HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-27, Page 2IE—while Infinitely
IbIlle favor because
give it 0, trial,
Sealed Lead Packets
ofored Ceylon Green
ss "Salada," Toronto
Ives a Few Hints on
a earning a good deal more,
hat If, llarveslt time, when
are scarce.
of Young women have
. 1,
farms; this summer last 'a
the cities,. Thay enjoy the
lege ; It is good. for their health,
they go back with money
0:911 to last white they learn a
-ade, such as dressmaking or millin-
r Y or typewriting. There was one
Jrl hero last summer who earned
to llnY her way through col-
lege Ili the -winter. I ihlnlk It would
do lots Of them good, after being
shut up In shops and factories all
winter, to come into the countr7 for
the summer, and do healthy- -w-or-k-In
good, pare air. There are always men
employed to do the hardest work."
Watchful Mothers 'Call Reep Their
13ables Healthy, Roqy-Checked
and Happy.
Nothing In the World Is such a
comfort awl J,)v as a healthy, hearty,
lWY-chieCked, happy baby.
Babies Can be kept Ill perfect health
only by"pacing at linild anel admints-
torlag,when nPed0d ,cm, purely vegirI.-
table, harmless xi-mijiv, anti of all
this: class of anNEXIne; J11,11).r's own
Tablets are concotled to be, the best.
For constipatlk,n, cv.11C, Clarrho,mi,
simple fevers, sour stcufaeli, tpetli. i
Ing bables, IwUgestl.on an,l Isif'ololl'-s"i-
ncss, tlMsO tablets art, a really won-
di,rful cure. Toon v:%n girt, Illpm t9
'tile 0mflIPst balky w:tllont the silght-
c,it fear. &F801vNI in water, they
will bo taks-H rea-Mv. Tnty vontaG
ab:zolutoly neat to partik+-. f cqgtte
or other Ift;urlotI& :rag,4. Thor lampt-1111I
111, SIV00t IMPnIVIs that any'lLaby
will tak, without o4j vtl,niml tit. f.-
ftetzoll I-) prilliapt and ph-asant. They
w111 t0n" up 010 W11-1411' ?;.Wztvalu and
Inake tit(% i1ttill 011P Zvi ht -arty anal
froo from hX-Mitilo 0,rders els any
mollu'r ewaltl w1,11, '
Mrso, Walter r1rown, 111914y,
say.: 1, 1 havo ne've'r twi,-I cally Invill.
for 11 -ally that OU 111111 'Z# Mllot
rovxl aq rkatkji flava T4kl1lIi,1q. I
TwouM. not It,* ivjttnpot tlpqn. T4,,js
thF.h vivrd$-Col Ivitg
uisf"tl these tablet,4. , have
cost NI3 rcmt:l n Ivac. All
!9 V-11 towrl or thr"y 11111.7 leidt UM9 9
separ. I itt* t1w tpr�po dirvu-,
alld tito fa:ol 1,4 iwT 11.' for war Ira
pmr.A-13. Ti!irl Dr. WBITdiu,4, M,
Ce,Drpl_ T.. Clint.
used to be the gaye$t Of, thcp ay4,,
1Y11,Y 4,7 have Xt011 giveAv It all up'TF
'19lecatusm I . am pale
fisito tow, BROTHER'S KEEPER.
Mlow good red lieri'ling", she ]au
"I have no si
place in m'Iety. I )Ilglli
to be mistried ilulid have my owe,, es- C100179e S. 11cLaughlin, Lives to
tablielimelit, and 1 have ilaii. you Rejoice That He Took his
see, It is this wa,with girl$, whose
entertain' much: 'The first, Brother's Advice.
year they eoilne out they are feted
and made much of, and have a beau-
tiful time; the !next yetax or two
their glory pales a little, but they
Still feel it is their prerogativo. to
0 about and have a good time. Then
comes a perhoa of toleration, watich,
also 16staayear or two, 'Bills bring . s
a girl to her fifth or sixth Winter.
