HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-27, Page 4DITOR, ZURICH, P.O.
The Superintendent of Farmers'
Institutes, Mr. Creelnian, has in
hand arrangements for the winter
lecturing tour. Indications now
are that there will be at least 840
lectures during the caning Decem-
ber, January and February, as
eompareri with 815 last winter.
There are fifty lecturers in the ser-
vice of the Government.
While huntsmen in Canada and
oven in England occasionally meet
with cold. receptions from land
owners, in India their troubles
norne front a different sentiment.
The Pathan villagers. ii appear..
take such an interest in the Pestla-
wvur Vale Hunt that with the idea
of assisting the huntsmen they
pursue the quarry -usually u jark.
al -and heat it to death with their
bamboo clubs. and Aresent the ear -
mos in triumph to the disgusted
The Farmers' Advocate takes the
view of many other e,►nlpetrttt ob.
Servers that time Toronto 3a►tlustritel
of 1901 e,as an ar,rieultural a►sltihi.
tion and in anany substantial fea-
tures by far surpia•.eeed the Pan.
Anteriean." .01'he Industrial is."
The Advneeantze; adla%. "NOW If the
best 3tise'ts that Toronto has today
aYtnidl, if its citizens are wise they
will,uatsiln it hy replaeing the pre.
sent eratxntleed and pr°.lR '=r'„rai'deel
Strtnetures, through volaieln the rain
1n0111"8 in torrents. by ori uttrattlive
.aids t141=t94late :set *Of a,aailalila;t..
Now is tine tirini tet.tl',:°uree its twin
trlptient sura e.':°rs for Me iwave. .'i
policy t5f cheese paring ale•lay has
catnap perilously near driving out of
''.'foronto its groaning .Rive .tate
market htnsnttf . and it wall sue Esu
the everlasting adisnnenint and ,de°tt;i-
Went elf the city if the present ope-
t"'tnunty ttO lout the Ilnelti.ti'cal E
lost -
In one resne t Min 11acdtn nte::Dt inns
already adopted a pYr.°'a•aenetnt set by
the late 1''resident While be was
ih. office Mr. MrKinl:ey was not a
Presidential candidate in the usual
acceptance of the term. He did
not pull wires i n his own behalf.
nor did he campaign for votes.
Until lie beeintae President Mr.
Roosevelt Was an undoabte,d candi-
date for the, Republican domination
in /904. He has nn°1ww renounced ail
his plans, ant abandoned the field...
tet man not' now in atiy sense a can-
didate," Le says. "'If I fail in my
present duties I cannot hope for
future hollers. I will fail if I give
hought to anything but the de- ,
tali. now made upon ruse." Thios
per and a statesn nanllike at -
Tire President has to deal
at and far-rem-hi:on, eines-
f he handles them only
Meet of making votes, he
onbtedly he a failutre. If
illzte mn off. a he would
poor candidate. Mr.
is. therefore. to be eon -
on his -withdrawal from
art strnggge.
Rome Journal" Bought:;
ugh C. liracLeau.
teraddeney to amalgatinai-
days has been extended
tic circles as well as
is shown by the recent
The Canadian Horne
. Huge C. MacLean.
fe Ladies' Magazine.
he Journal, which was
:any years ago. will be •
s a distinct publica-
I be merged into The
zine, which has al -
place for itself as the
paper for Canadian,
THE' ,ZUR1bH HEf`i.a LD
ty-seoventb, annual fall
Hay Branch Agr ioultnr-
has come and gone and
ors are to bo eonglatnlat-
continued -sus-Tess of this
1a411:11r5, .,AnCCrCSV Dtuu"ttauu 1st a u(l alld
nous.lido iiuu1;.-Aged sow, Snowden
l3ro'a1, .ist and 2nd.
TAai vott'Tlt.--Aged boar. -,-Snow-•
then Bl o's ; spring boar, Conrad
n and the increasing inter- l+'nss , 'ming `30\'1', ()Mira(' Fuss, I,t
embers are taking to make and 2n4 i -year-old boar, Conrad
best. fair ill the county.h'ttss; 1 -year-old. sow, Snowden
orning of the second day! Boal -g
wvitll threatening -weather,
*HUM -Aged boar,
as almost 12 o'clock before ::Alonzo Foster , Aged Sow,hnowden
ety of the directors al,nd Bro's; 1-yoar-old sow, Snowften
generally, was dispelled by bro's.
earance of the sun through; Jilncaicy.-311:vid
ks in the clouds, incl from ; Petty.
ur till evening the weather I'ou.cTRw
that could be desired. The :•
exhibit was exceptionally] n to hurgs., rColin Campbell Pl n
of the show of pequal esto and. ; Campbell ;\VS°'andottees,Colin Camp-
, all kinds was equal to .ashy !bell, Snider Bro's Silver Crested
r year. The c'adttid� cxhiykdlt' Poler.nds Henryoeder, G. ? W.
large and of good quality, ' ,. .
