441:1013e3. n7• ;ns 71734. 4,7:-.1n 31: t):';43488 3:0ge11„5e,,11,'4-"514,!.11_".13''l";re1134: 6313 mi ht; Pt w:13 orente i 311, ti utr11g3 gale . r 3 t_: a3cttr10.2 gInti.n? pr15ot- 1 42te.eioreee:mg t1kpitieAr,in 16 1at 0n .iplitti111, tsr, Ont., 0:13. 4. -Mr. ai 131. 2."1, 13a3033c¶-,14 ratan of t:,4 -3':1'3t0,: 49:r.nAe,s rii oum.i n • an3 :, 0331r.8:18:1 tr12Pr ewfive mn.mEDc- 10Trilfatt:,tate,..11t,tzht188133:4)4)€91311.4',f:4.17 " !" . «‚4" '‚4' 4 448'-13138:4 '1 cn133i1t:3 3)44-1433031463, 0 NV" .3Y1 :1Vr1331114-313)14 "r e1eev4r 4 7 ‚.4 '.3- BLe„nv, *tjo eletr 1*11'13 u111TrLztcd ek n t,.a 3`,b41rr51e3413631131fa13 33t144344,.3.5sae • ,cn3.r ''rettttf""or1111%-s1.,4413..s3311112- 31) 313343144tamfr,aa prITit.;,,1338'3C11.3'13343IA11„,. :411:0p"fren434414cet,n2trl..4"e ,4.ii.opb.4:4 • e Vb1Sf1 hr. a r0.1-.2400hrxta tt,eta; 41to21,s nesepthe 5intheemhir-Tt4.nto( 1 e irt,:..: s i t .NT413363 3, ; , '',.'..'' 7 -' ? ! l s t 6reLal-11SI"(A:8°k i4s It" 5n7"1t440133363134'- 3 111421ra4341 1.3331- 0411) tstterItisftuyftees40r43ev• • io e1,4 138:1 fl Puskt.ni Latt 3. 63 11 tml 1 were 431:33.r!y of thi 14114 r 3. 4.3 V4.51''Il2411 t;reiliay 31ern. or.., s 1:e.sr 1.7.-7.1.4;e1 to ha 33 -..3 :L7:1 1 ori %- •••••' .tftb;:.,Fevi her. aril ro17.1:4:13 1.(0 =Snte tr"ux at* 0)134830 'd , ftl.st t)..1 '.•'111. :5 fii.P:4" ▪ 3,er. q4p, e*173..,e'aet, o•it (el tleae cor'as r‘eseeisi ea fit, Ilren?"?Zigni:, 3n c11:31.,..tit,.7.z::11..-; gaseree. corral,vvi4.441 V; 1'4.61., 74`.• t'D the° fri•atas,""- the 8114431 41h -it t4"ze dive-,ree was tv., I • rez:ovor,r,57. 4t1-.. '4";;;:ti, it:g.;,y was :smash:N-1. 3":to fragraikts ga3 t.te 1017111-i'SX tern ' eite See ee ikurs:e Pn:nry. ortoapants var013.1 to 131' ,44313333'S WhIP70 their 88 infurles were 3re3,•se3. 311gle was e.„,verely ent airot heal a.rol ber srmip bft log- torn open in a number of pineest at -1 eme rl'O was frai,"ture'ti. 31r, i'14-1!.:14", esepped with 4-oina bruises on the body awl a deep venni on Vie heal. After reeetvirui: 3033-4481033 at.'L ntien ttey were driven t.n.-43 yes- pRospERITy IN lloLL,AND. ."-,12rt" '3"-"' 43 .w.sA:•=-'141:te ( ter Givee Figures Snowing 1134- 41.merim. (A7 1411.14netra oia- Ktotes 44f young couples with petty te-4tv 1n t3- 1lorr8:s!:3388a tray. r.,tovetIlCons3Etfion c5f Pesp1e. nv-ttr -t T.-, wif,:yir 14 able to env.- ilifforeneetT' ,s rk, 6.4e.4 41 fickli.o_i as to 4.-strio- vain in Vanaell. remarrt,,.3: "11 13. e483)41 C',4:reh tiee Czttileim Clatrefa 84433311144*4 'There3144. beetelr1343 ed wiesse eviles from insertiles to the United or tie) netei frore Proaseetet lamas- 1.4" r•%3.1'.1 9"1."ria1Y-. wrre. 1:811411q! Vv -'103 I be a trentendesate irwtrt wellf.t'at S 14:41 as 1 'Melo* waserat 8341y 44 634934. thrtt„ tA. , c .N ' t . t o t d w e i t e i x h a r l r d h eUw e aarn aw aUst, a w eEl.?oToHut eo Sb e or-DRIVf0SUIIDEBYLOVE 3 :t ;r'Wa e r i 4 ., h :U's3k131.e Oct. 4.