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The Herald, 1901-10-11, Page 1
VOL. II., NO. 11. CHURCHES. ST, BONIPACE, Catholic, Order of service for the summer. Sundays: High Mess at 10 a. m.; Cate- chism and Instruction at 12 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m, Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. m, Week Days: Mass every morning at 7. 30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Fioly Hour, dr one hour', visit to our Lord iu the Blessed Sacramet every Satur- day evening from 7 to 8. Bev. Father Valentine. Parish Priest ■ ">,�tj VANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services:- German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p, m,, Sunday school at .'. p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior dllinnee, at 8, h oir practice at D. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.80. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev, C. H. I'`inkbeiaer, Pastor. geutfdie ep. lath. 51. Petri 1 1'*. Oottesbienft poral. 1?41.1 U .Cllr' ant) abeltbs 114r. olnitaaf ct)ule v)rttt. 9 I. hr. feltrcroc'rjattultitttt4'' 2?omlerlta4 tabetlb4 um B. e 5 agate, p:tftor, , Mr. George -Trott has returned to town. Miss Grant is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Henderson. Mr Cooke barrister, was in Zur- ich, Wednesday on business. Everybody is admiring the new cement walks an our street,. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter visited St. Joseph, on Monday. Mr. McWilliams of Loudon, visit ed friends in town, on Tuesday. Miss Aggie Buchanan of London, is spending it few days at hon)c. Miss Clara McFa1Is of Lucan, visited -Miss Ethel Murdock, over Sundlay . Mr. and Mrs. Dever of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred. McDon. ell, this week. Miss Jessie Rennie of Zurich, is vlt,zring her brother, Mr. E. Ren- nie this week. Messrs. Jaw•es Petty and James Stewart left for Tcoonto un Wed- nesday NCE hilt... Mrs. E. Ronnie and. Mrs. T. Mur- dock, lett on 'Tuesday to spend. a Nve•eck at the Pun Ante'iie'tut. Miss Lou (iibst,ln has returned to her hone at (toderit•h, after spend- . ing at few days with itis L. Muir. V. I IIANI), Si. Joseph. Photographer Trott intends hay.. • Notary. Public, Fire and Life 1n• iztt; at hnIIerr on Whe'e'l,. for InsNitration Agent, Money to ]luau, either by nNXt season out-of-town trade. private funds tor luau eualltaleit',. H. J. DI. COOKE, .lute with ttit t rues a 1'rcnnelfu„ t o Burs in. tet', Solicitor, \attar v Public. lieir.sOD. Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barrister.. Q+atlaeltk,rh, Neesree"' 1.0e1.1GI' etc. etc. 4'0* Slinuire tool tit'L 11 :•ntel't, * .;,IC'a1Y'ia, Initaario A. C. HAYS W. ?ROUSiFOOT :ELLER, Clerk JOth Div. Court, Huron r 'olittoini.ie,taea'' heal tahnier etfan .t.. ina?Vr l'te . 4 aaittaihtt 11'.114flip Ilam = t' mutat➢ 3 arc' i.a,.tta at1UUY Sa .tats a►dlt l ,:t'4➢,4 .alt, i.. c9Ftt y'^ !lout. fO$SENBEI i Y. •""""� 1.tY'!'tau,d Aeact&gon::,:er ti<'aa !Env_ t)na outat , at;mlYd. atarJ➢c FaY"c.°as" a!'tt= bal - toraa :e wt (epee'. %'Pune uae.tn.