HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-27, Page 3Don't Borrow'Trouble ' . ' . Most of the"Woirles of Life Imaginary and * I I 16.11' fr, � e er 01VAM Wa,vhington, Sept. S.—In this dis- I you keep your eye on ,him, for You do course Dr. Talmage shows the folly I not know his designes, So some men of allowing the forebodings to InAu- I � ence us ��.pd how exDectation of evil v,eakew and destroys, Text, Mat - I I thew Vt., 04: "Sufficient unto the day as the evil thereof." . The life of every =an, woman and child is as elosely under the divine care as though such person were the I -only man, vmman or child. There are no accidents. As there 4s u ito;w of storms in the natural world, SO tbeTe Is a law of trouble, a law Of disaster, a law of misfortune; but the majority of 'troubles Of life are imaginary, and the most of those I anticipated never come. At any rate, there Is no cause ,of cOMPIMInt against God. See how much Ile has done to make you happy, His sun- shine filling the earth -With glory, making rainbow for the storm and Itialo, for the mountain, greenness for the moss, saffron for the cloud, and orystal for the billow and processlon of bannered flame through the open - Ing gates of the morning, chaftinclies to sing, rivers to glitter, seas to ^-liaut, and springs to blossom, and overpowering all other sounds with ______ _,___..______,_,__ � trumpets of salyotion and tile voice Of hallelujah unIto tiod. forever, Zour NvaY may wind along dangerous bridle pa,ths and amid wolf's howl and the scream of the vulture, but I�A,e Way still winds upwaTd till angels ow'd it, i and trees of life overarell it, and thrones line It, and crystalline fo4n- .tains leap on It, and the pathway ends at gates that are pearl and street$ that are gold and teraples that are al- a hat quake with perpetual song and a city mingling for- ever Sabbath and Jubilee and triumph and carouatlon. � I treat God;, not as a father, our, a stranger, and slot suspiciously toward Him. It Is high time you began .to thank God, for preserft blessing. Thank, him for your children, happy, buoyant and bounding. Pmlse him for Your home, wilth Its fountain, Of! Song and laughter. Adore him for morning light and evening shadow. :Praise him for fresh, cool water bubbling from the rock, leaping into.the cascade, soaring. In the mist, falling In the shower, dashing against the rock and clapping Its hands In the tempest. Love him for the grass that cushians. the earth and the clouds that curtain the sky and the foliage that waves in the forest. Thank HIni for a Bible to read and a Savior to deliver. . Many Christians think it a bad sign to be jubilant, and their work of self examination Is a hewing down of thely brighter experiences. Like a bOY whIr a new jackknife, hacking everything he comes across, so their self ,,,xamination Is a religious cutting to pieces of the greenest things they can lay their hands on. They imagine they are dolur God's Service when they are going I%bout borrowing trouble, -and borrow- ing It at 1.0 per cent, which Is -always a Isure precursor of bankruptoy. Let pleasure chant her siren song; 'TIs not the song for me; . To weeping it will turn ere long, For this Is henveu'o decree. But 'there's a song the ransomed sing . To Jesus, their exalted 10ils, , With joyful heart and tongue; Oh, that's the song for me, I . . Courage, my brother! The father does not give to his son at school enough money to lasit him several Years, I but, as the bills for tuition and board and clothing and books come In, Pays them, So God will not give you grace all at opce for the future, but will meet all your exigencies as they come. TIbrough earnest prayer trust HIM People ascribe the success of EL certain line og steamers to business skill and know not the fact that when that line of steamers started the wif(.. of the proll prIetor passed the whole of each day when a, steamer started in prayer to God for its safety and the succes% Of the line. Put everything in God'o hands and leave it there. Large inter, est money to pay will soon eat up 11 farm, a store, an estate, and the In. terest on borro,wed 'troubles will SWUMT I 1 4 . � ZWINIJAY Y�kliuuil __­.-____ I +" .INTP,it'iA'rlO,NkLjji,jl.�L�1,41,011 NO. Xill . 8lP,PTXJN1I3i1,Xt 29, 1001- RevIew. _Gei)-18:J1_22;3'21, I 2149, Summary-Leason. 