If stile comes out at 18 she will be
about 24 or 25. S1�1,11 young, eno.uglIs
to enjoY life, once would `think, 1. but
sioclet,y has had en(ough of her. S116
feels It herself vary keenlyi her in-
vitationsi grow fewer in ntunn`beri her
partners fall off, her father nci
ger pays for flier ball dresses with
alacrity, her motther's attention is
now absorbed by her You-imer sis-
ters, Who must inow be considered,
and she feels that her day as a social
butterfly is practically over.
"'I wonder that those old girls try
to hang on, I overheard a callow
Youth remark at the last dance I
went to. 'Mrs. X has
Roped 510 Into Dance.
the Cotillion with one of them. I
should think they ought to know
enough to stay at home, with all the
other girls coining on noeding part-
ners.' Fortunately I was not the
'old girl' he had to dance with, but
it was one of my contemporaries, and
I quite agreed with him. I think
there is something undignified In
keeping up the same old routine year
after year, still anxious to get part-
ners for tile Cotillion and supper at
every dance, and feeling all the
time the game is not worth the
"For married -women It is differ -
onto They have their assured place,
zind if they enjoy that sort of thing
there is no reason why they should
not attend every function; but It to
becoming more and more the fash-
ion for Young women of my age who
are unmarried to drop general so-
ciety. By that I do not liwall social
lifk,; we go to dinners, tlumtre par-
ties, ,raid once in a grat while to
EUMP Ptlrticulm;ly smart ball; we
have our warm friends and Inte.111-
gent Interests, but we dvel'ne to be
Society hacks, and I thilli we are
right. Don't you?"
Ili Boston this habit of older girls
"dropping out" is even more of a re -
Cognized thing. The wonit-n at the
dane,os of tile sinart set there are
nearly till debtitant#nq an -1 married
Woliken, the girls of so-voral sett.
sons are confplivitouR by thtir ab-
heliCe.-NI-Ir York Tribuno.
ForTvtanty. fIriveyears or) p pled with
l3ackaelle-Flitally Advised to Take
Dodd's IfIdneY Vills-Wbat If 6 Says
About Ills Gure.
EcOnOmY, Point, N. S., Sept. 16. -
Mr. Q. S. UcLaughliv lives In this
'I'llet little Nova Scotia village. His
brother keeps the grocery store
Here. But for this seemingly unIm-
portant fact, unless death had mer-
cifully relleved him of Ills sufferings,
Mr. MCLa;nghIln would in all prob-
ability have been a helpless Cripple
to -day, For it was through his bro-
ther keeping- store that lie came to
try Dodd's I,'iduiey pills.
Economy Point is thirty-seven
miles from Truro. The only connec-
tion is by wagon road, and Ili the
spring when the roads are impass-
able, the hamiet is Isolated com-
pletely. But nevertheless the fame
of Dodd's Kidney Pills found its way
to Economy Point, and Mr. McLaugh-
lin's brother In response to frequent
requests began to retail them at Ills
store. There Is no druggist in the
place, and McLaughlin's grocery is
looked to for medicines as well as
groceries. Hearing the terms of un-
qualified praise with which his cus-
tomers spoke of Dodd's Kidney Pills,
the brother recommended them to
311'. McLaughlin. "Tiley might help
your back," said 110,
That is the story of Mr. McLaugh-
lin's cure -or all of It that Varies to
11,11Y extent from that of thousands
of others. Ile followed his brother's
advise. -. "I will try them, anyway,"
he said. That's all Dodd's Kidney
Pills want -a trial. After the first
trial there Is no more. hesitation. Mr.
McLaughlin says It was wonderful
the Way Ills Pain Itift him and 111.13
back strengthened. Ile was a .1reO
Man ever Ellice.,
"I was trunbLd with lame back for
twenty-five Years or more. I couldn't
turn illysvIf In bed. Wonderful to
MY I 11 -MI, had no return of the
trouble shice using, the D0,1(ps lCld_
TIFLY Pills. I have recommended
Do-ld's Kidney Pills to a number of
lv,reons with Kidney Trouble. All
without exception have bt,en belle-
fittml or cured. I 0-111 never be too
thankful for the, b�,nvflt I received
from thoso wouderful p"lls.
t 1.
E 1,,' A I 'rl Ia, 111 GE}'•I
, 0 pil I"R.