•d Fl>;e r:_ titata9GtatItena !,?anaff,aaai44-al. ,,., -F. A.. SELLeg y 1letnUst evnittute;; tvf' the IZeywiiir,v9tkve et Dental . 17} ev9¢a ?y Iroga.Yat,o. E;:NotP ¢;tt9etlai&e ' 9)epavilm nt ✓+ Ihenti;yJuy. 't"ivG6ta4,Y Q eiry tsitC. i',tia to) Y,xatJewcvaa of teeth Kate etogi t2 sicdr:aEat •. At Dominion House, Zurich, every "Monday. D STANBURY, Y, i , A. • r v + r a d,r>n,t $, 9 RNI tTt't5 BAultl '1l la, s LIeerriun, xoT ala' , Cou eyaneer, Money to Loar:• o0a C'-i➢•tiui'e• ttttei Fs.tsu s 'toll* tc a' ioacW' tat€,: at In- terest. Dca'anments in originu9 tre134213 Lead and calcul 2 .iRICU COURT ATI -ENDED :e over O'Ne.,i'a Baulk, fi:seterr. 41S001a0CeaniliO0*0000:aanaesSal: *nes. i i 0 f 0 'v co t'H �: iia o f v c: u 3 CDM ER IIL HOTEL j t�7 ztattae:tt io 0 ti." '�• HE The Official Organ of Zurich and. Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT FRIDAY, OCT. 11 1901. ZURICH AND VICINITY Mrs. Henry Bloch removed to town this week, • Mr. H. Eilber, M. P. P., was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Rose of Milverton is visit- ing her sister Mrs. 0. Grob. Mi'. Lorne Scott of Hensall was a visitor here Tuesday evening.' Miss Dora Eilber is visiting at Crediton since Wednesday last. Mr. P. Sipple has been laid up with lumbago, but is improving. Men's Black serge suits equal to Tailorniade for $12.00. D.S. Faust. Mr. and Mrs. Studer left for their home at Sebringville, yester- day, Mr.Harry Yungblut left on Tues- day for Blyth to attend the fall fair. Misses Andrews and Haxby, dressmakers ssmal:ers moved to town this ' ,eel:. fit of insanity. He was a carpen- ter by trade and was employed at Kalbfleisch's planing mill here for a time some years ago. T. & M. Johnson received three loads of furniture this week. Men's Readyznade Tweed suits for $5.50, $ti.00, $7.25 and $8.00. D. S. Faust. If you cannot get Our Native Herbs in your section send us $1.00 and we will forward you 200 day's treatment, post paid, and a renis. tered guarantee in every box, bind- ing us to refund the price if a cure is not made. J. Dumart, Zurich. Nie. D. Steinbach is developing quite a taste for gardening. He has one of the finest gardens in town and besides a large quantity of cabbage he has sone cauliflower heads which weigh close to tabs each, and almost resemble a ball of snow. ,Mi:a4 Annie Ilse returned on Mon.' Mr. George 13aldwin of Seaforth ' day evening;, front a short visit to, created some stir on Tuesday with i Tnr,)utu. his Auto Bicycle. It is driven by Mrs. John weber of Cairo D'tieh. a gasoline nloter and a speed of 40 is -V isitin:; at Mr' R. I'laznaelnees ` miles an hour can lie made on l r- rhin week. feetly smooth i'Of ds. Mr- and Mrs. Langst Plniladeel Mir. Fred Hess Sr. spent Tuesday phia are visiting at Mr, t' eJ,er at Bi uce#ield. at present. ' Get your sale bills printed at this Mr. P. Lamont purclnasd"tl tw.t office. We give u free notice in the volts and a muter from Mr. Henri columns of this jdltrrnal which in n. t' lot' >l:itk, itself is worth the price of the bills, as we have the largest circulation 'airs. Elisabeth Truetnitner pur- in Hay of any .rapier published. Executor's Noti .1. Blmnelathi we,ektionnn Mr. Ben* Mr. �'. Eilber triol: first prize with \t,tie't• t'u t'rt'alit*,1'S eel' t'artelaln" Vtlit'ISkt.Y. .mite' id t1*i '14twnSiiiii eft Stephen. Spinster, clea'easedl. 