1. Topic, The cre- ation. In the begInnIng Ood., creatt,il Lill thlilga; afterwards He clime to thei eaxth, to set it In order ,, Ule per- formed six days' work ; on the first A (lay 118 Made light ; On the Recand the I waters were divided; ou the third the (Ary larti. aeam, grass ancl. trees ap- peared ; on the forart4 lite made the sun, alid nicton ; oil tile fifth, fish and fowls; out the sixth, creeping things, beasts and ma,ii ; on tile seventh, Cold rested. IL Topic, The fall of man. 111. Topic, The deluge. IV. Tople, Ab - ram's; 013edlenos. V. Tople, The separ- ation bevweeii Abram and Lot. Ill. Topic, uo,d'o covenant with Abram. VII. Topic, Qod'6 juLlgm,.�nt oil S.)dom, T111. Tople, The trial (A Abraham's, faith. IX. Topic, Nano pppressed by tho Philistines. X. Tolda, The Lord appearing to Jacul). X1, Tople, -Iawb's prevailing prayer. 2\11. Toijiu, Tile erfects of Nvine cirlaking. Teachings.—God oni Creator Is able to creato u..) anew and give us a rouw nature. Tile Psalmist prayed, I " Create in ine a clean heurt, 0 God." la yielding to the Inducement.-) hold � out by Satan, man (it oboyed Ood and ; aceeptea "the worl.]," which St. Jullii . sayu consists In ,Itho lust of the . fl��sll, illc� lust of the vyo and t1w pride . of WWI; and III returiling to God It I i,; necessary to forsake "tile world" Wfore we can expect to be forgiven. Its song and overarching all O, Or Auain� the habit Of borrowing trouble anybody. Sufficient unto the daY - splendor with its triumph. covering ks wrong because �the present is suffi- the evil thereof." � 111RAMICAL SURVEY. up all other beauty' with Its gar- tiently taxed with trial. God sees that ! Vie first lesson of the quart,, -r - -1-1-1 1-1--- __ , 641"Ifi,++" + lo. + + WHA V 1q. 41 �, -0 - 4. *#+4+++,Q.++4-0, tIt has ,been brotuglit against vrojapti that t, the same seAlse of b possess simply because I Looks form so Rtro traction in a man's ey In nine oases out of ten, ' of thorn. in her choice 0 There se,ems no, limit ness which a, man may p out In ally 1ruy raining , of getting a woman to S'Daletlin3s his Irife Is ex beautiful-, Indeed, it is t tion rather than tile ruae ugly mum witli a plain Nvire, his own lack of beauty ma il value it In-urd kftnlY 11 Nylilie slie, as is natural, is not p , 'I, ticularly affected by I 'a lack of Ivilat. id so muclo, a part of herself. .k mail may b. crippled, hideutiv, do - formed, and yet find a woman�?,')Md to shara his lot. Meal Illutieingi 'thiti peculiarity, have often sueerel, at w -omen in cons eila,ance, supp( ing them so anxious to marry thai tney are not fastidious 118 to whom, they take. But they misunderstand the matter altogether. - It Is not, pity alone which moves it woman to warry an unattractive man. Compassion clan M,Jve her to much, for it Is One of thu mqst povir- vrful Influences over lier mind. But love with her 1-.4 nitt half HO 01VIII luduce-d by bimilty in th,'- ob.!;�et as by otlipr qualitleR whieli excite her admiration far more btrougly. to R ab y , I from � implanted In e tion of tile stroage. man who is afraid seems -uO at once the most miserable er tare on the face of tile earth. usurps her privileg", and- does n avail himself of lilts own. & woman admircs ae�erniinatloro 1� n. man. ; That Is why persIsteac wine her In the end, though B118 wil try it to its utmost limit, She her s(,If is consolous of'o, tendency t give up a matter In whiell she I thwarted. to get tired of 6owethln. lo -fore she luis achieved it, to JOS hilart in a pursult wlilch takes lie nower, Sho thinks al Man Who Q& I lands and outflashing Lill t1irones will" tre all need a certain amoulilt of trou- "_________0_ �_________%___1__�_ I takes %,; back to the b.�gIntillIm" Q1 its domirolondeliveraMe for & lost ble, and so hp, -ipportions It for all the all create3 thinga. III panoramle. physiettl itad 51oral !$trength- nover fight so hard as 't'rhOn Us is be Ing beaten a creature to oomman world through the Great Itedeemer. ,lays -and years Of our life. Alas for dit"Play the Sacred writg-r heretives First of all, She chlofly atlulire.,,- In , a,ad be I in vil-loll tile Isue,cessive stt,pi III a maxt his streng 1wr wanderin.