Tho inetruetor of a switurving
st-11001 Is" RUT -thy trillnPrI.41 in bu,il-
Rolled Down, Alr.!Conerrsf Ark, all #bUgIng lot.
Cloy aiwayt; alta Ill ttit(,yf.rvohe-81
uzocyl mitror tRI,; thp truth no
Inatter on whom It refleeti.
Should 4here be UJI Oath AireetIng
'very man, be lie king or beggar,
lies an indefeasible' right .to be of
the religion that seems best to
111111, ;.Che State has no more to do
WWI his beliefs or disbellefs than
with the out of ills coat. SInotathe
clays' of 01 larles 11. an Englisli Sov,
eTC1911 has had to swear that he is a
member of the Church of England,
tinct that• lie ditabolleves various dog-
mas that are believed by Roman
Catholics. That eminent Saint
Charles 11, died a 110111411 Catholic.
That equally eminent saint George
IV. married a Roulan Catholic, anti
evaded tile I -IM by the sluiple expedl-
ent of denying Ills first marriage
and committing bigamy. Tilat
worthy but pig-headed man, George
Ill., pre -vented Catholic Emancipa-
tion during Ills reign because he
thought that It conflicted wick Ills
Coronation Oath,. Tile Imposition of
an Oath, on our Kings affecting re-
ligion does not, therefore, seem to
have, been a marked success. At pre-
sent the majority of those over
whom the King reigns are not
Christlans. Some parts of the But-
pire, are almost exclusively peopled
by Roman Catholics, and of the
King's Christian subirsets the ma-
Jorlty do not belong to the Church
of England. Wily there should be a
Coronation I d3 not know. TlIsre
seems to be a good deal connected
with it that Implies that the Sov-
ereign occupies ills positiollbysome
sort of divine right, whereas we
know that our Sovereigns have
only a parliamentary title to their
throne, The King Is ,Emperor of
India. But as Emperor of India lie
is not crowned, and yet thIs does
not render our tenure of India Ili -
secure. As King lie already occu-
pies the Throne, in,.] a Coronation
next year can Ill no way alter the
relation between Himself and the
people over whom lie reigns. Ex-
cept as a pageant, the whole
thing Is all absurdity, dear no
(101114' to heralds and court flunkeys,
but hardly In accordance with prac-
tl,lal common-scmie.-F roni "Tru tit."
Ifflaard's Llnimrrnt Cures Phlemper
Another '-Foul Ideal,.
"Well, I'll b.-;- d1ngr-;I,*1 Fald. Lben-
ez,xr Buylklo,Iy afters lie )Intl looked
at thatliett-Ir for the et-ventil lime,,
"What's the xuatttr?l itis wift.
"You the old mnn ro-'pi
"thv,r=' Was a feller a0vurtigo I In the
Farmerl�i FrIt-nd a iittlo while age)
tel L�;Pud on $21artJ 1 •a.." how til g.,t as
foi without Invi.s`
l- al1vtIlin
9 or
runnin' anv rl.qlc. So I (IcnIo It-kiii-lit
th;k $'_'-a0oI horf,l.; th" an"t1ror. it
Payn 1114,b a tralti. Tlwrtos no) rit.4;
a ,b , patpil von.,
,t� th.at, tile,V111 111.v,.I.
I vow, It does b,at all Wilt
at an )wet
till, up nowallarm"
.18SUE NO 39 1901.
L an 9 'Ira
Scott's Emulsion is not a
good medicine, for fat folks,
We have L never tri( -d giving it
to a real fat person. We don't
dare. You see Scott's Emul-
sion builds new flesh. Fat
people don't want it. Strong
people don't need it,
But if you are thin Scott's
Emulsion is the medicine for
you. It doesn't tire you out,
There is no strain. The work
is all natural and easy. You
just take the medicine and
that's all there is to it.
The next thing you know
you feel better—you eat better
—and you -,vic;gh more. It is
a quiet worker.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & DOWIXR. Tn,n-w, Cavatla.
".kre the yating ladies at the pre-
sent klaY at for wives ?" asked a lec-
turer of lits aullenee.