-13'0 44I"13111.4$J /e Iip,ss iv I .,"-.. .e.11 •s:.::st",AtT 11.n-! ,ile , e , f e 1.01"r..rEn , , fico •sI n-or..,ls sl oie mt ivelAatt -_, et s 1t:w, ,e ie srne et ia t % iera.,-. lv lt : vhoi elia d t i t: x. f1t.o r irrt p,eTst li g - r rR• 3,'.r' or S pne r.i elr 4i4i ena rotrt on tm reepeeting t1:atnIsalarpte st/,er41 3313. eve vallltv of Miehinndivereo ear 4Mee. nay T..t.'1t: gh1natittLePriT1'n. Do. feto „ -ly i13----.4330333" he :ay3.0t4 a(-31t4-e•)apperts si of k,inaqi 44Y04 taeieeue 1 eea A weight 13 44.'4'41-'4-"... l. . •e“ r f y , * r z , t h i n g i n r d A l S G A R S M O D TYPHON:41,N STRATFORD .'1* ,,'?4--', -kp;opf..Tteia3aS L - vy a , e• .3.!hzr , , • ,, 4•i'v:„fteis r4I i,t iili'o .:i '•,r,'1 e; a",,-1.x,,..-i•rfo4ra - t,n y1":dhia,,,,e.r, a-eI aa i rnetes ;• eP -- tld'r,.i1s4 r:1n1 0. e t.. h itr i la i t le. es bggi .he e m fie i i r lre ' a l .a iIrt e Zrs he Inehngtaers t o e ;g•.3;; 1 r4;,: , "o t c ",a"*2 ft ftfto f.,. e p Its ,3 4i ne:vasion, ; eh:din rezid'f lonof taeownr 3134 1Drrvrunoni i tnV ai :if a t h l l ie7 : t V : i', t t i W 3, 11441 makle caa titt "3) 04, be n w63043r148 1331nerI43141,48'. 1n 1O43 48-4. pr4ceth,,,m1te311e ON THE WARPH-aaong Belnsnafttes1,Vitin 1)13'3,33)10 031013 frortt,paees -- cal a 4-. -f 11 teen ,.etrNat fort4lit tt,ntyhr,f'f iI -•e ona11:04n4414s:-herIe 44011- New YorkOct-The Journal of llreaOOu Mamler New i tim.3 . private 0, 3i1 4.41,,i ,i:'41114`11...11 'Julie / maids 13: t, k, 3:44ve 14.„11,..-,..q1 oft; 20,--,4 (1.i1I'Ea.:4 ar* irr'-vcr.°-7., t" 'n..411n'34`1''''.1 I, Conamerce. sayis: As a result of the pawn tielreia hal chareased one,- tion, twenty of them by drowning* in - 41.ftniotn.hpe4ekrinCtitirVrritlomme.ftittfttliketlithheobAl: i Misunderstandings existing between Let '1,1e=ica lyrs. I capital in theft 44t411, -.,i):,-2"101. The sales •' selves on or:count of unr;,quitel, ok„e_ 1 g,ter3 Alisequerque, N. af.. Oct. 4.--Wersa iii (-)f " - t " t M g ' D t t • i. i the American Sugar Pefian C e.Oua band of Area.cOsi Intilans frim -the I creased. • ' t,he eircumstance seal: .1 al. Sante -so -Dumont prepesee to cross en 1 it is understood that the Beet Sugar is '4544141., . i, ei 4.., i g am- , 4.14-Ard in ten yi;ars. Imp:Arts, exports - the waters •of 'the Slyee. An 4,,ffieial I rtirPc..,;'' ° M. '-`111`nr; umr71(in 0 w a - titheett onelete reeereatiea le in the, ete- :: The Premier instanced the eelf-re-. Aneam y ; .