- adluiratlOu I discour,-e of the z1a of borrowing. the policy of gat1hering It all up for onE T he:w; RIO u ---T- r k Pets , .1th, loll"ti-Cal and trouble. I , the work of creatluit pass lotefore moral. ,.jhe ll,w,) not it;ueh lo,ldily utloration. and I day or year! Cruet thing to put upon lik noind. I titrength IwoIsrif. un -k t-'� it 6,P111.4 il� 11 First, raph a habit of mind tile back of one varnel, all the cargo In, . iLitather Type., because It Puts one � 6everal thin,mi concPrnirog- nian are lip Nk thing in tlr� heart is wrong. tended for thi,! entire caravan. I never roronto Partners' Market. I suggestel. i. 111,; posid,m as relat- .r tile r,j�?!jt ii,l-allti have boell know Into a desp,)nacncY that ill tit-'; him look at roy menoorandam bcok to see � worbl. Kalk thiplas a 111rial Who ean t'..".111 rvt wo�mo,n - far &-pt. 21.-Itr,ceipts or grain on tI ereation. Ile was walk twelvk, njjl,,�j %vitlawa futitruo 4 rttlriy worAdp ru,m who eou� for duty. I P1411tea t -,Vo rosolouslie-15 what eugng%�Meu,.s and duties are , te iA to the rest of beau- are tonly fair. tiao orlowning iv��r,'; ,,' vre.X,mu. Ill ,,L1141 lift IlPr UIP WiVl tit" 111MAI t0r a0t. by ('Tell .010 3';i"dc6t exagge" In my gnrden: the one thrived ,alteal. Let ,every wcit�', bear ,,,.I own , str,,,,t Raarki-t tuda.v w r,%rll�v ha­11'r.4enve inlnle-%�,Ilvabiy -:4�pa-atel niore wortli "f 1,'�P.'­, .j,iutjv4A t1o3tt at�tu, VV,,):;if"S9 allY Of t4a abol ttfull-y. the other peristed. I f0unll burdens. The sbadows of tile day are Prioes generull', were Steady. -1 'ill - I I - - M UI(I Oh -1'37 stale of th.ek enough. "%Vh-.* 1,,11 - 1 al-444� Avas %e higher. frout all bene.Lth John. ". Alv, ehar- tile ,�vpjjlo .;." ,1,,ro. ani the niun I traitt;. NVkfimk!u 1-,,,%e e.jred for the � - tbe houFe. Our di-rcts-WOW, like I ence of cther rha4iilys? Thel cup Is at- AVIloat was, steady, 1200 ,, "III the Slung.- Ili 6A." Jill, whu can walw ello-r -. W � part -3 In tbe ttate that eat the deal on0t . . plore the pre, I)tItsili-Is or _vtkalr. s R,bl - him $1A mez _Ao por bnsh- 1'141'�Ill imturi� patti-rav,1 arter tht, econs-Mers a 4,mg, ;aaong w0u. I witil tile dentat, of one of the col plants, need suns%lne. 1'=Peft- I ready d1ztastofu!. Wlzy ha' Noo, to dis- Whitf'l sPill-'19 -it 0'-" to 7L" , gitip our cl, 16a buAuAs of red at 091.*c, and 4i%I:W- - IMi d"W" On- oz -.I. i. -Ill. ne.�:des Vul�. 4 tvao.awn adrairt,9 � tr.4-tillm p ,s, notivitlistandir, ,� , ancyl of re'PuNe 13 UW- MIUM of rnmnylaEtters far ull.stant to earne and wrin:,� jff6. Old .�upro-ruavy ivai wnallr� 1w it-I'dit III Olumeter In .E wan, wol I.?)WIS hiM ro-IBAC. inflignities and ,,�Ctual Joe ' "00 ban .3 I. atcular mud retl.11ous faltur". Fear ij. out innre ,gall In the bltterness? An- - 'hvN ioT I,Wo to at vrvatiou. Too, oti�niiigioia LiI.L&H u'iuln 14e for his; nob'�� o,w4itl-4, bor %vlmt t410 ��"tj;tj vl�jltqg�.p. Ju"it wbut fille It , I 1, nz.ri-N Irl Jiv.- 11�,ge lord U or b-�tnjtraptey b.ae, uptorn many a � we Fucli eharnplon.; ,that. blvIng lv�on whe-at Fold at 7.1c. rvAore,I Ili rettleinisti,,ni. snPp1VSP,3 to %4 a wl 1. ,.-Up 11wa""', � I�arh-�� wan ,.!,e firrnt,r, 2,000 bash - fine butinesi And -`(�nt tile Mall *30,39- ! 0e belt In formpr anenunters, vwe can p�-r bri-illel. 11jo pIt!tUvk.1 of ulan's prarnitIvp Mcalizol-o the -uan kto admIres U;i,l I �,.__(-I�np;t,lneetj is diflienIt to 0 In,-, anoulng tile no*'�-IlllaverR., rivlar I go "orth ti.) eaaUf�n,v,, att tl* future? 0q 60111116' -it 4s,'1 t0 W)740 *4 liti.ot, I.; tl�+V,�Dtrtlj ,.�) 4,.totttma- titial..i hIta u1i ti .rt-, of 1Avr#q­T. an I T� am. vr'vt,�+Illy as thil typp of nwr of .Munilpr and clm.,�l Tma ()!ten In- I 11�,re are thuAn�,.,.; won juo,t alote to Oat,; wort, eWady, 600 lo'�ldhQ111 of "' 'ill 11,_ .Votl JVlor;t�l J,ffJr!;t.J iuo-r noort.o.11v it wk -u vitNI all thr, 11113-bealzed vulturez Ot � noanagil offairn. as rhr,y ng)w ,rare. Thely, umw sf.IKR�", at :1 l4ato. bat It ii mo,al Ill trv-1. .- wl�,) &�; loi,!ulwd UPM111Y iG "a arzi 'IS to, 301:0 I lJ_,lo,tklI1jIjq to t�a,,-��#-sti,ous vvere too m1r,',�V4 th"t Iltta tivuklilt*a e oward. , - . iselling -at l", I 11, aef,lrn an4 U-�10hitW-- N-MM6, oe t1tow , [,�.n 11ye IV v-4 btc-.07, one load � CIP. onum I'AU i9nore ,it . . pay their ror.t. wrl meet tbk�lr notes 01"'Itilp't Um dMut. ;-to#ln,,-%-%, 1. v.. aro very e,IlUil"w4p,'w­ �,11­4 nftv�* rhe t�am- W s, tiee � - 5ft, w*r'bP:shA. ia unlwlh-f. Thirtoigla Jv-mi Chri4 Thpr;�. 14 a etwi ,tv- fa,,'t 01 ,'A, WOW- I .%, ,pf .e qafi - -t Iter i. Multorturtm of Me. Iltze byr-13, � rand manaj,;Ll, aGalr8 asilhf�y ;,Lo%v are, but , ul,,�u , W ,) lt,tij tji Joints worf, t,nc,ier, W-10 10,14 Or SM4.111 lw,ro 0441MANI Ut, I 10 All Ms Me $I you eauragp,)unly Toilet VIM"- � how If a V.lntz vIlould eorue% nnd im, t'wvv Is delhoralwo tr4sul All and vill's affeetl 'm It 0 , I rvi a vpold,lss . 