-big that the farmers are tali-
Irwin ; Dark Brali nets, G. \\ .ft wins
m active interest in stool,-r:ris-;1st and :?nd ; Dorkim, G. \V, Irwin,
while the horses were. equally lst C script 2nd`. BlWack
Iry in or cls Cow,
1, all classes being -wellfillets. (deo tt
Clasiva Wendel Snkith
rix ` lowing is the lis t of prize win- White "Leghorn., G W. Irwin, lst
and 2nd; Brown Leghorxis, (leo.
{ FicxnsF.s. Clausnts, Wendel Snaith ; "Puff
Draa,(YciH1.-Brood nxare, 4''es Hats- °colon hens, G. W. Irwin, John
vey, nt, Blackwell ; Foal, Wes • Prang ; Bantams, Colin CaunnbelI,
• Harvey, Wm Blackwell ; 2 -year-old i Andrew Duncan ; Pekin Chinas
gelding or filly, Andrew Love, ; ducks. G. W. Irwin, (4eo. Clansius ;
Ernst Gies ; Span mares or relclings ; B3rrnn ducks, Snowden Bros, (leo.
• in harness and wagon, Alex. Sin. , C:`law:ius ; ;Dicks., any breed, G. W.
glair, Jalnes Patterson, Jas. Green. ` Ire in, (:leo. Clausius-; ('es, Iieury
Ad RICULtURAL. Brood mare, Roeder ; Gineau fowls, John. Prang,
Ernst (es, Nathan Perk, Henry, Toulouse gees se, 8 -non -den lire's,
Krueger ; Foal, Ernst Gies, Henry ' Geo. Clausius ; Turkeys, Snowden
' Krueger, Abr. Geiger ; 2 -year-old ;Bra' (4, W. Irwin.
gelding or filly, Wm. Love ; 1 -year -1
old gelding or filly, John Deeper, ^ <, axnN: vF:c;rrral3l.l:a:
Wendel Smith, John Beeker ; Span! Early or late rows potatoes, Geo.
snares or geldings in harness and ! Sehrteder, Henry Ro der,Abr. Geei-
wwagon, John Deeher, Ernst Gies, 1 ger : elephants, Geo. Schroder, ('.
Louis Resteuleyer, Ooloskey, \\'. B. Battler, Colorado
J. scut e:i
011N RAL t'uRpo; Ii. -Brood mare, red,Geo. Schroeder, Philp Hartman ;
Abr. Geiger, Jas. Patterson, John ! Michigan blue, Geo. Sehrceder,'
Geiger; Foal, 'Wendel Smith, Jas. Snowden Bro's ; any variety, Alon.
Patterson, Wendel Smith : 2 -year.. • 7.0 Foster, Henry Rieder, Abr. (lei.
old gelding or filly, Ross. Johnson, ger ; joint. G. Schrader, W. Battler,
J. H. Schnell, John Geiger • 1 -sear- \\ 1n. Blaaenwell •Elnpire, (;co.
gild gelding or filly, W. and R. Mc- S 'llroeder, Geo. Sehocllig. W. B.
Allister. \V closes Smith, Casper Battler ; Carman, Wm. Battler, ,
\\'piper ;Sprue flares or gelding in 'Wm. Blaekwcll : small white beans.
Karnes and wagon, Jacob Roeder.. Wm. Battler, (,eo. ('lansius ; bean:.
r.titRIAlit:: 13roodl mare, 3). Spee- any variety. C. Oswald. John I)eell-
eer, Wm. \fiitzel ; Foal, W. Witzel. er ; yellow torn, C. Oswald, F. Wil -
I). Spencer; 2 -year-old gelding' or lett: sweat Born. Snider liro';,D2tt1.
filly, W. L. McLean, Abr. Geiger, : i urerus ; t'cdl onions. Caspar Rarig. '
Stant Rennie ; 1 -year-olds gelding or � Peter Bender : yellow onions, 1''. '
filly, Wm. \Vttzel, Louis: Wnlper ; Writwer, Snowcliu Bro's ; Clutch -
Spin mares or geldings in harness • sets, Casper Naris:, P. \Vitwieer ; o
:01.111111;47, (.'hailer \\'alper ; Buggy white fields (sanest•, 1.'a•p 1. \\'ttlper,
horse in harness and buggy, B 1,.• Wendel Smith red lilts t tarots.
t 1 \wit, J. \. Karn, John 1't eeter. (Teo Schroeder. , ,John l3eel.ttl red
\Idttttc'itlt. Phames • garden earrotsPhilip Hartman. 1 R.
