HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-27, Page 6nteo s the . Three d at the ntil the fet- a rope around or a ra roe vice of .somo of the Uro was spared, but choked and driven out p by tile miners with vers. atrange Orgy. /saran°, Cal., Sept. 21. — officials have received a oat Needles telling of at that place of an In- -teed Jose Arguello, bY Tome a fellow tribesman, and Ling of Argsellees remains by n ee ee wafterwards at - 1 to storm the jell where e coettaied to tench tee al- oe ...r. tree steibbed to death n. anarrei over a MeXeran 0..o flea but was capturcel. Its toff Zes eat we:at 1,,:r Vote . rguelest thosy oliseet feral that -sea ;tetra..1 s. 4.4' b,. h' • I neesses. ollitter, it tiPtErrt, she el Partese, npen %'"4 tie e tut. aeries*. eel it 0., titk. „ItSutn,i1 ;Vann the . ere. cheating waled direere estate:les lreseued. ✓ mee ssest. 21.--Aftor been t. alarat Latee ter ever two daze, althea:4 ". tlU tett ts... tea k..21.11ri. , awnee el tee era eta r ewe 1 asolea alate awl. reserve In .! w stay on Sunday. late Leen by a Itelenta teg atf Leal ;t He teas seelesee test ralit, Lied One. eatitielie weo Went teeth' 'Is asteeter weal albatileo drifted Marla toteesea4 !to tt. ner eetheet gale. !I dieeed .4 Late been drew:eat t titterebe ree. liareen well 4'. easss.a... - la ilatteat, his tele :IPA Cetoila IE? eslatr l' tee eeets Testae the eatie Waal e, Viseelecalea. Eta neAineret tattle& ' 9arall, ate -Mr. Di. re aer Lae taiatessed t.a,va Lee N lert IJJ 411, earl £:1;;;•.;::,f,..-..,::11' essrt eeetseetee fee Wee aeseeeser e tee Lute reasevese itteatJ1 IJt.LQj elee eretee• s r.e.ret lat 1.:ae O=LO tlitaj •.e.i''..N'r,t0 LA Dj 2it:.;•;;Dt'a letelearee Beaty .• !son peretterat See tatte feerese to el.eve ettgas of Lie aed rap- • taievered. k.SSASSECS COINSEL. el lite (...t.lattteatatto ;Assign tares lee the Jett. eiept. al.---atresega se: ttla.t ,..tt t:D.o L• e reay tete:tee...las ell, tee:tee:au seanase te tee acareserne Lae aertaireie rfa aterese. aseraraa aeateee testa alitasetes=s •LE:p;..;:;E.4 aty, ereeeey is. He watt ia Meawaste....e, weee J.2,SE-:, Lame L. retter it• nieres, ‘,..t tee aoaeteaet. eage....eebe at tee Lale Coasely seerserat.o.:- Tezae ease a; coneererea- eley trete Ter. Lew.e, leett ea last :area ta.t es:ease atasieee !apt tee sersesereetese. liere snit EZICA Tf."071ii v.:E,:fat'Lni atter: a ttl-tweaera ene Mee- ! teals eleteratereet. "tee teler,o einc:1 Juege •witadraw, it: neat •reesasitiered esit valeta worael Ireear tee ears, or the :Coeree. tatemeet that it waral ortlIker ettaitse1 -.sassiaa eeias-atilE.red e6r- deremee od Czolgesez wet reresality. No 'lawyer 'mat to tee pets:seasiot to nerierer Treat death. 01 the defence the Elle plea ale 1'r tzsargosz ety„real it le asp:etas, ,ea, deveireped, will trot eats Weight. y Have Aecepted. pt. Le1.—justic es Lewis Vi arere assignee; to de - a have jest anneenneed 111 aceept, rata that they prearted 'with the reline". -Loma for Massie. Sept. :20.—It trtt- ric..gotatiions haVe eacialed with the large lean, to be ta Mai of the year, Franis respected •p acing of the Iona.. °rind Is 1,000,0e0 Threaded 5:0art after it was merely a SCHLEY'S F1111011 y Yesterday Did Not' lp His dause. WAS NOT IMPOSSIBLE, tap., Sept. • al.—at the glary yesterday Mae H. Wood, of the Itlarine stifled that When Admiral ad come •aboard the Mas- ts previous to the bom- t of the Colon on May elst d heard that officer say to igginson: "We are going he ea will net go in sufficiently to endanger the vessels." had been told that the distance to be 10,000 feet. After the bom- ment (teased, Maj. 