0 Who MCI a: t � 0!oyo., .141le I svllln�g .'it (Itlil. L:,�, ,t,, t.6ilutjp�ta%%��-e3 [o,r ait wjw wat her to bp lv � � 1, I t I t oa , 146,,s a P­Atium., 44 Itonor awl trul 1,low 1<yjr1.y -prepurk-I for rf�Zlniouq � Investruents rbout,j raj:? i1a to -mor- Diltl,#�r wai var,lpr. poand r0; ' .vll t,q rb%v� !',,Vlr lyls� 0111001"o untl,lr ,. rmv awl wr Ite on y� lur das ly-, ult or On , at,�- lot It. eannot h�k 194!u zjtt�n .ntpl 1vJPf;,#;4N lianie- rpm; duty 13 a nmn mlvb.41 CAq QOWU Tho offoIr ' *' �ptt ki Arov*A, t1le gf,cotn 40LI LMI-i�Mld InVortuhKt your Delgi�r. on your snoa-�by caZ%. "Sut- bringiw,� froan 17 to :.'W. I t.'�4jiv �,#�qi,dj-1 L,ig tovormni t1w, Arkorld! l)twt In return for ww t 't � pl, Ulm tv­flptlk�nr, in tho� rU&I oft) -raFs Ila-, .32­_�,, -1 do not thlrll: � t w;v,,; ,_,,I,!i��ral. I 1, ,w 1,,vc� , El IS, kit I taou rua atter evil' .Vctl tj�� it lu %luo rlap,iroltv for Av?%%Pf��4 t lror�y %-.,C�wI(1 Ono earule�:;g act of %I til � evil ,here- , , ald are kci�, * * �etl,,orl th,,tt �Ra , 8r-ii1X%'Iz1 a"Lail."A'A Pa , , , IJ(, . ,g(%nt unto t,.,Ics � y 1,% tt4L . . A� �� t. " Da w�t worry about nk-�!Qs tbe, = - -:il, *1 'Mit nu who doet3 Not tWDIL-Jws� it he I - ,,, , � !�t ,r � rival. XL t � %I 1. : a T ery brl, f 1:14, t �'IA MW that I- 1% .,w -,r 1. ef� . 1 "' tit bq,y it 1,4 ;I)Dly a brotulu engar'i'lapt 1. It Ile r,;VV' I ithatl be 0IMP141, 1� ing tit 15 to 19,,*. r!�o ua.r; 'In"';q or -In %va!g gwealt in a nVUL 'e gentlel I exjlm�t ttley wIR steal tb(,�� I are far ."rzat due. D. -i not pl't� V Gn I '&Ag ti, bt C_ayn. rwnitry was ze a pair Vast",; !: P %X',k� �'art th"Lt 4'%P?,V mag.lua- IVIwI.i fir, E', .'Ar -or.. %0419 ,40� C'M � w;,Aesi %h- rwm Ilk , Ile'len w!1v0nI+1r-11 11014 me � rour e,,),Ut9t,In,- &7zt, %he Cnane!al valn- offo�rinr t4.6111111!1 RgEgti jptorovo)�i­z, " � 'f,',�'�'J""� Q, laor Iasi. @r a fe zn,ml�y." , ,9 wore estrviaMY 14ent;N�, tt .,Ik 011, an a eadow 1",Vl fta hor N �ey witta all tl.4 o ,. . � . , � 9 - ,4,art Iva"i ""dr pviil me4h!.16.2%, aul w1wn Ito - � . 1, � �f 11 , . . fttb,..,r, ThAnt"s Ch 71'a � *.03 a �t.�) f , i�, _ - c o- '104y 41,0100. T6 t1tat bew alatern, 1% �, I'N"0_1 i)r tue, nent 10 .Vearo. and tllk� 4plalitv gew,rally w, S P,,.D:. v1k, tArk cr his L , i�4 d ­%,,40b, C. mpt, I t ha li,en care of your -w M 'Y - N'te -,k�'altutaa'ly. ,TO 111th It, r�t%IM t4z'­ C.��4!3 t6i V41 , �. .1 �(3. -- -t hous, 0. the h!ntory of � v;b�j � , s t, ') ,I N It,) - .Jr�j -rc�r 14K�2i� n 40 ilgtmr '. clit4eng �6e 11riwning; 40 to ir . - , � J,�,,qpcd ,, tt Livt , 14 _ �, atlawl arJ ! o�!��up�tg.an. guar,lwg your stor� front a vair. Prm.tu,d Chler"'ous were R�.,k ql�t,� c-�110 4, , CAI ow'da r*_A1'1r,\" ��,�M-it,N,Kltt�)!Z,.; iI at,, toroll V, tbn rzol� (!Iburdl or -,,�'! t � - .n4 ki-4-nry of Abrahat'l 11 WNtAll 4�vlll_A, UIV� Ilcat V; O,Z , @C' tjIJ2! �'aUfj 0.6L I ­ , r uk"ll ro, t. � Ll ! 0 I , I. , � " , . - - 1 1 4 ve", � � 'I I -a . _� no ivioilu, �A'aht tq- M,4 , ae W.Lo wm"'Irk when tbe wmo 4 01M I 10 � t1le *oreh .01 thi) ant �atdlutry ana tho IduutINI, Vot the priecs reamh)rk, ak_'Arato UtAl'.3 M2 4lu"."'o 1 of vallbig, an% �i 1� .. t� . �� , A—— I a , !,�r - " �_ :1 ltmrt -"211-41 i; : his ;, u0i, 0*1 the tm�r"L,I,P. rvta tz an !lahlltcal I - ,, taealibig lwlth IIN churel.l. ,%19 liv. W.19 QW3 brown ur '4(144�, �-,�,V- tltwsl 2.1)n n,n -, t 1"40 q �7,14V � �" til I . .. - , , 1� Nvu ,% tr,l ,Wel�Tjl Mrlm b!% 1 C�4 out 0111 , 1,11 IM w an 21, �L UI,Ts hint Is i t.".As at 40 to, 63M a Pair. R1, � i�-Wv'.),A tl* ra0p7j. .. , , �J - .1 ,?4 4 rp�'Pard llv,� b,*-, , . ctillao'- "'romp, :,­. up . Word 60ro ritntitkot, mud Priem we. ­3 CtINV4. V) czp3matv DAQw,Ar v# f., It" AV . I - P , .1, ui-�Y�ggq fw.�­,p_.z to Vk,o r.,)`,An3 uf`�, r1my Ibalt er Cy kav!!* ndghtkn* V .1 0 It. I npp '.Iri,M!�V'Al �,,,,to %:,ti.� �U�,�"4,4 col V.40 k'10, �� n Z�ao jpv'��A � elfttl th,ft OtIly Nan tb,_� rimewnstlm3 of woekann,'41 at ot) to) buc a V347. C&I, c�) C�o ehnnm gr�a, ntl_ 1: , - -, , It I 'wak'�tlll n't di uttere I- I _. ,. ­ , , "n (_ J�tm., V�,an ltv%t 0,10- rt3_--,t-. -L3n4i'.W,.%4 ��,T ,,�'. E) t,!,1o"':'t of p,�Atleal I ,4 Ce top, ,oc`.�, � 'i .1 vv�l Irile, lrt�l�,vf; Were oellrco and unehaDt"A . ec"r- 0- M 218, Ay�?Amla"_,J 4166:.Z., ,44- � (,4 lov'r 41,014 lo r, L, . 1. � lip. - f-�,&� at -A. %Q a__61,4 43,yj � 14 of antl V.�-,.-�4 tho froa 1:4 1wrlar4p4�4Apa 911 ,lot, V 1! " - , tv"'umn 0�verl Gal r,t,-qn tip w0h tholl, � d(,=3zr,,.