I'eetttdi, r It..Tnhnson; •wwerli.h turnips, John
Ft►,aus'rt:tt: Brood snare. \\nit, Bother. Philip Hartman n : yellow
\itze1, John Geiger ; roti, \\nl, globe Virtu rrahl•, Philip il:tt'tlnau .
\Vitael, Louis Wolper. George Jas. Hagan Sr. toner regi tli:tnttolds.
eitrri•.ler : 1-y eainold gelding or P. '\ i lr'r : liy. graft : Oxford Cab
Tilly. ao1n (h iner. (George ('Oltonan : lttt!;e, (Teem. 11'ldr,leder ; (Intel! date
"seam, la. Graham, lf"illir►tt Bross, h:t!,le. Gen. Saettt'.a .Jaw ; 1►lau•iQ spot -
John Deeher ; bultr y karst, Chris. { i h radislies..3d;e.t;r iielherer.
Billu•r, Nathan Peek, 0 Sehtneliig. ii PulalYk-hn,. Hoar Weller ; 444% 0'
.pa°tnt.k.--\4 nlliatttl I)i.�edtt. '3' Johnson. it, R..1uhn' tt•n ; beets.
t11lood) I4. R. Johnston. 11.
`• vet LE. roottea. hoet•a, Wm. Rattler Philip
\Tart's► t•trIV.,+,.lad'ol• Itoedr'r !.'2, uiir1 i1urt1n1att : wattrn't►id•Ir.►tm, al danit.•r
i:. ".°.w•tl.areltl heater, Jinni)) Roesler Foster. ('. 1'.,ltrrltee}° : ttlttsI:tttelons.'
1 anll 1: Yearling lteif'er, .Tuvoh A. 'Geiger. Alaimo Pieter; rel tn.
Roeder. Hy. Reeder. l itnidisn 3titter: pintoes. O. :+elasellig. Snowden
}full r'alf, ifo-. Kraft : heifer east'. Hro's; yellow tomatoes. o •ta.,eode°ii
.1aaeob l;rtn°der. Hv, Reeder, Hy, • tiro'.. Wm. Rattier_
lel;at`t. J('tu,i.5- .1t. l.tra..late. E. l::an7anie.
11'Ilntgt4MAN ..'Inst:tr'niri i►.®:iilell 9u.rt y'tt"a"n.l7"ni7..
etuww'4, thins it 'filer. n'it'res. .atat'an.,
11. littPkrih°u-d•lt • Loom.r°rill', I'inip C .Ylleettom ssof a l(p h. , Sia -•,aspera
-k t=oast. 1iv, chert wets, J. lhda'rr r w L'ro s ; plate sof tali °alu1a '. n aide t'
ue.tr-nh1 heifer. raid_ Wille rt. J.
��"lll�1Ct`.tyy da-tlarBr"..'‘ tlUt°nge°s: llat,vi""er
Rare aid :Yearling' heifer.1red- ii1tii'ta"11"4JaJlb Sar37as. Fred Wit , 1UCt'''"4"-`1""4*t'3. 1.
ool ;�steer. John waif fittft
. snow olrl,h',. t i#oan• KC.rn"luier
tures"„ 1f. Itt1 hIleisaelu: Fat nom tn. Jdrhtt 1114'hvl':.p:Et ., Ii[rtiia' IQ,•�°iteu'.
heiffter. Hy. Roeder : i irhn;; steer. A' (1; Urandtdurly, 1I. 114;aaa •
Jelln Pkatf'.11i°ne ' Roeder. Il. Kalb. ` la dl°tle(41„04";et' L'l et•ral�.�.;w, 11. 11'1 Iltl% G'.
illtl i v:!"l4 : JTdne:key rerr4ti', F. 'mover. fl (,uSWatiI4I : n tilY1!'t to t:ll n.iFr. .dill 5.
pat sta=nd, juu•'jb hoa=rie=r•. Henry lawwei1; Canaan ten, h. Nutt, d:.