'Woods said, Spanis1j shore batteries con - lied to fire at the American ships. At this point he had gone forward, wbore he eiad again seen Corinne- doee Schley. "Did you then hear any orders or 1118'4"w:tots .."' he was maced. "I then 'heard some Ofle say, and I believe from the eoune of the voiee that it was .Connuodore SchleY, 'Starboard your helm ana let's get out of Ulla'''. answered the witness. This had occurred on the port side of the conning tower, he toaid, and the Commodore had been abuut eight feet from. him. Capt. Giles P. Harper, now nasal ateache at Paris awl o.4,t. Petersburg who was executive officer Oil „Ward , the Texas during ties apanisli war, was -askeil to give a detailed ac- count of the operations of that visa - se/ uring the war, ane he did so. in • reply to questions. las said that • when alant,uo.goie Wafi rsetelleol. •tsartliwores were Li r1 tierce , but no efrort was nixie to destroy them. IL 'aL4 that eaten had . beta etaols• 4ora the Petah. the day of arreval off araill tV54. ail enroll Seep. ' Tes eatt. was enneavioat ravels, but witnetee setares.eal the opotessit teat • the oxalate; cestel have le eit :weenie- peeitssi, Capt. Herber elles tel.! sera ! leer tee tepee, the her- i• • a :ant1, see de. tear:dee gill ,Iffq CZnint Net.1 Ige41 rtita. 'there anti! Junes lea Tee epee:item i; fleet, les Fate, lay eateet or Pant , Miles teemtel. reettlt et the harPoisr r than Vela - at legal. anst urats. sl tease eotriestre ta th • 7r €!'t) Poseed ht' Peal s can that ere itatesehalely otetier Pled sa. settee ale eels. whesp et wee see tat 106:11 ewe ed Teesta easel. feet, dielaat. all Li t rminatIA Tragedy in Paris. WAS EIEII1,4TED litiN BY POLICE. Eu:avi 'Tees 06'4?!1 1190%qg .; tats at...eteetas..... :E,-;ar.tv2.11 t31r tt iseeret leatesetue t'AO. tune iy V -.1t1)14. •;lrt tre at Mate - „t tee se :-Jusits le•ti••••.;•;:e.li ea• se...3 11.'; see •teree..ear s., eta ear:.,1tee• : tz+. Fy-U.1e `,;1 tjitL,1:,Vt! i37,3 1LINn vD•',1;:o; t4.9 "•,1trj it,'1-at-. D -,a r:;2oat SaLD t;;:at'?;a vri4D:Ar‘r3 vicia*1.c."Ds nrs.;e1 1C'eeterste.ea literad kt,,7 • tra, Parte lestr.:••stiess. eese. Irseteesel taaat eii tliateee lee tree ?..•:‘,.!8,7211.',11 Beta:See wiesire aer ' ere Mete restue. ear. -: wee, asetla ,aseserseil tee :IL 01 • eleteen • a VC, t'2','PS EZ32':CP9. : Eet tea lesteasete.. t.'WO E.;.;':a•i•1 1.;;;At tEt,:tir; Next ,:"..e.eseeete, seotntat;-te oe tee wece ressesee 'ere t elasta seel w.. niesse:::tuts • i: iref.,D;aD 1st aaa;:=.1 stleal„ Nettle . tea. Pe.) Te.:-•'- t,".n1/t*,,••,* L3 ;:ttr;1eD trt :=D dee- tseee • tA le, teas see fatelly • WGEE WAS FOUND GUILTY,. :az:4i Wake S'etel..o-, Meta:IA-Year-Old Give .14w lo :citatory Tor:sato. Sera. e21.—tiavit Melee& was ceneitatedi ,• rc•stercayy ta: renege of ats- tt dratettag 1t7,24e.e ,:.V.W.X:cre. MI,gir is the le-e•eareeld Oa:ere:ter ef adeara McIntyre, or MO tea. ea street west. efeGeet all yentas (a. Tee. prin- eteat weetees was the gad weer was ertaistereed, wed F.7.0 g,ave Ler evieleziee reeeztaealee. eta, stated teat she ? likel Metarese arel Led kr-not 'company ; with him. Bier father. leewever, Lad ! Men persistent in las elferts to kr..21.11, tip.= apart. Tiay deed - eel to go away togeterer, and get:i rearrled. erite eery woasg oat toter hoare, ved taecom:pla.tiedt1 Lr veralet with ! a strong* teeommealation eor mercy., Flaina Grain standarde. 1, Ottawa. S -t. zneethig the grain examiners was held yes- : terday morning to Itv the standarde , -to govern the (goys of 1001-2. Ur. W. D. Matthews was ehroinnan. and 9 among thetaet; present were Messrs. H. N. Baird, C. B. Watts, J. Carrick, Alet eleFee, or Montreal; H. B. Mod- ' met ot itfontreal : John Bardop. of leagediton ; W. Ilant. of Lea:ion:Chief Ir'ran inspector Craig, of Montreal; Inspector ..teleonsea. of Toronto; Thos. Flynn and E. A. Wine. The only eioargas made were in the caste of oere Nos. 5 and 2, vrhich were re- ses ralvely fixed' at standards Of 24 ana 32 paramea THE CLAD AT SIE CE"FilicE.” 