-'wg ,)r lh� r. -A r5ii;2it '11" ­ I tunm In '. .., r ls,1 111 - La% 1,14 to 11 -le It hr 11). q -%w, Z'4'L ,'� a V"I10,11.1 IQ r1w . '�' �0 It, hu!'Lan-I =,4 a I - � " � 0 t,s�4 It I I ,I, l T1,io M�,:t'h#1,MMq an'l. tho ,, vowAutgon. alal tlo,� d-le"A'wvq V.11D 9101 flav ltvaq %Q.1ry pluntiful, ."O lon4j V12,P,_`:.Wl)!O In V11, A., T t 11 :-a,4 toWl- :!,�') 6aAhwz,,, f .44r, v I - �v I b"."wo V?at ,Iro t1ta # �Wvr lntrtrt tal.bo" �� f�40,,,olr�lblp (�r,,.-illt',(� -1, .�C':.o %MA tl,jit.u- a . 40 � - G'.-li"(4 (I.-mTOA 1� hopt aMm. Vo tlio � - 't�.,.,!1", at"1�21Q;�,�l"OW,ft."", tat I . '13 tat 114,n Tom IH�11_ at ,,Almk5o) to $=� ralta tind � fbort,1 009 r� AV ,.,n,,* :- " t -t ttlf, r- �4 Q,4 tb�, �- MIA k1rk , ,3 . sqqlm.,�rM,11 At tho, vlttnl�,11 %hor 9114 " Qtbl tho f tk741-"m Ta"I ail U, %. t!,�ml� utv�. l. Vlat rutt.ot ul�,,,�04 t ­UA In Mn Mt t I't-th Ito allent";., ti M%;l gtd��,�Sit Ie - il c�� ttterl�� zim t:mg�ai M ft_,!��:e 11oLs,-iltbl, , . I ` P. . 1, t R'o h"M I �;11,,­ ;Stmw vi'll'a cusk,r *1 oile lold E;61 a I'a a V,li,_-1", Uo ulflwt.�,A � In I vwrolm I! o� i thev tln� rvowl'tl ot)&n.. -,P,�,e fattli"l, 11 ,,�J�t Prov,kr'; (1 Iliq r 1, � I 4 r � �n, A worv"A nos, att i,ti , 4�m a'A'r, alti- ), . U 0 - I , tot;!�0;21 t� I op",_��i�nl In tow � lottal, A,, ­,a!" MR: tNo - 1 la L"t go- I �itt�.�,,itv�-�,,,,4tlr"�%L�-l�lI Iwo N .,))m '. . , I A�Tra�:vta's 400.11"wo-, WR - , . n r�, � I �,_",.a,-., I* tr,,It a u1MIU. Ufttr A . ­�. , � ii, - Et!y t'wcx tol.-v. I'at L%dly ��l t-,t:trat.-� VIL'. troo q4�iral'� -T a ot-,51A rol 1, w4itr,l tot., ,., t, �) V,in I - . � I . � �"`aw'r - , , '. Z4 ,3N_1 �,,Ut % .; m - iib�r 4k4till I ��,-`!_ , . t Y. d� Prust Miarkoln. i Me � -'L v, I V, I I ;i -, � � ft a Toronto ! .�,. 11, �-,, ­Zt 1,4 ��, 41101 It V��,y IL�4Uo t.", b r!) h�:,J& Va_',Iy 11 no,,.,� 1,114.tlefltih,73 .,tft�l-M_­-..'�V,!�! I lu I 1P . � ; � 4M , , _"J,�,'?tfl. itt. T,,3 ji V,ciot. 1-111. --*VN'o M n'W't to -,,3 .�'�V W 11.� . Olxl!"t"Jko UJA Ij­�, r,,.�,o.�,_,_­ t-,r,a,,,l 1. '" M,01 %'Ote, 1. M',1 r!­ntl�,nq!�-_-4. -L,0 , _, -4 arc, a � (VA. t'-'01-1 C 1, " 1 A ", 3 a 5 Md; " Y4�fj�,�,,An,":, "', n,eaven 11 pk`nt�_Il�q anll �1J:?U.:!12-!,LZ1,�,2"1 ,ta,l t: --ma'!- , !;;i . 1i ----- —.----- � WI�U�1 tltc�.�-14 tlm ; avra-L-a c&vslugs t-IN3 Wavy �., V ­r -,:a ty- t_,o btq.!,�O." 2. 1111.3 eonnbr"[�"ptj�_������� rj!-Ilu t --P_,.# at'l V;4q,U5oo�1,. TkI.Av eyr.�..Ij, � tt:A� D Jt�# 9*Lr1jV.0VqwR. 19l,'whes V ,- 1, �lr,,�,'��Iltlt.lvit 11 &11:1 clul _1(,V,,-,­X�, ;b " '�s? "I - , I - t, t",-t,*?.t� ro%�Ar n -IT, ,­�11) M�i - "i P , & . .d��, �k 13 I , I ,` , 1 - ,14 vr. Mi"', �,_ i�,m�.,B%6.nnl�alra to � ;,� �, ct �m 1) . ; t i "') J* � V, i 19, t:v-� t;.- Tt'n'lff, rJrv7`l2Uq- 1.:� au - ilue.,4 u.01reaVT�'] QMd f�j�,.�'L�l 'A"� $�; ql"�V litzb"I"'t., !%wint, F,,�n tll� rrimr,�,^l I,(,-;,- I I a c, Ell tvan r��_kq"�D,M, I v �% -� 5 ,,, -_'. . V, 4 rrv-): , , " � J -Is, ' S' T-0-0 y1' � YLOU L6�.�­ - &N-fl'fta biat Mt!T0T- Z C"2t). _-A. ',�l�,­- _,�Te ,:,v,A1T,_,.I ­�;,, M . 4�.;A filot. .14 P)" 1'� '. Dja,ile AF I Ill. J 0 "10 - �1� li MR A FERSON DAV tttntl a ----- 1i I pl5n%%t. 'If""I tt�,'�* E -11'o "IESIMCA MP4 It ,_�.t�,�, jt�%T. l%4,14,!,y�o b,L19r, t� _%-,�,% -,t , , � �-.-q �,�,' ito`ov tf,�) a"Itni, . _�.I,��t';l� , - .- 0­�,�,,�,-V, i([,q IA- Itt. � .1��., I l'.,e.-.-.,n;t.;S� C,-L�J-,�.'.'.­ 6��,f lr�:,C.�y E'.1I, J� -- 'r � ­ . �1 M %1 "I"!"'. . . 't..1 io, I - ­ - , I - P ��,_; Va. "--J,t,�r�,_ I 11 .1 - 'I 'A - , a —, , "- I tv, C,lr,�- Vt eat�";4 C-_"4 t-�'v��t t�­A A,1 ,,, 11 bt f, ­ _� �_ , -, ,­ , v,. -,1U li�a�'Ah)13r "o,". to �,2�,,�'� , - I " . �D­ - 1. �;% tit�,,' t-l"I"lor tl,T!]��t`, _1' L I ��..'M­ 0= - - �4L ,. . - 1-'g_3 Vk",; I , t"! Ili-, at,� kaal ty-11t tj� ,_ 1,' !,,��-IJ17 J% q �L'�J.vv. 6ravr,4 rvore Q� �A ��t -tp.� . M r"90 bm 1ma. ,-`,� tuEg, � 1�n 11 � � 1� ��L' -;-,,,,!-,�,- Z�,Jo �,t- I 1 ,3_ dl'� ,a � ". �) , va*v L Ntl� a ! , ��, xteT, ,� - ?L,_,"--, t,L1_.-'V­-S !�.,,Sn � ru',1_1A1,etR �-��,��N"-;,­-�# tat 15 tv3 !� � , , ,;*� � I eomt�,s� tiL_2r!�-.- rnl - o !1 -ft, . nt-�.' 11 t�j_�Jm, ,if typ­1"'_qZ,1_ fi t") Itip ef'..V:t4('U"� 01 Mt'.4 o-Ei�,�L`.�­ F -L, ; � . 11 - �- or, 1, L 'i��!. U.!ar�ou.'�19 T! Jq �!Jthz�..,,�i . putp , I , " � �, � �4,jr,�q,&Iy_��� llt r,,,,,,pJ r P�, � "'? zutt Z-1. rl,��!q at I `lvav�L_!. n't'l tl.�,_.;o 11 tt,D&b)'e t tlil!