"They are fit for lituRbands," res-
ponded a fientallne voice: ,,but the
difficulty is iiiat well are not fit
for wivitm.1,
The applause was great, as was
the (Itsco'mfiture tit the lecturer.
We oirti Onp Ilundreol Pollan' Itewara for
any case of Ciltarril t!iat vannot be cured Ler
Hairs Catarrh Core.
F. J. V111."1E"3: & CO., Tolen 0. 0
We. the under4i.,ned, have knownF. X
Chene.r for the lastnnil 1)0,ieve him
Peffectly honerable, in all buAnt- tran-.10tons
nand financially atole to earry'opt any 6A liga-
tion nuzoe by their linu.
1i;,r .1kc, Til a:;, Wholeealle Druggibte, To -
1t do. U.
brfIggl,;bq, Toleile. V.
nallIn Catarrh Care 14 vii Internally a -,t -
Ing directly upon the Moms antipjnt-ou, fetal,
fate Of tlles�'-ter... T4,�r6p;i4iiiia14 rent free.
llull's Fizuily 11111t. "re t4k, bet.
Tho proper age tit w1liell & girl
ED 'Ild got riarriod is tile
tt:6t"m',' WOO" can't otAll I Pra-ppI,rity,
'At t%,S wafor lty 'i,141IO't get to k-Ijantle
to try.
Few Danger-; to Travellers and Italt.
Nvuy Lnlployev,4.
Il woman nool never hohe tel I.Pep,
ft zruQk W4rth Is lueasurold
lnw roltort cqf tht, t'_,4 lgotorSSL-jte
A, secret. Age will tell wi her.
by tho thc."V is Ill her, dw�
Conan rev ft*,. tlatl Xuar
IdEsfortsinols uti eonI,, in ptLivil,
Msar S1$•,?.-P.-Ywir LI\I_
evoNow June 10,"M. Awwa.
Chatees tit ralow. ' 4's"ploymi get-
Uit tho firlit o,2�c_u el,12%a in npplpd.
MENT 1!4 war rtmwdy fco" taqorkw t' aro:tt,
titag LM - 1. I In n.
i4 Ea lit q Ll Lair* ean novor b, unlonq'.
F,!rt-rt*t told tlwagr% to LNJJkJW muell
e4ly and oil ordinur.v wha-ats.
It nover ftul-; to rt' lvve airl erre
Chaneva of getu➢4,
Ang inktrel. I In 2M
1-th, Uay. VNA14"Woit
it It's a Mrloia titica'al.
Chgmep4 of g• rt hin" L"U`nw '. L in Val.
Th P*A Uw man 46PI4
Chane"Its or aor,arv. I in IM
Ealy b:1' I Lt e, 1XV11%,"i witlj�
, .
NZA1,MM 1111o�tYrTt4M.
Chafceo-i (91
ea -til, .
Port MAgrave.
Opa 1.1.
IT4.4 1) 4 IrAunk I Its I I
I Vh!Mren Pre hail ,io:iii for fsult,_4 qMT#I A,'4 U,
Dueheits tit, ("ont. un't els !-t4nvvA Iter b,,Ah par. Uirm
A brauttfto tae at "I
Occasionally RequireaTo
em"'1d Eflk
flat. xow= o. C�`Clnn DiJ? t,211'413
C� .1.4 M CHAVIONS A D01
It Is to E_ Alarit U nr
VM7 allftlanll tond WIN hu a m.1%.Ju if GUIP4 to the Reseup of a,
4M lad
�Vo Ef
Mat. VOt u drlulrg coat, Tu�n-� 0 Reep tho 1119"d Herb, U� dand t. lwlrlag &TO
th,"It ean tLp wong In 11rD:9 atr'tYlt. Pure. atrengthela %be LNtr r% VaNv Viglalvo tiDhq "Jn
ang V-1 t�oo- IL�rB,o[a 44 t�
Mi trimming; waG bi�, a In ler sh%if-h Pre% ent Duellue. Muna,114's
CDn nwl "Itnt" a*,C. t"'My Vvordq. bz�t t---,
9-",a7 tllv-p en Irt'r f
o, 8%,v Qin i4 ;LDUI-atbI? dnv La 4% 1 J 19.4
V,2L-4t.J'1� t
in L; Ne 4, 11.-o,n .4 ora
a rc5-;ct�-tc.11 fa-rtno,�r in
Ift (_� _4! zw a
On- 1� i
.......... pily ttw t-zo�;
Ualrzv!ott tart�r, otir-get if,
J WZULIBMA, WK!Lcut grcaft 14 1 givw IMs 111?11bv�,y "0 e
two oll MIAI#,Sf t1'
,z�". rog-
not amMemm t', E�JJL-,p. ut�at OZ t V,� Un vvrt ul, 43v Ill 1,1� m_&!,;.