0uNKm1c4agistrate and Crown -Attor- ney Condemn it. 11 COONISURIIIII011'S STORY Vessel Was Going Full Speed at the Time, But the People Cannot Get i. H. LEWIS WAS COMMITTED T Toronto, Sept. 21. --"This book of a Glimpse of Him. HE IS TAKING NO CHANCES. President Loubet Arrived to Meet the Emperor—The Squadron Dressed In Bunting —The Czar Reviews the French Fleet—ciries of :seVive le Czar". • A Dunidek (France) rcploet says: In honor of the visit of the Czar the streets of Dunkirk before 5 a. ne to -day were eehoing to the meas- ured tramp of infantry marching to take up positions. The weather cleared, and by 7 o'clock the hour fixed for President L•ou.bet's em- barkation, the an was shining. The wind was iiigh, however, and the temperature decidedly cool. The hart bor was very pieturesque with gay beating and fluttering flags, par- tieularly in tJ top works of the closely packed fishing eimieke. The; pepulatien was ou foot at an early liver moving to estirde the piers ana wearves te, gee a gempeos os Lite pre- kicienzial ranee!, ties Le:pt.:Its gun. beat trite -eta, when tine eiloyaid put alio return Witilt t1is.? itueeiati imperial yaela atateeteo.. Tee ea:L.:Wear. Ad 11unteira wt'r teat. tato.mg teas Cale, as the I:4Tc, peese healiat an latopenstraine wee nit. a t a• 1:sir,L esonipeuy %vital Preeieleet assubet, was tKo %Iroor .11,1` tratAil tee au:eases. aft a liteeloiree rteea, ...oria .Is e.ultris r. They w,,a• t 0 1,•37,, iLl• loalitaEgio.4 travrateeag tie. eta ea; • lanealates. Tea,. arrantes were I. ;entre:. o le en stleseassoeit me at te tee sitiesote. who hest l4SSeaysb:eV:19,1'1 h r ratAtit pewee ste 1 to the titres'. Susie. heat, an mess:tang the ate:Wart, :oin•t1. BLIT into I." row% wate.rs,, The MO wawa; rostoloates toi the roesalas• at RP Weave. autteaseattled he tie. 141,,1111 1E.N4111ii 4174 VTUWgIN gLI%iggb. nettealrt. be tattle aest wade. Thesteatelle 11Ctio. k'tz0-qn,Li,1 k143 Tt,o,41. tausl Ise toteeet. eare tee tee Nese:to:mu es Me tin e aelieltaer s.41,114Uoll145,11alc s. n s4oe4.tero041-'),="111.1/rUs St, 11 '0 assflouresel totereneeseat• els w or the noel realties at sat -altar in tWo TfiV v.,11' reaps Wae Mthin. lett taste area iseasit tettlle, airee Agetegg-i' QUI 111,AV frit:V Mt101114 thee teeter 9 tope- tome taelable. Vele leetate ter teepe kteat 4"&. t• '1 O(!.,a tears Lee to ,,,a4 es ea the ceesseeeta eteetas 4 r 1 'ell tee Blasi ate a. 41i711,11 4.'Bilt1Pe Glit-14,4;ttegit irriI • E.,lauatE ILo L0L ea:ea:set oe tilet. Preeen, rose-sitee fee a tea*. vet near auesitte Beata it v.,politaia,y Uii;.•:11iltoe teal eft tee teirtasisee tei3te petes-a,11 lib"' ea:a teteeee es:et:---1 1ea tete erse.-1,J eet. 11;au°.::!a,a,aa Deana ti atilsee es.; re b so• Hee tea,' Varb-.'&:A ease. eat t utittolua toes eoo: ;tee. liteatereetesere ;lifli! etesseeJje. tteee eseei TeeLiiij ese tee freJt Paten...a:ate Jtlt v.tT ttii gen.. tqry sa, iretat tees iflX fareve. easa ..!.Lt tate ate tr: ‘; teee. ea see. oteettleetel tita,1.24,:*- cuel, tt:441 1!AILD;1.1 t`i:ni;•-• v,1S dr ter ree...teee ert. eet a a 'ie. teeing to eee tesesau Lee in i tl'ee th,ett teat tea tat...-e:jr-j etas eto,- ty kat t,...sa east, it sees a :See I eitest ilacet teat l_teeset and .a,s paraa eareotel setaseete ae lLjj saseesied lade- elete ea:eat tearra.eart. asei tele:free review tee steue Esea. ieteesai otealee ("zee and CZ-filTizil1i.to • ee-,n 42.5 tee.. --est.te Lea area Le:Jere:J.0_3 taa id to re-ree Lee. leitere :::L X1.Loa...Y., area elletteeres atae• e "ei artee. • ete reares ,;J E.: ea taseaeel • seette el 1231 ri weee aesett :sae ee...trets z.; -11,2.e. beet wee losvatesat eterea ter; terreara :Jae Bereedeeett let-s„.e eat aseeee tea: t.1•7:3 It. 