�, %v��,q-_-� -%`11'1',u 0,�,I,t'� r�nbtr_LVM, I" tattge kmv�) 4L't , ,-*.a t,,# .11' . ii 11 I I ", - CM -1 rt&n-,-!�� ?� ,,u V�,nll V�ou.A_ D!Umlt f�evnt I' z- g- ­,7,A it at".1 "Ilt-1--l"I I!, �,� - no'ft��; U_1-4�- 1� ,,v k�,Tp t.31 -4, �(;L.;Jl. "'.r ,;,.It "`7 T 11 -is - ".P - '� , _,o t',. &7_Io� �1 , tn tc.nc; twc,� I I _J,Z - 4 OL"'... I. � - " .. .� _- 1,n:�'.,'Tcit oq,1% D'�I�Jt IL, � " '. . I u,",, ,tvqT,qt,­ n9c& 4�. _�* lnr,� I� � . � 01.(�! r..! .-"-,7 ----- , - - , , ju-"� �,i; 9-V lt1 M aM Ir.l'iq ,,afl�,n­i - , t!v C: I. I s, I/ ZY19n ro� KM11�11119. ,g"Lbll, an 1� i_f4, 15"'I'Va"", 111,"�. 7a,'_ -,e ,� ,,--,, el: zv"i'm" ftsai,",'�l 11 b:a,&'l3 tp��. -0 ,,� .. ::! , ; ', -1-, '. I � As or - ,s., , 7,:� -�o �4 , ,;; 4� -��L,q '2'L -.% .�.D �J�t 'Vj;&�� 0, It, 1, � . . . . �.�, --e,-.,., V,., . @�5,zt",�, &=5 L%% ottt p')t L*ftj!�� Cl VM-Tzt� I L,�O%� 'n -A t"u, t G. �,_l foc V, !? V-Il!=,�� rl,­, 1, L-A et. ch .% &!" -a ,t I, ,1,1 2' , ;,', . F � I I 1, I a4�� N - ry t t, _,Iz,,, 1i 1 7, - ',� . , d" , , e _ - , L, L� ., � "vili t .,,,rc " 41. I- 11 ",71 I/ I � _�� *� \. I " , !!. 1, Liq C , 4;7__ V , a " il ,-.�Iuv, 1,13 t,, :;&�; v �np­' Ive, Q � ,� �, i-, "'. t��,,�T' �,� ,. � , �J "3 -, -Ip C"t tt�:,,� r 2as!�!­�-,, V ,�!* 'a.z , I - ,�,�e untulel t 0. G , . . &2l� - �l! - �i�ll I Atql,,.,J��,!�,,. - 4,, � ., , - '. - �,V , , I ,� - __1101 I ­­`_" � .. It._ _,�tL!�,J [,I,1 (f" V,I<: T L'o. r��,. ; a a, . 1, I I of,t, n�c�, - :� , �, e - " ft Tam% e, - - - "' . ,_ 'J��; 1, �, ", � 1. _,=1 � '1'� 4W I Alt_� I I t�,J ,up .­&% �,;Ar b:�7r,;-,'U. ',�_' ,�,* '� �-`, �, J1 ; - . Z�,,-4t, tv,zta ti matth t,�'t 1M. I 1p'UnA 40U'�ae,��,M', cj� ��,6a �V,.'J":� 1"�X90!!Z_�)JI � / , "r P e", - �_L;�l* . - I "RDtM%J`4J nr-�. �ms!44�,A­ ZL:1� % 1 40" - k" -- -, C'Q- ',t. 4 I -1 .,:�'. I � ." I I � V11 4 � _lio rl)V[P�nVs tiv 13tv", 11"'.","I ,�,-�,,, -,, ',M!,,� -, ,� 1. A � � ­ - I , ', _ - at��% os at""At at t.","rnw, tn n.'o. "2*1'n- 11 t,,O4n t�6ul- t��ft3��,­17_44 vg%t 81o%�n cl, 0-14- il � z 1. -,, - 4 , , � / 6� , / 0 � �� 1� ... l�-jl , , " , ' il 11 I - , .. � . - I I r I/ � � . , , , � / ,"--/;/ �/ WZ ,� ­ il lyj__Jr�t�. ,_�40 to k(114? p,-91 11,1,) -,.,rt; .�n,il-'�' 4 T_'Uo aovlmnflv-�­ tw,2-z. "a t'.1; m,-;11',- ­V_ V;�z,,* I _ -_ I'll I 0 I,) I - ,, , / //',/,�-. 'al ;ftt'! V*C% Mn- 0"It tbe att� ?5;%�,!�, 11 1','117'_`ft--- a - "I" - I at Vlj l�,�,,,-,k at r.,-1z!h1l S:� I . . . /I ", �, - 1, " :;"� "'', - - 21 _'I 11 I .� ., � tez � 1,7, l-'-� ,� ,,!l p -;t, ba,L",'L 1.1;1 to �,,'S:u� p,�, Ua, 1n*,;. 4T ah'(""it o._,_�rq�."�D," Ut- p,_,,--aA:4 B .4 ! / 'I "�":; 'L, -.: , � ­ Y'., - .*�,.l ,�- �,,�� , , . - - , ; � I'll � ''/ API, -, -'A 1, %,,�� �t;�a6T� _ I -- �� ., ,,,�. . ,�.- , 1, �t�,�/,:, , 0 It,, ... " �,, ,L- , -,,, , ,�Jov 4b 1 1 � L. , k��' . I I �, I", . Z�T I � . I _!"_��, �,��,":111- . I ", ,` , " 1, ?" - A - , I , - " , , - h" " I , / "4 tit do vn C "; a _,J',1e .r,� :�i�� I_ �,�X , F, A t!,�o #, 't��, _ ,2,1. q .�:,, to ,�,l',; Munkm'i a�, T",-? CT;,�'?. ('Iltnt�(Jj -4 e",�= , ,�,? � " y 2�0%�, "§. nut , � ..!J."J vLT ". ") " ,� .. - vr-- >nt. ,-,-,,I t"_,-_1 5 ��3nrHe,,41- I I - 1. Am� , jtj U � I C5,; i sv.,�14�,%r- - , , 1�,." ::�,, , � t � -11 V,111111 It tode M(� ;-r ,1�4;;"� �, 0:n& tl­��, � zi, �:�5 to ;;,�Lb, Par hu�U;A 13 IC :.,e"; .'�Ig�lg R,Jq ,�,5t, 1,q4-,- '.14�Q�Jt,,2­'�, 1j,"n-'�'i tlEija't !� ,l,� , .: '. - �,- -P:- - - ,,? e"'. �,�// - .- . - - -. ­ I :0 '.'�' ;,"., - 1, at - X0 f, ". - - . - r,, ,�z ,_ � 1. ,��. . 1 I __ Y, ," " "�, r "' A . � ', 6wrs an'l thil n.*g'1atbV,r.r-9 anl, tn�e I san-..,�t of th-:� is:,, c -St z,,e��T,,'e llnVle te,�!'-"J -,,;-.AE1rM­k1tzQ 0,'&��J, jt� 11,v :!'�.,! ; �`,"LS JSI�11101 5'11. -Ag tr- ..j -Q t"L�,,_!� sta-.3 OT -,7,11 ,,, � " - !, / � , Ilft, , , ;"�,-, ,-,?(� .. :,X -i,?--,: / � , .1� I I I ,�,�,,�� � ;' ,e , , __ -_A��-,;,�­lr t�, ,,,�-,,-\ �, , ,_ -:atr L - -hu io tll � � .-% �z _, , . " , ,�, Zx, 1;":�._ - '. , � ,� ";,ry - ,�, 1, �� �-, ,4 i , - i, ,."r" " *,;P,,, , , l;: I , ­ , , ""I �,,, �,,,'__*� ,,�, the Sun- sbi, 1-4 .*-a _'... "".. .1"', d ., i, , I" � _. .� , , �' % , bgt:3 0, ne a oe��Oml te 0 " ,a tona- 1 Ea 1" -s -t ul quill 21 V,��az zlt v.*,, ratr- grat6!. !,ind-liN &U&M, Nou to L'i'N?; IlIgVen. Ilrb. -5. 01*4Q. !i " X � � ",�, " �, , `61, %,;rjo f3�-, &�gLt" dal --v, _"nl Pn,b- " ­- ./ "'."­ � . I lJ " �, ? lbat. lcovx, lt:ze 4-n4te In �arge &-z,;ket, _n, ta ,,,,�.o ; 1,.._.n_--_.