® 111""2LIS. 1413Tn D -IV vt�,; z h4 �Rela`nz vin" ICs 4dt U -1111-h
L'p J� V�l�rj t (Lie J Tag IV, lnr_E:�- traz a linea
of the hjzv? d?e �-Swniwr. tb,�,n tier, L.ena, novv Ho was
1.3, Z'T �a Its Ito, WIN. I.Ingu_Q- th v, tlu:s �nt_
6th n- uh-n �-vuw-,�aao?
rQa -1y jn';�,ZJP gnall Me U,�e or qWmrr
n'14-4 MM ffh', (,Vae
egal. 91f teltf-r bratn, 1�1a' ty wao Mr., N4,t4z'I r.! -
t "" ' 'I; fitile Cove& a ri,ar a g, !I-e was in Tewnsler wcte lyjtve t I I t
sucp� ttr' k 0 h S utnjr4 hoir
strle-q� j ;Und P41- a,:. nb
RM zvt6
lins .3nA thi�r C. a WO;bt U M'Ji VOIIJ U0 :M1V$71,13 ti�o� Vilna to The-nx, tv-jl,.gine, -Io
t1111clx9t`0 1:0 r;�Gt'
LIJ:An lour ni onrf�pltu I f4vir V -v-;
.7 teat $Jij"
ate asp." I . -.
1_� a
ean be 11201e b.F V 0 tsd- 1rZU_'-'lgt not fLr6'1 it pw,07vo,
In= toj
ditiord O'n, a la.,)gp t,!��fiam�,r sngz,o�
Jr eo!, tcnvi were e, rce3ng OT IV .161 ILI, �,flknrp
lompmvjelr More. of ft��nhfi`ng
ater 1?4q. 'D vfl',�,V!D 'vn. to
lar sEiapv, wlu_krt� in froul., a U1 b�!rr: n .11.- Minard's Llalmp!at Cunr_q ooldg, ttd,
4L or�t. Z
1-11,e clulaa an] it t"y thi, Lj�� '4"Le 11'tMM1 J#;:Apq!. lkult 1z, Lar
Have mm
n;f no 7
sf .-a lo of rcr tlw? Pr,�: V
IDA, Cal' j"�_Lc ? or na ;AIJ U IV T M
11ttvo J"ptt.c�r
Have a nLfjz-,�
ha in
Way, 0: ban Goub):.-
pt-c-S, i no, M -70u";,v,
z4ty. El
The lon4 ewtt. V'M ri"Pt snj eiv-np wit In a JPF_�n,,L
lit 53 L11 110.19cr.
t tirst �03t, Is Pjtrtjea6�qrly P'll", Baer greut in S"_1t -P" iv&l. io 4.
-z"'Irzerit jur� I CaJn 0491.ving. 1 gave Dift.. s4:v�,VeA Have Mwer tn prc-&rq(_rn1Lrp sm. 'n,
vepltzble to trc � ! lrm�.N, is no srtas ;3 Or MT- Vc�,Jj.