'Tee was teen teoeset as tees reeetettera reseeet leenese eel lisetseereet lett tee t las a t....sey es, see- -t eta. Bees- eiern ort 'LJ tete ena, erne tee r•-te,sta :tea Teeesee: tea esieete traegerre - ..es tee ienee, teleak, terfel al: tee lataretort. trate lea" yeaette feeraele, rareteellail eleteee see e1.e. Tina tee, eto-a..eres reetere eteivrt le ezere' nal "rive. Ea Linn w1 nt t.679 air:iv/tee sauna oe teee vairees tei reath 00 boatal tete areeisaint yeethot. Tete Startlert :et 1.2.ea Ira. en- toreJi tete daze. THREE YEARS FOR &ELEV.. 3 Brantford People (elves the Svvind:er Dis Deserts. Brantford. Sept. :10.—Si0ley, tee forger ana general swindler, carae up before Juage Hardy to:day. 'Ile went into the witness bee, bat fell- ed to clear laireaelf, and on cross- esamination Lae to admit eeveral precious convections. lie was sen- tenced to three years in Kingston Penitentiary. Aceasee apparently has no frienas, his wire having left • bine after his arrest and returned 11 to eiseronto, Mary Baker G. Eddy, on Christian Selenee, is the most 'damnable blast pb.emy I ever read," declared Crown Attorney Curry in Open court this morning. , ' The case before the Magistrate wax that of James II. LQW1S, who is charged with manslaughter. Lewis is a Christian Scientist, and •some time ago when his child fell ill he called in a demonstrator of the sci- ence, instead of a physician. The child was stricken with diphtheria and died. Richard Perry was the demonstra- -tor called in,. and lie waoe pet in the witness box this morning. Perry said that he had treated the chile according to Christian prin- ciples at the request of Lewis. The youlateter was about 5 or (I years old. The witness admitted that be was a Christian at:seine:: healer, and that he had visited tho.dhouse twice a. day from Thursday until the, foi- e "' • T • 1. •whtn tlie• It was while cross-csamiaing the witness that the Crown Attorney made the reference mezitiuned to Aire. Eddy's baok. 'It is. et:ter:sly opposed to Cloriethinity," he added. "Well," said tars Magleteate, "1 theet nand adults trying- this thing, bat I teat:se:le object to tittle vial- slren bear; allots:el to die in this Lei en• -r." . -.eta., the best. peeple In Anaselege road linglana b slimes." said 11'. Viek- tio.• pr.sssaer's "10 holipir. elr Cerre• - a * • e- " "tteas trestle,. at slet yea use in tea; tese.•?" us1 . a ele. Curry, turtl- e:1g 1' tn Walt: leerrese-Tio.• toe ute I ils eleratien. eitleist rate* I. 1 ,) 1,4:in.& ,)011 teasel Lai vie gerees and me erebra aa tree ta31010,^1•1? Me, letereseeettea; oil I ,lasoi a. tir:illy t;:.:P.'44s:s:;,.. one oat astiatee easatst rate tAnii0 tat Mg'. aorta's- lest e••.i restasto, to; the etlel sor NC, ite a:soigne? ea, • Tee alettess teintiatoell that Ite. tea% an 11.16VP•tOat'l $011110'0.• 1:14111 etre. atowstrt, oast:: tie. Crenvit A4' tearasse "el I wa- th • Heat Pee -Naas .191 ,.°r. ion the. wesalley, etr'L-es ie.- • toes• 1 r --an le etnet wages; ao ass a gesso.% aartettese 1ttre:;,• prizes r a stela reat.1 arta-el lesh oos 1.4 a rotas, well 1 ilase..1 vr.v o4:datt t4„it the tbr 1 praos septa te • es -el Plet. tri;11,, tut. NuirtutiV araesee • tee ;sett eit Vett Pies was ha 9 a • *letterer ream tat ain.• eletrietratosalitel yen s --nn e•ere tare. an 1 yet ,11!.9...1 1,A,t t1;1) tvial16, ,r1 k -40,'-'1q7-7 olit" 159 t% 16,.04 L,r4 Z.-, at. geese. teen ts.hat t•.; ttaele.