1'ln•• *vaunt to See, :I's of 1'baap. 1•:10, ut the ltevi•eei Statutes if Ontario 1%9: Nowt, t4 h'•ri+toff' mitt/a that toil et'i etc:. t.,em ao5't .',t IW'at. kimono. e'Iraiaa,. 116taa60iq *tat' t `*aaltt' .yt arae !.;tall t'4atni0ac,+ tiho elat,l .'te ,.a Yh,,:at Ho- 24th .i iy V1.40L, axe', •':n 'yQ t,rl.ysl• t➢Y;f t•a Novt u5t a t a ev„ 1. 1*.. 9te,Il, le- , seta". tot tc.J t les ] aa,] to, 0.e,,!'D,i0 seen Cit ` ]teed ow.,•tl 1'. t3., • 3 i-e•att.�,t .<E EJ.e• �StiaiO a," te',ajt'tot u.t awn .QOiYataii,, taJteit'4 and Natnn:a0a f'v, n641=34:74 aia1.1 tit'= m'"E'Ftehyagv till,' Pia g At uY,:oVao:' r.f mew.. l'i;Oit J,°'• ','1 i?taa'te,tuat't.t t9`i' tiwiji' i,t l the ea:atttate .t6 ]u'.1 t,c ne'na avol tit i$ attet the fitly ,atue,e.•s am tr t'• s nool ,'"c$-,• eat.ya tiiai➢ p i,ro t-ol1 ter 9b.z.4ittate, aDY . SA.tg 5Jre1 ,lb:,?.1 �1'a+j{ ;la0y,•�a1L! °➢9„ t';C `Gti'?i: t. Ot" CJe to t6.a-Ce°"Yn i!'.'Jtrstl:? t+:¢.',i lp t,e rain hn u.Lail r. i y Uiuc 4a nk. "a , 5=Eira ➢sa• Wet) Uri C;tIW.t. ac d (.ut ra al at: •➢ iii a114 Oft e„Pi"lou w.,a"e ,e i Jam' t. Si,1!)Le ai ,Fry ,tL , ce ;7• N g lucks- lq ...:ep} "nt- r,} si•- cwP.lci ail til n. a ":':!90.7 . ^ n'�,.Jina,� ?;0•.9�•un• h,Ae 43r0 da,i 944- ta,we J s C 1 da ua a' a• -r0 .nru•:11:9 id �''t,g.1,9.. i'»4 into t 11). $ c J.,➢ 1°.nit ➢►.J'aa➢ t i'ish •i.rhr y 1 uac ' his roadster at Buvtlled fair mild Mrs. John Fuss returned d from to third in the speed - contest, while iliNre•u»t visit ~rift► friends at Mr. E. Boysenberry tool: first in k)ig,e,►t► and Detroit. the speed event. The Zurich sports A number 'front here attended usually come out right when style the funeral of Miss Bie'igntul act St and spa'ee1 is considered. Peter's elture•le yesterday. An ont-uf-town egg dealer bad Lt Mr, Daviel N i na'll is laws' getting teary bxtl eggs-perienee on main st. nut titcha'r for as new bat Ll v hieh on Wednesday evening. '1'i,'vile ]aa' intend.: t•rl<c'titlw at tmt't'. turning tir untl int front of Preeter's l' e1°. iY«'es IBa6v .,tart 4,lrt tltd► r51 +a'. Aston. time of leis erattes slipped off tato°Cr httw910.,,„ .cE l;+t•, 4t)Iinn iltlmitn't and lzt•ti fruit juice was Soon very and is tom re• aalc to tat all kin►tls t,i altar'., in evident'r. At'i be twin. on 5,"- ., ]las Wit home however and if he idle ta0a'ftaY' el tite'ta ctrl' .:tela; vett aruazit.ltreies the syllables of bis pier° aaQ�'s II'''. Blas w, 'Pltt'ra' i4 twc)Ilsael. taf :ebotie*, ht' shouId have little eQ'.ullalw i�ae'icta ess n11 the nrtttslihor. trouble. nn 1111itiiF; )ns *'Vi to agai n, WHAT is t,IPE 7,! poet'$ Mr. !tour; \ l4lland has related If you tart a victim of piles, ua lo�iN farm. toll the Bronson line, to • ttlle14e'r 41m ifl eVATY fur is, gen .7iI a'.. 4°l�ruta lite9tae11eq' sew ax term 44if- ;Nailer keenly from tete of the Inter yea.. , torturing ailments te'ntts known'to man. we have .5.4191, ( aim blit rs ark cabal malty will wonder if life is reel- wetrItett"• All se„,,aa .e..