'-dt"ASc An -
up ,at n,:5R, I,= tl.A,�y J-.], �Lq,t er
d A
qlwle lame Bvnr. 137le-d vv"q Zi-- 1 tq., Poll;— nt 2
e.-:a7fer t1c,�:z-4 Iftauu. Opp. "lunpty OJT ft, M
.0!ys I
try v: t1;,2t7-,- t",.p enroi 44 a nmeldnes. "Au 9" &VI AUZ. 9107 1-o,4t (-Vf
�ativ. col2ar,
Tilh p 21
vet 4farwl C-700 revets t.tf: CMtung
md wMe. 4
"OvLrz nml her ywl'"]v syst�la pai-i-
MIS ea -ml t e.
a C -:J
�ne tly, tl�p
, y a 6n.qw4t 1201rn. lle
L071 LIFE Or" PRESIDENTAVEC'MLEV _�s treat can ba;1r?,rn'6-'MI wit"I lrlv�•ry J':'
to tan at Jori:emg,; I not 1CIP Iter _-,n�.V. anl V..
t 111 1^un,
M,e 1,;re 01, n nt �"!.l Put
4�1 tvmtntr,�6.
Ube raza��r r,
MHL-Avizag l4njn-��jr r --T Qulnlr�,. T�, '.
A Aw
olof-s to ta vr"):rr�. sr,e , Standard flisza6cal Work
we1it 161tal9l "s 0! the PAJ
The first Dang ea"Its 01 fall a e thts wr�61ATXI T414S up n r's IM MO. -Areal rohawing
ge,� ;,ot tnUlolue"ol, �n�s I 511)'Fin L11- at riwin.
doublm-brens, a Tana World riifolishing COMMEY of 'ihO sMtery` Wb_ it Is vlewerl by
is plesisant to 14, aaugjjter's C 50 Wan'ML se", 'a stamp for
I Ow CU'Lt the, aaffdl--�d on a 1 t 7he us°- ont., have arrango-rad ta Issue, thp to-eirist alrng tills route, espj�e vartn:eaGii� -
aemanded i r s. for
tally at. this sea903 of the year, ean-
tlme yet. the Pilqs tt fear 'wSeks lanrear I In Canada th.0 bast of all tit the fortil- -ST &NDAPID H.03P, Co., Tcj:o,-*. on+,
cOzT�-Otejy �'.rraing bt,�OI On the, lir,� of thft latc, oto the continent, anl
-"era�` not be surpassed by any other trip
-qb3u. I ran TO, tiao8e VvAro wozild from that tUae she 11;..� 1'r. -._n e L_1,1 c this beautf- Wvoa. winglow!s Fnathing SVrJ,,V G"rmrd tol.
'e heerf MC1,,C1nl_ wkvlc loaF.etl for thVilren tectfij?,.
courts of tit aonwn� vvi, e. Nal, ligLt-Jor-artel v. It w,If be a ning. tul trap can
r ArL the ba taken at a very I0,w e 6
Oinlzr the most inlefinito of I answers • `1'1-� picture of health. I �we,,; ail- rificent wor% profus=ely Illustrated, Mt the eh!ld. I'atem; the er-'T-Ta toHc
Can 13,81 given. FaQton,s flngrr in- ways recommeml Dr. Nvffllams,pHnk written by Nar&t Halstead, tke cele. The steamers Iffamilton, Spbr4an01 iQ *he nest reMces, for ftarrLce q. Twenty.
J dicates that there wall be no, be- Pi'.li to other suffeng, rers, le-Aisvrq brated war correspondent, thmw
e an and Algerian hich are Ill CO20mig- I five cents atoftle.
it - v"cen S'LYISS; coats will oelther be tiey wI:I Prove quitr� as that was selected by the Government 61011 On ther W-1ove line are well d2 rAUNTED AT ONC8,_& cOnX ALSO A,
very ;on
g; Or very short, cLither `US they did. in my danu-Jiter's er-!SA. of the late Pro.- Dent Xjt,�Klnley to known to the trave3ing public as
Lest vva_z•slala. Ne*
drrAgg➢rz ul�no tT,,0 ground or emp- M"nothors vith g;Tf1-,-,ing &-ta t�,f# Writoo t1-- ellizi,"fl report on thts PJJJr, first Class Steamers Ia e 11,71L
I ah - reor 'keir-
W Off at the waist )in,. will make no raL nn3Iplolno Island,-. "gurat Halstead has Pect. On Tuesday, Thursday and Mt -
upon tile occm�l Dr. wil- 0119 fripnd of President Urda-7 theY leave 11MMIR-on at I p.m. NeV7 York eft V. 'More z. crtnron➢3ter3.
pat1pnee of "he reader onal us:: of life -7
Mould the
rsrar b3 =Pritioned tliat Eiialght
P Ham�4* Pink Pills; th-y will 11elp, Xt-KInley, and it wi,�l ba tt labai of and Toronto at 7 p.m. p e g.