• see. se Mere alas neitatt tag areener paiseeiaie. eit tL- i steel no* tietais n- • tette aaril rtilleatee. na 0 ilDJ c;t';1 11 Lat 1 • Drill:, 1 1 tj•>• L,L,raNau,t a, ;111„" ;11A1 1"•:- !JL;r::;1:,,ta,ta1e. eeleett.t Poe asis Nee teesse„, u tr9t 0,;•er, easee ie to area tediae as sae_ Mr. tart -seat at re -a seer s •," teas! t roe..e!! tke tteateit lP-rrey-er, t 4 1v col eta Bet see a 'e Vu4q,er ;l0•11IJ 1 - eta et:tee-17 -ea sie ea-v.4e eases etell „*.a•;aa.;,;:taa '12*- 4: aL;atr:,a-111y IVIat e da- le:ere cape a patient t• ea try se a "sears feu t e 4 of... I•p:JE,'3 it se. Eke tletet eoir.,Caitera reeeil asonisettereeet lea.= the pfeenee ta Mt- lereele bath, %Baca etetall thee sit viteares taessla- Hen came to Pis r fiss t';&:11 In lease, • tite wete sape Tightest ., 1:4 ESIore sea' 411E•ii te:•t pea'esa lea ease cartli 1870, inatvc-viTr.„ reeeseere ease 11 weritte 9 ta insthe reere teat a cereal e sarne e.'s pr. Zee: eee. ale tiles vas= stlit et Berger. a tearry ant 10-. etekeees. tees Ileteer eale: *1 tlarele keene mere rateseit leer:stir:a ecienee then etea UrrDWL,D esetsesease, **yea =teat. net be a erre Is iiserecte• rjr eateeu a itettele." ts teervettle nal easteerset Est:tea:a; vreeseeelese t selasee ealese ar tee • a ceetetla se:pita. The st:t. ter a: Antra et Issen ea- r eels: Toe E 1 as 11%,:'' = ett elate era e Ss:F-22 r.:•,) mesa st rr es"- . tli reitana- atece. 'JZileer tee- ear eari Late treet- tea =are teen • cent. ; selearieesete ares. et" prevea latete. rowels.. e asetastate. were treetete ns t,he ,; le7'.143 tia Tram 75 te sa eat+ tr.teritis c'.,v.11171tt,1,16:t It..!,a`i end rellowsea ont. set eef elate bell. DEATH OF THOMAS MILBURN HE BOILERS DID NOT EXPLODE. Loudon, Sept. 20.—It is announced officially that 67 persons perished by the clestructiou of the turpedtaboat destroyer Cobra. Of thie number 45 were naval men. The monetary lees bz7y0,0t0h0e.,,einkine" of the vessel was A survivor says: "Wo were gceng at fuJi epeal when. witheut warning of (eleisiabstenzsg.a,nwtewebtrrutceakk ahp ecilliaette•ebe:, *and the boats, as fast' as launched weee successively swamped, exriese the dinghy. There wasl .n.t) panic. "Most of the officers remained on board and were drowned there. Here and there neer the stip I could see men struggling. We attempted to rescue some, and dragged In nine,. in - chiding the Wee engineer. The dinghy held only eight perstens, but terve un- fortunatee eluieg to her outside for three huurs. Then, the weather abat- ing, they were taken abiard. We paesed many bsdles. -The last we eaw of -the Cobra, she was 1ylri awash ' . r bow almost vertical, she having broken in two. We made little head - ray roe fig in the rougb sea. We ease eeveral ships, but thee" did not see us. At halepaet 5 in the evening we were plokea up by the ateamer Hareling- ton. " One comrade giwam after the dinghy nn.1 caught hold of her. Seeing that she wax hill, he said, 'All right, roman:des; therees 1-01,01 for mos,' and, letting go, he immediately sank." The erniser Alarm, which tette sent to the ecene of the wreck of the Ccisra, Lae returned. She feune no levees. She reaorte tit -it, she was un - :oleo to mush the pare or tho wreek (bat 14 st, I love vat 4,11 111'. no ke ten impu'et in the wetter of wOo loet livta be- ehe wave:int tor the turbine to rasa -heat destroye Cobra earnal :it ii.100.011.- to -lay. Tie tone:ter sail it 1V11•1 Ineneeiale tha the veses1 hal e. :-p a reek. a h.Tt , is:mead rate , t Pr n hese VIDP. CODIntgPrill. Prete toffieee Warn rener, ous thn survivors. tostifl"k! that a big' ePa. wae romoing at the or he seaoster. Th4, t's.