HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-27, Page 5WORDS WE SWALLOW Balt bre1th
She drepk the sea's salt bront, shebeAil,
--� ---
Glory of day, glory of day,
ON THE TIP OF THE TONGUE, YET WE And hope was Strong, and life was young;,
"my love will come ere set of sun;
CAN'T GET THEM OUT. O'er the dark sea furrow sports the cold mpra)P.M
1,rho sea is higb, Shebali, Shebahl;
Willa IlItch In tale 'Working ort Ilre Breakers at play, breakers at play.
Brain Is Called Aphasia 131L the *end life is long when love is gorse."
He neer will come ere set of sun;
bledieal protession - A Trick the O'er the dark bee turroty sports the cold spray.
Chinumnui Tires For. the Emergener.
"Thy love is gone, Shebail, Sheball,
Everybody knows what it IS. to have Dead and away, dead and away,
a word on the tip of the tongue and yet And life is long when love is gone,
htut life was done eee set of sun;
not be able to speak It. The word is O'er the dark sea furrow sports the cold 9prAy,
known perfectly well, slid yet we can- --A.. Foster in Longman's Ifagaxine,
not for the life of us give it utterance.
Afore often than not It is :a common HE MEANT WELL.
word In everyday use. But it will not ------
be spoken when wanted. What Is the An oblialaw Man Whe Made an, Ilia,
secret of this "word forgetfulness?" Larrarsins Mistake.
Doctors call it aphasia. They cannot I A young editor took an apartment ora
explain it, but say it is a little hitch In south Twelfth street. The landlady
the working of the brain or intellect. said frankly to him: "I will tell you,
The Chinese, who have done so many sir, that lay husband is a worthless fel-
quaint and clever things, recognized low. I have to support him, and he
the difficulty thousands of years ago sometimes comes home very late,
and invented a very Ingenious way of drunk. There is no other objection to
making the best of things. my house." The editor said this was
They manufactured a number of , no matter and thought no more of it
words and sentences that meant abso- until a few nights later, when a great
lately nothing, mere sound without uproar in the street awoke him. He
sense. When a Chinaman in the course looked out of the window and saw a
of conversation comes to a word that ' man lying on the doorstep shouting rib.
he has on the tip of his tongue, but can. aid things. "The husband; thought
not speak, he just makes use of the . the editor. "I'll go down and let him
meaningless phrases invented for that ; In."
purpose until be recalls the word he He ran forth in his pyjamas, grabbed
wants and goes on with the conversa. I the husband by the neck and, jerking
tion. him into thhallway, proceeded to drag
The trick, for trick it is, is much in him up stirs. But the man made
use in public speaking and certainly is 1 strong objections to this treatment, He
an Improvement on the "er-er-era,:" ; howled oaths and abuse, kicked, strug.
eoughings and throat clearings that so gled, even pulled out a handful of the
plentifully besprinkle our own atter ; Jonas editors hair, but this was in
dinner orations. The speaker preserves vain, for the youth is strong and of a
l determined mind, and he was bound
his dignity and gives himself time for ,
thought. ; that he would do his landlady a good
Very often the greater the desire to 'turn.
speak the missing word the greater the He had got perhaps three parts of
difficulty or sheer impossibility, The the Way up stairs with his burden
man in the Arablan story could not re- j when two heads were poked in the dim.
member the words "Open sesame," al. I light over the balustrade, and the land -
though he was In danger of his life. lady's voice said, "Why, bfl. Blank, �
There are many cases on record of sol. what are you doing?
dices, even o®cern, forgetting the pass- ; The editor panted as be took a fresh
word and being shot down by their hold and at the same time ducked a
own sentries. At the critical moment, sharp uppercut. ',I'm bringing your
the all Important word that they
husband up, ma'am. lie's drunk again,
I'm sorry #o say."
thought they knew as well as their own From the other head ou the landing
names escapes them. They struggle to 'these words hien issued in a deep bass
recoil it. but the very effort makes It , Yolee: "What da you mean, young f@i-
Vlore difficult. and they pay with their I ler, by `drunk again?' I'm this lady's
1 Aswan may sometimes be tortured husband. That man doesn't belong
and yet be unable to speak the word he i bere.