Roeder o and :n • lit flee %sat*. Henry CDwrvaldl.: re@Ys.utt pippin. 11. li.t-eDoi'.
Peoet .,r ; P. I,arn*YYlt .special. best 1. llswtidaDdi : ,+u4d"1 QI »4 i, ifld•tun.S
pair steers, John Pfaff.Brafti, John Deeher: tons (il avOn 1).
>a � 111CiiE!:.--.f,/dDti Shepherd, nen- I exalllt°n . 4. (xeigel• ; ww a m i ed SA"- satDl, ltielmrd J'elnbaalee. Hayfield.r.pr I rt)'ai; 1DDatttY, II. Kraft.
Roeder : maiden's lrllash..1. Beefier
satt:aei°. ba ndseityt pippin. J. J. Smith. I1.
Londa w(rr4.. ge'd, rant, Snowden . Ittrieader : 4lewwaurl i . Ernest Gies;
Eros. d. ; l t'.lrinng; rein (stet. penhaale, eolwel•t:. H. Kraft. J. Weiser rlt,i i
Ernst Cies. Pair i -newes. (id. r. Pen-
niantdnIl Geiger., eiger. 1i Border cool -
hale, Ernst Gies: Fait Yeaili*nlection russets, H. sued ;lld-n Jar;in
eneo. Celear. Penhaale, Ernst Gies; Denier , Tali Warn. 1\ . B. Baffler;
Paait' (-we lambs. Ernst 'Gies. Geo. •,whiter hears. A. Geiger ; tall and
Penha'ee ; slangs lambs. tieo.Pentha1e, winter shed.':.. 11. J""4""
trust trnlst (Tries. let pears. A. McEwen. R R. Jerltie-
Fyoo wv,:;,r_.-y ,earrii1' ram. ,\n- ton ; lt'itliSil beauty. Brown.'
White V
(strew Dnmd'an 1 and 2: Ram 1:011111.,Whi
M. J. tt ; (laalrp �. fa i'ta ire J.
Andrew 1)tutrran 1 and 9:Pair .ear- 1C. Wise. .T:ateo111 Brr.wwn Peaehdon
ling ewes. Andrew w Duntcan lst and Wendel Si -4th. (;eertge ; .:paar.de4b
2nd; pair tat sheep, Tied,. Ptaiihale, praa let, Philip Hartman. tman. 1Robert R.
Ernst Gies; Pairewes._1�ttlreww
Johnston: er.abaapp;les. a Ranrn;iie.
Dainean lst and told: Pair ewe Helga Til Benarr ; grap;tes. Jath n
Haberer. Wm. Stela k ; e•a'.liesti,°,mc
of grapes. (". (i,IvaiVal. Wm. Battier;
POiSOTIS yo. The Blood iD mus. Jacob Brown: canned frauit.
R. R. Johnston. John Welter, tislat
ur>ing' >am anti ileatn 13aiinie. Special by 1'. Fritz for
longest corn stalk. W. B. Battler.
the eld the Cause of Seale:mt Oa,. Jr -Dons -D. French Clinton V.
pole n agsane... Fatty 1E�rtri, r
�itt•itG is ist>xxr, 1l;mleargee� Liv.= � es ' r. � ri •
Clubbing rates.
..\Vc shave made arrangements
taaoffen the following low clubbing
res with Tarn His:RA:L1)
Daily Globe • . • . 4.00
„ Mail & Empire 4;25:
weekly Globe 1.50
,, Mail & Empire ` 1,75
Berliner journal (German) 2,50
Family herald a- Iitar. 1,75 .
erwin=W llia s
C. (i reg,
Sole Agent
for Zurioh
Commercial Hotel
This popular hotel has been
thoroughly renovated and refitted,
and will be found up-to-date in
every respect,
Every attention paid to the
traveling public.
Graduate Optician
Pitted un Seientifle Principles.
A t't1.1. STO('P OF
Jewel ry,
The Herald
Should be in every Home. If
Your Friend or Neighbor is not•
a Subscriber, let us know and
we will send hien a sample copy.
To New
we will send THE' HERALD
to the end of 1901 for
25c. 25c.
The Original Herb Compound
Kidney and Liver Regulator.
200 Days Treatment for $1.
Staetial attention paid to
all Lint., of Repairing.
C. Stoneman,
W H.TROTT _ _.