#1-ya was ' 1.W01/4 h1,- 01V. Ont. ss( the ma., • ilingetOrN 010'n enzne tali lalon ' gat tho. lesat sea, the weal load loreken Doer heek. Le a few 10,,titonis t10., Osbert lewletal np. Atter ht. get :lane In the snugly sew the lett.o,•-tri,tmaf the Ceara. rear salt est the .aseln ataitio. ef a losea case/alma wee went :es ere 0 earth -era trail:lag , 034 YU 0011ra tVit-4 0aVig3)013,,, vt=21,,-ri• leave, 14 twvivi Aalma• oaf watt a eel OA Bate ',;.PC:, -111 14 reset. 8 40' 11a1,6!..t Diate 10`1,401 nkatT11:01.4r4.!i. tatol STUDYING ABOUT CANADA. 11 1111INISTED SUSPENDER. .fiev, Mr. Sanderson's Case to Go Before Conference. REV, MR. M'AMMOND REPROVED, Smith's Faits, Sept 10.—The Cola- mittee of Trial in the celebrated Mc- Ainin'ond-Sanderson case finished its labors to-nigbe and made a report. The committee reeonnueneed thtt the Rev. Le a artastersan ue stapended until Cionference, and that lt•eat Pos- ter McAnneond be repeosred by the Chairman. The suspension of the Rev. Mr. Sandersun was the limit of the committee's power, ana n -ow it re- ntable for Conference to deal with; him. The whole evidence will be slab- mittecl to the Montreal Conference of the Methodist Church this June, whea Samierson's ca -so will be finally dealt Mtn. Meantime, he le reaceed of ministerial work. The anhaPPY experience of the two men1 in Syra- cuse will be well remembered, and need not be referred to at length now. They denied the truthfulneee of the sensational reports pubeshed, and derna.nded an investigation by a church court, awl -ilea was granted. The committee ceneistea of the Rev. J. Tallman Pitcher, Chairmen ; the Rev, I,r. Antliff, eleingeton • the Rev. Hugh Cairns, Morrisburg • t'he Rev. J. T. Maneell, Brdekville ; the Rev. Pr. Larrnour, Enatenee Corners, and the Lev. le Cummings", Pakenharn. InvostIltatauli est :.+)raeut,e. 'When ils.. c'oinnlittee met here firet, on the 27lb of August, the statements (of the two elergyinssa were taken down, and then an adjournment wee made. 'The t it:drum:1 delegated Mr. J. R. Level's M. P., a lawyer of this town, as couniessioner to go to Se ra- mese an. I c, iltat all t es Idenee hear- ing 011 lite rel.11:11v11111:stnt: etel%Irezlindlitgl"oste.. met again essterolay he made his re - pert. While a verhatim save kof It (Paula net be eliteined, the curve* 17/•1114Ptit entierstands; that it was Orgely c •rroleorative of the maile- r t!.a.s' eta term at made led. ore I; be celornit ties. .e great taziny of the seen - seat emit rep -rte publ4h,,l tit.. time were ilr .veso to he false. and etally. of 1. I prilte4111 w It 1111-,17:5 examined I v out 31r. :e A zu mind a nil Mr. in ler.,-4auts vs rebel sef the affair. In Mr. Satrier.,;,nt's ease, thrre wao 114 t.v -two, 0htilE111110114 tis how 117 en t h.., 111,* 4.44pliti,in he veknow le !gal ton irtvc. hpea in. 115. „Lyi..i litzNintx • in ,n gave, 11110 tit 1:1:tt. On thi., et:sae:eon les elate slat:most eamliee on tea. etre..t. and then futr NAIILk !wart; a blank 11, t'it's,. 1401 01i0,11110114 a:1F e0011401- 1511, el,bni,1110.1 titeleasomina hie a tb4n a nail/stow et 0. etteisttau Leash. elepert et Menses wee telten isalay by the eel:mattes. i Ott lino/0;31gs' alre *11'11',-7 that seed 1 b. adlail118,,t,Prvd In eandY " bet it le undereas .1 that, It dist ilea bald tee eleer ra ttto re to eassadal Vent lasosies in the Sehuole. el reareolo. ezrest. INP. --Tho. erase:tut serto,r ssti sweetie toss tie:, C-V2.1193Z:4 ;r4Lltt th`dt:dgli ff.JP ties 0 :et esspere ten her' gimo atoll ge.:44,-.1.al aver/ e .4 t 41.11i 4e, t tIV.A."tu-dg, :. neer:tee •rte soon 6*!!il,'.1::,S st. ere - alai "ear pr.d tt,.At 11 iALVIL r "tria.4 0(111119 .111 .11 12 41 see' ifeare 11,Itee ar ars sseee sr 'ie.:tees-el 4-'- 14 " .i)t,c.,•tt't tos.4 .'