most desires to utter. Spies bane been i Instantly realizing his mistake, the
captured and have gone to their death editor dumped Ilia charge out Into the
In silence not because they linve. not street again. ?lien he returned nail
been eager to betray their comrades, apologized lamely to the rightful but.
but because under the stress and ex band for lits strange words,
eltement or the situation they have to.
tally forgotten the Information they " Iltow "teas Auteerat'* Povpetl<.
would convey. A celebrated case of this It Was on the Common that Nye were
kind was made the subject of a play waiking. The mall. or boulevArd, or
produced in London some yours ago, our Common, you know, has various
called "A Question of 1femory." branches leading from It In different
No doubt every reader will be able to directions. One of these runs downs
recall Instances in which he has our., from opposite .Toy street southward
ter,** fswi: tri".;i "word, forg'etf'ulnes!i." across the wrhole length of the OW -
One en a often remotnber site Initiall let-, mon to Boylston lstreot. Wo called it
ter of tate word, but not the 'word ttself* the long hath and were fond of it.
Jt to still on the tip of tile tongue. Raven I felt very weak Indeed, though ext` it
after one has given ftp the struggle to tolerably robust .habit. ria We a:atlio op.
reeolloet It, iloslte the head at this pangs on that
Actors asomettrnes forget ft word or morning. I think I tried to Speak
two Ill theft partix that no effort of their twice 'without mak-lit myself distlanet-
own can give baely. to thefts at the lata' p IS, audible.
mont. But file wlugs reached and the At least. I got out they question. ""i"l'ill
%trahl rJ?MOT0d they fire ggdlfl lmffle - you take tile long path with tn0ll
(listely word ptirfect rind ret it 10-49 to Certainly„ stld the schoolmist'tess;
explain their forg etfulueata. A whole „ ou,.Ith much pleasure."' '"x"llink," I
part 19 sft'nletitneg forgotten. This usu- said, "beforsa $all answer. if $oil takes
telly happens after a very long ran* , the long path with rise now, I shall Ila•
During the rain at "The Second Ill& tororet it that t'i'e are to part no nature.*Y
".,l'anqu@ray" Aim. PritrIek Camphell one .,she schoolmistreyas steppvd baek, with
flight found herself on the stage las In- a sudden movement, as it an arrow
riotkint of maty knowledge of her pate its ;pad struek her.
iiny luetnbcr at the audience. She toado ;One of the granite bloehs used as
despermew egort9 to "flud herae1P',►' bat, teats was hard fly -tine ease you naal
It wasfro geed. That tlAyrfetaalalacfs alae' Stili see close by the .gingl o trec*.
laser t8 read the Part through frOl n be' "P rAy. sit down," I said. "":qtr. rift." sial
ginning to'e nd. answerod softly. "I will walk the long
Names of liarlrple antes the wored9 that cath with you,"
1111) cash Memories allo'st :free 11011 i,y, We I The old gentleman, who 91tg opposite
fee as face we know. and yet we cannot: met las Walking arian In sarin about the
tit a tame to IL Wt Are shaken by the m- laldle ar the long ;lath aana said very
blind or sla_ .. rl on the back, and all ", ..
p� 'chfariningly3. t:(ro�i morning, my '(letai"s.
the While We are hard fit work trying.,
to thlilk of the finale at the 'persoi who
Is doing It. Ii illgs are credited with
?rvathitittyt tra*'�Ntila$te'ie.
r6y.11 me morle9, tititd It is 1tre to And A, , "Turning the tables," In the selnae bt
ekoovertigh when alas tot at wonderful briiagis$ IL agataa-4't an
menitory for fares. flout Ito Usually illisf J Arcus@r. las# an classic titlgifn. In the
mane one tit his elbow Who tall jgg glias days of Augustus Impetator it ae'gul'ak
mels aryfarfl:'tmes. craze seized the mein of Rome to a 0m.