-n-�, I it ts weittf,n� "T!,- s,­�tret ,,VT tr,m Ill ,,140,1' ,',-,, ..-.,' L zo As�,' J W, ,X.��,!.�vl,�, � �1� I ,�: ,'­­ -t,�,_*�,. � �� ,- J. I V,,�fv, ., / � . , '. -, � " - r!, V, t..'a us-�'J to ­�O-p Ott tt�- !nl,140'. , :, ,. . ,--t,., , p, fll, � . . . - ",� .� '. . � "! Ill- .,.--- � eLt Ila I 0 -.. - 'K, . 4 � " ,�!:.! �, ;',' "W; � - v , . ,P ,,,,;. �­ , . -1 , Ileat, W'ftla M "me"r. $ ._� I " � %, -, V tra.zt r,:",7 11ft"n. 1 � � �1' ,�4. .. � 17 sbro",,,e 0.1 11 D,"mr & a " t tf.,) �9 _, : 1, � z � 11.� ,,, � -. ,Z, 1, �, r Z�1&1 11.�; w'�,t'Al .."', - . . 7�, ,/", �-',/ ,� 1;X , . , , , � I r � '_,;._ 11 /, , ,�'..,,� �,� .,*., . -'e't-.n.1 ttv,_. -h.",-. tmnl 4 OA* hms serrewk az I 'Ye 4,,.�-.vn ,nn !,!- - -* '-' . ,'� 11�1,,�11 - . X. I , , , 'I, I 1�.� :%-,L� `�., " X x� I " �'i, .rj pu N,,�)V. "Z3 to is 11 ; c�m ��,g- ;,. -V --t -5, Ao , �� .0--, I . � -, ­ . , I/ A. !0 -l -I . , I I I 1, . i�,­ � -1l, 11 - _K9 �; . ',." I Pq, Z-�L V.­7��, ,;�, . - ,,­­� 1*ill"4111�� . � ' � -� � Vl� , ` .- - :.!K�". , , .- .. �1,,,A,. I . , -1, - , wo r �. , I !!� �1�4�1' gp, I �e, 1 - Z _; , tina E4 g:mA I".r.v, " ,..-. , .-r: d M, vil.1"I ��", -ow t, . . 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I .. ­­ ­ r ;��, , ,�,, , ,, ne,_k deep � J�a4:VeS!Z tool" -Z'_ 1torlr,;arJ Corne unlar the gans of re -Al mls�5r- 1 able, -w'O.-!5ff Us elpaudrng. .Nt n-�n;A11- z ' - _­­ � ­ 1- I -­­.,,, "� ..," I � t7-1 ' <­�'�'!�_L�­-:,,�,.�' �_.,: 1. _��­ I tnn trio del.-Jacd for g��noraj =0Z1- 4,110,SC1 C:;Zr.nie�,VITO '.V�V) nr,� &!Ve�l tO � ,,� " , ,,, . , �, _ - �. - In ;;e! _ :;�� " - * - ,1'1� I - l. �',' I - , , I., . , .1 , ,,� -; --. - - �`f:,�.­ �,'-'.'� -, .,; , ll. -,,, " - , , , �,� ,­ , -­ ;1 , " �, - -� ,�� _ ­ "InAt one vho,ati fEel. tile I tUn4* P,017S 171 MtZ,tt=,"U�Z 10 JUMP a I -7w';. 1 1 .1 I . ­ :�:,� _��, �, to fam-a. tnwrs 4­5r,vir aetive rctt 1z 1,�v tZr�7;M."!- llo,7. v. 7.5. WO."MT, me - .: ',�� , " ",­ '.. '1�,� , . 2 . I char,ff6a cont ­ � I&I � �; ­ -�'��­��';�­�'-. ..�, " " " .i,, :, Z ,,,,,,,, � ­ - . , "t , �,� -, � ', , I 119 .3 " �.- , -W., . � . _, � , f�-,_ � ,, �,­ ­'.�;. ,;,�.,�- ­;;_-,�­, - �` , yt' '. : ttronix roti:s0s .oZ he.q, h mareal, with wall s3;net;rnes - so far lbaek On or, ,'-- , __­­ ;; ,,, � ,,�. ,� " , , __&. 1`�� I t' 1-;) ;s:�a snn. Trav4 1'&.rn ar,i T�.e'_P'L - Z .�'­ , , , - , . , I 1%� M ­t��n"� ,r-yeus�e earitualaty or 8,,,�-k to !-,M,� It ; , �',.�,�,, �_,5;� �-, .-; � , hen Mey N'� ' ' - "" `��,_-._�_� ,_�,,,�,L­_",,; ,, ,,, re,.-u'ar tread through a'ul the avenues der Ito get imDetus tlll! WL u 0r"1F,r89 V� -wl�l ba to� �*Zrc','Tg -ta", U,T. bal. Un- � ,��:,/"­,, 1.�",- � ,i.- ��, I , , -,-;-5 ­,� '. � f' " . " " - , - " - - K-,- - _, " _�_ , - ." I -, _� , :�'. , t;� -,:, , ��&, �' - tremla�e V, the exPect- cOnle up t7hey are es�haurted, and ties; f & gzn*3 bzzsilacss tMl MO M"U �0 (.06, " 7z", I ',- e, , ,, � , �.e , -, -,� ,�, .��-!-".,X-_,��*��,��,, ­�,, , " , . �,�,,� �, �l�'_,.j­�*_ -, ,,, _ � ­, �l� ,. �'�r I of 1-fle and yet 1 are anythla- baf, ,d!0nPP:_',InVng. The, covering P. c,,,rfff,SS1T.�,- ft t Z, - , ,,, ­ �-�,­­,, , - �. - ", *�. ,11, � ..- , - , ,;��,­ " , ":�;, ,;­ � . . , - . - f_ ", "., : e, ,e ,� I �" ­:* ' '� �'�'l "_ .�: ;�­' ' " �­ ' 4- �C "� `V - - races I der ta get sprIng enough -W ..5:.J �� " � � � -",f "". - � , , , , a;;�;�, ,,5;1 _".- W";"',_ I 1, ` _�kjjj,,, of �get,Lneq - n o � 1, ��,,, - - , 11 4d, a .$; ,�h__t a man Ion r rnarkuta at Ino 1,4�,rrm! onast chies -_Oct�!��- '6r-jjvr-ran'��,- "I". 7-:J It -"1T-nC,= ��/ 1, - - , ^ I �', .��_�_�'11_ ,�I.lj - . �Z . ! , _f� 0 "I I , have lomen quiet lzh:,.c7 wec,k, L 4 C%r;st. T,-��, May Ila ,,, I �. , to v-"u:t M-X,oi:e T-,r:n,;_V -as up at :ast � f, , : ,I I ,,�. - - '% .".'% , Me'.7a"M eM 11-n 115a ]PZa2=nt 1home, fearful us' n f -so, trio atonf,mont C �, , " , , , - 1pel ­ - '­'�-' I .111-. �, - � 'Z, , " " I., - � , � L'� . " �an ts imp - I 14k - -N . "-",,�,��," ,,�,-, "�. ,:�,-"',', , _y less v.taa,. win some eay rattle to the dreldffUl tealft,Y with war The 2,11r- Made� fr��P, and �-&e"r May. i.� ." ,ften� �, 1�_ I 'r,", '. i; , ti -at rut�l at ion . roving. n P ,�11 0 ,` -I.. -, ,.1 I �'. 1',-, " , - 11 �1- �":",) I tine trolmn ,W-* -tath with tempest streagth gane. md L-orYMP "a pr;- -- t,f God I _1;__� � , !�,' � . 