!) rata!! ty.tD.11.•Qa;:i 11:4.al$ "Alk*:10' g,r1De5grar., easee eel -east, 01 1C115:11 cra ;;;,a,Ek the tttvau paattp-i'sa -;ret fterte.,I1F,1 t iosr• ;AID Diair:Plit.? ta eisilaia tie 4 lee 01 IL.F'.!athl.'1? terve, 14'32. 114 0,1 sta.,: 13-tI ttl,vtiz u.t1V2i) Ciao j;:.4et. g -t..• 0,41' tnItEt.P0 is !rya' 4aD1Ditats, hI raDaDDD41 on.A. ealutee•te. Mastery ae 120 136a:DilDattla nov 10 ,rittittrrolay. -nrea teeny 01 etaleuzers ratiaraerte ict(Agiri etek efitectss.ltelge. ••119' tE40girlt2q eleeat bettellse Tiee tesesgroahlerti t'oszli'Vet1- rinat will tell tlessaa abeett l'ateaseal. ,rei it ea eine oIt slue creedireitits 01 the Ara:1:ste12:00 teett :tree test bartra illeste by tiee leeteaseseasee eereee eesos in 12' 11-0 neat llad oderse tasty tate pse-Pe-t. gl,"1'01 Igla5.11J11E4 b:- 11 eatesiena sseittiteir pepee0. eearea.l trete:re' esee•reitesiedE'er. (al - :ler, :awe zsro zisseho *,,,,..nrnt:tulencin 11,121riA4 111C,1 e1E- ea0tF 1,7430 geettees itaserei to settal tpr "Dy• theta Eh'. Nava ei.rsees• ttar- seerely iverset 5115 - tree ise.,1; titerestelel esta tun - ellen 03 r:S.Z11•:2.11'2;‘,4' titnigralt 131 ? Welletraown and Dagaily feespeeted When tesits se by .1us51fee liolarook 112 a Lad a lawyer. Most terelled that SQUELCIiMG MOST. ie Will Not lee 15?erralit12e4 lo leo Posing. Neve liatree Sept. '21.--johanet Most, aitor of Freida:a, was tereeeted east eatie on a charge. of 1;a1;LID,0to:is1t- a. el a sedieleault artlees Ea eas pester, vas errata:ea eor reertellea easter- aze the"Courst of reeerearaeetasions. Toronto ;easiness .7.1a7t, loronto, Sept. 21.—Mr. Thos. 3111- el herrn. itea.i of the ffrne of :11n - burn ananuratterer.i of No- - pl•FJ,Al3ry • very deniy yesterday morning. of heart failure at hl.us residence, No. 10 Brunssviek averar". Mr. Ildharn was down at hu.iiness on Monday, an.1 \cline. feeling. indispo5c-di auring, the past few days, his friends had no suspicion that his death was an near. He was up, and walking around last night, and this morn- ing before his death he appeared to be fairly well. Shortly after 8 o'clock .7.irs. Milburn found hun in a dying condition. Doctors were hastily summoned, but could do nothing for him. Mr. :Hilburn was one of '1 oronto's oldest business men. He was born on King street on Sept. :lath, 18a7, and gat his early education in this City . About the year 1865, he start- ed the patent raedicine business at Acton, and built up .a successful trade there. The 'field, however, Was too narrow for him. and in 1873 he moved to Toronto and estab- lished a manufactory in conSanc,- tion with Messrs. Bentley son on Employee Sues Grand Trunk. Kingetem, Ont., Zrest. Lucy, an employee of the G. 'P. R., I injured at Oshawa roma time ago, Is ening the company for damages. The sermstion comes up of the /lability of . the c.ompany ,as Lucy belongs to a railroad order financially aided by the company, and which by its rules debars aetions by employees. . a 011111 not eel eurtlierir.or.e that he :sleeved ae aest need one. 1.1 ean dented raysalf," eat./ he. "1 wti:r tee ele.ad r.ot galley" el a wa. Lave r.o spectacular work here," Enid Zns51c.3 Holbrook.. "your ease will go over. 01.41 witent let is ce...ed yo wihl app•-azat thee tar with a counselor to appear ia your deff..0C3.." Most •attempted to speak terther, but was inalaatly silenced Mid te- moved from the courtroom. He is at liberty an $3,C00 bail. WILL NOT GO TO THE COAST Lord Mato Will Jo :n Duke For Duck -shooting., Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 20..