It. 19 not atlwaav9 sitf'e to gr. h fora , giete With one tuotber for the grosses
smelte Wanted. When Mean Ferry' and Sion tit the costliest s;reeianleats of it eery
l#enry IrVlilg were In Ametiea one talit de9ctigltiou of table amide tot the
ytrsr. they roet it gentleman n who, they taost part of Udnritfana Wood inlaid. ... -
l:nets", geoid reason to eitgiccik that they wills itrot•� mef15S'rtntai aaisattnta,.. or ti.
vould retnioniber his mane. But thio 'ble Inabla. alt Pliny called It. They Were
they failed to cirri. So Itis9 Tera'y alp= sold at most extravagant 10riee9. When
protthed b1m acid Bald. "Sir Henry And ," the men aecu5ed the ladies of sutupta .
I cannot taste@ its to the tszact spelling sty ex:trava'gaance, the latter witutlilly
Of your natne� Will 'your please put no retorted by reference to the money
n'ig'ht?" "'Certalnly," was the reply. "'it Squandered by 'their lords oil thele ta=
xs J•o•in-e�ani bles And to "turbed the tables on then ff
A, pbasla'ls,dlvl>ded by those who grave by thf6whig them metaphorically" lin
#tildled the Subject Into "world blind- tbelrtteeth,
ness" and "word rdeafnettP A mart
who Is "word blind"' may be Able to; arttdit„
peonoune'e the name of letters„ but: can- : Priggit, from whom Prlday Is derive
not understand the meanings at the -i td, wits either' it, god or a goddess, ac•
Words they form. AL mein who 1s "Word,' 'tording to time and country. As a magi
deur" can understiand ordinary soundshe was a ,great hunter and warrior, al•
andnuslC. but cannot understand apo- ,wt s re re ensed with sdrawn sword
freta vrordsr. Ria speech Is often were , in one hand and is boss in the other. In
senseless jargon. the Seaudinavlan countries Prigga Waal
Bat the passing forgetfulness[ Of as called the "Venus of the "North," -and
*old bas little to do with these more the sixth day of the week was const
serious forms of the complaint- We crafted to her worship.
swallow words under the influence oto'
,etcitemeut at, more -often Of' i Cistrled aviutlkc
People getting better from a serlous 111- i 'What do you mean by saying the
tress tyre tormented by The loss of tong -1 ~defendant's word's carried weight with
anon words. This Is paarticuiarly the 1 the m t'"
+rase after Influenza. One of our lead- I mean, ean, your worship, that he aware
Ing statesmen after an attack riff this' at me nand then fait the with a btlek
malady soddenly lost the thread bf bis i Vxchangee.
speech in the midst of a public dis- It doesn't take a good resolution long
--word forgetfulness?' 11, however�Lj course: to.iind its way to the bargain cougtor.=
mainly the, result of enreless observa. Chicago New&
tion or of want of training. What wieDating the ,relgit rof Peter tit tlrOM
rievelr knew well ase very easily forget leather Moneys *Ali 111 +rlrcallaitln' iti
Au experleneed pollee detective never1,
forgets t face 'vr 94m0,- Rtasslie
--A ds.
a .,._.
Counsel That All TounW Ilea 10*ter-
inff musinesa Should 031ee4.
d.4My son;' said the fond but wise
parent, "you are leaving me to go$� tt,
into the world. I have nothing to
you but advice. Never tell a lie. If you
wish to put one in circulation, got it
published. A Die cannot live, but it
takes one a blamed long time to fade
out of print.
"Always read your contract. A man
might consider he was getting a stne-
cure if he were offered a position pick-
ing blossoms oft a century plant; but,
you see, he wouldn't have a remunera-
tive occupation if he were paid on
."Be not overcritical. lOven the most
ordinary sort of a genius can tell when
the other fellow is making A fool of
himself, r
"Remember that the young man, like
the ang'ler's worm, is rather better for
being visibly alive.
"Be careful in the choice of your sur-
roundings. Environment will do a great
deal for a man. For example, flour and
water in a china jug Is cream sauce; in
a pail on the sidewalk it is billsticker's
"Don't forget that there's a time for
everything and that everything should
be done in its proper time. Never hunt
for bargains in umbrellas on a rainy
"You may make enemies. If you
Isi open (1101 *,Pxeept Sundays ft call
8 at. in., until 9 pr xu',.,h e inuils are
(listributed as; follows:
G, G4 G{ G r:rJA11x11
s. _ GG ST.Josy7PTt, tG- 1I.:10:1911 `
94 Lf L.11, &�'^B.,. +G 0 a,Ga iii
L,1'L&B., 4G :":6)alll'1
1"ilo74i l; vNuAi.L, lino. I1 :00ilia
I, Inii
G• 'G-1�T.Jo spl'H, G° 10 -.1,1; aw
t�St'+,��'1�('s���`., w{ I. t.:t101x
q,. A., 4G. ; ::l ti aln i
LPI'T>vW4 FOR. Iti'RUISTRATInNt 11111st
be perited half San hour provious to
the time for closing the nxaiisa.