„ :seed. hose, ttil ly worth lnynttg. t:''ektaaf relief„o „out sth,,, .•s' mat :loin 04,, to ;.ol etsf..Q lt,a>;r, aannd tiatimslte etnre ds ra atting sots 1#._ t'sati t byIIinttcui!% of Da. ('Hnatst' s (➢ntntitnent. Mts. E. Zeiler ,,linea taitnnaaa reetni n- '1.1131: rte crit' ftsi1 1 ter '1/111 pil!'t's r ill nrtianraally tt rnllaiy' t<„l 011"e'.edtio s4kay evening, kola; an it; ttitlax+lntniriottartn. Ite'alk tb s. tett eti� ,xiolutt Fly visit 't it�ia relatives At aittad i1ta05',�atA�lnit l to - iliiti'c tS'neidnlLr~4d t�Id n lith, it nllauni=y and -:.kt'x. aln•:out e.. Mr. Lin<uv *uti ', lQne1i !Bad his IA's s;:utisttda0•104-ally set iu*a1 b the Huy itu itratueY CA, and i•c4'11=nae s tiidy 'dull. 4µls"!s@Bully 1'1'''14*41 11'.9'bat.�. ' tine �i n,��!ititit Yup his i nsiul�c'ntDle! a° col} ? GP,. !' llsiuiane-n•.tni dt 6rt?.uncigN Ztarie'ln, u3YQ M4114101 Wants agent ibss' Q"epi tlnr th nest.. 11'y the Reev* E. :a'c �,t'Y41rniYV lin' 2,414404. 11'•04.ennllrm Nehiteltil', YYaa•Sei do Ei :enlmfer, I n, 4 te<<l as line:Wind-millandi)ii anln , to Mt'•' u Anty . Y" nillra i l haiili of Yau i1?ie' i',i int tlof ;or. ► teuota. tt�lrtn a thy ia�tal0aannpP. "rn the Goshen linea'. f4V3tt:CEP-"'-u 4E'i°X:F."-At Grafton. X. t. t maned Phonograph a uterita0ana- I3akotu, on tane? !1St '.r"epteniita-t', /tienut Will !tr. ;dvenu in the Temper- • E' F agitet•, to ,. H - ,carr. Hri ec d. both i[ot' ' z aauut•e° Hall, Millis-green,Y ., ,�.. pit nYYC;t ne,s'rlcdenta ° on _ e,lret . day Ead'tnunt, (1'V°$. 1"5$47. hay. W. of Ztirid'In. Pt Pres k) a`Qui°.d v➢ Orsi, it The ap peals o the Coast Of lie- Rask rein,. --At the 14tin C"oti.. 1.60- eti vision n hefot', .Ytsal`. e Masson. uYlg the, 4th iia at.. ClaraRc3eulen`: a 1 Wt4lrnt'-claay -were disp;lis-.l of in dazaghi€erofAir. andMss-Wii-i: Yitn.rt order. Qurrie as nauniter YY Ilam It.Veliet.at the age of ©dais. names were addedand t fewF.W.r°e° BIetc, ix to - At St. Joselslt, on fine'i eta anek o ojafl', 8th inst.. Marie Enge ie E'ieig- Mu•. Lit. 61eini➢_,s4a-s ekinnite of ad. a;teni. eldest daughter of Mr. andtt tfaaiaae° in too Bate for this isaue zatul M1'5. E. Beci neil, tit the age of v=u al}s Fyf n- ii d weather reaputre 20 Years. 1nii1lt5,. sou Tin is 1"eHel ;n'G -e ur, 14i� 1uEi..' �,, • et., tl+])et a Flannels and other snurmr_�'uV ti,radle4eag'1;'ttrJnads,4. meaCp aIu1arralanua,l,i lett. t o s.i-:i ' blfokwltig is `ttine ! isd wweeetktesrnidntatecri ieeattala:fecortirtfeli Saiptt n GIIfsruf:'+ quality z:iii please sun and the "eltlzeus in laic race hearse: -Is nie n g .. ouldd fnind Sidney Bassinbn>rrp 7 pr+'z4•es are right. �„ 5 i 3.7r. .1{4rohrn Roe e, a uonanaear acyl 1 heves says Clancy. -Situ ye mane t t a t'h matter to iterse`: "' sass, Dowd �.. wr.er- surpasse Party. "tl"lt u �v',rutn puu��a> 0,, .1, tluu- siCF.a'�a r'amili4 re -t1 cat Nue BwYrn i." of 11v. IiN'•nan-t' H o14.'lnl44' tett MotlLllu3w s C'd too la¢+ tYi M,l Z4s.a1.d lv.',' tYu .ln•s. d) 1�. Studer nue-s° Mni+r '4dcudgie° Ziaiemale r. %iv,. with neer lanae f, ntn+d do' fit here Tor their licence near :W, lrrann;C r, . org Thursday The aVetuin''�6n:sspenat itt a very ein. ailsie