11 . Indow ,k,rleS,()tA grnin ate getting largfn% �n oho & I " ll 1. .1 - I .1 ,I, � ! *rid -sweep the ccats from U,te hearth FinaL,y, ,,he, habl,l of borrow"Irg 0.1=try jr.,Zae ig irove br*sk.JTE�0,1 In- Mege,2r_v, . ; . ; 4=1 1io-ar hunger into the bre-^d traj�,,* trouble to wrong te�mVze it , ..s untdnaf. C1.eg,SL,4 rmvejn�e� 1. �"Vj� A I, .P,tt 1,1 '11tgr"j, -1 I. - re I Tue, ettow, j-pfaftr , teke eare of us. lo -w- to tat, niost ,l:tat,`S.'&c',c%r,' Vl,"!M What Ile rjaro Irell. 4 a la tnade fro= " the rozArne of her tbat a man ,led b- Mra who owns all God hag T�rom�_c,l to : I , a t rm ai Wfnnl�l NIrs &.1- ,Ell ,Cr1^.hninqe�,,1,. :sl,e in't harvests SUU16 expeet W tstatve; The 1R11W.e bloonts w1tih assUmneeS. of the tr de f4t'L74" I 01-1 41ze tatestu r0llatotograpll ol 3 . . C.We ,ca,n man nq rar 1 , o her dauglIlLet, ,,oveg and -our- Tour hanger will be fecl; year slcic- tMo weeir. ,IbbiblaP� lirnIS Xz"i -1t Ulst , trN a e­re7ls . � rersoz Davis. w,"a In"wely bas G -m- " "I I*iur-i that one whom 05d " ay f, V�dltor , ot the 'c0n;Cde1r-11nV;. rounas w1th be"Iecic"llon and attends negs t�,ljl bL- tLi,erlatle3; your vvorrovvs lo,�,-Innemg t-0 rie,&1v the ti,war,1 OT V-�t cv-q we C-1.7 M? _� I I 1 -A-4 " S I 9 t I I , 'be h-c_e�ed; c-ozi will saiiaal your tionee and accoinit-Ri are b.minn' Ing 'to of tho Atclilt­tli 6101'-- "rkc )aas a -' tered frow & severe Illness at her ,7ears ainae. IF -or jeescortand havers- ever will . . , � *1��h angle tallors In the gort ot carr4e,ss air that earmot be i 1,oine 4at Portland, 11fN At , latest, , 'Mrs. Davis 11as te . get igtralghterip,A­Out. Re kd I , with more r,ftAn motherly fondna-_s feet &nd smood th your P&t th, and W -Ong PrOvino,eate ordering quite, Ire--elY for wistaUen. We rall also tell m.,Lrri � J Decounts this d1stingaished woman tilou-Ii s1le st,rfers; , heritage� Of by yawning traz and openIng grave n . rried wom-n : we was convalescin-T. urg. DMVIS Is & , Jam , shotild be looking for & tile jonining ,ge-1go,n, . oness elite has . sound Me voices of victory and good . Inol p,,bT5E.rq are wo-non trow n ml e e J4- 1 �Vpa f lie oid. sellool South- .,Jjly�gcal we,tl,.nesa , , Has God been 'hard with thee M btwy isblpp�ngl g .,,q At, trade ,don't 1 --now wh,7. hilt we ,an .0 - , fine ' 0 t � � teg.rs! .)a.,,.. whniclgi thart thon s�houldtl be foreboding? Hag cheer. rPhe summer clouds that see at Ottawa W fairly active for this Put one warried vv.�:man In a crowd � ern ,W6man, an, -I, of course, her lite tier good tremptr ard? 11 -as He covered thunder charged reW.17 carry Ift their SM&O, I -l. hiinc ,a past- For years I position. He stinted fhYbo L . . of ,, ]red girlal, and ws- can pick 1 Is, wedded to ti, tbee with r9gs? Hag he spread traps bosouthervezts. of -wheat and shocks of her out, Or plat one glrl witIt a crowd for thy feet, and galled tbr cup, aria corn Ana vineyards purpling for the of a hu,ndred marrind vi-,.ornan, all I -3 __ � -1 � ___ I - - __ . - , - , 1� I , I " C' I 1-1 I i 40 " Z, V / lt� "!,�_� V - 6�li I �i , , - I. I 11 I 1�ik v � 1 11 4 .rasped thy swoul, wad wrecked thee with winepress. The wrtathful wzve 'Will Self-Preqervotioll. about the, Silln,') C192, and WO Can PICU sacred lo MOWT;se ,stotm,,ana thundered upon thee *1th a kiss the feetof tile grenst storm Walker. First Nlgbt-Vatchman­�ThnLt V -M! 1,*r out. WCU bet ort it. Anot ,her I r, emininitzv Our great Zoslitta will ,command, and Ung love can do. We ettu tiell the In tha "mount. -un of the monks,"I a very, Weal�g,r,l"i llf_� full of calawlty? Nodds is an ex;tremcl,V careful watell- t � I above yoursoul the sun of t at .%ny hour iof the emy or olif the e0alSt 09' MaWdOrflft, thnro are, , 11 L M if your father Or br6th6t` Wm6 Into prosperity man:, ima 'l te 9 .it S�Ia, has, - yibur bank Vv,here gold -a-Ad tllvtt, arb will '9ta, 'Otill. SItlik antl wave- Second Nlght-Wafthman-WhY. Ile nigut .. If we mwazkwn at night, we twenty moiaastorlz,s. The, place Is i to wiall tot. Ud . 18. 4%N,o - - 1y1rlg about, you do not, lw&tth tbern, struck Patmoa shall ,blve apooklyptle wouldnot think ,of going to, S'.�Pp can tell exactly wh-'tt tim�� It _ Sacred to thn Malp se:c and no vroman, t Gertrude—Ott, . f.or you L -now, tb�ey are hon . est, but If Vision, and you shall hear the cry of anywhiere except direlOtIv dn2�r- don't know wILv we ean do r., bitt we I.sr, a116Wed to cross its borders. ful State to be In, an entire stranger comes bY the safe' � elders and the sweep of wings and neath, an automatIo fire-sprilild,�rl?" zail," . . . I