1'1N1°°rwT w94411C. '1Tt.`1 Ni.t)
flu ri a i r Tie
Agent for Huron ( ( unty
e ) rcban'
T p lanban ;Stud
lt+oti, Via`
'>� , Gu cli. Farm. City,Village, Sitlyurbrii
er, and ]atria ]uisren*ea. � ,, ,
Fatal poisons left in the blood by de-(rL4T V AM, aF:i:tyr, and (•lardell Property, Sold, Bought
Tec tine kidneys form what is known as White fall wheat. John McBride. ' and Exchanged.
uric acid, Its presence may be detect- Ernst Gies..Nathan Peck . real fall
ed by such ailments as dyspepsia, asso-
ciated with D;regular bowels and wheat, 0. ('lausins, E. Gies, jag.
acarty, highly -colored urine. There Hagan Sr ; spring wheat. J. K.
are pains of a neuralgic natare its the }y\*ise, strider Bro' • n-rowt;etll h -
,aele and in
lie joints, sleepless nights, .,
tlizznness, ineadaerne, depressed spirits' ley, 'r. ( attciu . L. 1.-oei,. (x. h°lt(l,i-
and Unpaired tnetnory_ • lig ; 2 -rowed barley, Jacob Roder ;
Fatty heart, dropsy, apoyrle*y and blank flats. Alex. McEwen white
heart disease are the usual termination Dot` ti r
if uric acid as left in the blood. it is a , S \L s,dy. Jttco4r Br,favn, David
serious natter to neglect these army- $ehnell; large petsJ. lC \%Tse.
tonus. The home treatment prescribed' lex. McEwen ; smaii pests. vid
by Dr. A. 'W. Chace has proven sac- ,i
Schnell, Alex. McEwwen, timothy
cessfut in many tlxdusarida of cases. r
;.1r. A. W. Parson. Martinville, 'Glare., seed. \\ati. Blatrkwvell.
writes; --"I Warr a sufferer from kidney
disease and bladder trouble for 13 years, it tS2F iaitont.• ..,
and lad a constant desire to urinate Butter in tub, ;Snowden Brti s,
its accompanying weaknesses Medi. Alr- Geiser. Geo, tlau ius • :a ih
cineprescribed by a. skilful physician butter,. j. T , \G'ise, Sant Rann (}, I1.
only gave me temporary relief. The
trouble would recur at very awkward R. Johnston; home-made C°heose,
timer,. 1 was persuaded to try Dr. !John iireioel',Jaidsob I3aberer ; 1tnnPy.
chase's ter one Lover fitly. Z obtained
relief after one Hose, and before 1 road in Comb, Geo. Claudius, .T-FIa.Txerer ;.
ftn(shed the ?feat box felt better than i hone -made bread, Gen. Clausms,
had xor many years." Dr. Chase'S Z(d-'j R. R. Johnson ; baker's bread, C.
nee -Liver Pi1Is, .one pill.* dosle,2i5 cents i Eiiber . home-made buns, J. J. i
a bot, at veli dealers or �dtAiri�SlSOn1, a
latex' is 'Co., 'Orono., Continued on page 8.
Money Loaned on First and Second
Mortgages. Real E..tate, Notes and
Other Securities.
Farms. Houses and Bossiness P'rop'-
erty Rented and Rents 'Collected
upon Reasonable vermis.
Money Invested for Private Indi-
viduals on First Mortgage on Real
41➢le,• .fir ,...,..,.,. A, 11. p..-.....
Doctors find
A Good
For ina
'TWA eFD 'i''EAe ase asfi tri Health %bat 5C. T 71•Alir'S' , I+
regd. voteatwand reeeoe:iWet aaa -S co the life. i,
accebe had at auv drag tore R•11-PA'N'S,t s,e. and toe thoa d
festimori.E,t is::: las mailed to any address for Are crate'
forwarded to tFc Ripaos Claetticar ea., No. as Sp '
Street, ti;tr York.
NE,W EDITION yjEG1.75oUISSUED siEw pt..rY'TES T1=1:ttOu'r
Now Added 25,000 NEW W') 'c:. s;Phras s, Etc.
Rich Bindings 4 2364 Pages 4 5000 I1;_bastrtiitions
Prepared under the supervision of W. T. Harris, Ph.D., . Li..i7s, irrnitcdStetes
Corr.massionerofEducatiott,assisted byalargecorpeofcomp etetaapeaatists.
Also WWebster''s'Coliegiate. Dictionary with Sco Glosmey, etc.
"tint Clair la duality, second' class in sir'r�"
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'.,:Asp-... U. S. A.