—It is de- finitely settled that His Excellency the Governor-General will not go west with their Royal Highnesses. It is Lord Minto's intention to join the Duke to take part in the duck - shooting expedition in Manitoba, ganized by Senator Kirchhoffer, and then return to Toronto with the Duke. His Excellency will also visit Halifax on the OCCasion of the ood ;any feet est. Tieetateria.nte sof lag tessurett. 19earl loehley se, re Weave tes Pe. ente.iteiliy tor erode-et/a'. 00 F11.1, ariere 1 fee a ettoto•'•isleralisin two eiven .44te. at+ =eat teat vale writes'el sett (v.? 0, 44t10,- r far o•Ir L1h54 tts'earlittr., 411* at Ile. elairlan eiton- ,00r rteelit, 11 le ollosiosretesel that the late VoNvill01.‘.41-1* Ilisit ti'. at° t W& oil !sir. °S.t a: stnea .• t sr. (Peet Malta elle. te. Putt( r:.:-.0312 41 Uiih two DtA.141,, :4451 41, -1,42AV 1.04° 1•471'.21;1. 130,1 Il -Ji •• Is130,-1.5..:1 lie at.eietssrel their taeitesel 1.11411911 eaS Mesetaneetel ea/. Hegel. tettewa. Ile tthq, 132512 113101111-' 01101-101111ely, ati't 13 Ca. reeetri tut it el 5101 0:40015 t,;!:trr t.: tD111:qn t,1't.iWit0 iitrr teal sate.we. Tess sale tea iire ile.- rs eaelee Is "Ileatteertotell arell Ottaterae the eilietateesonssi triinsiitutte Teen 4••eaatt reale:tee sr the Teal Co. 13`3 es eolesers : eVe Col:at te.at tee t- o5,1 eget:lad Bata Me. Meame- tereaa easeeilleling with au :stoo2 0-1311. 2,..4 Lot, s•EIRtaiin..1.1. earl aseeintaele as he le:easiest reality tss the elatreass ef r.reeletteting at the Mane “..oe iI uers aeracaere seeder an ade eraneed lereae, atel leat-leg 0apre.sseel extaseue regret for healier, i1.e eta tteade latieve teat tiee act was not eeee weal pay sell intentlen. yet It 0; 113-11-'4--.1i a serer:is eters ri" 15y-.e.31•Fijing geavate end Laze Watt a ,icurczy .or v;Itrrotiar'!ID t..'t the elittrelt, We Harter tits eltest of ease:lee iso =et by the oarzeltse.tea: reareltastering a ST. vete:o veered: wheat we liereher direet Lea toe!..." , Tele. te.'ee reetaal Per all ties ritenihere t of tars te,',,L;Ilnit11-c,7 nett eseie piresented t to tire e'er...Ira/eau as teeter ttriashitneaa elo;elesitsen. let neue.t tee .6.41 vint tito r1"5•57.11.nitI211L,!", thetas oteseet elates' Ls worde i ste ties verslist, tat te•s ening n::.1:rss 1te tee walla Mr. eletesePtelead area been tos tear: end leeletetsre. 1, Ise lead tot: letesose u131Iysee 'my wrerg, :teal a vcr...tv.-,1 Them ti:te eeererrean was seseststea esa•tfileteet, entieeeteent. Tee taeaseeta 't741.9 .11(317111.q.4:.,F-t-,41 on the sleet, starl e;0 Straley late:est. will !I go eeesser. Mr. eeeeenenoeteee tea:area gatieo Lit Perth area releat It. FREE FROLSMALLPDX, a aerious Chatee. Toronto, Sept. 20. -The smallpott outbiteak here is stamped eat, and the Lospital has been elosesa atter Being In eseatineattree use eirece Febrile ark7. Twenty-two pathints have bee* iitataatial, and there was not ene death.. Tao reports from tames aseente throughout the province show that the outbreak 1.4 1n2t about 'suppressed. Me Pollard, a, prozaltient physician, accused ot performing a criminal operation on a young girt and who was held in cristaily pending the re - or death of the patient was thee morning release -1 on bail. the ea:A.0es at the General alaaetaI being of opinion tnat the girl will live. Bali, however, was fixed at $5,000 of a personal bond and two sureties of $2,500 each. Toronto Paysaaan Must Answer to a Seven Golden Wee/dines in One Day. Brussels, Sept. 20—Delglinn seems to be becoming a land of long lite alai 'durable unions, for in the small aleeeeet, ut liamay, in the Province of Liege, seven; golden weddings were yesterday celebrated. The ages of the couples ranged from 75 to 00 reeve The country people were ratite pr.otal of their record, and the day' von over to pietureequ