D,S.FAUST, PostTna,ster,
The Latest
Tile Edison
(Latrgost on Earth)
We are open for all kinds ofEngage-
ments. Prices correct.
fk 1
know who they are, don't mention {
them. Silence is golden. It saves the Manager.
money that might otherwise be spent
In defending a Ilbei suit. If you don't �ARTH groan, ISALE-200 arresa of
know who they are -well, abuse lav- choiev lanai, consisting.of Lot
fished on a concealed enemy is like char- 3, Con. 11, Ha}*, :ani Lot 1:1, 5011tH
ity indiscriminately bestowed. It's a i Boundary. Hat Good baxlk barlis,
good thing wasted!% 4.1 x 8.) and 'Ill s (10, aaiil fr.anle
l (hwellings oil eaelt lot. Plt*alto of
J gos(1 spring water. Oil one farm
BEWILDERED SHOPPERS. the-ro is an overdo- inc, well. On
! ;rood gravel road, and convenient
Japanese Peasants 'Wko Aro Kest to :school, post oftive and oburebes, i
Taaelt ei kyr ]Labels.
,6 nliless fo Exeter station. Will
When the Japanese peasants get t give purchaser easy terms of paav-
themselves up for a pilgrimage to a intent. Wintl power. eiluipped fo
city for the purpose of laying in a Stock ; 1)VIAllin11. elle'Itllillg. ,T acv matting,
of finery, they present the quaintest ap- etc . All buililin'rs ill good slateof '
pearance imaginable. The women gen- repair. witli go'oal lune driving sliod
erally tuck up their petticoats well ! and other outbuildhigs. On last 3
above their knees. either leaving the there is 11: neres of :_°ood loush. ttntl
legs bare or else swathing them In oil Patel. farnt tont' here t'.f ort•haril.
white bandages which form a kind of For term:: apply to PHILIA' 11.%RT•
leggings. Their hair is done In the usu- ItsK, Sarepta PO. :32-6111.
al elaborate Japanese style, and gener-
ally an artificial flower is stuck Ia at So YEARS'
the top. It does look comae to see tits „ ! EXPERIENCE
Wizened face of an old woman with a u
large red uoso hobnobbing over it. And R
this floral decoration is not confined to k l
the rvomcu. When you: tweet as partly of �
pilgrims, you often flee the old melt also
with as flower stuck- coquettishly above
Tf;xn>r IVlai3tt ;
the Qat ftl:3tCN:S
At Nagano It appeaara that manly of COPYRIGHT �l c.
the poor old dears trona the country get An'Tont SOMt'a:i u nknteh avid cicaeranu.��t r;at
teaieaay asoertaen r>tar ,s dew n frea Wuotfler Mi
so bewildereiad by the magnificence of in>rotas,.n psrn.bablya^ata. 4! -Ile (.sntm+,nara=
ea:ar]Ii stririi sunUdenAica. htan�+�.ctaZi�a+i uA�'cseas
the places they'go to :and the dlttriale- Irr,sirur.?�atcatncoteEvtzra_ natn,tasst.{t".
tions of shopping that they quite lose . , s enaAsd¢er i:t;�piiaaarwi.+;tirztae i ,<:va
their [leads and con ututly their
way. So the ever thoughtful ,Japanese +G a
Polito hare l4sisxted that every party of aaitwnataasRsctatllautraarl i�G�;ii�t. I.ri,t>a +vr•
las to ha Ve alp distlairutsilbI �tZw(taGtt a t atnys� aansau� F,�nteGa4. "i++an t aid»
pilgrims #-+ � ;it��'::ea�'t}. tYrt'nZrC9t..i.tl...a°ei ('aq'1a91g�.�ri.P'IR9kSd�3i64.m,
badge..A.t Nagano It; wAs the common- IIi CI �.fiCifit�tig�usar.'1E is
oat tiling possible to stye come ancient tsrKne ori
dame rtesilingabout iraarl'ling."i here is -- -
tiay' lA rtyl Met* In the purple Irlal
party'?" or "1'i'4"'herr* is tilt( yellovw towel
round the [neck pairtyt" And, then #lie
,would be, told that "yellow towel ro"d
tho neck Party" VMS on Its Way to this
aatatlon or that the "purpha Itlstea" were
t Still Soltig their ptSyer# In the telaapl'a..