inn. tatt4•r null Mrs. isttu4d4•r was presented by an eradulu4 ss and a lianas/vine as/vine parlo r lamp as a teeiit'na tl)t n•a�rnen ihr alie4' fn-itni her many friends in and at- tun1j #41A1111. i'l•.!, ae@tlir" ,ss was a'd�atei by Miss Th to atiniI was as follows Mr D. A. Studer. Dear 1'r. i pall. \'4 t' y.0 ar sign -ewe friends e.if Znn n 'Fa and r-ie'inint y . ha u nn5'' g4f',3m l t1a'at t;aaitnet: s'!aaynn tel dal° sa-Gtrart�ate',l troina ui , uis1a to take this d)ppnitunaaity' e:4f t-xgs•u q.inn;.� tan some tangible manner Winn apGiie-; t'hiti tm lt.f you manna ,azxtr•4-ltt-nt alau.ali- Yeeuu 4viat, a•Wfie dY2 utD'd'in yozi Jsel u to ua:y si nr rorl. a devoted Q fl m istacirn $nn4d a r, e`. a fund et1411ugt:ataionn din alit 'iiia' tie 1 n.±l gathe,-'in gs. we FE`S i4it hat von will item &- t triiit sinaall dbii4'ta -1V a$ n'a'=iaenalat'"i'sani4'4' d'rt chair )peasant ti:.:ae)F'ia1tiens. This we lope you will prize. not for its Pati insir �'rulzLN, hilt ars an expr s - inn s our true friendship and sin- - tf-ritu.. It'd est4ltd to/ Mp , Studer It yourself oui' hest wishes for a (itE.°, happy ,t3Y1t Pi-..jd)?i'etts idtaarii- ' icl 1if and Inlay the i7ntiami„i- lenee shower l!i:. ES)ie'3s t'in .s upon on Latin and grant a) sesta-Mon of lois pleasant assennh3ac'e in the near futures Signed on behalf of our friends. Mr. ..aid Mrs.: 1'u b -r naile sl}fort replies thanking their €rienfls for • heir kindness and gond wishes and intimated that they would always rd•)))i-'Je)]le'r then pleasant days spent with the yc,uug people of Zurich. Named. Ri HT' UPS IGT PR/ E,',a R/GHT We have some of the newest things in Furs Caperines for $3.00, $7.00, $8.50 and $12.00 Fur Capes, at $16.00-, for $14.00 Long Curly Cape for $15.00 We have a few lines of Curly Astrachan which we- are selling 'very Cheap; In colors --Grey at 2.00, Black at 1.50, Green at L25, Red at 1.25, Blue at 1.50, and White at 1.90. Tderdowns, in White, Red', and Green, at 45ets per yard. Read the ;following--Mei:1s Fur Caps from $2.00 to $4.00; All wool Blankets at $2.90, 3.40, 4.00 and. 4.25, Men's Underwear, Reece lined, all wool, for $1,.90 as suit, don'tmiss this snap. Men's. heavy iJnderwea'r for S5ets a Suit. Don't miss these Bargains. mar S f FAUST1 ZURIOH �" �. ONTARIO Produce taken in exchange fur Goods. THEY MUST GO AT Oe�OE ert .� ar fr Whenever any Goods in am Stoek show a lisp osit. ion to 'stick,' w ► • the � i ,t � Cut t.11t_ Via; rr �, and ��� they g+�« We (k,n't want in out Store, . "has bens"' "left lovers." ' *e bare a la of Women' Button aid Lace !I Shoes. ntosfly small StZi. ,,� regular paves $2 pp'y�� { 0y'�'�� .. w .�,.,,.Cli� �� �I.'W't,���t l -ear* Sale tae �r ,,��ryyy,, ��'yy at ',I��u1iJ/ �Xwal tla ' ' $.tSifL'1S' up-to174tE iri Yr;l;dwtr.a ... prorer7aeats. liirsiut;,rrr1c)rnsuari S Er:. t3 1►lietl erit4i only the very Vest. y� ti,' f J Ear contains c•Iaoiee iiquaoas anm9 f o s eifilir's. r '- ` r e 1 71 0 Exrellelet aet.pte riot. t.s, a;y , fit; for f;c;faan.et mina 3oie,r- 1 T e. i LOUIS FOSTER, PROP. 7 v :staci:ee-e?vac oOSt "- nee-;:vseaa eesea3sa t Abe orin o i ameitiesierniraniik °ate