•". _ .. se - , t1.1° 1102,E--;hlinr, rftcnef•Yvirc8.° abwil • beet nagar interests, whose pro - t g ' P-' P °' it have been affected by the re- !;e4g,713 mountains, s•,-spith of this cites .f. etraint ot the inaeses le tile. reeene a year n'3'313" young. meet seem attribt1",,I ocleek m the afterenone-that is ta at the inerrant that the 'C'tran4 sluttbse of 1 1-2 .cents in the price sold ie . ,,Stma,,.'" el that •fiv.e periseets vs-cre Irir.,r, 1 1;:.• er; aliens, wIttll feeling. tva,es intense, parts eif the empire aeraplete their I. .1"v' granelateel sager in their terri- tw" tem on. 'Willow Creek, neer the old no proving the goal moral torteof the terms -of military service in pcsenh. 1 Pri•x: du Coneela Municipal will be run. .; or , pe.ny's interests and the Beet Sugar prasrfze jest been rcc-ircl thnt rebel- :41141 steam tonnage had greatly in- at pollee headmiarte.r5 in explaining' t rand 1 rix «e 1 Aere "Pub. When tbeY depart for tie ir hawse I tory will not recognize the cut pateii rerviesve,us of Victor°, and Dateh Peranaes priceo of a I.-2 tents per pound as e.onhoo. a few dame, aft" The correepondent observes that they leave behind veores lee' broken What the physicians diagnose as the; basis for their own' 'dealing:4 *belted, 'Yen ar -propeepaetleelare of the tiutbr(ek levee while Dr. '<linear te a ;severe Calvin - t twelve& ISaitea States. Marshal let and Conservative, daritsg. the with vista -mem; beartes.and namerons unfilled pr:Anisiis of marriage., Never before, however, helve ea appalling* a number ef these ease of srealipox has developed in Hickson, a village. se.ven miles north of Woodstock. The victim is 'Thee. The be -et people will eetallate by it;: teeen mostly in the hands of the daughters of regiment sought to Smith, son of Duncan Smith, and Is 1 offer(reg their sapplies tiaMpet1- Jim in the 'eastern markete, getter le note at Silver oity, and seere erralte (if the -Government ,SOZO • blY W). the sesue before 130 here. tateeraler. end their disappointment in death." Nato, Zileling man- - - 1••••4'••••••• irog •IV In• EilifIttrele 11.413 llroftea Oat and the Ilospitals aro Fitted. Pei -entre -el. Olt., Oat. 4. -An Pp!- ' &elle of terraced fever leas beekee out in this eit:v, 'there Irina at pre- snt twenty and thirty '48148 18 of tine disease. The fever is aleo milt^ prevalelt in the anrrOuntl- im.; country, and in coneermerice tlut 1 local hospital is very flat of patients, ; its capacity 3) -keg' taxed to the eat - roost. 14PW of the enses prove fatal, but the medical atitboritiee sem power- less to check the spread of the dis- ease. • 'The engagement is annoaneel Lady Sybil Primerese, daughter of Lord Itosebery, to Earl 13eauchatere