II wrist Wedel Yllilt t�ei 5i iftkih an"eAtNe.
�r tr -
tire # wonotoutes .ate * ble-4slue. kDol
'r Y y
fiat In dtaigtlIto for tlreyy trrrratrulrtrter Ala-
age. 'Thedea8�svoa srajrsyslerr{ wnertaveat-rtcn �g
reedy to langevit3y,, hkillb and halal.
YnvEra'smsaswtnaicxx rr�ezerztauauere•anesays-
p o€ oc Ora
Itnx, For tett years I tried rr.:orns d t
tress. Trish long lived larlaa is ,not the
.. „
t�f_�isetl�atl�i"rSel fi$ree��r�.Ge,.atce'�. 3�oracittlp
ad entu 'r, the explorer, the plunpr,
ase.none cared. is Seas giving' ups la despairy lna
fact, coutera laling auccide: trfierh * friend ad-
the man waiter lints worr<its, btitr lace who
,tatkos the world as he finds It and Aipx
three tGovstli% I vras ante red dean. teats �t.rrd ,
tlong througli 04 with is little frktion !
'As potsihle, rotnit 'bialy going habits.
fenovv nnen." l iCtr 1`t
&ticks to theism and mires trot' itle straivrr
t "' f�•'
for the, 0I)I Oris of mein wlao say that
Ire Is In .iii reit, Re Ill iaealtlly he o'adse
:4111IR Sr is ttti'tt rinsplayed a ac:2
nit esf athple:..SS powdee's
.. .. :. :.
ee as ac0 -of tabid aand re._ ularltr of
iia Ou l!" 1/
reel te3lsml:eas isa Psttecstc(ti t.Ee-.
life, area!' Ir., bitppyr brtehute lie' 1s healitlig" I'
�. .."in So
A _9 etl1fit lssirtt we t�r..e Sod
atrid Its Ua good,- smooth. coral otta a rut"
3 tiall t5arke cs a Ysaa atturay5 6trlaf2=1J 6,3
which bib ger@Pets to the m$eitdinfn torn
tot' +f'u'el eo"t'I 1894 ltieyes¢et� F;ave
•"sottlil smolthst steel" tv,6s. 1r.;
the aledes 6f this rbd d. Goldsialth't Pas-
'n -a041tte 3etfaffiiatloft rift Ozr Catalul7. i
.tor", who hfl'd spiritual! ehAt'ge -sof the -ds
iom to a suffir't.
*.cede ;ffiiilgt" 'Whtj af6U wail 'chatfte=d
icor wlth d to tbaniaae his Plate, Is 'iter
: WIEW RA+liM 'C514R.
spfeelleat eienatlpic' Of the fdrin: who
makoa the most; possible rout Alt the tlnai� . ..... _ 7,7, 77 7._
inot'eirniaehr of fii(nats rslolre-lTeaxf4
IDIOM j't�},..any/gryyGe �ee�} ,r�(p�s�
l�'air,alf�eitit iliet'iYtt� Ina ii1'Vratitai�'.
I .A. +tit° ass, bomber of 'greagthts lfi tine
*11dor sud tmotor districts or ltelsmd
I: *till *kit Something ke vnational
"atim& About lou It hltsk enty tit
0V P
i the %ameat are to be teed In pletutesque
I Ted pettle"tt 'tbat ntrtlsts loved to
bring Into their sketches of Irish life
- r`
:A tprinkHhg of the old high fiats may
:M :M `�.T :5M I
ire Seen. The older tsherinen wear
theta. but the yrounger school shun such
and testify they fire as a°cr onnlu e ltal-
Antiquated beudgear. At the tuglish
ed. You -will t10 111=owlso :after a
I treasant of today does the smock frock.