't, It
th Nlr.�t I. tll(,,m to devOop ProparDy; will Make 10-70 f6t Mut to finish this bool'- Owing to the great svc4c�esj of
Ur coats of winter have , tine frob ve-lieTarshio, board and
arrived an il their bl;od rtell and pz2r.j� % b It 11 61 and "IXtag- Cat&logaea malteA form
tLe urpacking diepart- inj tbas w1kch bar, loiag _,�11 in preparation: evr steamers -Toro 4,
P . wM be, Com-
Me4ts Of the large houses. They ILI Ward off -dNease an -5 deerine. Tile pl,�ti' -, lag boVZ106d, mam- stop" fbi-3 freason, the ompanysilotr l
lOMo` Coats in far anal they, genuine pills are soil only in bo- 5 .1 steamers WANTEI) - AT ONCE - OENNMAZ
K, War services, roolit Cal and have decided to Lceepv these c
also Show the far Etovs, one of jl;o br!arfn, the fall name, sral, llfe� assassination, fall account In commission, through tile month of hIuk8milh , steady Job: state watfo'L
, 1
-Dr. wil- of the asgat-An Pf-111 Motth. Apply joL "Walter null, 'Ver in
pretty' novelties is MO straight lit- llam-,,' Pink- Plils for Pale IsecipI and the AnarcMst�,q September, amd will therefore leave lctntro."Oht.
tie English box in fur., on the wrapper aro;and each be. Conspiracy connected therewith, Toronto da!117, except Sunday, At 8, FOR SATX-125 ACREFt IN OXF
None Other is -genuine, no m.,xtter medical treatM4"nt, dftth� 'laral'and 80 P -m- A I _6 � or Tilk
state funeral. The, bool., Is so cheap T110 tWO abOve steamers are the L beiatfarmolistrictii1r. anaaa amilpsfroul
'Wo a
16thuttlftl Out OLder Girls. what 601114-,' self -Interested dealer 0 stock; good building s7 For particulars
may say, It In doubt send direetto. 0alud 9'0 excellent that every family finest on Inland waters
should halve a, c4DPY. being Imilt apply. to
"I clever see nin anyvviteel •
now&- the Dr. Co., At nearly, halt a million dollars each'. n W. NPMBITT, 'Wooilstock oat,
YOU never a G 'T her particulare, apply to RUIT FARM FOR SALF-ONIZ, OF TIM
In r IL 'or C. P. R. agents. or 'write Ffinesb Ift the Niagara Peninsula
Woman recs-ntly. -Do be mailed ". t paid at 5d cents& x2Z IZ,
tractive ,�o n We' un&rStAud that a magnificent For fart
days," some one remarked to an at- Dro�-kvllL-�, Ont., and the pills will partralt of Presldr,,nt :18
go an7where now? Tb14 bOX, or six bores for W.W.$On cardboard, will to El. Poster Maffee, Western. Pail- Winonso 10 2xillesfirvtz Ramilton on two rail.
bO given Wltk,ea" Bender Agent, 0h Copy Of the book t, 2 Xine street east, WAVE, 130 acres In all. 35 of which is in frtik
Andrevr Cgtnp - has given z10 Th'O� 'W01rk will be sold by subscrip* 'Toronto, Ont. mostly, peacbm Will Ile mold in one pUcel 61,
SOZODONT T00thPoWda ' - 91 0001 tion, and agents divid6a NO lotgof 15 to 20 acres to ftit par -
to 9, town b&JIL at NfotherWell, floan&ame�,nt of Interest
find 90 an- thAftrs Thisis a. decided bargain Ad&wg
terest to them
Lanatkahlre, Scotland. in 4*11110o f J6,haiun QUIpentek, P. O. box 40a, WhIft%
another Column, 0 T for tho TEE zoo 0-tiI