Equipped. with all modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din - in room always supplied with the best obtainable. .,rW Roca L Shoeracher, Prop, ZURICH ai C MenWanted dent of these parts, hanged l_nnselx l mane tiny harse," says Cim4 at Milverton our'Tuesday during ra':...Th, un»tinoip1ea I t thsatea tree a foive dollar bill of th' faeces l hast sununer." he says. “lie's, here, ail il'oigkt." I says. "but his name isn'tSidney Bossinbury. His p roight name is Sidney Disappoin-,' ter," I says. "Thin he's- well a named, " says Clancy. fur av iver Matt %vas disapn01)3, d wid a horse,'! I was w d hint." !, :Shove .lees and Scraper -holders. raper-holdlers. in Itch Swamp Drain, near Zurich. - Wages ' 1.00 per day and bear el. Apply- - to 2-IOff H. (''. «ARNi.Tr. Zurich. FOR SALE - A Jersey Cow for sale. Apply tg D. S. Faust. .To ILIair? My bast was- faring out very 1fast it i w&s gaextiy;iirmgd, then tied Ayer's }fair Vigo sod nay Itair stopped falling at once."-- rrMrs.'� G. A. McVay, Alexandria, 0. ill[al.�.,,tY,� �Y.,�al nl..ii�f.•,•11.M The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs aro Inginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore calor every time. silt. Wk. AS dOstrtsfc. It your den�' iat cannot supply you, Bead us' one dolrtr and `erl6 will a2ijirlaas you a bottle. tetra!' and giro OA Want of your neareat ex�optegs °Mee. &dd're+9r, S. C. A TER, CO., Lowell, idaa. MAR TS Elts A ' HE AN ARIO d' Eggs ttice I It+h(t i n .. ehM We have just opened ttp a ;` i prnent of New Pall Stiitings, the finest and best values we have ever shown in Tweeds, Serges, .Black and Fancy Worsteds, and we night say here that everybody intendhig to invest in a dice, nobby snit should d not fail tier sec one* Stock and get ear• prices fore buying. We have had n large increase in our suiting trade the past seasar, which go.toshow that the have the right goods at right prieft. Call early and make yoin' selection before the stock is broken. Style and workmanship an:ship gttaran'e teed. �'� e also have a few pieces of Summer Gds left in Muslins. Challies and Ginghams, to elear at 'St a yard, worth 12 1-2 and 15e. Prints that were good value at 10 and 12 1 - while they last at te a yard. All kinds of farlmproduce taken lin 'e achai e faroocla a • highest t xnarket prices. Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 63 to 06 d - 32 33 40 42', 60 65 'itiet 2.00 2.10 13 14 Oats - -, Baairiey Peas tFlour Butter 1 Eggs Chickens Ducks Geese Potatoes Or:gailg 'Janos - - - 12 13 • My ware -soigne are headquarters in Zurich for }laxness, Blankets, 4%5 Robes, Trunks land Valise, , Fly Nets and.Iillsteic:a. All kinds of Household Furniture ---Bedroom and Parlor Sides - 5 5 ' boards, the best .Extension Table on the market, Couches, Ea ney Rocks, 35 40 ers, Spring Beds and Mattresses, IIENSALLL MARKETS', Wheat 03 to 06 Oats - - - -• - - - 32 35 Barley 3g 42 Peas - - - - _ - 60 05 Flour - - , , ., . 2.00 2.10. Hogs. (hive) per a tr K 6.00 •6•,55.41 ' PIANOS AND ORGANS The high-grade Newcombe Piano; the Bell and Dominion ' i' a, d Pianos. We sell all. goods at the lowest possible prices..