Trial. (Iter grata r•arin- a�t� . �_ 8 °:ax.st iA
Balsoifll (the sztfi? t attl(c lip's, ts3�istt-i'
k37to wiY )J see. 'l.°rastIlnlat°txIl 0.- Volie
Draughts, ('hffll and r=ev -r. aanits
k The ocean is if huge Spring, contain
' Tonic. l4lixtures. Lotion fete wount s.
I Ing not only salt, but many other min-
` Heave Remedy. t'e.ndi ion Pwtveler.
-'rags. In solutloiL The Dead sea is
Boor" ointmexlt. and (.401 t. are.
biirged wicln 'sneer eies5euts almost to
Every renledv tirl'zlrlG3 letmd. or
tAturatton. Only distilled water 99 glare:
money Y•csfuntled
By distillation sea seater itself is ren•
drinkable. though not pleasant
v� Y�@red
A x
t IlDayx'ot Ord.
"' `btr till idea," said ilSe' lecturer..
ulose medicines' :are P"It t'M i21
convenient faoiau. wit.l flali dart -et -
'"wait Mari eye fol• ata eye, a tooth fora,;
ons on each Tht�ti art, to be
"''felt,."' taoilfiludM one of Ills hearers.
bail.elit (suety stow, in glia t'atltlltxr.
and if v(our %fortlkee vl` Or -1r1l' -
ren winless rtentlats in
and tilers we 0 T•
. � , ,
5 et dolnt I -e p t1will, S�ritta -1;r and
`those drays either:'"•
anal we will forward tllenn pronipt-
There' are tots of .people who will not
;fig' Evers Fatrnler an," 4toColi
owner should have them on Hand.
take as flare to do any<thfoe Yxernt a
Prepare([ bg
A& re to go to work
The Eureka Veterinary
foarats' of North' America val-
�y �� �d
,no and varletyy viceed those of stag oth
y am{ Cfrntia[enr.
y yy f {Medicine
� (w+ G
i J--sO N J..+7.11V O �
This Is the machine that talks-sia-s-plays evtry inastruineut--ft:,in�a
Sousa's Band -stria Church choirs, etc.
it reproduces t o violin, piano, flute, cornet, trauhiaone, banjo,, agi#,Ud
piccolo and every other instrument.
The Berliner Gram -o -phone is louder -clearer. simpler and betters
other talkiug machine at any price. it sin,s every kind of sofas. ate.mml. con
sentimental. patriotic, "'Oalou'" slangs, ruizi sh. French &ad Scotch Soup. Ari
iolanfrom0rnaaiidCatateOper.as, 4aysCaketvulkw,wwirttrev,'trsa»t
in fact everyth tig'thateafubiplayet On any 'taastrualehatrorshu=berof=x
eauberepraialuceal.tintthe Etrlkia iCvun-o•pUouewiththe wondrx%lissue''
ible rerar-a des.
It tells fanny statics or reptsts a: prayer. .It rrnx emfiettatiu lxtArti titelat Afwk
time in the birgest. hill or church. or it v ku be subAur+d t(i writ nipMeArso
The Ittearals are not wax, they -are Hard, FJst,, I:thdtalitnwtl#'04",Owk
will last Its Ye arts,
The ra 11"'d fasrflvoy
The Grtfit-o-&ague is uveal arad eayliot 'd by the lesalitig atlergyittela,
u -o -ph ane recti &A the only wedal
at the "Toronto Hi bitition iW.�......
with 111i1eadfim mules as they are wmthlets.
if tnc ne'cu er titaaat l•pll(rare is nw. far tssle In y'zn'a.r
tow a. vifite to fns for slitt-tratea catalagaea antal Other
h1fo rtanation. free
ii -muc-r st V . 21t� `yy 1 OAA ueAUA St.. 5101111 011,
l'11AN-Ve411LAtT, CLIUsal Manaagrr fait C * A. 'y1
. BERUNEP. 2315 St. Calhfl'iill'IC Stmet .. er
lntclantaiatg 9
ria Iatook11,ofte,
ccneert+d box
", E
1426 NEW YORK AVE., WASH1X0T0' 'o Vii,
"?t�ti4L"itiaF'.iCGii Atsletiriaati:Ytntl i~''oi^eltlail laalteaaatS, lCit�elbftial`y�'i'a'attaraTailYlh'icAa.�`wEb
rights. Will i*# tine'.rn foe It Pittlitt it slat t"urtrdf. t the te-k
Irlwtrattak tr iaarido# Or How to ate* prstofr't:.
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"�i;,,asac�'s ei �cf=t! �tYl� tnt;:i�r!•3�4.'�i "t"S"�� a� alt���stt, , astie til �Itlt . ' iaiCiart+e
�waa�� tem,,;; .il is.att�,�st I�lal�+w•Itla�•aar�. tr�er�:t►sa�dmG .a.ia t�ia�
1At�1�:ia'��1�. Ifye;vtltaseat±�mff't8affs�.uiadc�scr�:tO�n+es;rYsskQt trEtdtltil
f•:�:arw. .Atey��r:aasr,in� a-srl vr�a., u:8sinr;nwe�ut a.,a�t g:�.:��. i{;rakso 'iset(ira'E
'. t?"eS`,-le ietGtti4.r7arl:+ra¢a�s� xrrrder iL-vtYy'tt'43a4 t].i4`K, �LC'� 'l_e'� fl:�LfELl•w �+'G,i6}�'.YtAa�C Ai
r:�:e. H:as:�tnH. �t�w+=sand F.,sst';, s�ncrrtcl Hes n_dr:+y„ �5sa�.� �t� alae i dasfaieta't
crus i.:G ca+e��ac�,r.Orsett;.-aesr�res9ce::.ao:;;:r�maerwcrk. ilyt��e" it°sYcaccsfAcL, iaclk
e �, z,ig aL:H st>rer��'.. #flr�d ry>;tniiaxg�; rr. aatese aycgmtAy �raatlrea%yenaW[e{Mtid'a�lk 1:
�:vr,?.sa:cste.x�r�aa`:, ra"uat>ate,decap, akome fa.raa lath' rasa-ar �„ 'a
Lirg BLo"OD;
irtl]aCs'•.'3"J I3� awG'.l: i;etsr f".a:Lw1.^.Q' n^3 �d1�ti�".'0.'dCct ala9�li�l=X�L� Lnr�'lgrffi>i �daSffiR'i4'
2. `sight t6rc.1rla tl:t urive- Thep ntcfit a aeaui foot ir*411a
:..�;;fnmrz.vr.aa'uha�rtis�resID. .tar�ttrrvrYaetiner.earafrsi 1,xY grit 3cabiA"6,I,n Desai
tie�±21p'r:narayGta. ivttKa;,'La,,r.SyRrasiiea-..r. a."sva..,,.+.r.
iN{o ]Adam ea t;sc l Wi ttao ut m•t Viaeft I"forum
1v.:i. xGiunr, tri Lfnrw t3�., says: -'°I war �one of
t:ie cetnnsfzss; •ictacnsof ear5g utast atlS warm of
age. 'Thedea8�svoa srajrsyslerr{ wnertaveat-rtcn �g
YnvEra'smsaswtnaicxx rr�ezerztauauere•anesays-
p o€ oc Ora
Itnx, For tett years I tried rr.:orns d t
'"-m �
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t�f_�isetl�atl�i"rSel fi$ree��r�.Ge,.atce'�. 3�oracittlp
ase.none cared. is Seas giving' ups la despairy lna
fact, coutera laling auccide: trfierh * friend ad-
_. ,� rt to 're the
vnsed are as a latae 1ta.sa ora ;y
trial. wittouttonfiaennzo- I cotnaetttd !;a 11, ' ti
three tGovstli% I vras ante red dean. teats �t.rrd ,
seven years ago --San slanted atsd [rI ,
ts.^artiiy r"ee'oanaLead Iran. �. � iti. t8 afav zretld
fenovv nnen." l iCtr 1`t
tnediCinE sentt'. -r. �. tiauanret eYtY hoses Or eat'Clop6a. Ei
�,nesA:ion'xastaad costof irtatment, xitElr.
pyi�aa 148' 31tl� ELIRY
i't�e 8111 Kerga
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